Endoscopic method of examination of the esophagus. Why do an endoscopic examination of the esophagus? General information about the method

In our time, medicine is rapidly moving forward, in order to find out the cause of the disease, you just need to visit the doctor's office and pass the necessary tests to the laboratory. The only problem is that the esophagus is not amenable to such a study. But for his examination, a method was found that allows you to study the esophagus in detail and determine the disease and the degree of its development.

What is endoscopy

An endoscopic examination is an examination of the internal organs, carried out with the help of a special device, introduced into natural passages or small holes are made. In this case, the process goes through the mouth.

A device for research is called an endoscope and is a tube equipped with optical devices that illuminate the esophagus, and the image is displayed on a monitor thanks to a video camera. The handle located at the opposite end of the device allows the specialist to control the tube in order to study the problem area in detail and determine the nature of the disease.

The research tube has a thickness of three centimeters and painlessly penetrates inside. The only negative is that the patient still feels some discomfort during the examination.

When is an examination of the esophagus ordered?

Studies of the esophagus are prescribed for unexpected occurrences of pain in the esophagus, for any pathologies of the esophagus, an endoscopic examination of the esophagus should be performed. The study of the esophagus should also be carried out for the purpose of prevention, in order to detect all possible diseases and prevent their development.

If a foreign body has entered the esophagus, it can be identified and removed only with the help of an endoscope. A similar phenomenon can occur in people of different ages, and sometimes threaten human life. Therefore, you should immediately take measures to eliminate the problem.

In addition, during the occurrence of malignant tumors in the esophagus, doctors use endoscopy. Since this method is the most effective during surgery, and besides, it does not leave behind scars and scars.

Contraindications to the use of an endoscope

There are also contraindications to the use of this research method, which consist in prohibiting the use of the device by people who suffer from diseases such as epilepsy or asthmatic attacks. Such diseases are accompanied by a cough, and during endoscopy, a person may die from suffocation.

Also, this method cannot be used for acute diseases of the stomach. A similar procedure is prohibited when a person suffers from coronary heart disease or a hypertensive crisis. In this case, suffocation is also possible, which will end in death.

How to prepare for the procedure

Endoscopy of the esophagus should be performed after careful preparation of the patient for it. Otherwise, the study may not bring results. Sometimes the procedure is repeated due to the fact that the patient is not ready. Preparation of the patient consists in cleaning the esophagus before the procedure. Doctors recommend not eating anything for several hours before the procedure.

Three hours before the procedure, the patient is given medicine to drink. It is completely harmless. And thirty minutes before the study process, the patient is administered drugs that have a sedative and stabilizing property and normalize the patient's physical and emotional state. Then do an endoscopy of the esophagus.

The human body has huge resources, so in the initial stages, many diseases of the digestive tract do not make themselves felt. In particular, this applies to diseases of the stomach.

A procedure such as endoscopy of the stomach helps to identify the disease in advance, confirm the diagnosis and prevent complications.

How is endoscopy performed and what methods of endoscopic examination are there?

Indications for the procedure

Most often, endoscopy of the esophagus and stomach is performed in order to make the correct diagnosis.

If the patient came to see a gastroenterologist, and according to the symptoms described, the doctor suspects the presence of pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, he gives a referral for an endoscopic examination in order to:

  • visually identify changes dangerous to health;
  • clarify the source and location of the inflammatory process;
  • assess the prevalence of pathological changes.

Endoscopy is also used to assess the quality of treatment and correct the subsequent course of therapy. The results of an endoscopic examination help determine whether conservative methods are effective or whether surgical methods should be resorted to.

Also, endoscopy of the stomach can serve as a way to:

  1. Removal of foreign bodies;
  2. Removal of small tumors;
  3. Stop bleeding.


Endoscopy of the stomach is a procedure that is not without contraindications. Conventionally, all contraindications can be divided into absolute, when endoscopy is strictly prohibited, and relative, when the final decision is made by the patient together with the attending physician.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • disorders of cerebral circulation of an acute nature;
  • disorders of the coronary circulation;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • burn of the esophagus;
  • cicatricial stricture of the esophagus;
  • atlantoaxial subluxation.

Relative contraindications include:

  1. Refusal of the patient from the procedure, accompanied by panic fear;
  2. Coma (without intubation of the trachea or larynx);
  3. Zenker's diverticulum;
  4. coagulopathy;
  5. Cardiac ischemia;
  6. Hypertensive crisis;
  7. Aneurysm of the thoracic aorta;

However, if the patient is in critical condition, he has gastric bleeding and it is necessary to stop it - any risks are justified: in such conditions, doctors can perform an endoscopy of the stomach, otherwise a fatal outcome will occur.

Methods of endoscopic examination of the stomach

Endoscopes, with which endoscopy is carried out, are tubes equipped with lighting devices, as well as cameras that allow you to examine in detail the cavity of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Endoscopes are inserted into the esophagus and then into the stomach through the mouth.

Previously, too rigid tubes were used for such studies, so the procedure turned into real torture for the patient. But over time, flexible endoscopes were developed, after which the invasiveness of endoscopy began to gradually decrease.

Modern technologies have made it possible to create ultra-thin endoscopes, which are gradually replacing old-style devices and are being put into service not only in private medical institutions, but also in public ones. Ultra-thin endoscopes are so elegant that they are not able to cause discomfort and somehow seriously damage the delicate mucosa of the esophagus.

The latest development in this area is capsule endoscopy. It is carried out without the use of a flexible hose, which is replaced by a small plastic capsule equipped with special micro-equipment: a camera, a transmitter, batteries and an antenna. A swallowed capsule takes about 50 thousand high-quality photographic images of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine, which are immediately transferred to a special device. At the same time, the patient does not feel the presence of a foreign body in the stomach, does not receive any injuries, and the decoded images fully convey the picture of the state of the internal walls of his digestive organs.

Preparation for endoscopy

The mandatory conditions that must be met before the endoscopy procedure include the following:

  • Carry out research on an empty stomach. Endoscopic examination is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach, so it is preferable to do it in the morning. Naturally, you can not have breakfast in the morning. What is allowed is water, but again in small quantities and without gas. If the study is scheduled for the second half of the day, then 7-8 hours before the procedure, you must refuse any food.
  • Follow the diet for 1-2 days. A few days before the study, it is necessary to abandon all substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus: nicotine, alcohol, hot spices, fatty foods, coffee. Otherwise, endoscopy results may be inaccurate.
  • Stop taking certain medications. If the patient is taking medications that somehow affect the acidity of the stomach, 2 days before the procedure, you need to stop doing this, otherwise the doctor will not be able to determine the true acidic environment inside the organ.

