The first brand in the world. The most expensive clothing brand in the world

Top 5 richest fashion brands in the world

Every year, Forbes publishes rankings of the richest companies in the world, and every year fashion brands climb higher and higher, coming close to technology brands. Of course, they are still far from such giants as Apple or Microsoft, but there is a clear dynamics of increasing the wealth of the world's leading fashion houses.

Style and fashion are gaining more and more popularity, attracting huge amounts of money into the industry, including at the expense of you as the end consumer. Hundreds of millions of fans create enormous demand for brand products, providing them with not only good profits, but also opportunities for further development. Everyexpensive fashion brandis actively being introduced into global business, and positive growth dynamics are demonstrated not only by the largest companies, but also by more democratic brands.

But let's still highlight the most expensive clothing brands in the world, based on the wealth rating of world companies published by the American publication Forbes.

Louis Vuitton - first place ($28.1 billion)

This very expensive clothing brand in the world, who managed to win first place in the Forbes ranking. Company leaders today are making a lot of efforts to penetrated deeper into national markets, became accessible not only to the elite, but also to people with average incomes. However, the company's main source of income still remainsluxury accessoriesfor tourism and travel. We are talking about the brand’s iconic suitcases and bags, which glorified the designer’s name throughout the world, and forced the most avid fashionistas on the planet to lay out a lot of money for the opportunity to touch the beautiful. What’s interesting is that despite all the efforts of management, the company’s internal policy itself does not allow even the slightest discounts to be given to clothing and accessories.

Perhaps that's why Louis Vuitton isthe most expensive brand in the fashion worldfor five years now. Moreover, if nothing changes on the market, the brand promises to occupy a leading position for a very long time.

Nike is second ($26.3 billion)

Sport is no longer a hobby or even a fashion trend. This is a way of life that almost all young people, and older people as well, try to adhere to. In recent years there has been a sharp surge in popularity sports brands, and Nike, on the crests of this wave, burst into second place in the Forbes ranking.World fashion trendsallowed to increase the company's fortune to $26.3 billion and thereby overtake othervery expensive fashion brands.

Nike, although not the most expensive clothing brand and shoes , but the most desirable. The manufacturer's collections cause a crazy stir, and there have even been fights for the right to buy a specific pair of shoes. The company's success can be associated with the sharp popularization of sports around the world, as well as successful marketing campaigns.

H&M – third place ($15.3 billion)

Further expensive fashion brandsThey sag somewhat in terms of wealth - Hennes & Mauritz is in third place, lagging behind Nike by more than $10 billion. This is a Swedish manufacturer that sellsexclusive itemswithin Europe's largest retail chain of stores. The main priorities of the brand for many years remain compliance with fashion trends, high quality products and optimal prices for the entire range. Is notmost expensive brand shoesand clothes, but they are always of exceptional quality and are sold in huge quantities in most European countries. Mass scale and quality provide the company with stable profits and popularity.

H&M gains additional popularity thanks to annual collaborations with the participation of famous designers, eco-actions, attracting international stars, etc. The manufacturer knows how to not only make clothes and shoes, but also sell his own name. Therebyvintage and branded clothingH&M reaches the widest possible range of consumers, satisfying the needs of tens of millions of people around the world.

Gucci – fourth place ($12.4 billion)

Gucci joins the ranks of the richest clothing brands in the worldrecently. The manufacturer produced exclusively luxury bags , clothes, shoes and accessories that only wealthy people, stars and businessmen could afford. The brand was known throughout the world, but was very far from the top of the richest fashion companies. Today, the situation has changed somewhat, and thanks to a series of successful mergers, the Gucci Group has found itself in fourth place in the ranking of the richest fashion houses with general condition at 12.4 billion dollars.

Note that most expensive branded clothingfrom Gucci is now sold all over the world, and the brand’s wide popularity is largely due to the active work of the new creative director Alessandro Michele. The collections released under his leadership cause mixed reviews from critics and experts, but they always arouse great interest. This becomes the main key to the success of the Gucci Group in the global fashion market.

Hermes – fifth place ($10.6 billion)

Do you want to give an expensive gift? to your loved one? Then products from the Hermes brand you will definitely be interested. This company has its own crocodile farm, from which high-quality leather is supplied for the manufacture of branded accessories and shoes. If you takemost expensive brands in the world in terms of unit cost, Hermes will also be among the leaders. The company's overall fortune at the end of 2017 was estimated at $10.6 billion.

The company's owners claim that Hermes is not only expensive shoes and accessories. This is a dream come true for every buyer and the opportunity to become a kind of celebrity in their inner circle. And they confirm this not with words, but with actions, releasing at least two fashion collections every year.

Not included

Not enough to get into the ratingthe most expensive fashion brands in the world, to the following manufacturers:

· Zara - $9.4 billion;

· Coach - $8.6 billion;

· Prada - $7.3 billion;

· Chanel – $6.8 billion;

· Ralph Lauren - $6.6 billion.

The most expensive clothing brandsyou can meet in any . And every time you can be sure that this is a first-class product of the highest quality. Whether you are willing to shell out that much money for branded clothing is another matter. But that's a completely different story.

1. Apple

Year of foundation: 1976

Industry: IT, electronics

Apple Inc. was created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. More than once throughout its history, it was on the verge of collapse, but Jobs, who took the company’s failures to heart, did everything for its success. Today Apple Inc. absorbed more than 30 companies.

Brand value:$87.1 billion

Price dynamics:+129% for 2012

The Apple brand has long been a sign of belonging to the cream of society: it is considered very prestigious to have an image of a bitten apple on your smartphone or computer, and even the heroes of modern films, as if by chance, show off the company’s new products on the screens.

It is Apple Inc. was the first to mass produce personal computers and use a graphical user interface. The company's main business was determined in 1984 simultaneously with the creation of the 32-bit Macintosh. The iPod audio player, the iPhone touchscreen smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer are the company’s most famous products. The revolutionary design of the devices gained popularity among consumers, and a competent PR campaign ensured leadership in the market of electronic equipment and information technology. As of February 2012, the capitalization of Apple Inc. exceeds the total value of its competitors Google and Microsoft.


Year of foundation: 1975

Industry: development software

The company, led by two student friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen, began work by creating a Basic language interpreter for the Altair 8800 personal computer. In 1983, Allen left the Microsoft Corporation, which was gradually gaining momentum. Steve

Brand value:$54.7 billion

Price dynamics:-2% for 2012

It is no coincidence that the Microsoft brand took the top spot in the consumer perception rating. Respondents note the company’s positive impact on their lives and the fact that its services meet individual needs. Microsoft Corporation is a leader in software production: it developed the Windows family of operating systems, programs for working with Microsoft Office documents, as well as the well-known Xbox, a game console that has become a serious competitor to the Sony PlayStation 2. The company's products are sold in more than 80 countries around the world, and programs have been translated into more than 45 languages.

In recent years, the EU antitrust commission has come down on the corporation, and Microsoft Corporation has repeatedly paid large fines. However, the company still remains the most popular and respected among consumers.

3. Coca-Cola

Year of foundation: 1886

Industry: production of soft drinks

The author of the Coca-Cola drink is pharmacist John Stith Pemberton from Atlanta, and the name was invented by his accountant Frank Robinson. At first, the new product was used as a medicine “for any nervous disorders” and was sold at Jacobs' pharmacy for five cents per glass.

Brand value:$50.2 billion

Price dynamics:+8% for 2012

Few people know that the United States and the whole world owe the modern image of Santa Claus - a well-fed old man in red clothes with white trim - to Coca-Cola. If earlier at Christmas an elf in green stockings came to Catholics, now thanks to the efforts of the marketing department of The Coca-Cola Company, for more than 80 years their brand has been firmly associated in people’s minds with the main holiday of the year.

