Western Siberia. On the map of Russia, nature, population, which regions are part of Western Siberia

Western Siberia is part of the Eastern macro region along with such areas as East Siberian and Far Eastern. For many centuries, the indigenous population of the Eastern macro region was engaged in reindeer husbandry (in the north), hunting and fishing in the taiga, sheep breeding and horse breeding in the steppe regions of the south. After joining Russia, the development of this territory begins. In less than 100 years, the Russian state secured vast territories from the Urals to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

After the abolition of serfdom and especially after the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the population in these areas increased greatly. Western Siberia became a major grain and livestock raising region.

The discovery of oil and gas played a major role in the development of the region. As a result, the West Siberian region began to stand out for its powerful economy. During the Soviet years, Western Siberia provided 70% of oil and natural gas production, about 30% of coal, and about 20% of timber harvested in the country. The region accounted for about 20% of the country's grain and the main population of deer. Despite the fact that this district is the smallest in area in the eastern macro region, it has a larger population than the other two districts.

At the moment, our state is experiencing great economic difficulties and a more or less stable position in the world market is provided by the export of oil and gas produced in Western Siberia. Thanks to this, Western Siberia became the country's sponsor of foreign exchange earnings from the sale of oil and gas to other countries. Having become acquainted with the development of the territory, with the natural base and development features of the region, I decided to find out what the current state of the economy, economy and industry of this region is, to determine the main problems and prospects for the development of the region

Composition of territories. Economic geographical position and physical-geographical location

The West Siberian region ranks third in area in the country among other regions after the East Siberian region and the Far Eastern region; its area is about 3 million square km. The West Siberian region includes: two autonomous okrugs (Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk), five regions (Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tyumen), the Altai Republic, Altai Territory..

The West Siberian region is located between the Ural region and the East Siberian region from the west and east and from the Kara Sea to the border with Kazakhstan. The peculiarity of the economic-geographical position (hereinafter referred to as EGP) of the West Siberian region in the vicinity of the Urals and Kazakhstan. The West Siberian region is located in northern and temperate latitudes. South part is located in close proximity to the center of origin of the Siberian anticyclone.

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EGP within the region is sharply differentiated to the south. Climatic conditions almost everywhere, except for the highlands, are favorable for growing agricultural crops in the northern and central zone. In winter, most of the territory has little wind and dry weather. Western Siberia as a whole receives enough atmospheric moisture for agriculture (900-600mm per year in the taiga), but in the south it is usually not enough (300mm per year). The intensity of solar radiation in the southern regions is 20-25% higher than in Moscow, therefore the soils warm up quickly in the spring, which also promotes the growth of agricultural crops. Western Siberia has an extensive hydrographic network (mainly the Ob-Irtysh system). In the spring, the rivers overflow heavily and have prolonged floods, which is favorable for shipping and rafting of timber. But in the northern regions, navigation is hampered by a relatively short navigation period. In the mountains, rivers are very rapid, which makes navigation and timber rafting difficult, but favors the construction of hydroelectric power stations. The fertile soils of Western Siberia are represented by chernozems and (in the extreme south) dark chestnut soils.

Natural resources and natural conditions

Western Siberia is one of the richest regions in the country in natural resources. A unique oil and gas province has been discovered here. Huge reserves of hard and brown coal, iron ores and non-ferrous metal ores are concentrated in the region. The area has large reserves of peat, and large reserves of wood, mainly coniferous, are also concentrated. In terms of fish reserves, Western Siberia is considered one of the richest regions of the country. Western Siberia has significant fur reserves. The forest and forest-steppe zones have large tracts of fertile land, which creates favorable conditions for the development of agriculture. The largest oil and gas provinces include Samotlor, Fedorovskoye, Varyganskoye, Vatinskoye, Pokurovskoye, Ust-Bulykskoye, Salymskoye, Sovetsko-Sosnytskoye - oil fields, Urengoyskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye - gas fields. Oil and gas here are of high quality. Oil is light, low in sulfur, has a high yield of light fractions, and contains associated gas, which is a valuable chemical raw material. The gas contains 97% methane, rare gases, and at the same time there is no sulfur, little nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Oil and gas deposits at depths of up to 3 thousand meters in soft but stable, easily drilled rocks are characterized by a significant concentration of reserves. More than 60 gas fields have been identified on the territory of the complex. One of the most efficient is Urengoyskoye, which provides annual gas production of 280 billion cubic meters. The cost of producing 1 ton of equivalent fuel, natural gas, is the lowest compared to all other types of fuel. Oil production is concentrated mainly in the Middle Ob region. In the future, the importance of northern deposits will increase. Currently, 68% of Russian oil is produced in Western Siberia. Natural gas is produced mainly in the northern regions. Here are the most significant deposits - Yamburg and the Yamal Peninsula. Plants for processing oil and gas raw materials are located in Omsk, Tobolsk and Tomsk industrial hubs. The Omsk petrochemical complex includes an oil refinery, synthetic rubber, soot, tire, rubber products, plastics, as well as a cord factory and others. Large oil and gas processing complexes are being created in Tobolsk and Tomsk. The fuel resources of the complex are represented by the Ob - Irtysh and North Sosvinsky brown coal basins. The Ob-Irtysh coal basin is located in the southern and middle part of the Western Siberian Plain. It belongs to the closed category, since its coal-bearing layers, reaching 85 meters, are covered by a thick cover of younger sediments. The coal basin has been poorly studied and its estimated reserves are estimated at 1,600 billion tons, the depth of occurrence varies from 5 to 4,000 m. In the future, these coals can be of industrial importance only if they are underground gasified. The North Sosvinsky basin is located in the north of the Tyumen region, its reserves amount to 15 billion tons. Explored deposits include Otorinskoye, Tolinskoye, Lozhinskoye and Ust-Maninskoye.

The West Siberian TPK has significant water resources. The total river flow is estimated at 404 cubic km. At the same time, the rivers have a hydropower potential of 79 billion kWh. However, the flat nature of the surface makes the use of hydropower resources of the Ob, Irtysh and their large tributaries ineffective. The construction of dams on these rivers will lead to the creation of large reservoirs, and the damage from flooding of vast forests, and possibly oil and gas fields, will block energy effect from hydroelectric power station. Underground thermal waters are of significant interest. They can be used for heating greenhouses and greenhouses, heating agricultural facilities, cities and workers' settlements, as well as for medicinal purposes.


The total number of residents of the West Siberian region is 15141.3 thousand people, the growth is positive and amounts to 2.7 people per 100 inhabitants, the role of the migration influx is great. The share of the urban population is over 70%. In general, the region lacks labor resources. If we allow the development of transport in the future, the population density of Western Siberia will increase significantly.

In the region there are two millionaire cities - Omsk (1,160,000 inhabitants), Novosibirsk (1,368,000 inhabitants) and three large cities: Tyumen (493,000 inhabitants), Tomsk (500,000 inhabitants), Kemerovo (517,000 inhabitants). Western Siberia is a multinational region. About ten main nationalities live on its territory: (Russians, Selkups, Khanty, Mansi, Altaians, Kazakhs, Shors, Germans, Komi, Tatars and Ukrainians).

Omsk region 2175 thousand people 6 cities 24 urban villages.

Altai region 2654 thousand people 11 cities 30 urban villages.

Altai Republic 201.6 thousand people urban population 27% 1 city (Gorno-Altaisk) 2 urban-type settlements.

Novosibirsk region 2803 thousand people urban population 74% 14 cities 19 urban-type settlements.

Tomsk region 1008 thousand people urban population 69% 5 cities 6 urban villages.

Tyumen region 3120 thousand people urban population 91% 26 cities 46 urban-type settlements.

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region 1301 thousand people urban population 92% 15 cities 25 urban villages.

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 465 thousand people urban population 83% 6 cities 9 urban villages.

Kemerovo region 3177 thousand people 87% urban population 19 cities 47 urban-type settlements.

Historical and economic conditions

The hypothesis about the oil and gas potential of the West Siberian Plain was first put forward in 1932 by Academician I.M. Gubkin. For many years, supporters of this idea had many authoritative opponents.

In 1953, the first one was discovered - the Berezovskoye gas field. In 1960, the first oil field in Siberia was discovered near the village of Shaim.

At first, geological exploration work was carried out only in the southern regions of the West Siberian Plain, but then research spread to the entire territory, to the subzone of the middle and southern taiga.

In 1961, a group of oil fields was discovered in the middle Ob region and gas fields in the Berezovsky gas-bearing region. In 1965, the Samotlor oil field was discovered. These discoveries marked the beginning of the development of the largest oil and gas province of global importance. After the construction of the Siberian Railway (1891-1916), widespread agrarian settlement of the region began. During the years of development of capitalism in Russia, the region became the largest supplier of wheat and animal oil to the European part and for export. There were also centers of mining, coal and Food Industry, but their sizes were very small. In 1924, the first Kuznetsk coke went to the Ural factories. The Western Territory was formed as a result of the division of Siberia in 1930, the Tyumen region was included. During the war, 210 enterprises were evacuated here, which subsequently gave a significant impetus to the development of the economy of the entire region.


The development of Western Siberia for many years was determined by the needs of the state. Thanks to the large-scale development of natural resources, financed by the state, the region became the main energy and raw material base and the basis for the financial stability of the country. During the reform years, the West Siberian region continued to play the role of a financial “sponsor” of the country. Moreover, its role has intensified: more than two-thirds of the country’s foreign exchange earnings are provided through the export of mineral resources and their processed products. The region's resource orientation led to a significantly smaller loss of industrial potential in the reform years compared to European regions. Almost 35% of the West Siberian Plain is occupied by swamps. More than 22% of the entire territory of the plain is peatland. Currently, in the Tomsk and Tyumen regions there are 3,900 peat deposits with total reserves peat at 75 billion tons. The Tyumen Thermal Power Plant operates on the basis of the Tarmanskoye field.

The fuel and energy complex is represented not only by enterprises producing energy fuel, but also by a fairly large system of thermal power plants on the middle Ob River and individual energy hubs in oil and gas production areas. The energy system has been significantly strengthened by new state district power plants - Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Urengoy.

Currently, the Tomsk and Tyumen regions generate a little more than 2% of the total Russian electricity. The energy sector is represented by a significant number of small, uneconomical power plants. The average installed capacity of one power plant is less than 500 kW. The further development of the electric power industry on the territory of the complex is inextricably linked with cheap associated gas, which, after topping at gas processing plants, will be used for energy purposes. Electricity from the Surgut State District Power Plant is supplied to oil fields, construction sites in the Ob region and to the Ural energy system. Two largest thermal power plants in the system of petrochemical complexes and two state district power plants using associated gas are being built on the territory of the complex in Nizhnevartovsk and Novy Urengoy. The problem of supplying electricity to the northern gas-bearing regions of the Tyumen region, where small, scattered power plants operate, is especially acute.

The forest chemical complex is represented mainly by the logging and woodworking industries. A significant part of the wood is exported in unprocessed form (roundwood, ore stands, firewood). The stages of deep wood processing (hydrolysis, pulp and paper, etc.) are insufficiently developed. In the future, a significant increase in timber harvesting is planned in the Tyumen and Tomsk regions. The presence of huge reserves of wood, cheap fuel and water will allow the formation of large enterprises in the region for the chemical and mechanical processing of wood raw materials and waste. It is planned to create several timber processing complexes and sawmills and wood processing plants on the territory of the West Siberian complex. Their construction is expected in the cities of Asino, Tobolsk, Surgut, Kolpashevo, in the villages of Kamenny and Bely Yar.

The machine-building complex is formed mainly in Omsk, Tomsk, Tyumen, Ishim and Zladoukovsk. Machine-building enterprises produce equipment and machines for the oil and gas production and forestry industries, transport, construction, and agriculture. Many enterprises are not yet sufficiently focused on meeting the needs of the subdistrict. In the near future, it is necessary to strengthen the role of Omsk, Tyumen, Tomsk as support bases for the development of oil and gas-bearing regions of Western Siberia and to deepen the specialization of the mechanical engineering of these centers in the production of various equipment in the “northern version”. The formation of the machine-building complex on the territory of the Tomsk and Tyumen regions should be subordinated, first of all, to the tasks of providing the necessary, especially low-transportable and special equipment to enterprises and construction sites of the leading sectors of the national economy in the eastern zone of the country and, above all, its northern regions.

In the future, ferrous metallurgy may develop on the territory of the complex. On the basis of Bakchar ores in the south of the Tomsk region, it is possible to build a metallurgical plant. The Bakchar deposit can become the main raw material base for the development of ferrous metallurgy in the eastern zone of the country.

The industrial construction complex is focused on ensuring the reconstruction and new construction of petrochemical and forestry enterprises. A number of construction materials are supplied by the Kuznetsk-Altai subdistrict. There is a certain deficit in the construction base for the creation of civil structures.

The main construction organizations are concentrated in large industrial centers, mainly in the south of the subdistrict. During the period of development of oil and gas resources, the method of complete block, prefabricated construction became widespread here, which can significantly reduce the cost of human labor and speed up the construction of facilities. At the same time, basic construction materials enterprises are being created in Tomsk and Tyumen. Currently, there are 17 concentrated construction hubs operating in the Tomsk and Tyumen regions: Tomsk, Tyumen, Nzhnevartovsk, Surgut, Ust-Balyk, Strezhevsk, Megion, Neftyugansk, Nadym, Tobolsk, Asinovsky, Berezovsky, Urengoy, Yamburg, Kharasaveysky, Beloyarsky, Tugansky and others.

Contacts of enterprises with the outside world are not limited to the export and import of goods. More than 100 joint ventures are registered in the Western Siberian region. The exports of these enterprises amounted to $240 million in 1995. During the first half of 1996, these enterprises produced 4 million tons of oil. Among the largest investors in joint ventures are countries such as the USA, Canada, and Germany. And the most significant joint ventures in terms of scale of activity are: Yuganskfrakmaster, Yugraneft. The priority task in the field of contacts with foreign capital is to attract large-scale lenders to the fuel industry of the region. Among the projects financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are the restoration of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia and the supply of equipment to Samotlor. In 1995, the World Bank provided a targeted loan of $610 million to P/O Kogalymneftegaz.

Speaking about the economic development of the Western Siberian region in 1999 and the first half of 2000, data from the State Statistics Committee were used Russian Federation according to main economic indicators.

According to these data, Western Siberia is currently one of the ten leading regions that contribute 63.6% of taxes to the total state treasury, of which the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets districts accounted for 1999. - 9.3%, and in the first half of 2000 - 11.9%.

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The increase in inter-district freight turnover and intra-district transportation contributed to the expansion of the transport network. Oil pipelines Shaim-Tyumen, Ust-Balyk-Omsk, Aleksandrovskoye-Anzhero-Sudzhensk-Krasnoyarsk-Irkutsk, Samotlor-Tyumen-Almetyevsk, Ust-Balyk-Kurgan-Samara, Omsk-Pavlodar and gas pipelines in the Medvezhye-Nadym-Samara sections were built in the region. Ural (two stages), Nadym-Punga-Center, Urengoy-Nadym-Ukhta-Torzhok, Vengapur-Surgut-Tobolsk-Tyumen, Yamburg-Center, Nizhnevartovsk-Myldzhino-Tomsk-Novokuznetsk, Yamburg-Western border of Russia. This powerful pipeline transport ensures the delivery of almost 400 million tons of oil and 450 billion cubic meters of gas to consumers. Currently, pipelines with a length of over 10 thousand kilometers have been built to release Tyumen oil. Gas pipelines stretch for more than 12 thousand kilometers. Here, pipes with a diameter of 1420 mm were used for the first time. Rail transport plays a special role in the industrial development of new areas. The Tobolsk-Surgutsk-Nizhnevartovsk railway line was laid from Tyumen through the Shirotnoe Ob region. Available various options continuation of this highway. It can connect to the Trans-Siberian Railway through Tomsk or go to Abalakovo, along the Keta River. On the territory of the complex, logging roads Ivdel-Ob, Tavda-Sotnik, Asino-Bely Yar were built. Road transport is of great importance for solving local problems. Currently, an external and internal paved road ring has been built around Samotlor, and access roads to the Tyumen-Tobolsk-Surgut railway are being created. However, the transport network is not yet sufficiently developed. Per one square kilometer of territory, the length of railways here is almost 3 times less and paved roads are 2 times less than in the country as a whole. River transport is of great importance, the importance of which will increase significantly in connection with the construction of river ports in Tomsk, Tobolsk, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk and Kolpashevo, and the improvement of navigation on the Tom, Keti, Tura and Tobol rivers.


The agro-industrial complex of the complex as a whole specializes in the cultivation and processing of grain. On a small scale, in places where industrial crops are grown - flax, hemp, sunflower - there is primary processing of flax - curly and hemp, and oil production. The livestock branch of the agro-industrial complex includes butter and milk factories, dairy canning factories and production facilities for processing meat, leather, wool, and sheepskin.

Carpet making is an ancient craft of the region (in Ishim and Tobolsk there are mechanized carpet factories). Enterprises in the textile, leather and footwear industries operate using local and imported raw materials. The main centers for processing agricultural raw materials are Omsk, Tyumen, Tomsk, Yalutorovsk, Tatarsk, Ishim.

The regions of Siberia and the Far East include: West Siberian region, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions.

The West Siberian region includes the following territories:

  • Tyumen region (including the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs),
  • Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions,
  • Altai region,
  • Altai Republic.

Almost half of the population (46%) of the Eastern macroregion is concentrated in the West Siberian region on an area of ​​2.4 million km2. The region occupies the territories of the West Siberian Lowland and the mountainous regions of Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau and Salair Ridge. The climate of Western Siberia is characterized by continental features, which intensify in the south of the plain. In winter, windless, sunny, frosty weather prevails. In the summer, when the arctic meets air masses With heated southern air, cyclones occur, accompanied by precipitation. The enormous extent in the meridional direction has led to a clear manifestation of latitudinal zoning in the nature of Western Siberia. There are only zones of broad-leaved and mixed broad-leaved-coniferous forests here. The far north of Western Siberia is occupied by the tundra zone. Due to the widespread occurrence of swamps in the forest zone of Western Siberia, it is called the forest-swamp zone. Almost 40% of the region's territory is occupied by swamps. High swampiness complicates the development of the richest resources of this region. At the same time, Western Siberian swamps have large reserves of peat. The extreme south of Western Siberia is a steppe zone with plowed chernozem and chestnut soils.

The country's largest oil and natural gas fields are associated with the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian Plain. Over 60% of Russian oil reserves and up to 90% of natural gas are concentrated here. The most important oil fields are concentrated in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Samotlor, Megionskoye, Ust-Balykskoye), and natural gas fields are in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Medvezhye fields). In the Kemerovo region, hard coal is mined (Kuznetsk coal basin). Iron ores are mined in the mountainous Shoria. The area has non-ferrous metals, salt reserves (Kulunda lakes), large forest reserves and water resources.

The population of this area is 15.1 million people. The main population is concentrated in the south. The highest population density is in the Kemerovo region (more than 32 people per 1 km2). The average population density in the area is 6.2 people per 1 km2. The share of the urban population is 73%.

