What to do if your child wakes up early in the morning. Biological clock: How to stop early awakenings. Too early - what time is it

If the baby's routine has changed, and without visible reasons, the baby began to wake up early in the morning, when the parents are still sleeping, this can become a real problem. Many mothers, having put their children to bed in the evening, continue to finish household chores, and they go to bed much later than their children. Of course, in the morning they want to sleep at least until 7-8 o’clock, but, alas, the little toddler is already active. And if such a situation drags on and becomes normal, then the result is obvious - irritability, fatigue, stress. And there it’s not far from depression. Common situation? Today we will discuss possible reasons why does the child wake up early in the morning? What should parents do, how to solve the problem?

First, you need to decide what constitutes an early rise. Some people complain that their children wake up before 9 am, while others complain that their children wake up at 5 am. In fact, if the baby is able to sleep until 7 am, this is normal. Most babies get enough sleep and feel great before this time. However, getting up before 6.00 should be considered a deviation from the norm.

But let’s make a reservation that babies most often wake up very early, between 5 and 6 o’clock. This is due to the need to eat. Babies after 8 months (normally) can wake up at night for one feeding, after which they sleep peacefully until 7-8 o’clock in the morning. After a year, the need for night feeding usually disappears, and continuous night sleep lasts from 21 to 7-8 hours. So, by early rise (by default) we will consider waking up before 6.00.

Why does a child suddenly wake up early??

Let's look at the main reasons for early awakening in children. There are quite a lot of them:

Growth spurts;
Improperly organized regime;
External factors;
Health problems (lack of iron).

Now let's talk about each point in detail.

Hunger. As already mentioned, children under one year old who feed on mother's milk often ask for breastfeeding several times a night, and early morning is no exception. It happens that after the next feeding they can no longer sleep, especially when one of the household members is already walking around the house, getting ready for work, and it is light outside.

What's happened growth spurts readers of Popular About Health may ask? These are time periods when children are actively growing, and their need for food increases. Babies during this period (several days, sometimes weeks) are different good appetite, they may feel hungry early in the morning, which is why they wake up.

Overexcitement. In addition to the fact that the child wants to eat in the morning, early awakening can also provoke excessive overstimulation the day before. For example, you were visiting or grandma came, the child played a lot and had fun. Excessive emotions often provoke sleep disturbances in children.

Late bedtime or irregular routine the baby will certainly affect the quality of his sleep. Some parents think that if they put their daughter or son to bed later, he will sleep longer in the morning. This is a misunderstanding. If a baby regularly does not get enough sleep, cortisol, a stress hormone, increases in his blood, which will certainly affect the quality of the child’s sleep.

Discomfort is another reason we should consider. If the baby is bothered by a wet diaper, he is hot or cold, then he simply cannot sleep normally. In the first half of the night this is not so noticeable, since sleep is deep at this time, and in the morning it is superficial, so any discomfort can provoke awakening.

External factors– this is light, extraneous noise. IN summer time When the sun rises early in the morning, children usually wake up with it. The sun's rays, penetrating through the window, are a signal that morning has come, which means it's time to get up.

How do health problems affect early awakening? It turns out that with anemia, which can occur hidden, children wake up very early. If you notice, among other things, that the baby sleeps restlessly at night, that the nap, it’s worth getting tested for ferritin. It will show the level of iron reserves in the tissues, not in the blood. It is interesting that sometimes this indicator is greatly underestimated, but the analysis of hemoglobin in the blood is within normal limits.

What to do if your child starts waking up early in the morning?

Why did I wake up early? Based on this information, you can understand what to do. First, you need to minimize all possible causes of discomfort. That is, use high-quality diapers at night that do not leak, dress the baby in comfortable clothes, make sure that the room where you place the child has a comfortable temperature (20 degrees) and an acceptable level of humidity (about 60%).

At night, the baby must eat. If we are talking about a baby, then you will have to feed him as needed, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Be sure to minimize the impact external factors– hang thick curtains on the windows, and ask your husband not to make noise when he gets ready for work.

