Yellow eye proteins Dark urine. Yellow eye protein: causes and diseases, on the background of which their color changes. Causes of the symptom of yellow eyes

Man's health indicator - leather, hair, eyes. Eyes should be clear, clean, proteins and cornea without signs of yellowness. If it appeared suddenly, it should be referred to a doctor - a change in the color of the eyeball testifies to the problems encountered in the body.

Do I need to immediately call "Copy Help"If the wishes of eye proteins, and tune in to the treatment of jaundice? Not. Even the diagnosis of hepatitis - more frequent name "jaundice" - It has other symptoms, and the presence of a disease must confirm the doctor. In addition, yellow eyes are not necessarily hepatitis A. There are many diseases having the same sign, and not everyone is subject to hospitalization.

Why is the eye proteins yellow?

If a person has yellow eyeballs, the reasons may be the following:

There are absolutely "Curly" The reasons for such a state that do not require urgent treatment, but gradually undermine the body from the inside - chronic lack of sleep, constant seat per monitor of the computer, harmful habits - in particular, smoking.

The yellowness in the eyes is a mandatory reason to consult a doctor, even if there is no temperature and nausea. It is always necessary to find out why the eyeballs have changed their color. The chance to eliminate ophthalmic diseases at the first signs of changing the color of eye proteins almost 100% - if the symptom is neglecting, you can lose sight.

Reason for yellowness eye - liver disease

Erythrocytes in the human body contain bilirubin, which produces liver. Why do you need bilirubin? This enzyme is assigned an important role in the process of digestion - it emulses fats and prepares them for splitting, which occurs in the duodenum. If there were no bilirubin, fat particles would not be absorbed. If the synthesis of bilirubin is increased, or the body does not perceive it, the eye proteins are immediately yellow.

Bilirubin Development Disrupting Indicates Liver Pathology of Various Character.

Diseases that affect the liver function:

Allocate the following types of hepatitis.

  1. Hemolytic. It develops with accelerated decay of hemoglobin - the liver does not have time to process the amount of indirect hemoglobin, which is formed during the decay of erythrocytes in direct hemoglobin.
  2. Hepatic.

It is called:

  • Viral lesions. Symptoms of the disease with various strains of viruses: chills, headache, temperature rise, feverish condition, abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, increase in liver, changing the color of the chair and urine - the chair becomes light, and the urine is dark.
  • Leptospirosis. The beginning of a sudden, the temperature is sharply rising, hemorrhagic syndrome, Malgia (muscle pain) appear, ESP increases, the level of hemoglobin decreases, thrombocytopenia. The liver from the first days of the disease is increasing.
  • Toxic hepatitis develops acutely, and symptoms resemble viral hepatitis. Kidney can simultaneously be affected - renal failure. The hepatic function is broken.
  • The symptoms of acute alcohol lesion resembles the development of viral hepatitis.

Additional symptoms - diarrhea, ascites.

  1. Cholestatic jaundice. The bile ducts are blocked by stones or storms of bile, which causes nausea, dizziness, pain in the right hypochondrium.
  2. Enzymopathic jaundice. Due to the hereditary defect in the enzyme system of the body, the synthesis of bilirubin is insufficient.

The jaggility of newborns rarely leads to pathological changes in the liver. It arises in the first days after birth due to adaptation to the extrauter period. Before childbirth, a huge amount of red blood cells arrive in the blood of the fetus, and with the processing of bilirubin, which was released during their decay, the liver does not cope. The jaundice of newborns usually passes by the last 10-12 day of life.

The joy of newborn is dangerous at the incompatibility of the parental factor. In this case, babies require treatment.

Chronic liver diseases can have the following symptoms: pain in the hypochondrium on the right, nausea, increasing spleen, subfebrile temperature, varicose veins of the esophagus, ascites, anemia and others.

Treatment of all liver diseases - the prerogative of the doctor. In this case, folk methods can only have an additional impact.

Eye Proteins - Causes Ophthalmologic

The yellowness of the eyeball and iris can cause malignant formation of body tissues - more often conjunctiva. The yellowness is one of the symptoms of melanoma eye area. So you should not pull on a visit to the ophthalmologist, if there is an unpleasant feeling in the eye and yellow stains on the surface of the eye, which can be seen, looking at yourself in the mirror.

