Correct dates for zodiac signs. Zodiac signs. Characteristics, description

Each of us is born under a certain zodiac constellation. They say that it is precisely this that has an incredible influence on a person’s life, predetermines future fate and basic character traits. Experienced astrologers can tell a lot about a visitor just by knowing the day of his birth. You can verify the veracity of the above by looking into any one and comparing the characteristics written in it with yourself. 90% of people admit that such astrological forecasts are absolutely correct.

It's no secret that zodiac signs are divided by dates. We will talk about this in more detail below in the article.

Aries: March 21 - April 20

Purposeful, attentive, hardworking and balanced Aries are capable of literally moving mountains. They never stop there, do not listen to other people’s opinions and are able to independently build a dizzying career from scratch. Sometimes such a stubborn character plays a cruel joke on them that especially affects personal life.

Taurus: April 21 - May 21

Very kind, patient, friendly Taurus - excellent companions and comrades, faithful life partners and simply wonderful people. They often become the life of the party, but you shouldn’t assume that you can use them without a twinge of conscience. Their inquisitive mind perfectly distinguishes sincere friends from envious enemies.

Gemini: May 22 - June 21

Spontaneous, sincere, cheerful and sociable, Geminis are excellent employees and family men. They have a sincere desire for fidelity, so it is with them that you can build strong, lasting marriage bonds. But they make bad leaders due to excessive restlessness and even some impulsiveness.

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

Noble, selfless and patient Cancers prefer a bird in the hand to a pie in the sky. They take every step carefully, thinking through the situation in advance and deeply experiencing failures. Excessive caution sometimes causes them significant inconvenience, but at the same time it protects them from dangerous and risky incidents.

Leo: July 23 - August 21

G Horde, powerful and energetic Leos love to lead, manage the process, and control the situation. Their irrepressible energy cannot be resisted, and their tenacity is enviable. It seems that even a stone wall can move away under their pressure. At the same time, true kings of beasts are characterized by innate nobility.

Virgo: August 22 - September 23

Practical, intelligent, logical individuals born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by their unshakable character and breathtaking straightforwardness. They will never plot intrigues, try to denigrate an innocent person or build happiness on someone else’s grief. However, their desire for the naked truth is not always liked by the surrounding society.

Libra: September 24 - October 23

Friendly, soft-spoken and elegant, Libras are blessed with incredible luck and a love of life. They never see anything bad in their interlocutors, colleagues, friends and loved ones, which sometimes turns into a bad outcome. On the other hand, they are very lucky, so every day is unforgettable.

Scorpio: October 24 - November 22

Characteristic, reasonable and a little tough, Scorpios are characterized by an uncompromising attitude towards everyone life spheres, from work to love relationships. Their pride and some cynicism sometimes cause their loved ones to suffer. On the other hand, their innate sense of justice cannot be ignored.

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22

Energetic, carefree and smiling, Sagittarians have an explosive character. They are reckless travelers who can break loose at any moment, and their ease of recovery is truly amazing. They are comfortable and convenient, and their stunningly cheerful disposition infects you with its optimism from the first second.

Capricorn: December 23 - January 20

The amazing morality of the Capricorn Zodiac both helps him and spoils his fate. But patience and resilience to all kinds of problems and difficulties cannot but please. Fight to the last, fight steadfastly with opponents and withstand even the most unpleasant events - Capricorn can more than teach this to anyone.

Aquarius: January 21 - February 19

A continuous state of sincere love for everything, from profession to hobbies, characterizes romantic Aquarius. Their lifelong passion and a certain lightness of thought guarantee a continuous carousel of emotions and events. The only thing they lack is seriousness.

Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Soft, sensitive, sophisticated Pisces, born on spring dates, often become driven. However, they make unsurpassed home guardians, wonderful housewives and patient, sensitive parents. It’s easy and cozy with them, but you shouldn’t count on stunning emotions and crazy actions.

Kabbalistic numerology expert Elya Altman suggests calculating a personal number by date of birth in order to find out the secret of character. Each number from one to nine has a special meaning for fate. All numbers are closely related to the zodiac and planets. To find out which number affects your life, you need to add up all the numbers of your birthday so that you get a number from one to nine. For example, birthday is June 25, 1971. The birth number is obtained from the sum 2+5+6+1+9+7+1 = 31, 3+1= 4. This means the birth number is four. For a detailed description, it is worth considering the combination of all numbers of the date of birth. The birth number corresponds to a specific zodiac sign and is under the protection of one of the planets.