The main role in the economy of the region is played by the fuel and energy complex, metallurgical, chemical, forestry industries, and the agro-industrial complex (grain farming). Within the West Siberian region there are two large economic zones: northern and southern. In the northern economic zone (Tyumen region, northern Omsk and Tomsk regions), economic specialization is determined by the oil and gas industry, as well as the forestry industry. In the southern part of Western Siberia, the Kuznetsk-Altai complex was formed on the basis of coal and ore resources, and the agricultural development of forest-steppe spaces is being carried out. The center of metallurgy in Siberia is Novokuznetsk, the chemical center of the region is Kemerovo. In Kemerovo, due to the developed chemical industry, a difficult environmental situation remains.

In the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Western Siberia, mainly in river valleys, dairy farming has developed. On the drier interfluve uplands, spring wheat is grown, and meat and dairy farming and sheep breeding are developed. Antler reindeer husbandry and beekeeping are preserved in the Altai Mountains. In the north of Western Siberia, reindeer breeding is a traditional occupation of the local peoples - the Nenets, Khanty and Mansi.

The largest cities in Western Siberia:

  • Omsk is located on the Irtysh at the intersection with the Trans-Siberian Railway. Omsk – former center Siberian Cossacks, commercial and administrative city, large industrial hub (petrochemicals, mechanical engineering).
  • Tomsk – science Center with developed mechanical engineering and chemical industries.
  • Tyumen is the first Russian city in Siberia (founded in 1586), a center of diverse industry, and the organizational center of the oil and gas industry in the region.
  • Novosibirsk is the largest and at the same time the youngest city in Siberia (1.4 million people). Located near Kuzbass at the intersection of the Ob River and the railways, this city is a center of diversified mechanical engineering and science.

The mineral resource base is the main wealth of Russia, on the solution of whose problems many issues of the economy and welfare of society depend. Russia meets its domestic needs for most types of raw materials and has significant export capabilities.

Russia has the world's most powerful potential of mineral resources, occupying one of the first places on the planet in terms of explored reserves of the most important minerals. In particular, our country is one of the world leaders in reserves of mineral resources such as coal, iron ore, potassium salts and phosphorus raw materials. Here, Russia's share in world reserves is at least 30%. On a per capita basis, Russia's natural resource potential is 2-2.5 times greater than that of the United States.

Mineral raw materials extracted from the subsoil and their processing products provide 65-70% of Russia's foreign exchange earnings and account for 30-35% of its GDP.

Oil and natural gas are the basis of the country's fuel and energy balance and raw material exports. There are oil and gas fields in 37 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In terms of oil and gas reserves and their production, the West Siberian (50-75%) and Volga-Ural oil and gas provinces (including the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora oil and gas regions) stand out especially. The largest oil reserves are concentrated in the central part of Western Siberia (Samotlor, etc.), gas - in its northern regions (Novy Urengoy, Yamburg, etc.). Oil reserves are available in Sakhalin and Ciscaucasia.

Proven oil reserves - 51.22 billion barrels (2002; almost 5% of world production, 7th place in the world), production - 7.286 million barrels per day (2001; almost 10% of world production, 3rd place in the world after Saudi Arabia and USA).

Proven reserves of natural gas - 47.86 trillion m3 (2002, almost 32% of world production, 1st place in the world), production - 580.8 billion m3 (2001, almost 23% of world production, 1st place in the world).

Russia has unique coal resources of various types, which are estimated at 4 trillion tons, but most of them lie mainly in uninhabited areas of Siberia and the Far East. In terms of coal reserves, the Tunguska and Lena basins are distinguished. About 75% of Russian coal is mined in Siberia, with about 40% coming from the Kuznetsk basin (Kuzbass), which is famous for high-quality coal (balance sheet reserves - 114.3 million tons). In Siberia, production is also carried out in the Kansko-Achinsk, Cheremkhovo (Irkutsk region), South Yakutsk and some other, less significant basins. In the European part of the country, suppliers of hard coal are the eastern Donbass and the Pechora basin (Vorkuta, etc.).

The Kansk-Achinsky, Lensky and Moscow region basins are distinguished by brown coal reserves.

Russia is one of the five world leaders in iron ore mining (along with China, Brazil, Australia and Ukraine). The world's largest iron ore deposits are located in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) region. Only three KMA iron ore mines provide more than 45% of the total volume of ore mined in Russia. Smaller iron ore deposits are scattered throughout the country: they are on the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, the Urals, the Angara region, South Yakutia and other areas.
More scarce (after the loss of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.) minerals include manganese, chromium and uranium ores.

The supply of certain types of non-ferrous and rare metals is currently assessed as stable. Non-ferrous and rare metals are contained in complex ores, their share in the total volume of ores is often insignificant, and complex technologies are used to extract them.

Russia has reserves of various non-ferrous and rare metals. The Urals are distinguished by titanomagnetite ores and bauxites, which are also found in the north of the Russian Plain and in the mountains of southern Siberia. Copper ores were found in the North Caucasus, Middle and Southern Urals, in Eastern Siberia (Stanovoye Highlands). Copper-nickel ores are mined in the Norilsk ore region, which plays a special role in the country’s economy, and on the Kola Peninsula.

The main feature of Russian copper-nickel deposits is their enrichment in precious and platinum group metals, gold, silver and rare metals - selenium, tellurium. There are deposits of lead-zinc ores in the North Caucasus, Transbaikalia and the Far East, tin in Yakutia, the Magadan region, Chukotka, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, tungsten and molybdenum in the North Caucasus, Transbaikalia and the Far East. The mineral resources of Yakutia, Kolyma, Chukotka, and the mountains of Southern Siberia are gold-bearing. The Murmansk region is famous for its deposits of apatite-nepheline ores. Phosphorites are mined in a number of central regions the European part of Russia and the south of Central Siberia.

The country is also rich in sulfur, mica, asbestos, graphite, and various precious, semiprecious and ornamental stones. There are especially many of them in the Urals, Altai, Transbaikalia and the Kola Peninsula.

Table salt is mined in the Caspian region, the Urals, the Altai Territory and the Baikal region.

Diamond is the hardest of all natural materials. Diamonds vary in color, from colorless to dark gray.

80-85% of diamonds are mined from placers. In Russia, diamonds were first discovered in the Middle Urals, then in Yakutia and later in the Arkhangelsk region. The most beautiful and valuable diamonds are kept in the Diamond Fund of Russia. Products made from precious and semi-precious stones are also stored there. The Urals are richest in them, where emeralds, malachites, jasper, aquamarines, rock crystal, alexandrite, topazes, and amethysts are found. Altai jasper, Sayan jade, and Baikal lapis lazuli are also known.
Natural resources extracted from the depths of our country constitute important Russian exports. 30-40% of produced gas, more than 2/3 of oil, 90% of copper and tin, 65% of zinc, and almost all the raw materials for the production of phosphate and potash fertilizers are sent abroad.

Russia's mineral resources are now the main pillar of its struggling economy. They are exported to developed European countries, Japan, etc., and to rapidly developing China. Minerals are non-renewable natural resources. Reasonable use of mineral resources is achieved by reducing losses during their extraction and processing, more complete extraction of all useful components contained in them, integrated use resources.
Reserves of natural resources are distributed very unevenly throughout the country; most of them are in Siberia, which is rightfully considered the main storehouse of the country. About a third of all mineral resources in Russia are located in Western Siberia, and about a quarter in Eastern Siberia. Most of the mineral resources are concentrated in the harshest, least developed zone, which is also remote from the main production facilities. Therefore, the main problem of developing Russia's mineral wealth is related to the high cost of their extraction and problems of transportation to consumers. It is no coincidence that minerals account for almost half of all goods transported by rail and water transport in the country.

Date of publication: 2015-01-26; Read: 437 | Page copyright infringement

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Western Siberia has the largest reserves of natural gas, oil and coal (92%, 68% and 42% of production, respectively). The main gas resource and gas production region in this part of Siberia is the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The south of Western Siberia is known for the largest coal processing basin in the country - Kuznetsk.

This basin has favorable natural and economic conditions for its development, since the coal seams lie relatively shallow, but have great economic power. This makes it possible to sometimes mine coal in open pits. The flat part of Western Siberia contains large, but at the same time little-used peat reserves.

Another resource that the region is rich in is iron ore; its deposits are located in the Tomsk region (central part), but are not currently being developed, since the iron content in the underlying iron ores is low. Magnetite ore deposits are located in the southern part of the Kemerovo region, but they are not enough to fully load the local ferrous metallurgical base. Forest resources of the Western part of Siberia are a significant part of the entire forest fund of the Russian Federation (12%). The total area covered by forests is about 81 million hectares, timber reserves amount to 9.8 billion cubic meters. Western Siberia was surpassed only by the Far East and Eastern Siberia. Almost 80% of all timber reserves are concentrated in the Tomsk and Tyumen regions.

However, the quality of this wood is, for the most part, low, since almost all of it grows in wetlands. The water resources of the Western region of Siberia (http://westsiberia.ru/) are large. Their basis is the Ob-Irtysh river basin, which is adjacent to the drainage of the Taz and Pur rivers. Water availability exceeds the Russian average by 1.5 times. But still, in some areas, water shortages periodically occur: especially in the Novosibirsk region and in the steppes of the Altai Territory. The region contains about 16% of all agricultural land and 15% of arable land in the Russian Federation. Three quarters of all arable land is located in the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions, as well as in the Altai Territory. These areas are famous for the fertile, chestnut, chernozem and alluvial soils of the river valleys. As for recreational resources, this is, of course, the Altai Mountains: Lake Teletskoye, the Katun and Biya rivers with their rapids, mountain landscapes that attract water tourists and climbers. Human resources number 15 million people.

Here the population is distributed evenly throughout the area.