Swim proteins with diseases such as pingwekules and pterygium.

Pingwekules is a small formation similar to a girody, which is localized due to the violation of lipid metabolism in the body on the eyeball.

PTRIGUM - the growing eye conjunctiva (in the people the disease is called "Wild meat"). She begins to enter the scler and reduces the field of view.

Treatment of pingwekuli and pterigium surgical. PTRIGUM can be eliminated only at the initial stage. If the conjunctivation creates so much that the pupil closes, then the reverse restoration is not possible.

All eye diseases are the reason to turn to the oculist.

Zhilbera disease

This disease has a second name - constitutional jaundice. Boys are getting 5 times more often than girls. If we consider only clinical signs - the yellowing of the eyelids and eyeballs, it can be said that the Zhilbera disease is rare. However, if you pay attention to the blood formula with relatively occurring bilirubinemia, the frequency of manifestations increases.

The yellow scler appears not always, but only when the feeding delay, which increases hemolysis. That is, in the absence of starvation, the symptoms of the disease does not occur.

To cure the housing disease is impossible, but there are ways to eliminate symptoms. This is a gentle diet, the use of choleretic drugs and soybean emulsions.

Eye proteins with yellowness - Possible causes

Alto itself, smoking does not affect the color of the scool, but need to be taken into account - the organism's constant feeding in nicotin increases the load on the liver.

In addition to nicotine, there are other combustion products, resins and toxins to the body, the liver and toxins are carried out in the organism, and the overload is negatively reflected on its functions.

That is why smokers with "Durable experience" Yellowish eye proteins and leather. In medicine it is called "Signs of subacute toxic hepatitis".

If the unhealthy appearance and yellowness of the eyeballs are caused by the fatigue of the eye, it is necessary to balance the mode of work and recreation, more for a walk, increase the amount of healthy food, vegetables, fruits, seafood and nuts - in the composition of which includes vitamins for eyes: A, C, E , nicotine and folic acid, saturated fatty acids.

Sometimes eyeballs yellow, if there are a lot of carotene in the body. This happens, for example, if "abuse" carrots. In this case, treatment is a variety of diet.

In all other situations - when changing the color of the scler - you need to consult a doctor. This state is a signal: in the body is not all right.

The eyes are not only an organ of view, but also the indicator of the state of the internal organs, the general condition of the body. The scler is widespread. The yellowed proteins may be a serious symptom indicating the presence of pathologies of internal organs. When the yellowness appears, you need to consult a specialist doctor.

The chler's yellowness has several reasons for education:

Lifting the functioning of the liver:

  • hepatitis A, B, C, D;
  • cirrhosis;
  • liver cancer.

This body produces indirect bilirubin. Taking place in the liver failures lead to a bilirubin in the circulatory system. Blillubube is in the eyes of the eye and stains them. The increase in bilirubin is recorded in the following cases: hepatitis of various etiologies, acute liver failure.

Diseases of biliary tract:

  • mechanical jaundice;
  • cholelithiasis.

In case of diseases, bile accumulates in the cavity of the gallbladder, and the substances of its decomposition fall into the blood and paint the mucous membranes in the yellow tone.

Blood Diseases - Diseases There is an increase in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood containing large amounts of red blood cells in its composition. This leads to the formation of an indirect bilirubin, which, accumulating in the blood, falls inside the scler of the organs of vision, leading to the color of them in yellow color.

  • echinococcosis;
  • opisthorchosis;
  • amebiaz.

Acute or chronic pancreatitis. In this case, an increase in the size of the pancreas occurs, which provokes bile stars in biliary tract. The components of the bile fall into the blood and lead to yellowing not only the scool eyes, but also the skin.

Jaundice newborn manifests itself in kids in each second case. In such a peculiar way, the kid's body adapts to the environmental conditions. This is due to the excess amount of erythrocytes in the blood, which disintegrate and release bilirubin. The liver of the newborn does not cope with such loads, which leads to the appearance of the jaundice of the proteins of the eyes and the whole organism. The disease independently passes within 7-10 days. In rare cases, the preservation of yellowness indicates a serious pathology of the newborn.