Number One- 1

Patron planet - the Sun. Zodiac sign - Leo and Aries

One is the number of the leader. He has powerful energy and has many ideas that he tries to implement on his own. A Unit person has willpower, charisma, keeps his word, and skillfully solves other people’s problems. You can't help but notice him. A bright individualist with a hypertrophied ego. A person of this number often makes mistakes in his personal life, and divorces are common. The unit should not be aggressive or angry, otherwise it destroys its health and the previously built path. You can please a Unit by giving him respect and constantly celebrating his successes and merits.

Number Two- 2

Patron planet - Moon. Zodiac sign - Cancer

The deuce lives in the past, keeps all the old wounds in its soul, nurtures its grievances. The Two's past prevents them from building a harmonious present. Two needs a partner, often too afraid to lose loved one. Suffering from unfair opinions of others and criticism. A deuce will always demand the support of others, is vulnerable, and is not confident in its abilities. He loves gifts very much, because this is how he represents manifestations of self-love. The deuce does not like open hostility, is sensitive and romantic. In general, he is a very family person who will always provide support and come to the rescue. By nature, a Two is a born Social worker. To please Deuce, all you have to do is give her true love and open up your feelings.

Number Three - 3

Patron planet - Jupiter. Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

The troika seems to be protected higher power. This is the number of luck and luck. Another side of the Three's character is the desire for spirituality. Three is most often rich in intelligence, but very cunning. Three are kind, optimistic, love to travel and philosophize. It is difficult for a Troika to concentrate on any one activity; its absent-mindedness brings difficulties. He likes to enjoy life and always tries to try his luck. The Troika’s biggest fear is not being able to do everything in time, or missing out on a good opportunity. Troika loves and knows how to learn, because they are inquisitive and have an inquisitive mind. Troika is a true fighter for justice, a lawyer for all zodiac signs and a good friend. You can please the Troika if you give it complete freedom of action.

Number Four - 4

Patron planet - Uranus. Zodiac signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

The four are material, have an innate talent as a designer and engineer, they are distinguished by creativity, but also by the desire for stability.

The Four must be confident in the future and work hard for the future. Those Fours who lack self-confidence may be too sensitive and stubborn. The material side of life is important to the Four; he is a man of action. Vulnerable and touchy. A Four can separate the intellectual from the emotional. The Four has a difficult time making a decision, hesitates and doubts for a long time when making a choice, and needs silence. You can help the Four without making decisions for them. Four is interested in esotericism. A Four person can achieve anything in life. The main thing is to believe in yourself. A child at heart, the Four knows how to be faithful, loves popularity, and has acting talent. The Four is always looking for non-standard solutions. Sometimes she has pronounced healing abilities. A talent for commerce is clearly expressed. In family relationships, she is authoritarian and domineering due to her insecurity. You can please the Four by giving it stability, confidence and limitations.

Number Five - 5

Patron planet - Mercury. Zodiac signs - Gemini, Aquarius.

The Five takes spirituality from the Four and practicality from the One.

Five is a bright personality. She may be surrounded by friends, but she copes very well with problems on her own. Geniuses are often born. There are two types of Fives. This may be a person with a strong will, self-confident. And vice versa, weak-willed, but talented, who gives away his talents to everyone. Five is often lazy, does not like long periods of exercise, is more of a sprinter than a runner. long distances. Therefore, it is easier and better for a Five to learn something through an intensive method. Five is the number of inspiration and serves as a Muse for others. The Five is always on the move, cannot stand routine, and cannot stay within four walls for long. Five has good intuition. Very sensitive to smells and tastes. A passion for mysticism can give the Five the adventure they are missing in life. Boredom and routine are her enemies, so freedom and new experiences can please the Five.

Number Six - 6

Patron planet - Venus. Zodiac signs - Taurus and Libra.

A six is ​​represented by the sum of two threes. Those who have many sixes in their number chart have enormous power of both creation and destruction. Number Six is ​​always in search of peace, balance and harmony. A closed number is perceived as a secretive person, it is difficult for others to understand him. Sixes can be spiritually oriented or immersed in the material world. Number Six gives innate intelligence; all his life he is engaged in self-development and self-improvement. This is a born judge with a keen sense of justice. Sixes often have aesthetic taste and are good cooks. Art and music suit her best. A sense of justice often takes precedence over practicality. The best medicine The answer to all problems for the Six is ​​sports and an active lifestyle. He can write and speak beautifully. A man born under this number often marries late. It's easy to fall in love with him, but it's extremely difficult to live with him. The Six as a boss will be very domineering. To please her, you need to give harmony, balance and silence.

