Facts about the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Saudi dynasty - who are they

Over the weekend, with the tacit support of President Trump, King Salman of Saudi Arabia and his powerful son carried out an unprecedented purge within their own family. The main victims were those relatives of the king who controlled finances, the media and the army. Among the dozens arrested were 11 princes, several current and former officials, the owners of three major television networks, the head of the most important branch of the military and one of the richest people in the world, a major shareholder of Citibank, Twentieth Century Fox, Apple, Twitter and Lyft.

“It's like waking up one morning and finding that Warren Buffett and the heads of ABC, CBS and NBC have been arrested,” one former US official told me. “There are all the signs of a coup d’état.” Saudi Arabia is rapidly becoming a different country. This kingdom has never been so unstable."

The purge sent a wave of fear through the kingdom - one of the world's two largest oil producers and exporters - as well as across the Middle East, global financial markets and the international community. On Monday, November 6, arrests continued, and there is no word yet on when they will end.

Critics and supporters alike believe the man behind the purge is Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose influence has grown rapidly since his father appointed him defense minister in 2015, when he was 29. He vowed to modernize the ultra-conservative society. And to do this, he seized control of critical projects and programs in the fields of economics, politics, the judiciary and security. In June, he removed former crown prince Prince Nayef, America's staunchest ally within the royal family, from his path and became crown prince. Nayef remains under house arrest, as reported by Human Rights Watch. In September, Crown Prince Mohammed organized arrests famous representatives intelligentsia and spiritual leaders.

On Saturday, November 4, King Salman created a new Anti-Corruption Commission and appointed Crown Prince MBS - as Muhammad is usually called - as its head. Immediately after this, arrests began.

“There's an interesting form of dictatorship emerging in Saudi Arabia at the moment,” Jamal Khashoggi, a prominent Saudi columnist and former editor and adviser to currently exiled Saudi diplomats, told me. — MBS becomes supreme leader" The only country where such a title currently exists is Iran, the sworn enemy of Saudi Arabia.

According to experts, these arrests represent an attempt to consolidate power in the hands of the crown prince ahead of the possible departure of the elderly and ill king. This father-son duo has already created a whole new royal family that has managed to beat out hundreds of other princes. " Ruling House The Saudis and the world now know that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is prepared to use any means necessary to take the throne following the death or abdication of his 81-year-old father, King Salman, David Ottaway, a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center, wrote in an email. in Washington. “Nothing like this has ever happened before in the history of Saudi Arabia, and it appears that the kingdom is now entering uncharted territory with uncertain prospects.”

The Crown Prince also has the power to seize assets and impose visa bans. The Times reported that all members of the large Saudi royal family were banned from leaving the country. Ibn Saud, the founding king of modern Saudi Arabia, had more than 40 sons and even more daughters. Today, the number of his descendants, according to various estimates, ranges from 6 to 15 thousand people.

After Ibn Saud's death in 1953, the first generation of sons passed on the kingship from elder to younger, with the consent of the other brothers. They ruled by consensus. But now everything is different. Now the young prince from among his grandchildren is ahead of all other contenders.

“It’s amazing that all this was done methodically. He gradually took steps to silence, step aside or remove all dissenters,” said Robert Malley, vice president of the International Crisis Group and former member Council national security under the Obama administration. - Nobody could stop him. He got the better of his opponents."

The Trump administration is backing the sea change, which has seen the kingdom - and the royal family - radically transformed over the past two years. En route to Asia, just hours before the purge began on Saturday, November 4, President Trump spoke with the king by phone while aboard the presidential jet and praised him and the crown prince for their statements about "the need to create a moderate, peaceful and tolerant region." , which is “necessary to guarantee a prosperous future for the people of Saudi Arabia, to curb the financing terrorist activities and to defeat radical ideology—once and for all—so that the world will finally be freed from its evil,” as stated in an official White House statement.

Trump also said he was personally trying to persuade the kingdom to list shares of state oil company Aramco, one of the world's largest, on the New York Stock Exchange, or NASDAQ. “This may be the largest stock offering ever,” Trump told reporters aboard the plane with him. “Now they are not considering this possibility due to litigation and other risks, which is very sad.”

Trump did not mention the risks of going public in the US, but one such risk is that any Saudi assets in the US could be seized under the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which was passed by Congress in 2016. The law allows families of victims of the 9/11 attacks to file a civil lawsuit in a Lower Manhattan court against Saudi Arabia for its alleged involvement in the attacks. If the court rules against the kingdom, the law would allow the judge to freeze the kingdom's assets in the United States to pay fines ordered by the court.

“This means that Saudi Arabia would be in a very vulnerable position by listing on the New York Stock Exchange,” said Bruce Riedel, a former CIA, Pentagon and former National Security Council member. “And they know it.”

Ironically, Trump supported the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act and condemned President Obama for vetoing it. "Obama's veto of the law
"'Justice against the sponsors of terrorism' is a disgraceful move that will be one of the low points of his presidency," Trump said on the campaign trail. Congress overrode Obama's veto - this happened shortly before his resignation and was the only time Congress overrode it. decision Now Trump is criticizing this law.

As part of its lobbying campaign against the bill, Saudi Arabia spent more than a quarter of a million dollars on Trump's new hotel in Washington, the Wall Street Journal reported in June. As part of this campaign, several military veterans testified before Congress to criticize the bill.

The Trump administration actively courted the House of Saud. Trump's first trip abroad as president was to Saudi Arabia. In late October, without any prior announcement, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner visited the kingdom for the third time this year. According to the official version, during his trip the peace process in the Middle East was discussed, but Kushner managed to establish friendly relations with the Saudi crown prince (both in their early 30s.) The royal family's close ties with the Trump administration apparently gave the king and his son peace of mind regarding the harsh measures they are taking against their own people.