Follow the routine strictly, always put your child to bed at a set time, for example, at 21:00. Try not to be in crowded places in the evenings and not to receive guests so that the baby does not become overexcited. Oddly enough, but sometimes extend morning dream helps more early bedtime.

Remember, if a child is cheerful and cheerful after a night's sleep, he plays calmly until the lunch break, then his routine is absolutely normal. If your son or daughter’s routine has gone astray, which causes discomfort not only for the child, but also for his parents, then it is important to understand what caused this, and then try to eliminate the negative factor.

It may happen that you are quite happy with your baby's daytime sleep, but in the evening it takes a long time to put him to bed or, on the contrary, he gets up in the morning before dawn. Usually, these problems can be easily solved by introducing a clear, convenient daily routine, as described above.

If you have introduced a routine, but your child still maintains his habit of getting up early or going to bed late, there may be several reasons for this.

1. Firstly, both among adults and children there are clearly pronounced "owls" and "larks". This is usually inherited, and retraining such a child to adhere to a different sleep schedule is almost impossible (and undesirable for his health). But do not despair ahead of time - in most cases, falling asleep late or waking up early is explained by completely different reasons.

2. The reason could be, for example, that In your daily routine, you allowed your baby to sleep too much at night for a long time. After 6 months, children, no matter how much they sleep during the day, rarely sleep at night for more than 10-11 hours.

3. Therefore, if you put your baby to bed too early in the evening (for example, at 7 pm), then it will not be at all surprising that he gets up in the morning before you (perhaps as early as 5 am). Put him to bed later in the evening, and if he is not a natural morning person, he will soon delight you with a later awakening in the morning.

4. And if you allow your child to sleep too long in the morning or during the day, then most likely he is not tired enough in the evening and therefore cannot fall asleep for a long time. Wake him up at a time convenient for you in the morning or afternoon, and soon fatigue will win - the baby will voluntarily go to bed earlier in the evening.

5. Of course, he will need time to get used to the new regime, and this time will require special understanding and patience on the part of the parents. But tolerate your baby’s whims for about two weeks, and his night’s sleep will move in the right direction, his “internal clock” will switch to a new rhythm.

6. Other possible error in the daily routine is inappropriate time for the first or last nap of the day. Babies who go to bed too early in the morning often wake up very early in the morning and then sleep in the afternoon. In this case, move the first “quiet hour” to a later time. If your baby sleeps twice during the day, then the first time he needs to be put to bed no earlier than in 2.5 hours after waking up in the morning. And if he sleeps only once during the day, then put him in his crib no earlier than noon.

7. Children who sleep too late during the day are usually difficult to put to sleep. In the evening. Plan your last nap so your baby is awake before bedtime at least 3-4 hours. A child who is tired at the end of the day will fall asleep more quickly and easily in the evening. early time.

8. To wake up early the baby may also be due to early morning feeding or because Some family members get up early.

9. If the baby is accustomed to the first feeding at five o'clock in the morning, then an empty stomach will regularly wake him up at this time. Try delaying morning feeding time by soothing your baby in other ways. After some time, he will lose the habit of eating “early in the morning” and, perhaps, will sleep longer in the morning.

10. In the morning hours, the baby sleeps especially lightly, phases REM sleep(with a brief awakening at the end) become more frequent in the morning. And since the child has almost slept by this time, falling asleep after each awakening becomes more and more difficult for him. If someone in the family has to get up early, he can completely wake up the baby with any rustle, even if he tries very hard not to make noise and walk on tiptoe.

11. In this case, all you have to do is put your baby to bed earlier in the evening in order to get enough sleep at least in the evening hours. And in the morning, if you are not in a hurry, you can take the baby to your bed. A cozy start to the day and a dose of tenderness early in the morning will charge you both with energy for the whole day.

12. One of the reasons that a child difficult to get to bed in the evening, maybe it's his the habit of falling asleep only in your presence or in your arms.

