Taurus and Scorpio - compatibility in all areas of life. Taurus and Scorpio: compatibility in friendship, love, marriage

Taurus are wonderful friends, reliable and undemanding. People are drawn to Taurus to bask in the light of his personality, to enjoy the calmness and confidence emanating from him. In fact, in the presence of Taurus, you inevitably begin to relax and tune in to a peaceful mood. Nervous or artistic people simply need friends like Taurus. And Taurus, in turn, is interested in watching “people of art”; they greatly entertain him, as they are strikingly different.

Many are ready to consider Taurus their friend, but he is in no hurry to let you get closer. Taurus is simply distrustful and does not belong to the addicted nature. It is not easy for him to get along with people - of course, if we are talking about real friendship. Most likely, you will have to pass the test of time for Taurus to finally become convinced that you can be trusted.

But if he recognizes you as his friend, you can really count on him. He will listen to you carefully, give balanced advice, and may even help with actions or money. Although there may be a slight hiccup with money. It's not that Taurus is stingy. He's just reluctant to spend money. If you borrow any amount from him, be sure to make sure that you pay it back on time. Otherwise you will lose your friend's respect. And if you do not return several amounts in a row (even not particularly large ones), you may notice that Taurus treats you much cooler.

Taurus himself rarely asks for a loan. Usually he is quite prudent, including in financial sector. In general, he treats money very carefully. If he finds out that a friend of his is squandering money in a casino, or simply thoughtlessly throwing it away, he will quickly cross the embezzler off the list of potential friends.

If you want your friendship with a Taurus to be long and strong, you will have to learn the art of diplomacy. Taurus are very stubborn and like to insist on their own. Trying to argue with them is completely futile. All you have to do is either agree with their opinion, or slowly turn things around so that you both win. Just don't try to deceive him! An enraged Bull is capable of such actions that he himself will later regret. So just don't give him a reason.

Taurus will feel comfortable with those friends who do not “stress” him. After performing hard and responsible work, he needs periods of rest and peace. At such hours he must not be disturbed. His rest can be called passive. Sitting in front of the TV with a bottle of beer or flipping through a magazine may seem boring to some, but this is how Taurus gains strength. And you shouldn’t stir up trouble in this sleepy kingdom. Having rested, Taurus will happily go with you somewhere to have fun. Of course, if it is not too risky or provocative. Taurus cannot be called an adventure seeker. All his entertainment is quite “mundane” and always within the limits of what is permitted. Ideally, if you are interested in one sport - on this basis you can become true friends!

Taurus loves leisurely heart-to-heart conversations. Overly talkative people tire them. They also do not like too strong expressions of emotions. “Everything should be in moderation,” thinks the prudent Taurus. As a rule, they get along with people similar in character to themselves. It is interesting that Taurus often desire friendship with “the powers that be,” or simply with those who are higher than them on the social ladder. Is it possible to see a pure calculation in this? Hardly ever. It’s just that Taurus admires someone else’s strength of character, perseverance, and luck. True, Taurus does not always know how to get such friends.

One of the interesting manifestations of Taurus friendship is jealousy. If a Taurus has allowed you close enough to confide in you their thoughts and experiences, they will feel a strong connection with you. In a sense, you will become his property. He will not tolerate competition and will punish you with icy silence and a dissatisfied look if he notices that you are interested in someone else. Taurus loves everything that lasts and is made well: houses, clothes, jewelry - and friendship. So get ready to provide them with a friendship of quality, the strongest and most genuine.

Compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs:

Taurus and Aries friendship: Both are stubborn to a fault and eager to become leaders. If they manage to curb these qualities of their character, then together they will be able to achieve a lot.

Taurus and Taurus friendship: Excellent mutual understanding, strong friendship possible. The only thing that can somewhat overshadow the friendship of two Taurus is boredom.

Taurus and Gemini friendship: Gemini will constantly irritate his slow and pragmatic friend. And their humor is completely different. They are unlikely to understand each other.

Taurus and Cancer friendship: A wonderful partnership where both Taurus and Cancer feel comfortable and protected. Cancer will be able to entertain Taurus exactly the way it should.

Taurus and Leo friendship: Constant quarrels and conflicts: over power, over money. Leo considers Taurus too “slow.” But in fact, Leo should learn patience from Taurus.

Taurus and Virgo friendship: Two earth signs will always understand each other. This alliance will grow stronger every year and promises benefits to each side. They are especially good at making reasonable compromises.

Taurus and Libra friendship: Taurus will be fascinated by Libra, but, alas, will never be able to rely on them. Despite the apparent commonality of interests, this couple will face numerous disagreements.

