The meaning of the name Eva for a girl born. Meaning of the name Eva. Origin of the name Eva

The female name Eva is of Hebrew origin. It was formed from the name Hawa, which in turn arose from the word “havah”, which means “to breathe” or from “hayah”, that is, “to live”. The modern meaning of this name sounds like “moving”, “living”, “giving life”. This name was borne by the ancestor of humanity. It is popular in Russia even now; it is often called babies.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: jade, sard
  • Color: brown, green
  • Plant: peony, mistletoe
  • Animal: scarab beetle
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character traits

The secret of the name Eva hides such character traits of its representative as confidence, perseverance, and thoughtfulness. Such a woman adheres to a personal point of view in her assessments of events and people. The image of the “foremother” of the human race on Earth played a significant role in shaping the personality of this lady. Modern Eve is distinguished by many new features of the female temperament, but passion and sensual power are still inherent in this name.

The girl grows up as a capricious and spoiled child. She demands special attention to himself, does not understand the word “no,” and often asks for gifts from loved ones with tears. At school he demonstratively emphasizes his reluctance to study. Abuses attractive appearance, concentrates attention on personal interests.

The adult owner of the name Eva is predisposed to jealousy, conflicts, and protracted quarrels. She likes to be the center of male attention, flirt, and flirt. She loves to dream, create fictitious images, lazily reflect on the difficulties of life, go with the flow and do nothing. Paradoxically, it is precisely these character traits that help the girl exist comfortably and carefree. She is constantly lucky in life. She has no need for money because she does not understand how it is possible to need something.

Eva will listen carefully to her interlocutor, sympathize or rejoice with him, but will never rush to help. However, she is devoid of greed and greed. In addition, the representative of this name concentrates all her attention on choosing a husband. She belongs to that category of women who choose the “profession of a wife.”

Interests and hobbies

Most of all, Eva loves to take care of herself. All free time spends in hairdressing salons, treatment rooms, beauty salons. She takes issues of women's makeup, hair color, and clothing very seriously. Such a lady strives for everything bright, unusual, sometimes she herself reminds “ christmas tree" Is reading women's magazines, follows fashion, loves watching television series. Vacations are spent in resort areas.

Profession and business

Most often, Eva agrees to work as a primary school teacher, nurse, teacher at kindergarten. The winter owner of the name is more active, reasonable and inquisitive. Can become a successful psychologist, artist, designer, office secretary, hairdresser, librarian.

She does not overdo it at work: she is always loudly indignant when comments are made to her, she often conflicts with colleagues and management, and is vindictive.


Eva is weak the immune system, she gets sick often infectious diseases. But it may also be related to diabetes. She should not overeat or abuse alcohol. In old age, she is predisposed to obesity.

Sex and love

Eve's sensitivity binds the stronger sex to her. Such a woman never needs boyfriends or male attention. She is inventive in flattery and feminine caresses. Loves praise, compliments, gifts. She likes sexually active, insatiable partners. She gets to know men by comparison. Sometimes she remains lonely because her standards for her chosen one are too high.

Family and marriage

In family life, a girl named Eva seeks balance, prosperity and harmony. She is a wonderful housewife, her husband is delighted with his wife’s culinary abilities, cleanliness, neatness, and creative talents. He admires her beauty and grace, loves to attend social parties with her. Such a woman likes sublime feelings and does not tolerate monotony. If family life acquires the features of banality - leaves. She knows how to manipulate men's weaknesses and always achieves what she wants.

Means from other Hebrew. language literally “life giver, life giver.” To be more precise, from חָוָה (havakh) - “to breathe.” Some translate it as foremother and ancestress. It should be noted that Eve’s name days are extremely rare according to the church calendar:

  • 25.04. - for Catholics.
  • 27.08 - for Christians.

  • diminutive - Evochka, Evusik, Evushka.
  • short - Evka.

People named Eva celebrate their angel day in the week of the holy forefathers- Adam and Eve. Second resurrection. The name is found among all peoples of the Christian world. There are also close, related options that have a similar semantic meaning:

  • Gospels,
  • Evita (Brazil),
  • Evelina,
  • Chava (Georgian, Heb.),
  • Yves, Iva (eng).


Since childhood, little Evochka displays qualities inherited from both parents. The kindness towards her comes from her dad, and her obstinacy and obstinacy comes from her mom. Growing up, the girl does not lose these traits, but on the contrary becomes more and more principled and persistent.

As a woman with strong sensuality, she is sometimes very conflicted due to jealousy. She is alive in all her manifestations, for which she is very loved by the stronger sex. There is never a dull moment with her, there is always something going on. Eat important feature: betrayal of a loved one will never be forgiven. She needs a hot man; nothing works out with a cold and reasonable man.