All other preparatory activities carried out before endoscopy directly depend on the state of human health. For example, especially impressionable patients who suffer from increased excitability or any mental disorders need to drink a tranquilizer pill 3 hours before the study. Also, a few minutes before the introduction of the endoscopic tube, local anesthesia of the nasopharynx and esophageal opening is performed.

During the procedure, some patients may begin to salivate, so it is advisable to take a disposable towel or diaper with you.

How is a stomach endoscopy done?

Endoscopy of the stomach is performed in the supine position - the patient is placed on the couch or on the table. Turning over on his left side, he should straighten his left leg and bend his right, pulling it to his stomach. A towel or diaper is placed under the head.

Then the patient opens his mouth and bites a special ring with his teeth, through which the endoscope will be inserted in the future. Then the thin part of the device is launched into the mouth and through the esophagus penetrates directly into the stomach. It is important to take a sip at the right time at the request of the doctor, otherwise the endoscope risks getting into the trachea. After that, you need to relax and breathe through your nose. It will take a doctor a few minutes to examine in detail the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum 12. The tube is then removed.

The procedure using a capsule endoscope is much easier. A special device is put on the patient's belt, and then he swallows a plastic capsule on an empty stomach. The capsule, following the path that food usually takes, takes detailed pictures of the internal state of the digestive tract. It will then take time for the pictures to transfer to the bodypack. The patient in the process of waiting can do anything except heavy physical work. Then he returns to the doctor, who processes the results of the study.

Endoscopy of the stomach in children

The study of the children's stomach is carried out with a special endoscope - for children. All preparatory procedures are preliminarily performed in full - anesthesia, taking sedatives. But it is often difficult to get a child to relax and swallow a pipe - not every adult will agree to this. Therefore, children, like no one else, are recommended to do capsule endoscopy.

There is no age limit for capsule endoscopy. Children over five years of age can easily swallow the capsule on their own. Children from one to five years old need help swallowing the microchamber, but in general they endure the procedure calmly and painlessly. The chamber, having completed its task, leaves the body in a natural way - along with feces - without causing unnecessary disturbance.

Biopsy of the stomach using endoscopy

One of the most useful properties of endoscopy is that it will allow, in parallel with the external examination, to carry out a biopsy of the stomach.

The essence of a biopsy is to obtain a sample of gastric tissues for the purpose of their further study. Tissue sampling is done aimingly (in cases where there is already an obvious pathological formation), or by a search method (to detect a neoplasm at an early stage).

A biopsy should be performed only by an experienced doctor, because this is quite a jewelry procedure. After the introduction of an elastic tube through the esophagus into the stomach, special forceps are lowered through it, with which tissue is taken. After the samples are removed, they are impregnated with paraffin and sent to the laboratory.

It should be noted that the biopsy procedure is painless and the patient does not feel manipulations with forceps.

How to decipher the results of the study?

Only the attending gastroenterologist should decipher the results of the research in detail and prescribe a further course of treatment. The endoscopist is only obliged to issue a detailed conclusion of the study and, at the request of the patient, to make any general explanations.

The study protocol must include the following items:

  1. Condition of the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum;
  2. Appearance of the lumen of the stomach;
  3. The nature of the contents of the stomach;
  4. The degree of elasticity and other characteristics of the inner surface of the walls of organs;
  5. Complete description of the motor activity of organs;
  6. Description of changes and focal lesions, if any.

Having received the protocol of gastric endoscopy, the patient should not draw premature conclusions and independently diagnose himself, guided by information from the Internet or any other sources. It is necessary to visit your doctor as soon as possible and develop an optimal course of treatment for the detected pathologies or conduct repeated, deeper studies of the problem that has arisen.

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Endoscopy of the stomach - what is it? Preparation rules

Modern medical equipment allows doctors to examine internal organs, diagnose and treat without surgery. The endoscopic research method is widely used in gastroenterology, surgery, pulmonology, gynecology and complements other methods for analyzing the condition of patients. The procedure is carried out using a special device equipped with a video camera.

The nuances of the technique

The modern technique is a device with a flexible tube made of fiberglass with optics that allows you to illuminate and display the cavity during the examination. Endoscopy is prescribed as a separate or preliminary diagnosis, before performing an X-ray with barium. The standard procedure lasts about three minutes and includes the following steps:

1. Endoscopy of the stomach and intestines is done in the supine position. Preparation consists in the fact that the patient lies on the couch or manipulation table on the left side, bends the right leg at the knee and pulls it to the stomach. Under the head is a diaper.

2. The patient is reminded not to interfere with profuse salivation, a spitting tray is placed nearby. There are times when the use of a saliva ejector is necessary.

3. The thin part of the tube is inserted into the esophagus, the doctor gives a signal for the person to swallow, avoiding the tip to enter the trachea. If there is an obstacle, you can not act on the device with force, the physician calms the patient, feeds the tube back half a centimeter and continues after a few minutes. During this period, it is necessary to breathe deeply through the nose while the doctor is examining the internal organs. After examining the gastric mucosa, the endoscope is rotated around its axis and advanced to the duodenum. To improve visibility, air is supplied to the tube. In each position, the examination is carried out from four sides.

4. After the end of the diagnosis, the physician carefully removes the device from the esophagus, examining all the cavities along the way.

5. It is quite difficult for small children to carry out an endoscopic examination, so the capsule technique is more suitable for them.

During the study, there is the possibility of taking tissue for cytological analysis or biopsy, and the doctor also takes photographs in order to document the condition and further comparison. A targeted method is used, if necessary, to confirm the formations, or a search method to detect new tumors at an early stage. The procedure is absolutely painless, the patient does not feel manipulation with forceps. Samples are placed in a formalin solution, labeled and sent to the laboratory.

When is it appointed?

During endoscopy of the duodenum and stomach, specialists evaluate the state of the digestive system. If a number of diseases are suspected, the procedure is recommended:

1. Identify the pathology of the stomach and intestines at the stage of diagnosis, especially during the preclinical development of gastritis, colitis or ulcers.

2. Determination of the exact area and spread of the inflammatory process.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

4. In case of suspicion of oncological manifestations - a biopsy of the affected tissues.

5. Diagnosis of the consequences of peptic ulcer and the detection of cicatricial-inflammatory changes in the stomach in the pyloric region, which causes difficulty in the passage of food.

