Demand for the profession of tourism specialist. The specialty "Tourism" is your right choice. Who can take advanced training courses for tourism specialists

The specialty “Tourism” is in demand today more than ever before. The passion of many people for travel cannot be overestimated. If a couple of years ago our citizens tried to go on vacation only in the summer, now many are not averse to relaxing in the winter.

Where to go to study?

The specialty “Tourism” appeared in most relatively recently. Specialists are trained in this area in both public and private universities. Competition for admission to budget place is approximately 8-9 people.

The student curriculum consists primarily of humanities. Future workers in the tourism sector will study political science, rhetoric, and foreign literature and many other necessary items. Today, there are three main areas that the Tourism specialty targets applicants. Universities in our country provide training in the following:

  • geography;
  • foreign languages ​​(minimum 2);
  • information Technology.

Studying in the specialty "Tourism" in senior years involves studying all the intricacies of the development and sale of various tours and vouchers. Students also get acquainted with the organization of hotel, restaurant and tourism businesses.

Where to work?

In order to successfully organize any trip, a creative approach and professionalism are needed for those working in tourism business various functions. Some are engaged in developing routes for tourists, others draw up documents, and still others accompany them on the road. Graduates can work as a manager, tour guide, travel agent or instructor.

A tourism manager is a fairly responsible position in any travel company. The range of responsibilities of such a specialist is quite extensive. Managers, as a rule, develop tourism programs, create advertising videos, sell tours, etc.

Graduates often begin their careers as assistant managers. At first, you can just work “on the phone.” Then the newcomers are already trusted to work with clients (under supervision and with assistance necessary assistance). Having gained some experience, young specialists will be able to work further in one of the areas: advertising, selling tours or processing documents.

Pros and cons of the profession

Like any other profession, it also has its pleasant and unpleasant moments. One of the advantages is that at the expense of the company you can see a lot of interesting things: Beautiful places, new cities and countries, get acquainted with the customs and traditions of peoples.

On the other hand, visiting tourist places is quick, so you are unlikely to be able to fully enjoy them. In addition, employees of travel companies have a huge responsibility for travelers sent on vacation. Such activities often take a lot of energy and nerves. Not every person can stand it constant pressure, as a result, there is a high

If you are interested in the specialty "Tourism" only because it is fashionable and prestigious, it is better not to waste your energy. You should choose this direction only when you really like this kind of work.

Tourism is currently not the last industry in the market. More and more universities offer the specialty "Tourism" in their list of studies. Specialized universities are emerging based solely on this movement. But few people, when entering this specialty, imagine what awaits them in the future, what they will have to face, and what will be expected of them in the workplace.

What is tourism?

Specialty "Tourism" this moment- a very common area of ​​study. Prepared according to this program wide range specialists who will work in this industry. Graduates will be able to occupy positions of both low-ranking employees and managers of entire companies.

Traveling the world is an interesting and quite affordable activity for many people. Yes, this may not be as often as we would like, but at least once a year any family tries to go somewhere outside of their usual surroundings. Travel agencies and tour operators help with this. They calculate destinations, their costs, find hotels and other places to stay, and guide them based on excursions and the political situation. In general, the list of activities for the Tourism specialty is voluminous. How and where to get this profession?

Specialty "Tourism": universities

Higher education institutions are keeping up with the demand for such specialists. In Rostov-on-Don alone, this specialization is offered by as many as three universities. One of them is the largest, most famous and prestigious university - Yuzhny Federal University. In addition to neg, there is also a university at DSTU, specializing specifically in the tourism business. And in Moscow there are as many as 44 programs at a variety of universities. Thus, applicants have plenty to choose from. And such a huge selection indicates the demand for the specialty, its progressive development and prevalence both in the country and abroad.

Tourism positions

You received the specialty "Tourism", who should you work with such an entry in your diploma? The question is very relevant. In most cases, graduates find employment with tour operators and agencies. At first, both salary and career will be at the very first stage. But this happens with every job. To advance you will have to work hard. The first position may be an assistant agent, a travel sales manager, or even a secretary. In the future, logistics and the ability to conclude contracts with foreign organizations and clients in one’s own country will be involved.