Being married, Evangelinas are hospitable, love guests, and organize get-togethers and parties. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, but that’s not the main thing. Usually there is one child in a family. Despite loyalty and constancy towards a partner, they can be married twice.

In the business sphere, he chooses professions related to communication, large numbers of people, and constantly changing events. It could be pedagogical activity, journalism, work in show business.

The Saints

Martyr Eve

Memorial Day: 25.04.

Eve the Foremother

According to the Bible, she is considered the progenitor of all humanity. She broke the commandment of God, seduced by the Serpent. She tasted the fruit and bowed Adam down, forgetting about the prohibition. For which she received punishment. Loss of heavenly life, death at the end of the road, the opportunity to give birth.

People were happy being under the Lord's wing. Having left Him, they knew grief and troubles. But not everything is hopeless. One of Eve's descendants will one day destroy the asp with his life, death and resurrection. Thus, hope was abandoned by God in the hearts of people.

Eve of Dreux - (Catholic)

Memorial Day: 24.08. (06.09.)

There is very little information about this saint. It is known that with early years she believed in Christ. While still just a girl, she became friends with another Christian, Juliana. She, in turn, became famous for being the initiator of the now popular processions of the Body of God. The friend was a resident of the Cornichon borough.

Over the years, the girl Eva closed herself off from the world. She lived in a small, walled-up cell that belonged to the church of the village. Martina. When the persecution of Christians began, Juliana had to hide because they were looking for her. Eva took her to her wretched corner. There they both continued the work they had begun, popularizing celebrations in the name of the Body of Christ.

It was established in 1246. They were supported by very famous and respected people in those places:

  • Future Pope Urban IV,
  • Saint-Cher Hugo et al.

St. died Eve around 1264. Pope Leo 13 himself approved the cult of the martyr and ruler.

New Martyr Abbess Eva, Primts.

Memorial Day: 27.08., 07.02 (transition)

Akulina Pavlova was born on July 10, 1879. in the village Issa Mrskovskaya province. from the peasants. Over time, she became abbess in the monastery in Penza. The first arrest was in 1929 in the Saratov region. (village Balki). It is not known exactly what the term was, according to some sources - 3 years of exile, according to others - 8 years.

Since 1935, Aquilina was the abbess of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery. He, too, was destroyed, and his mother was exiled to Chimkent. There she, together with other exiled bishops, secretly organized a community of monks. The new nuns were tonsured.

Another time, my mother was arrested in 1937. On charges of counter-revolutionary activities, she was sentenced to death by the Troika under the NKVD. 08/27/1937 Killed in the South Kazakhstan region. During interrogation, Akulina Vasilievna denied everything, did not give anyone away, and did not name a single name.

How unpredictable and difficult the baby’s life will be and whether anything can be changed in it is a problem that many parents ponder, figuring out how they can help. Humanity has been trying to find an answer to this question for thousands of years, and the results stun even skeptics - you can partially influence the future with the help of a name. How life will turn out if the name Eva was chosen at baptism, the meaning of the name, character and fate - only a careful study of the information will help predict and prevent troubles.

The meaning of the name Eva for a girl is brief

The birth of a child brings many changes and new worries into the lives of parents, and one of the most interesting and exciting, causing a lot of controversy and heated debate, is the choice of name. Many parents follow fashion and choose modern names, but most approach this important process more carefully and first study the most useful information in such cases.

The secret that the name Eva hides, the meaning of the name, character and fate - these are the details that most often become the most interesting for the little one’s relatives. It is necessary to study them, because this will allow you not only to resort to proper education, but also to prevent mistakes or troubles in the future.

The meaning of the name Eva for a girl is briefly only one – “alive”. The name's roots go deep into Hebrew mythology - that's where it was first found. This name was common among both the nobility and the poorer sections of the population, because it was believed that it could give a baby good health and will help avoid diseases.

What does the name Eva mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Even people who are not too superstitious know very well that a lot depends on the secret meaning of a name, so you need to take its choice responsibly, and be sure to study the Orthodox calendar. It is here that it is described in detail and in an accessible way what exactly the meaning of each name is. Here you can also find information about how difficult or cloudless the baby’s life will be, which patron saints will watch over his fate. If parents liked the name Eva, the meaning of the name, character and destiny - all this can be found in the church calendar or calendar and find out all the exciting moments.

What does the name Eva mean for a girl according to the church calendar and should you give it preference when naming your baby? Here you can find a lot of information, including secret meaning, embedded in the name thousands of years ago. In the church calendar you can find only one meaning, which is identical to the ancient Hebrew secret meaning - “living”.

