Business communication style. Business professional communication: basics and rules

· Ritual communication

· Manipulative communication

Humanistic communication

Mechanisms of influence on a partner

Each person has his own style or model of behavior and communication, which leaves a characteristic imprint on his actions in any situation. Moreover, this style cannot be derived only from any individual characteristics and personality traits - hot temper or restraint, gullibility or secrecy, etc. The style of communication depends on very different components - life history, attitude towards people, what kind of communication is most preferred in the society in which they live. At the same time, communication style has a huge impact on a person’s life, shaping his attitude towards people, ways of solving problems and, ultimately, his personality.

The specific choice of communication style is determined by many factors And: personal characteristics a person, his worldview and position in society, the characteristics of this society and much more.

Communication style - this is a predisposition to a certain communication, direction, readiness for it, which manifests itself in how a person tends to approach most situations.

We can talk about three main styles - ritual, manipulative And humanistic.

Ritual communication. Here, the main task of the partners is to maintain connections with society, to reinforce the idea of ​​themselves as a member of society. IN real life there are a huge number of rituals, sometimes very different situations, in which everyone participates as a kind of “mask” with predetermined properties. These rituals require only one thing from the participants - knowledge of the rules of the game.

In this style, many contacts are carried out, which from the outside, and sometimes from the inside, seem meaningless, meaningless, since at first glance they are completely uninformative, do not and cannot have any result.

For example, a birthday. All those present have known each other for twenty years, get together 3-4 times a year, sit for several hours and talk about the same thing. And not only do the topics of conversation essentially do not change, but in addition, everyone can certainly predict the point of view of anyone on any issue. It would seem like an absolutely pointless waste of time, which should only cause irritation. This also happens, but much more often we enjoy these types of meetings.

This is a typical case of ritual communication, in which the main thing is to strengthen the connection with one’s group, reinforce one’s attitudes, values, opinions, and increase self-esteem and self-esteem. In ritual communication, the partner is only a necessary attribute; his individual characteristics are unimportant. This is true both when we know a person well and when we see him for the first time. Only one thing is important - his competence regarding a specific ritual.

In ritual communication, it is important for us to follow a role - social, professional or interpersonal.

In many cases we happily participate in ritual communication, but in many more situations we participate automatically, fulfilling the demands of the situation, with little or no awareness of what we are doing.

But ritual communication rarely prevails in life. It is only a prologue to another communication - manipulative.

Manipulative communication. This is communication in which the partner is treated as a means of achieving goals external to him. In manipulative communication, we “slip” into our partner a stereotype that we consider most advantageous in this moment. And even if both partners have their own goals of changing the interlocutor’s point of view, the one who turns out to be a more skillful manipulator, i.e., will win. the one who knows the partner better, understands the goals better, has a better command of the technique.

One should not conclude that manipulation is a negative phenomenon. Great amount professional tasks require manipulative communication. In fact, any training (the subject must be given new knowledge about the world), persuasion, control always includes manipulative communication. That is why their effectiveness largely depends on the degree of mastery of the laws and techniques of manipulative communication.

And finally, there is a reverse influence of manipulative communication on the person who uses it. There is a manipulative deformation of personality in cases where, due to the frequent professional use of manipulative communication, good command of it and, accordingly, constant success in this field, a person begins to consider manipulative communication as the only correct one. In this case, all human communication comes down to manipulation (both when it is necessary and when it is completely unjustified).

Humanistic communication. This is to the greatest extent personal communication, allowing you to satisfy such human needs as the need for understanding, sympathy, empathy. Neither ritual nor manipulative communication allows one to fully satisfy this vital need. An important feature of humanistic communication is that the expected result of communication is not to maintain social connections, as in ritual communication, not a change in the partner, as in manipulative communication, but a joint change in the ideas of both partners, determined by the depth of communication.

Humanistic communication is intimate, confessional, psychotherapeutic communication. It is connected with the mood and goals of the partners. But you can also point out situations where this communication and even its individual elements are inappropriate.

For example, help desk telephone operators get annoyed with those clients who, instead of quickly asking a question, first try to enter into confidential communication: introduce themselves, get to know each other, talk about their problems, reasons for contacting the help desk, etc.

The main mechanism of influence in humanistic communication is suggestion) is the most effective of all possible mechanisms.

Suggestion is a purposeful, unreasoned influence of one person on another. With suggestion (suggestion), the process of transmitting information is carried out, based on its uncritical perception. The phenomenon of resistance to the suggestive influence is called counter-suggestion Suggestion is an emotional-volitional influence and does not require evidence or logic.

