Types of skin rash in children. What does a different rash look like in children? Dangerous disease whose symptom is often rash

Few parents know how to well focus in the basic symptoms of children's infectious diseases and allergic reactions. If red all over the body appears, then mom or dad usually doubt the causes of education. Even experienced specialists sometimes cannot distinguish the rashes of infectious and non-infectious origin from the first time. The reason must be determined as quickly as possible to provide timely and effective assistance to the child.

In medicine, skin rashes are called "Exanthem". The doctor at the reception is important to determine whether the red rash has the consequence of infectious infection or skin disease (dermatosis). Specialists inspect a small patient and mark morphological features and other characteristics of the examine. The first of the elements of the rash are formed spots, papulas, blisters, pustulas.

Roseolates and stains arise on a limited section of the epidermis, differ from healthy skin with color, can slightly rise above it. Large red or purple rash is called "Erythema". The nodules, papulas resemble a small cone or a cavity seafront inside. Bubbles, blisters - stripe elements containing liquid inside. Form - oval or round, color - from white to red.

If the child was covered with a red rash, consisting of sprinkling nodules and blisters, allergic reactions may be the reason. Irriters are chemicals, microbes, simplest, helminths, their toxins.

Inside the pustula is the cavity filled with pus. Red dots and stars in the skin - hemorrhage - arise as a result of damage to the blood vessel. The primary elements of the rash are evolving and secondary - hyperpigmented or depigmented areas, scales, crusts, ulcers remain instead.

Infectious Exanthemes

Viral, bacterial and fungal diseases, helminthoses sometimes pass asymptomatic. Some do not need specific treatment. From the most dangerous kids infections vaccinate according to the national vaccination calendar.

Classic children's diseases are 6 infectious test: 1. Cor. 2. Scarlatina. 3. rubella. 4. Infectious mononucleosis. 5. Infectious erythema. 6. Sudden Exanthema (Children's Roseola).

Acute inflammation in the child is often accompanied by fever. Typical rash on the body is formed with diseases such as chickenpox, rubella, sudden examinea, cortex, scarlatine. To most infectious experts, life immunity is formed, a person becomes unresponsive.

Doctor to the house should be called if:

  • body temperature of the patient kid is above 38-40 ° C;
  • rash spreads through the body, an unbearable itch occurs;
  • vomiting appears, convulsions, myalgia, confusion of consciousness;
  • rash has the form of numerous point and star hemorrhages;
  • the rashes are accompanied by edema of the throat and the difficulty of breathing, asphycia.

It is forbidden to squeeze the guns, open bubbles and blisters, scratch your crusts on the body of the child. It is necessary to trace the kid not combing the affected skin. Immediately before the arrival of a doctor or a visit to a specialist in a clinic, it is not recommended to lubricate the elements of rash with greenflower, Castellani liquid, iodine.

Viral diseases with rash


Children sick children aged 2 to 5-10 years old. Virus Viocel Zoster during primary infection provokes formation on the body of a characteristic rash, represented by itchy papulas, watery bubbles and dried crusts. The body temperature rises either remains normal.

Herpes ishing

Causes a disease of the windmill virus. There is a painful and itchy rash under the mouses, on the chest, in the inguinal folds. Red papulas are located in groups, give rise to bubbles.

Enterovirus disease

Rash occurs in 3-5 days after the end of the incubation period of the pathogen. Spots and nodules of bright pink colors on a body, differ from rams during rubella in children a variety of forms and sizes. Other signs of infection by enterovirus: Gerpepina, fever, abdominal and headaches.

Mononucleosis infectious

The stains of the wrong shape are observed on the whole body. The child rises the temperature, hurts the throat, the liver, spleen increase.


Round spots and nodules are formed behind ear sinks, then cover the whole body. The evolution of rash is in the appearance of peeling, impaired pigmentation. The symptoms of measles also include fever, light-free, conjunctivitis, cough.


The lymph nodes are increasing on the neck, a red minor rash is formed on the body in a child (point, fine-tempered). Changes to the skin occur on the background of subfebrile or febrile temperature. First, the face opposes, then the red specks apply to the whole body. Pink-red rash disappears without a trace for 2-7 days of illness.

The rash is not formed 30% of the total number of cases of rubella.

Erythema infectious

First, redness arises on cheeks, resembling traces of slap. Then the ruby \u200b\u200brash goes into the body. Gradually, the painting of the stains darkens.

Exanthema sudden

The causative agents of the disease - the Viruses of the 6th type of herpes. The beginning is sharp, then the temperature is normalized, and after 3-4 days, red spots and papula are formed. Rash disappear without a trace per day.

Streptococcal infection causes the appearance of a shallow red rash in a child on the body. The disease is accompanied by tonsillitis, general intoxication. First, roseola is formed on the cheeks, then the rashes are moving on the body and the limb. Initially bright elements of the rash gradually pale.

"Flaming Zev", a pale nasolabial triangle - the differences between scarletna from other classic children's infections.


The rash is formed in the first hours of the disease or the next day. Spots, nodules stand out against the background of pale skin, become even more noticeable when they turn into hemorrhages. The body temperature rises greatly, the child appears cramps, inhibition, confused.


The disease occurs after the bite or scratches from cat claws and penetration through the chlamydium wound. The inflammatory fitting of lymph nodes begins. Originally observed on the body red painless acne. Gnoves are formed in their place, which subsequently heal without the formation of scar tissue.


The disease causes bacteria related to the genus of the Iersinium. With pseudo-tuberculosis, rashes appear from the second to the fifth day of the disease (simultaneously). Small red rash in the child is localized mainly on the sides of the body and in the inguinal folds. Bright red roseolates, stains and nodules are located on the inflamed skin. The sick child experiences itching, he starts swelling in the form of "gloves", "socks", "hood". After the disappearance of the rash, pigment stains and peeling remain.

Borreliosis (Lyme Disease)

The causative agent of the disease is the Barrelian genus bacterium - is transmitted by ticks. First, a large erythema in the form of a ring is formed at the bite place. Later, rash may appear in the form of a cluster of blisters.

Leishemaniosis skin

The disease cause spirochetes whose carriers are mosquitoes. Characteristically appeared on open areas of the skin of itching papules. In their place in a few months, no longer healing ulcers appear, then the scars remain.


The causative agent of the disease is Giardia, the simplest organism. There is a rash anywhere on the body in the form of stain clusters and papules. Skin manifestations were called "Atopic dermatitis" ("A" - denial, "Topos" - a place, that is, not dedicated to a specific section of the body). The child feels abdominal pain, eats badly; Analyzes can identify dyskinesia of biliary tract.

Redness of the skin, the appearance of rash and itching is accompanied by helminthoses. Most often in children are discovered ascarides, sharp, trichinells.


A characteristic feature of the disease is a red rash on a child's body without temperature, but with a strong itch. Small spots and blisters are formed between the fingers and on the wrists of the hands, in the navel area, on the face along the migration migrations of the garlic tick in the horny layer of the skin. When applied to the affected areas of sulfur ointment, positive changes are associated.

The formation of blisters and other elements occurs after mosquito bites, OS, bees and other insects. Dermatitis in such cases develops in open parts of the body. There is a strong itching, the child combs blistering and often brings a bacterial infection.


Streptococci and staphylococci cause purulent-inflammatory lesions of the skin - pyodermia. So the epidemic bubble of newborns arise, vesiculopustuez, pseudofurunculese. Piedlemias may be complications of atopic dermatitis. Large stains are formed - up to 4 cm. Elements of rashes of pink or red color are usually localized on their hands, face.

Non-infectious red rash

The character of allergic rashes is varied: most often spots and blisters of bodily or pink-red color, medium or large sizes are formed. The rashes are located on the chin and on the cheeks, on the limbs, less often affect other parts of the body. Allergies for food and medicines are a very common phenomenon in pediatrics. If the effect of an irritant substance continues, the rash does not disappear, on the contrary increases.

There is a group of diseases of infectious-allergic nature, for example, multiform exudative erythema in children. On the body, round spots and papula pink or light red color are formed. Sometimes the elements merge, there are peculiar "garlands" on the shoulders and on the chest.

The infectious form of erythema occurs as a reaction to herpess, ORVI, mycoplasma, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoan organisms.

The toxic-allergic form of erythema is developing after treatment with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, sulfanilaminamide drugs. The launcher of this disease is sometimes associated with the introduction of a sera or vaccine child. For a heavy variety of erythema, the spread of the whole body and mucous membranes is characteristic. Multiple round spots are formed, pink-red nodules.

Urticaria is the most common allergic defeat. Arrives after entering the body of a child of an irritating substance immediately or in a few hours. Redness appears, itching occurs, then blisters are formed on the same skin of the skin, nodules that differ in shape and diameter.

Red rash on the body of children, patients with rheumatism, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, usually localized in the area of \u200b\u200baffected joints.

Allergic reactions must be prevented, and if it failed, it should be treated correctly. In most cases, rash disappears after taking antihistamine drugs or by itself, without treatment. However, it may be necessary to visit the pediatrician and a dermatologist in cases where the cause of rash is unknown, the child is experiencing severe itching, pain, elements occupy large areas of the skin.

In the morning, the daughter woke up with a leaning, which is called, in a speck. At first I did not particularly give this value, and when my crumb showed his character in whims - worried. I did not hurry to the doctor and decided to find out the reason for the rashes from my child.

It is important to determine the nature of the red rash, the effectiveness of treatment depends on this!

Causes of rash

It turned out that the red rash of the child on the body or its individual parts may appear for enough reasons:

Let's consider together each of the reasons in more detail.

It is not necessary to scare. Postpartum or neonatal rash The baby occurs at 7-21 days of his life outside the mother's body and passes on his own for 2-3 months. It appears completely suddenly. The reason for such a rash is the influence of mom's hormones on the child even in the womb.

Neonatal rash is a natural phenomenon absolutely safe for the health of crumbs.

The rashes are distributed mainly on the surface of the hair of the baby, and also affect the cheeks and the neck, with a frequency of changing their locations in the stations described. The rash is small, pink-red, not accompanied by impudations and / or inflammatory processes, to the touch slightly rough. Unpleasant and disturbing sensations of the infant child, postpartum rash does not deliver.

The rashes are occurring at about a third of the newborn children and no danger to any "sprinkled", nor for others represent. There is no need to treat neonatal rash.

A kind of neonatal rash is toxic skin redness On the cheeks and / or near the mouth, provoked by the expansion of capillaries. Rashes look like stains , having different incorrect forms. Such a rash may arise immediately after birth. It is not necessary to treat it, as well as panic about the occurrence.

Despite the fact that toxic redness of the skin looks frightening, it also does not require medical intervention.

Clean - pledge of good well-being

Do not overheat children

The most terrible childhood diseases

However, red minor rash may appear not only as a consequence of overheating, but also be a clear symptom of one of the infectious diseases:

  1. - It is characterized by itching red shallow rash, alternating small, slightly towering over the surface of the skin, blisters filled with contagious liquid. After breakthrough, the blisters naturally or mechanical (calcine) by way, there are small red ulcerations on the skin. Most unpleasant feelings of rash are delivered on the inside of the eyelids, in the genital organs and in the mouth. From the moment of infection, before the appearance of the first red races, it takes eleven days. There are no cases when the temperature and a headache rises in the infected. It is impossible to calculate the rash, since the process of recovery is so possible to tighten. You can help the child, smearing the rash with a solution of mangalls or a green. During the period of illness, contacts with the surrounding and exits from the house must be reduced to the minimum.

Windmill once in life more every person.

  1. - Rarely meeting nozh. The first of its symptoms can easily be confused with colds or digestive problems. Red rashes appear only after 4 days - a week from the moment of infection. They are preceded by fever. The first from the rash is beginning to suffer the mucous jack and the guy of the kid. Then the spots are manifested on the face and neck, after the chest, back, stomach and shoulders and shoulders are involved in the disease process, and the rashes are completed on their hands and on the legs. When the rashes go to the decline, the skin on their former places becomes brown. Corey consequences can be very hard. Treatment appoints only a specialist.

If you suspect that your baby has a cortex, immediately call the doctor!

  1. - Very contagious sore. The incubation period (up to 3 weeks) proceeds asymptomatic. The first rashes appear on the occipital part of the head and the ears. After a small time interval, a red rash appears on the body of the child. For rubella, elevated temperature is characterized. There are no special medicines for the treatment of rubella.

Red spots, high temperature, weakness - these are the basic symptoms of rubella.

  1. - Every thoracic child under two years can face her. The first obvious signs of the disease are increased lymph nodes, high temperature and inflamed throat. Then the red minor rash appears on the face, and spreads at high speed throughout the body, exactly as during rubella. The disease is contagious. , passes independently.

Roseola is a contagious disease that does not require any (!) Treatment.