6. As a therapeutic measure, endoscopy is performed when a foreign body is removed.

7. Establishment of the source and cessation of bleeding.

8. Patients with unclear causes of anemia.

9. With the introduction of certain medications and as a preparation before surgery.

10. If necessary, removal of polyps in the cavity of the digestive system.

Preparation and conduct of endoscopy of the stomach is not prescribed for the following contraindications:

  • Cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency of the first and second degree.
  • Atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack.
  • Cancer, narrowing and ulcer of the esophagus.
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Internal varicose veins.
  • Mental disorders in a patient.
  • Obesity and pronounced weakness of the body.

With restrictions, endoscopy of the stomach is performed in such cases:

1. Hypertension of the third degree and angina pectoris. The doctor is obliged to correct violations in the cardiac and vascular systems by prescribing a drug complex.

2. Inflammation of the larynx, tonsils and pharynx.

3. An ulcer with a threat of perforation and gastritis in a strong stage of exacerbation.

4. The presence of chronic asthma.

What you need to know before endoscopy?

Preparation for gastric endoscopy includes a number of activities. The doctor conducts psychological training, during which the person is explained the goals and objectives for making the correct diagnosis. A special approach is applied to patients with unstable behavior and nervousness. Patients should be familiar with the rules before and after endoscopy:

1. It is necessary to inform the doctor about the presence of an allergy to drugs, including anesthetics. It is also important to warn about existing serious illnesses, previous ailments, and existing prescriptions and medications.

2. Manipulations are carried out only on an empty stomach. The patient should not eat for 10 hours before the start of the endoscopy to provide the doctor with an overview and prevent vomiting.

3. Non-carbonated water consumption is allowed, no more than 100 g.

5. For half an hour, the patient is given atropine sulfate, for highly excitable patients, an injection of sedatives such as promedol is prescribed.

6. It is necessary to attend the endoscopy in clothes that do not hinder movement, so it is better to bring a home suit with you.

Note! The presence of symptoms such as: 1. bitterness in the mouth, putrid odor; 2. frequent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, alternating constipation with diarrhea; 3. fatigue, general lethargy;

According to doctors...

7. Discomfort when inserting the tube is eliminated by the use of an anesthetic. In most cases, the oral cavity and esophageal inlet are irrigated with ice-caine spray during preparation. Patients who have difficulty swallowing the endoscope are given intramuscular injections of sedatives. For critically ill patients, general anesthesia is used.

8. To prevent the tube from being squeezed by the teeth, use a special plastic cap.

9. After the end of the study, the patient must rest for half an hour, then for one and a half hours the person is in a supine position. After that, he is allowed to go home and allowed to take food and water.

Complications after endoscopy of the esophagus and stomach are observed only with the rough introduction of the device or inappropriate behavior of the patient. In such a situation, there may be damage to the back of the pharynx, thoracic internal organs. For small abrasions on the mucosa, washing with a solution of silver nitrate and a diet are prescribed. In the description of the study, the doctor fixes the following points:

  • The condition of the walls and cavities of all organs that have been analyzed.
  • Appearance and nature of the contents of the stomach.
  • The degree of elasticity and the presence or absence of defects in the tissues.
  • Description of the motor activity of the digestive system.
  • Tumors and focal lesions, if necessary.

After receiving the results of gastric endoscopy, the patient is referred to a specialized specialist who prescribes the optimal treatment or further examination. Despite the discomfort during manipulations, each person must undergo the procedure not only for diagnostic, but also for preventive purposes once a year. Based on the results of such a study, the doctor can get a complete picture and give a detailed conclusion, and, upon special request, the pictures necessary for a comparative analysis.


FGDS: indications and preparation

Fibrogastroscopy is one of the most valuable methods for diagnosing diseases of the upper digestive system. Endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum can be performed both on a planned and emergency basis. With a planned examination, preparation for FGDS is necessarily carried out.

Indications for FGDS

Fibrogastroscopy is performed in the following cases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the upper digestive tract (esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • suspicion of tumor processes in the esophagus, stomach or duodenum (polyps, cancer).

The FGDS procedure can be carried out not only for diagnostic, but also for therapeutic purposes. In addition to the examination, the doctor can perform a biopsy from a pathological or suspicious area of ​​​​the mucous membrane (ulcer, atrophic or hyperplastic processes, polyps). In case of bleeding, ligation or coagulation of the bleeding vessel can be performed.

Also, during gastroscopy, small polyps are removed. What is this disease, why does it develop and why is it dangerous? The answers to these questions can be found in the article: Why do polyps form in the stomach? How to detect this disease?

Important: many patients try to avoid the EGD procedure because this study seems very unpleasant to them. Do not be afraid of fibrogastroscopy, because it helps to diagnose many serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at an early stage. The procedure takes only a few minutes, and with proper preparation, this study will not cause significant discomfort.

The main condition for FGS is the absence of food masses in the stomach and duodenum. Therefore, preparation for EGD consists in refusing food 8-12 hours before endoscopy.

Eat a light dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.

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In the morning it is forbidden:

  • there is,
  • brush your teeth,
  • smoke,
  • chew gum.

On the advice of a doctor, in the morning you should drink one glass of non-carbonated mineral or boiled water. If gastric endoscopy is scheduled in the afternoon, then on the day of the study, you can take a light breakfast, but no later than 9 am.

You need to take with you to the reception:

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  • outpatient card,
  • direction to FGDS,
  • previous FGDS result,
  • towel or diaper
  • shoe covers.

Immediately prior to endoscopy, remove removable dentures (if any) from the mouth, remove glasses, a tight scarf or tie from the neck.

It is important to set yourself up positively, try not to worry and relax. Nervous tension can cause spasm of the esophagus or stomach, making the procedure more difficult and less informative.

Methodology for FGDS

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is a medical examination during which the inner lining of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is examined using an optical instrument of a gastroscope. The procedure is performed by an endoscopist in a specially equipped room. The patient during EGD of the stomach lies on his side on the couch. The throat is treated with an anesthetic in the form of a spray to reduce discomfort. Then the subject is asked to hold the mouthpiece in his teeth and make several swallowing movements. The doctor at this time introduces a gastroscope into the esophagus. The fibrogastroscope is a flexible fiber-optic device in the form of a thin tube. At the end of it there is a light bulb for lighting. Tissue sampling forceps or other instruments may be inserted into the gastroscope channel. During the study, the patient usually feels the urge to vomit, belching and salivation may appear.

Before endoscopy of the stomach, preparation is also important in order to exclude vomiting. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to breathe deeply during the procedure. To straighten the walls of the digestive tube, air is supplied through the device.

