May your name come. Prayer Our Father in Aramaic. "And do not lead us into temptation"

“When you pray, go into your room and shut your door,
pray to your Father who is in secret...” (Matthew 6:6).

Prayer has always been a sacrament of turning to God, the Lord’s Prayer: you can read the full text of which below, this is a kind of conversation that every person who reads it has with the Lord. It is considered one of the simplest, most effective and mandatory for every Orthodox Christian to study. Few people know that any prayer, like any other real deed, requires a good mental attitude, and not just pure thoughts and good thoughts.

  • Start praying with a light heart, which means forgive everyone the offenses they have caused you. Then your requests will be heard by the Lord;
  • Before reading the prayer, say to yourself: “I am a sinner!”;
  • Begin your conversation with the Lord humbly, deliberately, and with specific intention;
  • Remember that everything that exists in this world is one God;
  • Ask permission from the one to whom you are addressing in prayer, so that you can bring him praise or sincere thanksgiving;
  • The requests of prayer will be satisfied if you can get rid of resentment, hostility, hatred of the world and sincerely feel the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven;
  • During prayer or at a service, do not stand distracted or dreamy, try not to allow extraneous thoughts;
  • Praying with a satiated belly or spirit will not bring the desired effect, be light;
  • Be prepared in advance: any prayer is not a request, but a glorification of the Lord;
  • Get ready for repentance in a conversation with the Almighty.

Advice. A “smart” prayer is always good when you can say it out loud, without searching for the right words, hesitating or hesitating. You need to pray in such a way that the necessary words themselves “flow” from the soul and not painfully squeezing it out of yourself; this applies not only to the Lord’s Prayer, but also to all others.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this is quite difficult to do. After all, first, for this you need to live the prayer in your soul, in your heart, and only then express it in words. When this process causes you difficulties, you can turn to God mentally, this is not forbidden. Situations are different, in different circumstances a person is free to do as he pleases.

Text of the Lord's Prayer

Below you will find a modern reading of the Lord's Prayer in several versions. Someone chooses Old Church Slavonic, someone chooses modern Russian. This is truly everyone's right. The main thing is that words with sincerity addressed to God will always find Right way, will calm the body and soul of a baby who speaks words with timidity, as well as a young man, a mature husband or woman.

Our Father in Church Slavonic

Our Father, Who is in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

Yes he will come Your kingdom,

Thy will be done

As in heaven on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts,

Just as we leave our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from evil

Our Father in Russian

Option "Matthew"

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Option "From Luke"

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us our daily bread;

And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every debtor to us;

Otherwise lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

(Luke 11:2-4)

Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer

Everyone has heard the text of the Our Father prayer and many know it from early childhood. There is no family in Russia where the grandmother or grandfather, or perhaps the parents themselves, did not whisper words addressed to God before bedtime at the baby’s crib or did not teach when it is necessary to say it. Growing up, we did not forget it, but for some reason we said it out loud less and less. But, probably, in vain! Our Father is a kind of standard or even an example of the correct spiritual dispensation - one of important prayers Church, which is rightly called the “Lord's Prayer”.

Few people know that the small text of the Lord’s Prayer contains the grandiose meaning of life’s priorities and all the rules of prayer.

Three parts of prayer

This unique text has three semantic parts: Invocation, Petition, Doxology, And Seven petitions Let's try to figure this out in more detail together.

1st Summoning

Do you remember what they called their father in Rus'? Father! And this means that when we pronounce this word, we completely trust our father’s will, believe in justice, accept everything that he considers necessary. We have neither a shadow of doubt nor persistence. We show that we are ready to be his children on earth or in heaven. Thus, moving away from worldly everyday worries to heaven, where we see His presence.

1st Petition

No one teaches that we must glorify the Lord with words. His name is already sacred. But true believers, before other people, need to spread His glory with their deeds, thoughts, and actions.

2nd Petition

It is, in fact, a continuation of the first. But we add a request for the coming of the Kingdom of God, which will deliver man from sin, temptation, and death.

3rd Petition

“Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth”

We know that on the road to the Kingdom of God many temptations await us. So we ask the Lord to strengthen our strength in faith, in submission to His will.

The glorification of God’s Name actually ends with three petitions.

Three parts and seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer

4th Petition

This, as well as the next three parts, will contain the requests of those praying. Everything is here: about the soul, spirit, body, daily life. We ask, we pray, we speak without hesitation. We ask you to live every day as normal as most people do. Requests for food, housing, clothing... However, these requests should not occupy the main place in the conversation with God. Limiting yourself to the simple, or rather to the carnal, it is better to pray for spiritual bread.

5th Petition

The allegory of this petition is simple: we pray for our own pardon, because by entering into prayer we have already forgiven others. It is better not to harbor anger against others first, and then ask the Lord for forgiveness for yourself.

6th Petition

Sin accompanies us throughout our lives. Someone learns to put a barrier in their way. Some people don't always succeed. In this petition, we ask the Lord for strength not to commit them, and only then we pray for the forgiveness of those committed. And if the main culprit of all temptations is the devil, we ask you to deliver from him.

7th Petition

“But deliver us from the evil one” - Man is weak, without the help of the Lord it is difficult to emerge victorious from the battle with the evil one. In this request for prayer, Christ gives us his instruction.


Amen = always means firm confidence that what is asked will come true without a doubt. And the triumph of the power of the Lord God will again be revealed to the world.

A short prayer, a few sentences! But look how deep the message is: not blurred, not satiated. Only the most valuable, most important, important.

Addition: text of prayer in different languages

Prayer Our Father in Ukrainian

Our Father, You art in heaven,

May Thy name be hallowed,

May Your Kingdom come,

Let Your will be done,

As in heaven, so on earth.

Give us our daily bread, today;

and forgive us and our guilt,

As we forgive our guilt;

and don’t lead us into confusion,

Let us be free from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.

Prayer Our Father in Belarusian language

Oycha is ours, Yaki are on the sky,

Say hello to your name,

Welcome to Your Kingdom,

Let it be Your will, as it is in heaven, so on earth.

Our bread nadzenny give us syonnya;

And grant us our daugs, as we also give our daugs;

And don’t get us stuck in the space,

Ale zbau us hell zloga.

For Yours is the Kingdom

And power and glory forever.

Prayer Our Father in Armenian

Air mer vor erkines es,

surb egitsi anun ko.

Ekestse arkayutyun ko

egitsi kamk ko

vorpes erkines ev erkri.

Zeats mer anapazor

tour mez aisor

Ev tokh mez zpartis mer

vorpes ev mek tokhumk

merotz partapanats.

Ev mi tanir zmez and portsutyun.

Ail prkea mez i chare.

Zee koe arcayutune

Yev Zorutyun Yev Park


Prayer Our Father in Kazakh language

Cocktegi Ekemiz!

Senin kieli esimin kasterlene bersin,

Patshalygyn osynda ornasyn!

Senin erkin, oryndalganday,

Ger betinde de orndala bersin,

Kundelikti nanomazdy birgin de bere mountains.

Bizge kune jasagandardy keshirgenimizdey,

Saint de kunelarymyzdy keshire gory,

Azyruymyzga zhol bermey,

Zhamandyktan saktai mountains,

Patshalyk, kudiret pen ulyk

Mangi-baki Senini

Prayer Our Father in Aramaic

Avvun dbischmaya nitkaddah shimmukh

Tete Malchutukh

New sovyanukh eichana dbischmaya ab para

Ha la lyahma dsunkanan yumana

Vushchyukh lan hobein eychana dap akhnan shuklan hayavin

Ula talan lnisyuna, ella pasan min bischa.

Mudtul dilukh hai Malchuta

Ukheyla Utishchbay

Lalam almin. Amine.

The Lord's Prayer in Greek

Pater imon o en tis uranis

Ayassito to onoma su

Elfato and Vasily Su

Yenisito to felima su os en urano ke epi thousand yis

Ton arton imon ton epiusion dos imin simaron

Ke afes imin ta ofelimata imon os ke imis afieman thousand filetes imon

Ke mi isenegis imas is pirazmon, alla rice imas apo tu poniru.

Oti su estin

And Vasily

Ke and dynamis

Ke and doxa

Is tus eonas

Prayer Our Father in English

Our Father, which art in heaven,

Hallowed be your name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive them who trespass against us;

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

Published: 2016-09-28, Modified: 2018-11-01,

Comments from site visitors

    While reading the Our Father, great calm and grace always descends on me. I read it every morning and at night. If suddenly you can’t pray, everything falls out of your hands all day, everything goes wrong. Either I react sharply at such moments, but I walk around nervously. And once you say the prayer, the day is going great, everything is going like clockwork. And this is not a one-time thing, it happens all the time.

    The Lord's Prayer is the most important prayer available; it is in it that we turn to God, tell him our thoughts and feelings. During prayer, I always think about purity and faith. In general, it is necessary to believe in order to fully understand the prayer. Many do not understand the very meaning of prayer due to a lack of faith.

    good and useful article! It's nice to read that at least something normal is being broadcast somewhere. The Lord’s Prayer is the foundation of the foundations, all others are built on it, and until you realize it, you shouldn’t even think about any help from the saints. And only after faith settles in your soul, and you accept the words of prayer with all your soul, can you hope to be heard.

    My grandmother taught me this prayer as a child, and as stated above in the commentary, this prayer is truly the foundation of all our Orthodox faith! I am very grateful to my grandmother for instilling in me a love of reading and faith. Thanks to her, I have known this prayer by heart since I was six years old and always turn to it. Although now my grandmother is no longer here, the memory of her is always bright and warm in my heart!

    It just makes my heart happy when I scroll through your site. My grandson helped me find prayers and, of course, the Lord’s Prayer is what I start my day with and how I end my day. And peace immediately sets in on the soul. Thank you for your bright and useful work!