Taurus and Scorpio friendship: The basis of friendship will be mutual respect and admiration. Two strong characters, they can give each other a lot... And they will certainly overcome any obstacles.

Taurus and Sagittarius friendship: It is unlikely that Sagittarius will be able to win not only friendship, but at least the attention of Taurus. Sagittarius seems too flighty and frivolous. And Taurus do not like risk.

Taurus and Capricorn friendship: This friendship will last a lifetime. It is good for them to achieve any material goals together and run a business. But everyday relationships will be simply wonderful.

Taurus and Aquarius friendship: Aquarius simply does not need such a strong friendship that Taurus can offer him. In addition, Aquarius is constantly slipping away and will not be able to give Taurus a sense of security.

Taurus and Pisces friendship: Taurus can take “patronage” over Pisces, that is, help them overcome life difficulties. He will appreciate the sensitivity and kindness of Pisces, but he will not trust them with finances.

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They opposite signs in the zodiac. This gives their relationship a specific, complex connection. They can team up so that the individual advantages of each partner balance out weak spots another. Their sex drive will most likely be off the charts! Taurus and Scorpio have a lot in common, but... personalities are very powerful, they often balance between passionate love and passionate disagreement!

Taurus and Scorpio have deep desires: Taurus has a desire for property, Scorpio has a desire for power. They are both preoccupied with wealth and resources, and they are both highly passionate different types of things. Taurus is a little more self-focused than Scorpio, who is more concerned with their lover and immediate family. Both of these signs have a large, deep-seated need for security in their relationships, but with slightly different centers. While the honest and straightforward Taurus hates infidelity, Scorpio loves to be mysterious. Scorpio's security is the need to be sure that their emotional connection with their loved one is strong. It's good when Taurus needs this reassurance as well and is also willing to provide it to their Scorpio lover.

Compatibility by planets Venus-Mars-Pluto

Taurus is ruled by Venus (love and money), while Scorpio is ruled by Mars (passion) and Pluto (power). This combination is very intense due to the influence of Pluto, it is also an excellent balance of masculine and feminine energy. Scorpio and Taurus together form the basis of all love relationships - love and passion. Venus and Mars are suitable for each other; Venus is the beauty of the novel, and Mars is the passion of the novel. Scorpio is sexually powerful and intense, while Taurus is a sensual and tireless lover and is attracted to such intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion inherent in the birth of Taurus, ruled by Venus.

Earth-Water Element Compatibility

Interpersonal compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs. This means that they are quite stubborn and determined once they have their eyes set in one direction. Let's hope they keep their eyes pointed in the same direction, otherwise they are prone to heated arguments among themselves like no other zodiac sign. Taurus seems to prevail as the dominant partner, but this is not always the case. Scorpio can "win" in more devious ways, such as using emotional manipulation to get what they want. These partners must learn to discuss their views and needs openly and reach compromise if they want their union to last happily. This mainly depends on Scorpio's ability to learn to trust Taurus. A relationship will fail if the two partners truly cannot reconsider their self-righteous principles in life.

What's the best thing about a Taurus and Scorpio relationship?

Theirs is a strong connection that can shine when the barriers to intimacy are removed. When Scorpio understands that he is letting Taurus into his life for a long time, and will not cause him suffering, and Taurus, in turn, will not impose his opinion on Scorpio. The love relationships of these zodiac signs are viable and can blossom.

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Scorpio and Taurus are opposite signs. They have many differences, but there are also several points of contact. Knowing the basics of the psychological portrait of a partner, it is easy to establish a love relationship with him that turns into a strong union. We invite you to get acquainted with detailed review compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio in love relationships.

What is the compatibility between a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man?

A relationship with a Scorpio can change the life of his companion once and for all. The man is surrounded by a certain aura of mystery. And his companion likes it. They will be devoted to each other. The basis of the union is a caring attitude towards the feelings of the partner and the desire to do everything to make the lover and beloved feel good.

The downside is that both partners are stubborn. Sometimes this can make it difficult for them to connect.

The Scorpio man is a very passionate person. They are attracted to the Taurus woman like magnets.

What is the compatibility of a Scorpio woman and a Taurus man?

The relationship between these two cannot be called ordinary. They will never be bored. The physical and emotional attraction between partners is almost unearthly. Usually they start a relationship from the first meeting. This is the very case of “love at first sight.”

Of course, there will be difficulties in relationships. On the plus side, they are easy to overcome. Scorpio in in this case catches every change in Taurus’s mood and will be able to adapt to them.

The basis of love is stability in relationships. Scorpio Woman and Taurus Man – pledge lasting union and excellent compatibility in marriage.

Sex life of Scorpio and Taurus

Full love and family relationships It is impossible to imagine without intimacy. Depending on the zodiac sign, the attraction of partners to each other can be different. Let's start with some good news. Sex interests both Scorpio and Taurus. For the latter, intimacy is a kind of entertainment. This zodiac sign will not hide erotic desires from their partner. Moreover, they are incredibly simple. To pleasantly surprise a Taurus in bed, you don’t have to become a sex guru. It is enough to listen to your partner and learn to respond to his sexual urges.

Surprising Scorpio is much more difficult. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not interested in simple intimate relationships. For them, intimacy is like a game that they simply have to enjoy. It is important for Scorpio to “taste” the sensations of the upcoming intimacy in advance. This zodiac sign loves to think through every little detail in order to get maximum pleasure.

At the same time, Scorpio cannot be called a perverted nature. It's rather sophisticated. If his partner decides to have sex “on a quick fix", he will be disappointed. Scorpio will not agree to this adventure. It is important for him that the intimate side of life is like a real “theatrical” performance with long and stormy applause.

Intimacy will bring both partners exceptional positive emotions. Scorpio and Taurus are surprisingly very resilient. As a rule, Scorpio is more passionate. Sometimes passion turns into aggression. Taurus must pacify his partner.

One of the disadvantages of this union is Scorpio's jealousy. In order for the relationship to be more than successful, not only in everyday life, but also in bed, representatives of these zodiac signs will have to learn to give in to each other.

Intimate union of a Scorpio man and a Taurus woman

What compatibility awaits a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man in a love relationship with an intimate continuation? These two will have a more than successful intimate life. A woman will get everything possible from her partner.

A Taurus woman is capable of inspiring a Scorpio man to any feat. Scorpio will still play the main role in the relationship. It depends on him how long this relationship will be. His lifestyle and needs have a direct impact on how these two learn to understand each other even where words are not needed.

Intimate union of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman

This union can be difficult for both partners. This is possible if a woman does not get what she wants from a man in an intimate way. She will be satisfied with the quantity, but will not be satisfied with the quality. The partner will have to work on himself so that the union with the Scorpio woman is strong.

A woman is advised to show tolerance towards her partner. Perhaps his actions should be directed in the “right direction” to get the desired result. Also, you should not transfer the solution of everyday issues to bed. This will ruin the entire intimate mood.

Common ground: what does a Scorpio man hide from a Taurus woman?

Scorpios are distrustful and suspicious. The partner will have to work hard on himself in order to receive favor from representatives of this zodiac sign. Men are especially suspicious and distrustful. This can make them seem sullen and sometimes even aggressive. In fact, it is a protective mask. It is easy to remove if you find the right approach to Scorpio.

Men can “sting” their partner only in rare cases, if they have really been touched to the quick. Most often, they need feigned aggressiveness to protect a weaker person.

Scorpio men have a keen sense of justice. Even if they do not feel anything more serious about a woman than just friendship, they will want to help their friend if she finds herself in a difficult situation.

Common ground: what does a Taurus woman hide from a Scorpio man?

Compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio in marriage is possible due to the constancy of Taurus. A woman can literally “tie” a man to her if she is one hundred percent sure that he is “her man.” The partner will “serve” her lover faithfully. No circumstances can force her to change her point of view.

The Taurus woman expects reciprocal devotion from her companion. Fortunately for men, representatives of this zodiac sign are not jealous. They will not stoop to tests of jealousy that are humiliating for them. If a man is caught cheating, he is unlikely to be able to earn the forgiveness of his chosen one.

Taurus women would rather be left alone than to be with a man who abuses her trust.

Is it possible to maintain peace in the family of a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man?

Let us remember that, unlike their partners, Scorpio men are very jealous. The companion is required to constantly be close to her lover. In a circle of friends and relatives, you should talk about your loved one as if you were talking about yourself. the best man on the ground. It is desirable that these “rumors” reach him. A man must believe that he is truly the most wonderful.

Don't expect a trick from your partner. Scorpio is too confident in his choice to change anything. The main thing is to justify his trust and not let him shake.

Scorpio men have “psychological vampirism.” Scorpio believes that stress stimulates its development. The beloved will have to get used to this if she wants to forever link her destiny with Scorpio. To avoid “imaginary” quarrels, you should stress your partner more often in bed. This will calm him down a little and keep him from getting bored.

Outside opinion

How do Taurus and Scorpio get along in life? The answer to this question will help you find reviews from couples who shared their vision of compatibility in a love relationship.

Veronica, 25 years old

My husband is Scorpio. He often makes me emotional. At first I sinned on myself. Afterwards I realized that he was a psychological vampire. It seems to me that he sometimes misses quarrels. I try to replace negative emotions to the positive, shaking up the relationship. My husband is very pleased.

