Pink discharge during pregnancy: light to brown. Pink discharge is the norm or cause for concern

Some symptoms cause real panic in expectant mothers, although they are not really dangerous. For example, pink discharge during pregnancy is not uncommon and appears in more than 50% of women. Despite the unusual color associated with blood impurities, gynecologists consider such a secret to be one of the options for the norm. The main thing is that its occurrence is not accompanied by any additional negative signs.

Light pink discharge in early pregnancy

The described shade appears due to the presence of red blood cells in it, therefore, guesses about bloody impurities are correct. However, their volume is very small to speak of internal bleeding.

The main causes of light pinkish discharge in the first trimester are:

  1. Gynecological examination. Taking smears and routine examination of the vagina and cervix is ​​associated with microscopic injuries and scratches of the mucous membranes. They may bleed a little after visiting the doctor, but it is completely safe.
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics. An examination with an intravaginal sensor is illogical to the previous type of examination, and leads to slight injury to the vagina.
  3. Ovum implantation. When a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, it injures the lining of the uterus. As a result of this introduction, blood may be released.
  4. Hormonal changes. At the very beginning of gestation, the reproductive system of a woman is quickly rebuilt, therefore, blood circulation in the uterus is intensified. Against the background of these processes, some small vessels sometimes burst.

Of course, there are also pathological factors that provoke the presence of red blood cells in the vaginal secretion. To make sure that this phenomenon is normal, you should visit a gynecologist and take a smear for infections and the state of microflora, as well as a PAP test.

Pink discharge during pregnancy during the second trimester

The active growth and development of a baby is a wonderful and amazing stage. The female body at this phase continues to change, and sometimes this causes the appearance of the symptom in question.

In the second trimester, the pinkish secret is due to the following reasons:

  • slight detachment of the placenta in the process of its expansion;
  • slight bleeding on days when menstruation should have been;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • physical or emotional overwork;
  • taking too hot a bath or shower.

In addition to these factors, there may be pathological circumstances that provoke the release of a pink secret:

  • placenta previa;
  • cervical erosion;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • internal hematoma;

The gynecologist will help to find out the exact cause of the problem and solve it.

Pink discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester

On the eve of the expected birth, the mucous plug that previously protected the fetus is destroyed and comes out. Its separation is accompanied by the appearance of bloody and rather bright pink mucus. This is an absolutely normal process, indicating an imminent meeting with the baby.

There are also pink bloody discharge during pregnancy after sex. They arise as a result of vaginal microtraumas and do not pose a threat.

Discharge from the vagina of a pregnant woman is a phenomenon that requires examination by the attending gynecologist, and in some cases, appropriate treatment. They can be of various colors, consistencies, odorless or odorless. In this article, we will focus on pink discharge in early pregnancy.

Introduction to the problem

With the onset of pregnancy, colossal changes occur in a woman's body. The expectant mother herself may not yet guess about her position. However, all of her physiological mechanisms have already begun to rebuild to the new regime. Some changes associated with the new state may alert her a little.

These phenomena include the appearance of unusual pink vaginal discharge. They quite often occur in pregnant women in the early stages of gestation and in the vast majority of cases are not threatening. Pink discharge may appear as a result of microcracks formed on the walls of the mucous layer of the vagina as a result of examination in mirrors, douching. In addition, they occur after active intercourse, as well as during intravaginal ultrasound.

Many pregnant women who are faced with this problem are worried about why vaginal discharge of a similar nature appeared right now, when not so much time has passed after the moment of fertilization, because such changes did not occur before pregnancy. The answer is simple enough. The hormonal balance of a woman undergoes dramatic changes in the first weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus. Therefore, the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus, under the influence of a certain type of hormones, acquire a loose structure. In addition, during this period, there is a significant increase in the number of capillaries, which can be easily damaged even with the slightest mechanical stress.

Every woman, having learned about her interesting situation, should carefully observe what is happening to her body. In most cases, pink vaginal discharge during early pregnancy may be normal. They should not panic the pregnant woman.

However, if the expectant mother notices any unusual discharge in herself, she should inform the doctor supervising the pregnancy about it.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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Characteristics of discharge during pregnancy

The appearance in a pregnant woman of discharge of a different nature may indicate some kind of inflammatory process. At the same time, the expectant mother notes the appearance of discomfort in the urogenital zone, which manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, pulling pain, urinary disorders or the occurrence of negative phenomena after visiting the toilet. The nature of the vaginal discharge can tell about which infectious agent caused the appearance of such phenomena:

  • light yellow discharge with mucus is characteristic before gonorrhea;
  • watery, offensive with a greenish tinge appear with trichomoniasis;
  • curdled are characteristic of candidiasis;
  • creamy discharge with a "fishy" smell occurs with gardnerellosis.

