Ivanovo University of Chemical Technology preparatory. Russian universities. Ightu faculties and departments

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The children of Almetyevsk oil workers will soon be able to receive diplomas from the main university of Tatarstan without being separated from their fathers and mothers. The controversial decision to merge the Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute with KFU was made at the highest level.


The fact that the base university of PJSC Tatneft is Almetyevsk State Oil Institute(, colloquially - “Kerosinka”) - is about to be attached to KFU, reported several sources both in the field of education and in the oil industry. One of them said that the calm flow of the educational process at AGNI was disrupted: “It’s stormy at the institute, every day there are meetings, inspections, everything is checked - from accounting to curriculum. The President gave orders to resolve the issue by October.”

The fact that there is movement towards a merger was confirmed by Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities, Director of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies of KFU. According to him, AGNI will most likely become a branch of the university.

The wind of change has been blowing around AGNI for quite some time. As Nurgaliev recalled, at about the beginning of last year, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov gave instructions to create “the best school of petroleum engineers in the country” on the basis of AGNI and under the auspices of KFU.

However, the process went slowly until the general director of Tatneft, Nail Maganov, personally took up the matter. As the company's press service reported, on April 27, he held a round table at AGNI, at which he announced the grandiose goals that Tatneft sets for the institute - “to become the best oil university in the country.” However, much of what was said at the meeting remained outside the scope of the official message.

According to our source, Maganov vehemently criticized the reports made at the event, saying that you are doing the wrong thing at all.

On May 7, he expressed similar thoughts while visiting the company’s technology center TGT Oilfield Services in Kazan, the head of the republic, who gave AGNI an unflattering assessment: “By and large, today it is a good technical school, but should become the main scientific and educational center of the country for training personnel for the oil industry.”

What does this veiled offensive comparison mean? “I was present at this conversation,” said Renat Muslimov, consultant to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on the development of oil and gas fields. - The President is absolutely right: Almetyevsk Institute- This is actually a good technical school. And the diploma from this institute is completely different from the diploma from Kazan University.” According to Muslimov, Minnikhanov, in particular, expressed dissatisfaction with the weak level of developments in the field of oil production technologies, which, in fact, should be generated by an industry university.

AGNI traces its history back to 1956, when an educational and consulting center (UCP) of the correspondence faculty was opened in Almetyevsk Moscow Petroleum Institute named after. Gubkina. In 1959, the UKP was transformed into a branch of the correspondence faculty with evening courses. At the end of 1989, it received the status of a technical college under Tatneft. And only in 2003 the branch became a regional university with the right to train highly qualified specialists. Today, AGNI has 5 faculties and 20 departments, where 5.5 thousand students and graduate students study.

The institution is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, but in fact it is a corporate university of Tatneft with all the pros and cons.

According to the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Vadim Khomenko, the advantages of such a model are obvious: “This was the company’s supporting training base. “Tatneft has provided great opportunities for the university, there is an excellent base for practice, dormitories, and the participation of representatives of the oil industry themselves in the educational process.” However, despite the rich sponsor, the result does not live up to expectations. According to Khomenko, the bar was not initially set high.


This is not the first time that the idea of ​​raising the bar by joining a powerful tugboat has arisen. According to Muslimov, 5-6 years ago he proposed it to the head of Tatneft at that time, Shafagat Takhautdinov, and it was agreed upon with the management of the university. But the matter stalled for a very delicate, but turned out to be insurmountable reason. The stumbling block was... the Tatneft salaries of the administration of the Agni. If the institute were transferred under federal jurisdiction, oil surcharges would cease.

“The administration has good salaries - Tatneft pays extra,” Muslimov explained. - It turns out much more than at the university. Because of this, everything stalled. However, the issue needs to be resolved for the sake of business, because here there is great science, and there there is great production, and unification would give an excellent result.”

Combining the material base of the State Scientific Research Institute with the “brains” of KFU could indeed contribute to innovation. And yet, the main argument in favor of the unification, according to our interlocutors, was another need - to secure the “oil youth” who dream of a prestigious diploma in Almetyevsk. "Who will come out of good oilman? - Minnikhanov asked at the above-mentioned meeting. - From the son of an oil worker. He must gain knowledge directly next to production.”

“The republic needs oil personnel, it needs a good university in Almetyevsk, where Almetyevsk children would enroll, and not go to Kazan, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, from where they are unlikely to return,” explains Danis Nurgaliev. “This is a strategic program.”

However, this approach also has its opponents. In particular, such a heavyweight as the General Director of PJSC Tatneftekhiminvest-Holding Rafinat Yarullin considers the decision to merge to be erroneous: “My position is wrong. The fact is that the institute itself is very good, and the university name is most likely needed to raise the status of the diploma. But the bar of a university can be raised by the quality of teaching and the number of students.”