Noticing that before he can sleep a wink, you are carefully trying to put him in the crib or leave the room, the baby will carefully watch you next time so as not to miss this moment. “If I fall asleep, I will be left in the crib (or room) alone,” his experience will tell the baby. And the child will resist fatigue with all his might. What to do? There is only one way out - to teach him to fall asleep without your help, alone in his crib (how to do this will be discussed in the next chapter).

13. If the baby, who easily falls asleep in the evening at the appropriate time, suddenly it becomes impossible to lay down, the reason may be that he's just older and doesn't sleep as long as he used to. Look at the chart in Chapter 2 and compare your child's sleep to other children his age. Maybe it's time to reconsider the regime by reducing the overall duration of your baby's sleep. To do this, you can reduce the number of “quiet hours” or their duration. If the baby slept once during the day, then you can refuse daytime sleep altogether. And if the daytime break and evening rest are equally important to you, then all that remains is to wake up the child earlier in the morning until he readjusts and begins to wake up earlier on his own.

14. For older children, who don’t sleep during the day anyway, and in the evening try to delay sleep time with hundreds of different desires and ideas (not because they want to make you angry, but because they are simply not tired enough yet), quite You can be allowed to go to bed an hour later. The condition is that they must spend this hour playing quietly in their room. During this time, it is allowed to look at books, play, listen to music or a fairy tale, but it is not allowed to make noise, jump, run or leave the room unless necessary. Agree with your baby that in an hour you will come to his room to turn off the light and wish him Good night. If he wants it, you can tell him a bedtime story (but only one so that it doesn't become a new way of stalling for time). After this, the child should remain in bed. Only then will he be allowed to play again before bed the next day.

15. Of course, such an arrangement makes sense only when the child really needs less sleep and can easily get up at the right time in the morning. If not, then wait until an hour of quiet play before will go to sleep becomes a habit and the baby will then voluntarily go to bed, and then quietly move the start of the game to an earlier time so that the child ends up in bed earlier.

16. Trouble falling asleep in the eveningon some days may be related to How did the baby spend that day or evening? before bedtime.

17. If older children get tired of an active day full of impressions, and then they sleep better, then babies They are not yet able to cope with the large flow of impressions falling on them and quickly become overexcited. They begin to be capricious, cry, and in this state it is difficult for them to fall asleep. (You know from your own experience: when your head is full of impressions and experiences, even us adults find it difficult to switch off, and sometimes we cannot close our eyes for a long time). Consider whether too much is happening in your baby's life in the first months. Try to make his day more peaceful. Reduce your travel time and meetings, spend more time in nature and fresh air. It is very possible that this will help your baby fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully at night.

18. Older children It is often difficult to go to bed due to an excessively active evening. Having run around, jumped, and laughed enough, they cannot fall asleep for a long time. Children need time to calm down and switch to sleep. Therefore, the last hour or two before bed must be spent in a calm environment. In the evening, avoid outdoor games, guests and anything that can excite the child. Dim the lights, try to speak quietly, let the baby understand that a quiet time of day is coming.

19. Some children fall asleep better after an evening swim. Maybe this will help your child too.

And definitely talk to the baby as much as possible. Explain to him that the day is coming to an end and he needs to get ready for bed. Talk again about the most important and interesting events of the past day (“today you and I walked in the forest,” “our grandmother visited us, she was very glad to see you,” etc.). Then tell us what your plans are for tomorrow (“tomorrow, when you wake up and eat, you and I will go to the store to buy you new panties.”). In the end, tell your baby that now he must sleep in order to gain strength for a new, interesting, complete pleasant surprises day. Even a baby who does not yet understand your words will feel your love in this way and will fall asleep with the calm confidence that it will be the same tomorrow. And the older baby will rush to fall asleep so that this interesting tomorrow will come sooner.

Seven-month-old Vitalik woke up his parents at 5 a.m. every day. At first, he peacefully “chirped” in the crib and waved his arms, then he began to cry, demanding his morning bottle. After eating, the boy fell asleep again at about 6 am and slept until 7 o'clock. This means that the reason for his morning awakening could be early feeding. He was also falling asleep too early again and that needed to change.