    Thank you for the detailed and intelligible analysis. I didn’t know that literally every line of this prayer contained such a deep meaning. Thank you

    Our Father is probably the most beloved and main prayer of every Orthodox Christian. I remember learning it with my older sister as a child, I was probably about six then. It was in the village, a terrible thunderstorm began, and grandmother told us to read the Our Father. Since I didn’t know a single prayer yet, my sister taught me. Since then I always read it, no matter what happens. Helps you calm down, put your thoughts in order, and find peace of mind.

    Thank you very much! Very useful and necessary article with professional explanations.

    to our Time of Troubles It’s hard on my soul..and Faith and Prayers help a lot...rulers change..and GOD always helps us sinners..

    May my Lord forgive me for my thoughts, for I trust and believe in him alone. Explain to me how the Father can allow temptation, while in the prayer there is a particle “but” and a mention of the evil one. In my reading, I pronounce this phrase differently: “... Deliver me from temptations and put me on the path of truth. For yours is the Kingdom, power and will for all ages. Amen!
    “...And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”...

    Everyone should know this prayer by heart. And we need to pray not only when we feel bad, when there is a dark streak in life. Every day we must turn to our Lord and ask, ask for forgiveness. About forgiving ourselves, our friends and our enemies. And your soul becomes calm and warm.

    This prayer truly has the most powerful energy potential in the universe)) has been tested more than once from our own experience

    I am a believing Christian, I constantly read prayers before bed and in the morning, I believe in their power. When I say it, everything inside immediately becomes calm and balanced, I believe and always ask God for help and protection of my family and loved ones. Thank you for the clear and useful information on the site.

    Our Father is the basis, the foundation of all Orthodox believers. My grandmother always told me when she was alive that the power of prayer is not in the text, but in the meaning. The meaning of “Our Father” is deep, my grandmother told me about petitions, I read it in more detail here, I usually just read the prayer in the morning, now I’ll start petitions too.

    I noticed that when you feel bad, sad in your soul, best medicine is a prayer. Once you read “Our Father,” you feel lighter and calmer. I always pray before going to bed, then I fall asleep easier and rarely have nightmares. And before the start of a new season, I like to read a prayer so that the next three months will be favorable for me and my loved ones.

    Even though I was baptized, I didn’t know the prayer by heart. And I didn’t know the meaning of each phrase, but it’s described in such detail here. The whole essence of the prayer, each phrase is described in detail, understandable even to children in accessible Russian language. I am very surprised by so many options for one prayer. Now we are sitting with the children and figuring out why we read it before bed.

    Very miracle prayer. Helps in many matters. So I was faced with the choice of either giving birth or being left without a husband. I read a prayer and dreamed that my daughter was beautiful and her hands were reaching out to me, so I decided to let her grow now for the joy of everyone. The smart girl goes to Sunday school. I recommend it to everyone. When you don’t know what to do, read the prayer and everything will be decided on its own.

    I didn’t know that the prayer may not reach our Lord if there is no preparation. Now I will try to prepare before reading the prayer, otherwise, as always, when you start reading, something will interfere, then someone will say the word and someone will come. I will wear earplugs and read alone in a closed room so that no one will interfere.

    The most important and frequently used prayer. This is the “Our Father”, it’s not for nothing that it is mentioned so often in church and all believers know it by heart, and everyone in the church recites it in unison, but don’t forget “The power of faith” is also very important prayer, or song, everyone calls it differently. God bless you.

    Here I have a prayer book at home, there are prayers written there; only my grandfather can read them. In Old Russian or Church, the prayer Our Father is long and from the bow. Grandfather claims that it is the most correct, and the old one, which is why we all read from Luke. But only in a new form in a more understandable language.

    This is the most important and main prayer for all Christians. There was a dark streak in my life 2 years ago, many close people passed away, problems arose at work, and there were continuous disagreements with my husband. I no longer knew what to hope for and who to rely on. In those years, I was not a strong believer, but due to difficulties in life, I converted and began to read prayer regularly. Today I am convinced that it was she who gave me some strength and energy, and everything began to improve.

    My wife constantly reads prayer and in the last month she taught me to do it too. Although I am a believer, I have never read prayer on a regular basis before. I honestly admit: the last month has been mentally light and airy for me. I became calmer and stopped getting annoyed with my wife and son over little things. Inner state is very important to me. Thank you for the article and I am certainly grateful to my wife, I think such changes have occurred in me because of prayer.

    Most of us come to prayer through trouble and grief. In it we see the last ray of light, the last hope. And the Our Father is the most important prayer for us; we must turn to the Lord every day, talk to him. Then your soul becomes warm, cozy and calm.

    I’ve never prayed before, and I don’t even know prayers. But in Lately I feel like life is going downhill, I have no goal in life, no aspiration. That’s how I came across this article and thank you for this knowledge, thank you for your comments. I will definitely learn the Lord’s Prayer and try to pray more often. Just from these thoughts it becomes easier

    My son got married a year ago. But the relationship with his wife is not going well. She is about to leave him. The son loves his wife very much. How can I help him so that his feelings for his wife cool down? Can the Lord's Prayer help or should other prayers be read? We are believers, but we don’t know any prayers. Please tell me.

    You can’t do this: try all the methods and only if nothing helps, then turn to prayer. Their power will not manifest itself in one reading. You need to pray regularly, believe, even if you are not a strong believer (but at least in moderation; if you were an atheist, don’t touch prayers at all), you need to at least read and turn to God periodically.

    Everything is written out in such an understandable language, even a monkey, if he wanted, could figure it out, it seems to me. I was baptized as a child and a believer. But to be honest, I don’t know the prayer by heart. Unfortunately, I haven’t read the Bible either. Grandma always scolds me for this, but I think the main thing is faith from within and reverence for God, I believe.

    You know, if you do a little something new every day, then eventually, in small steps, you will learn some new skill. It’s the same with prayer: you can’t solve everything in 1-2 readings and turning to God. You need to “work” every day, especially since it gives moral peace to the soul, relaxation, the brain is a little unloaded and the soul is cleansed. Doing it every day is only for the good of yourself, plus it’s good for the future.

    I personally perceive prayer as an investment, a capital that brings great returns over time. The Lord himself knows when you need help, and at this moment he will definitely help you and send his mercy. If you really need something, then you should pray a couple of times, and you should definitely thank for the fulfillment of desires or divine help! Take care of your life

    I, a very religious person from birth, was very pleased to read this article. And what was even more pleasant was that I knew almost everything, I knew almost everything by heart. People, don't lose faith! appreciate what you have today, be grateful for it and do not hesitate to ask God for help, he is definitely in difficult situations will be able to help you.

The “Our Father” prayer is the main one for all Orthodox Christians and at the same time the simplest and most necessary. She alone replaces all others.

Text of the prayer in Church Slavonic in modern spelling

Our Father, who art in heaven!
Hallowed be Thy name,
may your kingdom come,
Thy will be done
as in heaven and on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
just as we also leave our debtors;
and do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

The most famous prayer and its history

The Lord's Prayer is mentioned twice in the Bible - in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. It is believed that the Lord Himself gave it to people when they asked for words to pray. This episode is described by the evangelists. This means that even during Jesus’ earthly life, those who believed in Him could know the words of the Lord’s Prayer.

The Son of God, having chosen the words, suggested to all believers how to begin prayer so that it would be heard, how to lead a righteous life in order to be worthy of God’s mercy.

They entrust themselves to the will of the Lord, because only He alone knows what a person really needs. “Daily bread” does not mean simple food, but everything that is needed for life.

Likewise, “debtors” mean simple sinful people. Sin itself is a debt to God that must be atoned for by repentance and good deeds. People trust in God, ask to forgive their sins, and themselves promise to forgive their neighbors. To do this, with the help of the Lord, one must avoid temptations, that is, temptations with which the devil himself “confuses” in order to destroy humanity.

But prayer is not so much about asking. It also contains gratitude as a symbol of honoring the Lord.

How to recite the Lord's Prayer correctly

This prayer is read upon awakening from sleep and for the coming sleep, since it is included without fail in the morning and evening rules - a set of prayers for daily reading.

The “Our Father” certainly sounds during the Divine Liturgy. Usually believers in churches sing it in chorus together with the priest and singers.

This solemn singing is followed by the presentation of the Holy Gifts - the body and Blood of Christ for the sacrament of communion. At the same time, parishioners kneel before the shrine.

It is also customary to read it before every meal. But to modern man There's no time all the time. However, Christians should not neglect their prayer duties. Therefore, it is permissible to read a prayer at any convenient moment, both while walking and even while lying in bed, as long as nothing distracts from the prayerful mood.

The main thing is to do this with awareness of the meaning, sincerely, and not just pronounce it mechanically. Literally from the first words addressed to God, believers feel security, humility and peace of mind. This state continues after reading the last prayer words.

Many famous theologians, such as John Chrysostom and Ignatius Brianchaninov, interpreted the “Our Father”. Their works provide extensive, detailed descriptions. Those who are interested in issues of faith should definitely familiarize themselves with them.

Many who have recently crossed the threshold of the temple, and are literally taking their first steps along the steps of the ladder of Orthodoxy, complain about the lack of understanding of prayers in the Old Church Slavonic language.

For such cases there is a translation into modern Russian. This option will be clear to everyone. But as practice shows, over time, incomprehensible words will become clearer, and worship will be perceived as a special art with its own style, its own language and traditions.

In the short text of the Lord's Prayer, all Divine wisdom fits into a few lines. There is a great meaning hidden in her, and everyone finds in her words something very personal: consolation in sorrows, help in endeavors, joy and grace.

Text of the prayer in Russian

Synodal translation of the prayer into modern Russian:

Our Father who art in heaven!
Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Russian Bible Society Translation from 2001:

Our Father in Heaven,
Let Your name be glorified,
Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be fulfilled on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive those who owe us.
Don't put us to the test
but protect us from the Evil One.

Complete collection and description: Our Father who art in heaven is a prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us our daily bread this day; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors ours; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen" (Matthew 6:9-13).

In Greek:

In Latin:

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.

In English (Catholic liturgical version)

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed to be your name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Why did God Himself give a special prayer?

