Treatment of endometriosis. Treatment of endometriosis with hormonal drugs and folk remedies at home Non-drug treatment of endometriosis

The uterine cavity of a healthy woman inside consists of a unique fabric - endometrial. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium changes: gradually increases, and when menstruation is rejected by the uterus and comes out.

But sometimes endometrium begins to appear not only in the uterus, but also in the ovaries, the bladder, the rectum, the scar after Cesarean section and even in the devices from the uterine organs and tissues. At the same time, the work of these bodies can be significantly violated.

How to treat endometriosis, why does this disease appear and what is his symptoms?

Endometriosis is a pathological hormone-dependent process, in which the growth of the iron tissue of the uterus is observed (namely endometrium) beyond its borders, in other organs and tissues: ovaries, uterine pipes, in the thickness of the urine, the bladder, the surface of the peritoneum, in the rectum, etc. . Endometrium fragments, growing in other organs, undergo the same cyclic changes as endometrium in the uterus, in accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle. These changes endometrials appear pain, an increase in the affected organ in volume, monthly bleeding discharge from heterotopy, disruption of menstrual function, discharge from the mammary glands, infertility.

Endometriosis is quite raprostran in the population. In the frequency of occurrence among gynecological pathology, only inflammatory diseases and myoma of the uterus are superior.

The overwhelming majority of detectable cases of endometriosis fall on the reproductive period. It also diagnoses approximately 10% of girls during the formation of the menstrual function and in 2-5% of cases in women in the menopacteric period.

Causes of endometriosis

Unfortunately, scientists do not yet know about the exact causes of the occurrence of endometriosis in women, despite numerous studies and experiments in this area. It is usually a weak immunity "allows" endometrial to settle where it is not necessary. Doctors also trace the relationship between this disease and such reasons as pathological genera, repeated surgical abortions, caesarean section, installation of spirals, ignition erosion, chronic inflammatory processes of a small pelvis.

However, most often gynecologists are inclined to the fact that the cause of the disease is a genetic predisposition against the background of hormonal imbalance. After all, the disease is manifested only during menstruation. With the onset of menopause or pregnancy, the painful process is suspended, and sometimes completely disappears.

Many specialists tend to the theory of retrograde menstruation (or implantation theory). According to this theory, part of women occurs (reflux) of menstrual blood with particles of endometrial in the abdominal cavity, uterine pipes. In some cases, endometrial cells, attaching to the tissues of various organs, continues to function cyclically. In the absence of pregnancy, the endometrium from the uterus is rejected during menstruation, whereas in other organs, microcarity exclusion occurs, accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process.

Ensure factors in endometriosis:

  • features in the structure of the uterine pipes,
  • immunosuppression
  • heredity.

The role of hereditary predisposition in the development of endometriosis does not cause any doubts. Therefore, it is believed that the likelihood of transmitting this disease from the mother to his daughter is quite high.

Other theories of the development of endometriosis that are not widely distributed are considered one of the possible causes of gene mutations, deviations of the functions of cell enzymes, the receptor reaction failure in relation to hormones.

Endometriosis symptoms

Endometriosis flow can be diverse. The beginning of the occurrence is usually asymptomatic. That is why it is possible to identify it on time only with regular profresses. However, there are reliable symptoms indicating the presence of endometriosis.

  • Plumber pain. Accompanies endometriosis in 16-24% of patients. Pain may have a clear localization or spilled character throughout the pelvis, arise or enhance immediately before menstruation or to be present constantly. Often the pelvic pain is caused by inflammation developing in organs affected by endometriosis.
  • Painful sexual intercourse (ditarenia). Discovers and pain during sexual intercoulations are especially expressed in the localization of foci of endometriosis in the vagina, the wall of the rectovaginal partition, in the region of sacratling bonds, the uterine-straight space.
  • Pain in defecation or urination.
  • Menorragia is abundant and long-term menstruation. Observed in 2-16% patients with endometriosis. Often accompanies adenomyosis and related diseases: Mioma of uterus, ovarian polycystosis, etc.
  • The development of postgymorrhagic anemia. Owing due to significant chronic blood loss in menstruation. It is characterized by increasing weakness, pallor or the jaggility of the skin and mucous membranes, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness.

Endometriosis classification

Localization is isolated by genital and extra-mold of endometriosis.

In the genital form of endometriosis distinguish:

  • peritoneal endometriosis - with erous lesions, pelvic pitching and uterine pipes;
  • extraperitoneal endometriosis, localized in the lower sections of the sexual system - external genital organs, into the vagina, the vaginal segment of the cervix, the rectovaginal partition, etc.;
  • internal endometriosis (adenomyosis), developing in the muscular layer of the uterus. With adenomyosis, the uterus becomes a spherical shape, increased in size up to 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.

Localization of endometriosis can also be mixed, as a rule, in the absence of timely detection and treatment of the disease.

With the extragnenital form of endometriosis, heterotopic foci occurs in the intestines, in the lungs, in the kidneys, in the region of the umbilical ring and postoperative scars.

4 degrees of endometriosis, which depend on the depth and distribution of focal structures of the endometrium are distinguished:

I degree - foci of endometriosis superficial and single;

II degree - foci of endometriosis deeper, in more;

III degree - deep multiple foci of endometriosis, endometrioid cysts on one or both ovaries, separate spikes on the peritoneum;

IV degree - multiple and deep foci of endometryiosis, bilateral large endometrium cysts on ovaries, dense spikes, germination of endometrial in the walls of the vagina and the rectum. IV degree of endometriosis is characterized by the prevalence and severity of the defeat, it is difficult to treat.

According to the degree of degree of myometrium, there is a classification of adenomiosis of the uterus (internal endometriosis), in the development of which four stages are distinguished:

Stage I - initial germination of myometrium;

Stage II - the distribution of foci of endometriosis at half the depth of the muscular layer of the uterus;

III stage - germination of the whole thickness of the myometrium up to the serous membrane of the uterus;

IV Stage - germination of the uterus walls with the spread of foci of endometriosis on the peritoneum.

Endometrium foci can differ in size and shape: from rounded formations of a large amount of several millimeters to shapeless growths of several centimeters in diameter. Usually they have a dark cherry color and are separated from those surrounding tissues with connective tissue whiskers.