The string of purges reflects both the crown prince's weaknesses and his growing influence - in part because his plans to overhaul the ultra-conservative kingdom and increase Saudi Arabia's presence in the region are now in jeopardy. His ambitious plans to rebuild the kingdom are reflected in Vision 2030, a major program to diversify Saudi Arabia's economy away from oil dependence. However, not all members of the royal family support the crown prince - relatively young man in a system known for its elderly leaders.

“This is an attempt to impose a line of succession on a royal family that harbors serious doubts about the wisdom of installing a young general, as he is called, as leader,” said Riedel, author of the new book Kings and Presidents: Saudi Arabia and America since Roosevelt. Arabia and America since FDR) - And these doubts are well founded.”

“Saudi Vision 2030 is increasingly an economic failure. characteristic features Pozny schemes. The new city of Neom in the Gulf of Aqaba, which is expected to attract $500 billion in investment and will not be subject to the usual norms of Saudi society - that is, women there will be able to do whatever they want - will have more robots than people. All this is not serious. This is more like a ploy to distract people from the real problems,” Riedel added.

The crown prince's strategy in the region has so far brought mostly negative results. “His main foreign policy project was the war in Yemen, which turned into a serious problem for Riyadh,” said Riedel, who is now at the Brookings Institution. “His blockade of Qatar turned out to be a failure. He wants Qatar to become like Bahrain, that is, a kind of appendage. But Qatar did not give up."

Apparently, Saudi Arabia is involved in the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, which became part of a struggle for influence in the region. Hariri made a statement on a Saudi television channel while in Riyadh. He mentioned the threat to his life and the interference of Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanese politics. His father, who also served as prime minister, made his fortune building projects in Saudi Arabia. In 2005 he was killed.

“Saudi Arabia called him in and forced him to resign,” said Molly of the International Crisis Group. “It was the Saudis who made the decision on how to deal with Iran and Hezbollah.” Everything is very transparent. What MBS has done within the kingdom and in the region is an attempt to clear the way, to make himself and the king more aggressive players in the region and to eliminate all its competitors in the domestic arena."

The official explanation for the purges within the large royal family was the fight against corruption, but critics dispute this version.

“Corruption has been eating away at Saudi Arabia for 40 to 50 years,” Khashoggi said. The new branch of the House of Saud is building exactly the same business that it calls corrupt when it is headed by other members of the royal family. “They say, ‘What you are doing is corruption, but what I am doing is not corruption,’” he added.

Among those arrested was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, an investor and billionaire who, while doing business, communicated with Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch and Bill Gates. Al-Waleed owned prime real estate around the world, as well as luxury hotels including the Savoy in London and the George V in Paris. In 2005, he gave $20 million to Georgetown University to fund the Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding, which was named in his honor. He even promised to eventually donate most of his fortune to charity.

Prince al-Waleed did not hold any government positions and was never considered a politician. However, in 2012, he wrote in the Wall Street Journal: “If there is one lesson we should learn from the events of the Arab Spring, it is the realization that the winds of change now sweeping through the Middle East will sooner or later reach all Arab states. Now is the right time - especially for Arab monarchical regimes that still enjoy popular support and legitimacy - to begin taking measures that will allow their citizens to take a more active part in political life».

He was sympathetic to the young Tunisian fruit seller who set himself on fire to protest police corruption that deprived him of his income, thus ushering in the Arab Spring.

“As tragic as it was, Bouazizi’s self-immolation summed up the collective sense of hopelessness and despair that many Arabs feel,” he wrote. “Simply put, they couldn’t take it anymore.” Their calls to the leaders were short and clear: “enough” and “go away.”

However, Prince al-Waleed had a conflict with Donald Trump. He was one of the investors who bought the Plaza in New York from the then real estate mogul. He also bought a yacht from the future president. However, al-Waleed criticized Trump's policies. In December 2015, he tweeted: “Donald Trump, you are a disgrace not only to the Republican Party, but to all of America. Leave the race because you will never win."

Eight hours later, Trump responded: “Stupid Prince al-Waleed bin Talal wants to control our American politicians with daddy’s money. He won’t be able to do that when I’m elected.” But the prince received almost twice as many retweets. It should be noted that Trump also received significant financial support from his father.

The most influential person, arrested over the weekend, was Miteb bin Abdullah, head of National Guard and son of the late King Abdullah, who died in 2015. Prince Miteb, who is more than 40 years older than the current crown prince, has been considered a potential king in the past. He led the most powerful branch of the military in the country, whose duties included protecting the royal family.

“The arrest of Prince Miteb is a signal that the kingdom faces a dictatorship by an overconfident 32-year-old prince of as-yet unclear abilities, as well as serious tensions and discontent within the royal family that could threaten the stability of the House of Saud for years to come,” Ottaway wrote in an email. from the Woodrow Wilson Center.

Many experts are convinced that new arrests will occur in the near future. “This is a reckless game of thrones,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “If I were in the place of representatives of the Saudi elite, I would not sit and wait. Many of them have long known that they are on the brink of disaster. The arrests are another signal.”

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IN Lately Saudi Arabia is the focus of attention of numerous experts on the Middle East, many of whom, noting the increased role of the kingdom in regional affairs after a series of “color” revolutions in the Arab world and Riyadh’s latest steps in the interests of the United States regarding oil dumping on the world market, nevertheless less indicate that at the same time this richest country the Arab world is on the eve of radical change and even possible extinction as public education. Moreover, almost all analysts agree that the ruling Al Saud dynasty, which has long been a brake on the path of modernization and reform of the country, is increasingly degrading, plunging into all mortal sins and vices and not soberly perceiving the complex events happening in and around the KSA political processes. And what is dangerous for the whole world is that it continues to encourage Islamic radicalism, extremism and terrorism.

