How to see your future husband in a dream: conspiracies and techniques. How to see your future husband in a dream from Friday to Saturday Prayer to dream about your future husband

From time immemorial, unmarried girls have guessed about their betrothed with the most different ways. Many popular fortune tellings suggested how to see your future boyfriend in a dream. so simple that they can be used even in modern conditions. According to reviews, girls sometimes actually see the image of their future husband in such dreams.

How to see your future boyfriend in a dream?

Let's look at a few simple rituals that can help you see your future boyfriend in a dream. It is best to carry out such actions on Friday night.

  1. Place a comb under your pillow and say three times: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb me”. After this, go straight to bed, and you will dream about the image of your future man.
  2. Take a poplar branch and tie it with thread from your clothes that you use (not old and unnecessary ones). Make a mental wish that you dream about your future lover, put a branch under your pillow and go to sleep. A dream can allegorically convey information about a future husband.
  3. Take the king of diamonds from the deck, place it under your pillow and mentally ask your future husband to appear to you in a dream. It is believed that this is most effective on the night of February 2.

If thoughts about how to see your future boyfriend in a dream haunt you, perform the ritual every Friday until you achieve the result.

How can you see the future in a dream?

To see in a dream a fragment from your future life and to look at a potential husband, you don’t have to be a psychic. It is enough just to give the desired setting to your subconscious.

The easiest way to achieve this is to go to bed early, with your hair down and a loose shirt. It is important that you are alone in the room. You need to relax, close your eyes and make a wish for a date or period. Then think about what you already know about your life at that time? Where will you study or work, with whom will you communicate? The more details you establish, the easier it is to tune in to receive the information you need. You should try to fall asleep with these thoughts, and in the morning in a dream you may well see other details of your personal life from the future.

Every girl dreams of love, so huge and bright, and always mutual, and really wants to meet her betrothed as soon as possible. If for some reason the meeting has not yet taken place, but curiosity takes over - what will the future spouse be like, what are his qualities, both mental and external - then they will help you find out about this magical rituals. If you turn to magic for help, perform the appropriate ritual and read the necessary spell, you can make your beloved show his appearance when he comes in a dream.

IN ancient magic There are many rituals and fortune telling for seeing one’s betrothed in a dream, which have always been very popular, and still are today - the relevance of such magical actions is growing day by day. However, before resorting to this kind of manipulation, you should carefully prepare - magic is a very serious thing, and you should also take it very seriously. If you perform rituals just to have fun, you can harm yourself - spirits do not forgive a frivolous attitude towards them. Therefore, before asking for help magical actions, you should carefully consider whether there is any need for this.

Human sleep is a very mysterious phenomenon and not fully explored by official science. In our dreams, those people whom we want to see come to us, and in dreams we can contemplate those events that easily become reality and become reality. These are the so-called prophetic dreams. To see prophetic dream, you can resort to effective conspiracies that have helped, are helping and will help for many centuries to come a huge number willing. Conditions for the operation of prophetic dream spells:

  • the waxing moon before the full moon is one of the most important conditions;
  • appropriate environment - no one should distract from the ritual;
  • concentrating on the ritual, gaining complete peace of mind, which can be achieved through meditation - it is important not only not to be distracted by strangers, but also very important not to be distracted by your own thoughts. With complete relaxation, you can achieve not only prophetic sleep, but also astral flight.

Sleep spell to make your future husband dream

Before going to bed, you need to disconnect from all the problems of the day, completely relax, lying on the bed, when you feel that you are falling asleep, say the words of the spell: “Let me dream about what is destined to happen. That’s how I want it, so be it!” At the same time, direct your thoughts to your betrothed, as you meet him in some beautiful place, for example, on the seashore. It is advisable to repeat the words as many times as possible until you fall asleep in order to reach your subconscious. Man is a multidimensional creature, simultaneously existing in many bodies and dimensions. And he can control a lot. With the help of such a conspiracy, performed in a completely relaxed state, a communication channel with otherworldly forces will open, with the help of which you can find out your future.