“Only God Himself can allow people to call God Father. He granted this right to people, making them sons of God. And despite the fact that they withdrew from Him and were in extreme anger against Him, He granted oblivion of insults and the sacrament of grace” ( St. Cyril of Jerusalem).

How Christ taught the apostles to pray

The Lord's Prayer is given in the Gospels in two versions, more extensive in the Gospel of Matthew and brief in the Gospel of Luke. The circumstances under which Christ pronounces the text of the prayer are also different. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord's Prayer is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Evangelist Luke writes that the apostles turned to the Savior: “Lord! Teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1).

"Our Father" in the home prayer rule

The Lord's Prayer is part of the daily prayer rule and is read both during Morning Prayers and Bedtime Prayers. Full text prayers are given in Prayer Books, Canons and other collections of prayers.

For those who are especially busy and cannot devote much time to prayer, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov gave a special rule. "Our Father" is also included in it. In the morning, afternoon and evening you need to read “Our Father” three times, “Virgin Mother of God” three times and “I Believe” once. For those who, due to various circumstances, cannot follow this small rule, Rev. Seraphim advised reading it in any position: during classes, while walking, and even in bed, presenting the basis for this as the words of Scripture: “whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

There is a custom to read “Our Father” before meals along with other prayers (for example, “The eyes of all trust in You, O Lord, and You give them food in due season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal’s good will”).

  • Explanatory Orthodox prayer book(How to learn to understand prayers? Translation of the words of prayers from the prayer book for the laity from Church Slavonic, explanations of the meaning of prayers and petitions. Interpretations and quotes from the Holy Fathers) - ABC of Faith
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Read other prayers in the "Orthodox Prayer Book" section

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Our Father, who art in heaven!

1. Hallowed be thy name.

2. Thy kingdom come.

3. Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

4. Give us this day our daily bread.

5. And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.

6. And do not lead us into temptation.

7. But deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our heavenly Father!

1. Hallowed be thy name.

2. Thy kingdom come.

3. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

4. Give us this day our daily bread.

5. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

6. And do not allow us to be tempted.

7. But deliver us from evil.

Because to You belongs the kingdom, the power and the glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Father - Father; Izhe- Which; Who art thou in heaven– Which is in heaven, or heavenly; Yes- let be; hallowed- glorified: like- How; in heaven- in the sky; urgent– necessary for existence; give me a shout- give; today- today, for the present day; leave it- sorry; debts– sins; our debtor– to those people who have sinned against us; temptation– temptation, danger of falling into sin; sly- everything cunning and evil, that is, the devil. An evil spirit is called the devil.

This prayer is called the Lord's, because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Therefore, this prayer is the most important prayer of all.

In this prayer we turn to God the Father, the first Person of the Holy Trinity.

It is divided into: invocation, seven petitions, or 7 requests, and doxology.

Summoning: Our Father, who art in heaven! With these words we turn to God and, calling Him Heavenly Father, we call upon Him to listen to our requests or petitions.

When we say that He is in heaven, we must mean spiritual, invisible sky, and not that visible blue vault that is spread above us, and which we call “sky”.

Request 1: Hallowed be your name, that is, help us to live righteously, holyly and glorify Your name with our holy deeds.

2nd: Thy Kingdom come, that is, honor us here on earth with Your heavenly kingdom, which is truth, love and peace; reign in us and rule us.

3rd: Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth, that is, let everything not be as we want, but as You please, and help us to obey this Your will and fulfill it on earth as unquestioningly, without grumbling, as it is fulfilled, with love and joy, by the holy angels in heaven . Because only You know what is useful and necessary for us, and You wish us good more than we ourselves.

4th: Give us our daily bread today, that is, give us for this day, for today, our daily bread. By bread here we mean everything necessary for our life on earth: food, clothing, housing, but most importantly, the most pure Body and honest Blood in the sacrament of holy communion, without which there is no salvation, no eternal life.

The Lord commanded us to ask for ourselves not wealth, not luxury, but only the most necessary things, and to rely on God in everything, remembering that He, as a Father, always cares and takes care of us.

5th: And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors., that is, forgive us our sins just as we ourselves forgive those who have offended or offended us.

In this petition, our sins are called “our debts,” because the Lord gave us strength, abilities and everything else in order to do good deeds, but we often turn all this into sin and evil and become “debtors” before God. And so, if we ourselves do not sincerely forgive our “debtors,” that is, people who have sins against us, then God will not forgive us. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself told us about this.

6th: And do not lead us into temptation. Temptation is a state when something or someone draws us to sin, tempts us to do something lawless and bad. So, we ask - do not allow us to fall into temptation, which we do not know how to endure; help us overcome temptations when they happen.

7th: But deliver us from evil, that is, deliver us from all evil in this world and from the culprit (chief) of evil - from the devil (evil spirit), who is always ready to destroy us. Deliver us from this cunning, crafty power and its deceptions, which is nothing before You.

Doxology: For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Since to You, our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, belongs the kingdom, and the power, and the eternal glory. All this is true, truly so.

QUESTIONS: Why is this prayer called the Lord's Prayer? Who are we addressing in this prayer? How does she share? How to translate in Russian: Who art thou in heaven? How to convey in your own words the 1st petition: Hallowed be Thy Name? 2nd: Thy kingdom come? 3rd: Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth? 4th: Give us our daily bread this day? 5th: And forgive us our debts, just as we also forgive our debtors? 6th: And lead us not into temptation? 7th: But deliver us from evil? What does the word: amen mean?

Lord's Prayer. Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Our Father in heaven prayer

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Father - Father (appeal is a form of the vocative case). Who art in heaven - existing (living) in Heaven, that is, Heavenly ( others like it- which). Yesi– form of the verb being in the 2nd person singular. Numbers of the present tense: in modern language we speak you are, and in Church Slavonic - you are. Literal translation of the beginning of the prayer: O our Father, He who is in Heaven! Any literal translation is not entirely accurate; words: Father Dry in Heaven, Heavenly Father - more closely convey the meaning of the first words of the Lord's Prayer. Let him be holy - may it be holy and glorified. Like in heaven and on earth - both in heaven and on earth (like - How). Urgent- necessary for existence, for life. Give it - give. Today- Today. Like- How. From the evil one- from evil (words crafty, wickedness– derivatives from the words “bow”: something indirect, curved, crooked, like a bow. There is also a Russian word “krivda”).

This prayer is called the Lord’s Prayer because our Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to His disciples and all people:

It happened that when He was praying in one place and stopped, one of His disciples said to Him: Lord! Teach us to pray!

– When you pray, say: Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every debtor to us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Luke 11:1-4).

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done both on earth and in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen (Matt. 6:9-13).

By reading the Lord's Prayer daily, let us learn what the Lord requires of us: it indicates both our needs and our main responsibilities.

Our Father… In these words we still do not ask for anything, we only cry out, turn to God and call him father.

“Saying this, we confess God, the Ruler of the universe, as our Father - and thereby we also confess that we have been removed from the state of slavery and appropriated to God as His adopted children.”

(Philokalia, vol. 2)

...Who art thou in Heaven... With these words, we express our readiness to turn away in every possible way from attachment to earthly life as wandering and separating us far from our Father and, on the contrary, to strive with the greatest desire for the region in which our Father dwells...

"Having achieved so much high degree sons of God, we must burn with such filial love for God that we no longer seek our own benefits, but with all desire desire the glory of Him, our Father, saying to Him: Hallowed be thy name,- by which we testify that all our desire and all our joy is the glory of our Father - may the glorious name of our Father be glorified, reverently honored and worshiped.”

Venerable John Cassian the Roman

Thy Kingdom come- that Kingdom “by which Christ reigns in the saints, when, after taking away power over us from the Devil and expelling passions from our hearts, God begins to reign in us through the fragrance of virtues - or that which at a predetermined time is promised to all the perfect, to all children God, when Christ says to them: Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Matt. 25, 34).”

Venerable John Cassian the Roman

Words "Thy will be done" turn us to the Lord's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: Father! Oh, that You would deign to carry this cup past Me! however, not my will, but yours be done (Luke 22:42).

Give us this day our daily bread. We ask for the granting of bread necessary for our subsistence, and not only large quantities, but only for this day... So, let’s learn to ask for the most necessary things for our life, but we won’t ask for everything leading to abundance and luxury, because we don’t know whether it’s enough for us. Let us learn to ask for bread and everything necessary only for this day, so as not to become lazy in prayer and obedience to God. If we are alive the next day, we will ask for the same thing again, and so on all the days of our earthly life.

However, we must not forget the words of Christ that Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). It is even more important to remember other words of the Savior : I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world (John 6:51). Thus, Christ does not only mean something material, necessary for a person for earthly life, but also eternal, necessary for life in the Kingdom of God: Himself, offered in Communion.

Some holy fathers interpreted the Greek expression as “supra-essential bread” and attributed it only (or primarily) to the spiritual side of life; however, the Lord's Prayer embraces both earthly and heavenly meanings.

And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. The Lord Himself concluded this prayer with an explanation: For if you forgive people their sins, then your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their sins, then your Father will not forgive you your sins. (MF. 6, 14-15).

“The merciful Lord promises us forgiveness of our sins if we ourselves set an example of forgiveness to our brothers: leave it to us, just as we leave it. It is obvious that in this prayer only those who have forgiven their debtors can boldly ask for forgiveness. Whoever with all his heart does not let go of his brother who sins against him, with this prayer he will ask for himself not mercy, but condemnation: for if this prayer of his is heard, then in accordance with his example, what else should follow, if not inexorable wrath and indispensable punishment ? Judgment without mercy for those who show no mercy (James 2:13).”

Venerable John Cassian the Roman

Here sins are called debts, because by faith and obedience to God we must fulfill His commandments, do good, and shun evil; is that what we do? By not doing the good we should do, we become debtors to God.

This expression of the Lord’s Prayer is best explained by Christ’s parable about the man who owed the king ten thousand talents (Matthew 18:23-35).

And do not lead us into temptation. Bringing to mind the words of the apostle: Blessed is the man who endures temptation, because, having been tried, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12), we should understand these words of prayer not like this: “do not let us ever be tempted,” but like this: “do not let us be overcome by temptation.”

When tempted, no one should say: God is tempting me; because God is not tempted by evil and does not tempt anyone Himself, but everyone is tempted by being carried away and deceived by his own lust; lust, having conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin that is committed gives birth to death (James 1:13-15).

But deliver us from evil - that is, do not allow yourself to be tempted by the devil beyond our strength, but with give relief to temptation, so that we can endure (1 Cor. 10:13).

Venerable John Cassian the Roman

The Greek text of the prayer, like Church Slavonic and Russian, allows us to understand the expression from the evil one and personally ( sly– the father of lies – the devil), and impersonally ( crafty- everything unrighteous, evil; evil). Patristic interpretations offer both understandings. Since evil comes from the devil, then, of course, the petition for deliverance from evil also contains a petition for deliverance from its culprit.

Prayer “Our Father, Who art in heaven”: text in Russian

There is no person who has not heard or does not know about the existence of the prayer “Our Father who art in heaven!” This is the most important prayer to which Christian believers around the world turn. The Lord's Prayer, as it is commonly called “Our Father,” is considered the key property of Christianity, the oldest prayer. It is given in two Gospels: from Matthew - in chapter six, from Luke - in chapter eleven. The version given by Matthew has gained great popularity.

In Russian, the text of the prayer “Our Father” exists in two versions - in modern Russian and in Church Slavonic. Because of this, many people mistakenly believe that in Russian there are 2 different Lord's prayers. In fact, this opinion is fundamentally incorrect - both options are equivalent, and such a discrepancy occurred due to the fact that during the translation of ancient letters, “Our Father” was translated from two sources (the above-mentioned Gospels) differently.

From the story “Our Father, Who art in heaven!”

Biblical tradition says that the prayer “Our Father who art in heaven!” The apostles were taught by Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God. This event took place in Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives, on the territory of the Pater Noster temple. The text of the Lord's Prayer was imprinted on the walls of this temple in more than 140 languages ​​of the world.

However, the fate of the Pater Noster temple was tragic. In 1187, after the capture of Jerusalem by the troops of Sultan Saladin, the temple was completely destroyed. Already in the 14th century, in 1342, a piece of a wall with an engraving of the prayer “Our Father” was found.

Later, in the 19th century, in the second half, thanks to the architect Andre Leconte, a church appeared on the site of the former Pater Noster, which subsequently passed into the hands of the female Catholic monastic order of the Discalced Carmelites. Since then, the walls of this church have been decorated every year with a new panel with the text of the main Christian heritage.

When and how is the Lord's Prayer said?

“Our Father” serves as an obligatory part of the daily prayer rule. Traditionally, it is customary to read it 3 times a day - in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Each time the prayer is said three times. After it, “To the Virgin Mary” (3 times) and “I Believe” (1 time) are read.

As Luke reports in his Gospel, Jesus Christ, before giving the Lord’s Prayer to the believers, said: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” This means that “Our Father” must be read before any prayer, and after that you can pray in your own words. When Jesus bequeathed it, he gave permission to call the Lord father, therefore, to address the Almighty with the words “Our Father” (“Our Father”) - every right all those praying.

The Lord's Prayer, being the strongest and most important, unites believers, so it can be read not only within the walls of a religious institution, but also outside it. For those who, due to their busyness, are unable to devote due time to the pronunciation of “Our Father,” St. Seraphim of Sarov recommended reading it in every position and at every opportunity: before eating, in bed, during work or exercise, while walking and etc. In support of his point of view, Seraphim cited words from Scripture: “whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

When turning to the Lord with the help of “Our Father,” believers should ask for all people, and not just for themselves. The more often a person prays, the closer he becomes to the Creator. “Our Father” is a prayer that contains a direct appeal to the Almighty. This is a prayer in which one can trace a departure from the vanity of the world, penetration into the very depths of the soul, detachment from a sinful earthly life. An indispensable condition when saying the Lord’s Prayer is aspiration to God with thoughts and heart.

Structure and Russian text of the prayer “Our Father”

“Our Father” has its own characteristic structure: at the very beginning there is an appeal to God, an appeal to him, then seven petitions are voiced, which are closely intertwined with each other, and everything ends with a doxology.

The text of the prayer “Our Father” in Russian is used, as indicated above, in two equivalent versions - Church Slavonic and modern Russian.

Church Slavonic version

With the Old Church Slavonic version of the sound of “Our Father” as follows:

Modern Russian version

In modern Russian, the “Our Father” is available in two versions - in the presentation of Matthew and in the presentation of Luke. The text from Matthew is the most popular. It sounds like this:

Luke's version of the Lord's Prayer is more abbreviated, does not contain doxology, and reads as follows:

A praying person can choose any of the available options for himself. Each of the texts of “Our Father” is a kind of personal conversation between the person praying and the Lord God. The Lord's Prayer is so strong, sublime and pure that after saying it, every person feels relief and peace.

The only prayer that I know by heart and read at any time. difficult situation in life. After it it really becomes easier, I become calm and feel a surge of strength, I find a solution to the problem faster.

This is the most powerful and main prayer that every person must know! My grandmother taught it to me as a child, and now I teach it to my children myself. If a person knows “Our Father,” the Lord will always be with him and will never leave him!

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Everything about religion and faith - "the prayer of the Lord's Prayer who art in heaven" with detailed description and photographs.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name; let your kingdom come; for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen" (Matthew 6:9-13).

In Greek:

In Latin:

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.

In English (Catholic liturgical version)

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed to be your name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Why did God Himself give a special prayer?

“Only God Himself can allow people to call God Father. He granted this right to people, making them sons of God. And despite the fact that they withdrew from Him and were in extreme anger against Him, He granted oblivion of insults and the sacrament of grace” ( St. Cyril of Jerusalem).

How Christ taught the apostles to pray

The Lord's Prayer is given in the Gospels in two versions, more extensive in the Gospel of Matthew and brief in the Gospel of Luke. The circumstances under which Christ pronounces the text of the prayer are also different. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord's Prayer is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Evangelist Luke writes that the apostles turned to the Savior: “Lord! Teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1).

"Our Father" in the home prayer rule

The Lord's Prayer is part of the daily prayer rule and is read both during Morning Prayers and Bedtime Prayers. The full text of the prayers is given in Prayer Books, Canons and other collections of prayers.

For those who are especially busy and cannot devote much time to prayer, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov gave a special rule. "Our Father" is also included in it. In the morning, afternoon and evening you need to read “Our Father” three times, “Virgin Mother of God” three times and “I Believe” once. For those who, due to various circumstances, cannot follow this small rule, Rev. Seraphim advised reading it in any position: during classes, while walking, and even in bed, presenting the basis for this as the words of Scripture: “whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

There is a custom to read “Our Father” before meals along with other prayers (for example, “The eyes of all trust in You, O Lord, and You give them food in due season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal’s good will”).

  • Explanatory Orthodox prayer book(How to learn to understand prayers? Translation of the words of prayers from the prayer book for the laity from Church Slavonic, explanations of the meaning of prayers and petitions. Interpretations and quotes from the Holy Fathers) - ABC of Faith
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Lord's Prayer. Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer Our Father who art in heaven

Our Father, who art in heaven!

1. Hallowed be thy name.

2. Thy kingdom come.

3. Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

4. Give us this day our daily bread.

5. And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.

6. And do not lead us into temptation.

7. But deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our heavenly Father!

1. Hallowed be thy name.

2. Thy kingdom come.

3. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

4. Give us this day our daily bread.

5. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

6. And do not allow us to be tempted.

7. But deliver us from evil.

Because to You belongs the kingdom, the power and the glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Father - Father; Izhe- Which; Who art thou in heaven– Which is in heaven, or heavenly; Yes- let be; hallowed- glorified: like- How; in heaven- in the sky; urgent– necessary for existence; give me a shout- give; today- today, for the present day; leave it- sorry; debts– sins; our debtor– to those people who have sinned against us; temptation– temptation, danger of falling into sin; sly- everything cunning and evil, that is, the devil. An evil spirit is called the devil.

This prayer is called the Lord's, because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Therefore, this prayer is the most important prayer of all.

In this prayer we turn to God the Father, the first Person of the Holy Trinity.

It is divided into: invocation, seven petitions, or 7 requests, and doxology.

Invocation: With these words we turn to God and, calling Him Heavenly Father, we urge him to listen to our requests or petitions.

When we say that He is in heaven, we must mean spiritual, invisible sky, and not that visible blue vault that is spread above us, and which we call “sky”.

Request 1: Hallowed be your name, that is, help us to live righteously, holyly and glorify Your name with our holy deeds.

2nd: Thy Kingdom come, that is, honor us here on earth with Your heavenly kingdom, which is truth, love and peace; reign in us and rule us.

3rd: that is, let everything not be as we want, but as You please, and help us to obey this Your will and fulfill it on earth as unquestioningly, without grumbling, as they do it, with love and joy, holy angels in heaven. Because only You know what is useful and necessary for us, and You wish us good more than we ourselves.

4th: that is, give us this day, for today, our daily bread. By bread here we mean everything necessary for our life on earth: food, clothing, housing, but most importantly, the most pure Body and honest Blood in the sacrament of holy communion, without which there is no salvation, no eternal life.

The Lord commanded us to ask for ourselves not wealth, not luxury, but only the most necessary things, and to rely on God in everything, remembering that He, as a Father, always cares and takes care of us.

5th: And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors., that is, forgive us our sins just as we ourselves forgive those who have offended or offended us.

In this petition, our sins are called “our debts,” because the Lord gave us strength, abilities and everything else in order to do good deeds, but we often turn all this into sin and evil and become “debtors” before God. And so, if we ourselves do not sincerely forgive our “debtors,” that is, people who have sins against us, then God will not forgive us. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself told us about this.

6th: And do not lead us into temptation. Temptation is a state when something or someone draws us to sin, tempts us to do something lawless and bad. So, we ask - do not allow us to fall into temptation, which we do not know how to endure; help us overcome temptations when they happen.