  1. Scarlet fever - Begins with increasing degrees on the thermometer. If a characteristic rash appeared in the language in the form of pillows, then this is one of the obvious signs of the disease. Provocates Scarlat Strelkokok. The latent phase of the disease lasts from 3 days before the week. The temperature adds fine red rash on the body, on the face, on the arm and on the legs. As the rash is disappeared, the skin in the places of the former rashes is peeling. During the disease, the person is infected, so contacts with the surrounding people need to be excluded.

Scarlantine is easiest to be diagnosed according to the characteristic rash in the language.

  1. Meningitis - Very dangerous disease. Even newborn children are subject to him. Typical symptoms: an increase in temperature accompanied by vomiting, drowsiness, hardness and rigidity of the occipital muscles, the appearance of rash. The rashes are characterized as small subcutaneous spots, similar to a mosquito bite or a trace of injection (as in the photo). The first places where the rash is manifested is the stomach and buttocks. Then the rashes are becoming visible on the legs. Rash in the form of red dots appears literally everywhere. If measures do not take on time, then rash increases in volumes and sizes, and becomes like bruises. At first signs it is necessary to urgently ask for help. Delay is fraught with death.

Meningitis is a deadly disease! Sick babies immediately hospitalized.


Rales can also be allergic. The rash, possibly, is similar to neonatal, but the rashes themselves are not localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head and neck, and randomly arise on any areas of the skin of the body. For allergic rash is very characteristic of the presence of a crust for the ears.

Internal eczema - reason to pass tests

The emergence of eczema may precede thermal, mechanical, chemical factors. Eczema may also indicate problems with endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous and excretory systems. The rash with eczema can manifest perfectly on any skin area.

If your baby was covered with incomprehensible rash, then it is advisable in the shortest possible time to visit a dermatologist for diagnosis.

About how mums fought

Alexandra about measles:

"The kids recently, terrible king began to meet more often in comparison with past decades. Probably, this is due to the refusal of mammies from vaccinations, but it may occur when vaccinations may arise complications ... right up to toxic shock and seizures. How to be with it? I went to the pediatrician and clarified the tormenting question. According to her, there should be no allergies in principle, but in particular, on chicken protein, antibiotics and something else there, which we do not have. In general, check all possible contraindications in advance from your pediatrician. "

Simer about the dialords:

"I am a mishet, and on top there is also a supper. A day later, rash as it did not happen. It remains only easy redness. Its already and zinc ointment can be anointed. The main thing I forgot: After I washed myself, dried him with a warm air from a hair dryer. We all helped everything. "

Evgenia about the windmill:

"We gathered from family to the sea, and son in one day before the trip got sick with a windmill (and for the second time)! I had to leave him at home with dad. When his temperature fell, the dad brings it to us (even with a spots from the green). My daughter and I experienced that we can also get infected, but after water procedures in the sea, they stopped fearful, and the Son on the second day all traces of sores disappeared. Here "!

Do not play with fire

Dear Parents Do not self-medicate! For any disturbing symptoms, go to the doctor!

  • Neonatal rash and the paste is not dangerous for the baby and others.
  • A rash appeared - run to the doctor.
  • With suspected or confirmation of any of the infectious diseases, communication with the environment is prohibited.
  • Learning time until the rash itself can not.
  • Self-medication is unacceptable.

If the baby's rash does not bope and does not bother, the first possible cause of the Peppermale. It is the consequence of overheating of children's skin. It can manifest itself in the form of bubbles or red spots.

At the time of activating the rude glands of the baby on his body, it is possible to observe the races in the form of acne, but they usually pass without a trace, after moderate skin moisturizing.

It turned out that the red rash of the child on the body or its individual parts may appear for enough reasons:

  • postpartum rash;
  • bad hygiene;
  • overheat;
  • infection:
  • allergy;
  • eczema;
  • lichen.

In children to a year, the immune system is only developing, so frequent rashes are considered almost the norm. At the same time, it is not necessary to exclude the infectious nature of the rash, so the pediatrician visit is mandatory.

A frequent allergy in children is caused by the fact that the immature immune system of the children's body inadequately react to various kinds of substances falling into it.

In the risk group on allergies are children who have parents suffer from allergic diseases.