Vitalik’s mother decided that her son would eat in the morning at 7 o’clock and fall asleep for the first time around 10 am. To do this, she began to gradually delay morning feeding (every day by 10 minutes), while simultaneously postponing falling asleep again (every day by 20 minutes). If the baby cried, then she calmed him down in other ways - stroked him, picked him up, sang songs... So, after 6 days the boy ate at 6 in the morning, and fell asleep again only at 8 o’clock. It had not always been easy to calm him down until this time, but Vitalik’s mother did not give up. Another week later, the set time was reached - the baby had breakfast at 7 and fell asleep at 10 in the morning, as his mother wanted. His second nap also shifted slightly in time.

Very soon the boy began to wake up later in the morning on his own. And a couple of days later, Vitalik’s “internal clock” woke him up only at 7 am, just before breakfast...

Six-month-old Nastenka fell asleep in the evening only at 11 o’clock, or even at midnight. Nastya’s mother did not want to introduce a routine, leaving the baby to decide for herself when she wanted to sleep. During the day the girl slept three times, the last time after 7 o'clock. And she didn’t want to go to bed in the evening.

Nastya's dad got up very early in the morning for work, so he had to go to bed early in the evening. He could not sit with his wife and daughter until midnight. It turned out that Nastya’s parents had no time for each other at all. Therefore, they finally decided to introduce a routine and teach their daughter to fall asleep earlier in the evening. To do this, they began to put her to bed only twice during the day. Not getting the usual amount of sleep during the day, Nastenka got tired in the evening and fell asleep earlier. Two weeks later she went to bed at night for about 9 hours...

TIP OF THE DAY ____________________

If your baby wakes up in the morning or falls asleep in the evening at an inconvenient time for you, then in most cases it is enough to change his routine by shifting his sleep time in the desired direction.

It may happen that you are quite happy with your baby's daytime sleep, but in the evening it takes a long time to put him to bed or, on the contrary, he gets up in the morning before dawn. Usually, these problems can be easily solved by introducing a clear, convenient daily routine, as described above.
If you have introduced a routine, but your child still maintains his habit of getting up early or going to bed late, there may be several reasons for this.