Coca-Cola is sold in more than 200 countries around the world. Despite the fact that in the United States itself, demand for the drink has decreased over the past seven years, it is still the most popular in its segment. In 2011 alone, The Coca-Cola Company sold 26.7 million cases of sparkling water.

More than once Coca-Cola has been harshly criticized for its composition and effect on the human body, but the drink is still very much loved by consumers. The main thing is to observe moderation.

Year of foundation: 1889

Industry: IT

IBM founder Herman Hollerith began his career with the creation of an electric tabulator. In the Second world war the enterprise produced small arms, and in the 1950s the computerized SAGE missile defense system was created.

Brand value:$48.5 billion

Price dynamics:+8% for 2012

“The Blue Giant” is how IBM is informally called, and it lives up to its name. She is responsible for the creation of the first American computer, the Mark I, the first Saber airline ticket reservation system, the development of dynamic random access memory and the floppy disk, as well as the mass production of the IBM PC personal computers, the architecture of which became the industry standard and contributed to the onset of the computer revolution.

In the 1990s, IBM found it quite difficult to compete with other companies, but its extensive consulting activities improved its business and now brings in more than half of the company's revenues.

IBM has a huge research base and has been breaking records for the number of patents for inventions for 20 years: in 2011, their number was 6,180. Its employees have also received five Nobel Prizes.

5. Google

Year of foundation: 1997

Industry: Internet

The Google search engine began as a research project by Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The company's name comes from a corruption of the word googol, meaning "ten to the hundredth power."

Brand value:$37.6 billion

Price dynamics:+26% for 2012

“Google” - this neologism, meaning searching for information on the Internet using Google, is so firmly entrenched in modern slang that users often use it in relation to other systems. However, the company itself is categorically against such treatment of their brand and in 2006 demanded that “words derived from Google only be used when talking about Google Inc.” or its services."

Under the Google brand, with the help of the most advanced technologies, a world has been created in which, once in which, any Internet user can easily navigate and find everything they need: here is both a search engine and Email, and the popular video hosting YouTube, and blogs, and social network, and much more. The company also developed the Google Chrome browser, which leads in the number of users.

6. Intel

Year of foundation: 1965

Industry: semiconductors

The company was founded by two talented inventors - Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. Soon they were joined by Andrew Grove, who later managed to lead Intel Corporation out of the crisis - a textbook example often cited in business schools.

Brand value:$32.3 billion

Price dynamics:+12% for 2012

This is the most “masculine” brand: despite the fact that Intel took 6th place in the consumer perception rating, in the survey among men it came out on top. The vast majority of personal computers run on microprocessors of the x86 family (Pentium brand), created by Intel Corporation. It produces a wide range of electronic devices and PC components, chipsets and much more.

The company's revolutionary developments have influenced today's world, radically changing it. In fact, such giants of the information technology industry as Apple and Microsoft could not exist without Intel Corporation, because it created the heart of modern computers - the microprocessor. Almost from the very beginning, the company has become a leader in its field, and its competitors are simply lost in comparison.

7. McDonald's

Year of foundation: 1940

Industry: catering

The founders of the company are two brothers - Richard and Maurice MacDonald. However, in 1954, Ray Kroc acquired the right to franchise McDonald's from them. Six years later he became the full owner of the company and developed its activities throughout the world.

Brand value:$37.4 billion

Price dynamics:+13% for 2012

Two yellow arches formed into the letter “M” have long become a recognizable symbol of McDonald’s. Here you can have a quick and hearty meal while paying little money, which is why there are always huge queues in front of the cash registers. McDonald's cafes are located in 119 countries around the world, serving about 68 million people every day.

The "McDonaldization" of society has led to harsh criticism of the cafe's menu and the company's business practices. In 2003 in encyclopedic Dictionary Merriam-Webster even coined the term “McJob,” which meant “a low-paying job that requires little skill and offers little opportunity for advancement.” The word was previously used in the novel Generation X by American writer Douglas Copeland. Despite the negative reviews, McDonald's remains the world's most popular food chain.