This means that it is legitimate to talk about the genetic, hereditary predisposition to the development of an allergic reaction. Also more often than other children on the reception to the pediatrician with rash on the skin are crumbs that were born prematurely or with a small weight.

Red rash: Seeing her, we begin to worry, thinking what it could be. And reimbursement for concern, indeed, there is. Red rashes can be a symptom of serious venereal, infectious and autoimmune diseases. There are a lot of possible diagnoses. This can be as familiar to many allergies and any rare disease, for example, a sweat syndrome.

We define that it may be caused by its location

Localization of rash is a very important point. All diseases have their own characteristics.

Some manifest themselves the appearance of rash throughout the body. We were told about them in detail in this article.

Others, for example, mycosis or meningitis, prefer to localize on the limbs. You can learn about them from this article.

Consider other types of red rash - in what places they appear and they can talk about.

Among the most common causes of rash on the skin of children, the following are distinguished:

If the child has an increase in body temperature, chills, sore throat and stomach, cough, vomiting, etc., it means that the cause is infection. Among the most common infectious diseases, doctors are distinguished by chickenpox, cortex, rubella, etc.

These dangerous causative agents of the disease can provoke the emergence of various problems, up to the formation of burns on the body of a child and scars. Therefore, it is necessary for the urgent intervention of specialists in the field of medicine and preventing the disease at the early stage of its development.

Allergic rashes can be associated with an incorrectly chosen in the diet of the baby and allergens after contact with the environment. In the first case, allergens are all sorts of dyes, sweeteners, preservatives, tomatoes, eggs, fish delicacies and so on.

Environmental allergens include: washing powders, dust, antisanitia, dirt, individual intolerance to certain foods, natural wool, etc.

Allergic rash will be accompanied by emulsion areas around the eyes and lips. Call a strongest allergic reaction in a child can jellyfish, nettle leaves, mosquito bites. Plumbes on the body can become more and more every day. They may have a noticeable relief and edema, red skin. Itching may not leave for a minute of the child.

Break itself (whether on the face, on the stomach, and at any other part of the body) is a local change in the normal state of the skin. The rash can be of different species - just a red speck (and not only red, by the way, but also almost any shade from pale pink to a bright brown), bubble, tubercant, and even in the form of hemorrhage or bruising.

Despite the fact that the reasons for the appearance of the rash by the child can be wounded in more than one hundred different diseases, well-having sought them with their main similar signs, they can be divided into four groups.

Types of rash

There are several types of rashes in children distinguish:

  • The stain is irrelevant formation on the skin, differing in color - reddened or, on the contrary, white.
  • Papula is a nodule rash without cavities, can reach 3 cm.
  • Plaque - thickening, protruding over the skin.
  • Vesiculs and bubbles are long-catching formation containing transparent liquid.
  • Pustula - cavity with purulent content.
  • Hemorrhagic rash is manifested in the form of stains or red dots of different values, if the skin is stretched in the spot, or press it on it, the spot will not disappear and will not change the color.
  1. Atopic dermatitis.

The genetic disease is the most common lesion of the skin, has the nature of chronic disease, accompanied by periods of exacerbation and remission, usually begins in connection with the transition to the mixture or after the introduction of adhesive in the first six months of the child's life.

The rash is localized on the cheeks, the frontal zone, gradually it can appear under the knees, on the shoulders, the skin of the buttocks is affected - this is the infant phase, after 18 months of age, the disease passes into the children's phase and is characterized by red spots that can form solid foci, mainly in the elbow and fallen seals, on the sides of the cheek, on the hands of the hands.

If you do not know what the infectious diseases of the skin and allergic rash differ from each other in children, the photos of these pathologies will help to distinguish one of the other.

In the article, we will describe in detail about allergic rashes, their characteristic features and methods of treatment.

For what reason on the skin of the child appears allergic rash?

Rash on the skin often appear in children from birth and up to 7 years. In many respects, this is due to the fact that during this period, the immune system of infants is still formed.

Violations in its work are often accompanied by swelling, hyperemia (redness of the skin) and / or rash.

Most often, allergic rash appears due to:

  • drugs (a children's organism can negatively respond to individual components in the combination of medicines);
  • breastfeeding, if the mother does not comply with the diet (for example, is fond of chocolate, citrus, honey, strawberry);
  • household chemicals (washing powder, baby soap or children's cream, dishwashing liquids);
  • allero produmatosis (plants or animals, prickly or poisonous);
  • natural factors (for example, long stay in the sun);
  • infections (non-cell infectious agents).