Pink discharge at a short stage of pregnancy is evidence of the successful implantation of the ovum. Many pregnant women notice in themselves a small pale pink vaginal discharge on those days of the month when the expected menstruation was supposed to begin (in case of non-pregnancy). This does not pose a danger to the expectant mother and her baby. A similar sign in this case is an indicator of a shift in endocrine balance.

Pregnancy manifestations of this nature usually pass quickly and should not frighten a woman, unless, of course, they are combined with pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In most cases, pink vaginal discharge is an indicator that the ovum has been implanted into the endometrium. This stage of intrauterine development can last 1-2 weeks after conception.

During this period, women who presume pregnancy should give up hot baths, sexual intercourse, excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress.

However, the expectant mother should notify the doctor who monitors the pregnancy about the presence of such discharge. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe a number of examinations, the results of which will give a complete picture of the woman's hormonal background. If a specialist thinks that some indicators do not correspond to the norm, he will prescribe treatment with a hormonal drug. Thanks to this, the pregnancy will be saved.

During pregnancy, mucous discharge of pink color may appear. This may indicate the development of candidiasis or thrush. Expectant mothers quite often suffer from this ailment in the early and late stages of gestation. In this case, antifungal drugs are prescribed to a pregnant woman, taking into account the duration of pregnancy.

Pink brown

In most cases, scanty vaginal discharge of a pale pink color does not pose a big threat to the health of the expectant mother and her baby, unlike discharge that has brownish blotches. A woman in the early stages of pregnancy may notice the appearance of a brown impurity in the pink discharge. This may indicate the development of placental abruption. A similar symptom is a reason for immediate seeking qualified medical help, since in this situation there is a real threat of spontaneous abortion.

Concomitant pathological signs can be pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, an increase in the intensity of secretions, which gradually acquire a bright red hue.

Delay in providing appropriate care for placental abruption can end very badly. Also, pink-brown discharge can be a sign of a frozen pregnancy. In this case, there may not be other symptoms.

An ectopic pregnancy can cause pink discharge with a brown tint. It is characterized by the implantation of the ovum not into the uterine cavity, but into the mucous layer of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the embryo will develop and grow. The threat of this condition lies in the fact that with an increase in size, the fetus exerts tremendous pressure on the walls of the fallopian tubes, which will inevitably lead to their rupture and the development of bleeding in a woman, which can threaten her life. This condition is considered terminal, it is dangerous, the woman needs emergency assistance.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy:

  • smearing discharge of red-pink color;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of consciousness.

When should i see a doctor?

It is urgent to notify the attending gynecologist in the presence of such symptoms:

  • pink vaginal discharge appeared as a result of intense physical activity, taking a hot bath, or due to severe stress;
  • they gradually acquired a brown tint or even turned red;
  • the intensity of discharge of pinkish discharge increases;
  • vaginal discharge has a pungent odor;
  • the appearance of discharge is accompanied by an increase in the general body temperature, genital itching and burning, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • urination has become more frequent, during the discharge of urine, a pregnant woman feels pain.

When carrying a child in a woman's body, much is rebuilt: the hormonal background, the rate of blood circulation change, all organs of the abdominal cavity experience additional stress.

Sometimes these changes are even somewhat frightening. For example, pink discharge.

Pink discharge during early pregnancy

It is possible that in the first three months they arise due to the high vulnerability of the internal genital organs or due to the fact that blood circulation in the pelvic region is increased.

They can also occur after a vaginal ultrasound, a gynecologist's examination with a mirror, or after sex. It can be blood that has accumulated under placental abruptions and is released outward. This pink discharge proves that the uterus has fused with the fetus.

Another reason for pink discharge during pregnancy is hormonal changes. This manifests itself on days when, according to the plan, there should be menstruation. This should not be alarming.

Pink discharge during late pregnancy

During this period, they are most likely the cause of previa or placental abruption. You should consult a doctor if you are concerned about lower back pain, and pink mucus from the vagina leaves constantly. This may be a sign of pathology.

In the prenatal period, the discharge of a pinkish color causes the cork to come off. Throughout pregnancy, this mucus serves as protection for the cervix. When the plug comes off, you can expect the onset of labor.

When to sound the alarm?

In cases where the discharge becomes dark brown and more abundant, you should see a doctor - this can be a serious threat of termination of pregnancy. There may be various reasons for this. First of all, an infection that can be dangerous. It is necessary to take a smear.

Otherwise, darkened discharge may indicate a hematoma. Coagulated blood causes hematoma. Only a doctor can solve this problem. Therapy includes hormones and vitamins.