Khomenko also does not support the idea, who believes that the profile of the Almetyevsk university will be lost, and therefore the quality of training of specialists: “I don’t see the development of engineering professions in the general population. Think about it, does it make sense to join the Moscow Automobile Institute to MSU? No! Because there is a whole technical school there, and our university has already acquired many specialized areas. If the direction of the industry has a future, you just need to set the bar and goals, but a “mixture” will not work.”


However, there is hope that the reboot of AGNI will not be limited to a formal merger with KFU for the sake of a “crust” for the children of Almetyevsk oil workers. This is evident from the fact that Maganov invited a very unusual figure to create “the best oil university in the country.”

On March 17, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Andrei Pominov, in the presence of the general director of Tatneft, introduced the new rector, Robert Nurgaliev, to the AGNI team. “I don’t want to say that everything is terrible there - the institute has good specialists, but... people get used to a certain environment, but you need A New Look“,” Danis Nurgaliev diplomatically comments on the need for personnel changes. The former rector, 63-year-old Alexander Emekeev, who had headed the university since 1999, was honorably dismissed.

No, the vice-rector of KFU and the new rector of AGNI are not relatives, as their surnames might suggest. Robert Nurgaliev, one might say, a dark horse - in Almetyevsk he is unknown to anyone. Judging by the biography on the AGNI website, as well as information on social networks, he was born on January 13, 1968, graduated from Ufa secondary school No. 25. Further education is impressive: Moscow State Technical University. Bauman (graduated in 1991), Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (2000), the country's main oil university - Russian State Institute named after. Gubkin (2013), and finally, MGIMO (2014). In a word, a technician-official-diplomat rolled into one.

It is interesting that in the official biographical information there are no hints at all about his teaching or scientific activities. Since 1991, he has worked in fairly high positions in various companies in the oil industry, including from 1999 to 2004, he headed the Novy Urengoy branch of Mezhregiongaz LLC, and came to Almetyevsk from the post of deputy general director for production of RN-Service LLC, part of to the Rosneft group, headed by Igor Sechin. The scale of RN-Service's activities is evidenced by the size of its authorized capital - 11.25 billion rubles (at the end of 2014).

The rector himself has not yet begun to share the details of his appointment, only vaguely shared his plans: “As a priority task, I see the transformation of AGNI into a center for the development of oil and gas education and science, the creation of new knowledge, development and implementation of competitive technologies in the oil and gas industry.” He noted that to accomplish these tasks in as soon as possible it will be necessary to “modernize the educational and research processes, strengthen the teaching staff, and take measures to improve the university management system.” The rector also intends to attract world-class scientists to the institute.


The fact that AGNI is facing a big break is understandable, but is such a turn in the KFU case necessary? It can be assumed that the new acquisition is in line with the expansionist aspirations of the rector of KFU, Ilshat Gafurov. In addition to earlier acquisitions (remember, for example, the Kazan Pedagogical Institute, KSFEI), last year the university announced the creation of a powerful medical unit with the addition of RKB-2, Emergency Hospital-2, city clinic No. 2 and other institutions with 2 thousand employees. And at the end of April this year, Gafurov said that the university will strive to fundamentally engage in engineering research and prepare “engineers of the future who must have research, analytical skills, as well as experience in interdisciplinary work.”
With the addition of AGNI, the university receives an excellent production base and will once again expand its holdings - the globalization of KFU continues.

However, here Gafurov’s appetite for takeovers comes into conflict with another fetish - ratings. According to Danis Nurgaliev, if AGNI is merged with KFU right now, this will lead the university to collapse. “There are certain monitoring parameters: the level of the Unified State Examination, the number of teachers and students, the quality of scientific research and publications, and if we join the ASNI now, we will go to the bottom,” he noted, hinting at not high level Almetyevsk residents “That’s why Tatneft and the Ministry of Education are busy putting the institute in order so that we can move on.”

On the other hand, the decision to merge AGNI specifically with KFU can be considered as a serious hardware defeat for the rector KNRTU-KHTI German Dyakonov. Affiliation of Almetyevsk University with a branch university would be much more logical. At least, in the university itself such thoughts were in the air: “We can strengthen KKhTI by merging specialized institutes. For example, the Almetyevsk Petroleum Institute is a good, strong university, but it has problems with scientific work, providing highly qualified personnel - doctors of science, members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is in the same technological line with KKhTI,” said KNRTU-KKhTI professor Ismagil Khusnutdinov in an interview. - Development, production, oil refining, petrochemistry, polymer chemistry, economics on this basis - these are all links in one chain... There will be a serious specialized university with a very strong oil axis, which is good for our republic. I think this association would be ideal from a pragmatic point of view.” However, we have to admit that KNRTU-KKhTI in its current position seemed to be a less enviable “groom”.

So far, the merger of AGNI and KFU has not been officially announced.

This could happen at the end of May, when, according to Nurgaliev, a large gathering will be held with the participation of Maganov and the rectors of AGNI and KFU. However, according to our data, AGNI applicants have already been informed that they can count on a diploma from Kazan University.