The rash may appear only on the face or "go" throughout the body.

What does an allergy look like in a child?

Allergic reaction in kids can be different. Depending on what caused the reason to deal with food allergies or viral.

In many cases, the child appears on the child's body (the various manifestations of allergic rashes are called):

  • pustules (filled with pus);
  • plaques;
  • stains;
  • vesiculi (filled with liquid);
  • bubbles (large vesicles, greater than 0.5 cm).

In the baking allergies, the babies can be detected, first of all, on the cheeks and near the mouth. If the allergy is contact, then the rash will appear in the place where Allergen touched.

If the immune system of the baby negatively responded to pollen of plants, then instead of acne can be hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the face.

The photo is better than any words will allow parents to understand how allergies look like, with which they can face. We will give a brief description of some types of allergic rashes that appear in children up to a year and older.

Type of rash a brief description of Cause
Allergic dermatitis Throughout the body "diverges" small red rash. In these places, the skin becomes dry, peeling, cracks, ulcers may occur.Weak immunity or contact with an irritant.
Hives Externally resembles blisters that appear after contact with the prickly plant of the same name. The rash "wanders" by the body, appears on his hands, then on the face, then on the bends of the hands, legs. May be accompanied by itching, but after combing, relief does not occur.The reaction of the children's body into separate products (chocolate, honey, eggs, citrus).
Neurodermit Externally resembles psoriasis. Characteristic signs are a strong peeling. May become chronic.Food allergies, weak immunity.
Eczema Small ulcers of red or small acne. It is a chronic form, so it may disappear, then reappear. Appears first on the face, then on hand and legs.Infectious diseases, household chemicals, dermatitis.

Allergic to products (sweets, citrus), medicines and antibiotics is exploring differently. To figure out what is that the following table will help:

Allergen The character of rashes
Sweets (chocolate (peanuts, sugar, dry milk) and honey)Acne appear, urticaria, small rash around the mouth. With the intolerance to sugar, a small patient appears spots that are very sacrificed. With the intolerance of the honey - ethnicity, thirst, difficulty breathing, red spots on the face.
MedicationsIn places of injections or on hand, legs, abdomen and back baby (if the cure for the child was buried in the mouth) Red spots appear, resembling a mosquito bite. Sometimes they swell, they begin to hide much. If stains and acne appeared on the feet and palms, then this is an infection, and for it it will be necessary for another treatment.
AntibioticsThe child has a reaction to antibiotics immediately after taking the drug. Allergic rash in the form of red spots covers the face and body of the kid. These stains do not bope in contrast to the contact dermatitis. Sometimes there is a temperature (appears without visible causes). Instead of stains, bubbles with liquid can appear inside.

How to diagnose allergies?

Allergic rash in children is often configured with infectious. If the treatment is incorrect, then the consequences of such a therapeutic course will be not the best.

Before you choose an effective remedy, you need to learn to distinguish one disease from the other. The exact diagnosis can only be delivered to the doctor, since it is not always enough to determine the cause of the disease of the visual inspection, the tests are required.

Differences of allergic rash in children from infectious disease are presented in the table:

Features Allergic rash Infection
General form It may be in the form of both small points and large blisters. In addition to them, there are often crusts, erosion and serous wells (ulcers from which liquid flows).Rash point, not "merge" into a large stain.
Place of appearance Face (forehead, cheeks, chin). Neck, hands, legs, buttocks. Rarely - belly, back.Belly, back. Rarely - hands, legs. Very rarely forehead.
Heat The temperature is rare, and if it rises, then not higher than 37-38 ° C.The disease is accompanied by a temperature, from 37 ° C to 41 ° C.
Itch It happens.It happens.
Ochnoy Clearly visible. In some situations, life is dangerous.There are very rare.
Related symptoms Tearing, conjunctivitis, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye, reduced pressure, cough, stomach disorder.The course of the nose, the overall decay of forces, lobby in the body.
How quickly passes Often rash passes immediately after receiving a medicinal product.It remains until the course of treatment is completed.

What medications are used to treat allergic rash?

With the appearance of allergic rashes on the skin, it is categorically forbidden to squeeze pimples or open blisters. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is also impossible to comb sprouts.

If it is still too small, make sure that he does not touch the wounds with dirty hands. It can be infected, and this will only worsen his condition.

