Bazhov white beam black ear read. Read the book “White Bim Black Ear” online in full - Gabriel Troepolsky - MyBook

Dedicated to Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky

Chapter first
Two in one room

Piteously and, it seemed, hopelessly, he suddenly began to whine, clumsily waddling back and forth, looking for his mother. Then the owner sat him on his lap and put a pacifier with milk in his mouth.

And what was left to do? one month old puppy, if he still did not understand anything in life, and his mother was still not there, despite any complaints. So he tried to give sad concerts. Although, however, he fell asleep in the arms of the owner in an embrace with a bottle of milk.

But on the fourth day, the baby already began to get used to the warmth of human hands. Puppies very quickly begin to respond to affection.

He didn’t yet know his name, but a week later he established for sure that he was Bim.

At two months old, he was surprised to see things: a desk tall for a puppy, and on the wall - a gun, a hunting bag and the face of a man with long hair. I quickly got used to all this. There was nothing surprising in the fact that the man on the wall was motionless: if he didn’t move, there was little interest. True, a little later, then, no, no, yes, he will look: what does it mean - a face looking out of the frame, as if from a window?

The second wall was more interesting. It all consisted of different blocks, each of which the owner could pull out and put back in. At the age of four months, when Bim was already able to reach on his hind legs, he himself pulled out the block and tried to examine it. But for some reason he rustled and left a piece of paper in Bim’s teeth. It was very funny to tear that piece of paper into small pieces.

– What is this?! – the owner shouted. - It is forbidden! - and poked Bim’s nose into the book. - Bim, you can’t. It is forbidden!

After such a suggestion, even a person will refuse to read, but Bim will not: he looked at the books for a long time and carefully, bowing his head first to one side, then to the other. And, apparently, he decided: since this one is impossible, I’ll take another one. He quietly grabbed the spine and dragged it under the sofa, there he chewed off first one corner of the binding, then the second, and, having forgotten, he dragged the unlucky book into the middle of the room and began to torment it playfully with his paws, and even with a jump.

It was here that he learned for the first time what “hurt” meant and what “impossible” meant. The owner stood up from the table and said sternly:

- It is forbidden! – and tapped his ear. “You, your stupid head, tore up the “Bible for Believers and Non-Believers.” - And again: - You can’t! Books are not allowed! “He tugged his ear again.

Bim squealed and raised all four paws up. So lying on his back, he looked at the owner and could not understand what was actually happening.

- It is forbidden! It is forbidden! - he deliberately hammered and thrust the book to his nose again and again, but no longer punished. Then he picked up the puppy, stroked it and said the same thing: “You can’t, boy, you can’t, silly.” - And he sat down.

And he sat me on my knees.

So in early age Bim received morals from his master through the “Bible for Believers and Non-Believers.” Bim licked his hand and looked carefully into his face.

He already loved it when his owner talked to him, but so far he understood only two words: “Bim” and “impossible.” And yet it is very, very interesting to watch how white hair hangs on the forehead, kind lips move and how warm, gentle fingers touch the fur. But Bim was already able to absolutely accurately determine whether the owner was cheerful or sad, whether he was scolding or praising, calling or driving away.

And he could also be sad. Then he spoke to himself and turned to Bim:

- This is how we live, fool. Why are you looking at her? – he pointed to the portrait. - She, brother, died. She doesn't exist. No... - He stroked Bim and said in full confidence: - Oh, my fool, Bimka. You don't understand anything yet.

But he was only partly right, since Bim understood that they would not play with him now, and he took the word “fool” personally, and “boy” too. So when is it big friend called a fool or a boy, then Bim went immediately, as if to a nickname. And since he, at that age, mastered the intonation of his voice, then, of course, he promised to be the smartest dog.

But is it only the mind that determines a dog’s position among its fellows? Unfortunately no. Apart from his mental abilities, not everything was in order with Bim.

True, he was born from purebred parents, setters, with a long pedigree. Each of his ancestors had a personal sheet, a certificate. Using these questionnaires, the owner could not only reach Bim’s great-grandfather and grandmother, but also know, if desired, his great-grandfather’s great-grandfather and great-grandmother’s great-grandmother. This is all good, of course. But the fact is that Bim, despite all his advantages, had a big drawback, which later greatly affected his fate: although he was from the Scottish setter breed (Gordon setter), the color turned out to be completely atypical - that’s the point. By standards hunting dogs A Gordon setter must be black, with a shiny bluish tint - the color of a raven's wing, and must have clearly demarcated bright markings, reddish-red tan marks; even white marks are considered a big fault among Gordons. Bim degenerated like this: the body is white, but with reddish markings and even slightly noticeable red speckles, only one ear and one leg are black, really like a raven’s wing, the second ear is a soft yellowish-red color. Even a surprisingly similar phenomenon: in all respects it is a Gordon setter, but the color is, well, nothing like it. Some distant, distant ancestor jumped out to Bima: his parents were Gordons, and he was an albino of the breed.

In general, with such multi-colored ears and tan marks under large, intelligent dark brown eyes, Bim’s muzzle was even prettier, more noticeable, perhaps even smarter or, how to say, more philosophical, more thoughtful than that of ordinary dogs. And really, all this cannot even be called a muzzle, but rather a dog’s face. But according to the laws of cynology white color, in a particular case, is considered a sign of degeneration. He is handsome in everything, but by the standards of his coat, he is clearly questionable and even vicious. This was Bim’s problem.

Of course, Bim did not understand the guilt of his birth, since puppies are not given by nature to choose their parents before they are born. Bim simply cannot even think about it. He lived for himself and was happy for now.

But the owner was worried: would they give Bim a pedigree certificate that would secure his position among hunting dogs, or would he remain a lifelong outcast? This will be known only at the age of six months, when the puppy (again, according to the laws of cynology) will define itself and become close to what is called a pedigree dog.

The owner of Bim's mother, in general, had already decided to cull the white one from the litter, that is, to drown him, but there was an eccentric who felt sorry for such a handsome man. That eccentric was Bim’s current owner: he liked his eyes, you see, they were smart. Wow! And now the question is: will they give or won’t they give a pedigree?

Meanwhile, the owner was trying to figure out why Bim had such an anomaly. He turned over all the books on hunting and dog breeding in order to get at least a little closer to the truth and prove over time that Bim was not guilty. It was for this purpose that he began to copy out from various books into a thick general notebook everything that could justify Bim as a real representative of the setter breed. Bim was already his friend, and friends always need to be helped out. Otherwise, Bim should not be a winner at shows, should not rattle gold medals on his chest: no matter how golden a dog he is in the hunt, he will be excluded from the breed.

What an injustice in this world!

Notes of a Hunter

In recent months, Bim quietly entered my life and took a strong place in it. What did he take? Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings are always irresistible, if sycophancy has not rubbed in between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, trust, and affection. This is a terrible quality - sycophancy. God forbid! But Bim is still a baby and a cute little dog. Everything about it will depend on me, on the owner.

It’s strange that I sometimes notice things about myself now that weren’t there before. For example, if I see a picture with a dog, then first of all I pay attention to its color and breed. The concern arises from the question: will they give or will not give a certificate?

A few days ago I was at the museum at an art exhibition and immediately drew attention to the painting by D. Bassano (16th century) “Moses cutting out water from the rock.” There in the foreground there is a dog - clearly a prototype of a cop breed, with a strange, however, color: the body is white, the muzzle, dissected by a white groove, is black, the ears are also black, and the nose is white, there is a black spot on the left shoulder, the rear rump is also black. Exhausted and skinny, she greedily drinks the long-awaited water from a human bowl.

The second dog, long-haired, also has black ears. Exhausted from thirst, she laid her head on her owner’s lap and humbly waited for water.

Nearby are a rabbit, a rooster, and on the left are two lambs.

What did the artist want to say?

After all, a minute before, they were all in despair, they did not have a drop of hope. And they said to the eyes of Moses, who saved them from slavery:

“Oh, that we might die by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat, when we ate our fill of bread! For you brought us out into this desert to starve all those gathered.”

Moses realized with great sorrow how deeply the spirit of slavery had taken possession of people: bread in abundance and cauldrons of meat were dearer to them than freedom. And so he carved water out of the rock. And at that hour there was goodness for everyone following him, which is felt in Bassano’s painting.

Or maybe the artist placed dogs in the main place as a reproach to people for their cowardice in misfortune, as a symbol of fidelity, hope and devotion? Anything is possible. It was a long time ago.

The painting by D. Bassano is about four hundred years old. Does the black and white in Bima really come from those times? This can't be true. However, nature is nature.

However, this is unlikely to help in any way to remove the accusation against Beam for his anomalies in the coloring of his body and ears. After all, the more ancient the examples, the more strongly he will be accused of atavism and inferiority.

No, we need to look for something else. If one of the dog handlers reminds you of the painting by D. Bassano, then you can, at extreme case, it’s easy to say: what does Bassano’s black ears have to do with it?

Let's look for data closer to Bim in time.

An extract from the standards of hunting dogs: “Gordon setters were bred in Scotland... The breed was formed by the beginning of the second half of the 19th century... Modern Scottish setters, while maintaining their power and massive frame, have acquired a faster pace. Dogs of a calm, gentle character, obedient and kind, they get to work early and easily, and are successfully used both in the swamp and in the forest... They are characterized by a distinct, calm, high stance with the head not lower than the level of the withers..."

“If we take into account that the setter is based on the most ancient race of hunting dogs, which for many centuries received, so to speak, home education, then we will not be surprised that setters represent perhaps the most cultured and intelligent breed.”

So! Bim, therefore, is a dog of an intelligent breed. This may already come in handy.

From the same book by L.P. Sabaneeva:

“In 1847, Pearland brought two wonderful beautiful setters from England as a gift to Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. rare breed... The dogs were not for sale and were exchanged for a horse that cost 2,000 rubles...” Here. He was taking it as a gift, but he tore off the price of twenty serfs. But are dogs to blame? And what does Bim have to do with it? This is unusable.

From a letter from the once famous nature lover, hunter and dog breeder S.V. Pensky to L.P. Sabaneev:

“During the Crimean War, I saw a very good red setter from Sukhovo-Kobylin, the author of “Krechinsky’s Wedding,” and yellow-piebald ones in Ryazan from the artist Pyotr Sokolov.”

Yeah, that's getting close to the point. Interesting: even the old man had a setter back then. And the artist’s is yellow-piebald.

Isn't that where your blood comes from, Bim? That would be it! But why then... black ear? Unclear.

From the same letter:

“The breed of red setters was also bred by the Moscow palace doctor Bers. He placed one of the red bitches with the black setter of the late Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich. I don’t know what puppies came out and where they went; I only know that one of them was raised in his village by Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.”

Stop! Isn't it here? If your leg and ear are black from Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s dog, you are a happy dog, Bim, even without a personal breed certificate, the happiest of all dogs in the world. The great writer loved dogs.

More from the same letter:

“I saw the imperial black male in Ilyinsky after dinner, to which the sovereign invited members of the board of the Moscow hunting society. It was very large and very beautiful indoor dog, with a beautiful head, well dressed, but there was little of the setter type in her, besides, the legs were too long, and one of the legs was completely white. They say that this setter was given to the late emperor by some Polish gentleman, and there was a rumor that the dog was not entirely blood-born.”

It turns out that the Polish gentleman deceived the emperor? Could be. It could also be on the dog front. Oh, this black imperial male for me! However, right there there's blood coming out the yellow bitch Bersa, who had “an extraordinary sense of humor and remarkable intelligence.” This means that even if your leg, Bim, is from the emperor’s black dog, then you may well be a distant descendant of the dog of the greatest writer... But no, Bimka, pipes! Not a word about the imperial one. It wasn’t - and that’s it. Something else was missing.

What remains in case of a possible dispute in Bim’s defense? Moses falls away for obvious reasons. Sukhovo-Kobylin disappears both in time and in color. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy remains: a) closest in time; b) his dog’s father was black and his mother was red. Everything is suitable. But the father, the black one, is imperial, that’s the rub.

No matter how you turn it, you have to remain silent about the search for Bim’s distant blood. Consequently, dog handlers will determine only by the pedigree of Bim’s father and mother, as they are supposed to: there is no white in the pedigree and - amen. And Tolstoy has nothing to do with them. And they are right. And in fact, everyone can trace the origin of their dog to the writer’s dog, and then they themselves are not far from L.N. Tolstoy. And indeed: how many of them do we have, Tolstoys! It’s terrible how much has been revealed, it’s shockingly much.

No matter how offensive it may be, my mind is ready to come to terms with the fact that Bim will be an outcast among purebred dogs. Badly. One thing remains: Bim is a dog of an intelligent breed. But this is not proof (that’s what standards are for).