The doctor examines the mucous membranes, the contents of the esophagus and stomach. If necessary, he takes pieces of tissue for histological examination with tweezers.

The whole procedure usually takes no more than 5 minutes.

Complications of EGD of the stomach

Serious complications during fibroscopy are very rare. Such consequences include perforation of the organ wall and bleeding in case of accidental damage to the vessel. If the preparation was not performed before fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the contents of the stomach may enter the respiratory tract. It is dangerous with asphyxia and aspiration pneumonia.

Usually, after the study, the patient feels a slight discomfort in the throat, especially when swallowing. Rarely, mild pain in the stomach area may disturb. These phenomena disappear on their own after 24-48 hours.

Deciphering the results of fibrogastroscopy

Analysis of FGDS is carried out by a gastroenterologist. Usually, during the procedure, the research process is displayed on a TV or computer monitor and recorded. If necessary, the image can be printed.

What data can be obtained with FGS?

When evaluating FGDS, a doctor can determine:

  • patency of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum;
  • the presence of constrictions, strictures, scars;
  • viability of the cardiac sphincter of the esophagus;
  • mucosal changes (atrophy, hypertrophy, inflammation, erosion, ulcers, areas of intestinal metaplasia, atypical epithelium, etc.);
  • the presence of gastroesophageal and duodenogastric reflux;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • diverticula (protrusions of the muscular wall);
  • volumetric formations (polyps, papillomas, cancer);
  • stage of gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases.

Difficulties in diagnosis may arise in the absence of appropriate preparation for FGS of the stomach, since the presence of food particles interferes with examination. Thus, FGDS is the most important diagnostic and treatment method in gastroenterology.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Kirovtseva, how she cured her stomach... Read the article >>

All materials on the site ozhivote.ru are presented for review, contraindications are possible, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY! Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment!


Guidelines for preparing patients for endoscopic examinations (for paramedical personnel of endoscopic departments and rooms)

Belova G. V., Doctor of Medical Sciences Kovalenko T. V., Candidate of Medical Sciences Balan A. A.

Over the past 30 years, endoscopic examinations have firmly entered the daily practice of examining and treating patients with various diseases of the digestive tract. Modern endoscopy is not just a general examination to detect gross pathology, but a rigorous assessment of minimal changes in the mucosa using various additional techniques - targeted biopsy, examination in a narrow spectrum of light, staining, endo-ultrasound.

In addition, the possibilities of operative endoscopy in the treatment of tumor and precancerous pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the pancreas and biliary system are expanding.

Taking into account all these tasks, preparation for the study is of particular importance, aimed at cleansing the surface of the mucous membrane of the studied organ from saliva, mucus, intestinal contents, foamy bile, reducing tone and peristalsis. The calm behavior of the patient during the examination is also important, which significantly improves the quality of the examination and makes it possible to identify minimal manifestations of pathology.

The procedures for conducting endoscopic examinations were developed by the Russian Endoscopic Society and are currently being approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Domestic standards for endoscopic examinations will be developed based on the procedures.

The memos and patient preparation schemes given in these guidelines are compiled on the basis of foreign (1, 2, 3) and domestic guidelines (4,5), recommendations of drug manufacturers, as well as our own many years of experience.

Memo for the patientPreparation for endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (esophagogastroduodenoscopy - EGDS)

Currently, endoscopic examinations are performed with modern, flexible and thin endoscopic devices with a diameter of less than 1 cm. The duration of the examination is on average from 10 to 50 minutes. The study is performed in the supine position on the left side.

Studies are performed under local anesthesia of the oropharyngeal mucosa with a 10% solution of lidocaine in the form of a spray. In case of poor tolerance or severe excitement, intravenous medical sedation may be performed before the study.

In the case of sedation, it is important to consider the possibility of developing forgetfulness, reduced attention, slow reactions, drowsiness and weakness. The most pronounced effect is manifested within the first hour after the administration of the drug.

Preparation for the study:

1. Fasting for at least 6-7 hours before the study. It is optimal if the last meal is no later than 18-19 hours on the eve of the day of the study. You can drink later. On the day of the study, in case of a strong feeling of hunger, weakness, or when performing EGDS after 12:00, you can drink any clear liquid, including broth, no later than 2 hours before the procedure. All drugs prescribed by the attending physician must be taken as usual, especially vital antihypertensive and cardiac drugs.2. 10-15 minutes before the study, the patient's blood pressure is measured, 20 ml of espumizan suspension is given in a glass of water. In the event of an increase in pressure, the attending physician is informed about this, antihypertensive therapy is carried out. After normalization of blood pressure, the time of examination is re-specified with the department of endoscopy.3. After the study, hospital patients are sent to the department, accompanied by medical staff.4. After the study, conducted with intravenous sedation, outpatients should be under the supervision of medical personnel for at least 1 hour.

5. You can eat 20-30 minutes after the end of the study (if there are no special instructions). The first meal is chilled.

Memo for nursesPreparation for endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (esophagogastroduodenoscopy - EGDS)

It is necessary to warn the patient about the need to take antihypertensive, cardiac and other drugs that are used constantly. They should be taken no later than 2 hours before the procedure.

When registering for a study of patients with diabetes, it is necessary to coordinate the intake of drugs and the time of the endoscopic examination with an endocrinologist or therapist.

If the patient has markers of viral hepatitis B and C (HBs-antigen, anti-HCV), it is desirable to register for EGDS in hospital patients at the LAST TIME

If INTESTINAL METAPLASIA is detected in a previous morphological study of gastric biopsy specimens, it is necessary to warn the patient about coming to the study 1.5–2 hours before the appointed time for staining the mucous membrane. In the presence of small bowel metaplasia, chromoEGDS is performed once every 2 years, in the presence of colonic metaplasia - once a year. In the presence of dysplasia, endoscopic examination is carried out in accordance with accepted guidelines.

It is necessary to warn patients that if it is impossible to come to the endoscopy at the appointed time, it is necessary to report this to the registry or to the endoscopy room (preferably in advance).

Instructions for the patientPreparing for an endoscopic examination of the colon (colonoscopy)

Colonoscopy with modern endoscopes is safe and very informative. During the procedure, you can get not only visual information about the state of the intestine, but also, if necessary, take material for morphological examination, as well as perform various medical and surgical interventions through the endoscope, which often replace complex surgical operations.

For the qualitative performance of the study, good bowel preparation is very important. The presence of intestinal contents significantly complicates the implementation of the apparatus and examination, which reduces the value of the study.

Standard study preparation method:

1. Diet. 2 days before the study (with constipation for 3 days), a diet without vegetable fiber (slag-free) is prescribed: you can: tea, sugar, honey, clarified juices, broth, meat, boiled fish, eggs, dairy products. not allowed: bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, mushrooms It is forbidden to eat at lunch and dinner on the eve of the study, as well as breakfast on the day of the study. On the morning of the examination, the patient may drink sweet tea (with sugar or honey) or a clear broth. For patients with diabetes, breakfast with products without vegetable fiber (egg, kefir) is allowed.2. Bowel cleansing with FORTRANS or LAVAKOL preparations. Pre-dissolve 3 sachets of the drug in 3 liters of boiled water (for constipation, 4 sachets in 4 liters). On the eve (1 day before the study, starting from 15-16 hours), you need to drink 3 (or 4) liters of the prepared solution. The drug solution should be drunk within 3-4 hours (1 glass of 250 ml every 15-20 minutes). The laxative effect begins after 1.5–2 hours and lasts 5–6 hours.

2 a. Option with setting enemas. 1 day before the study (the day before) at 14:00:

a) the patient does not have lunch; b) takes a laxative (chosen by a doctor):

c) at 18.00. and 20.00 - two cleansing enemas with water at room temperature with a volume of 1.5 liters (it is necessary to inject the liquid, if possible avoiding the appearance of pain in the patient).

On the day of the study:

a) in the morning at 6.30., 7.30. and 8.30. put 2-3 cleansing enemas of the same composition with a volume of 1.5 liters. After the last enema, the wash water should not contain admixtures of feces; otherwise, the procedure is repeated until the specified effect. Controlling the nature of the stool by the patient himself is an extremely important moment of preparation!

All medicines that the patient uses constantly, especially HYPOTENSIVE AND CARDIAC drugs, must be taken in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

Memo for nursesOn preparing for an endoscopic examination of the colon (colonoscopy)

When prescribing a colonoscopy, it is necessary to familiarize the patient with the rules for preparing for the study (give a “memo for the patient”)

1. Diet. Regardless of the method of further bowel cleansing, 2 days (with constipation 3 days) before the study, the patient is prescribed a slag-free diet without vegetable fiber: you can: tea, sugar, honey, clarified juices, broth, meat, boiled fish, eggs, dairy products. not allowed: bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, mushrooms. It is forbidden to feed patients lunch and dinner on the eve of the study, as well as breakfast on the day of the study; in the morning on the day of the study, the patient can drink sweet tea (with sugar or honey) or clear broth. For patients with diabetes, breakfast with products without vegetable fiber (egg, kefir) is allowed. Preparation for colonoscopy after X-ray studies with a contrast suspension is not allowed (the interval between these studies should not be less than 5 days).2. Cleansing the intestines with FORTRANS and LAVAKOL. Preliminarily dissolve 3 sachets of the drug in 3 liters of boiled water (regardless of the patient's weight). For constipation - 4 sachets in 4 liters, a two-stage preparation is possible - 1 liter of Fortrans / Lavacol (or other laxative prescribed by a doctor) in the evening 2 days before the study and 3 liters of Fortrans the day before. The day before (1 day before the study, starting from 15 -16 hours) you need to drink 3 (or 4) liters of the prepared solution. The drug solution should be drunk within 3-4 hours (1 glass of 250 ml every 15-20 minutes). Laxative effect begins after 1.5–2 hours and lasts 5–6 hours

In cases where the preparation for colonoscopy using the Fortrans preparation causes difficulties for the patient, it is necessary to inform the attending physician or the doctor on duty in order to choose another method of preparation.

2 a. Option with setting enemas 1 day before the study (the day before) at 14:00:

a) the patient does not have lunch; b) takes a laxative (selected by the doctor): c) at 18.00. and 20.00 - two cleansing enemas with water at room temperature with a volume of 1.5 liters each (it is necessary to inject the liquid, if possible avoiding

pain in the patient).

On the day of the study:

a) in the morning at 6.30., 7.30. and 8.30. put 2-3 cleansing enemas of the same composition with a volume of 1.5 liters. After the last enema, the wash water should not contain admixtures of feces; otherwise, the procedure is repeated until the specified effect. Control of the nature of the stool by the patient himself and control by the staff (hospital nurse) is an extremely important moment of preparation!

All necessary drugs that the patient uses constantly, which most often include antihypertensive and cardiac drugs, must be taken in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

Patients with a colostomy. In patients with a colostomy, there are certain difficulties in preparing for colonoscopy in the traditional way, which are associated with the inability to perform adequate cleansing enemas. In this regard, the terms of the slag-free diet are lengthened up to 7-10 days, the dosage of laxative drugs is increased by 2 times. Some researchers also recommend increasing the number of cleansing enemas to improve the quality of preparation (3 enemas in the evening and 2 in the morning or 3 enemas in the evening and 3 in the morning)

Blood pressure is measured in all patients 10-15 minutes before the study. In the event of an increase in pressure, the attending physician is informed about this, antihypertensive therapy is carried out. After normalization of blood pressure, the time of examination is re-specified with the endoscopy department.

Patient's memoPreparation for endovideocapsular examination of the intestine

Bowel preparation: 3 days before the study, the patient is prescribed a slag-free diet without vegetable fiber. On the day before the study, only the liquid part of the table (broths, clear juices or compotes, weak sweet tea or coffee without milk, mineral or drinking water without gas) On the evening before the study (17.00–19.00), 2 liters of Fortrans / Lavacol are drunk After that, you can drink sweet weak tea or clear broth. At 22.00 it is necessary to drink 20 ml of espumizan.

You can drink 1–1.5 hours after swallowing the capsule (still water, sweet tea)

Reminder for nursesPreparation for endovideocapsule research

This research method is based on the use of propulsive intestinal motility as a driving force for the promotion of the video capsule. The capsule can broadcast video images of the small and large intestine for 8 hours + 50 minutes. The patient wears a portable receiver of these radio signals on his belt. Such a study in each patient should be preceded by an examination of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and colon. Before the procedure, the intestines are cleansed, after which the patient swallows the capsule along with a sip of water.

Indications for capsule endoscopy:

a) intestinal bleeding from an unknown source; b) suspected Crohn's disease of the small intestine; c) celiac disease;

d) detection of polyps in hereditary forms of polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bowel preparation: 3 days before the study, the patient is prescribed a slag-free diet without vegetable fiber. On the day before the study, only the liquid part of the table (broths, clear juices or compotes, weak sweet tea or coffee without milk, mineral or drinking water without gas)

On the evening before the study (17.00–19.00), 2 liters of fortrans/lavacol are drunk. After that, you can drink sweet weak tea. At 22.00 drink 20 ml of espumizan.

In the morning on the day of the study, 2-3 hours before it, another 800 ml of Fortrans/Lavacol and 20 ml of Espumizan suspension are drunk, 200 ml (1 glass) of Fortrans solution is left to drink the video capsule.

1 hour before the study, the patient takes 1 tablet of motilium.

In the presence of hair, it is necessary to shave the abdomen from the nipples to the pubis to stick the electrodes.

The patient swallows the endovideocapsule, washing it down with the remaining Fortrans solution.

The electrodes are connected to a recording device, which is placed in a case fixed on the patient's body. There are no restrictions on physical activity.

You can drink after 1-1.5 hours (water without gas, sweet tea)

Eating 4-5 hours after the control of the localization of the capsule by an endoscopist.

The capsule works for 8-9 hours, during which time the green light on the recorder flashes. When the flashing stops, turn off the recorder (green button on the left side of the device, press for 2–3 seconds), the indicator will go out. The electrodes are carefully peeled off, the case with the recording device is removed and transferred to the endoscopy department in the morning.


1. A. Riphaus, T. Wehrmann, B. Weber, J. Arnold, U. Beilenhoff, H. Bitter, S. von Delius, D. Domagk, AF Ehlers, S. Faiss, S3 Guideline: Sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy 2008.2 . D. Hartmann, W. Heinrichs, M.-L. Hermans, C. Hofmann, S. In der Smitten, M. Jung, G. Khler, M. Kraus, J. Martin, A. Meining, J. Radke, T. Rsch, H. Seifert, A. Sieg, B. WigginghausHawes RH, Lowry A., Deziel D. A consensus document on bowel preparation before colonoscopy: Prepared by a Task Force From The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS), the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), and the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopie Surgeons (SAGES). Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, v 63 No. 7: 2006, p. 894–910, www.giejornal.org.3. McLean A. N., Douglas J. G., Semple PD'A, et al. Scottish national bronchscopy audit: a prospective multicentre study of 3316 cases against agreed standards. Respir Med 2000;94; 511–5.4. Clinical recommendations of the working group of the Russian Endoscopic Society "Preparation of patients for endoscopic examination of the colon" Moscow 2011, second revised and supplemented edition

5. Sotnikov V. N., Razzhivina A. A., Veselov V. V. et al. Methodological principles of colonoscopy. Colonoscopy in the diagnosis of diseases of the colon. M. Extraprint. 2006, pp. 25–74.

Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus

The gastrointestinal tract is a system of interconnected organs. If the infection enters one of them, then the inflammatory process can spread to everything - the esophagus, stomach and intestines. They need to be examined together, therefore, endoscopy of the esophagus is used, when the state of the gastrointestinal tract is checked using a small camera.

Esophagoscopy method

The method of esophagoscopy is widely used in the appointment of treatment of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The research apparatus is inserted through the patient's mouth into the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. This method allows you to make the correct diagnosis and choose the best ways to treat the identified pathologies.

Indications for examination are:

  • inflammation of the esophagus from a thermal or chemical burn;
  • penetration of gastric juice into the esophagus;
  • exclude the presence of a tumor of the esophagus.

Preliminary X-ray examination is carried out. If it does not give a clear picture of the processes, then endoscopy of the esophagus is prescribed. At the same time, the walls of the organ are clearly visible, the camera allows you to record the initial stages of diseases, and take urgent therapeutic measures.

The gastrointestinal tract is also checked during treatment in order to trace the process of the impact of therapeutic measures on the pathology.

The diagnostic procedure is carried out using a fibrogastroscope - a soft wire with a video camera at the end.

If it is necessary to carry out manipulations inside the organs, a rigid endoscope is used. He delivers instruments for surgical intervention. Thus, polyps of the esophagus are removed, drugs are administered to narrow the veins that close the lumen.

Endoscopy is done on an urgent basis if it is necessary to remove a foreign object from the esophagus or to close the bleeding.

Indicators during the survey

At the entrance to the esophagus, a slit-like lumen with walls of a pale pink color normally opens. The folds of the inner shell have a longitudinal arrangement. The organ contracts rhythmically and evenly. Penetration into the upper part of the stomach is indicated by a slight resistance and a change in the color of the mucosa to a brighter one.

What pathologies are detected by endoscopic examination:

  • hernia of the esophagus;
  • esophagitis reflux;
  • change in the direction of folding of the mucosa;
  • inflammation and swelling of the epithelium;
  • erosion and ulcers in the initial stages;
  • weakening of the tone of the body.

Chromoendoscopy of the esophagus and stomach is used quite often. This is a research technique in which the mucous membrane of the walls of the esophagus and stomach is stained with a safe chemical composition that changes color in areas affected by pathological processes. Simultaneously with the study, doctors take tissue samples for biopsy. Without the use of a dye, the detection of diseased areas of the gastrointestinal tract was almost impossible. Now the study of the esophagus by this method is used everywhere and is recognized as the most informative.

Initially, chromoendoscopy was used only for the stomach and esophagus. Now, with the help of tinting, all organs of the gastrointestinal tract are examined.

The types of dyes are varied. These are chemicals that can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the selection of the composition is individual for each patient.

Lugol's solution (glycerin + iodine), Congo red, methylene blue are used. In the stomach and esophagus, they penetrate the epithelial cells and you can immediately see where the change is.

This method detects cancer of the esophagus, an emerging oncology in the stomach. These terrible diseases at the initial stage do not give painful symptoms and it is practically impossible to detect them in any other way. When tinted, the boundaries of the pathological tumor are clearly visible on the screen.

Before applying the dye, the epithelium is washed with water to remove mucus. Then the walls are irrigated with Lugol's solution, which stains healthy areas of the mucosa in dark tones.

Foreign bodies

If the doctor believes that there is a foreign object in the lumen of the esophagus, he first sends the patient for a consultation with the ENT. Endoscopy should be performed in the thoracic department in order to immediately remove the cause of concern if necessary.

Endoscopic diagnostic methods have a special place in modern medicine - with their help, the doctor has the opportunity to examine in detail the condition of the organs "from the inside", without making surgical incisions. Endoscopic examination of the esophagus involves examining the organ using a special device (endoscope) inserted through the oral cavity.


A modern endoscope is a flexible tube, inside which there is an optical and lighting system that allows you to fully assess the condition of the desired area from the inside. Endoscopy of the esophagus (esophagoscopy) is often performed in conjunction with the study of the stomach and duodenum.

When and why is esophagoscopy performed?

Any endoscopic examination faces certain diagnostic and therapeutic tasks:

  • Identification and differential diagnosis of pathologies of internal organs and their complications.
  • Making a prognosis for the development of the disease, developing an individual treatment plan based on the data obtained during the study.
  • Determining the type of surgical intervention and identifying its volumes.
  • Fixing indications for endoscopic surgery and its implementation directly.

Esophagoscopy can be planned, to which the patient is referred by the attending physician, and emergency, carried out in urgent situations.

Indications for elective endoscopy:

  • Suspicion of pathology of the esophagus, in the diagnosis of which the previous methods turned out to be uninformative.
  • Confirmation or exclusion of oncological changes in the esophagus.
  • Identification of the degree of spread of pathology.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of conservative or surgical treatment.

Esophagogastroscopy procedure

Emergency esophagoscopy is performed in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of the presence of a foreign object in the lumen of the esophagus.
  • Diagnosis of esophageal bleeding.
  • Identification of damage or perforation of the walls of the organ.
  • Insertion of a probe into the stomach in acute stenosis of the esophagus.

Contraindications for the study

All contraindications to endoscopy of the esophagus are divided into absolute and relative. The absolute ones include: a state of shock, intubation of the patient, acute violation of the coronary and cerebral circulation, epileptic convulsions, exacerbation of bronchial asthma, a high risk of perforation of the esophagus in some conditions - burns, cicatricial adhesions.

Relative contraindications: coma without intubation of the patient, disorders of the blood coagulation system, coronary heart disease (ischemic heart disease), acute inflammation of the pharynx and respiratory organs, aneurysm of the thoracic aorta, the patient's serious condition.

It is important to understand that in some cases, if there are contraindications, the benefits of the procedure can significantly outweigh the possible harm.

For example, in the case of esophageal bleeding in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident, endoscopy is performed to stop bleeding.

Study preparation

FGS must be done on an empty stomach

When conducting a planned endoscopic examination of the esophagus, the patient must prepare, which consists in following simple recommendations. It is advisable to prescribe the procedure in the morning, as the stomach should be empty. If esophagoscopy is scheduled for the afternoon, a light breakfast is allowed no later than 4-5 hours before the manipulation. It is allowed to drink half a glass of clean water if you feel worse. Some patients are given premedication - 3 hours before the procedure, tranquilizers are administered to eliminate anxiety. Half an hour before the study, muscle relaxants are administered to prevent the development of spasms that complicate the diagnosis.

How is the procedure?

During the study, the patient sits on the couch, the doctor is to his left. The subject opens his mouth wide and protrudes his tongue as much as possible, after which the health worker treats the back of the pharynx and oral cavity with an anesthetic to reduce the gag reflex. The patient has a sensation of a lump in the throat - this indicates the onset of anesthesia. After that, a special mouthpiece is placed in the mouth, a flexible endoscope is slowly inserted through it, which smoothly descends along the esophagus. At the same time, a specialist on the monitor carefully monitors the image, paying attention to the condition of the esophageal mucosa and fixing the localization of the detected pathological foci.

In the event that the study is carried out using a rigid endoscope, the patient is placed on the couch so that the mouth, oropharynx and esophagus are located in the same plane - this is less comfortable for the patient, the procedure may be accompanied by pain.

For easy passage of the endoscope through the adjacent folds of the cervical esophagus, air is injected into it, which helps to straighten the folds and improve visibility.

Endoscopist at work

If necessary, some manipulations are immediately carried out - foreign bodies, polyps, cysts are removed, and minor bleeding is stopped. The study takes an average of 15-20 minutes, after its completion the patient receives a conclusion, which describes the data obtained during the examination, as well as a disk with video and photographs.

Feelings after esophagoscopy and possible complications

During the day after the procedure, the patient may feel discomfort in the throat, which is expressed in perspiration, burning and sensation of a foreign body. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own in one or two days, and nothing reminds the patient of the study. However, like any other medical intervention, endoscopic examination can provoke the development of complications, such as perforation of the esophageal wall or bleeding after removal of neoplasms. Emergencies during the procedure are extremely rare, as modern endoscopes are quite flexible and equipped with a powerful optical system.

Deciphering the results of esophagoscopy

There are certain criteria by which the specialist conducts a description of the area under study. When examining the esophagus, pay attention to the color of the mucosa, the peristalsis of the organ and the condition of the cardia (the place where the esophagus passes into the stomach). Normally, the entrance to the esophagus has a rounded slit-like shape, the mucous membrane is pale pink with a thin vascular pattern, the folds are longitudinal and indistinct. Peristaltic contractions are rhythmic and circular, the cardia is normally closed.

All disorders of the function of the esophagus are expressed in a decrease or increase in peristalsis: hypo- and hyperkinesia. Hyperkinesia consists in an increased contraction of the organ; in this case, endoscopic examination often reveals hernias, esophagitis and reflux disease, the folds of the esophagus are clearly expressed. Hypokinesia is most often accompanied by a weakening of the tone of the esophagus, as well as excessive opening of the upper and lower sphincter.

The video gastroscope facilitates the work of the endoscopist

Esophagitis is manifested in hyperemia and edema of the mucous membrane of varying severity and prevalence, infiltrative areas are often noted, the walls of the organ are covered with white or gray plaque, and in severe cases, with a gray-yellow dense coating, bleeding is detected when it is removed. Erosive esophagitis is accompanied by the appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane, which are covered with easily removable plaque.

Fibrinous esophagitis has a fairly characteristic picture - the mucous membrane has a white-gray color, it is difficult to move, the walls of the esophagus are inelastic. In the case of air being forced into the esophagus, its walls are hard to straighten, while the patient experiences pain. The mucosal folds are rough, edematous and thick.

Endoscopic studies have expanded the capabilities of diagnostic medicine several times, allowing doctors to identify existing problems at an early stage of development. The technique is considered safe and relatively painless, the study can be carried out both for adults and children. It can be done in private and public clinics and hospitals equipped with the necessary equipment.

Ancient healers could not even imagine that in the future it would be possible to inspect and not make incisions on the body. At present, such a survey has become a reality. Medical science is constantly developing, thanks to which it is possible to detect various pathological conditions in a timely manner and provide the necessary assistance to patients. allow assessing the condition of the tissues of hollow organs from the inside. There are several varieties of such diagnostics, which will be discussed in this article.

What is endoscopy?

