What MRC to indicate in the list of tobacco products. Maximum and minimum retail prices (MRP) for cigarettes - what you need to know? What it takes to open a tobacco shop faster

Open own business for the sale of tobacco products - a very good idea. The Russian market is filled with similar products, and it is in great demand among the population, despite the harmfulness of this habit. To start a business selling cigarettes, hookah or electronic analogues, you need to obtain the relevant documents. Starting investments are also needed: buy the first batch of goods, rent a room (kiosk, shop), hire staff, etc.

Profitability of the cigarette business

To understand where to start a cigarette business, you need to clearly define the direction. There are several ways to profit from the sale of tobacco products. Of these, the main ones should be highlighted:

  • tobacco shop,
  • cigarette store,
  • trade point.

The average price of the product is quite high, which allows you to count on a good income from the sale. In order for profitability to be higher, you will need to draw up a business plan. This will help to minimize risks, think over a step-by-step strategy, study the market and calculate possible force majeure situations.

Features of owning a tobacco shop

A well-thought-out cigarette business and the subsequent opening of a tobacco stall will allow you to receive a stable, good profit. The assortment will be varied, and the lot for the purchase is small. Further, you only need to buy certain copies. The main thing when opening a tobacco kiosk is a good location. The best option accommodation is a busy street, square, bus stop public transport or a place close to a shopping mall.

Business Benefits

Successful planning of this type of activity will allow as soon as possible expect to make a profit. A definite plus is the absence of the need for compulsory licensing. In Russia, since 2016, a mandatory license for the production and sale of tobacco products has been abolished: starting from conventional cigarettes and ending with exclusive cigars. Also, the innovation regarding the area for such a kiosk was a plus. However, there is one caveat: now it is not allowed to put packs on display and sell them through the windows.

Interesting! The advantage of cigarette products is their long shelf life, ease of transportation and modest dimensions.

Legal subtleties and rules

Each owner of a kiosk with tobacco products must comply with the rules prescribed by applicable law. To do this, you must perform a number of such procedures:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Rent a building for sale.
  3. Indicate retail trade as the type of your activity.

Note! Trade in cigarettes is allowed only at the place of registration of IP.

There is also a list of requirements for the sale of tobacco. There he is:

  • minimum unit to implement - 1 pack of cigarettes;
  • distance from cultural and educational institutions - 100 m or more;
  • sale is allowed only to adults ( from 18 years old);
  • the price is indicated on each package;
  • the premises for sale must be at least 20 sq. m;
  • permission from the tax office is required;
  • a ban on the sale of tobacco in a public place, as well as via the Internet.

Correct calculation and compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation will allow the entrepreneur to avoid fines and other troubles.

Possible product range

On the this moment cigarettes of various brands, exclusive cigars, as well as electronic analogues are in demand. The main focus should be on the standard pack. It is recommended to have a wide range of products: this will attract more potential clients. To store more expensive cigars, a special climate is required: humidity and temperature must be appropriate.

The space inside the kiosk must be filled as much as possible. It is recommended to sell hookah refills, matches, lighters and other smoking accessories. This will not only increase profits, but also attract more customers.

Interesting! Special cabinets - humidors (devices that maintain humidity and temperature) can help in the safety of tobacco products.


To sell cigarettes in bulk, you will need to open a warehouse. For this, an agreement is concluded between individual entrepreneurs and merchants. The main advantage is the sale of a large consignment of goods. The disadvantages include difficulties in finding reliable suppliers, as well as significant financial contributions at the start. You will need to rent a room for a warehouse where tobacco products will be stored. The main work is aimed at interaction with resellers, as well as retail outlets. Despite some difficulties, profitability this method sales are high, which promises more revenue.

Location and equipment

Before clearance outlet it is necessary to take into account the legislation of the Russian Federation - a ban on the promotion and advertising of tobacco smoking. Therefore, signs and enticing texts should not be. As equipment, you should buy the following:

  • cash safe;
  • cash register for counting (customers need checks);
  • a special box (humidor) for storing products;
  • airtight material for packaging and transportation.