Number Seven - 7

Patron planet - Saturn. Zodiac signs - Pisces, Virgo.

Seven is always looking for spiritual guidance in life. The essence of a Seven is spirituality. He is in constant search of himself. The number Seven gives an irresistible craving for travel and mystical revelations. Scientists and cultural figures are born under this number. Living and working with a Seven is difficult, because it does not follow orders and does not lend itself to simple analysis. Seven loves to step on the same rake and has difficulty learning to learn from its mistakes. A Seven may have many friends, but at the same time the feeling of isolation and loneliness never leaves her. This subtle soul, a pessimist and perfectionist by nature. Indifferent to both approval and censure from others. To please a Seven, you need to leave her alone, accept her as she is, and not try to change her.

Number Eight - 8

Patron planet - Saturn. Zodiac signs - Leo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The Eight Person resembles a safe, it is so difficult to understand and decipher. The true motives and desires of the Eight are always hidden from others, it is difficult to find common ground and establish easy relationships. Eight has a good understanding of people, senses character, recognizes weaknesses and strengths those around you. She likes to control and dominate in communication; she does not admit her mistakes. Very often he sacrifices his interests for the sake of his family. Eight is gambling, loves non-standard solutions. In any profession he achieves a high level of skill. This is a good strategist who is not afraid of responsibility, but it is difficult for the Eight to be in the background. Learns quickly, loves history and art. He knows how to keep other people's secrets, and is a born psychologist by nature. The only way to please an Eight is through trust and open communication.

Number Nine - 9

Patron planet - Mars. Zodiac signs - Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces.

Nine is a final number, so it is difficult for her to understand herself and in the eyes of others. This is the number of the Universe. Nine has amazing intuition and connection with the energy of the Universe. These are excellent diagnosticians. Important for Nines material well-being. Very critical of herself, suspicious of others. It is difficult to get truly close to a Nine; they will always keep you at a distance until a friend has passed the thorough test of time. Doesn't like to lose. Has difficulty withstanding separation or parting, therefore avoids intimacy. He has a bright temperament, intuition, and a wonderful sense of humor. Often he is so afraid of the future that he misses good chances in the present. Fears - main enemy for the number Nine. Nine - a real warrior able to withstand any challenge and emerge victorious in difficult situations. Nine is too hard on himself. You can please Nine with understanding, but you should never feel sorry for her; Nine cannot stand self-pity.

Today, almost everyone knows about their belonging to one or another zodiac sign. Fashion is to some extent to blame for the extraordinary popularity of these symbols. However, it is unlikely that people will ever lose interest in knowledge that has been tested for thousands of years and continues to work to this day.

The word “Zodiac” is of ancient Greek origin, translated as “circle of animals” and denotes a kind of celestial ribbon encircling the Earth. The Sun, Moon and some planets make their way along this route, passing the constellations that are called zodiacal. The identical sectors of this “belt” are the signs of the Zodiac - a key element of astrology.

Once upon a time there were 8, 10, and even 17 zodiac signs. However, today we proceed from the fact that there are 12 of them: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Aquarius, Fish. They are united by elements, divided into southern and northern, female and male, dry and wet, melancholy and frantic, etc. But the most important thing is that each of the 12 signs has a certain set of qualities that they endow with the people born under them.

Aries Birth Dates

Aries is an enterprising, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and energetic person. Aries is a pioneer in both thought and action, very open to new ideas, a freedom-loving person. Such people welcome the challenges of fate and will not deviate from their intended goal.

Aries are natural, courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they lead, but they will not hesitate to use subordinates to achieve their own goals. As subordinates, Aries can cause their leaders a lot of trouble; such people are prone to rash actions and are immoderate in expressing their thoughts and emotions. Huge energy Owners of the Aries sign make them aggressive and restless, tenacious and quick in business, and capable of clearly showing their displeasure if they feel insulted.

Taurus Birth Dates

Beneath the cool and collected exterior, Taurus are very different from all other zodiac signs. Taurus people know how to distance themselves from the crowd and remain above public opinion, despite the fact that they have a well-deserved reputation for being sociable and pleasant people to talk to. People born in the sign of Taurus generously allow others to be in their presence, but they do not allow anyone to truly penetrate their soul.