Plot for a prophetic dream

This ritual is performed on Saturday evening, before going to the side. They take a piece rye bread, sprinkled with salt, and the words are said: “Saturday is sister, here is food for you, take bread and salt, and show me the truth in a dream. Let it be so!" They place the bread near their heads and go to bed. At night you will have a prophetic dream.

Conspiracies to dream about your betrothed

Ancient rituals and fortune telling have always been very effective - the connection of ancestors with the spirits of the elements and nature made it possible to reliably recognize the future and predict events. Below are a few effective rituals and conspiracies to dream future husband.

For the ritual you will need new broom, bought at the market. Before going to bed, you need to pull out several rods from this broom, from which you need to build an impromptu bridge, which, after casting a spell on it, is placed under the pillow. The words of the spell are as follows: “Whoever is destined for me by fate will take me across this bridge in a dream. Let it be so!" Go to bed right away - at night you will dream about your future husband.

If you don’t have a broom, you can use matches, which, like rods, can be used to build a well, which is placed under the pillow. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “My betrothed, mummer! Come to my dream and drink water!”

If you don’t dream of anything, you can repeat these manipulations until the result comes.

This ritual is performed with the help of the new moon on a new moon. Before going to bed, sit by the window so that the light of the new moon illuminates your face. You need to completely relax, you can meditate on the moon for a few minutes, and imagine meeting your future spouse as realistically as possible, and, saying the spell: “Selena is the moon, you are beautiful and free, you know everything, you see everything - tell me who to marry I’ll come out,” - you need to immediately go to bed. At night you will see your future spouse.

Another ritual that is performed on any candle. In the evening, light a candle, focus on the flame, and say the following words to it three times: “The fire is mighty, the fire is great, may I dream of my fiance, bring him into my dream, may my betrothed be with me in it! Let it be so!" The candle must be extinguished and immediately go to bed.

For the next ritual you will need a simple mirror. Mirrors are magical objects, and you must always be very careful with them. It is necessary to use a new mirror so that no one else’s energy influences it during the ritual being performed. They put the mirror under the head (under the pillow) and go to bed, and before that, they say the following spell: “As light and darkness are reflected in this mirror, so will my betrothed appear in it in a dream. Amen!" During the night, you should dream of this mirror, and in it - the reflection of a man - your future husband. The mirror should be hidden as far as possible and not shown to anyone, much less given to anyone.

Good luck and love to you!

Dreams are a projection of not only real thoughts and the reality in which people live in this moment, but also the future, since on the scale of the universe it is inseparable from the past and from the present. Fortune telling and conspiracies have long been favorite ways for girls to find out what kind of husband fate has in store for them. Usually, in order to find out exactly what kind of spouse will be and see him in a dream, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate request to higher powers: in a conspiracy, rituals with candles, herbs, water, mirrors and other things can be used to help penetrate into a parallel world.

The conspiracy, in order for the future husband to dream, should be carried out on certain days and hours. The best time the full moon is considered throughout the year, when the night celestial body is ready to share its magical energies with those who believe in its power. Some conspiracies for a prophetic dream with your betrothed can be read either alone or with friends, the main thing is that the number of girls participating in the ritual is odd.


This ritual is suitable for the lucky owners beautiful hair length below the shoulder blades. It is believed that a significant part of a woman’s strength is stored in her hair; it protects not only the woman herself, but also her family and friends, primarily her husband and children, from adversity and illness. Therefore, on a subconscious level, most men like girls with long and beautiful hair. You can not only attract your future husband with the help of a thick braid, but also find out what kind of person he will be. To do this, you need to buy a new comb at the market or store on the day of the full moon. It is desirable that it be made of natural material: in the original ritual, our distant ancestors used a new comb made of birch. When going to bed on the night of the full moon, you need to look at the moon and comb your hair, saying:

“Betrothed-mummer, come along the stitch, along the moonlit path, comb my braids and show yourself to me!”

After this, you cannot braid your hair or put it in a ponytail - it remains loose, and the comb is hidden under the pillow for the whole night. If the dream is not remembered, the ritual can be repeated in the next lunar month.


