Highlander bird. Composition, beneficial properties and application Angle What is useful to Highlander Bird Show

According to the description, the Speert or Highlander is a bird - a dosage annual plant. Belongs to the buckwheat family. Thick, vertical root branches a little. Ascending, prostrate stems grow up to 60 cm. Little lanceal, green with blue leaves up to 2 cm long and width to a half-cavity meter are alternately on short stiffs.

In the sinuses of the leaves sit fine green flowers. Their flowering can be observed throughout the summer. Fruits appear closer to August in the form of dark triangular nuts. Grass love to eat birds, which was reflected in the title.

The plant is unpretentious. Distributed throughout Russia. It grows as weed on arable land and along the roads. It occurs on sandy fellows.

All parts of the plant are harvested. The weather for the collection is chosen dry, summer. When cutting, it is left from the ground about 10-15 cm. Dried in natural and in artificial conditions. The ovens exhibit the temperature in the range of 50-60 ° C. The fragility of the stems will indicate the availability of dry collection. Then it is packaged in the plaid or paper bags and store three years.


Dear readers, do you know such a grass like a deer? If not, I am very advised to pay attention to it. This grass is needed to all. And why all? To begin with, I will say that it takes salt salt, treats arthritis, arthrosis, good for kidney, in gynecology, treats tuberculosis, it helps even crush small pebbles, strengthens the vessels and solves other health problems. Today, I want to tell you about the useful and therapeutic properties of the dispatcher, where and how this grass is applied and you can take it.

Grass Murava, Muravica Travishchka ... That's so gentle and poetically in Russian fairy tales and the eponymists talking about one, quite ordinary plant, which is probably familiar with each of us. Speech or Highlander Bird grows with us literally under the legs, the plant is the most ordinary and inconspicuous, but very useful.

This weeding of this can be found near the roads and paths, in the courtyards of residential buildings, off the coast of small reservoirs, it grows everywhere and the most frosts of her seeds are breeding small birds. You probably saw the flobs of the sparrow from the roads who are aspired in the fall in low grass, fun chirik, here is the grass and there is a sport. As soon as it is in the people, they do not call: Speert, grass-anti-mug, buckwheat, Gusyatnitsa, Topun-grass, Sparrow tongues, but all this is the same plant called Highlander bird.

I myself first got acquainted with her for a very long time. Even when she lived in the Far East. My girlfriend has brewed it in a thermos, he treated gynecological diseases. She really helped this herbal. Now I myself finish the course of treatment with this grass. I take it for the prevention - the body cleansing so that the salts do not accumulate, and it relieves the inflammatory processes in the body, if somewhere there is something, good for vessels. The course of treatment is usually 3 weeks. Let's see what this grass looks like.

The grass is dear. Photo

Speech (grass of a bird's mountain). Useful and therapeutic properties

The useful and therapeutic properties of the dispatcher are known for a very long time, it was used in distant antiquity as a hemostatic and wound healing agent. The wise of our ancestors pushed the juice from the grass, soaked the fabric to them and put out on wounds, ulcers, ulcers, bruises, thereby avoiding complications and speeding up recovery.

Currently, the properties of this plant have been studied more deeply, which allows you to expand the range of its action. In this non-view, vitamins C, K, E, mineral salts, carotene, tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, resins, saponins, coumarins, various acids, and much more are found in the neck.

Herba deer is widely used in official and traditional medicine, as well as in homeopathy, drugs based on it possess the following properties:

  • diuretic
  • binder
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antipyretic
  • disinfectant
  • hemitting
  • toning
  • blood purified
  • hypotensive
  • strengthening vessels

Therapeutic grass Speert (Highlander bird). Application

The spectrum of the application of the dispatcher (a bird's mountaineed) is rather impressive, and the grass is considered small toxic and has a minimum of contraindications, which allows it to take it for a long time in various diseases.