Year of foundation: 1878

Industry: production of electrical, energy, medical equipment

World famous inventor Thomas Edison founded a company originally called Edison Electric Light. After merging with Thomson-Houston Electric, it received its modern name and organized mass production of light bulbs.

Brand value:$33.7 billion

Price dynamics:+2% for 2012

It is the world's largest non-financial multinational company. General Electric produces household and lighting appliances, medical equipment, aircraft engines and even locomotives. It was the first to organize the mass production of electric refrigerators and washing machines, and its iconic product is the M134 Minigun multi-barreled machine gun, first used in the Vietnam War.

Although General Electric's business has declined somewhat in recent years, the company remains an industrial giant in its industry. It even launched a cost-cutting program and continues to restructure its business, which allowed it to increase profits by 49% in the 3rd quarter of 2012, to $3.49 billion. Additionally, GE was ranked 16th on the Fortune Global 500 in 2011.

Year of foundation: 1916

Industry: Automotive industry

The company was originally created by Karl Friedrich Rapp to produce aircraft engines: the blue and white BMW emblem was interpreted as an airplane propeller against the sky. The company now claims that the colors are taken from the flag of Bavaria, where BMW AG was founded.

Brand value:$26.3 billion

Price dynamics:+18% for 2012

The popularity of this brand has always been very high, and after the Bond film, interest in it only increased: the legendary BMW was used by agent 007. A high-quality, reliable and fast car has long won the love and respect of consumers. The company's success can be called a foregone conclusion: many records were set with BMW aircraft engines, and Ernst Henne became the fastest motorcyclist in the world on a BMW motorcycle.

Today, BMW AG is the world market leader in the sale of luxury cars. Its CEO Norbert Reithofer called maintaining the BMW brand one of the secrets of the company’s success: “For us, this is everything. First of all, a brand is a promise that the consumer will receive a product with a certain set of qualities and that a product under this brand deserves the treatment you expect.”

10. Cisco

Year founded: 1984

Industry: telecommunications

The company was founded by spouses Leonard Bosak and Sandra Lerner, who worked at Stanford University. The name Cisco comes from the abbreviation San Francisco, and the logo is a stylized image of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Brand value:$26.3 billion

Price dynamics:+7% for 2012

This is, perhaps, one of those “whales” on which the entire modern telecommunications infrastructure and the Internet rest. It is Cisco that produces network equipment of the highest quality, striving to provide customers with everything they need.

At first, the company produced only routers (network computers that forward data packets between different network segments. - Ed.), but since then its range has expanded significantly. Cisco now also produces universal gateways, cable modems, DSL equipment, video surveillance systems, and servers. You can call Cisco a monopolist in its field, because the world's leading organizations and Internet providers turn to the company for its products. In Russia, Cisco plans to participate in the creation of the Skolkovo innovation center by forming an Academy of IT Professionals on its territory.

The ranking is based on a list presented by Forbes magazine in 2012. The criterion for its formation was the assessment of companies' income over the past three years and the share of their profits in their industry. Also, consulting firms Landor and PSB conducted a survey among consumers to create a rating of their perceptions.

Text: Ksenia Menshchikova

Today, you can see that the brand world is not as small as it might seem at first glance. Below we list the most famous brands in the world of fashion and style.

Louis Vuitton tops the list. Experts estimate that this one is worth twenty-four billion dollars. Thus, since 2010, it has increased twenty-three percent of the total value.

Next, Hermer leads by a large margin. It is valued at twelve billion dollars. Behind it are Gucci, Chanel, as well as other famous brands that are well known to all those who love luxury. Also on the list is Rolex, worth five billion dollars.

In one year, Gucci gained another two percent, and as for Chanel, it managed to increase its value by twenty-three percent.

So, the following describes the ten most popular brands in the United States.