With pink discharge, the main thing is to establish the cause of their occurrence.

Causes of pinkish discharge during pregnancy

  1. This is due to the sensitivity of the genital tissues and the active supply of blood to them. The reasons for this are hormones that begin to act vigorously during pregnancy and also due to the rush of blood to the uterus. Discharge because of this can be caused after intervention in the vagina - ultrasound with a sensor, examination by a gynecologist with a mirror, sex.
    Such discharge, as a rule, is light pink in color, they are not abundant, and may appear once throughout pregnancy.
  2. A slight placental abruption also causes pink discharge.
  3. Good implantation of the ovum to the wall of the uterus.
  4. On days when menstruation should have begun, such discharge may appear along with not pronounced pain in the lower back.
  5. When the cork comes off - a phenomenon that occurs at the end of gestation. This is a normal sign of approaching labor.
  6. Such discharge can be the leakage of amniotic fluid. This is due to the premature rupture of the membranes.
  7. Another reason is the increased tone of the uterus. In this case, the pink discharge is abundant, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This is the threat of miscarriage. If the pink discharge turns brown, see your doctor urgently. Brown color indicates a large amount of clotted blood.
  8. Bacterial vaginosis, infections, inflammation of the uterus. With infections, pink discharge is accompanied by severe pain and itching of the genitals.
  9. Other factors: hot bath, stress, physical fatigue.
Pink discharge in the second or third trimester deserves special attention and lasts a long time. During this period, they should not be.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes various changes. Still would! A new life is being born in it! And so that it develops normally, the production of a special hormone, progesterone, is activated, which naturally affects the work of the whole organism as a whole. This can manifest itself in various symptoms - irritability, tearfulness and even a change in taste habits. But more often, against the background of hormonal and psycho-emotional changes, women notice pink discharge during pregnancy.

In most cases, they are completely natural and do not require any treatment. But do not forget that their occurrence is also typical for various diseases that can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, when discharge appears, it is imperative to visit a doctor, undergo an examination and make sure that nothing threatens you and your future child.

General information

Pregnancy is a wonderful period of life for every woman. As a rule, when it occurs, menstruation stops and it occurs only after childbirth. Therefore, the appearance of discharge is perceived by the expectant mother as a threat to her child. But is it? To understand this, you need to understand how the birth of a new life in the female body occurs.

There are certain phases in the menstrual cycle, which are accompanied by certain processes in the body. So, during the onset of ovulation (it occurs about 12-16 days of the cycle), the dominant follicle located on the surface of the ovary reaches its peak of maturation and an egg comes out of it, which immediately penetrates into the abdominal cavity. Here the cell "meets" the sperm, fertilizes and passes into the fallopian tube, along which it continues its movement towards the uterus.

Under the action of progesterone, the walls of the uterus become loose, due to which the fertilized egg without any obstacles penetrates into the organ, where its implantation begins. And since the walls of the uterus are permeated with small capillaries, during the transport of the egg, they are damaged, as a result of which a small amount of blood gets into the vaginal mucus and the discharge after conception changes its character.

As a rule, this process is completely painless for the expectant mother. However, in addition to the fact that she can note discharge, she also has swelling of the mammary glands and unpleasant painful sensations when touching the nipples. Such changes also occur against the background of hormonal changes and allow the body to prepare for the upcoming lactation.

For the same reason, psychoemotional disorders occur. A woman loses her resistance to stress, worries over trifles, becomes depressed, etc. And this can also provoke a change in the nature of the vaginal secretion and its color. Therefore, in many women, even at the 9th week of pregnancy, pink mucus begins to stand out.

And given all of the above, we can say that daubing in the early stages of pregnancy is a completely natural process. But there is a fine line between physiological and pathological conditions that is important to be aware of.

So, discharge in the absence of pathological processes:

  • They go in small numbers.
  • Have a light shade.
  • Doesn't drain unpleasant odors.
  • Not accompanied by painful sensations.

In the event that a woman becomes pregnant and noticed that the discharge began to intensify and acquire a rich scarlet or darkish hue, it is imperative to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Such a vaginal secretion often indicates the development of pathological conditions that require immediate treatment.

Other reasons

Discharge at the beginning of pregnancy (approximately at the fourth to fifth week) can also signal the development of pathological conditions. More often in the first trimester, the appearance of such discharge indicates a detachment of the placenta and can cause spontaneous miscarriage.

Important! If you begin to notice discharge in yourself, which is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, immediately visit a doctor. If the process of placental abruption is confirmed by ultrasound, you need urgent hospitalization to maintain the pregnancy.

Often women mark their discharge with menstruation, or rather, at the moment when they should begin. In this case, their appearance is caused by a decline in the production of progesterone in the body and partial rejection of the upper epithelium of the uterus. And if the appearance of light pink discharge is not accompanied by pain and the tone of the organ is preserved, you should not worry about this.

It should be noted that doctors qualify discharge before menstruation as the first sign of pregnancy. As a rule, they occur during the period of delay in menstruation and by the thirteenth week they almost completely stop. If this does not happen, it is imperative to tell everything to the doctor, since discharge at 10-14 weeks may also indicate the presence of bleeding microcracks in the vagina.

Important! The danger of microcracks is not that they can bleed, but that they are small wounds that are an excellent "home" for various bacteria and infections. And if you do not eliminate them, a bacterial infection may subsequently develop, the treatment of which implies the intake of antibacterial drugs. And their use during pregnancy is undesirable, since they adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

Mucous discharge can also occur as a result of mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina during a gynecological examination. As a rule, such mucus is secreted for no more than 2 days. If the pregnant woman continues to smear from the vagina on the 3rd and 4th day after visiting the gynecologist, then you should go to the doctor again and report it.

It is worth noting that the staining of vaginal secretions in a pinkish color may occur due to an increase in the content of erythrocytes in it. The reason for this is the same vaginal microtrauma, hormonal surges and inflammatory processes affecting the uterus. In the latter case, women may also have discharge on the 20th day of the cycle, when the body is preparing for menstruation.

It must be said that the vaginal secretion that occurs against the background of inflammation of the uterus is dangerous, since it can cause premature birth. Therefore, this cannot be ignored.

To suspect that the discharge appears against the background of inflammation, symptoms such as pulling pains in the lower abdomen, weakness and a slight increase in body temperature help.

The eleventh week of pregnancy is the most dangerous for a woman, since it is during this period that immunity decreases and the risk of developing infectious diseases increases. And this can also cause vaginal secretions. A distinctive feature of infectious secretions is the presence of a specific odor and the appearance of irritation in the intimate area.

The 11th week of pregnancy is also often accompanied by an exacerbation of chronic thrush. And the reason for this is a decrease in the body's defenses. And this disease is manifested not only by the occurrence of curd discharge, but also by the occurrence of severe itching in the vagina, as well as hyperemia of the labia. You can recognize thrush by the smell of discharge - with its development, it becomes sour.

But it should be noted that not only the 11th week is accompanied by an exacerbation of thrush. Often, women notice cottage cheese discharge at 40 weeks.

As a rule, thrush begins to worsen at about 36 - 38 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it manifests itself simply by secretions similar to cottage cheese. But as it develops, it begins to strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the vagina, which are completely permeated with small capillaries. Naturally, they are damaged, resulting in a discharge.

Important! Unfortunately, thrush cannot be completely cured. Therefore, if its exacerbation occurred in the second month of pregnancy or before childbirth (at 36 - 38 weeks), only symptomatic therapy is carried out, which helps to suppress the growth of fungi in the vagina. If treatment is not carried out, the risk of infection of the baby during childbirth increases several times.

Discharge in the second and third trimester can also appear as a result of the presence of clotted blood clots. The reason for this is often hematomas located in the birth canal.

When the nature of the vaginal secretion changes, it is necessary to accurately identify the reason why this is happening. After all, if pathologies are the provocateurs of secretions, then it is necessary to immediately undergo a course of treatment. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Before childbirth

As already mentioned, discharge is the main sign of the onset of gestation. But what can vaginal secretions indicate at 35 weeks and later? At this time, it most often signals the discharge of a mucous plug that has formed in the cervical canal immediately after conception.

The cork can be observed several weeks before childbirth, and it also happens that it comes out in just a day. And after its complete withdrawal, labor activity opens almost immediately, so it is impossible to hesitate in this case. You need to immediately go to the hospital.

If the secreted vaginal secretion has acquired a bloody hue, you need to immediately call an ambulance. Their appearance speaks of the discovery of bleeding and requires urgent medical attention.

Those women who are postponing a child may notice brownish discharge in themselves, which indicates the rejection of dead cells of the placenta. She is already "old" and unable to fulfill her functions. And therefore, if childbirth did not come on time and the woman has dark vaginal discharge, she needs to be urgently hospitalized and measures to stimulate labor.

Summing up, it should be said that the occurrence of secretions can occur for both physiological and pathological reasons. Therefore, you should not panic ahead of time. To make sure that there are no diseases, you just need to visit a doctor and pass all the necessary tests. If they confirm the threat to pregnancy, in no case should the treatment be postponed.