Endometriosis foci becomes more noticeable on the eve of menstruation due to their cyclic maturation. Specifying the internal organs and peritoneum, the endometriosis areas can germinate deeply in the tissue or are superficial. Endometriosis of ovaries is expressed in the appearance of cystic growths with dark red content. Heterotopia is usually located groups.

The degree of endometriosis is estimated in points taking into account the diameter, the depths of germination and localization of foci. Endometriosis is often the cause of adhesive processes in a small pelvis, limiting the mobility of ovaries, uterine pipes, uterus, leads to disorders of the menstrual cycle, infertility.

What is the danger of endometriosis?

Often endometriosis can proceed asymptomatic, gradually leading to infertility. Numerous spikes formed during endometriosis provoke the obstruction of the uterine pipes, as a result of which the pregnancy becomes impossible. Statistics show that about half of cases of infertility are a consequence of untreated endometriosis.

In patients with endometriosis, infertility is 25-40%. While gynecology cannot accurately answer the question of the mechanism of infertility development in case of endometriosis. Among the most likely reasons for infertility, in addition to changes in the ovaries and pipes, are a violation of general and local immunity, a concomitant disruption of ovulation.

Endometriosis sharply reduces the chances of making a child and can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage, so making pregnancy during endometriosis should be carried out with constant medical control. The probability of the occurrence of pregnancy after the treatment of endometriosis ranges from 15 to 56% the first 6-14 months.

Complications of endometriosis

Hemorrhages and scar changes in endometriosis cause the development of adhesive processes in a small pelvis and abdominal organs. Another frequent complication of the endometriosis is the formation of endometrioid ovarian cyst filled with old menstrual blood (chocolate cysts). Both of these complications may cause infertility. The compression of the nervous trunks can lead to various neurological disorders. Significant blood loss during menstruation cause anemic, weakness, irritability, fiscaliness. Infrequently, but the malignant rebirth of foci of endometriosis is found.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

In the diagnosis of endometriosis, other diseases of the genital organs occur with similar symptoms. In case of suspected endometriosis, the collection of complaints, anamnesis, in which the pains, information on the suffering diseases of the genital organs, operations, the presence of gynecological pathology in relatives are indicative. Further examination of a woman with suspected endometriosis may include:

  • gynecological research (vaginal, rectovaginal, in mirrors) is the most informative on the eve of menstruation;
  • colposcopy and hysterosalpingoscopy to clarify the place and form of damage, obtaining tissue biopsy;
  • ultrasound examination of small pelvis organs, abdominal cavity to clarify the localization and dynamic pattern in the treatment of endometriosis;
  • spiral computed tomography or magnetic resonance in order to clarify the character, localization of endometriosis, its relationship with other bodies, etc. The accuracy of the results of these methods in endometriosis is 96%;
  • laparoscopy that allows you to visually inspect the foci of endometriosis, assess their number, the degree of maturity, activity;
  • hysterosalpingography (X-rays of uterine and uterus), hysteroscopy (endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity), allowing to diagnose adenomyosis with an accuracy of 83%;
  • the study of tumor markers of CA 125, REA and CA 19-9 and RO test, whose indicators are increased several times in blood.

Treatment of endometriosis

Therapeutic tactics depends on different factors: the age of the woman, its plans for pregnancy, location, the prevalence of endometriosis, the number of pregnancies, childbirth, the presence of other diseases of the small pelvis organs.

The methods of treatment of endometriosis are divided into drug, surgical (laparoscopic with removal of foci of endometriosis and the preservation of the organ or radical - removal of ovaries with the uterus) and combined.

The treatment of endometriosis is aimed at not only the elimination of active manifestations of the disease, but also its consequences (adhesive, cystic formations, psycho-neurological manifestations, etc.).

Indications for conservative treatment of endometriosis are its asymptomatic flow, the young age of the patient, premenopause, the need to save or restore the childbearing function. The leading method of drug treatment of endometriosis is hormone therapy with the following groups of drugs:

  • combined estrogen-gestagne drugs (Marvelon, Silest, Nonon, etc.). These preparations containing small doses of gestagenov suppress the production of estrogen with ovulation. Showing at the initial stage of endometriosis, since not effective in the prevalence of the endometrioid process, ovarian cysts. The side effect is expressed by nausea, vomiting, intermented bloody discharge, diseases of the mammary glands.
  • gestagens (Norcut, Ustrazestan, Nesomedran, Duphaston). Showing at any stage of endometriosis, continuously - from 6 to 8 months. The reception of gestagens may be accompanied by intermenstrual blood blood, depressive condition, disease soreness.
  • antigonadotropic drugs (Danazole, Danogen, Dunol, etc.). Suppress the production of gonadotropins by the system of hypothalamus-pituitary. Apply a continuous course for 6-8 months. Contraindicated with their own hyperandrode (excess androgen hormones). Side effects are sweating, tides, an increase in body weight, voices, increasing the oily skin increase in the intensity of hair growth.
  • agonists of gonadotropic releases of hormones (Triptorelin, Gozerelin, etc.). The advantage of drugs of this group for the treatment of endometriosis is the possibility of using drugs once a month, the absence of serious side effects. The relapse-hormone agonists cause suppressing the ovulation process and the content of estrogen, leading to the suppression of the distribution of foci of endometriosis.

In addition to hormonal drugs in the treatment of endometriosis, immunostimulants are used, symptomatic therapy: antispasmodics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents.

Organ-glooring surgical treatment with the removal of heterotopia is shown at the average and severe stages of endometriosis. Treatment is aimed at removing foci of endometriosis in various organs, endometrioid cyst, dissection of adhesions. It is carried out in the absence of the expected effect of drug therapy, the presence of contraindications or intolerance of medicines, the presence of foci of lesion with a diameter of more than 3 cm, impaired intestinal functions, bladder, ureters, kidneys. In practice, it is often combined with medication treatment of endometriosis. It is carried out by laparoscopic or laparotomic access.

Radical surgical treatment of endometriosis (extirpation of the uterus and removal of appendages) is carried out by patients aged after 40 years with the active progression of the disease and the inefficiency of conservative surgical measures. Unfortunately, radical measures in the treatment of endometriosis requires 12% of patients. Operations are made by laparoscopic or laparotomic methods.

Endometriosis has a tendency to recurrence, which sometimes makes resort to re-operational intervention. Endometriosis recurrences are found in 15-40% of patients and depend on the prevalence of the process, its severity, localization, the radicality of the first operation.

