Uterine prolapse in dogs what to do. Diseases of the urinary and genital organs in dogs

In some females of a number of breeds (Boxer, Doberman, etc.), during the start, the vaginal mucosa under the influence of estrogenic hormones hypertrophies and swells so much that it protrudes beyond the genital slit.

Symptoms of the disease

In practice, bitches are sometimes noted to have a complete prolapse of the vagina within a few minutes as a result of previous inflammation of the digestive tract. When the disease is mild, only a protrusion of the infiltrated vaginal mucosa is observed in the form of a spherical fold of pink-red color. In severe cases, not only the upper and side walls protrude, but partially the lower wall, that part, which in the normal state is located from the vaginal fornix to the urethra. This disease is observed at the end of pregnancy, but more often during estrus, and in some - during each estrus. The mucous membrane of the prolapsed part of the vagina dries out over time, is injured, bleeds, undergoes ulceration and necrosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnostics based on clinical signs.

Treatment of the disease

In females, when the vagina prolapses during estrus, they are limited only to washing the fallen part with a 2-3% solution of alum, and then apply antiseptic ointments. With repeated prolapse of the vagina, treatment is reduced to the reduction of the prolapsed part and strengthening it by applying one or two loop-like sutures to the vulva, or to ovariohysterectomy. With a strong thickening, ulceration and necrosis, the prolapsed part of the vagina is tightly bandaged with silk, without capturing the ends of the ureters. The bandaged part of the vagina disappears after 6-10 days. In some cases, an operation is performed. First, under local or general anesthesia, a perineotomy is performed, then a catheter is inserted into the opening of the urethra and the prolapsed part of the vagina is excised. Bleeding is stopped by ligation of vessels, and the wound edges are connected with catgut

History from life. The dog has something hanging out of the noose. The owner paid no attention. I ignored it until that "something" became a maroon color. Then the owner grabbed his head and rushed to the veterinary clinic. Just caught up too late. The dog died from blood poisoning.

If the dog has a prolapse or prolapse of the uterus, what should the owner do? And most importantly, why could this happen and how to help the pet? About everything in order.

It is a rarity?

Unfortunately no. Uterine prolapse is quite common. Especially among representatives of small breeds. There is a high chance of uterine prolapse in dogs that give birth frequently. In young individuals, this misfortune practically does not occur.


How can the owner understand that his pet has been affected by such a problem as uterine prolapse in dogs? The symptoms are:

  • The dog is worried and pushing. She is suffering from pain in her stomach.
  • Licks the external genitalia.
  • Tries to hide.

An important point: such symptoms often occur in a female who has just given birth. You can't slow down here. Urgently call a veterinarian, you need emergency intervention of a specialist.

What does it look like?

Uterine prolapse in dogs (photo not provided for aesthetic reasons) is a rather severe pathology. But there are times when the reproductive organ falls out completely. A bifurcated tube hangs from the vagina to the hock joint.

The prolapsed part of the uterus is pink at first. Then she starts to bleed, becomes burgundy-red. It swells and inflames. The dog behaves very restlessly at these moments. A prolapsed uterus is easily injured.

Why does this happen?

The cause of uterine prolapse in dogs, as a rule, is a difficult birth with profuse blood loss. Due to multiple pregnancy, stretching of the reproductive organ may occur. Forcibly removing a puppy during labor provokes prolapse or prolapse of the uterus.

What else can provoke the disease? Common causes:

  • Obesity or malnutrition.
  • Inadequate nutrition.
  • mineral starvation.
  • Lack of full walks.
  • Childbirth in old age.
  • Old age.

During pregnancy, complete prolapse of the reproductive organ rarely occurs. At first, you can see the periodic protrusion of the vagina. If you do not catch on in time, then the disease can drag on. An unpleasant odor from the discharge from the animal's genitals, purulent discharge, difficulty urinating is a call for the owner. Do not delay visiting the veterinarian.

How to help?

When the uterus prolapses in dogs, what should the owners do? Provide the pet with the necessary assistance before the arrival of the veterinarian.

The female is laid on her side so that her butt is slightly raised. The uterus should be wrapped in a clean cloth. This is done in order to prevent contamination of the organ and, as a result, the occurrence of cracks. If dirt has fallen on the fallen part, it is carefully removed with a damp cotton swab.