  1. For diseases kidney and bladder Long-term application of decoctions and infusions allows you to dissolve and remove sands and kidney stones, reduce swelling, relieve an inflammatory process with cystitis. With a tendency to stone formation, Spelich is adopted for prevention.
  2. With inflammatory diseases liver and gallbladder A decoction of a breathtum also applies, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor, make an abdominal ultrasound to make sure there are lack of large stones in the gallbladder. With small pebbles, the deer cerebbles, and if there are large stones, any choleretic agents are contraindicated.
  3. For diseases vesselsWith hemorrhoid, Speert helps strengthen the walls of the vessels, improve blood circulation, lead blood pressure to normal.
  4. For inland and uterine bleeding , with hemorrhoid, Speert improves blood clotting, thereby speeds up the process of recovery. But it is necessary to understand that, like all herbs, Speert is applied in complex treatment, especially in cases of severe, to which the bleeding is internal. Without consultation, the doctor in this case can not do.
  5. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of the dispatcher (hustling of bird) allow you to use its in colds With elevated temperature, as well as with sore throats and gum inflammation.
  6. Due to the tanning substances and antimicrobial properties, Speert is applied to treatment of various Ran. , cuts that do not heal for a long time.
  7. It is applied by the road and in the treatment of gout, it helps to remove the uric acid salt from the joints, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.
  8. Tuberculosis, arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines Also included in the list of diseases in which the deer proves therapeutic effects on the body.

How to take sports

Take the Sport (Highlander Bird) in the form of informants, brazers or as part of complex medicines. Prepare courage and infusions are best for one day, since after a day their properties are reduced.

Infusion Avdgovy (Highlander bird)

Cooking the infusion is very simple, boiling water should be taken on a glass of dry chopped grass, insist 30 - 40 minutes and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Broth dispute (bird hustras)

The decoction turns out more concentrated, for its preparation on a glass of boiling water, you need to take two spoons of grass, all this is on a water bath for 15 to 20 minutes, then cool, strain and fasten with boiled water to a full glass. Take a decoction of 1 - 2 tablespoons before meals.

You can cook a decoction and without steam bath, just boil the grass for 3 to 5 minutes on the smallest heat, then remove from the fire and strain in 20 minutes.

Juice dispute

Juice dispute is pressed from fresh herbs that are harvested during her flowering. The juice is recommended to take 1 -2 tablespoons two - three times a day before eating with hypertension, during cramps, with tuberculosis, intestinal diseases and kidney disease.

For the treatment of wounds and other skin damage, it is also possible to use juice, which are washed with wounds and impose moistened in the dressing juice. It is also possible to do it easier, rinse the grass, dry and be confused into the crawl, which is superimposed under the armband on damaged areas of the skin.

I propose to see the video footage of the useful and therapeutic properties of grass.

The grass is dear. Treatment. Recipes

Folk medicine applies many recipes with a dehydrator for the treatment of various diseases, it is taken both separately and in combination with other plants that enhance the therapeutic effect of the dispute. I will give you some of them, perhaps someone will come in handy.

  • With kidney stones Mix in an equal part of the grass Audit, Tolokniki grass and bean sash, 15 grams of collection (this is an approximately complete tablespoon) poured with 1.5 glasses of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, flickering and drinking and dried by infusion during the day
  • With cystitis Prepare infusion from a tablespoon of a dispatch and a glass of water and take half a glass three times a day for a week
  • With inflammation of the gallbladder Prepare a decoction from the tablespoon of the grass argets, keep 30 minutes in a water bath, after 20 minutes to strain and take on one tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day
  • With hemorrhoids In the summer, during flowering to rip fresh grass and immediately squeeze juice from it. Take on the tablespoon twice a day
  • In diseases of the joints Boil for 5 minutes in a glass of water a glass of freshly crushed grass of a bird's eye toward (dispatch), insist no less than an hour. On the sore joints to put the rods from this brave, add it to the foot bath
  • In uterine bleeding Three teaspoons of dry grass are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 40 minutes and take 3 - 4 times a day regardless of food
  • Under anemia Prepare the infusion of the grass is an armor, brewing a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. After cooling the infusion, strain and mix with beetted juice in equal proportions. Take one spoon 3 times a day before meals for a month
  • With tuberculosis Easy to mix on a tablespoon of crushed dry grass Highland a bird and chopped licorice root, two tablespoons of this mixture pour 1/2 liters of boiling water, pecking on a small fire for 3-5 minutes, after 30 minutes to strain and take 4 -5 times a day 1/4 glasses
  • With bronchitis, pneumonia Prepare a mixture of grass of a bird's eye, coltsfoot leaves, elderberry flowers black, taking each teaspoon. Brew boiling water, insisted before cooling and taking on a tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day
  • For gastric diseases With the increased acidity of the gastric juice, prepare a mixture of the grass of the Highlander of bird, Mint's peppermint, plantain Big, Hypericum and the root of Aira. All mix in equal parts. Cooking the infusion from the tablespoon of the mixture and glasses of boiling water.