Treatment of rashes in children is selected depending on the type of disease. Parents who do not know how to treat allergic rash in children should not choose drugs on their own.

Allergic rash Medications Non-media treatment
Allergic dermatitisTo facilitate symptoms, "Supratin" or "Erius" are prescribed.Eliminate contact with the stimulus.

Bathing a child in water with the addition of chamomile chamomile or sage.

The infant will also help physiotherapy, peace and positive emotions.

HivesChildren prescribe antiallergic drugs: "Supratin", "Tueguil".
NeurodermitThe doctor recommends:
  • sorbents ("Lactofilm" or activated carbon);
  • soothing (You can make a decoction of Melissa);
  • the ointment that has a cooling effect (for example, Gel "Fenidist").
EczemaWell help:
  • antiallergic drugs (for example, "Supratin");
  • immunostimulating agents (for example, the messenger of Echinacea);
  • sorbents ("Lactofilm", activated carbon).

How fast is the allergic rash in children?

To the question of how long you have to fight allergic rash in children, there is no definite answer. Much depends on the type and nature of the course of the disease.

For example, food allergies, if it appeared in an infant or a one-year-old baby, passes within one week. It is enough just to remove the allergenic product from the diet of a nursing mother.

Seven days will have to suffer from those children who have urticaria or allergic dermatitis. It is more difficult to combine with eczema and neurodermit.

These diseases are concerned for 14 days and often go into a chronic form. This means that the allergic reaction may not appear.

Treat treatment should be at the first appearance of small pale rashes. If you do not pay attention to it in the hope that "everything will be held everything," the therapeutic course can be delayed for a long time and to be ineffective.

What do for the prevention of allergic rash in children?

Preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of an allergic rash. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • To take care that the baby does not in contact with the allergen (remove allergenic products from its diet; if necessary, change the children's powder, soap or dishwashing liquid.
  • Maintain order in his room, regularly make wet cleaning.
  • If there is pets in the house, keep track of their cleanliness.
  • Strengthen the immunity of the baby (more often walking, playing sports).
  • Do not violate the recommendations of the doctor on the reception of drugs.


Allergic rash in children up to the year and at older appears for various reasons. Often allergen become food, medicine, household chemicals.

Allergies can be different types and look different. It is easy to confuse with infectious disease. It is important to correctly diagnose and quickly choose effective treatment.

At the very first suspicion of allergic manifestations, you need to show a child's child. Self-treatment may be ineffective: the risk of harvesting the baby, and not help.


Small, red rash in a child: photo with explanations.

Diseases begin to accompany a person from the first days of life.

We can not even guess about many, but some indicate symptoms, among which the important place is given to the rash on the body.

The manifestation of a rash on a child in various skin diseases

Often, people who discovered rash on their body or the body of the child mistakenly believe that it is caused by an allergic reaction, and buy antihistamines.

At this time, a major changes may occur in the body caused by the development of viral infections.


Most often, this disease is found in children living in metropolis and major cities.

The rubella is transmitted by air-droplet, when contacting an infected person, and also moves from mother to a child through a placenta during pregnancy.

Most often it meets in children from 6 months to 10 years.


The first six months, the children's body is under the protection of antibodies transmitted to him with Mother's milk, so rubella at such age is a rarity.

In order to identify the presence of rubella in a child, first of all, you need to pay attention to his behavior.

The first signs of the disease:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • bad mood;
  • overwork.

The temperature gradually increases, rashes on the face and head appear, and then they go to the rest of the body.

The rash has a circular or oval shape, does not exceed 3 millimeters in diameter.

The incubation period of rubella is about 14 to 23 days.

Rash at Scarlatin

Scarlatina is a sharp infectious disease, whose pathogen is the pathogenic microbe - Streptococcus.

It is transmitted by air-droplet, through the upper respiratory tract.

In most cases, Scarlatina manifests itself in children from year to 12 years.

Rash at Scarlatin

Typical disease symptoms:

  • sharp jump temperature of the body;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • sore throat.

Related signs may appear:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • malaise.

Skarlatine rash begins to spread to face and neck, gradually moving towards the body and the limbs of the child.

It is small reddish specks that become rich to the bottom of the abdomen, under the knees and on the elbow folds.

On the face, the rash is more pronounced in the cheek area - there it forms bright stains, spending white traces, gradually returning color back.

