Law on microchipping of homeless animals. Mandatory microchipping of pets

It has been under consideration by the State Duma of the Russian Federation since 2011. To date, it has not yet been introduced, but its text can be found.

Why is chipization necessary?

According to the provisions of the new bill, microchipping of animals is necessary:

  1. To take your pet abroad and protect it from theft.
  2. When buying meat. Any consumer will be able to use a special code to find out the information he is interested in about the purchased meat:
    • where the animal grew up;
    • the presence of diseases, if any;
    • date of slaughter.
  3. To keep records of diseases and infections in living beings.

The above measures will help facilitate the work of veterinarians and reduce the risk of epidemics.

Also read about the Federal Law psychiatric care in the new edition

Main provisions of the law on chipization of pets

The implementation of the law is necessary to create a unified information base for animals. New system will help register pets in a special registry. Information will be provided to the applicant when:

  • purchase;
  • sale;
  • fence;
  • vaccinations and other activities with pets.

Also thanks to the chip future owner will be able to find out about the animal’s pedigree and the number of vaccinations it has received.

According to the law, chipping will be carried out in several ways:

  1. Availability of external transmitters. The cattle are given a special mark:
    • the birds are given bracelets;
    • Sheep and pigs are fitted with ear clips.
  2. The tag ingestion method is used for cattle. IN in this case the chip will be in gastrointestinal tract and when the animal is collected, the producer learns about its origin.
  3. Implantation. During this procedure, a chip is inserted through a needle into the skin or muscle of a living creature.

The bill was not approved due to many concerns. So, for example, based on the provisions of the law, in the event of the death of a pet, it must be buried in a specially designated place. If it turns out that death occurred due to insufficient treatment, the owner will have to pay a fine.

Citizens are also against the bill, since microchipping domestic and street pets will not protect them from:

  1. Escape.
  2. Dangers of being hit by a vehicle.
  3. Attacks in the forest by other animals.
  4. Flayers.

Microchipping only registers pets, and does not protect them from possible dangers.

The chipization procedure is paid, and in some regions of the country it exceeds the cost of the pet itself.

Which animals must be microchipped?

According to the provisions of the law, the following animals will be subject to mandatory microchipping:

  • cows;
  • sheep;
  • goats;
  • pigs;
  • birds;
  • rabbits;
  • horses;
  • bulls and others.

The bill does not indicate mandatory microchipping of pets. Most professional breeders have their animals microchipped when selling them abroad.

Download the law on chipization of pets

Animal microchipping is a process in which an animal microchip containing a special identifier is inserted under the skin. Such a system was formed in the early 1980s. The first developments in the USSR and the successful use of chips for implanting them into an animal organism became known at a scientific conference dedicated to the anniversary of the zoo in 1984. It was planned to release a large number of such chips within two years.

The initial cost of this service was $100 in the US. Microchipping of animals takes an honorable second place in terms of revenue generated. The use of such implants in 2014 reached 600 million per year. Electronic identification is the basis of RFID applications. This technology first appeared in Holland in 1989. Since then, this technology has increased by 20 million. Microchipping of animals in Russia has not yet become relevant; it is growing slowly.

At a minimum, only because it will be impossible to import animals into the territory of any European state without a chip. Also with safety in mind. Microchipping of animals will become mandatory from 2018, according to the adopted government decree Russian Federation. People's opinions on this matter are divided. On the one hand, this technology increases responsibility for the animal, on the other hand, chipization is considered too premature.

Why do you need a chip?

A chip is a small microcircuit that is separated by a piece of glass that cannot be rejected by the body. Each chip has an individual identification code. If the chip is original, then there cannot be two identical codes. The chip is so small that it is very difficult to feel once it is inserted under the skin. Only when scanning with a special device can you trace a small circuit, and an individual code will appear on the device’s display. This serial number is comparable only to your passport number. This data is entered into a specialized database.

It is no longer possible to import animals into the EU countries that have not undergone chipization technology. The only function of such a chip is to mark and register the animal. Imagine this situation. Your pet is lost. What to do and what to do? A collar that shows the pet’s residential address will help you here. And if he is not there, what then? The chip will be your salvation. The found animal must be taken to the clinic, where they will scan the place where the chip is implanted. The display will show a 15-digit code. With its help we find out the name, surname and address of the pet's owner.

Description of the law on microchipization of animals

The draft law on microchipping of animals has been in development since 2011. It is expected that the law on microchipping animals in 2018 will be carried out and relate to cattle. The development of the law on microchipping animals in Russia in 2018 is aimed at creating a database of information. Many advocates have spoken out about the prospects of a coded animal tax. There are several types of chipping.

  1. The bracelets are only used for birds whose species are at risk.
  2. Ear clips are attached to livestock.
  3. There are also swallowable options that come in digestive system animal.
  4. Implantation of an implant from which information is read.

The last option is considered chipization. A mini-device is inserted under the skin using a needle. This procedure does not cause pain, it is somewhat similar to a regular vaccine. The veterinarian then scans and learns the identification code. Thanks to him, we will find out all the necessary information.

The procedure is considered simple in its structure, however, the law on microchipping animals in Russia has been postponed for some reasons.

Since chipization requires a large amount of fauna accounting. Given the high prices, many Russians are skeptical about implantation. This situation raises concerns that animals may end up on the street. The draft law includes a disposal procedure, because they must be buried in special pits. And if death occurs when bad treatment– a fine is paid. The settlement procedure is quite complicated. As a result, the law initiative is being developed, the details are being discussed, but it is still unclear when the system will be implemented.

Which animals will be required to be microchipped?

They will create in Russia unified system chipization for domestic and farm animals. In the near future, all animals will receive a unique code. In 2018, owners will be required to microchip animals. Identification includes the following animals: horses, livestock, deer, poultry, dogs, cats, rabbits, bees, fish. Only wild animals that are in natural environment a habitat. According to the order, you can even mark a group of animals and assign a number to each. The initial registration of a pet is carried out in the first 3 months after birth or importation into the country. The means of marking are selected taking into account convenience. These include: tag, tattoo, rings and collar.

Features of microchipping cats and dogs in Russia

Microchipping dogs is a fairly simple procedure, completely painless, reminiscent of a regular vaccine. This procedure does not cause complications. The chipping process is as follows.

  1. The veterinarian takes the chip. Then he compares the description on the packaging and what is displayed on the device display itself. The numbers must match.
  2. Chip in mandatory sterilized.
  3. Next, the doctor inserts the chip under the skin. The injection area is the withers. After the chip is inserted, we scan the contents. If everything is done correctly, the numbers will appear on the screen.
  4. Next, the documents are filled out and entered into the database. And the code is written in the animal’s passport.

Microchipping of cats is the same as for dogs. There are no differences. Don't forget that cats love to walk and thereby escape. In order not to lose your pet forever, it is better to have it chipped. Microchipping cannot be carried out if the animal is sick, or one chip for two animals at once.

Microchipping of cats and dogs is carried out in clinics by veterinarians. You should not trust dubious people who do not have a license. Don't risk your pet's health. Russia has not yet adopted a law, so the price for this service is low.

“What progress has reached, unprecedented miracles,” someone will think. And someone will say: “What is this nonsense?!” What kind of microchips are these and what are they for, especially for animals? Let's try to figure it out.

What is microchipping and why is it necessary for animals?

In our time of technological progress, when information has the highest value, chipping (identification) is gaining popularity.

The chip is essentially electronic passport animal, which contains a unique identification number. In civilized European countries An animal must have a chip, just like a person has a passport. Thus, every animal must be microchipped.

In Russia, microchipping of animals is just becoming relevant. At a minimum, because it will be impossible to import an animal into the territory of any European state without a dog or cat having a chip. And our citizens love to travel, including with their pets. And at most for security reasons. After all, thanks to the chip, you can easily find your lost tailed friend.

Chipping procedure

Electronic chipping of animals is the implantation of an electronic chip (capsule) under the skin. Most often it is implanted into the withers. The capsule is so small that it will be absolutely imperceptible to animals. It is created from materials that are biologically compatible with body tissues and do not cause rejection or allergic reactions.

The chip is inserted using a special syringe. The procedure is absolutely painless. Doesn't cause any special discomfort in an animal.

Once under the animal's skin, the chip becomes overgrown over time. connective tissue, which ensures its immobility. The chip cannot be felt from the outside, so only the pet owner will know about its presence.

It is better to have animals microchipped as early as possible (the established minimum age is 5 weeks of life). Earlier introduction guarantees maximum safety for the pet throughout its life.

Information storage system

Fair questions arise about microchipping animals. How can information from the chip be read? What guarantees exist for the storage and reliability of information?

To store information from chips, there is a special central storage base (electronic storage). It contains all the information about the chips installed on the animal. Large veterinary clinics use additional storage facilities. The main thing that veterinarians pay attention to when choosing a storage facility is reliability, efficiency of operation, the ability to enter data into a central database and international storage facilities, and the ability to enter additional information.

In order to read information from the chip, a special scanner is needed. You can use a stationary device installed in clinics, a portable one, or even a pocket one. A scanner is a mandatory piece of equipment; without it, it will simply be impossible to obtain information from the chip.

The information stored on the electronic microchip is unique and is entered once. Electronic storage guarantees absolute confidentiality of data.

Microchipping of dogs

Dogs are active animals and most time are in motion. Therefore, the need for electronic identification is obvious. A dog chip ensures that if the animal runs away, gets lost or is stolen, it will be easier to find. Thanks to the entered information about the owner, you can easily contact him by just clicking the scanner on the expected location of the microchip.

Also, when crossing the border with an animal, there is no need to carry extra paper documents with you. After all, they can be forgotten or lost, but a chip for dogs is always on the animal.

Dogs are chipped left side neck or in the middle of the withers, subcutaneously. The insertion procedure is quick and painless. Preparation for chipping is exactly the same as for a regular injection.

Microchipping of cats

Cats, as everyone knows, love to walk by themselves. Sometimes such walks end in failure - the animal is lost or falls into the hands of intruders.

IN Lately Volunteers and owners practice microchipping cats. This procedure allows you to protect the meowing fluffy and guarantee his return to his usual place of residence.

Also when hitting veterinary clinic the animal will be scanned and the doctor will immediately receive the data he needs. It is better to enter information about the animal and owner as fully as possible. If you need to change the data, you must contact the veterinarian who inserted the chip.

Despite the fact that cats are small animals, the insertion of a chip does not cause them discomfort. It literally takes a few minutes.

Microchipping cats ensures your pet's safety. The chip is installed for up to 25 years, that is, once and for life.

Where are the chips installed and how much does it cost?

Microchipping of animals is carried out by experienced specialists. It is best to choose a clinic that installs EU standard chips. They are read both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

After installing the chip, the data is entered into the storage database. The owner is issued a certificate of installation of the identifier, stickers with a barcode and chip number.

The average cost of chipping is from 600 to 2000 rubles. The price includes the procedure and microchip. Maximum price indicated taking into account the veterinarian's visit to your home.

For a quiet life of the owner and pet, in order to return an animal to its home in case of an unforeseen situation, for unhindered export abroad, microchipping is relevant and necessary. The procedure is safe, fast and simple. It is better to spend a couple of hours traveling to the veterinarian than to spend a large number of time, money and nerves, solving problems that could have been avoided.

Pet owners will soon have to have their pets microchipped. And we are talking not only about livestock, but also about cats, dogs and even bees. When this innovation will work on the territory of the Russian Federation, we will find out in our regular “Question and Answer” section.

Will all pets need to be microchipped?

It turns out that way. The following will be identified in Russia:




Fur animals;



For now, they decided to leave the wild animals that live on “free lands” without passports.

So how should I mark my cat?

The choice here is quite wide. It will be allowed to use any convenient means of marking. This could be a tattoo, tag, brand, ring or collar. Those who don't like visual cues can have a chip implanted that contains the information.

By the way, it will be possible to mark both one animal and a group, for example an apiary. The animal will be assigned a unique 15-digit alphanumeric identifier. The first two digits - capital letters RU - confirm that the animals are registered in Russia; the third category is a number indicating that we are talking about individual identification, group identification, or both at once. Fourth sign - capital letter: F - if the animal is raised for food or medical products; R - for pets.

When should this be done?

They plan to include domestic animals in the database in two stages. All data will be entered into the Federal State Information System (FSIS), which will store information about the animal’s vital activity. By February 15, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance must jointly develop a “road map” for the implementation of identification.

First of all, provide our smaller brothers with chips, tattoos or brands with unique identification numbers farmers and pet owners will have to. For them, this process will begin in January 2018.

Starting in January 2019, goats, sheep, dogs, cats, poultry, fur-bearing animals and rabbits, bees, fish and other aquatic animals will begin to be microchipped.

The initial registration of the animal must be carried out in the first three months after the birth of the animal or its import into Russia. FSIS will store information about the ancestors, descendants and productivity of the animal, color, date and place of birth, diseases, veterinary treatments applied veterinary drugs, about the owners of the animal and other information.

The draft does not indicate whether animals born before the order takes effect must be marked.

Will this data be available to consumers?

This idea is being discussed, but this moment no decision has been made on this issue.

It would be nice if the data became available, for example, to buyers of meat from animals raised for slaughter. Supervisor Russian Association Internet of Things Andrey Kolesnikov proposed generating a QR code that can be scanned mobile phone and find out the date of slaughter, the use of antibiotics and other data.

The law on mandatory registration of pets at the expense of citizens reveals the face of an electronic dictatorship.

At the beginning of the week, the media reported a statement from a State Duma deputy, deputy chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Protection environment Vladimir Panov, who reported that a government draft law “On Veterinary Safety” will soon be submitted to parliament, along with a by-law that will spell out the rules for the registration and identification of domestic animals. The seemingly absurd plan to record and control everything that moves (in the best traditions of the early Bolsheviks), and at our expense, supervised in the government by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, continues to be implemented. And if we look at the root of the problem, the certainly important economic issues in this topic will fade into the background...

Talking about the mandatory paid identification of animals, Panov noted that “he cannot say what numbers (when paying for animal registration) we are talking about,” and also indicated that the option of microchipping will be voluntary.

“If a person with an animal wants to have it microchipped, please do so, and, accordingly, this will be recorded in the state register of animals. Or, please, you can simply record the fact of owning this animal in the registry. That is, it will be at the owner’s choice, which is reasonable,” RIA Novosti quotes the deputy as saying.

Panov generously explained to us: the need to adopt the bill is due to the fact that in 2015, within the framework of the law “On Veterinary Medicine,” norms were adopted that require the registration and identification of domestic animals. But the government supposedly spent two years thinking about how best to do this, and finally came up with the idea.

One of the initiators of the bill are animal rights activists, who have long demanded that the authorities adopt a law on the responsible treatment of animals. Their argument, as retold by Panov, is as follows: supposedly without registration, unscrupulous owners regularly throw their pets out into the street, and also evade responsibility when the animal causes damage to the property or health of other citizens.

A little later that day, the Rossiya-1 TV channel released a story in which it was clarified that mandatory registration will be provided for all types of animals - including “fish, hamsters and parrots.” Moreover, it also throws in the idea of ​​introducing a mandatory tax on the maintenance of an animal (similar to regular payments for land, property, and a car). It seems that, again, animal rights activists are advocating for this, but a decision on such a tax has not yet been made.

The text of the bill itself, which the deputies will have to work with, has not appeared in the public domain at the time of writing, but it is not at all necessary to have it before your eyes in order to draw certain conclusions. January 13 this year, immediately after New Year's holidays, the government stunned Russians with the development of a “road map”, according to which. It was reported that as of January 2018, Russian farmers and pet owners will have to provide them with chips, a tattoo or a brand with a UIN, to which in a specially created federal state information system(FSIS) information about the animal’s life will be linked.

And so we see that the government did not waste time - during the Duma holidays it developed an algorithm for implementing its plans, and as reported at the beginning of the year, horses, cattle, deer, camels, etc. Domestic bird, dogs and cats, pigs, rabbits, fur animals, bees and fish. An exception is made for wild animals in a state of natural freedom, including natural resources continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of Russia."

The reality is that in our country long years no one was counting homeless pets, as well as pets taken on bail by compassionate people. With club cats and dogs, everything is simpler - they already have official pedigrees with serial numbers showing the “degree of purity of the breed.” But in general, animal rights activists for a long time asked the state to protect stray animals from the cruelty of regional authorities and individual “well-wishers”, and not to impose new taxes on private shelters, volunteers and philanthropists, most of whom exist on donations.

The average cost of microchipping a dog is 1,500-2,000 rubles, and animal rights activists themselves do not deny that after mandatory paid registration wave-like stories of mass abandonment of animals on the street will begin, especially in poor regions. The army of millions of homeless people will be replenished with new tailed “infantrymen”. And this is now called a step towards “responsible handling”?

In essence, the state invites citizens to pay for their kindness, and in the case of owners of large subsidiary farms(remember, the government plans to register absolutely all households) - for a source of food obtained by one’s own labor. In conditions where owners of subsidiary farms have several dozen chickens, cows, pigs, rabbits, etc. registering every animal is seen as not only detrimental to the owner, but also completely absurd. Who will check for a chip or ring on each chicken's foot? And if things have already come to microchipping bees and fish, maybe then extend this to other inhabitants of our homes, which can well be called domestic - woodlice, bedbugs, cockroaches? You can also catch ants and supply them with nanochips - good work for Comrade Dvorkovich Anatoly Chubais. And the project itself will be financed from our pockets - where else?

The economic component of this bill is perfectly clear to everyone. As users joke on the Internet, all that remains is to introduce air charges. It is enough to link the introduction of paid registration of animals with two other economic news from October 9. The State Duma Budget Committee rejected in the first reading all four (!) bills of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia on the introduction of a progressive personal income tax scale in the country. And the second news is that the deputies rejected as many as five (!) different draft laws on the abolition of the transport tax, although this was precisely the promise that the authorities had previously given in connection with the introduction of the “Platon” system.

In fact, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to extract money from the pockets of citizens. We have to get sophisticated and come up with new “taxes on movement between regions” a la or pay for the promised overhaul in 30-40 years into the dubious funds of regional operators. The government clearly does not intend to make even the obvious, even the previously promised, economic relief for the not-so-rich majority of Russians, to put it mildly.

Finally, let's talk about the factor of globalism - it clearly plays an important role in this bill. It seems that members of our government have a clear division of powers to dismantle national sovereignty. Igor Shuvalov in a team with the head of Sberbank German Gref are responsible for the withdrawal of the state from the “social market”, the outsourcing of government services to banks and transnational corporations with Western capital (about which "Bell of Russia"), Olga Golodets- for the atomization of Russians, juveniles, the destruction of the traditional family, and Dvorkovich and the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev- for the total digitization of everything that moves.

The last two years ago with joy, which was supposed to become the prototype of the electronic passport-ID-card - the universal human aid of the globalists. Medvedev presented at all international forums the foresight project “Childhood 2030”, which envisaged chipping all Russian children by this year and connecting them to certain global neural interfaces (the Neuronet project supervised by ASI and the National Technology Initiative is about this).

And the movement in this direction does not stop. Judging by the story of Deputy Panov, microchipping of pets will be made optional, only registration with a certain unified register. Although this, of course, seems like complete nonsense - who would dress their pets, who do not leave the confines of an apartment or a village barn, with collars, tags or rings with numbers, and also make sure that, God forbid, they do not get lost? And what, in the usual “stick” mode, will police officers go around houses and apartments in order to issue fines to law-abiding animal owners, instead of preventing real crimes (and the fine for lack of registration, judging by the data from the beginning of the year, was planned to be up to 50 thousand rubles!)?

Note that similar decrees on mandatory personal registration of all animals are currently being actively implemented in the European Union countries, the Baltic states, etc. So we have another shift in the Overton window. As we can see, the globalists and their lobbyists have a very scrupulous approach to this process. Based on the information, they need neither more nor less - full information about ALL life activity, origin, medical condition animal. Why, for example, do they need data on genetic defects, movements or results genetic research a domestic dog, a peasant's horse or a chicken, not to mention bees and fish?

There's just nothing of ours in global system there should not be: neither our children, nor our animals, nor our private lives hidden from prying eyes. After all, it would seem that all these animals have legal owners (in the Ministry of Agriculture document they are directly indicated as owners), who decide for themselves what to do with their animals, whether their favorite cat or dog needs to be microchipped or branded with the number. But no, Dvorkovich and the company with one stroke of the pen show us that in our country it is he, his government, who decides such issues, and they have long since given a damn about OUR opinion.

The draft law on mandatory paid registration of pets (if it is adopted, of course) will not only be another victory for electronic lobbyists and supporters of the establishment of a “digital dictatorship” in the country. It will be the first document legalizing the implantation foreign bodies into biological objects (however, similar norms are contained in the one adopted in July). The next logical step after personal identification of rural and domestic animals will be similar marking and a unified electronic register of people (the project on biometric identification of Russians and the creation of a unified database is already being implemented by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and other departments). Or, in the words of our “foresight specialists” in power - HUMAN RESOURCE, MATERIAL. Just as pigs and cows will be marked with the symbol “for slaughter,” a similar sign will very likely be given to each of us in the near future. And this is not some kind of astrological forecast, not fortune telling on coffee grounds, this is.

Will this require our consent? Judging by this bill, it’s unlikely. It’s just that liberal globalists need our society to “mature” a little more, so that the norms of traditional Christian morality are finally thrown out by the majority into the dustbin of history. Small groups of marginalized protesters do not pose any particular danger to them. In the meantime, they are training on cats.

Victor Semenov
