How to make 3D glasses from paper. How to make glasses of virtual reality with your own hands. What will be needed to build VR points at home

Recently, movies in 3D format are more and more. 3D technology is known for a long time, from the middle of the XX century, but then it has not been widespread. This technology is called stereoscopy.

When using this technology, a stereo effect is obtained for stereo images of images, in color encoding images for the left and right person's eye.

In order to get such an effect, you need to use special glasses to view stereoscopic 3D movies.

In order to browse such films, we need special glasses: shutter, polarization or anaglyphs.

Widespread over the world of this technology began after the premiere of the famous film James Cameron "Avatar". Computer technologies and various visual effects were widely used in this film. To completely see all the visual effects applied in this film, this film is better to look in three-dimensional form.

3D glasses transmit a stereoscopic image to each eye separately. Each separate eye sees an image in 2D format. Such images call a stereo pair.

The eyes of a person are located at some distance from each other and therefore a person sees the subject from two overview points. Information from these flat images enters the human brain, and there is a three-dimensional image.

To view movies in 3D it is better to buy industrial production points, but you can try to make 3D glasses at home. At home, you can make the simplest out of such glasses - anaglyphs.

Anagly glasses consist of two lenses of different colors, usually red and blue. The image is shifted from one lens to another lens. When watching a movie in such glasses, the viewer sees its image for each eye and the effect of viewing the image in three-dimensional form is achieved.

For the manufacture of anaglyphs, we will need old rim sunglasses. It is suitable and simple old glasses. If there are no such glasses, you can make a rim from thick cardboard or some plastic. From the rim it is necessary to pull out sunscreen or simple glass glasses.

For the manufacture of color light filters, we need transparent plastic, such as plastic bottles or other plastic products. The perfect option is when there is a transparent color plastic of the desired colors.

Cut out the plastic future glass on the shape of old glasses. If you make a frame yourself, then insert two squares from plastic in the size of the size that you left for glasses.

After the glasses are fitted in size, we evenly paint one glass with a red marker, and the other glass is a blue marker. To do this, it is better to use the paint that is directly in the marker itself.

After that, let's dry the glass well. You can use the paint from the printer cartridge. After the glasses dried, insert the red glass into the place of the right eye, and the blue glass into the place of the left eye. The edges of the glasses can be glued with glue, so that the glasses are well kept in the rim.

Points are ready to further use.

I want to note that all the same, anaglyphs of industrial production will be better than manufactured independently. This applies primarily to color lenses. Because painted lenses in the factory conditions will, of course, are better in quality than painted independently.

3D video is becoming more and more popular, new movies and cartoons are increasingly overlooking 3D Unfortunately, tickets for a movie for a film in a 3D format are still very expensive, and in some cities there are no such cinemas. If you want to see what 3D is, you can try to do.

We immediately want to specify that homemade 3D glasses will not help you enjoy the surround picture in IMAX format - the technology is not that. Red-blue anaglyphic (anaglyph) glasses allow you to "deceive" the brain and create the illusion of the three-dimensionity of the image due to the color coding.

In 3D glasses instead of lenses inserted special light filters, Usually red for the left eye and blue or blue - for the right. If you look through such glasses on an anaglyphic image (picture or film), it will seem voluminous. The lack of anaglyph is incomplete color reproduction and possible discomfort while viewing and after removing the glasses.

Make 3D glasses at home is quite simple: it will be necessary for this in any available way. color two lenses in CMY colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow - blue-green, purple, yellow). Blue-green - for the right lens, red (a mixture of yellow and purple) - for the left. We will tell you several ways to quickly and easily make 3D glasses at home.

To make 3D glasses with your own hands, you will need raming for glasses, material for lenses (light filters) and tools for staining lenses. You can take a rime from cheap old plastic points or just make it from dense cardboard.

For the manufacture of light filters is best suited dense transparent film. We advise you to take a film for printing on a jet printer - it has a gelatin layer that can absorb ink. But, in principle, any dense film is suitable. Sharp small scissors cut out two neat oval from the film - future lenses of your 3D glasses (for the film with the gelatin layer they will need four). If you take the basis of old plastic glasses, cut the light filters in the form of lenses of these points.

