Folk fortune telling for love: how to find out your fate at Christmas time. Rules for Christmas fortune telling. Fortune telling from books

The tradition of telling fortunes at Christmas time is the most ancient and, apparently, will live on for a very long time. For besides the natural desire to know what is hidden, the mystery Christmas fortune telling is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes terrifying and frightening. Christmastide lasts from January 7 to January 19. So if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune on Christmas night, when magical sessions are most powerful, you will have almost two more weeks at your disposal when you can perform Christmas fortune-telling.

Christmastide fortune telling is very popular among young girls and families. Late in the evening or early at night, girls gather together to find out the name of the future groom or the date of their wedding, and family ladies wonder about the wealth in the house.

During the session, everyone had to adhere to certain rules and conditions.

1. You cannot cross your arms and legs. One explanation for this is that it can kind of confuse the things with which you intend to perform the ritual.

2. Be sure to remove all rings and other objects that are tied to you or encircle any limbs. These can be belts or bracelets. In some cases, they let down their hair or even take off their shoes and clothes.

3. There must be no noise in the room; there must be complete silence. All other lighting except candles is excluded.

4. During Christmas fortune-telling, a girl should not be under the protection of her religion. Therefore, be sure to remove crosses and remove icons from the premises.

Particular attention was paid to the choice of place, which must necessarily be considered “unclean”. One of best places was considered a bathhouse. After all, this is where, according to legend, spirits, various scarecrows and other evil spirits lived. Some abandoned place was very good for fortune telling at Christmas time. an old house, basement or attic. Those who were especially brave dared to tell fortunes even in the cemetery, because it was the places at the junction of two worlds - the border places - that were considered valuable. Such places can be thresholds, gates, corners in the house. But, perhaps, the crossroads have always been considered one of the most sinister places. They say that each of them belongs to some kind of demon, and in this place anyone will feel the presence of dark forces. (when this particular proposal was being written for the site, a cat litter tray suddenly fell in the corridor, standing sideways near the wall and drying...)

1. At night, go to a crossroads and, having asked a question about your future groom, draw a circle around you. After this, you must listen carefully to what is happening around you. Cheerful conversations, laughter, singing, any other positive emotions will mean a quick marriage. Swearing, quarrels, crying will delay your marriage by a year.

2. On one of the evenings during the holy week, people gather funny company from several people. Small objects specially prepared for this are laid out on the table: a coin, a ring, a needle, an earring, a scarf. You can get creative and add a few other items. Then the man lowers it without looking left hand on the table. This Christmas fortune-telling is to understand the meaning of the thing on which the hand is placed. For example, a coin means wealth, a scarf means sorrows and problems, a key means a new apartment. Ring for a wedding. Girls can change this fortune telling a little and thus find out the profession of their future groom. The coin is a banker, the passport is a lawyer, driver license- minibus driver, flash drive - programmer, scissors - builder, spoon - cook. Here again everything is decided by imagination.

3. For the next Christmastide fortune-telling, you will need a cat or cat. Let the animal stand outside the threshold of the room. Make a wish and call your cat. If she crosses the threshold with her left paw, the wish will definitely come true, and if she crosses the threshold with her right paw, obstacles will arise that you will have to overcome.

4. This is a very famous fortune telling that can be used on any day, not only during the holiday week. Take some book. Write down the page and line number at the top. All that remains is to open the book and interpret what you read.

During Christmas time, you can also tell fortunes online, sitting at your computer. We are sure that on our website you will find several fortune telling that are dear to your heart. We hope you enjoy these festive evenings with us!

Christmas time is a period that lasts from January 7 to January 19. Fortune telling at Christmas time is a very ancient tradition, rooted in the deep past. It is believed that during this period the real and magical worlds are united into one, so it is possible to find out with high certainty your fate or get an answer to any question of interest.

Rules for fortune telling

If you take fortune telling seriously, and not as festive entertainment, then you must follow the following rules during the ceremony:
    You cannot shield yourself from magical energy during a session by crossing your arms and legs. It is necessary to take off all enclosed objects, such as rings, bracelets, belts, belts. It is advisable to carry out fortune telling in light-colored, loose-fitting clothes; women and girls are advised to let their hair down and remove hair jewelry. In the room where the ceremony is held, a comfortable environment must be created and absolute silence must be ensured. During fortune telling, one should not emphasize religious affiliation, for example, pectoral cross must be removed.
One of the popular fortune telling, which is carried out during Christmas time, is an action aimed at finding out your fate in the coming year. It is best to carry out such a ritual on Christmas Eve, that is, on the first day of the Christmas period. For fortune telling, you need to prepare some twigs from apple, birch and oak, as well as stands for each type of twigs or ceramic bowls. At the same time, you need to understand that:
    The apple tree symbolizes home and family; Birch is associated with the sphere of relationships, primarily love ones; Oak is associated with society and work.