What is the treatment for uterine prolapse in a dog? Or return it to its primary position, or amputation of the reproductive organ. The animal must be hospitalized. And then the doctor makes a decision on the situation. If necrosis has begun or soft tissues are very heavily contaminated, then the veterinarian will amputate the organ. If the tissues are viable, then the uterus is returned to its place with the help of surgical intervention. In case of uterine prolapse in dogs, the operation is performed under anesthesia. This is a prerequisite.

The sooner the animal gets the help it needs, the better. If you do not provide it on time, the pet will die from blood poisoning.

If everything is not so scary, then the doctor bandages the base of the fallen part. After 6-10 days, it disappears. The dog is under the supervision of a specialist all this time.

When it is possible to set the reproductive organ, if it is viable, the uterus is treated with detergents and set.

What's better?

What to do with uterine prolapse in dogs? Of course, it is better to amputate the organ. Moreover, the fallout can be repeated. At least giving birth to a bitch after that is not recommended. Unless you have a caesarean section.

Pet does not carry breeding value? Great, amputate the uterus without a second thought. Save the animal from the painful repeated "procedure" of prolapse.

Loss during estrus

It also happens, unfortunately. What to do in this case? Wash the vagina with a 2-3% solution of alum. They can be bought at a "human" pharmacy. Then smeared with antiseptics.

If the prolapse recurs, then the reproductive organ will have to be adjusted. Several loop-like sutures are placed on the vulva.

With thickening of the fallen part and its necrosis, as described above, a dressing is done with a silk thread. After 6-10 days, the bandaged part disappears.


What measures should be taken to prevent uterine prolapse in a dog?

  • Firstly, it is a complete nutrition throughout the dog's life. During pregnancy, this is especially true.
  • Secondly, vitamin complexes in the diet of the animal must be present.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to walk with the pet not for five minutes twice a day. The time of the walk depends on the needs of the breed. At least 20 minutes for small breeds and 40 minutes for large breeds.
  • The fourth point is dog litter. The sleeping place of the animal must be clean and on a flat surface.
  • Fifth - examination by a veterinarian during pregnancy. It is advisable to conduct an ultrasound to detect multiple pregnancies.
  • The sixth moment is childbirth. During childbirth, the presence of a veterinarian and the owner next to the dog is mandatory.
  • The seventh point is careful observation of the dog in the first 12 hours after the birth of the puppies. Uterine prolapse most often occurs during this period of time.
  • If the owner saw that the trouble had not passed the pet, urgently call the veterinarian.


Let's highlight the main aspects of the article:

  • Uterine prolapse is more common in constantly giving birth dogs.
  • Representatives of small breeds are prone to the disease.
  • Shedding occurs within 12 hours after delivery.
  • Poor conditions of detention can provoke it: lack of full-fledged walks, lack of vitamins and malnutrition.
  • Extremely rare, but prolapse of the uterus can occur during estrus. This is due to the hormonal background in the animal.
  • Treatment is possible in several ways: amputation, reduction and bandaging of the prolapsed part.
  • After the operation, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.


How to protect your pet from uterine prolapse? Good care first. You can not knit a dog regularly, her body is not a birthing machine. Once a year is enough. Mating of old animals is also unacceptable. It is unlikely that an older dog will be able to give good puppies and bear them safely. Not to mention the fact that such a load is a serious blow to a worn out organism.

Dogs are part of the owner's life. And this part must be protected, not exploited.

Neoplasms (tumors) on the vagina and uterus. No animal is as susceptible to this disease as the bitch. Most often, the cause is previous damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina and uterus during difficult pregnancy (but only under the condition of a special location).

Symptoms. The presence of these formations in the vagina is recognized by the expiration of mucus, blood or smelly pus. However, for an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a finger, directly feeling the warty growths. Sometimes there is no such need, since the tumors fall out of the pudendal fissure. If the tumors are in the uterus, then it is more difficult to make a diagnosis - only by the nature of the discharge, which is most often of a putrefactive-purulent nature. Neoplasms in the vagina are easily removed, while swelling of the uterus in old dogs is incurable.

Treatment. If the dog is feverish, then at first they give Aconite 3 in several doses, and then Arnica 3 and Thuja 3, 5 grains or drops once a day. In addition, washing the external parts and douching the vagina (30 drops of Arnica tincture in a glass of water) are done.

With spongy, easily bleeding neoplasms, Thuya 3 and Hamamelis 3 should be given, 5 grains or drops each, and douching should be done - 2 times a day (20 drops of Thuya tincture per glass of water).

Keep the dog clean, give light nutritious food.

Inflammation of the udder (mammary glands). This disease is rarely seen. Occurs due to bruising or after weaning puppies from the udder too early.

Symptoms. The mammary glands swell, the skin turns red and becomes tense and painful. The secretion of milk stops, fever appears.

Treatment. If the cause of the disease is a bruise, then give Arnica 3, after 1 hour, 5 grains or drops, and make a lotion from 1 teaspoon of Arnica tincture in 2 glasses of water.

In a feverish state, Aconite 3 and Arnica 3 are indicated, alternately, after 1-2 hours. If the tumor is hard and red, then give Belladonna 3 in the same tricks; if the tumor turns into suppuration, then Mercurius solubilis 3 and Hepar sulfuris 3, alternately after 1 hour in a spoon. When palpating nodes in the tumor, Konium 3 and Calcarea carbonica 6 are prescribed, 5 grains or drops in 3 hours, alternately.

Prolapse of the uterus and vagina. It happens in bitches - often with general weakness as a result of tension during intercourse, violent separation during this act, and finally, from rough help during whelping.

Symptoms. In uterine prolapse, frequent, ineffectual urge to urinate is first noticed, then the appearance of a round, soft tumor from the vagina. The animal becomes restless, does not eat anything, it starts to have a fever. In this case, it is necessary to set and hold the prolapsed uterus in place. To do this, it is washed with lukewarm water, lubricated with boron vaseline and carefully set into place with a clean hand. Then douching is done (a solution of 1 teaspoon of Arnica tincture in a glass of tepid water), Arnica 3 and Nux vomica 1 are given inside, after 1/2 hour, 5 grains or drops, in several doses, and then after 2-3. If the prolapse occurred after whelping, without any damage, then give Pulsatilla 3, after 1-2 hours, 1 dose. In any case, it is useful to start treatment with several doses of Aconite 3.

Wrong breeding. The birth of a puppy usually occurs in dogs without any outside help. Sometimes deviations occur - difficulties arise that require artificial help.

Lack of effort during normal labor occurs in small, pampered lap dogs due to their general weakness. As an exception, the absence of attempts may be associated with the necrosis of the embryonic membranes and their decay in the uterus. In the first case, the dog helps the efforts only at the beginning, and then stops straining. In such a situation, it is necessary to give in several doses after 1/2 hour Hamolilla 3 or Cannabis 3, alternately, 5 grains or drops. If this does not help, then Pulsatilla 3. When the efforts stop, general weakness should be given to Sekala cornutum 0. When the birth process stops, Opium 3 is indicated.

In case of fetal rotting, it is necessary to induce attempts by several methods of Pulsatilla or Secale cornutum, and as soon as the puppies move towards the vagina, immediately remove them with tongs or hands.

After a difficult birth, Arnica 3 should be given to the bitch in several doses after 1 hour. Often, as a result of whelping from the vagina, the dog becomes restless and extremely weak from blood loss. For the fastest contraction of the uterus and blood vessels - give Sekale cornutum 0 and Hamamelis 3 in several doses, in extreme cases, inject Hamamelis solution into the uterus (1 teaspoon per glass of cold water).

Fetal abnormalities require veterinary attention.

Umbilical hernia. This is the only hernia that occurs in dogs, and even then it is quite rare. In place of the navel, in the middle of the lower abdomen, a round, elastic, painless swelling is formed, which disappears when pressed, and then reappears. Such hernias are cured by lubricating with a solution of 1 part sulfuric acid in 4 parts water, 4 times daily, until the swelling disappears. Large hernias require surgical treatment.

Among the pathologies of the obstetric plan, eversion and prolapse of the uterus in dogs are rare. The disease is typical for the postpartum period, but in rare cases it can also be observed in young animals during estrus due to a violation of the hormonal status of the body.

The disease requires the owner to immediately visit a veterinarian due to the risk of serious complications. Treatment is more often operational in nature and in some cases ends with the removal of the reproductive organ.

Read in this article

Causes of uterine prolapse in dogs

In obstetric practice, it is customary to distinguish between the causes of uterine prolapse in the postpartum period and factors unrelated to pregnancy and labor in dogs.

After childbirth

Most often, the disease is diagnosed during childbirth after the birth of the penultimate or last newborn. The risk group includes many giving birth animals, as well as dogs of medium breeds. The causes of uterine prolapse during this physiological period, veterinarians include the following:

  • Multiple pregnancy. The presence in the womb of a large number of fetuses leads to a strong overstretching of the muscular layer of the uterus. This phenomenon leads to a decrease in the tone of the genital organ and provokes its prolapse beyond the anatomical boundaries.
  • Dropsy of fetus and membranes. Pathological increase in the size of the future puppy is a common cause of prolapse or eversion of the uterus due to relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Violent labor activity due to hormonal overload of the body.
  • Illiterate childbirth. Forced removal of the fetus with dry birth canal is often accompanied by obstetric pathology.
  • Severe bleeding during labor.

The factors provoking complete or partial prolapse of the uterus in the postpartum period, veterinarians include illiterate feeding of a pregnant female. A low level of protein in the diet, a large proportion of voluminous feed, frequent stress, unsatisfactory living conditions are significant reasons for the development of the disease.

The lack of physical activity of the female during pregnancy, obesity, according to experts, lead to a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the genital organ and provoke obstetric pathology in the postpartum period.

In nulliparous

Prolapse of the uterus in nulliparous dogs is an extremely rare phenomenon and is usually caused by injuries of the abdominal organs, the presence of neoplasms in the womb. Most often, the owner is faced with such a phenomenon as vaginal prolapse - a protrusion or complete prolapse of an organ from the genital slit to the outside, and may mistakenly take such a phenomenon for prolapse of the uterus.

During estrus

In addition to the postpartum period, the dog owner may encounter such a phenomenon as protrusion of the genital organ outside the body during estrus. Boxers and bulldogs are predisposed to pathology.

The cause of the disease is a violation of the hormonal status. Under the influence of estrogen in the uterus and vagina, hyperplasia occurs - thickening of the walls of the organs. This leads to a violation of the muscle tone of the womb and contributes to the violation of the anatomical position of the reproductive organ up to eversion outside the body.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

It is not so difficult to notice that an animal has a serious gynecological problem. The owner pays attention to the following symptoms:

  • The anxiety of the animal, the adoption of a forced posture, frequent attempts.
  • The dog constantly licks the crotch area.
  • From the genital gap, a protrusion of a cylindrical organ is observed, the top of which has a depression (uterine horn).
  • The mucous membrane of the prolapsed organ initially has a pink-red color and bleeds. As the uterus is outside the body of the animal, its color changes to dark red, then to blue and purple. There is swelling of the mucous membrane, the uterus increases in size.
  • As the mucosa dries, cracks and ulcerations form on the organ. In severe cases, tissue necrosis develops.

The owner also notices that the animal is in pain, whines, behaves restlessly, sometimes aggressively.

Animal diagnostics

Having discovered a prolapse of the vagina or uterus in his pet, the owner should take measures for an early visit to the veterinary specialist. Only a qualified doctor can, on the basis of anamnestic data, examination, palpation, vaginoscopy, laboratory tests, make the correct diagnosis.

A clinical blood test helps to determine the general condition of a sick animal. A number of manipulations, such as vaginoscopy, are performed under anesthesia. If necessary, a cytological examination of tissues is performed.

Differential diagnosis is carried out in relation to vaginal prolapse, neoplasms of the genital organs, venereal sarcoma.

Treatment of uterine prolapse in dogs

Prior to receiving qualified assistance, the owner of the animal must be able to provide first aid. First of all, you need to place the dog on a clean bed. Using sterile wipes, previously moistened with a cold disinfectant solution, wrap the fallen organ. As antiseptics, a solution of chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, furacilin, Miramistin is used.

After the animal is diagnosed, the veterinarian, based on the severity of the obstetric and gynecological pathology, will choose the best way to solve the problem.

If there was not a complete prolapse of the organ and the outer part does not have signs of inflammation, then in some cases they manage to reduce the uterus. The tissues are treated with cool antiseptic solutions, if necessary, novocaine blockade with an antibiotic is carried out. After irrigation with disinfectant solutions, the uterus is sprinkled with streptocide powder.

Reduction of the uterus with subsequent sterilization

Manipulation to return the organ to the anatomical position is carried out using anesthesia, for example, under sacral blockade. To return the uterus to the abdominal cavity, special nylon sticks are used. To prevent the development of inflammation, a sick dog is prescribed broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, usually cephalosporins. After repositioning on the vulva, the veterinarian applies special loop-like sutures.

Seams to hold the vagina: a) loop-shaped; b) roller

In the event that serious tissue damage has occurred, there is a risk of necrosis of the organ, the veterinarian performs amputation of the uterus. For animals that do not represent breed value, an ovariohysterectomy is recommended. Sterilization of the dog is also necessary if the prolapse of the uterus is regular.

For surgical reduction of the uterus in dogs, see this video:

Care and Prevention

Caring for an animal after the reduction of the genital organ is reduced to following the recommendations of a veterinarian. If surgical removal was performed, then the postoperative period is reduced to the treatment of sutures with antiseptic preparations, the systemic use of antibacterial agents.

Prevention of uterine prolapse in dogs is possible if the owner follows the following rules and recommendations of veterinary specialists:

  • Balanced feeding of a pregnant female eliminates many gynecological problems in the postpartum period, including uterine prolapse.
  • Regular dosed physical activity during pregnancy allows you to maintain the smooth muscles of the genital organ in good shape.
  • Providing qualified assistance to the animal during childbirth.

Partial or complete uterine prolapse is more commonly diagnosed in dogs immediately after birth. In rare cases, pathology can be observed during estrus. A sick animal needs qualified help. In some cases, a veterinary specialist performs an ovariohysterectomy to save the dog's life. In uncomplicated variants of the disease, the prolapsed organ is repositioned with further antibiotic therapy.

Vaginal prolapse (vaginal prolapse) - characterized by complete or incomplete eversion of the walls of the vagina through the genital slit to the outside.

This disease in dogs usually occurs during estrus and is associated with an increased release of hormones into the blood, very rarely the vagina falls out during pregnancy. Vaginal prolapse is most common in St. Bernards and Boxers.

Etiology. Vaginal prolapse in a dog occurs as a result of relaxation of the paravaginal tissue that fixes the vagina, often due to increased intra-abdominal pressure. Increased secretion of hormones during estrus. Inadequate feeding, exhaustion, obesity, mineral starvation, hypovitaminosis, keeping a dog without walking on the street, multiple pregnancy, difficult childbirth, old age, etc. predisposes to vaginal prolapse.

Clinical picture. In dogs, as a rule, only partial vaginal eversion of varying degrees is observed. Complete vaginal prolapse in dogs during pregnancy is rare. At the beginning of the disease, the owner of the dog notes a periodically appearing protrusion of the vagina, especially during the act of urination, or may be repeated with each emptying. The dog is worried, licks the prolapsed vagina. On clinical examination, from the swollen loop, we note the appearance of a spherical fold of pink-red color. The mucous membrane of the prolapsed vagina swells, becomes contaminated, injured, becomes tight, rigid. If the disease drags on, we note purulent discharge from the vulva and vagina, urination in the dog is difficult, fetid discharge from the external genitalia appears. During a clinical examination, we fix ulcers, vesicles, papules, pustules, erosion, necrosis on the vagina.

Diagnosis based on the clinical symptoms of the disease.

Differential Diagnosis. When making a diagnosis of vaginal prolapse, the veterinarian excludes this disease from tumors of the vaginal wall (leukomyoma and). Vaginal swelling is common in young bitches during proestrus or estrus.

Treatment. In case of incomplete prolapse of the vagina, the base of the prolapsed part of the vagina is bandaged with an elastic band. As a result, the bandaged vaginal tissue dies and falls off after 6-10 days. Pre-catheterize the bladder. In no case is the tissue cut off after the ligation. bleeding occurs. In case of complete prolapse of the vagina, it is treated with detergents (10-20% dimecaide solution, 0.1% Miramistin solution, citeal, atonium, decamethoxin are used) and set. With partial prolapse of the vagina with the appearance of signs of childbirth, a caesarean section is necessary. In the rare case that the vagina prolapses completely, it usually requires the vulva to be widened through an incision in the perineum (perineotomy) to reposition it. Having set the vagina, it is strengthened by applying a circular suture on the border of the vagina and the vestibule, while trying not to damage the urethra. After that, the wound of the perineum is sutured with two rows of sutures: from the mucous membrane - with catgut, from the skin - with silk. Before childbirth, the superimposed circular suture is removed.