For a ceremony with a wicker bridge, you will need to purchase a new broom. To do this, it is advisable to go to the market, where they sell brooms, hand-picked from fresh twigs collected in the forest. You need to choose the one that “looks good”, give money for it without haggling, take it home and put it pile up before evening. Need to be filled before going to bed clean water a small bowl, carefully remove three twigs from the broom, and, placing the bowl on your knees, carefully, so as not to splash the water, braid a braid, which in the plot symbolizes the bridge over which the future husband will come. To make him dream, the bowl is placed under the head of the bed, and the braided braid is hidden under the pillow. When falling asleep, they repeat the spell:

“Betrothed-mummer, take me by the hand and lead me across the bridge!”

If there were no dreams, it was believed that she would not meet her husband this year, and the plot was repeated a year later.

Friday dream

After the traditional bath on Thursdays, I slept well - many people noted this. And the dreams were pure and bright. Therefore, the girls recited a spell to see their future husband in a dream:

“All the days they live and get along in pairs, only Friday is the day and the night, so I, the red maiden, sleep and rest alone, wait for my dear one. I’ll lie down on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees everything, tells the other, and the third will show me my fate.”

Repeat the words three times with eyes closed lying in bed. After pronouncing the conspiracy, you should not talk to anyone under any circumstances, so as not to “frighten off” the prophetic dream. After the ceremony, many people dream about their own wedding, down to the smallest details.

Many girls dream of seeing their betrothed in a dream. And special conspiracies can contribute to this. As a rule, they are pronounced just before bedtime on days that are considered the most favorable for fortune telling. First of all, this is Christmas week, Walpurgis Night, Epiphany.

Effective rituals

The conspiracy to dream about the betrothed, which is pronounced during a special ceremony directly on Christmas night, is very effective.

With broom twigs

To do this, the girl must pull out several rods from the broom she constantly uses for cleaning and tie them together.

On them in the evening before going to bed you need to read the following plot:

“I want my betrothed mummer, through a bridge created from twigs, to fall into the dream of a servant of God ( given name) and I saw him. So be it. Amen".

The charmed tied rods from a broom should be placed under the pillow and go to bed.

With matches

There is another version of this ritual. In it, instead of rods, you need to make a well out of matches.

Speak to him with the following words:

“I want my betrothed mummer to come to me, the servant of God (proper name), to drink water in a dream. So be it. Amen".

Similar to the previous method, you need to put an improvised well under your pillow and go to bed. A very important requirement of the rituals described above is that the girl, after uttering the words of the conspiracy, should not talk to anyone.

With water and mug

Various things are used as various magical attributes, which in combination with a conspiracy allow you to see your betrothed in a dream. So, instead of a well, you can place a jug of water and a mug at the head of the bed.

Next say the words:

“My betrothed mummer, if you get tired on the road, get off the road and come to me for a drink of water.”

After this, you should cross yourself and go to bed.

With a comb

The comb spell is very popular; its magic words sound like this:

“My betrothed in disguise, come to me in a dream and comb my hair.”

This ritual requires that the girl go to bed without combing her hair. Whichever magic spell would not have been chosen, the main condition for its effectiveness is sincerity and faith. Conspiracies aimed at seeing your betrothed in a dream do not have any effect negative consequences, so rituals can be performed countless times.

Many people in their dreams try to look ahead, to find out not only about tomorrow, but also about their own life. later life, about people with whom fate will soon or not very soon forever connect. And they are very interested in how to see the future in a dream, what steps should be taken for this.

Psychics claim that the ability to see prophetic dreams develops, like all other human abilities. But you need to put a lot of effort into this and do training exercises every day.

How to develop intuition

First you need to work on developing your intuition. After all, the ability inherent in every person to anticipate any events needs to be strengthened and trained.

For training, you should choose a certain time when you can completely relax and be alone. This necessary condition to start classes:

  • concentrate and analyze the past day. Knowing which of the events of this day could benefit you today. What would you change to avoid or, on the contrary, help the upcoming event from today;
  • Now mentally transport yourself to yesterday, which you already know everything about. Feel all your sensations from being in it, remember where you were, who you met;
  • Fast forward to today and imagine that you already know everything that will happen to you today, and this information came from the future.