However, first it must be said that not all of the brands described will be American, although most US residents are so accustomed to them that they consider them their own.

In tenth place is Coca-Cola. Only a person not from this planet could not know about such a brand. Its products are widely known all over the world. It is worth noting that Santa Claus's costume was not always red. First of all, this is the merit of the promoters from the Coca-Cola company, because red, as a rule, is associated with this brand. This drink is no longer even purely American. This is a global phenomenon.

Disney takes ninth place. Despite all the efforts of the domestic cartoon producer, American cartoons are still the most popular, and this is not surprising. The budgets for Disney cartoons are truly impressive. And nothing reprehensible can be said about this product. Disney is well known to both adults and children.

In eighth place is Whole Foods Market. And although this brand is not as well known to everyone as, for example, Coca-Cola, it is highly popular among Americans (not like among residents Russian Federation). In the USA I know everything about him, from young to old. It’s not for nothing that he occupies the eighth position. In America, everyone knows that Whole Foods Market is the place where everyone can buy everything they need, be it fresh fruit or quality meat.

Seventh place belongs to Nintendo. This trading place is well known to all video game fans. Anyone who once played on this console is unlikely to ever be able to forget it. Thanks to a large number of all kinds of sports and entertainment games, this console is qualitatively different from large quantity other consoles for games. However, Nintendo does not consider itself a competitor to the Xbox or PS3 because of its original design, as well as because of the principle of operation.

Sixth place went to BMW. Who doesn't know about this car brand? Everyone is well aware of it and for good reason, because the engineers and designers from this company managed to do a great job and create a high-quality car that is popular in all countries of the world.

In fifth place is Starbucks, which produces coffee drinks. The company's employees know all the intricacies of preparing Barista, as well as Frappuccino.

Target, which came in at number four, needs no introduction. has a very memorable logo, which at the same time is simple and uncomplicated. The company previously competed with Wal-Marts and KMarts.

In third place is something called Nike. At one time, he managed to make a real splash in the sportswear market. He managed to squeeze out many of his competitors and take his rightful place at the top of Olympus. At the beginning of its activity, the brand tried to work in two directions. He created high-quality and very comfortable sportswear, as well as the necessary accessories. In addition, he worked in the field of high-impact advertising, which was designed to popularize its sports products.

Second place belongs to Apple brand products. Steve Jobs, as well as his like-minded people, managed to create a truly unique company that this moment is engaged in the development and sale of high-quality digital technology. The designers and developers of this company, without a doubt, do not eat their bread in vain. Apple products are not only highly efficient, but they also boast unrivaled design. This brand has influenced the development of other companies, which are all possible ways trying to copy the appearance of Apple products.

And now, finally, we have reached the long-awaited first place. Who does it belong to? Who is at the top of Olympus? Of course, this is the Internet company Google, which was able to go from small company to a real giant, handling multi-billion-dollar sums and annually receiving multi-billion-dollar profits. Today, the developers of this company are not only working on creating more and more new Internet services and projects, they have gone offline and are working on creating many useful devices that, without a doubt, can be useful to everyone in this world. So, Google is working on developing its own high-speed smartphone and tablet computer. Not long ago, the management of an Internet company announced the release of an amazing gadget called “augmented reality glasses,” which allows you to fit all the computing power of a personal computer into small glasses.

Famous brands - a list of the most popular brands in the world and America was last modified: February 18th, 2013 by admin

Economic crises, military conflicts, political instability and other negative factors do not have a significant impact on them. The world's most successful companies are the backbone of the global economy, some of which have profits equal to the GDP of small developing countries.

Ideal marketing, financial foresight, non-standard management techniques - which recipe helps them take leading positions in all existing ratings year after year - is the biggest secret of big business. They are the best, time, money and millions of first-class specialists work for them.

The success of a company is assessed by three indicators:

  1. profit;
  2. asset value;
  3. capitalization size.

