Pimples all over the body on soft tissues. External causes of acne. Causes of acne on the body

Why do acne appear on the body?? This is perhaps one of the most common questions asked not only by teenagers, but also by older people. Of course, in most cases, hormonal disruptions in the body, which are especially characteristic of adolescence, are to blame. But what causes acne on the body?

Their appearance has been repeatedly associated with external factors that are not obvious to the person himself. Let's try to understand the most common factors for the appearance of acne on the body and the means of treating them.

The main culprit for the formation of purulent acne on the body should be considered the constant wearing of a backpack, as well as tight synthetic clothing, especially in the summer heat.

If red pimples appear on these parts of the body and itch mercilessly, then an allergy to washing powder can be assumed.

The reason may be the constant use of fatty (lard) and fried foods (cutlets, potatoes) in the menu.

Salt baths once a week help treat such rashes. You can also lubricate the rash areas with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Chest and décolleté

Why can purulent acne appear on the body? Most often this is an allergy to shower gel or washing powder. They may appear as a reaction to acute or fatty foods, and some drinks that contain huge amounts of sugar. And, of course, seafood.

You can get rid of acne in the décolleté area with baking soda. To do this, you need to mix it with a small amount of water to make a paste. Massage the skin with this product for half a minute and rinse with water.


Why do pimples appear on the body and itch? The cause may be constant friction from the narrow collar. It can also be the result of an allergy, for example to shampoo. And finally, another obvious reason is the abuse of sweet foods and drinks, such as soda.

You can defeat rashes in this area using a cotton pad, which must first be soaked in lemon juice. Wash off after 10 minutes.


Why do red pimples appear on the body? There are several reasons for this, and one of them is digestive problems. The second is an allergy to soap and other detergents, or to antibiotics.

If you frequently visit the pool or sauna, you can contract a fungal infection, which can manifest itself in the form of pimples. You can get rid of them only with the help of special antifungal drugs.

But for common acne, you can try regular potato juice. To do this, apply half a potato to the problem areas of the skin, wait 30 minutes and rinse.


The main reason is wearing tight synthetic clothing, especially tights, and improper shaving.

Getting rid of them is quite simple - you only need 5 - 6 drops of oil. tea tree add to regular shower gel and use it 2 times a day.

Video: why acne appears on the body

Our readers write

How Inblanc changed my life

Hi all! My name is Marina, I am 23 years old, and I am the mother of a charming daughter. But my motherhood is overshadowed by one unpleasant circumstance - every day in the mirror I see ugly pigment spots on my cheeks and forehead.

I tried everything I could to get them out! I tried both celandine and chamomile, and even signed up for chemical peeling, but thought better of it in time.

And then somehow my husband, quite by accident, came across this amazing article on the Internet, which described a milk for the treatment of age spots. And knowing about my problem, without saying anything, I ordered this product.

I received my unexpected gift literally a week later. And on the very first day I smeared the hated spot on my forehead and a couple of spots on my cheeks 5 times a day. I don't think it was much - the hyperpigmentation on my face was too strong.

This went on for a week. And literally on the 10th day from the start of use, it began to seem to me that my spots began to lighten. I immediately questioned my husband, and he confirmed my joy. And to accurately confirm my guess, I went to my friend. And do you know what she said?

- What happened to your spots? They are no longer so noticeable, my dear! Let me try to cure my freckles with this drug!

I showed her website where I first read about it after my husband ordered it for me. And then we made an order together.

Surprisingly, Inblanc has made my motherhood even more wonderful, and now I am truly happy!

My experience with acne treatment

Good afternoon

She persistently tried to cure me with a variety of ointments and gels, tablets and traditional medicine. but nothing worked. It seemed that there would always be more than love between us. We will also be connected by acne. It was very, very unpleasant.

And then somehow my beloved girl, in search of another acne remedy, came across this amazing article on the Internet. Here we talked in detail about such a remedy for acne as.

We decided to try it right away - maybe we’d be lucky too. , received it by mail and began to act.

Surprisingly, I was able to notice the first results within a week! The pimples not only began to decrease in size, they stopped being red, stopped itching and began to literally go away.

My beloved liked it so much that she decided that the course of treatment should be completed completely. And we were right! Only a month has passed and now I have clear skin - not a single pimple, not a single scar or other trouble!