It is important to remember that this is a mutual suggestion, since both partners trust each other and therefore the result is not a change in one of them, but a mutual joint change in both.

The effect of suggestion depends on age. Tired, physically weakened people are more suggestible. It has been experimentally proven that the decisive condition for effective suggestion is the authority of the suggestor.

It is important to remember some other mechanisms of action: infection, persuasion And imitation.

Infection. In the very general view it can be defined as an unconscious, involuntary exposure of a person to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state or, in the words of the famous psychologist B.D. Parygin, “mental mood.”

For example, applause at the performance of a popular actor can act as an impulse, after which the situation will develop according to the laws of infection. Another example is “cheering” in stadiums during sports competitions. In addition, the leaders (formal and informal) of any team represent a model of an amplifier of a certain mental mood that can arise in the group.

The higher the level of personality development, the more critical is its attitude to the impact and thus the weaker the effect of the infection mechanism.

Belief. It is built on using logical justification to achieve agreement from the person receiving the information. Persuasion is an intellectual influence on the consciousness of a person through an appeal to his own critical judgment.

Imitation. Its specificity, in contrast to infection and suggestion, is that it does not involve simple acceptance external features behavior of another person, but his reproduction of the features and images of demonstrated behavior. There are two plans for imitation: either a specific person, or the norms of behavior developed by the group.

So, we have examined in some detail (using various examples) the problem of communication in general. We dwelled on the structure, content, characteristics of the elements of communication, mechanisms of influence on the communication partner. We have focused mainly on the verbal aspects of communication, and in Chapter II we will move on to the aspects of non-verbal communication.

There are such concepts as psychology and ethics business communication. Ethics provides basic rules of behavior that are uniform and define you as a responsible and considerate person in business. Psychology has a lot of nuances, and it allows you to achieve the results you need in business communication. The basis of a business style of communication is your normalized behavior, which is within clearly established boundaries defined by society, as well as the peculiarities of using psychological options to influence your opponent, which allows you to achieve your goals in communication.

What is business communication style?

Business communication is a kind of interaction between several people. Moreover, communication itself is initially built around a common cause. Therefore, the basic rule of business communication is that a person should not forget that he communicates solely for the sake of business, and not for his own pleasure or for fun; accordingly, there are clearly standardized rules of communication that allow you to reduce the time spent in the communication process.

The style of business communication is based on the following factors:

  1. Definition;
  2. Accuracy;
  3. Conciseness;
  4. Professionalism;
  5. Discussion of a clearly defined topic.
Accordingly, the business style of communication itself is based on the fact that a person should not take up unnecessary time from his opponents. Of course, there are business breakfasts, lunches, etc. There are friendly meetings between two people who have known each other for an extremely long time, and accordingly, they have something to talk about besides business. However, these are already exceptions, and the rule is brevity and accuracy. There is no need to shift the conversation to personal or abstract topics. Everything must be extremely precise and clear.

Psychology of communication

  1. You should always be positive. Positive emotions provoke a very significant number of pleasant moments in communication;
  2. Availability of a previously prepared topic and answers to various questions. You must be prepared for anything;
  3. Emotional control. All your emotions that will be provoked by communication should remain only within you. Accordingly, you must remain attentive, careful in communication and not show your emotions in such a way that they become obvious to others;
  4. Try not to raise your voice, do not make a scandal, and try to immediately express certain doubts about this or that matter in order to provoke your opponent to required level discussions.

Formal business style of communication: basics

This style is most often used in business communication and professional activity. There are three main types of formal business style:
  1. Administrative and clerical;
  2. Diplomatic;
  3. Legislative.
Each style has its own specific specifics, as well as various communicative forms, various speech cliches. There are certain professional words that are inherent in one style or another.

The business style of communication requires a kind of precision of speech. This accuracy is achieved through the use of certain terms that are used in a particular case, in a particular style.

The terms used in one style or another define:

  1. Names of documents;
  2. Professions;
  3. States;
  4. Functions;
  5. Procedural issues.
Business style also requires objectivity. But, when discussing certain transaction options, you can use a subjective method and analysis, which allows you to call your opponents for a more detailed discussion.

These are the main features and characteristics of a business style of communication, which is based on knowledge of the nuances of official business style, business etiquette and knowledge of psychology.

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Business communication can be carried out in various styles.

Communication style is usually understood as a form of communication, which is based on one or another way of influencing the interlocutor. There are two communication styles:


These styles are distinguished from each other by many parameters: the nature of decision-making, the degree of delegation of authority, the method of control, the set of sanctions used. But the main difference between them is the preferred management methods. The authoritarian leadership style corresponds to team methods. Democratic – contractual and socio-psychological. the neutral style is characterized by unsystematic choice of management methods.