  1. Firstly, both among adults and among children there are clearly pronounced “night owls” and “larks”. This is usually inherited, and retraining such a child to adhere to a different sleep schedule is almost impossible (and undesirable for his health). But do not despair ahead of time - in most cases, falling asleep late or waking up early is explained by completely different reasons.
  2. The reason may be, for example, that in your daily routine you have allowed too much time for your baby to sleep at night. After 6 months, children, no matter how much they sleep during the day, rarely sleep at night for more than 10–11 hours.
  3. Therefore, if you put your baby to bed too early in the evening (for example, at 7 pm), then it will not be at all surprising that he gets up in the morning before you (perhaps as early as 5 am). Put him to bed later in the evening, and if he is not a natural morning person, he will soon delight you with a later awakening in the morning.
  4. And if you allow your child to sleep too long in the morning or during the day, then most likely he is not tired enough in the evening and therefore cannot fall asleep for a long time. Wake him up at a time convenient for you in the morning or afternoon, and soon fatigue will win - the baby will voluntarily go to bed earlier in the evening.
  5. Of course, it will take him time to get used to the new regime, and this time will require special understanding and patience on the part of the parents. But tolerate your baby’s whims for about two weeks, and his night’s sleep will move in the right direction, his “internal clock” will switch to a new rhythm.
  6. Another possible mistake in the daily routine is the wrong time for the first or last nap of the day. Babies who go to bed too early in the morning often wake up very early in the morning and then sleep in the afternoon. In this case, move the first “quiet hour” to a later time. If your baby sleeps twice during the day, then the first time he needs to be put to bed no earlier than 2.5 hours after waking up in the morning. And if he sleeps only once during the day, then put him to bed no earlier than noon.
  7. Children who sleep too late during the day are usually difficult to put to sleep in the evening. Plan the last nap of the day so that your baby is awake for at least 3-4 hours before going to bed at night. A child who is tired at the end of the day will fall asleep faster and easier in the evening at an earlier time.
  8. The baby may also wake up early because of early morning feeding or because one of the family members gets up early.
  9. If the baby is accustomed to the first feeding at five o'clock in the morning, then an empty stomach will regularly wake him up at this time. Try delaying morning feeding time by soothing your baby in other ways. After some time, he will lose the habit of eating “early in the morning” and, perhaps, will sleep longer in the morning.
  10. In the morning hours, the baby sleeps especially lightly, the phases of REM sleep (with a short awakening at the end) become more frequent in the morning. And since the child has almost slept by this time, falling asleep after each awakening becomes more and more difficult for him. If someone in the family has to get up early, he can completely wake up the baby with any rustle, even if he tries very hard not to make noise and walk on tiptoe.
  11. In this case, all you have to do is put your baby to bed earlier in the evening in order to get enough sleep at least in the evening hours. And in the morning, if you are not in a hurry, you can take the baby to your bed. A cozy start to the day and a dose of tenderness early in the morning will charge you both with energy for the whole day.
  12. One of the reasons that it is difficult to put your baby to sleep in the evening may be his habit of falling asleep only in your presence or in your arms. Noticing that before he can sleep a wink, you are carefully trying to put him in the crib or leave the room, the baby will carefully watch you next time so as not to miss this moment. “If I fall asleep, I will be left alone in the crib (or room),” his experience will tell the baby. And the child will resist fatigue with all his might. What to do? There is only one way out - to teach him to fall asleep without your help, alone in his crib.
  13. If a baby who can easily fall asleep at the right time in the evening suddenly becomes unable to put him to sleep, the reason may be that he has simply become older and therefore does not sleep as long as before. Look at the chart and compare your child's sleep with that of other children his age. Maybe it's time to reconsider the regime by reducing the overall duration of your baby's sleep. To do this, you can reduce the number of “quiet hours” or their duration. If the baby slept once during the day, then you can refuse daytime sleep altogether. And if the daytime break and evening rest are equally important to you, then all that remains is to wake up the child earlier in the morning until he readjusts and begins to wake up earlier on his own.
  14. Older children, who don’t sleep during the day anyway, and in the evening try to delay sleep time with hundreds of different desires and ideas (not because they want to make you angry, but because they are simply not tired enough yet), may well be allowed to go to bed an hour later. The condition is that they must spend this hour playing quietly in their room. During this time, it is allowed to look at books, play, listen to music or a fairy tale, but it is not allowed to make noise, jump, run or leave the room unless necessary. Agree with your baby that in an hour you will come to his room to turn off the light and wish him good night. If he wants it, you can tell him a bedtime story (but only one so that it doesn't become a new way of stalling for time). After this, the child should remain in bed. Only then will he be allowed to play again before bed the next day.
  15. Of course, such an arrangement only makes sense when the child already really needs less sleep and can easily get up at the scheduled time in the morning. If not, then wait until an hour of quiet play before bed becomes a habit and the baby then voluntarily goes to bed, and then quietly move the start of the game to an earlier time so that the child ends up in bed earlier.
  16. The problem with falling asleep in the evening on some days may be related to how the baby spent that day or evening before bed.
  17. If older children are tired of an active day full of impressions, and then they sleep better, then babies are not yet able to cope with the large flow of impressions that fall on them and quickly become overexcited. They begin to be capricious, cry, and in this state it is difficult for them to fall asleep. (You know from your own experience: when your head is full of impressions and experiences, even us adults find it difficult to switch off, and sometimes we cannot close our eyes for a long time). Consider whether too much is happening in your baby's life in the first months. Try to make his day more peaceful. Reduce the time of travel and meetings, spend more time in nature and fresh air. It is very possible that this will help your baby fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully at night.
  18. Older children are often difficult to put to bed due to excessive activity in the evening. Having run around, jumped, and laughed enough, they cannot fall asleep for a long time. Children need time to calm down and switch to sleep. Therefore, the last hour or two before bed must be spent in a calm environment. In the evening, avoid outdoor games, guests and anything that can excite the child. Dim the lights, try to speak quietly, let the baby understand that a quiet time of day is coming.
  19. Some children fall asleep better after an evening swim. Maybe this will help your child too. And be sure to talk to the baby as much as possible. Explain to him that the day is coming to an end and he needs to get ready for bed. Talk again about the most important and interesting events of the past day (“today you and I walked in the forest,” “our grandmother visited us, she was very glad to see you,” etc.). Then tell us what your plans are for tomorrow (“tomorrow, when you wake up and eat, you and I will go to the store to buy you new panties...”). At the end, tell your baby that he should now sleep in order to gain strength for a new, interesting day full of pleasant surprises. Even a baby who does not yet understand your words will feel your love in this way and will fall asleep with the calm confidence that it will be the same tomorrow. And the older baby will rush to fall asleep so that this interesting tomorrow will come sooner.