Igor, 40 years old

My wife is a Taurus. Throughout the 20 years that we have been together, she has been incredibly loyal. It seems to me that she is even more devoted than her parents. This is the person who is always on my side, no matter what happens. I don’t even know how I would have lived if we had not met her.

Vera, 36 years old

My husband is Scorpio. At first glance, this is very aggressive person. In fact, he hides his true face behind aggression. A loved one does not want his feelings to be hurt. He is impressed by the mask of a reserved person.

The signs are opposite in the Zodiac, which means that there are quite a lot of contradictions between them. On the other hand, they belong to friendly elements (Water for Scorpio and Earth for Taurus), which creates conditions for them to find mutual understanding. Compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio in love and marriage is 70%.

A strong physical attraction to each other will ensure their mutual interest. Partners are equally active in intimate life. On the other hand, there are contradictions. They are both very jealous and stubborn, so neither of them should give their other half any reason to be suspicious. The difference between them is that Taurus wants to have a partner as a valuable object, and Scorpio tries to master him in an emotional sense.

Among the advantages of this couple is their common interest in financial matters, which can bring them together. But in this case, the question will be whether they will retain the ability to truly love each other. There are both pros and cons in their relationship and a successful marriage is possible if they are both patient and intelligent people.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Scorpio man

A relationship with a Scorpio man can change the life of a Taurus woman in many ways. Pluto, ruling the sign of Scorpio, brings an element of depth and transformation to love. If she doesn't mind the aura of mystery that surrounds this man, the relationship with him can be unforgettable. They are both loyal and responsible to each other, which creates the basis of their union. The disadvantages of their compatibility are that both are stubborn, but even if they have different opinions, they will be able to find a common approach.

Scorpio men are some of the most passionate in the Zodiac, but this quality is usually not demonstrated, opening up only to those with whom they feel true intimacy. The Taurus woman is also passionate, although her passion is of a different kind. It often happens that they attract each other like magnets, and if this happens, then there are no forces capable of separating them. Unless they themselves want to, of course. A Taurus woman can charm a Scorpio man, and he will quickly feel that she is exactly who he is. for a long time was looking for. In love and marriage she is possessive, but he usually does not mind this.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Taurus man

In love and marriage, their relationship will never be ordinary. The physical and emotional attraction towards each other is so strong that they are unlikely to ever get bored with each other. As soon as one of them falls under the spell of the other (usually a few minutes after the first meeting), he or she will feel that something special is beginning, maybe coming new period life. And there is no desire to resist this. If a Scorpio woman realizes that a Taurus man is becoming the object of her love, there is little that can stop her.

These relationships have their challenges, but they are rarely insurmountable. The Scorpio woman has a special gift for understanding the mood of the Taurus man. On the other hand, he is able to give her true fidelity and devotion in love and marriage. There is stability in their union, which can create the basis for success.

Wards of Venus and Pluto - Taurus and Scorpio, such different signs zodiac, but at the same time they complement each other perfectly. The element of Taurus is earth - the flesh of the world, the element of Scorpio is water - the soul of the world.

Scorpio's water is ice; if necessary, Pluto's pet freezes his desires and hides his plans, but when necessary, he thaws and rushes to the embrasure. The earth of Taurus is unshakable and motionless, but the stubborn ward of Venus can show his volcanic and passionate insides - at this moment it is better not to be nearby. Taurus is hardworking and patient, persistent and persistent.

Scorpio is the most powerful and independent sign among the zodiac constellations; it can be ruthless and passionate, energetic and decisive. Taurus owes his element the fact that his mind is always sober, and thanks to the influence of Venus, Taurus is sensitive, vulnerable and impressionable.

Scorpio is a contradictory and mysterious nature; the pet of Pluto uses any means to achieve its goal; Scorpio is a born fighter. Both Scorpio and Taurus are stubborn, they have a strong will and intuition, and if they decide to create an alliance, then the stars are sure: this water-earth cooperation can lead to an excellent result. Only the signs of water and earth should not try to remake each other - this is a bad idea, the stars say.

Taurus woman and Scorpio man

Lady Taurus is a touching and gentle beauty, a hothouse flower, but this is only at first glance. The girl of the earth has extraordinary willpower, her patience can only be envied. The Taurus woman is stubborn, but this does not prevent her from having many friends, because the pet of Venus has an easy character, and she will never become a bore. Men always surround the charming lady of the earth, but she does not waste her feelings - the temperamental and cold-blooded lady knows how to choose. The Taurus girl will become a wonderful wife, but the husband of the lady of the earth will have to try hard - he must provide his beautiful wife financially, despite the fact that Taurus is independent and independent. It is advisable for the spouse of Venus's ward to increase her intellectual level daily - after all, the Taurus lady must have the smartest partner.

