How to open a business selling brake pads. Market and competitors. Additional opening of an online store

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


Despite the instability of the economic situation in Russia, the number of cars on the roads continues to grow steadily. Almost every family owns at least a car or motorcycle. Therefore, the need for auto parts was, is and will always be. After all, any vehicle requires periodic maintenance with the replacement of worn parts. Based on this, we can safely say that opening an auto parts store is a profitable business.

How to start an auto parts store: where to start?

After the entrepreneur has the idea of ​​​​opening an auto parts store, it is necessary to decide what will be best sold in it. This will help the study of the automotive market.

Documents for registration

What is included in the list of documentation required to open an auto parts store?

  • Documents confirming the status of an entrepreneur - an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which indicates the type of its activity, name outlet type of taxation. This is the so-called founding document.
  • Permission for the location of the store obtained from the local authorities.
  • Documentation on the sanitary and epidemiological compliance of the store, issued by Rospotrebnadzor. This is a separate package including a number of documents:
  1. the conclusion of the SES (validity period is limited) on the compliance of this premises with all the standards provided for in the law regarding such objects;
  2. a document giving the right to place an object of trade (issued on the basis of the above conclusion);
  3. a special program that provides sanitary and production control - is agreed with the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor, and only after that can be implemented;
  4. an agreement with a company that will clean and disinfect air conditioners and the ventilation system of the room;
  5. an agreement with a dry-cleaner or a laundry for washing the overalls of employees;
  6. contract for the performance of works on disinfection, as well as disinfestation;
  7. contract for disposal fluorescent lamps and lamps containing mercury; and arrangements for the collection of garbage, including municipal solid waste.
  • Permission to operate the store from the authorities supervising fire safety.
  • Availability of internal documentation: magazines, which take into account inventory and spare parts, accounting documents and others.

Taxation and accounting

Trade in spare parts, as a rule, involves two types of taxation.

  • USNO (simplified system)

"Simplified" in most cases is chosen by individual entrepreneurs. The tax calculation should take into account revenue, expenses and a tax rate of 15%. The declaration is submitted to the tax authorities once a year until March 31. This system does not require complex accounting, you can limit yourself to a book that reflects the expenditure and income parts.

  • ENTI (single tax)

When calculating this type of tax, it is necessary to take into account some physical indicators.

  1. The size of the trading floor (its area).
  2. Basic yield (set value of 1,800 rubles).
  3. Coefficients K1 (deflator), K2 (corrective) and a tax rate of 15%.

The amount of tax is allowed to be reduced by the amount of social contributions made. The declaration is submitted every quarter. Such a system is usually chosen by limited liability companies. By the way, they will also have to keep complex accounting records.

What kind of space is needed for the store?

To accommodate a store selling automotive parts, both rented and own premises are suitable. Its dimensions can vary, and the size of the starting capital plays a decisive role here. The recommended store area is at least 60 square meters, the size of the trading floor is 45 squares, and on the remaining 15 meters there is a warehouse and utility rooms.

It should also be taken into account that the store warehouse performs secondary functions. The most necessary goods and novelties are stored here. The main part of the assortment that is not presented on the trading floor should be stored in another warehouse, that is, the primary one. And here the main thing is that there should be a short distance between the store and the main warehouse, because then the delivery of goods can be carried out in a short time, without postponing it for a whole day.

The location of the outlet is also important. Be sure to take into account the availability of good transport interchanges and parking spaces. The profitability of the store increases significantly if it operates near a service station, gas station or car wash. The ideal place is the car market.

Where do stores buy auto parts?

The purchase of auto parts for stores, as a rule, passes through two or three large suppliers. The search for the right dealers can be done through the Internet, which has all the necessary information. When studying information about a future supplier, in addition to the range and terms of delivery, attention should be paid to reviews about him.

This should be taken with all responsibility, because the mismatch of the goods with the declared data and the often encountered marriage will create problems for the store and ruin the reputation of the outlet.

Most suppliers, if the order exceeds a certain limit, deliver the goods for free. This can be seen as a bonus. This is especially important at the beginning of the store, when transport costs add up to 5% of the cost of goods to the price of goods.

In addition to the main supplies, it is necessary to take care of a highly specialized product, which will distinguish this store from similar objects. Suppose a special kind quality oil or solid accessories, for which the extra charge is the highest. Therefore, this point cannot be ignored.

Spare parts for which machines should the assortment of the store be oriented towards?

The store can also combine the above specialized areas.

What is the most sought-after product, regardless of the brand of car?

  • Headlights and bumpers.
  • Side mirrors and side doors.
  • Stoplights and engines.
  • Gearboxes and hubs.
  • Hangers and racks.

What's the best way to set up a store?

The profitability of an auto parts store, in addition to the quality of the goods and the skill of employees, is also affected by the correct display of products, flawlessly designed windows, the climate in the store and design.

Many novice businessmen, when starting interior design, turn to the services of professionals - firms specializing in the creation and implementation of design projects for retail outlets.

