Specialty IT - who to work with. What do they teach in the specialties “Informatics and Computer Science” and “Information Systems and Technologies”? How are they different from each other? Difficulties that a student may encounter

Do you guarantee the safety of the property that we have deposited?

Yes, sure! We bear full financial responsibility for the property entrusted to us. You can also additionally insure the most expensive items.

What is the minimum period for which a room can be rented?

The minimum rental period is 1 day.

How do you pay for your services?

The client makes an advance payment for pre-agreed storage periods. In cases where the storage period is reduced, the difference is returned to the client.

What are the benefits of your storage facilities?

A storage room for storing personal belongings will help you get rid of clutter in the closet, on the balcony and in living rooms. Our home should bring aesthetic pleasure, help the owner quickly restore strength and relax. This is hardly possible in conditions of constant disorder. We will help you solve your storage problem once and for all at minimal cost. In a city like Moscow, everyone square meter Living space should be used efficiently, even if you live in a large house or cottage. Storage rooms are designed specifically for the careful and long-term storage of furniture, documents, tools, sports equipment and equipment. The company "Smart Moving" managed to adapt its quality standards in the field transport services and apply them in the storage area. Over 8 years of impeccable and impeccable work, our team has earned a reputation as a reliable and responsible partner. By providing secure warehouses for storage, we help you save your money, effort and time using a modern tool - Self Storage.

What are personal premises for storing things, furniture and other property?

The market in Russia is just developing, and we are happy that we were one of the first in Moscow to provide rental and storage of personal belongings and company property. The first associations that arise in a person’s mind when thinking about logistics centers are unsightly warehouse premises. The Smart Moving company successfully changes this paradigm, offering to rent clean, bright, equipped last word premises. We can easily and quickly place your personal belongings and furniture in the following cases:

  • For the period of moving an apartment, office home;
  • As a temporary storage of seasonal items - sports equipment, winter/summer tires, hobby items;
  • As a secure repository for maintenance documents commercial activities, archives, collections;
  • For storing broken furniture that is out of order household appliances, children's things;.
  • For holidays, travel, business trips.

Today, even large apartments with modern layouts are poorly adapted for storage. large quantity personal items. Use it living space in Moscow, as a place to store unnecessary things, this is an unaffordable luxury. At the same time, renting premises for personal belongings is a profitable alternative to storing things in dachas, basements and storage rooms. If you would like to receive more information about the conditions for renting premises for things, fill out the form on the website or contact the specified contacts. Our specialists will quickly calculate the cost of services and provide comprehensive advice and solutions even for non-standard tasks.

Design, composition, area sizes (applies to drug wholesale trade organizations), operation and equipment of storage premises medicines must ensure their safety and is regulated by order No. 706n.

Premises for storing medicines must be equipped with air conditioners and other equipment that allows for the storage of medicines in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers of medicines specified on primary and secondary (consumer) packaging, or it is recommended to equip the premises with windows, transoms, and second lattice doors.

Premises for storing medicines must be provided with racks, cabinets, pallets, and stockpiles. Finishing of premises for storing medicines ( internal surfaces walls, ceilings) should be smooth and allow for wet cleaning.

In storage rooms, medicinal products are placed in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation indicated on the packaging of the medicinal product, taking into account:

  • physicochemical properties of medicines;
  • pharmacological groups (for pharmacy and medical organizations);
  • method of application (internal, external);
  • state of aggregation of pharmaceutical substances (liquid, bulk, gaseous).

When placing medicines in storage rooms, it is allowed to use computer technology(alphabetically, by codes).

Separately, the following medications are stored in technically fortified premises:

  • narcotic and psychotropic drugs (rules for storing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances);
  • potent and poisonous medicines controlled in accordance with international legal standards.

Shelving (cabinets) for storing medicines in medicine storage rooms must be installed in such a way as to ensure access to medicines, free passage of personnel and, if necessary, loading devices, as well as accessibility of shelving, walls, and floors for cleaning. Racks, cabinets, and shelves intended for storing medications must be numbered.

Stored medicinal products must also be identified using a shelf card containing information about the stored medicinal product (name, release form and dosage, batch number, expiration date, manufacturer of the medicinal product). When using computer technology, identification using codes and electronic devices is allowed.