Seven-month-old Vitalik woke up his parents at 5 a.m. every day. At first, he peacefully “chirped” in the crib and waved his arms, then he began to cry, demanding his morning bottle. After eating, the boy fell asleep again at about 6 am and slept until 7 o'clock. This means that the reason for his morning awakening could be early feeding. He was also falling asleep too early again and that needed to change. Vitalik’s mother decided that her son would eat in the morning at 7 o’clock and fall asleep for the first time around 10 am. To do this, she began to gradually delay morning feeding (every day by 10 minutes), while simultaneously postponing falling asleep again (every day by 20 minutes). If the baby cried, then she calmed him down in other ways - she stroked him, took him in her arms, sang songs... So, after 6 days the boy ate at 6 in the morning, and fell asleep again only at 8 o’clock. It had not always been easy to calm him down until this time, but Vitalik’s mother did not give up. Another week later, the set time was achieved - the baby had breakfast at 7 and fell asleep at 10 in the morning, as his mother wanted. His second nap is also not...
has moved a lot in time. Very soon the boy began to wake up later in the morning on his own. And a couple of days later, Vitalik’s “internal clock” woke him up only at 7 am, just before breakfast...

Six-month-old Nastenka fell asleep in the evening only at 11 o’clock, or even at midnight. Nastya’s mother did not want to introduce a routine, leaving the baby to decide for herself when she wanted to sleep. During the day the girl slept three times, the last time after 7 o'clock. And she didn’t want to go to bed in the evening.
Nastya's dad got up very early in the morning for work, so he had to go to bed early in the evening. He could not sit with his wife and daughter until midnight. It turned out that Nastya’s parents had no time for each other at all. Therefore, they finally decided to introduce a routine and teach their daughter to fall asleep earlier in the evening. To do this, they began to put her to bed only twice during the day. Not getting the usual amount of sleep during the day, Nastenka got tired in the evening and fell asleep earlier. Two weeks later she went to bed at night for about 9 hours...

Why doesn't my baby sleep during the day?- many parents ask.

How does he sleep at night?- counterquestion.

I used to sleep well, but now I get up at 5 am with the Sun...

STOP! Here is the answer! One of the reasons why children sleep poorly is the sun. It has a particularly detrimental effect on children's sleep at night!

You've probably already wondered: how can the sun have a destructive effect at night? The answer is very simple. Every year in June we witness the most short nights and the longest days. In northern latitudes, the sun does not set beyond the horizon at all. Polar day reigns there for six months. A little to the south the sun sets, but still, even at deep midnight in the south you can see a bright sky:

What can we say about the morning hours, when at three in the morning it is already quite light, and at five the sun is already shining with all its might.

It is this bright light that children (and not only them) react to. This is what can sometimes explain the fact that earlier (in autumn and winter) the child got up at eight or nine o’clock in the morning, giving everyone a good night’s sleep. And now (May-June-July) the light is not rising, not the dawn and does not want to go to bed again. He begins to play with toys, wander around the apartment and express fair dissatisfaction with the fact that his parents are still “sleeping” while a new day has already arrived. Is it really possible to sleep during the day?! After all, you already need to play with toys or even go outside.