In childbearing aged, the success of the treatment of endometriosis is determined by the restoration or preservation of a childbearing function. With a modern level of surgical gynecology, wide use of gentle laparoscopic techniques, such results are achieved in 60% of patients with endometriosis aged from 20 to 36 years. In patients with endometriosis after radical operations, the disease is not renewed.

Most often used drug and surgical methods in the complex. Conservative treatment is the appointment of hormonal drugs, overwhelming the activity of the ovaries, as well as funds that strengthen the immunity of a woman.

Be sure to operate the endometrium ovarian cysts, as well as extensive endometriosis, if it is combined with the Mioma of the uterus. Operational intervention is also carried out in the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment methods, in the case of endometriosis progression on the background of the treatment.

Prevention of endometriosis

Recognize early manifestations of endometriosis. Often a woman can independently if it is attentive to himself. About the disease in the early stages may indicate the failures of the menstrual cycle along with changes in mood, nervousness, headaches. If unpleasant symptoms occur, it is better not to wait for the occurrence of strong pain, but immediately seek medical attention.

Attempts by independent treatment or expectant tactics regarding endometriosis are absolutely not justified: new foci of endometriosis appear in organs in the organs, cysts are formed, the scar and adhesive processes progress, the patency of the uterine pipes are reduced.

The main activities aimed at the prevention of endometriosis are:

  • specific examination of adolescent girls and women with complaints about painful menstruation (dismenoria) in order to eliminate endometriosis;
  • observation of patients undergoing abortion, other surgical interventions in the uterus to eliminate possible consequences;
  • timely, complete cure of acute and chronic pathology of genitals;
  • reception of oral hormonal contraceptives.

The risk of endometriosis is higher in the following groups of women:

  • noting the shortening of the menstrual cycle;
  • suffering from violations of metabolic processes, obesity, overweight;
  • using intrauterine contraceptives;
  • aged after 30-35 years;
  • having an elevated level of estrogen;
  • suffering from immunodepress;
  • having hereditary predisposition;
  • undergoing operations in the uterus;
  • smoking women.

Endometriosis is a common disease that is quite well treatment subject to timely start. In the absence of treatment, this disease can lead to a number of severe consequences, including infertility and development of cancer processes. Therefore, it is important to start therapy in a timely manner. How to treat endometriosis? This is told in this article.



Endometriosis is a process in which endometrial cells are actively divided on one or another section of the reproductive system, as a result there is a significant increase in tissues. The process of this hormone-dependent, it is developing only under the condition of the high level of estrogen in the patient's blood. Therefore, it is possible to treat the disease to be drugized (acting on the level of hormones) or surgically (removing directly the focus of the active growing of the tissue).

Do Endometriosis cure? Usually, this disease is quite well amenable to medication therapy. Surgical methods are used extremely rarely. In addition, after 40 years, this disease is not treated at all, since when climax, estrogen production stops, and the resulting tissues are degraded by themselves, the pathological process stops.

The emergence of this disease after 50 years is a rarity. But it is in this case that it is healing the most difficult, since the impact of hormones, often, is already meaningless.

Medicia treatment

How to treat endometriosis of uterus medication without surgery? For such therapy, hormonal preparations of a particular type are used. The appropriate type of drugs and a particular means picks up a doctor based on the current hormonal balance and its changes. Self-medication in this case is extremely dangerous, as it can even stronger hormonal balance, deteriorate to deteriorate and accelerate the development of the disease.


Combined oral contraceptives or KOC are preparations containing the two main female sex hormones - estrogen and gestagen. When they arrive in the body in the recommended dosages, the hormonal balance is normalized, and the development of the disease is terminated. In addition, they are protected from unwanted pregnancy. The following drugs are used:

  1. Marvelon and its full analogue, both in the composition and on the principle of action - the regulation (about 600 rubles);
  2. Zhanin (about 800 rubles);
  3. Yarina (about 850 rubles);
  4. Diana (about 1,100 rubles) and other similar.

How to treat endometriosis of the uterus in this way? Drinking drugs needed, observing several rules:

  • Reception on one tablet per day, at the same thing, it is better morning, time;
  • When you pass the tablet to take it as early as possible, but if it has passed more than 12 hours, it is better not to take at all;
  • Do not stop drinking tablets sharply, as it can cause bleeding;
  • The duration of the course of therapy at least three months;
  • Take pills strictly in the order that is specified in the blister, as they have different hormonal composition;
  • The first tablet from the packaging is taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle;
  • After the package is completed, take a break for the time of menstruation, and then start the next packaging.

Such drugs can not be drunk with violations of the functioning of the liver and kidney, diseases of the brain and CNS, the inclination to the formation of thromboms. Migraines, abdominal pain and lactic glands are distinguished as side effects.

Analogs of progesterone

Medicase treatment of endometriosis can be carried out by progesterone drugs. Such gels and tablets in endometriosis are prescribed with a low content of this hormone. Progesterone suppresses the growth of endometrial. Preparations are used as:

  1. Crinon gel (from 2000 rubles);
  2. Duphaston (500 rubles);
  3. Inzesta (300 rubles.);
  4. Uremines (403 rubles.)

Some patients note the increase in the mammary glands during the reception of such drugs.


Gonadotropin Rilizing Hormon agonists cause artificial climax, fully stopping the production of estrogen. Most often used the preparation of Buuslelin, which is injected injectable. It can be introduced once a month. Usually, 3-4 injections are enough. This method is not used too often. Fund cost 2500-3000 rubles.


Such intervention is assigned in cases where other treatments are ineffective. And then when endometriosis occurs in women after klimaks, since in this case it may not have a hormonal cause. There are only three types of interventions:

  • Cutting with liquid nitrogen suits all women. This treatment is carried out in endometriosis during its focal flow. In this case, the expansion site is so small that it can be buried. This is a relatively simple and safe intervention, the recovery period after which no more than three weeks. The consequence is only one - a scar may form;
  • Endometrial scraping is carried out using access through the cervical canal. Such a procedure is suitable only to those who have given birth to women. Allows you to cure endometriosis of any type, but rather trauma. Can lead to the formation of scars, adhesions;
  • In the most severe cases and in the prescript age of the patient, a complete removal of the uterus (or other affected organ) can be applied. Such cases are extremely rare, as the intervention is quite serious, leads to the formation of adhesions, etc.

The methods of treatment of endometriosis are selected by the doctor based on the considerations of the smallest traumaticity and the greatest efficiency. Surgical treatment is rarely applied. Is it possible to cure endometriosis of the uterus in this way finally? No, if the reason is not eliminated - while maintaining a hormonal imbalance with the tissue time, it will begin to grow again.

Laparoscopy with endometriosis

Folk Methods

Non-immogonal drugs in endometriosis can be prepared independently. But it must be borne in mind that such treatment must be coordinated with the doctor, as it may have contraindications:

  • Mix the root of the serpent, the shepherd bag (grass), a palm, Air, Sleeher and nettle in equal amounts. Two teaspoons of the mixture pour the glass of boiling water and boil five minutes. The treatment pattern of endometriosis is simple - drinking on a glass of funds per day for half an hour before meals, dividing into three receptions;
  • Also used copper vigor. One tablespoon is diluted with a liter of boiling water, waiting for the sedimentation of the sediment. And then the table diluted composition without precipitate is poured by one liter of boiled water. Making a bathout for about 30 minutes, periodically pouring hot water. Duration treatment one month. Such a medicine from endometriosis of the uterus is poisonous, and its application must be coordinated with the doctor.

Such drugs are good as additional funds, but the main treatment cannot be.


The tampons are shown in the endometrosis of the cervix and the vagina, as they have a positive effect, affecting directly affected zones. In some pharmacies, Chinese tampons with herbs extracts are being implemented. They must be introduced into the vagina for the night, and remove in the morning. This is alternative medicine, therefore applying such drugs for the treatment of endometriosis is needed with caution and after consulting a doctor.

Safety homemade tampons with aloe. Garloy Tampon must be soaked with juice and introduce into the vagina. Use the same as Chinese.


Both hormonal and non-coronal treatment of endometriosis involves careful compliance with the diet. It is necessary because some products contain phytoestrogens and can affect the hormonal balance. In addition, reduce the rate of extension of tissue can be strong immunity, therefore it is necessary to eat food rich in vitamins and minerals. From the diet it is necessary to eliminate the following products that increase the content of estrogen:

  1. Grenades and juice of them;
  2. Lentils, wheat, corn;
  3. Beer, Bourbon, red wine, green tea.
  1. Breakfast: porridge, chicken egg, faint tea;
  2. Second breakfast: fruit, kefir or rippy, or tea;
  3. Lunch: vegetable or meat soup, a small piece of baked (not fried) meat with a vegetable or a cereal garnish;
  4. Afternoon school: cottage cheese and or fruit and kefir;
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad with boiled fish and tea.

The doctor will describe the diet in detail. How to get rid of endometriosis? On your own diet, it will not help to help, but it can significantly speed up recovery, make treatment more efficient.

Physical exercise

Sport with this diagnosis is not contraindicated. Moderate physical exertion are recommended. Especially showing yoga, intense sports walking, dancing (without jumps). Direct impact on the course of the disease does not have, but can prevent the formation of adhesions. In addition, endorphins acting as painkillers are produced during sports.

Avoid hopping, power exercises, and activity at which blood flow to the organs of a small pelvis is intensified.


Mattery can be carried out at home. It uses clay. Clean clay without sand dissolves in water and insisted overnight. In the morning the mixture is stirred and brought to a boil on the stove. As soon as she boils, remove from the fire and put on the food film. Enjoy the composition and lay it on the bottom of the abdomen. Thus so hard for two hours.

Before applying such medications for the treatment of endometriosis, consult your doctor.


Acupuncture during endometriosis is the controversial method of alternative medicine, the principle of which is to install the needle on acupuncture points - the projections of the internal organs. It is believed that such a method accelerates the cure, increases the likelihood of becoming pregnant, etc. It activates the blood supply to the small pelvis organs, which is not too good with such a diagnosis. On the other hand, it eliminates blood stagnation, which can also cause this disease. It is also possible to normalize the operation of the ovaries, and as a result, the normalization of the hormonal balance.

Alternative treatment should be conducted strictly professional. His appointment and the beginning must be coordinated with a gynecologist. It is important to remember that such funds are able to cause significant harm, they are not safe.


Another disputed method of Eastern medicine, which is sometimes used in the endometriosis of the uterus. Leeches, like needles, are installed on acupuncture points - projections. The principle of action is about the same as the needle. But the secretion of leeches additionally dilutes blood, improves vessels. As in the case of needles, leeches must prescribe a gynecologist, as the unauthorized start of the course can affect health harm. The procedure for installing leeches must be performed by a specialist.

Endometriosis is a dormural immunological pathology, in which the ectopia of cells of the inner layer of the endometrium mucosa develops. The incidence of this pathology is high enough, on average there are 10% of young women of reproductive age. There is also data on the direct influence of endometriosis on the possibility of conceiving a child. About 30% of women with endometriosis suffer infertility.

Endometriosis - what it is, the mechanism of development

Each fabric in the human body has its localization in the organ or part of the body. Changing such a location is called ectopia. It is ectopia that is the main pathogenetic mechanism for the development of endometriosis. Endometrium is an inner layer of the uterus, which is represented by cylindrical epithelium. Endometrium is a hormone-dependent cloth. This is manifested by increasing cells during the menstrual cycle, followed by rejection of the surface layer during menstruation. In the case of occurrence of fertilization, the egg (zygote) is attached to the endometry (implantation process). In the case of endometriosis, endometrial ectopia occurs, its cells can be located in other organs. Moreover, in another place, the endometrium focus reacts to the growth and rejection depending on the hormonal background of the woman in the same way as in the uterus.

Causes (etiology) endometriosis

The exact cause of ectopia endometrial today remains unknown. It is believed that a number of provoking factors can lead to the development of endometriosis:

All these reasons are only hypotheses. It is precisely known that endometriosis has a hereditary predisposition. Also, its development also provokes not realized reproductive function - the lack of a woman at least one first pregnancy for a long period of time.

Types of endometriosis

Depending on the localization of ectopic endometrium, such basic types of endometriosis are distinguished:

  • Genital endometriosis - Ectopic foci is localized in the organs of the sexual system. In turn, this species is divided into internal (endometrium is located in other layers of the uterus wall, in particular in the muscular layer - endometrials, uterine pipes and ovaries) and the outer (preferential localization in the vagina, sexual lips) endometriosis. Endometriosis, with localization of ectopia in the miometrium wall is also called adenomyosis or endometriosis of the uterus.
  • Extgazenital - foci of ectopia endometrial can be located in any, even remote organ.

A clinical case of an extragenital endometriosis in a woman with localization of ectopic endometrial in the tear gland is described. At the same time, blood was also distinguished during menstruation of tear ducts - "bloody tears".

Signs of endometriosis

The development of endometriosis is characterized by removal of pathogononic symptoms. In the genital type of this pathology, such symptoms may develop:

  • Chronic pain in the small pelvis is characteristic of the strengthening of pain during menstruation. The prolonged presence of pain reduces the quality of the life of a woman, its working capacity, often leads to increased irritability.
  • DISARUTIONS - pain during sexual intercourse, it happens when localizing ectopia in the region of the vaginal walls, primarily in the wall between the vagina and the rectum (rectovaginal partition).
  • Infertility - the long-term inability to conceive a child for six months and can indicate the possible presence of any kind of endometriosis in a woman.
  • Non-human bleeding from sex tract outside menstruation.

For extragenital endometriosis, the appearance of bleeding and pain during menstruation in those organs or parts of the body, in which ectopic endometrium is localized. The most commonly develops the adhesion process in the abdominal cavity in the damage to the peritoneum process. Several less often there are endometriosis in the bladder or the rectum (manifests itself by periodic isolated blood from these organs). Regardless of localization, an additional manifestation of endometriosis can be a decrease in the activity of the immunity of a woman.

The exact figures of the incidence of genital endometriosis remain unknown, since in some women who have developed pathology after the birth of a child, he can absolutely manifest themselves.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

The leading role in the diagnosis of this process belongs to the instrumental methods of diagnostics using ultrasound examination, computer or magnetic resonance imaging. For the detection of genital endometriosis, Colposcopy and hysteroscopy are used - endoscopic methods of inspection of the mucous membrane and the uterus.


The main method of therapy of this disease is a radical removal of foci of ectopic endometrial. For this, various surgical techniques are used - from laparoscopic operation to open access operation. The choice of methods of surgical intervention depends on the localization of the process. Endometriosis and its treatment with anti-inflammatory means are incompatible things, therefore such therapy does not have absolutely no effect.

In the case of long-term anti-inflammatory treatment of any pathology of the small pelvis organs without any result, it is worth passing an additional in-depth study for the possible presence of endometriosis.

Conservatively at the preparatory stage, hormonal therapy can be carried out using estrogen and
progesterone. Its purpose is to normalize the balance of these hormones in the body of a woman. It is also believed that they have the effect of the reverse development of ectopic endometrial. In this direction, a combined drug (Zhinin) has proven itself well. Zhanne and endometriosis are a good therapeutic start, allowing to achieve results even without surgery.

Endometriosis - treatment of folk remedies

One of the most effective non-medical, non-operation and effective methods of treating endometriosis is pregnancy. From other funds, traditional medicine recommends a decoction of drugs of drugs - celandine, boring uterus. Alternative medicine, which binds the development of this pathology with a violation of the constancy of the inner medium and the formation of homotoxins, is called homeopathy. Endometriosis in this case is proposed to be treated with dubious means, which are not even registered as medicinal products. Their reception at best simply will not have any action to the body. The worst option may be the development of complications or the further spread of ectopic foci of endometrial.

Before trying to use any folk agent or homeopathic preparation for the treatment of endometriosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In general, the endometriosis prediction is favorable. Radical treatment is carried out only with a pronounced decline in the quality of the life of a woman or if it is impossible to become pregnant.



Endometriosis - Hormone-dependent disease of a benign character, in which endometrial tissues (mucous membrane, lining the uterus) "exit" from its familiar habitability and begin to grow in other organs / tissues, where they should not be.

According to statistics, the disease occurs more often in women of reproductive age (25-45 years) in 10-15% of cases from the total.

Types and forms of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a difficult disease for classifying, since there are many options for which it can be divided.

Traditionally, you can call two main clinical forms, depending on the place of distribution of foci of endometrial:

Genital endometriosis. Most often meeting form of the disease (in 90% of cases)

The genital endometriosis, in turn, is divided into external (seizures the external genital organs, the vagina, crotch, the body of the uterus) and the internal (endometrials grow inside the uterine (in the myometrium) and the uterine tubes).

Forms of external genital endometriosis:

  • Endometriosis of the cervix;
  • Vaginal endometriosis;
  • Endometriosis of ovarian;
  • Pipe endometriosis;
  • Retrocervical endometriosis.

Extgazenital endometriosis

The germination of endometrial cells occurs outside the organs of the sexual system (bladder, kidneys, intestines and lungs).

Ovarian endometriosis, cervix, bodies uterus

The most common types of disease are the ovarian endometriosis, the cervix, the bodies of the uterus.

Endometriosis of ovarian

In the context of the disease, it is clear that in this case, the endometrium fabric is introduced into the ovaries. Normally, endometrial particles must be destroyed at the "netting" to the ovaries, but because of various negative factors (for example, a hormonal failure), cells penetrate into the cortical layer of ovaries and the foci of endometrium fabric appear in them. Of which, in turn, endometrioid cysts can be formed.

Two forms of ovarian endometriosis can be distinguished:

  • Small. The focal form is the enclosures of the endometrium on the ovary (one or both). Cause regular "menstruation" with an inflammatory response, which gives painful sensations;
  • Endometrioid cysts. The lining wall of the cyst consists of an endometrial tissue, and the internal contents are blood fluid. At the opening of the cyst, the contents can be poured into the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with complications.

Stages of ovarian endometriosis:

  • 1 stage. Small endometrium superficial formations;
  • 2 stage. A small one-sided endometrioid cyst;
  • 3 stage. Cysts are located on both ovaries, pronounced spikes, deep foci of inflammation, endometriosis of the uterus;
  • 4 stage. The cysts of large sizes, the disease is subject to neighboring organs.

The treatment of ovarian endometriosis depends on the stage of the development of the pathological process and can be both a conservative (course of hormonal, non-specific anti-inflammatory and painkhealth therapy) and surgical (removal of cysts).

Endometriosis of the cervix

Endometrium grows along the cervical canal in the form of round or polygonal forms. If endometrial foci performs to the cervical channel, then often have the type of polyps. In this case, biopsy is required and histological examination to confirm the presence of endometrial cells.

In the progesterone phase of the menstrual cycle (second), pathological foci acquire a blue-crimson color, which makes it easy to determine.

The main symptom is the violation of the menstrual cycle in the form of bloody secretions before and after menstruation. But, often, the endometriosis of the cervix flows asymptomaticly, and the disease is diagnosed when visiting the doctor on another occasion.

Endometriosis of the body of the uterus

Endometriosis of the body of the uterus (adenomyosis) is a very common form of the disease, in which the endometrium extends beyond the mucous membrane (into the muscular layer).

Types of development (morphological forms) Endometriosis of the body of the uterus:

  • Diffuse. Uniform growth of endometrial in the uterine cavity with the formation of "pockets" in myometry;
  • Nodular. In the affected areas, nodes occur in the form of neoplasms of a dense structure filled with blood;
  • Focal. Scattered lesion of the uterine wall in the form of endometrial foci.

Stage of adenomiosis

  • 1 stage - a small depth of germination;
  • 2 Stage is characterized by germination of endometrial until the midishrosis;
  • At 3 stages, endometrium reaches serous cover (all muscle wall);
  • With 4 stages, in addition to the uterus, the peritonea and neighboring organs are affected.

The main symptom characteristic of the endometriosis of the body of the uterus is bright painful sensations for menstruation, separating allocations before and after it, a disruption of the menstrual cycle, pain during sexual interchange.

Rebirth in malignant tumor

The absence of timely and competent treatment can lead to the development of complications - disruption of the menstrual cycle, chronic anemia (due to frequent and abundant bleeding), neurological disorders, the emergence of the adhesive process in a small pelvis and abdominal cavity.

One of the frequent problems of women with diagnosed endometriosis is infertility, the cause of which may be a violation of the ovulation process, the availability of adhesions, unpretentiousness (inferiority) of endometrial, etc.

The fact of the rebirth of endometriosis in a malignant tumor is also not excluded. Statistically, this is a very small percentage (about 1%), but in many cases it has not yet been possible to determine the privacy of the disease, so we can say that the risk of mischief is present.

Endometriosis and pregnancy

Endometriosis - The cause of infertility has every fifth woman. What is it connected and why the growth of endometrial affects the impossibility of conception?

The main reasons can be divided into three groups:

  • Hormonal changes. The violation of the hormonal background in principle can become a barrier when conception, since violations relate to the entire reproductive system of women (for example, the absence of ovulation);
  • Physiological changes. Endometriosis is the cause of inflammatory processes, cyst development, adhesions appearances, pathological changes in the mucous membrane. All this together, taken or separately, seriously reduces the possibility of becoming pregnant, because even a fertilized egg can, as not to "get" to the uterus along the winding pipes filled with endometrial, it is not necessary to attach to the scratched epithelium of the uterus;
  • Immunological changes. In case of endometriosis, there is a risk of antispermal bodies that impede conception.

Of course, there are precedents when the pregnancy has occurred during endometriosis, but in this case there is a threat of miscarriage (especially in the first trimesters), since in the body of a woman with this disease there is a lack of progesterone necessary to prevent the contraction of the uterus. In the situation of pregnancy, endometriosis requires constant doctor's control and, if necessary, drug (hormonal, preserving, metabolic) state correction.

Therefore, before planning a pregnancy - to prevent conception against the background of existing problems (including endometriosis), it is necessary to undergo a complete survey. In the event of a disease detection, the necessary treatment is carried out, after which you can get pregnant.

It is important not to forget that endometriosis can recur by, therefore, even after successful pregnancy, permanent medical control is necessary for the timely prevention of re-expanding endometrial.

Causes of Endometriosis Development

There is no single cause of endometriosis development - there is a whole range of factors that may affect the occurrence of the disease. As a rule, in most cases it is impossible to determine the true cause of endometriosis.

The main, most common causes affecting the development of the disease:

  • Implantation theory. It is believed that particles of endometrium, rejected during menstruation, under certain conditions may fall into the abdominal cavity (ovaries, uterine pipes, etc.), where they begin their "subversive" activities;
  • Injury mucosa. There is the possibility of entering endometrial cells into the thickness of the uterine wall during the conduct of gynecological operations (cesarean section, scraping, abortion, etc.);
  • Hormonal disorders. Hormonal imbalance is noted by almost all patients with endometriosis - decrease in the level of progesterone, increasing the level of estrogen and prolactin;
  • Genetic predisposition. Specific genetic markers were identified, in the presence of which women are predisposed to the development of endometriosis;
  • Immunity impairment. Against the background of the reduced immunity and the process of expanding the endometrium outside the uterus occurs - normally the protective forces of the body simply will not let them exist elsewhere.

Endometriosis development symptoms

The clinical picture of endometriosis is very diverse, which does not allow to immediately suspect the disease - but there are no specific symptoms. Sometimes symptoms and there is no one at all and in this case endometriosis is found randomly (most often, when contacting infertility or impairment of the menstrual cycle). But, of course, there are signs, the presence of which should alert a woman:

  • Pain syndrome. As a rule, with endometriosis, painful sensations are very intense and can achieve an unbearable nature. As a rule, the brightest pain is noted for the first time days of menstruation (it can also be given in the inguinal and lumbar region). In addition, pain symptom may occur during sexual intercourse;
  • Menstrual disorders. There is a selection of a separation character in a few days before and after menstruation. It is also possible to elongate menstruation, an increase in the amount of blood, the appearance of intermented bleeding;
  • Infertility. It is rather a consequence than the sign of endometriosis, but it is the violation of the reproductive function that is a frequent cause of appeal to the doctor;
  • Nonspecific symptoms. Increased blood loss causes anemia, increased pallor of skin, weakness.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

Diagnostics requires a comprehensive examination. The main diagnostic methods are:

  • Ultrasound. Makes it possible to estimate the size of the organ, to see the presence of foci of lesion, reveal the ovarian endometriosis (the presence of a cyst), the bodies of the uterus;
  • Hysterosalpingography. Allows you to determine the passability of uterine pipes in diagnosed infertility and identify the availability of adhesions;
  • Hysteroscopy. One of the most informative non-surgical methods of diagnosing endometriosis - with the help of a special sensor entered through the vagina, you can see the surface of the uterus, the mouth of the uterine pipes, determine the endometrioid "moves";
  • Laparoscopy. With the help of this treatment-diagnostic method, you can not only put an accurate diagnosis, but also to carry out the necessary treatment;
  • Laboratory diagnostics. The blood test is carried out on the CA-125 (marker of endometriosis), the level of which is more frequent in the presence of the disease.

In each case, its program of diagnostic measures is selected - depending on the form of the disease and its degree, only an ultrasound examination may be required, and a laparoscopic operation may also be needed.

Treatment of endometriosis

The choice of the treatment method depends on the severity of the disease, its shape, as well as the general status of the patient. Treatment can be conservative, surgical or combined.

Conservative treatments

The main conservative treatment is hormonal therapy, and since endometriosis is -stroin-dependent disease, the purpose of treatment is to reduce estrogen levels (ovulation suppression) and, due to this, endometrial atrophy.

Basic groups of hormonal drugs:

  • Single-phase combined oral contraceptives (minimum for 6-9 months);
  • Nuclearoid derivatives;
  • Androgen derivatives;
  • Agonists gonadotropin-rilizing hormone;
  • Prolonged MPa (Gestagens).

In addition, symptomatic treatment is carried out, aimed at reducing pain syndrome (nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents, antispasmodic drugs), anemia correction (iron preparations), as well as vitaminotherapy. If physiotherapy is assigned in the case of the presence of adhesive process.

Surgical treatment methods

In the absence of a reaction to treatment with conservative methods (and with some form of endometriosis), surgical treatment is shown. The purpose of the operation is to remove lesion foci (including cyst).

Organizant operations

The method of choice in endometriosis is laparoscopy, which refers to organ-bearing operations (does not require extensive cuts), allowing the most correctly to get rid of the lesions from the lesions, while maintaining the body.

In some cases (only on specific medical indications), mini-invasive surgical techniques are used, the use of which reduces tissue injuries:

  • Electrocoagulation (using high-frequency current);
  • Cryoagulation (exposure to low temperatures);
  • Laser coagulation;
  • Ultrasonic coagulation.

After laparoscopic intervention, the risk of complications is reduced and it is not necessary to lie in the hospital for a long time (the recovery period is very small).

The execution of the organ-breaching operation requires greater experience and high skill of the surgeon, because to prevent recurrence, it is necessary to completely remove the segments of growth, and this is much more complicated than, for example, the removal of the tumor. That is why surgical treatment of endometriosis should be carried out in clinics, where there is a full-fledged gynecological department, equipped with highly qualified specialists and equipped with the necessary equipment.

Most often, laparoscopy is shown to patients with the middle stage of the development of the disease.

Radical operations

In advanced cases, when the growth rates of the endometrium are very large (as well as during recurrence), and with the help of mini-invasive operations from them not to get rid of them, it is recommended to conduct hysterectomy with bilateral removal of uterine's appendages, as well as extirpation of the uterus. As a rule, such radical operations are carried out by women of mature age having children. In this case, after surgery, hormone-plating therapy is assigned.

How to avoid the disease

One of the most important postulates of endometriosis prevention is an annual visit to the gynecologist, especially in cases:

  • Presence in the family of endometriosis cases;
  • Gynecological operations in history;
  • Change the duration of the menstrual cycle.

Only a doctor will be able to determine the signs of the disease in the earliest stages of development - in this case the treatment will be the most effective.

Every woman needs to be attentively treating themselves - to invent inflammatory and infectious diseases of the sexual sphere, follow the state of health, not neglected a healthy lifestyle. Healthy immune system and normal hormonal background - here are your main allies in the prevention of endometriosis.


The correct treatment of endometriosis by an experimental physician will allow a woman to get rid of a dangerous disease, restore the normal functioning of the uterus and appendages. Unpleasant illness is able to cause infertility and develops in 80% of cases in a childbearing age in patients who have not reached menopause. Find out if endometriosis can be cured forever and what types of therapy are practiced.

What is endometriosis

Before treatment, you need to deal with the specifics of the gynecological disease. The human uterus consists of body, cervical and pipes, inside is removed by a special layer - endometrial. The main feature is reproductive. During pregnancy, the tissue is growing on the inner surface of the uterus, the egg is embedded in the thickness of the mucous membrane and is attached. There are vessels, which with the help of the placenta provide the fetal life. If the pregnancy does not come, the mucous surface of the uterus is peeling and comes out with blood, that is, the woman starts periods.

The disease may occur when blood from the oral cavity on other organs of a small pelvis. Endometriosis is the pathological process of expanding endometrial. There is a disease in two forms;

  • Genital endometriosis - the uterus, ovaries, vagina, cervical cervical are affected. It is found in 85% of cases.
  • Extraometriosis extra-genital - postoperative scars, intestines, bladder, internal organs are affected. A rare shape, arises due to the fact that blood clots can fall into the abdominal cavity. Normally, they must resolve, but it happens that endometrial cells are coming outside the uterus and begin to grow. The likelihood of this form of illness is 5-15%. Treatment can only occur surgically.

Endometriosis causes an internal inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity. Change in the structure of organs leads to violations of their work. Very often, this disease is confused with the Moma. Endometriosis leads to the affix of the surface of the uterus, the occurrence of nodes and adhesions, which is fraught with the impossibility of embryo to attach, i.e. causes infertility. Modern gynecology has not studied all the causes of pathological ailments. The most likely is immune and hormonal disorders, hereditary factor, nervous disorders, stress.

Symptoms in endometriosis

Cunning disease is fraught with the appearance of signs only in the late stage. The patient may suffer a long time for a long time, even without guessing him. Symptoms in endometriosis:

  • The increase in the uterus in size up to 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. It acquires a rounded form.
  • Feeling severity at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • Stomach ache. They can be during menstruation, sex classes, with an act of defecation and urination.
  • Infertility.
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle (an offensive before or later intended). Allocations become abundant, change color.

How quickly develops endometriosis

Depending on the surrounding factors, genetic predisposition, age - endometriosis develops in every woman in different ways. With a good immunity, the cells of the mucous meter will not fit in another environment or it will take a long time. With severe childbirth, hormonal failures, endometriosis may need less than 6 months to develop. The gynecologist will be able to diagnose with high accuracy, cure the disease and monitor the emergence of relapses. An experienced doctor will appoint such methods for diagnosing endometriosis:

  • Inspection and palpation on the gynecological chair. The doctor may notice the increased size of the uterus and appendages.
  • Ultrasound is effective only at the last stages of the disease, when clearly can see the lesion foci. With it, you can identify cysts.
  • Laparoscopy. A painless procedure will allow over the small hole to inspect the endometrium, the organs of the small pelvis, pathological formations.

How to treat endometriosis

The treatment of endometriosis is selected individually depending on the form of the disease of the patient. The conservative method is used in women of childbearing age. It includes the reception of drugs (hormonal painkillers, anti-inflammatory). If the patient's condition does not occur, the surgical treatment method is used. The operation is carried out at large blood loss, adhesive process, painful syndrome. To learn more, how to treat endometriosis of the uterus, drugs, or quickly, at the attending physician.

Treatment of endometriosis drugs

For a young woman, it is important to maintain a reproductive function, so the age-related category of 25-45 years is applied to the treatment of endometriosis drugs. An integrated approach, various schemes make it possible to get a good effect over a short period of time. In addition to hormonal drugs, symptomatic therapy is used. Treatment is to relieve pain, nausea, spasm.

Hormonal drugs

Endometriosis tablets make it possible to control the duration of the menstrual cycle, and as a result - the growth of endometrial. Preparations are prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis after a thorough analysis of the hormonal background. With proper application, they will not cause negative effects. The duration of reception and dose doctor picks up individually. Hormonal preparations in endometriosis:

  • Single-phase Kok (combined oral contraceptives). These include Zhanin, Femoden, Logest, Regulon.
  • Preparations containing one gestagne component - progesterone, duphaston, urozhestan. Such treatment helps to restore the childbearing function.
  • Intrauterine spirals based on Levonorgestrel. Popular is Mirena, it is placed at different times (from 3 to 7 years).
  • Preparations containing men's hormones androgens (methyltestosterone).
  • Gonadotropic drugs (Dunol, Danazole). With this treatment, the production of own sex hormones is suppressed.

Endometriosis treatment diagram

The correct treatment of endometriosis that is assigned to your gynecologist after a comprehensive survey. The doctor selects all the means individually, especially for hormones. The scheme includes not only the reception of tablets and injections on the appointed course, but also of the arms, dying, special tampons, compresses, folk methods. These methods can allow a woman to get rid of the problem. On average, the treatment will last from 6 to 9 months.

Tampons with endometriosis

Apply in gynecology tampons with endometriosis. Especially effective when the disease affected the cervix, the vagina. The tampons are factory production impregnated with herbs, hyalowen, lactic acid. Their action is directed to the restoration of functionality, a decrease in the soreness of sexual intercourse. Also, tampons can be made independently. To do this, take a wool roller and a sterile bandage, fold in 6-8 layers. Well wash in oil or nasty. Leave a tampon in the vagina for the night. Course treatment 5-6 weeks.


The use of douching during endometriosis can be appointed by a doctor to reduce the growth of endometrials in the uterus and beyond its limits, reducing inflammatory processes. Treatment is carried out using a fringe for irrigation or a conventional fringe with a soft tip. Used in endometriosis pharmaceutical preparations (powders, ready-made solutions: tanta rose, furacilin) \u200b\u200band decoctions of medicinal herbs.


The radical method of treatment is an operation. It is appointed after a careful examination. To preserve the possibility of reproductive function, laparoscopy is widely used. Surgical treatment of endometriosis This method is minimally invasive, implies the rapid removal of endometrial tissues and has a good cosmetic effect. Operational intervention passes through small cuts, through which the doctor can remove the foci of defeat in the uterus and other organs. Either abortion mechanics scraped.

How to cure endometriosis by folk remedies

Doctors can suggest how to cure endometriosis by folk remedies. Women fear to eat hormonal drugs, fear of side effects, the herbs, animal husbandry and beekeeping products come to the rescue. Learn how to treat endometriosis of the uterus at home from a doctor with simple recipes. The combination of different methods gives an excellent result and warns relapses.

Treatment of herbs

Threaded the treatment of endometriosis herbs gives a persistent effect. Many vegetable-based medicines are taken in gynecological disorders. A means of a borovatte, a red brush take inside in the form of herbs or drops on an alcohol basis. Fees with eases, raspberry leaves, blackberries make it possible to prevent the growth of endometrial in the uterine cavity.


The unique properties of nettle - clean blood from toxins and restore hormonal disorders - it has long been known. The grass can be taken inside and external (douching, tampons). The nettle with endometriosis removes pain, reduces the abundance of discharge. Just only freshly prepared decoction. For this, 2 tablespoons of nettle must be pouring a glass of boiling water and insist of half an hour.


The beautiful plant is chiothel is a natural bactericidal and fungicidal lamp. It is able to inject the neoplasm in the human body. Apply Cellular with endometriosis should be careful. Upon exceeding the specified dosage, the patient may develop side effects. Recipes with a clean region:

  1. Internal infusion, use 50 ml 3 times a day 7-14 days. For its preparation, it is necessary in a glass of boiling water to brew 15 g of grass chilli. Let break about 2 hours in the thermos.
  2. Infusion for douching is used 2 times a day 45-65 days. For its preparation, take 20 g of grass and pour ¾ glass of steep boiling water. Strain the resulting liquid to get rid of solid particles.

Treatment with propolis

When folk and drug methods do not help, the treatment of endometriosis with propolis gives a good effect. The unique composition of this beekeeping product helps to slow down the growth of the epithelium. Effective is any of its use: tincture, compresses, candles, tampons. The tincture of propolis on alcohol can be bought at the pharmacy and dilute (1 spoon on a glass of water) to paint, make compresses.


To prevent the development of alert, you need to regularly visit the gynecologist. Endometriosis prevention includes the following:

  1. Receiving funds of folk and medical enhancing immunity.
  2. Abstinence from sex during menstruation.
  3. Timely treatment of gynecological diseases.
  4. The right choice of contraception, to avoid abortion.

It is necessary to observe the experienced physician who will promptly detect the disease in a timely manner, will assist, prescribe treatment. There is also a disease in women who do not have problems with conception, sometimes it is found quite by chance. If you have a painful menstruation, it goes more than once a month, but more often or less, does not have a certain cycle - this is a reason to turn to the doctor.

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