Then need color light filters in red and blue color. The easiest to use for this alcohol marker for disks - It is not washed off and is not erased. One film is evenly painted with a red marker, the second is blue. To achieve uniformity, you can get from the marker alcohol rod and squeeze it into the film. Before inserting lenses into glasses, wait for the surface to dry. Alcohol must completely evaporate.

The printer film with the gelatin layer can be painted using old color cartridge. To do this, you will need an old cartridge for inkjet printer, three bubbles for ink, three disposable syringe and glass plates.

First you need to open the cartridge and get foam sponges impregnated with ink from it. To "squeeze" from the ink sponges, put them in the syringes and press the piston, squeezing ink into bubbles. Three colors ink will be needed: blue-green (Cyan), yellow (yellow) and purple (Magenta).

To get red, you need to mix yellow and purple ink in equal proportions. The resulting red inks pour onto a glass plate and put the cut-off lens on it gelatin down so that the ink absorbed into the gelatin smooth layer. Then take the second piece of the film, do the same procedure with it and attach pieces with the gelatin layer to each other so that they glue. In the same way, a blue-green light filter is made. After a few days, the lenses are dried, and they can be inserted in the frame.

Ready light filters can be inserted into the finished plastic frame or glue into the homemade cardboard. The red light filter is designed for the left eye, blue - for the right. How to check if you have 3D glasses at home? Just put them on and look at the stereo image. Ready Anaglyphic pictures can be downloaded on the Internet or make yourself using special programs.

Many are interested in how to make 3D glasses with your own hands. There are several ways how to make 3D glasses. You can choose a method that is more convenient for you. But still, the easiest way is the high-quality plastic 3D glasses with us and not bother so much.

Economical option, 3D glasses made of paper and film

You will need:

  • Computer with printer, or straight hands (necessarily) with pencil and ruler.
  • White dense paper.
  • Dense, but transparent plastic film. (Where to take it? It is suitable from Beijik.)
  • 2 feltwasters - blue and red.
  • Scissors.

After trimming the finished paper form, cut the plastic film in the size of the hole and deact it into blue and red colors. Next, we stick the film with scotch on paper blank, and you need to make sure that the place of the red plastic film in the left eye, and the blue plastic film is right. The main thing is not to confuse anything, otherwise nothing will work. Now you can check the performance of the glasses when viewing.

Tips from experienced - Print better two forms at the same time and glue them with each other, in order for your 3D glasses more dense.

Most practical way, remake sunglasses

This method of creating 3D glasses is to find any old and unnecessary sunglasses, or just buying cheap Chinese. I pull out the glasses of the glass. We find two sheets of a transparent plastic film, deactivate one in red, another into a blue color with a marker or a marker. Again, you should not forget that the red lens is intended for the left eye, and blue for the right. After that, you can safely attach them to the rim.

Tips from experienced - We take glasses with transparent lenses, toning them with tinting film, it turns out cool glasses. But I don't know where you take the red and blue tint.

That's all! You can enjoy your 3D glasses. Pleasant watching movies in 3D format. Only the effect of such homemade 3D glasses will be minimal, and may not be at all.

Due to the growing popularity of VR technologies, many people want to join them. To date, there are many all kinds of variations and models of devices, various price categories. Nevertheless, some users of curiosity or in order to save the question, how to make glasses of virtual reality with their hands from cardboard or plastics (which is already harder)?

This option is suitable, first of all, for those who have a modern smartphone with a large screen and a built-in set of sensors (more about the necessary sensors below). According to statistics, a considerable part of the population enjoys such devices in the world. Thus, with insignificant monetary and certain time costs, the user can make excellent three-dimensional glasses. The fact that this will require and how to build all the details, consider below.

A curious moment is that a simplified design of cardboard and simple lenses makes and distributes to Google, they are called Cardboard. Their VR glasses even in such a design are produced in several versions that are not difficult to repeat at home.

Moreover, the company itself has provided all the necessary information into common access.

Thus, it is not necessary to talk about the relevance of the question under consideration.

What will be needed to build VR points at home

Before worrying about the materials and composite components of future points, you should make sure of your smartphone technologies. The phone parameters must provide comfortable work with 3D movies, games and other virtual reality projects.

For such purposes, for example:

  • Android 4.1 jellybean or better
  • iOS 7 or higher
  • Windows Phone 7.0 and so on

The screen diagonal should be at least 4.5 inches for a comfortable and full work of all applications.

What sensors are needed:

  • Magneter, that is, a digital compass
  • Accelerometer
  • Gyroscope

The last two conditions are mandatory for most virtual applications.In the opposite case, the user will be able to view only. Without these two components, it is not possible to fully evaluate VR technology.

It should be noted that for independent production it will not be necessary expensive or rare components. So, now we turn to the list of necessary materials for the manufacture of BP points with their own hands at home:

  • Cardboard. It is recommended to use the most dense and at the same time fine variations, such as corrugated cardboard. The cardboard must be in the form of a solid sheet with dimensions of at least 22x56 cm and a thickness of no more than 3 mm.
  • Lenses. The most optimal option will be the use of two-screw aspherical lenses with a focal length of 40-45 mm and 25 mm in diameter. It is recommended to use a glass version instead of plastic.
  • Magnets. Two magnets will be required: neodymium in the form of a ring and ceramic in the form of a disk. Dimensions should be in diameter 19 mm, and the thickness is 3 mm. As a replacement, you can use an ordinary food foil. Alternatively, you can use a full-fledged mechanical button.
  • Velcro i.e. textile clasp. Such material requires two strips by about 20-30 mm each.
  • Rubber.The length of the gum should be at least 8cm, since it will be attached to the smartphone.

In addition to the materials, some instruments will also need: ruler, scissors, glue. Based on its capabilities and smelts, some materials and tools can be replaced with alternative options if the functionality does not suffer from this.

As you already understand, one materials and tools will be not enough for the manufacture and especially assembly of the whole design. Of course, this requires a drawing or simply a template scheme for creating virtual reality glasses.

Template for cutting glasses, you can find below. It can easily be printed and then paste on a sheet of cardboard. Since the expanded points of the glasses goes beyond the usual album format (and is 3 sheets of format A4), then you will have to choose all fragments carefully and accurately.

To download the template on the computer, you need to click on the picture, and after clicking on the item "Save the image as".

3 pieces of template

Below you will see 3 large pictures that will need to be printed, and after sticking to the cardboard so that all joints are respected.

Ready result on cardboard

This is the end result, which you should get connected 3 parts of the A4 sheet on the cardboard.

Carved cardboard design

That's what we did after we completely cut out the cardboard in the drawing. Carefully trace the numbers, and connect all parts correctly.

Where to get lenses for glasses

In the question under consideration, it is lenses that are the most hard-to-reach component. In the event that it is not possible to find them from the closest shops and shopping points, you can search for them on the Internet.

Among the most affordable and most likely places that such goods can be on sale can be noted as follows:

  • Stores category "Optics". Here the goods are measured in dimension - diopters, and for points they will need lenses of at least +22 Diopters..
  • Stores stationery. Loupes are sold here (i.e. magnifying glass), tenfold lenses should be consolidated as an alternative.
  • Search on domestic sites and trading platforms, or on foreign online auctions.
  • Make a plastic bottle (more in video instructions)

In the case when the user-based lenses will be different from the specified standard, it will be necessary to either catch the lenses themselves, or make appropriate adjustments in the design of the glasses. Often, the problem can be solved by providing in your design a device for adjusting the distance from the smartphone to the lens.

How to make glasses without lenses

Those who suggest the creation of VR glasses without lenses can immediately forget about it. Without special lenses, the resulting design will not differ from ordinary glasses or glass. No practical benefit will bring a similar design, except for it can be used to create a cinema effect.