The world's leading sponsor of terrorism

One of the main reasons that threats to the kingdom's national security are rapidly increasing, calling into question the very survival of Saudi Arabia as a single state in its current form, is the royal family's persistent commitment to supporting terrorist and extremist organizations and groups, with the help of which Riyadh often implements its foreign policy ambitions in the Arab and Islamic world, overthrowing undesirable rulers, instilling Salafi-type Islamism and unleashing wars and conflicts in neighboring countries in order to weaken them. Essentially, Saudi Arabia itself has already become an extremist and terrorist state, and not only within the country, where the rule of society is carried out through the harsh suppression of dissent of any kind, from ideological-political to religious, based on discrimination against the Shiite minority, gross violation of human rights and freedoms , violence and police terror.

The Al Sauds are imposing their vision of modernity on the entire Arab world, doing this by force, which has been open since 2011. Before this, everything was done secretly, through the financing of terrorist and extremist movements, the training of ideological and religious “cadres” of Salafists in special schools, the training of field military commanders and militants both on their own territory and in the countries bordering the zones

conflicts. Moving from 2011 to open intervention in the internal affairs of Arab and Islamic countries, KSA simply dropped the mask of a decent state claiming to be the protector of the interests of all Muslims in the world. And the victims of this have already become Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, plunged at the behest and with the direct participation of the Al Sauds into the abyss of wars and civil conflicts. The main allies of the KSA are also well known: al-Qaeda with its regional branches, the Muslim Brotherhood, numerous jihadist groups, Jabhat al-Nusra and, until recently, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, until this structure left in June this year from the control of their Saudi creators and masters.

On the conscience of the Saudi rulers are tens of thousands of civilians killed by Salafis, including women and children, using the most vile and vile methods - from cutting off heads to public eating internal organs in people who are still alive. This alone is enough to bring the elderly King Abdullah and his security forces, led by Prince Bandar, to the international court in The Hague. former leader intelligence services of the KSA, for crimes against humanity both within the kingdom and in the above-mentioned Arab and Islamic countries, as well as for genocide against Shiites inside Saudi Arabia, and Sunnis too. But for starters, it would be good to put them all in a cage and take them to places of “military glory”, where atrocities were committed with their money and on their instructions.

Moreover, there is no need to look for special evidence. Suffice it to remember that all this is organized at the state level through Idarat hayat al-bukhus wal daawa wal-irshad ( organization located in Riyadh) , commonly known as Hayat ad-Daawa , and " Front" in Mecca – Islamic World League (Rabitat al-alaam al-islami ) , that are the high military command" of the Wahhabis-Salafis. This is the main financial and organizational mechanism for the activities of Wahhabis-Salafis around the world. They are generously funded by the Saudi government. And it is the Saudi government that appoints the Salafist leader. In addition, the Al Sauds maintain a family Aal ash-Sheikh (translated as the family of the sheikh), which consists of the descendants of Muhammad Abdel Wahhab and ranks second in prestige in the KSA after them. In fact, the heads of the ministries of justice, religious affairs, the national mufti and the head of the parent Salafi organization Ad-Daawa (as well as persons occupying a number of other positions, such as the head of royal protocol) come from the Aal al-Sheikh clan. This is the Wahhabi political leadership of the Salafis. While verbally condemning the overly radical Salafis-takfiris, the royal family is in fact funding the Salafi movement. It owes the legitimacy of historical origin to the Wahhabis, since the Al Saud clan was chosen by them to rule Arabia, and also uses them to oppose the Shiite ideas of Khomeinism, which the Al Sauds fear most and fear like fire.

Complete moral decay Al Saud family

But terrorism is only part of the royal dynasty's problem. No less serious danger for its continued existence represents the extreme moral corruption of most members of the Al Saud clan and the so-called princes, whose number exceeds 300 people. Moreover, the highest-ranking members of the royal family are the most degraded.

In the first place among the vices is sexual debauchery. The king, the crown prince and their close senior relatives, including those in the system government controlled- these are polygamists, often married to practically still girls or young girls, with an age difference of up to 40-50 years. Hence the numerous offspring that make up this huge community of “princes” of royal blood. If earlier the institution of polygamy in Islam served Muslims to quickly increase the number of Bedouin Arabs who formed the backbone of the army of Muhammad and subsequent Arab conquerors, as well as to consolidate positions in the conquered territories by marrying representatives of their local elites, then in modern world, when the vast majority of Muslims have one, maximum two wives, the Saudi rulers use it to satisfy their sexual lusts. Moreover, in KSA it is considered quite normal to frequently get rid of old wives through divorce and marry new, young women. It is quite normal for the Al Saud dynasty if a “sheikh”, at the age of 65-70, marries an 18-year-old girl. And if there are few wives, then there is the institution of concubines, which remains only in the conservative monarchies of Arabia, mainly in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Moreover, there can be many concubines - sometimes their number reaches hundreds. Girls are bought in all corners of the globe - from blond Europeans to black Africans. Moreover, according to those who at one time were part of the inner circle of members of the Al Saud clan, but then fell into disgrace and fled the kingdom, the Saudis very actively practice collective sex, making love with several wives and concubines at the same time. A “sheikh” or “prince” can no longer be satisfied with a relationship with one woman. At the same time, natural sexual relations with women are also not sufficient: hence the use of oral and anal sex. All this is described in detail in the book by Gene P. Sasson "Princess. The true story of life under the veil in Saudi Arabia" (http://www.litres.ru/pages/biblio_book/?art=154457).

And for some, the status of a woman is also important for sex. Thus, according to stories from the inside, one of the high-ranking Al Sauds desired the dark-skinned Condoleezza Rice when she was US Secretary of State. They say that the “sheikh” was ready to pay $5 million for sex with her. It is interesting that after one of his visits to Riyadh, the head of the US Foreign Department acquired an expensive diamond set. And she herself was an ardent supporter of the development of Washington’s strategic partnership with Riyadh. Although in theory, an American female politician, and a dark-skinned one at that, should have sought to end discrimination against women in Saudi society, and not indulge absolute monarchy run by sexual deviants.