Travel agents often go on business trips to evaluate the services of their partners. Agents must know what they offer their customer, be able to calculate the most profitable trip, know which countries it is better to refuse flights to various reasons. They need to be fluent in foreign languages. And most importantly, the agent must be a good salesman. Very often, the salary in this profession depends on the number of customers. That is, a tourism manager is the same as a sales manager, only with a bunch of additional functions.

What you need to know about tourism

The specialty "Tourism" involves various levels of work in the future. And in order to occupy a decent level, you must have certain qualities: resistance to stress (since you will have to work with people and a lot), the ability to offer your product and negotiate, and different languages, the ability to work hard and exhaustingly. Without this, it is impossible to get your dream job. The tourism sector is in demand, but there are also quite a lot of specialists. Competition on workplace quite high. There is frequent staff turnover. You also need to be prepared for such a situation. And to earn an acceptable amount, you will have to sell a lot. There may be no salary at all. Very often, people in this profession do not work in their specialty.

Specialty Tourism Qualification: tourism specialist Form of study - full-time Standard duration of study - 2 years 10 months on the basis of the main general education

An object professional activity graduates: Requests from consumers of tourism services; Tourism products; Tourist resources - natural, historical, socio-cultural and other objects of tourist display, educational, business, medical and recreational, physical education and sports purposes; Services: hotels and other accommodation facilities; Catering; means of entertainment, excursion, transport, tour operators; Technologies for the formation, promotion and sale of tourism products; Reference materials on tourism, geography, history, architecture, religion, attractions, socio-economic structure of countries, tourist catalogs; Primary labor collectives.

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance your future profession, show a steady interest in it. OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality. OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them. OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development. OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities. OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers. OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the results of completing tasks. OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development. OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities. OK 10. Perform military duties, including using received professional knowledge(for boys). General competencies:

PM.01 Providing travel agency services PC 1.1. Identify and analyze consumer requests and the possibilities of their implementation; PC 1.2. Inform consumers about tourism products; PC 1.3. Interact with the tour operator on the sale and promotion of tourism products; PC 1.4. Calculate the cost of the tour package in accordance with the consumer’s application; PC 1.5. Arrange a travel package (tour packages, vouchers, insurance policies) ; PC 1.6. Perform visa support work; PC 1.7. Prepare strict reporting documents

PM.02 Providing services to accompany tourists PC 2.1. Monitor the readiness of the group, equipment and vehicles to go on the route; PC 2.2. Instruct tourists about the rules of behavior on the route; PC 2.3. Coordinate and control the actions of tourists along the route; PC 2.4. Ensure the safety of tourists along the route; PC 2.5. Monitor the quality of service provided to tourists by the receiving party; PC 2.6. Prepare reporting documentation for the tourist trip.

PM.03 Provision of tour operator services PC 3.1. Conduct marketing research on the tourism services market in order to create a sought-after tourism product; PC 3.2. To form a tourist product.; PC 3.3. Calculate the cost of a tourism product; PC 3.4. Interact with travel agents to sell and promote tourism products.

Management of a functional unit of a PC organization 4.1. Plan the activities of the unit; PC 4.2. Organize and control the activities of subordinates; PC 4.3. Prepare reporting and planning documentation; PC 4.4. Analyze the performance of the department and propose measures to improve work.

  • 1. To the main types of tourism. Forming depending on nationality include national (domestic) and international (external) tourism. International tourism, in turn, is divided into active and passive, or otherwise inbound and outbound tourism.
  • 2. Depending on the need that determines the tourist trip, there are the following types tourism:
    • · Medicinal ( medical tourism). This type of tourism is based on the need for treatment various diseases. Medical tourism has several varieties, characterized by: natural means impact on human body, for example: climate therapy, balneotherapy, sea therapy, mud therapy, fruit therapy, milk therapy, etc. Often, several types of influence can be used during treatment; in such cases, the type of tourism determines the main means of influence on the vacationer’s body.
    • · Recreational tourism. This type of tourism is based on the need to restore a person’s physical and mental strength. This type of tourism is very diverse. For example, recreational tourism may include the following programs:
      • o Spectacle and entertainment (theater, cinema, carnivals, fairs, city days, festivals);
      • o Activities based on interests (hunting and fishing, artistic and musical creativity, tours for collectors, etc.);
      • o Educational (tourism, other sports, arts, crafts, etc.);
      • o “ethnic” and everyday (related to the study national culture and non-traditional life);
      • o tourist and recreational (including routes with active modes of transportation, swimming, skiing, etc.).
    • · Sports tourism. This type of tourism is based on two types of needs, and therefore two subtypes of sports tourism are distinguished:
    • o active (the basis is the need to engage in some kind of sport);
    • o passive (the basis is interest in any sport, i.e. traveling to attend competitions or sports games).
    • · Educational tourism. The basis of this type of tourism is the need to expand knowledge on various directions. This type of tourism includes ecotourism. Ecotour programs involve visiting protected natural areas.
    • · Tourism for business purposes. This type of tourism includes trips for the purpose of establishing or maintaining business contacts with various partners.
    • · Congress tourism. Tourist trips for the purpose of participating in various events, including: conferences, symposiums, conventions, congresses, etc.

The intensive development of this type of tourism has led to the creation of a number of international organizations completely specialized in holding international business and scientific events, for example, the International Union of Congress Organizers. The specialization of travel agencies in this type of tourism is due to the objective regularity of further international division labor, including in the tourism sector. In the United States, convention tourism generates over $40 billion in revenue annually. The great advantage of congress tourism is the fact that it can be implemented during the off-season period. The interest of the tourism industry in this type of tourism is explained primarily by the fact that holding a congress, providing accommodation, providing meals, excursion services) and specific services. The specificity of the tourist product of congress tourism is the need to provide a large volume of various services that go beyond the traditional ones. The main difficulties in organizing congress services are associated with the need to produce a significant amount of printed materials (abstracts, invitations, information letters, etc.), the need to provide such services as: registration of congress participants, negotiations, technical support, special events, business meetings, etc., as well as organizations before and after congress tours.

The expenses of a congress participant, as a rule, significantly exceed the expenses of an ordinary tourist, therefore, with an increase in the free time of participants due to optimal organization, as well as payment of the business part by the sending institution, it is possible to combine a trip to the congress with various tourist programs.

  • · Cult (religious) tourism. This type of tourism is based on the religious needs of people of different faiths. Cult tourism is divided into two subtypes:
    • o visiting places of worship on religious holidays;
    • o visiting holy places for the purpose of remission of sins.
  • · Nostalgic tourism. This type tourism is based on the need of people to visit places in the area of ​​historical residence.
  • · Transit tourism. The basis of transit tourism is the need to cross the territory of one country in order to visit another.
  • · Amateur tourism. This type of tourism brings together lovers of active recreation involved in skiing, mountaineering, water tourism, etc. Distinctive feature of this tourism is the need for those participating in it to self-organize. Tours are organized not by travel companies, but by tourists themselves, together with tourist and sports clubs and unions.

Of course, in practice, very often there are combined tours that combine in one trip several types of tourism, determined by the different needs of tourists, for example, recreational with educational, sports with recreational, etc. However, when analyzing tourism activities, it is necessary to highlight the basic needs that served as the incentive to travel.

  • 3. Depending on the vehicles used on the tourist route, the following types of tourism are distinguished:
  • 1. Tourists on their own transport - tours on transport belonging to the transport facilities of the tourism system or directly to the tourism organization.
  • 2. Transport tours on rented tourist transport - tours on transport owned by transport organizations, used by tourist organizations on a rental basis (under contract) for a period determined by the duration of the tour. As rented specialized transport, tourist organizations use sea and river ships, airplanes, special compounds tourist and excursion enterprises.
  • 3. Tours on the personal transport of tourists - specially designed individual or group tours for cars (owners of personal cars) providing tourists with all types of services along the route (accommodation in car camps, meals, excursions, leisure, car repairs, etc.), except for travel .
  • 4. Depending on the method of travel, types of tourism are divided:
    • · Automobile tourism. This type of tourism has been developing rapidly since the second half of the twentieth century. Currently it is most widely used.
    • · Railway tourism. This type of tourism has been developing since the forties of the 19th century. The relative cheapness of train tickets makes it accessible to less affluent segments of the population. Currently, competition between railway and other modes of transport is intensifying.
    • · Aviation tourism. This type of tourism is the most promising, as it saves time when delivering tourists to places of visit. Over the course of 20 years (from 1960 to 1980), the share of air transport used in tourism tripled. Air tours are divided into group tours using part of the seats on passenger airlines and special flights with full rental of the aircraft for special tourist transportation.
    • · Motor (water) tourism. With this type of tourism, routes are organized on river and sea ships. There are sea routes: cruise (travel on rented ships lasting more than a day). They can be either with or without port visits.

River routes - using vessels of river shipping companies. They have subtypes: tourist and excursion flights - these are trips on rented river boats lasting more than one day and sightseeing trips - trips of excursionists to get acquainted with memorable and historical places and relaxation, lasting no more than 24 hours.

To organize large and tourist excursion flights, mainly comfortable ships are used. Both motor ships and small fleets (river buses, rockets, boats, catamarans, etc.) can be used to organize excursion and pleasure cruises.

The advantages of water tourism on comfortable ships are that tourists are provided with accommodation, food, sports, entertainment, etc. on the ship.

  • · Bus tourism. With this type of tourism, travel is organized using buses as a means of transportation. Bus tours can be ordinary tourist excursion tours (providing all types of services offered by a transport tour - accommodation, meals, excursion services) and the so-called “health buses” - pleasure buses (one-day buses).
  • · Bicycle tourism. This type of tourism is available to a fairly limited number of tourists.

Walking tourism. This type of tourism is most widespread in domestic tourism. It should be noted that in practice, very often, during one tourist trip, several types of transport are used, for example, plane - bus, railway - bus, etc., these types of tours are called combined.

  • 5. Depending on the accommodation facilities for tourists, the following types of tourism are distinguished:
    • · Tourism in the hotel.
    • · Tourism in a motel.
    • · Tourism in the guesthouse.
    • · Camping tourism.
    • · Tourism in a tourist village, camp site, etc.

Hotels are usually located either in the city center or near the airport or train station.

Motels are located either along the highway or on the outskirts of the city. Accommodation in a motel should provide tourists with conditions for car care (parking lots, gas stations, car service, etc.)

Hotel-type boarding houses with a single management provide clients with accommodation in one or more rooms, related services and an independent kitchen.

Camping sites, tourist villages, tourist centers are premises located, as a rule, in rural areas, designed to accommodate both ordinary and motor tourists.

Tourist villages are service farms with a single management, fenced and equipped for rest and overnight stays for tourists who do not have autonomous equipment necessary for an overnight stay.

In addition to the listed types of hotel enterprises that determine the type of tourism, there are also such types as: houses and furnished apartments, holiday homes, youth houses.

All of the above facilities are classified as hotel enterprises of various categories, and they are subject to certification for the range and quality of services provided to tourists. Accommodation facilities are also divided into permanent ones, in which tourists are received all year round, and seasonal - serving tourists only at certain times of the year, during the tourist season.

  • 6. Tourism is also divided into seasonal and non-seasonal depending on the time of travel.
  • · Depending on the duration of the trip, there are two types of tourism: long-term and short-term (with short-term tourism, the trip lasts up to 5 - 7 days).
  • 7. Depending on the composition of the group, there are:
    • · Mass tourism (travel of tourists as part of a group);
    • · Individual tourism (this type of tourism is most often implemented within the framework of business, scientific and health tourism. IN Lately individual tourism is receiving significant development through the channels of family ties, creative exchanges, and visits by invitation. Individual trips are also practiced under social and youth tourism programs. Individual tourists can use the services of guides-translators, tour guides, travel organizers, guides and accompanying persons, rent passenger vehicles, and use the capabilities of other forms of tourist services).
    • · Family tourism (travel of tourists with family members. This type of tourism has received great development in last years largely due to the discounts that travel agencies offer to people traveling with children. Often, family tourism is carried out according to programs developed by a tour operator for family vacations).
    • · Youth (student) tourism.
    • · Children's (school) tourism.