Note! The kiosk (pavilion) should have constant temperature and humidity, to avoid spoilage of tobacco. In winter you need heating, and in summer good ventilation.

Raw material suppliers

Purchase of tobacco should be carried out only in trusted companies. An honest manufacturer will easily provide quality certificates and a manufacturing license. You should not trust the purchase of goods to third parties: firstly, there is a risk of getting a low-quality product, and secondly, getting caught by scammers. The best option would be a trusted company or a wholesale warehouse with positive feedback. You can find it on special resources on the Internet or through advertising agencies.

Tobacco shop staff

The selection of employees should be given Special attention. At a minimum, a person should understand tobacco products. Required Skills: Good Communication Skills, Communication Skills, Experience. The task of the staff is to interest the consumer and be able to maintain demand for a particular outlet. After all, some part of the profit depends on the seller.

Financial questions

In order for the tobacco business to be effective and bring money to the owner, you will need to clearly calculate the necessary contributions at the start. If there is not enough money to open, you can use the franchise and contact the bank. The main items of expenditure will look like this:

  1. Rent - approx. 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Wage - from 15 thousand.
  3. Registration - from 15 thousand.
  4. Purchase of equipment - 60-80 thousand rubles.
  5. First batch of cigarettes from 100 thousand.

Future profit from sales tobacco products depends on such factors:

  • number of potential customers
  • nearby competitors,
  • shop hours,
  • the cost of goods.

As for income: the optimal margin is about 15 –35 % per pack, average revenue per day - from 10 thousand rubles. From here subtract expenses, payment of tax, and it will turn out approximately 200 thousand rubles per month. The main thing is clear budget planning, a good place for sale, as well as the availability of a large assortment of cigarettes.

Important! Advertising this product is prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation. There is no need to spend money on an advertising campaign. A good location will ensure a constant influx of customers, and high-quality tobacco - the effect of word of mouth.

1. Retail sale of tobacco products is carried out in shops and pavilions. For the purposes of this article, a store means a building or part of it, specially equipped, designed to sell goods and provide services to customers and provided with trading, utility, administrative and amenity premises, as well as premises for receiving, storing goods and preparing them for sale, under the pavilion refers to a building that has a trading floor and is designed for one workplace or multiple jobs.

2. In the absence of locality shops and pavilions, it is allowed to sell tobacco products in other trading facilities or deliver tobacco products.

3. It is prohibited to retail tobacco products in trade facilities not provided for by parts 1 and this article, at fairs, exhibitions, through delivery and peddling trade, remote sales, using vending machines and other methods, with the exception of delivery trade in the case provided for by part 2 of this article.

4. Retail sale of tobacco products with display and demonstration of tobacco products in commercial facility, except for the case provided for by paragraph 5 of this article.

5. Information about tobacco products offered for retail trade is brought by the seller in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on consumer protection to the attention of buyers by placing on the trading floor a list of tobacco products sold, the text of which is made in letters of the same size in black on a white background and which compiled in alphabetical order, indicating the price of tobacco products sold without using any graphic images and drawings. Demonstration of tobacco products to a buyer in a trading facility may be carried out at his request after familiarization with the list of tobacco products sold, taking into account the requirements of Article 20 of this Federal Law.

ConsultantPlus: note.

Retail trade in cigarettes in quantities of more than twenty pieces in a package (pack) produced in the Russian Federation or imported into the Russian Federation before 07/01/2016 is allowed until they are fully sold (Federal Law of 04/26/2016 N 115-FZ).

6. Retail trade in cigarettes containing less than or more than twenty pieces in a unit of consumer packaging (pack), retail trade in cigarettes and cigarettes by the piece, tobacco products without consumer packaging, tobacco products packed in one consumer packaging with goods, non-tobacco products.

(see text in previous edition)

1) in the territories and in the premises intended for rendering educational services, services by cultural institutions, institutions of youth affairs, services in the field of physical education and sports, medical, rehabilitation and sanatorium services, on all types of public transport (public transport) of urban and suburban traffic (including on ships when transporting passengers on intracity and suburban routes), in premises occupied by authorities state power, local governments;

Rosstat calculated: 60% of Russian men and 14% of women regularly smoke tobacco, so the sale of cigarettes promises a stable profit. But this product is harmful to health. Their trade is strictly regulated by law. Regulations on the sale of tobacco products are constantly tightened in order to reduce the number of smokers and protect against bad habit children. We tell you how to sell cigarettes and not break the law.