In the authoritarian style of business communication, one should highlight, first of all, a role-based approach to achieving communicative goals, in which the leader openly shows his superiority. In this style of communication, command (official) attitudes are manifested, which often gives rise to conflicts, dissatisfaction with communication, and sometimes rudeness in relationships, although the goal of communication can be achieved. An authoritarian style in business communication extinguishes the desire of subordinates to develop, fetters the independence of their judgments, and creates uncertainty in their capabilities.

Democratic communication is at the heart of cooperation. To do this, it is necessary to build communication on the relative parity of the manager and subordinate, on the ability to listen and understand each other, the permissibility of pluralism of opinions, and sometimes compromises.

The main difference between these communication styles is the nature of the relationships and attitudes that the speaker develops in relation to the listener.

In the case of democratic influence, an orientation towards equal communication is implemented, in the case of authoritarian influence - “top-down”.

4. Methods of influence in business communication

In business communication, especially in the interaction between managers and subordinates, methods of influence such as encouragement, criticism, and punishment are used. The main ethical requirements for incentives are their deservedness and proportionality to the quality and efficiency of work activity. Criticism is the most common form of expressing dissatisfaction with the activities of subordinates or work colleagues. Criticism must be objective (i.e., caused by a negative act, inept and dishonest work) and constructive, instilling confidence in the employee in his abilities, mobilizing for better work. Punishment can be in the form of a reprimand, fine, demotion, or dismissal. The main ethical requirement for punishment is its inevitability for systematic and deliberately committed shortcomings.

Thanks to business communication, an employee acquires his own unique set of personal and business qualities - most important factor not only the formation and self-improvement of the employee, but also his physical and spiritual health.

The specialist must be proficient in communication techniques. He must be able to:

Formulate goals and objectives of communication;

Organize communication;

Investigate complaints and statements;

Possess communication skills and techniques, tactics and strategies;

Master the basic forms of business communication;

To prove and justify, to argue and convince, to reach agreement, to conduct a conversation, discussion, dialogue, dispute.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. State educational institution of higher professional education in St. Petersburg. University of Service and Economics.

Business communications
"Business Communication Styles"

Saint Petersburg.


Introduction 2
Formal business style of communication 3
Scientific communication style 5
Journalistic style of speech 7
Conversational style 9
Conclusion 10
References 11

All people differ in communication style - stable characteristics in communication in various situations. Communication styles significantly determine a person’s behavior when interacting with other people. The specific choice of a particular style of communication is determined by a number of factors, among which the following are important: the purpose of communication, the situation in which it is carried out, the status and personal characteristics of the interlocutor, his worldview and position in society, the characteristics of the form of interaction itself.
The nature of the content of interaction, as already noted, depends primarily on speech means of communication, which form an essential logical and semantic line in communication. The leading characteristic of the modern style of communication is the brevity and simplicity of phrase construction, speech construction, the use of everyday or professional colloquial vocabulary, peculiar speech cliches, templates and cliches.
In professional verbal communication, as a rule, the following styles of communicative interaction are used: official business, scientific, journalistic, everyday (conversational).

Official business style of communication.
The official business style of speech is determined by the practical requirements of life and professional activity. It serves the sphere of legal, managerial, social relations and is implemented both in written form (business correspondence, regulations, office work, etc.) and orally (report at a meeting, speech at a business meeting, official dialogue, conversation, negotiations) .
IN formal business style There are three substyles:
- legislative;
- diplomatic;
- administrative and clerical.
Each of the listed substyles has its own specifics, communicative forms, and speech clichés. Thus, a memorandum, note, communiqué are used in diplomatic communication; receipt, certificate, memorandum, power of attorney, order, instruction, statement, characterization, extract from the protocol - in administrative-clerical style; law, article, paragraph, normative act, order, agenda, decree, code, etc. - in a legislative style.
The business style of communication requires extreme precision of speech, which is achieved primarily by using terms, both widespread and highly specialized.
The terms most often refer to:

    name of documents: resolution, notification, overgrown, agreement, contract, act, etc.;
    names of persons by profession, status, function performed, social status: teacher, judge, sales manager, broker, company president, investigator, psychologist, commercial director, marketer, accountant, etc.;
    procedural aspects, for example: carry out an examination, conduct an interrogation, seizure, certification, make an assessment or perform some professional actions (inform, prepare a report, write a certificate, etc.).
Business style requires objective information. In documents, it is unacceptable to express the subjective opinion of the person composing the text, the use of emotionally charged vocabulary, or vulgarisms. This style is characterized by compactness of presentation, brevity, and economical use of language means (KYA - short and clear). According to psychological research, half of adults are unable to grasp the meaning of spoken phrases if the phrase contains more than 13 words. In addition, if a phrase lasts more than 6 seconds without a pause, the thread of understanding is broken. A phrase containing over 30 words is not perceived by ear at all.
Official sphere of communication, repeating standard situations, clearly limited thematic circle business speech determine its standardization, which is manifested not only in the choice of linguistic means, but also in the forms of documents. They require generally accepted forms of presentation and a certain arrangement of structural and compositional parts: introductory part, descriptive part, regulatory and summary parts.
In business speech, speech cliches and speech patterns are widely used, for example:
- to express recognition - we apologize for...;
- expressions of request - we really count on your help in...;
- expressions of approval and agreement - I completely agree with your opinion...;
- ending the conversation - I believe that today we have discussed all our issues...
Business style is the most common in everyday practice formal communication. How more workers follow this style, the more order, mutual understanding and organizational culture there are in the organization.
Scientific style of communication.
The language of science is used in business communication of people engaged in scientific, research and teaching activities, developing objective knowledge about objects and phenomena, ideas and laws of reality, revealing their patterns. The scientific style is typical for scientific treatises, articles, theses, reports, dissertations, scientific papers, as well as for speeches at conferences and symposiums, seminars and lectures.
The main form of thinking in science is the concept, therefore the content of scientific interaction between participants in such communication requires the most accurate, logical, and unambiguous expression of thoughts.

The main characteristics of the scientific style of communication include the following:

    abstract generalization (considered; said; as noted; often; often; as a rule; quite often; in most cases; most frequent; extremely; etc.);
    logical presentation of information in the form of judgments and conclusions, compelling arguments;
    abstract vocabulary (exist; exist; consists; used; used; etc.);
    instead of the pronoun “I”, the pronoun “We” is more often used (for example: it seems to us; we believe; in our opinion; as our experience shows; according to our observations; we hold a point of view; etc.);
    impersonal offers(for example: it is necessary to note; it is necessary to dwell on consideration; it seems possible; a conclusion can be drawn; as practice shows; it should be said; etc.);
    complex sentences (conditional clauses with the conjunction “if..., then” and tense clauses with the conjunction “while”).
In a scientific style, individual compositional parts of a text are usually arranged in a logical sequence. To do this, various techniques are used, for example, enumeration: firstly, secondly, thirdly; or “in the beginning there was this, then that...”; or “if this is so, then it follows...”. For connectives within the text, speech constructions such as: however; meanwhile; while; nevertheless; That's why; according to e.; hence; besides; let's turn to...; consider; it is necessary to stop at...; So; Thus; In conclusion we will say; everything said allows us to draw a conclusion; as we see; Summarizing; should be said.
The scientific style of communication is more effective in the professional environment of scientists and teachers, when participating in research or scientific-practical conferences and symposiums, where people are united by a certain level of competence and there is a need to exchange scientific achievements. At the same time, the use of a scientific style, for example, when teaching a lesson or giving an educational lecture, as practice shows, does not give the necessary positive result, moreover, it is poorly perceived by listeners. Let us also note that the scientific style allows for the possibility of reading written materials (vocalization), but the perception of such text by ear is difficult. To increase the efficiency of perception of scientific communication in last years Poster presentations and illustrating presentations using multimedia have become common.

Journalistic style of speech.
Any speech in public can be classified as journalistic: oral - speech, report, lecture, speech at a meeting or rally, interview on television or radio; or written - an article (note) in a newspaper, a review of a professional book. The journalistic style (from the Latin publicus - public), as a rule, serves the sphere public relations: political, ideological, economic, cultural. This style of speech is widely used in media mass media, in propaganda and agitation events, in elections.

The main characteristics of the journalistic style of communication are the following:

    the information content of the message, its documentary and factual accuracy, compilation, formality of the materials used;
    real life phenomena and facts (verified, documentary sources); the novelty of the facts, they are based on real situations, events, news from the field, eyewitness accounts;
    book-abstract means (for example, words such as: activity, discussion, research, understanding, dominates, relate, process, concept, system, demanded, testifies, assumes, is carried out, means, requires, affects, etc.);
    addressing techniques, i.e. the speaker’s words must be directed to a specific person (or group). This, in turn, implies feedback- questions and answers (“I am addressing you, students!”, “You, sitting in this hall,” “Guys!”);
    accessibility of information to the audience; expressiveness, increased emotionality, artistry. The facts used in the text of the speech are, as a rule, evaluated, commented on, and interpreted by the speaker; statements of famous persons, anecdotes and historical incidents (from the Latin casus - a complex, confusing case), as well as proverbs, aphorisms, artistic images, repetition of words, metaphors, comparisons, quotes, illustrations;
    conciseness of speech. To reduce the text, the so-called distillation is used (from the Latin disillitio - distillation, division) - careful editing and reduction, selection of all that is superfluous, extreme stylistic polishing of thoughts;
    humor, witticisms, irony. IN public speaking they are, in principle, acceptable, at the same time, merciless ridicule, malicious sarcasm, incorrect statements addressed to specific individuals are not always appropriate, and sometimes even act destructively (for example, such a statement by Bernard Shaw addressed to the speaker as: “I would very much like to perceive you seriously, but that would be a grave insult to your intelligence").
In public speaking, care must be taken when using information that can be attributed to slander and defamation (from the Latin diffamare - to disclose, discredit, deprive of a good name), in the form of hatred, ridicule, alienation, contempt, as well as when compromising the business or profession of that person. or another person, the position he holds (from the French compromettre - to harm someone, to undermine a reputation, a good name). In addition, it is not recommended to speak negatively about the age, gender, territory, race, sexuality and other affiliations or preferences of people sitting in the audience;
speaking directly in front of an audience, voicing the text and making eye contact, usually using a variety of non-verbal means of communication: facial expressions, gestures, postures, voice intonations, changing the rhythm of speech, pauses, exclamations, smiling, etc.
Thus, all three styles are in demand and practically used in professional communication to achieve certain goals.
Conversational style.
Unlike business styles, colloquial speech serves the sphere of informal relationships, which occur not only in everyday life, in the family, in a friendly circle, but also in a professional environment. Spoken speech, as is known, performs the function of interpersonal communication, therefore it most often manifests itself in oral form, in dialogue, in which speakers often participate spontaneously. There is no premeditation involved in such communication.
Since colloquial speech promotes self-expression and the manifestation of individual personality traits, it is emotionally charged. Nonverbal means of communication and expressive body signals play a big role here. In addition, in informal communication, everyday vocabulary is widely used: colloquialisms, words of subjective assessment, expressive and emotionally charged statements, as well as abbreviations (Peter, reader, dorm), slang (“e-damn”, “I’m dragging”), colloquial phraseology (“headed like a falcon,” (“runs like mad,” “out of the blue,” “stubborn like a donkey,” “where the hell have you been,” etc.), verbal interjections (smack, ; Jump, sniff), various particles (this, let-ka, well, here, after all, etc.). Interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences are widely practiced. This style of speech, undoubtedly, can be used only in certain situations Thus, compliance with style rules and norms will allow each person to correspond to the image of a business person and achieve the desired results based on the cooperation of joint efforts, convergence of goals and cooperation.
The topic of communication is, of course, the central highway in the life of any person. It acquires particular significance for a business person. After all, every day from morning to evening we enter into many direct and indirect relationships. We cannot live without communication while in society. Our capital, family, career, recognition directly depend on the quality of our communication. Problems of teaching management strategies and business communication technologies have become the most pressing problems of modern management. In the context of the rapid development of society and fierce competition in the market, companies need to constantly develop, adapt to changing external conditions, train personnel and management in accordance with the requirements of progress. Only in this case will companies be competitive and efficient.
Each specific professional goal requires the content of communication that allows it to be realized and achieve the necessary results. If the purpose of communication is to clarify something, then the content of the information will be instructive (instruction), narrative (consultation) or reasoning (commentary). If it is necessary to refute someone’s arguments, theses, evidence, counterarguments, and critical statements will be used. In addition, the content of business communication can be influenced by the characteristics of the current situation and the personal potential of the partner.
Since business communication serves the sphere of business relations, it is subject to strict requirements, which primarily relate to the qualities of speech that are important for communication (correctness, accuracy, clarity, etc.) and compliance with ethical standards. Private communication is communication among close people, good acquaintances with whom trusting interpersonal relationships have developed. Communication can also be informal during breaks from official events, at so-called “corporate events” - in a word, when it is characterized by ease. There are no standards here; the requirements for speech quality are not as stringent as in the official sphere. The choice of words and expressions in private communication is freer and is regulated by ethical standards, traditions accepted in a given society and the degree of closeness of the interlocutors. So, as a result, this work can help clarify the business communication system in all its diversity of forms and approaches.


1) Scientific portal
2) Information and reference website:
3) Universal encyclopedia Wikipedia -
4) Electronic library http://www.