The store should be designed in such a way that visitors are pleased to be in it. Properly laid out goods, convenient and, most importantly, understandable navigation, and light, unobtrusive design also contribute to sales growth.

The calm atmosphere of the store will be complemented by the optimal air temperature in the room and pleasant music.

Each point of sale has its own product matrix, which dictates the optimal location of the goods. It is individual for a certain assortment and a specific sales area. It is this fact that should be the basis of the design project.

A large selection of products involves the use of merchandising and well-thought-out navigation.

What commercial equipment will be needed for the operation of the store?

Here is the list commercial equipment for the full functioning of the store:

  • display racks and showcases where you can freely decompose and arrange the goods;
  • shelving. They are useful both in the trading area and in the warehouse;
  • computers, connected to local network and the Internet. Firstly, with the help of special programs it is easy to keep inventory of spare parts. Secondly, having special software, you can facilitate the selection of spare parts by code, as well as visually display the desired part;
  • cash desks- places where the purchase of goods is made and a landline phone is installed;
  • tables, chairs perhaps small sofas for buyers.

The number of commercial equipment depends entirely on the size of the store.

What should be auto parts store staff medium size?

Quite often, "independent" masters are involved as experts. They can give advice on the quality of any part, explain the reasons for its rapid wear or breakage, in some cases, perform an urgent replacement or repair of a car right next to the store.

The first time after the opening of the store, the owner of the business personally controls the process of trade, since it is necessary to train the staff and establish a trade point. Experts recommend hiring employees with experience in selling spare parts.

Sometimes a client brings a part in hand, not knowing its exact name, purpose and other parameters. The consultant needs to quickly navigate the situation in order to short term offer the visitor exactly the same or similar.

How to promote a business?

Spinning up a store that sells auto parts three directions can be used.

  • Promotional events directly in the place where the store is located. These include a recognizable and well-visible sign, as well as the presence of a stationary or remote design - citylight.
  • Promotional activities aimed at conveying information about the new store to target audience. These include:
  1. placement of advertisements in specialized magazines and newspapers for motorists and Internet advertising;
  2. distribution of business cards and flyers containing the company logo, information about the main product, prices, address, contact numbers. Where is the best place to distribute them? Not far from the traffic police, parking lots, intersections, that is, where potential customers may be;
  3. you can advertise the store on transport (in buses, trolleybuses, trams), on billboards, run commercials on radio or TV;
  4. sponsoring various events also contributes to the promotion of the store.
  • Advertising through intermediaries:
  1. mutually beneficial agreements with those organizations, thanks to which the store can be replenished with new customers. Employees of gas stations, car washes, tire service, paid parking lots can distribute promotional material, and their services will be advertised in the store in the same way;
  2. well-established relationships with service stations or mechanics who repair cars at home and in garages allow you to attract new customers. True, they will have to make a discount on spare parts or be interested in other profitable offers.

The name of any store, including auto parts, refers to effective marketing tools. This rule has been tested many times. Experts recommend adhering to certain requirements when choosing a name.

It should be:

Several options need to be considered. For example, "Auto Parts Shop", "Everything for your favorite car", "Kingdom of Auto" or something funny: "AvtoMisha", "Avtomaster Petrovich".

From the selected names, you need to cross out the most unsuccessful ones, and with the rest, contact the patent office to check the uniqueness. This will avoid accusations of appropriating an already existing name.

Auto Parts Store Business Plan From Scratch

Business project for an auto parts store with the following data:

  • leased area - 100 m²;
  • opening hours - 9.00-21.00;
  • two people work on a shift (4 employees in total);
  • offered range — spare parts for GAZ vehicles;
  • average markup - 35% (for expensive spare parts - 20%, for various small things - 100%);
  • estimated monthly revenue on average - 1,200,000 rubles.

Capital cost

The amount of capital costs is 1,600,000 rubles, this amount consists of:

  • inventory costs - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • the cost of repairing the store - 150,000 rubles;
  • advertising events (signboard, printed material, advertising in the media) - 150,000 rubles;
  • retail equipment costs - 300,000 rubles.

Store monthly expenses

The amount of expenses each month is at least 200,000 rubles, and this amount includes:

  • fund wages- 850 00 rubles;
  • payment for renting the premises - 60,000 rubles;
  • payment of utility bills - 15,000 rubles;
  • payment of taxes - 40,000 rubles.

Store profitability

If the average monthly income is 1,200,000 rubles, the cost of goods is 890,000 rubles, then the gross profit will be 310,000 rubles. After deducting expenses for the month, net income will be 110,000 rubles. Therefore, the profitability of the store is 11%. Taking into account the amount of capital investments, it can be assumed that the outlet will pay off in 14-15 months.

Opening a new franchise auto parts store is the most promising way to grow your own business.

Franchising is a reliable and profitable activity that does not require large financial investments. In this case, the business does not start from scratch and it does not require huge efforts. The entrepreneur has nothing to worry about advertising and promotion of the store, because the acquired well-known brand is already popular in the market.