Taurus feel much more comfortable remaining a mystery to their environment. When communicating with such people, it is very easy to detect a certain degree of aloofness on their part or a complete reluctance to perceive other people's ideas - it's like talking to a tree, you speak, give reasons in support of your theory, but Taurus, like a rock, does not give the slightest sign of the persuasiveness of your monologue.

Gemini Birth Dates

IN ancient greek mythology, the ruler of Gemini - Hermes (Mercury), was the messenger of the gods, capable of crossing the heavens in the blink of an eye, perhaps this explains why those born under the sign of Gemini are always on the move, tormented by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and new events. Incurably curious, and sometimes even mischievous and capricious, Geminis are multifaceted natures who like to know a little about everything, but generally not too much about one particular topic, in fact, only variety is their goal in life.

In astrology, Geminis have gained a reputation as unstoppable talkers capable of continuing their monologue for hours; those Geminis who lack such a gift usually become excellent writers or have a special talent in comprehending foreign languages and so on. In love, Geminis prefer a partner who can keep up with them, either spiritually or physically.

Cancer Birth Dates

People born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the mysteries of the zodiac. It's fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of unimaginable contradictions. Compassionate and caring for friends, family and their loved ones, Cancers can still drive anyone into a nervous breakdown with their jealous remarks and almost never-ending whims.

Attractively eccentric on the one hand, Cancers are extremely jealous of how they look in society and in the eyes of others. Like them astrological symbol Cancers may appear hard, callous and insensitive to their surroundings, however, underneath their thick shell lies a soft, sensual and gentle creature. In the end, all Cancers are children of the Moon, the patroness of all lovers.

Leo Birth Dates

Charismatic, always positive, not wanting to follow the lead of others, Leo attracts not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but also knows how to survive the turbulent times of life with a style unique to him and good mood. Every Leo is born with luck in his hands, just as love conquers all adversity. Leo, ruled by the heart, is able to overcome any life difficulties and, having achieved the goal, move even further, like all born leaders, they do not know peace.

Once Leo enters into a relationship with another person whom he trusts completely, he is completely dedicated and devoted to him. It is difficult to get along with such people, but if you have achieved their favor, you should not test the strength of your relationship; if Leo suspects deception or is betrayed, he will never forget the insult, he will take revenge at the first opportunity, and he extremely rarely changes his opinion about a person who once showed his true self.

Virgo Birth Dates

In the classical understanding of astrology, Virgo is described as a mercantile, fussy and limited person. But when Virgo shines, there is virtually no other zodiac sign that can somehow match their inner light. Pleasure dwells in the melody of the Virgo’s soul; happiness and peace are destined for the tired traveler there.

When Virgo is confident in their abilities and feels the strength of their abilities, such people become the most successful and creative of all the signs. If you set a goal, you can easily find many people born under the sign of Virgo working in the service sector, in charity, many of them will be teachers and doctors, and perhaps healers specializing in massage or treatment with medicinal herbs.

Libra Birth Dates

In the imagination of every teenager born in the sign of Libra, a picture is drawn that he or she must find a prince or princess. In adulthood, many experience unfortunate events, personal dramas, broken hearts and disappointments, which further forces them to search for their ideal, formed in childhood in the most extraordinary manner, for some it becomes an obsession like the search for the holy grail. Always passionate love, changeable relationships and a constant search for the truth sharply distinguish the owners of the sign of Libra, but only the search for balance is the purpose of their existence.

Sooner or later, any storms subside, and Libra, fortunately, finds the balance that they were looking for; perhaps this balance of power does not affect all areas of life, but for the most part it satisfies them. Often such people find themselves in running a business, where they devote themselves entirely to what they love, often this makes them extremely successful business people.

Scorpio Birth Dates

The sign of Scorpio is described as the most powerful sign of the Zodiac, its representatives have the destiny of a leader, an intense life filled with dramatic relationships and events of truly epic proportions. Even in childhood Owners of this sign have high intelligence, developed beyond their years. Many astrologers call this zodiac sign the sign of the “oldest souls.” Wise Scorpio often knows all the answers to all questions, but, as often happens, he does not know what he needs to do for his own happiness.

Passion, desire and power, hand in hand, lead Scorpio along the path of life. The biggest challenge of fate for Scorpio is the choice between the power of love and the love of power. Being in power, with their extraordinary, deep emotional processes and sensitivity, often becomes a difficult test for their close circle. Scorpios are different from all other signs of the Zodiac, and this difference can manifest itself in everything, in their work, in love, in Everyday life, everything that such people do and do is strikingly different from others.