Given the complexity of the concept of “communication”, it is necessary to outline its structure so that an analysis of each element is then possible. We will characterize the structure of communication by highlighting three interconnected parties in it:1
1. communicative – consists of the exchange of information between people;
2. interactive – consists in organizing interaction between individuals, i.e. in the exchange of not only knowledge and ideas, but also actions;
3. perceptual - means the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis.
Naturally, all these terms are very conditional. But since these interconnected aspects of communication play a huge role, we will look at them in more detail.
The communicative side of communication. Communication, from the point of view of this element, is communication, i.e. exchange of opinions, experiences, moods, desires in the family and at work. The content of a specific communication can be different: discussing news, reporting on the weather or arguing about politics, resolving business issues with partners.
It is important to note that communication in communication is always significant for its participants, since the exchange of messages occurs not without a reason, but in order to achieve some goals, satisfy some needs, etc.
When talking about communication in the field of personnel management, it is important to consider the following questions:
 barriers to communication and their origin;
 ways and methods of overcoming these barriers?
In many situations, a person is faced with the fact that his words, his desires and motives are incorrectly perceived by his interlocutor. You may get the impression that the interlocutor is defending himself from words and experiences, that he is erecting some kind of obstacles or barriers in the communication process.
In essence, every person has something to protect from exposure. Communication is influence, therefore, if communication is successful, there should be some change in the ideas about the world of the person to whom it is addressed. Meanwhile, not every person wants these changes, since they can disrupt his self-image, his way of thinking, his relationships with other people, his peace of mind.
At the same time, it is important that a person is able to distinguish “good” information from “bad” information. To define such a property, the concept of “counter-suggestion” was introduced.1
It is counter-suggestion that is main reason the emergence of those barriers that appear on the way of communication.
There are three types of counter-suggestion:
1. avoidance – implies avoidance of sources of influence, avoidance of contacts with a partner;
2. authority – lies in the fact that, having divided all people into authoritative and non-authoritative, a person trusts only the former and refuses to trust the latter;
3. misunderstanding - explained by the fact that it is not always possible to identify the source of information as dangerous, alien or unauthorized and thus protect yourself from unwanted influence.
The barrier system can be imagined as an automated security system - when the alarm is triggered, all access to a person is automatically blocked. In many cases, the alarm goes off on time. However, other options are also possible - a false alarm and disabling the alarm.
In many situations, barriers of misunderstanding can serve a person poorly, when there is nothing threatening or dangerous in the influence, and a false positive leads to the fact that the necessary and actual information not perceived. For example, information presented in too complex a manner is not perceived by the people for whom it is intended.
Always participate in communication at least, two people. Each person both influences and is affected. In most situations, the speaker bears responsibility for the effectiveness of communication. It is he who is “to blame” if he was unable to draw attention to the main thing, if the interlocutor did not hear, did not understand, did not remember. In other words, the listener is the passive party, and the speaker is the active one.
Meanwhile, the effectiveness of communication is a common matter: both the speaker and the listener can contribute to increasing the effectiveness of communication.
The interactive side of communication. Action, from the perspective of the interactive side of communication, is the main content of communication. When describing him, people most often use phrases like “he put pressure on me, but I didn’t give in,” “he adjusted to me,” “he hit me,” etc.
In their own communication, people constantly react to the actions of their partner. In one case, it seems that the partner is offending, in the other, that he is flattering. Obviously, such a perception of a partner cannot be derived from any of his external signs, none of his words. Behind the same words there can be different actions.
The meaning and content of interaction cannot be understood outside a certain situation; it is also very important to be able to correlate actions and the situation. It is obvious that the same situation can be identified differently by partners and, accordingly, their actions in the same situation can be different.
In order to analyze your actions in communication and assess their adequacy to the situation, you need to answer the following questions:
- How to correlate the situation and action?
- How to choose the right actions?
One of possible ways understanding the communication situation is the perception of the position of the partners, as well as their positions relative to each other. In any conversation, conversation, public speaking great value has who is the leader in a given communication and who is the follower.
The approach to analyzing the situation depending on the positions occupied by partners is developing in line with transactional (interactive) analysis - a direction that has gained enormous popularity in personnel management in recent decades.
The main message of transactional analysis was the assumption that the main actions in communication are actions consciously or unconsciously aimed at changing or regulating one’s or someone else’s position in communication.
Transaction does not mean words or reactions, but primarily intentions for action, which reflect a person’s understanding of the communication situation.1 Traditionally, three types of transactions are distinguished: additional, intersecting and hidden. In reality there may be many more, but these three are considered to be the main ones.