Youth and children's tourism has developed greatly due to tourist exchanges both within the country and between different countries. Tourists traveling as part of youth and children's tourism are entitled to significant discounts in service prices.

  • 8. Depending on organizational forms exist:
    • · Organized tourism.
    • · Unorganized tourism.
    • · Club tourism.
  • 9. Depending on the determining principle of pricing a product, there is commercial and social (subsidized) tourism. Social tourism involves certain subsidies in various forms from both government and public organizations, as well as commercial structures, in order to ensure the possibility of recreation and participation in tourism events for various segments of the population who do not have the opportunity to do so sufficient quantity Money. For example, pensioners, students, low-paid workers, etc.

To analyze the country’s position in the global tourism market great importance has characteristics of tourist flows emerging in a particular region, and the prerequisites for their occurrence in the future:

  • · Direction of tourist flows to and from the region, the structure of foreign tourist clientele and its own citizens traveling for tourism purposes;
  • · Features of tourism in a given region: seasonal rhythms, predominant types and forms of tourism, main purposes of visiting, etc.;
  • · Relations between authorities and local tourism bodies regarding tourism problems, specifics from tourism policy;
  • · The economic role of tourism in the economic structure of the region;
  • · Prospects for the development of tourism in this area.

A tourism manager is a specialist who organizes tourist trips. The profession of tourism manager is one of the interesting areas of activity. It gives you a chance to visit different parts of the world and earn good money at the same time.

The main task of a tourism manager is to help a tourist choose a country and a trip, as well as organize good rest. The specialist advises clients, prepares necessary documents, arranges insurance, visas, purchases plane or train tickets, books hotels and solves other problems for the client.

Places of work

The position of tourism manager is always available in travel agencies and from tour operators.

History of the profession

At the beginning of the 19th century in France explanatory dictionary the concept of “tourist” was formed - a person who travels to various countries world, to kill time, or out of curiosity. During the same period, construction began railways, shipbuilding was actively developing, the first aviation began to appear, and hotels and sanatoriums began to be made from estates and other houses. As a result, at the beginning of the 20th century, tourism became a mass phenomenon, and the profession of tourism manager became a prestigious and necessary activity.

Responsibilities of a Tourism Manager

The duties of the Tourism Manager are as follows:

  • Attracting new clients and selling travel packages (processing online applications, incoming calls);
  • Client consultation, selection of optimal tours;
  • Registration of insurance, visas, passports and other documents;
  • Booking hotel rooms;
  • Purchasing or booking tickets (air, train, bus, etc.);
  • Booking services for clients (excursions, meeting at the airport, car rental, meals, etc.).

The responsibilities of the tourism manager also include deciding conflict situations with clients and counterparties. For example, if a plane is cancelled, customs will not let tourists through, the airline will place the child and parents on different planes, and much more.

Requirements for a tourism manager

The main requirements for tourism managers are:

  • Experience in tourism;
  • PC proficiency;

Sometimes additional requirements are put forward such as:

  • Knowledge of the main tourist destinations and resorts;
  • Knowledge of the tour operator market;
  • Sales experience;
  • Knowledge of a foreign language (most often English).

Resume sample

How to become a tourism manager

If you want to become a manager in the tourism industry and if you love traveling, then even without work experience you can easily get a job in a travel agency as an assistant manager. However, in order to manage a separate tourist destination or organize serious tours, a tourism manager must know foreign language, be able to sell, resolve conflicts and have more than 1.5 years of experience in tourism.

Tourism manager salary

The salary of a tourism manager usually consists of a set rate and a percentage of package sales, and therefore depends on the number of tours sold and the season. The income of a qualified tourism manager can be 80 thousand rubles, with a salary of 15 thousand. The average salary of a tourism manager is 35 thousand rubles per month.

Where to get training

Besides higher education There are a number of short-term training programs on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

Modern Scientific and Technical Academy (SNTA) and a number of its courses in the direction of "
