How to set up and use a smart alarm clock on Apple Watch. Multifunctional alarm clock on iPad Among the additional functions of Sleep Cycle, it is worth noting

The application has a name.

So what is this app. Awaken, in general, you can’t call it a simple alarm clock. The program can display the time, date and much more interesting information on your home screen. There are five tabs in the application window at the bottom.

The first, called Clock, displays the hour, date, day of the week, and year. The type and method of displaying this information can be changed in the program settings.

The second tab (Alarm) just represents the function that I was looking for, and which I needed, that is, an alarm clock. We are allowed to create multiple alarms and customize them as we please. The sound of our alarm clock can be both our songs from the iPod, and the melodies that are in the program itself.

In the third tab (Sleep Timer) we can set the sleep timer. Choose the time and songs we want to listen to. While the timer is running, we can, on the iPad screen, see the album cover of the song that is playing, switch to the next song, or see the current time and end time of the timer.

The fourth tab (Flashlight) is a flashlight. The flashlight is a plain white background, or a background of some other color.

Well, the fifth tab (Settings) is the settings in which you can choose the style of displaying information on the main screen.

As well as the background color for the flashlight, well, and some more functions.

For me, the program has become indispensable. It allows you to turn your iPad into a functional nighttime desktop frame, which is very convenient for me. But still, I would like to highlight a few shortcomings or rather wishes for this program, namely the lack of the Russian language and the weather display function. Let's hope the developers add this in the future.

In the meantime, I advise you to download the Lite version of the program for testing and try out its functionality. I think you will like it as much as I do. Good luck!

Pavel Shakh specially for the site Everything about the iPad

Watch Apple Watch already from the first version, they helped to wake up on time, using the built-in Apple Watch interface smart alarm clock.


The procedure for setting the desired wake-up time takes exactly ten seconds and consists of three steps:

The procedure described above is the same for all Apple Watch series and will definitely not be a problem for either beginners or professionals. But what to do in situations when you want to wake up not to the annoying sounds of the selected melody and at a predetermined hour, but at the right moment for awakening, when you have to break away from the pillow not with bad mood but with a sense of pleasure?

Third party alarm clock apps

Third party developers specifically for operating system WatchOS offers a whole series of "smart alarm clocks" that adjust to the rhythm of each watch owner and allow you to wake up in the " REM sleep” with “minimal losses”, and even to the sounds of randomly selected melodies depicting both morning in the forest and awakening near the ocean. The only question is which assistants to pay attention to in the first place, and therefore - brief digression to the App Store:

  1. - a fully automated tool for monitoring and analyzing sleep, which helps and guide " healthy lifestyle life" literally without getting out of bed. The main idea of ​​AutoSleep is the chance to completely avoid settings. The alarm clock does not even have buttons - rare adjustments are made from the iPhone, statistics are collected and studied there, which the developers present in the form of informative graphs, diagrams and even textual conclusions (sorry for English language), diligently retelling what lack of sleep will lead to, and how it will help healthy sleep. The asking price is $3. Of the additional advantages - no advertising;
  2. - a freely distributed sleep tracker, combined with an alarm clock and capable of both registering data on the current vacation and displaying statistics for a week, month, and even a year. As in the case of AutoSleep, the developers from Cross Forward Consulting, LLC have provided a portion of advice for everyone. Although the information is focused around some common truths, it can sometimes shed light on some of the nuances of sleep (when to fall asleep, how to wake up, and why it is important not to immediately grab gadgets in your hands and do the mandatory morning routine);
  3. . Smart "pillow" analyzes sleep, allows you to set an alarm for the desired time, easily helps you set up various ways to wake up (standard vibration, sounds). The interface is intuitive and informative, even for beginners there will be no problems. Of the additional advantages - free distribution without advertising and subscriptions (even for music, and extremely atmospheric, and you don’t have to pay for it). By the way, developers offer to study statistics (for a day, a month or even a year) both on a watch using a special widget, and on a smartphone through detailed statistics with graphs and tips. At strong desire the developers offer to expand the tracker's starting powers with the help of a paid subscription, which stores data forever on servers, and even allows you to install songs from Apple Music as wake-up melodies;
  4. is a free tool for monitoring sleep, "proper rest" and lightning-fast access to all the energy of the world. Before starting to control dreams, developers strongly recommend understanding the settings and choosing a measurement method (automatic or manual, by pressing a button) and a place to upload statistics - inner memory, cloud storage. After the mandatory preparation, the tool will adjust to the activity of each watch owner and help to achieve highest precision(Inaccuracies will occur at first.)