1) Complementary is an interaction in which the partners adequately perceive each other’s position, understand the situation in the same way and direct their actions exactly in the direction that is expected and accepted by the partner. There are two subtypes of additional transactions: equal and unequal.
2) Next view transactions are intersecting interactions. Elements of this communication are much less common. Essentially, intersecting interaction is a “wrong” interaction. Its incorrectness lies in the fact that the partners, on the one hand, demonstrate an inadequate understanding of the position and actions of the other participant in the interaction, and on the other hand, clearly demonstrate their own intentions and actions.
3) The third type of transaction is hidden interactions. These are interactions that simultaneously include two levels: explicit, expressed verbally, and hidden, implied.
The use of hidden transactions requires either deep knowledge of the partner or greater sensitivity to non-verbal means of communication - tone of voice, intonation, facial expressions and gestures, since they most often convey hidden content.
However, for a deeper understanding of communication, so that you can not only realize your mistakes, but also imagine how you can correct them, it is necessary to understand the issue of the origin of various positions in communication.
Each person has his own style, or model of behavior and communication, which leaves a characteristic imprint on his actions in any situation. Moreover, this style cannot be derived only from any individual characteristics and personality traits - hot temper or restraint, gullibility or secrecy.
The perceptual side of communication. As noted earlier, this element means the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis. Often, when analyzing this aspect of communication in the literature, a number of schemes are considered.
1) Factor superiority scheme. When meeting a person who is superior in some way important parameter, people rate it slightly more positively than they would if it were equal. If people are dealing with a person whom they are superior in some way, then they underestimate him. It is very important to remember that superiority is recorded in one parameter, and overestimation (or underestimation) occurs in many parameters.
2) Attractiveness scheme. IN in this case under the influence of one factor, a person’s properties are overestimated or underestimated. Here we are dealing with the attractiveness factor - the more outwardly attractive a person is, the better he is in all respects, but if he is unattractive, then his other qualities are underestimated.
3) The following scheme is also well known. Those people who treat other people well seem to be much better than those who treat them badly. This is a manifestation of the so-called “attitude towards us” factor.1 From this we can conclude that a positive attitude towards people gives rise to a strong tendency to attribute positive properties and “discard” negative ones, and vice versa - negative attitude causes a tendency not to notice positive aspects partner and highlight the negative ones. This is the effect of the factor under consideration.
It is very important to note that all these three schemes (factors) cover almost everything possible situations communication. It follows from this that the primary perception of another person is always erroneous. However, this is not quite true. Special studies show that almost every adult with sufficient communication experience is able to accurately determine almost all characteristics of a partner.1
In each situation, the focus of perception is those characteristics of a person that make it possible to determine his membership in a particular group in accordance with the characteristics of the situation and the requirements for constructing further behavior. All other features and features that are “out of focus” are simply completed according to certain schemes. Thus, the perception of any other person is both right and wrong, right and wrong.
To determine the superiority parameter, we have two main sources of information at our disposal:2
1) a person’s clothing, his entire image;
2) a person’s behavior (how he sits, walks, talks, where he looks, etc.).
Apart from these two signs, we have no others. But these sources are really significant only because the information is contained in them in accordance with historically established stereotypes.
Highlight superiority with the help of some external ones, i.e. visible means is always very significant. Along with the democratization of society, the official role of clothing is changing. Now, for example, there are no prohibitions or rules, everyone can wear whatever they want. However, the connection between clothing and social status remains quite strong.
In behavior, as in clothing, there are always elements that allow one to judge a person’s status. That is why people can determine equality or inequality with another person by their behavior. Behavior may contain signs of superiority in various reasons: due to actual superiority, objective or only subjective, as well as due to situational superiority. Of course, the perception of superiority is influenced by a person’s entire experience and internal position. Let us note that the effect of the superiority factor begins when a person detects the superiority of another over himself by signs in clothing and behavior.
The complexity of this aspect of communication is due to the fact that everyone is accustomed to considering attractiveness only as an individual impression.
The last main characteristic that needs to be considered, in our opinion, is communication styles. Studying this issue is also important because later, when we talk about business communication, we will have to face the problem of choosing a style of business communication.
Communication style significantly determines a person’s behavior when interacting with other people. The specific choice of communication style is determined by many factors: a person’s personal characteristics, his worldview and position in society, the characteristics of this society, and much more.
IN general case communication style can be defined as a person’s greater readiness for a particular situation. In this sense, we can talk about three main styles. They can conditionally be called ritual, manipulative and humanistic. The ritual style is generated by intergroup situations, the manipulative style by business situations, and the humanistic style by interpersonal situations.