Will the baby, whose relatives chose this name, have patron saints? The baby’s name day will fall on just one day a year – April 12th. Do not be upset that only one saint will take care of the child - this is enough for parents to feel the influence of the great martyr, who was distinguished by her kindness and concern for poor people.

The mystery of the name Eve, what beliefs are associated with it

What unusual features and the mystery of the name Eve is distinguished by mysterious events? First of all, everything here is connected with the day on which Saint Eve is venerated. It is believed that on this holiday one should appease the brownie, who is responsible for order in the house. It is on how much one can win over this unpredictable inhabitant of the house that determines whether peace, prosperity and tranquility will reign in it. Residents of the house definitely need to behave quietly, leave the most tasty morsels on the table at night, turn to him and ask for help.

Are there any signs associated with the day of veneration of the saint? Usually at this time the owners begin sowing cereal crops, and it is better to make the first trip to the field on this holiday. When sending seeds into the soil, be sure to ask the saint to give plenty of sun, rain and a good harvest.

Origin of the name and its meaning for children

There is an opinion among superstitious people that when choosing a name for baptism, it is imperative to take into account not only its secret meaning, but also the origin of the name Eva and its meaning for children. Is this true, and can origin in any way influence the life or fate of a baby? You should not worry or refuse the name you have chosen in advance - this will in no way affect the child’s future. Only the secret meaning laid down initially is capable of changing fate and future events.

How will the name chosen by the family at baptism affect the life, upbringing and health of the child? Parents will be able to make sure that they have made the right choice very quickly, because the baby will not cause trouble with her behavior. She will grow and develop quickly, without causing difficulties or troubles in her upbringing.

Adults should prepare for the fact that early age Eva will show considerable desire to study, and will be happy to listen to her family. It is recommended to enroll her in different clubs at the same time as school - the girl will have remarkable talent in art.

Character of a girl named Eva

It often happens that even the most proper upbringing, the basics of which are studied by relatives in specialized literature, may not be enough and the child stubbornly does not want to part with negative traits. The character of a girl named Eva will in no way cause trouble or cause complications, especially if, first of all, the parents direct all their efforts to eradicate the shortcomings.

The following advantages will prevail in a girl:

  1. romance;
  2. harmony;
  3. diplomacy;
  4. Confidence in your strength;
  5. caring for loved ones;
  6. desire to achieve success;
  7. diligence;
  8. wit.

Among the unpleasant traits that need to be eradicated in childhood, one can note Eva’s tendency to scandals and quarrels. She will gladly come into conflict with parents, friends, and teachers. If you don’t follow the girl’s lead, she may become mortally offended and for a long time not communicate with the person she considers an offender.

Another unpleasant trait that usually appears only in adulthood is slight passivity. Under no circumstances will Eva try to change anything in her life, believing that everything should happen on its own. This often leads to minor troubles - she does not try to achieve success in her career, does not strive for financial wealth.

The fate of a girl named Eva

Parents who have made every effort to choose the most promising name for their daughter will certainly be interested in the fate of a girl named Eva. Will her life turn out well, or will she have to worry about her baby?

comes from the Hebrew name Chava, the roots of which lie in the words “to breathe” or “to live.” According to the Book of Genesis Old Testament, that was the name of the first woman who gave Adam the forbidden fruit, after which they were expelled by God from Paradise.

Characteristics of the name Eva

those who do not know Eva may mistake her for a sweet, obedient girl. In fact, she is very willful, although not selfish, but she shows her stubborn capricious character only in front of those who obviously cannot resist her. She is very capable, but does not like to study. She matures early and is well aware of her beauty. Adult Eva does not like to work; she prefers to be at home, on the farm, with her children. And I must say, she is an excellent hostess and mother. She is sociable and friendly. But it is very fickle. She is very stubborn and will not allow anyone to boss her around. Loves fashionable clothes and detectives, loves to go to resorts. She has had success with men all her life, fully living up to her name, she loves to seduce and tease them. Eva is smart, but not diplomatic. Interferes in everything - but is not a gossip. As a rule, she gets married once and very successfully.

Famous personalities: Eva Herzigova is a modern Czech fashion model and film actress; Eva Le Gallienne is a modern American actress.


The Holy Martyr Eve, Abbess, died in the name of Orthodox faith in 1927. Canonized as a new martyr.

Names are our personal luck codes. Knowing everything about the name Eva, its owner will always be on top.

Meaning and origin of the name Eva

The name Eve for many people carries with it a biblical, truly sacred meaning, after all, that was the name of the foremother of all people on earth. It comes from the ancient Hebrew root “hava,” which translates as “life-giver.” Thus, in the name of Eve, due to its origin, a deep meaning is hidden.

The same name can be translated as “moving” or “living”. This means that the owner of the name Eva can choose which interpretation she likes best.