The main problem with "smart alarm clocks" for the Apple Watch is the need to keep the watch on your wrist. And, if some owners cope with such a duty, others suffer inconvenience (especially if an iron strap hangs on their hand). If such a nuance does not spoil the mood and looks harmless, then the assistants described above will definitely help you finish what you started and finally get some sleep!

Smart alarm clocks and devices that track sleep quality are one of the controversial phenomena. On the one hand, many say that they really work. I can even confirm this. On the other hand, they do not always work as we would like. And the need to connect the smartphone to charge at night makes them too inconvenient.

Unfortunately, the Pillow app is not without the typical shortcomings of smart alarm clocks. The smartphone still needs to be left connected to the charger overnight and kept near the head. But if that doesn't bother you and you're looking for a sleep tracking app, then Pillow might be your best bet.

Pillow has many modes: standard sleep, sleep with sound recording, several modes short sleep and others. After setting the alarm, the application turns off the backlight and turns all elements black. If you wake up in the middle of the night to check the time, the screen won't burn your eyes.

Before and after waking up, you can make notes about what you did before going to bed and how you felt after. This is necessary in order to evaluate the quality of sleep and everything that affects it in the future. Unfortunately, not all features are free. Here's why you have to purchase an unlock for 279 rubles:

  1. Full access to audio recordings.
  2. Integration with HealthKit.
  3. Tips for improving sleep quality.
  4. Detailed statistics and its export.
  5. Additional melodies.

There are many restrictions, but the functions that are opened are optional. The smart alarm and sleep tracking functions are also available in the free version, which is exactly what is required from such applications.

Literally 10 years ago, people were awakened in the morning by a mechanical alarm clock, which greatly annoyed all people with its loud ringing in the morning. Progress, which does not stand still, gave people phones with an alarm clock function, which has flexible settings.

With the advent of smartphones, settings have become even more flexible, and in last years alarm clocks on mobile devices have become smarter, helping a person plan his regimen to improve the quality of life. Apple smartphones are no exception. If you own one, then you definitely need to know where the alarm clock is in the iPhone, how it is configured, and what third-party applications can replace the standard alarm clock.

Where is the system alarm clock located: its pros and cons

Finding an alarm clock on an iPhone is very easy: it is located in the Clock app in the Alarm section.

Alarm section on iPhone

In general, the standard alarm clock application turned out to be simple and straightforward. Apple did not get smart, they made a simple interface that even a novice user can figure out. The main advantages of this program include:

  • Easy to use. The intuitive interface allows you to quickly figure out how to set the alarm, set the signal at the right time;
  • Flexible settings. There are no restrictions on setting up alarms in iOS. You can create an unlimited number of signals and set each one exactly as you need: set a unique name for the signal, set the number of repetitions, set some specific melody. , we told earlier;
  • Sleep mode system. This system appeared with the advent of iOS 10 and deserves a separate review, but now we are not talking about it. In short, it allows a person to control his mode, and is closely related to the standard Health application, which is on every Apple device.

Sleep system on iPhone with iOS 10

There are no cons, as such, for the Alarm Clock app on iOS. It can be noted that Apple programmers have not improved this program for several years. Of the innovations, one can note “Sleep Mode”, but it only indirectly relates to the alarm clock. The lack of innovation leads to the absence of modern features that third-party alarm clocks have, which we will talk about next.

What third party applications can be used?

If you lack the functions of a standard alarm clock, you want some innovation, so to speak, a “smart” application, then programs from third-party developers may suit you.

Sleep cycle

This utility is one of the best alarm clocks for iOS. In its work, it uses the device's microphone and gyroscope. By receiving data from these two components of the device, the program determines at what stage of sleep a person is in this moment, and determines the most optimal moment for awakening.

