Saints in February male names according to the church. Angel Day: women's name day in February

The birth of a child is a miracle and a Divine blessing. The main task of parents is to love their children unconditionally and create comfortable conditions for the development of all their talents. Fatherly and maternal care and responsibility for the fate of children begins with the choice of names. After all sacred meaning The name leaves an imprint on the child’s character and temperament and largely determines his future life. Therefore, our ancestors chose names for babies according to the calendar, that is, according to church calendar. It was considered especially favorable to name a child in honor of the great martyr, a holy man who would become a protector, a Guardian Angel of this person. By the way, often a child had two names: a worldly one, known to everyone, and a church name, secret, protecting from the evil eye and evil spirits. Today, these traditions have regained strength, and more and more parents are turning to the calendar.

How to choose a name for a girl in February

In February, according to the Orthodox church calendar, name days are celebrated for more than twenty female names, so parents have a wide choice.

Christmas time in February: girls' names

Meanings of names and their patrons

When choosing a name for your daughter, be sure to find out its meaning and origin.

Agafya - “chaste.”

Agnia – “immaculate”.

Alexandra is a “protector”.

Anastasia - “resurrection”.

Anna - "grace".

Arina, Irina - “peace-loving”.

Athanasia - “immortal”.

Valentina – “strong”.

Vasilisa - “princess”.

Faith is “truth”.

Galina – “calm, quiet.”

Evdokia - “benevolence”.

Catherine - “pure, great, powerful.”

Euphrosyne - “joy”.

Zoya – “cheerful.”

Inna – “ torrent water".

Christina is a “follower of Christ.”

Ksenia is a “guest”.

Maria – “bitter, stubborn, desirable.”

Martha is a “noble woman.”

Pelageya - “sea”.

Svetlana – “bright”.

Sophia - "wisdom".

If you want to name your daughter after a saint, a great martyr, and thereby give protection to the patroness, then the most powerful names in February will be:

Anna. This is a Hebrew name, first mentioned in Old Testament. This was the name of Mary's mother, the Mother of God (mother of Jesus Christ). The birth of her daughter at an old age was considered a miracle, so the name Anna is translated as “strength, grace, mercy of God.”

Ksenia, Oksana. Since February 6 is the day of remembrance of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, a revered Russian saint. After her husband's death at 26, Ksenia took his name, put on his clothes and gave away all his wealth. She spent her entire life in prayer and serving God in order to save the soul of her beloved husband, who died without repentance and remission of sins.

Maria. Of course, in Orthodoxy, the main patroness of all girls with this name is the Mother of God herself, the Holy Virgin Mary.

A loving family awaits the arrival of a new member with trepidation. During preparation for the desired day, it stands out an important event- choosing a name for the child. A girl or boy is named after a saint, which corresponds to the church calendar. This solution allows you to combine your birthday and name day in February, which helps in future life, according to Orthodox canons.

Temperament of February babies

February birthday people have courage and determination. These traits will manifest themselves in all areas of life. Such children are distinguished by their rigidity, bordering on cruelty, in certain circumstances. Therefore, the chosen name for a boy or girl should soften the tough character. When a February child defends an opinion, he cannot be convinced.

Distinctive character traits are unpredictability and emotional instability. It is impossible to predict what steps the birthday boy will take in the next moment. The baby, born in February, receives leadership inclinations.

Thanks to determination and stubbornness, he will achieve his goals. In a family, such children act as protectors of all relatives.

Names for girls

The baby is given a name according to the Orthodox calendar on her birthday. Birthdays for girls in February with the names Anna, Oksana, Svetlana, Sofia are considered successful. It is better to abandon names such as Valentina, Olga, Ekaterina, Dora, since they are not suitable for late February or early March.

Born in the first decade

Women's names in February according to the church calendar came from Ancient Rus', Greece, Rome and the Kingdom of Judah. In the first ten days of the winter month the following name days are celebrated:

Birthday girls from 11th to 20th

The second ten days of the last winter month are also rich in birthday girls. Angel Day during this period is celebrated by girls with the following names:

Last week of winter

Praskovya celebrates his name day on the 22nd. She combines calmness and a cheerful disposition. The main disadvantage is receptivity to other people's opinions. She strives to make a positive impression on people. It’s easy to offend such a girl, but it’s also easy to make peace with her.

Angel Day is celebrated on February 23 Galina, Valentina and Bella. Valya has a quick-tempered nature and reacts sharply to any actions, but she is sociable and easy-going. Galina is calm and feels good in male company. A strong will can be traced in the character, but excessive difficulties deprive one of calm. Bella combines willfulness and prudence. This is a business woman, so conflict situations she smoothes thanks to her sharp mind.

The names Vera, Irina and Svetlana are suitable for those born on February 26th. The Old Slavonic name Sveta is given to girls with a contradictory character. They have high self-esteem and a passion for command. But the opinions of others matter great importance, therefore Svetlana is a driven person. Vera is unpretentious and calm, but selfish. Fantasies are alien to her, so early years she plans goals. Irina does not like increased attention to yourself.

This girl is purposeful and not emotional enough. To achieve goals, he communicates without problems with people around him.

Boys' Angel Day

Male names are characterized by different sources of origin and interpretation. It is better to opt for familiar and simple names in order to smooth out the difficult character. Boys born in February have excessive temper and harshness. To neutralize these qualities from Orthodox calendar The following names are suitable:

The name carries a certain strength and energy, so parents try to name their children correctly.

An option would be to name it in honor of the saints in February.

According to church canons, they become the patron of the child and constantly protect him from harm.

Attention, TODAY only!

The very first thing a person is given at birth is a name. This is not just a word that a child will be called. The name determines character and gives a person special strength and skills. For centuries, parents have been choosing a name for their baby using the Orthodox calendar. In the church calendar you can find information about what day and month the saint’s name corresponds to. This calendar is good help for parents: it allows you to decide on a name that, perhaps, will bring good luck and happiness to the baby.

Name days, small name days and birthdays - is there a difference?

Unlike a birthday, Angel Day has a fundamental spiritual meaning. Day of Remembrance heavenly patron, whose name a person bears, also has other names, for example, namesake day. Often in the church calendar there are several days of commemoration of named saints. For example, Pelageya’s name day is honored nine times! Not only Porlyuschi can celebrate several name day dates. several times a year with Maria, Anastasia, Ekaterina. Galina's name day is celebrated twice a year.

Determining one name day can be difficult. However, church practice implies that Angel's Day should be the day that is closest to the date of birth ahead of the calendar. The days of remembrance of other saints with the same name are called small name days. It is worth noting that these are recommendations rather than rules. You can choose any saint with your own name as your patron.

Sweet daughter: what to name a baby born in February?

If you don't know what to name a daughter born in February, help will come church calendar with information about who is celebrating women's name day in February. On the first, Theodosia (God-given) and Louise (smiling) celebrate Angel Day. On the second of February - Karina (impeccable), Vasilisa (princess), the "Roman" Rimma and the waters "Inna. On the third of February, Agnia (immaculate) and Anastasia (resurrected) are celebrated. By the way, Anastasia can celebrate her name day on the fourth of February. The fifth is the day of remembrance such saints as Evdokia (benevolence), Agatha (good) and Catherine (pure and great). By the way, Evdokia’s name day can be celebrated not only on this day: in the church calendar, women’s name days in February are celebrated for girls with this name on February 13 and 14.

On February 6th, Ksenia and Oksana celebrate their name day. These two names have the same translation - "guest". Ladies with the name Felicata (lucky) can celebrate Angel Day. The eighth, seventeenth and twenty-fifth of February are the name days of Mary, whose name means “stubborn.”

The 10th is the day of remembrance of “bright” Olga, and the twelfth is the name day of Pelageya (sea). Theoktists (created by God), Athanasia (immortal) and Theodosia (given by God) Angel Day can celebrate the Sixteenth - the day of remembrance of the prophetess Anna, whose name is translated as "grace", and the twenty-third - the blessed princess Anna of Novgorod. “Chaste” Agafya celebrates her name day on February 18, “protector of people” Alexandra, “follower of Christ” Christina and “noble” Martha on the nineteenth.

On the twenty-third of February, girls named Bella (beauty) and Valentina (strong) can celebrate their name day. On the same day Galina's (calm) name day is celebrated. The 26th of the last winter month is the name day of the “cheerful” Zoya, the “peace-loving” Irina, and the “bright” Svetlana. According to the church calendar, women's name days in February are celebrated by Euphrosyne (joy) and Sophia (wisdom) - on the 28th.

How to celebrate women's name days in February?

Name day is a very personal and spiritual holiday. This means that a feast and meeting of guests is not enough. The main place of celebration is the temple! On Angel Day, it is recommended to go to confession and communion. If you don’t want to give up your holiday meal, you should follow a number of rules.

Of course, you should avoid drinking alcohol on your name day. There is no place for strangers at the celebration. Communication should be close, filled with bright joy and spirituality. It is necessary to invite godparents - they must certainly share the joy with the birthday boy!

Name day in Lent

If Angel Day falls on Wednesday, Friday or Lent, you should think carefully about the menu. The table must be lean. Lent also introduces certain restrictions. At this time, it is better to postpone the name day celebration to the next weekend.

Gifts for women's birthdays in February

Of course, gifts on name day are significantly different from what we are used to giving on birthdays. You should not bring cosmetics, alcohol, dishes or other household items to the birthday person. A cash gift is also not the best option.

What to give a woman for her name day? The most suitable gift is personalized icon. Moreover, it is best to order it from a professional icon painter. For the celebration of the soul, you can give beautiful candles, books, vessels for holy water.

Analogue of Angel Day

One of the biggest holidays in Serbia is the Glory of the Cross. Indeed, in this country, every family has its own. The inheritance of the saint comes from father to sons. Daughters inherit the patron only if they remain in the family of origin.

On this day the whole family goes to church. Communion is followed by a festive dinner. Serbs have two responsibilities on this day. The first is a prayer for all relatives, living and dead. And the second is treating guests. The feast can last up to three days!

A similar holiday in Bulgaria is called Svetets. On this day, the eldest representative of the clan visited relatives. Raising the ritual bread up, he wished happiness to the family members, after which he broke the bread and distributed it.