7th: But deliver us from evil, that is, deliver us from all evil in this world and from the culprit (chief) of evil - from the devil (evil spirit), who is always ready to destroy us. Deliver us from this cunning, crafty power and its deceptions, which is nothing before You.

Doxology: For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Since to You, our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, belongs the kingdom, and the power, and the eternal glory. All this is true, truly so.

QUESTIONS: Why is this prayer called the Lord's Prayer? Who are we addressing in this prayer? How does she share? How to translate in Russian: Who art thou in heaven? How to convey in your own words the 1st petition: Hallowed be Thy Name? 2nd: Thy kingdom come? 3rd: Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth? 4th: Give us our daily bread this day? 5th: And forgive us our debts, just as we also forgive our debtors? 6th: And lead us not into temptation? 7th: But deliver us from evil? What does the word: amen mean?

"Our Father" - the Lord's prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

may your kingdom come,

Thy will be done

I am in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and leave us with our lies,

I am the skin and we leave the debtor to ours;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from the bow

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. ( Matthew 6:9-13)

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us our daily bread;

and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every debtor to us;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

qui es in caelis,

sanctificetur nomen tuum.

Adveniat regnum tuum.

Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.

Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie.

Et dimite nobis debita nostra,

sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,

Sed libera nos a malo.

In English (Catholic liturgical version)

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be your name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Why did God Himself give a special prayer?

“Only God Himself can allow people to call God Father. He granted this right to people, making them sons of God. And despite the fact that they withdrew from Him and were in extreme anger against Him, He granted oblivion of insults and the sacrament of grace.”

The Lord's Prayer is given in the Gospels in two versions, more extensive in the Gospel of Matthew and brief in the Gospel of Luke. The circumstances under which Christ pronounces the text of the prayer are also different. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord's Prayer is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Evangelist Luke writes that the apostles turned to the Savior: “Lord! Teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1).

Holy Fathers on the Lord's Prayer

What do the words of the Lord's Prayer mean?

Why can you pray differently?

The Lord's Prayer does not exclude the use of other prayers. The Lord did not want that, in addition to the prayer He gave, no one should dare to introduce others, or express their desires differently than He expressed, but only wanted it to serve as a model that would be similar to it in spirit and content. “Since the Lord,” Tertullian notes about this, “after teaching the rules of prayer, he especially commanded: “Seek and you will find” (Luke 11:9), and there are many things about which each, according to his own circumstances, preceded this law with a certain prayer, as a foundation, there is a need to pray, then it is permissible to add others to the requests of this prayer in accordance with the current needs of life. "

How to sing "Our Father". Audio

Choir of the Kyiv Theological Academy

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Choir of the brethren of the Valaam Monastery

Icons "Our Father"

Address of the editorial office of the magazine “Neskuchny Sad”: 109004, st. Stanislavskogo, 29, building 1

Our Father

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Prayer Our Father

The text of the Lord's Prayer in various translations

Our Father – Synodal translation

Our Father Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Our Father in English:

Our Father “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

Our Father in Greek

Our Father in the Gospel of Matthew

Our Father who is in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Matt. 6:96:9-13)

Our Father in the Gospel of Luke

Our Father who is in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every debtor to us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. (Luke 11:211:2-4)

Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer

It is called that because the Lord Jesus Christ gave it to His disciples. It was this prayer that He taught them, so for an Orthodox Christian, adult or small, it is the most important.

In this prayer we turn to the Almighty and Eternal God:


(Father - Father; Izh - Which; if you are in Heaven - you are in Heaven, or Heavenly) Our Heavenly Father!

1. Hallowed be your name,

(yes - let it; hallowed - glorified) Hallowed be Thy name,


May your kingdom come


(as if; in Heaven – in Heaven)

Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.


(urgent - necessary for existence; dazhd - give; day - today, for the present day)

Give us this day our daily bread;


(forgive - forgive; our debts - our sins; our debtor - to those people who have sinned against us) And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us;


(temptation is a temptation, the danger of falling into sin) And do not let us fall into temptation,

7. BUT DELIVER US FROM Evil. (The evil one is the devil, cunning and evil. The devil is the evil spirit.) But deliver us from the evil one.

Our Father in the Gospel

The Lord's Prayer is given in the Gospels in two versions, a more extensive one in the Gospel of Matthew and a shorter one in the Gospel of Luke. The circumstances under which Jesus pronounces the text of the prayer are also different. In the Gospel of Matthew Our Father is part of the Sermon on the Mount, while in Luke Jesus gives this prayer to the disciples in response to a direct request to “teach them to pray.”

The version of the Gospel of Matthew has become widespread in the Christian world as the main Christian prayer, and the use Our Father as a prayer dates back to the earliest Christian times. Matthew's text is reproduced in the Didache, the oldest monument Christian writing of a catechetical nature (late 1st - early 2nd century), and the Didache gives instructions to say prayer three times a day.

Biblical scholars agree that the original version of the prayer in the Gospel of Luke was significantly shorter; subsequent copyists supplemented the text at the expense of the Gospel of Matthew, as a result of which the differences were gradually erased. Mainly, these changes in the text of Luke occurred in the period after the Edict of Milan, when church books were massively rewritten due to the destruction of a significant part of Christian literature during the persecution of Diocletian. The medieval Textus Receptus contains almost identical text in the two Gospels.

Petition in the Lord's Prayer Our Father

Ignatius (Brianchaninov) “The petitions that make up prayer Our Father, - asking for spiritual gifts acquired for humanity through redemption. There is no word in prayer about the carnal, temporary needs of a person.”

  1. “hallowed be thy name” John Chrysostom writes that these words mean that believers should first of all ask for “the glory of the Heavenly Father.” The Orthodox Catechism indicates: “The Name of God is holy and, without a doubt, holy in itself,” and at the same time can “still be holy in people, that is, His eternal holiness can appear in them.” Maximus the Confessor points out: “We sanctify the name of our heavenly Father by grace when we mortify the lust attached to matter and cleanse ourselves from corrupting passions.”
  2. “Thy Kingdom come” The Orthodox Catechism notes that the Kingdom of God “comes hidden and inward. The Kingdom of God will not come with observance (in a noticeable manner).” Regarding the impact of the feeling of the Kingdom of God on a person, Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) writes: “He who has felt the Kingdom of God within himself becomes alien to a world hostile to God. He who has felt the Kingdom of God within himself can desire, out of true love for his neighbors, that the Kingdom of God will open in all of them.”
  3. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” With this, the believer expresses that he asks God so that everything that happens in his life does not happen according to his at will, but as it pleases God.
  4. “give us this day our daily bread” In the Orthodox Catechism, “daily bread” is “the bread necessary in order to exist or live,” but “the soul’s daily bread” is “the word of God and the Body and Blood Christ's." In Maximus the Confessor, the word “today” (this day) is interpreted as the present age, that is earthly life person.
  5. “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” Debts in this petition refer to human sins. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) explains the need to forgive others’ “debts” by saying that “Forgiving our neighbors of their sins before us, their debts, is our own need: without doing this, we will never acquire a mood capable of accepting redemption.”
  6. “Do not lead us into temptation” In this petition, believers ask God how to prevent them from being tempted, and if, according to the will of God, they should be tested and purified through temptation, then God would not completely give them over to temptation and not allow them to fall.
  7. “Deliver us from evil” In this petition, the believer asks God to deliver him from all evil and especially “from the evil of sin and from the evil suggestions and slander of the spirit of malice - the devil.”
  • Doxology- “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."

The doxology at the end of the Lord's Prayer is contained so that the believer, after all the petitions contained in it, gives God due reverence.

Interpretation of prayer - Our Father

Father- Father; Izhe - Which; Who art in heaven - Who is in heaven, or heavenly; yes - let it; holy - glorified; yako - how; in heaven - in heaven; essential - necessary for existence; give - give; today - today, today; leave - forgive; debts are sins; our debtor - to those people who sinned against us; temptation is a temptation, the danger of falling into sin; Evil - everything cunning and evil, that is, the devil. An evil spirit is called the devil.

This prayer is called the Lord’s Prayer because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Therefore, this prayer is the most important prayer for everyone.

Our Father, who art in heaven! With these words we turn to God and, calling Him Heavenly Father, we urge him to listen to our requests or petitions. When we say that He is in heaven, we must mean the spiritual, invisible sky, and not that visible blue vault that is spread over us and which we call heaven.

Hallowed be your name- that is, help us to live righteously, holyly and glorify Your name with our holy deeds.

Thy Kingdom come- that is, honor us here on earth with Your Heavenly Kingdom, which is truth, love and peace; reign in us and rule us.

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth- that is, let everything not be as we want, but as You please, and help us to obey this Your will and fulfill it on earth as unquestioningly and without grumbling as it is fulfilled, with love and joy, by the holy Angels in heaven . Because only You know what is useful and necessary for us, and You wish us good more than we ourselves.

Give us our daily bread today- that is, give us for this day, for today, our daily bread. By bread here we mean everything necessary for our life on earth: food, clothing, housing, but most importantly the Most Pure Body and the Honest Blood in the sacrament of Holy Communion, without which there is no salvation in eternal life. The Lord commanded us to ask ourselves not for wealth, not for luxury, but only for the most necessary things and to rely on God in everything, remembering that He, as a Father, always cares and takes care of us.

And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.- that is, forgive us our sins just as we ourselves forgive those who have offended or offended us. In this petition, our sins are called our debts, because the Lord gave us strength, abilities and everything else in order to do good deeds, and we often turn all this into sin and evil and become debtors before God. And if we ourselves do not sincerely forgive our debtors, that is, people who have sins against us, then God will not forgive us. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself told us about this.

And do not lead us into temptation- temptation is a state when something or someone draws us to sin, tempts us to do something lawless or bad. We ask - do not allow us to be tempted, which we cannot endure, help us overcome temptations when they happen.

But deliver us from evil- that is, deliver us from all evil in this world and from the culprit (chief) of evil - from the devil (evil spirit), who is always ready to destroy us. Deliver us from this cunning, crafty power and its deceptions, which is nothing before You.

Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer by St. Nicholas of Serbia (Velimirović)

When the skies roar and the oceans roar, they call to You: Our Lord of hosts, Lord of the hosts of heaven!

When the stars fall and fire bursts out of the earth, they say to You: Our Creator!

When in the spring the flowers open their buds and the larks collect dry blades of grass to build a nest for their chicks, they sing to you: Our lord!

And when I raise my eyes to Your throne, I whisper to You: Our Father!

There was a time, a long and terrible time, when people called You Lord of Hosts, or Creator, or Master! Yes, then man felt that he was only a creature among creatures. But now, thanks to Your Only Begotten and Greatest Son, we have learned Your real name. Therefore, I, together with Jesus Christ, decide to call You: Father!

If I call you: Vladyko, I fall on my face in fear before You, like a slave in a crowd of slaves.

If I call you: Creator, I am moving away from You, as the night is separated from the day, or as a leaf is torn from its tree.

If I look at You and tell You: Mister, then I am like a stone among stones or a camel among camels.

But if I open my mouth and whisper: Father, love will take the place of fear, the earth will seem to become closer to heaven, and I will go for a walk with You, as with a friend, in the garden of this light and will share Your glory, Your strength, Your suffering.

Our Father! You are the Father for us all, and I would humiliate both You and myself if I called You: My Father!

Our Father! You care not only about me, one single blade of grass, but about everyone and everything in the world. Your goal is Your Kingdom, not one person. Selfishness in me calls You: My Father, but love calls: Our Father!

In the name of all people, my brothers, I pray: Our Father!

In the name of all the creatures that surround me and with whom You have woven my life, I pray to You: Our Father!

I pray to You, Father of the Universe, for only one thing I pray to You: may the dawn of the day come soon when all people, living and dead, together with angels and stars, animals and stones, will call You by Your true name: Our Father!

We raise our eyes to heaven every time we cry to You, and lower our eyes to the ground when we remember our sins. We are always below, at the very bottom because of our weakness and our sins. You are always on top, as befits Your greatness and Your holiness.

You are in heaven when we are not worthy to receive You. But You joyfully descend to us, into our earthly abodes, when we greedily strive for You and open the doors to You.

Although You condescend to us, You still remain in heaven. You live in heaven, you walk in heaven, and together with heaven you descend into our valleys.

Heaven is far, too far from the person who rejects You in spirit and heart, or who laughs when Your name is mentioned. However, heaven is close, very close to a person who has opened the gates of his soul and is waiting for You, our dearest Guest, to come.

If we compare the most righteous person with You, then You rise above him like the heavens above the valley of the earth, like immortal life over the kingdom of death.

We are made of corruptible, perishable material - how could we stand on the same peak with You, Immortal Youth and Strength!

Our Father Who is always above us, bow down to us and lift us up to Himself. What are we if not tongues created from the dust of Your glory! The dust would be forever mute and would not be able to pronounce Your name without us, Lord. How could the dust know You if not through us? How could You work miracles if not through us?

You do not become holier from our praises, however, by glorifying You, we make ourselves holier. Your name is wonderful! People bicker about names - whose name is better? It is good that Your name is sometimes remembered in these disputes, for at that very moment the speaking tongues become silent in indecision because all the great human names woven into a beautiful wreath cannot compare with Your name, Holy God, Most Holy!

When people want to glorify Your name, they ask nature to help them. They take stone and wood and build temples. People decorate altars with pearls and flowers and light fire with plants, their sisters; and they take incense from the cedars, their brothers; and give strength to their voices by the ringing of bells; and call the animals to glorify Your name. Nature is pure as Your stars and innocent as Your angels, Lord! Have mercy on us for the sake of pure and innocent nature, singing with us holy name Your, Holy God, Most Holy!

How can we glorify Your name?

Maybe innocent joy? - then have mercy on us for the sake of our innocent children.

Maybe suffering? - then look at our graves.

Or self-sacrifice? - then remember the torment of the Mother, Lord!

Your name is stronger than steel and brighter than light. Good is the man who places his hope in You and becomes wiser through Your name.

Fools say: “We are armed with steel, so who can fight us back?” And You destroy kingdoms with tiny insects!

Your name is terrible, Lord! It illuminates and burns like a huge cloud of fire. There is nothing holy or terrible in the world that is not associated with Your name. Oh, Holy God, give me as friends those who have Your name engraved in their hearts, and as enemies those who do not even want to know about You. For such friends will remain my friends until death, and such enemies will fall to their knees before me and submit as soon as their swords are broken.

Holy and terrible is Your name, Holy God, Most Holy! May we remember Your name in every moment of our life, both in moments of joy and in moments of weakness, and let us remember it in our hour of death, our Heavenly Father, Holy God!

May Your Kingdom come, O Great King!

We are sick of kings who only imagined themselves to be greater than other people, and who now lie in their graves next to beggars and slaves.

We are sick of the kings who yesterday declared their power over countries and peoples, and today are crying from toothache!

They are disgusting, like clouds that bring ashes instead of rain.

"Look, here a wise man. Give him the crown! - the crowd shouts. The crown doesn't care whose head it's on. But You, Lord, know the value of the wisdom of the wise and the power of mortals. Do I need to repeat to You what You know? Need I say that the wisest among us ruled over us madly?

"Look, here strong man. Give him the crown! - the crowd shouts again; This is a different time, another generation. The crown silently moves from head to head, but You, Omnipotent, you know the price of the spiritual strength of the exalted and the power of the strong. You know about the weakness of the strong and those in power.

We finally understood, after suffering, that there is no other king but You. Our soul passionately desires Your Kingdom and Your Power. Wandering everywhere, haven’t we, living descendants, received enough insults and wounds on the graves of small kings and the ruins of kingdoms? Now we pray to You for help.

Let it appear on the horizon Your Kingdom! Your Kingdom of Wisdom, Fatherland and Strength! Let this land, which has been a battlefield for thousands of years, become a home where You are the master and we are the guests. Come, King, an empty throne awaits You! With You will come harmony, and with harmony comes beauty. All other kingdoms are disgusting to us, so we are waiting now You, Great King, You and Your Kingdom!

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Heaven and earth are Your fields, Father. In one field You sow stars and angels, in another you sow thorns and people. The stars move according to Your will. The angels play the stars like a harp, according to Your will. However, a man meets a man and asks: “What is God's will

How long does man not want to know Your will? How long will he humble himself before the thorns under his feet? You created man to be equal to the angels and stars, but look - even thorns surpass him.

But you see, Father, a person, if he wants, can glorify the name Yours is better than thorns, just like angels and stars. Oh, You, Spirit-Giver and Voled-Giver, give man Your Will.

Your will wise, clear and holy. Your will moves the heavens, so why not the same will move the earth, which in comparison with the heavens is like a drop before the ocean?

You never get tired, working with wisdom, Our Father. There is no place for any stupidity in Your plan. Now You are as fresh in wisdom and goodness now as on the first day of creation, and tomorrow you will be the same as today.

Your will holy because she is wise and fresh. Holiness is inseparable from You, like air from us.

Anything unholy may ascend to heaven, but nothing unholy will ever come down from heaven, from Your throne, Father.

We pray to You, our Holy Father: make the day come quickly when the will of all people will be wise, fresh and holy, like Your will, and when all creatures on earth will move in harmony with the stars in the sky; and when our planet will sing in choir with all Your amazing stars:

Give us this day our daily bread;

He who gives the body also gives the soul; and He who gives air also gives bread. Your children, merciful Gifter, expect from You everything they need.

Who will brighten their faces in the morning if not You with Your light?

Who will watch over their breath at night while they sleep, if not You, the most tireless of all watchmen?

Where would we sow our daily bread if not in Your field? How could we refresh ourselves if not Yours? morning dew? How would we live without Your light and Your air? How could we eat if not with the lips that You have given us?

How could we rejoice and thank You for being full, if not for the spirit that You breathed into lifeless dust and created a miracle out of it, You, the most amazing Creator?

I do not ask you for my bread, but about our bread. What good would it do if I had bread, and my brothers starved next to me? It would be better and more just if You took away from me the bitter bread of the selfish, for satisfied hunger is sweeter if shared with a brother. Your will cannot be such that one person thanks You, and hundreds curse You.

Our Father, give us our bread, so that we glorify You in a harmonious choir and so that we joyfully remember our Heavenly Father. Today we pray for today.

This day is great, many new beings were born today. Thousands of new creations, which did not exist yesterday and which will no longer exist tomorrow, are born today under the same sunlight, fly with us on one of Your stars and together with us say to You: our bread.

O great Master! We are Your guests from morning to evening, we are invited to Your meal and wait for Your bread. No one except You has the right to say: my bread. He is yours.

No one except You has the right to tomorrow and to tomorrow’s bread, only You and those of today’s guests whom You invite.

If according to Your will the end today will be the dividing line between my life and death, I will bow to Your holy will.

If it be Your will, tomorrow I will again be a companion of the great sun and a guest at Your table, and I will repeat my gratitude to You, as I constantly repeat day after day.

And I will bow before Your will again and again, as the angels in heaven do, the Giver of all gifts, physical and spiritual!

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

It is easier for a person to sin and break Your laws, Father, than to understand them. However, it is not easy for You to forgive us our sins if we do not forgive those who sin against us. For You founded the world on measure and order. How can there be balance in the world if You have one measure for us, and we have another for our neighbors? Or if You give us bread, and we give our neighbors a stone? Or if You forgive us our sins, and we execute our neighbors for their sins? How then would measure and order be maintained in the world, O Lawgiver?

And yet You forgive us more than we can forgive our brothers. We defile the earth every day and every night with our crimes, and You greet us every morning with the clear eye of Your sun and every night You send Your merciful forgiveness through the stars, which stand as holy guards at the gates of Your Kingdom, Our Father!

You shame us every day, Most Merciful, for when we expect punishment, You send us mercy. When we wait for Your thunder, You send us a peaceful evening, and when we expect darkness, You give us sunlight.

You are eternally exalted above our sins and always great in Your silent patience.

It’s hard for a fool who thinks that he will alarm You with crazy speeches! He is like a child who angrily throws a pebble into the waves to drive the sea away from the shore. But the sea will only wrinkle the surface of the waters and continue to irritate weakness with its enormous power.

Look, our sins are common sins, we are all together responsible for the sins of everyone. Therefore, there are no pure righteous people on earth, for all righteous people must take upon themselves some of the sins of sinners. It is hard to be an immaculately righteous person, for there is not a single righteous person who does not bear the burden of at least one sinner on his shoulders. However, Father, the more a righteous person bears the sins of sinners, the more righteous he is.

Our heavenly Father, You, Who send bread from morning to evening to your children and accept their sins as payment, lighten the burden of the righteous and dispel the darkness of sinners!

The earth is full of sins, but also full of prayers; it is full of the prayers of the righteous and the despair of sinners. But isn't despair the beginning of prayer?

And in the end you will be the winner. Your Kingdom will stand on the prayers of the righteous. Your will will become a law for people, just as Your will is a law for angels.

Otherwise, why would You, our Father, hesitate to forgive the sins of mortals, because by doing so You give us an example of forgiveness and mercy?

and do not lead us into temptation,

Oh, how little it takes for a person to turn away from You and turn to idols!

He is surrounded by temptations like storms, and he is weak as foam on the crest of a stormy mountain stream.

If he is rich, he immediately begins to think that he is equal to You, or places You after himself, or even decorates his house with Your faces as luxury items.

When evil knocks at his gates, he falls into the temptation to bargain with You or throw You away completely.

If You call him to sacrifice himself, he becomes indignant. If You send him to death, he trembles.

If You offer him all earthly pleasures, in temptation he poisons and kills his own soul.

If You reveal to his eyes the laws of Your care, he grumbles: “The world is wonderful in itself, and without a Creator.”

We are embarrassed by Your holiness, O our Holy God. When You call us to the light, we, like moths at night, rush into the darkness, but, rushing into the darkness, we seek the light.

A network of many roads stretches out before us, but we are afraid to reach the end of any of them, because temptation awaits and beckons us at any edge.

And the path that leads to You is blocked by many temptations and many, many failures. Before temptation comes, it seems to us that You accompany us like a bright cloud. However, when temptation begins, You disappear. We turn around in concern and silently ask ourselves: what is our mistake, where are you, are you there or are you not?

In all our temptations we ask ourselves: “Are You really our Father?” All our temptations throw into our minds the same questions that the whole world around us asks us day after day and night after night:

“What do you think about the Lord?”

“Where is He and who is He?”

“Are you with Him or without Him?”

Give me strength Father and Creator mine, so that at any moment of my life I can correctly respond to every possible temptation.

The Lord is the Lord. He is where I am and where I am not.

I give Him my passionate heart and stretch out my hands to His holy robes, I reach out to Him like a child to its beloved Father.

How could I live without Him? This means that I could live without myself.

How can I be against Him? This means that I will be against myself.

A righteous son follows his father with honor, peace and joy.

Blow Your inspiration into our souls, Our Father, so that we may become Your righteous sons.

but deliver us from evil.

Who will free us from evil if not You, our Father?

Who will reach out to drowning children if not their father?

Who cares more about the cleanliness and beauty of the house, if not its owner?

You created us from nothing and made something out of us, but we are drawn to evil and again turn into nothing.

We warm to our hearts the snake that we fear more than anything in the world.

With all our strength we rebel against darkness, but still darkness lives in our souls, sowing the germs of death.

We are all unanimously against evil, but evil is slowly creeping into our home and, while we scream and protest against evil, it takes one position after another, getting closer and closer to our hearts.

Oh, Almighty Father, stand between us and evil, and we will lift up our hearts, and evil will dry up like a puddle on the road under the hot sun.

You are high above us and do not know how evil grows, but we are suffocating under it. Look, evil is growing in us day after day, spreading its abundant fruits everywhere.

The sun greets us every day" Good morning! and asks what can we show our great King? And we demonstrate only the old, broken fruits of evil. Oh, God, truly dust, motionless and inanimate, is purer than a person who is in the service of evil!

Look, we built our homes in the valleys and hid in caves. It is not at all difficult for You to command Your rivers to flood all our valleys and caves and wipe out humanity from the face of the earth, washing it away from our dirty deeds.

But You are above our anger and our advice. If you had listened to human advice, You would have already destroyed the world to the ground and You Yourself would have perished under the ruins.

O Wise One among fathers! You smile forever in Your divine beauty and immortality. Look, the stars grow from Your smile! With a smile You turn our evil into good, and graft the Tree of Good onto the tree of evil, and with endless patience you ennoble our uncultivated Garden of Eden. You patiently heal and patiently create. You are patiently building Your Kingdom of goodness, Our King and Our Father. We pray to You: free us from evil and fill us with good, for You abolish evil and fill us with good.

The stars and the sun are citizens of Your Kingdom, Our Father. Enroll us in Your shining army.

Our planet is small and dark, but this is Your work, Your creation and Your inspiration. What else can come out of Your hands but something great? But still, with our insignificance and darkness, we make our habitat small and gloomy. Yes, the earth is small and gloomy every time we call it our kingdom and when we say in madness that we are its kings.

Look how many among us are those who were kings on earth and who now, standing on the ruins of their thrones, are surprised and ask: “Where are all our kingdoms?” There are many kingdoms that do not know what happened to their kings. Blessed and happy is the man who looks into the sky-high heights and whispers the words that I hear: Yours is the Kingdom!

What we call our earthly kingdom is full of worms and fleeting, like bubbles in deep water, like clouds of dust on the wings of the wind! Only You have the true Kingdom, and only Your Kingdom has a King. Take us off the wings of the wind and take us to You, merciful King! Save us from the wind! And make us citizens of Your eternal Kingdom near Your stars and the sun, among Your angels and archangels, let us be close to You, Our Father!

Yours is the power, for Yours is the kingdom. False kings are weak. Their royal power lies only in their royal titles, which are truly Your titles. They are wandering dust, and dust flies wherever the wind blows. We are just wanderers, shadows and flying dust. But even when we wander and wander, we are moved by Your power. By Your power we were created and by Your power we will live. If a person does good, he does it with Your power through You, but if a person does evil, he does it with Your power, but through himself. Everything that is done is done by Your power, used for good or abused. If a man, Father, uses Your power according to Your will, then Your power will be Yours, but if a man uses Your power according to His own will, then Your power is called his power and will be evil.

I think, Lord, that when You yourself have Your strength at your disposal, then it is good, but when the beggars who borrowed strength from You proudly dispose of it as their own, it becomes evil. Therefore, there is one Owner, but there are many evil stewards and users of Your power, which You graciously distribute at Your rich table to these unfortunate mortals on earth.

Look at us, Almighty Father, look at us and do not rush to bestow Your power on the dust of the earth until the palaces there are ready for it: good will and humility. Good will - to use the received divine gift for good deeds, and humility - to forever remember that all the power in the universe belongs to You, great Power-Giver.

Your power is holy and wise. But in our hands Your power is in danger of being desecrated and can become sinful and insane.

Our Father, who art in heaven, help us to know and do only one thing: to know that all power is Yours, and to use Your power according to Your will. Look, we are unhappy, because we have divided what is indivisible with You. We separated power from holiness, and separated power from love, and separated power from faith, and finally (and this is the first reason for our fall) we separated power from humility. Father, we pray to You, unite all that your children have divided through foolishness.

We pray to You, exalt and protect the honor of Your power, which has been abandoned and dishonored. Forgive us, for although we are like this, we are Your children.

Your glory is eternal, like You, our King, our Father. It exists in You and does not depend on us. This glory is not from words, like the glory of mortals, but from a true, imperishable essence, such as You. Yes, she is inseparable from You, just as light is inseparable from the hot sun. Who has seen the center and halo of Your glory? Who has become famous without touching Your glory?

Your brilliant glory surrounds us on all sides and looks at us silently, smiling slightly and slightly surprised at our human worries and grumblings. When we fall silent, someone secretly whispers to us: you are the children of the glorious Father.

Oh, how sweet is this secret whisper!

What do we desire more than to be children of Your glory? Isn't that enough? Without a doubt, this is enough for a righteous life. However, people want to be the fathers of fame. And this is the beginning and apogee of their misfortunes. They are not content to be children and participants in Your glory, but they want to be fathers and bearers of Your glory. And yet only You - sole carrier Your glory. There are many who abuse Your glory, and many who have fallen into self-deception. There is nothing more dangerous in the hands of mortals than fame.

You show Your glory, and people argue about theirs. Your glory is a fact, but human glory is only a word.

Your glory eternally smiles and comforts, but human glory, separated from You, frightens and kills.

Your glory nourishes the unfortunate and guides the meek, but human glory is separated from You. She is Satan's most terrible weapon.

How ridiculous people are when they try to create their own glory, outside of You and apart from You. They are like some fool who hated the sun and tried to find a place where there was no sunlight. He built himself a shack without windows and, entering it, stood in the darkness and rejoiced that he had escaped from the source of light. Such is the fool and such is the inhabitant of darkness, he who tries to create his glory outside of You and apart from You, Immortal Source of Glory!

There is no human glory, just as there is no human strength. Yours is both the power and the glory, Our Father. If we do not receive them from You, we will not have them, and we will wither and be carried away by the will of the wind, like dry leaves falling from a tree.

Lord's Prayer

But you, when you pray, go into your room and, having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.