The structure of the female genitourinary system forces women to face in their lives with various types of vaginal discharge. They are both liquid and cheesy, differ in odors from subtle to fetid, and discharge has different shades (from yellow to brown-black).

Pink discharge can be normal, or it can be a pathology, it all depends on the nature of the discharge. If the discharge is of a non-standard color, it is thick and abundant, then this may be a sign that the woman is progressing some kind of inflammatory process, or there is some kind of infection of the reproductive system.

If you notice the appearance of non-standard and previously unobserved discharge, then you need to contact a gynecologist in order to exclude the presence of diseases and pathologies, or if there are any, then the doctor's examination will help to identify them in time and cure them in time without receiving serious consequences.

Causes of pink discharge

What could it be? If you notice that there is a pink discharge before menstruation or in the middle of the cycle, this means that there is a small admixture of blood in the leucorrhoea. And this can be hazardous to your health.

In a woman, a number of factors can cause the color of the discharge to change to pink:

  1. Hormonal contraceptives... This is one of the most common side effects of these drugs.
  2. Also, it can provoke the appearance of pink discharge intrauterine device, birth control patches, or vaginal rings with combined contraceptives.
  3. If you see pink discharge after intercourse with a sexual partner, it may be bleeding due to contact with the male genitals. However, this happens as a result of vaginal microcracks due to intense sexual relations.
  4. Pink discharge in the middle of the cycle may indicate hormonal decline before ovulation... If at the same time they are of a regular nature, their number is insignificant, then this may mean rejection of the endometrium during ovulation. In this case, there is no problem, the presence of such discharge simply indicates that ovulation has taken place.
  5. Pink discharge that appears two or three days before menstruation is considered the norm. Then they turn into normal menstruation and continue for another two or three days after it ends.
  6. In some women, small amounts of pink mucous discharge appear during ovulation. During this period, the hormonal background changes, and due to the high level of estrogen, a small part of the mucous membrane is rejected.
  7. Pink discharge may occur due to insufficient thyroid activity. This painful condition appears due to the fact that the hormonal background is unstable, which provoke various diseases that develop due to hormonal disruption. It can also be very stressful.
  8. One of the signs of early pregnancy.

If you find pink discharge before your period, in the middle of the cycle or during pregnancy, especially when it is supported by abdominal pain, itching in the perineum, and the discharge has an unpleasant odor, you have a reason for an urgent trip to the gynecologist. Any disease is easier to treat earlier.

If such discharge is not accompanied by any alarming symptoms, for example, abdominal pain, nausea, or fever, there is no reason to panic. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate provoking factors, if any, and also visit a gynecologist for a routine examination.


The appearance of pink discharge may indicate certain diseases of the female genital area.

They can occur when:

  1. Endometritis;
  2. Endocervicitis and cervical erosion;
  3. Endometrial and cervical polyps;
  4. Benign and malignant neoplasms.

In order to find out the cause of the appearance of pink discharge, you need to see a doctor. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests and studies to identify or exclude various diseases. If any pathology is detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Light pink discharge during pregnancy

The presence of pale pink discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester should not cause much concern, since during this period a complete restructuring of the whole body occurs - in the woman's genitals, there is a rapid development of additional vessels, and the mucous membranes become more susceptible.

Often light pink discharge in early pregnancy indicates the presence of microtraumas of the mucous membrane. For example, after sexual intercourse, after an ultrasound examination with a vaginal probe, after examination by a gynecologist using mirrors.
In addition, increased vulnerability appears in cervical erosions, they also begin to bleed slightly after minor injuries. Therefore, at the beginning of pregnancy, it is advisable to reduce the number of sexual contacts and carry them out as carefully as possible.

More dangerous is the presence of bloody discharge at any stage of pregnancy. The presence of bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy indicates either that the woman is more likely to terminate the pregnancy, or she has already been interrupted, and the fetus with the membranes comes out.

In late pregnancy, spotting from the genital area indicates placental abruption. This symptom is a reason for immediate medical attention, otherwise the mother and fetus may die from bleeding. Pink-brown discharge during pregnancy can be observed with a frozen pregnancy, endometriosis of the uterus, as well as with developing ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

Pink discharge after menstruation

Minor mucous discharge after menstruation can be considered a variant of the norm. The color of such secretions can vary from dark brown to pink or transparent. The pink color of the discharge is in most cases due to blood, a small amount of which still continues to flow at the end of menstruation.

What to do?

If you find yourself with pink discharge and at the same time feel itching in the perineum, abdominal pain, and the discharge itself has an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor immediately.

After all, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the problem. And remember, only by taking the necessary medications on time can you avoid complications.

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