Legal nuances

Are permits required to sell cigarettes? Now a special document authorizing the sale of tobacco products is not needed. But at the same time, the outlet must comply with strict requirements for their placement and demonstration to customers. Consider what is needed for the sale of cigarettes from the point of view of the law and whether a license is required to sell tobacco products.


Unlike the sale of alcohol, the sale of tobacco products is not licensed. Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are entitled to trade them. This rule applies to retail and wholesale trade. There is no need to search the Internet for “how much does a license to sell cigarettes cost” - it does not exist. Therefore, any outlet has the right to sell cigarettes and tobacco without obtaining any documents from regulatory agencies.

However, this does not mean that there are no restrictions on the tobacco trade. There are quite a few of them. The norms are enshrined in federal law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013.

Stores are required to store cigarettes in closed boxes that are opened at the request of the buyer.

Sales time limit

You can sell cigarettes at any time. The law does not establish time limits for their sale - again, unlike alcohol, which cannot be purchased at night.

Rules for displaying tobacco products in a store

If a license for tobacco is not required, and you can trade it freely at any time of the day, is there any difficulty in selling cigarettes at all? There are also they relate to the placement of goods inside the outlet. Open display of packs of cigarettes and tobacco in shop windows is prohibited. Shelves with tobacco products are covered with opaque shields: casual buyers, especially children, should not see them.

The buyer learns about the presence of cigarettes at the point of sale from a special list, which is placed at the checkout. The list is drawn up on white paper, in black in the form of a table, where all the products available for sale with prices are listed in alphabetical order. The use of drawings or photographs is strictly prohibited. At the request of the buyer, the cashier opens the shelf with cigarettes and shows him the goods. Before displaying or selling, the employee must ensure that the buyer is of legal age.

Prices for cigarettes

Another requirement that the cigarette business must comply with concerns the cost of tobacco products. The manufacturer puts a minimum and maximum price on each pack - the store has no right to violate these boundaries. Prices are determined by the manufacturer of the products. They are in proportion to each other: the minimum is equal to 75% of the maximum.

For exceeding the price, the seller will receive a fine: a citizen of about 5 thousand rubles, an official - 50,000 rubles, or even be disqualified for 3 years, and an LLC - twice the amount of excessively received revenue for the year.

Showcases with tobacco are closed so that casual customers and children do not see cigarettes

Features of business organization

Above, we examined the requirements of the law in the field of trade in cigarette products. The rules have been tightened for several years and now you can sell cigarettes only in stationary facilities. The street tobacco kiosk, where smokers bought packs through the "window", is a thing of the past. Demonstration of tobacco products is possible only at the request of the buyer. Specialty stores cigarettes and tobacco should restrict access to children under 18 years of age.

These are just the initial requirements that you will have to face when opening a cigarette business. The law imposes special requirements on cash registers, taxes, and storage conditions. Consider the recommendations that will help you draw up a competent business plan for a tobacco store.

Application of CCP

The cigarette trade requires the use cash register with any taxation almost without exceptions (about them - in the next section). Tobacco is an excisable commodity. For more than a year, all cigarette dealers have been working only through the online cash register- This special system, which reports on all operations of the outlet to the tax service.


Until July 2018, there were relaxations for several business categories regarding the use of cash registers in the sale of tobacco products. Now almost all of them have lost their validity and any cigarette outlet sells products through an online checkout.

Until July 2019, there are delays in installing an online cash register for:

  • LLC and IP on UTII;
  • IP on patent taxation;
  • outlets in hard-to-reach areas of the country.

The law obliges such sellers to issue proof of payment to buyers at the first request of buyers. The preferential regime will last a little less than a year. Whether it will be extended is unknown. It is likely that all tobacco dealers will still be required to work through an online cash register.