In organizations and individual entrepreneurs It is necessary to keep records of medicines with a limited shelf life on paper or electronically with archiving. Control over the timely sale of medicines with a limited shelf life should be carried out using computer technology, rack cards indicating the name of the medicine, series, expiration date or expiration date logs.

The procedure for maintaining records of these medicines is established by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. If medicines that have expired are identified, they must be stored separately from other groups of medicines in a specially designated and designated (quarantine) area.

Premises for storing flammable and explosive drugs.

In order to ensure the storage of flammable and explosive medicines on the principle of homogeneity in accordance with their physicochemical, fire hazardous properties and the nature of the packaging, storage premises for wholesale trade organizations of medicines and manufacturers of medicines are divided into separate rooms (compartments) with a fire resistance limit of building structures at least 1 hour.

Necessary for packaging and manufacturing medicines For medical use For one work shift, the amount of flammable medicines is allowed to be kept in production and other premises. The remaining amount of flammable drugs at the end of the shift is transferred to the next shift or returned to the main storage location.

The floors of warehouses and unloading areas must have a hard, level surface. It is prohibited to use boards and iron sheets to level floors. Floors must ensure convenient and safe movement of people, cargo and vehicles, have sufficient strength and withstand the loads of stored materials, and ensure simplicity and ease of cleaning the warehouse.

Warehouses for storing flammable and explosive medicines must be equipped with fireproof and stable racks and pallets designed for the appropriate load. The racks are installed at a distance of 0.25 m from the floor and walls, the width of the racks should not exceed 1 m and, in the case of storing pharmaceutical substances, have flanges of at least 0.25 m. Longitudinal passages between the racks should be at least 1.35 m.

For storing flammable and explosive drugs in pharmacy organizations and individual entrepreneurs are allocated isolated premises, equipped with automatic fire protection and alarm systems.

Pharmacy organizations and individual entrepreneurs are allowed to store pharmaceutical substances with flammable and combustible properties in an amount of up to 10 kg outside the premises for storing flammable and explosive drugs in built-in fireproof cabinets. Cabinets must be located away from heat-dissipating surfaces and passages, with doors at least 0.7 m wide and at least 1.2 m high.

They must be organized Free access. It is allowed to store explosive medicinal products for medical use (in secondary (consumer) packaging) for use for one work shift in metal cabinets outside the premises for storing flammable and explosive medicinal products.

The amount of flammable medicines allowed for storage in premises for storing flammable and explosive medicines located in buildings for other purposes must not exceed 100 kg in bulk form.

Premises for storing flammable and explosive medicines used for storing flammable pharmaceutical substances in quantities over 100 kg must be located in a separate building, and the storage itself must be carried out in glass or metal containers, isolated from premises for storing flammable medicines of other groups.


I. General provisions

1.1. In order to ensure the safety of documents of completed enforcement proceedings, cases with enforcement documents (their copies - in cases of return of the originals of enforcement documents to claimants), books of accounting of enforcement documents, zonal books of accounting of enforcement proceedings, books of accounting of consolidated enforcement proceedings, books of accounting of seized property (hereinafter - accounting books), creating conditions for their quick search in the structural divisions of the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the division bailiffs) centralized operational storage of these documents is organized in a separate room (hereinafter referred to as the archive), which meets the requirements for document repositories.

1.2. Centralized operational storage of documents in the bailiff department is organized by the head of the department - senior bailiff.

1.3. By the decision of the head of the department - senior bailiff, an authorized official (hereinafter referred to as the person responsible for the archive) is appointed in the bailiff division to ensure the receipt of documents subject to centralized operational storage, their storage and safety.

1.4. To ensure the safety of documents in the archive, a complex of works is carried out, including:

Creation optimal conditions storage of documents;

placement of documents in storage and their topography;

compliance with the procedure for releasing cases from the archive;

recording documents, checking their availability and condition;

ensuring the physical and chemical safety of documents.

1.5. Optimal storage conditions for documents are provided by:

providing premises for the archive and carrying out its scheduled maintenance;

equipping the archive premises with fire extinguishing means, security and fire alarms;

the use of special equipment for storing documents (racks, boxes, safes, cabinets, etc.);

creating optimal temperature, humidity and light conditions in the archive premises, carrying out sanitary and hygienic measures.

II. Creating optimal conditions for document storage

2.1. Requirements for the archive premises

2.1.1. For the archive in the administrative building (office premises) of the bailiff department, an adapted separate office space (separate isolated room) is allocated, used only for its intended purpose.

Use of the archive premises for other purposes, including placement and storage of foreign property and equipment therein, unacceptable.

The archive premises must be removed from the premises associated with storage or use food products or chemical substances, and should not have common ventilation ducts with them.

2.1.2. Fire safety must be ensured in the archive premises and the danger of flooding must be eliminated.

In terms of fire hazard, the archive room belongs to category “B” (fire hazardous), therefore it must be located in a building of at least the second degree of fire resistance (buildings with load-bearing and enclosing structures made of natural and artificial stone materials, concrete, reinforced concrete using sheet and slab non-combustible materials) .

The electrical wiring in the archive room is laid hidden and equipped with an individual disconnect switch (automatic switch). Lighting fixtures are used semi-hermetically using closed-type luminaires. Electrical panels and distribution devices must be closed and installed only outside the archive room. For fire protection purposes, all electrical equipment is provided with grounding.

There should be no gas, water, sewer or other main pipelines in the archive premises. Installation of non-main pipes is permitted provided they are insulated in special protective devices, preventing the penetration of emissions from them into the storage facility.

2.1.3. The archive room is equipped with means of protection against unauthorized access and hacking:

security alarm;

a metal entrance door (a door whose leaf is upholstered with a steel sheet on the inside and heat-insulating material on the outside), equipped with two mechanical non-self-latching locks, resistant to destructive and non-destructive methods of opening, and a device for sealing the door;

swinging metal bars with locks to protect window openings when the archive is located on the first or last floors of the building.

2.1.4. Before documents are placed in the archive, the premises are checked by a commission of at least three people appointed by the head of the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia. The head of the department is appointed as the chairman of the commission - a senior bailiff of the bailiff division, members of the commission are an authorized official of the management apparatus of the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia, responsible for fire safety, as well as officials of the bailiff division, including Necessarily- Responsible for the archive.

The commission checks the serviceability of the technical equipment of the archive room and the state of the temperature and humidity conditions in it. The results of the inspection are documented in a document. The act is approved by the head of the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia.

In the future, a commission inspection of the archive premises is carried out at least once every 5 years.

2.2. Fire-fighting equipment for the archive room

2.2.1. The main fire-fighting equipment in the archive room is portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, which are installed at the rate of at least one per 50 square meters of area, but at least two per room.

The archive room is also equipped with a fire-fighting water supply. Fire hydrants are installed on staircase landings. Each tap must have a fire hose up to extreme point archive premises.

2.2.2. The archive room is equipped with a fire alarm.

2.2.3. On inside front door instructions on measures are posted in the archive fire safety, fire brigade list and document evacuation plan in case of fire.

The fire brigade includes at least three employees of the bailiff department, including the person responsible for the archive, with whom periodically, but at least once a quarter, classes are conducted on fire safety measures, rules for using fire-fighting equipment and practical actions during a fire.

2.2.4. In the archive room prohibited:


use of electric heating devices;

storage of flammable substances and explosive objects.

2.3. Ensuring temperature, humidity and light conditions

2.3.1. In the archive room, the temperature and humidity conditions for storing documents should be maintained within the following parameters: temperature - from + 14°C to + 20°C, relative humidity - from 45% to 60%.

In an archive room with an unregulated climate, it is recommended to ventilate, as well as install additional sources of air humidification or devices for drying the room.

2.3.2. The temperature and humidity conditions of document storage are controlled by measuring climatic air parameters at least twice a week at the same time. Instrument readings are recorded in log books (Appendix No. 1*).
* The text of Appendix No. 1 is not given in the Bulletin of the Federal Bailiff Service. - Database manufacturer's note.

Control and measuring instruments (thermometer, hygrometer) are installed away from heating and ventilation systems on one control panel at a distance of 1.4 m from the floor.

2.3.3. Lighting in the archive room can be natural or artificial.

Not allowed illumination of documents by direct sunlight.

Protection of documents from light is ensured by storing documents in boxes (folders, bundles), using light diffusers (blinds) or protective filters on windows.

Incandescent lamps in closed shades with a smooth outer surface or fluorescent lamps with a reduced ultraviolet portion of the radiation spectrum.

2.4. Ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions

2.4.1. The archive room must be kept clean, eliminating the possibility of mold, insects, rodents and dust accumulation (no more than 0.15 mg/cubic meter).

Prohibited storage of food products in the archive room.

2.4.2. To protect documents from dust you must:

ensure the maximum possible tightness of the archive room, if possible, use air purification devices from dust in the archive room;

At least once a year, remove dust from boxes with documents and shelving using an electric vacuum cleaner or moistened swabs;

At least twice a month, carry out wet cleaning in the archive room, wiping the window sills, baseboards and floors.

III. Requirements for placing equipment in the archive room

3.1. The archive room is equipped with stationary metal shelving (Appendix No. 2*). The use of wooden racks is allowed provided they are treated with fire retardants.
* The text of Appendix No. 2 is not given in the Bulletin of the Federal Bailiff Service. - Database manufacturer's note.

3.2. Shelves in the archive room are installed in compliance with the following order of their placement:

the width of the aisles between the rows of racks is 120 cm;

the width of the aisles between the racks is 75 cm;

the distance between the wall and the rack parallel to the wall is 75 cm;

height distance between shelves - 40 cm;

the distance between the wall and the end of the rack is 45 cm;

the distance from the floor to the bottom shelf of the rack is at least 15 cm, and in the basement floors - at least 30 cm.

Racks should be installed perpendicular to walls that have window openings and elements heating system, so that the distance to windows and heat sources is at least 0.6 m.

3.3. Racks and shelves are numbered Arabic numerals. Racks are numbered independently from left to right from the entrance, and shelves on racks are numbered from top to bottom from left to right.

The numbers must be marked in clear numbers that stand out against the background of the color of the rack.

3.4. Inside the archive room with right side from the front door at a distance of 170 cm from the floor, an inventory of the property located in the archive room is placed (Appendix No. 3*).
* The text of Appendix No. 3 is not given in the Bulletin of the Federal Bailiff Service. - Database manufacturer's note.

3.5. On outside of the entrance door, at a distance of 170 cm from the floor, in the center of the door leaf, a sign measuring 10x25 cm is placed with the inscription “Archive” (Appendix No. 4*).
* The text of Appendix No. 4 is not given in the Bulletin of the Federal Bailiff Service. - Database manufacturer's note.

IV. Requirements for placing documents in the archive room

4.1. The placement of documents in the archive premises must be rational and carried out taking into account the creation of optimal storage conditions for documents, the annual movement of cases after the destruction of documents, operational use documents (documents last year- in the most accessible place).

4.2. Documents accepted for storage are systematized in accordance with the requirements of Section XII of the Instructions for Office Work in the Federal Bailiff Service, approved by Order of the FSSP of Russia dated December 10, 2010 N 682 (hereinafter referred to as IDP-2010), and are stored in the archive premises on racks in bundles or boxes ( Appendix N 5*).
* The text of Appendix No. 5 is not given in the Bulletin of the Federal Bailiff Service. - Database manufacturer's note.

Ligaments are formed 10-15 cm thick.

The gap between the shelf of the rack and the top cover of the box with documents (bundle of documents), ensuring air circulation, must be at least 5 cm.

4.3. For each bundle (box), an internal inventory of enforcement proceedings (cases with enforcement documents, their copies, accounting books) is compiled, which is placed in a plastic file before the first enforcement proceedings (case with enforcement document, accounting book) in the bundle (box). Each bundle (box) is accompanied by a label placed on the side of the bundle (box). The label indicates the year, month within which the enforcement proceedings were completed (the case with enforcement proceedings was closed, the accounting book), the number of the first and last case placed in the bundle (box), as well as, if necessary, the number of the zonal area.

4.4. Inside the bundle (box), enforcement proceedings (cases with enforcement documents, accounting books) are arranged in the order they are indicated in the internal inventory of the bundle (box).

V. Requirements for organizing work with stored documents

5.1. In the bailiff division, the head of the department - senior bailiff, in order to streamline the work of the archive and ensure the safety of documents, approves the work schedule of the archive (Appendix No. 6 *) and the procedure for storing keys to the archive premises.
* The text of Appendix No. 6 is not given in the Bulletin of the Federal Bailiff Service. - Database manufacturer's note.

5.2. The archive's work schedule is developed and signed by the person in charge of the archive. The archive's operating schedule specifies the days and times for issuing documents. A copy of the approved archive work schedule on a sheet of white A4 paper is placed in a frame on the outside of the entrance door to the archive room at a distance of 10 cm below the sign with the inscription “Archive”.

5.3. At times not provided for by the archive's work schedule, and during non-working hours, the entrance door to the archive premises is locked and sealed by the person in charge of the archive.

A working set of keys for the locks of the entrance door to the archive room, a mastic seal (seal) are stored in the working safe of the person responsible for the archive or in a cabinet that is locked and sealed by the person responsible for the archive.

Backup sets of keys to the locks of the entrance door to the archive room in a sealed case, sealed by the person responsible for the archive, are stored in the safe of the head of the department - senior bailiff, and in his absence - in the safe of the authorized employee performing his duties.

5.4. The person in charge of the archive, in his presence, allows employees of the bailiff department (other persons) into the archive premises to carry out cleaning of the premises, minor repairs and other work on the basis of the written permission of the head of the department - senior bailiff or the person performing his duties.

Unhindered access to the archive premises of the head of the department - senior bailiff or the person performing his duties, the management of the territorial body and the FSSP of Russia responsible for the archive is carried out on the basis of their official powers, the admission of inspection officials of the management apparatus of the territorial body and the central office of the FSSP of Russia is carried out on the basis documents confirming their authority to conduct an inspection (relevant administrative act or an inspection plan approved by the authorized manager).

5.5. In case of official necessity, enforcement proceedings (cases with executive documents, their copies, accounting books), located in centralized operational storage, are issued to the bailiffs responsible for the archive for temporary use against signature in the Document Issuance Journal for a period no more than two working days with the written permission of the head of the department - senior bailiff or the person performing his duties.

An application for the issuance of cases for temporary use is drawn up and submitted to the head of the department - the senior bailiff responsible for the archive on the eve of the day the documents are issued. IN exceptional cases an application for the issuance of documents can be agreed upon with the head of the department - senior bailiff on the day the documents are issued.

Instead of a case issued for temporary use, the person responsible for the archive places a separate substitute card for each case (Appendix No. 38 to IDP-2010) in a box (bundle), which indicates the name and index of the case, the number of sheets in it, and, if necessary, other details case, as well as when and to whom the deposit was issued, the date of its return. When the case is returned, the substitute card is confiscated. Substitute cards for returned cases are kept until no longer needed.

On pre-weekends and holidays, documents issued from the archive for temporary use must be returned to the archive.

5.6. Documents of enforcement proceedings stored in the archive are sent to the prosecutor's office or judicial authorities upon their requests, always with cover letter containing information about the number of enforcement proceedings, the dates of its initiation and completion, the number of sheets in the case and other necessary details.

When sending these documents for a long period of time, measures are taken to create and store their paper or electronic copies.

5.7. Head of Department - Senior Bailiff weekly checks the state of the archive premises and the document archiving process. The results of the inspection are documented by an entry in the Journal for issuing documents from the archive, indicating the date of the inspection, the identified deficiencies,, if necessary, the timing and measures to eliminate the deficiencies, as well as the position of the inspector. The record is certified by the personal signature of the inspector with a transcript (indication of initials and surname). For example:

"09/02/2011. I checked the state of the archive, the procedure for archiving and storing documents, maintaining a journal for issuing documents. A substitute card was not issued for the enforcement proceedings issued on 09/01/2011 to bailiff V.V. Petrov... Issue a substitute card and report at the end of the working day.

Senior bailiff - head of the Ivanovsky district department of bailiffs, signature, I.I. Ivanov."

5.8. In exceptional cases (if the archive premises are insufficient or absent), in accordance with subclause of the IDP-2010, the head of the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia takes measures to ensure the storage of documents of enforcement proceedings (cases with executive documents, their copies, accounting books) subject to centralized operational storage, in locked and sealed cabinets that exclude unauthorized access to documents located in office offices or in a specially designated place.

Storage and issuance of documents stored in cabinets is carried out taking into account the rules stated above. On the front side of the doors of each cabinet there is a topographical index of the documents stored in it, and on the inside there is an internal inventory of the documents stored in the cabinet.

After the first year of storage, documents with unexpired storage periods, by decision of the head of the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia, can be transferred for further storage to the archive of the management apparatus or to the archive of one of the nearby structural divisions territorial body of the FSSP of Russia.

Office Management

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Federal Service Bulletin
N 12, 2011