Step-by-step instructions How to make virtual reality glasses with your hands from cardboard

So, when the user has all the materials, tools and a printed pattern, then you can start assembling.

First step

  1. Stick pattern on cardboard
  2. Cut by contour
  3. Bend and brake separate places

The first stage you need to draw drawing on a sheet of cardboard. The main thing is to be attentive and observed accuracy at the joints so that the sizes are not distorted. Then all items must be carefully cut through the contour. According to special marks in the drawing it will be clear, in what places the design must be bent, and in which copper.

Second Step

  1. In the finished design insert lenses
  2. Magnet fasteners
  3. Celebration of cardboard foam rubber

Next to the already assembled frame, you need to insert lenses, and if necessary, fix them to increase the reliability of the fastener. Then the foil strip is pasted or magnets, to create a similarity of the control button.

To increase the comfort of the use of the obtained device, in places of contact with your head, the surface can be chosen by foam rubber or other softening material.

Video instruction

Certain points from the above algorithm for assembling the design under consideration may be incomprehensible or to cause difficulties. In this case, you can familiarize yourself with the visual and step-by-step execution of all actions on the attached video instruction.

This is a fairly simple and cheap option that will satisfy the requests of a large circle of users. After you all succeed, do not forget to read the article about, for comfortable use.

Today's theme for masters for all hands: how and from which products you can create good 3D glasses with your own hands for movies movies with the effect of three-dimensional images. In our world, the 3D effect is now called stereoscopy, and a three-dimensional image, respectively, a stereoscopic image. It all depends on how the transmission of the picture is performed. It can be divided into several types.

Getting a buzz from viewing feature films and cartoons can be using special high-quality glasses. They contain filtersWith the help of which our eyes can only see one image created by projection two images on each other. It is thanks to these actions, we get a 3D effect that we need.

Sometimes there are rare momentsWhen there is no chance at all, there is no chance to buy new 3D glasses, and watch the movie New with a 3D effect very much I want. In this case, with some funds, you can make them with your own hands. At the end of our tips you can find a pair of simple master classes that will help you create 3D glasses with your own hands from simple and retractable materials.

Initially, we will analyze the main principle of creating simple 3D glasses at home. So, you will need a transparent thin plastic, for example, a transparent box from under simple discs or plastic from bagekov, two markers on an alcohol base, red and blue colors. To create one pair of points It is enough for a front cover for disks.

Of course, home products will be very different from the factory, but even they will give you a chance to enjoy watching the film and volumetric three-dimensional ribbons. That's it. Now you know, how to make 3D glasses on a computer with a handle.

A budget option

In this case, you should take a frame of cardboard, because to glue the lenses to it easier. You will also need a transparent large tape and transparent color silicone film, three flomusers of red, blue and green colors and sharp scissors.

Work description:

Third option for creating glasses

This work is much harderthan in the case of anaglyph. You will need solid transparent plastic and painted in the desired color style liquid. As a plastic, you can take a case from a simple CD. You will have both of its particles, so I do not throw anything. Liquid for glasses will be distilled water or our glycerol.

At first I will cut some parts from plastic: three vertical parts, which are necessary for the assembly of lenses, the lower and upper part, and the jumper from the opaque material. How to cut items, you can look at special schemes.

Then we will do two holes in the upper horizontal part. They needWhen the time comes to fill the lenses to our solution.

We collect the whole design, sicking all particles by quick glue. Watch that the height of the lenses is one everywhere, otherwise the fluid will begin to flow.

After connecting the elements, we proceed the joints with glue, which is combined with a plastic chips.

Glycerin is the best liquid for filling the lenses. We recruit the glycerol solution into the syringe and pour it inside.

Then close the holes with a transparent scotch. From pieces of plastic Create ear handles And we glue them to the light filter. Unfortunately, the complete design does not develop, but it accurately helps to enjoy watching movies in a 3D format, even on a computer.

Now you will knowHow to create 3D glasses at home.

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