The buyer gets acquainted with the assortment of tobacco products through a list that lists the names and prices

OKVED for trade in tobacco products

Trade in tobacco products involves the use of a special code economic activity. General - "Retail sale of tobacco products" 52.26. The numbers change periodically, and the names are extremely rare. Before registering with the Federal Tax Service, you need to check the relevance of OKVED.

In addition, some stores will require additional specific codes. For example, wholesale trade in cigarettes - 51.35 "Wholesale trade in tobacco products". Non-specialized hypermarket with a small assortment of the most popular cigarettes - 52.11 "Retail trade in non-specialized stores mainly food products, including drinks, and tobacco products.

Tobacco Retail Regulations

To open a tobacco shop from scratch, a businessman will have to comply with the requirements of the law for the retail circulation of cigarettes. Some of them - the rules for laying out and installing an online cash register, we have considered in the previous sections. However, there are others.

Piece sale of cigarettes

Russian legislation prohibits the sale of cigarettes by the piece (Article 19 of 15-FZ). More precisely, it is forbidden to sell cigarettes in any other form than a pack with 20 units of goods. Tobacco products must be separately packaged in their own containers. You can not pack them in a different quantity or together with non-tobacco products.


Electronic cigarettes are subject to the same sales and placement rules as conventional cigarettes. The exception, when displaying them on a window will be legal, is a look different from a standard cigarette pack. Most packages electronic cigarettes significantly different from tobacco ones, so they can be placed quite openly.

At the same time, they cannot be sold to minors, despite the absence of nicotine in the composition. Why? The law prohibits the sale of alcohol and tobacco to children. There is no such prohibition for electronic cigarettes. That is, if a cashier sells a vape to a 15-year-old teenager, he cannot be fined. But from an ethical point of view, this is not very good: smoking an electronic counterpart completely imitates the usual one. The ban on the sale of vapes to minors can be considered useful advice for a point of sale.

Nasvay, chewing tobacco

Federal law expressly prohibits the wholesale and retail trade in bulk, chewing, or sucking tobacco. For its turnover and consumption, administrative or criminal punishment is provided (depending on the identified volume).

Cigarettes in a dry and warm room can be stored indefinitely

Cigarette storage conditions and expiration dates

Cigarettes and tobacco products do not have an expiration date. Theoretically, they are stored forever. Cigarettes are packed in two layers: carton box and plastic on top. The integrity of both layers must be monitored so that the products do not lose their characteristic smell, do not wrinkle or break. Do not stack cigarette blocks next to products with a strong odor.

But over time or under the influence negative factors, even a well-packed product may lose some properties or become completely unusable. Main enemy cigarettes are damp. The warehouse where they are stored should be dry (humidity up to 70%) and, preferably, heated - from 15 to 23 degrees.

However, even in right conditions it is not necessary to store cigarettes for too long. In tobacco, the amount of carcinogens increases over time, which will increase the considerable damage to the health of the smoker without this.

Prohibitions and restrictions on the sale of cigarettes

The tobacco business must comply with all restrictions, statutory. They can be divided into categories:

  • limiting the circle of buyers;
  • place requirements;
  • accommodation requirements.

Sale of cigarettes to minors

It is strictly forbidden to sell tobacco products to children under 18 - Article 20 federal law No. 15-FZ. If there is any doubt about the age of the buyer, the cashier must ask him for a passport and check the date of birth. Refusal to present the document is the basis for refusal to purchase.

Penalties for selling cigarettes to children

Penalties for selling tobacco to teenagers are significant. It is established by the code of administrative offenses- article 14.53. A citizen will lose 2-4 thousand rubles, an official will be fined 30-50 thousand rubles, and an organization - 100-150 thousand rubles. The fact of sale is proved by a test purchase. The law strictly protects minors from tobacco and in order not to lose a round sum of money, you must follow the implementation rules.

For violation of the rules of trade in cigarettes, the store, owner and seller will have to pay a serious fine

Penalty for trading in the wrong place

The law also sets out where you can't open tobacco shop. The prohibited ones include:

  • territories of educational, cultural, sports complexes or institutions;
  • premises of public authorities;
  • places near educational and children's institutions (up to 100 meters);
  • all railway stations, bus stations, airports (except duty-free shops), metro stations, hotels.

