What is known about the Bermuda Triangle. What is the Bermuda Triangle and where is it located? Name of the mysterious place

Perhaps the most famous mystical place in the world - this is the Bermuda Triangle, a section of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.

The name of the Bermuda Triangle has already become a household name and, of course, we have all repeatedly heard stories about the inexplicable and traceless disappearances of ships and planes in it, about ghost ships found here, abandoned by the crew, about mysterious movements in time, instantaneous in space and many other creepy things things.

There are also a great many explanations for all these phenomena - some claim that aliens are at work here, others believe that there are temporary or black holes in the Bermuda Triangle, others suggest that faults in space are to blame, and some even think that people are being abducted inhabitants of the disappeared Atlantis!

Skeptics and scientists do not find anything mystical in the notoriety of the triangle - it has been established that this area is very difficult to navigate, since there are many shallows here, and storms and cyclones often arise.

In 1502, the navigator Bermudez, originally from Spain, near the coast of Central America came across islands surrounded by dangerous shoals and reefs. He called them the Devil's Islands. And only a few decades later they began to be called Bermuda in honor of himself.

For many centuries, the area of ​​Bermuda was recognized as dangerous among travelers, but the unfavorable zone expanded significantly only in the 20th century.

It all started in 1950, when a correspondent for the Associated Press, one of the world's largest news agencies, wrote about mysterious disappearances in the area, which he called the "Devil's Sea." The famous name appeared only 14 years later in a publication by Vincent Gaddis in one of the magazines about the unknown.

However, the real popularity of the triangle was brought by Charles Berlitz’s 1974 book “The Bermuda Triangle,” which collected all the mysterious cases that occurred in this zone.

However, it was later established that some facts in the book were presented incorrectly, and other strange cases occurred completely outside the boundaries of that same triangle. But some argued that they want to hide the secret of these waters at any cost.

Modern history already includes more than a hundred mysterious disappearances without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle area. This is an area with difficult weather conditions and very busy traffic on water and in the air. Therefore, when ships suddenly disappear from radars in good weather conditions, it is difficult not to notice.

In 1945 increased attention The disappearance of a military squadron attracted him to this anomalous zone. Five Avenger-class torpedo bombers, with experienced crews, suddenly and without a trace disappeared during a routine flight in clear weather and over calm seas.

In radio conversations, the pilots spoke about the failure of navigation equipment, complete disorientation and... panic “We don’t know where west is. Nothing works... Strange... We can't determine the direction. Even the ocean doesn’t look the same as usual!..”

After the navigation equipment completely failed, the pilots spent an hour and a half trying to find land in the west, then another hour in the east, but they never found it. As if whole American state disappeared. And when the crew saw the ground, they did not recognize it at all, and did not dare to land.

The last words of the pilots still cause a lot of controversy: “We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don’t know where we are, the water is green, not white.”

The search for five aircraft or their wreckage was in vain; moreover, during the search, another of the aircraft disappeared - the Martin Mariner seaplane.

Skeptics later put forward theories that the pilots were not experienced enough, that the pilots lost their bearings, that aircraft of this type were unreliable and could easily explode due to fuel leaks. This could have happened to one plane, but it is quite difficult to assume that five planes spontaneously ignited every second and therefore none of the pilots reported the disaster.

In 1963, the 130 m long cargo ship Marine Sulfur Queen disappeared without a trace. The ship disappeared without distress signals and its remains were not found. The exact location of the vessel at the time of the disappearance is unknown, but its course gave reason to talk about the disappearance of the Marine Sulfur Queen in the Bermuda Triangle.

The disasters that occurred and are occurring in the Bermuda Triangle area have become, on the one hand, the object of close attention of the public, and on the other, an opportunity for speculation and cheap sensations. Many created scientific theories, which would explain the sudden disorientation of people and equipment failure in the area. But until scientists have come to a consensus, many continue to see the presence of mysticism in the mysterious disappearances.

Underwater Bermuda Triangle

What does the Bermuda Triangle hide underwater? The bottom topography in this area is interesting and varied, although it is nothing ordinary and has been studied quite well, since some time ago various studies and drilling were carried out here in order to find oil and other minerals.

Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the lost Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and it itself looks like this:

  • Deep-sea plains of oceanic basins - 35%;
  • Shelf with shoals - 25%;
  • Slope and foot of the mainland - 18%;
  • Plateau - 15%;
  • Deep ocean trenches - 5% (here are the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as its maximum depth- 8742 m, recorded in the Puerto Rican depression);
  • Deep straits - 2%;
  • Seamounts - 0.3% (six in total).

Theories of the origin of the anomalous zone

There is a consensus on how the Bermuda Triangle, which frightens many sailors and pilots, appeared - as a result of geological activity. As you can see, there is nothing mysterious or enigmatic in the appearance of this place. Researchers put forward other opinions, but all of them were criticized by scientists.

If we take into account the fact that over the past 100 years about five thousand planes and ships have disappeared in the zone of anomalous phenomena, we can say that something strange is still in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle. It is this something that causes the death of people, sea and air transport.

Let's pay attention to some theories that are an attempt to explain what is happening in the anomalous zone:

  • the cause of the disasters is giant wandering waves, the height of which is 30 meters;
  • infrasonic waves are generated in the ocean, causing the crew to panic - people rush into the water;
  • in the mystical area there are so-called “blue holes”, which are the remains of tunnels through which you can move in time;
  • in the ocean, gigantic gas bubbles filled with methane are formed (once they enter such a bubble, sea and air transport begins to sink, since the density of air or water inside the resulting bubble is very low);
  • the mystical water area is the place where the lost city of Atlantis was once located (if you believe the legend, the crystals were the sources of its energy: now from the bottom of the ocean they send waves that disable the navigation equipment of planes and ships);
  • sudden change weather conditions in the water area occur due to the presence of a powerful warm Gulf Stream current there;
  • the area of ​​mystical incidents is the place through which aliens make their way to our Earth;
  • the impossibility of finding the remains of air and sea transport that have suffered a disaster is due to the peculiarities of the relief that is characteristic of the bottom of the water area - it is confusing and mysterious;
  • air and sea transport disappears because it is subject to deliberate attacks in the form of piracy and unofficial warfare;
  • in the area of ​​water there is a curvature of space and magnetic fog occurs.

Photo - Bermuda Triangle

Video - 10 secrets of the Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is the most famous frightening anomalous zone in the wide waters of the Atlantic Ocean. There is the same creepy place in Pacific Ocean, but it is called Devilish. Where the Bermuda Triangle is located, at any time of the year, day or night, ships have been disappearing for more than a hundred years and airships. To avoid a mystical catastrophe, ships and planes change their route, trying to go around this water gap.


  • Christopher Columbus was the first to encounter the anomalies of the water triangle. While his ship was sailing through this area, for some unknown reason the compasses failed, and the sea began to glow strangely.
  • Most of the missing ships and aircraft have not been found to this day.
  • Several cases of missing crew were recorded, while the ship remained untouched: all things were in their places, no traces of the storm were found.
  • At the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there is a huge sunken city. According to researchers, this is ancient Atlantis.
  • In the sky above the mysterious place, lights that look like aliens are often seen. After they disappear, large craters form in the water.
  • The area experiences unpredictable, severe storms.
  • Huge rogue waves in the Bermuda area are becoming common cause disasters.

  • Bermuda Triangle on the world map

    This area is located near the coast North America. More precisely, between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. Triangle captures two climatic zones. Wide part belongs to the tropics, and top corner- to the subtropics. The listed points, connected by straight lines, create a space in the form of a triangle with an area of ​​almost 4 million square meters. km.

    Many try not to get into the anomaly zone and make their way around. But in order to avoid a collision with the unknown, you need to know exactly where the Bermuda Triangle is located - on the world map, all the indicated coordinates of disappearances create lines that form a conditional rhombus, more like a triangle. It turns out that the area of ​​losses is slightly larger. This fact must also be taken into account.

    Why everything disappears in the Bermuda Triangle

    Researchers have been trying to decipher the disappearances for many years, thereby proving that talk of the Bermuda Triangle is greatly exaggerated. Air and surface ships are disappearing in all corners of the globe, and searches under water are very difficult process. In the Bermuda Triangle area, water movement is very fast, caused by strong currents, frequent storms and cyclones. Accordingly, there are significantly more disasters in this place than in others.

    Scientists have put forward a number of theories to explain why everything disappears in the Bermuda Triangle:

  • Magnetic radiation. The divergence of tectonic rocks is caused by the strongest electromagnetic waves, which tend to influence the human psyche and change readings electrical appliances. As a result, aircraft and water vessels lose orientation and stray from their intended course.
  • Methane emissions. Huge bubbles filled with gas appear in the Bermuda area. Fault earth's crust at this point it releases a substance that is thrown out. The minimum air density inside the bubble does not allow ships to stay afloat; once in this zone, the ship instantly sinks, or at best, the engine stops.
  • Changing the space. Periodic space-time curvatures at the moment of movement of the vessel seem to throw it into another dimension. That is why the circumstances of missing objects are considered mystical. Those who managed to return from another dimension note loss of orientation, dizziness, weakness and a clock lag for as long as the journey in another dimension lasted.
  • Infrasound. Strong water movements during cyclones create ultrasound, which affects the human psyche. The crew panics and does not control the movement, leading to disaster.
  • A mystery that remains unknown to theorists and scientists. A place where people go missing not alone, but in crews and teams. Experienced sailors and pilots refuse to take tourists to these parts. However, one must be a desperate extreme sportsman to dare such a thing. dangerous journey. They say that not a single victim of the anomalous zone has ever managed to get out of there or even send a radio distress signal.

    Bermuda Triangle

    We are talking about the Bermuda Triangle. And although the hot and desirable Bermuda Islands are nearby, yachts with tourists do not go through the mystical anomalous zone. This may have been done for safety reasons due to rapidly changing weather conditions and water conditions. Or perhaps local sailors believe in the unearthly power of the mysterious Triangle and do not want to pay with their lives for a dangerous cruise.

    Some supporters of purely reliable facts deny the anomaly of this place. Allegedly, ships and planes are disappearing all over the world, but the attention of the majority is constantly focused only on the Bermuda Triangle. Yes this is true. However, in this zone there are hundreds of missing pilots, ship crews and groups of tourists.

    Bermuda Triangle on the map

    And here the thought reluctantly creeps in about why not a single one has been recorded alarm signal"SOS" The mysterious zone hides many things that are still for a long time will be reasons for discussion as ordinary people, and experienced researchers. But whether these discussions will lead to a concrete answer remains a mystery.

    Bermuda Triangle - what is known

    Where no tourist should go is the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, or rather, an imaginary triangle with corners from Florida, Puerto Rico and, in fact, Bermuda. Be careful because... it is not marked in any way on the map and you can only navigate by photos on the Internet. After all, this zone is called the Bermuda Triangle, which does not spare those desperate who challenge it.

    The weather here seems to warn of danger. For a calm sunny day in half an hour gives way to a force seven storm, hurricane winds, thunderstorms and fog. Such weather “changes” are caused by frequent cyclones, which are attracted here like a magnet, which, again, leads to specific questions.

    Bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

    Underwater, the Devil's Triangle (another name for Bermuda) has a mountainous terrain with hills up to 200 meters high. The bottom is covered with a layer of loose chalk rocks up to 5000 meters thick. Because of this, searching for sunken ships is considered futile. The depth of the deadly depression of the “devil sea” is 8000 meters. It is unlikely that the remains of the missing objects will be found there. This anomalous place contains the deepest point of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Some explain the anomaly of this place by interference alien creatures. As adherents of this theory say, aliens singled out this zone as one of the most favorable for selecting people for their own experiments. Few people support this judgment. But supporters argue that fragments of the missing ships and planes were not found, therefore, they were taken by aliens to study life on Earth. This hypothesis is adhered to by ufologists - scientists who study everything about UFOs.

    UFO in the Bermuda Triangle area

    Another reason that paranormal incidents are explained is weather conditions and bottom topography. In fact, the unpredictable weather and rocky terrain could have killed dozens of crews. But blaming nature for hundreds of missing ships and planes is wrong. We should not forget that in the entire history there is not a single case when an SOS signal was received from the “deadly” triangle. This means that either the radio signal was jammed, or the “victim” of the mystical zone did not have time to send a signal due to rapid “absorption”.

    Some physicists adhere to the theory of space curvature. For someone who has never heard of this hypothesis before, such thoughts will seem like science fiction or even crazy nonsense. The fact is that a large number of Quartz rising from the water disables compasses.

    Pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

    In addition, quartz creates streams of ionized air, which turn into a kind of “magnetic fog.” In such fog, the maximum speed of the aircraft increases tens of times. Theoretically, the creation of such a phenomenon is impossible, because the required energy is equal to the power of 2 billion hydrogen explosions. But this judgment exists.

    The popular gas hypothesis also inspires confidence among researchers. According to the judgment, bubbles of methane are formed in ocean water that exceed the size of the ship. When a ship falls into such a bubble, it seems to be sucked under water in a matter of moments. After conducting experiments, scientists confirmed the fact that in this case it is impossible to have time to send a distress signal.

    Bermuda Triangle

    The last suspected cause of shipwrecks in this area is infrasound. When exposed to such sounds, a person does not realize what is happening to him. Auditory and visual hallucinations, and the crew of the ship is thrown overboard. The reason for these infrasounds has not yet been substantiated.

    The only time a message for help was received from the anomalous zone occurred in 1945. When five American planes crashed at the same time - a flight of five Avenger torpedo bombers - specialists managed to obtain a recording of the conversations between the team members. Before the crash, they informed each other about the failure of the navigation and control systems. The pilots also said that the ocean looked suspicious, and the water changed its color either green or white.

    Riddles and secrets

    The mystery of the anomalous area is underwater structures that raise no less questions than the Bermuda Triangle itself. They were discovered by researchers who are studying the bottom near the mysterious place.

    The buildings themselves consist of pyramids, streets, squares and monuments. It is interesting that on specific structures there are hand-made inscriptions of specific symbols. One pyramid is completely similar to the Egyptian Sphinx. Glass buildings were also found.

    As the researchers themselves say, such symmetry is impossible to find in nature. Therefore, the found fragments of the sunken city are considered a man-made Atlantis, which sank 9,000 years ago. Some opponents of any judgments on this matter completely deny the relationship between the disappearance of objects and the mysterious underwater city.

    They say that the borders of the sunken state do not coincide with the “devil sea” of the Bermuda Triangle. But the researchers published the exact coordinates of the found architectural structures, and skeptics can independently verify these data.

    "Victims" of the Devil's Triangle

    Often this mystical place is blamed for disappearances to which it is not really involved. This is done to divert suspicion from the real culprit and at the same time once again remind of the merciless triangle. Yes, there are those who managed to successfully cross the anomalous terrain. But the number of missing people in this area simply makes it impossible to ignore such numbers and stories.

    Airplane at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

    In total, the Bermuda Triangle claimed the lives of 25 ship crews between 1840 and 1999. These are not just small pleasure boats. This figure includes charterers, cruise yachts, frigates, heavy transport vessels and even oil tankers. During the same period, the airspace of the Devil's Triangle carried away 20 aircraft, including both simple seaplanes and military bombers.

    It is worth paying attention to the disappearance of the large ship “Cyclops”, the length of which reached almost 200 meters. This happened in March 1918. Fragments of the Cyclops have not been discovered to this day. The disaster was initially thought to have been caused by a German submarine. However, on the day mysterious disappearance there was not a single German ship in the waters of Bermuda. The mystery of the disappearance has not yet been solved.

    Ship at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

    The mystical lonely schooner "Ellen Austin", wandering in the waters of the "deadly sea", in 1881 claimed the lives of two crews. As you know, this ship was found in the Bermuda Triangle without a single soul on board. Then a team of unsuspecting rescuers decided to moor the schooner to the shore. However, after the crew boarded the Ellen Austin, the ship disappeared forever without a trace.

    In 1944, a ship was found without a single crew member on board. The presence of a specific crew was evidenced by the personal belongings of the sailors and captain. “Rubicon” was the name of the yacht on which only a dog was found. The lifelines on the schooner were cut off and the lifeboats were missing.

    A 120-meter-long cargo ship also disappeared without a trace in 1950. The search began after a 6-day delay to the destination port. However, there is still no information about the ship and crew.

    In total, the waters of the Bermuda Triangle claimed more than 1,000 lives. Traces of most objects have not yet been found, which makes these disappearances not mere statistics, but a real mysticism and anomaly.


    Many documentary and feature films have been made about this phenomenon.

    • 1978 — “Bermuda Triangle”
    • 1979 — “Bermuda Triangle”
    • 1996 — “Bermuda Triangle”
    • 1998 — “Disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle”
    • 1998 — “BBC: Bermuda Triangle”
    • 2001 — “The Last Heroes”
    • 2001 — “Bermuda Triangle”
    • 2004 — “Bermuda Triangle: The Mystery of the Deep Ocean”
    • 2009 — “Triangle”
    • 2010 — “Return to the Bermuda Triangle”
    • 2011 — “Discovery: The Truth about the Bermuda Triangle”

    In 2005, the first and only season of the series about an anomalous place, “The Bermuda Triangle,” was released.

    Film enthusiasts make short films that are published on YouTube. There are no releases or reviews written about such films, but fresh documentary short films from 2016 will tell you interesting facts that you might not have known before.

    The Bermuda Triangle is a region in Atlantic Ocean, in which ships and planes supposedly disappear every year, and other anomalous phenomena occur.

    Also, storms and cyclones occur more often in this region than in others.

    On this moment time, there are many versions trying to explain the cause of the mysterious anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle.

    Let's try to figure out what the ill-fated Bermuda Triangle is.

    The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

    It may seem to some that the anomalous phenomena occurring in the Bermuda Triangle have been known for a very long time. However, it is not.

    Journalist Edward Jones first reported on the mystical disappearances in 1950. He published a short article about various mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle, calling the area “the devil’s sea.”

    But no one took his note seriously. However, since that time, unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft have become increasingly recorded in this region.

    In the late 60s, articles about the Bermuda Triangle began to appear around the world. This topic began to arouse increasing interest among both ordinary people and many scientists. Around the same time, he wrote his famous song about “The Secret of Bermuda.”

    In 1974, Charles Berlitz wrote the book “The Bermuda Triangle”. He described in vivid colors many mystical disappearances in this zone.

    The book was written in living language, since the author himself deeply believed in the mystical secret of the Bermuda Triangle. Soon this work became a real bestseller.

    And although some of the facts presented in it were very dubious and sometimes scientifically incorrect, this could not in any way affect the popularity of both the Bermuda Triangle in general and Berlitz’s book in particular.

    Where is the Bermuda Triangle

    The boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are considered to be the peaks of Puerto Rico, Florida and Bermuda.

    It is worth noting that the “triangle” has only a symbol on the map, and its boundaries are periodically adjusted.

    Bermuda Triangle on the map

    This is what the Bermuda Triangle looks like on a world map:

    And here it is in approximate form:

    The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

    Today, there are many theories with which scientists are trying to explain the anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle.

    We will look at the most popular versions to help you decide for yourself which one looks the most convincing.

    Mysterious gas bubbles

    At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of scientists managed to conduct a very interesting experiment. They wanted to find out what would happen to the object while it was on the surface of swirling water.

    It turned out that when bubbles were present in the water, its density decreased and the level rose. At the same time, the lifting force exerted by the water on the object decreased.

    It was also possible to prove that if there are enough bubbles in it, this may well lead to the sinking of the ship.

    It is important to understand that the experiment was carried out only in laboratory conditions, so whether the mysterious bubbles have anything to do with the sinking of ships remains a mystery.

    Rogue waves

    Rogue waves in the Bermuda Triangle can reach up to 30 meters in height. Interestingly, they form so quickly and unexpectedly that they can easily sink even a large ship.

    Practice shows that the team simply does not have time to react to such a rapid appearance of a mysterious wave.

    One of these tragedies occurred in 1984 during the regatta.

    The forty-meter ship "Marquez" was the leader in this sports race. While he was in the Bermuda Triangle, a sudden squall began.

    The result was a huge wave that sank the ship almost instantly. 19 people died in this tragedy.

    Scientists studying the behavior of wandering waves explain their appearance as follows: when the hot waters of the Gulf Stream meet a storm front, waves arise, resulting in a gigantic mass of water rising upward.

    What is surprising is that initially the wave height does not exceed 5 m, but very soon they reach 25 meters.

    Alien Intervention

    According to some people, the territory of the Bermuda Triangle is under the control of alien creatures exploring the Earth.

    After contact with people at sea or in the air, the aliens allegedly destroy ships so that no one knows about them.


    This theory is very plausible and rational. According to it, disasters occur in the Bermuda Triangle area due to the fact that storms and hurricanes begin there very unpredictably.

    Clouds with mysterious charges

    Quite a lot of pilots flying over the Bermuda Triangle said that during the flight they were for some time in a black cloud, inside of which electrical discharges and blinding flashes occurred.


    According to this hypothesis, a sound may appear in the Bermuda Triangle, forcing passengers to leave the vehicle.

    And although during earthquakes there are indeed infrasonic vibrations on the ocean floor, they still do not pose any threat to human life.

    Relief features

    Some scientists suggest that the cause of the anomalous phenomena is the relief of the Bermuda Triangle.

    Indeed, in this zone on the seabed there are many hills reaching 100-200 m and underwater cliffs up to 2 km high.

    In addition, Bermuda has a continental shelf divided by the Gulf Stream. All these factors may indirectly explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

    Mysticism at the bottom of the triangle

    Recently, traces of a sunken city were discovered at the bottom of the sea, in the Bermuda Triangle area. After studying his photographs, scientists were able to examine various structures with mysterious inscriptions.

    According to experts, the buildings represent ancient architecture.

    An interesting fact is that among the buildings in the photographs there were also . There is an opinion that American scientists actually knew about this find for a long time, but deliberately kept it silent.

    Perhaps in the future we will learn a lot interesting information about what really happens at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

    Disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

    About the fact that not only people disappear in the Bermuda Triangle sea ​​vessels, but also airplanes, have been known for a long time. One of these cases occurred in the post-war years, and immediately became a real sensation.

    On December 5, 1945, five American Avenger-type bombers took off from Fort Lauderdale Airport. From that time on, no one saw them again.

    Initially, the flight went quite normally, but later the crew of one of the planes informed the dispatcher that they had lost their route.

    Then the pilots reported that all their navigation instruments simultaneously failed. After some time, information was received about sharp deterioration weather conditions in the flight area.

    And although the dispatchers tried to direct them along the right route, for unknown reasons the crew did not respond to commands.

    For some time, planes circled over the Bermuda Triangle, claiming that they saw a certain “white wall” and “strange water”. Then the connection was lost.

    The next day, other aircraft were sent to search for the bombers, but this did not yield any results. It is still unknown what happened to the American squadron and 14 members of its crew.

    In the early 1990s, scientist Graham Hawkes claimed to have found the remains of bombers on the seabed. To prove his words, he provided photos taken with a special camera at great depths.

    However, this evidence was not enough to accurately identify the bombers.

    In addition to the very fact of the disappearance of planes in the Bermuda Triangle, many questions remain. For example, what explains the strange behavior of pilots who deliberately ignored the instructions of air traffic controllers?

    After all, they could have landed after only 20 km, but instead the pilots turned in the opposite direction.

    According to the opinion, some powerful influence was exerted on the crews, as a result of which they were unable to make decisions of common sense.

    Ship in the Bermuda Triangle

    In 1918, the American cargo ship Cyclops suddenly disappeared in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, with more than 300 people on board.

    The 165-meter ship was last seen in Barbados. The US Navy soon organized a large-scale search operation, but failed to locate the Cyclops or its wreckage.

    A version was put forward that the ship was sunk when it collided with a huge wave. But in this case, a lot of things and oil stains should have remained on the water, which was not found.

    Whether people will be able to unravel the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle or not, only time will tell.

    Perhaps more advanced equipment will help scientists figure out real reasons anomalous phenomena occurring in Bermuda.

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    Welcome readers of the site “I and the World”! Today we will talk about what the Bermuda Triangle is and what secret lies in it? You will find out where and specifically in which ocean this dangerous territory is located, why everything disappears there, its location on the world map and why it is dangerous.

    Every day planes and ships cross the borders of this anomalous zone. Every pilot and captain is in danger of not arriving at their destination, but this place cannot be excluded from the life of the whole world, since thousands of tourists travel through it every year. Many people simply don’t talk about the Bermuda Triangle for fear of incurring “wrath” from the depths of the ocean.


    Who first discovered the Bermuda Triangle to the world? In the middle of the 20th century, the American E. Jones published a brochure called “Bermuda Triangle”, but simply no one noticed it. The facts of its existence were discussed only a few years later, when in one of Charles Berlitz’s books the stories of mysteriously disappeared ships were described in all colors.

    Name of the mysterious place

    What does it look like mystery zone and why is it called that? The coordinates of this unusual place: part of the Atlantic, between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. If you draw a line between these points, you will get a triangle with an area of ​​4 million square meters. km. But people talk about missing objects even beyond the borders of the “terrible figure”, which numbers more than a hundred sudden disappearances.

    Why does everything disappear here?

    True, the destruction of ships cannot be explained by mysticism: there are many shallows here, great amount fast water and air currents, and cyclones and hurricanes are born too often. Another mystery of this place is the warm Gulf Stream current. What happens when warm and cold air collide? They form fog, and overly impressionable tourists tend to see this as something scary, dangerous and mystical.

    It is also impossible to explain the mystery of this place due to the peculiarities of the relief under water, which does not allow parts of sunken objects to be found. Science is also trying to explain the secrets of the death of ships and planes by the formation of huge methane bubbles on the surface of the ocean, which emerge from oceanic cracks under water. In a bubble too low density and when an object hits it, it immediately goes to the bottom.

    Visible in the photo from space air masses, forming vortices rushing in a circle at speeds of up to 50 km/h. They raise columns of water up to 30 meters high, which fly at incredible speed and fall from great heights onto ships. There is no chance for a small object to survive.

    There is also information about infrasound signals that the ocean emits, warning of the imminent occurrence of a storm. What happens if you get into the zone of such signals? They begin to put psychological pressure on the brain, causing the most terrible visions in people’s minds. After this, the person flees by jumping overboard. An empty ship can drift for decades before being accidentally discovered.

    The legend about the Mysterious Atlantis, which was located in this triangle, also plays a significant role here. As if it is she who sends signals from the depths, causing interruptions in the systems of ships and aircraft.

    Another interesting fact is the opinion that in this area space is curved and objects fall into the 4th dimension. It is not known for sure whether such time gaps exist, but there are cases when planes disappear from radar for several minutes and then appear again. Some people notice this and some don't.

    And recently, American meteorologists, having examined photos from satellites, came to the conclusion that above anomalous zone hexagonal-shaped clouds hang, which “explode” and form air currents rushing down at speeds of up to 270 km/h. Such a wind, hitting the surface of the water, can raise waves up to 40 meters in height. They capsize ships and disrupt the navigation of liners.

    Unsolved mystery

    For many decades now, scientists around the world have been trying to solve the puzzle of the Bermuda Triangle, but to no avail. It’s sad to look at photos of sunken ships - it’s so scary to suddenly die for no apparent reason. But if you don’t believe in all these mysteries, feel free to go here for a dose of adrenaline.

    See also video:

    And we say goodbye to you until the next mysterious articles. Please share the information with your friends. Goodbye!