The Scorpio guy is a man who does not know defeat. It is difficult to guess about the feelings of Pluto’s ward; in public he is cold-blooded and reserved, but happiness is for the woman who reaches his heart - Scorpio can be a gentle and passionate, sincere and charming partner. Since childhood, Scorpio has a fighting character, but the water boy does not fight with girls - he is a fair defender for all the girls around him. Scorpio is a purposeful and determined fellow; if he plans to win a woman’s heart, then there is no doubt that he will lead his chosen one to the altar. However, the wife of a water guy must understand what she is getting into - the husband will be jealous and domineering, but next to Pluto’s pet, any woman will feel protected.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man

In order for the acquaintance of the water and earth signs to take place, the planets will have to make a lot of effort, but when they are positioned properly, the Taurus girl and the Scorpio guy can meet. An acquaintance can happen on the street, for example, a thrifty Taurus girl will drag seedlings to her dacha, and gallant Scorpio will decide to go for a run at this time. The water guy will certainly help the charming beauty of the earth and deliver her greenery to its destination.

The Taurus girl is never lost, and then she will definitely realize that the boy is a miracle, and she needs to give him tea with witchcraft herbs. Scorpio, of course, cannot resist such a tempting offer, and one can say that fate decreed it as it should. Scorpio is not a talker, but he can be a great listener, especially since the Taurus lady is so educated and smart, and it is a pleasure to listen to her.

And the seagulls of the ladies of the earth are something incredible, so the boy of the water will relax and forget about his strict schedule sports activities and help the cute pet of Venus plant tomatoes, or arrange a flower bed for asters and gladioli. It will be easy and pleasant for the signs of water and earth to communicate; most likely, the dear wards of Pluto and Venus will make a date the very next day.

Taurus woman and Scorpio man dating

Determined Scorpio does not accept refusals, and the Taurus woman will not be able to resist his persistence - the lady of the earth will agree to meet anywhere. A water guy always knows what he wants, and if he is carried away by an earth woman, then we can assume that they are already married, because Scorpio will never miss such a treasure. And when Venus’s ward appears at the meeting in all her splendor, Scorpio will not be able to restrain himself and will immediately propose marriage.

The Taurus girl is not as impulsive as Scorpio, so she will most likely tell the cute Water guy that she will think about his proposal, but since the Earth lady is tactful, Scorpio is unlikely to be offended.

Cupid will have a lot of fun on the first date of the water-earth lovebirds - after all, such an interesting couple definitely needs to be pierced with arrows of love, the mischievous one has eaten the dog in this difficult matter, and knows what's what.

The Scorpio guy has incredible magnetism, so the Taurus woman is unlikely to resist the attractiveness of the aquatic handsome man - intimacy will most likely happen on the first date. But the girl will not spare the earth - she has definitely never had such a wonderful and magical date in her life, and she will certainly fall in love and, perhaps, even stop doubting the marriage.


If Taurus and Scorpio do not go to the registry office after the first date, then the euphoria of love can last quite a long time. Cupid will settle in the lovebirds' apartment to monitor the quality of his work, so the Scorpio guy and the Taurus lady can rest easy - their passion will not leave them for long.

But insidious jealousy awaits lovers, where without it, because both Scorpio and Taurus rightfully bear the middle name - Othello. It will be difficult for both signs to resist jealousy - if the Taurus lady knows how to cope with this feeling, thanks to her patience and calmness, then the same cannot be said about the Scorpio guy.

He will control his beloved everywhere, the water guy will begin to wander after the earth girl like a shadow, he won’t even let her go to the store alone, in case the insidious sellers or movers there have already drawn up a plan to seduce her.

At first, the loving lady of the earth will not pay attention to the habits of the Scorpio owner, she will even be pleased that such a magnificent lover is jealous of her, but pretty soon the Taurus girl will understand that something needs to be done about this. Temperamental lovers will quarrel every day, Scorpio, in a fit of rage, can be unrestrained in words, and the Taurus lady will be shocked when she finds out what her beloved and gentle lover thinks of her.

But it’s not for nothing that the popular saying says that loved ones scold, only amuse themselves - the reconciliation of the signs of earth and water will be stormy and passionate, and Scorpio and Taurus will instantly forget about all differences.