And to the sexual orgies of representatives of the Al Saud family, other “entertainment” of an absolutely immoral nature should be added. And first of all, this is homosexuality (sodomy). Not being homosexuals by nature, many Saudis satisfy their sexual lusts with men, since they are no longer entirely interested in women. Moreover, they do this in the most perverted form, having read the relevant literature published in the West. It is clear that when they were Bedouin goatherds and camel herders, the Al Sauds practiced this in the absence of women. But now, when with their petrodollars they can buy almost all available and inaccessible beauties in any corner of the planet, this can no longer be justified by the harsh everyday life of a shepherd in the Rub al-Khali desert. For “active” homosexual Saudis, European men are preferable, according to “experts” from inside the kingdom; for passive ones, blacks, Arabs or Pakistanis are preferable.

Another sin to which many “worthy” members of the KSA royal family are subject is pedophilia, which flourishes among “princes” and “sheikhs” not as a natural defect from birth, but simply as a moral perversion from satiety due to an excess of petrodollars. Moreover, both young girls and boys are used. Particularly popular are blue-eyed children - blondes from Europe, who are bought for big money in poor large families. But, if you need it and really want it, and the parents do not agree to such deals, then it just comes down to the banal kidnapping and delivery of children by special planes of the Al Saud clan under the guise of diplomatic passports. Apparently, Washington knows about this, but prefers to pretend that it is not in the know. After all, having to deal with a regime where polygamists rule the roost, sexual maniacs, homosexuals and pedophiles are a shame and a threat to come under harsh criticism from their own human rights structures. So the White House turns a blind eye to the “pranks” of representatives of the “blue blood” Al Sauds. After all, the main thing for the American elite is that the KSA royal family has trillions of petrodollars, and not high morality.

Well, even though it’s disgusting to write about it, bestiality is also common among members of the Al Saud dynasty. Apparently, copulation with animals - from dogs to sheep and camels - is already the only way for some “sheikhs” and “princes” to satisfy their sexual fantasies when sex with people is already boring. We need animals. Moreover, the ancestors of the Al Sads, herding goats in the desert, also did this. But they did this in the absence of other ways to have sex, and even 1500 years ago, when the Bedouins of Arabia had moral standards at the level of the Stone Age. This may partly explain the fact that Saudi sponsors do not hesitate to finance armed extremist organizations, whose militants brutally massacre prisoners, hostages and civilians. Animals prefer animals.

Against this background, drug use and total alcoholism among the Al Sauds seem like child's play. By banning the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages within the KSA, the royal family is the main controller of alcohol smuggling worth $3-4 billion a year. After oil, this is the second largest source of income for the “princes.” The main import channels for alcoholic beverages are Jordan and Dubai, from where whiskey arrives directly in multi-ton trucks. Then a bottle of Black Label, which costs $30 in a duty free shop, is sold to their own subjects for $200. They don’t disdain anything. Including drug trafficking.

Saudi Arabia is doomed

With such management of the country and in light of the development of internal processes in the kingdom and around it, it is quite obvious that Saudi Arabia is simply doomed to collapse and disintegration. The Al Sauds today are one of the few royal families with absolute power in the country. All positions in the government and in the regions are occupied by representatives of the Al Sauds, who are appointed by the king. Today the head of the dynasty is King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and total Saudis reach 25 thousand people. The current 90-year-old ruler,

son of the first king of KSA, Abdullah, was born in August 1924. He was one of the 37 sons of the first king. He received a traditional Islamic education at court under his father, but spent much time in the desert with his mother, where he became accustomed to the Bedouin way of life. Abdullah became the new king of Saudi Arabia in 2005, inheriting the title of "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques." King Abdullah was the richest government leader, with a personal fortune of $21 billion, according to Forbes magazine's 2006 ranking. He has a whole “bouquet” of illnesses and, in fact, he can no longer govern the country, often disappearing from view for months for treatment. The second person in the kingdom is Crown Prince Salman bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, who was born on December 31, 1935, making him almost 80 years old. He is also the son of the first king of Saudi Arabia. Prince Salman was appointed heir to the throne and first deputy prime minister in June 2012 after the death of his brother Crown Prince Nayef, becoming the third heir to the throne during the reign of King Abdullah, who died of old age and illness one after another. In recent years, he suffered a stroke, as a result of which his left arm does not work, and in August 2010 he had surgery on his spine. There were also rumors that he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

A factor indirectly undermining the unity of the ruling family is the second generation of Al Saud - the so-called young princes , who are mostly over 60 years old. Representatives of this group head middle management in a number of key departments, occupy the most significant positions in governorates, the armed forces, the National Guard, and intelligence services, and conduct successful business activities. Having received higher secular education in the West, the “young princes” are often dissatisfied with the dual course of the country’s leadership, aimed at preserving the Islamic traditions of the 17th century as the basis of the existence of the Saudi state and at the same time implementing modernization, as well as with the insignificant degree of their participation in state affairs. The informal leader of the “young princes” is Walid bin Talal, a leading representative of the business world of the Middle East, one of the “top ten” owners of the largest personal fortunes. And he is clearly eager for power, but is unlikely to get it. And the most powerful person among the “grandsons,” Prince Bandar bin Sultan, was recently removed from the post of head of the intelligence services for failures in Syria and Iraq. Under these conditions, it is difficult to predict what will happen to KSA after the death of King Abdullah. Unless, of course, KSA collapses earlier under the pressure of internal and external factors.

