Denis according to the Orthodox calendar. When is Denis's name day?

There are many names in the world and each of them is beautiful in its own way. The meaning of a name can sometimes say more than the name itself. Each person has his own character and soul, and they directly depend on our names. Some names are given in honor of relatives or close acquaintances, and serve as a reminder of this person. For some time now it has been considered bad omen giving the name of a deceased relative, some believe that a person can inherit his fate.

The name Denis, until recently, was not very popular, but today every second person tries to name their child this name. Denis comes from ancient mythology, once the famous Dionysus, the god of nature and wine, ruled the earth. His Greek origin adds color to this name.

Some character traits

People with this name are often very active. In childhood, he is a complete fidget who brings a lot of trouble to his parents. Capricious and persistent, he achieves everything he wants in various ways. Very cheerful and cheerful, Denis sometimes alarms others with his behavior. With his craving for fun, he can greatly offend and ridicule a person without feeling like he is completely crushed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in him a sense of proportion from childhood.

He greets any games with delight, in this game he can prove himself and become the main one, which is what he actually strives for. Often getting involved in the games of older children, he receives a rebuff, but this does not stop him, but rather warms up his interest. His school years pass easily, he proves himself to be a diligent and intelligent student who grasps everything on the fly.

There is a part of his character that is responsible for his perseverance. If he finds something he likes, then nothing can budge him. He does not know how to take the necessary material from science, and simply absorbs everything that the teachers tell him. But this does not mean that he is a completely stupid child. Since childhood, you have to praise him for everything, no matter what he does, he really likes it, and he begins to strive for more. If this is not done in time, then he may stop there and simply give up.

One can only envy his energy. Infecting everyone around him with his optimism, he can sometimes drag him into some unpleasant adventure. He does not have such a trait as subjugating people, everything that happens to him happens by itself and people are simply drawn to him. If he gets bored or tired of something, he gives it up without even thinking, without any remorse.

There is also a small but obvious flaw in his character; he can lie without even blinking an eye. As it always seems to him, this is a white lie. After some time, he is able to analyze the situation and understand where he was wrong, but in public he never admits this, his pride simply does not allow him to do this.
Characteristics based on the seasons allow us to determine and understand its character, which is sometimes so complex.

Winter Denis

People born at this time have a very difficult character. Such Denises are very hot-tempered, a little unbalanced and unrestrained. Any situation that is not in his favor can make him angry. In this case, you will not expect diplomacy from him, but on the contrary, you will hear a lot of unpleasant things addressed to you. If he feels he is right, he will go to the end and practically nothing can stop him. This type is distinguished by honesty and decency, which is what it demands from the people around it. His heart can belong only to the one who will conquer him with her decency and honesty; external data will not play a big role.

Spring Denis

Ladies really like this nature; he is moderately hot-tempered, a little selfish, emotional and a little flighty. It's in the soul little kitty, who is just waiting to be caressed, and if a woman understands this, then she will reveal him one hundred percent. He practically does not communicate with friends, singling out some of them, this is enough for him. For such Denis, the perfect combination would be a woman who confidently walks through life, who can maintain comfort in the house without his participation and will make the family friendly and strong. Almost all the worries about the house and children will fall on the shoulders of this woman, while Denis will be like an outside observer in this marriage.

Summer Denis

Summer Denises are special people, very poorly adapted to life. They are dreamy people and constantly fly somewhere in the clouds. Such a Denis is easily conquered by women, and he is drawn to their attention, which he sometimes greatly regrets. If an unpleasant situation happens, it can cause long-term depression, and Denis usually relieves it with alcohol. Therefore, many Denises born during this period of time are passionate about bad habits. He can easily come to his senses if the situation changes back to normal. It is easy to go through life with such Denis, but you will have to manage them all the time.

Autumn Denis

This type of Denis is the dream of any woman. Anyone can envy his prudence and self-confidence. He makes decisions firmly and confidently. If he is faced with any task, he will definitely complete it, no matter what the cost. The life of such Denis is usually scheduled minute by minute; they plan any actions in advance and try not to deviate from the plan. For such a Denis you need successful woman so that she can match him, and he can always suit her.

Love and marriage

Having his natural charm, Denis can flirt with several women at once. Therefore, you should not judge him as a ladies' man. He loves women in moderation and appreciates their beauty. He is in no hurry to tie the knot, waiting for his ideal. His sense of ownership is very developed and he knows in advance that the woman who will be nearby should belong only to him. Therefore, he very carefully looks for a partner for marriage.