The population density is approximately 6.2 people per sq. km. Let us give for comparison - in the Tyumen region - 2 people per 1 sq. km, in the Kemerovo region - a total of 33 people. In this part of Siberia, the majority of the population is urban, the proportion of which is 72.4%. Western Siberia has 80 cities, over 200 urban areas. The predominant population is Russian, but in the north of the region there live small peoples (Nenets, Evenks, Komi, Khanty, Mansi). Altaians live in the Altai region. There are also Kazakhs, Germans, Tatars and other peoples in the region. However, despite all this, migration is 2.1%, in other words, this part of Siberia is in dire need of personnel. But still, comparing Western Siberia with other regions, it is better provided with qualified personnel.

News and society

West Siberian Plain: minerals, location, description

There is hardly any space in the world with a flat topography as vast as the West Siberian Plain. Minerals located in this territory were discovered back in 1960. Since then, this natural storehouse has been of particular value to our state.

The age of the rocks of the West Siberian Plain indicates the presence of a huge amount of resources in them.

The development of the northernmost deposits requires additional time and effort. Today, due to the huge area of ​​marshy swamps in an area such as the West Siberian Plain, minerals are mined at the cost of considerable effort.


The West Siberian Plain is located within the boundaries of the Epihercynian plate. It is located on the Asian continent and occupies almost the entire part of Western Siberia, starting from the Ural Mountains and ending with the Central Siberian Plateau.

The regions of Russia and Kazakhstan are located on this plain. The total area of ​​this area exceeds three million kilometers. The distance from north to south is two and a half thousand, and from east to west - one thousand nine hundred kilometers.

Description of the West Siberian Plain

This area is a surface with slightly rugged terrain, diluted with minor fluctuations in relative heights. All this determines a clear zonation of the landscape.

The description of the West Siberian Plain gives an idea of ​​the characteristic natural complexes of this area. The northern part of the territory is dominated by tundra, and the south is steppe. Due to the fact that the plain is poorly drained, a considerable part of it is occupied by marshy areas and swampy forests. The total area of ​​such complexes is more than one hundred twenty-eight million hectares. Due to geographical features, the climate is variable.

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Plain structure

The structure of the West Siberian Plain is heterogeneous. At great depths there are Paleozoic rocks, which are covered by Meso-Cenozoic sediments. Mesozoic formations represent marine as well as continental deposits of organic matter.

The structure of the West Siberian Plain indicates repeated changes in climate conditions and the regime of precipitation accumulation on this plate. This was facilitated by its subsidence at the beginning of the Mesozoic period.

Gray clay, mudstones, and glauconitic sandstones represent Paleogene deposits. Their accumulation occurred at the very bottom of the Paleogene sea, which, in turn, connected the Arctic basin with the seas of Central Asia through the depression of the Turgai Strait. Subsequently, in the middle of the Oligocene, this sea left Western Siberia. In this regard, the upper Paleogene deposits represent sandy-clayey continental facies.

Enormous changes in the nature of the accumulation of sedimentary deposits occurred in the Neogene. The rock that rises on the southern side of the plain is formed and consists of continental sediments from rivers and lakes. Their formation occurred under conditions of small dissection of the plain, which was covered by subtropical vegetation, then by broad-leaved deciduous forests. In some places one could find savannah territories inhabited by giraffes, hipparions, and camels.

Process of formation of minerals

The location of the West Siberian Plain suggests the presence of a folded foundation of Paleozoic sediments. These deposits are covered by a cover of loose marine and continental Mesozoic-Cenozoic rock (clay, sandstone, etc.). This gives reason to assume that in some places the age of the rocks of the West Siberian Plain reaches one billion years or more.

As a result of the subsidence of the plate, organic matter accumulated in shallow lakes, which subsequently turned out to be preserved under sedimentary rocks. As a result of pressure and exposure to hot temperatures, the formation of minerals began. The resulting substances moved to the sides with the least pressure. As a result of these processes, oil flowed from a submerged to an elevated state, and gas compounds rose along the edges of the field basins. Above the highest elevations of the basins there is sedimentary rock - clay.

Available resources

Thanks to the work of geologists in a territory such as the West Siberian Plain, the minerals discovered in this area have become a powerful basis for the development of Western Siberia. There are deposits of such resources as natural gas, iron ore, brown coal, and oil.

Production is taking place at developed wells in Western Siberia large quantity oil.

Soft sedimentary rocks are easy to drill. One of the richest and highest quality oil deposits is the West Siberian Plain. Minerals have been mined here for more than fifty years. The largest basin is the West Siberian oil and gas basin. Within the boundaries of the Khanty-Mansi syneclise, as well as the Krasnoselsky, Salym and Surgut regions, the largest shale oil reserves in our country are located in the Bazhenov formation. They are mined at a depth of two kilometers.

The cuff of loose sediments encloses a horizon of underground fresh and mineralized waters. There are also hot springs, the temperature of which varies from one hundred to one hundred and fifty degrees.

West Siberian Plain: minerals (table)

Thus, the structure of the West Siberian Plain indicates the considerable age of the rocks of this territory and the presence of rich mineral deposits. Despite this, there is a problem with the development of gas and oil. It lies in difficult natural conditions. The life and work of people in the northern part are significantly complicated by severe frost and hurricane winds. The soil in the north is frozen by permafrost, so construction is not an easy task. In the summer, the number of blood-sucking insects increases, which creates difficulties for workers.

Instead of a conclusion

Today, the issue of protection and rational use of Western Siberian resources remains relevant. Predatory destruction of the environment can lead to disastrous consequences. It must be taken into account that everything in the natural system is interconnected, and therefore we must strive not to disturb its harmony.


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Western Siberia is distinguished by its diverse mineral reserves and, above all, fuel and energy resources. Oil and gas are of the greatest economic importance. The total area of ​​promising oil and gas-bearing territories is estimated at more than 1.7 million km2. The main oil fields are located in the Middle Ob region (Samotlorskoye, Megionskoye and others in the Nizhnevartovsk region; Ust-Balykskoye, Fedorovskoye and others in the Surgut region). Natural gas fields in the polar region: Medvezhye, Urengoy and others, in the Arctic - Yamburgskoye, Ivankovskoye and others. New deposits have been discovered on the Yamal Peninsula. There are oil and gas resources in the Urals. Gas fields have been discovered in the Vasyugansk region. In total, more than 300 oil and gas fields were discovered in Western Siberia. Western Siberia produces 3/4 of Russian oil and 9/10 of gas.
Western Siberia is also rich in coal. Its main resources are located in Kuzbass, whose reserves are estimated at 600 billion tons. * About 30% of Kuznetsk coal is coking. Coal seams are very thick and lie close to the surface, which makes it possible, along with the mine method, to conduct open-pit mining. In the northeast of the Kemerovo region there is the western wing of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin**. The Itatskoye field stands out especially here; the thickness of the layers reaches 55-80 m; The seams lie at depths from 10 to 220 m. This basin produces the cheapest coal in Russia. In the south of the Novosibirsk region there is the Gorlovsky basin, rich in anthracite coals, in the north of the Tyumen region - the North Sosvinsky, in the Tomsk region - the Chulym-Yenisei brown coal basins, which have not yet been developed. Within Western Siberia there are large peat deposits, more than 50% of the total Russian reserves.

The ore base of Western Siberia is also large. The West Siberian iron ore basin is distinguished by significant deposits - Narymsky, Kolpashevo and Yuzhno-Kolpashevo. They are dominated by brown iron ores. Richer iron ore deposits of magnetite ores are found in Gornaya Shoria - Tashtagol, Sheregesh and in Altai - Inskoye, Beloretskoye. In the south of the Kemerovo region there is the Usinskoye manganese ore deposit, in the east - the Kiya-Shaltyrskoye nepheline deposit, in the Altai Territory - the Aktash and Chaganuzinskoye mercury deposits.
In Western Siberia there are reserves of soda and other salts in the lakes of the Kulunda steppe. The Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions are rich in limestone and other minerals. Thermal iodine-bromide springs have been discovered. Altai is rich in building materials.
Western Siberia, along with cedar resources, has significant water resources, which, along with fully providing the region with water, are of energy importance and have fish resources of valuable species - salmon, sturgeon, whitefish.

The forest resources of Western Siberia are great. The forested area is 85 million hectares. About 10 billion m3 of wood is concentrated here (about 12% of Russian reserves). The Tomsk and Tyumen regions, the foothill areas of the Altai Territory and the Kemerovo region are especially rich in forests.
Western Siberia has significant land resources, which are used in the north as reindeer pastures, and in the south of the Tyumen region, in the Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions and in the Altai Territory - for arable land and natural forage lands - hayfields and pastures.


Area (thousand km2) 5114.8 (30% of the territory of Russia);

Population (million people) 20.5 (14.3% of the country's population);

Number of cities 132.

The nature of Siberia is grandiose and harsh. Stretching for thousands of kilometers, high-water mighty rivers, lakes, mountain ranges and plateaus, endless taiga, the cold kingdom of tundra, boundless as the sea, arctic deserts, and in the south of Western Siberia, forest-steppe and steppe all this is the Siberian Federal District. The huge territory stretches from north to south for 3566 km; from west to east for 3420 km. The district occupies the central part of Russia and includes part of the West Siberian Plain, the Central Siberian Plateau, the mountains of Southern Siberia and the Peninsula. Taimyr.

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What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Siberia”? Do you imagine a mysterious land that preserves traces of ancient cultures and the virginity of nature?

Or do you think about the desert landscapes of the Taimyr tundra and the golden mountains of Altai? How many more interesting things can be seen here! In the south of Eastern Siberia, surrounded by mountain ranges, Lake Baikal is located, listed World Heritage UNESCO. A magnificent river flows through the territory of the district. Yenisei, “axis of Siberia”, a mighty, frantic hero. Pearl of Altai, Lake Teletskoye, hidden and distant land Buryatia, fantastic outlines of hundred-meter cliffs in Nature Reserve "Stolby" and much more attract many tourists.