Does this mean that closer to autumn he will sleep longer again? Who knows, as they say, wait and see.

But even now, without waiting for autumn with its darker nights, you can try to deceive your little despot. Of course, it’s not good to deceive children, but we decided to take this step and got amazing results.

The child does not sleep during the day. What to do?

It happens that you cannot hang it in the bedroom additional curtains or blinds. Perhaps you live in a rented apartment or are preparing to move in the near future. It makes no sense to start something significant in an old apartment.

However, your curtains don't hold up very well. sunlight. During the day the room is very bright, so baby doesn't sleep well. In the morning, the first rays of the sun also wake him up very early, and in the evening you spend titanic efforts to “tamp” your child into bed while it is still practically daylight outside. The child does not fall asleep for a long time, often wakes up, and gets up early in the morning. Perhaps he is simply bothered by the light from the windows.

This cup has not passed us either. We live in a high-rise building, so in terms of sunlight, we, as they say, “get the most of it.” I remember when we just moved to a new apartment, out of habit, I walked around the house sunglasses. With seven (SEVEN!) huge windows in the apartment and a viewing angle of almost 270 degrees, the sun simply killed us during the day and finished us off at night.

When we had a child, and it happened in May, at first we did not notice the problem. After all, small children generally sleep almost constantly. It was the same with us. It all started the next year closer to summer. I don’t know how much sleep a child should sleep at two years old, but our Marik definitely didn’t live up to the norm. During the day he stopped sleeping at all, and at night he slept very poorly, consistently getting up at five o'clock in the morning.

Something had to be done. I really didn’t want to make holes in the walls or ceiling to provide an additional “string” for thick curtains. The solution to my problems was the purchase pleated paper curtains. They are very simple, light, but at the same time quite dense and successfully block the sun from everything. The room does get quite gloomy. I was also impressed by the way they were installed - they are simply glued to the window frame. No drilling or other long, dusty procedures.

I'll admit, we tried a few other room darkening techniques before this one. For example, I bought insulating material for walls (foam plastic with foil on both sides). From it I cut sheets to fit the windows and made shutters that I was going to put on the windows at night and remove them in the morning.

However, it turned out that this material, despite the double-sided foil, transmits light perfectly. That is, of course, it doesn’t become so light in the room, but it wasn’t completely dark either. I had to abandon this idea.

Then we hung a thick blanket on the window. I won’t describe the details of the process, but I’ll say right away that this is also not very convenient, especially when you hang the blanket alone, pinching its upper edge with the frame flaps. In addition, if you break the sealing rubber of window frames, you can get a problem with cold air blowing in in winter.

It was at this moment that we caught our eye paper curtain advertising, which are easy to install and solve the problem of dimming by five plus. After reading reviews about these pleated paper curtains, we decided to join this subculture, especially since the price was more than reasonable.

Pleated paper blinds. Reviews from real owners

Having paid approximately 320 rubles, we bought two pieces from the online store with a total length of three and a half meters. In the packaging they look like this, although, of course, other options are possible.

If you take a closer look at them, you can see instructions in pictures on how to hang them:

In principle, nothing complicated. Cut it to the size of the window, remove the protective paper tape from the adhesive layer and place it on the window. Everything is very simple. However, I must warn you - the sticky layer “grabs” immediately and very strongly. So if it’s stuck on crookedly, tearing it off can tear the paper curtain itself.

It’s probably better to hang pleated blinds together so that you have someone to hold and tell you if you start hanging them crookedly. You can hang a pleated curtain with five people. Then one will hang, and four will give advice :)

Even before you blurt out, you need to think about where exactly, decide on the place. I glued the curtains to the openable window sash and have no problems - I can open the window slightly (or open it at all) even with the curtain completely lowered. But I know one friend who glued them to the frame above opening flap. I won’t write about the “conveniences” of this approach - you can probably guess for yourself. What I mean is that you will have to tear it off, and this is unsafe (for the curtain itself, not for you, of course).