I am very grateful to my girlfriend for literally saving me from acne. It’s so great to look in the mirror and see your face, not acne!

How I got rid of age spots on my face

Hello everybody!

Age spots are very unpleasant. But until I was 23 years old, I didn’t even know what it was. It all started with hormonal changes in the body, which happens to every woman during pregnancy and after childbirth.

My face looked terrible - the pigment spots were large, occupying almost the entire forehead and cheeks. I simply could not look at myself in the mirror.

Caring for a small child somehow brightened up my days. But when my daughter grew up a little, I finally decided to regain my previous appearance. And I realized that the first thing I needed to do was get rid of age spots.

And then, quite by accident, I came across a product called Inblanc on the Internet. This whitening milk could be ordered right here, which is what I did.

I received my purchase quickly and started working on the same day. I used whitening milk 3 to 5 times a day and was able to see the first results in just a week. The pigment spots on the forehead became lighter, but on the cheeks did not respond to treatment.

But I didn’t give up and used whitening milk for the full course of treatment. And you know - everything passed! Literally after 3 weeks from the start of use, the spots began to simply disappear. And then one fine moment in the evening there was still the last speck. And in the morning he was no longer there!

Whitening milk literally brought me back to life. Now I like my face, and today I recommended the whitening milk to my pregnant friend - an ugly look appeared on her face. age spot, which greatly spoiled her beauty.

Acne on the body worries not only the fair sex, but also men. The reasons for the formation of acne on the body in men can be varied, but it is known that in almost the majority of the stronger sex they arise due to disorders of skin metabolism. If you find that your body is covered with red spots or purulent pimples, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

What reasons contribute to the appearance of acne on a man’s body?

There are the following factors that negatively affect skin metabolism, resulting in the formation of acne on the body:

  1. Improper air exchange of the skin. This means that the man is using a large number of cosmetics containing mineral oils or chemical components.
  2. The man sweats too much. Heavy sweating often occurs due to prolonged wearing of synthetic fabrics. Also, with constant stress or with vegetative-vascular dystonia, severe sweating can occur.
  3. Incorrect intake of products. Especially often, acne on the body in men occurs due to excessive consumption of unhealthy foods (fast food, sugary drinks, carbonated water), the wrong combination of sweet, fatty and salty foods.
  4. Taking medications. Taking antibiotics, immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal medications and even vitamins can lead to acne.
  5. The presence of inflammatory processes in the body. Some diseases have symptoms in the form of skin rashes (various dermatitis, pimples, allergic rashes).

The reasons for the formation of acne on a man’s body can have an internal or external source of formation. If you see a huge number of small and red pimples on your body, then this is an allergic reaction to some substance. In most cases, it occurs due to the use of cosmetics that are full of chemical components. Dense male acne on the body indicates that you have consumed a large amount of fatty foods.

Quite often, small inflamed body pimples symbolize that a malfunction has occurred. endocrine systems s. Acne is caused by a deficiency or excess of a certain hormone. Basically, sex hormones can influence the formation of acne. A malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract can also affect a person in the form of acne or pimples. In this case, in the form of acne formation in men, the body removes toxic substances, primarily involving the skin. If you have a disease such as pyelonephritis (a disease of the urinary structure), acne may appear on the body.

How to cleanse the body of acne in men?

Before you do anything, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist. Only he, with the help of an examination, can say for sure that
caused acne on the body. Remember, never squeeze pimples on your body. Thus, you will not get rid of them, but increase their number. You can get rid of acne on your own only if you know what is causing your allergic reaction or are sure that the rash occurred from using a cosmetic product.

Many dermatologists recommend using a solution of potassium permanganate to get rid of the inflammatory process from acne on the body. Within a few minutes, pimples dry out, both small and large. You can use potassium permanganate point method. Let's take it cotton swab and lubricate each pimple separately (suitable when there are not many pimples on the body). Potassium permanganate can only be used for the first 2-3 days. Then we continue treatment with other gentle substances.

To prepare the correct solution of potassium permanganate, you need to dissolve it in hot boiled water. Potassium permanganate crystals are added to it, stirring constantly. As soon as the crystals stop dissolving in the liquid, the solution is ready. All that remains is to strain the solution. It is strictly forbidden to apply cosmetics before or after applying a solution of potassium permanganate.

Home methods for getting rid of acne on the body in men

If there are no contraindications, you can use home remedies in the form of treatment. A solution made from daisies is quite popular. We use a tablespoon of flowers per glass of water. Wait a little and freeze the liquid into cubes. Clean the affected skin every day and then rinse with running water.

Plantain is in great demand. Pour 50 g of plantain roots into a liter of boiling water. Then leave it to boil for about 20 minutes. While taking a bath, add the solution to the water. The course of treatment for plantain usually lasts 2 weeks. Instead of plantain, you can use burdock roots or celandine. They are also great for treating rashes.

Medicines will also help in the fight. At the pharmacy you can buy Levomekol ointment, which, using its antiseptic functions, reduces the number of formations on the body.

It should be noted that you should not resort to self-treatment of acne on the body if you have no idea about the nature of its formation or what reasons could provoke it.

A small discomfort, such as acne on the body, can turn into a big problem or even disaster if you do not have minimal knowledge about their origin.

But often all knowledge about them fits into one phrase: “I went to see a friend, she has the same problem. She advised how to treat!”

This is not a dead-end approach - it is a step into the abyss. Just as you cannot step into the same river, there are no completely identical situations. God, creating man in his own image and likeness, endowed him with absolutely amazing individual qualities and abilities of exclusive reaction.

Unfortunately, this fully applies to various human diseases. Such a painful phenomenon as acne on the body is no exception to this line of problems.

By incorporating the inductive method of cognition, we will study the problem, moving from simple to complex.

Types of rashes

Before moving forward, it is necessary to clarify some concepts used in medicine.

Name Description of the term
Acne or acne Chronic inflammation of the skin that occurs due to blockage sebaceous glands and excessive sebum production.
Comedo A type of cyst, a kind of hard formation consisting of sebum and dead cells in the hair follicle.
Pimples This is another manifestation of the disease of the sebaceous glands and follicles.
Acne Private external sign of acne caused by pathology of the sebaceous glands.
Pustule Initial rash caused by purulent processes in the epidermis or dermis.
One type of rash. Distinctive features are a rough, dense, cavityless formation.
Papule Rash or nodule.
Cyst A non-cancerous swelling of the skin filled with fluid or pus.
(bulae, visicles) A formation on the skin filled with fluid.
Roseola This is a round formation of red or pale pink color, with a size of no more than 5 mm. This type of rash is characteristic of infectious diseases.
Hemorrhage Dots or spots formed due to vascular disease. The size depends on the severity of the subcutaneous hemorrhage.
Abnormal redness of the skin caused by excess blood flow into the capillaries.

To describe the inflammatory process, doctors try to avoid the colloquial term “acne,” which does not provide the correct understanding.

Photos of different types of rash:


Hemorrhagic rash


Types of rashes

Types of acne

The types of rash described above are primary signs manifestations of the disease. Secondary symptoms appear already during the course of the disease.

These include:

  1. Depigmentation (hyperpigmentation). The skin loses its natural color: discoloration or significant darkening.
  2. Peeling. The appearance of elements of dead epidermis, the so-called. scales.
  3. Erosion. Superficial damage to the dermis as a result of natural opening or mechanical impact on blisters or pustules.
  4. Crust. It occurs after the damaged surface film has dried.
  5. Lichenification. Secondary morphological manifestation of the rash that changes the appearance. As a rule, it is reinforced by a significant compaction of the dermis and a pattern on it.

A rash on the body of an adult in the form of pimples, papules, red bumps can appear for various internal and external reasons.

Internal factors:

  • the body's reaction to various actions;
  • pathology of metabolic processes;
  • dysfunction in the liver, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands;
  • blood and vascular disease;
  • avitaminosis.

External factors:

A non-infectious rash can appear for several reasons.

It could be:

  1. Allergic rash. It is observed during serum sickness, or as the body’s response to external stimuli.
  2. Internal pathological processes.

Contact dermatitis

This general term is used to describe chronic and acute skin diseases. is the most “popular” skin manifestation.

The reasons for its occurrence have been studied and are quite simple - it is the direct effect of an aggressive substance on the human body.