Diseases of the organs leading to the yellowing of proteins

There are various pathology of the organs of vision capable of bringing scler's yellowness:

  • conjunctivitis - Microscopic defects are formed during the disease on the surface of the horny shell and conjunctiva. They gradually heal and leave the scarns of yellowish color.
  • pingwekule - the disease appears in violation of lipid metabolism. At the same time there is a thickening of the mucous membrane. It is benign, not inclined to malignant reincarnation. Appeared girovik has a yellow color. When progressing the disease, wen express. Often yellow spots appear simultaneously on the sclers of both eyes.
  • pTRIGUM - for the disease, the growth of the yellow film is formed. The neoplasm increases and affects the large volume of conjunctiva. Navigating the pupil, the disease can lead to loss of vision.
  • melanoma - with the disease, occurs in the blood capillaries. It provokes them damage and the output of the content in the tissue. In the future, pigmented sections appear around the formed nodes.
  • zhilbera syndrome - with this pathology, the number of indirect bilirubin in human blood increases. This is a hereditary disease occurs over the years, most often - all life.

Harmful habits affecting eye proteins

Many bad habits are able to affect the color of the eye proteins. Among them are the most common:

  • tobacocuria is the most common cause, leading to a change in the color of the eye proteins. This is due to toxic substances in tobacco smoke in large quantities. Upon contact with the organs of vision, the tobacco smoke has a dumpless effect on the conjunctival and a tears film, as a result, yellow spots appear.
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages - ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages is considered toxic substance for liver cells. Using it in large quantities, liver cells are destroyed, some of the cells die. As a result, the liver cannot cope with indirect bilirubin. It occurs its accumulation in the blood, penetration into the skeleton of the eyes, which acquire yellow color.
  • overvoltage of organs of view - Emergency load on sight can lead to a change in the color of the scler. Reading in the position of lying or with poor lighting, chronic lack of sleep, long-term work at the computer are provoking factors.
  • incorrect diet - excessive use of sharp, salty, fried and flour products can contribute to the yellowing of the scler. It is necessary to use products that contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C.

All of the above habits are able to affect the eye of the eye proteins. To prevent the yellowness of the scler, it is necessary to conduct a healthy lifestyle and minimize bad habits.

What doctor to handle this problem. Treatment

Unfortunately yellow eye syndrome manifest itself. There is always any reason for the yellowness of the organs of vision. It should be immediately applied to a specialist for advice. It may be a therapist or family doctor:

  • With diseases of the liver, biliary tract, the pancreas need to be advised by a gastroenterologist.
  • The diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases is engaged in a hematologist.
  • In case of diseases of the organs, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Diseases of malignant nature diagnoses and treats an oncologist.

One of the diagnostic methods is to clarify the history of the development of the disease and examination of the patient. The doctor also appoints urine tests, blood and additional research methods. They enter into clinical, radiation and laboratory research.

Effective methods of radiation diagnostics are computed tomography and ultrasound research. After the diagnosis is established, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy.

Early appeal to a specialist will help avoid negative consequences and reduce the risk of complications. The absence of timely therapy may result in irreversible consequences.

"Jaundice", that is, the appearance of yellow on the skin or mucous membranes is not an independent disease. This is a symptom, that is, the result of emerging pathology. In itself, the yellowing of the eye protein is often not painful. In this case, it is often ignored. The patient does not consider it necessary to seek advice on the causes of its condition, since the color change is not perceived by a dangerous problem. But sometimes the yellowing of the eyes is combined with rather unpleasant symptoms: skin itching, a feeling of bitter taste in the mouth, headache, nausea, weakness, insomnia.

However, even in the absence of painful manifestations, it is impossible to refer to such a state in no case. Sometimes the yellowish shade of the eye protein can be explained by natural causes. But in such cases, the shade remains constantly, throughout life. And, quite accurately, we are talking about a light shade, and not definitely yellow. In cases where the eye squirrels, the wishes recently, it is important to pay attention to this change. "Jaundice" is a signal indicating the emergence of a serious problem or illness.