To buy a franchise for an auto parts store and run a successful business, businessman will need:

  • minimum investment for the purchase of franchising, which is approximately 500,000 rubles;
  • premises with a retail area of ​​at least 15 m²;
  • the presence of at least three employees (at the first stage).

As a result, the business will pay off very quickly - it will be possible to return all capital costs in just 4-5 months.

How much does it cost to buy or rent a ready-made business in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

The cost of a ready-made business - a store selling auto parts - is very diverse both in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. The price is affected by the size of the premises, the location of the object, the age of the business and other factors.

  1. Suppose that a small outlet with an area of ​​14 m², which has been operating for 7 years, makes a profit of 70,000 rubles. Such a store will cost 690,000 rubles.
  2. A store with an area of ​​30 m² in the city center, operating for 15 years and generating a profit of 120,000 rubles, will already cost 2,650,000 rubles.

It is quite difficult to find offers for renting a ready-made business, because the sale of auto parts is a profitable business. Therefore, either the businessman himself is engaged in his store, or he simply sells an already established business for some objective reason.

Do you like cars and understand them well? Check out how to open an auto parts store from scratch. With the right approach, this business will give a good income.

♦ Capital investments – 400,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 6–10 months.

The business related to cars can be safely called masculine, because not every woman dares to open a car shop or a service station, because she will doubt what kind of commercial equipment needs to be purchased, how to correctly form a customer base and a range of goods.

If you love cars, have a good understanding of them and are looking for a startup to launch, then be sure to check out how to open an auto parts store from scratch.

With the right approach and due diligence, this business will give you a good income and pay off in short terms.

How to open an auto parts store: preparatory stage

It's not enough to just say to yourself, "I want to open an auto parts store."

Needs to be done first preparatory work to understand how profitable this business is in your locality and whether it makes sense to invest in commercial equipment, renting premises for an auto parts store, and so on.

So, you can properly organize the preparatory work of a car dealership if:

  1. Learn the theoretical background. Even if you have experience with cars, it will not be superfluous to fill in the knowledge gaps.
  2. Decide what exactly your auto parts store will do:
    • sell spare parts for domestic cars or foreign cars;
    • sell specialized equipment or something lighter: detergents, rugs, seat covers, stickers, etc.;
    • your auto shop will serve one brand of car, for example Peugeot, or you will supply equipment for different foreign cars.
  3. Analyze the products and prices of competitors whose outlets are located in the area in which you are going to open an auto parts store in order to avoid their mistakes.

If you decide to open a car shop from scratch and do not have experience in this type of activity, then for sure you will need some advice from those who have profitable auto parts stores:

  1. If in doubt where to start, start by drawing up a business plan for an auto shop with specific calculations, according to real estate prices, salaries and shop equipment in your area.
  2. Do not wait for buyers in the auto parts store, because such tactics are ineffective.
    It is necessary to establish contacts with taxi drivers, service stations for the supply of spare parts to them, which many entrepreneurs do not want to do.
  3. Do not immediately fill your car shop with spare parts for different foreign cars.
    Let you always have universal goods (oils, antifreeze, glass washers, lubricants, etc.) in stock, and bring everything else only by prior order.
  4. It is necessary to establish close cooperation with suppliers.
    If you fail to get the customer the parts he needs two or three times, then he will go to another auto shop.
  5. Learn to perfectly understand car spare parts in order to be able, just by looking at the part, to understand what exactly the buyer needs to order.
    Often, motorists (especially female representatives) bring some kind of screw with the words “I want to order the same one” and you must immediately name the part shown to you.
  6. You should not be limited only to servicing foreign cars.
    Selling parts for models of the domestic auto industry is a very profitable business.
    Spare parts for domestic cars are bought much more often, because they are cheaper, and foreign cars break down much less often.
  7. The auto parts market is a business area that is constantly changing.
    You need to keep up with these changes in order to offer customers only the most modern and high-quality products in your auto parts store.
  8. Consider a name for your establishment.
    “Autoshop” is too trivial, but it’s not worth coming up with something exotic and hard to remember.
    Remember that your main clients are men, and they will not appreciate the creativity.
  9. If you do not have enough funds to open a real car shop, you can start an online car parts store.
    If you offer customers spare parts and universal products at a price lower than in regular stores, you will quickly create a customer base.
  10. The competition in this business is quite high, therefore, even at the initial stage of launching a startup, it is necessary to form competent competitive advantages your auto parts store.
    It could be:
    • reasonable prices for auto parts and accessories (even if your spare parts cost 20–30 rubles lower than those of competitors, you will quickly be able to build a reputation as “the cheapest auto shop in the city”);
    • speed of delivery of ordered parts;
    • work with official suppliers;
    • high quality products;
    • various promotions. For example, “Buy the most expensive oil, get a free interior fragrance”, etc.

How to open an auto parts store: advertising

If you are going to open a modest stall in the local market, then you do not need to spend money on a large advertising campaign.

But large car dealerships that dream of conquering the market and attracting as many wholesale customers as possible (taxi services, trucking companies, etc.) in a short time cannot do without a serious advertising campaign.