Fortune telling by twigs

You need to move the bowl with the apple tree branches installed in it closer to you and ask the question:

“What changes await me and my family in the coming year?”

After this, the branches should be set on fire and the bowl of burning branches should be held next to you. At this time, you need to observe the behavior of the flame and note all the changes that occur to it. If the flame burns evenly and does not change its color, then the coming year in the family sphere will be very calm and stable. If the flame crackles and changes color, then very violent events can be expected in this area. Similar conclusions can be drawn by setting fire to branches of other types of trees that are associated with other spheres of life.

Ask a question to the brownie

Fortune telling during Christmastide was very popular, in which people turned to the brownie for help. In this case, you need complete confidence that you live in harmony with your brownie. Analyze whether extraneous noises and sounds disturb you at night; it is quite possible that a brownie is playing pranks and is dissatisfied with something. Try to appease him by talking to him on various occasions and leaving various goodies on the table for him. After you understand that the brownie is on your side, you can ask him on one of the Christmas evenings about what the coming year will be like for you . After this, pour milk into a saucer and place it near the threshold front door. Then you need to melt some wax and pour it into the prepared saucer. During this process you need to say:

“Brownie, my brownie, you and I are friends. So come and drink some milk and tell me what awaits me in the near future?”

Then carefully examine the frozen wax cake. There can be any interpretation, it should be suggested to you inner voice. But you need to pay attention to the following:

    The shape in the form of a flower predicts an imminent marriage or the appearance of a loved one in life; The image of the beast foreshadows travel in the coming year; Individual stars indicate that almost all areas of life will be successful.

Reliable fortune telling by splinter

Fortune telling by a torch was considered very reliable. This ritual is very popular today. It is usually held on Vasiliev's Day, which corresponds to the Old New Year. For the ritual it is necessary to prepare a birch splinter. You need to light it and place a glass of water next to it. After the torch flares up brightly, you need to quickly extinguish it by sharply lowering it into a glass of water. After this, you need to try to light the torch again. If this happened without difficulty, then the coming year will be prosperous. But if the torch could not be ignited immediately and it began to burn, crackling, then you need to pay attention own health. But at the same time, it may well be that your splinter has become soaked because you kept it in the water for a long time. Therefore, you should not be upset, and you can try to repeat the ritual on another Christmas day.

It is fortune telling at Christmas time that allows a girl to find out what her betrothed will be like. Moreover, there are many simple rituals for this. All you need to do is perform simple actions, say certain words and go to bed. After this, the betrothed will be seen in a dream, and, subsequently, easily recognized in real life.

Seeing your betrothed in a dream

For example, you need to put a new comb under your pillow and say the following words:

“My betrothed, mummer, come to me, comb me and show yourself.”

You can also place two cutlery near your bed and say before going to bed:

“My betrothed, mummer, come to me, we’ll have dinner together.”

To the feelings of a loved one

You can tell fortunes on your chosen one to find out his feelings. For the ceremony you need to use a photo of your loved one. The photograph must be placed face up on the table. Then you need to take a silver ring without a stone, thread a natural thread into it, so that it looks like a pendulum. Holding the knot, you need to place the ring in a hanging position directly above the photo of your loved one. It won't be long before the ring starts moving. The following should be noted:
    Circular movements mean that you will soon get married; Swinging from side to side foreshadows an imminent separation; If the ring remains motionless, it means that the ceremony was unsuccessful and higher powers do not want to give you a hint about your future relationship with your chosen one.

On relationships with the help of a candle

You can tell fortunes about love relationships using a candle. For the ritual you need to use a candle that is orange, red or bright yellow color. Fortune telling can be carried out in any of Christmas Day, the main thing is that the ceremony is carried out at midnight. You need to retire to a separate room and, placing the candle on a flat surface, light it exactly at 12 o’clock at night. You need to carefully observe the candle flame and distract yourself from any extraneous thoughts. Fortune telling can be interpreted as follows:
    An even and transparent flame indicates a strong love relationship in the coming year. In case you do not have a loved one, it is very possible that you will meet your destiny in the near future. Light bursts of flame, reminiscent of blinking, indicate that the relationship with your loved one will bring you joy. A bright flame with obvious crackling predicts romantic adventures in the new year. A flame with a reddish tint predicts troubles in the coming year in the field of love relationships. If soot is observed, then love relationships will be overshadowed by everyday problems.
You shouldn’t be afraid to do fortune-telling during Christmas time, because it’s so interesting. In order to exclude Negative consequences, you need to carry out the ritual in a positive mood.

The season of winter Christmas fortune-telling continues. Our ancestors knew very precisely how to tell fortunes at Christmastime. At this time of winter Christmastide, a window opens between our earthly world and the world of ancestors and angels. Therefore, during the winter holidays it was always customary to tell fortunes about love; married women told fortunes about their husband’s love. During the Christmas season, you can tell fortunes from January 1 to January 22. This is the best and most powerful magical time for fortune telling. At this time, you can find out whether you are destined to meet your betrothed in the coming year, who your chosen one will be, whether he is rich, and whether you will be happy together. There are an unusually large number of Christmas fortune telling: different ways people have always tried to predict their future. Here are the most fascinating, common and secret fortune telling that is used during Christmas time.

Fortune telling by strings
You need to cut threads of equal length in the same quantity as the number of fortune tellers gathered. Then you need to light them all at once from one candle. The girl whose thread burns out first is destined to get married first. But if the thread goes out before it even burns halfway, the girl will never get married.

Fortune telling with matches
Insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox, having previously guessed the names of the guy and girl for each of the matches. Then light these two matches and notice how they turn relative to each other. If they turn their heads towards each other, then this couple will definitely be together.

Fortune telling in the snow
Go outside around midnight and walk through the recently fallen snow. If no one crosses your tracks before dawn, this means that you will feel quite at ease when married. But if your tracks are trampled, then you and your husband will have quarrels for the rest of your life.

For my future husband
The girl must throw some shoes over the fence or threshold of the house. Then look carefully: in which direction the toe of the abandoned shoe will look, in that direction your betrothed lives.

Fortune telling for the betrothed
Shortly before bed, pour a little water into a glass and add a handful of salt. After drinking the contents of the glass, say the words: “My betrothed, my betrothed, bring me a drink.” In a dream, your betrothed should bring you water, and you will be able to see his face.

Yuletide fortune telling on kings

On any Christmas Eve before going to bed, place four card kings under your pillow, saying the words: “My betrothed, my betrothed, come to me in a dream.” You will dream of your betrothed in the form of a king.

Fortune telling by comb

Late in the evening, shortly before bed, put the comb down with the words: “My betrothed, my betrothed, comb my head!” While you sleep, your betrothed will come and comb your hair.

Christmas fortune telling with cards for fate

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle and remove the “cap”. Choose a king or queen (depending on the gender of the person you are guessing for) of any suit and, without removing cards from the deck, arrange them in 4 rows of 9 cards each. Those cards that end up near the intended king or queen will tell you about your fate.

Meaning of suits

Heart suit: loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.

Diamond suit: wealth; prosperous, prosperous and cheerful life.

Club suit: troubles, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.

Spades suit: success in any endeavor and success in society.

The meaning of each card


Ace- love letter.

King- a passionate person.

Lady- bride.

Jack- a pleasant guest.

Ten- news of love.

Nine- a loving explanation.

Eight- pleasure.

Seven- fun.

Six- a fun road.


Ace- letter.

King- a young man, groom, unhappy lover.

Lady- a young girl, a flighty woman.

Jack- money worries.

Ten- present.

Nine– obstacle.

Eight- hatred.

Seven– infidelity.

Six- a fun road.


Ace- false rumor.

King– a married man, a faithful friend.

Lady- married woman.

Jack- good luck in business.

Ten- big money.

Nine- small money.

Eight- deception.

Seven- news from the government house.

Six- a useless road.


Ace- a sad letter, news of death.

King- enemy.

Lady- an evil woman, a gossip.

Jack- gossip, unpleasant troubles.

Ten- disease.

Nine- loss of a friend.

Eight- betrayal, sadness.

Seven- argument.

Six- unlucky road, late road. From the book Eniology author Rogozhkin Viktor Yurievich

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Christmas fortune-telling has come to us since the pagan times of the ancient Slavs. It was believed that the yuletide evil spirits were especially strong during the winter holidays, therefore from Christmas Eve to Epiphany - the most favorable time for fortune telling. Let's talk about the most popular Christmas rituals.

Main « the target audience"Yuletide fortune-telling - young unmarried girls who sought to find out who fate had prepared for them. And how happy your married life will be.

Also, during the Christmas season, people tried to find out what harvest and what fate awaited them in the coming year.

You can take fortune telling seriously, or you can perceive it as innocent girlish fun - it’s up to you.

Methods of Christmas fortune telling

Now let’s dive into the world of unknown and mysterious things and tell you about the most ancient Christmas fortune telling, which are still in demand to this day.

Fortune telling with felt boots

The easiest way. You may not find felt boots in a modern girl's wardrobe, but it doesn't matter - use a boot or slipper.

All you need to do is throw your shoes on the road and see in which direction the “felt boot” sock points. From that side the betrothed will come into your destiny.

Fortune telling with a mirror

This magic ritual must be performed in the dark. You will need a large, clean mirror and candles. It is better to use wax ones: made from natural material, they have powerful energy.

A girl who wants to see her future groom must put a mirror in the room, turn off the lights and light candles. Then you need to sit down near the mirror surface and try to see the appearance of your betrothed in the reflection.

The most suitable time period for fortune telling on a mirror is from 12 to 1 am.

Group fortune telling for marriage

A good way to gather a group of girlfriends and immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of Christmas fortune-telling together. This magical ritual will help you find out who will get married in what order.

Fortune telling is very simple - each of the girls must take a thread and set it on fire. And then see whose thread burns out faster. She will go down the aisle first.

It also happens that the fire goes out almost immediately. This is a disappointing sign - a girl whose thread has gone out may never become someone's bride at all.

Christmas fortune telling with a ring

This magical ritual is more suitable for married women and for pregnant women. Because it helps to find out the gender of the unborn baby.

For magical manipulations, a bowl of water and wedding ring girls. The decoration must be hung on a thin thread and begin to be smoothly lowered to the surface of the water. If it starts to swing from side to side, a boy will be born, and if it starts to spin, a girl will be born.

A stationary ring indicates that there is no need to expect a replenishment soon.

Book Christmas fortune telling

A very simple version of fortune telling, for which you will need a book. Best to use works of art, books with spiritual content are also suitable.

The girl should sit down, relax, put her left hand on her heart, her right hand on the book. Close your eyes and mentally ask the question that worries her. Then you need to open the book to any page and randomly point your finger at a line. What is written will be the answer to the question. If it turns out to be nonsense, try to unravel the hidden meaning of the prediction - the answer is not always obvious.

Fortune telling by wish (will come true/will not come true)

This fortune telling is suitable for girls who have pets. It’s best if it’s a cat (not a cat, but a cat).

Go into the room and make a wish, then beckon the animal. Look carefully: if the furry pet took the first step with her left paw, her plan will come true, but if she took the first step with her right paw, alas, it will not.

What awaits the family this year?

This is a Christmas fortune telling for married women or girls who are in a relationship. love relationships. A magical ritual helps you find out how relationships will develop throughout the year.

It is necessary to eavesdrop on what is happening with your neighbors. If everything is quiet and calm, then there will be no quarrels in your couple. If you hear noise, you should expect violent scandals and family troubles.

Onion fortune telling

This is also a group fortune telling for unmarried girls. Each of the girlfriends must take an onion and write their initials on the vegetable. The onions are then either planted in the ground or placed in water.

Keep an eye on when the plant begins to sprout. The girl whose onion sprouts first will be the first to wear a wedding ring. If a vegetable rots and does not sprout at all, its owner will be called an old maid.

Rules for Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling during Christmas time is a whole magical ritual with special energy. According to ancient beliefs, various evil spirits help to find out the future during Christmas time. Therefore, it is important not to anger her, but, on the contrary, to appease her, so as not to incur trouble.

To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

Fortune telling only in the dark. Best time is after midnight. It is then that all the dark forces wake up and are in a good mood

The room where magical manipulations will be performed should be dark and quiet. Use wax candles as a light source. Talk in a whisper, watch the silence

Don't overuse it. One fortune telling - one question that needs to be answered. Don’t try to try all known rituals overnight

At the end of the fortune telling, thank you for your help. This must be done sincerely and from the heart.

Make fortunes only with good intentions, do not make wishes that could harm someone, otherwise everything may turn against you.

Even more information about Christmas fortune telling in the video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:
