Use of graphic dictation in older preschool age. Summary of the lesson "Hare. Graphic dictation: drawing by cells ”(preparatory group). Vii. Dictation. Schematic representation of a cow

A source: Gamezo M.V., Petrova E.A., Orlova L.M. Developmental and educational psychology: Textbook. manual for students of all specialties of pedagogical universities. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003 .-- 512 p. (p. 118).

Age: students of the first grade of the school.

Target: study of arbitrariness as a component of a child's psychological readiness for school.

Progress."Graphic dictation" is conducted simultaneously with all students in the class on one of the first days of school. On a notebook sheet (each student is given such a sheet with an indication of his name and surname), having retreated 4 cells from the left edge, three points are placed one under the other (the vertical distance between them is 7 cells).

The teacher explains in advance:

“Now we are going to learn to draw different patterns. You need to try to make them beautiful and neat. To do this, you must listen to me carefully - I will say in which direction and how many cells to draw the line. Draw only those lines that I will dictate. When you draw a line, wait until I tell you where to direct the next one. Start each new line where the previous one ended, without lifting the pencil from the paper. Everyone remembers where the right hand is? This is the hand in which you hold the pencil. Pull it out to the side. You see, she points to the door (given a real reference that is available in the classroom). So, when I say that you need to draw a line to the right, you will draw it like this - to the door (on a board previously drawn into cells, a line is drawn from left to right, one cell long). It was I who drew a line one cell to the right. Now, without lifting my hands, I draw a line two cells up, and now - three cells to the right (the words are accompanied by drawing lines on the board). "

After that, it is proposed to proceed to drawing a training pattern.

“We start drawing the first pattern. Place your pencil at the highest point. Attention! Draw a line: one cell down. Do not lift your pencil off the paper. Now one cell to the right. One up. One cell to the right. One down. One cell to the right. One up. One cell to the right. One down. Then continue drawing the same pattern yourself. "

While working on this pattern, the teacher walks through the rows and corrects the mistakes made by the children. When drawing subsequent patterns, such control is removed, and he only makes sure that the students do not turn their sheets of paper and start a new one from the desired point. During dictation, long pauses must be observed so that they have time to complete the previous line, and they should be warned that it is not necessary to occupy the entire width of the page. One and a half to two minutes is given for an independent continuation of the pattern.

The subsequent text of the instruction is as follows:

“Now put your pencils on the next point. Ready! Attention! One cell up. One to the right. One cell up. One to the right. One cell down. One to the right. One cell down. One to the right. Now continue drawing this pattern yourself. "

Before completing the final pattern, the teacher addresses the subjects with the words:

"Everything. This pattern does not need to be drawn further. We're going to tackle the last pattern. Place your pencils on the next point. I begin to dictate. Attention! Three cells down. One to the right. Two cells up. One to the right. Two cells down. One to the right. Three cells up. Now continue drawing this pattern. "

Diagnostic results:

Analyzing the results of the task, one should separately evaluate the actions under dictation and the correctness of the independent continuation of the pattern. The first indicator (under dictation) indicates the child's ability to listen carefully and clearly follow the teacher's instructions, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli; the second indicator is about the degree of his independence in educational work. Both in the first and in the second case, you can focus on the following levels of execution.

High level. Both patterns (not counting the training pattern) generally correspond to the dictated ones; one of them contains isolated errors.

Average level. Both patterns partially correspond to the dictated ones, but contain errors; or one pattern is made flawlessly, and the second does not correspond to the dictated.

The level is below average. One pattern partially corresponds to the dictated, the other does not.

Low level. Neither pattern matches what is dictated.

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Purpose: determination of the child's ability to accurately fulfill the tasks of an adult, offered to him orally, and the ability to independently complete the task according to a visually perceived model.

Material: a sheet of notebook paper in a box, in the upper right corner - surname, name of the child, date of the examination. On the left side of the leaf, at a distance of four cells from the cut, 3 points are placed, one under the other (the vertical distance between them is 7 cells) (Appendix 12).

Progress: First instruction: “Now we are going to learn how to draw different patterns. We must try to make them beautiful and neat. To do this, you must listen to me carefully - I will say in which direction and how many cells to draw the line. Draw only those lines that I will dictate. When you draw the line, wait for me to tell you where to direct the next one. Start each new line where the previous one ended, without lifting your pencil. Everyone remembers where the right hand is? This is the hand in which you hold the pencil. Right. So, when I say that you need to draw a line to the right, you will draw it like this (shows on the board). This is a line one cell to the right. And now, without lifting my hands, I draw a line two cells up, and now three cells to the right (the words are accompanied by drawing lines on the board) ”.

After that, they move on to drawing a training pattern.

The experimenter continues: “We begin to draw the first pattern. Place your pencils at the highest point. Attention! Draw a line: one cell down. Do not lift your pencil off the paper. Now one cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. Then continue drawing the same pattern yourself. "

While working on this pattern, the experimenter walks through the rows and corrects the mistakes made by the children. Guys should be warned that it is not necessary to occupy the entire width of the page.

Second instruction: “Now place your pencil on the next point. Are you ready? Attention! One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. Now continue drawing the pattern yourself. ”

Instructions for the final pattern: “Everything. You do not need to draw this pattern further. We're going to tackle the last pattern. Place your pencil on the next point. I begin to dictate. Attention! Three cells up. One cell to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the right. Two cells up. One cell to the right. Three cells down. One cell to the right. Two cells up. One cell to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the right. Three cells up. Now continue to draw the pattern yourself. "

When analyzing the results of the task, it is necessary to evaluate the actions under dictation and the correctness of the independent execution of the pattern. The first indicator indicates the ability to listen carefully and clearly follow the instructions of an adult, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. The second is about the degree of independence of the child in educational work. In either case, you can focus on criteria such as:

High level: both patterns (excluding the training pattern) generally correspond to the dictated ones; one of them contains individual errors;

Middle level: both patterns partially correspond to the dictated ones, but contain errors, or one pattern is made without mistakes, and the second does not correspond to the dictated at all;

The level is below average: one pattern partially corresponds to the dictated, the other does not correspond at all;

Low: None of the two patterns are as dictated.

Bass questionnaire - Darky.

This questionnaire is designed to determine the state of aggression in children and adolescents. The questionnaire consists of 75 statements to which the child answers "yes" or "no". According to the number of coincidences of the respondent's answers with the key, the indices of various forms of aggressiveness and hostile reactions are calculated.

    At times, I cannot handle the urge to harm another.

    Sometimes I gossip about people I don't like.

    I get annoyed easily, but quickly calm down.

    If I am not asked in an amicable way, I do not fulfill the request.

    I don't always get what I'm supposed to.

    I know that people are talking about me behind my back.

    If I disapprove of my friends, I let them feel it.

    If I happened to deceive someone, I felt an agonizing remorse.

    It seems to me that I am not capable of hitting a person.

    I never get annoyed enough to throw objects.

    I am always condescending to other people's shortcomings.

    If I do not like the established rule, I want to break it.

    Others can almost always take advantage of favorable circumstances.

    I am wary of people who are a little more friendly to me than I expected.

    I often disagree with people.

    Sometimes thoughts come to my mind that I am ashamed of.

    If someone hits me first, I will not answer.

    When I get annoyed, I slam doors.

    I am much more irritable than I seem.

    If someone poses as a boss, I always act contrary to him.

    I am a little saddened by my fate.

    I think a lot of people don't like me.

    I can't help but argue if people disagree with me.

    People shying away from work must feel guilty.

    Anyone who insults me or my family is asking for a fight.

    I am not capable of rude jokes.

    I am rage when they mock me.

    When people pretend to be bosses, I do everything so that they are not arrogant.

    Almost every week I see someone I don't like.

    Quite a few people envy me.

    I demand that people respect my rights.

    I am depressed that I do little for my parents.

    People who constantly harass you deserve to be snapped on the nose.

    I am sometimes gloomy with anger.

    If I am treated worse than I deserve, I am not upset.

    If someone pisses me off, I don't pay attention.

    Although I don't show it, sometimes jealousy gnaws at me.

    Sometimes it seems to me that they are laughing at me.

    Even if I’m angry, I don’t use harsh language.

    I want my sins to be forgiven.

    I rarely fight back, even if someone hits me.

    When it doesn't work out my way, I sometimes get offended.

    Sometimes people annoy me with their presence.

    There are no people I really hate.

    My principle: "Never trust strangers."

    If someone annoys me, I am ready to say whatever I think about him.

    I do so many things that I later regret.

    If I get angry, I can hit someone.

    Since I was ten, I have never shown any outbursts of anger.

    I feel like a powder keg about to explode.