Sagittarius Birth Dates

Ruled by the beneficial planet Jupiter in every way, Sagittarians have a natural exuberance for adventure in love and in life, perhaps making them one of the most optimistic of all the zodiac signs. Like their astrological symbol - Sagittarius - people born during this period are known for setting their sights on everything that they consider attractive or simply necessary attribute of life - a loved one, interesting job, luxury vacation, beautiful real estate - everything that Sagittarius needs sooner or later ends up in their hands.

Sagittarians believe that nothing is impossible for a person, you just need to make a little effort towards the desired goal, mostly because of this belief, many of these people become real experts in the search for happiness, they know how to be born in a shirt and how to catch the bird of luck by the tail.

Capricorn Birth Dates

The sign of Capricorn is regarded as the top of the Zodiac circle, living its quiet life, but capable, however, of achieving amazing success, both in life and in business. However, it is worth separating the two types of this zodiac sign. The first type is represented by the mountainous Capricorn, always rising higher and higher, he never stops and does not restrain his impulses until he reaches the top.

The second type is the domestic Capricorn, with no great sense of adventure, with very modest ambitions and often content with what he has, this type will not budge of his own free will until he is pushed. And yet, any type of Capricorn has incredible patience and perseverance. They always reach their goal because they know that even the longest journey begins with a single small step and that the first step is always the hardest.

Aquarius Birth Dates

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Those born in the sign of Aquarius are governed by the energy of the independent planet Uranus, people born during this period have an excellent ability to plan the development of events in their own unique, unique way, inaccessible to understanding by other representatives of the zodiac.

No one is able to tell Aquarius how to live, because early age they are broad in knowledge, and even at a young age they are able to determine weak link in the chain of future events. Most likely, the typical Aquarius would prefer to see himself as autonomous and independent person rather than getting bogged down in the abyss of other people’s doubts.

Pisces Birth Dates

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, indicating the final stage of development in man. Born under the sign of Pisces, a person is at the stage of completing his internal development; such people have a strong spiritual beginning and are able to perceive things and events according to their inner content. Compassion and a spiritual approach underlie most of the actions of such people; the sensitive nature of Pisces is always ready to help anyone in need.

The sign of Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, which also indicates your emotional depths and sensitivity at every level of life. Pisces instinctively want to help others, and are capable of sacrificing their ambitions for the benefit of others they care about, especially close friends and family members. One of the most important lessons in life for many Pisces is the dilemma of balancing one's needs with the needs of others.

Zodiac signs

The horoscope with its zodiac circle came to us from time immemorial as cultural heritage our ancestors. In the traditional pre-industrial cultures of ancient peoples, society had a simpler and at the same time clearer order, understandable to the common man. The roles of men and women were clearly assigned by birth, family support and ancestor worship helped people associate themselves with something greater than their own needs and wants. Modern society has gone far from these primitive dogmas, in our time the role of men and women has long been unlimited love relationships, it is no longer enough to simply love your partner and do daily work In maintaining your household, the modern couple are also business partners and best friends.

However, despite all our achievements recent years, as before, a person experiences an irresistible desire to know himself as a person, lift the veil of times and understand his further path and your purpose. Thirsts to know the meaning of his existence in this world, seeks answers to questions that science is not able to answer.

On the day of our birth, the planets described in the horoscope line up in the sky in an order unique to each of us, leaving a certain unique imprint characteristic only of a certain person. However, each zodiac sign has its own characteristics that are common to all, which allow us to some extent judge the capabilities of a particular person. To find out such features, you need to read the descriptions of the zodiac signs located on this page by going to the appropriate section of the horoscope.

During the year of movement, the sun replaces one cluster of stars with another, and so on twelve times in number zodiac constellations, visiting all the zodiac signs in order. Even in ancient times, clusters of stars were given characteristic zodiac names, and all the signs of the zodiac were distributed according to the order of movement of the sun. There is no way to find out about the origins of astrology as a science, but there is a unique chance to look deep into the symbolic names and understand why he was born under this sign and to what extent the characteristics of a person’s character and his life path depend on the influence of the patron constellation.

Zodiac translated from ancient Greek means a living being. All except the sign Libra are some kind of animals.

The sequence of the horoscope presupposes the order of the planets under the influence of which a particular sign is located. Astrologers claim that not only the sun passes a certain path through the constellations, but also the moon. Thus, the classic horoscope is drawn up on the basis of the path itself big stars, comparing with the date of birth of a person. Previously, such a segment was equated to a month, but now the transition from sign to sign occurs at the beginning of the third trimester of the month. Every seventy years the equinox point moves by 1 degree.

The elements of the zodiac are divided into five types:

  1. Water – highest level peace of mind contained in the body. For people water element characterized by constant self-improvement, knowledge of God, manifestation of intellectual abilities, faith in God, and strong moral convictions.
  2. Fire – highlighting leadership qualities against the backdrop of all positive characteristics, always striving upward, following the example of a fiery flame. Man with fire element courageous, strong-willed and imbued with determination, shows high intelligence and courage in everything, independent and responsible in making any decision.
  3. Earth – high practicality in everything. The personality of the earth element knows how to establish connections and is inclined to trade and craft.
  4. Air – a level of high ability to solve material problems. Most often, people of this element find themselves in hired labor.
  5. Ether is an omnipresent penetrating line passing through every sign. The planet Jupiter dominates the ether, and thanks to it, people can reach peaks in spiritual practice.

In what order the signs of the zodiac are located, with such frequency, starting with Aries, the corresponding elements alternate: fire, earth, air, water, and so on in a circle. Each element becomes the patron of the three zodiacs, influencing his character and certain characteristics and abilities.

To characterize each sign separately, it is necessary to recall the order in which the signs of the zodiac appear.

The first number went to the enterprising Aries, then it is replaced by:

  • practical Taurus;
  • dexterous twins;
  • sensual cancer;
  • the lion with his outstanding self-expression;
  • diligent maiden;
  • discreet scales;
  • insightful Scorpio;
  • straightforward Sagittarius;
  • cautious Capricorn;
  • unconventional Aquarius;
  • dreamy fish.

The sequence of signs and the beginning of the cycle are established with Aries. This decision is explained by the fact that the cycle usually begins with the spring equinox, which occurs in a given zodiac.