For the effective operation of their development, the Sleep Cycle developers recommend putting it down with the screen next to the pillow when connected to the charger. The first few days will be spent collecting information and calibrating the application, after which it will start to issue optimal mode work.

So that a person can analyze his behavior during sleep, the program collects all the information, builds detailed charts for each stage of sleep and gives general statistics which can be analyzed. In order not to oversleep at the right time, you can set a certain time interval during which you need to wake up.

For example, you need to be somewhere at 11 o'clock. To have time to pack up and get to right place need to wake up between 8 and 9 o'clock. By setting such an interval, Sleep Cycle will select the optimal moment for waking up exactly from 8 to 9 hours. The longer the interval, the more appropriate the moment the application will wake you up.

Of course, this application is much better than the standard one. There are many features that make this alarm clock "smart", unlike a simple standard application that lacks rich functionality.

Wake N Shake

If you cannot wake up from a simple alarm, just turn off its signal and fall asleep again, then this application is exactly what you have been looking for. It offers an original and tough way to wake up, which will definitely wake you up at any time of the day.

The main meaning of the alarm clock is that the signal will not be turned off until the person shakes his smartphone well. The developers believe that in this way a person will definitely wake up even from the very deep sleep, at the same time immediately doing the exercises. The amount of time during which you have to shake your smartphone is adjustable in the settings. The creators of the program recommend not to feel sorry for yourself and to set as much time as possible for a “shake-up”. To wake up for sure, a lot of nasty ringtones were built into the program. Hearing them, everyone will want to turn off the sound as quickly as possible.

To give an additional incentive to wake up immediately, an authorization system has been introduced into the applications through social systems. With your friends you can compete in the speed of awakening, getting points every day.

The application has one feature - during the sound signal, the "Home" and "volume control" buttons are blocked so that a person cannot just turn off the alarm clock or simply turn down its sound. But there is a small drawback - the smartphone's off button remained unlocked, so you can just turn it off and sleep on. The color design of the application interface can also be attributed to the minus, but here it’s already an amateur.

Rich functionality, as the first alarm clock from a third-party developer, this application does not own, but here the system of "extreme awakening" is most effectively implemented, which is not in the standard application from Apple.

If you do not have problems with sleep, you wake up well in the morning at the first ring of the alarm clock, then the standard application from Apple will suit you, and now you know where the alarm clock is in the iPhone. If you want something unusual, where there are many non-standard functions, then you should pay attention to the third-party alarm clocks that are described above, or you can look at similar programs in the App Store yourself.

The default alarm clock in iOS does a great job, but what if you want something more from your smartphone? Vesti.Hitech prepared a review best apps to help users wake up refreshed and on time.

sleep cycle
One of the best smart wake up apps. The program uses a gyroscope to track how the user tosses and turns in bed, and uses a microphone to analyze the sounds they make. Based on this information, the application understands what stage of sleep a person is in and wakes him up at the most optimal moment.

The device should be placed next to the pillow, screen down and hope that the phone does not fall off the bed in a dream. At first, the application will have to be calibrated by turning on the bed. In full force, it will work for 2-3 days of use.

For example, if you need to be at work by 9:00, you can set the wake-up time from 7:00 to 7:30. It is assumed that during these half an hour a person will be in an optimal state for awakening and the application will wake him up. The wake-up interval can be set arbitrarily. However, the larger it is, the more likely you are to wake up in the correct sleep phase. Also in the application there are soporific melodies.

However, the program has important shortcomings. Firstly, some people are afraid to put the phone next to the pillow, because electromagnetic waves allegedly harmful to health. They can be advised to put the device into airplane mode, then all radio interfaces are turned off. Secondly, you can use the application only when connected charger, since the smartphone will not go into sleep mode (this is necessary for the sensors to work). It is not forbidden to block the device - Sleep Cycle will still work. And finally, the phone can simply fall, which makes all the smart features meaningless.

The application can be purchased in the App Store for 33 rubles.

For those who want to get similar functionality for free, you can advise Smart Alarm Clock Free . True, it is worth getting ready for an abundance of advertising.