Speed. Harvest harvesting

Speert grows everywhere, but in his city, of course, it is impossible to collect, you need to look for him away from urban roads and railway tracks.

It is necessary and to distinguish it from other types of highlanders, which do not possess drug properties. It's not difficult to do this, look at the photos attentively, the sabell starts branching from the earth itself, the stalks are divided into the knees, the leaves have an elliptical shape, and small non-sparkled flowers are located in the sneakers of the leaves and have a dirty white color.

For therapeutic goals, the deer is harvested at the beginning of flowering, this usually happens at the end of June - in early July, it is cut off the above-ground part at the base, leaving the lowest leaves, then dried by any available way, without exposing direct sunlight.

Store the dried grass for more than two years is not recommended, it over time loses its healing properties. Glass jars are suitable for storage, carbon black bags or linen and cotton bags.

Where to buy the grass do the grass? Price

If you do not want to harvest the grass yourself, buy it in a pharmacy. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. It is very inexpensive. In Yaroslavl, I bought it recently for 30 rubles. Packaging 50 grams.

The grass is dear. Contraindications

As always, describing the therapeutic properties of any plants, I want to warn this time that the Speert (Highlander bird) belongs to the plants potent and the reception of drugs based on it has its own contraindications.

Absolute contraindication to the reception of the Highland bird is pregnancy. You can not apply them to people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, all those inclined to the formation of thromboms, since the reception of the armor that increases blood coagulation can lead to a row of angina and even to a heart attack and stroke.

Do not appoint a dear to those who have blood pressure reduced.

Despite the fact that the Speech is able to soften and bring stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, people with bile and renal disease Speech can be taken with caution and only after consulting with the doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation, since the stone can overlap the bile ducts that Creates a threat to life.

People who have more stones in urinary ducts are more than 6 mm, it is also unacceptable to take the road.

This is such information for you today about the beneficial properties of the dispute and its contraindications.

And for the soul, we will listen to the ancient waltz today Autumn Son.. Many considered him a native work written in Russia, but his homeland is in the distant misty Albion. He wrote his pianist and composer Archibald Joyce in 1908. Directly such a nostalgia ... Spiritual orchestra and amazing waltz.

I wish you all health, wonderful mood, simple joys of life and all the very warm and kind.

see also








    07 Mar 2017. at 0:19.


    07 Feb 2017. at 14:09










Highlander Bird - Polygonum Aviculare L.

Buckwheat Family - Polygonaceae

Other names:
- Sport
- Bird Buckwheat
- Gooseman
- Kouroored
- Murava-grass
- Tyotun

Botanical characteristic.Annual low grassy plant with highly branched from the base or underlying stem. The leaves of the elliptical shape, one-piece, regular, small, are attached to white rasmabam. Flowers are also small, without infloresions, sit in several in the sinuses of the leaves. Fruit - nut. Flowers from July to late autumn.


Habitat.In the fields, gardens, roads, pastures, on the striking sands, in populated areas (the people called "goose grass"). Growing like a weed.

Billet, primary processing and drying.Harves down the road during flowering, in dry weather. When collecting his grass, it is cut with a knife or sickle, and with a thick standing, the tops of the plants up to 40 cm should be made. It is not recommended to collect raw materials in the fields of grazing and around the housing, in highly contaminated places, near industrial enterprises and roads.

Dry in attics with good ventilation, under sheds or outdoors in the shade, laying up a thin layer. During the drying, the grass 1-2 times turn over. When drying in dryers with artificial heating, the temperature should not exceed 40-50 ° C.

Standardization.The quality of raw materials regulate the requirements of GF XI, meas. one.

Exterior signs.Solid raw materials.One-piece or partially crushed fruitful shoots up to 40 cm long. Stems thin, branched, crankshafts. The leaves are regular, from wide-elliptical to almost linear, up to 3 cm long, up to 1 cm wide. It is characteristic of the base of the leaves of the fillery field of silver-white color. Flowers are stubborn, 1-5, with a simple, deep outdoor perianth, white or pink. The smell is weak. Taste slightly astringent.

Ground raw materials.Pieces of stems, leaves and flowers of various shapes passing through a sieve with a hole with a diameter of 7 mm. The color is grayish green.

Microscopy.When viewed by the sheet from the surface, the cells of the epidermis with straight thickened walls are visible, often with brown contents, the walls of the upper epidermis cells are often quenched-thickened. Stwitz is surrounded by more than three near-slandic cells (anisocyt type). It is characteristic of the presence of a large number of codes of calcium oxalate and mechanical fibers with winding circuit and thick shells located above the veins and along the edge of the sheet plate.

Numeric indicators.Solid raw materials.Humidity no more than 13%; ash overall no more than 13%; having poured and blackened grass parts no more than 3%; roots no more than 2%; Organic and mineral impurities no more than 2%.

Ground raw materials.Humidity no more than 13%; ash overall no more than 13%; particles that are not passing through a sieve with a hole with a diameter of 7 mm, not more than 10%; Particles passing through a sieve with 0.5 mm holes, not more than 10%.

The quality of raw materials also estimate according to the results of high-quality and quantitative analyzes. In this case, flavonoids are found in 70% alcohol extract on yellow-green staining in reaction with aluminum chloride. The content determined by the spectrophotometric method of the amount of flavonoids in terms of avikulyarin should be at least 0.5%.

Chemical composition.The grass contains tubyl substances, flavonol glycoside aviculture, not less than 0.5% of GP XI, ascorbic acid up to 900 mg% (on absolute dry weight), vitamin K, carotene (39 mg%), silicic acid compounds (4.5% ), tannile substances, carotene, essential oil (traces). In the flowers, the ardifices find flavones, in roots - Anthrakinone.

Storage.In dry, well-ventilated rooms, packing in bales. Shelf life is 2 years.

Pharmacological properties.Ancient folk remedy introduced into scientific medicine as a hemostatic, as well as under urolithiasis. Sporting has astringent and diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect due to tubyl substances.

In animal experiments, the aqueous extraction of the grass argets increase blood clotting, strengthen the contraction of the uterus, increase the diuresis, have astringent properties.

Glycoside Avioralarin increases blood coagulation rate in rabbits, without changing blood viscosity, and has a tonic effect on the muscles of the uterus.

Galenic forms of the plant have a binding, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, protecting the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from irritating effects. Due to the presence of provitamin, the functional state of the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is improved; Tubyl substances, vitamin K and bioflavonoids reduce the permeability of vascular walls, normalize the processes of suction and exudation in the intestine.

Silicon acid salts contribute to the binding in the intestine of various toxic substances of endogenous and exogenous origin, deriving them from the body. With ureny diathesis, they contribute to the removal with urine stone-forming salts.

Infusions are increased by diuresis, reducing the inverse suction of sodium and chlorine, which increases the release of water.

Silicon acid contributes to the seal, petrification of tuberculosis foci and more rapidly healing. In this case, the hemostatic properties of the dispute are also taken into account.

Medicines.The grass is a dispatch, infusion, collecting M. N. Zdrenko.

Application.Gailene drugs of the Highlander are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and contributing to the dishee of the accretions of the means under urolithic disease, as hemostatic during hematurium, is also used in the postoperative period after removal of stones for anti-inflicted treatment.

Infancy and decoction of the hill pots are used with the tuberculosis of the kidneys and lungs, when bleeding after abortion, childbirth, on the basis of the fibromomy of the uterus, chronic inflammatory diseases, with juvenile and climacteric hypermetrhea.

In the form of a beam or infusion for comprehension, with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the angular sulitis, with gingivities in the form of applications.

Used as a sliding and toning agent. Apply in modern homeopathy. Exported abroad.