Often the names Evgenia, Evangelina or Evdokia are shortened to the name Eva. It is important to remember that despite this, the name Eva is independent. In some countries it sounds different - for example, in England the girl will be called Iva, in the Czech Republic - Eva, and in Georgia - Chava.

The fate and character of Eve

The owner of the name Eva is characterized by strong qualities. Eva is a strong-willed person who knows what she wants. She is quite logical, rationality is not alien to her, and thanks to this, Eva can build a career and achieve significant results. She is especially often predicted to succeed in the field of medicine, teaching languages, and in creative fields, since the creative principle is not alien to her. For Eva, it is important not only to achieve success, but also to find herself: she is looking for best use qualities of his character, tries to channel his creativity, energy and ability to understand people in the right direction.

Representatives named Eva know how to please people; her liveliness, sociability, willingness to be nearby and lend a helping hand captivate those around her. True, Eva does not give in to herself or those around her, and her bar is quite high. She tries to set her own priorities and manage what is happening in her life. And this is the right approach, since Eve’s mistakes can cost her dearly - as was once the case with the ancestor Eve.

The feminine principle in Eva’s character is clearly manifested within the walls of her house. Eva is an excellent wife and housewife. At the same time, she is very tactful and courteous, so that, being the head of the family, she does not put pressure on her husband. Eva prefers to connect her fate with a person of the same temperament - bright, sociable and open to the world. Usually there is harmony and mutual understanding in the family, and guests and friends are crazy about Eva’s culinary masterpieces and try to come more often.

Eva is loved by her children and her husband, so the only problem she may face when trying to build a family nest is having another mistress in the house. Therefore, Eva prefers to build a family separately from her mother-in-law - this way the relationship with her husband’s parents does not deteriorate, and everyone only benefits from this situation. She is drawn to the beautiful and sublime, so her friends are ready to go with her to the most unexpected exhibitions, from modern art to an abandoned antique shop.

The bearer of the name Eva can find happiness in marriage, in a career, and in children - in her case, one does not interfere with the other, and she does not have to give up her family for the sake of self-realization or vice versa. She is an example of a woman who can be an excellent housewife, a caring wife and mother, as well as a leader to be reckoned with.

The meaning of the name Eva for a child: choosing a name for children

Calling the girl Eva, her parents give her many positive qualities. This name reveals his aspirations in the child and gives strong character from early childhood.

Being just a child, Eva loves outdoor games; she can play with boys more often than with girls, and even seem eccentric. But in reality, she just has a lot of energy that needs to be channeled in the right direction.

Later, Eva becomes a balanced, focused and diligent girl. But for this she needs not only to grow up, but also to understand her priorities. Usually, Eva cannot simply be forced to do her homework, join a music club, or not communicate with a friend who her parents don’t like. But you can come to an agreement with Eva, explain your position to her, and she will certainly listen to the words that are addressed to her as an adult.

Eva defends her interests with all her might, and parents can rest assured about their daughter: she always tries to think for herself, and it is very difficult to influence her from the outside. The same trait is clearly manifested in Evgenia, Evangelina or the bearer of another name, who in childhood was often called Eva or Evochka.

Characteristics of the name Eva

Energy name: this name has a strong feminine energy. It will become a talisman name for its owner. Especially if you strengthen this energy and restore mental balance from time to time, so that life is more harmonious. Her talismans will help Eve with this.

Name day Eva has April 12 and August 27; By celebrating them, Eva can strengthen the energy of the name and take care of her health.

To which patronymic The name Eva is suitable: this name is quite universal, so it will suit a girl regardless of her middle name.

Lucky number: Unit.

Name element: Fire suits Eve.

Zodiac: The name Eve is most suitable for representatives of Aries, since their lives are ruled by the fire element.

Color: Shades of red will be happy for Eve.

Stone-amulet: As in the case of color, red stones - for example, ruby ​​- will bring good luck.

Metal: gold.

Patron planet: The Sun, the closest star to Earth, is considered the patron saint of Eve in astrology.

Totem animal: doe.

Amulet plant: palm.

Famous representatives: The first, of course, should be called the biblical Eve, the progenitor of life and the wife of Adam. But Eva also has other famous representatives. For example, Eva (Eve, Eva) Curie, daughter of scientists Marie Sklodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie, famous French writer and public figure, or Eva Gonzalez, impressionist artist.

The name Eve is certainly one of the most symbolic and profound female names, because that was the name of the first woman created by God. You can learn more about other female names with strong energy or read more about the numerology of the name Eva.

Numerology of the female name Eva

One, the number of the name Eve, speaks volumes. Eva is a born leader, capable of leading people. Nature has endowed her with such rare qualities as determination, straightforwardness and perseverance. She is capable of any task that at first glance may seem impossible... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:
