What do Cancer men love? Cancer man in love. What is a Cancer man like in family life? What does a Cancer man like in sex?

Representatives of the Cancer sign are quite secretive people. It is very difficult to understand that they are in love. Cancers love when the initiative comes from their partner, and are capable of expressing feelings only in response to something.

Cancer man - what kind of girls does he like?

To please a Cancer man, you need to remember everything feminine products seduction - shooting eyes, licking lips, touching hair. They love it. Representatives of this sign will not immediately insist on close communication, but they look at all this with pleasure. And little by little they fall in love. Very often, it is precisely because of their secrecy that Cancers suffer from unrequited love. Therefore, a woman’s task is to attract the attention of Cancer with the help of seductive techniques, and then find a reason for a closer acquaintance.

Cancers are very proud and do not tolerate failure. That is why they are in no hurry to voice their feelings. Even in a happy marriage, you shouldn’t expect violent expressions of emotions from Cancer.

Cancers love to be valued and respected as men. Therefore, having taken the initiative for closer communication, the girl should fade into the background. If the Cancers understand that the acquaintance has taken place, the chosen one is interested, they will begin to act - to conquer and charm. And they will be very grateful if a woman allows them to show their most best qualities: will ask for help with car repairs, to accompany you home late in the evening, etc. In the process of communication, they try to start a conversation in which they will make it clear that they are very interested in the girl.

Cancers value spiritual communication very much. It interests them even more than physical intimacy. If a girl was able to make friends with Cancer, he is already almost in love with her. All she can do is provoke him into more frank communication. The more often he pours out his soul, the more he will fall in love. Therefore, Cancers greatly value representatives of earth signs - Capricorns, Taurus, Virgos. They are able to feel subtly and will definitely provide Cancer with the necessary spiritual support. Besides, earth signs They are sufficiently thorough and confident in themselves not to be afraid to take the initiative in communication. They are ready to seduce and conquer, without fear that a man will reject them. Moreover, they are often quite persistent, which shy water signs like.

Cancer is the only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but it finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.

From June 22 to July 22 – Time of Cancer. This zodiac sign is ruled by the Moon. This fickle planet, changing phases 4 times during its cycle (28 days), makes Cancers - their wards - very emotional, easily moody, sensitive and sensual people.

When they fall into a good lunar cycle, they look like a fairy baby with a curl on its forehead, who will be lovely if she is in a good mood, but terrible if she is in a bad mood. Cancers are very shy and fear rejection more than all other signs combined. They are sensitive and emotionally vulnerable, indecisive and not so aggressive in love affairs, like men of other signs. They are ideal in bed, but they require emotional content in every sexual encounter. They expect exceptional love, understanding, amazing, supportive, in return they will give themselves entirely and surround their partner with tenderness.

For Cancers, life is boring and empty without love. They love selflessly, completely surrendering to their feelings. They tend to subordinate themselves entirely to the character of their partner, and this is not difficult for them, since they have very developed intuition. They are ideal if they feel loved. And they are the hardest people in life if they do not feel love, while they themselves live a difficult and painful life. The reason for their unhappiness is shyness, painful vulnerability, resentment and a highly developed sense of possessiveness. IN romantic relationships With Cancer, you need to give up excessive curiosity about his inner world while you have only known each other for a short time. Cancers need the confidence that they are communicating with a person who can shower them with tender care and love.

For deeper relationships, you need to learn to communicate on a soul level. Cancers do not like it when people make fun of them, especially in front of people. If you want to maintain a relationship for a long time, avoid putting pressure on him, act with the help of persuasion and affection. In their youth, Cancers are romantics, dreaming of ideal love. Imagination is ahead of life experience.

Partnerships for Cancer have great value- this is a support for him in all matters. He himself has a special sense of patronage. He is usually shy, but when he is in a circle of like-minded people, he opens up like a tender lily after the rain, surrounding you with care and deep understanding. At the same time, being in his company, you intuitively feel that this man is a defenseless child who needs maternal care, support and tenderness.