The infusion of the Highlander is prepared from grass in the ratio of raw materials to the extravisor 1:10. The grass is crushed, placed in enameled dishes, poured with boiling water, put in a boiling water bath for 5-10 minutes, remove and leave to stand 1-2 hours, filter, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Water infants are used in the treatment of gastritis and ulcerative ulcer of the stomach, impaired saline exchange. Under the skin diseases in children are recommended baths from a dispatch. Collection M. N. Health is used as a symptomatic means for malignant tumors.

Murava, Kouroored, Gusyatnitsa, Ostudnik) - Annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Buckwheat family. He has a root, thin. The stem is thin, elastic, branching from the base, lying or linked, densely seated with small tongue leaflets (lanceal or elliptical) and thin-swivel sockets. The fruit is a dark brown matte three-mohed nut. Flowers are small, barely noticeable, five-membered, pinkish or white, in the sinuses of the leaves. It blooms the deer all summer and before frosts, for this, and is named the Rysel (from the "spore" - the rapid restoration of damaged shoots). Fruit plant Highlander to late autumn.

This unpretentious grass grows everywhere, literally under his feet: she will overgrow wild and forest paths, rustic streets, wastewater, streams of streams and rivers, parks, yards, stadiums, airfields, dry pastures, hippodrome, curb,

You can meet the Highlander of the bird on all continents (there is no it only in the Arctic and Antarctica).

Blank dispatch for medical purposes

In therapeutic purposes, an overhead part of the dispatch - grass, less often - roots.

The above-ground portion (without roots) is collected during the flowering period or pull out the root. It is not worth collecting it right on the paths, in the places of animal grazing and in other too contaminated places. After collecting it, it is necessarily dried at a temperature of not more than 50 °, in the shade, on clean paper or burlap, after which they are put in the place protected from sunlight.

Chemical composition

In the grass, the dispatcher contains resin, mucus, fats, bitterness, carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose, glucose), essential oil, hyperin, kumarins (Skopoletic, Umbelferon), Mircytin, Kepferol, Phenolcarboxylic acids (Salicyl, Gallinal, Coffee, acetic, chlorogen, Valerian, Apple, Kumarov, Ant), Flavonoids (Avicularin, Quercetin, Hyperin, Isoormpin), Anthropononov, Vitamins (E, K, Provitamin A, Ascorbic Acid), Microelements (Calcium, Copper, Vanadium, Iron, Magnesium, Silicon, Silver ).

Anthroponons (Emodin with his glycosides and chrysophanol) were found in the roots), Anthociana.

Properties and Application Aid

From ancient times and before today, the peptores of the bird is used as a hemostatic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. He also proven itself as a spasmolytic, diuretic, antipyretic, tonic, diuretic, choleretic, antiseptic, tonic, wound-healing, coating, anthelmint, laxative, hypotensive agent.

Infusions and champs of the mountaineers are used for bronchitis, cold, tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma, hemorrhoids, renal diseases, or urinary tract problems, headaches, gout, diseases of the liver and bladder, long non-healing ulcers and wounds, tumors. It is also established that the Highlander Bird Reduces the permeability of the walls of our vessels and increases blood clotting.

The trees are used and with impairment of substances or water-salt metabolism, with inflammation of the mucous membranes and the oral cavity, with urolithiasis or biliary diseases (prevents the formation of stones), avitaminosis, inflammation of light, ulcerative pleuritic, any kind of gastritis, during angina, diarrheams, catars, malaria, neuralgia and radiculitis, dysentery, thrombophlebitis, bleeding (intestinal, hemorrhoids or uterine), infertility and diabetes.

Recently, the plant is used even in the treatment of tumors of different origin; It is included in the collection of health, which is used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. It also has in the "thoracic tea" used in the cough and other diseases accompanying diseases.

Glow preparations are good with heart diseases: they accelerate the pulse and reduce blood pressure, and fresh juice, besides, has powerful phytoncium activity.

Outwardly, a pilestone is used under skin diseases (furunculaes, eels, etc.), in the treatment of bruises, ulcers and wounds.

Decoration courses on milk helps with seizures of different origin.

And now I suggest some time-tested recipes with a dehydrator.

For use inside the decoction or infusion make.

To obtain a decoction of 20 g of the aboveground part, they are crushed and poured boiling water, half an hour insisted on a water bath, after which they are cooled and fixed. Take two table. Spoons before meals, three times a day.