He is a lover of everything beautiful and extraordinary; women of this type are very close to him. He can always find a companion for the night. If we talk about marriage, he becomes an excellent family man who pays a lot of attention to his family. His wife can be smart and beautiful woman, who knows her worth and has somewhat far-sighted views. If such a person comes across Denis’s path, he will not pass by and will do everything to win her heart.

Denis often has several marriages, but this has nothing to do with his character. He remains a simple tomboy who does not always fulfill all marital duties. It seems to him that marriage is something airy and playful and he cannot take it seriously. After his first marriage breaks up, he has time to think and weigh everything. Therefore, most likely he will take it more seriously the second time.

In a family this is peace itself until the woman begins to lay claim to main role in family. After this, Denis was replaced, he becomes a tough tyrant who will attack and defend his territory to the last. IN everyday problems he never participates, in his opinion, these are all his wife’s duties, and he will never help with the housework and kitchen.

Here in the family a woman must show initiative and wisdom. You can get a lot out of Denis with affection, and if his wife is smart enough not to make trouble and give in to him on trifles, then she will be able to tame him. The most important thing is to position him, to become for him true friend and a pleasant conversationalist, then he will move mountains for such a woman and throw all the gifts in the world at her feet.

He raises his children in a spirit of calm, never imposing his point of view on them, for this they respond to him with love and warmth, which makes him very happy. He would never trade a vacation with his family for a walk with friends; he knows how to share priorities. Although he will always be happy to go out for a walk.
Sex life Denis is filled with adventures in which he main character. Women love him for his affection and tenderness, for the indecent experiments that he can afford. Often he takes a mistress while he is married, but all this happens very calmly, without a storm of emotions, and therefore the wife may never find out about it.

Denises usually become creative people and choose this profession because that’s how they feel. They can achieve a lot in this line of work if they work hard. They will be able to achieve certain heights. Loving and talented, handsome and ambitious, proud and unpredictable, all these qualities can be carried by one person named Denis.

When is Denis’s name day according to the church calendar:

October 18 – Dionysius of Alexandria, bishop, confessor; January 17, October 10 – Dionysius the Areopagite, apostle of the 70, Bishop of Athens, martyr; August 10, October 16 – Dionysius of Pechersk, recluse in the Far (Feodosiev) caves.

The name Denis is one of the forms of the name Dionysius, which received the right to independent life at the beginning of the 20th century. The meaning of the name Denis (Dionysius) must be sought in ancient Greek sources. According to experts in ancient history, the name Dionysius (ancient Greek Διονύσιος) means “dedicated to Dionysus.” Recall that Dionysus, according to Greek mythology, is one of the younger olympian gods, responsible for winemaking and, in principle, the patron saint of agriculture. Dionysus is also credited with protecting the consumption of wine.

The meaning of the name Denis for a child

Denis is a pleasant kid to talk to. He is friendly and easy to get along with. Denis's sociability helps him easily make friends in a new company. Denis is capable of studying well, but has minor problems with perseverance. It is better for him to break large tasks into several smaller subtasks. If you give him breaks from studying, he will study well. The boy is inquisitive, which is good for learning, but be careful when walking. On the street and sometimes even at home, Denis needs to be watched carefully.

Denis's health is quite good. There are problems of overwork, against the background of which he may begin to get nervous, capricious and have trouble falling asleep. But this is typical for many children, so just follow the regime and you will be happy.

Short name Denis

Des, Den, Denchik, Dusya.

Diminutive pet names

Deska, Desik, Deniska.

Children's middle names

Denisovich and Denisovna. Sometimes shortened (changed) to Denisych and Dinisychna.

Name Denis in English

IN English language Several spelling options for the name Denis are accepted. Denis (Denis) and Dennis (Dennis) differ only in the number of letters N (H) in the name. There are also diminutive forms - Den (Den) is popular in our country, as well as Denny (Danny) rarely used in Russian.

Name Denis for international passport According to the latest machine transliteration rules in Russia, it is written as DENIS.

Translation of the name Denis into other languages

in Armenian - Դիոնիսոս - Dionysos.
in Belarusian - Dzyanis, read as Dzyanis.
in Hungarian - Dénes, read as Denesh.
in Greek - Διόνυσος, Διώνυσος, Δένις - Dionysos, Denis.
in Danish and Swedish, read as Dennis.
in Irish - Donncha, read as Donha.
in Spanish - Dennis, read as Denisos.
in Italian - Dionigi, read as Dionisio.
in German - Dennis, read as Dennis.
in Norwegian - Dennis, read as Dennis.
in Polish - Dionizy, read as Denizy
in Portuguese - Dinis, read as Dinish.
in Slovak - Denis.
in Ukrainian - Denis, Denis, Denis.
in French - Denis, read as Denis.
in Czech - Denis.