Causes of occurrence

If we talk about the very symptom of yellowing eyes, then this state may look different: the color varies from yellowish to bright yellow. Sometimes yellow is not all the white side of the eye. The patient notices the appearance or even "growths" of the corresponding color. Due to the fact that the yellowing of the eyes may indicate a variety of diseases, the causes of color change are also different. The most common cause of the appearance of "jaundice" is the high level of bilirubin (from Latin Bilis - bile and Ruber - red) - one of the main components of bile.

Bilirubin is a pigment and has yellow. It is formed during the splitting of proteins, for example, hemoglobin released during the decay of red blood cells. The final products of the decay of hemoglobin (including bilirubin) in the normal functioning of the body should fall into bile and derived naturally. If the bilirubin removal process is broken or the amount is excessively increased, it leads to eye staining in the color of this pigment: proteins acquire a yellow shade. Not only eye proteins, but also other tissue structures of the body can turn yellow.

Read also about the yellow eyes.

The change in the color of the eyes may indicate either pathology leading to excessive destruction of red blood cells, or on the problems of neutralization and the elimination of bilirubin from the body. Thus, the most common cause of "jaundice" are the following processes:

  • Enhanced destruction of red blood cells (for example, in poisoning or blood diseases);
  • Diseases of the liverleading to the inability to neutralize bilirubin;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, that is, the insufficient or impossible bilirubin elimination.

Another reason for the yellow color appearing in proteins can be a change in lipid metabolism in the body. This leads to the formation of yellowish eye warves. Extremely dangerous pathology that causes the yellow protein yellowness is a different kind of malignant neoplasm conjunctiva.

The reasons for "jaundice" sometimes become infections, manifestations of subconjunctive hemorrhages and even bad habits.

Possible diseases

The yellowing of the eyes is a symptom, not the disease itself. Ailments that cause such a change in color, a huge set. They can be divided into separate groups:

  • Liver disease;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Problems arising in biliary traits;
  • Violation of metabolism in the body;
  • Pancreatic diseases;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision.

You also read about why the eye protein is yellow.

Pathological problems in the liver leading to "jaundice" include such diseases: hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer, Tsive syndrome, echinococcosis, amebiasis and liver sarcoidosis. In the event of problems of the liver functioning, the binding of an indirect bilirubin from the blood is disturbed due to damage to the liver cells. When the high concentration of bilirubin is achieved, it penetrates the eye sclera and is deposited in them.

Blood diseases leading to the development of "jaundice": malaria, erythrocyte membranopathy, enzymopathy, hemoglobinopathy, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, babesia, poisoning with hemolytic poisons.

In the event of blood disease occurs, significant destruction of red blood cells (red blood cells) occurs. This causes an increase in hemoglobin concentration.

Hemoglobin, decaying, forms a large number of bilirubin, which the liver is not able to neutralize.

In the diseases of the biliary tract in the blood, a significant amount of bilirubin accumulates. This is due to the fact that the outflow of bile from the liver in the duodenum is broken. The most certain reason for the yellowing of the proteins of the eyes in these cases is a gall-eyed disease.However, the "jaundice" can also cause the primary sclerosing cholangitis, opistorhosis, as well as oncological diseases. Violations of exchange processes that can cause the yellowing of proteins can be divided into three types:

  • Metal exchange disorders;
  • Bilirubin exchange violation;
  • Violation of protein exchange.

Such pathological processes lead to a number of diseases such as amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, Wilson-Konovalov disease, a zhilber disease and other accompanied by the yellowing of the eyes.

There are also diseases of the organs of vision that accompanied by the appearance of yellow in the eye proteins.

These are melanomas and malignant conjunctivitis. The yellowness in the form of individual spots causes such ophthalmic diseases as a pterigium and pingwekul.

PTRIGUM is manifested as the consequence of conjunctivitis. Pingwekula becomes the result of the exchange of lipids in and the occurrence of yellow wen on the protein.

Why do newborn baby's eyebreaks read in.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis The causes of the development of yellowness in the field of eye proteins includes a significant number of methods. This is due to the fact that there are many reasons for the manifestation of such a symptom. To establish an accurate diagnosis apply:

  • Clinical methods;
  • Radiation research;
  • Laboratory research.