By inciting “color” revolutions in the Arab world at its doorstep, encouraging extremism and terrorism in the region, entering into an acute confrontation with Shiite Iran and Iraq, and lowering oil prices to please the United States and to its detriment, Saudi Arabia received a hostile environment along its entire perimeter its borders - Syria, Iraq, Yemen. ISIS, created with KSA money, has recently announced the spread of its jihad to the territory of the kingdom. There was a new outbreak of violence against the Shiites of the Eastern Province. The first significant terrorist attacks have already happened. The situation inside the country has become heated. Under these conditions, it is obvious that the ruling Al Saud dynasty, consisting of elderly and sick perverts, homosexuals, pedophiles and bestialities, cannot in any way resist external and internal threats. The collapse of the kingdom will be the natural end of the rule of the Bedouin Al Saud family, which created an artificial state based on Great Britain 85 years ago. And hardly anyone will be surprised by this.

The Saudis are the ruling dynasty of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. But not everyone knows that the history of the rise of this clan began many centuries before the emergence of present-day Saudi Arabia; this family played a huge role in the fate of the entire Arabian Peninsula.

The Saudis became kings only in 1932, when the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed; before that, since 1720, it had been a dynasty of emirs.

In the 18th century the population of the peninsula consisted of many tribes and principalities, waging continuous hostility among themselves. Most of Arabia was under the control of foreign conquerors, but inner part– Nejd, protected on all sides by deserts, maintained its independence.

It was in Najd that the theologian Muhammad ibn Abdal-Wahhab created the doctrine that was later called Wahhabism. The teaching was accepted by the emir of one of the principalities, Muhammad ibn Saud, and made it the basis of the struggle for the collection of Arab lands. The Saudi clan is still faithful to this teaching.

After centuries of continuous wars, betrayals, intrigues and coups, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia known to us gradually emerged. We can say that the history of the Saudi clan is the history of the kingdom.

Before the oil boom of the twentieth century, Saudi Arabia was a poor and underdeveloped third world country, but the discovery of gigantic reserves of black gold in 1938 immediately changed the situation. Before today is the basis for the prosperity of the kingdom and the Saudi dynasty, which currently numbers 25 thousand people, of which more than two hundred are crown princes (all this is).

The Saudis have long sought influence in Europe and the United States. It's not so much a matter of ambition as it is a matter of business and access to markets.

The Saudi clan is the largest family corporation, which owns an entire state with enormous wealth in its depths. No one knows exactly what the Saudis are worth, but we are talking about fabulous sums. For example, King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia, in honor of his accession to the throne, distributed 30 billion dollars to the people of the country and allocated another 20 billion for infrastructure.

But to say that members of the Saudi family only know how to extract rent from oil revenues would be wrong. Big money is invested in Building bussiness, chemical industry. Saudi Arabia is investing in large international projects, in the purchase of real estate and land abroad. But at the same time, the state is an absolute theocratic monarchy, where public capital punishment is still used and all spheres of life are strictly subordinated to religious norms.

Oil industry of Saudi Arabia

The oil industry is the foundation of the Saudi Arabian economy (40% of GDP, 75% of revenues and 90% of exports). The country has 1/5 of the planet's oil reserves. More than 8 million barrels are extracted every day. 70% of oil production is light grades, they are extracted from continental fields (Al-Ghawar). The development of light oil reserves is the main task of the industry. Although the Kingdom also produces heavy oil (offshore of the Persian Gulf).

The main consumers of Arabian oil are Japan, the Republic of Korea, China, India, the USA, and Western Europe to a lesser extent.

Main pipelines:

  • Vostochny (Petroline) - capacity of about 4.8 million b/d, transports light oil to European Export through the Red Sea and to the Western Province for oil refining.
  • Abqaiq - Yanbu - passes 270 thousand bpd.

The main oil terminals are located in the Persian Gulf (Ras al-Juaimah -150 million tons, Ras Tanura -300 million tons) and the Red Sea (Yanbu - 250 million tons).

Saudi Arabia has more than 80 active oil fields, but the main oil reserves are concentrated in 8 fields, such as: Al-Ghawar (20 billion tons), Safaniya Khafji (10.30 billion tons), Manifa (3.7 billion tons), Khurais (2.7 billion tons), Shaiba (2.4 billion tons), Zuluf (2.0 billion tons), etc. The oil and gas basin of these fields is the Persian Gulf.

Despite the fact that oil production in the Kingdom is increasing, there are some difficulties in the development of this industry:

  • the need for investment in the geological exploration sector;
  • the need to attract foreign companies possessing new technologies for the development of deposits;
  • shortage of drilling equipment capacity and increased rent for it.

Major oil companies: Saudi Aramco (state-owned and the largest in the world, 97% of oil production), SAMREF-Yanbu, SASREF-Jubail, Petro Rabigh.

Due to the decline in oil prices in the Kingdom, taxes, prices for electricity and water are increasing. This is a significant blow to the economy, so the country plans to sell its state treasure - Saudi Aramco.

How the crisis affected Saudi Arabia

The situation with the budget deficit has led to the need to reduce the amount of public funds allocated for the education of Saudi citizens, the healthcare sector, and infrastructure projects.

The budget of this state directly depends on oil revenues. The holes in the budget that appeared after the fall in oil prices were closed thanks to Arabia's reserve funds, but this was not the last tool against the resulting deficit.

Sale of government bonds and foreign valuable papers was also present as an option for assistance and restoration, against increasing gaps in the state budget.

A necessary component for returning to the previous budget framework should be a reduction in spending on providing social benefits to the citizens of Saudi Arabia.

The necessary reforms include the elimination of subsidies for fuel, water and electricity bills. The state tries to deprive its citizens of anything as little as possible, but the criticality of the situation leaves no choice to sacrifice anything for the further prosperity of the state.

The Saudis are looking for new sources of income - they are investing in the field of space tourism - in projects, they are looking for a city of the future, stuffed with new technologies.

New challenges have also emerged in the international arena: the United States is becoming an increasingly inconvenient partner, while Russia, on the contrary, is providing ideas for cooperation, in particular in the field of servicing the oil industry.

November 2017 Several Saudi princes have been arrested on corruption charges. WSJ writes that Saudi authorities may confiscate property from the arrested princes and businessmen associated with them (about 60 people in total) worth $800 billion.

According to analysts, Mohammed bin Salman needs to rapidly modernize the country and move away from oil dependence. The funds received from the Saudi Aramco IPO are not enough. There is another source - a large family. However, probably not everyone wants to voluntarily share money. An attack on the country's elite is associated with this. Sacrifice “our own” for the prosperity of the entire country. Good lesson for all countries where there are overgrown elites.

30 August 2012, 22:09

The Saudis, Al Saud (Arabic: آل سعود‎‎) (less commonly - the Saudis) are the ruling royal dynasty in Saudi Arabia since the formation of the country, which occurred on September 23, 1932. Ibn Saud The state was united in 1932 by Abdel-Aziz ibn Saud, who was a noble polygamist and left behind 42 legitimate sons and 125 daughters. Some researchers claim that he had 1,400 wives and concubines]. There are hardly at least a couple of Saudi princes who have only 1 wife and 5-6 children. Basically, they have 10-15 wives and 10-35 children. And the total number of the al-Saud family has about 50,000 thousand members. The ruling house of Saudi Arabia has always been tightly connected with the founder of Wahhabism - with the religious “reformer” Mohammed Abdul Wahhab (reformers can really only call him in quotation marks, for those interested, you can google it) - he signed an agreement with Mohammed bin Saud in 1744. The Saudi clan combined with the religious followers of Abdul Wahhab had an explosive effect. The House of Saud received its wealth and power, and the brutal Wahhabi leaders received state support, which will allow them to spread their ideology throughout the world in the coming decades. Wahhabism (followers of Wahhabis call themselves Salafis) is a sectarian movement of Islam that denies innovations in Islam, music is evil for them, they advocate strict differentiation, segregation of men and women and deny any secular power.
Saudi Arabia before the oil boom, 20th century. The country's history changed dramatically when, in 1933, King Ibn Saud granted oil exploration and production concessions to American oil companies. It turned out that in the depths of Arabia there are huge reserves of “black gold”. In 1938, colossal oil fields were discovered in Saudi Arabia. The king transferred the main rights to develop deposits to Aramco. Most of the oil produced went to the United States, and almost all the income from it went directly to the royal family. However, profits were constantly growing, and the money went into the state treasury. Saudi Arabia has quickly become the richest state in the Middle East. The sale of oil enabled Abdel Aziz to amass a huge fortune, which in 1952 was estimated at $200 million. Inheritance among the Saudis does not occur, as in most dynasties, from father to children, but in most cases from brother to brother, and only then to the eldest of the next generation. The female line is not taken into account. Despite their strict religion, the royal family of Saudi Arabia provides a lot of food for the tabloids and is known for its high-profile scandals: 1. In 1977, the first cousin of the then king of Saudi Arabia, 19-year-old Princess Mishaal bint Fahd al-Saud, was executed for adultery, she fell in love with While studying in Beirut, a guy, he was also from Saudi Arabia, wanted to escape, but they were caught and the guy was executed too. A film was even dedicated to the sad fate of Mishaal.
Bin Nasser Saud 2.Saudi Prince Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser Saud killed his servant Bandar Abdulaziz in 2010 in London. The body of Bandar, beaten and strangled, was found on February 15 this year at the Landmark Hotel in London's expensive Marylebone area. The murder had a homosexual overtones, as prosecutor Jonathan Laidlaw said, the sexual overtones of the attack on the servant are absolutely obvious, despite the prince's attempts to hide it with all his might. 3.Saudi Princess Basma bint Saud, niece of King Abdullah II and a well-known public figure, has long defended women's rights. The princess gave an interview in which she accused the al-Saud royal family of corruption. "Princes and princesses bask in luxury while 95% of the country's population starves," the princess said. 4.Saudi Princess Maha al-Sudairi, wife of Interior Minister Prince Nayef, bought $20,000 worth of glass and silverware (in sets of 100 pieces) this week. The store in New York, on West 34th Street, was “lucky”. Why in quotes? Why, last year this same princess was involved in a Paris scandal. The store owner then complained to The Times of London: “It seems to us that we are alone fighting the second richest man in Saudi Arabia. Strange thing, in their own country they cut off the hand of a thief who stole a piece of food :), and then it comes to Europe and believes that he can leave without paying."
Saudi princess and her lover 5 .Playboy and model Patrick Ribbsaerta attacked his lover, Saudi Princess Sarah al-Amundi (this is a pseudonym, the real name of the princess is not made public). The 30-year-old playboy and fortune hunter met the princess on vacation in Thailand. Their whirlwind romance continued in London, where the princess rented an apartment. The princess's driver, Sarkis Tokatlyan, often took the couple to prestigious restaurants and nightclubs, and also became an involuntary witness to their quarrels. In a rage, Ribbsaert broke a bottle of cognac and rushed to the princess with a fragment in his hand. Her driver prevented her from injuring the princess. Sarkis Tokatlyan rushed towards the playboy and shielded the princess. As a result, the driver was seriously injured and had to spend about 4 months in the hospital. At the trial, Ribbsaert vigorously denies his guilt and claims that he was defending himself from the “brutal driver.” According to Swedish police, the playboy has already been reported to the police for beating and attempting to strangle his ex-girlfriend. And finally, this is what the average Saudi woman “in society” looks like, and this is what Saudi princesses look like: Princess Amirra, wife of the billionaire Prince Al-Waleed.

Saudi Dynasty. Where do they come from and what is their actual origin?

Part one

Excerpt from Saudhouse.com, researched and contributed by Muhammad Saher, who was killed by order of the Saudi regime for the following research:

1. Do the Saudi family members belong to the Anza bin Wayel tribe as they claim?

2. Is Islam their actual religion?

3. Are they real? Arab origin? ©

The following facts call into question all the claims of the Saudi family and refute all the false statements made by the hypocrites who sold themselves to this family and distorted the true history of the Saudi family. I mean journalists and historians who, due to large funding, have a forged and altered genealogy of this family, and that our greatest Prophet Muhammad (SAW) allegedly stated that the Saudis are evidence of the power of Allah on Earth. And it is absolutely clear that this flattery is intended to justify the crime and autocracy of the Saudis and that it guarantees the stability of their rule and is the basis of their despotic regime, which is an extreme dictatorship and completely compromises ours. great religion Islam.

The very concept of monarchy is unacceptable in our religion of Islam, in the Holy Quran, because it places power in one person and in members of his family, suppressing the people and drowning out the voices of any “opposition” opposing royal despotism and dictatorial rules. And kings are condemned in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “Kings, entering a (foreign) country, destroy and ruin it, and deprive the noblest of its inhabitants of respect and honor - this is what (all) kings do” (Sura an-Naml, 27 Meccan , verse 34. Koran. Translation of Meanings and Commentaries. Imam Valery Porokhov).

Despite this, the Saudi family ignores the Quranic verses and falsely claims that they are the strictest adherents of the Holy Quran: under their strict supervision, radio and television programs are aired using the Quranic verses to protect their system. At the same time, the publication of other verses in the press is strictly prohibited, because printing and reading them can affect their throne!

Who are the Saudis? Where are they from? What is their ultimate goal?

Members of the Ibn Saud family are well aware that Muslims around the world know their Jewish origins. Muslims are aware of all their bloody deeds in the past and the ruthless, oppressive cruelty of the present. Currently, they are trying in every possible way to hide their Jewish origin and, hiding behind the religion of Islam, they are beginning to invent their genealogy, trying to lead it to our most precious Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

They have completely forgotten or are completely ignoring the fact that Islam has never attached importance to genealogy or the “Family Tree”; here respect and honor are given to all people without exception, if their actions correspond to the principles proclaimed in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “O people! We created you from (a couple): husband and wife, and created from you (family) clans and (different) nations, so that you could know each other. After all, the most honorable before Allah is the one who becomes the most righteous of all of you. Verily, Allah is all-knowing and knows everything about everything!” (Sura al-Hujurat, 49, Medina, verse 13).

Anyone who is unjust and greedy cannot be close to our Prophet Muhammad (SAW), even if he is a close relative to him. Bilyal, an Abyssinian slave who was a true Muslim, is much more respected in Islam than the pagan Abu Lahab, who was a blood relative (uncle) of our Prophet (DBAR). There is no preference for people in Islam. Allah gives degrees of comparison in Islam according to a person's piety and not his origin or belonging to any dynasty.

Who is the actual founder of the Saudi dynasty?

In 851 AH, a group of people from the al-Masalih clan, which is a clan of the Anza tribe, equipped a caravan to purchase grains (wheat) and other food products from Iraq and transport them to Najd. The leader of the caravan was a man named Sahmi bin Haslul. The caravan arrived in Basra, where the caravan went to a grain merchant, a Jew named Mordachai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During the negotiations, the Jew asked them: “Where are you from?” They replied: “From the tribe of Anza from the clan of al-Masaleh.” Hearing this, the Jew began to warmly hug each of those who came, saying that he, too, was from the clan of al-Masaleh, but he lived in Basra because of a quarrel between his father and some members of the Anza tribe.

After he told the story he had invented, he ordered his servants to load a much larger volume of food goods onto the camels; this act seemed so generous that representatives of the al-Masaleh clan were very surprised and were overcome with pride for their relative, who managed to become a successful merchant in Iraq; they believed his every word and agreed with him, because he was a very rich grain merchant, which they so needed (this is how the Jew began to call himself a representative of the Arab family al-Masaleh).

When the caravan was ready to depart, the Jew asked to be taken with him because he really wanted to visit his homeland of Najd. Hearing his request, the caravan workers happily agreed to take him with them.

Thus, the Jew reached Najd secretly. In Najd, through his supporters, whom he presented as his relatives, he began to diligently promote himself. But, unexpectedly, he faced opposition from supporters of the Muslim preacher of the al-Qasim area, Sheikh Salikh Salman Abdullah al-Tamimi. The Jew (the true ancestor of the ibn Saud family) preached in the territories of Najd, Yemen and Hijaz, going from al-Qasim to al-Isha, on the way to al-Qatif he changed his name from Mordahai to Marwan bin Diriyah and began to invent stories about our shield Prophet Muhammad (SAW), that it was taken as a trophy from an Arab pagan during the Battle of Uhud between Arab pagans and Muslims. He said that “this shield was sold by an Arab pagan to the Jewish tribe of Banu Kunayqa, who kept it as a treasure.” Gradually, by telling similar stories to the Bedouins, he increased the authority of the Jewish tribes as very influential. He decided to settle permanently in the town of Diriyah in the area of ​​al-Qatif, which he considered as the basis, a springboard for the creation of a Jewish state in Arabia.

To achieve such ambitious plans, he began to become very close to the Bedouins and in the end he declared himself their ruler!

At the same time, the Azhaman tribe, in alliance with the Banu Khalid tribe, realizing its essence and the fact that the insidious plan drawn up by this Jew was beginning to produce results, decided to destroy it. They attacked his city and captured it, but were unable to capture the Jew, who had taken refuge from his enemies...

This Jewish ancestor of the Saudi dynasty, Mordachai, hid in a farm that at that time was called al-Malibed-Usaybab near al-Aridah, the current name of the area is ar-Riyadh

He asked for refuge from the owner of this land. The owner was a very hospitable man and allowed the Jew to stay. Less than a month had passed since the Jew killed all the family members of the owner of the farm, hiding the traces of his crimes and making it appear as if the thieves who had entered here had destroyed the family. He then announced that he had bought these lands before his death former owner and stayed to live there. He renamed the area, giving it the name ad-Diriyah, just like the area he lost.

