Who by nation is a lily from home 2. Lilia Chetrara: a dark horse from Moldova. Plastic surgery Lilia Cetrara

Lilia Cetraru was born on August 7, 1996 in Chisinau. Nationality - Moldavian. The girl did not talk about her family and childhood in any interview. It is only known that at the end of the 11th grade, Lilia went to conquer Moscow.

She studied at the Faculty of Economics and simultaneously worked as a news announcer.

At the age of 18, the brunette began to live on the content of a married man. At his expense, she acquired an apartment and a car.

Lilia became well-known after her scandalous arrival at the Dom-2 project on January 17, 2017. She came to the transfer to break up a couple of Maya Dontsova and Zakhar Salenko. During the first week of her stay on the project, Chetrara managed to move into a room with a couple with a folding bed and actively sought Zakhar's attention.

But Lilia very quickly realized that the couple would not part and immediately switched to a relationship with Sergei Zakharyash. This dramatic relationship dragged on until May 2017, until Lilia ended up in a psychiatric hospital with a nervous breakdown.

Now the couple gave their feelings a second chance, but the presenters decided to test the sincerity of the guys by distance and identified Lily on the Island of Love, and left Sergei in Moscow.

By the age of 21, the girl had a complete upgrade of her appearance. Chetrara changed everything in herself - cheekbones, lips, nose ... Lilia herself in an interview talks about six trips to plastic surgeons.

The first was surgery to correct the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty brought the desired result and the girl immediately turned to plastic surgeons to make a three-dimensional reduction of the cheekbones. After these operations, her lips seemed too thin and Chetrara resorted to fillers with hyaluronic acid.

In the correction of Lilia's appearance, it was not without tattooing and eyebrow extensions and tattooing of the lip contour. And already being on the project, the girl increased her breasts by one and a half to two sizes and pumped up her lips even more. All Sergey's persuasion to refuse plastic surgery Lilia missed her ears.

After the last changes in her appearance, Chetrara is practically not interested in her young man, she only thinks about what else to change in herself. By the middle of 2017, from the young and pretty beauty who once arrived in Moscow, only the color of her eyes remained the same.

Place of birth: Chisinau

Biography of Lilia Cetrara

A participant in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2" Lily Chetrara was born in the city of Chisinau, in an average family. Nothing is known about Lilia Chetrara's parents, the girl never talked about them. After graduating from the 9th grade, Lilia entered the College of Economics. Now, being on the project, Lilya is receiving an economic education in absentia, in one of Moscow universities.

Lilia Chetrara at Dom-2

In 2016, Lilia Chetrara came to the popular reality show "Dom-2". From the first day, Chetrara showed that she is an emotional and ambitious girl. On the first day, Lilia talked about her past life and relationships. Before joining the show, Lilia was in a relationship with a wealthy man for two years. During the relationship, Chetrara received expensive gifts, one of which was an apartment in Moscow and an expensive car. At the frontal place, the girl said that she would not build a relationship with a man who had not achieved anything in life. But at the same time, for Lilia, the material condition of a man is not in the first place.

After Lilia put forward her criteria for a potential man, many guys were afraid to show attention to the girl. However, Lilia did not remain alone for long and soon began to build relationships with.
Lilia Chetrara is one of the brightest participants. The girl gained 300 thousand followers on Instagram in less than 2 months of being on the project. Lilia is a very beautiful and well-groomed girl, she is the favorite of many young girls and men.

Plastic surgery Lilia Cetrara

After joining the TV project, Lilia made herself more than 4 plastic surgeries. In 2017, Lilia Cetrara underwent two plastic surgeries at the same time. These were breast augmentation and rhinoplasty. The girl increased her breast size from the first to the third. As Lily herself says, size was not important to her, she wanted to change the shape of her breasts.
With plastic surgery on her chest, Lilia was doing well, but with her nose, not everything is so good. After the first rhinoplasty, Lilia did not like the tip of her nose, and then she underwent a second plastic surgery. For the second time, everything suited Lily, and she was very happy with her new nose.
Also, Chetrara very often visits the beauty parlor. The girl regularly does cosmetic procedures on her face, and increases the size of her lips.

Instagram Lilia Cetrara

Lily Chetrara is a very beautiful and spectacular girl. No wonder Lilia is so popular on Instagram. The girl devotes a lot of time to photographs and their processing. There are a lot of explicit photos in Lilia's profiles, so the male audience of her profile prevails. There is nothing unusual about Lilia on Instagram, but thanks to her appearance and parameters, she is so popular.

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Almost nothing is known about the biography of Lilia Chetrara from "House-2". Fragile in appearance, Lily gives the impression of a defenseless girl, while she has a strong, tough character and resembles a wild cat. Participation in a reality show is considered a new experience and is treated as an adventure. And the spectacular brunette with dark eyes considers her unnatural beauty to be pride.

Lilia Chetrara: biography

The former star of the famous TV project Lilia Chetraru was born on August 7 in Moldova, in the sunny capital - Chisinau. According to some reports, Lilia calls the year of her birth 1996.

Facts from the biography of Lilia Cetrara:

  1. The real name is Ketraru.
  2. By nationality - a gypsy.
  3. I used to be into magic.
  4. She underwent several plastic surgeries by the age of 20, which radically changed the appearance of the girl: mammoplasty, rhinoplasty and lip augmentation.
  5. According to the sign of the zodiac - Leo.

Many fans are interested in what the girl’s height and weight are all the same. From the biography of Lilia Chetrara it follows that these parameters are 159 cm and 45 kg, respectively.

The girl carefully concealed information about her parents, her childhood and youth. That is why the biography of Lilia Cetrara is like a white spot. Later it became known that the burning brunette had only a certificate of secondary education and a successful attempt to enter the Chisinau University at the Department of Economics. The girl never received a diploma of higher education.

Shortly before her trip to Moscow, Lilia tried to build a career in various fields in her hometown. From the biography: Lilia Chetrara did not achieve professional growth. But she managed to work on local television as a leading news column, a model and even a dancer in nightclubs. An unconfirmed rumor is Chetrara's marriage, from which she got an apartment and an expensive car.

Participation in the show

The gates of the scandalous television set opened for Lilia Chetrara in mid-January 2017. The outrageous appearance of a miniature girl in the perimeter caused a lot of controversy and rumors - Lily drove onto the set driving a premium foreign car.

Of the men, Zakhara Salenko immediately singled out, to whom she showed signs of attention. The fact that Zakhar was in a relationship with Maya Dontsova did not stop Lily either. Loud statements about sympathy and courtship on the part of the girl were not taken seriously by the participants of the TV show and did not seem sincere. The guys were convinced that Lilia Chetrara came only for PR, and she did not need any love. It is noteworthy that before the project, Chetrara entered into relationships only with wealthy men, whom Salenko was not.

Scandalous relationship

The biography of Lilia Chetrara's personal life began to emerge when the girl realized that Zakhar would not leave Dontsova, and turned all her attention to another participant in the TV show, Sergei Zakharyash. Relations among young guys developed too rapidly. Lilia Chetrara offered Sergei Zakharyash to become husband and wife, to which the man agreed. The guys even played a staged wedding in the Seychelles as a sign of their great and pure love. The couple on the screens seemed emotional and passionate, attracting viewers with their sincere feelings. Constant quarrels and scandals, parting and reconciliation.

This did not last long, at the end of 2017, the young people finally left the TV project together. From now on, lovers are trying to build their relationship outside the perimeter.

Lilia Chetrara, after leaving the TV show, about her relationship with Zakharyash: "Seryozha and I almost do not swear. There is nothing behind the perimeter that was under the cameras. There are some misunderstandings, but these are trifles." The reasons why the couple left the reality show turned out to be banal: an overabundance of attention and overstrain from the cameras, pressure from viewers and other participants. Now young people feel confident and free.

What was Lilya before the project

From the biography of Lilia Chetrara it is known that when the girl became a member of the TV show, she had already undergone several plastic surgeries. But, being in the perimeter, she managed to enlarge her breasts. According to the Moldovan beauty, this is not the last change in appearance, and she intends to change further with the help of surgeons.

According to rumors, Cetrara plans to insert implants in his cheekbones, fix his chin and continue to redo his nose.

When photos appeared on the Web after the intervention of surgeons, there were no fewer disputes. Commentators were divided into two camps. One new appearance of Lilia seems perfect, even there are imitators. Others, on the contrary, believe that the reincarnation was superfluous, and find true beauty in photographs before plastic surgery.

First and second rhinoplasty

The first thing the girl decided on was rhinoplasty. According to Lilia, she had a big nose. The surgeon who performed the operation made a mistake, and anesthesia did not work on the girl. The oxygen mask was put on only after a while. Due to what happened, a plaque formed on the patient's tonsils, making it difficult to drink and eat. All this led to difficulty breathing, which prompted Lilia to undergo a second operation. Estimated expenses - 120 thousand rubles.

The ex-participant decided on a second rhinoplasty at the end of spring 2017. Despite the successful outcome, the girl was forced to walk in a cast for several weeks, the recovery period took about six months. This time, the star of the TV show for a miniature nose had to pay a tidy sum - 250 thousand rubles. Perfectly made nose, according to Lily herself, raised the girl's rating in social networks.

Lip augmentation

Chetrara had her lips pushed into the operation, which she describes as thin and expressionless. The cost of procedures exceeds 20 thousand rubles, not counting the tattoo. After an increase in the comments, the subscribers agreed that Lily disfigured her face, and her lips look unnatural and too big.


Breast augmentation is not uncommon these days. People take this step to become more confident and beautiful. Lilia Cetrara is no exception. Her desire was to increase her neat breasts by two sizes. The operation was performed by the same plastic surgeon as the corrective rhinoplasty. Mammoplasty was successful, and pictures of the transformed Lily immediately appeared on the Web. The cost of the operation, including implants, is not exactly known (according to rumors, it varies from 250 to 400 thousand rubles).

After leaving

After leaving Dom-2, Lilia Chetrara, whose biography fans are increasingly interested in, currently lives in the center of the capital. He has almost half a million subscribers in social networks, where he earns a living.

Almost a year has passed since the miniature brunette with the explosive character of Lilia Chetrara came to the TV project "House 2". During this time, the girl managed to be at the epicenter of scandals several times: she announced her pregnancy, then the ex-boyfriend posted her naked photos on the network ... If you add to this list frequent fights with other participants in the show, high-profile breakups and several plastic surgeries, then it becomes clear what is so interesting to the audience shocking Chetrara. It seems that this girl is not afraid to flaunt even the most unsightly traits of her character, if this will add to her popularity and the rating of "House 2". However, there are moments from the biography and personal life that Lilia tries not to advertise. For example, a girl does not like to comment on how she looked before joining a popular project. About who Lilia Chetrara is (photos before and after nose surgery below), including how old she really is, as well as the latest news from her Instagram, below.

Who is Lilia Chetrara: biography, how old is she, the Instagram scandalous participant of "House 2"

After Lilia Chetrara got on the Dom 2 project, fans of the show became interested in the biography of this scandalous participant and how old she really is. On the first broadcasts of the project, the bright brunette stated that she was only 21 years old, which seemed to many fans and even the participants of the House to be untrue. And indeed, the outrageous girl looks much older than her stated age. Most likely, the reason for this discrepancy is in the numerous plastic surgeries that Lilia has succumbed to her face and body. Some of them Chetrara did before the project, and some after she became a member of the famous TV show.

Facts from the biography of the scandalous participant of "House 2" Lilia Chetrara, photo from her Instagram

However, in the matter of her age, Lilia does not deceive anyone. Chetraru was born on August 7, 1996 in Chisinau. At the moment, the girl is 22 years old and this is almost all the information that is known about her life before the project. The fact is that Lilia does not comment on questions about her past. Only once did the girl mention that in her hometown she graduated from high school and entered one of the local universities. But Chetrara never received a higher education: she dropped out of school and moved to Moscow. According to her, the capital warmly welcomed the provincial and Lilia immediately found herself a rich boyfriend. He not only sponsored the girl's plastic surgery, but also gave her an apartment and a car. Soon this information was refuted by a former participant in the television set, Joseph Mungolle. The young man said that he knew Lilia for a long time and well: together they were engaged in escort services in the capital. According to him, before her career as an escort, Chetrara was engaged in striptease.

Lilia Chetrara and her personal life: former men and is there a boyfriend now, latest news

When the truth about the ugly past about Lilia Chetrara's personal life surfaced, TV fans with even greater interest began to look for information about her ex-men and about the guy with whom she is now together. Recall that initially Lilya went to the show to win the heart of Zakhar Salenko. The girl was not embarrassed by the fact that at the time of her appearance in the project, Zakhar already had a relationship with another participant. The assertive brunette on the third day of filming literally settled in the couple's bedroom. In the end, she managed to seduce Salenko, but after intimacy, the guy openly neglected Chetrara.

Former men and personal life of Lily Chetrara - the latest news about her boyfriend now

After Zakhar rejected her, Lilia turned her attention to Sergei Zakharyash. At that time, the young man was trying to build a relationship with another scandalous member of "House 2" - Leroy Frost. A real war broke out between the girls for Sergey's heart. In the end, Lilia was able to fall in love with Zakharyash and even invited him to marry. At the moment, the couple are together - young people continue to build relationships on a television project. If we talk about Lilia's ex-men outside of the show, then according to rumors, Black Star Mafia member Misha Marvin was among them. Chetrara also claims that she has always met exclusively with wealthy men who gladly gave her expensive gifts.

What Lilia Chetrara looked like before the project "House 2": a selection of photos before and after plastic surgery

Particular attention should be paid to how Lilia Chetrara looked before the project "House 2" (before and after photos below). When the girl just got beyond the perimeter of the famous television set, her appearance was already expressive. Viewers and participants of the show noted Lily's enlarged lips, which were completely unlike natural ones. However, the girl never denied that she resorted to plastic surgery. Before the project, in addition to lips, Chetrara managed to do rhinoplasty. If you look at old pictures of Lilia, you can see this - the brunette's nose has become thinner and more elegant. In addition, already being a member of the "House", Lilia enlarged her breasts. Many condemned the girl for such a strong passion for plastic at such a young age. But Chetrara herself is little interested in someone else's opinion, so she intends to continue to change with the help of surgeons.

A selection before and after plastic surgery Lilia Chetrara: how she looked before the show "House 2"

For those who want to visually see how Lilia Chetrara used to look, photos before and after plastics are below. It is possible that this collection will soon become irrelevant. Lilia has repeatedly stated that she is not going to stop at the operation to change the shape of her nose. According to the latest news, the girl plans to insert implants in her cheekbones and fix her chin. It is known that, unlike Lilia's ex-men, her boyfriend Sergei Zakharyash is against such manipulations. We hope that the participant of "House 2" will listen to his opinion and, together with plastic surgery, will leave fights and scandals with naked photos in the past. And given how old Lily really is, then an excessive passion for plastic surgery can negatively affect her appearance in a few years.