The doctor addresses the main methods of diagnosis, such as clarifying the most complete history of the development of the disease and the patient. Radiation research methods suggest the use of computer tomography of internal organs and ultrasound examination. When determining the cause of "jaundice", the important method is various types of laboratory tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Toxicological blood test;
  • Calais analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Immunological and genetic tests.

It is assumed to obtain data on the state of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract.

Our eyes are an indicator of the health of vital organs and human well-being in general. If you have discovered such an alarming symptom as the yellowness of the eye proteins, then you should not ignore this fact. Yellow eyes may indicate serious and dangerous diseases of various organism systems. The first thing to be done when a similar feature is found is to consult a specialist.

What is due to the yellowing of the eye proteins

If the jaundice occurs, the eye needs to determine the cause of this phenomenon. It is necessary to do this in the event that only small stains of yellow in proteins were formed, that is, the sclera itself changed its color not completely. Only a qualified physician will help to establish the true cause of such trouble. And only after a comprehensive patient survey, a specialist can conclude how serious this problem is. Sometimes the yellow color of proteins is completely safe, for example, if it is a hereditary sign.

A similar color is formed as a result of excessive content in the blood of the bile pigment of red-brown-colored - bilirubin, which passes the neutralization process in the liver and then output along with bile. However, in the failures of the functioning of the liver, this toxin remains in the blood and poisoning the body. When an increased pigment content is found in the blood composition, it almost always means that proteins are years due to hepatitis.

The pronounced yellowness of the eye proteins is formed for reasons:

    Liver disorders. Most often, the cause of yellowness is the liver disease. Such diseases are divided into various types of hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, oncology. Almost always on the problem of the liver point to the eye proteins, yellow over the entire surface. It is impossible to whitually whiten the eyeball, so you need to take a timely diagnosis and begin treatment. When appropriate adequate therapy, the sclera will soon acquire a natural white color.

    Viral hepatitis. This is a disease provoked by one of the many viruses and affecting the liver. The most common - hepatitis A virus (jaundice). The most dangerous today is the hepatitis C virus, since there is no vaccine that destroys it.

    Infectious damage to the body.


    Blood Diseases: Malaria, Babezia.

    Violation of metabolism: amyloidosis, housing disease. When developing pathologies, protein or bilirubin metabolic processes occur.

    Diseases of the gallbladder.

    Heavy kidney diseases.

    Oncological diseases. Various neoplasms in the eye conjunctive are also able to make them yellow. Schlera can change color, for example, as a result of the development of melanoma. This disease is difficult to diagnose and therapy.

    Physiological jaundice of the newborn. Baby eye proteins immediately after birth can have a characteristic yellowish color. This is a natural process that occurs as a result of blood suspension of the newborn by red blood cells. As a rule, in two weeks, the child decreases yellow.

    Side effects due to the reception of some drugs and intoxication.

    Problems of organs of vision. For diseases of the organs of vision, such as wen. Pingwekules is a yellow grain girthor caused by a collection of lipid metabolism. PTRIGUM is manifested in the growing conjunctiva. When progressing the disease, there is a great risk of transition to the pupil, which is a greater danger in the form of blindness. Both diseases are eliminated exceptionally operational.

Unhealthy habits affecting the color of eye proteins

Most of the harmful habits are to a certain extent capable of provoking the yellowness of the eyes. Most often found among them:

    Smoking tobacco products is the most common cause of the yellowness of the eyes. This is due to the effects of poisonous substances present in tobacco smoke in significant doses. With regular contact with eyes, toxins adversely affect the conjunctiva.

    Alcohol abuse. Ethyl alcohol, which is contained in alcoholic beverages, is poison for liver cells. Unlimited use gradually destroys the body. Due to the dysfunction of the liver, bilirub is accumulated in the blood, and then enters the eye proteins, which ultimately acquire the yellow shade.

    Excessive eye loads. Lack of sleep, long-term searching for a computer, overwork, the absence of fresh air indoors belong to harmful factors, not only worsening vision, but also provoking yellowness.

    Unbalanced diet. Unhealthy food can also contribute to the yellowing of proteins.


    Feed right. In order for the body normally function, it must be used by all indispensable utilities. Changes should be made to the daily diet: do not use a carriage, spicy, fried and smoked food, abandon confectionery, do not abuse alcoholic beverages, add in the menu as much fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

    Enough enough. A full-fledged night's sleep of an adult should last at least 7 hours.