This Jewish ancestor (Mordakhai) of the Ibn Saud dynasty built a guest house called “Madafa” on the lands of his victims and gathered around him a group of his minions, the most hypocritical people who began to persistently say that he was a prominent Arab leader. The Jew himself began to plot against Sheikh Salikh Salman Abdullah al-Tamimi, his true enemy, who was subsequently killed in the mosque of the city of al-Zalafi.

After this he felt safe and made ad-Diriyah his permanent place accommodation. He had a lot of wives who gave him a huge number of children. He gave all his children Arabic names.

Since that time, the number of his descendants has increased, which made it possible to create a large Saudi clan, following his path, controlling the Arab tribes and clans. They ruthlessly took away agricultural land and physically eliminated those who disobeyed. They used all kinds of deception and deceit to achieve their goals, they offered their women, money in order to attract as many people as possible to their side. They were especially zealous with historians and writers in order to forever obscure their Jewish origin and connect it with the original Arab tribes of Rabia, Anza and al-Masaleh.

One of the most famous hypocrites of our time - Muhammad Amin al-Tamimi - Director of the modern Library of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, compiled a family tree for the Jewish Saudi family and connected them with the Greatest Prophet Muhammad (SAW). For this fictitious work, he received a reward of 35 thousand Egyptian pounds from the KSA ambassador in Cairo, Egypt, in 1362 Hijri - 1943. The ambassador's name is Ibrahim al-Fadel.

As mentioned above, the Jewish ancestor of the Saudis (Mordachai) practiced polygamy by marrying a huge number Arab women and the resulting a large number of children; his descendants are now repeating the actions of their ancestor exactly increasing their power - taking in numbers.

One of Mordachai's sons, whose name was al-Marakan, is an Arabized form of the Hebrew name Makren, the eldest son was called Muhammad, and the other was called Saud, whose name is now the Saudi dynasty.

The descendants of Saud (the Saudi dynasty) began to kill prominent Arab figures, under the pretext that they had moved away from Islam, violated the Koranic injunctions, and thereby incurred the wrath of the Saudis.

In the Book of History of the Saudi Dynasty on pages 98-101, their family historian claims that the Saudis considered all the inhabitants of Najd to be apostates, so they were allowed to shed their blood, seize property, and the Saudis could turn their women into concubines, like captives. Muslims who did not share the views of the Saudi ideologist - Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab (also has Jewish roots from Turkey) were subject to complete destruction. Using this as a cover, the Saudis killed men, stabbed children, ripped open the wombs of pregnant women, raped, robbed and massacred entire villages. And they took the teachings of the Wahhabi sect as the basis for their cruel program, which allowed them to destroy dissidents.

This disgusting Jewish dynasty in every possible way patronizes the Wahhabi sect, who allow violence in cities and villages under the guise of Islam. This Jewish dynasty has been committing lawlessness since 1163 AH, since they named the Arabian Peninsula after themselves (Saudi Arabia) and consider the entire region to be their property, and its people are servants and slaves of the dynasty who must work for the benefit of their owners (the dynasty Saudis).

They have completely appropriated natural resources and consider them their property. If someone asks questions that are inconvenient for the dynasty or begins to protest against the despotism of the Jewish dynasty, his head is publicly cut off in the square. The Saudi princess once visited Florida, USA with her courtiers, she rented 90 luxury rooms at the Grand Hotel at a total cost of about US$1 million per night. Might the subjects wonder what this extravagant escapade is? If anyone asks such a question, he will immediately be punished by the Saudi sword in the execution square!!!

Witnesses of the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty

In the 1960s, the Saut al-Arab radio station in Cairo, Egypt and the Yemeni radio station in Sana'a confirmed the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty on air.

King Faisal al-Saud at the time could not deny his family's close relationship with the Jews when he stated in an interview with the Washington Post on September 17, 1969: "We, the Saudi dynasty, are relatives (cousins) of the Jews: we do not share the point of view of the Arabs or Muslims in general on the Jewish issue... we must live in peace and harmony. Our country (Arabia) is the ancestral home of the first Jew and it was from here that they spread throughout the world.” This was the statement of King Faisal al-Saud bin Abdulaziz!!!

Hafez Wahbi, a Saudi legal adviser, mentioned in his book entitled "The Arabian Peninsula" that King Abdul Aziz al-Saud, who died in 1953, said: "Our activities (Saudi propaganda) encountered opposition from all Arab tribes. My grandfather is Saud al-Awwal once imprisoned several sheikhs of the Maziir tribe, and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the prisoners, asking for release, as Saud al-Awwal ordered his people to cut off the heads of all the prisoners, and invited those who came to taste dishes from his boiled meat victims, whose severed heads he placed on dishes! The petitioners were very much afraid and refused to eat the flesh of their relatives, and because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his people to cut off their heads too. This heinous crime was committed by order of the Saudi ruler against to people whose only guilt was the condemnation of his cruel methods and extreme despotism.

Hafez Wahbi further says that King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud told a bloody story that the sheikhs of the Mazeer tribe who visited his grandfather to intercede for their prominent leader of the time, Faisal Al Darwish, who was a prisoner in the king's prison. He told the story of them in order to prevent them from asking for the release of their leader, otherwise they would suffer the same fate. He killed the sheikh and used his blood as a liquid for ablution before performing prayer (not prohibited by the doctrine of the Wahhabi sect). Faisal Darwish's guilt was that he criticized King Abdulaziz al-Saud when the king signed a document prepared by the British authorities in 1922, in which the British authorities declared the granting of the lands of Palestine to the Jews, his signature was affixed at the Al Aqira conference in 1922

This was and remains the basis of this regime of the Jewish family (Saudi dynasty). The main goal of which is: plunder of the country's wealth, robbery, falsification, all types of atrocities, lawlessness and blasphemy. Everything was done in accordance with their religious beliefs - a fictitious Wahhabi sect that legalizes all these atrocities and has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