If an entrepreneur violates federal law, he and the store will face administrative punishment. It is also provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses - Article 14.53. A citizen will pay 2-3 thousand rubles, a cashier or seller - 5-10 thousand rubles, and a legal entity - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Where to report violations

When it is necessary to report a violation of the procedure for the circulation of tobacco products, contact the local police department. The district or other authorized employee will conduct an inspection or test purchase (in case of a complaint about the sale to teenagers). If a violation is found, the perpetrators will be required to pay a fine.


The circulation of tobacco products is strictly regulated Russian laws. The main goals of such control are the care of the health of citizens and the collection of taxes. Tobacco is an excisable product, so everyone who sells it uses an online checkout. From it, sales data is immediately sent to the Federal Tax Service. You can’t openly lay out packs of cigarettes in windows - only a list of the available assortment. For violation of the order of trade, you will have to pay a large fine - up to 150 thousand rubles.

The main parameter for licensing wholesale trade in the field of tobacco products is strict compliance with tax laws, along with sanitary and technological standards. At the same time, wholesale trade in tobacco products is considered to be its supply to legal entities, and, in addition, individual entrepreneurs based on the requirements of legislative supervision. In the article below, we will find out if a license is required to sell tobacco products.

Trade in tobacco products: how to get a license?

The issuance of a license for the production of cigarette products and its wholesale is carried out by the Ministry of Taxes and Duties. To obtain such a permit, the following package of documents must be submitted to the licensing authority:

  • Application for a license, which requires the name legal entity. For example, the information of an identity document, the address of the place of business along with the details of the banking institution, settlement accounts, and, in addition, the period during which the relevant products will be produced. How much does a license to sell tobacco products cost? We will talk about this later.
  • A copy of the founding type documentation with all additions. Thus, you will need a certificate of state registration of the applicant as a legal entity with the presentation of originals in cases where the documents are not certified by a notary. These papers are required for a license to sell liquid, which is needed for electronic cigarettes.
  • All copies of payment orders, and, in addition, a bank statement confirming the payment for the service of considering an application for the required issuance of a license.
  • A certificate received from the territorial tax authorities confirming the registration of the person with the fixation of the taxpayer number. In addition, documentation will be required confirming the absence of any debt in payment of taxes and other payments that are mandatory. Not everyone knows how to get a license to sell tobacco products.
  • Copies of papers confirming the right to use and own land areas and buildings that are planned to be used for the relevant type of activity.

  • Copy of letter from State Committee according to statistics, which is compiled in order to include a citizen who needs to obtain a license in the unified state register of institutions.
  • Information about the access mode.
  • The conclusion of the authorized bodies, which will confirm the proper compliance of the warehouse of the applicant's organization with sanitary and fire regulations. In addition, the premises must comply with the requirements of technical regulations.

Important Notes

All documents submitted to government agency to obtain a license to sell tobacco products, must be accepted according to the inventory, a copy of which is handed to the applicant with a note on the date of receipt of the package of papers.

So is a license required to sell cigarettes? Yes, required. It is issued no later than three days from the date of submission of all documentation confirming the payment of the fee. In the event that the required amount is not paid within three months, the authorized body will have the right to cancel the license. The corresponding permit is issued, as a rule, for a period of three years. For the sale of cigarette products without a license, a fine is due. How much does a license for cigarettes cost, find out below.

This paper is subject to registration in the register of licenses. The period of its validity can be extended at the request of the licensee. Permission forms serve as documents of strict accountability, for this reason they have a degree of security similar to the level of valuable assets, therefore they reflect the accounting series and number.

Refusal to license the wholesale trade in cigarettes

When answering the question of whether a license is required to sell tobacco products, it is important to emphasize that there are some restrictions in obtaining one. Thus, the reason not to issue a license to trade in this type of goods is:

  • Distorted and unreliable information in the documentation.
  • A negative result against the background of studies that have established a complete or partial non-compliance of a person with the requirements in the field of the activity in question.

Receiving notification

A notice of the fact of refusal to issue a license is handed to the person within three days after the adoption of a negative decision. In this case, all reasons must be indicated. In the event that a person is not satisfied with the decision, then he has the right to appeal against it in the manner established by Russian law.

Suspension of the license to sell cigarettes

Licensing authorities have the power to suspend a license. This usually happens in the following cases:

  • State regulatory authorities revealed violations of the necessary requirements. At the same time, we are talking about violations that can lead to harm to the health of citizens, and in addition, the security of the entire state and the defense of the country.
  • Failure to perform a licensed activity for one year from the date of issuance of the relevant document that allows you to carry out this activity.
  • Non-fulfillment by the licensee of all necessary mandatory instructions, and in addition, various orders from supervisory authorities to eliminate the identified violations.

The period for which the permit may be terminated may not exceed six months. In the event that the circumstances that led to the suspension of the license are completely eliminated, then it can be renewed. The cost of a license to sell tobacco products is quite high.


Since January of this year, the rate has been increased for absolutely all types of tobacco, namely for chewing, smoking and pipe tobacco up to two and a half thousand rubles. In the next 2018, the price will increase to two thousand seven hundred rubles. And in 2019, the price of a license to sell tobacco products will rise to three thousand rubles. The list of excisable goods also includes electronic cigarettes.

Trade in tobacco products: revocation of a license

On top of that, a license to sell tobacco products can also be canceled by a court decision. Along with filing an application with the court about this process, the regulatory authorities have the right to suspend the work of the document for a while until the decision is announced or until it actually comes into force. As practice shows, the following factors often serve as the basis for such cancellation of paper:

  • Detection of distorted and falsified information in documents provided in order to obtain a license.
  • Repeated and rude fact of violation of licensing requirements by a person.
  • The illegal nature of obtaining a license to trade in tobacco.

The licensing authority, strictly within its powers, must take the following measures:

  • Verify that licensees are properly complying with all required requirements.
  • Request the necessary explanations on issues that arise during the performance of inspections, including a declaration on the volumes of purchased and products sold. In addition, reports on the use of special grades are required.
  • Drawing up protocols with fixing of established violations revealed by the results of inspections.

  • Issuance of orders that will oblige licensees to eliminate any identified violations. Plus, it requires the designation of deadlines for their elimination.
  • Issuing warnings to violators.
  • Implementation of other actions provided for by domestic legislation.

People often ask if a license is needed to sell tobacco products. Of course, because its absence threatens with penalties.

Penalties for selling tobacco products without a license

In our country, the sale of tobacco products without a license is prohibited. Those who sell cigarettes without obtaining a license are waiting various options fines and government measures, namely:

  • Penalties in the amount of three hundred to eight hundred thousand rubles.
  • Compulsory social work for up to five years.
  • Penalty equal to the offending person's salary for the last few years.
  • One-time collection of funds in the amount of one million rubles.
  • Probable imprisonment for up to six years.


Thus, tobacco business is very profitable view entrepreneurial activity. But it must be taken into account that given type production requires mandatory labeling, and, in addition, obtaining a license for its sale and distribution. Otherwise, all offenders expect significant fines, and imprisonment is not excluded.

In Russia, where more than 1,500 cigarettes are produced per year for everyone, including babies, the tobacco business will always be profitable. By at least until 2020. Then, according to analysts' forecasts, the tobacco market will decline by 12%; and no more than 1,400 cigarettes will be produced per capita. In terms of money, as you understand, this will still remain a very profitable business. The main thing is to organize everything according to the norms and the letter of the law.

Tobacco, for more than 500 years, has been used by mankind in different form: it is sniffed, chewed and smoked. With the sole purpose of extracting nicotine from it - a stimulant that partially suppresses the feeling of hunger, thins the blood and demoralizes the body.

Unfortunately, nicotine is harmfully addictive in humans, aggravated by various resistant negative influences on the body. Today, one part of humanity, fighting for its health and environment, is a strong opponent of tobacco use, the other part - tobacco users, because of their bad habits, bring huge incomes to manufacturers and sellers of this product. The top ten largest international tobacco companies alone, together, sell more than $160 billion worth of tobacco products a year.