    Observe the mode of operation and recreation. The work carried out in front of the monitor is necessary to alternate with rest.

    Take complexes of vitamins. They contain all components indispensable to the body in sufficient concentration. Such complexes have favorably affect the functions of all organs, including liver.

Diagnostic methods

As a rule, for the diagnosis, the doctor uses such ways to:

    Clinical. These include the collection of anamnesis and visual inspection of the patient. With violations of the liver work, the main characteristic feature is the consolidation of its size. Depending on the specifics of the process, different symptoms may occur: malaise, weakness, stool disorder. For example, if there is pancreatitis, a classic feature can be called pain in the middle part of the abdomen;

    Radi. Include ultrasound and CT abdominal cavity. These diagnostic methods allow you to designate the localization of the pathological process. Sometimes biopsy is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis - one of the effective diagnostic methods, in which the fence of the fragments of the tissue of the body for subsequent studies is carried out;

    Blood tests, urine and feces.


Depending on the results of diagnostic studies, a specialist may compile a plan of therapeutic measures that have the highest effectiveness at a certain disease.

For each group of disease, special therapy techniques have been developed:

    Liver pathology. Conservative methods are usually applied. Hepatitis is treated with the help of antiviral, antibacterial drugs. Preparations are prescribed to restore liver functions, choleretic, disinfect drugs;

    Blood diseases. Also treated with conservative methods. In addition to the treatment aimed at the removal of symptoms, the main means of therapy can be called blood transfusion;

    The pathology of the gallbladder. Medicase therapy is effective only in the early stages of the disease. However, in severe cases, in the presence of stones or oncological neoplasms, the problem is solved by a surgically;

    Violation of exchange processes. Therapy is based on the reception of funds that take toxins from the human body and help clean the liver and bile ducts;

    Pancreatitis. First of all, starvation is carried out in order to stimulate the work of the pancreas. For treatment, special preparations that increase the production of enzymes are used;

    The neoplasms in the liver are removed surgically after the course of chemotherapy. If metastases are extensive, then only chemotherapy is limited.

A healthy person has an eye protein - sclera - white. The yellowing of the squirrel indicates jaundice. It causes a high level of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow chemical substance that is included in the bile. It is necessary to split fats entering the body with food. When the level of bilirubin in the blood is increasing, the excess is deposited in the skin and eye proteins, painting them in yellow.

Causes of yellow proteins in adults

Liver diseases, biliary systems and pancreas

Narrowing of biliary tract

Liver and pancreas cancer

Various liver diseases lead to scarring liver.

Medical cholestazy
The medicine slows down the conclusion of bile.

Excessive alcohol consumption, drugs or infection can cause inflammation of the liver.

Acute pancreatitis
The inflammation of the pancreas leads to the development of pain syndrome, the yellowness of the eyes, the skin, the increase in temperature.

Ischemic hepatocellular jaundice
The disease occurs due to the lack of blood or oxygen reaching the liver.

Proteins can be yellowed due to squeezing bile ducts.

Hemolytic anemia
Pathological destruction of red blood cells - erythrocytes. With their rapid destruction in the blood, many bilirubin stands out.

Infectious viral disease caused by mosquito bite.

Hereditary blood disease.

When urgently consult a doctor

Contact medical attention immediately, if except the yellow scool, you observe other symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • apathy;
  • insomnia;
  • skin itch.

Treatment of yellow proteins

The treatment of the eye depends on the causes of the symptom. Doctors recommend medicines and treatment methods after diagnosis. To be treated independently and use drugs without understanding the reason for the symptom - is dangerous for life.


Most often, proteins are yellow due to liver disease. Caring for her health can help avoid symptom.

Drink a lot of water
Water improves bilirubin elimination from the body.

Eat food containing simple sugar
Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients and minerals necessary for proper liver operation.

Rest improves the condition of the body and liver.

Refuse alcohol
Alcohol breaks the ability of the liver to recycle red blood cells.

Increase the consumption of iron
Sometimes the yellowing of the eye is caused by anemia, or by a little one. The patient suffers from a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, the cause of which can be a deficit of iron in the body. High iron content indicator - meat products.

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