In our thesis research, we will proceed from the fact that communication style is a predisposition to a certain communication, direction, readiness for it, which is manifested in how a person tends to approach most situations in communication.1 However, style does not completely determine a person’s communication, it can communicate in someone else's style. For example, if a person has a primarily manipulative style, this does not mean that his communication with his closest friend will also be businesslike. So, let's take a closer look at these communication styles.
Ritual communication. Here, the main task of the partners is to maintain connections with society, to reinforce the idea of ​​themselves as a member of society. It is important that the partner in such communication is, as it were, a necessary attribute of the ritual. In real life, there are a huge number of rituals, sometimes very different situations, in which everyone participates as a kind of “mask” with predetermined properties. These rituals require only one thing from the participants - knowledge of the “rules of the game.”
In this style, many contacts are carried out, which from the outside, and sometimes from the inside, seem meaningless, meaningless, since at first glance they are completely uninformative, do not and cannot have any result. For example, a birthday. All those present have known each other for many years, gather together several times a year, sit for several hours and talk about the same thing. And not only do the topics of conversation, in essence, do not change, in addition, everyone can probably predict the point of view of anyone on any issue. It would seem that this is an absolutely pointless waste of time, which should only cause irritation. This also happens, but much more often we enjoy these types of meetings.
The situation described is a typical case of ritual communication, in which the main thing is to strengthen the connection with one’s group, reinforce one’s attitudes, values, opinions, and increase self-esteem and self-esteem. In ritual communication, a partner is only a necessary attribute, and his individual characteristics are unimportant.
It follows from this how great importance a person attaches ritual communication. But ritual communication rarely prevails in life. It is only a prologue to another communication - manipulative (business communication).
Manipulative communication. This is communication in which the partner is treated as a means of achieving goals external to him. What is important to demonstrate to your interlocutor in manipulative communication? Only what will help you achieve your goal. In manipulative communication, we “slip” into our partner a stereotype that we consider most beneficial at the moment. And even if both partners have their own goals of changing the interlocutor’s point of view, the one who turns out to be a more skillful manipulator, i.e., will win. the one who knows the partner better, understands the goals better, and has a better command of communication techniques.
One should not conclude that manipulation is a negative phenomenon. A huge number of professional tasks involve manipulative communication. In fact, any management always includes manipulative communication. That is why the effectiveness of these processes largely depends on the degree of mastery of the laws and techniques of manipulative communication.
Manipulative communication is an extremely common type of communication that occurs mainly where there is Team work. It is important to remember one significant point - a person’s attitude towards manipulative communication and the reverse impact of the manipulative style.
And finally, there is a reverse influence of manipulative communication on the person who uses it. There is a manipulative deformation of personality in cases where, due to the frequent professional use of manipulative communication, good technology for its use and, accordingly, constant success in this field, a person begins to consider manipulative communication the only correct one. In this case, all human communication comes down to manipulation.
Humanistic communication. This is the most personal communication, allowing you to satisfy such human needs as the need for understanding, sympathy, and empathy. Neither ritual nor manipulative communication can fully satisfy this vital need. The goals of humanistic communication are not fixed or planned initially. His important feature is that the expected result of communication is not the maintenance of social connections, as in ritual communication, or a change in the partner’s point of view, as in manipulative communication, but a joint change in the ideas of both partners, determined by the depth of communication.
The situations of humanistic communication are known to everyone - these are intimate, confessional, psychotherapeutic communication. It is connected with the mood and goals of the partners. But here we should point out situations where this communication and even its individual elements are inappropriate.
Humanistic communication is determined not so much from the outside (by goal, conditions, situation, stereotypes) as from the inside (by individuality, mood, attitude towards a partner). This does not mean that humanistic communication does not imply social determination. It is obvious that a person, no matter how he communicates, still remains social (that is, connected with the life and relationships of people in society). However, in this communication (more than in other types) there is a dependence on individuality. In humanistic communication, the partner is perceived holistically, without division into necessary and unnecessary functions, into qualities that are important and unimportant at the moment.
The main mechanism of influence in humanistic communication is suggestion - the most effective of all possible mechanisms. It is important to remember that this is a mutual suggestion, since both partners trust each other, and therefore the result is not a change in the point of view of one of them, but a mutual joint change in the ideas of both partners.
Summarizing everything we said above, we can assume that we have examined in sufficient detail the problem of communication as a whole, and also focused on the structure, content, characteristics of the elements of communication (parties), mechanisms of influence on the communication partner and communication styles. The main conclusion that, in our opinion, can be drawn is that communication is a complex multilateral, multidimensional process. Therefore, further we will consider only a separate side (aspect) of it - business communication.
