Diabetes treatment in sanatoriums. Recommended sanatoriums in Russia that accept patients with diabetes mellitus for treatment. Indications for the spa treatment of children

Today, spa treatment consists in improving the methods of rehabilitation for social diseases. One of them is diabetes mellitus. Taking into account the cost of a large amount of money allocated for the treatment of this problem, many sanatoriums refer to the rehabilitation of diabetics as a priority. Treatment of diabetes mellitus in a sanatorium in Russia will cost at an affordable price.

The importance of spa treatment

It is important to note the widespread prevalence of pathology. According to the World Health Organization, about 3% of the world's population suffers from this disease, while the number of sick people is growing steadily. Forecasts say that every 15 years, the number of patients will double.

Insulin therapy, as well as tablet preparations, help to improve the well-being of patients, indicators of their quality of life, and the prognosis of the disease. But, even with the most adequate therapy, there is a high risk of developing late complications of the process.

First of all, we are talking about vascular and neurological problems. It is they that contribute to the decrease, loss of ability to work, the development of disability. This necessitates their prevention.

In Russia, a program has been developed that is aimed at preventing the disease, reducing the number of complications that have developed, as well as reducing mortality. Special rehabilitation centers were established. Today, spa treatment is carried out in 28 regions. The bases are sanatoriums with diabetologists in their headquarters who have completed specialized courses.

It is important to understand that treating diabetes is a difficult task. After all, it is necessary to correctly apply several groups of drugs at once, which can lead to side effects, unexpected allergic reactions. This leads to the search for all kinds of methods that can reduce the number of drug groups. These primarily include traditional medicine, as well as the impact of various natural and physical factors.

The results of numerous studies claim that some mineral waters have a beneficial effect on the state of carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, balneotherapy has given an absolutely round in diabetology. We advise you to rest in Pereslavl Zalessky, excellent conditions, clean air.

Indications and contraindications

Endocrinologists refer their patients to rehabilitation and treatment in a sanatorium in case of the following pathological conditions: type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus, development of secondary insulin-dependent diabetes. Violation of carbohydrate tolerance along with metabolic and hypothalamic syndromes, Pickwick's syndrome are also indications for such treatment.

It should be noted that a stay in a sanatorium is indicated with a compensated course of the pathological process, that is, the glycemic figures should not be high. An important point is the absence of even the most minimal manifestations of ketosis, and very little glucosuria is allowed. Treatment of persons with comorbid pathology is possible, however, the diseases should not remain in the period of exacerbation. The combined pathologies primarily include:

  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • JVP;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative defects of the digestive system;
  • angiopathy.

Contraindications for treatment in a sanatorium are considered to be pronounced decompensation of diabetes, accompanied by frequent episodes of ketosis, a tendency to hypoglycemia, especially to those that occur with fainting.

Treatment principles

The main driving factors for the successful treatment of patients with diabetes are the appointment of a hypo-carbohydrate diet, exercise therapy, selection of the correct and appropriate state of the patient hypoglycemic therapy with insulin or oral medications, rehabilitation in a sanatorium. Prevention of complications implies the achievement of compensation for the process, the appointment of vascular funds. It is important that patients exercise self-monitoring.

Most of the methods of spa treatment have been developed at the Pyatigorsk Research Institute of Balneology. They form the basis of the standards of spa treatment for diabetes, which are approved by the Russian Ministry of Health.

More often than others, the appointment of mineral waters is used. They have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, the lipid spectrum, which suffers in any type of disease. Glucosuria can be significantly reduced, up to complete disappearance, enzymatic processes are catalyzed, which helps to accelerate the utilization of glucose, its penetration into tissues. At the same time, tissue metabolism of carbohydrates improves, energy reserves increase due to the production of ATP.

Mineral water

It has been noted that mineral waters can increase the sensitivity of cellular receptors to insulin. This leads to a decrease in the need for the introduction of insulin from the outside, as well as a decrease in the dosage of oral sugar-lowering agents.

The best lasting effect (approximately one year) is achieved when the maximum number of treatment components is combined. Most often, crenotherapy is combined with mud therapy. Mineral baths have a positive effect on all areas of metabolism, improve the functioning of the nervous system by affecting the mechanisms of neuroregulation. This allows for improved rheology and hemodynamics. The immune system is activated.

All of the above leads to the fact that not only the course of diabetes mellitus as an independent pathology improves, but also the treatment and prevention of complications of this process and associated diseases of other organs and systems is carried out.