Church name Denis(in the Orthodox faith) - Dionysius.

Characteristics of the name Denis

As in childhood, Denis is characterized by a cheerful and sociable character. He is prone to analytical work, which does not exclude a wonderful imagination. He can easily work both in the theater and as a banking analyst. He can be bright and expressive, but only in familiar company. In his company you will rarely be bored; he knows how to have a good time.

Denis is popular with women, although he cannot be called macho. He does not hide the feelings that arise in front of the weaker sex, and they usually reciprocate. In matters of the heart he is straightforward. True, when he truly falls in love, he becomes careful and his approach may change. You can look after your wife for a long time, essentially laying siege to your beloved. After the official marriage, he can become hot-tempered, so the other half needs to be careful.

The secret of the name Denis

Probably the main secret of the name can be called Denis’s self-interest. Denis rarely does good things for no reason. Many of Denis’s actions are determined by the desire to receive a specific benefit. When taking his grandmother across the road, he can think about the positive impression this will make on others. What can we say about actions that are more significant. That is, if Denis helped you, then you know for sure that now you are his debtor.

They tried to forget about another secret of the name Denis Christian time. At festivals dedicated to Dionysus, sacrifices were made, and the clergy dressed in goat skins. After being accepted into Byzantium Orthodox faith, ancient history was hushed up, and especially some customs of a theological nature.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Denis's totem animal- Calf.

Name color- Gray, and gray clothes suit better.

Tree- Chestnut.

Plant- Lily of the valley.

Denis Stone- Sapphire.

Guardian Angel named Denis and his patron can be found in a special article. To do this, you need to know the date of birth of your Denis. Read the article “patron of the name Denis” on our website.

Happy holiday to you, Denis!
Let everything be fine.
May good luck await you in everything,
Let joy come to the house.

On this day I wish you
Stay young
Never be upset
Be cheerful, mischievous.

May your health be good,
Never get sick
May happiness be great
Always on your way.

I'll collect it for Denis
Lots of congratulations,
To make life full
Joyful moments.

I wish that you
Was always on the job
To have a healthy mind
With a healthy body.

To be led upward
Smooth roads
So that love is waiting for you
On my own doorstep.

So that you move firmly towards success,
Overcoming obstacles.
Conquering the peaks
Let it be a reward.

Dear Denis, I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you to always stand on the right and successful life path so that good luck awaits you in business, so that loving and close people are nearby, so that your happiness inspires you, and an eternal holiday reigns in your soul.

Not a single event
It won’t work without Denis,
He is pleasant to talk to,
He leads everyone with him,
Offers entertainment
Always makes everyone happy
We wish him happiness
Live without grief and resentment!
Let Denis continue to be
Don't lose optimism
And enormous charisma
He can charm everyone.

We congratulate Denis,
Let your star sparkle
May success come to you
Along with it - some money.

Luck smiles
Let no one cry around you.
Have fun from the heart
You still have your whole life ahead of you.

Denis, always be happy,
Let there be a lot of positive things!
Walk this path with a smile,
Live luxuriously and beautifully!

I wish you loyal friends,
Mutual and great love,
Let your dreams come true soon,
So that your life becomes colorful!

I congratulate you today
And I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart
To make life easier for you,
You didn't have to lose.

Be, Denis, you are both brave and strong,
Be decisive and fair
You love and always be loved,
In important matters, be meticulous.

Let them surround you
Only faithful people
May health, prosperity,
And love will be nearby.

You are good, Denis,
May God protect
And a pleasant surprise
Ahead awaits!

Trouble is not lurking
In a turn of fate,
Only happiness always
Lead me by the hand!

I congratulate Denis on the holiday,
I wish you to become the happiest person in everything.
Let it surround him everywhere,
Only happiness and success.

Good ones, long days Wish,
So that all problems can be easily solved.
I sincerely wish to be rich,
Always live with love in your heart.

Live happily, smile!
Enjoy everyone's luck!
And always welcome a new day,
It's like he's your dream.

Denis, let your doubts go
They will go beyond the red horizon.
And at night in a prophetic dream
You will find out the best move in life.

And in the rainbow embrace of the world
Let your soul live.
The holy lyre sings to you,
So serene and pure.

Congratulations, handsome Denis!
You strive for success and happiness.
And they will certainly come,
They will take you to a world of fun!

Our Denis, in your good life
Let there be plenty of great friends,
The most correct, bold ideas
And such wonderful days!

Short form of the name Denis. Den, Dena, Dani, Deniska, Denya, Denusya, Dusya, Desha, Diu, Didi, Nicho, Dion.
Synonyms for the name Denis. Dionysos, Denis, Denis, Dionisio, Daniz, Denesh, Dionysos, Dionysius, Dainis, Danis, Daniz.
Origin of the name Denis. The name Denis is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Denis was originally folk form the obsolete ecclesiastical name Dionysius, which in turn comes from the ancient Greek name Dionysios, meaning “belonging to Dionysus.” In mythology Ancient Greece Dionysus is the god of viticulture, winemaking, fertility, inspiration, and the productive forces of nature. Therefore, sometimes the name Denis is interpreted as “merry fellow”, “reveler”. From male name Denis educated female names Denise, Dionisia, Denise, Denise.

In some European countries, for example, in France, Italy, Spain, Monaco, there is a variant of the name Denis (Dionysius) - Danis. May be written and pronounced as Daniz. Accordingly, paired female names have also changed slightly - Danisa, Daniza.

The name Denis is mentioned in both Orthodox and Catholic calendars. Among Catholics, Saint Dionysius of Paris, who is the patron saint of France and Paris, is especially revered.

Little Denis is unusually active. From the very early years he cannot sit still, he is very curious. Denis readily joins any game, even sometimes trying to join the company of older children. Perhaps during his school years Denis is not very diligent or diligent, but he thinks quickly and easily remembers information. This boy can only become diligent if he finds something to do that he likes. Most likely, Denis will take away little knowledge from school, but you won’t deny him erudition.

Perhaps the boy’s innate curiosity will help him become a scientist versed in many areas of knowledge. Denis is full of energy and she pushes him to take rash actions. When embarking on adventures, the boy does not forget to carry his friends along with him and shows organizational skills in many ways. True, Denis does not last long; he often abandons a task without completing it and letting down those whom he attracted to him.

Possessing a quick and agile mind, Denis is able to lie very smoothly if necessary. If a young man realizes the ease with which he can invent fables, then gradually the truth for him will become indistinguishable from fiction. As a result, Denis will begin to make a lot of mistakes and have difficulty paying for them. Basically, it's about family relationships this man and his manner of communicating with women. Unfortunately, frequent family troubles can provoke in Denis a serious craving for alcohol, thereby completely destroying the already shaken family peace.

To succeed in life, it is very important for Denis to develop caution, patience and commitment. Only these qualities will help a man in any profession. Moreover, Denis very easily signs up for all sorts of ventures. To attract him with you, a fascinating story and a request for advice are enough. Any interesting idea becomes a bait for Denis. However, it is always worth remembering that Denis is an organizer, and there is a high probability that it is not you who will encourage him to implement your idea, but he, by supporting you, will make you a performer, and not an initiator.

Denis is not afraid of hard work, and with age he becomes very careful and diligent. It happens that he takes part in various adventures. But this is only because if he is ignited by any idea, he will do everything to realize it. Denis would need a little caution and patience, and then any business he starts will be successful. This man is principled and often imposes his ideas on others. It is easy for him to carry other people along with him, but being their leader until the very end is inconvenient for him.

IN family life Denis prefers to live separately from his parents. When choosing a life partner, Denis will be guided by the principle “to make it interesting.” He likes women who are active, easy-going, not ossified in thoughts and liberated in actions. He prefers to raise his children on the ideas of freedom and the right to choose.

Denis's birthday

Denis celebrates his name day on January 17, February 6, March 5, March 23, March 28, March 29, May 4, May 19, July 8, July 9, August 17, August 31, September 10, September 19, October 16, October 18 , October 25, October 28, November 3, November 14, November 23, December 2, December 12, December 30.

