Where and how a beginner can start making money as a copywriter. The nuances of the work of different copywriting and rewriting exchanges. How much do copywriters earn?

Hello, dear readers! I welcome you to the popular magazine about business and earnings - SlonoDrom.ru. It's time to take a good look at what is copywriting and how can a beginner make money from copywriting?.

Essentially, copywriting is a type of freelancing, i.e. remote work from home. IN Lately he became very popular.

This can be explained by the fact that almost every person can right now make money from copywriting within a few hours several hundred or even thousand rubles .

It's not even that important to have any outstanding work skills or great experience. It is clear that as your skill level increases, your income will also grow rapidly.

But first of all, I want to say that such earnings are available even to beginners. And you can learn everything on the job.

You may also be interested in other ways to make money on the Internet. The most complete and detailed article about (both for beginners and advanced users) has already been published on our website. Be sure to read it - you won’t regret it!

So, after reading the article, you will learn:

  • What is copywriting?
  • How to become a copywriter and earn up to 100 thousand rubles by copying articles?
  • What copyright exchanges are there and which ones should you choose?

Ready to find out the answers to these questions? Then drop everything and go ahead and read the article! 🙂

1. Copywriting – what is it and how to start making money from it?

So, let's understand what copywriting is and how you can make money from it. Copywriting, simply put, is writing texts.

We usually associate this activity with journalism, but in fact, every day more and more new sites appear on the RuNet that need to be filled with content.

Who do you think writes the information for them, maybe robots? No, they do it simple people , the same as you and me.

A newcomer coming to this field is faced with a huge number of questions, scammers, dishonest employers, and difficulties in understanding the basic principles of work await him.

1.1 How to make money from copywriting?

First of all, you need to read at least some materials about this work. Personally, I recommend further reading the information on Daniil Shardkov's blog And Peter Panda forum. Here you will find a lot of useful information.

In this article we will also consider in detail all the necessary information: starting from which exchange to choose for work and ending with advice, how to find direct customers for yourself.

Therefore, have a little patience, we will tell you everything in order.

1.2 Copywriting: where to start?

As mentioned above, start by searching for information about the profession. Slowly gain experience in writing not only informational articles, but also selling texts (you can earn much more from them).

Thus, selling texts involve the use of a certain style and writing techniques, keywords, attention blocks, checking texts using different services, etc.

At the same time, you can register today on one of the copywriting exchanges and start writing informational articles to order.

Copywriting is work from home, which can really bring in a lot of money, but I repeat, it’s difficult work and most importantly, it’s yours discipline And self-organization .

At home, you are your own boss, and setting up your workday can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when in this case when there are no bosses or superiors above you! 🙂

In addition, you will need portfolio. The question that worries many new authors is: where can I get it? It needs to be developed, and this takes time!

While you are a beginner, you will definitely not be able to work with serious clients. You will most likely not be trusted, and this is quite natural. But do not forget that you can write articles that do not require a high level of language proficiency.

Let us help you make money by copying articles!
If you want to become a copywriter, then especially for you we will provide below in the article step by step guide , where we will tell you in detail and show you what you need to do to start making money by copying articles.

Well, first let’s briefly touch on the most main question: « How much can you earn from copywriting?»

2. How much do copywriters earn?

Secrets and basics of copywriting lies in the price position. Frankly speaking, in this world famous authors are taken for simple advertising text from 3 to 9 thousand rubles.

But their earnings come from long-term work on themselves, an image, a rich client base, their own websites and forums, and a well-promoted name. Such authors do not look for customers, because clients find them themselves.

But we will start in order and look at prices using the example of one of the exchanges, for example ETHT. As a beginner, it will be difficult for you to take orders at a higher price 20-30 rubles per thousand characters , but you will get better at them. By the way, we can conditionally divide the gradation of copywriters’ earnings into 3 stages, such as:

  • First stage. You are still searching and have a small knowledge base, your price tag on the stock exchange fluctuates from 10 to 30 rublesfor a thousand characters. Some people try themselves on freelancing sites, making small orders, others are engaged in posting and writing inexpensive comments. While your fees won't be expensive, 6-7 thousand per month you can count;
  • Stable operation stage. He starts after a couple of months in copywriting. You are already confident in your abilities. You know how to write a description and you are not intimidated by the Glavred service. During this period, it is important to collect a portfolio (links to sites for which you wrote), because it shows the level of your professionalism. Prices vary at this stage from 70 to 120 rubles per thousand characters, and per month you can receive from 15 to 55 thousand rubles ;
  • High level stage. You go beyond the exchanges and can increase your earnings through naming, targeting, writing slogans, and SEO optimization of the site. It is believed that only 10 percent of copywriters can reach the level of decent earnings, because competition in this area is fierce. In this case you can receive payment from 120 to 350 rubles for 1000 characters, and the final monthly earnings can reach up to 200 thousand rubles .

Copywriting is an activity in which you need to seize every moment, otherwise you will be left without your bread.

2.1 Examples of making money from copywriting

You can either write articles to order or sell them in “article stores”. In my opinion, it is always more profitable to write to order, because on almost all exchanges there is severe dumping, and authors sometimes offer already written works for next to nothing.

Alternatively, you can delegate orders or articles and also earn money from this.

An example of making money on reassignments!
For example, you can order articles from colleagues for 10-15 rubles per thousand characters and sell them for 20-30 rub./1000 characters.

But you may face a huge problem - the content will be of low quality. Therefore, it is important to select competent copywriters who can write more or less high-quality texts.

You can even create your own team of copywriters of several people, and only deal with searching for orders and correcting written texts.

On exchanges, a simple commercial article costs on average 70-100 rubles for a thousand characters, but as a rule, direct site owners do not always place orders there. This is done by content masters and SEO optimizers.

For direct customers, a commercial article costs on average 15-20 dollars . But don’t rush to look for them; at the initial stage you need to gain “experience”.

Let's say you write by 50 rubles/1000. On average, without loss of performance, you can make about 10 thousand characters a day, and in a month with a couple of days off, your earnings will be 15-17 thousand rubles .

3. How to make money from copywriting: step-by-step instructions for beginners - 5 simple steps

Copywriting training , or rather, the basics of the profession have been completed, and the most important point- searching for orders and earning money.

Even if you don’t know how to prepare mimosa salad, information about this can be found on other sites - Yandex or Google can help you.

For such an order for 4500 characters you can earn 140 rubles, well, it will take you no more to write an article 1-2 hours of work .

First of all, choose what you like. Also, be sure to look at the customer’s profile, read reviews about him, because you don’t want to stumble upon a not entirely adequate person for the first time in your work.

Step 4. Complete the order

So, you have taken the order to work. Carefully read the terms of reference that the customer prepares for the contractors before submitting the application.

Popular ways to withdraw money on copywriting exchanges

Advice: Which wallet is better to use?
I recommend working with Yandex money or QIWI. Why? It's simple, lately there have been problems with WebMoney (delays in withdrawals on the exchange and difficulties with converting money).

4. Copywriting - sites for making money: TOP 7 best copywriting exchanges in Runet

So, we come to the most interesting thing in this article, namely, a review of exchanges for copywriters. Below will be listed the most useful, in my opinion, resources on which you can earn good money if you wish.

Each exchange has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages, so to say that “ such and such“the best exchange would be wrong.

Therefore, we will look at each of them in detail, but the choice will ultimately be yours.

Website No. 1: ETXT (www.etxt.ru)

Where to start as a copywriter on the ETXT exchange? You need to check out this resource. The exchange is one of the largest in RuNet; it operates more than 3-4 thousand people(customers and performers), more than one hundred thousand people are registered on the exchange.

Every day more than 5 thousand orders are placed on the site, a commission of 10 percent is taken from the customer and the contractor in half. Money can be withdrawn using WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex Money and minimum withdrawal amount amounts to 250 rubles .

After registering on the site, you need to pass a simple qualification test and pass qualifying work to the stars, which allow you to submit full-fledged applications for orders.

As soon as you register, you will be bombarded by customers with individual tasks at a price 5-10 rubles per thousand characters.

Do not agree to their terms and personal account set up filters so that you only see orders from 30 rubles .

In general, on ETXT in the first month of work you can earn about 5 -10 thousand rubles , authors who work for more than six months reach an earnings level of 20-30 thousand rubles per month.

Pros of the exchange – possibility of a quick start and many orders.

Minuses– very low prices for beginners, but with increasing experience it becomes possible to take more expensive orders.

Site No. 2: Advego (advego.ru)

The Advego exchange is one of the oldest in Runet. The site appeared back in 2007, and it became one of the first resources for freelance writers.

There are always jobs and vacancies for copywriters on Advego. In total, more than 300 thousand users are registered on the site. True, much fewer people work there every day.

The commission fee is 10 percent. On the site you can perform tasks on rewriting, copywriting, posting, SEO copywriting.

Writing articles on Advedo: benefits of work

The new rules on Advego provide maintaining the system Efficiency And responsibility. Failure to complete work, constant refusals to work - all this can lead to the fact that you may simply be banned.

Payment on Advego is in dollars and prices start at approximately from 35 cents per thousand characters. Withdrawal of money is carried out via WebMoney. On this exchange, the gradation of authors depends on the rating; the more orders you complete, the higher you are in its system.

In addition, a tender system is provided for orders, and most often the tidbits go to authors from the white lists.

Site No. 3: TurboText (www.turbotext.ru)

Working from home as a copywriter is an exciting and money-making activity. And one more resource that cannot be ignored is called TurboText.

This copywriting exchange appeared relatively recently (in 2010), and now more than 5 thousand people work on this resource, and over 100 thousand registered users.

Payment on the exchange: numbers!
The average copywriting price is 67 rubles for 1000 characters, rewriting – 40 rubles, and SEO copywriting is estimated at approximately at 70 rubles for 1000 characters.

To get on the stock exchange, you need to pass a literacy test and write a mini-essay; if you get an A for it, you will have access to the basic level. There are four levels in total - beginner, basic, high level and pro.