A Scorpio guy and a Taurus girl, naturally, will live together from the first date, so they’ll find out everything about each other’s character pretty quickly. The imperious Scorpio will want to imprison his sweet girlfriend, but even a gilded cage will not help - the freedom-loving Taurus lady will not tolerate any restrictions. But the lovers’ friends and girlfriends will be absolutely delighted - they now have something to talk about, because you can write novels or scripts for thrillers or horror films about the relationship between Scorpio and Taurus.

The Taurus lady has an ideal character, but with Scorpio she can turn into a vixen - but the water boy will learn to control his jealousy, because he has already seen the anger of his earthly girlfriend, and he really didn’t like it. In general, according to the stars, routine does not threaten the relationship between the Taurus lady and the Scorpio guy, but it is advisable for lovers to get a house with soft walls and replace glass glasses with plastic cups.

But not everything is so bad - Cupid is not asleep, and will not allow the pets of Venus and Pluto to completely quarrel, the boy with arrows has already purchased tickets to a sanatorium for the aquatic-earth children, and a change of scenery will help the lovers understand themselves and each other.


There will be a ton of people at the wedding of a Scorpio guy and a Taurus girl. After all, the newlyweds were in such a hurry to legitimize the relationship that they forgot to send out invitations, so everyone who is not too lazy will come to the celebration, everyone will be wondering whether the jealous Taurus bride pulled out the last hair on the groom’s head, and whether Scorpio got rid of all the men he knew of his passion.
But dear spouses are completely indifferent to the opinions of others - well, even if there is swearing the very next day after the wedding, and even if the gift sets are already broken, but their feeling is so strong that you shouldn’t even pay attention to this nonsense. The stars strongly recommend that water-earth spouses hurry up with the birth of children - this will calm both Scorpio dad and Taurus mom; the pets of Venus and Pluto will simply have no time to swear.

Scorpio is an ideal dad, he is proud of his children and praises them even for their smallest successes. But Taurus mother will have a hard time - after all, now she will settle in the maternity hospital, since her hubby has always dreamed of a big family and even the birth of triplets will not stop the tireless Scorpio.

But for the silver and golden jubilee, the signs of water and earth won’t even have to spend money - crowds of grandchildren and great-grandchildren will organize an unforgettable celebration, and the lovers will understand that all the trials were not in vain, and they can rightfully be called the happiest couple.


A Taurus girl and a Scorpio guy can be true friends and sworn enemies, depending on your luck. Taurus with early age very soft and affectionate girl, hardworking and persistent. And the Scorpio boy strives to dominate and win from birth, he has a strong will and he will certainly want to make friends with an independent girl of the earth.

The friendship of a Taurus girl and a Scorpio guy will be based on rivalry - the signs of water and earth always strive for success. When the pets of Venus and Pluto understand that together they are strong, their friendship will become truly strong and unbreakable.

Scorpio will always stand up for his earthly girlfriend - not a single boy will dare to pull the Taurus girl by her pigtails, because in this case he will have to find out how strong the fists of the water boy are. Teachers get together with their friends - after all, Scorpio and Taurus are always planning some unimaginable events, and the imagination of the children of water and earth is always at its best.

When a Taurus girl and a Scorpio guy start families, they will not stop communicating. But their spouses will be unhappy - the Taurus husband will even be afraid of his wife’s friend, and the Scorpio wife will go crazy with jealousy, because her hubby spends more time with his earthly girlfriend than with his family.


The Scorpio man and the Taurus lady are extraordinary workers; the signs of water and earth are tenacious and persistent in achieving their goals. By creating an alliance of entrepreneurs, the pets of Venus and Pluto can achieve unprecedented success, but water-earth businessmen should remember - no competition with each other.

Scorpio loves work that requires the manifestation of strength and courage, so the Taurus lady can safely send her companion to battle with competitors. At this time, the lady of the earth herself can calmly do calculations and draw up business plans, because she knows that Scorpio will not allow anyone to interfere in their activities, and all rivals will surrender - just five minutes of conversation with the powerful master of life is enough.

Tireless Scorpio believes that in order to achieve a goal, any means are good, but his faithful comrade-in-arms has a different opinion. Lady Taurus will never play dishonest games; on this basis, serious discussions may arise among companions. But in their desire for victory, the signs of water and earth are always unanimous - they love money, since the pets of Venus and Pluto understand that a solid bank account will provide them not only with success and recognition, but will also make them independent.

The stars are watching with delight the efforts of water-earth businessmen, and are confident that the union of Taurus and Scorpio can go down in history.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman

The Taurus guy is a patient and calm romantic, always ready to rush to the aid of anyone who needs his support. Taurus, despite his slowness and thoroughness, always manages to do everything - after all, he clearly goes to the goal, and obstacles for the earth sign are just annoying misunderstandings. Taurus is perhaps the most reliable and faithful among other zodiac signs, and women naturally like these qualities - beauties for every taste always hover around the ward of Venus. Any other man in Taurus’ place would be confused and go to great lengths, but the guy from the earth is not like that - he is a great connoisseur female beauty, but the main quality future wife there must be intelligence, and a pretty face as a pleasant addition.

The Scorpio girl is a fatal and mysterious beauty, a sexy and gentle witch. The lady of water already at a young age is different from other girls - she is smart and knows how to use her attractiveness. For men, the ward of Pluto can be dangerous, and everyone who is lucky enough to achieve intimacy with a Scorpio lady becomes her slave. Many guys consider a water girl ideal, of course - even the stars don’t know about her shortcomings, maybe they just don’t exist? The water beauty has strong character, and the words: Problem and Failure simply do not exist in her vocabulary. Weak men are attracted to the Scorpio woman, but she is looking for an equal partner, so the lucky man who becomes the husband of a water lady must have all the qualities of a real guy.

Dating a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman

The Scorpio lady loves all sorts of adventures, she is active and loves risks, and the Taurus boy is a tireless worker and tries to do the world better. There are not many places on the planet where an earth boy and a water girl could meet, but life is unpredictable, and our heroes will definitely find each other.

Pets of Venus and Pluto can meet, for example, at a resort, where Taurus, as usual, will sit with a fishing rod in the hope of catching goldfish, and the Scorpio lady at this time will decide to master the new kind swimming. Taurus is unlikely to be able to show heroism - the Scorpio lady is an excellent swimmer, and there is nothing that she does poorly. But the water girl will certainly be interested in the fisherman, who, unlike other vacationers, does not drink free cocktails and does not flirt with everyone.

The mysterious lady of water is beautiful in any outfit, and in a swimsuit the Scorpio girl is perfection. Therefore, when the mermaid comes out of the water, all the men around her will rush to her, except Taurus, who will watch the charming stranger with delight.

The conversation will most likely be started by Pluto's pet - and then it's a matter of little things, Taurus can invite a lady to taste the ears, or fried fish, but the stars are silent about what happens next. But one thing is certain - Cupid is nearby.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman dating

In order to interest a Scorpio lady and invite her on a date, the Taurus guy will have to show a lot of imagination. The Scorpio woman is proud and independent, so she is unlikely to go with a new acquaintance on a banal walk or to a restaurant; no, give her an exciting and exciting adventure. Taurus can be helped by his hobby, because the guy is a famous gardener, and there are a lot of interesting things on his plot.

If the Scorpio lady felt attracted to the modest boy of the earth, then nothing will stop her, and she will prepare for the date in such a way that Taurus will not have a single chance. Besides, Cupid has already tried and is now rubbing his hands and waiting for the story to continue.

The conversation on a date will start by itself - an aquatic-terrestrial couple can talk for hours about art, music, painting, flowers. The lady of water is an excellent listener, and Taurus is an excellent conversationalist, and, despite the differences in temperament and character, the pets of Venus and Pluto will feel comfortable and cozy next to each other.

It will be difficult for a Taurus man to hold back the passion he feels for the Scorpio lady, but the stars advise not to rush into this pool right away - there will be no turning back, so the practical boy of the earth should think a hundred times. Lady Scorpio is used to trusting her feelings, but astrologers recommend that she not rush - it is better to stretch out the pleasure of romantic communication.


The love of Taurus and Scorpio can burn them both to ashes, because the passion will be strong and burning, so the water-earth couple should be careful. In bed, lovers are ideal for each other, but otherwise they are in danger. Both the Scorpio lady and the Taurus guy are jealous, but if the earth man knows how to cope with this feeling, then the water woman is the owner, which ones to look for.

So Taurus will get it - he won’t even be able to talk to his neighbor, let alone smile at the cute saleswoman. Lady Scorpio will immediately destroy the counter and will not stop even in front of a powerful security guard. Taurus's friends will be jealous - of course, they have calm friend so sultry and a beautiful woman, and why are they worse? Lady Scorpio will have to withstand the onslaught of her lover’s friends, who will try to destroy their relationship and will begin to pester Taurus with tall tales about his chosen one.
The stars recommend that the signs of water and earth do not act recklessly and do not break off relations with all their acquaintances - sooner or later they will calm down and come to ask for forgiveness.

The Scorpio lady and the Taurus guy, despite the magical feeling that connected them, will often quarrel over trifles - for example, the earth guy just wants to soak in bed, and his tireless lady is eager to go to a party. It seems like nonsense, but the scandal will be enormous. The pets of Venus and Pluto will not be able to separate - from the mere thought that a partner will find another, the lovers begin to become hysterical, and they rush into each other’s arms.

Relationship between Taurus man and Scorpio woman

The relationship between a water girl and an earth man cannot be called ideal. They will have everything except calmness and boredom. But if the candy period goes more or less well, then everything can develop rapidly. Or the Scorpio lady, in a fit of anger, will tear all of Taurus’ clothes, and he will go to some girlfriend to console himself. Or Taurus will catch his lover flirting with ex-boyfriend, and will never forgive the lady of water for this deceit.

But if the planets are positioned well, everything can turn out differently. The signs of water and earth should understand that they are quite old, and everyone has their own baggage behind them, and it is better to build new relationships by discarding the negative experience of a past life. Lady Scorpio is smart - if she wants, she will be able to tame jealousy, because not a single woman can compare with her, and Taurus is subdued forever. And Taurus himself is sure that his beloved would never exchange him for some handsome guy with a fat wallet. It is advisable for Taurus and Scorpio not to forget about their hobbies and not to interfere with each other doing their favorite things.

If a water girl wants to jump with a parachute, then let her jump. Taurus must let his beloved go and not persuade her to sit in front of the TV. The guy of the earth himself can lay out a heart of roses on the asphalt at this time, and the lady of water, being in the sky, will definitely see and appreciate this beauty. Well, all the relatives have long understood that persuasion will not help, and it’s time to prepare for the wedding.


Venus and Pluto will personally ensure that the wedding of their wards takes place on top level. Cupid will be invited to play the role of toastmaster, so everything will be gorgeous and amazing - the couple will be so good that all the sex symbols of the world will panic and rush to get facelifts and change their image.

In the role of a husband, Taurus is ideal - in married life, the guy of the earth will show his best qualities, he will forget to think about jealousy, because his Scorpio wife has become surprisingly docile and calm, and the kind of cheesecakes she bakes will make you rock. And a woman who cooks so deliciously cannot walk to the left and look for adventures.

The Scorpio wife will sometimes, of course, show character - but outbursts of anger and aggression will be rare, so Taurus will not suffer much.

Parents from the pets of Venus and Pluto will turn out to be ideal, although the Scorpio mother lacks gentleness and patience, but the children will quickly understand what’s what and learn to find it from a strict mother weak sides Moreover, Taurus dad is always on their side. Taurus adores guests and often invites friends for family celebrations, but his wife will be far from delighted - some disagreements are possible on this basis, but how can such little things destroy the happiness of spouses in love?


The Scorpio lady is selective in her friendships; in childhood it is difficult for her to make friends, since the water girl does not know how to control herself, and those around her often get the worst of it, literally- Pluto’s pet can hit you for a broken toy. But the patient and stubborn Taurus boy will be able to win the trust of a headstrong girl. So, the signs of water and earth can become an excellent couple - their friendship will be strong and long.

At an older age, Taurus and Scorpio can become friends without spilling water, but the guy of the earth must remember - his power-hungry and jealous girlfriend will not tolerate someone else appearing in their union.

A calm Taurus will be interested in the company of his aquatic girlfriend - the Scorpio girl loves secrets and always comes up with all sorts of unusual stories. Lady Scorpio is fair and honest, she will always stand up for the trusting Taurus, and the one who offends her friend will not be happy. But if Taurus decides to offend or betray a friend, he can immediately delete her phone number - Scorpio will never forgive or answer the call.

Usually, the signs of water and earth remain devoted to each other all their lives - Taurus will even hobble on crutches to his water girlfriend to help her prepare dinner for her grandchildren, and granny Scorpio herself will sting anyone who dares to insult her dear old man Taurus.


Lady Scorpio was born to conquer heights, so she loves the difficulties of big business, and sometimes she herself looks for difficulties in order to overcome them later. Taurus also strives for victory, but he needs success for self-affirmation, and glory and triumph are of little concern to the boy of the earth, because Taurus is not at all vain.

Therefore, in the union of Taurus and Scorpio main role the lady of water will play - she will become an excellent director, and Taurus, who is subordinate to her, will feel quite comfortable.

Lady Scorpio is a commander at her core; she copes well with the most difficult matters, and her ability to negotiate will be the envy of any diplomat. But a water girl can be impatient and aggressive, so Taurus should always be close to Pluto’s restless pet - he will calm down his boss and prevent her from causing trouble. The Taurus man and the Scorpio business lady can safely open their own business - the stars promise a great future for the water-earth union. Energetic and hardworking pets of Pluto and Venus will experience success and victory in any field; the main thing is to stay close, trust, and listen to each other’s opinions.

Water-earth businessmen are not afraid of competitors - they will start the battle with a smile, and there is no doubt that Taurus and Scorpio will win any battle.