Extreme points of the Siberian Federal District:

  • northernmost point of the county located on the northern coast of the island. Komsomolets. On the mainland, the northernmost point is the northern tip of the Chelyuskin Peninsula in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug;
  • southernmost in the Altai Republic (Kosh-Agachsky district);
  • easternmost in the Chita region (Mogochsky district);
  • westernmost in the Omsk region (Ust-Ishim district).

District center:

city ​​Novosibirsk.

Big cities:

Abakan, Angarsk, Barnaul, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Ulan-Ude, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Chita.

Natural resources:

Siberia is fabulously rich in various natural resources: mineral, energy, forest. Mineral ones are of greatest importance, among which fuel and energy are important. The Siberian Federal District is concentrated 80% of coal reserves countries. The region is also rich in ore deposits. Here are the supplies nickel account for 71%(from all-Russian), copper 69%, zinc 67%, tin 8%, lead, titanium And molybdenum about 80%, manganese 66%, tungsten 36%, iron ores 10%, phosphorites And titanium 17%. Located in the Eastern Sayan Mountains 8% bauxite reserves.

Large deposits of non-metallic minerals are known: mica, graphite, Iceland spar, building materials (20% cement raw materials), salts(for example, table salt in Usolye-Sibirskoye). Siberia still retains its traditional role as a supplier of precious metals in the country (deposits of the Minusinsk Basin, Transbaikalia). Mined in the District 90% platinum, 30% gold And 23% silver.

Forests feeders of humans and animals, giving them nuts, berries, mushrooms, edible shoots, herbs. Siberia is one of the largest forest regions on the globe, with a total forest area of ​​346,321.7 thousand hectares. The bulk of timber reserves falls on valuable coniferous species (the area occupied by coniferous species is 187,161.3 thousand hectares): larch, pine, cedar, spruce and fir. Larch has the same strong wood as oak, and larch structures are very durable.

Veliki biological resources region. The taiga has long been famous for its fur trade, special place occupied by Siberian sable, ermine, silver-black fox, blue fox and squirrel.

Fishing constant fishing on all major rivers of the Siberian Federal District and especially on Lake Baikal.

Siberia is generously endowed hydropower resources. Mighty rivers (Yenisei, Lena, Vilyui, Selenga, Angara) collecting their waters from territories equal in area to many European countries combined, create good opportunities for the construction of hydroelectric power stations. Hydroelectric power stations have already been built on the Yenisei (Sayano-Shushenskaya and Krasnoyarsk), on the Angara.


The district can be divided into Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia. Western Siberia located east of the Urals to the Yenisei River. Eastern Siberia occupies the territory east of the Yenisei River to the ridges of the Pacific watershed.

Climate Western Siberia continental and harsher than in the east of European Russia, but milder than in the rest of Siberia. Continentality increases as you move north to south, as you move away from the coast of the Arctic Ocean. The average January temperature is from -16 to -21°C, the average July temperature is from +17 to +20°C.

Climate Eastern Siberia everywhere sharply continental. Average annual temperatures are below 0°C. The severity of the Siberian climate is characterized primarily by very low winter temperatures. But thanks to the great dryness of the air, the abundance of clear sunny days and the absence of winds, severe frosts are tolerated relatively easily. The average January temperature here is from -15 to -35°C. Summer is relatively warm (average July temperature is from +15 to +22°C), and in the south - in Khakassia, Tuva and Transbaikalia it is even hot. Some areas in the south receive no less solar heat than the southern regions of Ukraine. The most important consequence of the sharply continental climate of the region can be considered the widespread occurrence of permafrost.

Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug And ? territory of Evenki Autonomous Okrug located in the Far North of Eastern Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. IN winter time The polar night reigns, and the sun does not rise above the horizon for two months. However, with the onset of summer, the darkness of winter nights gives way to continuous daylight. In the northernmost regions the sun does not set for several weeks. There it shines even at midnight. In the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug the climate is arctic and subarctic (the average temperature in January is -32°C, and in July from +2 to +13°C). In the Evenki Autonomous Okrug the climate is sharply continental (the average temperature in January is from -26 to -36°C, and in July from +13 to +15°C).

Precipitation is from 200 to 400 mm per year, in mountainous areas from 900 to 1200 mm per year.


Just as the flora and fauna of this area are diverse, so are the peoples living there and their culture. Live here Buryats, Russians, Ukrainians, Tuvinians, Khakassians, Germans, Belarusians, Altaians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Evenks, Dolgans, Nenets, Yakuts, Nganasans, Kets, Enets. Northern peoples Selkups And Khanty inhabit the Tomsk region. Indigenous peoples Shors(0.4%) and Teleuts(0.01%) in the Kemerovo region.

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Folk art:

The people of Tuva (Republic of Tuva) have mastery Horekteer(throat singing). One of the techniques for performing it is the singing of one person with two or three voices at once. Methods of performing throat singing are the basis of musical culture and intonation hearing. They are associated with imitation of animals. Throat singing is divided into five styles, accompanied by playing bowed and plucked musical instruments of various types. In 1988, the throat singing ensemble “Tyva” was created in Kyzyl, which toured in many countries around the world.

Russian painting:

The artist’s name is associated with the Krasnoyarsk Territory V. I. Surikova. A native of Omsk (Omsk region) is a painter M. A. Vrubel.

West Siberian region

Composition, geographical location, natural resource potential. The West Siberian region includes the Altai Republic, the Altai Territory, the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and Tyumen regions (including the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs). It occupies 2427.2 thousand km 2.

Among the mineral resources, Western Siberia is distinguished primarily by Russia's largest fuel reserves in the flat and foothill parts of the region: 85% of the country's proven reserves of natural gas, 70% of oil, 60% of peat and almost 50% of coal are concentrated here. A special feature of the West Siberian oil and gas province is a large number of very large fields (Samotlorskoye, Mamontovskoye, Salymskoye, Urengoy, Yamburg, etc.), but by now many of them have already entered the stage of declining production. The Kuznetsk coal basin has high quality coal (including coking) and relatively shallow coal, which has allowed it to become the main coal base of the country. In the mountainous part of Western Siberia, deposits of various ores are developed: iron, manganese, aluminum (nephelines), polymetallic, and gold. Significant reserves of soda and various salts are found in the lakes of the Altai Territory. Of the non-mineral natural resources, Western Siberia has large reserves of forest, water and hydropower.

The economic and geographical position of Western Siberia has both advantages and disadvantages. The first include: the presence of fuel minerals, the proximity of the industrialized Urals, good transport development of the southern part of the region, located on transit routes between European and East Asian countries. The main disadvantages: harsh natural conditions, heavy swampiness and poor transport development of most of the region's territory, its remoteness from the main fuel consumers.

Population. The population of the West Siberian economic region, according to the 2002 census, was 14.8 million people. The population density (about 6 people per 1 km2) is 1.5 times lower than the Russian average, but is maximum among the regions of the Asian part of the country. The highest population density (30 people per 1 km2) is in the Kemerovo region, while in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug it is less than 1 person per 1 km2.

The share of the urban population (72%) corresponds to the Russian average. But at the same time, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which is distinguished by harsh natural conditions and industrially developed, the proportion of urban residents is one of the highest among Russian regions (91%), and in the Altai Republic, the most backward in the region, 3/4 of the population are rural residents. The largest city in the region, Novosibirsk (1.4 million inhabitants) is the third largest city in Russia. Omsk also has more than 1 million inhabitants. 500-600 thousand people live in Barnaul, Novokuznetsk and Tyumen. Large urban agglomerations have formed in the Kemerovo region: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Kisilevsko-Prokopyevskaya, etc.

In the 90s, a relatively small natural population decline was observed in the West Siberian region - about 4%. This is due to the young age structure of the residents, formed due to the intense migration influx in previous decades. But unlike other northern and eastern regions of the country, the migration influx to Western Siberia continued in the 90s, although not as large in scale (up to 5% in some years). As a result, during the 1990s the population of the region remained almost unchanged.

Until the early 90s, the area experienced a shortage of labor resources, which stimulated the influx of population. But during the period of socio-economic crisis, many enterprises in the southern part of the region (especially coal, defense, woodworking) were forced to sharply reduce the number of employees. As a result, in all regions except the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the unemployment rate is higher than the Russian average. The highest unemployment rate in the region is in the Altai Republic, which is characterized by a general underdevelopment of the economy.

The ethnic composition of the population of Western Siberia is complex, since it was formed under conditions of intense migration influx from the European part of the country, which began at the end of the 19th century. The Russian population predominates in all regions. The share of Ukrainians is noticeable in the autonomous okrugs. The majority of Germans remaining in Russia live in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions. The rare indigenous population in the north of the region belongs to the Ural-Yukaghir language family(Nenets, Khanty, Mansi), the more numerous indigenous population of the south - to the Altai family (Altaians, Shors, Tatars, Kazakhs). The Slavic population of Western Siberia is mainly Orthodox, the believing Tatars and Kazakhs are Muslims, the Altaians and Shors are partly Orthodox, partly adhere to traditional beliefs, the Germans are Catholics or Protestants.

Leading industries. In accordance with the existing conditions and resources, a certain set of industries of inter-district specialization has developed in the West Siberian economic region:

- in industry: fuel, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical, forestry;

IN agriculture: grain growing, flax growing, cattle breeding.

More than 60% of the region's production comes from the fuel industry. The oil and gas industry of the region produces about 265 million tons of oil (70% 80% of all-Russian production) and 550 billion m 3 of natural gas (90%). Western Siberian oil is produced in the fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, where the main centers of the industry are the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Megion, Langepas, Kogalym. About 15% of oil is produced in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Noyabrsk and other centers), the rest - in the north of the Tomsk region (Strezhevoy). Almost all the gas in the region (95%) is produced in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where the main centers of the industry are the cities of Novy Urengoy and Nadym. The rest of the production is associated gas from oil fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Tomsk Region. Oil and gas production volumes are trending downward as large fields are gradually being depleted, and there is no investment in developing new fields that are relatively small (and therefore will be less efficient) or located in even more inaccessible areas (Yamal Peninsula, Kara Sea shelf). enough funds. From the north of the region, oil and gas are transported using a powerful pipeline system laid both in the southwest direction (to the European part of Russia and further abroad) and to the southeast (gas pipelines to Kuzbass and Novosibirsk, oil pipelines to Eastern Siberia and Kazakhstan). The city of Omsk is home to one of the most powerful and modern oil refineries in the country. The oil refining complex began operating in Tobolsk (Tyumen region). Processing of associated petroleum gas occurs near the largest fields in Nizhnevartovsk and Surgut, but most of this raw material is burned.

The coal industry of Western Siberia is concentrated in the Kemerovo region, where the coal deposits of Kuzbass, as well as brown coals of the Itat deposit of the Kansk-Achinsk basin, are actively developed. About 130 million tons of coal are mined here (almost half of all-Russian production). The main centers of the industry are the cities of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Prokopyevsk, Kisilevsk, Mezhdurechensk, Belove, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Anzhero-Sudzhensk. Hard coal is also mined in the Novosibirsk region. Coal from the Kemerovo region is supplied both to Western Siberian metallurgical enterprises and power plants, and to regions of the European part of the country and for export, since it is of high quality. Currently, the Kuznetsk coal basin (like the entire industry) is going through a difficult period of restructuring, as a result of which unprofitable and emergency mines built in the 30s - 40s of the XX century should be closed, and the bulk of production will be concentrated on large open-pit mines with low production costs.

Ferrous metallurgy produces about 7% of the region's industrial output. Industry enterprises are concentrated in the Kemerovo region: Kuznetsk and West Siberian full-cycle metallurgical plants in Novokuznetsk, a processing plant in Guryevsk. In the southern part of the same region, iron ore is mined at the Gornaya Shoria deposits (Temirtau, Tash-tagol, Sheregesh), and manganese is mined at the Usinsk deposit. A large conversion plant operates in Novosibirsk.

Mechanical engineering, which produces about 7% of the industrial output of Western Siberia, specializes in the production of coal mining equipment (Novokuznetsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kisilevsk and Prokopyevsk in the Kemerovo region), power engineering (Barnaul and Biysk in the Altai Territory), the production of agricultural machinery, spacecraft and tanks ( Omsk), freight cars (Novoaltaisk in the Altai Territory), tractors (Rubtsovsk in the Altai Territory). The largest center of mechanical engineering in the region and throughout the Asian part of Russia is Novosibirsk, where airplanes, machine tools, agricultural machinery, turbines, and various instruments and apparatus are produced. In general, we can say that mechanical engineering enterprises in the region were located with a focus on the metallurgical base (heavy engineering), the consumer (agricultural and transport engineering), qualified labor resources and the scientific base of the largest cities (precision and military engineering).

The chemical industry (about 4% of the region's production) has a practically unlimited hydrocarbon base in the north of the region and is closely combined with metallurgy and the coal industry in the south. Complexes chemical enterprises formed in the cities of Tobolsk (Tyumen region), Omsk and Tomsk, where the production of various polymers, synthetic resins and plastics was established. Synthetic rubber and tires are also produced in Omsk. Chemical fibers are produced in Kemerovo and Barnaul. Tires are produced in Barnaul and Tomsk, and nitrogen fertilizers are produced from waste from the coke industry in Kemerovo. Soda (Raspberry Lake), table salt (Burla) and Glauber's salt(Kuchuk).

The forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries (about 2% of production in the region) also have an extensive raw material base in the region. But forest areas are heavily swamped, which makes logging and wood removal difficult. Therefore, the industry is relatively poorly developed; there are no pulp and paper enterprises. Logging is carried out mainly in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Tomsk Region. The main centers of wood processing are Asino (timber industry complex in the Tomsk region), Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Salekhard (wood is rafted here from more southern regions along the Ob River).

The main branch of agriculture is dairy and meat (in the forest-steppe and in the south of the forest zone) and meat and dairy (in the steppe and mountainous regions) cattle breeding. Milk production is especially high (13% of the all-Russian total, most of all in the Altai Territory). Meat production is also significant (11% of the all-Russian total, most in the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions), but does not satisfy its own needs. Western Siberia ranks first in Russia for breeding reindeer (in the north of the region) and deer (in the Altai mountains).

The main direction of crop production in the region is the cultivation of spring wheat in steppe and forest-steppe areas. Western Siberia accounts for about 10% of grain harvests in Russia. The region ranks second in Russia (after Central) for flax cultivation - mainly in the Altai Territory and Novosibirsk Region. Western Siberia accounts for about a third of the country's harvest of this crop. A special feature of the region is the cultivation of oilseed crops such as curly flax and camelina in the steppe. The Altai region stands out for the largest crops of sugar beets and sunflowers in the Asian part of Russia.

Electric power, non-ferrous metallurgy and transport are important for the functioning of Western Siberia's specialization industries. Electric power industry in Western Siberia is based on thermal power plants. The largest of them are the Surgutskaya (4 million kW - one of the most powerful in Russia) and Nizhnevartovskaya GRES, using associated petroleum gas, as well as coal-fired power plants in the Kemerovo region: Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya, Belovskaya, Tom-Usinskaya, etc. The only one A large hydroelectric power station in the region was built near Novosibirsk on the Ob River. Despite the huge reserves, peat is currently almost never mined in Western Siberia, since more efficient types of fuel are in short supply.

The region's non-ferrous metallurgy industry is diverse. In the cities of Gornyak (Altai Territory) and Salair (Kemerovo Region) polymetallic ores are mined, from which zinc is produced in Belov. There is an aluminum smelter in Novokuznetsk, built during the Great Patriotic War near large power plants in Kuzbass. In Novosibirsk, on the route of concentrate from the Far East, tin is produced. Aluminum ores (nephelines) are mined in Belogorsk, Kemerovo region.

Development modern species transport began in the region at the end of the 19th century, when the Trans-Siberian Railway (Transsib) was built, passing through the southern steppe regions. At the intersection of the highway and the largest river in the Ob region, Novosibirsk appeared, which is the youngest millionaire city in Russia. In the 30s, the Turkestan-Siberian Railway was built, connecting Western Siberia with Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In the 60s - during the period of development of virgin lands - the Central Siberian and South Siberian railways were built parallel to the Trans-Siberian Railway. Construction of roads and pipelines began in the south of the region. At the same time, the northern part of the region remained completely undeveloped in terms of transport, and the main transport routes here were rivers. In the 70s, construction of pipelines to the northern part of Western Siberia began. In the 80s, the Tyumen - Surgut - Nizhnevartovsk - Novy Urengoy railway was built. And finally, in the 90s, the construction of roads to the northern part of the region began. Currently, construction of a highway to Novy Urengoy and a railway to the Yamal Peninsula is underway. But even now, the northern part of Western Siberia remains poorly developed in terms of transport, which increases the cost of living and economic activity and complicates the development of new oil and gas fields.

The population of the region is served by the light and food industries, although their products are not enough to meet local needs and have to be imported from other regions or imported. Barnaul is the main center of the textile industry in the Asian part of Russia. Everywhere in the south of the region there are butter, dairy and meat processing enterprises.

The most high value The Tyumen region with autonomous okrugs had a GRP per capita in 2001 of 252 thousand rubles. Such a high value is obtained due to the strong predominance of the fuel industry (oil and gas production) - almost 90% of production (in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - even 96%). The leading importance of the industry will remain in the medium term. But today it is necessary to think about the development in the southern part of the region (in the Tyumen region itself) of mechanical engineering, chemical and food production, which will become leading after the depletion of deposits.

The Tomsk region has a level of development above average (GRP for 2001 - 60 thousand rubles per inhabitant). This is also achieved due to the predominance of the fuel (oil) industry - about a third of production in the region. But here, at present, mechanical engineering and the chemical industry are also relatively well developed, which in the future will become leading. The region's forestry and woodworking industries have a large and relatively conveniently located raw material base.

Composition of the West Siberian economic region: Altai Territory, Altai Republic, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Tyumen (with Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) regions (Fig. 3.9).

Area: 2427.2 thousand. km 2.

Population: about 14.6 million people.

Western Siberia, located at the crossroads of railways and great Siberian rivers in close proximity to the industrial Urals, has very favorable conditions for its economic development. Western Siberia is a region with a high supply of natural resources and a shortage of labor resources. The region's share in the Russian economy is very high. Western Siberia produces the bulk of oil, natural gas and a significant portion of timber.

The main directions in the development of the region are related to the deepening of industries of market specialization based on the oil, gas, coal industries, the creation on their basis of the largest complex of energy-intensive, material-intensive and water-intensive industries, as well as the development of the grain and livestock agricultural complex with the rational use of natural resources.

Rice. 3.9. West Siberian economic region (see Fig. СЁ^> 3.9)

Natural resource potential. Western Siberia is distinguished by its diverse mineral reserves.

Fuel and energy resources- the basis of the region's wealth. Oil and gas are of the greatest economic importance. Western Siberia produces 3/4 of Russian oil and 9/5 of its gas. The total area of ​​promising oil and gas-bearing territories is estimated at more than 1.7 million km 2 . The main oil fields are located in the Middle Ob region - Samotlorskoye, Megionskoye (in the Nizhnevartovsk area), Ust-Balyk, Fedorovskoye, etc. (in the Surgut area). Natural gas fields have been discovered in the Subpolar region (Medvezhye, Urengoy, etc.) and in the Arctic (Yamburgskoye, Ivankovskoye, etc.). New deposits have been discovered on the Yamal Peninsula. Oil and gas resources are available in the Urals. Gas fields have been discovered in the Vasyugansk region. In total, more than 300 oil and gas fields have been discovered in Western Siberia.

The main coal resources are located in Kuzbass; its reserves are estimated at 600 billion tons; coals are characterized high calorie content(up to 8.6 thousand kcal). About 30% of Kuznetsk coals are coking. Coal seams are very thick and lie close to the surface, which makes it possible to conduct open-pit mining. In the northeast of the Kemerovo region there is the western wing of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin. Pool coals are an excellent energy fuel, with a calorific value of 2.8-4.6 thousand kcal. The Itatskoe deposit is especially notable, where the thickness of the seams reaches 55-80 m, and the depth of occurrence is from 10 to 220 m. This basin produces the cheapest coal in Russia. In the south of the Novosibirsk region there is the Gorlovsky brown coal basin, rich in anthracite coals, in the north of the Tyumen region - North-Sosvinsky, in the Tomsk region - Chulymo-Yenisei, which have not yet been developed. Within Western Siberia there are large peat deposits - more than 50% of all-Russian reserves.

Iron ore basin Western Siberia is distinguished by significant deposits - Narymsky, Kolpashevo and Yuzhno-Kolpashevo, where brown iron ores predominate. Richer iron ore deposits of magnetite ores are found in Gornaya Shoria - Tashtagol, Sheregesh and in Altai - Inskoye, Beloretskoye. In the south of the Kemerovo region there is the Usinskoye manganese ore deposit, in the east - the Kiya-Shaltyrskoye nepheline deposit, in the Altai Territory - the Aktash and Chaganuzinskoye mercury deposits.

Water resources Western Siberia are very significant and make it possible to fully supply the region with water, and also have energy and fishing significance, having fish resources of valuable species - salmon, whitefish.

Forest resources Western Siberia is a forested area of ​​85 million hectares. Approximately 10 billion m3 of wood is concentrated here (about 12% of Russian reserves). The Tomsk and Tyumen regions, the foothill areas of the Altai Territory and the Kemerovo region are especially rich in forests.

Land resources are used in the north of Western Siberia as reindeer pastures, and in the south of the Tyumen region, in the Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions and in the Altai Territory - for arable land and natural forage lands - hayfields and pastures.

Population and labor resources. The population of Western Siberia is 14.6 million people. Western Siberia is an area of ​​extremely uneven population distribution. The average population density is 5.9 people/km2, while in the Tyumen region it is about 2 people/km2, and in the Kemerovo region it is 33 people/km2. The riverine areas of the Ob, Irtysh, Tobol, Ishim, as well as the Kuznetsk Basin and the foothills of Altai are the most densely populated. The lowest population density - 0.5 people/km 2 - is in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In Western Siberia, the urban population predominates (72.4%). There are 80 cities and 204 urban-type settlements in the region. The majority of the population (90%) are Russians, in the north live small peoples - Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Evenks, Komi, in the Altai Republic - Altaians, from other peoples - Tatars, Kazakhs, Germans, etc. Despite the intense migration processes and influx population here from other regions of the country, Western Siberia is one of the most labor-scarce regions of Russia. The migration balance is negative, amounting to 2.1%.

Structure and location of leading sectors of the economy. The economic complex of Western Siberia is characterized by a combination of a high share of extractive industries and heavy industry. The region's share in agricultural production is also high.

Characteristic for Western Siberia high level research and design base, which has a great influence on the industrial and territorial structure of the region.

Market sectors of specialization in Western Siberia are the fuel (oil, gas, coal) industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, forestry, mechanical engineering, chemical, food industry (production of animal oil, cheese, dairy, meat and canned fish). The branches of agricultural specialization in Western Siberia include grain production, dairy and beef cattle breeding, fine-fleece sheep breeding, reindeer husbandry, fur farming and fur farming.

In the process of division of labor, several intersectoral and industry complexes were formed in the region.

Oil and gas complex includes oil and gas production, production of synthetic products and oil refining, a system of pipelines of transit and technological significance. It also includes the production of mobile power plants and the production of chemical and oil refining equipment. The main centers of oil production are Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk, Urai in the Tyumen region and Strezhevoy in the Tomsk region. The centers of gas production are Nadym, Urengoy, Novy Urengoy, Berezovo, Yamburg, etc. The most important oil pipelines: Ust-Balykskoye field-Omsk-Pavlodar-Atasu-Chimkent, Nizhnevartovsk-Surgut-T Yumen-Kurgan-Chelyabinsk-Ufa-T Uymazy - Samara-Saratov-Lisichansk-Kremenchug-Odessa, Nizhnevartovsk-Anzhero-Sudzhensk. Surgut field-Tyumen-Kurgan-Chelyabinsk-Ufa-Tuymazy-Samara-Saratov-Volgograd-Tikhoretsk-Novorossiysk, Tikhoretsk-Tuapse, Surgut-Perm-Nizhny Novgorod-Yaroslavl-Torzhok-Novo-Polotsk, Vankor field-Purpe-Noyabrsk-Surgut , Polar region-Purpe-Samotlor. Large centers of the petrochemical industry arose in Tomsk and Tobolsk.

Coal-metallurgical the complex originated in Kuzbass and includes the extraction of thermal and coking coals in the Kuznetsk and Gorlovka coal basins, coal preparation and coking, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, coke chemistry and heavy metal-intensive engineering. Ferrous metallurgy, like the coal industry, is of national importance and is represented by the Novokuznetsk Metallurgical Plant and the West Siberian Full Cycle Plant, a processing plant in Guryevsk, a pipe rolling plant in the Novosibirsk region, as well as coke plants.

Mechanical engineering complex is represented by power engineering (production of turbines and generators in the Novosibirsk region, boilers in the Altai Territory), production of equipment for the coal industry (Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk regions), machine tool building (Novosibirsk Region and Altai Territory). The main centers of mechanical engineering in Western Siberia are Novosibirsk, Omsk, Barnaul, Kiselevsk, Prokopyevsk, Novokuznetsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Rubtsovsk, Biysk, etc.

Timber industry complex includes forestry, logging industry, wood processing and wood chemical industries. The main capacities of the logging industry are concentrated in the Middle Ob region, in the area of ​​the Tavda-Sotnik, Ivdel-Ob, Tyumen-Tobolsk-Surgut railways in the Tyumen region and the Asino-Bely Yar railway in the Tomsk region. The centers of the timber processing industry are Tomsk, Asino, Tashara (Novosibirsk region), Omsk, Barnaul, Biysk, Tobolsk. A feature of the structure of the timber industry complex is the absence of pulp and paper and hydrolysis industries, but at the same time, plywood production has become widespread.

Further development of industry and inter-industry complexes is associated with the development of the electric power industry based on gas and coal resources. The largest thermal power plants built in Surgut, Urengoy, in the Kuznetsk coal basin.

Among the industries that complement the territorial complex of Western Siberia, light industry, which also uses its own raw materials, should be noted. Leather production is concentrated in Omsk and Novosibirsk, wool and fur industry - in Omsk. A worsted and cloth factory operates in Tyumen. In the Novosibirsk Region and Altai Territory, the cotton industry using imported raw materials is developed. Chemical fiber is produced in Kuzbass. Knitting and clothing production is developed in many cities of Western Siberia.

Agro-industrial complex Western Siberia is distinguished by the production of grain (wheat, rye, barley and oats), industrial crops, vegetables, potatoes, as well as developed dairy and beef cattle breeding, sheep breeding and reindeer herding. To increase the productivity and sustainability of agriculture, work is being carried out to drain the lands of the Baraba forest-steppe and irrigate the lands in the Kulunda steppe, for which the Aleiskaya and Kulunda irrigation systems have been created. In addition to the traditional areas of livestock farming in Western Siberia, horses, sarlyk yaks, deer and sika deer are bred in the Altai Mountains. In the south of Western Siberia they are also engaged in camel breeding.

Food industry is an industry of market specialization in Western Siberia. Dairy canning industry enterprises are located in Yalutorovsk, Krasny Yar, Kupin, Karasuk and other cities, meat processing plants are located in Biysk, Omsk, Prokopyevsk, etc.

The agro-industrial complex of Western Siberia serves such industries as tractor building and agricultural engineering in the Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen regions, the production of nitrogen fertilizers in Kuzbass, pesticides in the Altai Territory, etc.

Transport And economic ties. The transport routes of Western Siberia are characterized by high traffic intensity. The main ones are the Siberian Railway, the South Siberian Railway, which played a large role in the development of the productive forces of Kuzbass and Altai (railway lines in the northern and southern directions departed from it), railways Irtyshskaya-Kara-suk-Kamen-na-Obi-Altaiskaya, Tyumen-Tobolsk-Surgut-Nizhnevartovsk-Urengoy. To a large extent, inter-district and intra-district transportation of goods in Western Siberia is carried out along the rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin, as well as by road along the Chuisky tract, which provides, in particular, connections with Mongolia. Pipeline transport and power transmission lines have become especially widespread in Western Siberia. Air transport is important for passenger and cargo transportation.

Territorial organization of the economy. By economic-geographical location, character natural conditions and resources, the uniqueness of the historical development and specialization of the economy on the territory of the West Siberian economic region, two subdistricts can be distinguished - Kuznetsk-Altai and West Siberian.

Kuznetsk-Altai subdistrict includes Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions, Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. Although the subdistrict occupies less than 20% of the territory of Western Siberia, it concentrates about 60% of the region's population. The subdistrict is characterized by coal, metallurgical, chemical and engineering industries, large-scale agricultural production with a somewhat limited scale of logging. This subdistrict concentrates all the mining of non-ferrous metal ores in the region, ferrous metal ores, all the production of coke, chemical fibers, the production of aluminum and ferroalloys, steam boilers, railway cars, and tractors. If the metal-intensive mechanical engineering of Kuzbass is largely focused on the needs of the coal and metallurgical industries, then the mechanical engineering of the Novosibirsk region and Altai Territory is mainly transport, energy, and agricultural. The food and light industries in Kuzbass are associated with the rational use of labor resources, especially female labor, while in the Altai Territory and Novosibirsk Region these industries are associated with the presence of an agricultural base and the need to build up industrial potential. Agriculture in the Kemerovo region is predominantly suburban in nature, while in the Novosibirsk region and Altai Territory agriculture is inter-district in nature and focused on supplying agricultural products to other regions of the country. However, these internal differences in the subregion strengthen the economic unity of Kuzbass and Altai.

Formed in Kuzbass industrial area as part of the Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk-Kiselevsky, Belovo-Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo industrial hubs. In the Novosibirsk Region and Altai Territory, the main form of territorial organization of industry is a separate center. The exceptions are two industrial hubs - Novosibirsk and Barnaul-Novoaltaysky.

The largest cities of the Kuznetsk-Altai subdistrict are: Novosibirsk, where a variety of mechanical engineering is developed, and near the city there is Akademgorodok - the center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Kemerovo on the river Tom, where the chemical industry and various mechanical engineering are developed; Novokuznetsk- a center for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, coal mining, and production of mining equipment.

Altai region And Altai Republic- areas of grazing livestock with developing non-ferrous metallurgy, logging, food and light industries. In agriculture, along with the traditional branches of livestock breeding - sheep breeding, goat breeding and horse breeding - deer breeding has become widely developed. Agriculture specializes in the cultivation of gray bread, potatoes, and fodder crops. Sanatorium-resort facilities (resorts Belokurikha, Chemal) and tourism are of great importance. Barnaul - the center of the Altai Territory - concentrates enterprises of various mechanical engineering, chemical, light and food industries. The center of the Altai Republic is Gorno-Altaisk.

West Siberian subdistrict located within the Tyumen, Omsk and Tomsk regions. Its territory is the least developed part of Western Siberia, with the exception of the strip along the Trans-Siberian Railway. At the same time, thanks to the presence of large and highly efficient oil, gas, forest and water resources here, a large program-targeted West Siberian TPK was formed at an accelerated pace. It is located in the Tyumen and Tomsk regions; Its market specialization sectors are oil, gas, forestry, fishing, reindeer husbandry, and hunting. The southern part of this subdistrict has become the base zone of the centers of this TPK, in which the resources of the northern part are processed and the necessary industrial equipment and food products are manufactured for the TPK. Large cities of the West Siberian subregion: Omsk- a center for various mechanical engineering, oil refining, petrochemicals, light and food industries; Tomsk- center of the chemical and petrochemical industries, woodworking and precision engineering, light and food industries; Tyumen- organizational center of the oil and gas industry, production of petroleum and electrical equipment, plywood production.

A distinctive feature of the territorial structure of the economy of the northern part of this subdistrict is the focal nature of the distribution of population and production. New settlements for oil and gas production have grown here - Urengoy, Yamburg, Nadym, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Nefteyugansk, etc. Most of the Tyumen region is occupied by autonomous okrugs - Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets, where, along with traditional industries economy - reindeer husbandry, hunting and fishing - oil and gas production, forestry, food, light industry and electric power arose.

Ecological problems The West Siberian economic region is associated with the location of productive forces, especially with the development of the oil, gas and coal industries in the region, which lead to serious environmental violations. Ecological systems of the north of Western Siberia are especially sensitive to anthropogenic impact, the influence of transport, the destruction of reindeer pastures. All this reduces the productivity of the territory, so it is necessary to organize production in such a way that will ensure the preservation of the environment.

West Siberian TPK was formed on the territory of the Tyumen and Tomsk regions and is the largest program-targeted territorial production complex in Russia based on unique reserves of natural gas and oil in the middle and northern parts of the West Siberian Plain, as well as significant forest resources.

Oil and gas resources were discovered here in the early 1960s. over a huge area of ​​1.7 million km 2. The formation of the West Siberian territorial production complex began in the late 1960s. Oil fields are confined to three oil-bearing regions - Shaimsky, Surgutsky and Nizhnevartovsky, where fields were discovered: Megionskoye, Samotlorskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, West Surgutskoye, Mamontovskoye, Pravdinskoye, Fedorovskoye and many others. Gas fields are confined to three provinces - the Urals (Igrimskoye, Punginskoye in the Berezovo region), Northern (Urengoyskoye, Medvezhye, Komsomolskoye, Yamburgskoye, etc.) and Vasyuganskaya. On the territory of the West Siberian TPK there are large reserves of peat, which have not yet been developed. Deposits of brown coal have been discovered - the North Sosvinsky, Ob-Irtysh basins - also still untouched, as well as sources of thermal and iodine-bromine waters. In the future, brown iron ore reserves in the central part of the Tomsk region - the West Siberian iron ore basin - may become of industrial importance. An important role is played by deposits of building materials, confined mainly to the foothills of the Urals.

The biological resources of the West Siberian TPK are represented by timber reserves, fish resources, reindeer pastures, and haylands (floodplain meadows). Valuable fish species are common in the Ob-Irtysh basin - salmon, sturgeon, and whitefish. Therefore, with the increase in oil and gas production and processing, river pollution is especially dangerous.

The development of oil and gas resources entailed the transport development of these territories, the exploitation of large forests in the central part of the Tyumen and northern Tomsk regions.

Based on the oil resources of the West Siberian TPK, oil refineries operate in Siberia - in Omsk, Achinsk, Angarsk; Large petrochemical complexes were created in Tomsk and Tobolsk. A significant part of the oil from this area goes to other regions of Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad.

The energy supply to the complex is provided by thermal power plants in Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, and Urengoy.

Mechanical engineering of the West Siberian TPK specializes in the repair of oil and gas equipment.

Forest resources made it possible to create timber processing complexes in Asino, Tobolsk, Surgut, Kolpashevo, etc.

The construction industry is developing rapidly.

In the internal connections of the TPK, a major role is played by the railways: T Yumen-T Obolsk-Surgut-Nizhnevartovsk-Urengoy, dead-end branches: Ivdel-Ob, Tavda-Sotnik, Asino-Bely Yar, as well as waterway along the Ob and Irtysh.

In the future, the development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Siberian TPK is of particular importance: in the southern regions of the complex - agriculture and animal husbandry, production of grain, butter, meat, in the north - reindeer husbandry and fur farming, in suburban areas - poultry farming and vegetable growing.

For the development of the West Siberian program-targeted TPK, solving the most acute problems is especially important demographic problems, especially the problems of small peoples, in particular the revival of their ancestral activities - hunting, crafts, as well as solving environmental problems of preserving ecosystems.

The priority direction in the development of the region's economy is the development of oil and gas resources on the continental shelf of the Kara Sea.

Structure of the main industries of the West Siberian region

The main industries of the West Siberian region are:

  • Fuel industry, which includes gas, oil and coal production;
  • Ferrous metallurgy;
  • Chemistry;
  • Petrochemistry;
  • Mechanical engineering.

Due to the active development of natural resources, this region has become Russia's main base for oil and gas production. And recently, the main financial stability of the country. The oil produced here is of fairly high quality. Despite this, its cost is one of the lowest in the country.

In the 90s, due to the export of mineral resources, the importance of this area increased.

During perestroika, there was a sharp decline in oil production. Despite this, this region remained the main one for the extraction of fuel resources in the country. In place of aging deposits, completely new ones are being developed.

Gas production is carried out. Gas production takes place in the north of the region. The largest deposits here are Urengoyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye and Bovanenkovskoye.

The region's mechanical engineering industry serves the needs of all of Siberia. In Kuzbass they manufacture metal-intensive mining and metallurgical equipment. Novosibirsk is engaged in the manufacture of heavy machine tools and hydraulic presses.

The forest and tundra zones of the region are most favorable for agriculture. The main activities here are reindeer husbandry, fishing, and fur farming. The south of Western Siberia is the main grain growing region of Russia. Cattle are raised here.

The fuel and energy complex is the main one in the region's industry. The region is fully provided with these resources. He exports them to other economic regions of Russia.

Fuel and energy base

In Western Siberia there are more than 300 oil, gas, gas condensate and oil and gas fields, which include more than 65% of the country's geological oil reserves and up to 90% of the country's natural gas.

The northern gas-bearing province of Western Siberia is absolutely special and unusual. It is located on an area that covers more than 620 thousand square kilometers.

It is customary to distinguish three main groups of gas-bearing areas:

  • Northern;
  • Central;
  • Southwestern.

The main one among them in terms of gas reserves is the Central Group, which includes such famous fields as Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Medvezhye and Tazovskoye.

The total permissible gas reserves in Western Siberia reach 86 trillion cubic meters, which constitutes the vast majority of all-Russian reserves. Industrial reserves amount to 30 trillion cubic meters, which is about 80% of the total Russian reserves.

One of the largest is the Urengoyskoye field. Its reserves in just one gas deposit are estimated at 5.5 trillion cubic meters. The second place in natural gas reserves is occupied by the Yamburg field, more than 5 trillion cubic meters. These fields, in terms of their natural gas reserves, have no equal in the whole world.

Note 2

Today, the fuel and energy base is being strengthened. In this connection, it is planned to build a large power plant using gas fuel.
