What glasses are best for sunglasses? How to choose sunglasses that are harmless to health

Among the abundance of assortment sunglasses presented in opticians and specialized stores, how can you not get confused and choose a quality product that is suitable not only in design, but also in the type of protection? The task is not easy.

What harm does solar radiation have on the eyes?

Having decided to purchase a much-needed stylish accessory, first of all, you should decide in what conditions you will have to use it (on the seashore, in a car, on a walk or for all occasions) and pay attention to the protective properties of glass. High-quality glasses are comfortable to use, do not change color rendition and provide reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Prolonged exposure to the sun without special glasses is fraught with complications for vision. Particular caution on sunny days should be exercised by people with eye diseases or poor health.

The most dangerous times for unprotected eyes are early morning and afternoon hours When the sun is low, the effect on the eyes increases.

Also negative effect UV rays increase when reflected from the water surface. When choosing sunglasses based on the type of protection, you should consider how ultraviolet radiation affects the unprotected or insufficiently protected surface of the eyes.

Effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight on the eyes:

  • Conjunctivitis. It occurs as a result of damage to the cornea and is accompanied by aseptic inflammation.
  • Dry eyes. Burning sensation, photophobia, redness of the eyes.
  • Pterygium.As a rule, it is accompanied by pain and itching. In severe cases, swelling occurs and visual acuity decreases.
  • Snow blindness. Profuse lacrimation, corneal ulcers, short-term vision loss.
  • Cataract.Cataract. Visual acuity deteriorates, color perception changes.

be careful, the retina of the eye is very sensitive to UV radiation, the negative effects of which appear after some time. During the irradiation period, as a rule, no discomfort occurs. pain, but this is not a reason to neglect protective measures.

How to choose sunglasses by type of protection

When choosing the right sunglasses based on the type of protection, several factors are usually taken into account - the level of UV filter, the color and material of the lenses. These parameters directly affect the functionality and safety of wearing glasses.

Radiation protection levels

Ophthalmologists distinguish several stages protective properties of sunglasses:

  • Minimal. The filter level is 15–20%. Recommended to wear in cloudy weather.
  • Initial. Allows penetration from 40 to 75% of sunlight. Suitable for gentle sun in the morning and evening hours.
  • Average. Blocks up to 65% of ultraviolet radiation. Suitable option for active sunny days and holidays in hot countries.
  • Maximum. They transmit only 7–10% of sunlight. Designed for increased eye protection. An ideal choice for people suffering from photophobia, as well as those who enjoy skiing and surfing.

Information on the degree of protection of glasses is located on inside temple. The degree of protection, depending on the manufacturer, can be indicated in a digital value from 1 to 4 (the higher the number, the higher the filter level).

Note, that maximum protection glasses are not recommended to be worn while driving a vehicle as excessive darkness may affect visibility.

What does UVA or UVB marking mean?

Depending on the intensity, ultraviolet rays are divided into:

High-quality glasses must be marked by the manufacturer for ultraviolet transmission and spectrum of rays. At the same time, detailed information about the protective properties of glasses and recommendations on the conditions of use are indicated in a special insert.

Most sunglasses only block part of the UV rays. The corresponding protection range is indicated by the UVA or UVB marking. How to choose sunglasses by type of protection?

Another type of marking, often used by manufacturers, will help with this, and containing information about the transmittance of UV rays:

  • UVA ray transmittance from 85 to 98%. Used during periods of inactive sun.
  • Blocks up to 70% There are two types of dangerous rays (UVA and UVB). A universal option for city conditions.
  • High UV protection. One hundred percent ultraviolet blocker of all types. An ideal choice for a holiday at sea or in the mountains. Blocks glare from the sun's rays from the surface of water or snow.

Glasses that filter out all harmful rays are labeled UV-400, 100% UV-Protection or High UV-protection . This indicator informs that maximum protection is integrated into the structure of the lenses, which cannot be erased or scratched. In any weather and lighting, your eyes are guaranteed complete safety.

Which color to choose based on the degree of protection at different latitudes

Which sunglasses to choose by type of protection and color Characteristic Where to use
Gray or malachiteClear color reproduction, no distortionUniversal (applicable in city conditions and on the sea beach)
YellowRetains bright blue colorIn the evening and cloudy hours
PolarizedBlocks aggressive bright lightOn the beach, in the mountains, driving a car, bicycle, motorcycle
MirrorReflect lightIn the mountains, in hot countries, during periods of high solar activity
GraduatedPartially change color renderingIn city conditions, during periods of inactive sun
ChameleonsLenses change color depending on light intensityA universal option for urban environments

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The popular idea is that the richer the color of the lenses, the more protection they have. However, according to experts, the ability to block sunlight does not depend on the color intensity of the lenses.

If the lenses do not have protective properties, then the dark color, on the contrary, provokes the receipt of a higher dose of ultraviolet radiation compared to transparent lenses. The pupils dilate under the influence of dark lenses, which makes them more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Glass or plastic?

When wondering how to choose sunglasses based on the type of protection, you should consider that, from the point of view of functional characteristics, high-quality plastic glasses and natural glass lenses have identical optical properties and equally protect against ultraviolet radiation.

However, the effect of visual perception of an image through different types of glass or plastic will be completely different. What material to choose for glasses depends on personal preference and comfort.

Advantages of organic glass (plastic):

  • lightness, almost not noticeable on the face;
  • safe to wear, does not leave any fragments when dropped;
  • large selection of frame designs;
  • variety of lens colors;

Advantages mineral glass:

  • protection from scratches;
  • aesthetic appearance (glass lenses are thinner);
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Important to remember When choosing sunglasses based on the type of protection, mineral glass products are usually more expensive than plastic ones. At the same time, glass has increased fragility; if it falls, there is a risk of injury from lens fragments.

If glasses are purchased for children or people actively involved in sports, then for safety reasons, you should opt for accessories made of polymer materials.

What are the benefits of polarized glasses?

Glasses with polarized lenses have become most popular among people leading an active lifestyle. Basics The advantage of this type of glasses over others is that it blocks polarized light, which is especially important when driving vehicles during solar activity.

In addition to reflecting glare, they have other significant advantages:

  • provide clarity of vision in any type of activity (sports, driving, beach holidays);
  • improve color perception of objects (colors are more saturated);
  • neutralize glare and bright flashes, their use reduces the risk of road accidents;
  • create additional protection from UV rays;
  • perfect option protection from aggressive rays for people with photophobia;
  • prevent eye fatigue.

Which glasses should you choose?

The choice of the right sunglasses must be taken with full responsibility; the purchase should be determined not only based on the type of protection, but also on others no less important parameters, such as size, color, conditions and places of purchase.

Wearing unsuitable glasses leads to extreme negative consequences: fatigue, headache, retinal damage, development of cataracts.

How to avoid a bad purchase

Unsuitable glasses Rationale
WITH low level protectionThey will not be able to protect their eyes from the active sun. They are an additional accessory for wearing in the evening and cloudy hours.
With small lensesThey will not be able to fully protect from the sun.
Counterfeit brandsAs a rule, they only copy fashionable designs and do not provide protection from UV rays.
Red, orange and blue lensesThey distort color and irritate the retina. It is not recommended to wear it for more than two hours at a time.
Purchased in non-specialized storesRisk of purchasing glasses that do not contain a sun barrier.
With a transition from one color to anotherEyes get tired quickly.
Inappropriate size (tight, too big)Uncomfortable fit of glasses provokes the penetration of ultraviolet radiation onto the unprotected surface of the eye.
Penetration of dangerous sun rays into the eyes. The load should be distributed on the bridge of the nose.

Important to remember! Cheap glasses with plain dark lenses different colors, purchased in local retail outlets, as a rule, contain only dye and do not have protective filters.

Wearing such glasses is extremely dangerous. Don’t skimp on your health; well-chosen high-quality sunglasses will become not just a stylish accessory, but also a reliable protector of your vision.

How to choose sunglasses by type of protection, watch this video:

Sunglasses - stylish eye protection in the summer:

Hello! Despite the fact that summer has long passed its equator, and the topic of sunglasses is rapidly losing its relevance, this small guide may still be useful. First of all, it’s not winter yet; secondly, we often go on vacation to sunny resorts in winter; thirdly, now is the peak of discounts; finally, fourthly, glasses are not an easy thing to choose, and it takes time to find the perfect one that is just right for you. Glasses need to be looked at, measured, compared, and if you consider that good glasses can be quite expensive, then you can accumulate the necessary amount. So, next we will talk about manufacturers, materials, how to care, and also give some tips on how to how to choose men's sunglasses.

Before proceeding directly to the advice, let's answer this seemingly strange question: what are sunglasses for? And are they even necessary?

The structure of the human eye can be compared to a magnifying glass, which, by passing a ray of sunlight through itself, can ignite a fire. The lens here is the lens, which greatly enhances the effect of the beam, which can easily burn the retina. Alas, people are not able to openly look at the sun.

Man is a vulnerable creature, and he is forced to compensate for the imperfections of his body with all kinds of devices. Glasses with dark lenses became the invention that allowed us to look at the sun without squinting.

You can, of course, ignore the achievements of civilization and simply squint your eyes in the bright sun, but in this case the risk of receiving a dose increases ultraviolet rays, and the appearance of extra wrinkles in the eye area is unlikely to please anyone. Among other things, glasses are a wonderful men's accessory in terms of style. And if you approach the issue skillfully, then the exact finishing touch to your outfit is guaranteed.


Let's start with the models. Here are the most famous ones that became hits and took their place in collections firmly and for a long time. They can be safely purchased and worn as long as they complement your face (more on that below) and suit your lifestyle and situation.

Ray-Ban Aviators

They were invented in 1936 for the needs of American pilots. Aviator lenses have drop-shaped, which optimally correspond to the field of view of the human eye. To this day, this model is perhaps the most popular among both men and women.

Ray-Ban Wayfarers

This model, the appearance of which in the 50s can be called a revolution in the world of sunglasses thanks to the plastic frame of an unusual shape for that time (before that, frames were made mainly of metal). Having experienced a peak of popularity in the 50s and 60s, a temporary oblivion in the 70s, and a new rise in the 80s, now (around the mid-2000s) Wayfarer is back in sight. There are several varieties, in the photo - the very first, old-school model.

Ray-Ban Clubmasters

Just like the two models listed above, it is one of the so-called “iconic” Ray-Ban models. Eyeglasses “browline” (thickened) top part frames), invented in 1947, were in use in the 50-60s. among the educated, intelligent segments of the population. Now, in the wake of the love for retro, they have also become very popular.

Persol 649 and 714

Persol is a famous Italian company founded in 1917. Iconic models are the 649 (or the modernized 9649 with a thinner frame), as well as the folding 714 model, made famous in part by actor Steve McQueen and the 1968 film The Thomas Crown Affair. The glasses are truly successful in both design and workmanship. It has common roots with aviators, but at the same time it is an independent model. Very comfortable, thanks to the patented Meflecto technology, which allows for flexible temples to fit almost any head size. Quite expensive: in Moscow the 649 model can be buy for 14 thousand rubles, 714 - 20 thousand rubles. In foreign online stores - about 200 - 230 pounds.

The original or a fake?

People often argue: what is more reasonable - to buy high-quality expensive glasses in a reliable store or a fake for 500 rubles. On the market. It is widely believed that cheap glasses do not have UV protection, making them dangerous to buy. This is partly a myth, since many Chinese factories that churn out tons of fakes have long ago learned how to make an effective protective coating against UV rays. The problem is that you cannot be sure exactly in each specific case, and reliability can only be checked using special equipment. Expensive branded glasses with appropriate markings will relieve you of such doubts. This issue should not be neglected, since looking at the sun with glasses without UV protection is much more dangerous than not wearing glasses at all, since in the second case you squint your eyes, and in the first case the eye is completely open.

As with everything, you shouldn’t focus entirely on price alone. The key to a successful purchase will be a trusted store, as well as your subjective sensations: visual and tactile. That is, when buying glasses, you need to carefully examine them, touch them, fold them and unfold them, and, of course, try them on. This is the main reason why sunglasses It’s still better to buy not in an online store. Although there is a way out: you can try it on anywhere, and buy it wherever you like.

So, you have made a choice in favor of original glasses and are prepared to shell out a decent amount (3-15 thousand rubles). Naturally, you want to get 100% quality for your money, which means it’s worth studying the subject in more detail.

How to distinguish an outright fake from real sunglasses?

  • Original glasses are sold complete with good packaging and, often, a cleaning cloth.
  • The parts of good glasses should fit tightly together, the hinges move smoothly, the bolts are well tightened, and the lenses are firmly mounted in the frame.
  • If the frame is iron, then it should be monolithic, without soldering.
  • On real glasses, the manufacturer's name and collection markings are stamped on the inside of the temples (photo). The method is questionable, since counterfeit manufacturers are also not lazy to do this.

It is often quite difficult to distinguish fake glasses from real ones, but sometimes it is very easy to do:


Now, actually, about the brands themselves. There are a great many of them, but in fact the entire sunglasses market is divided between three companies, each of which owns these brands. Alas, gone are the days when Ray-Ban and Persol were independent companies. Today they are under the wing of the Italian giant Luxottica and create the illusion of competition. Here are the three main players with more than 90% of the global market share, as well as some of their brands:

    Luxottica (Ray Ban, Persol, Oakley, Oliver Peoples, Ralph Lauren)

    Safilo (Carrera, Polaroid)

    Marcolin (Diesel, Ermenegildo Zegna, Tom Ford)

Despite the fact that there are only three companies, this does not mean that the quality of all brands of one company is no different. Standards and approaches are still different depending on the brand.

Here are a few brands of sunglasses at different price points that are worth considering:

Ray-Ban, Persol, Oliver Peoples, Warby Parker, Moscot, Tom Ford, LGR, Polo Ralph Lauren.


Of course, we should not forget that sunglasses, depending on the style, may be appropriate or inappropriate in a given situation, match your clothes or be disharmonious. That is, it is necessary style matching. Here we need some guidelines, at least a conditional division of glasses into formal and informal, casual. Here we will borrow an infographic from Dappered, since this is a fairly comprehensive description that gives an idea of ​​formal (dress) sunglasses, most appropriate with a business suit, informal (casual), and the diagram clearly shows the division into modern (modern) and retro. Please note that in the center, as a kind of absolute and reference point, are Ray-Ban New Wayfarer.

As you can see, there are no “streamlined” glasses in the picture. The same ridiculous style that tried to come into fashion in the 80s and 90s. Please think twice before buying them.

Since we are talking about bad taste, it is worth mentioning here wearing dark glasses indoors. Friends, you fold your umbrella when entering the subway. Sunglasses also look strange in the absence of sun.

Frame and lens material

Most sunglass lenses today are made from plastic. However, glass is also a fairly common material. For example, Persol 649 and 714 lenses are glass. The advantage of plastic is that the lenses are more resistant to impact, and such glasses are lighter, but scratches will appear faster on the plastic. Glass lenses, in turn, are not protected from chipping. They are also easy to break. If we talk about clarity and undistortedness, then high-quality plastic will prevail.

Lens color is also an important characteristic of glasses. The color range is quite wide: blue, yellow, orange, green, but Gray and brown lenses are considered the most comfortable for the human eye. They provide the most “correct” perception and clarity, and the eyes, accordingly, get the least tired.

Polarized lenses effectively protect the eyes from reflected sunlight (from snow, water, etc.). Good at fishing and skiing.

An important option may be the ability to replace lenses. Inquire before purchasing. It is often cheaper to replace lenses than to buy new glasses.

Frame material It can be anything, but most often it is plastic or metal. Steel, titanium, less often - aluminum or monel (an alloy of nickel and copper). Titanium is an ideal option, as it is stronger than steel, lighter than aluminum and also safe for allergy sufferers, but it is technologically difficult to color, so titanium glasses come in a limited color range.

As for plastic, when purchasing, you should take a closer look at the color of the frame. The fact is that there are two technologies for producing frames. Expensive - they are made using the so-called block-cut technology, in which the frame is “cut” from a single piece of acetate, thereby achieving the most saturated and multi-dimensional color, as well as greater strength of the material. In this case, the plastic gets its color naturally. This is especially noticeable in glasses with a complex multi-shade texture.

Acetate is a high quality plastic. The best acetate frames are produced in Italy and small Japanese factories. Less expensive frames are made by casting plastic into a mold and then painting it.

Face shape and proportions

Of course, glasses should suit you. This concept includes matching the size of glasses and the features of your face, the shape of your face and the shape of the frame, the color of the glasses and the shades of your skin, hair, and eyes. However, first of all, you must be sure that the glasses do not cause physical discomfort: they sit loosely on the bridge of the nose (not high or low), do not fall off, the temples do not squeeze the temples, and lie comfortably on the ears. In general, the less you feel them, the better. If everything is in order here, then you should think about Do the glasses suit your shape and color?.

The principles of balance and compensation apply here. In other words, when choosing glasses, you should balance your facial features and avoid any imbalances. It's all about leveling and removing the emphasis from an already existing pronounced characteristic. For example, a round face shape should not be enhanced by round (or almost round) glasses; An angular frame would look better here:

It is not difficult to guess whether with a square or rectangular face it is recommended to do the same: avoid angular frames and look at the displays with glasses with rounded lenses, such as aviators:

By the way, one more point regarding proportions. As you can see in the photo above, glasses with thin frames are in harmony with the small features of the face. A massive frame would look like an alien element here.

An elongated face should be given a little width:

Here are more examples of balancing: a massive bottom is visually offset by wide glasses with thick frames. The facial features are large, therefore the glasses should not contrast sharply.

As you understand, if you have inverse proportions, a weak jaw and a wide forehead and cheekbones, you need to try glasses that are visually lighter, with thin frames.

An oval face shape is considered best suited for most glasses. You are lucky if you have a regular oval shaped face, as you can choose almost any sunglasses you like. You only have to worry about the size.

By the way, this is one of the key points when choosing: too small glasses, in addition to external inconsistency, will miss sunlight at the edges, with glasses that are too big there is a danger of looking comical.

How to store and care

A special microfiber cloth is an indispensable tool for lens care. Usually it comes with glasses. It is better to wipe with such a cloth, and not with a T-shirt, for example. If the glasses have large particles dust that can scratch the lenses, it is better to first wash the glasses with water and liquid soap, and then dry them carefully with a soft cloth.

For storage, it is better to use a hard case; in extreme cases, you can get by with a soft one (leather, for example), but you should not just throw your glasses in your bag or carry them in your trouser pocket. It is also not recommended to wear glasses on your head. Firstly, the loops will become loose over time and the arms will lose their elasticity. Secondly, there are better ways to wear glasses in terms of style:


One point that is often overlooked is etiquette. Should you take off your sunglasses when meeting someone? If you are polite and tactful, and do not want to create barriers to communication (and sunglasses are certainly a barrier to communication), then the answer is yes, you should. At least in the first seconds of the meeting, eye contact is necessary for open communication. Just take off your glasses briefly when meeting to meet your interlocutor's gaze.

In modern Everyday life sunglasses have become the same necessary accessory like a watch or an umbrella. It is up to us to take advantage of this and make a thoughtful, smart choice, buying not just a functional, useful item, but also an item that is not devoid of style, like everything else you own. Choose, try on, don’t make impulsive, rash purchases, and a few examples below will help you better navigate the world of sunglasses.

Even more interesting materials in our groups.

Glasses, which have become a favorite accessory for most fashionistas and fashionistas, are indispensable both on vacation and in everyday life. In addition to providing aesthetic status, they allow people to protect their eyes from direct sunlight on the beach, in the city or while driving. When choosing sunglasses, many are guided by their cost, shape and color of the lenses. In addition, if you have poor eyesight and you don't wear, you can buy prescription sunglasses. In fact, it is very important to choose the right accessories in this category, since low-quality models, purchased either on a flip phone or in a luxury boutique, can lead to serious vision problems.

Not all products can protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation. To choose glasses that will not harm your health and will fully perform their direct function, you need to pay attention to the recommendations given in this article.

What damage can the sun cause to your eyes?

Melanin, which provides natural protection for the eyes, is produced less and less as we age. This is one of the causes of cataracts and other diseases. Sunlight itself is a combination of ultraviolet and infrared radiation, which is divided into several categories:

  • A – long-wave radiation in the safest range. Thanks to this light, a tan appears on the skin, but with prolonged exposure to such rays, the skin begins to age faster.
  • B – mid-wave UV radiation, characterized by increased energy. Such rays can cause burns and other damage to the skin and cornea of ​​the eye.
  • C is the most dangerous short-wave radiation, which is almost completely delayed ozone layer land.

Depending on the region, ultraviolet radiation will also differ; for example, in the region of the equator it is the strongest, and therefore more harmful to the eyes and skin. Also, do not forget that water reflects more than 70% of the light, and snow about 90%. Therefore, it is very important that the lenses of your sunglasses are made of quality material.

Lens material

Glass is considered the most reliable, since it does not transmit UV rays even if the lenses are completely transparent. In addition, glass is less scratchable, which allows you to use the accessory for a longer time. But there is one big disadvantage of glass - the risk of injury. Glass products are not recommended to be worn if you engage in active sports or drive a car; in the event of an accident, glass fragments can cause serious injury. It is for this reason that most manufacturers have refused to use glass in their products.

Plastic acrylic lenses cannot be broken, even with strong impact they will only turn into cobweb crumbs and will not be able to harm the eyes. This is where the advantages of plastic end and the downsides begin. Firstly, this material transmits 100% of UV rays and essentially does not protect the eyes from harmful radiation. Moreover, the darkening from plastic “deceives” the human eye due to which the pupil is constantly in a dilated state, which, in turn, leads to heavy loads this organ. Secondly, the plastic gets scratched by any awkward movement. Typically, glasses of this type are sold in markets and inexpensive stores. For example, today's popular women's sunglasses “Angelina” from AVON are made of precisely this acrylic plastic.

Plastic acrylic lenses can only be considered acceptable if they are made with the addition of a special UV blocking material. This is usually written on the product label, which states that this model is capable of protecting against type B rays. In this case, the protection should be 100%.

Polycarbonate plastic, unlike previous examples, protects against rays of categories A and B, so you can safely walk in the eyepieces under the scorching sun. Such products cost an order of magnitude more, so you won’t find them in a grocery hypermarket or non-core store. Dolce Gabbana sunglasses made from this plastic will cost from 16,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Important! Even if glasses are highly protected from UV rays, this does not mean that you can safely look into the sun in them. None of the listed materials protects from infrared radiation.

In addition to the material, the color of the lenses plays an important role when choosing quality glasses.

Lens color

Gray is considered the safest for the eyes. green color. They do not distort the shades of the surrounding world, so these glasses are comfortable to wear both indoors and outdoors. Yellow and gold lenses do not reflect blue light, so experts recommend using them exclusively in cloudy weather. Mirror eyepieces reflect sunlight well, which is why they are so popular among climbers and skiers.

Many are sure that the darker the lenses, the better they will protect from the sun. In fact, this is far from the case. The intensity of staining does not in any way indicate a greater or lesser degree of protection. For example, dark blue lenses do not block sunlight, so wearing dark blue glasses will expose you to more UV radiation than if you were wearing clear eyepieces. The darker the lens, the more a person’s pupil dilates and, accordingly, the more “defenseless” he becomes.

High-quality lenses must be accompanied by special markings and a certificate or insert, which will reflect the level of protection and category of lenses, which may be as follows:

  • 0 – glass capable of transmitting 80-100% of sunlight (minimal protection);
  • 1 – transmits 43 – 80% of light (for the city);
  • 2 – capacity 18 – 43% (for the city);
  • 3 – glass admitting 8 – 18% of rays (for nature and beach holiday);
  • 4 – light transmission no more than 3 – 8% (for hot countries or high mountains).

Photochromic and polarized lenses

It is this category of lenses that is worth highlighting separately, since such products do not transmit rays not only directly, but also those reflected from water, ice, snow or wet asphalt. Thanks to this, visibility in them does not deteriorate due to “lighting”. These lenses are best suited for driving and are also recommended for those who have undergone eye surgery, those suffering from photophobia and the elderly.

Polarization patterns allow the eyes to quickly adapt to sudden change light, for example, when the sun quickly emerges from behind a cloud. They also allow drivers to more easily cope with the transition from bright sunny day to twilight.

Photochromic lenses change their transmittance based on the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. They are usually used in chameleon glasses, which darken in bright light and, conversely, lighten in the absence of light. It is worth considering the small drawback of such lenses. The fact is that they are more active when low temperatures. Therefore, on a hot day, photochromic glasses will darken to a lesser extent, while protecting your eyes less well.

This is what concerns lenses, but there are other components in glasses.


When choosing frames, make sure that the glasses do not put pressure on the bridge of the nose, and that the load of the temple is distributed to the area behind or above the ear. No impact on the temples is allowed, and the nose pads should fit well and follow the contour of the nasal bone. Glasses do not “wear in”, so if the product is too tight, it is better not to buy it.

Healthy! Frames with wide temples limit peripheral vision, so it is better not to wear such glasses while driving a car.

If we talk about frame material, nylon is considered the most practical. It is flexible and allows you to avoid most damage that can be caused by careless handling.

It is best to choose frames based on your face shape:

  • Any model will suit people with an oval face shape;
  • for an elongated face, it is better to choose a massive frame of any shape you like;
  • owners triangular shape faces fit oval or round glasses in a round frame. It could be an aviator or a butterfly;
  • wide square or rectangular frames suit people with a round face shape;
  • Those with a square face shape will look good in round glasses or aviators. In this case, it is better to choose a frame with a low jumper.

One more thing. The top edge of the glasses should be on the line of the eyebrows, and not above or below. The size of the frame should not exceed 1/3 of the size of the face, in this case the accessory will look harmonious. Also, many are wondering about the “gender” of sunglasses, which, although no longer so relevant today, still exists.

How are men's sunglasses different from women's?

Just 15 years ago, men's sunglasses were strictly rectangular in shape, and representatives of the stronger sex also wore “drops” and “aviators”. For ladies they produced oval frames and shapes " cat eye"or "butterfly". Colors also varied, and while women's sunglasses were mostly bright colors, men had to limit themselves to grey, black or brown accessories.

Today, with the advent of the unisex style, the differences have almost disappeared, and the aviator became the most popular female model, and men began to wear bright and catchy glasses, but nevertheless the following differences remained:

  • women's eyepieces are smaller, but more decorated with a variety of decorations;
  • round sunglasses for men became for women;
  • the cat-eye and butterfly shapes are still considered exclusively feminine;
  • Men's glasses are often rectangular in shape, and women's are square.

In all other respects, everyone chooses the model they like best, so there is no fundamental difference here.

In custody

Before purchasing glasses, try opening and closing the temples several times and bending the accessory a little. If the frame quickly regains its shape, it means you have a high-quality model. Pay attention to how well all the screws are tightened and whether the parts are loose. Finally, try on your glasses to make sure they complement your unique style.

Many people only consider design, color and popularity when choosing sunglasses. However, this is not only a fashion accessory, but also an important attribute necessary to protect our eyes from the harmful effects of sunlight. Buying sunglasses Special attention pay attention to their quality, since constant exposure of the eyes to harmful ultraviolet radiation can lead to cataracts and retinal destruction. How to choose the right quality sunglasses? Please take note of some tips.

What to choose – glass or plastic lenses?

There are two types of lenses - plastic and glass. Regardless of which lenses you choose for glasses, it is important to pay attention to the markings. For high-quality models, it has the following value: UV - 400 nm. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Glass lenses have the following advantages:

  • High protection from sun rays. Glass containing quartz retains and does not transmit ultraviolet light, even if your lenses are slightly tinted or completely transparent.
  • Less distortion of objects (compared to plastic ones).
  • Glass is difficult to scratch.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fragility. Glass models are easy to break.
  • The material is traumatic, it is easy to cut yourself and injure your eyes with splinters. It is not recommended for children and athletes to wear such lenses.
  • Glass lenses are many times heavier than plastic ones, because of this the frame puts pressure on the bridge of the nose, disrupting blood microcirculation.

The advantages of plastic lenses include:

  • UV protection (with special coating).
  • They don't fight. Even if you accidentally drop your glasses, they will not break or fall into pieces (ideal for athletes and children).
  • Lungs. Plastic lenses I am light weight.

Negative sides:

  • Plastic quickly becomes cloudy and slightly distorts objects.
  • They scratch easily, can become deformed in high heat, and quickly become unusable.

Determining the correct lens color and transmission capacity

There is an opinion that the darker the lenses, the better, but in reality everything is different. Sometimes glasses with dark lenses are decorative and do not protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation at all. High-quality colored lenses will not distort your color perception. If you put on blue glasses and the world around you becomes just as bluish, you should know that this accessory is of poor quality.

Best colors:

  • dark brown;
  • dark grey;
  • black;
  • photochromic (chameleon) - depending on the lighting of the room, the glass changes color, suitable for people with poor vision;
  • Graduated is an excellent choice of lenses for drivers.

Good colors:

  • dark green;
  • shades of lilac;
  • yellow and orange (recommended to wear in cloudy weather);
  • mirror – perfectly reflects light, such lenses are suitable for residents of mountainous areas;
  • polarized – blocks bright light on the surface.

Dangerous colors:

  • Red. They distort natural colors and negatively affect the psyche.
  • Blue. This part of the spectrum applied to lenses causes rapid eye fatigue, can stimulate pupil dilation and cause damage to the lens.
  • Pink. Disorients in space.
  • 0 – transmits 80-100% of light;
  • 1 – transmit 43-80% of light;
  • 2 – transmit 18-43% of light;
  • 3 – transmit 8-18% of light;
  • 4 – transmits 3-8% of light.

Lens size also plays a role

When choosing quality sunglasses, it is important to consider the lens size. The larger they are, the better eye protection will be. It’s good if large lenses are round in shape; they protect the eyes not only in front, but also on the sides. Products with large lenses are not suitable for everyone, but they are effective in protecting your eyes. Glasses with better, but smaller lenses will not be able to completely protect your eyes, and sunlight will penetrate unhindered from the sides.

How to check sunglasses for quality

Poor-quality sunglasses cause damage to your eyes, so take the selection of this accessory seriously. If you are choosing products for the first time, or you have poor vision, consult an ophthalmologist. To distinguish quality models from fakes, use these selection guidelines:

  • The brand name of the product must be duplicated on the lens and on the inside of the temple.
  • In high-quality glasses, the label displays information about the level of ultraviolet protection.
  • Objects should not be distorted.
  • The frame is without sharp corners and burrs, smooth, the screws in the fastenings are tightly tightened - these are signs of the quality of the product.
  • The darkening should be uniform.

Product data sheet and markings on the label

Famous manufacturers sunglasses always include a quality certificate with their products. It indicates the name of the manufacturer, its details, contact phone number and address, place of manufacture of the glasses, protection class, level of darkness. The technical data of the certificate must correspond to the label, sticker and inscriptions on the product.

Ultraviolet rays are divided into two types:

  • UVB (active from 10 am to 4 pm, average ray length). The “95% UVB” label indicates that the lenses block 95 percent of ultraviolet B rays.
  • UVA (affect us around the clock). If a pair of glasses says "60% UVA," they protect against 60 percent of Type A rays. If they say "UV-400" on the label, the lenses protect against all rays (maximum protection).


When choosing glasses, their appearance is important. If you do not want to buy a low-quality fake, follow these recommendations:

  • Inspect the glass carefully from the outside: there should be no scratches, abrasions, sagging or cracks. For high-quality models, a case is provided that protects them from possible damage.
  • Pay attention to the spraying on the glass so that it is uniform.
  • Plastic frames should not be fragile, brittle, or stain the skin. Metal - choose from steel.

Where to buy and how much they cost

The choice of where to purchase sunglasses depends on your capabilities, ideas and wishes. Many people buy models at kiosks in markets, some in shops, others in shopping malls, a small number of people prefer to shop in branded boutiques. Each establishment has its own characteristics: different assortment, price level, quality and authenticity of goods, quality of customer service.

In Moscow you can buy sunglasses in such retail outlets:

  • Branded goods store “Lens for You” on the street. Tverskoy, 9 Shopping center "Gallery", office 13. Prices from 2000 to 23000 rubles.
  • Shop "Ochki-Mks" on the street. Simonovsky Val, 19. The cost of designer models ranges from 5,500 to 50,000 rubles.
  • Shop A-10 “Sun-optics” on the street. Sushchevsky Val, 5, building 1, TC “Savelovsky”. Prices are within 12,000 rubles.
  • Shop "Margalit" on the street. Barclay, 8. The cost of goods is from 3,000 to 33,000 rubles.

You can also order optics with delivery to Moscow in online stores:

  • fieldofview.ru. Prices for models range from 1100 to 3700 rubles.
  • optix.su. Inexpensive online store, cost per unit of goods is 900-22,000 rubles.
  • my-optika.ru. Branded sunglasses priced from 4,500 to 42,000 rubles.

Popular manufacturing companies

The main purpose of sunglasses is to protect the eyes from bright sunlight and their harmful effects. Modern glasses should be stylish, beautiful, safe and of high quality. That's why it is recommended to buy branded models that can guarantee effective protection your eyes and delight with fashionable design ideas. Among the most popular branded glasses on the domestic market that are worth paying attention to are the following:

  • Ray-Ban. Business card The company's model is “aviators” and “wayfarers”. The brand is characterized by stylish frames made from high quality materials.
  • Polaroid. Ultra-durable, trendy, very lightweight models with polarized lenses that absorb ultraviolet radiation well and block glare. An excellent choice for athletes.
  • Dior. The brand's collection includes both classic and fashionable modern frames made of plastic and metal in combination with high-quality lenses.
  • George. An elite brand that is distinguished by reasonable prices and high quality sunglasses in a classic style.

How to choose a uniform: men's, women's and unisex

No matter what kind of sunglasses you need, men's, women's or unisex, choose them based on your face shape. Here are the main recommendations:

  • Rectangular. For people with a wide forehead and square chin, models with large oval or round frames are suitable.
  • Round. If your face has full cheeks and a rounded chin, choose large square or rectangular frames.
  • Oval. Any model will suit owners of this face shape.
  • Triangular. If you have a wide forehead and narrow chin, choose oval or rectangular frames with rounded edges.
  • Pear-shaped. For an inverted triangle-shaped face, glasses with a defined eyebrow line, such as aviators, are suitable.

Choosing glasses is not an easy task.

Scientists around the world are unanimous in their verdict that bright for the human eye, especially in the hot season, when the impact of such rays is many times more intense than, for example, in the colder period of the year. That is why, in order to protect your eyes, it is recommended from the sun, or as they are also called sunglasses. However, not all glasses can protect our eyes. In order not to doubt your protection in the future, it is recommended to pay attention to the following aspects when choosing such glasses:

Choosing the right sunglasses


Sunglass lens material

Sunglasses protection level

“Good” glasses are necessarily sold with an appropriate information insert, which contains all the necessary information about the level of their sun protection, as well as recommendations regarding the conditions for which (city, beach) such glasses are intended. Today, there are five categories of filters for such glasses, with degrees of protection from 0 to 4. Also, glasses must be marked accordingly. But it’s best to buy such glasses at an optician, and not at a spontaneous market or in some tourist shop.

Sunglasses frame shape

Shape of glasses - big or small? It is quite clear that dictating rules with this criterion will not be entirely appropriate - after all, as you know, there are no comrades for taste and color, and there is only one type of glasses - large ones suit people with one face shape, but will look funny on others.

However, there are still general recommendations– glasses should be large enough and cover not only the eyes, but also the area of ​​skin near the eyes, fitting tightly to the brow ridges. In these glasses, both your vision and the delicate skin around your eyes will be protected from ultraviolet radiation; you will not squint in them and small wrinkles, “crow’s feet,” will not form in the eye area.

It is quite clear that small glasses that barely cover your eyes will be of little use. These sports glasses are designed more for protection from wind than from ultraviolet rays.