Mud therapy

Research from the Research Institute of Pyatigorsk, as well as from the Essentuki resort, show that mud therapy is indicated for a fifth of diabetic patients. This is due to the fact that the activity of the adrenal glands and the nervous system increases. Such processes can cause a deterioration in the course of carbohydrate metabolism. This is especially true for those patients who initially have a tendency to destabilize glycemic parameters.

Other procedures

Physiotherapy does not have a negative effect on carbohydrate metabolism, therefore it is considered the method of choice for the treatment of the labile course of diabetes. This includes dry baths, which can effectively fight angiopathies. An integrated approach also includes herbal medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, exercise therapy, psychological work with patients.

Many doctors argue that the use of kinesiotherapy is pathogenetically justified, and its significance for patients is very high. The expediency of all these techniques is determined by the endocrinologist together with physiotherapists and exercise therapy, a physiotherapist and other specialists. They are usually based on the individual characteristics of the patient, the course and aggression of the disease, the results of laboratory and instrumental examination.

In the presence of a concomitant pathology with diabetes mellitus, other ways of using mineral waters are possible. These include gastric lavage, enemas, duodenal drainage. It should be noted that the introduction of mineral water per rectum can be used as one of the methods for the treatment of hyperglycemia complicated by ketosis.

One of the important aspects of choosing a sanatorium for diabetics with end-stage renal failure is the availability of hemodialysis in the sanatorium. Few resorts are equipped with this device, for example, on the territory of Russia it is in the Sestroretsk sanatorium. The health of such patients is improved not only by mineral waters, but also by climatic conditions, landscape therapy. Dialysis in a spa treatment is considered one of the newest areas of pathology therapy. This can significantly improve the indicators of the quality of human life. Treatment of diabetes mellitus in sanatoriums in Russia is due to the rich and unique potential of the country.

Sanatorium named after M.I. Kalinin

This institution is located in Yessentuki and specializes in the rehabilitation and treatment of the digestive system, as well as endocrine organs. For a long time, a center for the rehabilitation of patients through the influence of natural factors has been functioning on its basis. The Diabetes Mellitus program consists of the following items:

  • the use of mineral waters;
  • the appointment of dietary food;
  • mud therapy;
  • massage sessions;
  • physical therapy classes;
  • mineral and whirlpool baths;
  • swimming pool with aqua aerobics sessions;
  • physiotherapy methods - electrophoresis, electrotherapy.

The staff of the sanatorium developed a scheme for the diagnosis and treatment of complications of the process. Patients are taught self-management, a process called the diabetes school.

Statistics claim that after undergoing rehabilitation in a sanatorium, 9 out of 10 patients experience the need to revise antihyperglycemic therapy with a tendency to reduce dosages. The voucher costs from 1900 to 9000 rubles per day.

Sanatorium Luch

The sanatorium is located in the city of Kislovodsk. It is rightfully considered one of the best and oldest preventive institutions in the Russian Federation. Due to the unique climate, balneological treatment, good results of balneotherapy are achieved.

The following services are presented here:

  • balneological baths;
  • hydrotherapy using a Charcot shower;
  • mud of the Tambukan lake;
  • mini-saunas work on the basis of the gyrokinesothalassotherapy department;
  • swimming pools;
  • various devices for conducting physiotherapy sessions - cryotherapy;
  • shock wave treatment;
  • tractor and many others.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus is based on the appointment of a hypo-carbohydrate diet, the use of mineral waters, hirudotherapy. Specialists in medical physical culture conduct sessions of water aerobics, nutritionists have developed special herbal teas.

The pricing policy of the sanatorium assumes vouchers from 3500 rubles for one day of stay.

Sanatorium named after M.Yu. Lermontov

This sanatorium is located in Pyatigorsk, in a picturesque place. On its territory there are as many as three sources of mineral water, which are intended for the treatment of various diseases. The rehabilitation program for patients with diabetes includes:

  • oxygen therapy using oxygen cocktails and baths;
  • mud therapy;
  • radon sources allow patients to take radon baths (it should be noted that they very often contribute to the occurrence of allergies, and can also negatively affect the course of bronchial asthma);
  • mineral water;
  • hardware treatment of complications of the disease.

The voucher costs from 1660 rubles for one day of stay.

Sanatorium Victoria"

Essentuki is equipped with more than one sanatorium for the rehabilitation of diabetics. On the basis of this sanatorium, highly qualified specialists work under the supervision of L.A. Gryazyukova, who has developed a unique program. It includes various diagnostic procedures for such patients - examinations by specialists of several profiles at once, such as a neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, nutritionist. The glycemic profile and lipid spectrum are monitored regularly.

Treatment involves the use of mineral waters, a hypo-carbohydrate diet, baths, climatotherapy, a pressure chamber, and electrotherapy. Patients are also trained in the diabetes school. An excellent positive aspect of this sanatorium is the presence of an arboretum, which will make your stay on treatment not so boring.

The cost of the voucher starts from 2090 rubles per day of stay.


This medical and preventive institution is located in the Republic of Adygea. It offers as many as three different programs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus according to degrees of intensity.

The lightweight program involves the appointment of a diabetologist, regular determination of the patient's glycemic profile. Also, yoga classes, qi-gong are held, diet therapy is prescribed. Physiotherapists conduct classes in the pool, ozone therapy, darsonvalization, massage sessions. Wine baths can be taken on request.

The basic program, in addition to the above procedures, includes hirudotherapy, as well as cryotherapy. The complex of the extended program involves the use of chiropractic, that is, visceral massage, acupuncture. Here you can also get a podiatrician consultation and non-invasive methods of treating diabetic feet.

The cost of the voucher starts from 11,850 rubles, the maximum price is 38,600 rubles.

Sanatorium "30 Years of Victory"

This sanatorium is located in Zheleznovodsk. It also offers diabetics a wide range of services for a complex of preventive and rehabilitative measures. It includes:

  • hydrotherapy with a Charcot shower, bowel lavage;
  • balneological treatment;
  • the use of therapeutic mud;
  • correction of hypoglycemic therapy by specialists;
  • physiotherapy methods;
  • the appointment of a hypo-carbohydrate diet.

The price of one day of rest is 2260 - 6014 rubles.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are still a large number of sanatoriums aimed at treating diabetes mellitus. When choosing an institution, it is necessary to be based on the principles of comfort and the range of services provided regarding the treatment of the disease, as well as on the price policy of the sanatorium. Sometimes you have to pay extra for services you don't need or for a very exotic location. This factor must also be taken into account. It should be noted that such treatment has a long-term effect in relation not only to diabetes itself, but also to its complications, associated diseases.

Sanatoriums diabetes.
diabetes and diseases
metabolic disorders

in sanatoriums.

Indications for treatment.

Diabetes; obesity and other types of overweight.

Treatment of diabetes and metabolic disorders
in sanatoriums.

Diabetes is a disease caused mainly by metabolic disorders in the body. During the tests, a sick person shows a high sugar content in urine and blood.
Diabetes is a serious disease, if you do not start treating it in time, the patient's eyesight deteriorates, blood vessels deteriorate, a person may even become disabled.
Diabetes treatment in sanatoriums in Russia and abroad is constantly in medical search, the best specialists in this field offer new effective methods of diabetes treatment.
Sanatorium treatment of diabetes is aimed at correcting carbohydrate metabolism and preventing complications. In sanatoriums, in the treatment of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), a diet with limited digestible carbohydrates, physiotherapy exercises, therapeutic swimming, balneotherapy (for example, radon baths) is used, for the prevention and treatment of microangtopathies (complications of diabetes mellitus), balneotherapy, apparatus physiotherapy are used in sanatorium treatment of diabetes ( e.g. magnetotherapy) and many other treatments.
Treatment of diabetes in the sanatoriums is carried out by endocrinologists, who select an individual diabetes treatment program for each patient of the sanatorium. First, a balanced diet is selected, sugar is excluded from the diet for diabetics. In the treatment of diabetes, medications, medicinal mineral water are prescribed in sanatoriums, oxygen therapy is prescribed. Many sanatoriums use the latest technologies for the treatment of diabetes: cryotherapy and magnetotherapy.
With cryotherapy, diabetes is treated by exposing a person to a very low temperature, at which the vessels narrow sharply, and then expand. As a result of this shake-up on the patient with diabetes, the metabolism is restored, the body begins to take insulin and the patient with diabetes mellitus is on the mend.
In sanatoriums for the treatment of metabolic diseases, the following methods are used: balneotherapy using various baths; physiotherapy; other methods of spa treatment.
In an endocrinological sanatorium (sanatorium for the treatment of metabolic diseases), your attending endocrinologist should refer you, strictly according to indications, excluding all medical contraindications.