When preparing infusion: take boiling water table on a glass. Spoon dispatch. Half an hour tomatoes on a water bath and drink 100 ml of this infusion 10 minutes after eating a ragger of rose hips.

In the gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, in obesity or an idiot (due to the normalization of metabolism), with weakness or nervous exhaustion, to strengthen the forces in the elderly, and after illness, as well as for the ability to conceive such a recipe: on the floor-liter boiling water take 3 -4 table. Spoons of disposal and 4 h insist in a thermos or just in a warm place. Take half an hour before eating half a cup, 4 p. in a day.

With painful menstruation: 1 pieces of grass Arrigne and grass 3 pieces of grass and 5 pieces of grass brew table. A spoon of this mixture in 200 grams of water, an hour insist, they will be trapped and dried up during the day.

With infertility, the pilestone is used so: a glass of water is brewing 20 grams of grass, a quarter of an hour is warm in a water bath and 45 minutes. insist, pressed and take up to meals 2 table. 3 r. in a day.

For the treatment of old or bleeding ulcers and wounds, the juice of fresh grass of the bird hill is used: wet your napkin and, wedge the wound in advance with the same juice, put it on damaged fabrics.

Contraindications for the use of a bird pot

Highlander bird is low toxic, however, in cases of sharp inflammation of the bladder and kidney, he is contraindicated. It does not apply during pregnancy, since it has an abutient effect. It should be carefully used in varicozes, thrombophlebitis, hypotension and angina and in the excess of sputum.

Consider with the help of natural tools, it is inexpensive, and efficiently. But before applying a breatht, consult your doctor.

The usual weed, which grows, everywhere the fatal land. Dachniks call this plant-Murava plant. And do not like, as the plant grow up, hurt the garden crops everywhere. However, this weed, which is called the Sleeher, is in charge of a whole storehouse of beneficial properties. What benefit can the deer? The answer to this question will be described in this article.

Speech, he also called the bird Highlander - a plant that grows one year from the Buckwheat family. Drying high - branches in length reach up to 80 centimeters. Only grows on the ground. Flowers are small and inconspicuous green and white, sometimes with a pink tint. Listed sheets similar to ellipse. Small fruits in the form of triangular nuts. Favorite delicacy of birds, so it was called bird buckwheat.

Weed in which there is a lot of vitamin, minerals, fiber, protein, sugar, resins, tannins, carotene a large content of vitamin C and silicon.
The plant contains vitamin A, thanks to which the skin shines and looks healthy.

Because of the large content of iron, weeds perfectly affect blood.

Speech not only rich in composition, it is also tasty - on the basis of it, you can prepare a great salad, mixing it with a boiled egg, dill and sour cream.

Therapeutic properties of grass are used in diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, skin, intestines, intestines. Perfectly acts on the circulatory system, increasing blood clotting.

  • Speert is applied with kidney stones, due to the content of flintic acid.
  • The acid splits the salt into the stones and the crushes in the molecules, which are subsequently removed naturally, through the urinary. Acts only to small pebbles, large stones are not output.
  • The weed is generally a great effect on the kidneys, taking a decoction or infusion of grass, you can remove inflammation and remove water from the body, as it has a diuretic effect.
  • Effective as hemostatic means. Applying a decoction to a bleeding wound can be stopped blood. Drinking herbal infusion, you can reduce blood discharge after childbirth or abortion. And the degrees will help to restore the forces after the operation.
  • It will help women who cannot become pregnant, it restores the reproductive function with an increase in the tone of the walls of the uterus.
  • Perfectly raise immunity, reduces blood pressure, promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Speert is applied in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, removes edema in the legs, and many more diseases and some illness fights the road.

Sporty has wonderful healing properties for the usual weed, but, like any medical agent, he has contraindications.

  1. Since the deer helps when it is used to turn the blood, it can cause thrombosis, which will cause angokard attack, and it can, even worse, cause a stroke or heart attack. Contraindicated people with heart sick and older people.
  2. When taking a breath, stimulation of the intestinal peristalistic occurs, while lowering blood pressure, which will lead to poor well-being of people suffering from gall-eyed disease and constipation.
  3. If you treat bile sickness, stones dissolve not all. A stone that has not dissolved can completely overlap the biliary duct.
  4. Contraindicated during pregnancy, causes a tone, which leads to premature birth.