Deep down, Cancer suffers deeply if there is no one next to him who could come to his aid at any moment and stand guard over his safety. He remains a child all his life, he always needs care. He is an eternal dreamer and romantic. He believes, and quite sincerely, that his chosen one will want to give him all of herself without reserve, will not only appreciate his undoubted merits, but will also come to terms with his shortcomings. Heartache over love problems and strong feelings are not for him. Cancer can be compared rather to a stream of water, slowly flowing along its bed and only sometimes falling like a stormy waterfall... Gusts of passion are good for him from time to time, he will not withstand prolonged tension, a constant storm of feelings.

A woman who has dealt with Cancer at least once in her life knows what real tenderness is. A man born under this sign has all the qualities to make an impressionable woman with a subtle nature happy. First of all, Cancer expects warmth; it is extremely pleasant for him to meet a warm-hearted and sincerely friendly person. He will feel disarmed in front of such a woman - affectionate, devoted, loving almost like a mother. He will want to see in her his wife, sister, mother and lover at the same time. When Cancer gives his love, it seems that his feelings are those of an innocent child who does not know lies and deception. If he loves, then he gives his whole heart, his whole soul without a trace. He believes that as soon as he exposes all his weak sides, there can be no question of being deceived or offended.

If the woman he loves does not live up to his trust, he will withdraw into himself and will not want to leave his “shell.” He will become secretive and begin to doubt whether he should even reveal his feelings, thoughts and dreams to anyone. Under no circumstances should Cancer be wounded, although this is easy to do - he does not know how to defend himself at all. He experiences every action, every thoughtless word addressed to him very painfully - some insignificant remark can greatly offend him.

Each manifestation of cynicism, self-interest or cruelty gradually destroys his idea of ​​​​ideal love. After all, he himself is ready for complete dedication, for absolutely selfless love, not demanding anything in return except love. Only such a sublime feeling enriches him spiritually and gives him faith in goodness and the meaning of life. For Cancer, disappointment can be a blow from which it is difficult for him to recover. He withdraws into himself, plunging into a fantasy world where he can dream of ideal love. He will prefer this particular path and will not look for another that could lead to the fulfillment of his dreams, because he is so afraid of being disappointed again! Cancer does not like it when they do not understand and accept him, and do not show him leniency. If criticism of his actions or character is added to this, he simply will not tolerate it - already he is complex, unsure of himself and suffers terribly, not feeling safe.

Cancers can live both the richest and most painful lives - it all depends on whether they were able to solve the problem of their relationship with their mother. Why with your mother? The Moon, their patron, symbolizes the mother in astrology. This explains the strong dependence of Cancers on their mother. Cancers rarely marry early age, because they have difficulty leaving their parents’ home and are too attached to their mother. The success of Cancer as an individual depends on whether he was able to resolve the problem of his relationship with his mother, whether he was able to free himself or whether he remained dependent on her. If Cancers do get married in early youth, they are rarely married later than 35 years. This is a critical age for Cancers. Rarely do Cancers live with the same spouse after 35 years.

If the woman whom Cancer met along the way considers motherhood the most important thing in life, if all her thoughts are aimed at creating a family, Cancer will very quickly come to the conclusion that this is his ideal. Lasting family union promises him the desired feeling of security. At the same time, it is very important that his chosen one remembers his psychological and emotional dependence on his family: good relations with his close and distant relatives will once again convince him of the correctness of his choice. Naturally, his mother plays a primary role in this sense - it is on her that his decision ultimately depends.

But even in this case, Cancer, making an important decision about marriage, may feel insecure. A woman must help him cope with this task: demonstrate that she can be an exemplary housewife, a wonderful wife and - most importantly! - the magnificent mother of his future children. Cancer is created rather for life in the comfort of home, away from the intrigues and harshness of the surrounding reality. If, in addition, he is surrounded by children, this is real happiness for him! It is not suitable for performing any tasks of an “external” nature; the purpose and meaning of life in his understanding is in the family, in people close to him.

The stronger he feels his connection with them, the higher his assessment of his own existence.