One of the best resorts in Russia for the treatment and prevention of diabetes is Essentuki. Spa treatment with the use of mineral waters of the Essentuki type has a very pronounced preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation effect, both on patients with diabetes mellitus and on persons with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. This use of waters helps to improve health, correct weight, normalize disturbed metabolic processes and the activity of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems that regulate it. Changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, shifts in reflex reactions with the involvement of neurohumoral, hormonal and immune mechanisms, occurring under the influence of resort therapy, lead to a complex restructuring of metabolic processes and functional activity of the body as a whole, an increase in its adaptive capabilities. Essentuki sanatoriums are equipped with the latest technology for the treatment of diabetes.

Today, resort medicine is faced with the task of improving methods of restorative treatment of socially significant diseases, which, in particular, include diabetes mellitus (DM). The scale of the economic costs associated with the treatment of this pathology makes this area a priority in the work of many resorts.

Diabetes mellitus, which ranks third as the cause of death after cardiovascular and oncological diseases, was recognized by WHO experts as a non-infectious epidemic of the 20th century. According to various sources, there are from 120 to 180 million people with diabetes in the world, which is 2-3% of the total population of the planet. The number of patients with diabetes continues to grow steadily and, according to forecasts, their number is expected to double every 15 years.

The successes of insulin therapy and the use of glucose-lowering tablet drugs have significantly improved the condition of patients and increased their life expectancy. However, in these new conditions, chronic, so-called late complications of diabetes from various organs and systems (primarily vascular and neurological), which lead to long-term disability, early disability, and determine an unfavorable prognosis in patients with diabetes, have come to the fore.

The problem of diabetes prevention and treatment is acute all over the world. Therefore, WHO and the International Diabetes Federation in 1989 adopted the Saint Vincent Declaration, which emphasizes the importance of measures to reduce mortality and disability in patients with diabetes. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 715 dated December 1, 2004, diabetes mellitus is included in the list of socially significant diseases.

The federal target program "Diabetes mellitus", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 7, 1996, No. 1171, is aimed at reducing the incidence, disability and mortality of patients with diabetes in the Russian Federation. In addition, the program addresses the issues of organizing prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatment of diabetes and its complications, increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of patients. As part of this program in Essentuki on the basis of the sanatorium named after MI Kalinin, where they have been treating diabetes for more than 10 years, the Center for the rehabilitation of patients with diabetes with the involvement of natural factors was created (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 09/14/2001 No. 353), a specialized department was organized in the children's sanatorium "Malakhovka". In 28 regions of the country, sanatorium treatment has been organized on the basis of local sanatoriums, where diabetologists who have specialized in the Department of Endocrinology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education work.

Treating diabetes and its complications is challenging. It includes a significant arsenal of medicines that require their long-term complex use, which often leads to polypharmacy, to the development of side and allergic reactions. These circumstances necessitate the search for various non-drug methods of therapy, among which a special place belongs to the use of natural and preformed physical factors.

Studies have shown that of all the mineral springs of the resort towns of the Caucasus with mineral waters, the most pronounced positive effect on the state of carbohydrate metabolism and its hormonal regulation is exerted by the Essentuki mineral waters. Essentuki resort is currently the leading resort in Russia, where patients with diabetes can receive full and qualified medical care.

Indications for spa treatment

Class IV. Diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders. Group of diseases: diabetes mellitus. ICD-10 code: E 10 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; E 11 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.


  • in a state of compensation (normal indicators of ketone bodies in the blood, absence of acetone in urine, glycemia not higher than 9-10 mmol / l, daily glucosuria not more than 5% of the sugar value of food);
  • burdened (in remission) with chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, intestinal dyskinesia, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, angioretonopathies of the I-II degree, polyneuritis.

It should be remembered that patients with stage 1-2 diabetic retinopathy, stage 1 nephropathy without azotemia, patients with impaired peripheral circulation in the lower extremities without trophic ulcers and gangrene can be referred to sanatorium treatment.

Contraindications: DM in the stage of decompensation; tendency to hypoglycemic states with rapid loss of consciousness.

The principles of spa therapy for patients with diabetes are reduced to the appointment of a physiological diet, dosed physical activity, adequate insulin therapy, oral hypoglycemic drugs in combination with spa rehabilitation. Prevention and treatment of chronic complications, primarily angioneuropathies, consists in achieving stable diabetes compensation and prescribing angioprotectors. Patient education and self-control are prerequisites for successful treatment.

Many methods of spa therapy for patients with diabetes have been developed by scientists from the Pyatigorsk Research Institute of Balneology. These methods formed the basis for the standards of sanatorium and resort care for diabetes in the stage of compensation, subcompensation with an uncomplicated course, approved by Order No. 220 of the Ministry of Health and the RF SR of November 22, 2004.

The leading method of spa therapy for diabetes is crenotherapy - treatment with mineral springs. Mineral waters have a positive effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism: hyperglycemia and glucosuria decrease, the influence of certain enzymes that promote the penetration of glucose into tissues increases, and the lipid spectrum of blood serum improves. At the same time, the processes of tissue metabolism of carbohydrates are improved, the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) increases, during the breakdown of which a large amount of energy is released. In addition, mineral waters significantly increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors to this hormone, and therefore the need for exogenous insulin and tableted antihyperglycemic drugs decreases in almost all patients.

The maximum and longest lasting effect (up to 10-14 months) is achieved with a combination of crenotherapy and balneotherapy procedures. When taking mineral baths in patients with diabetes, there is a favorable dynamics of indicators of all types of metabolism, the functional state of the nervous system, metabolism is activated, while there is a positive effect on neuroregulatory mechanisms, contributing to the normalization and stabilization of hemodynamics. Mineral baths significantly enhance nonspecific protective factors and improve specific immunity indicators, improve carbohydrate and other types of metabolism and, in addition, have a pronounced positive effect on the course of concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, digestive organs, musculoskeletal system, skin , kidneys, genital area, etc. The most pronounced effect is observed when using gas mineral baths: carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, radon.

According to the results of studies carried out by doctors of the Essentuki resort and the Pyatigorsk Research Institute, mud therapy can be used only in 10-15% of all patients with diabetes, since this often increases the activity of the cortical and medullary layers of the adrenal glands, and according to some reports, the excitability of the sympathetic part of the nervous system. The mechanisms listed above in some cases cause a deterioration in the state of carbohydrate metabolism, especially with poor compensation and a severe course of the disease. In this regard, the use of mud therapy in persons with diabetes is very limited, requires caution and special monitoring of the patient's condition.

Physiotherapy, in contrast to mud therapy, does not have a negative effect on disturbed indicators of carbohydrate metabolism and is the method of choice in the treatment of patients in a state of sub- and decompensation, with a severe or labile course of the disease. The use of "dry" carbon dioxide baths within the framework of complex spa therapy plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of diabetic microangiopathies. In complex spa treatment, phytotherapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, physiotherapy exercises are also widely used. The inclusion of special kinesitherapy complexes in the spa therapy of diabetic patients is pathogenetically justified and has a high therapeutic value. Systematic physical activity corresponding to the patient's condition reduces the need for hypoglycemic drugs. The adequacy of the load is determined by the exercise therapy doctor together with the endocrinologist - based on changes in the level of hyperglycemia, glycosuria, body weight. A wide range of treatment procedures used in the spa therapy of diabetes, allows you to choose an adequate treatment method individually for each patient. Studies carried out in the clinic of the Pyatigorsk Research Institute of Balneology indicate the beneficial effect of complex spa therapy with the use of drinking mineral waters of the Essentuki type on the functional state of the kidneys and the ophthalmoscopic picture of the fundus in diabetic patients with microvascular complications (diabetic retino- and nephropathy).

Similar studies were carried out by the Ternopil State Medical Academy in the sanatorium "Tovtry" of the Khmelnytsky region. There, a clinical and immunological examination was carried out of 65 patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes, who were on sanatorium-resort treatment in the sanatorium "Tovtry" after a course of treatment "Zbruchanskaya Naftusya" - low-mineralized (M - 0.88 g / l) hydrocarbonate sodium-magnesium mineral water, prescribed at a dose of 10 ml per kg of body weight, three times a day, 45 minutes before meals. Researchers observed a pronounced positive effect of mineral water on the clinical course of the disease, as well as laboratory parameters: bilirubin, cholesterol, glucose in blood serum and urine. A nonspecific immunomodulatory effect of the mineral water of the Zbruchansk deposit was revealed, which was more pronounced in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Comprehensive treatment of diabetic patients at the Bulgarian National Rehabilitation Center "Narechenski Bani SCC" included drug therapy, diet therapy, drinking treatment with low-mineralized (1.46 g / l) radon, hydrocarbonate-sulphate sodium mineral water, physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, hypnotherapy. As a result of treatment, positive dynamics of clinical symptoms, a statistically significant decrease in blood sugar (from 10.2 to 5.85 mmol / l), and a significant improvement in lipid metabolism were revealed.

The results of studies carried out by the Research Institute of Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Belarusian State Medical University in the Krasnousolsk sanatorium showed that mineral drinking water has a prophylactic effect on the progression of impaired glucose tolerance, thereby delaying the onset of diabetes. Treatment at the resort allows you to achieve a more benign course of the disease, helps to reduce clinical manifestations, and in some cases prevents the occurrence of complications, reduces the manifestations of concomitant ailments.

According to studies carried out at the Dorokhovo resort, the use of magnesium-calcium sulfate Dorokhovskaya mineral water helps to create a reserve of substances in the body that determine the activity of insulin, and trace elements allow the inactivation of the insulinase enzyme, which, in turn, leads to the normalization of blood glucose levels. ... In most cases with diabetes, mineral water is prescribed 200.0 ml 3 times a day. The time of taking mineral water and its temperature are set depending on the concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract according to general indications.

With these concomitant diseases in patients with diabetes, other methods of internal use of mineral waters are also used: duodenal drainage, gastric lavage, microclysters, siphon intestinal lavage. Rectal methods of administration of mineral water in patients with diabetes contribute to the rapid elimination of ketoacidosis.

A special place in the crenotherapy of diabetic patients is occupied by magnesium-containing mineral waters. In the general range of macro- and microelements, magnesium ions occupy a special position. Together with calcium ions, magnesium determines the activity of more than 300 enzymes. It has been proven that with diabetes there is a decrease in the concentration of magnesium ions in the blood by 10-12%. Therefore, the additional intake of magnesium ions through the internal intake of mineral water makes it possible to quite effectively replenish the reserves of magnesium homeostasis and promotes the activation of metabolic reactions, which are vital in diabetes mellitus.

Results of clinical approbation of Donat Mg medicinal mineral water (Mg content 1014 mg / l), carried out on the basis of the endocrinology department of the ICB No. 11 and the diabetological sanatorium named after V. Chkalov, testify to the high efficiency of crenotherapy with magnesium waters in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Crenotherapy with bottled mineral waters, such as Donat Mg, Essentuki No. 17, Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki "Novaya", should be included in the complex therapy of diabetes in the post-spa period. Mineral waters affect the main links in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, its manifestations. At the same time, there is an improvement in the islet apparatus of the pancreas, manifested in the optimization of the producing ability of b-cells by increasing the labile and main pools of insulin, the effectiveness of its action in tissues. The disturbed interaction of insulin and glucagon is restored. Intestinal-pancreatic and neuroendocrine interactions, secretion of gastrin, intestinal hormones that affect the function of the islet apparatus of the pancreas are activated. Contrainsular influences are inhibited, which removes intense stimulation of the islets of b-cells and leads to an increase in their functional reserves.

It is generally accepted that a rational nutritional plan and pharmacological antihyperglycemic therapy are the mainstays of diabetes therapy. Statistics show that 17% of all conflict situations arising from the poor organization of medical care at resorts are associated with diabetes mellitus, or rather, with the lack of proper nutrition for this category of patients in sanatoriums. According to Israeli doctors, the diet of a diabetic patient is ideal for any healthy person. In all specialized sanatoriums, six meals a day are organized according to two diets: for patients receiving insulin and for those with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In many sanatoriums, natural soy products are included in the diet of diabetic patients.

Many sanatoriums have a “diabetes management school,” which trains the patient to manage their disease and control the course of diabetes, which allows patients to actively participate in treatment. The possibility of combining non-drug therapy with the use of highly effective pharmaceuticals and the use of modern medical technologies at the disposal of the resort made it possible to revise the contraindications of spa treatment for many categories of patients. The circle of people who are shown resort rehabilitation, the use of drinking water, mud, balneological procedures is significantly expanding. Treatment of this category of patients is possible only if the principles of staged therapy and continuity between city health care facilities and health care facilities of resorts are observed. The main principles of carrying out rehabilitation measures in long-term ill patients are a systematic analysis of the clinical status, carried out with the aim of individualizing rehabilitation programs, as well as the principle of specialization and integration.