In medical practice, the term "endoscopy" means the examination of internal organs with a cavity, using lighting devices. To perform such a procedure, an endoscope is used - rigid or flexible tubes of small diameter. In the first case, the device is based on an optical fiber system. On one side is a light bulb, and on the other - an eyepiece that allows you to adjust the size of the image. Flexible endoscopes allow you to explore the most inaccessible places. A clear picture is transmitted through the fiber bundle despite the bends of the system. A new step in the development of this field of diagnostics is capsule endoscopy.

With the help of flexible endoscopes, you can not only diagnose, but also take tissue samples for a more detailed study of the pathological process. Endoscopic studies allow you to determine the nature of the disease, track the dynamics of treatment. A unique device allows you to assess the condition of almost any organ. The procedure itself is carried out exclusively in medical institutions by specially trained personnel.

Advantages of the method

The main advantage of diagnosing with an endoscope is the ability to see the state of internal organs without surgical intervention. The procedure is painless for the patient. The only thing he can feel is discomfort. During the examination, the person is conscious.

Sometimes used for operations. In this case, a small skin incision is made through which a tube with a lighting device will be inserted. Such manipulation is necessary when removing benign neoplasms on internal organs, when removing foreign bodies. Endoscopic examination methods can be used to administer drugs.

Applications of endoscopy

The advent of endoscopy made it possible to examine almost all organs. The diagnostic method is used in the following areas of medicine:

  • gynecology (colposcopy, hysteroscopy);
  • neurology and neurosurgery (ventriculoscopy);
  • pulmonology (bronchoscopy);
  • otolaryngology (otoscopy, pharyngolaryngoscopy);
  • gastroenterology (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, laparoscopy);
  • cardiology (cardioscopy);
  • urology (cystoscopy, ureteroscopy).

Recently, endoscopy has also been used to diagnose knee joints. In the process of diagnostics (arthroscopy), a special device is introduced to the patient - an arthroscope, which allows the specialist to assess the condition of the joint and perform the procedure with minimal surgical intervention. Conducting endoscopic studies also allows you to recognize the disease at an early stage, so they are often prescribed for the prevention of patients at risk.

Indications for examination of the intestine

The only way to see the condition of the bowel is to do an endoscopy. In medical terminology, endoscopic studies of this kind are called esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, rectomanoscopy. Indications for the diagnosis of the esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, rectum are the following pathological conditions:

  • Ulcer disease.
  • Suspicion of bleeding.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Gastritis.
  • Paraproctitis.
  • Chair disorders.
  • Hemorrhoids (chronic).
  • Discharge of blood, mucus from the anus.

Depending on the preliminary diagnosis, the specialist will select the most appropriate variant of endoscopic examination.

Colonoscopy of the intestine

One type of endoscopic examination is a colonoscopy. The method allows for diagnostics using a flexible colonoscope device, consisting of an eyepiece, a light source, a tube through which air is supplied and special forceps for sampling material. The device allows you to see a sufficiently high-quality image displayed on the screen, the state of the mucous membrane of the colon. The length of the tube that is used for this type of diagnosis is 1.5 meters.

The procedure is quite simple. The patient is asked to lie on the left side and pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest. After that, the doctor gently inserts the colonoscope into the rectum. The anus can first be lubricated with an anesthetic gel. The tube is gradually advanced inward, examining the walls of the intestine. For a clearer image during the diagnostic process, air is constantly supplied. The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.

Is preparation necessary?

Of course, in order to obtain an accurate picture of the condition of the large intestine, the patient should prepare for a colonoscopy. Preparation for endoscopic examination consists primarily in diet. Products that contribute to the retention of feces and increased gas formation should be excluded from the daily menu at least a week before the expected date of the diagnosis.

On the day of the examination, you need to refrain from eating in the morning. Only liquids are allowed. Before the procedure itself, experts recommend cleansing the rectum with an enema or using laxatives.

Endoscopic examination of the intestine - colonoscopy - is a painless procedure and therefore you should not be afraid of it. The patient may feel only slight discomfort. In some cases, the manipulation is carried out under anesthesia, but most often it is limited to sedatives and painkillers.

Capsule endoscopy

A relatively new direction in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is capsule endoscopy. The method appeared only in 2001. The endoscope used for research resembles a medicinal capsule, which greatly facilitates the process of introducing the device. This tablet should simply be swallowed with water. The device is activated immediately after opening the individual package. Passing through the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the capsule takes a lot of pictures that will later help to make a diagnosis.

The advantages of this method are obvious - the patient does not need to swallow the hose or worry about the colonoscopy. The capsule enters the most remote parts of the intestine, where there is no access to a conventional endoscope. On the other hand, this method does not allow taking material for biopsy, removing polyps. Therefore, doctors still prefer to use capsular and traditional endoscopy of the digestive tract organs in a complex way.


Endoscopy is performed to diagnose various pathologies. Most often, esophagoscopy is combined with an examination of the stomach and duodenum. This allows you to get a more complete picture of the state of the digestive tract. The method allows to reveal ulcers, hemorrhages, inflammatory processes, polyps on the mucous membrane. Taking material for a biopsy allows you to establish the etiology of the disease. Inspection is carried out with both a flexible and a rigid device.

Indications for examination are structural anomalies, chemical burns of the mucosa, the need for a biopsy, the presence of a foreign body, and inflammatory processes.

Endoscopic Ultrasound

To diagnose the walls of the digestive tract, the method of endoscopy using ultrasound can be used. The latter allows you to get an image of the organs thanks to sound waves. This method is most often used to detect benign neoplasms, tumors, stones in the bile ducts, inflammation of the pancreas. Endoscopic studies using ultrasound allow you to evaluate the mucous membrane of the entire digestive system.

The endoscope is inserted into the patient through the larynx, first into the esophagus, gradually moving it into the stomach and duodenum. Previously, the larynx is treated with an analgesic spray to relieve discomfort. An ultrasound may be needed to take tissue samples.

Consequences of the procedure

Endoscopic research methods in most cases do not cause serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the patient can return to a normal lifestyle in a few hours and at the same time not feel any discomfort. However, there are still situations when, after the diagnosis, a person is forced to seek medical help. The most frequently recorded damage to the walls of organs during the passage of the endoscope. This can be determined by the pain syndrome, which does not go away for a long time, the presence of blood in the feces.

An allergic reaction to the analgesic used in the study may occur. In this case, the use of antihistamines is indicated. Arrhythmia after the procedure often develops in patients with cardiovascular pathologies.

Proper preparation of the patient for endoscopic examinations will avoid many undesirable consequences. The diagnosis itself should be carried out in a hospital or clinic. Previously, the doctor must exclude all contraindications for such an examination.