If you haven’t submitted your essay, then you’ll have to complete micro-tasks (liking and posting) for three months, but fortunately you can register as much as you like, the system doesn’t yet track multi-accounts.

Payments every Monday through the system WebMoney, the minimum amount for withdrawal is 50 rubles .

Site No. 4: Text Broker Copywriting Bureau (textbroker.ru)

The Text Broker website appeared at the dawn of stock copywriting, but it took a completely different path, becoming a closed service for a small number of copywriters. Prices in this copywriting bureau are higher than on the stock exchange.

The average price for 1000 characters on Miratext is 60-70 rubles and it increases with your level.

But getting there is not so easy. After registration you need to go through literacy test , then write a short essay, correctly entering the keys into it, and only then there will be an exam on knowledge of the exchange system.

Be prepared for the fact that your work will be checked by both the customer and the moderator, and you will be given grades. If your score is too low, you will be blocked from accessing orders of your level for a day or more.

Moderation is strict, but competition on the exchange is very low. This is understandable - not everyone can pass such tests.

Withdrawal of funds is carried out using payment systems WebMoney or Yandex money. There are orders that you can take without the customer’s approval, and there are tender orders. They are more expensive and, accordingly, more difficult to implement.

And one more thing - on Miratext moderation is leisurely and you have to wait quite a long time for an answer to your question compared to other text exchanges.

Site No. 7: ContentMonster (contentmonster.ru)

The ContentMonster copywriting exchange is also closed to the free flow of authors. According to the developers, only twenty-five percent of copywriters fall within its walls. But is it worth it?

It’s worth it, because the exchange has a special copywriting school where you can learn copywriting and learn a lot of useful and necessary information for yourself.

After registering on the exchange, you need to pass a short literacy test and write an essay. If the moderators appreciate your work, you will have access to tasks on the exchange.

Many people bypass this exchange, and do it in vain, since there is very low competition among authors. Moderation is strict, but you can get used to it. There are levels of skill, and grades for articles are given by both customers and moderators.

You can withdraw money from the exchange using the same QIWI, Yandex Money, WebMoney.

5. Pros and cons of working as a copywriter - who is this type of work best suited for?

Informational texts, and especially selling texts in copywriting Writing is not given to every person. So who is this income suitable for?

First of all, for those who loves to write . You have to like it, otherwise you won't be able to become a copywriter. In general, anyone can do copywriting: mother on maternity leave, student, pensioner, office clerk.

Copywriting is especially great as an additional income to your main job. This is an ideal option for people with disabilities, because many people with disabilities simply cannot find a job.

You can always combine work as a copywriter and your main position; even a short part-time job in the evenings gives a solid increase in salary . Many people, realizing that earnings can bring substantial income, become official freelancers.

If you have made copywriting your main source of income, then you can take care of opening an individual entrepreneur. What is the profit? First of all, you pay taxes and also receive social security.

Many large and serious customers prefer to work with individual entrepreneurs. But I would like to repeat, you need to think about individual entrepreneurs at the moment when your income is stable.

For convenience, we presented the pros and cons of copywriting in comparison with standard work in the form of a table:

Category Regular work Copywriting
Operating mode (-) Typically tight work schedule (+) You can work when it's convenient
Pay level (+ /- ) Depends on position and city of residence (+ /- ) Beginners: up to 10-15 thousand rubles. Professionals: up to 100-200 thousand rubles.
Subordination (-) There is usually a manual (+) Your own boss!
Free time (-) Usually the whole day is devoted to work. (+) You can devote 4-6 hours a day to work. It is also possible to combine work and travel
Payment (+ /- ) In most cases, monthly salary (+ /- ) Payment for results, immediately after the work is completed

6. Tips for those who want to make money from copywriting - 3 valuable tips

  • Blog of Maxim Ilyakhov. You can subscribe and receive materials that will help you learn how to write good selling texts ( maximilyahov.ru/blog/all/availability/);
  • Denis Kaplunov's blog. You will find a lot interesting information, which will definitely help in your work (www.blog-kaplunoff.ru);
  • Peter Panda Forum, where you can register and ask any questions. Believe me, they will definitely help you (textis.ru/forum/);
  • Blog of Daniil Shardakov (shard-copywriting.ru/ob-avtore). There you will find just a bunch of articles, both for beginners and experienced authors;
  • Sergei Troubadour School(profreelance.ru). By the way, there are free trainings there.

This is the bare minimum set of resources that should be in your bookmarks. And you should definitely read the information that will be useful to you.

Well, now we can talk about three important tips for copywriters.

Tip #1: Which is better: exchanges or direct cooperation?

This is a rather controversial issue, since in fact the level of earnings on exchanges is frankly low. But, novice authors will not be able to immediately write texts for landing pages (online stores...) and receive hundreds of dollars for them.

Simply because they do not yet have all the skills of professional copywriting. Therefore, start making money in copywriting by trial and error. better on text exchanges . Gradually, by increasing your rating and building your portfolio, you can think about direct customers.

Many successful authors started with exchanges, and there is absolutely no shame in that. But there is one thing, you don’t have to sit on the stock exchange forever. You must grow, and the next step in your professional development will be your own website or blog, to which customers will come themselves.

The result is this:
You need to start with exchanges, and then after some time build up your client base. These can be SEO studios and info-businessmen, website owners.

Tip #2: The best places to find profitable customers!

And now we will touch on a more global topic: finding profitable customers. Perhaps you have already worked on the stock exchange and want more? Well, then the time has come for you to make new discoveries.

Place 1: Your blog

You can independently promote yourself as an author, create your own blog or website, fill it with interesting content and wait for customers, but there are also certain disadvantages: for you, the content and topics of the articles seem interesting, but for potential employers, perhaps not.

And what to do in this case? It is necessary to study market conditions and offer only articles on current topics.

Place 2: Studio CEO

There is another option, this SEO studios. Just type in “Runet rating” into a search engine and on the first search line you will see lists of 250 companies. Many studios need texts “here and right now.”

Don’t be lazy and make a commercial proposal along with a portfolio, describe in it your work experience and the desired prices for the work.

A few words about payment!
They won't pay you millions, but you can count on for 3-7 dollarsV per thousand characters, and this is already significantly more than on the text exchange.

Place 3: Newsletters and forums

You can search single webmasters and optimizers who work for themselves. They usually have jobs for copywriters. You can make friends with a good optimizer and earn good money, reaching a completely different level.

By the way, be sure to check out the marketing forum Searchengines.guru. There is a whole section for copywriters and you can always find a couple of customers, both for short and long-term projects.

Place 4: Social networks

Another way is to search for an employer on social networks. You can use such groups on VK as vk.com/distancesiya And vk.com/work.work. What's interesting there?

Firstly, you can post your summary and wait for a response from a potential customer; secondly, the customers themselves are looking for authors in group discussions. There may be a lot of frivolous offers, but sometimes site owners or content masters appear.

You should use VKontakte or Facebook to find a job. The most important thing is to set your priorities and prepare good resume, which will be competent and convincing for a potential employer.

Place 5: Search engines (Google and Yandex) and ad platforms (Avito, HeadHunter)

There is another way to find a job outside the exchange space. Pay attention to sites in search results. But not in the first positions, but those that come after 4-5 in the search feed.

Let's say you write about tourism topics. Enter the key “tourism in Thailand” into Google and see the results. Usually, some sites are filled with extremely low-quality texts. You can offer your services through feedback. And perhaps you will get a good and financial customer.

Well, the last way that I want to tell you about is advertising sites such as “ Avito" You can place an advertisement there about your services and wait for a potential employer.

For example, on hh ( HeadHunter) often the studios themselves are looking for copywriters to work remotely. You just need to create a resume and apply for the most suitable vacancies.

Tip #3: Fraudsters - how to identify them and protect yourself?

People lie, there is no escape from this in any field of activity. And in freelancing, scammers are also common. After all, we cannot see our potential employer, we do not know what is on his mind.

If we talk about exchanges, then everything is more or less clear and transparent: the customer places an order, you fulfill it and receive your money. Well, what to do with direct orders?

First of all, do not prepare yourself for the fact that all potential customers are scammers. Know how to apply pure psychology , which will allow you to understand even from simple correspondence what a person wants from you.

There are many good people, but many unscrupulous employers will come your way. There is no escape from this, either in life or in freelancing. Fraudsters rarely look at copywriting exchanges, because their goal is to profit from you absolutely free of charge.

Let's look at the main schemes for deceiving copywriters:

  • Offers of payment after work. Newbies, and even experienced authors, are often not paid in advance. It’s one thing if you are confident in your customer, and another thing if you see the person for the first time. Always ask new customers prepayment, at least 30-40 percent. Fraudsters often “merge” under plausible pretexts and refuse to cooperate;
  • Test tasks. This method is as old as time. You are asked to write a test task under the pretext of testing your professionalism. Agree only to paid assignment or write a test of no more than one and a half thousand characters. Even if you are deceived, it will not be so offensive. No landing pages, selling texts or content for main pages on 5-10 thousand characters it is absolutely forbidden to write, as this is 100% fraud;
  • First they paid, and then they “forgot.” It also happens that you are paid for one or two tasks and ordered a large package of articles. You trust the customer, write everything down honestly, and then you don’t receive payment, but the texts have already been posted. What to do? Don't take huge quantities , ask to split your order into several parts.

Ask the customer for some information (for example, his Skype, phone) and enter it into a Google search. Typically, copywriters share unscrupulous customers on social networks or forums.

This way, you can at least somehow check the information you have on hand about your employer. Always require advance payment!💡

If you have been working with the customer for a long time and know him well, then in such cases you can receive payments after completing the order. You need to be extremely careful with beginners.

Avoid customers with outright low prices . Outside the exchanges price tag 100 rubles for a thousand characters is considered low, anything cheaper can be an outright scam. If the customer has not paid for the work, then we must act as quickly as possible.

What to do if you have already been deceived?

First of all, check your articles for uniqueness. If they are unique, then they should be posted on a visited forum, blog or public page. There are a lot of thematic sites where you won’t be judged at all for this.

If you manage to do this, the customer will not be able to use them for their intended purpose. Of course, you will lose money and text, but this is the best option.

You can try to sell your texts on exchanges, but you need to look at what the topic of the task was and whether it is relevant. After all, works in construction, law, tourism, and medicine sell well on text exchanges.

7. Conclusion

So we looked at the main nuances of copywriting, learned about the most popular exchanges for work and places where you can look for good customers. Freelancing gives us freedom, freedom from the shackles of a stuffy office. You can just start earning extra money by writing articles.

Also, in conclusion, look at a small but very interesting thing about making money from copywriting:

Perhaps over time this will become not just a hobby, but a job that will bring you pleasure. Tens of thousands of people in our country work as copywriters, filling numerous websites with texts. Of course, this is important and necessary work, very interesting and creative.

If you feel you have a talent for writing, don’t let it go to waste. Develop it and remember that in the world of copywriting you will have to constantly learn something new. Blogs and useful links to forums of experienced copywriters were mentioned above.

Don't be afraid to start working with texts, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Copywriting can generate income from 4-5 to 120 thousand per month. But there is a long road to good earnings.

Nothing comes quickly or easily in this profession. But you can definitely handle it!

That's all! And we wish you success and good luck in any endeavors!

If you have questions or want to share your opinion (experience), write about it in the comments to this article. We will also be very grateful if you share the article on social networks and rate it!

Thousands of new sites appear on the Internet every day. Regardless of the purpose for which an Internet resource is created, it will have to be filled with information.

This is where people involved can come to the rescue.

Copywriting This is a summary of information taken from several sources. That is, copywriters find articles on the Internet on the desired topic, read them, and then retell them in their own words.

In order to “bring together” customers (people who need to buy or order a specific text) with performers (authors), there are copywriting exchanges.

If you are a beginner and have a great desire to write, but doubt your capabilities, then you need to start your career as a copywriter on such exchanges.

  • Firstly, you can choose orders yourself (it’s better to start with the simplest work).
  • Secondly, your rights as an employee are protected by the exchange. You can be sure that if you take a responsible approach to your work, you will not be deceived.
  • Third, you will get your hands on low-paying orders and, perhaps, find regular customers with whom you will work outside of exchanges in the future.

Nuances of the work of different copywriting and rewriting exchanges

On this moment There are many freelance exchanges on the Internet where copywriters earn money. Each performer chooses the platform that is convenient for him.

If you are just thinking about which resource to register on, we advise you to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Payment amount per 1000 characters. If you have never written articles, then it is better to start with small, average-paying orders (15-20 rubles/1000 characters). Professionals earn more, but the requirements for their work are higher;
  • Availability of tests. Some resources have mandatory literacy tests, without passing which you will not be able to take orders;
  • Convenient site navigation. It is very important that the exchange is convenient and has a clear interface. Thanks to this, you will get to work faster;
  • Withdrawing money. Most sites have a minimum amount for withdrawing earned funds. Pay attention to what payment systems the sites work with. Most often this is only a WebMoney wallet;
  • Site commission. Give preference to sites with adequate commissions and a good attitude towards both customers and performers.

Review of the TOP 10 copywriting exchanges

Some beginners believe that it is rational to register on several copywriting exchanges, so that they can take on more orders.

In fact, if you want to have high paying job, then you will have to choose one site where you will work, earn a rating, improve your skills, and find regular customers.

There are 3 types of copywriting exchanges:

  1. Open exchanges- These are sites where anyone can register. To do this, you just need to enter your data, after which you can begin your work activity.
  2. Semi-open exchanges– these are Internet resources where the registered user must pass a literacy test or write an essay on a specified topic. Only after this will he be allowed to place orders.
  3. Closed exchanges– these are sites where a strict selection of copywriters is carried out. If you want to work on such an exchange, then get ready to be asked to provide a resume, portfolio, take a test, or write a short summary or essay.

To make it easier for you to choose a resource to work with, we have compiled the TOP 10 most popular copywriting exchanges and divided them by type.

Open exchanges

Etxt– an exchange uniting several hundred thousand performers and customers. This is one of the most popular resources. Therefore, it is great among copywriters. The site operates a tender system for taking orders. That is, you submit an application to complete the task you like, and the customer chooses who will perform it.

On this site, customers offer a low price for writing articles, but copywriters have the opportunity to gain a rating, receive a high assessment of their skills, and subsequently perform higher-paying work.

On Etxt, all users increase their rating as they work. If you earned 10 rubles, then they are equal to 1 rating point.

Performers with a rating below 299 points cannot submit applications for orders where the cost per 1000 characters is higher than 25 rubles. A beginner can take a large order only if will pass the test for literacy (answers correctly at least 7 questions out of 10).

In addition to the rating, a copywriter can raise the level of his skill by writing a test task. But keep in mind that moderators check all works very meticulously. Missed punctuation, incorrect case, or more than 3 errors of any kind and you will not earn a single star (out of 3 possible).

The site has its own services for checking uniqueness and punctuation. It is possible to use paid proofreading services.

As for finances, commissions are charged from both the customer and the contractor (5% each). Not so much.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is 250 rubles. from this amount the site will take 0.8% as commission. You can withdraw your earned money to WebMoney, Yandex.Money and QIWI wallets.

The money will be credited to the specified account within 5 business days. If you need funds urgently, you can order an urgent withdrawal of money, but the commission in this case will be 5% of the withdrawal amount.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Large number of orders;
  • Good attitude of the site administration towards the performers;
  • Minimum commission;
  • Opportunity career growth;
  • Opportunity for beginners to earn money;
  • Simple interface.


  • Withdrawal of funds after 5 working days;
  • Big competition;
  • Relatively low prices.

Advego– one of the oldest exchanges. It is one of the top three among similar sites. There is a lot of competition among copywriters.

Anyone can register on this online resource. After this, you need to fill out your profile and proceed to search for orders. Based on the results of your work, you will be assigned a certain level of efficiency. It depends on many components. This is the quantity, quality and volume of work performed, speed of completion, etc.

All calculations take place in y. e. The minimum payment for writing 1000 characters without spaces is 0.2 USD. e.

You can withdraw earned money only to a WebMoney wallet. At the same time, you need to accumulate 5 USD in your Advego account. e. This is the minimum amount for withdrawal.

This exchange has its own services for checking uniqueness, spelling and semantics.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Decent pay for copywriters;
  • Wide variety of orders;
  • Availability of useful services;
  • A small minimum amount for withdrawing earned funds.


  • Great competition within the exchange;
  • Possibility to withdraw money only to WebMoney.

is a fairly developed exchange that is known to many copywriters working on other resources. All because of a convenient service for checking uniqueness, spelling and SEO analysis, which even an unregistered user can use.

But on this site they check not only uniqueness, but also use it to make money. By registering, copywriters can take orders or sell ready-made articles.

On text.ru, each user is assigned a certain status. For example, a newcomer is considered a “school student,” but he can raise his status by perfectly fulfilling orders and being active on the stock exchange.

To work on this exchange you do not need any capital investment. But for each order, the copywriter will pay a commission to the site. Performers with different statuses have different commission amounts. For example, for a “student” it is 10%, and for an “academician” it is 8.25%. That is, the higher the rating and status, the lower the commission.

You can only withdraw funds to a WebMoney wallet. In this case, the minimum amount for withdrawal is 100 rubles.

If you don’t want to gradually build up your rating, but want to take large orders right away, then you can deposit a certain amount in order to register a PRO account. This will automatically increase your rating by 30%.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Excellent multifunctional services;
  • Not too high exchange commission;
  • The ability to quickly increase your rating.


  • Big competition;
  • Possibility to withdraw earned money only to WebMoney.

TextSale– exchange for selling articles. It is on this site that copywriters make money by selling ready-made content.

Prices for articles are at an average level. The minimum cost for 1000 characters without spaces is 20 rubles.

This article exchange for websites also makes it possible to earn money by completing orders. But in order to gain access to them, you need to either gain a rating by selling ready-made articles or pay 300 rubles.

If you decide to profitably sell your work, then be prepared for the fact that the site will take 10% of the cost of the article as a commission.

When withdrawing funds, you may encounter the following problem. The exchange withdraws money only to the WebMoney dollar wallet. In this case, the minimum amount is 200 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • An excellent platform where ready-made content is bought well;
  • Relatively small commission.


  • Ability to withdraw money to only one wallet;
  • Partially paid access to orders.

Turbotext– a resource where ideal conditions for customers are created. Very strict requirements are put forward for performers. Already at the registration stage, authors are selected. But those who pass all the tests will receive highly paid orders. This resource is aimed at professional copywriters.

Once registered, performers will be required to pass a literacy test. If a copywriter fails the test, he will be able to take it again no earlier than in 1 month. During this period, orders will not be available to him, but he will be able to complete mini-tasks (like, repost, write comments, etc.).

In addition to testing, in order to receive orders, you will have to write an essay. Performers who earn a rating of 4 or 5 are granted access.

The site does not have a tender system like most exchanges. This means that the first copywriter who clicked the “Take order” button is automatically assigned as the performer of a particular work.

Minimum payment of 22 rubles/1000 sim. newcomers receive. Pros fulfill orders starting from RUB 179/1000 SIM.

The site administration takes a commission only from performers in the amount of 20%. They withdraw money only once a week (on Mondays). The withdrawal amount should not be less than 50 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • There is no tender system;
  • Small amount for withdrawal;
  • Relatively high wages for copywriters.


  • Withdrawal of funds once a week;
  • Rigid selection of performers;
  • High commission, which is charged only to copywriters.

Semi-open exchanges

ContentMonster is an exchange with strict requirements in relation to performers. But customers feel very comfortable on this site. Let’s say right away that only half of the copywriters pass the test.

Each performer earns a rating as he completes orders, thereby increasing the level of his skills. But if the texts are of poor quality, the account may be blocked without warning.

If the copywriter does not deliver the order on time, the account is also blocked, but only for a week.

The exchange administration often changes the rules of its resource and independently makes decisions to increase or decrease the level of copywriter skill.

For each completed order, the exchange takes 20% commission from the contractor.

The average cost of 1000 characters excluding spaces is 40-60 rubles.

To withdraw your earned money, you will have to save 150 rubles.

On the site, copywriters are offered free access to the Copywriting School.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Average prices;
  • Opportunity to improve professionalism at the Copywriting School;
  • Lack of competition.


  • Large commission, which is charged only to performers;
  • Availability test tasks for access to orders;
  • Possibility of blocking an account by the site administration in case of late orders or poor quality execution.

Copy Lancer– this exchange is distinguished by little competition among copywriters and adequate working conditions.

To start working on this site, you must:

  1. Complete your profile.
  2. Successfully pass the Russian language test.

Copywriters on this resource charge an average of 40-60 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. Moreover, each contractor, when submitting an application to fulfill an order, independently indicates its price.

The first few works of newcomers are checked by proofreaders. This is a mandatory condition of the exchange. This service is paid. For checking each text you will have to pay 10 rubles.

Earned funds can be withdrawn to your WebMoney wallet, but remember that the minimum amount for withdrawal is 120 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • The ability to complete orders for beginners for 40 rubles/1000 characters;
  • Loyal attitude of the exchange administration towards performers;
  • Adequate working conditions.


  • Access to orders after passing testing;
  • Paid proofreading services when submitting the first orders of newbies.

Closed exchanges

Miratext is an exchange where only professional copywriters work. It is quite difficult to access orders on this site.

Performers have to:

  1. Take a literacy test.
  2. Take a test to test your knowledge of the rules
  3. Write an article on the specified topic.

The first works of newcomers are checked by editors. This service is not free. You will have to pay 7 rubles/1000 characters for verification.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Low competition;
  • Decent pay for copywriters.


  • Few orders;
  • Serious selection of copywriters.

The site administration is very loyal to the performers. There is no tender system for taking orders, i.e. You always have access to a feed of orders - take it and write it right away, hand in the finished work and get paid.

The average price for writing 1000 characters excluding spaces is 35 rubles. There is no commission charged to copywriters. Withdrawals are made once a week, or at the first request of the authors.

There are a lot of free tasks and if you really want, you can find a suitable topic for yourself.

In order to gain access to orders, you will have to fill out a form. Based on this information, the exchange administration decides whether the author is suitable for this site or not.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • The pay is above average;
  • No commission;
  • Loyal attitude towards copywriters;
  • Lack of any tests;
  • Low competition.


  • Small number of orders;
  • Narrow specificity.

Freelance exchanges

- an exchange where freelancers work. Among the many different tasks, a copywriter will be able to find a job for himself. In order to work on this site, you will have to pay for access to orders.

To receive an order on this resource, you must:

  1. Register.
  2. Complete your profile.
  3. Select a tariff plan.
  4. Pay for it.

On this exchange, customers find performers, but all payments take place outside the site. If one of the parties wants to protect themselves, then you can use a special paid service, with the help of which the calculation will be made.

When fulfilling orders, performers receive 1-3 USD. e. for work. Withdrawals are made only to a WebMoney wallet.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Various tasks;
  • Decent pay.


  • Paid access to orders;

We talked only about the best copywriting exchanges, but new sites regularly appear on the Internet where you can buy, sell or order text on the desired topic.

Some of them specialize only in selling ready-made content, and some only in placing orders.

Very often, new copywriting exchanges are created by one customer for. These sites are most often closed and simplify the work of both the employer and the contractor. As an example of such an exchange - Slogoved.

Online article exchanges

We have already mentioned that on exchanges you can not only fulfill orders, but also sell ready-made articles.

Copywriters who write on their favorite topics post their finished work in the article store. If the topic of the article is interesting and popular, then there will be many people willing to buy articles.

The main disadvantage of this type of earnings can be considered the lack of a 100% guarantee that the article will be purchased. If you are ordered to write an article on a specific topic, then after writing it you receive payment. In the case of an article store, this rule does not apply. You will have to wait until someone is interested in your work.

On many exchanges you can simultaneously fulfill orders and sell finished articles. For example, on the Advego, Text.ru, Etxt, Krasnoslov, Copylancer exchanges, each copywriter can create a store where he will exhibit his work.

Article stores provide customers with information about the presence of errors in the text, the degree of uniqueness, etc. In addition, you can read an excerpt from the article to understand the writing style.

An alternative to copywriting exchanges

Copywriting exchanges for beginners are a great way to test yourself and believe in your capabilities.

But many professional copywriters find orders through job posting sites. Just go to such a resource and find an interesting offer in the “Work from home” section.

Some customers and performers who collaborated on exchanges exchange contacts and continue to work outside of it.


Copywriting exchanges are a place where people cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. Each such resource has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before registering on one of the sites, carefully study its terms and conditions. The success of a copywriter depends on this.

A lot of words have already been written about how to make money on the Internet. Particular attention must be paid to copywriting. If you take this craft seriously, it will turn into a real job. Now let’s talk in order about what it is and how a beginner can make money from copywriting at the very beginning of his journey.

In general, this is one of the most popular professions on the Internet. You can verify this by visiting the relevant exchanges. But not everyone manages to achieve the desired income. What are the mistakes? Where to start and in what direction to move to be successful? We will consider the answers to these and other questions in detail below.

From this article you will learn:

What is copywriting and how to approach it

Let's figure it out what is copywriting and how can a beginner make real money from it?.

If you say in simple words, copywriting- This is writing articles.

Many people think that this is an activity for journalists, but everything is much simpler. Texts are needed for various sites and portals. The people who write for these resources are mere mortals, like you and me. They are called copywriters. You can work either simply on introductory material or compose professional selling and advertising articles for online stores, as well as for sites with services.

Where to start for a newbie in copywriting?

So, copywriting is making money on the Internet. Therefore, you can right now create your account in one of the text exchanges (register) and start mastering this craft - writing articles to order. It's the same job, only at home. Required here discipline and responsibility. Only if you have such qualities can you earn decent amounts.

There are a lot of examples when people, having written a dozen articles, give up everything. It's one thing when you just realized that it's not for you. And another thing is when you didn’t have enough endurance to understand that copywriting can really bring a very decent profit.

For more serious work, you need to collect a portfolio of your best articles. It will take time, a lot of time. At the stage of a newly minted author, it is necessary to gain experience and improve. Only after this will it be possible to start working with serious customers and earn money.

What are the types of texts?

To engage in copywriting, you need to understand the specifics of texts. Articles come in different categories, and they are paid accordingly. The cost of rewriting (processing someone else's text) will always be lower than writing your own article (copywriting).

There are also selling and informational texts. If we compare them, here the first category wins significantly compared to the second. By 2 we mean:

  • news;
  • technical description;
  • entertainment post, etc.

Each type of information article can be paid differently.

But selling texts are always valued several times higher than all the others.

Is it possible to earn a decent amount of money here? This is discussed below + examples and experience of those who make money from copywriting.

How much do specialists earn at different stages?

The ability to earn more or less from copywriting mainly depends on the price category.

If we consider the growth of a specialist, we can see the following stages of how much a copywriter earns per month:

Among the many Internet writers, there are those who charge 3-9 thousand rubles for a simple advertising text. These are people who were able to earn money as a copywriter on the Internet and make themselves, their salaries are the result of intensive and painstaking work on themselves, their reputation and replenishing their client base. Copywriters in this elite category have their own websites and forums, as well as a well-known name. Customers come to them themselves.

Is it possible to make money from copywriting? Feedback from the forum

Compared to these representatives, it is difficult for newcomers to the exchange to take orders with a price of 20-30 rubles per 1000 characters. But if you want to work and put in some effort, the “newbie period” does not last long.

A few calculations:

A skilled specialist can easily write 10 thousand characters in a few hours a day. Let's take 20 working days. At a cost of 50, 100, 150 rubles. for 1 thousand printed characters per month you can earn:
50*20*10=10,000 rub.,
100*20*10=20,000 rub.,
150*20*10=30,000 rub.

You can count on approximately this kind of income in a couple of months if you decide to master this craft.

Personal experience (not just mine):

I myself was not involved in writing articles to order, since I almost immediately began my Internet activities by creating my own website, then another, a third... At first, I wrote articles on my first website myself, studying the basics of copywriting, since I was interested not just in writing, but so that later pages with these texts take certain positions in search engines.

But I soon realized that writing articles was not my thing. I was interested in other things - website development, analytics, etc. Therefore, when the first money appeared, I started ordering articles from copywriters myself.

By the way, I’m still doing this, I’m looking for performers on stock exchanges, but if you’re interested in this work, you can contact me directly by email - [email protected]. Maybe we can work together!

For those who want to develop and earn money, all doors are open here; maybe not everything is easy, but it is achievable. I know a person who, while studying full-time for a master’s degree, while having his main source of income, also decided to try his hand at copywriting. In a year I was able to achieve results plus or minus 600 rubles per day, per month within 20 thousand.

More details - this is a girl, she works on the Etxt resource, 2-4 hours a day. The minimum cost of orders is 35-40 rubles/1 thousand characters. Writes simple informational texts (not selling ones) on favorite topics - cosmetics, cooking, etc. That is, work productivity per hour with the acquisition of some experience is about 5 thousand characters.

From personal experience I can say that this is quite possible for everyone, if only they would like to. Even I sometimes succeeded, despite the fact that, as I already said, this was not at all on the list of my favorite activities.

Action plan: take the order and fulfill it

Below we describe in detail how to make money from this craft. If you are confident in your own abilities, this profession will help you say goodbye to office work forever. So what needs to be done?

Register on the copywriting exchange

The list of the best sites is given in this article a little lower. Before moving further, let's take a closer look at how these services work.

The copywriting exchange is a platform for online interaction between the customer and the contractor. Here you can find work in copywriting, rewriting, SEO copywriting, and sometimes translation.

How does work work on such resources?

  1. In order to get started, a new copywriter needs to apply for an order, which you can choose according to your interests and knowledge.
  2. After your application is approved by the customer, his money, which is allocated to pay for the work, is blocked on the internal account of the site.
  3. You carefully write the article required in the order and submit it for review.
  4. Money is transferred to your account when the client approves the work.
  5. Then you can proceed to the next order.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Each time an order is completed, the exchange takes its percentage. Some sites take only from the performers, on others the rate is divided in half from both the customer and the copywriter. Take this into account when choosing where to earn money.

As for uniqueness

Copywriting is first and foremost writing unique text. The article must be written by you personally (even if you searched for materials on it on the Internet).

Exchanges often require at least 90% uniqueness.

You can increase this parameter by correcting the phrases underlined in the anti-plagiarism.

Identify your favorite topics

To make more productive money from articles (copywriting), you need to choose topics that are close to you and in which you are more knowledgeable. If the order is close to your professional experience or you are connected with certain hobbies, this is your order. Such articles are written much faster, and earning money is fun.

Popular topics in copywriting:

  • business and work;
  • making money on the Internet;
  • health and beauty;
  • tourism and travel;
  • movies;
  • everything related to fashion;
  • auto;
  • cooking;
  • psychology, etc.

Among this list you can find your own successful themes.

How to find and select an order

So you finally registered on the exchange and saw a feed of 2-3 hundred orders. Only, if you look closely, not all of them are available to you. Here, in order to get higher paying orders, you need to raise your skill level or gain a rating. And that's still a long way off.

Inexpensive orders for a newbie in the viewing area 10-35 rubles per 1000 printed characters . The cost of one order depends on the volume that needs to be completed. For example, if you need to write an article of 5000 characters at a price of 30 rubles, then you will end up earning 150 rubles. This may take up to 2 hours.

ADVICE: Do not select bulk orders right away. Practice on short articles of 1500-2000 characters. Otherwise, you may fail in your endeavors and let your client down. For most beginners, writing long articles is tedious, because you need to get used to copywriting, develop skills and understand the specifics of the work.

Choose and apply for those orders that you like. Take the time to open the page with the personal information of each customer and read it, as well as reviews from the performers. If this user cheats, he must have a lot of negative reviews. If you take these nuances into account, it will become easier to make money from copywriting.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to check the article for uniqueness using the program written in the technical specifications. And also take care that checking the native service does not reject the work.

Try to monitor the spam and wateriness of your work on the text.ru and services. This allows you to use programs to make the text more readable and optimal for search engines. Here, you can also get rid of tautology (words that occur 2 per sentence).

The Glavred resource (glvrd.ru) will help rid articles of unnecessary expressions. Just don’t get carried away with it to the point of fanaticism. It is enough to obtain a green mark of 7.5.

Registration and submission of work

When it comes to making money from copywriting and rewriting, when submitting your work you should format your work using the tools of the Word editor. Highlight subheadings and paragraphs, and create lists.

Example of text formatting in Word

Before handing in the text, read it out loud (preferably several times). This will allow you to evaluate and correct all the shortcomings and clumsiness in the material presented.

After writing and checking the article, all that remains is to send it to the customer. Many clients respond within 24 hours, and already during this time you can receive your treasured money. In some cases, the article may be sent to you for revision.

ADVICE: If you have been sent an article for revision, do not rush to worry and think that copywriting is not your thing. Read the customer's comment carefully. Correct the points that he did not like and send the article again. It very rarely happens that revision takes a long time.

When the customer places an order, the funds are transferred to your personal exchange account, after which you can withdraw them to WebMoney, Yandex.Money or QIWI(depending on what the work resource supports). You must first register your personal account in the financial section of the site.

TOP-5: The best exchanges for copywriters

So, an important point - where do copywriters earn money?? Below I will present a list of the most famous resources in the circles of these specialists. I can’t say that one is better than another; they all have some features and nuances that suit some, but do not suit others. As you work, you will definitely soon understand which one will become yours.

Exchange No. 1.

The most popular text exchange on the Internet. More than 5,000 orders are placed on the site every day. The commission is only 10%, which is divided in half between customers and performers. The service has a minimum withdrawal amount of 250 rubles.

Advantages: many orders.

Flaws: Only cheap orders are available for beginners; it will be difficult to earn a lot.

Exchange No. 2.

This project is good for beginners. In addition to writing tasks, you can like, repost and write comments for money, thus earning additional rating points.

To get into the ranks of copywriters here, you need to pass a test and write a short essay. With a score of 5, you will have access to the basic level. Each subsequent work is evaluated by the customer.

Advantages: Withdrawals are possible from just 50 rubles.

Flaws: If you fail to submit your essay, you will have to earn money for 3 months and complete small tasks (but no one forbids you to register again).

Exchange No. 3. TEXT (Text.ru)

This is a younger project, created since 2010. Now the service has gained popularity. Average price for:
? copywriting – 67 rubles/1000 characters;
? rewriting – 40 rubles/1000 characters;
? SEO copywriting – 70 rubles/1000 characters.
The service is also equipped with its own anti-plagiarism. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles.

Advantages: many orders, rapid growth in ratings;

Flaws: When selling finished articles, the system deducts a percentage of the price for the presence of errors, the amount of which depends on the number of errors.

Exchange No. 4.

This is a closed service, more precisely a copywriting bureau for professional authors. The price tag here is much higher and averages 100-300 rubles per 1000 characters. More than 250 performers have been working here for a long time. If you have achieved some success, you can try to knock on this project.

Advantages: the cost of orders is higher than on similar exchanges.

Flaws: there are several times fewer tasks compared to other services and are quickly snapped up by competitors.

Exchange No. 5.

This is the same closed project as the previous one. The site has very strict moderation of articles, which are checked by the exchange employees themselves. The service is more focused on SEO.

Advantages: more high price orders.

Flaws: It’s difficult to get here, you need to at least be aware of what html tags are.

Got some bumps? We are looking for a job in an agency - up to 100 thousand rubles. per month

Professional writers with experience in advertising agencies, as well as those representatives who have understood the intricacies of a sales letter and have put together a good portfolio - can earn more decent money on copyright (to put it correctly - on copywriting).

What does it take to get into a large company?

  1. Higher education in advertising, journalism, marketing and PR.
  2. Noteworthy portfolio, recommendations from other serious customers.
  3. Ability to do various types of work (texts for advertising, presentations, scripts for Internet videos, print, television and radio advertising).
  4. Know foreign languages ​​(English is preferred).
  5. Literacy at the highest level.

High profile specialists are mainly required in large cities of the country. Therefore, it may be necessary to move if you set a goal to earn a lot in this business.

And yet, before you think about how to make money from copywriting in a large agency, you can try yourself, sitting at a computer in your home chair. Many started small without education or experience, and are now already well-known people. The earnings of these people are quite decent.

What are the prospects for a copywriter on the Internet?

There are times when having at least some work is already good. But be that as it may, everyone wants stability and career growth. If you realize that you like to make money from copywriting on the Internet without leaving home, then the following two options will help you increase your income.

Option 1. Look for regular customers. This way you can earn more. These are mainly bloggers who run their own websites. They constantly need texts to fill them. Having found such a customer, or better yet two, you can provide yourself with work for a long time.

You can also find them on stock exchanges, but here the cost of orders is lower, and the system itself takes interest. Recommended places to search:

  • thematic communities on social networks and forums;
  • SEO studios;
  • free bulletin boards;
  • look for sites with interesting topics or information magazines, and directly offer your services to the owners.

Option 2. Create your own blog. Many who begin their journey of making money on the Internet with custom copywriting continue it by creating and developing their own blog. Here you will already need certain investments, at a minimum - to hire a programmer to create a website if you don’t understand this yourself.

But this perspective job, with promising high incomes with the right topic of the resource. I discussed the topic of monetizing my own blog in more detail in the article “”.

  1. Don’t chase high numbers at first - it’s better to write 30 rubles. for a thousand characters, but to have a permanent job than to receive orders for 100 rubles twice a month.
  2. Look for several regular customers, even on exchanges, so you won’t waste time every day searching for new orders.
  3. Write well - this is very important! Develop yourself, follow the development of this craft, as everything is changing quickly on the Internet, what was relevant yesterday is no longer relevant today.

If you feel the potential for writing texts, try writing and earning money; over time, this work will be able to bring you not only pleasure, but also money. I also recommend watching the video where there is detailed review several exchanges and a couple more secrets for successful work in the field of copywriting.

If you still have questions or any unclear points, write in the comments - I will be happy to answer everyone!

This article was written with the help of two professional copywriters, including their experience, tips and background.

To earn the first thousand rubles from writing texts, you don’t need a lot of talent and time. However, copywriting is an activity that, with some abilities and knowledge, can bring a stable income that exceeds the average salary in the country.

The content of the article :

In this article we will consider in detail the topic “ How to make money from copywriting" Beginners have a lot of questions, so here we will tell you step by step about this type of activity, how and where to start, how much you can earn and where to study.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is a neologism word that comes from in English, which translated means “ manuscript" This is the professional activity of writing texts that advertise a product, service, company, person, or simply present any information.

Such texts can be scripts, slogans, advertising, descriptions of something, etc. Note that not all texts should contain advertising, descriptions of goods and an appeal to buy it. Articles can also be analytical or informative, for example, " How to get rid of freckles" or " How to install the application on a smartphone».

According to Wikipedia, copywriting is professional writing of texts advertising a product, service, person or idea. Modern world copyright has expanded its boundaries - now it includes almost any text content on the Internet. It includes news, articles describing the problem and its solution, master classes, translations, main pages of websites, manuals, instructions and other information.

A clear example of such copywriting is right in front of you. This text is not trying to advertise or sell you anything. Its key purpose is to convey to you information about how to make money from copywriting.

From a copywriter’s perspective, the interpretation of this term looks something like this: Copywriting is when you write texts and you get paid for them.

Today, doctors, car mechanics, various specialists, as well as students and housewives work on copywriting exchanges.

The difference between copywriting and rewriting

Since you are already interested in the question of how a beginner can make money from copywriting, it’s worth talking a little about the types of this activity. On any exchange there are three main categories into which this activity is divided:

  1. Rewriting.
  2. Copywriting.
  3. SEO copywriting.
  • Rewriting– this is writing a technically unique text based on a ready-made source. Rewriting is working with an existing article. Presentation without loss of meaning and structure. Typically, customers offer a ready-made text or indicate a web page that needs to be rewritten. This type of work is somewhat cheaper than copywriting, where the task is to write a similar text, but in other words, to maintain uniqueness.

Each copywriter’s text must be unique, not copied, written in your own words. There are special services to check the uniqueness of text, but we will talk about this later.

Rewriting example.

Let's say there is such text: " The average copywriter earns about 50 thousand rubles per month" If you rewrite this text, the output will be something like this: “ On average, copywriters have a monthly income of around 50,000 rubles" The information is the same, but in different words.

  • Copywriting- This is writing an original text. That is, the copywriter takes any facts, theses, figures, personal experience, information from various sources, and based on them writes new text. Such work is always rated higher than rewriting a finished article.
  • SEO copywriting– writing an original text using keywords. SEO copywriting, on the contrary, is valued by customers above other options. The idea is to evenly distribute keywords throughout the text - words or phrases targeted to the search query. Customers, thus, solve the problem of getting the article into the top of search engines (Yandex, Google), where the probability of visiting the site is high.

Of these three main categories on exchanges, over time, customers came up with quite funny subcategories, for example, SEO rewriting, deep rewriting, rewriting from multiple sources.

How to make money from copywriting from scratch and without investment

The work of writing texts itself does not require investments and absolutely anyone can do this work, as they say - from scratch. To understand how a beginner can make money from copywriting, you just need to understand several stages of this work:

  1. Search/select an order on the exchange/directly from the customer;
  2. Writing an article;
  3. Submitting work and receiving payment.

Below we will pay attention to each stage and talk about exchanges on which you can sell your texts, write them to order, and how much you can earn from copywriting.

For beginners, the best start would be to register on one of the available copywriting exchanges. These are special sites where customers offer their tasks, and copywriters carry them out. The exchange provides convenient conditions for cooperation, security of transactions, and payment methods for both parties. Below we will talk in more detail about exchanges and where to look for clients.

  • The author selects the order he likes in the general feed, focusing on the topic, total payment amount, deadlines and customer requirements.
  • After successful selection of his candidacy by the customer, the contractor begins work.
  • The finished text in the form of a document is sent for moderation by the exchange (checking uniqueness, spelling...) and for evaluation by the customer.
  • After approval of the result, the amount specified in the order form is credited to the contractor’s account.
  • All that remains is to withdraw your earnings to your personal account. As a rule, this is any electronic wallet payment system or bank account.

How to start making money with copywriting

Now we smoothly move from theory to practice.

  1. What do you need to have to start copywriting?
  2. What do you need to know to make money from this?
  3. Where to begin?

To start copywriting, you will need a computer (PC) or laptop. If you are not reading this article from a smartphone, then you already have some of the above. Although you can start making money by writing texts with a smartphone (tested).

Copywriting software:

  • Word or Open Office.
  • Yellowpile– for recording important notes. The program is free, simple, and will allow you to place supporting information on the same screen where the text you are typing is displayed.
  • Orfogramka.ru. This is the most comprehensive service for checking text for literacy, beauty and quality.
  • Sovar-synonyms.rf. Often, to construct a phrase, finding a synonym does not quickly come to mind, and tautology (repetition of words with the same root) reduces the quality of the text. It is to solve such a problem that the search for a suitable replacement was created.
  • Text analyzers(as an example - http://text.ru/ or http://glvrd.ru/). The quality of texts must comply with certain parameters. Most often this is " water" - words that do not carry a semantic load. Without them, the text will not lose significance. In addition to unnecessary and stop words, analyzers determine the relevance of an article based on search queries.
  • Anti-plagiarism(for example, https://content-watch.ru/text/ and the same http://text.ru/). Exchanges have their own services, however, some customers require additional verification of the uniqueness of the text.

If you have the skills listed below, you can achieve great success in the copywriting profession:

    Ability to convert your thoughts into text

    Almost all copywriters compare this activity with school essays. The presence of this skill can only be verified in practice. Try writing a short article on a topic that is familiar to you.

    Ability to write without errors

    In order for your texts to consistently receive money, they must be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.

    Normal working conditions

    Your environment should be such that you can concentrate on what you are doing.

    Ability to search for information

    Yandex and Google can help you here. There is only one “but”. In order for your texts to be paid consistently and a lot, the information you will put into them must be reliable, so relying on sources of information, make sure that the data is up to date.

How much can you earn from copywriting?

On almost all exchanges it is customary to pay for texts depending on their size, or more precisely, volume. It is measured in characters (letters, punctuation marks) without spaces or with spaces. The price of a copywriter’s services is the amount of money the customer pays for 1000 characters without spaces (sbp), but on some exchanges spaces are also taken into account (ssp). Accordingly, the cost of one text is the amount that is obtained from the volume and price.


The cost of copywriter services is 100 rubles per 1000 St. Petersburg. The customer orders a text of 5000 characters from him. Accordingly, the copywriter will earn 500 rubles from this article.

When a novice author just registers on the exchange, orders for simple texts with a price tag of about 5-15 rubles per 1000 characters. Accordingly, if you can write, for example, 3 articles of 3000 characters each in one working day, you will earn about 150 rubles. If you work like this for a whole month, then taking into account the weekends you will get about 3-4 thousand rubles.

If you're serious you can pass qualification on the stock exchange– submit any finished text for review, which will be checked for errors (spelling, punctuation, style) and given a higher rating, with which expensive orders will become available to you.

After working a little, even at a low price, you will gain experience, learn more about copywriting, and perhaps you will have regular clients who are willing to pay more for your work.

If we talk about exchanges, then average price for copywriter services they vary within 50 rubles for 1000 characters. Accordingly, if you recalculate monthly earnings in such situations, you will get neither more nor less - about 1 0-15 thousand rubles per month. And if you have the ability and perseverance, you can reach this level already in the second month of work.

Having studied most of the tricks of copywriting, gained experience and other privileges, which we will talk about below, the copywriter reaches the level where they pay for his texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters. A simple mathematical calculation will show that his earnings in one month can easily reach 30,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, it is already difficult to earn more on copywriting exchanges. Here you need to become an expert in a certain field, where you can find regular and targeted clients, when the author does not write everything, but only on a specific topic, for example, construction, finance

If a copywriter is capable, writes interestingly, without errors, originally and on time, then on the stock exchange he will be able to find customers who will pay 150-200 rubles per 1000 text characters. And this will result in an average monthly income of about 50,000 rubles.

Typing more text takes practice. And this concerns not only the speed of typing on the keyboard, but also the ability to search for information, analyze it, generate and systematize your thoughts.But in order to increase the price tag for your work, you need to constantly improve your skills, develop your own style, study theory, listen carefully to customers and meet deadlines.

In the case of exchanges, the cost of your work will be significantly influenced by your profile - high rating, many positive feedback and the absence of negative ones, a portfolio filled with your texts, and other information about you.

How much do experienced authors earn from copywriting?

Instructions for Beginners

Step 1. Registration on the copywriting exchange

A copywriting exchange is a platform where both performers and customers register. On the exchange, orders are publicly available. You choose a task that you can handle, complete it, and then send it to the customer for review. If the written text meets the customer’s requirements, after verification you are paid a pre-agreed amount. On copywriting exchanges there are orders not only for copywriting and SEO copywriting, but also for rewriting. What is the difference between them, we will talk later.

An important point about working on exchanges: these sites work for a reason, but so that the creators also receive money. Therefore, any copywriting exchange takes a percentage of each order. For example, the ETXT exchange charges 5% from both the contractor and the customer. And here ContentMonster This is not a profitable site for performers at all, because... a commission of 20% is charged specifically to them, and not to the customer.

Step 2. You need to decide on a topic that is easy for you to write texts on.

In order for your texts to be correctly formatted, you need to decide on which topics it is easier for you to write articles, relying on your own skills and knowledge. For example, if you have absolutely no understanding of legal matters, then you shouldn’t write about it. Without mastering professional skills and terms, you are unlikely to be able to create a complete and useful article. It will always be easier to write a text on a topic that is familiar to you.

The most popular and customer-requested topics for articles:

  • beauty and health;
  • medicine and psychology;
  • cinema, games and similar leisure activities;
  • work, finance and business;
  • construction;
  • cars;
  • cooking, etc.

Step 3. Search and select an order

Once you register on the exchange, you will see a lot of orders. However, make no mistake, not all of them will be publicly available to you. For example, on the Advego and Text.ru exchanges, most orders are available to performers from the white list. You can get on this list over time by showing your skill level on simple tasks available to beginners.

In the first couple of days, you will be able to take inexpensive orders costing 10 - 50 rubles / 1000 characters. For example, if you have at least a little knowledge of cooking, you can take an order to prepare a dish. Even if you don’t know how it’s prepared, you can always find information on the Internet and describe the recipe in other words and in a different style.

Having spent 1 - 1.5 hours writing a text with a volume of 4500 characters, you will earn approximately 140 rubles + raise your rating to access more expensive orders. If the customer likes your text, he will probably order more from you, because mostly the exchange has regular customers.

Step 4: Execute and review the article

After receiving your order, carefully study the terms of reference ( technical task), which each customer forms for the performers before submitting an application.

Having written a text on a given topic, you need to check it for uniqueness using specially created programs (Advego, ETXT, etc.). Most beginners often make spelling mistakes. Here the website “Spelling” will come to the rescue or free service from TEXT.ru.

Any text must be structured:

  • have headings and subheadings;
  • paragraphs should be indented;
  • the presence of numbered and bulleted lists is also required.

Step 5. Place the order, receive and withdraw money

After completing the technical task, send it for review. As a rule, customers approve the order or send it back for revision within 24 hours. Once the order is accepted, payment is credited to your exchange account. You can withdraw funds to a pre-specified EPS wallet ( often this is WebMoney, QIWI or Yandex.Money) or bank account.

Volume or quality of texts

Now let's go back a little, where we looked at the factors that determine how much you can earn from copywriting. The fact is that, theoretically, if you increase the volume of texts issued per day, you can endlessly increase your income. However, there is one nuance that will soon lead you to a dead end with this approach to work.

This nuance is called quality. What is text quality? A high-quality text should be informative, without unnecessary words, well structured, and without errors. When writing it, the wishes of the customer must be taken into account. The text needs to be checked more than once, proofread, processed, so to speak, with a file.

To do all this takes a lot of time. Accordingly, if you aim yourself specifically at high-quality texts, then you will have to forget about increasing volumes. But why, you ask, do this? This also reduces the amount you can earn from writing texts.

But no. The catch is that customers pay more for high-quality texts and are more willing to commit to long-term cooperation with you. As a result, in fact, you will be able to write less text in one day, and your income will increase.

Our copywriter friend has a lot of examples from personal experience, when cooperation with a customer began with a bet of 50 rubles for 1000 characters. But in the end, the same customer returned for quality texts and was ready to pay 150 rubles for 1000 characters. Where will you find in real life an employer who triples his employee's salary? Do you think this is due to volumes, or due to quality?

Naturally, not all customers on copywriting exchanges will increase your payment for quality. But there will definitely be others who will appreciate your approach to work, style and efforts.

9 books on copywriting

We won’t go into detail about which books are better or worse for beginners. There is something to learn from each of these works, so the more you read, the better off you will be. It definitely won’t be worse (tested in practice).

It would be a good idea to start your acquaintance with the world of copywriting with these books:

  1. Olga Solomatina « Writing is easy. How to write lyrics without waiting for inspiration».
  2. Andrey Parabellum « 77 copywriting secrets».
  3. All books by Peter Panda. At the time of writing this material, there were three of them, and a fourth is in development.

As you gain experience and gain an understanding of the essence of copywriting, you can move on to more complex literature, for example:

  1. Joseph Sugarman « The art of creating advertising messages».
  2. Dmitry Kot« Copywriting: how not to eat a dog».
  3. Anne Lamott « Bird by bird»;
  4. Alexandra Karepina « We write convincingly. Your own copywriter».
  5. Denis Kaplunov « Business copywriting».
  6. Elina Slobodyanyuk « Copywriter's handbook».

In fact, there are a lot of books on copywriting. If you are really interested in this profession, then you will definitely find and read all the other works written by famous copywriters.

When reading professional literature, keep in mind that it was written by copywriters, each of whom has their own style, their own understanding of the issue, and their own tricks. Therefore, different authors can find very contradictory opinions, different understandings of the same issue, and so on. Your task is to extract from these books what suits you best and apply it in practice.

Now you have a lot of information in your arsenal about how to make money from copywriting, is it real, where and how to start. All that remains is to back it all up with a few practical recommendations, the benefits of which has been tested in practice many times.

  1. If you can’t immediately write original texts (copywriting), then try rewriting.
  2. Determine for yourself the time of day when you concentrate best. Write during these hours.
  3. Don't chase quantity. Quality, multiple checks of texts, careful proofreading - all this pays off many times faster.
  4. Let your texts rest for a bit. Write it down, put it aside, and do something else. Then re-read it again - you will probably see many shortcomings and correct them, making your text better.
  5. Constantly improve - use services for checking texts, read literature, communicate on forums and on social networks with colleagues in the workshop.
  6. If things don’t work out on one copywriting exchange, try another. Fortunately, there are enough of them today.
  7. Strive for constant cooperation with good customers. It is much easier to write several texts for one client than the same number for different ones (you don’t need to study the requirements every time, you already know what the customer pays attention to, what he likes and what he doesn’t).
  8. Start writing on the topics that are closest to you. Later, expand this circle, but without fanaticism. Never take on orders whose topics are difficult for you. You will write heresy, get a negative review and not get paid for your time.
  9. Set yourself achievable goals - the number of characters or texts per day, income per month, and so on. If you don't overestimate your capabilities, you will have a lot of fun every time you achieve a goal.
  10. Rest. Copywriting is a job like any other. If you don't rest, very soon you will become exhausted and give up on this business.
  11. Take care of your health. Arrange your workplace correctly, install programs that reduce the strain on your eyes (flux, for example).
  12. With experience, try to give up rewriting. This concept doesn’t have long to live, so it’s not worth betting on it.
  13. Develop your own writing style. If most customers like it, use it, and don’t listen to those who don’t pay you.
  14. Don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out - you come across an unfair customer, you can’t rise in the price category, there is no inspiration. All these are temporary phenomena.
  15. Learn to communicate with customers. Be polite, never be rude, comply with deadlines and order requirements. Take criticism appropriately. Remember: customers are people just like you.
  16. Think over your resume. The performer’s profile should always be interesting to customers. If there is any information confirming the author's competence in the topic of the order, it should be indicated. For example, graduation from a specialized university, work in the press, main employment in the relevant profile. The resume style is advertising. One way or another, it is important for the performer to sell his talent.
  17. Improve your skills. Many exchanges offer test, unpaid tasks to beginners. The bonus for completion is a qualification mark. The higher it is, the more likely the customer will choose the author. Take literacy tests in the same way.
  18. Follow the growing rating. For each completed job, the copywriter receives not only a reward, but also rating points. The author's demand depends on their number. If the task is not completed, the performer loses money and “goes into the red.” The consequences are as follows: long, low-paying orders, poor popularity with customers.
  19. Avoid conflicts with customers. This will lead to an accumulation of negative reviews. Even if you come across a particularly “nasty” client, you should not stoop to the level of a scandal with your neighbors. Negative review may appear as a result of undelivered or poor-quality work - but here the performer is to blame. In some cases, it can be challenged with the help of site moderators.
  20. Before submitting an order, please read the requirements carefully. The client may request original photos on the topic of the article, but there is nowhere to get them. Or one of the conditions will be to independently post the text on a certain resource, and the beginner has no knowledge about the process.
  21. Work strictly in accordance with the technical specifications (TOR). If a client asks to describe pink ponies and insert a certain number of clues about apartments in St. Petersburg into the text, it is important to do this. Otherwise, why did you take the order?
  22. If the task specifies a specific volume, you should stick to it. At the same time, the quality must not suffer (empty phrases, excess water). It's better to search Additional information on the topic and expand on it.
  23. Don't linger too long on low-paying jobs. Sometimes it is difficult to refuse a regular client and you have to work for pennies for months. However, he himself is not tormented by thoughts of a small price for high-quality texts. Be able to firmly and politely reject incoming offers.
  24. Achieve a strong position on the stock exchange before going “free-floating” – working with clients without intermediaries. By the way, there are many scammers among them, and in this case the exchange protects its participants better - it blocks funds for the period of order execution. That is, the client cannot fail to pay the contractor if the article is completed in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

Copywriting is writing texts for money.

The same job as many others, but more promising in terms of earnings. If you approach this matter seriously and thoroughly, a stable and decent income will not keep you waiting.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter, and we will definitely fix it! Thank you very much for your help, it is very important for us and other readers!

If everyone starts writing sales texts,
then who will write fairy tales for children?
Alexey Vostrov.

In surveys about copywriting, about working as a copywriter on the Internet- some of the most frequently asked questions to me. And this is logical. After all, firstly, writing texts (copywriting) is one of the simplest and most accessible for a beginner. Secondly, my site is intended for beginners. Therefore, it is logical that there are many such questions and that they ask them to me.

Let me clarify right away: I’m talking about working as a copywriter on the Internet. And even then, not about everything at all, but only about what I encountered myself. This will be fair and most useful for you, visitors.

After reading this article you will understand what iswhere to find it. You will also be convinced that really anyone with the slightest education can make money by copywriting on the Internet and that this is actually a very simple and affordable way to make money for a beginner. But enough words, let's get down to business.

§ 1. Terms: what is copywriting, who is a copywriter, etc.

Let's first define the terms.

  • Uniqueness of the text- a value that shows how different a particular text is from other texts on the Internet. Measured as a percentage. Determined by various programs or online services (the most popular program is).

  • Characters- number of characters in the text. Including punctuation marks and special characters. Sometimes the number of characters is indicated with spaces.

  • Copyright- writing a text on a specific topic according to the conditions specified by the customer. Moreover, writing from scratch (collecting information, processing it and presenting it with your own conclusions). The second meaning of the word “copyright” is copyright and everything connected with it. But in this context it is not interesting to us. And it will not be used.

  • SEO copyright- the same as copyright. Only in this case, when writing text, it is still necessary to take into account the requirements for SEO optimization. Usually, the customer indicates in advance that SEO copyright is required. And lists the conditions. The output should be a text that is easy to read for people, unique to the user and built according to the rules of internal optimization.

  • Rewrite(rewriting) - rewriting in your own words a text already written by someone. Those. There is a ready-made text that you just need to rewrite in your own words (like presentation at school). The output should be a unique, easily readable text that will contain all the main thoughts of the original one.

  • Copy-paste(plagiarism) - copying text without any changes. The name comes from English words“copy” (copy) and “paste” (paste). Not in demand because search engines They are actively fighting copy-paste.

  • Synonymize- replacing words with synonyms in the source text. The result is text that is unique to search engines, but with very poor readability for humans. They pay little for synonymize. Therefore, it is usually produced using special synonymizer programs. Synonymize is in little demand because search engines impose penalties on sites that host it.

  • Translation- used in two ways.
    The first is the usual translation of text from one language to another. Those. there is text on foreign language on the desired topic (or it is indicated/provided by the customer), translated and sent to the customer. It turns out to be a kind of copyright. To avoid problems, it is necessary, firstly, to indicate that this is a translation. Secondly, always provide a link to the source.
    The second method is to translate text from one language to another two or three times using various services and programs (machine translation). For example, we translate English text into Russian, then the resulting Russian text back into English, and then this English back into Russian. We get the same thing as in the case of synonymize. Only much worse. Currently, this method of “writing” texts is not used, since search engines identify such “translation” immediately and ban people for it immediately.

  • Copywriter- the person who writes Various types text to order or for sale. In our case (let me remind you that we are talking about working as a copywriter on the Internet), texts are written for websites, blogs and other Internet resources. In the vast majority of cases on the Internet, a copywriter is required to have unique, SEO-optimized and well-readable texts without any copyright “frills”. In this order of priority. That is, almost always, a copywriter is a typewriter with eyes that works strictly according to a given program.

  • Copywriting- the process of making money by copywriting, rewriting, etc. The general name for all types of earning money by writing texts for Internet resources.

§ 2. What is the job of a copywriter?

And so, first, let’s determine how a novice copywriter can make money.

I strongly recommend not to run all over the Internet. Remember, for a novice copywriter, the best places are not those that pay the most, but those that have the most customers. Competition in the field of copywriting is very high and most of the time is spent not on fulfilling orders, but on fighting for them. So, the more orders, the easier they are to execute, the better and, most importantly, the more profitable.

Assess your opportunities soberly: while you are a newcomer without a name, you will be chosen, not you. Your talents are of no interest to anyone and only mean something to you. The following are important to the customer:

  • ~ Price.

  • ~ To make it more or less readable.

  • ~ Deadlines.

These are the three main points that a novice copywriter needs to pay attention to. Compliance with agreements (conditions) on them is the main key to success in working as a copywriter. Don’t be perverted and don’t come up with anything extra: take the order, complete it, get the money. Everything is simple and no romance. We'll talk more below.

I think it’s clear that a novice copywriter will be paid less than an experienced copywriter? After all, the difference between a professional and a beginner is huge. Its main manifestation is precisely the price for articles. In addition, a beginner is paid for the number of characters, and a professional is paid for the number of goods sold by the text he writes. Therefore, it is important to gain experience as soon as possible and, as they say, get better.

This was the answer to the question “how”, now the answer to the question “where”.

§ 3. Where can a copywriter make money?

If you carefully read all of the above, you should have already understood that we, as novice copywriters, are primarily interested in places where customers gather for rewriting, copywriting, etc.

« Customers go where there are many copywriters. Especially beginners. It's just cheaper and faster there!»

Where on the Internet can you simultaneously find many customers willing to pay and a crowd of copywriters who want to make money? Both are available on or services. This is where a novice copywriter needs to go, and all other places should be left for the professional future.

About the optimal algorithm of actions for a novice copywriter, job seeker, next:

  • 1. You either go to or to. Either there or there.

  • 2. Are you looking for an affordable order, after reading the description of which you clearly understand what is required of you. For the first few orders, don’t really look at the price; what’s important for you now is not the amount of money, but to understand and get involved in the process itself.

  • 3. You complete the order exactly as described in its terms and conditions.

  • 4. Complete the order exactly within the time limits specified in its conditions.

  • 5. You hand over the completed order to the customer. First works novice copywriter in most cases, customers return them for revision. Indicating the mistakes and omissions made. Silently and without further ado, you correct them.

  • 6. Complete about ten orders for copywriting.

  • 7. Now sit down and think carefully about whether you need it or not.

You will repeat the first five points of this algorithm very often. If you decide, of course, to stay in copywriting.

Another question I am often asked goes something like this: “How long does it take for a beginning copywriter to start consistently earning decent money?” First of all, everyone is different. Secondly, it all depends on the desire to work, diligence, patience and luck. Having brains and straight hands is a given. So it is very difficult to answer this question accurately.

I can only give a few tips on how to speed up the onset of this time.

    1. We'll have to forget (by at least, at the beginning of a copywriter’s “career”) about one’s own vision of a particular thing. About your own opinion on this or that issue. The vision and opinion of the customer should come to the fore.

    2. Don't try to do better, do exactly as you were ordered. Even if you are 100% sure that your “improvements” are correct. If only

    • A). Very very itchy in one place the desire to change the world for the better is unbearable;

    • b). you are more or less familiar with the customer and this is not the first time you have worked with him;

    • V). You you know exactly, why this order was and where the results of its implementation will go.

    Only then can you try sending the completed work to two options. The first - as ordered, the second - with your “improvements” and a description of why they are here. If at least one of ALL these conditions are not met, then it’s better not to even try. Otherwise, you risk wasting a lot of time and nerves and getting nothing in return except hemorrhoids. Repeatedly tested from our own experience.

    This advice, in principle, applies not only to copywriting, but also to any other type of cooperation on the Internet.

    3. Build relationships with customers. Especially with normal and adequate ones. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Believe me, it's better now once again asking about something unclear means losing the customer in the future.

    Personally, I did this. I took the order, completed it, sent it to the customer, and he paid. Immediately after payment, I write him a letter (via personal messages on , via email, ICQ, etc.), in which I ask his opinion about my work, about what can be improved or corrected, etc. At first glance it looks it's stupid and creepy, but the effect is amazing.

    Any adequate customer (and these are the ones you need to work with) will definitely answer you and, quite likely, you will start some kind of communication, the results of which can be:

    • A). You get the knowledge you need from someone knowledgeable about the subject. Or they will share their personal experience with you. At the beginning of a copywriter’s career, both are much more important than even payment for the work performed (I think I need to tell you that this knowledge should not only be memorized, but not memorized by heart: you understand this very well yourself, right?);

    • b). If you manage to give the impression of a normal, intelligent worker, then, most likely, you will be given a “test” order, which you simply must complete “excellently”. In this case you get a regular customer;

    • V). You may get not a customer, but good friend. And this acquaintance is not necessarily “for money.” Besides money, there are a lot of wonderful things in our world.

    The main thing is not to be annoying. If a person does not want to communicate with you, then there is no need to pester him. And, of course, in mandatory Use the knowledge gained during communication with the customer. They are priceless to you. Both for a copywriter and as a user.

    4. Be sure to introduce yourself as a white man, and not as “conquering” the Internet. Those. no super-duper mega-cool nicknames and avatars. Only your real first and last name, photograph and a brief description of what you can do. There is a small nuance here that most novice copywriters overlook. And not only beginners, and not only copywriters.

    As a rule, a beginner does not know how to do anything. At least that's what he thinks. But do you really know how to read and write? So indicate something like the following: “I know how to carefully and thoughtfully read the technical specifications / order description. I will write a competent text taking into account all the wishes of the customer!” And everything in the same spirit.

    Just remember that you will have to prove your “skills” in practice.

    5. Stand out from the crowd of copywriters. On any copywriting exchange there are always more workers than good orders. And it is much easier for a recognizable personality to receive them than for some person from a crowd of identical people.

    My two previous tips (3 and 4), among other things, are aimed at “identifying” you as a person with a name, appearance and skills. And leave the painted avatars, loud nicknames and empty profiles to the gray mass of schoolchildren and losers. Just remember that “standing out” and “becoming a clown” are two different things. Clowns don't work as copywriters. Clowns in the circus make people laugh.

    Yes, and forget all this nonsense about “secrecy” and the fact that you can’t “share” information about yourself on the Internet. You can get a job offline normal work, providing only your nickname from information about yourself? Likewise, no one online will pay decent money to an unnamed account on the article exchange.

    6. Don't try to steal other people's texts and pass them off as your own. Don't try to deceive the customer. Don't try to scam the service you work for.


    • A). Up to you there were already hundreds of such smart people and the methods of combating this are quite well established (for example, Yandex and Google are fighting content theft. This is not to mention various services and programs for checking text for uniqueness);

    • b). On the Internet, due to the impossibility of personally checking a person, reputation comes first and you shouldn’t spoil it from the very beginning;

    • V). When embarking on the path of deception, you, first of all, you humiliate yourself. You confess to yourself your inability to do something necessary, your ability to grow and develop.

    Internal is an extremely powerful thing that determines a person’s entire life. It can become an effective assistant if a person does not look for easy ways and rotten methods, but learns to overcome obstacles and achieve goals using “clean” methods. In this case, a certain set of rules is “forged” inside a person, with the help of which mountains are rolled up, seas are dried up, and other things that are heroic, in the eyes of others, are accomplished. Those. a personality is formed that is ready to fight, break through and develop. And not to grovel and humiliate yourself.

    In short, as Mikhail Zadornov says, don’t do anything that you would be ashamed of in front of your mother.

    7. Don’t count on the fact that copywriting and its help are a freebie. This is a form of distributing money to everyone who needs it. Copywriting is serious work. And no one will just give you money. They need to be earned.

§ 5. Conclusion

Yes, copywriting or rewriting are the easiest ways for a beginner. But “simple” does not mean “easy”. Therefore, if you initially set yourself up for quick and “easy” earnings, then you will be severely disappointed.

Okay, I think that all of the above is enough for you to successfully start your career as a copywriter. You didn’t think that I would describe the registration process on . And don't send me questions like that. Work as a copywriter- this is, first of all, working with your head. So get on with it.

Opingwriting and rewriting can become both the main source of income and a launching pad. There would be a desire. In addition, at copywriting many forms to implement. And the ability to write texts is in demand in various fields. So go ahead and don’t stop moving forward!