Do you have the impression that Cancers are ideal lovers and spouses? Why then is there a myth in astrology that Don Juan was a Cancer? It is said about him that Cancer is a cunning merchant in love, a complete materialist, who in the economy of love stands head and shoulders above all his astrological brothers. Cancers, perhaps, can compete with Gemini in their changeability and inconstancy (Until the relationship develops into a family one, of course). And I think that Cancer Gemini will win! But we'll talk about this next time.

Cancers, depending on the time of birth, can be different. Some are very suspicious and rarely show their inner self. But if they fall in love with a woman, there is nothing that Cancers will not do to please the object of their love. They can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is faithful and unshakable. These people make devoted husbands and fathers who live only for their family. They are often homebodies, devoted to their loved ones, friends and family and can do almost anything for them. An emotionally mature Cancer is a wonderful father. He is fiercely protective of his wife and children. Cancer is capable of great feats for his family and children. But, oddly enough, he instinctively avoids those women who purposefully seek his support. And most often they attract him strong women. Life with Cancers should be based on mutual respect and sympathy. It is very important to maintain peace and tranquility in the house, to be, like him, sensitive and romantic, to remember all the significant dates in the life of the family and all household members, to appreciate Tasty food and housework.

Typically, Cancer's behavior in intimate situations is determined by some “feminine” qualities of his character. You should not suppress the individuality of Cancer or show emotional coldness towards him. Because of my hypersensitivity he absolutely cannot stand the cooling of relations or criticism addressed to him. What will hit him hardest is criticism of his relatives, with whom, no matter what they are, he is always very closely connected emotionally, one might even say he is dependent on them. Therefore, it is impossible to destroy the authorities and ideals that have developed in his mind. If he has to, God forbid, choose between his wife and his relatives, then he may well give preference not to his wife, but to his parents, brother, etc. Therefore, in the name of love for Cancer, you should not talk about the shortcomings of his relatives - this will hurt him very much. You can’t have constant noisy parties in his house or joke about his heightened sensitivity.

Cancer is a faithful family man, delicate in character, but overly impressionable, which one day may become a very serious problem for his chosen one. Leading a calm and measured life, he may begin to irritate her with the fact that he was and remains an unadapted child, very attached to his parents. She will face the eternal problem of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, and her husband will not be able to choose which of the two “mothers” to please. He will begin to maneuver between them, which will only complicate the situation.

He is very susceptible to the influence of others and considers the arguments that he hears at the moment to be correct, and this simply leads to paradoxical situations! The Cancer father, who madly loves his children, tries to isolate them from what he considers to be bad influences. environment. He will treat his wife in the same way, subconsciously trying to limit the scope of her communication, since it seems to him that any of her contacts with the world threaten their family well-being. This is his nature - he has a very strong need to feel safe, and he sees a threat to this in everything around him. This concern for safety can sometimes lead to complete isolation.

Another type of Cancer is capricious, a mystery to itself, sophisticated and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal. They are fickle in their affections mainly because they do not allow anyone into the depths of their feelings - the action of the love drama takes place on the surface. If these Cancers do not divorce their spouses after 35 years, this often happens due to financial dependence or love for children, but not at all out of loyalty to their spouse. Their married life exists solely for the sake of convenience, while they can secretly court young people. Of course, this type of Cancer devotes a lot of time to creating a cozy home life, they are looking for a faithful wife, giving birth to offspring. But as soon as this is achieved, they secretly find satisfaction in their hobbies, justifying their adventures with social activities, affairs, etc.

The only way for such a Cancer to overcome sexual attraction and remain faithful is to get into a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife. He cannot be faithful unless he is connected with his wife by a common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. This type of Cancer is the most promiscuous of all the zodiac signs. Changeable in mood, he can easily find himself in a web of sexual exploits. However, by creating an attractive façade of naivety, he forces the woman to take the first step.
At the same time, these Cancers can be possessive and very jealous. These romantics can even be tyrants. They demand from their partner firm rules which they themselves do not perform. No other sign is capable of displaying such false virtue, loyalty, sensuality and hurt feelings as Cancer when he is personally at fault. What a heart-tearing mask - those wet, sad eyes - that Cancer can put on: a little boy who has been wronged, insulted. They cannot be “put against the wall”, even if they are guilty of something. They would rather continue to lie than to admit or pay for their sins.

The Cancer man has a special charm; his attractiveness is not always felt immediately. However, a little time may pass, and you will suddenly find that you increasingly remember this cold look, leisurely movements and restrained manners of Cancer. He knows how to carry himself with dignity, rarely wastes time on trifles, and suddenly surprises with precise remarks. Sometimes a Cancer man loves openly, admits his feelings, and looks after him beautifully. And for some women, his feeling comes as a surprise. They just begin to feel that someone’s hypnotizing gaze is relentlessly watching them, as if reading in their soul, like in an open book... In such cases, the Cancers’ intentions are probably serious. But it’s worth remembering that most representatives of this zodiac sign are capable of light flirting. There is no need to expect more from them than they promise. Otherwise you will be disappointed.

How does a Cancer man love? Of course, in order to understand all the nuances, you will need to better study your chosen one. However common features, inherent in many Cancer men, should also be taken into account.

Practical dreamer: unraveling the Cancer man
It is important to immediately pay attention to some duality of the Cancer man. He is not always able to control his emotions and can easily lose control of himself. He bizarrely combines a common-sense view of things, skepticism and romance. It is the Cancer man who is capable long time surprise you with his harshness and critical attitude towards literally everything, and then suddenly amaze you with tender words, give you a nice gift or offer to admire the stars on the roof all night. Your task is to always try to readily accept Cancer’s initiative, but not to take the situation into your own hands. Do not try to push your loved one to take any actions, or change him, seeing in him something that is especially attractive to you. The Cancer man is very different, he will not become balanced and trivial.

  1. Emotional and explosive. Yes, a Cancer man really has dangerous character. Most representatives of this zodiac sign are sometimes capable of shocking even their beloved women with outbursts of anger and jealousy. It’s not easy to keep track of Cancer’s emotional swings, but you have to learn to live in precisely this atmosphere of frequent changes in his mood. If you show more tact and demonstrate calm, you will be able to regularly avoid conflicts.
  2. Strict. Your loved one is strict but fair. His demands sometimes seem unexpected, even mocking. But they are worth doing if you really love a Cancer man. Let your perfume or your new bag irritate him; he doesn’t want to be a witness to telephone conversations with his girlfriends. Take this more calmly and objectively. But Cancer will not deliberately bring you into conflict, ask you to do something impossible. Often his claims fit into the usual everyday framework. Create for your loved one good conditions, it will certainly become softer!
  3. Jealous and unyielding. Here there is some inconsistency in the character of the Cancer man, which is inherent in representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Your loved one will demand only devotion and fidelity from you. He is unlikely to be able to guarantee the same to you. However, be faithful, do not give reasons for jealousy. When your Cancer man is finally convinced that you are his real ideal, that life is worth living with you, he himself will forget about cheating. Remember, most Cancers are adamant on this issue: if your loved one suspects betrayal on your part, it will be extremely difficult to get him back.
  4. Hard. Unfortunately, the emotional and intemperate Cancer man can be rude. It is not always worth drawing far-reaching conclusions when you find yourself a target for him. Your loved one is probably not as cruel as it seems at first glance. In addition, any of his remarks should be remembered, and not erased from memory with resentment. Try to make the most of Cancer's outbursts of irritability; in such a situation, do not be afraid to directly ask him what he is still dissatisfied with. He will tell you everything frankly under the influence of emotions. And you will be able to take this into account for the future in order to correct something.
  5. No frankness. Getting answers to questions from a Cancer man is usually difficult. He is closed and has difficulty talking about himself and his feelings. Often this person prefers to remain silent, to harbor a grudge; sincerity is not characteristic of him. Intrude on him inner world rude and persistently contraindicated. Proceed with caution, be gentle and soft. But remember that you need to learn to understand your loved one, otherwise he will quickly accumulate a lot of grievances.
  6. Impressionable. You raised your voice, pulled your hand away too quickly, forgot to call back, and now you feel tension in the situation, although a lot of time has passed? It's all about the Cancer man's excessive impressionability. Even a remark from a stranger can make a bad impression on Cancer. If he is in love with you, his feeling is deep, he will perceive even more keenly any of your actions that seem to him to be manifestations of your inattention, neglect, or stupidity. Try to take care of yourself, make fewer mistakes. It’s better not to hurt Cancer, because he is dear to you.
  7. Practical and sensible. Yes, a Cancer man can be romantic. However, in general, most Cancers have a common sense view of things. Don’t expect your favorite coffee in bed, numerous gifts and useless bouquets. Most likely, he will not want to spend time and money on all this. When a Cancer man does not want to give you roses on the anniversary of your acquaintance, his behavior does not mean a cooling of feelings. He just doesn’t consider such gestures a manifestation of love at all.
  8. Insightful. Remember that the Cancer man cannot stand falsehood and recognizes it very easily. Your insincerity, your desire to appear different from who you really are, to outwit Cancer in some way, will be immediately revealed to him. You shouldn't manipulate it, it will certainly have the opposite effect.
  9. Caring. The Cancer man knows how to feel deeply, his love finds expression in specific actions, and not in words and gifts. If you find yourself in difficult situation, the decency of Cancer, his ability to take on even very difficult tasks, will immediately be revealed to you. Sometimes he is capable of self-sacrifice; in critical cases, the Cancer man is simply irreplaceable.
Listen to your beloved Cancer man, make efforts more often to better understand him. He loves secretly, and is often not ready to share his thoughts and problems.

Favorite woman of a Cancer man
Please also pay attention to brief portrait a lady who is truly capable of winning the heart of a Cancer man forever.

  • A devoted woman in demand. These are the qualities you should have. Let men stare at you, sparkle with beauty and energy, don’t forget about sexuality. But your beloved Cancer must be sure that you do not even have thoughts about cheating.
  • Future wife. In a relationship with a Cancer man, you need to demonstrate a serious attitude. Do not try to relieve him of the burden of responsibility by being excessively frivolous. He will not perceive you as a potential life partner, he will transfer everything into the realm of flirting. Let him know, unobtrusively but transparently, that you expect stability and mutual obligations from your relationship.
  • Companion. It is important to be able to support Cancer, delve into his affairs, lend his shoulder in time and help with advice. He will appreciate your intelligence, insight, ability to support without interfering.
  • Calm and faithful. Most Cancer men don’t need fireworks of passion. But loyalty must be maintained. In addition, it is important to be able to take things calmly so as not to be a catalyst for conflict when dealing with an emotional Cancer.
  • Sensitive. It’s great if you guess the wishes of your loved one, leave him alone or be there at the right moment without unnecessary requests. Try to adopt Cancer's insight.
  • Part of a big family. Need to find mutual language with his family, mother, close friends. The Cancer man is conservative, values ​​traditions, and the opinions of people dear to him play a big role for him.
Be a faithful, understanding and sensitive companion to the Cancer man. Then you will be able to feel his reliable shoulder, you will be happy with this extraordinary person.

Cancer man... “there is no sign worse than Cancer,” astrologers say, meaning his desire to constantly be in his “shell” and lead a secretive lifestyle. He does not like fun companies and noisy parties. It is impossible to reveal a Cancer man on the first date. And you will not fully recognize him until he is at home, in his fortress. This is where the main metamorphoses take place - silent and slightly gloomy, at home he turns into a caring and affectionate man. Like a real cook, he always has a refrigerator full of food. As well as clean floors and organized closets. Have you developed an inferiority complex yet? If you find yourself visiting him, he will do everything to make you feel cozy and comfortable. Home for a Cancer man is the most important thing. This is his “shell” that protects him from all the adversities of the outside world.

The Cancer man is a true gentleman

The Cancer man has excellent taste and good manners. He is a true gentleman, always polite, friendly and with a wonderful sense of humor. Cancer is the most mysterious of all the signs of the Zodiac, and where there is mystery, there is interest from the opposite sex.
Women love such men; they make them feel desirable, handsome, and witty. And largely thanks to the natural tendency of Cancer men to generously give compliments. These men know the right approach to a woman! And at the same time, they are sensitive and understanding, always ready to listen and help.

Disadvantages of Cancers

The disadvantage of such men is that they like to hush up all problems. If something bothers him, he will remain silent like a partisan and wait for you to understand the reason for his dissatisfaction. If you start making a scandal, blaming him, or God forbid insulting him, he may completely go into his “crayfish shell”, and it will be extremely difficult for you to lure him out of there. Well, maybe a delicious dinner. But it’s better not to give free rein to your emotions - in anger you will say all sorts of things, then you will forget, but the Cancer man will remember this for a very long time. And be offended. He is not one of those men who desperately needs emotions - it doesn’t matter - positive or negative.

What is happiness for a Cancer man?

His happiness is peace, tranquility and comfort. He loves looking through old photographs, remembering childhood friends, sighing sadly for the old days, carefully straightening the blanket on his lap so as not to disturb his beloved cat. Yes, the Cancer man is sentimental and dreamy.
Sometimes it seems that he lives in his own fantasy world. But only at home can he allow himself to be like this. He will never show his true self with strangers.

How to win a Cancer man?

To attract and win a Cancer man, you need to be able to take care of yourself. Keep in mind that these men notice everything, from a knocked heel on a shoe to overgrown roots on their hair. Therefore, no sloppy or peeling nail polish - this will scare off this connoisseur of feminine freshness and grooming.

Cancers in love

The Cancer man is an incorrigible romantic. During the candy-bouquet period, he will literally shower you with flowers and gifts, and will take you to cafes and cinemas. What can I say, even in family life he will not let everyday life eat up your couple. Even though he is all such a thrifty and homely person, there is never a dull moment with him.
His intellectual abilities lead to success in politics, business, and literature. And hard work and efficiency lead to a successful career and financial stability. People like him are valued and encouraged in every possible way at work. Therefore, Cancer men never have problems with money. He will be able to earn money and provide for himself (and you) at any time. life situation. - this is not about him! If he has already taken up the matter, then he will not just let it go from his claws, he will definitely see it through to the end.

Cancer man - compatibility

Aries Woman

The union is difficult, filled with quarrels and conflicts. Aries is one of the most active signs of the zodiac, leaders. Cancers, on the contrary, are balanced, family-oriented and calm. For a union to be successful, it is desirable that both halves equally share household responsibilities, have a common dream, and go towards the same goal in life.

Taurus Woman

A quiet, calm and conflict-free union that can exist long years. Cancer becomes the head of the family, the breadwinner, the Taurus woman helps him in everything, provides home comfort, manages everyday life and takes care of the children. There is usually no special passion in such relationships, but there is understanding and patience.

Gemini Woman

In this union, physical intimacy is at the forefront - in bed they are ideal lovers, ready to constantly charm each other in a new way. For routine life, these people are too different, with different life goals. They have a completely different understanding of family. For Cancer, family is the most valuable and important thing; Gemini, on the contrary, value personal freedom and do not like to lead everyday life. Such partners make wonderful friends and lovers, but a bad family.

Cancer Woman

A very rare union, since it is difficult for two Cancers to live under the same roof. A man understands a woman in everything, but she does not arouse his interest, does not intrigue him. Great passion between such partners flares up extremely rarely, more often just friendship appears. If love arises between partners, then this is the most ideal relationship.

Leo Woman

A very common union. Cancer strives to conquer the proud Lioness. He likes her energy and inner strength. The Lioness will always be the leader in such relationships. Cancer will carry out her orders, but if she disobeys, quarrels and resentments are inevitable. Cancer is also frightened by the waste of money by the chosen one, her craving for beautiful and expensive things. Such partners are ideal lovers. Cancer is slow. Very often, after living with cancer for some time, the Lioness begins to look for a more generous and active partner.

Virgo Woman

Also a fairly common union. Cancers and Virgos have similar views on life, money, family and everyday life. Both signs love to save money and do not waste it. For both Virgo and Cancer, the main priority in life is family and home comfort. Together they arrange their life perfectly. Virgo often educates Cancer, teaching him how to live, but such reproaches rarely lead to scandals. Sexually partners are rarely compatible, but otherwise they go well together. A reliable and promising marriage.

Libra Woman

A very real union. These zodiac signs make very Good friends. They can spend hours discussing some idea, plans for the future, although the passivity of both signs does not allow them to quickly implement these plans. If such a couple survives the period of getting used to each other, then it is quite possible that family happiness will await them.

Scorpio Woman

A complex union. The Scorpio woman inspires the Cancer man, but on the contrary, he irritates her with his slowness. Ideal sexual partners. If Cancer can tolerate the pickiness of his chosen one, the couple is promised a long future together.

Sagittarius Woman

A difficult alliance. Cancers and Sagittarius are very different in their worldview. At first, Cancer arouses increased interest in Sagittarius and will try to win him over. Over time, interest fades away, and most often their relationship breaks down due to ordinary everyday problems.

Capricorn Woman

People under such signs are absolute opposites. This is an extremely rare union. The Capricorn woman is constantly trying to suppress Cancer, to “tame him.” Such a woman will never understand subtle soul Cancer men. At the beginning of family life, partners still somehow try to get along. But over the years they only quarrel and insult each other. These are people of different levels. Even sexually they are opposites. Such a union is unlikely to be happy.

Aquarius Woman

You could say that this is perfect union for Cancer. Such relationships often last for many years. Leadership in the family will fall on the shoulders of Aquarius; she will captivate Cancer with her activity.

The only thing that can destroy this union is deception, betrayal or constant whining on the part of Cancer. In such families, a lot of attention is paid to children.

We are often contacted with specific questions regarding zodiac signs, in this article we will try to give answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding Gemini men, if you have your own questions, you can ask them in the comments, and we will answer them in subsequent ones articles.

What does a Cancer man like in bed?
Sex with such a man is very changeable, a lot depends on his mood, which also changes often. IN good mood loves romance and long foreplay. If you are experienced in this area, long seduction and cajoling will lead to better results. Does not like lazy and selfish partners.

How romantic is he?
Typically romantic throughout the relationship. His attention will be on you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which can be boring for some, especially when the dust of romance has settled. Attempts to reject his attention, in some cases, may be perceived by him as a betrayal.

How to understand that a Cancer man is in love?
If he cares about you - sure sign his love. If he hugs you, asks about your day, troubles, worries, asks about your mood - all these are good indicators. When he loves someone, any careless word thrown towards them will make him irritable and even angry. A call not answered on time can lead to a very violent reaction, which indicates a very strong feelings. Cancers often feel betrayed even over the smallest things.

What was it like meeting him?
Cancer is an unpredictable sign. They are very difficult to understand, there is too much in them. On the other hand, the date will not be boring and predictable. He loves to take care and when people take care of him - in general, this will already be half the success. If you often neglect your partner, you will be less likely to interest him.

Cancer is a very sensitive sign, generally intuitive, he has a great sense of people and generally understands their needs and desires. He is not very open in his feelings and emotions, he is very afraid of getting spiritual wounds.

Remember, Cancer does not like confrontation and will simply prefer to leave or hide in their shell from which they will not come out soon. It is easy to offend him and hurt him with words, you need to be softer and kinder. Don't give him a chance to become a martyr.

How loyal and dedicated are they?
Fiercely loyal and dedicated. He will do everything to make his family happy and feel safe. This is one of the most loyal signs. Of course, all this will be subject to love for your partner.

How to keep him in a relationship?
Tell him 20 times a day that you love him. On the other hand, one “I love you” said in right time And in the right place worth 20 random “I love”. They love to be understood. They like partners who can empathize and understand their mood.

How often does he cheat or lie?
As a rule, they don't do this.

About mood swings and moodiness of Cancers
Trust in a partner is something that Cancers lack and is especially important in a relationship with him. He's very suspicious. Any little thing can hurt his soul. His mood swings and moodiness may be associated with distrust of his partner. Perhaps he simply lacks your attention and love.

What should I give him?
Cancer is rational, economical, economical. He will like gifts for the home, but not trinkets. For example, an electric kettle or a water filter, everything that will be useful and necessary. It is advisable to first find out what things for the home require replacement or what he dreams of.