Grass-Murava help with infertility

When taking the ragger of herbs, the uterine muscles are activated, hormonal background comes to normal, breathing comes back to normal, the body receives oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the internal organs.

The decoction has a positive effect on the reproductive function, which accelerates the offensive of pregnancy.

Take a decoction better than two spouses to achieve a quick effect.

As soon as the pregnancy came, the dear need to stop accepting. When pregnancy, the grass will provoke miscarriages.

Stones in the kidneys

The reception of grass contributes to the splitting of stones in the kidneys, and the exhausting of salt savings. And also Speert is also used for the prevention of kidney stones.


Weed use with bleeding, such as uterine, intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal. Grass accelerates blood clotting. Bleeding stops. With hemorrhoids, warm baths are used for the night with a decoction of weed.

GCC and cholecystitis

The deer normalizes the digestion, normalizing the outflow of bile, eliminating inflammation, intestines and the mucous membrane of the stomach, heals the duodenal ulceration and stomach.

Skin disease

Speert struggles with such skin diseases, like eczema, wounds, ulcers, mucous inflammation of the lip shell, oral inflammation, the bleeding of the gum. The grass does not give to develop putrid processes, relieves pain, an excellent antiseptic, promotes rapid healing. With diseases of the oral cavity, use infusion for rinsing. When wounds are washed with infusion of the wound or impose compress.

Hair treatment

When having hair drops, you need to cook infusion from the dispatch and rinse the hair after washing. The grass will strengthen the hair onions, having them with vitamins and useful properties. Hair rinsing need every day for twenty days.

It is necessary to take three spoons of dry grass and pour boiling water in the size of two hundred grams, then heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes, cool, strain and add boiled water to get two hundred milliliters. Take before eating on one second glass.

Broth of a dispute

Grind grass, pour one to ten water. Put on a water bath to cook half an hour, cool for fifteen minutes, straighten drinking across the tablespoon three times a day. When goug, rheumatism, hemorrhoids drinking three times a day.

The juice

Use only during the growth period of the plant. Take one glance twice a day before eating half an hour, mixing with honey. Perfectly helps with hypertension, diseases associated with light, urogenital system.

Juice is used with wounds, ulcers and bruises, smile in the juice napkin and apply to a damaged place.


  1. a spoon of grass is boiling boiling water, heats up for twenty minutes, in a water bath, insisted within an hour. Take forty grams four times a day. Helps get pregnant.
  2. in the glass of boiling water to ferment twenty grams of grass, pecking in a water bath of thirty minutes. Interested to drink half aak. Good remedy for gallway disease.
  3. with obesity to drink decoction from the dispatch. Grass leaves four spoons pour three glasses of water. Inhabit the thermos and take on the floor of the glass four times a day.
  4. tea of \u200b\u200bgrass dispute. It helps well with lung diseases and colds. The grass is twenty gram mix with two glasses of water boiling, drink two cups per day.
  5. for children, too, there is a recipe from the grass arid. In the floor of a milk litter stir two spoons of grass and boil five minutes. Take one hundred grams four times a day.

The grass is harvested only when it blooms, from June to autumn. Speech annually plants. Grows in different directions, branching ground ground. For the workpiece use leaves and stems. It is necessary to collect only in clean fields away from roads, landfills and pastures of livestock.

Top to cut off with a knife or throw the sickle. Weed grows well after the bevel and for the season you can collect not one harvest. If the plant has rummaged, you can mock the scythe, and then go away from another herb.

Dry the Speech is needed in the shade on a ventilated area. Decaying on paper or on the grass style with a thin layer. Periodically, the grass is stirred during drying for uniform grazing.

The workpiece is qualitatively prepared, consists of their stems with a length of no more than 30 centimeters, gray-green. Sheets are small, and the flowers are weak color. There should be no brown leaves and roots in the workpiece. The smell of the grass is weak, the taste of tart, astringent.

Keep dried Speert in paper bags, in a dry cool place. Shelf life not more than three years.

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