The period of time from the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms - from 2 to 7 days.


A sharp viral disease of an infectious nature, the source of which is a person who himself is sick.

The greatest probability to get infected between the ages of 2 to 5 years.


King begins not with the manifestation of rash, but with symptoms, similar to cold:

  • the temperature rises;
  • no appetite;
  • the child suffers from dry cough;
  • and rhubber with purulent-mucous secretions.

Somewhat later there is conjunctivitis, redness of the eyelids and eye puff.

After about 3 weeks in the mouth, on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, minor rashes appear.

After a few days, on the face, behind the ears, on the neck, gradually moving on the body, to hand and legs, you can see stains reaching 10 mm.

The rash covers the baby's body for 4-5 days.

Hidden period of illness - from 10 days to 3 weeks.

Windmill windmill

Windmill, as everyone got used to call it, caused herpes virus.

It is capable of transmitted by air-droplet, from sick people to healthy, not yet persecuted.

Basically, children under the age of 5 are subject to this disease.

It is transmitted from a sick person or items that contaminated contaminated.

Little children are most susceptible to scabies, as they have a weak unaffined immunity.

To reveal scabies in a child over 3 years old is quite simple: a single or merging together a rash with peelings and crusts, pronounced in the field of buttocks, genital organs, axillary folds and between fingers.

It is accompanied by all this itching and sleep impairment.

In infants, the rash does not have clear limits of localization - it can be noted on the brushes, on the side of the fingers.

Hidden period - from several hours to 2 weeks, depending on the type and age of the tick.

Prickly heat

Padders are irritation of the skin caused by the increased sweating and the emerging, mostly in newborns.

The reason for its appearance is the adverse effect of external factors: hot weather, and the child is warmly dressed, or there are close diapers in size, clothing from synthetic tissue.

In addition, many parents do not pay due attention to the hygiene of the baby, do not bathe it if necessary, do not use specialized hygienic agents.

Padman is three species:

  1. crystal - distinguished by the presence of small watery bubbles on the body, not exceeding 2 mm. in diameter;
  2. red - bubbles on the skin are inflamed, become red, delivered unpleasant sensations and may worsen the condition of the baby;
  3. deep - is bubbles of corporal color, sometimes in the form of spots with reddish bases.

Rash during rubella begin with a person, gradually turning to the body and limbs, the temperature sharply rises.

Allergic rash is manifested immediately at all parts of the body, the condition of the child does not change.

Rash during cores as well as during rubella, accompanied by high temperature.

A sick child appears weakness and headaches, can get a voice.

And only after 4-5 days appear.

It does not make himself wait a long time, the body reacts to it much faster.

Do not confuse with allergic reactions and windmill - rash during it resembles bubbles with reddish bubble, filled with transparent liquid.

One of the most unpleasant and dangerous diseases is a meningococcal infection - differs from allergies by the presence of rash with subcutaneous hemorrhage, and is accompanied by a severe condition of a child - fever, vomiting, strong headaches.

Another type of skin disease is that a large half of parents confuses with allergies.

However, it can be distinguished - scabies it bothers, mostly at night.

It is at this time that ticks that cause infection becomes most active.

The same symptom with allergies accompanies the baby throughout the day.

In addition, scabies does not cause a runny nose and tears characteristic of allergic diseases.

Rash in a child on a body that requires an immediate call to the doctor

If a child occurs, the symptoms described below, without delay, you need to seek help from qualified professionals:

  • fever and sharp rise temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • unbearable itching of the skin of the whole body;
  • nausea, lethargy, vomiting, slower reaction;
  • rash in the form of stars with subcutaneous hemorrhages and edema.

That it is forbidden to do if there are rashes in children

To prevent the possibility of entering infection and not cause greater harm to the health of the child, in no case:

  • squeeze;
  • pick
  • combing guns and other rashes;
  • remove crusts;
  • and also process them with medicines with bright color (iodine, green).

It is impossible to leave without attention, because it can talk about the presence of serious diseases, many of which are a threat to the life of the baby.

It is not necessary to engage in self-medication - a list of diseases accompanied by rashes, large enough.

The main thing is to be able to recognize the main symptoms for which you can quickly navigate and provide primary medical care.

It follows with attention and sensitivity to take the problem and show the child as soon as possible to the doctor.

Rash in a child

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