    If everyone knew how I felt, I would be considered a person who is not easy to get along with.

    I always think about what secret reasons make people do something nice for me.

    When they shout at me, I start shouting back.

    Failures make me sad.

    I fight as often and as often as others.

    I can remember times when I was so angry that I grabbed a thing that fell under my arm and broke it.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm ready to start a fight first.

    Sometimes I feel like life is not fair to me.

    I used to think that most people are telling the truth, but now I don't believe it.

    I swear with anger.

    When I do wrong, my conscience torments me.

    If I need to use physical force to defend my rights, I use it.

    Sometimes I express my anger by banging my fist on the table.

    I can be rude to people I don't like.

    I have no enemies who would like to harm me.

    I do not know how to put a person in his place, even if he deserves it.

    I often think I lived wrong.

    I know people who are able to bring me to a fight.

    I'm not upset about little things.

    It rarely occurs to me that people are trying to make me angry or offend.

    I often just threaten people, although I have no intention of enforcing the threats.

    I've become a bore lately.

    I try to hide my bad attitude towards people.

    I'd rather agree with something than argue.

Processing of results.

The indices of various forms of aggressive and hostile reactions are determined by summing up the responses received.

    Physical aggression: answers "yes" to questions 1, 25, 33, 48, 55, 62, 68; answers “no” to questions 9, 17, 41.

    Indirect aggression: Answers “yes” to questions 2, 18, 34, 42, 56, 63; answers “no” to questions 10, 26, 49.

    Irritation: answers "yes" to questions 3, 19, 27, 43, 50, 57, 64.72; no answers to questions 11, 35, 69.

    Negativism: Answers “yes” to questions 4, 12, 20, 28; the answer is no to question 36.

    Resentment:"Yes" - 5, 13, 21, 29, 37, 51.58; "No" - 44.

    Suspicion: "Yes" - 6, 14.22, 30, 38.45, 52.59; "No" - 65.70.

    Verbal aggression: "Yes" - 7, 15, 23, 31, 46, 53, 60,71,73; "no" - 39,66,74,75.

    Feelings of guilt: "Yes" - 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 47, 54, 61, 67.

The hostility index includes scales 5 and 6, and the aggressiveness index (direct or motivational) includes scales 1, 3, 7.

The norm of aggressiveness is the value of its index equal to 21 + -4, and hostility is 6.5-7 + -3. At the same time, attention is drawn to the possibility of achieving a certain value, showing the degree of manifestation of aggressiveness.

Stott's observation map.

This observation card (CC) is designed to register forms of maladapted behavior of children based on the results of long-term observation of the child. CC includes 196 fragments of fixed forms of behavior, the presence or absence of which must be judged by the observer filling out the map. These fragments are grouped into 16 syndromes (see protocol in Appendix 13).

Observation map.

1. ND - distrust of new people, things, situations... This leads to the fact that any success costs the child a huge effort. From 1 to 11 - less obvious symptoms, from 12 to 17 - symptoms of a clear violation.

    He speaks with the teacher only when he is alone with him.

    Cries when they make comments to him.

    He never offers any help to anyone, but willingly provides it if asked for it.

    The child is "subordinate" (agrees to "non-winning" roles, for example, during the game runs after the ball, while others calmly look at it).

    Too anxious to be naughty.

    Lies without fear.

    Loves, if sympathy is shown to him, but does not ask for it.

    He never brings flowers or other gifts to the teacher, although his comrades often do.

    He never brings or shows the teacher the things he found or any models, although his comrades often do this,

    Has only one good friend and tends to ignore the rest of the boys and girls in the class.

    He greets the teacher only when he pays attention to him. Wants to be seen.

    Does not approach the teacher on his own initiative.

    Too shy to ask for anything (like help).

    Easily becomes "nervous", cries, blushes when asked a question.

    Easily eliminated from active participation in the game.

    He speaks expressionlessly, mutters, especially when they greet him.

2. About - weakness (asthenia). We are not talking about clinical or even subclinical forms of weakness, but about manifestations of apathy, low mood, a kind of "neurophysical exhaustion". In a more mild form, declines in energy alternate with manifestations of energy and activity. SC speaks about the deficit of energy resources of the child's body, and, consequently, about its impossibility of manifestation of activity. In a milder form (symptoms 1-6), from time to time, there are various kinds of changes in activity, a change in mood. The presence of symptoms 7 and 8 indicates a tendency to irritation and physiological exhaustion. Symptoms 9–20 reflect more severe forms of depression. The points of this symptom are usually accompanied by severe BB and TB syndromes, especially in extreme forms of depression. In all likelihood, they do represent elements of depressive exhaustion.

    When answering in the lesson, sometimes he is diligent, sometimes he does not care about anything.

    Depending on how he feels, he either asks for help in completing school assignments, or not.

    Behaves very differently. Diligence in academic work changes almost daily.

    In games, he is sometimes active, sometimes apathetic.

    In his free time, he sometimes shows a complete lack of interest in anything.

    While doing manual work, sometimes he is very diligent, sometimes not.

    Impatient, loses interest in work as it is done.

    Angry, "goes berserk."

    Can work alone, but gets tired quickly.

    There is not enough physical strength for manual work.

    Lethargic, lack of initiative (in the classroom).

    Apathetic, passive, inattentive.

    Sudden and sharp drops in energy are often observed.

    Movement is slow.

    Too apathetic to get upset about anything (and therefore does not turn to anyone for help).

    The look is "dull" and indifferent.

    Always lazy and apathetic in games.

    Often dreams in reality.

    Speaks expressionlessly, mutters.

    Causes pity (depressed, unhappy), rarely laughs.

3. U - withdrawal into oneself. Avoiding contact with people, self-elimination. A protective attitude towards any contact with people, rejection of the feeling of love shown to him.

    He absolutely never greets anyone.

    Doesn't respond to greetings.

    Shows no friendliness or benevolence towards other people.

    Avoids conversations (“closed in”).

    Dreams and does something else instead of schoolwork (lives in a different world).

    Shows no interest in manual work at all.

    Shows no interest in group games.

    Avoids other people.

    Keeps away from adults, even when offended or suspected of something.

    Is completely isolated from other children (it is impossible to approach him).

    It gives the impression that it does not notice other people at all.

    In a conversation, he is restless, strays from the topic of the conversation.

    Behaves like a "wary animal."

4. TV - anxiety towards adults. Anxiety and uncertainty about whether adults are interested in him, whether they love him. SC expresses anxious hope, aspirations, and attempts by the student to establish and maintain good relationships with adults. Symptoms 1-6 The child tries to make sure that adults accept and love him. Symptoms 7-10 - draws attention to itself and exaggeratedly seeks the love of an adult. Symptoms 11-16 - Shows great anxiety about whether adults are taking it.

    He fulfills his duties very willingly.

    Shows an excessive desire to greet the teacher.

    Too talkative (annoying with his chatter).

    He is very willing to bring flowers and other gifts to the teacher.

    Very often he brings and shows the teacher found objects, drawings, models, etc.

    Overly friendly towards the teacher.

    He tells the teacher exaggeratedly about his activities in the family.

    "Sucks up", tries to please the teacher.

    He always finds an excuse to keep the teacher special.

    Constantly needs help and supervision from the teacher.

    Seeks the sympathy of the teacher. He comes to him with various petty matters and petty complaints about his comrades.

    Tries to "monopolize" the teacher (to occupy him exclusively with his own person).

    Tells fantastic, fictional stories.

    She tries to interest adults in her specialness, but does not make any efforts on her part in this direction.

    Excessively anxious to interest adults and gain their sympathy.

    Completely "eliminated" if his efforts are unsuccessful.

Egorova Natalia Viktorovna

Fun activities for preschoolers -

graphic dictations.

Drawing by cells- a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a playful way of developing a baby's spatial imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, perseverance.

Graphic dictations help to develop attention, the ability to listen to the teacher, orientation in space. They will also prepare the child's hand for writing. They will teach the baby to be more attentive. This is a great way to develop logic, abstract thinking, and meticulousness. With the help of these activities, the child develops, corrects the correctness of his movements, "fills a firm hand", this skill will help him at school. Graphic dictations can be successfully applied from the age of five.

What are graphic dictations? Graphic dictations are drawing by cells, using pointers in the assignment. To complete them, we need: a sheet of paper on which the cells are drawn, a pencil, an eraser. The tasks contain arrows (showing the direction) and numbers (showing the number of cells that need to be traversed in the indicated direction). If you follow the signs accurately and carefully, lead the line in the right direction at the right distance, it turns out - a picture. It can be an animal, various objects, vegetables, fruits, trees, vehicles and much more.

Drawing by cells - a good way to teach your kid to use a pencil and a pen. To teach how to hold it correctly, to practice so that your fingers do not get so tired from holding the subject at school. This exercise will help teach the baby to count correctly, here you need to count the cells in order to draw a line to get a drawing.

I practice graphic dictation under dictation, both with the whole group of children and in individual lessons with children. Children love these exercises. Also, children draw themselves with great pleasure on lined sheets with assignments.

How to do graphic dictation

(Drawing rules by cells).

Graphic dictation can be performed in two versions:

1. The child is offered a sample of a geometric pattern and asked to repeat the exact same pattern in a checkered notebook.

2. An adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down, the child does the work by ear, and then compares his image of the ornament or figure with the sample in the manual by superimposing it.

When offering children such tasks, the teacher must observe some rules la:

When the teacher begins to dictate, he cannot utter any other words. And even more so to repeat the same direction twice.

Dictations are written in complete silence.

If the child is confused, then he quietly puts down a pencil and calmly waits until the teacher finishes dictating. Only then can the error be clarified.

I begin my acquaintance with the cage with the middle group.

I start working with the simplest thing - I write assignments in a notebook with a large cell, the child must continue the row. Learn to see a cell and a string. We write sticks, cells, corners, simple patterns, each time complicating the tasks. First, we divide the patterns into segments - we train, then all the particles are collected in a pattern.

In tasks, the following designations are used: the number of counted cells is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow.

Before you start writing a graphic dictation, you should explain to the children how the dictation will be conducted. First, we talk with the children that I will dictate to them how many cells the lines need to be drawn and in which direction. And they will draw these lines through the cells, without lifting the pencil from the paper, and then together we will see what happens. To set up the children to try to keep the lines even and beautiful, then the drawing will turn out wonderful.

For the first time, you can draw on the board with the children so that they can see how they need to work, and the children will be able to perform subsequent dictations without prompting. Before dictation, you need to repeat where the right and left hand are, how to draw a line to the right and left. You can agree with the children about any marks (draw the letters "p" and "l" on the board, make marks on the walls, or stipulate what, for example: the right hand points to the window, and the left to the bedroom, etc.)

Then we move on to drawing with dictation.

To begin with, on the sheet with the dictation, in the upper corners, you need to mark - right and left. We give the child a squared notebook sheet, a pencil and an eraser.

In the older groups, at the top of the picture, we always indicate how many cells need to be retreated from the edge and top to start the dictation. In the indicated place, for example: retreat 5 cells from the edge to the left, count 6 cells from above. At this point you need to put an end. It is better for young children to count the cells on their own and set a starting point (from this point the child will draw lines under dictation).

It is better to start with the simplest: - one cell up (1, one cell to the right (1, one cell down (1), one cell to the left) (1). It turns out a square.

You need to dictate clearly, the child must perceive everything by ear. At the end of the work, see how much the children's shapes match the given elements. Consider a sample. If the kid is wrong, find out together where exactly. With an eraser, you can wipe off the point of failure, and continue. The main thing is to support the child, to praise, if something does not work out, you can offer to redraw the picture from the original.

Before each lesson, be sure to talk with your child about the fact that there are different directions and sides. Show him where is right, where is left, where is top, where is bottom. Pay attention to the kid that each person has a right and a left side. Explain that the hand he eats, draws, and writes with is his right hand and the other hand is his left. For left-handers, on the contrary, it is necessary to explain to left-handers that there are people for whom the working hand is the right one, and there are people for whom the working hand is the left.

This activity includes graphic dictation, image discussion, tongue twisters, catchphrases, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load. Activities with a child can be arranged in a different sequence.


Sections: Speech therapy

Currently, a large number of kindergarten graduates with a history of various speech disorders face a number of difficulties in teaching writing and reading at school.

Pupils have a poor orientation on the plane of the sheet, undeveloped concepts of "top - bottom", "left - right", a mixture of letters similar in outline, mirror spelling of elements and letters. As a result, optical dysgraphia is formed, academic performance suffers.

The reason for these difficulties in children with speech pathology is the lack of formation of visual - spatial perception (analysis, synthesis, attention), visual - motor coordination of movements, poorly developed fine motor skills of the fingers. IN Sadovnikova, AN Kornev in this regard speak about the insufficiency of digitalopraxis.

The issue of increasing the effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical work on the prevention of optical dysgraphia in older preschool children is relevant, and the use of graphic dictations on cells in correctional work is one of the reserves of speech therapy influence.

To solve this problem, I have developed a series of graphic dictations for cells of two types:

  1. tracing lines in a given direction from the origin ( Annex 1);
  2. line-by-line coloring of cells ( Appendix 2).
  • Form auditory perception and memory;
  • Develop visual-spatial perception: analysis, synthesis;
  • Improve hand-eye coordination;
  • Strengthen visual memory;
  • Teach to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage;
  • Activate and strengthen the small muscles of the fingers;
  • Continue to work on consolidating speech skills.

In accordance with the memos, samples of class abstracts are presented.

The result of the performance of the graphic dictation is a schematic representation of the subject, which will help organize the activities of children in an entertaining manner. This will also be facilitated by entertaining material specially compiled, selected or adapted for each figure, offered in the form of speech playing techniques: author's finger games, pure phrases, logorhythmic exercises, riddles, etc., which will allow the teacher - speech therapist or educator to continue practicing certain skills correct pronunciation of sounds and the use of word forms outside the boundaries of traditional speech therapy classes and will provide variability in correctional and pedagogical work.

Since graphic dictations on cells are an element of propaedeutic work to prevent the occurrence of optical dysgraphia in older preschool children with speech pathology, the implementation of the proposed tasks will help to improve the quality level of their preparation for schooling.

Memo for conducting graphic dictation by cells from the starting point

  • Activation of the muscles of small muscles through a complex of finger exercises (5 - 6 exercises);
  • Determination of the starting point of drawing;
  • Dictation. Indication of the direction of movement of the line and the number of cells in the depicted segment;
  • Summing up.

Summary of a subgroup lesson - conducting a graphic dictation from the starting point

Theme: Cow.


    • learn to draw straight lines of a certain length in a given direction;
    • improve hand-eye coordination by copying figures;
    • update knowledge about a domestic animal - a cow;
    • automate pronunciation [p] in phrases and coherent speech;

Equipment: reproduction of a cow, pencils, erasers, squared notebooks.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. Goal setting.

- Guess the riddle and find out who we will draw on the cells.

Ginger dairy
Chews for a day and chews for two,
After all, the grass is not so easy
Convert to milk.

Today we will learn how to draw a cow cell by cell.

III. Conversation. Examination of a reproduction with a picture of a cow.

- Let's remember what we know about the cow.

- Which group does the cow belong to?

- What animal is it? Why?

- Describe the appearance of the cow.

- What actions can she perform?

- Pick up affectionate words that you can call a cow?

- what is the name of a baby cow? Etc.

IV. Finger game.

A cow was walking across the bridge. (connect palms with middle fingers - bridge, collect the brush into a fist, extend the index finger and little finger)
She carried milk. (cupped palms)
Sparrow, tit, bunny, fox, (unbend fingers in order)
A mustache cat, a striped tiger,
Squirrel and marten, hedgehog and lioness.
I fed everyone again. (stroking belly)
And she went for a walk to the meadow. (fingers go across the table)

Here is the left palm.
Here is the right palm.
We raise our hands up
And we do the exercises.
The right will be strong
The left will be strong.
We will have fingers
Dexterous, skillful.
Down - up, down - up
We draw the best.

Vi. Determines the origin of the drawing.

- Count two cells from the fields and put a dot at the intersection of the blue lines. Let's start drawing from it. (At the initial stages of training, the speech therapist puts an end to it).

Vii. Dictation. A schematic representation of a cow.

1 cell up, 5 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the left, 1 cell down, 9 cells to the right, 8 cells down, 1 cell to the left, 3 cells up, 1 cell to the left, 3 cells down, 1 cell to the left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell to the left, 3 cells down, 1 cell to the left, 6 cells up, 1 cell to the left, 3 cells up, 1 cell to the left.

VIII. Dorisovka.

- Look, have you made a cow so that everyone will like it?

In my opinion, it lacks some details. Draw the eyes, nose, horns, tail, spots.

IX. Evaluation of results (peer review).

X. Dynamic pause. Pronunciation of pure phrases associated with movements.

Rova - ditch - ditch (claps) - there is a cow on the grass (hands on the belt, turns of the body).
Ditch - ditch - ditch (claps) - we look at the cow (hands "binoculars" to bring to the eyes).
Rova - ditch - ditch (claps) - a good cow (arms to the sides).

XI. Copying.

- Copy below (or on the right) the same cow.

You had one cow, and now it will become ... (two cows), we all will have ... (many cows), a whole ... (herd of cows).

XII. Checking the completion of the task.

XIII. Summing up the lesson.

Memo for carrying out a graphic dictation on line painting of cells

  • Determination of the subject (object) of drawing by isolating superimposed silhouette pictures;
  • Making riddles about the subject (object) of drawing;
  • Examination of a natural object, toy or reproduction;
  • Conversation about the subject (object) of drawing (name of the group, properties, qualities);
  • Activation of the muscles of small muscles through a complex of finger exercises (5-6 exercises);
  • Actualization of spatial concepts "right", "left", "up", "down";
  • Actualization of the concept of "color";
  • Acquaintance with the working field, divided into cells located by lines;
  • Drawing attention to line numbering;
  • Indication of the direction and number of colored cells of a given color;
  • Intermediate control over the accuracy and accuracy of the task, timely correction of errors;
  • Completing the missing details of the figure according to the instructions or sample;
  • Evaluation of the results of graphic dictation;
  • Dynamic pause with pronouncing pure phrases about the subject;
  • Self-copying of the received schemes of drawings;
  • Self-assessment;
  • Exhibition of works, discussion;
  • Summing up.

Summary of a subgroup lesson - carrying out a graphic dictation on line painting of cells(kindergarten preparatory group)

Theme: Bug.


  1. to form graphomotor skills:
    • continue work on the development of orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage (update spatial representations: up, down, right, left.);
    • learn to accurately paint the required number of cells of the named color in a given line;
    • develop visual-spatial perception: analysis, synthesis;
    • continue to work on the development of digitalopraxis: coordination of movements and strength;
    • improve hand-eye coordination by copying figures;
  2. work on the development and correction of speech:
    • update knowledge about the insect - beetle;
    • automate pronunciation [f], [h] in phrases and coherent speech;
    • work on the prosodic side of speech - rhythmization through pure phrases;
    • activate auditory perception, memory.

Equipment: insect overlays, beetle reproduction, colored pencils, squared notebooks.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Children stand near the door of the study.

- Only the one who names any insect will go to his place.

(Children name words and take their places.)

II. Goal setting.

Consideration of overlays, recognition, naming.

- Guess the riddle and find out which of these insects we will draw on the cages.

Zhu - zhu - zhu, I'm sitting on a branch,
And the sound [f] I repeat.

Today we will learn how to draw a beetle cell by cell.

III. Conversation.

Examination of a reproduction with a picture of a beetle.

- Let's remember what we know about the beetle.

- What group does the beetle belong to?

- Describe the appearance of the beetle.

- What actions can he perform?

- What kind of beetles do you know?

- What do beetles eat? Etc.

IV. Finger game.

- Prepare your hands, we will play a little, we will knead our fingers.

Beetles ran along the path (fingers run across the table)
Silk backs gleamed. (stroking the backs of the palms)
The breeze knocked them over. (put your palms with their backs on the table)
Who would help those beetles? (quick finger movements)

V. Actualization of spatial representations (in the form of a finger game).

Hand to the right, into the cam,
We will unclench and on a side.
Hand to the left, into the cam,
We will unclench and on a side.
Hands up, into a fist,
We will unclench and on a side.
Hands down, into a fist,
We will unclench and on a side.
The game ends - (hands in front of the chest - movement "motor")
It's time for us to get down to business. (clenching - unclenching fingers)

Vi. Actualization of the concept of color.

- What color did you meet the beetles? Where can you see them often?

We need two colors: brown and green.

What is brown? What is green?

Vii. Acquaintance with the working field.

(Consideration, naming of the numbers with which the lines are numbered.)

VIII. Dictation. A schematic representation of a beetle.

  • 1 p. - 3 cells are green, 1 cell is brown, 2 cells are green, 1 cell is brown, 3 cells are green.
  • 2 p. - 4 cells are green, 2 cells are brown, 4 cells are green.
  • 3 p. - 1 cell is brown, 3 cells are green, 2 cells are brown, 3 cells are green, 1 cell is brown.
  • 4 p. - 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell, 4 brown cells, 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell.
  • 5 p. - 2 cells are green, 6 are brown cells, 2 cells are green.
  • 6 p. - 2 cells are green, 6 are brown cells, 2 cells are green.
  • 7 p. - all cells are brown.
  • 8 p. - 2 cells are green, 6 are brown cells, 2 cells are green.
  • 9 p. - 2 cells are green, 6 are brown cells, 2 cells are green.
  • 10 p. - 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell, 4 brown cells, 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell.
  • 11 p. - 1 cell is brown, 8 cells are green, 1 cell is brown.

IX. Dorisovka.

- Look, have you got such a beetle that everyone will like?

In my opinion, it lacks some details. Draw the eyes and the line of the wings.

X. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of the graphic dictation (mutual check).

XI. Dynamic pause. Pronunciation of pure phrases associated with movements.

Chok - chok - chok (claps) - a bug sits on the sheet (squat down).
Chka - chka - chka (claps) - we are not afraid of the bug (hands on the belt, head turns).
Chka - chka - chka (claps) - we will look at the beetle (palm with a visor to the eyes, turns of the body).
Chka - chka - chka (claps) - take a beetle in the palm of our hand (hands alternately to the sides).
Chok - chok - chok (claps) - a bug flew away from the hand (waving hands).

XII. Exhibition of children's works, selection of the most accurate.

XIII. Copying.

- Copy below (or on the right) the same beetle.

You had one beetle, but it will become ... (two beetles), we will have ... (many beetles).

XIV. Checking the completion of the task.

XV. Summing up the lesson.

Lyudmila Koshanskaya
Summary of the lesson "Hare. Graphic dictation: drawing by cells "(preparatory group)

Theme « Hare»

Graphic dictation - drawing by cells»

(preparatory group)

Goals: Continue work on developing orientation on a piece of paper in cage

(update spatial representation: up down,

right left.);

Tasks: Learn to draw straight lines of a certain length in a given


develop visual-spatial perception, fine

motor skills of the fingers, the ability to understand and accurately perform

adult instructions;

work on the development of correct, clear and coherent speech;

activate auditory perception and memory.


visual material: hare illustration, hare outline

Handout: pencils, erasers, notebooks in cage.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. Today we will draw by cells.

II. Goal setting.

Are you wondering what we will be paint? This is a secret, but to find out, guess the riddle.

What is this forest beast

Got up like a post under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass -

The ears are larger than the head.


That's right, it's Hare.

Today we will learn draw a cow by cells.

III. Conversation. Examining the illustration of a hare.

- Let's remember what we know about the hare.

- What animal is it? Why?

- Describe the appearance of the hare.

- What actions can he perform?

- Pick up affectionate words that you can call a hare?

- What is the name of a baby hare?

IV. Finger game.

- Prepare your hands, we will play a little, we will knead our fingers.

Once upon a time there were bunnies

At the edge of the forest.

(throw up your hands in front of you, describing a circle)

Once upon a time there were bunnies

(show bunny ears on the head)

In a gray hut.

(fold your arms over your head in the shape of a house)

We washed our ears

(run your hands over imaginary ears)

We washed our little paws.

(simulate hand washing)

Bunnies were dressing up

(hands on the sides, turn slightly in both directions, in a semi-squat)

They put on slippers.

(hands on the sides, alternately put forward the right and left legs)

V. Actualization of spatial representations (in the form of a finger game).

Hand to the right, into the cam,

We will unclench and on a side.

Hand to the left, into the cam,

We will unclench and on a side.

Hands up, into a fist,

We will unclench and on a side.

Hands down, into a fist,

We will unclench and on a side.

The game ends - (hands in front of the chest - movement "Motor")

It's time for us to get down to business. (clenching - unclenching fingers)

Vi. Planting before starting work

Sit up straight, feet together

Take a notebook under the slope.

Left hand in place

Right hand in place

You can start writing.

- Take a pencil in your hand and put it on the point that I gave you in advance. Let's start drawing from this point. We listen carefully and complete the task.

Vii. Dictation"Bunny"

Step back 5 cells on the right and 3 on top, put a point. We will draw from this point... Draw 1 square to the right, 3 down, 2 right, 2 down, 1 left, 2 down, 3 right, 3 down, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 2 down, 1 right, 2 down, 2 right, 1 down, 6 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 right, 12 up.

VIII. Dorisovka.

- See if you succeed Hare?

Do you like her?

In my opinion, it lacks some details. Draw the eyes.

Look at what I got a hare... Do you like it? I'm very happy.

IX. Summing up

Did you like what we were doing today?

Did you get the drawing we did today?

What made the drawing?

(because they listened carefully and completed all the tasks)

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