For young, fast-growing companies, experts have introduced an indicator that evaluates how much their assets have increased since their founding.

The figures appearing in the annual reports of the world's largest corporations produce a stunning impression. To paraphrase a famous expression, we can say: “Corporations rule the world.” The world's most successful companies feel comfortable at the top of the financial Olympus, rarely and reluctantly allowing ambitious newcomers onto the pedestal.

1. Drive your dreams. Toyota

The assets of the automobile giant Toyota are estimated at $406 billion. It is the largest automaker in world. The company began operating in 1924 with the sale of weaving machines and over almost a century of history has become a global auto giant. In addition to the production and sales of cars, the company conducts business in several directions. Toyota Motors Corporation owns a financial structure, an insurance company, and carries out real estate transactions. The success of the Toyota brand was brought by 14 commandments of doing business, which, with truly Japanese scrupulousness, reflected all areas of life of a large corporation. “Make decisions slowly, look at everything with your own eyes, educate your leaders” - truisms work great, especially if they are written down in the “production system of the corporation” and are mandatory for everyone - from workers to directors. Over the three quarters of 2016, more than 8 million cars were sold – this is an absolute world record.

2. Black gold. ExxonMobil

Oil is not called black gold for nothing. One of the most valuable companies in the world ExxonMobil is a giant oil refining industry. The company has assets worth $395.4 billion, and net profit in the first half of 2016 amounted to $16 billion. The history of ExxonMobil began in the century before last, when Standard Oil, owned by the Rockefeller family, was divided into several companies. As a result of many transformations, divisions and mergers, the public company ExxonMobil appeared in 1999, which today owns shares of oil refineries in 45 countries, a network of gas stations in 100 countries and is engaged in oil production around the world. ExxonMobil's performance is the best illustration of its long-term success. Throughout its existence, the corporation has not had a single unprofitable period.

3. Investments and insurance. Berkshire Hathaway

Warren Buffett and his Berkshire Hathaway with a capitalization of $360 billion are the most successful investment holding in the world. The main activity is investment and management. Warren Buffett, the permanent chairman of the board of directors, began building his empire by organizing a small insurance company. By investing his profits in stock purchases, Buffett began to earn enough to buy entire companies. Berkshire Hathaway now owns businesses in many different industries—retail, railroads, food, appliances, publishing, and, of course, all types of insurance. The subsidiary media holding BH Media Group includes seventy newspapers and one TV channel.

4. IT geniuses. Microsoft

Microsoft is almost 100 billion behind the leader, its assets are valued at $303.5 billion. Since last year The company's profit increased by 10%. The corporation practically monopolized the market for office programs and software. In addition, Microsoft produces computer accessories and its own tablet computer model. Microsoft products are sold in almost a hundred countries around the world, and their office suite is the most used on the market. The closest competitors remain far behind from year to year. The exception is APPLE, but its profits are driven by successful sale iPhone and electronics. Microsoft's recent successes are attributed to a change in leadership. New CEO Satya Nadella is a proponent of a tough business style and an aggressive marketing policy.

5. China is always in the lead. Industrial & Commercial Bank Of China

No economic rating is complete without representatives of the fastest growing economy in the world. The Chinese Industrial & Commercial Bank Of China has a capitalization of $275 billion. This is one of the youngest financial leaders - the bank began operating in 1984. The Chinese government owns 50% of the shares. In 2006, the Bank carried out the most successful placement of shares in history - then a record $22 billion was raised for the global economy. The financial business remains one of the most profitable. The most successful of the product manufacturers, APPLE, occupies only the 7th position in the ranking of the most successful companies in the world.