The undisputed leader in tobacco consumption is smoking. And the most comfortable shape for smoking - cigarettes - a paper cylinder containing crushed tobacco and a filter. It is the cigarette business that is chosen by entrepreneurs as the main source of profit. And, despite the laws of the Russian Federation, tightening the rules for the sale of tobacco products, this species business still long time will remain profitable.

Attention! This article demonstrates and describes tobacco products and the process of smoking. Smoking is injurious to health.

As they say, as long as there is at least one smoker, he will buy cigarettes. And in Russia, according to official data from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), more than 25% of the adult population smoke - every fourth adult Russian who consumes at least one pack of cigarettes per month.

Rules and legality: trade in tobacco products in Russia. Do I need a license to sell cigarettes?

AT Russian Federation the sale of tobacco, tobacco products and cigarettes, including electronic cigarettes, is regulated by the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 N 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from environmental tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco use. It is the main document regulating the cigarette business. Among the people, he received a capacious name "Anti-tobacco law". Since 2018, in Russia, according to the anti-tobacco law, the following restrictions on tobacco trade are being introduced or introduced.

The main and invariable requirement of the law is a complete ban on the use (smoking), demonstration of tobacco products in public places, the media and works of art. This ban also applies to places of trade.

According to the anti-tobacco law, since 2018, cigarettes can be sold only in large retail outlets that have the appropriate design and device.

  • Through the window - no. It is forbidden to sell tobacco products, including cigarettes, through windows and vents. That is, in the stalls selling cigarettes is illegal.
  • Show - Can't. It is forbidden to openly exhibit and demonstrate tobacco products in the window. For example, in glass racks. This prohibition also applies to electronic cigarettes, if they have appearance and shape reminiscent of classic cigarettes.
  • By the way - not possible. A complete ban on trade selling cigarettes by the piece. The minimum volume is a pack.
  • Minors are not allowed. The sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products is prohibited to persons under 18 years of age. The seller has the right to demand a document certifying age.
  • And what can? We repeat! It is possible to sell cigarettes and tobacco products only in large retail outlets with an area of ​​at least 25 square meters. Under this law, all stalls, islands and pavilions selling cigarettes must be reorganized into stores with an area not less than the above. In rural areas, if it is impossible to organize such a point, trade can only be carried out in a delivery form.

In Russia, the sale of tobacco products is prohibited in in public places— stations (air, railway, sea and river ports); sports establishments; medical institutions; at metro stations and other public transport; in places of accommodation of people - hotels, motels, motels and hostels.

In addition to the implementation of these rules, from 2018, the outlet must be properly designed and organized. A tobacco shop must have:

  • Equipped place for the sale of cigarettes;
  • Utility rooms for receiving, storing and preparing tobacco products for sale;
  • At least one workplace allocated specifically for the sale of tobacco;
  • The list of products must be made in the same large font on A4 sheets. Black letters on a white background. Indicating the name of cigarettes and price;
  • The packs sold should contain no more than 20 cigarettes;
  • Each product containing tobacco must be affixed with a state-issued tobacco excise stamp. Products sold at a retail outlet must be accompanied by manufacturer's documents on the quality and conformity of the goods.

According to federal law No. 15-FZ - No license is required to sell tobacco products, including cigarettes, in Russia. It is enough to comply with all the above rules and fully comply with the laws of the Russian Federation.

How to choose the right place to open a tobacco sales point: tips and tricks

As you understand, you can open your own point subject to two important conditions– on the selected territory it is allowed to sell tobacco and cigarettes, and the free space allows you to place a store with an area of ​​25 square meters. But, is it necessary?

Not everywhere the tobacco trade will be profitable. Smokers buy cigarettes in two cases - in reserve and when the cigarettes are over.

In reserve - tobacco products are bought as related products, for example, at supermarket checkouts. And in the case when the cigarettes are over - the purchase is carried out at the first available point.

It is important to understand that in the first case, in order to start selling cigarettes, you need to open your own grocery supermarket. Which is not for everyone financially. And the second case has many nuances.

The key nuances of the tobacco business should be considered - pricing and range.

When pricing, the target audience is those who care about the total cost of their addiction. Smokers in this consumer group prefer to buy in blocks. They know their own volume of monthly consumption, so they immediately buy a supply for 1-2 months. And the less they spend, the better. Usually he buys cigarettes of low and middle price segment. And for the sake of such cigarettes, they are ready to make a trip to any part of the city.

Word of mouth is the main engine of trade in such outlets - information about a store with cheap cigarettes is distributed among heavy smokers quite quickly. The point itself can sell cigarettes of any brands, while maintaining a general price level that satisfies their target audience. It is enough to not satisfy the demand once or twice, as consumers will find another store with cheap cigarettes. The competition does not sleep.

Those smokers who care about assortment usually prefer certain brands and strengths of cigarettes. They do not tolerate alternatives. That is, if the store does not have a preferred manufacturer and proven analogues, then they may not make a purchase. And in the future, after several unsuccessful appeals, they will bypass the store. This contingent of consumers buys no more than three packs at a time: one for pocket, one for car, and one for stock.

Such the target audience, based on the assortment, is typical for stores located in the territory of large shopping centers, and other permitted places of trade - through points. The owner of these outlets should be attentive to the volume of demand, replenish stocks of the most popular brands in a timely manner. Sale of related products - lighters, cigarette cases, ashtrays, matches, electronic cigarettes, etc. - in such stores brings up to half of the monthly profit.

The cost of cigarettes per pack - is it possible to overestimate it? Or underestimate? The maximum amount of retail earnings on cigarettes

According to paragraph 4 of Article 187 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a manufacturer or importer is required to mark certain tobacco products maximum retail price(MRC) at the time of production date. The law does not regulate the location of such markings, but requires that the inscription be easily readable.

MRC for a certain period is set by the manufacturer (or his representative). The appropriate tax authorities are notified about this in the prescribed manner. Exceptions are tobacco products that are not subject to taxation or are exempt from taxation in accordance with Article 185 of the Tax Code "Peculiarities of taxation when moving excisable goods across the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union".

Article 13 of federal law No. 15-FZ establishes the amount minimum cost of a pack of cigarettes- it cannot be less than 75% of the MRP.

Retailers are not allowed to sell tobacco products at prices above the MRP or below the minimum price. For this they face administrative responsibility under Parts 1 and 2 of Art. 14.6. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Based on these facts, the manufacturer sets wholesale prices for their products. That is, the retailer can initially calculate their own possible profit. Usually the wholesale cost is equal to or slightly less than the minimum retail price - the notorious 75% of the MRP. Consequently, the maximum amount of revenue from cigarettes at a retail outlet in theory cannot exceed 25% (100% - 75% = 25%). In practice, the difference between wholesale and retail prices does not exceed 16-20%, and this is in the case of large wholesale purchases.

If you read or saw somewhere that the revenue of a cigarette kiosk is more than 50%, this is not true. Such an amount of profit can only be when trading illegal goods, that is, the goods are sold in circumvention of laws, for example, using fake excise stamps. The law is strictly prosecuted and punished.

Independently or franchised?

You can open a cigarette outlet on your own and under a franchise. In the first case, all the subtleties and nuances will have to be decided independently. Search for suppliers, store design, purchase of products and more.

Franchise business eliminates many disadvantages. Questions on the format and design of the work of the retail outlet are taken over by the specialists of the parent company. It also ensures uninterrupted supply of products. But, in this case, the point is strictly tied to the prices of a single supplier - the owner of the brand.

Beginners in business, in order to study all the specifics of the industry, usually start by opening a franchise point. After a while, having studied their capabilities and gained experience, they open an independent store.

Russian cigarette business in facts and figures

The tobacco business in Russia is highly regulated and regulated. There are strict requirements for the device, area and design of the outlet. However, a license to retail tobacco products. cigarettes, including electronic ones, are not needed.

The maximum profit from the sale of cigarettes does not exceed 20% of the wholesale price. However, this is offset by constant steady demand, because there are a lot of smokers in Russia.