  1. Aries (March 21 – April 20) is under the influence of Mars, the name of the planet given in honor of the god of war Ancient Greece. This designation of the sign arose on the basis of the ancient Greek story about the rescue of two children from their stepmother by the golden-fleeced ram. The element of the sign is fire, in connection with this, Aries resemble a “lighter”, very active and energetic, the first in everything. Astrologers suggest that the fate of Aries is determined by the universe and the elements of earth.
  2. Taurus (April 21 – May 20) lives under the protection named after the goddess of love, Venus. According to legend, Zeus dressed himself in this animal to steal the beautiful Europa. Taurus represents ancient symbol male power, in Hindu mythology it is one of the elements on which the globe rests. A person born under the sign of Taurus is a friendly conversationalist and, at the same time, a passionate lover. In achieving his goals, he is resilient and patient, works hard, without doubt, does right decisions. Astrologers note that Taurus do not give in to panic, accept defeat with dignity and endure troubles.
  3. Decorating the night sky, the constellation Gemini (May 22 – June 21) shines under the tutelage of Mercury. The planet gave those born under their star duality of character and entrepreneurial spirit in the trade sphere. Two bright stars located nearby resemble, according to legend, the devoted brothers Castor and Pollux. Astrologers notice that the zodiac twins have friendliness, a sharp mind, but at the same time a characteristic of frequent mood changes and nervous breakdowns. Diplomatic by nature, they always know what to say to their interlocutor.
  4. Continuing the chain of 12 zodiac signs in order is Cancer (June 22 – July 22). The moon, which took a predominant place in the lives of Cancer people, rewarded them with the secrets of witchcraft and magic, as well as the ability to see prophetic dreams, but not without so much pleasant surprises: Sleepwalking also figures in the life of Cancers. The myth says that previously the crayfish was a harmful sea monster that did not get along with Hercules and fought with him. The goddess Hera encouraged the cancer for such courage and took him to heaven. Soothsayers are sure that, by nature, those born under the constellation of Cancer strive for stability and security. Lonely at heart, they have a great desire to achieve family happiness, respect loyalty and traditions, are responsible, and do not like to take risks. Among the disadvantages of the characteristic traits, it is worth noting stubbornness and recklessness, the excess of which they themselves cannot explain.
  5. Leo (July 23 – August 23) is a symbol of courage, nobility and bravery given by the blazing sun. The bravery of the sign was determined in the legendary battle of Hercules with a sharp-toothed animal - the Nemean lion. Individuals born under the constellation Leo have a good stage presence, where performance is their personal life. Leo represents a royal nature with the desire to always be first, brilliant, memorable. A kind of “royal” manners and generosity sometimes play a cruel joke and lead to financial difficulties. An irritated and angry lion cannot get out of an emotional conflict for a long time.
  6. The next sign of the twelve in line is Virgo (August 24 – September 23), who has handed over the reins of control of her life to Mercury. In various legends, the daughter of Zeus, Themis, and Gaia, and her granddaughter Astraea, and even the wife of the god Kronos, Rhea, were called a maiden. Diligent and responsible virgins become workaholics, devoting themselves to work completely, not forgetting about practicality and accuracy in everything. Resistant to disease, they rarely seek the help of a doctor. Among the shortcomings, one can note the reluctance to evaluate the current situation as a whole, and the inability to separate the main from the secondary.
  7. Libra (September 24 – October 23) in ancient mythology were an assistant to Astraea, the daughter of Zeus, in weighing human affairs. Two planets have an influence on this sign: Jupiter is considered a more successful patron than Venus. Speaking about a person's character, zodiac date whose birth fell on the zodiac Libra, astrologers note high intellectual capabilities, the desire for new knowledge, social activities, and analysis of everything that is happening around them.
  8. The horoscope describes the constellation Scorpio (October 24 – November 22) as a mysterious and destructive water sign. The above-mentioned cluster of stars received its name in honor of the scorpion that killed Orion. The influence of Mars makes men excellent lovers, and women into enviable ladies of their hearts, which many men dream of. Love is the main trait of those born during this period. A persistent personality on the inside and bright on the outside, Scorpio always strives for self-improvement, despises weakness, and defends justice.
  9. From November 23 to December 21, Sagittarius dominates, subject to the gloomy and mysterious Jupiter. The patron planet can help rise to the pinnacle of success, fame and prosperity, or will contribute sharp decline in any field of activity, subjecting them to severe tests. In mythology, Sagittarius was the name given to the mighty centaur running across the sky. People born under this zodiac are honest, freedom-loving, abstract-minded, thrifty, and ready to prove themselves in any field of activity. Sagittarius will not lie, they will remain silent, or then they will tell the bitter truth.
  10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) – next sign zodiac in order. Astrology compares this sign with the nearby planet Saturn, suggesting that those born during this period hide their essence under several levels of protection, just as a planet closes itself from everyone with its rings. According to legend, the son of Hermes jumped into the depths of water out of fear and turned into a goat with the tail of a fish. Capricorns are stubborn individuals, always insisting on their opinions, but at the same time reliable, independent, neat and persistent in climbing up the career ladder. A person under the sign of Capricorn is practical, sometimes even too much, tries to make certain financial savings in old age, which is often interpreted by others as greed
  11. The ruler of the air Aquarius (January 21 – February 20) is in relationship with the eccentric planet Uranus. Many people who are lucky enough to be born in the numbers of this sign can outgrow common man into a genius, you just need to put in a little effort. It is believed that it was Ptolemy in Ancient Greece who gave this name to the constellation. A rebel at heart, Aquarius is successful in politics, the automotive industry, sports and other areas. In general, wherever he and his revolutionary views will be needed. An independent and temperamental, original and eccentric personality will always show sympathy for others and become the best friend of those who simply need it.
  12. Ruled by two planets Neptune and Jupiter, Pisces (February 21 – March 20) is definitely a water sign. Such a combination of planets and elements gives rise to emotionality, sincere feelings and endless creativity, as well as disasters and struggles with oneself. Jupiter endowed Pisces with wisdom and a happy destiny. People born under this sign are mentally organized, skeptical and generous, but lack peace of mind, they are often sad and yearning. Health and energy levels depend on the phases of the moon: during the full moon a person is full of strength, and during the rebirth of the moon, he turns apathetic and tired. One of the shortcomings is a lack of faith in oneself and one’s capabilities. Speaking about the history of the formation of the constellation, one cannot miss the story of the rescue of two lovers who were pursued by a Cyclops. In order to escape pursuit, they were turned into fish, and their fates were saved.

Each person is an individual, different from others in his own characteristic features. There are no two completely identical people on planet Earth. There is a standard set of qualities inherent in one or another zodiac, which an individual can develop to a greater or lesser extent, it all depends on desire and willpower.

The zodiac circle, the list of patronizing planets, the sequence of constellations and their number twelve, appeared in human life a very long time ago. Over the years of the existence of horoscopes and astrological forecasts, many intriguing facts about the zodiacs have accumulated, which are not known to everyone, but which can safely be called useful and entertaining information.