Wake N Shake
One of the most original alarm clocks for iOS, which provides wake-up in an unusual and even a little cruel way. The app beep will not stop until the user has shaken the phone with all their might for a certain amount of time. It is assumed that such a warm-up should stir up a little sleepy man. At the same time, a small charge is obtained. The required duration of shaking can be adjusted in the settings, however, by default it lasts quite a long time. Built in alarm clock a large number of surprisingly nasty and harsh ringtones that make you want to silence your phone as soon as possible. "Wake up. No mercy" is the app's motto.

By the way, the program blocks the Home button and the volume keys, so you won't be able to unload the application this way. Unfortunately, the phone's power off key is not blocked, so if you really want to, you can simply turn off your iPhone and go to sleep. The second drawback of the program is the negative aura created by gloomy ringtones and a gloomy black and red design. Luckily, you can use any track in your iTunes library instead of the built-in cues.

The program is available for iOS for 66 rubles.

One of the best applications for fans to wake up to the sounds of the radio. The program is beautifully designed in a retro wooden style. The program has a built-in calendar, a beautiful analog clock and a screen brightness control.

The app has great amount settings: you can turn vibration on or off, select one of the thousands of radio stations to wake up, or use music from the device's library, or even record your own sounds on the built-in voice recorder.

Also, the application has several built-in melodies for falling asleep, which will be played gradually fading away. The fading effect can also be adjusted for radio stations. By the way, RadioN also has a built-in function to turn off the alarm by shaking the phone, although the application does not block the volume and Home keys, so it cannot be called a full-fledged replacement for Wake N Shake. However, the ability to wake up to one of 50,000 radio stations makes the program one of the best of its kind.

The app can be downloaded from the App Store for Rs.

The Alarm clock
The application is as uncomplicated as its name - a simple design (white numbers on a blue background), quite classic settings - the ability to use tracks from the iPod, a sleep timer for listening to music, setting different alarms for each day of the week, and so on. The program can automatically pronounce the time by touch and tell you how much is left before the alarm. This is very useful for far-sighted people who have to look for glasses before looking at the screen.

If desired, you can set the alarm to turn off by tapping anywhere on the screen, which again is convenient for the visually impaired. The numbers on the screen are large, the interface is very simple. In general, if you are not very good vision and you're looking for a simple and reliable alarm clock with no bells and whistles, Alarm Clock is the perfect option.

You can download the application in the App Store for 33 rubles.

nightstand Central
This app is designed to serve as both an alarm clock and something like a digital photo frame. The user can set some beautiful background or several pictures that replace each other. The weather forecast and time will be displayed on top of them. If desired, the screen of the phone / tablet will burn all night, turning the device into something like a night light. The screen brightness can be adjusted.

Also, alarm clocks have all the usual options: the ability to use your own tracks, a sleep timer, setting up multiple alarms, splitting by day of the week, and so on.

Of the minuses, some instability of the system can be noted. Occasionally, users complain that the weather forecast freezes and photos stop changing. There are also complaints that sometimes the wake-up signal does not work.

Download app

Absalt EasyWakeup PRO
Surprisingly expensive domestic development that allows you to track sleep phases. In general, its functions are not much different from the Sleep Cycle - the same principle: placement by the pillow, a 30-minute wake-up interval, and so on. But the application is in Russian, which is convenient for those who are not familiar with English. The interface of the application is not much different from the standard iOS style and doesn't strain your eyes.

The disadvantages are the same: a strong discharge of the battery, forcing you to keep the device on charge, the fear of electromagnetic radiation and the need for calibration.

You can download the application in the App Store for 329 rubles. Of course, not the most optimal price / quality ratio, but you can reassure yourself that you have supported a domestic manufacturer.

Rise Alarm clock
An ordinary, "stupid" alarm clock with a beautiful minimalist design. You can set the wake-up time by simply swiping your finger up and down the screen, while the background color will gradually change from blue to reddish - like the sky at dawn. In general, the capabilities of the program are quite standard: different melodies for waking up, for falling asleep, and so on. The design is amazing - it is very comfortable and effective. The program is suitable for all aesthetes.

You can download the program in the App Store for 66 rubles.