To quickly notify the townspeople about the opening of a new auto parts store:

  • advertise in newspapers, on radio and television;
  • order a poster in the newspaper for free ads on the appropriate page, for example, “buy-sell a car”;
  • print business cards and promotional brochures to distribute in the area where you decide to open an auto shop.
  1. Satisfied customers who will tell their acquaintances, friends and relatives that such a wonderful store has opened.
  2. your acquaintances with potential clients: taxi drivers, auto repairmen, service station owners, etc.
    Go to meet them instead of waiting for them to randomly drop by your auto shop.

How to Open an Auto Parts Store: Schedule

Since the owners of car dealerships do not have to obtain special licenses for doing business, and you don’t have to buy special trading equipment for the shop, your main concerns will be: finding a room that would be located in a place with high traffic, contracts with suppliers, forming an assortment.

All this can really be done in 4-5 months.

Building search and repair
Personnel search
Purchase of the first batch

How to open an auto parts store: the main steps

Opening an auto shop is not too different from starting a hardware store.

You have to go through the same stages: registration, search for suitable premises, purchase of commercial equipment, recruitment of personnel, assortment formation, search for suppliers and customers.

Auto shop registration

In order to open a car shop from scratch, you need to officially register.

Choose one of the two forms of business that suits you: IP ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company).

If you are going to sell auto parts, equipment, etc. only individuals, then IP is sufficient.

If you want to work with legal entities, for example, supply your goods to a trucking company, you will have to register as an LLC in order to be able to do this.

If you already have entrepreneurial experience and enough money to open a large-scale business, then fix yourself as an LLC.

If you are new to this business and have decided to start a modest business, then it is better to limit yourself to an individual entrepreneur and simplify the registration procedure for yourself.

Auto parts store

Fun fact:
In Havana, one of the attractions offered to tourists is to drive a Ford or Cadillac from the 50s. But tourists don't see what's under the hood of a "classic American car." And there are parts from the Volga, Zhiguli and the Belarus tractor.

It is very important to open an auto shop in a high-traffic area and locate it so that you do not have to look for your shop for a long time.

A good profit is brought by auto parts stores located in markets, near bus stops, etc.

When choosing a place, make sure that there are no other auto shops nearby, otherwise you will have to fight for each client.

It is also important to remember that your customers are motorists, which means that parking is indispensable.

But the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises depends on the size of the store that you want to open. Both small stalls and premium-class establishments located on 100 sq.m. successfully operate on the market.

Ideally, the area of ​​​​an auto parts store should be at least 30-40 square meters. meters to accommodate not only a trading floor, but also a warehouse, a service room and a bathroom.

You do not need to invest a lot of money in repairs.

Male clients will definitely not appreciate the frills of the interior, and women will come to you infrequently.

The main thing is that the necessary equipment is located in the auto shop in order to demonstrate your product in the most favorable light.

Auto parts store equipment

Depending on the area of ​​the auto parts store that you want to open, choose equipment so that the product looks attractive and the customer can immediately find what he needs.

You can't do without such a minimum:

Item of expenditureAmount (in rubles)
Total:100 000 rub.
Shelves and racks
20 000
Glazed showcase
15 000
Cash machine
10 000
Computer with printer
25 000
Other30 000

Auto shop staff

Owners of small car dealerships, more reminiscent of stalls, prefer to do without outside help, performing the functions of both the seller, and the cleaner, and the accountant, and the manager.

You can follow their example, but be aware that it is quite difficult.

Also, ideally, your store should be open on both Saturday and Sunday to improve sales.

It’s better to hire a seller with whom you will work in shifts (for example, 2/2 days), and in the free days to order goods, bookkeeping, and perform managerial functions.

You should also consider hiring a cleaner who comes once a day.

Suppliers for auto parts store

Finding suppliers in the Internet age is easy.

You should do this as soon as you decide to open an auto parts store in order to determine the direction of your business.

You should not try to cover all possible car models, because you will not succeed.

It is better to limit yourself to serving several brands and be sure to expand the range with universal products: rugs, covers, oils, antifreeze, glass washers, interior flavors and more.

Deal only with licensed auto suppliers, otherwise sooner or later you will face dissatisfied customers who will complain that you sold them a low-quality product.

Do not buy a lot of spare parts, agree to work with suppliers "on order" and with deferred payment.

Break off relations with those suppliers who often let you down (they promise to send the ordered spare part and do not do it), because your business depends on the speed of deliveries.

For those who are interested in starting a startup dedicated to the automotive business,

We invite you to watch the following video:

How much does it cost to open an auto parts store?

This business is one of those start-ups that do not require huge sums to launch.

You won't have to pay for licenses that allow you to conduct business, renovate your store or buy expensive equipment.

If you try, it is quite possible to meet the 350,000-400,000 rubles.

This amount can be much higher if you decide to open big store auto parts, the area of ​​​​which is from 50 sq.m. and higher.

In this case, only for the purchase of goods, in order not to leave the windows empty, you will have to spend half a million or more.