By doing these workouts for several days in a row, you will form a channel for receiving information. You will intuitively feel when it opens, and you will be able to get answers to simple questions first. For example, who you will meet when leaving the house, or what color the car will turn around the corner. Gradually, the questions can be made more complicated, and the answers to them, asked immediately before bedtime, will begin to appear in prophetic dreams.

How to see the future in prophetic dreams

You need to prepare for a prophetic dream:

  • During the day, you should tune in to perceive information, ask questions about the future or ways to solve the problem that has arisen, imagine what events or changes may occur within a certain time, for example, in the next ten days;
  • prepare your unconscious to receive information, for example, by imagining who you will hear first on the telephone;
  • Before going to bed, contact your future self, ask questions that concern you, you can do this in the form of a regular letter or even an email. Ask yourself what awaits you soon, for example in 10 days.
  • put a written letter under your pillow, indicating your address on it, or send an e-mail to your e-mail address;
  • In the morning, write down everything you saw in your dream in your dream diary, indicating in it at the same time the questions that were asked before going to bed. Analyze events. What dreams predicted the events that happened.

Of course, even prophetic dreams will not show specific pictures your future, neither immediate nor distant. They will contain allegorical images that you will still need to learn how to interpret correctly.

The most a common question The question that young girls ask themselves is about their future boyfriend or husband. After all, marriage is the most important event in life, on which all further existence is based.

How to see your future boyfriend or husband in a dream

To find out how to see your future boyfriend in a dream, you need to turn to ancient rituals and fortune telling.

Having performed a number of certain actions before going to bed, you will be able to see in a dream your betrothed, with whom fate will soon bring you together. There are many rituals that allow you to get an answer to this question. Here are some of them:

  1. Take a poplar branch and tie it with a thread taken from the clothes you wear. Place it at your head before going to bed. At the same time, you need to constantly imagine that you are going to dream about the person with whom your future is connected. Count from ten to one and try to fall asleep. The person seen in the dream may be your boyfriend or husband. But here we should remember that dreams can be allegorical. And if you dream of a famous foreign singer or actor, then this may symbolically indicate a possible marriage with a foreigner;
  2. Make a wish to dream about your future husband every 3 times in a row. But even if you don’t dream about anyone, this does not mean celibacy or the inability to find your boyfriend. The girl simply failed to tune in to receive information about her future marriage;
  3. A method that has existed in Rus' since ancient times says that you need to announce your future husband on December 13, after sunset. After making a wish, you cannot drink anything, eat or talk to anyone, but go straight to bed. Perhaps the question of how to see your future husband in a dream will be closed forever;
  4. Place the kings from the deck under your pillow playing cards. In this case, the betrothed will most likely appear in the form of one of the kings. Of course, here the girl will have to solve many accompanying riddles and hints, but she will certainly decide whether her future husband will be a brunette or a blond.

Very often, mirrors are used in rituals that induce prophetic dreams about marriage. The simplest of them does not involve the use of any conspiracies. He only requires you to focus on the thought of your future husband. You need to take a mirror and write the word “love” on it. Place the mirror under the pillow, first wrapping it in a clean handkerchief. When falling asleep, you need to repeat your question all the time, and then it is very likely that your one and only man, destined for you by fate, will appear in a dream.

But if you haven’t made a dream about your betrothed, then the young man you dreamed about can predict completely different events.

A handsome, well-groomed young man who appears in a dream says that you will cope with complex problems and tasks. But an unkempt and disgusting-looking guy predicts imminent disappointment or trouble. A dream about a poor or very ugly guy warns you about possible gossip or gossip going on behind your back. Knowing this will help you control the situation.

If a girl kisses a guy in a dream, then soon everything will get better in her life, life will take a turn in better side. A cheerful, laughing guy will bring joy to the house. But a dream about a guy who passed away predicts deep disappointments. Perhaps you are not ready for the upcoming trials, and at the most crucial moment you will not have enough strength to fight them.