Photo of irritation with contact dermatitis:

Medicine has identified the following types of dermatitis:

  1. Simple. It is caused by direct contact with the body of aggressive and toxic liquids: alkalis, acids, petroleum derivatives.
  2. Allergic. Here the range of irritants is presented wider: paints and varnishes, metal, pollen, .
  3. Phototoxic or. This type of skin reaction occurs when the body is exposed to sunlight of various spectrums for a long time, as well as directly to ultraviolet radiation emitted by devices.

Contact dermatitis can be caused by:

  1. , which is used in the manufacture of hygiene gloves, baby pacifiers, toys,.
  2. Nickel. This metal is included in coins, accessories, and various jewelry.
  3. Creams and ointments used in medicine containing hormones and.
  4. Household chemical materials: cleaning, washing, washing, degreasing powders, gels, emulsions.
  5. Aggressive liquids, dyes: paints, alkalis, acids, varnish, gasoline, acetone.
  6. Polymer materials and dyes used in the manufacture of shoes and clothing.

Symptoms depend not only on the nature and chemical properties of the irritant, but also on the individual characteristics of the person.

To the most characteristic manifestations worth mentioning:

  • swelling, redness, itchy pimples, burning;
  • the appearance of bubbles, erosion, weeping;
  • increased body temperature, general malaise, partial disturbance of the nervous system.

Nettle rash or fever, urticaria are names of the same skin disease.

Urticaria is one of the “classics” of polyetiological diseases, that is, completely different causative factors create the same symptoms.

Skin allergies are how this disease is most often characterized. Because it is based on immediate hypersensitivity, a kind of trigger for an allergic response.

Part of the medical fraternity is still inclined to talk about urticaria as a symptom of individual diseases, rather than as an independent disease.

Nettle fever can manifest itself as a result of allergic shock and autoimmune diseases. It practically does not manifest itself without accompanying negative circumstances.

These include:

  • immune system dysfunction;
  • food products containing allergens;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • leukemia;
  • herpes;
  • external physical irritants: grass and tree pollen, animal fur, poisonous insect bites.

Urticaria has various visual manifestations, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the types of the disease.

The most typical include:

  • redness, severe, painful itching, blisters;
  • a sharp deterioration in the patient’s general condition: malaise, chills, abnormally high temperature - up to 40º, nettle fever;
  • swelling of the skin tissue, developing into a papular rash;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing - this symptom most often manifests itself when bitten by poisonous insects.

The following are used in the treatment and recovery process:

  1. Antihistamine dosage forms: , Loratadine, Diphenhydramine.
  2. Systemic glucocorticosteroids: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone and the like.
  3. Medicines for desensitization (reducing sensitivity): Unithiol, calcium chloride, cocarboxylase.
  4. Adrenaline hydrochloride. It is used in cases of severe edema that threatens the patient's life.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:

Infectious diseases

Various infectious diseases often cause rashes and pimples on the skin.

In medical practice the most common are:

  • measles;
  • scarlet fever;
  • rubella;
  • chickenpox or varicella;
  • erythema infectiosum;
  • herpes;
  • Infectious mononucleosis.

Scarlet fever

This acute infectious disease provokes small pimples and rashes throughout the body, as well as general intoxication.

The function of scarlet fever trigger is performed by streptococcus pyogenes; it enters the body through the oral communication channel. In a strong immune structure The virus itself is not capable of causing the disease. Thus, the weak immune resistance of the patient, as a second negative factor, is also responsible for the occurrence of the disease.

Characteristic features:

  • abnormal temperature;
  • shortness of breath, headaches, lethargy, malaise;
  • opposite states of the body: increased motor skills or depression and apathy;
  • acute pain in the abdomen, vomiting;
  • red and white pimples all over the body;
  • atypical congestion of the oropharynx;
  • increased spread of rash in the folds of the skin.

Scarlet fever

The occurrence and progression of scarlet fever in adults is less pronounced than in children. But with a weakened immune system, it is extremely difficult and dangerous with complications.

Complications of scarlet fever:

  • erysipelas (erysipelas);
  • purulent otitis;
  • meningitis;
  • synovitis;
  • vasculitis;
  • sersis.