Another important aspect of the spa treatment of diabetic patients is dialysis in a spa setting. Diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy can undergo complex treatment in the resorts of Russia (Sestroretsk resort) and the Czech Republic (Marianske Lazne, the Windsor clinic in the Pacifik-Astoria sanatorium). Mineral waters, climatotherapy, landscape therapy, along with the main methods of treating diabetes, significantly increase the effectiveness of complex treatment of this category of patients. According to recent studies, the mental state of patients requiring constant dialysis is regarded as asthenic-depressive syndrome. Symptoms of depression are often "masked" by a decrease in contacts, initiative, sleep disorders, and appetite. These patients need spa treatment and simply quality rest. The possibility of dialysis in a resort - a new direction in the treatment of this serious disease - allows not only to improve the patient's condition, but also to significantly improve the quality of his life.

We have developed a resort selection system (SPK) (), which reflects the main natural healing factors. The resorts are categorized by region and, therefore, by climatic zone. This is especially important for people with chronic diseases and the elderly, as well as during short courses of spa therapy, since the processes of adaptation and readaptation, which inevitably occur when climatic conditions change, can significantly reduce the effect of treatment and even worsen the course of the disease. The table shows the climatic characteristics of the resorts, indicates the main types of mineral waters, therapeutic mud.

Taking into account the fact that Russia has a unique resort and recreational potential focused on the provision of medical services, the SPK allows you to choose a resort taking into account the main and concomitant (competing) diseases in any region of Russia. The SEC also includes European resorts available to the Russian consumer of spa services and presented on the market by leading travel companies.

The list of resorts in Russia and Europe, shown for patients with diabetes, includes resorts and sanatoriums operating under special programs for the treatment of patients with diabetes, organized "schools for diabetes management", as well as sanatoriums that accept for treatment patients with concomitant and competing diseases occurring in the background SD.

N. V. Manshina
Medical Center "Medsi", Moscow

The health resort is primarily aimed at preventing complications.

Such wellness programs also include therapy, metabolic syndrome, and metabolic disorders.

Therapy at the resort allows you to achieve a benign course of endocrine pathology.

Every patient with this disease must know which sanatorium treats diabetes mellitus and undergo an annual wellness course.

Letters from our readers

Theme: My grandmother's blood sugar returned to normal!

From whom: Christina ( [email protected])

To: Administration site

Moscow city

My grandmother has been ill with diabetes for a long time (type 2), but recently complications have started to affect her legs and internal organs.

Sanatorium them. M.I. Kalinin in Essentuki

In a sanatorium in Russia, they treat diabetes mellitus, fight obesity problems and find out the causes of metabolic disorders. The therapy program includes six meals a day, corresponding to the patient's disease profile. Organized in three dining rooms under the supervision of a dietitian.

Advantages of the boarding house for patients with diabetes mellitus:

  • learning to make your own daily diet;
  • the possibility of treating children from 3 years old;
  • classes in the gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer;
  • comfortable rooms with all conditions;
  • conditions for active recreation have been created;
  • holidaymakers are offered mud therapy;
  • hardware physiotherapy for the pancreas.

The only disadvantage of the resort for the treatment of diabetes mellitus is the expensive cost. Accommodation therapy costs from 2,000 to 9,000 rubles per day.

At the moment, it is one of the best resort places where experienced doctors help and teach patients to keep the disease under control and improve the condition of patients.

The Diabetes Center offers the following services:

  • 4 meals a day with the possibility of pre-ordering meals for diets 1-15, depending on the disease;
  • free therapeutic examination and delivery of all tests;
  • complete diagnostics using modern techniques and drugs;
  • physiotherapy and balneological treatment;
  • Narzan water therapy;
  • ozone therapy and phyto-steam mini-saunas;
  • the opportunity to do water aerobics.

Among the advantages are a modern tennis court, solarium, a computer room with internet access, a playground for children, safe rental and other recreational activities for adults.

A day's stay in a single room costs more than 5 thousand rubles. The price includes meals, accommodation and treatment.

Sanatorium them. M.Yu. Lermontov in Pyatigorsk

The oldest health resort offers its patients year-round therapy for diseases associated with impaired metabolism. It is possible to undergo therapy with radon and mud baths.

There are three sources of mineral water on the territory of the Lermontov health resort.

As part of the therapy of endocrine pathology, the following procedures are offered:

  • foam baths and cocktails;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • laser-magnetic therapy for complications of endocrine pathology.

Children are provided with therapy from 4 years old. Each arriving person has an individual approach, a meal is prepared.

It offers visitors a lot of entertainment, rooms equipped with everything you need and a hydromassage bath.

Toast has no drawbacks. 90% of patients with diabetes mellitus leave the sanatorium healthy, the dosage of the hormone insulin is reduced.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus in the Moscow region in a health complex is suitable for children, adults and the elderly. Zdravitsa offers several types of dietary tables and assistance in preparing the menu, mineral water therapy is carried out.

For those who arrived with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, a rehabilitation program was developed if the patient had previously suffered a stroke. The recommended course of therapy for all patients is 21 days.

Advantages of treating diabetes mellitus in a sanatorium in the Moscow region:

  • terrenkur;
  • phyto-, ozoke-, mechano- and physiotherapy;

13 qualified specialists are hired in Dorokhovo. Patients can undergo a comprehensive examination at any time. Excursions are provided during free time from treatment.

Zdravitsa is in the TOP of the best sanatoriums for the treatment of sugar in women, men and children. Here they will teach you how to eat right and make up a diet for the whole day, improve metabolism and the work of the endocrine system.

For effective treatment of diabetes at home, experts advise Dialife... This is a unique remedy:

  • Normalizes blood glucose levels
  • Regulates the function of the pancreas
  • Relieve puffiness, regulate water exchange
  • Improves vision
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications
We have all the necessary licenses and quality certificates both in Russia and in neighboring countries.

Reduced price for diabetics!

Buy at a discount on the official website

There are good diagnostic capabilities: laboratory, ECG, ultrasound of internal organs and heart.

Pros of the resort:

  • catering is ordered, there are cafes on the territory with reasonable prices;
  • excursions;
  • sports equipment rental and gym classes with an experienced instructor who is aware of the patient's illness;
  • library;
  • from therapeutic factors: drinking mineral waters, the climate of the forest zone, a pool of therapeutic swimming with sea water;
  • methods of therapy: apparatus physiotherapy, inhalation and heat therapy, massage, exercise therapy, diet therapy and psychotherapy.

Among the shortcomings, visitors point out the poor attitude of the staff, poor food (little variety, food is not tasty). Nothing is provided for children as the resort is intended for adults only.

More than 90% of vacationers are elderly people, most of the excursions are for them.

The sanatorium for diabetics in the Krasnodar Territory of Russia has a center for the training of medical personnel. All trained doctors work in the health center itself.

Among the advantages are more than 400 types of medical examinations, high-quality diagnostics and effective treatment of patients of all ages. The wellness complex provides visitors with beauty salons, a gym and an indoor saltwater pool.

They treat patients with insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Meals are customized, diabetic.

The wellness program is designed for pregnant women, adult men and women, the elderly and children. There is an opportunity to undergo rehabilitation after acute cerebrovascular accident as a result of complications of diabetes mellitus.

It is possible to treat diabetes by the sea, a beach with awnings and medical supervision.

The modern diagnostic complex can accommodate 850 people. Works all year round. The duration of diabetes mellitus treatment is 10 days.

The sanatorium of the Moscow Region with the treatment of diabetes mellitus at the Oka has a general therapeutic profile. The services of visitors are provided with drawing up a meal plan, medication therapy, exercise therapy and massage.

For kids, there is a children's room with a playground, there are educators.

The Treatment and Rehabilitation Center offers spa treatment and health programs. Visitors are invited to visit the hydropathic establishment. 10-course therapy with medicinal waters helps to normalize metabolism.

The sanatorium is more suitable for elderly people who love peace and quiet.

Disadvantage: poor nutrition. They are fed 4 times a day, the choice is large, but visitors complain about not tasty dishes.

"Podmoskovye" United sanatorium of the Administrative Department of the Russian Federation in the Domodedovo District

It is considered one of the best multidisciplinary resort destinations. The medical profile is focused on metabolic disorders, cardiovascular pathologies and other health problems associated with endocrine pathology.

Medical procedures are prescribed after passing diagnostics, studying the patient's card and on the recommendations of doctors who have given a referral to a health resort.


  • recovery after an acute disturbance of the blood supply to the brain and a heart attack;
  • observation of patients requiring constant monitoring of the medical staff;
  • six meals a day.

A bath complex, swimming pools, a library and a massage room, household services, ordering excursions, the Internet and rental of household or sports equipment are at the service of visitors in the Moscow region. There is an exercise therapy room, a tennis court, a gym. All classes are conducted with qualified instructors.

Lots of fun for kids. Attractions and playground, computer club and children's menu

No flaws were found. Due to the location of the resort area away from industrial areas and heavy car traffic. The air is not polluted, clean.

Therapy for diabetes mellitus is aimed at reducing the dosage of insulin, improving the general condition and alleviating the signs of complications. 98% of diabetics report improvement after visiting health centers.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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