7 And when you pray, do not say too much, like the pagans, for they think that in their many words they will be heard;

8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

9 Pray like this: (Matthew 6:6-9)

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

May your kingdom come

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

(Matthew 6:9-13)

"Our Father, Who art in heaven!" (Matthew 6:9)

To the speaker Father what kind of soul is needed? How much boldness does it take? What kind of conscience do you need to have, so that after knowing God and understanding that the nature of God is goodness, holiness, joy, power, glory, purity... then you dare to pronounce this word and call such a Being your Father? It is obvious that if someone has any intelligence, then, not seeing in himself the same as in God, he will not dare to utter these words to him and say:Father! For it is unnatural for someone who is good in essence to become the father of someone who is evil in deeds, for a saint to become the father of someone defiled in life, for the Father of life to become the father of someone killed by sin... Therefore, when the Lord teaches us in prayer to call God Father, he does nothing more than legitimize an exalted way of life.

When the Lord teaches us to call Himself Father, it seems to me that He legitimizes an exalted and lofty way of life, because the Truth teaches us not to lie, not to say about ourselves what is not in us, not to call ourselves what we were not. But, calling the Imperishable, the Righteous and the Good as your Father, you must justify this relationship with life. Therefore, you see, how much preparation we need, what kind of life we ​​need, how much and what thoroughness is needed in order to, with the elevation of our conscience, achieve such a measure of boldness and dare to say to God: “Father”... When we approach God, let us first pay attention on our life: do we have anything in ourselves worthy of Divine kinship, and then we dare to say the word “Father”.St. Gregory of Nyssa

When the Lord says in prayer:who is in heaven , then with this word he does not imprison God in heaven, but distracts the one praying from the earth and places him in the highest countries and mountain dwellings.St. John Chrysostom

"Hallowed be thy name" (Matthew 6:9)

Yes hallowed that means let him be glorified. That is, vouchsafe us to live so purely that through us everyone will glorify You, to display a blameless life before everyone, so that each of those who see it will offer praise to the Lord.St. John Chrysostom

We are speaking Hallowed be thy name not in the sense that we wish God that He may be sanctified by our prayers; but we ask Him that His name may be sanctified in us. For from whom will God, who Himself sanctifies everyone, be sanctified?Sschmch. Cyprian of Carthage

We sanctify the name of the Heavenly Father by grace when we mortify all lust... and cleanse ourselves from corrupting passions, for holiness is the complete stillness and deadness of lust in the heart.St. Maxim the Confessor

"Thy kingdom come" (Matthew 6:10)

The Kingdom that we ask from the Heavenly Father is the future Kingdom after the end of the world. We pray to Him for the speedy coming of this Kingdom, so that we can quickly enter into it... This is the desire of Christians, the confusion of the pagans, the triumph of Angels; For the sake of the Kingdom we suffer and desire it uncontrollably.Tertullian

What a wondrous sequence in the Lord’s Prayer!.. After asking for the gift of perfect knowledge of God, the Lord teaches a person adopted by God to ask for the Kingdom of God to descend into his soul. This Kingdom He commands to ask for the humble, but strong prayer faith... He who has felt the Kingdom of God within himself becomes alien to a world hostile to God... He can infallibly desire that the visible Kingdom of God should come on earth, destroy sin from the face of the earth, and establish the rule of Truth on it.St. Ignatiy Brianchaninov

"Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth." (Matthew 6:10)

Speaking: Thy will be done , we do not pray that God will do what he wants, but that we can do what God wants. For who can stop God from doing what he wants? But since the devil prevents us from following God in everything in our spirit and in our deeds, we ask and pray: may God’s will be done in us.Sschmch. Cyprian of Carthage

God first commanded to desire the future and strive for one’s fatherland; but until this happens, those living here should try to lead the kind of life that is characteristic of the celestials. For one must desire, He says, Heaven and the Celestial. But before reaching Heaven, we must make the earth Heaven, so that while living on it, we can act and speak as if we were in Heaven, and pray to the Lord for this.St. John Chrysostom

“In one place,” said the elder, “they prayed for rain, and in another - so that it would not rain. It turned out that God wanted it.” Go where they lead you, see what they show you, and keep saying: “Thy will be done.”St. Ambrose Optinsky

"Give us this day our daily bread" (Matt. 6:11)

The bread of God is the one that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. In. 6, 33

I am the seven bread of life. In. 6, 47

What a wonderful order Divine wisdom has given to prayer requests. When after the heavenly, i.e. the name of God, the Kingdom of God, the will of God gave place to petition for earthly needs... However, the wordsgive us this day our daily bread we will understand more in spiritual sense. For Christ is our bread: He is our life and the bread of life, as He himself says:I am the bread of life... Asking for our daily bread, we pray for unceasing abiding in Christ through the communion of His Body.Tertullian

In the Discourse on the Mount, the Lord says that bread can have three meanings: it can mean material bread, and the sacrament of the Body of Christ... and spiritual food. Of these three meanings, He sometimes talks primarily about one, sometimes about the other, but always has all three in mind.Blzh. Augustine

“And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.” (Matthew 6:12)

Debts here mean sins - words, deeds and thoughts that are contrary to the law of God... Sins are called debts because, just as in citizenship it happens that debts oblige the debtor to repay the lender... so sins oblige us to satisfy the righteousness of God, and when we have no means to pay, they imprison us in eternal prison. We cannot pay these debts through ourselves, and for this we resort to the merits of Christ and the mercy of God... When we ask,forgive us our debts , then through this it is clear that we pray not only for ourselves, but also for each other...

It says: as we also leave our debtor . With this word we learn so that we ourselves can forgive the sins of our neighbors... God forgives us our sins out of mercy; and we, imitating Him, out of mercy must forgive the sins of our brethren.St. Tikhon Zadonsky

"And do not lead us into temptation" (Matthew 6:13)

Temptations, according to Scripture, are of two kinds: some come through what is pleasant, and others through what is sorrowful and painful; some are voluntary and others are involuntary. From them sin is born, and we are commanded to pray not to enter into them, according to the commandment of the Lord, who taught us to say in prayer:and do not lead us into temptation... And others are the executioners of sin, punishing a sin-loving disposition by inflicting involuntary grave sorrows, which if anyone endures... will find the words of the great Jacob applicable to himself:Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (James 1:2-3) . The evil one maliciously spies on both such temptations, and during the first he manages, through allure and excitement of carnal pleasures, to tempt the soul to lag behind the God-loving mood, and during the second he attempts to deceive the soul, suppressed by the weight of sorrows and troubles, to accept thoughts of murmuring and bringing injustice against the Creator.St. Maxim the Confessor

This raises an important question! If we pray so as not to be tempted, how can we prove the virtue of our firmness, which is required by Holy Scripture?..Blessed is the man who endures temptation (James 1:12) . So, the words of the prayer - do not lead us into temptation - do not mean that do not allow us to ever be tempted, but do not allow us to be defeated in temptation. Job was tempted, but was not led into temptation, for he did not say anything unreasonable about God (Job 1:22) and did not defile his lips with blasphemy, to which the tempter wanted to lead him. Abraham was tempted, Joseph was tempted, but neither one nor the other of them was led into temptation, for neither fulfilled the will of the tempter.St. John Cassian the Roman

It is not God Himself who leads into temptation, but He allows to be led into it by the one whom He deprives of His help according to His deepest intentions, because he deserves it.Blzh. Augustine

"But deliver us from evil" (Matthew 6:13)

After all, at the end of the prayer there is a conclusion that briefly expresses all our prayers and petitions. At the end we say:but deliver us from evil , meaning by this all sorts of troubles that the enemy is plotting against us in this world and against which we will have faithful and strong defense if we have God as a deliverer from them, if, at our request and prayer, He gives us His help. Then, after the words - deliver us from the evil one - we ask for the complete protection of God against the evil one, and having received such protection, we are already safe and protected from all the snares of the devil and the world. Indeed, why should one who has God as a Protector in this world be afraid of the world?Sschmch. Cyprian of Carthage

With this we pray to the Heavenly Father to protect us from it, from which we ourselves (on our own) cannot protect ourselves... With this word our Savior stirs us up to prayer and through prayer teaches us to get rid of it.St. Tikhon Zadonsky

"For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever." (Matthew 6:13)

A reminder of the enemy in wordsdeliver us from evil Having made us cautious and stopped all our carelessness, He further inspires us, presenting to us the King under whose authority we fight, and showing that He is more powerful than all.As Yours is , says the Savior,Kingdom and power and glory . So, if His is the Kingdom, then we should not be afraid, since no one resists Him and no one shares power with Him. For when the Savior said:Yours is the Kingdom , then shows that this enemy of ours is subordinate to God, although he still resists by God’s permission... In a word:and glory it is shown that this King not only frees you from the evils that threaten you, but can also make you glorious... for just as His power is great, so His glory is inexpressible, and all this is boundless and infinite.St. John Chrysostom

Brief prayer rule Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov taught everyone the following prayer rule: “Having risen from sleep, every Christian, standing before the holy icons, let him read the Lord’s PrayerOur Father three times*, in honor of the Holy Trinity, thenhymn to the Mother of God :

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women, and Blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.(three times)

Symbol of faith:

I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were.

For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human.

She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.

And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.

And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life-giving, who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and the Son, worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets.

Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

I drink the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the next century. Amen. (one time)

- Having completed this rule, let him go about his business to which he has been assigned or called. While working at home or on the road somewhere, let him read quietly:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (or sinner) ,

and if others surround him, then, while doing business, let him speak only with his mind

Lord have mercy

and continues until lunch.

- Just before lunch, let him perform the above morning rule. After lunch, while doing his job, he reads quietly:

Most Holy Theotokos, save me, a sinner (or a sinner), or

Lord Jesus Christ, through the Mother of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (or sinner) ,

and let this continue until sleep. When going to bed, let every Christian read the above morning rule again; after that, let him fall asleep, protecting himself with the sign of the cross.”

“By adhering to this rule,” says Father Seraphim, “one can achieve a measure of Christian perfection, for the above three prayers are the foundation of Christianity: the first, as a prayer given by the Lord Himself, is a model of all prayers; the second was brought from heaven by the Archangel in greeting to the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Lord; The symbol briefly contains saving dogmas Christian faith" For those who, for various reasons, cannot follow this small rule, St. Seraphim advised reading it in every position: during classes, while walking, and even in bed, presenting the basis for this as the words of Holy Scripture: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord , will be saved.