The recovery process for scarlet fever is gradual, which includes:

  1. Strict bed rest.
  2. Antibacterial therapy: macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin), penicillins (Amoxicillin, Retarpen, Phenoxymethylpenicillin), cephalosporins (Cefazolin).
  3. Strengthening therapy: immunostimulants (Immunal, Imudon, Lizobakt), vitamin complexes (Undevid, Kvadevit, Complivit), probiotics (Acipol, Bifiform, Linex).
  4. Diet (diet) and rest.

One of the especially acute forms viral infection represented by a disease such as rubella.

It is characterized by specific external manifestations:

  1. The incubation period lasts 10–25 days. During this period, the patient, without knowing it, becomes a subject of increased danger to others.
  2. After this period, a significant deterioration in well-being occurs: the temperature rises, pain in the head appears, and the body becomes extremely weak.
  3. Almost simultaneously, the skin is covered with a small, spotted rash that does not rise above the body. First it affects the face, neck, then the whole body.
  4. The location of the disease may be different, but only the palms and soles remain untouched.

Complications with rubella are rare. However, it is extremely dangerous for expectant mothers, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy.


The most common infectious disease. Its provocateur is the virus of the same name.

Location of the lesion:

  • body and face;
  • soft tissue around the eyes;
  • genital mucosa.

In medical practice, eight types of herpes are considered, but the first three are relevant to the topic of the article:

  1. Herpes simplex type 1. It causes rashes on the lips and face.
  2. Herpes simplex type 2. It is associated with problems in the patient’s intimate (genital) places.
  3. Herpes type 3 or chicken pox. It is caused by a virus chickenpox and herpes zoster. It is characterized by a painful skin rash consisting of blisters and ulcers.


  • before the general rash, redness appears on the body, which is accompanied by burning and tingling;
  • there is a general deterioration in health;
  • transparent bubbles scatter throughout the body;
  • then they combine (merge), the liquid becomes cloudy and mixes with blood;
  • after opening the bubbles, wounds form in their place and are gradually covered with a protective film;
  • soon the film dries, forming a crust;
  • after 7–10 days it disappears on its own without forming scars.

Photos of herpes rashes:

Treatment of herpes does not eliminate the virus. It remains in the body for life. When “favorable” conditions arise, he will again show his insidious essence.

There are drugs that can suppress its activity, inhibiting reproduction and development.

These include:

  1. Acyclovir. Antiviral drug.
  2. Valaciclovir. This is a more effective medicine compared to the previous one.
  3. Famciclovir. No less relevant antiviral dosage form.
  4. Panavir. A medicine that relieves burning, itching and other pain symptoms.

Any skin disease accompanied by a rash should cause caution and, to a certain extent, anxiety. Because knowledge of the cause of its occurrence and a successfully selected algorithm for treating the disease will allow it to be stopped and prevent serious complications from provoking.

Rashes do not always affect the face area; a significant number of them can form on any part of the body. Pimples on the body not only give the skin an unaesthetic appearance, but can also cause pain, itching, and act as a manifestation of various pathologies. Let's talk about what types of acne are, why they appear, and how to get rid of them.

Types of acne on the body

Despite the fact that the skin on the body is denser and has more powerful protective functions compared to the epidermis of the face, inflammatory elements often form on it. These can be either primary formations in areas of healthy epidermis, or secondary ones - appearing in place of the primary ones in the absence of treatment or under the influence of other negative factors. At the same time, pimples on the skin differ in external characteristics: shape, size, color, presence of contents, quantity. Let's look at some types of acne.

Watery acne on the body

These formations look like hemispherical vesicles rising above the skin, located in the tissues of the epidermis and containing a clear or slightly cloudy liquid inside. Their color can be either flesh-colored or red or pinkish. Water pimples on the body may indicate the following pathologies:

  1. Scabies- a skin disease provoked by the scabies mite, which initially manifests itself as itchy rashes in the form of nodules, at the next stage turning into blisters, often complicated by a bacterial infection.
  2. Shingles- a pathology caused by activation of the varicella-zoster virus in the body and manifested by multiple pimples on the body on one side along the nerve trunk, preceded by pink edematous spots.
  3. Pemphigus– a rare, severe autoimmune disease, the symptom of which is a painful, watery rash of varying sizes throughout the body, which quickly opens and leaves behind erosions.
  4. Dyshidrosis (dross)– multiple pimples on the body with transparent light contents, which itch, open with the formation of painful cracks, the appearance of which is associated with disorders in the endocrine, nervous, and digestive systems.
  5. Photodermatitis- a reaction of skin tissue to solar radiation, manifested by watery pimples of various sizes against a background of redness, often accompanied by severe burning and itching.

Red pimples on the body

Pimples on the body, characterized by a red color, may appear as nodules or spots of varying sizes. In order to determine the origin of such a rash, it is important to take into account what factors the body has been under recently, what foods and medications have been taken, and what other medications are available. associated symptoms. In most cases, this type of rash is associated with the following diseases:

  1. Scabies– if red pimples on the body itch, and the intensity of the itching intensifies in the evening and at night, this may indicate damage to the epidermis by scabies mites, infection of which often occurs through close direct contact with a sick person.
  2. Allergy– reaction to external and internal irritants (food products, medicines, dust, synthetic fabrics, cosmetology and household chemicals, jewelry, etc.).
  3. Syphilis– one of the manifestations of this sexually transmitted disease is a chaotically located painless rash on the body, which at different stages can look like reddish spots, small pinkish-red or bluish bumps, dense purple bumps.
  4. Bacterial meningitis– with inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord caused by meningococci, a bright red nodular rash may appear at an early stage, protruding above the skin and not disappearing with pressure.
  5. Infective endocarditis– this disease affects the tissue of the heart valve and, as one of the manifestations, may have red pimples that do not fade when pressed, subsequently acquiring a brownish tint.
  6. Hemorrhagic vasculitis– aseptic inflammation of the walls of skin vessels with multiple microthrombosis, which may be a complication of some microbial pathologies.
  7. "Children's" infectious diseases– measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox.

White pimples on the body

Often, rashes that have a white or whitish-yellow “head” and are characterized by pain are purulent acne on the body. Such elements appear during infectious and inflammatory processes in tissues; they are filled with cloudy exudate that comes out when pressed. The occurrence of pustular pimples can be caused by the following main factors:

  1. Attachment of a secondary bacterial infection in case of injury or improper care of existing primary rashes (pus is formed as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms).
  2. Folliculitis- inflammation of the hair follicle with the formation of a red spot or nodule around the hair on the skin, from which a purulent pimple soon forms.
  3. Furuncle– a purulent-inflammatory formation that covers the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and a section of connective tissue, often caused by the activity of Staphylococcus aureus.
  4. Acne (pimples)– acne on the body, the appearance of which is largely associated with excess fat formation of the sebaceous glands of the skin and a violation of the process of keratinization of the epithelium.

Large pimples on the body

Large rashes are often deep, affecting not only the epidermis, but also the lower layers of the skin. Such acne on the body is painful, the tissue around it is characterized by swelling and redness. Special care must be taken with them, because given the infectious nature of such acne, there is a high probability of pathogenic microbes spreading throughout the body. After the disappearance of such elements, scars and areas of hyperpigmentation may remain.

Small pimples on the body

Small bumps or spots that appear can cause no less discomfort than large subcutaneous formations, because Often small pimples on the body itch, cause dryness or weeping of tissues, and are dangerous for infection with the development of purulent processes. In addition, a small rash is often a manifestation of dangerous and contagious diseases that require urgent treatment.

Acne on the body - the causes of what disease?

It is not always possible to determine why acne appears on the body through visual inspection alone. In many cases, this requires additional research, which includes:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for sex hormones, thyroid hormones;
  • ultrasound examination of the digestive organs;
  • throat swab analysis;
  • allergy tests, etc.

Common culprits of body acne include:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • disorders of digestive and metabolic processes;
  • psychological and neurological problems;
  • allergens;
  • lack of proper hygiene;
  • wearing low-quality synthetic clothing;
  • infections.

Acne all over the body - causes

A rash in adults, distributed over the entire surface of the body, can indicate both infectious and non-infectious pathologies: allergies, blood and vascular diseases, acute and chronic infectious diseases transmitted by contact, airborne droplets, and sexual contact. Pathologies provoked by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) are in many cases indicated by general intoxication symptoms: increased body temperature, weakness, headache, nausea.

Some people experience so-called cold pimples on the body - inflammatory bright red painful rashes affecting different areas of the body, associated with hypothermia of the body, decreased immune defense in the autumn-winter period. Athletes who take cold showers after intense training are prone to the appearance of such pimples.

Acne on legs

If the rash is localized on the lower extremities, the probable cause may be associated with allergic manifestations. Using low-quality washing powder, wearing nylon tights, or depilatory products can provoke an inadequate reaction. Often, acne on women's legs occurs when the skin is injured during shaving or due to ingrown hairs. If rashes are present on the feet, in the interdigital areas, this may indicate dyshidrosis or a fungal infection.

Pimples on hands

In people with sensitive skin, allergies in the form of acne on the body, especially on the upper extremities, are a common occurrence. In most cases, this is caused by contact with household chemicals, certain metals, and is provoked by exposure to low temperatures and dry air. The localization of the rash on the palms is characteristic of syphilis, on the hands and between the fingers - for eczema (multiple rashes tend to merge).

Acne on the stomach

If acne on the body itches, focusing in the abdominal area, this may be a manifestation of scabies, dermatosis, psoriasis, or herpes virus infection. Also, such pimples often indicate allergic dermatitis caused by the influence of foods, medications, and external irritants. In people who are prone to obesity, pimples on the stomach often appear in the hot season due to excessive sweating under tight clothing.

Acne on chest and back

In the upper part of the body, so-called hormonal acne can be localized - acne associated with an imbalance of sex hormones in the body. Some women are prone to such rashes almost throughout their lives, with exacerbations associated with the menstrual cycle. Similar formations in the back and chest area are possible with hypothermia, herpes zoster, and psoriasis.

How to get rid of acne on the body?

Since acne on the body appears as a result of a huge number of different factors, many of which can only be identified with a thorough specific examination, it is advisable to consult a doctor if any rash is detected. In addition, if the rash has infectious origin, with improper therapy, the risk of infection to loved ones and others increases.

In some cases, acne treatment may not be required at all - the rash will disappear spontaneously after the underlying disease is cured (for example, in the case of measles, rubella). If pimples occur as a result of allergic reactions, it is important to identify the irritant through skin testing and limit contact with it, as a result of which the rash will stop appearing. A huge role in this is played by following a healthy hypoallergenic diet and normalizing the psycho-emotional state.

For dermatological diseases, acne on the body is treated comprehensively - using local and systemic medications, physiotherapeutic methods, lifestyle adjustments and hygiene rules. Infectious lesions necessarily require the prescription of antibacterial drugs, antifungal or antiviral agents, and external antiseptics.

Acne periodically occurs in adults and adolescents; this problem is especially common in oily and combination skin types. The reasons for the appearance may be different - non-compliance with hygiene rules, the presence of serious pathologies. What medications will help get rid of acne?

When acne occurs, adults rarely seek help from a doctor or cosmetologist; they prefer to simply cover the pimple with an expensive product. But getting rid of rashes is guaranteed only after identifying the cause of the appearance. Often, rashes are formed when the sebaceous glands are overactive - the pores become clogged with sebum, and comedones appear.

Why do acne appear?

What can cause acne:

Acne in women that occurs periodically should not cause much concern. But if there are a lot of rashes, they appear frequently, and are purulent in nature, then you need to undergo full examination, reconsider your diet and lifestyle.

Why does acne appear on different parts of the face?

Pimples on the face are often the first sign of serious illness in adults; depending on their location, you can understand which system has failed.

1. Acne on the chin appears when there are disturbances in the functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems. In women, such rashes indicate ovarian diseases and hormonal imbalance. If acne appears frequently in this area, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, endocrinologist, and undergo a full examination. Acne on the lower part of the face also occurs when there are problems with the digestive tract, due to the high content of toxins in the blood, which are partially released through the pores on the face.

Pimples often appear on the chin and lower cheekbones in winter and autumn. Such rashes are of a cold nature and are often the first sign of influenza or acute respiratory infections. Acne in this part of the face can be caused by the habit of resting your head on your hands - germs and bacteria get on the skin.

2. Pimples on the forehead occur very often - in this area there are many sweat and sebaceous glands, the pores become clogged with dirt and grease. Rashes in this part indicate problems with the pancreas, gall bladder, and intestines. If comedones are located close to the brow ridges, then the cause is dysbacteriosis. If there is an accumulation of foci of inflammation closer to the hairline, you should check the gallbladder; stones may have formed.

Pimples on the forehead appear against the background of severe intoxication, accumulation of toxins and wastes in the body, with an unbalanced diet, addiction to junk food and drinks. Rashes may appear after long-term use of certain medications or antibiotic therapy.

3. What can cause acne around the mouth and lips? The main reason is serious disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and esophagus. Often such rashes are accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, colic. Eating foods high in fiber, seasonal vegetables and fruits will help eliminate the problem; if you have acne in this part of the face, you should avoid stress and mental strain.

4. What causes pimples on the nose? Enlarged pores often occur in the T-zone; it is in this area that the skin has increased oil content. The cause of rashes is hormonal fluctuations, which are often observed in adolescents and pregnant women. Acne around the nose can be a consequence of a malfunction in the organs of the endocrine, immune, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.

5. The main reason for the appearance of acne on the bridge of the nose is huge pressure on the liver, the organ does not cleanse the blood well, some of the harmful substances come out through the skin. Can cause a rash overindulgence protein diets.

6. Why do acne appear on the face in the cheekbones and cheeks? The reasons are different - hormonal imbalances, hereditary factors, intestinal diseases, inflammation in the ovaries and other gynecological pathologies. Acne on the cheeks often occurs when weak immunity, disruption of metabolic processes in the body, use of poor quality cosmetics.

Drug treatment

To effectively eliminate subcutaneous acne and other rashes on the face in men and women, you need to know not only the causes, but also methods for eliminating them. If acne occurs frequently, cosmetic and folk remedies do not always help; treatment with medications is necessary. The basis of therapy is antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets and ointments, which are selected by the doctor.

What antibiotics are suitable for treating subcutaneous acne:

  • Erythromycin - used externally as a drying agent, eliminates microbes.
  • Levomycetin - must be used to eliminate bacteria resistant to other types of antibiotics.
  • Levomekol (), Zinerit - antibacterial ointments that prevent the spread of acne.
  • Trichopolum accelerates the regeneration process and effectively fights purulent rashes.
  • Tetracycline - helps fight acne, quickly eliminates almost all types of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Solutab – has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect.

While taking antibiotics, it is necessary to take immunomodulators, drugs that normalize intestinal microflora, and include various dairy products with low fat content.

If subcutaneous acne occurs frequently in men and women, Roaccutane is prescribed, a potent drug from the group of retinoids. The medicine is effective, but has many side effects - allergies, inflammation, nervous disorders. The product normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces their size, but can cause severe dryness of the skin. Treatment is long-term, at least 4 months.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed to treat acne in women with high levels of testosterone in the blood. The safest contraceptives are Zhanine, Mediana. The drugs are used as additional therapy; their effect on dermatological inflammatory processes is minimal.

When treating acne on the face, it is necessary to completely exclude fatty and smoked foods from the diet; you should not squeeze out acne yourself, or heat or steam purulent rashes.

Diet and preventive measures

Timely prevention and proper nutrition are the key to clean and healthy skin. A special anti-acne diet will help prevent breakouts on the face and body and eliminate the main causes of pimples.

How to prevent subcutaneous acne:

  • regularly visit a cosmetology salon, do deep facial cleansing;
  • Avoid eating fried, fatty and sweet foods, carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee;
  • include seasonal vegetables and fruits in any form in the diet, with the exception of potatoes, grapes, bananas;
  • undergo a preventive examination annually;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics and skin care products;
  • avoid stress, get enough sleep, spend more time in the fresh air;
  • observe the drinking regime - drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day.

An anti-acne diet involves healthy, balanced diet. It is allowed to eat lean meats and fish, drink natural juices and fruit drinks, herbal teas. The diet must include first courses in weak meat broth, various cereals, hard cheese, dairy and fermented milk products. Oatmeal and oatmeal cope best with acne. rice porrige, garlic and ginger cleanse the skin well.

As food additives, you can use bran, brewer's yeast in capsules, and flaxseed. Fasting days are beneficial for the skin - they should be done once a week.

The causes of acne are quite different and may indicate the development of serious diseases. Self-medication is ineffective; only a dermatologist or cosmetologist can select adequate drug therapy. To prevent the appearance of acne, you need to eat right, get plenty of rest, and regularly take care of your skin. skin, do not touch your face with dirty hands.