According to legend, the number of zodiac signs was previously interpreted as 12 stages of a person’s life.

  • The zodiac passes through thirteen constellations, and not 12, as is commonly believed. A cluster of stars called Ophiuchus (which would have occurred between November 27 and December 17) was not included in the list of generally accepted constellations;
  • there is an opinion that a woman who is Cancer according to the horoscope becomes an ideal wife; Cancer is also considered the mother of all signs;
  • Libra and Taurus are considered to be the kindest signs of the zodiac;
  • genius and specific taste in everything are inherent in Aquarius;
  • compared to all zodiacs, most children are born under the sign of Virgo;
  • Scorpio energy can be dangerous for other signs;
  • the origin of the zodiac signs, to some extent, dates back to the times of the Sumerians, who divided the sky into 12 parts;
  • There is approximately one sign for every 500 million people;
  • when the sun passes the constellation Scorpio, it does not shine as brightly as usual, which was interpreted by people in the past as “poisoned by the sting of the scorpion”;
  • Sagittarius comes after Scorpio because it was believed that only he could cope with it;
  • in history it was said that in the days of the sun's passage through the constellation Leo, it was these powerful animals that wandered to the Nile Valley in order to find drink, food, and to escape the heat, in connection with this, in Assyria the zodiac Leo had a second name - “Great Fire” .

Many horoscopes are posted on the Internet and published in various publications. You shouldn’t believe everything that’s written, impersonate yourself with every characteristic feature one sign or another. A horoscope is an individual component that must be calculated based on the time, day, month and year of birth.

Everyone wants to know themselves as a person, find out their purpose, find answers to all questions. And whoever seeks will find, you just have to find the desired sequence, a sure push, what they can help with zodiac signs, correct horoscope and self-confidence.

People who believe in astrological forecasts and connect their destiny with the stars need to correctly determine their own sign in the Zodiac. Zodiac signs by numbers, It is possible to find out only if the time frame for each of the signs is precisely known.

To determine your sign, you will need:

  • date and month of birth;
  • table of temporary distribution of signs throughout the year.

Everyone knows their date of birth. The sequence of Zodiac signs does not change throughout the year. They always come into force on the same day of a particular month. Having familiarized yourself with the table and comparing the dates in it with your birthday, you can one hundred percent certainty determine your zodiac sign.

Having decided on this, you need to read as much as possible about your own sign. After all, each of the existing and known twelve signs has its own talismans in the form of plants (flowers, trees) and stones. The zodiac sign influences a person’s personality, determining his main traits. Also, relationships with people are built on belonging to a certain sign. Some signs are considered friendly. People born under them will be able to become good friends or create strong families. But it happens quite the opposite, people from certain signs simply cannot be around and there is no way to change the situation.

Zodiac signs come in a certain sequence that never changes.

The beginning of the zodiac cycle does not fall on the calendar new year, which sometimes causes confusion. The same situation is observed with transitions between signs. One sign gives way to another in the middle of the month, not at its beginning or end. Therefore, in order not to get confused, it is better to remember the table or keep it nearby so that you can check the dates if necessary.

Zodiac sign name Start Ending
Aries 21 March 20 April
Taurus April 21 May 20
Twins May 21st 21st of June
Cancer 22nd of June July 22
a lion July 23 August 23
Virgo 24 August 23 September
Scales September 24 October 23
Scorpion October 24 November 22
Sagittarius November 23 21 December
Capricorn December 22 January 20th
Aquarius January 21 18th of Febuary
Fish February 19 20th of March

It should be remembered that the specified time frames are considered universal, but sometimes there is a temporary shift in dates. Most often it is caused by the addition of one more day in the year. We are, of course, talking about a leap year. Zodiac signs are associated with the stars, so it is not surprising that the movement of our planet around the Sun affects the transitions between signs.

Astrologers remind one more thing about signs: in each person, the traits of a certain zodiac sign manifest themselves differently. It all depends on the moment of birth. At the beginning or at the end of the period when a sign comes into force, its features in a person will not be clearly expressed or only some of them will appear. For those born in the middle of the period when the sign is most powerful, the character of the sign will clearly manifest itself in the personality and its position in life.

Sometimes people observe themselves as having traits of not one, but several signs. This happens to people who were born at the junction of signs. During the period when the sphere of influence passes from one to another: the first has not yet lost all its power, and the second has not fully gained it. In this case the exact zodiac signs by numbers determined by astrologers .