6. Universal sales. WalMart

Retailer Wal-Mart, which owns the WalMart supermarket chain, has assets worth $200 billion. The company owns more than 10 thousand stores around the world, the number of employees is 2.5 million people. Retail trade is one of the most difficult types of business. Wal-Mart succeeds because of its tough business practices and cost-minimizing strategies. Many suppliers to WalMart stores testify that the company is forcing them to reduce selling prices, and representatives of small businesses are unhappy that the huge chain monopolizes the retail market in many countries. In addition, Wal-Mart has become famous for violating workers' rights and constant conflicts with unions. Since 2000, the company began a period of instability, during which two large projects were closed - in South Korea and Germany. In the first case, the department store format did not appeal to Korean consumers, and sales in Germany resulted in annual losses of $100 million.

7. Apple records. APPLE

The record holder for increasing profits among technology companies – APPLE is valued at $154.1 billion. 2015 alone brought APPLE owners $53.1 billion in net profit. During its existence, the brainchild of Steve Jobs increased its value by 50,000%. The corporation managed to do the impossible - turn the use of smartphones and computer equipment into a real cult of worship of products with the Apple logo. It's not just about its own software and high quality, APPLE has created an ideal marketing model, the cornerstone of which is the prestige and impeccable image of the company. “If you own APPLE, you own the best” - this idea continues to bring billions in profits for APPLE.

8. Internet business. Google

Another representative of high technology, Google, ranks second eighth in the ranking. richest corporations in the world. Google is valued at $82.5 billion. Last year was not the best for the company, but even though profit growth was less than predicted, the increase reached 16%. Google receives more than a billion search requests every day, and the company operates more than a million servers. Besides the actual search engine, the Google brand owns an email service, a social network, a browser, an image processing program and several sites in the top 100 by traffic. Every year Google introduces new applications to users, improves and updates existing ones.

9. Timeless classic. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola lost ground somewhat. The most popular soda in the world began to lose its leadership position retail sales of soft drinks in 2010. Since then, the company's profits have been gradually declining. Some analysts attribute this to the fashion for proper nutrition and healthy image life. Others see a connection between falling sales and the merger of The Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola Enterprises. Despite the disappointing statistics, especially the disastrous one in 2014, the company is valued at $58 billion. A decline in sales does not always mean unprofitability, which is why the Coca-Cola brand is traditionally included in world rankings of the most successful companies.

10. Business on communication. Facebook

The Facebook brand is valued at $52.6 billion. It is the most popular social network in the world. Every year the company increases profits and, accordingly, the value of assets. Last year alone the growth was more than 50%. Facebook shows excellent results, but this is not surprising - almost 1 billion people use the network every day. In 2011, a fantastic figure was achieved - in one month the number of network visitors exceeded 1 trillion. In August 2015, the billionth personal page on Facebook was registered. We can say that today Internet communication is one of the most popular goods on the world market.

The main assessment is consumer confidence

Another interesting indicator by which the success of a company is assessed is the trust index. This criterion was introduced by the American consulting firm Reputation Insitute. The index shows the ratio of customer trust to the company's reputation. All enterprises included in the top ten are large transnational holdings, most of which are based in the USA.

Top 10 companies with the highest consumer confidence index:

  1. automobile concern BMW;
  2. the largest representative of the entertainment industry, The Walt Disney Company;
  3. watch brand Rolex;
  4. transnational corporation of Internet resources Google;
  5. the Daimler concern, which owns the MERCEDES brand;
  6. one of the market leaders in electronics and household appliances Sony
  7. software manufacturer Microsoft;
  8. Cannon company – manufacturer of optical, printing and television equipment;
  9. food concern Nestle;
  10. Apple is a manufacturer of original smartphones, personal and tablet computers, and software.

There are several ratings ranking the world's largest businesses. Each of them evaluates profitability, assets, sales growth and other objective economic factors. If you look closely at any TOP of the best, you will notice the most successful types of businesses. Oil refining, Internet technologies, software development, automotive manufacturing and retail are the areas in which the largest resources are deployed and the most high-profile fortunes are created. Most of Such companies began to build their business empires at the beginning of the last century. The 21st century is the time of IT technologies and electronics. It is in these areas that newcomers have the highest chances of making it to the top of big business.

2016.11.29 by