“It’s bad, Bim, it’s bad,” the owner sighed, putting down his pen and putting a general notebook into the table.

Bim, hearing his nickname, got up from the lounger, sat down, tilting his head to the side of his black ear, as if he was listening only to the yellow-red ones. And it was very nice. With all his appearance he said: “You are good, my good friend. I'm listening to. What do you want? The owner immediately cheered up from Bim’s question and said:

- Well done, Bim! We will live together, even without pedigree. You're a good dog. good dogs everyone loves it. “He took Bim on his lap and stroked his fur, saying: “Okay.” Still good, boy.

Bim felt warm and cozy. He immediately understood for the rest of his life: “good” means affection, gratitude and friendship.

And Bim fell asleep. Why does he care who he is, his master? The important thing is that he is good and close.

“Oh, you black ear, imperial leg,” he said quietly and carried Bim onto the lounger.

He stood in front of the window for a long time, peering into the dark lilac night. Then he looked at the portrait of the woman and said:

“You see, I feel a little better.” I'm no longer alone. “He didn’t notice how, alone, he gradually got used to speaking out loud to her or even to himself, and now to Bim. “Not alone,” he repeated to the portrait.

And Bim was sleeping.

So they lived together in the same room. Bim grew up strong. Very soon he learned that the owner’s name was “Ivan Ivanovich.” Smart puppy, quick-witted. And little by little he realized that he couldn’t touch anything, he could only look at things and people. And in general, everything is impossible.

If the owner does not allow or even orders. So the word “impossible” became the main law of Bim’s life. And Ivan Ivanovich’s eyes, intonation, gestures, clear words of orders and words of affection were a guide in a dog's life. Moreover, independent decisions any action should not in any way contradict the wishes of the owner. But Bim gradually began to even guess some of his friend’s intentions. For example, he stands in front of the window and looks, looks into the distance and thinks, thinks. Then Bim sits down next to him and also looks and thinks too. The man does not know what the dog is thinking about, but the dog says with all his appearance: “Now my good friend will sit down at the table, he will definitely sit down. He walks a little from corner to corner and sits down and moves a stick along a white piece of paper, and it whispers a little. This will be a long time, so I’ll sit next to him.” Then he nuzzles into the warm palm. And the owner will say:

“Well, Bimka, let’s get to work,” and he really sits down.

And Bim lies down in a ball at the feet or, if it says “in place,” he will go to his lounger in the corner and wait. He will wait for a look, a word, a gesture. However, after a while you can leave the place, work on the round bone, which is impossible to chew, but sharpen your teeth - please, just don’t interfere.

But when Ivan Ivanovich covers his face with his palms, leaning his elbows on the table, then Bim comes up to him and puts his different-eared face on his knees. And it's worth it. He knows, he will stroke it. He knows something is wrong with his friend.

But it was not so in the meadow, where both forgot about everything. Here you can run, frolic, chase butterflies, wallow in the grass - everything was permissible. However, here too, after eight months of Bim’s life, everything went according to the owner’s commands: “come and go!” – you can play, “back!” - very clear, “lie down!” – absolutely clear, “up!” – jump over, “search!” – look for pieces of cheese, “nearby!” - walk next to me, but only to the left, “to me!” - quickly to the owner, there will be a piece of sugar. And Bim learned many other words before he was a year old. Friends understood each other more and more, loved and lived as equals - man and dog.

But one day something happened that Bim’s life changed and he grew up in a few days. This happened only because Bim suddenly discovered a big, amazing flaw in the owner.

Here is how it was. Bim walked carefully and diligently through the meadow with a shuttle, looking for scattered cheese, and suddenly, among the different smells of herbs, flowers, the earth itself and the river, a stream of air burst in, unusual and exciting: the smell of some kind of bird, not at all similar to those that Bim knew, - there are various sparrows, cheerful tits, wagtails and all sorts of little things that there is no point in trying to catch up with (they tried). There was a smell of something unknown that stirred the blood. Bim paused and looked back at Ivan Ivanovich. And he turned to the side, not noticing anything. Bim was surprised: his friend couldn’t smell it. Why, he’s a cripple! And then Bim made a decision himself: quietly stepping in a stretch, he began to approach the unknown, no longer looking at Ivan Ivanovich. The steps became less and less frequent, as if he was choosing a point for each paw, so as not to rustle or catch the bud. Finally the smell turned out to be so strong that it was no longer possible to go further. And Bim, without lowering his right front paw to the ground, froze in place, frozen, as if petrified. It was a statue of a dog, as if created by a skilled sculptor. Here it is, the first stand! The first awakening of hunting passion until complete oblivion of oneself.

Oh no, the owner quietly approaches and strokes Bim, who is trembling slightly:

- Okay, okay, boy. Okay,” and takes him by the collar. - Go-go…

But Bim can’t - he has no strength.

“Forward... Forward...” Ivan Ivanovich pulls him.

And Bim went! Quietly, quietly. There is very little left - it seems that the unknown is nearby. But suddenly the order was sharp:

- Forward!!!

Bim rushed. The quail fluttered noisily. Bim rushed after him and-and-and... He drove, passionately, with all his might.

- Naza-hell! - the owner shouted.

But Bim heard nothing, it was as if there were no ears.

- Naza-hell! - and a whistle. - Naza-hell! - and a whistle.

Bim raced until he lost sight of the quail, and then, cheerful and joyful, he returned. But what does this mean? The owner is gloomy, looks sternly, does not caress. Everything was clear: his friend couldn’t smell anything! Unhappy friend. Bim somehow carefully licked his hand, thereby expressing touching pity for the outstanding hereditary inferiority of the creature closest to him.

The owner said:

“That’s not what you mean at all, fool.” - And more fun: - Come on, let's start, Bim, for real. – He took off the collar, put on another (inconvenient) one and fastened a long belt to it. - Look!

Now Bim was looking for the smell of quail - nothing else. And Ivan Ivanovich directed him to where the bird had moved. Bim had no idea that his friend had seen where the quail had landed approximately after the shameful chase (he didn’t smell, of course, but saw).

And here is the same smell! Bim, not noticing the belt, narrows the shuttle, pulls, pulls, raised his head and pulls astride... Stand again! Against the backdrop of the sunset, it is striking in its extraordinary beauty, which not many people can understand. Trembling with excitement, Ivan Ivanovich took the end of the belt, wrapped it tightly around his hand and quietly ordered:

- Go-go…

Bim went to the eyeliner. And he paused again.

- Forward!!!

Bim rushed in the same way as the first time. The quail now took wing with the harsh sound of its wings. Bim again rushed recklessly to catch up with the bird, but... A jerk of the belt made him jump back.

There are books that, although difficult for the human soul to perceive, they must definitely be experienced, overcome and let through. Such a book can be called the story of Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”, which is recommended to be read in school. She touches the hearts of children by telling them about compassion, help, loyalty and devotion. The story is also interesting for adults; even when reading it, they feel a lump coming to their throat, and some, without hesitation, cry. And it’s hard to say who might find it more difficult to perceive this story. After all, in many ways children can only experience pity, but adults with their own experience may be able to feel what is described even more strongly, realizing that often a dog becomes best friend, unlike many people.

This book is about a dog named White Bim Black Ear. He was a beautiful dog, who loved his owner with all his soul and was devoted to him. But one day something happened to the owner, and Bim was left under the supervision of a neighbor. Wanting to find his beloved owner, he ran away and began to wander around the city unattended. He found himself in different stories, met people good and bad, kind and cruel. He learned not only about a good attitude, but also understood what betrayal is. Bim looked at the world differently, only the way a dog can. And the world described through the eyes of a dog appears in a different light. Bim's story is touching, painful, but allows you to draw useful conclusions, reminds you of what is important, preventing your soul from becoming callous. You can re-read it several times, and every time you will feel a pang in your chest.

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Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky. White Bim Black Ear. Quotes.

“Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something unusual. But people have come up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not very often, have such devotion to a friend and loyalty to duty that this is the root of life. When the nobility of the soul is a self-evident state.”
On November 29, 1905, the author of the book “White Bim Black Ear”, writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky, was born.

If you write only about good, then for evil it is a godsend, a brilliance; if you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and in the end will not notice them; if you write only about the seriously beautiful, then people will stop laughing at the ugly. And in the silence of the passing autumn, fanned by its gentle slumber, in the days of short-lived oblivion of the coming winter, you begin to understand: only truth, only honor, only clear conscience, and about all this - a word. A word to little people who will later become adults, a word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children.

Warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because each understood each other and each did not demand from the other more than what he could give. This is the basis, the salt of friendship.

Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings are always irresistible, if sycophancy is not inserted between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, trust, and affection. This is a terrible quality - sycophancy.

Friendship and trust are not bought or sold.

That's how dogs are - never forget the way back. In humans, this instinct has disappeared over the centuries, or almost disappeared. But in vain. It is very useful not to forget the way back.

And a lie can be as sacred as the truth... So a mother sings a cheerful song to a hopelessly ill child and smiles.

In a strange entrance, a strange dog was sleeping in the dead of night. Happens. Don't hurt this dog.

Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky, Russian Soviet writer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. The author of a touching story about a dog's loyalty to its owner.

“White Bim Black Ear” - a story written in 1971 was dedicated to A.T. Tvardovsky, it gained success immediately after its publication. The book survived a large number of reprints, translated into more than 20 languages.

Bim, endowed with a white color from birth that does not correspond to the breed standard, lives in an apartment with his owner, a lonely pensioner Ivan Ivanovich. Ivan Ivanovich, a former journalist and now a philosophizing hunter, loves his dog and systematically takes it to hunt in the forest.

Suddenly the owner has a heart attack, he is taken to Moscow for surgery, and the dog is entrusted to a neighbor, but due to an oversight, it jumps out of the apartment in search of the owner and ends up on the street. Traveling without supervision, Bim meets many people - good and evil, old and young - all of them are described through the eyes of a dog, through the prism of its perception. Bim is treated differently, from pity and attempts to help to cruelty. Due to the series various reasons, no one manages to shelter him on a permanent basis. Having gone through many tests and almost waiting for his owner to return, Bim dies, becoming a victim of betrayal and slander from a neighbor who wants to get rid of the dog’s presence in the yard. The owner manages to pick up the dog at the shelter, where it was taken after being caught, but finds only Bim’s body in place.

In 1977, Stanislav Rostotsky directed a two-part film, which also won many film festivals and received an Oscar nomination in the Best Foreign Film category. In 1998, in Voronezh, in front of the entrance to the local Puppet Theater, a monument was erected to the main character of the book, Bim.

For 35 years now, the story “White Bim Black Ear” has not left any reader indifferent. They read and re-read it, empathize with Bim and hate his enemies. And after reading the last lines... they cry...

Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky (1905-1995), Russian Soviet writer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975).

G. N. Troepolsky was born on November 16 (29), 1905 in the village of Novo-Spasskoye on Elani (now Novospasovka (Gribanovsky district, Voronezh region) in the family of a priest.

He graduated from the agricultural school in 1924, worked as a rural teacher, and since 1931 as an agronomist.

The first works appeared in 1937. In 1976 he worked on the editorial board of the magazine “Our Contemporary”.

Among the works are stories, novels, plays, journalism.

- Creation
* “From the notes of an agronomist” (1953 - magazine “ New world"; in 1954 they were included in the collection “Prokhor the Seventeenth and Others”;
* script for the film “Earth and People” (1955)
* “Candidate of Sciences” (1958; story)
* “Chernozem” (1958-1961; novel)
* “In the Reeds” (1963; story)
* “About rivers, soils and other things” (1963; journalistic essay)
* articles in the newspaper “Pravda” in defense of nature (1966)
* "The Boarders" (1971; play)
* “White Bim Black Ear” (1971)

— Awards and bonuses
* USSR State Prize (1975) - for the story “White Bim, Black Ear” (1971)
* Order of the Red Banner of Labor

Dedicated to Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky

Chapter first
Two in one room

Piteously and, it seemed, hopelessly, he suddenly began to whine, clumsily waddling back and forth, looking for his mother. Then the owner sat him on his lap and put a pacifier with milk in his mouth.

And what could a month-old puppy do if he still didn’t understand anything in life, and his mother was still not there, despite any complaints. So he tried to give sad concerts. Although, however, he fell asleep in the arms of the owner in an embrace with a bottle of milk.

But on the fourth day, the baby already began to get used to the warmth of human hands. Puppies very quickly begin to respond to affection.

He didn’t yet know his name, but a week later he established for sure that he was Bim.

At two months old, he was surprised to see things: a desk tall for a puppy, and on the wall - a gun, a hunting bag and the face of a man with long hair. I quickly got used to all this. There was nothing surprising in the fact that the man on the wall was motionless: if he didn’t move, there was little interest. True, a little later, then, no, no, yes, he will look: what does it mean - a face looking out of the frame, as if from a window?

The second wall was more interesting. It all consisted of different blocks, each of which the owner could pull out and put back in. At the age of four months, when Bim was already able to reach on his hind legs, he himself pulled out the block and tried to examine it. But for some reason he rustled and left a piece of paper in Bim’s teeth. It was very funny to tear that piece of paper into small pieces.

– What is this?! – the owner shouted. - It is forbidden! - and poked Bim’s nose into the book. - Bim, you can’t. It is forbidden!

After such a suggestion, even a person will refuse to read, but Bim will not: he looked at the books for a long time and carefully, bowing his head first to one side, then to the other. And, apparently, he decided: since this one is impossible, I’ll take another one. He quietly grabbed the spine and dragged it under the sofa, there he chewed off first one corner of the binding, then the second, and, having forgotten, he dragged the unlucky book into the middle of the room and began to torment it playfully with his paws, and even with a jump.

It was here that he learned for the first time what “hurt” meant and what “impossible” meant. The owner stood up from the table and said sternly:

- It is forbidden! – and tapped his ear. “You, your stupid head, tore up the “Bible for Believers and Non-Believers.” - And again: - You can’t! Books are not allowed! “He tugged his ear again.

Bim squealed and raised all four paws up. So lying on his back, he looked at the owner and could not understand what was actually happening.

- It is forbidden! It is forbidden! - he deliberately hammered and thrust the book to his nose again and again, but no longer punished. Then he picked up the puppy, stroked it and said the same thing: “You can’t, boy, you can’t, silly.” - And he sat down. And he sat me on my knees.

So at an early age, Bim received morality from his master through the “Bible for Believers and Non-Believers.”

Bim licked his hand and looked carefully into his face.

He already loved it when his owner talked to him, but so far he understood only two words: “Bim” and “impossible.” And yet it is very, very interesting to watch how white hair hangs on the forehead, kind lips move and how warm, gentle fingers touch the fur. But Bim was already able to absolutely accurately determine whether the owner was cheerful or sad, whether he was scolding or praising, calling or driving away.

And he could also be sad. Then he spoke to himself and turned to Bim:

- This is how we live, fool. Why are you looking at her? – he pointed to the portrait. - She, brother, died. She doesn't exist. No... - He stroked Bim and said in full confidence: - Oh, my fool, Bimka. You don't understand anything yet.

But he was only partly right, since Bim understood that they would not play with him now, and he took the word “fool” personally, and “boy” too. So when his great friend called him a fool or a boy, Bim went immediately, as if to the nickname. And since he, at that age, mastered the intonation of his voice, then, of course, he promised to be the smartest dog.

But is it only the mind that determines a dog’s position among its fellows? Unfortunately no. Apart from his mental abilities, not everything was in order with Bim.

True, he was born from purebred parents, setters, with a long pedigree. Each of his ancestors had a personal sheet, a certificate. Using these questionnaires, the owner could not only reach Bim’s great-grandfather and grandmother, but also know, if desired, his great-grandfather’s great-grandfather and great-grandmother’s great-grandmother. This is all good, of course. But the fact is that Bim, despite all his advantages, had a big drawback, which later greatly affected his fate: although he was from the Scottish setter breed (Gordon setter), the color turned out to be completely atypical - that’s the point. According to the standards of hunting dogs, the Gordon Setter must be black, with a shiny bluish tint - the color of a raven's wing, and must have clearly demarcated bright markings, reddish-red tan markings, even white markings are considered a big fault in Gordons. Bim degenerated like this: the body is white, but with reddish markings and even slightly noticeable red speckles, only one ear and one leg are black, really like a raven’s wing, the second ear is a soft yellowish-red color. Even a surprisingly similar phenomenon: in all respects it is a Gordon setter, but the color is, well, nothing like it. Some distant, distant ancestor jumped out to Bima: his parents were Gordons, and he was an albino of the breed.

In general, with such multi-colored ears and tan marks under large, intelligent dark brown eyes, Bim’s muzzle was even prettier, more noticeable, perhaps even smarter or, how to say, more philosophical, more thoughtful than that of ordinary dogs. And really, all this cannot even be called a muzzle, but rather a dog’s face. But according to the laws of cynology, white color, in a particular case, is considered a sign of degeneration. He is handsome in everything, but by the standards of his coat, he is clearly questionable and even vicious. This was Bim’s problem.

Of course, Bim did not understand the guilt of his birth, since puppies are not given by nature to choose their parents before they are born. Bim simply cannot even think about it. He lived for himself and was happy for now.

But the owner was worried: would they give Bim a pedigree certificate that would secure his position among hunting dogs, or would he remain a lifelong outcast? This will be known only at the age of six months, when the puppy (again, according to the laws of cynology) will define itself and become close to what is called a pedigree dog.

The owner of Bim's mother, in general, had already decided to cull the white one from the litter, that is, to drown him, but there was an eccentric who felt sorry for such a handsome man. That eccentric was Bim’s current owner: he liked his eyes, you see, they were smart. Wow! And now the question is: will they give or won’t they give a pedigree?

Meanwhile, the owner was trying to figure out why Bim had such an anomaly. He turned over all the books on hunting and dog breeding in order to get at least a little closer to the truth and prove over time that Bim was not guilty. It was for this purpose that he began to copy out from various books into a thick general notebook everything that could justify Bim as a real representative of the setter breed. Bim was already his friend, and friends always need to be helped out. Otherwise, Bim should not be a winner at shows, should not rattle gold medals on his chest: no matter how golden a dog he is in the hunt, he will be excluded from the breed.

What an injustice in this world!

Notes of a Hunter

In recent months, Bim quietly entered my life and took a strong place in it. What did he take? Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings are always irresistible, if sycophancy has not rubbed in between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, trust, and affection. This is a terrible quality - sycophancy. God forbid! But Bim is still a baby and a cute little dog. Everything about it will depend on me, on the owner.

It’s strange that I sometimes notice things about myself now that weren’t there before. For example, if I see a picture with a dog, then first of all I pay attention to its color and breed. The concern arises from the question: will they give or will not give a certificate?

A few days ago I was at the museum at an art exhibition and immediately drew attention to the painting by D. Bassano (16th century) “Moses cutting out water from the rock.” There in the foreground there is a dog - clearly a prototype of a cop breed, with a strange, however, color: the body is white, the muzzle, dissected by a white groove, is black, the ears are also black, and the nose is white, there is a black spot on the left shoulder, the rear rump is also black. Exhausted and skinny, she greedily drinks the long-awaited water from a human bowl.

The second dog, long-haired, also has black ears. Exhausted from thirst, she laid her head on her owner’s lap and humbly waited for water.

Nearby are a rabbit, a rooster, and on the left are two lambs.

What did the artist want to say?

After all, a minute before, they were all in despair, they did not have a drop of hope. And they said to the eyes of Moses, who saved them from slavery:

“Oh, that we might die by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat, when we ate our fill of bread! For you brought us out into this desert to starve all those gathered.”

Moses realized with great sorrow how deeply the spirit of slavery had taken possession of people: bread in abundance and cauldrons of meat were dearer to them than freedom. And so he carved water out of the rock. And at that hour there was goodness for everyone following him, which is felt in Bassano’s painting.

Or maybe the artist placed dogs in the main place as a reproach to people for their cowardice in misfortune, as a symbol of fidelity, hope and devotion? Anything is possible. It was a long time ago.

The painting by D. Bassano is about four hundred years old. Does the black and white in Bima really come from those times? This can't be true. However, nature is nature.

However, this is unlikely to help in any way to remove the accusation against Beam for his anomalies in the coloring of his body and ears. After all, the more ancient the examples, the more strongly he will be accused of atavism and inferiority.

No, we need to look for something else. If one of the dog handlers reminds you of D. Bassano’s painting, then, as a last resort, you can simply say: what does Bassano’s black ears have to do with it?

Let's look for data closer to Bim in time.

An extract from the standards of hunting dogs: “Gordon setters were bred in Scotland... The breed was formed by the beginning of the second half of the 19th century... Modern Scottish setters, while maintaining their power and massive frame, have acquired a faster pace. Dogs of a calm, gentle character, obedient and kind, they get to work early and easily, and are successfully used both in the swamp and in the forest... They are characterized by a distinct, calm, high stance with the head not lower than the level of the withers..."

“If we take into account that the setter is based on the most ancient race of hunting dogs, which for many centuries received, so to speak, home education, then we will not be surprised that setters represent perhaps the most cultured and intelligent breed.”

So! Bim, therefore, is a dog of an intelligent breed. This may already come in handy.

From the same book by L.P. Sabaneeva:

“In 1847, Pearland brought from England two wonderful beautiful setters of a very rare breed as a gift to Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich... The dogs were unsaleable and were exchanged for a horse that cost 2000 rubles...” Here. He was taking it as a gift, but he tore off the price of twenty serfs. But are dogs to blame? And what does Bim have to do with it? This is unusable.

From a letter from the once famous nature lover, hunter and dog breeder S.V. Pensky to L.P. Sabaneev:

“During the Crimean War, I saw a very good red setter from Sukhovo-Kobylin, the author of “Krechinsky’s Wedding,” and yellow-piebald ones in Ryazan from the artist Pyotr Sokolov.”

Yeah, that's getting close to the point. Interesting: even the old man had a setter back then. And the artist’s is yellow-piebald.

Isn't that where your blood comes from, Bim? That would be it! But why then... Black ear? Unclear.

From the same letter:

“The breed of red setters was also bred by the Moscow palace doctor Bers. He placed one of the red bitches with the black setter of the late Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich. I don’t know what puppies came out and where they went; I only know that one of them was raised in his village by Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.”

Stop! Isn't it here? If your leg and ear are black from Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s dog, you are a happy dog, Bim, even without a personal breed certificate, the happiest of all dogs in the world. The great writer loved dogs.

More from the same letter:

“I saw the imperial black male in Ilyinsky after dinner, to which the sovereign invited members of the board of the Moscow hunting society. It was a very large and very beautiful lap dog, with a beautiful head, well dressed, but there was little of the setter type in it, besides, the legs were too long, and one of the legs was completely white. They say that this setter was given to the late emperor by some Polish gentleman, and there was a rumor that the dog was not entirely blood-born.”

It turns out that the Polish gentleman deceived the emperor? Could be. It could also be on the dog front. Oh, this black imperial male for me! However, right next to it is the blood of the yellow bitch Bersa, who had “an extraordinary sense and remarkable intelligence.” This means that even if your leg, Bim, is from the emperor’s black dog, then you may well be a distant descendant of the dog of the greatest writer... But no, Bimka, pipes! Not a word about the imperial one. It wasn’t - and that’s it. Something else was missing.

What remains in case of a possible dispute in Bim’s defense? Moses falls away for obvious reasons. Sukhovo-Kobylin disappears both in time and in color. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy remains: a) closest in time; b) his dog’s father was black and his mother was red. Everything is suitable. But the father, the black one, is imperial, that’s the rub.

No matter how you turn it, you have to remain silent about the search for Bim’s distant blood. Consequently, dog handlers will determine only by the pedigree of Bim’s father and mother, as they are supposed to: there is no white in the pedigree and - amen. And Tolstoy has nothing to do with them. And they are right. And in fact, everyone can trace the origin of their dog to the writer’s dog, and then they themselves are not far from L.N. Tolstoy. And indeed: how many of them do we have, Tolstoys! It’s terrible how much has been revealed, it’s shockingly much.

No matter how offensive it may be, my mind is ready to come to terms with the fact that Bim will be an outcast among purebred dogs. Badly. One thing remains: Bim is a dog of an intelligent breed. But this is not proof (that’s what standards are for).

“It’s bad, Bim, it’s bad,” the owner sighed, putting down his pen and putting a general notebook into the table.

Bim, hearing his nickname, got up from the lounger, sat down, tilting his head to the side of his black ear, as if he was listening only to the yellow-red ones. And it was very nice. With all his appearance he said: “You are good, my good friend. I'm listening to. What do you want? The owner immediately cheered up from Bim’s question and said:

- Well done, Bim! We will live together, even without pedigree. You're a good dog. Everyone loves good dogs. “He took Bim on his lap and stroked his fur, saying: “Okay.” Still good, boy.

Bim felt warm and cozy. He immediately understood for the rest of his life: “good” means affection, gratitude and friendship.

And Bim fell asleep. Why does he care who he is, his master? The important thing is that he is good and close.

“Oh, you black ear, imperial leg,” he said quietly and carried Bim onto the lounger.

He stood in front of the window for a long time, peering into the dark lilac night. Then he looked at the portrait of the woman and said:

“You see, I feel a little better.” I'm no longer alone. “He didn’t notice how, alone, he gradually got used to speaking out loud to her or even to himself, and now to Bim. “Not alone,” he repeated to the portrait.

And Bim was sleeping.

So they lived together in the same room. Bim grew up strong. Very soon he learned that the owner’s name was “Ivan Ivanovich.” Smart puppy, quick-witted. And little by little he realized that he couldn’t touch anything, he could only look at things and people. And in general, everything is impossible.

If the owner does not allow or even orders. So the word “impossible” became the main law of Bim’s life. And Ivan Ivanovich’s eyes, intonation, gestures, clear words of orders and words of affection were a guide in a dog’s life. Moreover, independent decisions to take any action should in no way contradict the wishes of the owner. But Bim gradually began to even guess some of his friend’s intentions. For example, he stands in front of the window and looks, looks into the distance and thinks, thinks. Then Bim sits down next to him and also looks and thinks too. The man does not know what the dog is thinking about, but the dog says with all his appearance: “Now my good friend will sit down at the table, he will definitely sit down. He walks a little from corner to corner and sits down and moves a stick along a white piece of paper, and it whispers a little. This will be a long time, so I’ll sit next to him.” Then he nuzzles into the warm palm. And the owner will say:

“Well, Bimka, let’s get to work,” and he really sits down.

And Bim lies down in a ball at the feet or, if it says “in place,” he will go to his lounger in the corner and wait. He will wait for a look, a word, a gesture. However, after a while you can leave the place, work on the round bone, which is impossible to chew, but sharpen your teeth - please, just don’t interfere.

But when Ivan Ivanovich covers his face with his palms, leaning his elbows on the table, then Bim comes up to him and puts his different-eared face on his knees. And it's worth it. He knows, he will stroke it. He knows something is wrong with his friend.

But it was not so in the meadow, where both forgot about everything. Here you can run, frolic, chase butterflies, wallow in the grass - everything was permissible. However, here too, after eight months of Bim’s life, everything went according to the owner’s commands: “come and go!” – you can play, “back!” - very clear, “lie down!” – absolutely clear, “up!” – jump over, “search!” – look for pieces of cheese, “nearby!” - walk next to me, but only to the left, “to me!” - quickly to the owner, there will be a piece of sugar. And Bim learned many other words before he was a year old. Friends understood each other more and more, loved and lived as equals - man and dog.

But one day something happened that Bim’s life changed and he grew up in a few days. This happened only because Bim suddenly discovered a big, amazing flaw in the owner.

Here is how it was. Bim walked carefully and diligently through the meadow with a shuttle, looking for scattered cheese, and suddenly, among the different smells of herbs, flowers, the earth itself and the river, a stream of air burst in, unusual and exciting: the smell of some kind of bird, not at all similar to those that Bim knew, - there are various sparrows, cheerful tits, wagtails and all sorts of little things that there is no point in trying to catch up with (they tried). There was a smell of something unknown that stirred the blood. Bim paused and looked back at Ivan Ivanovich. And he turned to the side, not noticing anything. Bim was surprised: his friend couldn’t smell it. Why, he’s a cripple! And then Bim made a decision himself: quietly stepping in a stretch, he began to approach the unknown, no longer looking at Ivan Ivanovich. The steps became less and less frequent, as if he was choosing a point for each paw, so as not to rustle or catch the bud. Finally the smell turned out to be so strong that it was no longer possible to go further. And Bim, without lowering his right front paw to the ground, froze in place, frozen, as if petrified. It was a statue of a dog, as if created by a skilled sculptor. Here it is, the first stand! The first awakening of hunting passion until complete oblivion of oneself.

Oh no, the owner quietly approaches and strokes Bim, who is trembling slightly:

- Okay, okay, boy. Okay,” and takes him by the collar. - Go-go…

But Bim can’t - he has no strength.

“Forward... Forward...” Ivan Ivanovich pulls him.

And Bim went! Quietly, quietly. There is very little left - it seems that the unknown is nearby. But suddenly the order was sharp:

- Forward!!!

Bim rushed. The quail fluttered noisily. Bim rushed after him and-and-and... He drove, passionately, with all his might.

- Naza-hell! - the owner shouted.

But Bim heard nothing, it was as if there were no ears.

- Naza-hell! - and a whistle. - Naza-hell! - and a whistle.

Bim raced until he lost sight of the quail, and then, cheerful and joyful, he returned. But what does this mean? The owner is gloomy, looks sternly, does not caress. Everything was clear: his friend couldn’t smell anything! Unhappy friend. Bim somehow carefully licked his hand, thereby expressing touching pity for the outstanding hereditary inferiority of the creature closest to him.

The owner said:

“That’s not what you mean at all, fool.” - And more fun: - Come on, let's start, Bim, for real. – He took off the collar, put on another (inconvenient) one and fastened a long belt to it. - Look!

Now Bim was looking for the smell of quail - nothing else. And Ivan Ivanovich directed him to where the bird had moved. Bim had no idea that his friend had seen where the quail had landed approximately after the shameful chase (he didn’t smell, of course, but saw).

And here is the same smell! Bim, not noticing the belt, narrows the shuttle, pulls, pulls, raised his head and pulls astride... Stand again! Against the backdrop of the sunset, it is striking in its extraordinary beauty, which not many people can understand. Trembling with excitement, Ivan Ivanovich took the end of the belt, wrapped it tightly around his hand and quietly ordered:

- Go-go…

Bim went to the eyeliner. And he paused again.

- Forward!!!

Bim rushed in the same way as the first time. The quail now took wing with the harsh sound of its wings. Bim again rushed recklessly to catch up with the bird, but... A jerk of the belt made him jump back.

- Back!!! - the owner shouted. - It is forbidden!!!

Bim overturned and fell. He didn’t understand why this was happening. And he pulled the belt again towards the quail.

  1. The main character of the book is a dog Bim, he also responds to nicknames Black ear or Chernoukh and his owner Ivan Ivanovich.Bim is a hunting dog of the Scottish Setter breed who suffered tragic fate. He was a sensitive, gifted, intelligent, noble and gentle creature who fell victim to slander and betrayal. Due to its unusual color, the dog became an outcast among his relatives.

He was an orphan with aristocratic roots and a possible descendant of setters who lived at the palace of Emperor Alexander himself or on the estate of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. This intelligent dog became a hostage of circumstances, finding himself in social conditions, which only emphasized his inferiority.

On his difficult path, Bim meets evil, callous and greedy unfortunate people. In search of his owner, a lost dog encounters city and country life full of dangers.

  1. Ivan Ivanovich– Bima’s owner was previously a writer and participant in the Great Patriotic War, now a hunter. He loved Bim and always took him hunting.

Other heroes

  1. Chairman, Stepanovna, Tolik, Dasha, Grey, driver, vet, Chrysan Andreevich, Alyosha, Klim.

Meet the main characters of the story

Beam had a long and ornate pedigree, his parents were considered aristocratic descendants of thoroughbred Scottish setters, whose lineage stretched for many centuries. But despite this, their puppy was born in substandard colors or, as they also say, “defective.”

He had blue-black ears and hind leg, the rest of the fur was yellowish-red in color. A setter is considered correct only when 80% of its body is covered with black fur with a blue tint. Also on the body there should be bright red-red tan markings.

When the first owner discovered that he had an unsuccessful puppy, the first thing he wanted to do was drown him, but then someone Ivan Ivanovich appeared on the horizon and took the baby to his home. The pensioner fed the puppy, and it grew into a fairly strong individual.

Ivan Ivanovich was an old widower. My wife died many years ago. The man himself worked as a journalist in his youth and was a writer. The dog grew up very smart, smart and intelligent.

Life with the owner

On one of his trips to nature, Bim smelled game - there was a quail nearby. At that time, Bim was already one year old, and he became excellent hunting dog. Literacy was reflected in an intelligent look and reaction to known commands. Bim knew more than 100 words related only to home and hunting.

To find out the mood of the dog’s owner, it was enough to look at him. He reacted differently to new people, but he never bit them, he only growled.


Chernoukha's first enemy was a fat, shrill, short woman, who he first met in the fall of the third year of his life. She, in the likeness of her friends of similar character and physique, sat daily on a bench at the entrance.

Bim loved people, and one day, out of excess of feelings, he licked his neighbor’s hand, and she screamed in horror and recoiled. The poor dog got scared, and the wounded person wrote a complaint to the house committee about the animal, allegedly biting her. The chairman immediately decided to look into the current situation and came to visit Ivanovich. That day she and Bim went into the forest.

The owner was amazed and showed what commands the dog had learned. The elegance of the dog’s actions was in everything: in the way he offered his paw to the guest, but not with his aunt. Seeing her, the poor fellow hid in the far corner and it was impossible to get him out of there until the person left the territory.

When he saw her, Bim did not follow commands and flatly refused to obey; at those moments he was dominated by fear. The official realized that the dog was only afraid of the scandalous woman and stopped paying attention to her words.


In the fourth year of Chernoukha's life, trouble befell his owner. Since the Great Patriotic War, a fragment has been hidden under Ivanovich’s heart, and now the moment has come to remind him of himself.

In one of ordinary days Stepanovna - the neighbor calls an ambulance and the owner is taken to the hospital. Bim stays with her. While Ivan Ivanovich was in the hospital, the dog had to walk alone, and upon returning to the house he always scratched the door in the hope that his beloved owner would open it.

One day, Bim did not want to eat, and the owner sent him to look for food on his own, but the dog interpreted her words differently and decided that the old woman told him to go in search of his owner.

Life without a friend

On his way, Chernoukh experienced a lot. He followed the footsteps of the ambulance, and the path led him to the hospital, but they didn’t open it. The dog covered this path several times, but he never met Ivanovich here. Then he walked through the courtyards, streets and gateways in the hope of finding a friend.

The experience spent on the street allowed Bim to analyze people. He realized that not all of them are good, and he learned to distinguish the evil ones.

One day, the aunt once again began to swear at the dog, a policeman came, but a passing girl, Dasha, and her student friend stood up for the animal. Using the information on the collar, the guys found out the address of the dog’s owner’s house and brought him home.

Here Dasha meets a neighbor, and she told the girl about Ivanovich and his difficult situation.

The next day, Bim walked his way in search of the owner and met the children. Among them was Tolik, the boy fed the dog. Gray, a man in a suit, passed by this company and said that he would take Bim home. But he lied. The man turned out to be a collector. At home, he took off the dog’s brass plate, which Dasha had so carefully put on.

For the first time, the dog bit a person when Gray decided to leave him at home. The animal was lonely, it began to howl and the man began to beat the dog with a stick. For the first time he violated his ban.

Days passed, nothing changed. Bim began to be called Black Ear. One day he smelled Dasha and found her in a train carriage. Bim ran after the train as long as he had enough strength. Having caught his paw in the clutches of a switch on the tracks, the dog found himself trapped and almost fell under the locomotive, but the driver managed to brake and free the dog.

Bim was alive, but had a severe limp. With difficulty, he got home, where the worried Stepanovna swore off letting Chernoukha go for a walk.

Life in the village

With the help of the efforts of Tolik and Stepanovna, the dog recovered. One day he gets on a tram, where the dog and his owner went into the forest. Here the driver sells it to Khrisan Andreevich in the village. Here he is called Chernoukh. The man has a son, Alyosha, and they herd sheep together. Bim began to get used to these people. One day Klim takes him for a while - hunting, and then beats the poor animal, dissatisfied with his catch.

Alyosha and his father fell in love with the dog and searched for a long time; when they saw the blood, they guessed what the neighbor had done. Bim was in pain, he was dizzy and he couldn’t return to his owners, he was afraid. The dog headed home. Along the way, he will detect the boy's scent and come to his house, but his parents will trick him into taking the dog out of town.


Having once again reached the city from the forest, the dog goes to his yard, but here the same aunt who surrenders Bim to the dog catchers is waiting for him. At the same time, on the station platform, the boys Tolik and Alyosha, having united in search of the animal, meet Ivan Ivanovich and tell everything.

Arriving at the quarantine area for captured dogs, Ivan Ivanovich finds his faithful dog, but by that time he was already dead. He didn't tell the guys about fate four-legged friend. In the spring Ivan Ivanovich took little puppy setter and named him Bim.

Test on the story White Bim Black Ear