Item of expenditureAmount (in rubles)
Total:380 000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair and equipment of the store*90 000
Shop equipment100 000
Purchase of the first batch of spare parts100 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses60 000

*You can save if you buy not new furniture, but one that has already been in use, but is in good condition.

True, this is not all the expenses that businessmen expect when they decide to open an auto parts store.

Every month, in addition to profits, you will face expenses, without which it is impossible to imagine any business:

*The amount you will spend on renting a room can be significantly higher. It all depends on the region in which you live and the attractiveness of the area in which you decide to open your auto shop. This should be taken into account when

Download a ready-made business plan for an auto parts store with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

If I decide to open an auto parts store, how much can I earn from it?

The profits of auto shop owners are very individual.

The markup on a product that you sell in your auto parts store can range from 30% (for especially expensive parts) to 100-120% for inexpensive generic products.

Do not overcharge, otherwise your customers will be lured to other auto shops. But it is not worth trying to expand the customer base by dumping prices.

So you will work at a loss.

For an auto parts store to make a profit, you need at least 20 customers to visit you daily, making purchases in the amount of 400 rubles or more.

Of course, these are very conditional indicators, because someone will visit you to buy a Christmas tree fragrance for a salon for 50 rubles, and someone will need a part at a price of 10,000 rubles.

But even if we take the minimum figures, then it turns out to be a very good amount of monthly earnings for an auto shop: 400 rubles x 20 people = 8,000 rubles a day.

For a month with such indicators, an auto parts store will earn about 250,000 rubles. 150,000 of the specified amount will be spent on the purchase of the next batch of goods, rent, staff fees, taxes and other expenses, but 50,000 - 100,000 will be the profit of the auto parts store owner.

You will be able to demonstrate similar sales figures when you form a customer base.

It will take you at least six months to do this, and if you yourself begin to establish contacts with taxi drivers, truckers, ordinary motorists, you will promote your own business in every possible way.

If before launching a startup you study everything related to the topic " How to open an auto parts store”, then you can avoid unpleasant surprises that beginner entrepreneurs suffer from.

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Aiming to open your trading business in automotive spare parts, you must understand that in addition to financial profit, this activity will require a lot of responsibility from you.

Otherwise, you will lose time, money and, possibly, the respect of people close to you. In such cases, you need to prudently and consistently go to the intended goal.

Business pros and cons

Positive points:

  • the possibility of a high mark-up on certain spare parts up to 80%;
  • stable daily profit;
  • low taxes, grace periods for tax payments;
  • the ability to organize trade through an online store.

As with all trading, there are downsides to this business:

  • lengthy paperwork procedures, sometimes unpleasant communication with officials for the legal opening of a store;
  • unscrupulous suppliers;
  • with a large assortment, periodic careful commodity accounting is necessary;
  • you will have to communicate with capricious buyers with high demands for your services;
  • storage space costs;
  • periodic filing of tax returns.

In our country, under certain circumstances, some negative points can be turned into positive result. For example, at the initial stage, an entrepreneur pays taxes on preferential options for about 2 years. At the end of the grace period, you can re-register documents for a relative or trusted person. Thus, by changing the owner, you will stay on preferential terms indefinitely.

Types of spare parts stores

There are so many automotive vehicles that it is simply impossible to organize a trading business in spare parts, having an assortment for all types. Technique is divided by purpose:

  • cars;
  • trucks;
  • bus passenger transport;
  • special construction equipment, dump trucks, tow trucks, bulldozers and much more;
  • agricultural machinery, tractors, dump trucks, combines.

In addition, all these types are divided into brands, different manufacturing companies, domestic and foreign parts. To decide what type of spare parts you are going to trade, you need to study the market in your region, its needs, the availability of the nearest spare parts suppliers, the prices and conditions under which they sell the goods.

Most promising direction— trade in spare parts for passenger cars. Having studied the needs of the market, you can make a choice of one brand of cars or several. It is very profitable to conclude an agreement with the manufacturer of a certain brand and become its official dealer in the region, then you will be able to receive original spare parts at low prices without intermediaries. But for this you need to make large wholesale orders.


In most cases, business development requires initial capital. The cost side of trading in spare parts includes the following items:

  • renting a shop space;
  • rental of storage facilities for spare parts;
  • purchase of commercial equipment;
  • when trading through an online store, buying several computers and paying for the creation and maintenance of the site;
  • payment to employees;
  • the cost of the spare parts themselves;
  • certain transportation costs, renting cars or paying for fuel and lubricants for your own transport.

Practice and statistics show that opening a mid-level store will require not less than one million rubles. This is a classic option, everyone should proceed from their own conditions and capabilities.

Registration of the legal form of the enterprise

The correct choice of the legal form of the enterprise further determines how successful your business will be, and registration makes your activity legal. Depending on the form you choose, the cost of fines for various violations, order and amount of paid taxes.

There are several legal forms of enterprises: open and closed joint-stock companies, LLC and individual entrepreneur. The distribution of rights and obligations in each option is different, in our case the most popular and simple option is IP.

To register with the tax authorities, you must submit a whole package of documents:

  • application for registration;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • TIN and its photocopy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • for foreign citizens– documents of registration in Russia, identity cards certified by a notary.

In order not to waste time and not make unnecessary mistakes, it is more expedient to entrust this for a moderate fee to law firms or consulting centers. By law, registration takes 5 days.

Choosing the right space

For successful trading, there are generally accepted conditions by which the location of the store is determined. This should be a place where people gather: through streets and intersections, market squares, city center on the first line of the main streets. Such places provide more attendance, save money on advertising. It will be enough to have a large attractive sign in front of the entrance or a sign at the intersection of the routes of the masses.

The floor is of great importance - the first one will be preferable. Basements can be damp and require additional lighting costs.

For large stores, it is imperative to provide a parking place for visitors' vehicles, to think over the ways of exit and arrival.

A large store with high traffic should have a room with high ceilings and a good ventilation system.

Pay attention to the state of the electrical network, it is desirable that the wiring is new, and all appliances correspond to the power that you plan to consume. It is very important what condition the heating and water supply systems are in. There is no need to strive for large areas, rent in such places is not cheap, proceed from the needs you need, taking into account development prospects.

Recruitment and assortment

Depending on the volume of trade you plan to trade, you will need different specialists:

  • sellers;
  • forwarders;
  • accountant.

It is desirable to invite experienced, proven employees who worked in this business to work. Sellers must know the assortment, technical terminology, the name of the parts, their storage locations, quickly navigate among commercial equipment and deftly serve customers - the image of your store depends on this.

When choosing an assortment, you need to be well versed in the local spare parts market, know which large enterprises are located in the region, what equipment they have and in what condition.

You can learn a lot of useful things from ordinary drivers, what and who will soon need in what quantity. This is one example - information about potential buyers must be collected from all available sources, lucrative offers should be made, contracts should be concluded with enterprises and service centers.

Constantly carefully monitor the pricing policy, adjust the trading margins for spare parts, do not allow a higher price than competitors. Ideally, the price should be slightly lower, if your capabilities allow it.

Advertising and customer search

Use traditional methods advertisements: banners, newspapers, internet, TV ticker, leaflets and various promotions. Advertising agencies require constant monitoring of the fulfillment of their obligations, and their services are not cheap.

Targeted advertising is effective. One such example is learning about the need for spare parts transport company do not waste time and act. Place posters in front of their gates, in front of the windows of the executives who depend on purchases, with great deals on the parts they need. Put brochures of your assortment in the mailboxes of officials and indicate that prices are flexible, bargaining is possible.

Doing Business on the Internet

Having a store selling auto parts, you can combine trading using an online store. This will bring you new customers, including those from other cities. And in your city for delivery, you can use the services of couriers or even deliver them yourself.

You can only use the online store, working on order. Then you will save a decent amount on renting premises, staff and the purchase of unnecessary parts and can spend it on creating and promoting the site.

Statistics show that to open a small online store, you need to invest not less than 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, there will be few applications at first, and sales turnover is low, because the store needs time to create its audience and find regular customers. For a full-scale promotion of an online store throughout the country, you will need not less than 300 thousand rubles and not less than six months.

Video footage of the opening of a spare parts store

On the video - useful and detailed information about opening and running this business:

Opening your own auto parts store is a good investment that practically guarantees a stable income. Whatever the situation in the economy, the number of purchased cars is growing every year, and they all require maintenance and repair. Therefore, the main thing to do at the first stage is to figure out how to open an auto parts store so that the work is organized correctly and the business starts to make a profit as soon as possible.

Preparatory stage

The owner of a car shop is required to know the specifics of the trade. The best option- if you are well versed in the design of cars, in their spare parts (including quality and the best manufacturers). Otherwise, you will have to trust suppliers and involved specialists, and this is a rather big risk, especially at the first stage.

So, getting ready to open the store:

  • First, you need to analyze the market. It is highly competitive, so it is necessary to find out the demand for a range of spare parts, their demand. You need to determine how your store will compare favorably with competitors (for example, specializing in "Japanese", "Germans" or domestic car models). The assortment must be formed in advance from the most "running" spare parts and accessories.
  • Secondly, you need or, prepare required documents to open an auto parts store. Opening an IP is very simple, it requires a minimum of funds, time and documents. If you plan to work exclusively with individuals who will come to the store, then IP is enough. But if you are going to cooperate with legal entities: taxi companies, carriers, large car depots, then you cannot do without an LLC. Especially if you have plans to develop your business, open branches and other stores.
  • Thirdly, you need to choose a room that best suits your needs.
  • Fourth, order equipment, office equipment, install software.
  • Fifth, determine the personnel and suppliers of goods.

After all these issues are resolved, it will be necessary to draw up a cost estimate, including for an advertising campaign that will attract buyers. Therefore, one desire (they say, I want to open an auto parts store) is clearly not enough for business success, a clear action plan is also required.

Where should your store be located?

There are no specific location restrictions. It is best to open an auto parts store for foreign cars or domestic cars in a residential area. It is most profitable to rent a room of 60 square meters or more, depending on the number of car brands for which you intend to offer spare parts to customers. When renting, pay attention to the terms of the contract so that the absence of utility bills in rent or its sudden increase did not become an unpleasant surprise. Be sure to write down the possibility of prolongation in the contract, as well as a long-term lease (if you wish). When choosing a room, be sure to consider the following factors:

  • sufficient area with high-quality communications (electricity, water, heat, sewerage);
  • the presence or possibility of equipping a trading floor, a warehouse for inventory and utility rooms;
  • lack of nearby stores with a similar assortment of goods;
  • availability or possibility of equipping convenient parking for customers (for at least five cars).

Choosing an assortment for your store

A smart shop needs specialization. You can open an auto parts store for foreign cars or start with domestic cars (for example, GAZ). Even taking into account advanced level There is still less competition on the market of Russian spare parts stores, foreign cars on our roads, and they break down less often. And GAZ cars are the most numerous commercial vehicles in the country

Moreover, it is easier to calculate the cost of packaging here. minimum range, and it is worth buying in advance (for a large inventory) only the most popular spare parts. By organizing clear deliveries under the order, you can quickly receive any assembly, part or spare part from the supplier. Parts store's most sought-after items include headlights and brake lights, side mirrors, bumpers, doors, wheel hubs, suspension arms and struts. Automatic transmission, engine and spare parts for them are also confidently sold.

Where to get goods for the auto parts store?

If you are thinking about how to open an auto parts store, you will definitely need product suppliers. This is a very important detail of your business, because the profitability of the store and its attractiveness to customers depend on the speed, quality of deliveries and the cost of spare parts. It is desirable to have several suppliers for each product group - this is the key to the stability of the store. It is better to choose among the official dealers of manufacturers - such a supplier is unlikely to offer counterfeit products.

If you cooperate with official representatives of companies for the production of spare parts and components, then this is an additional plus for the store. You can even legal grounds use on the sign the logo of the cars for which you sell spare parts. Usually, mutual settlements with suppliers occur by bank transfer on a deferred basis (average term is 30 calendar days).

Do not hesitate to check the reliability of the supplier, the reputation of his company or enterprise before concluding contracts. Your reputation also depends on the quality of its work, fulfillment of obligations on time, reliability and reliability. The easiest way to test reliability (if you have no experience with suppliers by the time you open) is to use the Internet. Today, there is definitely a mention of almost every unscrupulous enterprise there.

Features of recruiting for an auto parts store

Even if you are an absolute parts trader and intend to do your own sales, you will need experienced salespeople. It is the seller who is the specialist, thanks to which the goods either stay on the shelf or be quickly sold. The seller must know the assortment and its features, be able to communicate with the buyer, advise him, offer alternative and additional goods. Customers always return to places where they were first class served, regardless of the prices, if they are slightly higher.

Finding the right seller can be time-consuming, but it's worth the effort. In order for people to have a desire to work actively, they need to be motivated for the result, so that the salary is tied to the store's revenue. That is, the staff should receive a fixed rate plus an additional percentage of the amount of revenue received. If you are not in the store all the time, then the staff needs regular monitoring.

In addition to sellers, the store will need a director (if you plan to take this position yourself - a senior seller), an accountant and a purchasing manager. It is enough to involve an accountant on a part-time basis or to hire on an outsourcing basis. The purchasing manager may well be replaced by a senior salesperson or sales assistants, especially since there will be little purchasing work at first.

Does an auto parts store need special programs?

Most trade enterprises have long and successfully used the 1C accounting program for their business. But the sale of spare parts has its own characteristics, so the developers offer specialized programs for them. The main difference is in working with catalogs, where each spare part has a unique number, plus it can have several analogues from alternative manufacturers.

Therefore, to link the entire workflow (code from the catalog, application to the supplier, incoming and outgoing invoice, etc.) there are special programs. They greatly facilitate the work of organizing the work of the store and keeping records. You can freely choose the appropriate solution for your store via the Internet. Such a program allows you to quickly process and send orders to the supplier, makes it easier to work with price lists and catalogs, and allows you to connect online stores if you open them.

What expenses should be included in a business plan?

Do you want to open an auto parts store, but do you have enough money? While there is a market analysis, search for premises and personnel, compiling a list of popular spare parts and selecting suppliers, no direct costs are required.

But the costs are considerable, so you need to draw up a competent business plan so that, on the one hand, you don’t miss anything, and on the other hand, you need to clearly calculate the upcoming costs. We make a list of expenses:

  • company design ( entity or IP);
  • rental of premises;
  • store equipment costs, which include the manufacture or purchase of shelving, racks, computers, display cases, repairs and interior decoration;
  • advertising. It takes into account the production of a sign, the behavior of advertising companies offline (creation and distribution of advertising materials, use of the media, advertising on transport, outdoor advertising, etc.) and online (thematic sites, forums, creating your own website, contextual advertising, etc.). );
  • purchase of goods;
  • staff salaries;
  • taxes.

It is not worth counting on the fact that from the first day of opening the store will generate income. At best, it can break even, so it's worth having additional funds for unexpected expenses. Moreover, the rent will have to be paid immediately, even before the opening (while the store is being equipped, the purchase of goods, etc.), as well as the hired personnel.

An auto parts store, especially focused on foreign cars, has fundamental differences from most retail outlets. The owner has to professionally know cars as a technical object, since the goods sold by him at retail or small wholesale affect the safety of vehicles.

“Despite the fact that manufacturers are responsible, the problems can be very serious,” says Andrey Mikhailov, director of the Auto-Rhinoceros store. - I happened to have threats against me for selling supposedly counterfeit goods that caused an accident. Therefore, I do not advise amateurs to go into this business, if only because they cannot prove their case.

On the other hand, many experts consider this business an interesting business that guarantees a stable income in most cases. So, let's figure out where to start auto parts trade and what you need to know to make your business successful.

the right thing

For a product to be in demand, it must be in demand. This axiom fully applies to sales of parts and assemblies for cars. This is evidenced by the annual 10-15% growth in capacity Russian market this direction. Experts are confident that, despite the growth in the value of the currency, in two or three years, auto parts worth $65 billion will be sold in Russia.

"It's huge and dynamically developing segment of the economy, which every day involves more and more new participants, - states Michael Wales from the UK, specialist of the Automotive Russia project. “We can safely predict the opening of new stores.”

In other words, from the point of view of macroeconomic indicators, owning an auto parts store can be considered a profitable undertaking. I wonder what the sellers themselves think about this? Here is one of their opinions:

“In Russia, especially in the provinces, there is a cult of cars. Now there is a demand from customers from the first and second waves of mass purchases of foreign cars. These are people who purchased their imported "iron horses" in 2005-2010. It was just time for them to either sell the car cheaply in conditions, or put the existing equipment in order. Most often they do the latter. Demand for auto parts is growing steadily.”

Specialization and Marketing

Sellers, and experts, still advise opening stores with specialization. “I have ten years of experience in store activities in various cities,” writes forum member Prometheus_1974. - Do not mix spare parts from VAZ and from foreign cars. Although there is a rapprochement, these are fundamentally different businesses.”

This is the first. Secondly, experienced marketers are striving for diversification and believe that retail should cover 70-80% of the turnover, and the remaining 20-30% should be tied to small wholesale contracts:

“… end users of spare parts such as large banks, factories, large and medium business, that is, those who have their own fleet, - advises AndreiZ from Izhevsk. - AT this case the requirements are somewhat different: the clarity of work with documents, the high quality of spare parts and, of course, the commission (no comment).”

Thus, a businessman who plans to open his own store must clearly build a sales concept, that is, decide on the type of cars whose spare parts he plans to sell, and the range of potential customers.

Practical Tips

A novice businessman will definitely face the problem of selecting a special code for each spare part in relation to the type of car brand. If this topic is irrelevant for experienced sellers, then novice marketers will have to “sweat” for catalogs, which, by the way, are not cheap. However, they can be downloaded via torrent, although this is “long and dreary”.

Meanwhile, Andrei Mikhailov believes that there is no universal assortment in car dealerships, since each area has its own statistics. But in any case, when answering the question of how to open your auto parts business, he advises starting with Supplies, in particular, from light bulbs of all types, filters, brake pads, candles, oils in assortment and auto chemical goods.

For example, according to many directors, the top products in spare parts stores today are:

  • Mann oil filters (20-30% of the market capacity);
  • spark plugs NGK V-Line (40%);
  • Brembo brake discs (10%);
  • Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 oil (35%).

In general, for small and medium-sized cities with a population of up to 500 thousand people, the emphasis should be on spare parts for cars with a price tag of 500-700 thousand rubles. Therefore, the choice of commodity items should be appropriate.

“Count how many customers left you because you have expensive oil? - asks AndreiZ from Izhevsk. - Perhaps it would be easier to just make a slightly lower discount on Esso-Mobil? If you still decide to supplement the range with cheap oils, then choose oils from second-line brands, but not obvious outsiders in quality. I can advise something like Ravenol, but in no case Zeke, Hado and Mannol. Everything written with success can be extended to other commodity items.


Since the range of spare parts in the regions is different, the starting conditions necessary for opening a retail outlet will also differ. Some will need millions of rubles to start in a prestigious center, others will focus on sleeping areas, believing that 600 thousand rubles will be able to satiate the initial hunger of trade turnover. Both will be right in their own way.

However, “... it's easier to open a store if you already have a car service,” Andrey Mikhailov is sure. “In this case, you will clearly know what “your local car owners” are ordering, who, at the request of your master, will go to your store.” If you have your own workshop for two or three boxes, then it will not take much money to start a store, say 700-800 thousand. “Moreover, the profit will appear in three months,” the entrepreneur is sure.

However, you can also focus on ready-made business plans drawn up consulting companies. Some of them recommend having a starting budget of 6,000,000 rubles, promising a three-year payback period.

In other words, the break-even point can be passed in one quarter, or, as in the well-known proverb, the promised three years are waiting. It all depends on the professionalism and preparation of the startup.
