Zodiac signs that are more prone to depression than others. How different zodiac signs cope with depression

And there is a significant difference between an ordinary bad mood. So let’s not get confused in terms, and let’s start calling depression only those conditions that require medical intervention and the help of specialists. In the meantime, the site will tell you which zodiac signs are most prone to pessimism and despondency.


Stubbornness is one of the fundamental qualities of Taurus. But when everything around you is bad, you won’t get far on stubbornness alone. And everything is not even bad, everything is just not the way Taurus wants it. And there is no way to fix this. Fortunately, they have their own mechanisms for getting out of a state of despondency - it is for this purpose that Taurus tries to provide themselves with maximum comfort. I returned to my own “shell,” exhaled, thought, and went to work with renewed vigor.


Photo: Ajp

Constant mood swings are a constant companion of Gemini. Today they are delighted with the prospects, and tomorrow they almost wallow in depression due to the fact that this is not exactly what they wanted. And if they are immersed in a routine, then the state of despondency will become their constant companion throughout the day. for a long time. Alas, Gemini cannot live in a stable and unchanging environment.


Photo: Astroglide

Honestly speaking, Rakov is from a full-fledged clinical depression just a few steps away. Moreover, no matter how successful the life of a particular Cancer as a whole is. Peculiarities of perception of the world and one’s place in it, alas. Cancers react too sensitively to even the slightest fluctuations in the mood of loved ones, taking everything personally.


Scorpios are very well versed in the feelings of others, and they control themselves quite well. But this doesn’t save you from spontaneous blues. Especially if everything doesn’t go the way Scorpio would like. On the other hand, they are excellent at pulling themselves together and solving problems, even when on the verge of depression. The site team and journalist Artem Kosti would advise them to relate to the surrounding reality a little more simply and set themselves more achievable and realistic goals.


Photo: Mibusinessmag

Dejection - normal form existence of this zodiac sign. Dull, boring, predictable - that's all about Capricorn. It’s just that he doesn’t care at all. Yes. It interferes with communicating with people, but Capricorns don’t understand them anyway. Yes, it slightly reduces vitality, but innate stubbornness helps here. So if Capricorn thinks that everything is bad, this is only a reason for him to approach problems more responsibly. But yes, those around him in this state are especially bored - that’s a fact.


Pisces' emotionality is spontaneous and changeable. They don't need a reason to be sad or to be happy. Although criticism of their personality and creativity can quite easily plunge them into depression. Yes, precisely depression, from which without outside help you won't go out. Fortunately, Pisces know how to arrange themselves in such a way that such a “puller” can be found quite quickly.

We also believe that you would be interested to know which zodiac signs are famous. What is characteristic is that this does not depend in any way on how prone they may be to despondency and bad mood.

It is important to note that depression is serious problem, which needs to be gotten rid of as quickly as possible. We highly recommend that if this problem occurs, you contact the appropriate doctors and professionals. You may actually be suffering from a chemical imbalance that needs treatment, and this article is not a guide to solving that problem.

However, we can tell you about the causes of depression from the examples of many people who are unlucky enough to experience it. Some psychologists actually note the connection between a person’s zodiac sign and his predisposition to certain mental disorders. By at least, this article will tell you the areas in which you need to work to avoid depression and other problems.

Astrology is a very complex science that can undoubtedly reveal your psychological portrait. By analyzing each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, we will shed light on some of the nuances of their character. Remember that this is only general signs, which may differ from person to person.


Aries tend to lose self-confidence due to a number of external overwhelming factors. One of them is the lack of support from loved ones. If their parents put excessive pressure on them and imposed their point of view, then Aries lose the ability to listen to their instincts. Therefore, it becomes difficult for them to realize their element - fire. It is worth considering the fact that Aries does not know about caution. They always crave activity and adventure. Therefore, in order to get rid of painful thoughts, this zodiac sign needs to bring exactly these two things to life. Essentially, these are adrenaline addicts. Thanks to this, it is relatively easier for them to get rid of depression than for others.


Calf - unusual sign Zodiac, because they are motionless. This is explained by their earth element. In general, Taurus is characterized by one mood - stable. They have a balanced temperament, so they rarely experience depression. If the illness does catch up with them, then there are few ways to help them cope with the problem. They find their own way out through good food, a relaxing bath, and anything else that pleases their senses. Taurus people really know how to revive their sensuality. They are usually not too depressed.


This air sign The Zodiac is rarely depressed. Boredom is their greatest curse. There is so much new and interesting in the world for Geminis that they cannot just sit still for at least 2 minutes. Accordingly, they get rid of depression just as quickly. Geminis find it difficult to get in touch with their deep feelings - it's just not in their spirit. Because of this, if they have had emotional trauma that they themselves have buried somewhere deep inside, their depression can often be expressed in sudden, harsh and critical outbursts. If they are unable to get rid of painful memories on their own, then negative thoughts will haunt them constantly. However, their ever-inquisitive and keen intellect helps them cope with any problem. They are obsessed with learning how the mind works, and they can usually figure out what's bothering them on their own. The main thing they must do is not to avoid or shy away from their problems. Geminis are evasive. Therefore, it is better to help them take a break and take a breath in order to gain strength and rush forward again.


Cancer is one of the most depressive signs of the Zodiac. They often get upset because they impose on themselves the idea that “no one loves them.” This may be due to the fact that it is the first water sign. When sadness overtakes Cancer, he always tries to find a friendly shoulder. But be that as it may, this is unlikely to help them in the long run. Moreover, sometimes it even harms.

Cancer cannot cope with emotional problems on its own due to its sensitivity. They must learn to cope with this, otherwise depression will not be long in coming. Certainly, the best medicine from all this is family. If Cancer has a representative among his friends and relatives fire element, like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, this will greatly simplify their life and help them find balance. The most important thing is that Cancer should avoid loneliness, which provokes them into negative thoughts. In addition, they must clearly understand for themselves that others care about their lives and their feelings. They are loved, they just don’t notice it themselves.

a lion

Leo is a sign that seems indestructible and not vulnerable to depression. But that's not true. Because they are ruled by the Sun, they are quite optimistic. However, they are good at hiding their pain, especially from themselves. If they feel depressed and if they lack respect from others, Leos may succumb to depression. Remember that there is a little Cancer hidden in every Leo. Leo tries very hard to maintain an optimistic attitude and live as if everything is normal. But this is not always true. So they can suffer alone when no one is watching because they don't want anyone to know. Leos believe that showing such emotions is weakness. In any case, Leos are not prone to depression until they are alone.


Virgos often feel depressed. Under no circumstances should they be around pessimistic people, because they will quickly succumb to the general mood. If depression overtook them, then the most the right way getting rid of it will be a big workload. Isn't productivity the solution? Remember that depression is like a button that turns you off. Virgos will not allow this state to continue for long.


Surprisingly, this strong air sign is rarely prone to depression. If this did happen, then the reason for this was the capricious Scorpio, who has a significant influence on this zodiac sign. Libras are smart and find dialogues that can tell them about things intriguing. latest news. Therefore, hanging out with friends or participating in social events is their ticket out of depression. In general, Libras are not prone to deep emotional turmoil, so they are less likely to suffer from depression. Air signs always live in thought. Daily shopping, surrounding yourself with beautiful things, building harmony in your life - all this helps Libra avoid depression. But the surest tool for them to combat depression is a strong partnership with a loved one.


You knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. Scorpio can be one of the most depressive signs because they are intensely aware of everything around them. He suffers very often because of what he thinks about his relationships. As if they had already lost their shine. Scorpio will constantly surprise you with his behavior. At the beginning of the day, he can enjoy every little thing, and towards the evening he will begin to fall into depression for no apparent reason. Remember that this is a fickle zodiac sign. However, he is patronized water element, which means her task is to calm down and master emotions. Sooner or later they may show willpower to overcome depression. But only if they really want it. And by the way, despite their passionate nature, sex is obvious, but not the most effective medicine in this case.


Without a doubt, this is the most optimistic sign of the Zodiac. Of course, Sagittarians can succumb to depression, like everyone else, but in general their nature is reflected in their own element - fire. It forces them to move and make quick decisions. This is a highly flammable sign. His job is to be optimistic and encourage everyone around him. Yes, sometimes they can behave frivolously, but this is justified if they get rid of depression through it. Sagittarius's positive lifestyle attracts others, so people like to communicate with them. They are the ones who can make others feel sad.


We are dealing with the most depressive sign of the Zodiac in general. Ruled by serious Saturn, Capricorn usually behaves in a balanced manner, without giving in too much negative thoughts. No sign can boast of such tight control of its own consciousness. Because of this, they often do not see a way out of the current situation. They want to do everything in such a way that success is guaranteed, and this is their main problem. Due to the fact that Capricorns need to be convinced that they are right and have an ideal result, depression overwhelms them regularly. They cannot be controlled. And this explains why they are the most pronounced pessimists among all the signs of the Zodiac. Since Capricorn is willing and able to take responsibility for everyone else, this leads to him not trusting others. From here it becomes clear that to get rid of depression, he just needs to learn to sometimes let go of the situation and trust his loved ones.


You will rarely meet a depressed Aquarius. Again, his character air element allows him to be optimistic and inquisitive. Aquarians are almost never bored. But don't let them fool you, because this zodiac sign is quite good at hiding their feelings. However, as a rule, they are so smart that they do not waste time on this. This is a very advanced and developed sign. Depression can sometimes overtake Aquarians as they may face misunderstandings with the people around them. And all because they are ahead of their time.


Few zodiac signs can cope with depression alone as effectively as Pisces. However, they really don't want to make a scene over this issue because it's important to them not to hurt anyone. Pisces simply cannot stand it when others feel bad because of their own selflessness towards them. Usually, their depression consists of them becoming passive and refusing to fight for their rights. They feel like martyrs or victims. Helping them cope with depression is quite difficult. Pisces must understand that they will not save this world alone, so they need to rely on others.

Every person is more or less prone to sadness and sadness.

Some people become depressed extremely rarely, while for others, melancholy is a state of mind. As you know, all people are different.

However, depression in people varies depending on their zodiac sign.

A tendency to depression manifests itself in people depending on their zodiac sign:

Aries It’s quite rare to be truly sad. If at some point they are faced with too many problems and there is nowhere to wait for help, then representatives of this sign can close themselves off from everyone.

They will be taciturn and gloomy. To the delight of their relatives and friends, this condition quickly passes.

Aries find a way out of a difficult situation and remain cheerful and sociable.

Taurus fall into a melancholic state most often due to the fact that they are disappointed in themselves and their abilities. The main reasons for this condition are problems on the love front. Taurus, who were previously cheerful and smiling, become gloomy and unsociable. They may become addicted to alcohol in an attempt to numb their inner pain.

Sometimes, on the contrary, representatives of this sign try to prove to everyone around them that everything is fine with them, but it looks strange and feigned.

Gemini It is not typical to be sad, because they are optimists by nature. But if in a short period of time they are faced with a heap of problems: things aren’t going well at work or with their loved ones, problems with household members, lack of money, then these resilient people also become depressed.

They are doing it on a grand scale. But no matter how big the problems are, Gemini quickly stops being sad and devotes all their strength to solving them as quickly as possible.

Cancers, perhaps the most depressive sign of the zodiac. They endure family troubles very hard and are always ready to help to a loved one who is in trouble.

But when they feel bad, they close themselves off from the whole world and endure all the suffering alone.

Lions tend to get upset and hate the whole world if something doesn’t go the way they would like it to.

Leaders by nature, they do not tolerate disrespect from other people. It is important for them to be the best in everything, and when this does not happen, they are attacked by despair.

Leos rarely share their problems with others, trying to find a solution to them on their own. Depressions for this sign can be prolonged and sometimes, even when everything seems to be fine, relapses can occur.

Virgo may become depressed due to unresolved matters.

Problems at work, obligations they cannot fulfill, confusion and limbo - all this simply drives them crazy.

Representatives of this zodiac sign love regularity and peace. Everything in their life should go according to a clear plan. If something unsettles them, their world collapses and their mood is at zero.

Scales- people of mood. Negative energy is theirs main enemy. A negative attitude not only spoils their mood, but can also cause illness and depression. For Libra, a positive attitude, faith in yourself and your strengths are important.

Scorpios impressionable by nature. But they cope with any depression on their own, in a way unknown to others. They quickly find correct solution and move away from any shocks.

Sagittarius stable and practically not subject to depression. They have the ability to quickly find a way out of any situation. They are less susceptible to other zodiac signs depressive states. They do not have time to indulge in sadness and suffering.

Capricorns They are very secretive by nature. They don't like to share their problems with other people.

Sadness and worries can accumulate in their soul for many years, and depression can become a common condition.

Aquarius may fall into melancholy if they do not know how to act in difficult situation.

It is very important for them to follow the right path, but they cannot always make the right decision. They are very worried if their choice turned out to be wrong and they failed.

Fish are melancholic by nature. They often find problems where there really are none, thereby complicating their lives.

Representatives of this zodiac sign take everything too seriously, getting upset over trifles. A little optimism and patience and any depression will pass by.

Whatever your zodiac sign, if you find yourself in depression, it is worth remembering that you can find a way out of almost any situation, and there are many people in the world who are much less fortunate than you.

Appreciate what you have and don't forget that time is fleeting, so don't waste it indulging in sadness and sadness.

Hello, friends! Let's think a little about why all zodiac signs can be nervous and depressed to a greater or lesser extent? It is common to think that fire signs of the zodiac are constantly nervous, yelling, and swearing. And, here, Cancer, such a hermit, sits under a pebble, Taurus, like a calf, can only moo, and then eat some hay, and everything immediately becomes fine for him.

This is not entirely true. Everyone is nervous and everyone can be depressed from time to time. If you are an adult, you should already understand this. Why is this happening? It's simple! This is how I see this problem, from the point of view of Vedic astrology - let's divide the zodiac signs into 4 groups. Astrology divides everyone into elements - Air, Fire, Water, Earth.

Why can air signs be prone to depression? Air is wind. Every day the wind changes its direction. It blows now to the North, now to the South, and tomorrow to the East, or to the West. If an air sign is talking at the table, it looks something like this: “Oh, yes, we were in Brazil. Potatoes, of course, are fried, but this is harmful to health...” And then you say: “Could you shut up? You're all talking about nothing, it's impossible to listen to you. Are you in control of yourself? In general, are you a stable person?” Well, what are you talking to Air? This, of course, was such a rough example. Imagine that an airy person will not be able to express himself. He will not be able to write poetry, prose, tell stories, make films, or act on stage. What does it mean for Air to be prohibited from being free and expressing its opinion? Not in the sense of a conscientious opinion, a civic position, but in principle his attitude to everything, such a “stream of consciousness”. Flow-air-wind. For them, freedom of communication, conversation, communication, and travel is very important. They then feel alive. Imagine, and now you forbid them to express themselves, limit freedom of speech, a person cannot express himself. All possibilities are closed, and the person, of course, becomes depressed. It could be a child or an adult - it doesn't matter. Accordingly, if you tell Air: “Stop talking, it’s impossible to hear!”, then he falls into a stupor, feels bad, and may show aggression, which, for example, is not characteristic of Libra. He can swear, fight...

Power is weakness fiery man. Try to take away power, or limit it for Fire. Risk affecting his independence in terms of managing others. We are no longer talking about conversations, as was the case with Air, but about the opportunity to lead someone, to lead oneself. Take away from him the opportunity to tell him how to behave, the right to have his own business... In the case of the zodiac sign Leo, try to stop him from building his kingdom, try to limit him. For example, a horseman says fiery woman: “Listen, what are you doing? Sit at home! Where did you go? And immediately he sees her reaction: fiery eyes, teeth that look more like fangs, red nails. All this comes into play. Then you can talk to her and ask her, why didn’t you listen to the lectures? How should a wife behave? What are you talking about anyway? You have closed the opportunity for a person to show his individualism, to have his own company, to manage, to lead. She wants to lead a man. And he is a horseman, he needs to prove himself. True, then he quickly hid as soon as he saw those red eyes of hers. Naturally, for a fire sign, depression, conflict, Bad mood if his access to power is limited.

Earth signs: Pull the rug out from under your feet. “Why, this is my carpet! I got it from my great-grandmother! I walk on it, trample, warm my feet when it’s cold.” "Let's demolish this an old house! How? This is my heirloom, my great-grandfather’s great-grandfather left it to me.” Unemployment, - the earth sign came home, turned on the TV, and there: “Unemployment was a record percentage. There are 25% unemployed in Spain.” The man is having a heart attack! That's it, the children were left without a father. Think about what you are talking about unemployment in general. Because work for earth signs is very important. And then he came home from work, sat down in front of the TV, and heard this. All! He thinks it's good that I live on Far East, and not in Spain, but still. Spain is not so far away, it can reach us. Panic: unemployment is looming. That's it, the person is nervous. He went out to smoke Ayurvedic herbs on the stairs, and there someone stepped on his foot and a conflict immediately arose. What's happened? It seems like he is like that calm person with short but strong fingers? He bends nails with them and helps sparrows fly into the entrance...

Water signs - everything is clear here. Emotions. "A! ABOUT! Wai-wai! “Enough already, all this lamentation of yours... Come on, pull yourself together. Get ready. You will join the army! And in response, tears and despair. How come? A man was at the exhibition: “You know, we saw such beautiful paintings, the artist showed such soul, such expression...” “How much does it cost? How much is the painting? This was the earth sign's reaction. He understands that if it’s a good thing, he should take it, and then he can make profit from it. "How can you? I opened my soul to you! She played with colors and colors, from white to gray. And you about your material…” And immediately depression, depression, anger. "It is for you. You’ll get dumplings for dinner!”

Let's summarize. We all get nervous, we all get depressed, we just need to understand where it all comes from and, accordingly, interact with ourselves, accept ourselves. It is important to understand your family and friends, those whom you advise on natal chart, for whom you are making an online horoscope. And in general, when you understand these things, it’s easier to understand life. It’s not for nothing that they say: nation, mentality. But more on that next time.

That's all for today. Subscribe to free astrological forecasts on my website vedastrology.ru and plan every single day. Explore Vedic astrology! Goodbye!

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Every person is more or less prone to sadness and sadness. Some become depressed extremely rarely, while for others, melancholy is a state of mind. As you know, all people are different. As it turns out, depression manifests itself in people depending on their zodiac sign.

A tendency to depression manifests itself in people depending on their zodiac sign:

  1. Aries It’s quite rare to be truly sad. If at some point they are faced with too many problems and there is nowhere to wait for help, then representatives of this sign can close themselves off from everyone. They will be taciturn and gloomy. To the delight of their relatives and friends, this condition quickly passes. Aries quickly find a way out of a difficult situation and remain cheerful and sociable.
  2. Taurus fall into a melancholic state most often due to the fact that they are disappointed in themselves and their abilities. The main reasons for this condition are problems on the love front. Cheerful and smiling before, Taurus becomes gloomy and unsociable. They may become addicted to alcohol in an attempt to numb their inner pain. Sometimes, on the contrary, representatives of this sign try to prove to everyone around them that everything is fine with them, but it looks strange and feigned.
  3. Gemini It is not typical to be sad, because they are optimists by nature. But if in a short period of time they are faced with a heap of problems: things aren’t going well at work or with their loved ones, problems with household members, lack of money, then these resilient people also become depressed. They are doing it on a grand scale. But, despite all the difficulties, Geminis quickly stop being sad and devote all their efforts to solving problems as quickly as possible.
  4. Cancers, perhaps the most depressive sign of the zodiac. They endure family troubles very hard and are always ready to help a loved one in trouble. But when they feel bad, they close themselves off from the whole world and endure all the suffering alone.
  5. Lions tend to get upset and hate the whole world if something doesn’t go the way they would like it to. Leaders by nature, they do not tolerate disrespect from other people. It is important for them to be the best in everything, and when this does not happen, they are attacked by despair. Leos rarely share their problems with others, trying to find a solution to them on their own. Depressions for this sign can be prolonged and sometimes, even when everything seems to be fine, relapses can occur.
  6. Virgo may become depressed due to unresolved matters. Problems at work, obligations they cannot fulfill, confusion and limbo - all this simply drives them crazy. Representatives of this zodiac sign love regularity and peace. Everything in their life should go according to a clear plan. If something unsettles them, their world collapses and their mood is at zero.
  7. Scales- people of mood. Negative energy is their main enemy. Negative emotions not only ruin their lives, but can also cause illness and depression. For Libra, a positive attitude, faith in yourself and your strengths are important.
  8. Scorpios impressionable by nature. But they cope with any depression on their own, in a way unknown to others. They quickly find the right solution and move away from any shocks.
  9. Sagittarius stable and practically not subject to depression. They have the ability to quickly find a way out of any situation. They are less susceptible to depression than other zodiac signs. They do not have time to indulge in sadness and suffering.
  10. Capricorns They are very secretive by nature. They don't like to share their problems with other people. Sadness and worries can accumulate in their soul for many years, and depression can become a common condition.
  11. Representative of the sign Aquarius They can fall into melancholy if they don’t know what to do in a difficult situation. It is very important for them to follow the right path, but they cannot always make the right decision. They are very worried if their choice turned out to be wrong and they failed.
  12. Fish are melancholic by nature. They often find problems where there really are none, thereby complicating their lives. Representatives of this zodiac sign take everything too seriously and often get upset over trifles. A little optimism and patience, and any depression will pass by.

When you find yourself depressed, it is worth remembering that you can find a way out of almost any situation, and there are many people in the world who are much less fortunate than you. Appreciate what you have and don't forget that time is fleeting, so don't waste it indulging in sadness and sadness.