Very important point. When you buy paper blinds- choose black ones, and those that are the densest. They are guaranteed not to let light through, which cannot be said about their white or other light-colored counterparts. Once all three curtains were down, I had to admit that this was a really good and very inexpensive idea for darkening a bedroom.

Only one paper curtain is down:

All three paper curtains are drawn:

I deliberately did not correct the lower part so that you can be convinced that it is day outside - light penetrates through the cracks. If you correct everything and at the same time close the internal wooden blinds, then the room really becomes dark as an October night.

Thus, the child sees that it has really become dark, “night has fallen” and he needs to go to bed. He actually began to sleep a little better. He gets up less often at night, and wakes up in the morning at about 6-7 o'clock. Considering that he goes to bed at nine in the evening, this is more or less normal indicator duration of children's sleep.

What made us even more happy was that Baby started sleeping during the day again. So that's the problem" our child doesn't sleep well"was solved for three hundred and twenty rubles :).

True, I must say about back side using pleated blinds. They need to get up every morning. There are no ropes or other devices for this. You have to assemble them into an accordion with your hands. At first I couldn't adapt. The curtains kept jumping out of my hands and unwinding. However, everything comes with practice. After just a couple of days, I was spending only about a minute on the entire window.

I think this is normal pay for an hour or two of sleep in the morning and a couple of hours of rest in the afternoon.

Many parents complain that their baby wakes up too early. Whether this is a problem depends on how early your bird is. It is necessary to distinguish between children who wake up early but do not get enough sleep and children who wake up early and get enough sleep, but their parents are disturbed.

First of all, the reasons

To determine whether the baby is receiving sufficient quantity sleep, look at his behavior during the day. Does he seem tired? Does he feel sleepy already in the first half of the day? A child of this age needs 10 or 11 hours of sleep per day. If your baby wakes up before this time has passed, think about it and check to see if there is anything that excites or scares him. Perhaps he is awakened by bright sunlight or noises on the street, hang dark curtains and close the windows tightly. If your baby wakes up due to a leaky diaper, try wearing two diapers at once at night or purchase special super-absorbent overnight diapers. One way or another, it is necessary to eliminate the causes or find compromises, and the problem will be solved by itself.

If your child wakes up early in the morning and you think he needs more rest, make sure he is able to go back to sleep. Babies who require the presence of their parents near their bed in the evening also need their parents in the morning. So, make sure that he falls asleep, if necessary, do the same procedures as before going to bed in the evening - a fairy tale, a kiss, swaying. These nightly “sleep rituals,” even in the morning, will help your body automatically switch off for rest. How is a certain conditioned reflex for constantly repeating procedures.

What to do?

It may also happen that the child did not get enough sleep, but most He spent the night resting and still doesn’t want to sleep. In this case, it is worth “treating” his insomnia, just like at night - with all accessible ways. He will soon realize that sleep in the morning is inevitable and will wake up later. It is very important that the child adheres to the daily routine. Going to bed and waking up should be at the same time every day. Don't let your child sleep during periods of the day when it is not planned (unless the child is sick). If, nevertheless, the child cannot fall asleep when he wakes up in the morning, remove or shorten the daytime nap or move his bedtime a little later. If your baby goes to bed around 7 or 7:30 p.m., it's not surprising that he starts to become active as early as 5:30 or 6 a.m. Therefore, the main thing is to correctly distribute the time needed for sleep. For example, two hours for a nap and the rest for the night. Count the amount of remaining time from the desired time for the child to wake up (within reasonable limits) and you will get the time when you should send the baby to bed in the evening.

Here's a great way to let your baby know when it's time to get up in the morning: turn on a night light with a timer for a certain time; when the light goes out, you can get up. If the light is still on, it means it’s still night and you need to sleep.

Good nights to you and only pleasant awakenings!