Famous people named Denis

  • Dionysius ((c.1440 - 1502) Moscow icon painter)
  • Dionysius of Heraclea ((c.330 - 250 BC) ancient Greek philosopher)
  • Dionysius of Cyrene ((c. 150 BC) ancient Greek mathematician, Stoic philosopher)
  • Denis Pankratov (swimmer, world and European champion, sports journalist)
  • Denis Matsuev (Russian pianist, laureate of international competitions)
  • Denis Fonvizin (famous Russian writer, author of comedies)
  • Denis Davydov (partisan Patriotic War 1812, poet, military writer)
  • Denis Nowell Pritt (English lawyer and public figure (1887–1972))
  • Denis Diderot (French writer and philosopher (1713–1784))
  • Dionisio Bellante ((1610 - 1685) Italian violinist and composer)
  • Dionigi Bussola ((1615 - 1687) Italian painter and sculptor)
  • Denis Kolodin (Russian footballer, central defender of Dynamo Moscow and the Russian national team)
  • Denis Grebeshkov (Russian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Denis Paramonov (Russian theater and film actor)
  • Denis de Rougemont (Swiss writer, philosopher, public figure)
  • Denis Nikiforov ((born 1977) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Denis Sobolev (writer, cultural scientist, Ph.D.)
  • Dennis Ritchie ( computer specialist, known for his participation in the creation of the B, BCPL, C programming languages, the ALTRAN extension for the FORTRAN programming language, participation in the development operating systems Multics and UNIX)
  • Denis King ((b.1939) English composer and singer)
  • Dennis Hopper ((1936 - 2010) American film actor and director)
  • Denis Tyurin (Russian hockey player, forward)
  • Dionysius of Halicarnassus ((1st century BC) ancient Greek historian, critic and rhetorician)
  • Dionysius the Elder ((c. 432–367 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse)
  • Dennis Gansel (German film director)
  • Dionisio Aguado ((1784 - 1849) Spanish guitarist and composer)
  • Dionisio de Oliveira Alves (Brazilian footballer)
  • Dionysius Poniatowski ((c.1750 - 1811) Polish military leader, participant in the Kościuszko uprising)
  • Denes Gabor ((1900 - 1979) Hungarian physicist, Nobel Prize laureate)
  • Dionysios Lavrangas ((1860 - 1941) Greek violinist, composer and conductor)

The male name Denis comes from the ancient Greek name Dionysios and means “dedicated to Dionysus” (the ancient god of winemaking, nature and vitality). In the Denis form it is found only in former countries THE USSR.

Characteristics of the name Denis

The owner of this name, as a rule, has a huge charge of love for life, a penchant for fun and activity. As a child, he is a sociable, capable, active and friendly boy. He studies well, is obliging, neat, but at the same time restless and very curious. The adult Denis is also not the most assiduous person; he constantly gets involved in some kind of adventures, and often does not know the limits in the joys of life. The owner of this name loves to have fun, but his fun is a little alarming to people who suspect some kind of cunning in him. Denis really does a lot for a reason, for example, he can infect people with his enthusiasm, but he himself refuses to participate in the business he himself has started. Not every person can understand his true feelings, because Denis opens up only to family and close friends. However, this does not prevent him from being everyone’s favorite, easily bypassing all life’s obstacles, captivating people with him, and creating in them a general feeling of celebration. As a rule, Denis is always lucky in life, so he simply radiates self-confidence.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Denis is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Cancer or Sagittarius. Cancer (June 22-July 22) is similar to Denis in his external openness and internal homeliness; under his influence he will be very cheerful, cheerful, diplomatic, but sometimes melancholic, loving to be alone. Sagittarius (November 23-December 22) is an open sign on all sides, so it will endow Denis with sociability and friendliness, great mobility, some tactlessness, generosity, openness to new ideas, risks, adventures, and travel.

Pros and cons of the name Denis

What are the pros and cons of the name Denis? On the one hand, this is a positive name, familiar to our country, which goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Deniska, Denya, Denisushka. And since the character of the majority of owners of this name is distinguished by almost only positive qualities, and their lives develop in the most in the best possible way, there are simply no obvious disadvantages to this name.


Denis's health is quite good, but he should take care of his nervous system, since due to excessive sensitivity he may experience nervous overload and sleep disorders.

Love and family relationships

IN love relationships Denis often shows some prudence, so he chooses his wife carefully, weighing all the possibilities of such a union. Living with the owner of this name is not easy, since at home he can turn from a charming, merry fellow into a despot, demanding accountability from everyone. He develops somewhat strained relationships with children, but as they grow older, he begins to communicate with them in a friendly manner, on equal terms.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Denis shows a love for painstaking work or organizational activities. He can become a successful scientist, laboratory worker, accountant, jeweler, TV technician, mechanic, watchmaker, baker, as well as a wedding or other holiday organizer, toastmaster, actor, advertising designer, stunt coordinator.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Denis notes church name Dionysius January 17, February 6, March 23, March 28, March 29, May 4, May 19, May 25, May 31, June 14, June 16, July 8, July 9, August 17, August 31, September 10, 12 September, September 18, October 16, October 18, October 28, November 4, November 14, December 2, December 12 and December 30.