Elena Fadeeva, Timur Latypov, Viktor Osmanov, based on materials

License series A No. 283214, reg. No. 9535 dated November 26, 2007
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 001065, reg. No. 1038 of December 29, 2007

Ivanovo State Chemical University of Technology - a higher educational institution located in the city of Ivanovo.

The history of the university usually begins in 1918, when on the basis of the Riga Polytechnic Institute, which was evacuated to Ivanovo, the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Polytechnic Institute was created by decree of V.I. Lenin. In 1930, it was divided into several universities, one of which became IKhTI (Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology). In 1980, IHTI was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1993 it was renamed IGHTA (Ivanovo State Chemical-Technological Academy). In 1998, IGHTA was transformed into the Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology.

Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology is a multidisciplinary higher educational institution with high personnel potential and a modern material and technical base, providing high-quality training for specialists in wide range technical, technological, economic and managerial, social, humanitarian and natural science specialties for enterprises and organizations of the Ivanovo region and other regions of the Russian Federation.

The university has six main faculties vocational education: inorganic chemistry and technology, organic chemistry and technology, chemical engineering and cybernetics, humanities (as a faculty), Institute of Management, Finance and Information Systems, Higher College of Chemistry (as a faculty).

Training of specialists is carried out in 26 specialties of higher professional education, 14 bachelor's degrees, 11 master's degrees. The university implements advanced training and professional retraining programs according to the university profile.

The university carries out systematic work to improve the organization educational process, development and implementation of new effective teaching technologies, detailed analysis and generalization of the achievements of existing educational systems in Russia and abroad.

Faculties of ISUTU:

  • Inorganic Chemistry and Technology
  • Organic Chemistry and Technology
  • Chemical engineering and cybernetics
  • Institute of Management, Finance and Information Systems
  • Distance learning and additional professional education
  • Faculty for work with foreign students
  • Faculty of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Chemical Lyceum

Directions and specialties of study:

  • Direction 020100 "Chemistry" - bachelor, master (additional qualification "Higher school teacher")
    • Specialty 020100 "Chemistry" - chemist (additional qualification "Teacher") Training is conducted at the Ivanovo branch of the Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Direction 031400 "Cultural Studies" - bachelor, master
    • Specialty 031401 "Culturology" – Culturologist
  • Direction 080100 "Economics" - bachelor, master
    • Specialty 080502 "Economics and enterprise management"
    • Specialty 080105 "Finance and Credit" - economist
    • Specialty 080503 "Anti-crisis management"
    • Specialty 080116 "Mathematical methods in economics" - economist-mathematician
    • Specialty 230201 "Information systems and technologies"
  • Direction 200500 "Metrology, standardization and certification" - bachelor, master
    • Specialty 200503 "Standardization and Certification" – engineer
  • Direction 220200 "Automation and Control" - Bachelor, Master
    • Specialty 220301 "Automation of technological processes and production" - engineer
  • Direction 230200 "Information systems" - bachelor, master
    • Specialty 230201 "Information systems and technologies" - engineer
  • Direction 240100 "Chemical technology and biotechnology" - bachelor, master
    • Specialty 240201 "Technology and equipment for the production of chemical fibers and composite materials based on them" - engineer
    • Specialty 240202 "Chemical technology and finishing production equipment" - engineer
    • Specialty 240301 "Chemical technology inorganic substances" - engineer
    • Specialty 240302 "Technology of electrochemical production" - engineer
    • Specialty 240401 "Chemical technology of organic substances" - engineer
    • Specialty 240501 "Chemical technology of macromolecular compounds" - engineer
    • Specialty 240502 "Technology for processing plastics and elastomers" - engineer
    • Specialty 240802 "Basic processes of chemical production and chemical cybernetics" - engineer
    • Specialty 240902 “Food Biotechnology” – engineer
  • Direction 150600 "Materials Science and Technology of New Materials" - Bachelor, Master
    • Specialty 240304 "Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials" - engineer
    • Specialty 240306 "Chemical technology of single crystals, materials and electronic products" - engineer
  • Direction 150400 "Technological machines and equipment" - bachelor, master
    • Specialty 240801 "Machines and apparatus for chemical production" - engineer
    • Specialty 260601 "Machines and apparatus food production" - engineer
    Direction 260100 "Technology of Food Products" - Bachelor, Master Specialty 260401 "Chemical Technology of Fats, Essential Oils and Perfume and Cosmetic Products" - Engineer Specialty 261001 "Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials" - Process Engineer: Department of Electrochemical Production Technologies Department of Chemical Technology of Refractory Non-Metallics and silicate materials
  • Direction 280200 "Environmental Protection" - bachelor, master
    • Specialty 280201 "Environmental protection and rational use natural resources" - process engineer
    • Specialty 200100 "Microelectronics and solid-state electronics"
  • Additional qualifications (based on higher education)
    • Management (bachelor's degree)
    • Arbitration manager
    • Translator in the field of professional communication