Etiquette event for elementary school. "Flower of Politeness" Scenario for an event based on the rules of politeness for older children. Dress code for a social event

ABC of etiquette. Theme evening (scenario)/ Comp. L.D. Yakubinskaya / Poltava Central Library of the Institution “Center for Culture and Art of the Poltava Municipal District”. – r.p. Poltavka, Omsk region, 2012.

State institution

"Center for Culture and Art of the Poltava Municipal District"

Poltava Central Library

ABC of etiquette

(theme evening)

r.p. Poltavka

Presenter 1;
Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about what the concept of “etiquette” includes, as well as some rules of behavior in modern society.
Etiquette is not a vignette

And not a stylish suit,

He also has a sense of life,

And education and intelligence.

He is always needed everywhere

We are on the path of life.

If you are friendly with etiquette,

Everyone will be glad to see you.
The word "etiquette" - French origin at one of the king's magnificent receptions Louis XIV guests were given cards listing some rules of behavior.

From the French the name of the card is “label” and the word “etiquette” came from, which later entered the languages ​​of many peoples of the world. Etiquette is the result of the experience of many generations. The rules that humanity has developed are international; they are generally the same in all countries, although they have their own national characteristics.
Presenter 2: Etiquette is a form of attitude towards another person, a rule of human behavior among people. Generally accepted etiquette helps all people communicate. Only after mastering its basics can you safely set out on a journey through life.
Presenter 1: Knowing the rules of cultural behavior, you will feel more confident in society, you will not get into trouble by acting or doing something that, according to etiquette, is considered disrespectful to others. There is no need to cram the rules, just understand their meaning.

The rules of human behavior in society, good manners are not an idle invention of a sophisticated mind, they have been developed over centuries and are dictated by concern for a person.
- We take purity and beauty from the ancients,

We drag tales and sagas from the past,

Because good remains good

In the past, future and present.

V. Vysotsky.
- It is goodness that dictates one simple rule of etiquette: a person, with his behavior and appearance, should not cause inconvenience to others, or offend their aesthetic and moral feelings. Wherever a person is, he cannot behave as he pleases; he must take into account other people.
Presenter 2: It is not that difficult to have good manners; it is not difficult to say hello to people when you meet them.

When you wake up in the morning and meet your family, you should definitely say hello. But the way you say: “ Good morning!”, the mood of your household will depend.

Going out into the street, you meet friends and acquaintances. You should start saying your greeting no earlier than you are two meters closer to each other. When you enter school, be sure to say hello to the cloakroom attendant, classmates and, of course, teachers. When greeting adults, it is best to use the generally accepted phrases in these cases: “Good afternoon!”, “Good morning!”
Presenter 1 ; It’s so nice to be polite, friendly, and kind to people.

Now let's do a little warm-up game.

- The game is like this: I tell you the first part of the proverb or saying, and you, dear friends, take turns finishing it.

  • Bow my head......... ..(will not get sick).

  • From polite words language......... .(will not dry out).

  • My word of honor and a wild head........... .(humbling).

  • In someone else's house, don't be observant, but be........ .(friendly).

  • Wherever they imprison you, sit there, and where they don’t tell you to......... ...(don't look there).

  • Talk without thinking what to shoot .............................(without aiming).

  • Learn good, so bad...................................... ...(off the top of my head).

Presenter 2: It is customary all over the world to say hello when meeting. What kind of gestures did the residents come up with? different countries to greet each other!

Our next competition is called "Gesture of greetings." Teams take turns calling out the greetings they know. The presenter adds answers that were not named: (shake hand, hug and kiss on both cheeks; rub noses, take off hat, cross arms over chest and bow head; bow, raising right hand to chest, to forehead, then to lips and heart ; touch each other’s hands, shoulders, clothes; pat on the shoulder with a smile).
Presenter 1: Court scholars wrote the book “Etiquette.” In it, they first identified two main things: what needs to be said and what needs to be done in the most different situations. Much time has passed since then, and etiquette has embraced all aspects of life.

We present to your attention excerpts from modern rules etiquette.
Rules of etiquette

1. The person you are greeting should look into the eyes in a friendly and welcoming manner. If you cannot see a person's face, you need to turn your head towards his voice.

2. The person entering is the first to greet those present.

3. When coming to visit, first of all, they greet the hostess of the house, then the owner, then the others.
Presenter 2: - What do we look like? Each of us asks ourselves this question. A Russian proverb says: “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind.”

A polite, well-mannered person will always think about his appearance was pleasant to those around him.

Let's imagine a man with a beautiful face, and sloppy, tastelessly dressed.

Can such a person be called perfect? (Answers).

Clothes play an important role in our lives. It should decorate a person, emphasize the advantages of his appearance and hide his shortcomings. Believe me, a person with good appearance can turn into a caricature of himself just from one detail of his costume.

The main requirement is neatness.

Have you all seen the garden scarecrow - in torn clothes and a hat askew? It is no coincidence that sloppy, careless people are called “garden scarecrow.”

Agree, it’s nice to look at a person if he is wearing clean shoes, ironed clothes, and neatly combed hair.
“Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts.”

A.P. Chekhov.

Presenter 1: And now we bring to your attention a quiz dedicated to the rules of etiquette in modern society.
Quiz "Modern Etiquette"


  1. What if someone pushed you or said something rude to you? (You should not make a remark to such a person or try to sort things out with him. There is no need to appeal to the decency of a person who does not know what it is.)
2 . Is it possible to use the address “uncle” or “aunt” to someone older in age? (The words “uncle” and “aunt” indicate the degree of relationship. They should not be used in conversation with elders if they are not related to you.)

3 . Is it polite to eat or drink on the street? (It’s indecent, it doesn’t look nice from the outside.)

4 . Is it possible to ask your interlocutor about his monetary income? (A person who respects himself and his interlocutor will never ask about anyone else’s income; he will not talk about his own income.)

5 . Imagine that you are in the reading room of a library, and suddenly your phone rings. mobile phone. What will you do? (You need to leave the hall and talk quietly with the caller. You should not talk in the hall, as in any public place: it disturbs those around you.)

6 . We often hear people use the words “man” and “woman” to attract attention. Is this acceptable? (No, etiquette rules require the use of a faceless form of address: “Excuse me,” “Please tell me,” etc.)
Leading 2: One of important elements human culture is mastery of the rules speech etiquette. The way we speak plays a very important role in shaping our image in the eyes of our interlocutor. It is a pleasure to deal with a well-mannered and polite person. A polite person is friendly towards people, he can understand another person, sympathize, and help him.

With polite words we show our attitude towards the people around us.

It can be so offensive when they answer you harshly, rudely, and, on the contrary, your soul becomes warmer when people you know and don’t know address you gently, tactfully, and respectfully. It’s nice to hear the words “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, etc.

Try to speak kind, polite, good words to people more often.
Presenter 1: The rules of etiquette are also intended to avoid getting into an awkward situation. But if you still find yourself in an awkward, funny situation, you need to look at it from the outside and... laugh at yourself first. Laughing at yourself is much less offensive than listening to the ridicule of others. Often awkward situations arise from intemperate speech. If you find yourself in such a situation, you just need to apologize.

Minor embarrassments do not require tearful excuses: such behavior can worsen the situation even further. Usually a short “sorry” solves the problem. Even if someone seriously offends you, this is not a reason to sort things out in front of everyone. The scandal not only humiliates both of you, but also embarrasses those around you.
Presenter 2: Let's talk about behavior on the street.

Moving along the street at the pace we need, we must try not to cause inconvenience - neither to pedestrians nor to motorists.

A well-mannered person does not litter on the street, does not spit, does not point fingers, does not shout at children, does not walk on lawns, does not throw tree stubs, does not crack seeds.

And for drinking alcoholic beverages in in public places you may be subject to administrative penalties.

You should not eat while walking. It is better to eat ice cream or a pie while standing at a kiosk or sitting on a bench.
Presenter 1:

It is impolite, while walking down the street, to make loud comments to passers-by about their clothing, height, facial expression, etc.

Young men who even send witty remarks to passing girls sadly demonstrate the shortcomings of their upbringing.

Four of you should never walk down the street. A society of 5 people is divided into a couple and three, so no one is left alone.
Presenter 2: It is very important to get rid of it once and for all bad habits. One of them - LATE. Wherever you go - to study, on a date, to visit - you should always arrive on time. And if you can’t do this, then make the saying “Precision is the politeness of kings” your motto. You must decide once and for all that from now on being on time everywhere is of paramount importance to you.

Another, not only harmful, but also dangerous habit, How - SMOKING. In fashion these days healthy image life. Smoking is not only prohibited in public places, but is also condemned by the public. By smoking a cigarette in the presence of other people, you not only cause irreparable harm to your health, but also spoil the health of those around you.

A girl who smokes, as statistical studies have shown, looks more vulgar and more accessible in the eyes of a man than a non-smoker.

There are many more reasons why one should refuse this habit. Therefore, instead of a cigarette, put a mint candy in your mouth.

It is generally accepted that a man smokes on the street, although according to strict rules of good manners this should be avoided. But if you are asked for a light, it would be more polite to offer a match rather than a smoking cigarette.
Presenter 1: We live in an age of high speeds. Walking is definitely good for your health. But due to large distances, public transport often comes to our aid.

The same rules of politeness apply in transport as elsewhere. Here, just like on the street, we are surrounded strangers.

Now we will look at several rules of conduct in public transport.

What public transport do you use? (answers).

1. You will never try to squeeze into the bus with all your might in order to find a seat. Let elderly people or young mothers with babies sit in such places. They are the ones who are passed forward when landing.

2. Upon entering the salon, immediately go to its middle, (For what) to make boarding easier for those who come in behind you.

3. It is impolite to stand at the exit, blocking it, if you are not going to go out.

4. If your seat is given up, (in which case you can sit down) You can sit down only if there are no women with heavy bags or grandmothers standing next to you.

5. If you step on someone's foot, apologize immediately, very politely and kindly.

6. Now imagine that someone stepped on your foot? What will you do?

7. If you buy a ticket from the driver, prepare the money in advance so as not to delay the departure of the bus.

8. If you are traveling on public transport crowded with people, how will you behave? It is indecent, while on public transport crowded with people, to try to gain space for yourself by pushing your neighbors with your elbows or your bag. In such cases, the elbows should be pressed to the body. Try not to step on people's feet, do not lean on the person standing next to you. Hold the handrails or the backs of the seats with your hands so as not to fall on other passengers when turning.

9. Try not to sneeze or cough in transport. If you just can’t restrain yourself, be sure to cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or palm.
Presenter 2: Rules of conduct in a taxi:

The rules of good manners require that a passenger getting into a taxi must say hello. Thus, a friendly atmosphere will be established in the cabin during the journey. If the driver is overly talkative, and you don’t want to talk to the driver, you can answer the questions as briefly as possible, in monosyllables, and he himself will guess that he should shut up.

They sit in the front seat, next to the driver, if there is not enough space in the back. But such rules exist only in Russia. In other countries of the world, it is generally not customary to sit next to the driver.

And here's another very important rule, failure to comply with which can lead to the most tragic consequences: the driver cannot be distracted by extraneous conversations and requests, because he must watch the road.
Leading 1: How do you spend your free time? (answers). How many of you go to the cinema, concerts, museums? How many of you guys know how to behave at a concert, in a cinema, in a museum?


Nowadays we don’t go to the cinema very often, because many people have video equipment at home. But sometimes it’s very cool to go to the cinema to see a sensational film in the company of friends or with best friend(friend).

1. It is extremely impolite to be late, because you interfere with others’ watching and you yourself won’t know what happened at the beginning. If you still have to disturb those sitting, then apologize and go to your seat facing the audience, but in no case vice versa.

  1. If they pass by you, you can stand up and let them pass.

  2. Try to lower the seats of the chair silently. When standing up, hold the seat with your hand. Don't occupy both armrests at once.

  3. The person sitting in front is unlikely to like it if you lean on the back of his chair or rest your feet on it.

  4. If you don't like movies, refrain from talking and sit silently.

Presenter 2 : When you come to a museum or exhibition, leave all your bags and packages in the cloakroom; they will get in your way. In addition, you may accidentally touch some display case or display and damage something. But the museum displays unique items that exist only in a single copy. Damage cannot always be repaired, which means that the museum will lose a valuable, and possibly priceless, exhibit.

It is not customary for a museum to view the entire exhibition in a matter of minutes. Only a leisurely, calm inspection of the halls or exhibitions will be remembered for a long time and will bring results.

Have you noticed that the museum is very quiet? Try not to disturb this silence, walk around the hall so as not to disturb those around you. Do not stand too close to paintings, sculptures, or in front of other visitors viewing exhibits. Do not point with your finger, much less touch: anything with your hands.

If the tour was led by a museum employee, do not forget to thank him before leaving.
Presenter 1: Concert

How should you behave at a concert?

At a concert, it is acceptable that applause is accompanied by shouts, whistles, and stomping, since at the concert the atmosphere is free, relaxed, screams and whistles are perceived as an expression of delight - and therefore no one will consider you rude.
Presenter 2: The concept of etiquette is very broad - from washing your face to the final heights of human thought. Therefore, we can talk about it endlessly. Remember the main rule of human communication: “Don’t do to others what you don’t want for yourself” and a smile is highly valued in etiquette. So let's smile at each other more often.
Presenter 1: Our event has come to an end. We talked to you about etiquette - a kind of set of rules for communication between people. Everyone is free to choose for themselves whether to comply with its requirements or not. But if you want to make a good impression on people, you cannot do without knowing the rules of good manners. And we hope that our conversation helped you find answers to many questions that may arise during the communication process.
Presenter 2: Every meeting is threatened with separation.

But I'll see you again.

It's so nice to say: "Goodbye!"

To “Hello!” say again.
Presenter 1: No matter how hard life is for us.

We must not lose politeness.

We will pay attention to each other

And we will be able to understand each other.
Now we say to you a polite “Goodbye!” This means that the meeting was pleasant for us.
1. Guseva, E.N. Learning the rules of good manners / E.N. Guseva // Read, learn, play. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 100-102.

2. Kamychek, J. Behavior in public places / J. Kamychek // Politeness for every day. - 1975, pp. 10-37.

3. Gorobchenko, E.N. Know how to behave / E.N. Gorobchenko // Read, study, play. – 2003. - No. 6. – P. 82-83.

4. Malashenko, O.V. ABC of etiquette] / O.V. Malashenko // Read, study, play. – 2009. - No. 7. – P. 108-109.
Script prepared by: Yakubinskaya L.D.,Librarian of the Youth Library Library


Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce children to the rules of etiquette; to form in students an understanding of the need to comply with the rules of ethical behavior.
  2. Organize the acquaintance of children with the rules of behavior at the table, when visiting; practice using words meaning request, apology.
  3. To form the inclinations of self-control in children’s behavior.
  4. Cultivate a friendly atmosphere in their relationships.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, I invite you to flip through the pages of our magazine “Etiquette and Us”.

What is etiquette?

Etiquette is a set of norms and rules designed to regulate external forms behavior. Dahl’s dictionary says: “Etiquette is rank, order, observance of external rituals and decency; ceremonial, external ritual." Etiquette helps to find a way out in many life situations, promotes goodwill and mutual understanding: at school, at work, on the street, on public transport, in a store, at a party.

Let's look through the pages of our magazine.

Page one. Category "Thank you"

A word from the editors of this column:

In everyday life of a cultured person there are always polite words.

What words do we call polite?

With the help of polite words you can even sad person bring back a good mood.

What does the word “hello” mean?

"Hello!" Kind affectionate words

Erased to nothing in the daily greeting

“Hello!” - Be healthy,

This means you will live longer in the world!

What other polite words do you know and when should you use them?

Game "polite words"(make a magic word from cut letters, three people compete) (words: thank you, please, excuse me.)

Forgive me and let me go.
These are not words, but a key to the soul.
Besides our companion -
Multiplication tables –
There is also a table -
Respect table!
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
magic words!
Everywhere where immodest
They will point from the gate,
Polite will ask
And it will pass.
Before the word polite
The doors will open!
Let it be repeated more often everywhere.
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words.

Not only words should be kind, but also actions should be such that neither we, nor our parents, nor our friends have to blush for them. We must always try to be useful to people with everyone.

Page two. Category "Getting to Know"

Guess what it will be about? That's right, we'll talk about the rules of dating, introduction and treatment.

What dating rules do you know?

A word to the editors...

Younger people are represented or, if necessary, themselves

introduce themselves as elders.

The same with the obvious difference in social status: junior

introduces himself to the elder.

A woman, regardless of age and position, will never

introduces herself to the man first.

There may be exceptions to the last rule, for example if this

the woman is a student and the man is an emeritus professor.

When you introduce someone or someone introduces you, try

look your interlocutor in the face. And smile. Dating started with

a friendly smile will certainly have a positive impact on you


When introducing a person, you should clearly pronounce his name and

last name

Among peers, it is quite acceptable when meeting someone to only call


Page three. Category "Greetings".

What are we going to talk about here? Why are greetings needed at all?

A word from our editors

What kind of greetings do people use: “salute”, “ciao”, “hello”, etc. The movements and gestures that people from different countries have long exchanged at the moment of greeting are even more diverse. Some bowed from the waist, others fell to their knees, hitting the ground with their foreheads, others raised their hands to their foreheads and hearts, others touched their noses, and others stuck out their tongues.

And the officers of the royal guard clicked their heels loudly and dropped their heads onto their chests. The ladies of high society curtsied deeply. The valiant musketeers bowed gracefully and waved their magnificent hats. The knights lifted the visors of their heavy helmets and pulled off their hand gloves. Words cannot describe it.

Yes, even now. Look around. The military came by and saluted. Two men met and shook hands. And they waved their hands in greeting. The women have not seen each other for a long time and hug. And the girls: they ran into each other - smack, smack, chattered and ran away.

What's the point of a greeting anyway?

Who can be greeted with the word “great”, “hello”?

Where did the custom of taking off gloves come from?

Answer: Since knightly times. By removing the glove from his right hand, the knight showed that he treats those he meets kindly!

The eldest in age, the woman, extends her hand to the man first.

A handshake is a short and vigorous shaking of the hand. And although they say “Strong handshake,” this does not mean one that makes your fingers go numb and hurts. But not a flaccid "cat's paw" either.

If a meeting of acquaintances takes place on the street when it is cool and people are wearing gloves, men must take off their gloves before shaking hands, and women at their own convenience and discretion, but women also need to take off their winter mittens. A hand given without a glove is, first of all, a sign of respect for a person. An unaccepted hand extended for a handshake is regarded as an insult.

Hats also play a role in greetings.

Where did the tradition of taking off your hat when entering a house come from?

Answer: The custom arose during the time of knights, who constantly wandered around the country, dressed in armor. Entering the house, the knight took off his helmet, as if with this gesture he was saying to the owner: “I am not afraid of you!”

Whether or not to remove your headdress now depends on the time of year, and on the nature of the headdress. On the street they do not take off their winter and ski hats or berets, but they do lift the hat (behind the crown) and cap (by the visor). But when entering a closed room, the greeting man takes off any headdress.

Who can I say “bye” to?

How to communicate with adults?

How should we say goodbye to children and adults?

There is another form of farewell: “Bon voyage.”

Tired man walking, wipes off sweat with his hand. Bon Voyage!

The carriage crawls along somehow, a tired horse carries it. Bon Voyage!

And there are ships in the oceans, far from their homeland. Bon Voyage!

Let whoever travels, whoever walks, always find their way home. Bon Voyage!

How do you say goodbye to the kids and teachers when leaving school?

How do you say goodbye to your parents when you go to bed?

Our correspondents visited one of the schools. This is what they saw there.

II. Discussion of skits performed by children.

1. Meeting of two friends ( scene)

Two boys meet each other.

How are you dude? - the first one pats his friend on the shoulder with all his might

Be healthy, boar,” the second one replies, pushing the first one.

2. The boy entered the class and greeted the teacher ( scene).

The bell rang and the teacher started the lesson. Andrey was late. Enters the classroom wearing a hat and mittens. Approaches the teacher. He holds out his mittened hand: “Hello, Liliya Nikolaevna!”

3. A boy greets a girl, ( scene)

Nikita, running past Natasha, pulls her pigtail and shouts in her ear: “Hello, Petrova!”

4.Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them Oleg saw his class teacher and, passing by, politely said: “Hello, Igor Semenovich.” Did Oleg do the right thing?

People celebrate in different ways the simplest and most frequent event in their lives - a meeting with another person. Avoiding a greeting or not responding to it at all times and among all peoples was considered the height of bad manners and disrespect for others. After all, in bow, in in short words hello contains a very large and important content: “I see you, man! I like you. Know that I respect you and want you to treat me well. I wish you all the best: health, peace, fun, happiness ". This is what the simple and ordinary HELLO means!

Page four. Category "Gostiysk".

- Have you ever wondered why, in fact, people go to visit?

There are probably many reasons for this. Firstly, it’s very nice when, when someone sees you, they are happy and smile warmly. Secondly, they gather at a party different people; they will talk about this and that - and everyone will benefit: they learned the news, discussed events, exchanged information - and everyone became a little richer, smarter. And one more thing: people are used to sharing good things with each other. That is why people have been visiting since ancient times and to this day.

A word from our editors...

The environment of any person is family, relatives, friends, work colleagues, acquaintances and strangers. And communication with them is expressed in the most different shapes: talking on the phone, exchanging letters, short visits and just random encounters on the street. And yet, of all types of communication, the most pleasant is associated with hospitality. Its national traditions have evolved over the centuries.

This custom has long been known. If a guest finds himself in a Caucasian village, in the house of a highlander, and praises some thing, then no matter how dear it is to the owner, his honor will not allow him not to give it to the guest. He will even be offended if it turns out to be a gift.

It is not customary for the Japanese to receive guests at home. But if they do happen to do this, they will apologize for a long time for the modesty of the table, although there will be an abundance of all kinds of treats on it.

In the Central Asian republics, guests are often received in the courtyard, which is, as it were, part of the house. And in Turkish families, guests can even be invited to the bathhouse, which, in addition to its main purpose, serves as a kind of club, where they talk, listen to singers and storytellers, play various instruments and play chess.

The British will not care about the abundance of treats, they will limit themselves to only the smallest: they believe that they go to visit not to eat and drink a lot and tasty, but to have a pleasant time talking with people for whom they feel a special affection.

Behind for a long time Very clear and definite ideas have been developed about how to behave as a host and how to behave as a guest.

So, you've been invited to a birthday party. And now it’s important to think about how you dress.

Game "Let's go for a visit":There are stacks of cards on the table, you need to choose a card and explain why this item of clothing is suitable for this situation.

You were invited to visit, you thought about what you would wear. Now let's talk about how to congratulate your friend, what you wish him.

When choosing a gift, you need to try to choose something that will please not you, but the birthday boy. Assess the situations.

  1. An old favorite toy.
  2. Hand made applique.
  3. Flowers.

The gift must be beautifully packaged (competition)

When accepting a gift, the birthday person must say something to the guest. And what exactly, we will find out by playing the game. If you like my answer, clap your hands, and if you don’t, say “Oooh.”

Thank you, I'm very glad. A wonderful gift.

Oh, you gave the same gift as my parents.

Thank you, I have long dreamed of such a gift.

What a pity! I thought you were going to give me a doll!

And I already have such a game!

Thank you, this is a very good gift!

You had fun visiting

They ate, sang and danced,

Relaxed, frolicked,

They began to gather together.

In conclusion, of course,

I will remind you without reserve:

Don't forget you cordially

Praise the hostess for everything.

For your attention and participation,

For a hospitable home.

Wish the house happiness.

And let's leave there.

From childhood, one must master the science of communication, master the ability to behave among people in such a way that everyone feels good, pleasant, and comfortable. You need to learn to be a good guest, a good host.

Page five. Category "Obshchestvensk"

What places are called public? What will we talk about?

A word from our editors...

Each of us goes to a cinema, store, theater, museum. We are satisfied with a purchase or a performance, a film or an excursion if we remain in a good mood. After all, a friendly word spoken leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day.

When you are in society, you have to follow the rules of communication, follow the rules of politeness. Which?

- When going to the cinema, will you change your appearance?

Should you rush to the start of a session or performance?

There is one law in cinema.

Know that he is very important:

For those who came to watch the film,

You need to get to the hall in time

After the third call.

And if you linger a little -

They won't let you into the cinema hall,

Because I was late.

Here, you hear, it sounded

The third time is the signal.

Go to the cinema right away

Find your place there

Sit down, make yourself comfortable

And wait for the movie to start.

Passing through the seats

Turn your face to people

And say, "I'm sorry"

You will be just great!

The play or film lasts 1-2 hours. Many people, when hungry, begin rustling candy wrappers and gnawing on seeds.

Could it have been done differently?

And during the performance

You can't eat, you can't talk:

You will disturb the audience

And distract the actors.

The actors didn't read it last words, the curtain has not yet closed, the lights have not yet been turned on, and there is noise and stomping in the hall, everyone gets up and rushes to the exit.

Why can't this be done?

Every schoolchild has known these rules for a long time.

Those who follow them should go to the cinema.

Whatever you do, you must always remember that you do not live alone in the world. You are surrounded by people, your loved ones, your comrades. You must behave in such a way that it is easy and pleasant for them to live next to you. This is precisely what true education and true politeness consist of.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce children to the rules of etiquette; to form in students an understanding of the need to comply with the rules of ethical behavior.
  2. Organize the acquaintance of children with the rules of behavior at the table, when visiting; practice using words meaning request, apology.
  3. To form the inclinations of self-control in children’s behavior.
  4. Cultivate a friendly atmosphere in their relationships.

Visiting Grandfather Etiquette.

Answer: This is a set of norms and rules of behavior established for various forms of communication, or simply - compliance with the rules of good behavior.

Host: Now we need to choose 2 teams and a jury.

(The guys are divided into 2 teams. A jury is appointed.) - So, the teams are ready, I’m announcing the first competition!

“Hello, Grandpa Etiquette” (competition No. 1).

(On the board there are two posters with blanks of a “photo identikit of Etiquette’s grandfather”)

In this competition you will have to make a “photo sketch of Etiquette’s grandfather.” Look at the posters. You see a cheerful face, but all the lines of this drawing are still outlined as dotted lines. You have to “develop” the drawing: write on each line the words that, in your opinion, relate to the topic “Magic words”.

(Teams complete the task)

A student reads a poem.

Forgive me and let me go.
These are not words, but a key to the soul.
Besides our companion -
Multiplication tables –
There is also a table -
Respect table!
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
magic words!
Everywhere where immodest
They will point from the gate,
Polite will ask
And it will pass.
Before the word polite
The doors will open!
Let it be repeated more often everywhere.
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words.

Host: Here we have the “photo identikit of Grandfather Etiquette” ready. But of course, we didn’t use all the “magic words”. We call magic words those words that act on us like some kind of magic, magic. Let's remember them. The last team to say the word wins.

“Magic words” (competition No. 2)

Sketch “The Magic Word”.

An old man with a beard was sitting on a bench
And with an umbrella he drew something in the sand.
And the boy Pavlusha, so angry,
Told him:

Come on, move quickly!

Looking at Pavlusha, the old man moved.
The angry boy sat down next to him.

Why are you so angry, boy?
Maybe something happened to you?

Well, what about you? Angry or not angry?
This is my personal concern.

Yes, your. But I only heard once,
What did you shout?
Maybe he fought with someone he knew?

I am still angry with my family,
Maybe I'll even run away from home.

Of course I'll run away.
I can’t see Lenka anymore.
How many colors does my dear sister have?
He doesn’t want to give me one.

You shouldn't run away because of this.

Not only because of this.
Again in the morning my grandmother drove me out of the kitchen,
She didn't even give me a small carrot.


Pavel snorted loudly from insult.
He lowered his eyes and looked at the ground.

It’s nothing that one scolds,
And the other one might caress.

I have no one to cuddle with at all.
My brother is going for a boat ride.
But he doesn't want to take me with him.
I said: "It's all the same from you
I won’t leave you alone, I’ll drag the oar away,
I’ll jump into the boat after you.”

Pavlik knocked on the bench with his fist.
And suddenly he fell silent.

Does your brother want to take you with him?

Well, why do you need to know this?

I can help you, boy,
Because I know the magic word./
I'll tell you this word
I'll tell you how to use it.
The word needs to be said quietly,
Looking your interlocutor in the eye.

Old man. (whispers in the boy’s ear: “Please.” Out loud.)

Remember how to speak in a special way.

I'll try it now, right now!

The boy immediately stood up from the bench
And he quickly ran home.
He saw that Lena was sitting
Quiet in your bright room,
The different colors shone wonderfully
On the desktop in front of her.
She saw her brother too
And she quickly covered them with her hand.

Pavel (mutters under his breath).

Grandfather deceived me after all,
The magic word won't help.

Pavlik approached Lena quietly,
He tugged her sleeve lightly.
Looked carefully into the eyes,
He leaned over and said quietly:

Give me one paint, please.

Lena moved closer to the window,
She took her hands off the table.

What kind of paint do you need?

Give me the blue one.


Here, you can take it.
If it's not enough, I can give you more.

Pavlush took blue paint,
Held it in his hand
He walked around the apartment with her,
And then he returned it to his sister.

I'll go to my grandmother now,
She's in the kitchen cooking.

He opened the door to the kitchen,
Snuggled up to his grandmother,
Looked tenderly into her eyes
And in a quiet voice he said:

Granny, I haven’t eaten since this morning,
Please give me a piece of pie.

The magic word instantly illuminated her
Smile, eyes and wrinkles

Would you like something hot, dear grandson?
Take this one with raspberries.

He took the pie from his grandmother
He kissed her out of joy.

Pavel (remembered the old man and whispered).

He's a wizard! How did I not know right away?!

At dinner Pavlusha sat closer to his brother,
Everything his brother said, he listened to.

I fixed my boat yesterday
I adjusted the oars and lowered them into the water.
I'll take a boat ride on that one.

Please take me with you!

After all, it doesn't cost you anything.
Well, please take it with you.

Give him a ride, be a little kinder.

Get ready, traveler, quickly!

Brother takes me! How lucky I am!
The magic word helped again!

Pavlusha stood up from the table
And he ran into the park to the bench.
But he was a little late
And I didn’t find the old man there.
Only signs drawn by an umbrella
They were clearly visible on the sand in order to
So that the children are all by chance
The magic words are no longer forgotten.

Host: Do our teams know polite words in foreign languages?

English language – Please – please, Excuse me – sorry, Thank you – thank you, I am sorry – I’m sorry.

German language – Guten Tag – good afternoon, Auf Wiedersehen – goodbye.

Mordovian - Vasta huts - Goodbye. Shumbrat - hello.

Host: And now a few messages from the history of polite words (told by fans).

1. student: The simplest word “hello” means: “I see you, man! I like you. Know that I respect you and want you to treat me well. I wish you good health, peace, happiness.”

2. student: The movements and gestures that people have long exchanged during greetings have been very diverse! Some bowed from the waist, others fell to their knees and hit their foreheads on the ground, others pressed their hands to their foreheads and hearts, others touched their noses, others stuck out their tongues...

3. student: The word thank you has been known in Russian since the 16th century. It comes from the words “God save.” Now the word thank you is a separate word. At the end of the second word, the letter G disappeared, and a word was formed that conveys the following meaning: “I thank you and wish you all the best.”

4. student: The word bless comes from the words “to speak good,” i.e. kind word. To bless means to wish for good.

Song “If you are kind.”

Presenter: “Invitation Etiquette”, (competition No. 3)

Let's move on to the third competition. Imagine that you are inviting guests to your birthday party. And a lot depends on how you invite them, in what mood they will come to you. You can invite someone to visit in writing or orally. Your task is to write invitation cards to a friend. But first, a warm-up on the questions:

  1. What to do if you are invited to visit? (thank you, ask your parents for permission.)
  2. Is it possible to invite someone to a birthday party by phone? (you can, but only a very close friend)
  3. Is it polite to be late for a visit? (indecent)
  4. If for some reason you cannot accept an invitation, what should you do so as not to offend the inviter? (apologize and be sure to state the reason for the refusal)
  5. How should you invite to a birthday party: a few hours before the celebration or in advance? (in advance)
  6. How should you behave when visiting? (be cheerful, friendly, don’t try to attract special attention)

(Teams write, then read out invitations). Host: So, the invitation has been received, now you need to choose a gift, the next competition is dedicated to gift etiquette.

“Gift etiquette” (competition No. 4)

(The assistants bring out a table on which there are a variety of objects: socks, a handkerchief, a vase, a flower, a box of chocolates, a book, a soft toy).

You see a lot of gifts on the table. The team member must choose the gift that he would like to give to his friend, girlfriend, or mother. Consider the main thing: you will need to explain to whom exactly you will give this gift and why your choice fell on this particular item.

(Team member shows the gift and explains his choice).

Presenter: The gift has been chosen. You can go visit. But in fact, that's not all. After all, a person’s appearance is also very important!

Each team must now draw up rules for the appearance of a well-mannered person.

  1. Clothes must be clean.
  2. Hair must be styled.
  3. Clothes should be modest and discreet.

Host: Now questions for those who have a good sense of humor. I'll give you humorous definitions of clothing items and you'll guess what I really mean.

  • greenhouse boots (high boots, felt boots)
  • sheepskin coats for a watchman (sheepskin coat)
  • headdress for a fool (cap)
  • sleeveless vest with hem (sundress)
  • butterfly on a braid (bow)
  • nose umbrella (visor)
  • switchmen (pants)
  • ladies' cocked hat (kerchief)
  • cook's protective clothing (apron)
  • extra shoes (galoshes)
  • tassel item (shawl).

Host: Well, now you are really ready. You can go visit. When visiting, you are already asked to take a seat at the table. Now you need to remember the rules of behavior at the table.

“Table etiquette” (competition No. 5)

Questions with answers are asked to the teams in turn.

1. When can you sit down to the festive table?

  • as soon as they entered the room.
  • only after the owners sit down.
  • after the hostess's invitation +

2. You sit down at the table, take a napkin and...

  • tuck it into your collar.
  • put on your knees +
  • place it next to the plate.

3. How to behave if you are offered a dish that you don’t really like?

  • angrily refuse.
  • refuse, giving the reason for refusal.
  • take some, thanking +

4. How to eat a cutlet correctly?

  • knife and fork.
  • one fork +
  • with one knife.

5. Why is a knife applied to fish?

  • to separate meat from bones +
  • to cut a large piece into small ones.
  • to hold the piece when using a fork.

6. Which cuts from the common dishes should you choose?

  • The biggest.
  • the smallest.
  • those that are closer to you +

7. If you need to cut food into pieces, which hand should you hold the knife in and which hand should you hold the fork in?

  • in the right hand - a fork, in the left - a knife.
  • in the right hand - a knife, in the left - a fork +
  • one by one.

8. What should you do if you accidentally dropped a fork, knife or spoon on the floor?

  • pick it up and continue eating.
  • ask for another device.
  • apologize and ask for another device +

Host: Of course, the main task of the guests is not to eat as much as possible, but of the owner - to fatten the guests. The main goal a friendly meeting is the atmosphere - friendly gestures, glances, smile. Games, dances, and songs help a lot here.

Song “Road of Goodness”.

(Summing up, jury performance, awarding teams).

Tatiana Sapezhinskaya
Scenario of the event “Etiquette and us”

Subject: Etiquette and us.

Target: check the level of knowledge in the field etiquette, replenish their stock through a competitive program.

Progress of the event.

1. Opening remarks

Leading. Hello, dear children and dear adults!

Today we will talk about etiquette. I invite you to watch the educational competition program « Etiquette and us» .

Word « etiquette» - French origin. At one of the magnificent receptions of King Louis, 14 guests were given cards listing some rules of behavior. Word "card" on French sounds like « Label» . Hence the name « etiquette» - rules of good behavior.

I would like to ask you to greet our jury. (I call you full name)

And now we invite guys who are pleasant, neat, polite, attentive, and in mandatory matters, 1st team "Thank you", 2nd team "Please".

(Children go out and sit in their places on stage.)

1 competition "Hello, Etiquette»

Behind correct execution tasks 2 b.

In this competition you have to choose words that relate to the word « etiquette» . (A list of words is attached. A team representative reads out the words they have chosen.)

2 competition "Gift Etiquette»

Behind best design gift 2 b.

In this competition you must design a birthday gift for a friend or girlfriend.

(While the teams are completing the task, I play with the fans)

A game "Magic bag"

The bag contains items that the children know.

Task: Guess what kind of object it is.

3 competition "Signal cards"

For each correct answer 1 point.

I will call the situation a, you silently show the red signal circle - if you do not agree, and the green signal circle - if you agree. I will name the situations to the teams one by one.


1. Never share a toy with a friend (red)

2. Try to help a friend do something he can’t do. (green)

3. Get angry and jealous when you lose a game. (red)

4. Don’t quarrel with friends, try to play together (green)

5. Never give in. Argue over trifles (red)

6. Know how to accept help, advice, or a friend’s remark. (green)

7. If a friend is in trouble, don't help him. You can laugh (red)

8. Resolve disputes with words, not fists. (green)

4 competition "Puzzles"

For each riddle solved 1 point.

Each team prepares 5 riddles in advance about etiquette. Read the riddles yourself.

1. It’s not too lazy to tell your friends,

Smiling... (Good afternoon)

2. Saying goodbye to each other

We'll say... (Goodbye)

3. Don't blame each other

Better soon... (Sorry)

4. How beautiful it is

Good word... (Thank you)

5. When you are guilty, you rush to say

I beg you, please... (Sorry)

6. Never get involved in someone else's conversation,

And you're better than adults (Do not interrupt)

7. If you met someone,

According to the laws etiquette,

So that the conversation goes uphill,

We ask: "How…" (Affairs)

8. Children Dasha and Egorka

Pizza cheese is grated.

The mice are asking to come out of the hole:

"Give! Be..." (So ​​kind)

And to him throughout the oak grove

The sparrows were screaming: Bravo!

10. Lula the Cow

She was eating hay and sneezed.

So as not to sneeze again,

We'll tell her: Be healthy!

11. At sunset a moth

Flew into the light.

We are, of course, glad to meet you.

Let's tell the guest:. Good evening!

12. Katya baby Ignatka

Put me to bed in bed -

He doesn't want to play anymore

Speaks:. Good night!

5 competition "Napkin"

Whoever folds a napkin faster step by step and correctly gets 1 point.

Fold the napkin in stages at speed.

"Game with the audience and teams"

Now let's rest a little. I'll call the rules etiquette, if they are correct, then you clap, if not, then stomp.

Chew with your mouth open.

Wipe your hands with a napkin.

To talk loudly.

Eat with a knife.

Run during recess.

Laugh out loud.

Pushing everyone aside in transport.

Wear clean clothes.

Say hello to teachers.

Thank you for your help.

6 competition "Table etiquette»

For the correct answer 1 point.

Questions with answers are asked to the teams in turn.

1. When can you sit down to the festive table?

As soon as we entered the room.

Only after the owners sit down.

After the hostess's invitation +

2. You sit down at the table, take a napkin and...

Tuck it into the collar.

Place it on your knees +

Place it next to the plate.

3. How to behave if you are offered a dish that you don’t really like?

Angrily refuse.

Refuse, stating the reason for refusal.

Take a little, thanking +

4. How to eat a cutlet correctly?

With a knife and fork.

One fork +

With one knife.

5. Why is a knife applied to fish?

To separate meat from bones +

To cut a large piece into small ones.

To hold the piece when using a fork.

6. Which cuts from the common dishes should you choose?

The biggest.

The smallest ones.

Those that are closer to you +

7. If you need to cut food into pieces, which hand should you hold the knife in and which hand should you hold the fork in?

In the right hand is a fork, in the left is a knife.

In the right hand - a knife, in the left - a fork +

One by one.

8. What should you do if you accidentally dropped a fork, knife or spoon on the floor?

Get up and continue eating.

Ask for another device.

Apologize and ask for another device +

7 competition "Who is faster"

Whoever completed the task faster and completed everything correctly will receive 2 points.

Find polite words in the encrypted table. (Table attached) 8 words





Game with the audience "Continue the sentence"

I ask you to finish what I started in unison phrases:

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word (Thank you).

The old stump will turn green,

When will he hear (Good afternoon).

If you can't eat anymore,

We'll tell mom (Thank you).

The boy is polite and developed

Speaks when meeting (Hello).

When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's talk (forgive me please)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye (Goodbye)

8 competition "Question answer"

I ask questions to the teams one by one. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Who should pass first: entering the store or leaving it at the same time?

(They say that the one who is better educated gives way. In general, when leaving, the one entering must let the one leaving).

2. Is it possible to enter the store with a dog? (Dogs are not allowed into any public building).

3. If the start of a play or concert is delayed, should you applaud to hurry up the performers? (No. If the start is delayed, it means that unexpected problems have arisen. Once they are resolved, the action will begin without any reminders).

4. How to walk along those sitting in a row to your own place: facing them or with your back? (Face).

5. What word should a caller begin a telephone conversation with? (Hello).

6. Which side should you stay on when walking? street: right or left? (Right).

7. What should you do if you accidentally bump into someone? (Apologize).

8. Is it possible to look into a book or magazine of a person sitting or standing next to you? (No).

9. Who should say hello first: older or younger? (Jr).

10. What to do with a teaspoon after you have stirred sugar in a cup? (Take it out and put it on a saucer).

Summarizing Events.

The competition script will be useful for teachers additional education, teachers primary classes; for younger children school age; competition to reinforce the rules of good manners.
"Etiquette, or just good manners"
Target: expand children's understanding of the rules of etiquette, develop skills of cultural behavior in everyday life.
Poster on stage
“Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his own appearance.” I. Goethe.
“Politeness is behaving in a way that makes others feel good about you.”
What you don’t like in others, don’t do it yourself.
Always treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Progress of the lesson

The theme of our event is “Etiquette, or simply good manners.” What is etiquette? (Children's answers)
-Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior in society; ability to behave in society; rules of cultural behavior in society that everyone needs to know. How did the word “etiquette” come about? (Children's answers)
- At one of the magnificent receptions of King Louis, 14 guests were given cards listing some of the rules of behavior required of them; the word “etiquette” came from the French name for the cards “labels”.
Russian Tsar Peter I also often gave balls, which were attended by ambassadors from other countries. You had to know how to behave so as not to embarrass yourself in front of foreign guests. It was then that a book about the culture of behavior appeared - “An Honest Mirror of Youth.” Peter himself took part in its preparation. The book had the following rules: “do not blow your nose or sneeze loudly into a handkerchief”; “Do not clean your nose with a finger”; “don’t eat like a pig and don’t blow into the soup so that it splashes everywhere”
There are a lot of etiquette rules: there are rules of behavior at the table, when visiting the theater, etc. What rules of conduct do you know?
- Greet.
- If you meet an acquaintance,
Whether on the street or at home,
Don't be silent, don't be shy
And don't pretend to be dumb
Hurry up to say hello
Loud “Hello!” Tell.
Hello! - You tell the person.
“Hello,” he will smile back.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy
And you will be healthy for many years.
Good afternoon - they told you.
Good afternoon - you answered.
How two strings are connected -
Warmth and kindness!
-Thank you.
What are we saying thank you for?
For everything they do for us.
And we wouldn't be able to remember
Who did they tell? How many times?
sample answers from children:
- Don't point your finger at anyone.
- Don't interrupt the speaker.
- Don't shout from your seat.
- Don't talk during the lesson, otherwise you'll miss the most important thing.
- Keep the classroom clean, don’t litter, don’t write on your desk, don’t forget your spare shoes.
- Why is it necessary to observe the norms of etiquette in society?
- To avoid causing inconvenience and trouble to people, so that others would enjoy communicating with you.
- Exists great amount the most incredible rules for us, which to others seem to be the only possible ones.
World Greetings Day is celebrated on November 21st every year. It was invented by two American brothers Michael and Brian McCormack from Nebraska. This happened in 1973, at the height of cold war. In their opinion, people, by greeting each other, contribute to peace and easing of international tension. That's probably true.
Today, more than 140 countries around the world participate in this holiday game. The point of this game is to greet at least 10 strangers with all your heart during the day. You can do this in different ways, as you wish, the main thing is sincerity.
- All rules of etiquette come down to one main principle: “Respect the people around you.” Now let's divide into 2 teams and compete to see who knows the rules of etiquette better.
We are starting 1st competition. You will need 2 people (a girl and a boy) from each team. Imagine a situation: a young man and a girl are walking down the street, on one side of the street there are houses, and on the other there is a road along which cars are walking. So, the question is: which side should a young man go on? (From the road side)
(Pairs of students depict young man and a girl. For the correct answer - 1 point)
Second competition. You are late for class. How will you enter the classroom? Go out the door and do a skit.
(Team representatives take turns performing the task. The teacher lists the mistakes that the guys made. For the correct answer - 2 points. Correct option: “Galina Nikolaevna, please forgive me for being late. May I come in!)
Third competition. Now we’ll check if you know how to set a table. Here are the devices for you. Time to set the table - 1 minute.
(Near each plate you need to place a dinner spoon and a knife on the right with the tip facing the plate, and on the left - a fork (teeth up). The glass is placed in front of the plate to the right of it. For the correct answer - 3 points)
- And now I will ask each team questions. For the correct answer - 1 point.

Etiquette quiz.

1.What is etiquette?
A set of rules of behavior accepted in society.
2.How is the word “etiquette” translated from French?
The word “etiquette” has two meanings: a) label, label
b) ceremony
3. Who should go first: those entering the store or those leaving it?
They say that the one who is better educated gives way. In general, when leaving (not only from a store), those entering must let those leaving.
4. Is it possible to enter the store with a dog?
Under no circumstances, even if it is a store that sells pet products. Dogs are not allowed into any public building.
5. Is it possible to eat in the lobby or auditorium?
No. There is a buffet for this.
6.What can you see with binoculars?
Only the stage. Looking at the auditorium and the audience is unacceptable.
7. Is it necessary to exchange impressions during the performance?
No. This can be done during intermission and after the end of the performance.
8. How to walk along those sitting in a row to your place: should you face them or go with your back?
Face and only face.
9. At what time should you call someone on the phone?
From 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., unless you have agreed earlier or late time special call.
10.What word should the caller begin the conversation with?

From the word “Hello!”
11. Who calls back if the phone suddenly turns off during a conversation?
The one who called.
12.Who should end a phone conversation first?
A woman talking to a man.
Senior talking to junior. At equal conditions- the one who called.
13. How to correctly pronounce the words “calling”, “calling”?
With emphasis on "and".
14. Which side should you keep when walking down the street: right or left?
15. What should you do if you accidentally bump into someone?
16. Where should a man be when he goes down the stairs with a lady?
One or two steps ahead of the ladies.
17. When do you get up?
One or two steps behind.
18.Is it possible to look into a book or magazine of a passenger sitting or standing next to you in transport?
19. Who should say hello first: the oldest or the youngest?
20. Should I offer my hand for a handshake?
21. The man is the first to greet the lady. And in what cases does a woman say hello first?
If you need to greet a man who is much older than her, hand
driver, a group of familiar people.
22. When entering a vehicle, who enters first and exits first?
Women, elderly people, children.
23. If friends come to your house and you want to introduce them to your parents, who should you introduce to whom?
Friends to parents.
24. How many colors can you combine in your clothes at the same time?
No more than three colors.
25. Do I need to button up my jacket with all the buttons?
No, you don't have to button the bottom button on your jacket.
26. Can a man take off his jacket and remain in a vest?
No, in this case the vest must also be removed.
27. Why shouldn’t you wear unclean shoes?
This gives their owner an unkempt appearance.
28. Is it possible to be late when going on a visit?
It is unacceptable.
29. How should you hold a fork and knife while sitting at the table?
When you eat vegetable dishes, hold the fork in your right hand, but when you eat meat, hold the fork in your left and the knife in your right.
30. How should you take bread: with a fork or with your hand?
Only by hand.
31. What to do with a teaspoon after you have stirred sugar in a cup or glass?
Remove and place on a saucer. Under no circumstances should you leave a spoon in a cup or glass and drink tea or another drink.
I offer you this game.
I ask you a question and give you three answer options. You choose the right one and, if possible, voice or demonstrate.
1. When meeting, Mongols ask:
a) Where is grandma?
b) How to get to the library?
c) Are your livestock healthy?
(For a Mongolian nomad, a herd is the basis of his life. Healthy animals mean there is enough food and, accordingly, everything is fine in the family. So it turns out: wishing health to a four-legged breadwinner is the same as wishing health to the herdsman himself.)
2. A young American greeting a friend:
a) Slaps his right knee.
b) On the back of a friend.
c) By soft spot friend.
3. When meeting Papuans, they say:
a) Let me sniff you all over!
b) Let me lick you on the cheek!
c) So I got you!
4. Zulus ( African tribe) when meeting, the following words are exchanged:
I see you!
b) I won't eat you!
c) Where did you go? I haven't seen you for 100 years!
5. Tibetans, greeting:
a) Remove the headdress right hand, left hand They put it behind the ear and still stick out their tongue.
b) Puff out their cheeks and clap their hands loudly.
c) They shake hands with themselves.
6. Noble persons in the XVII-XVIII centuries when meeting:
a) Covered with fans.
b) Exchanged business cards.
c) They bowed, making curtsies and other movements.
7. In ancient China, the Chinese greeted each other as follows:
a) They extended their left hands to each other.
b) They extended their right hands to each other.
c) They shook hands with themselves.
- International tension may not have decreased much, but Have a good mood, for sure, it has increased.
Next task: help literary heroes find the right way out of the current situation.
“The theater is already full...” (dramatized by children in costumes)
Malvina got seriously involved in raising Pinocchio and decided to go with him to the museum and theater.
1. Do you think it’s possible for Pinocchio to touch museum exhibits with his hands?
a) It is possible if he is confident in the strength of the material from which they are made.
b) Undesirable.
c) Under no circumstances.
2. Is a noisy expression of delight acceptable in a museum or at an exhibition?
a) It is acceptable
b) Undesirable. In any case, restraint is preferable.
c) Noisy behavior is acceptable everywhere.
3. Should Pinocchio listen to the guide if his story is not interesting to him?
a) Necessary.
b) Not necessary.
c) Try to make the guide understand that his story
not interesting,
4. How should Malvina and Buratino get to their seats in front of the seated spectators?
a) With your back to those sitting, leaning forward so as not to block the stage.
b) Facing those sitting.
c) Sideways to those sitting, leaning forward so as not to block the stage.
5. How to show disapproval in connection with the content of the play or the performance of the actors?
a) Whistle and stomp your feet.
b) Immediately get up and leave the hall,
c) Be silent and not applaud.
“Who comes to visit in the morning?”
1. The rabbit invited guests to his place for a cup of tea. The owl is late. How long should late guests wait?
a) As much as Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, who have already arrived, will endure.
b) No more than 15 minutes.
c) There is no need to wait at all, because the Owl should have arrived on time.
2. The rabbit treats his guests very delicious dishes. Is it possible to make any sounds while eating?
a) “Sounded” food indicates pleasure from a tasty treat.
b) You should behave silently at the table.
c) It is not necessary to make sounds - the loud clinking of cutlery is enough.
3. Piglet accidentally broke a cup: what should the Rabbit do?
a) Be glad that the cup broke “for good luck.”
b) Pretend that he didn’t notice anything.
c) Remove the fragments and replace the cup without comment.
4. Should you praise the treats prepared by a caring Rabbit?
a) Not at all necessary, and it is so obvious that the Rabbit is a good master.
b) Necessarily - this is a tribute to politeness.
c) You can not only praise, but also “order” your favorite dishes, for example, a pot of honey, for the next evening party.
5. What should Piglet do if he needs to leave the guests early?
a) Prepare all guests in advance for your premature departure.
b) Ask the Rabbit to announce to everyone that he is leaving, and then say goodbye to Tigger, Kanga, and Little Roo.
c) Leave unnoticed, saying goodbye to the Rabbit.
"We're going, we're going, we're going."
1. Dunno and Sineglazka decided to take a bus from Sunny City to Tsvetochny. In what order do Dunno and Sineglazka get on the transport?
a) First, with the help of Dunno, Sineglazka sits down, and then her companion.
b) First, Dunno enters the transport, as if paving the way for Sineglazka, and she follows him.
c) If there are a lot of people in the transport, they try to squeeze through at the same time, holding hands, otherwise they can lose each other in the crowd.
2. On the bus, the Shorties noticed Znayka, enthusiastically reading some book. Is it possible for Dunno and Sineglazka to read the same book?
a) It’s possible, they don’t interfere with his reading!
b) It is impossible.
c) It’s possible if they can see everything clearly and their reading pace coincides with Znayka’s.
3. Do you need to introduce yourself when giving up your seat on public transport?
a) It is desirable, because only in this case there is hope that the one to whom you gave way will remember you.
b) Not necessary, because while you introduce yourself, someone else may take your empty seat.
c) No need, just stand up silently and offer your seat.
4. In what order do Dunno and Sineglazka get out of the transport?
a) Sineglazka comes out first, followed by Dunno, gently pushing her.
b) Dunno comes out first and offers his hand? helps Sineglazka get out.
c) If there are not many people on the bus, they get off at the same time, holding hands, to make it easier to jump off the steps of the bus.
5. When outside, where do you put the candy wrappers?
a) Throw it in the trash.
b) There is no trash can nearby, put everything in your pocket or bag and throw it away if necessary.

c) Throw it away in a secluded place so that the garbage does not catch the eye of passers-by.
- Let's summarize our competition.
- Our event is over. The jury sums up the results (announces the score and the winning team). The competition showed that you know the rules of etiquette. But you must not only know the rules of etiquette, but also follow them so that the people around you feel comfortable with you. I hope this activity will help you become more cultured.
