Why do you dream about long hair? Why do you dream about hair?

Do dream books exist in the world? great amount and they are all endlessly republished and updated. At the same time, various Internet interpreters are becoming increasingly popular, who can easily explain why, for example, a person dreamed of white hair.

What if you dream about white hair?

At the same time, it is important to immediately determine in what form the white hair appeared in the dream - we are talking about gray hair or special color“blond”, who exactly had this same hair that attracted increased attention.

Also, it must be said right away that there are dreams that do not carry any information at all in the form of encrypted symbols and signs. The point is that the brain, even at night, can continue to reproduce information seen or heard a little earlier. As an example, we can cite a case where a person in real life I heard that someone turned gray from troubles they experienced or saw a childhood friend who turned gray prematurely. It is quite natural that after such a situation, the impressionable consciousness of a person at the most unexpected moment gives out, relays this information, even in a dream. By the way, it is in a dream that images that are densely lodged in the most remote depths of the human subconscious most often emerge.

That is why it is important to immediately learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, correctly identifying which dream is worthy of attention and further detailed analysis, and which one should be immediately forgotten as an information-filled dummy. It must be said that any person with a good developed intuition usually copes with this task with ease.

In the opposite situation, when a person dreams of white hair, for no apparent reason, you can and even need to think about it, because such a dream will not just come. At the same time, the most important role for the correct interpretation of this vision, oddly enough, is played by modern realities from the life of the seer this dream.

If we are talking about gray hair, which, by the way, dream books interpret in completely different ways, then you need to think about what this might be connected with in real life. The fact is that gray hair is a symbol of honor and respect. It is quite possible that a man who sees himself with silver luxurious hair in a representative suit will be able to earn respect in certain circles and achieve sufficient heights in his career. A woman who sees herself gray-haired in a dream, rather, on the contrary, should be wary of future negative events that could undermine her physical health and morale.

What does it portend?

Painting over or masking gray hair in a dream for both men and women promises a successful deal in the future or foreshadows some kind of extraordinary adventure (possibly even with dangers), a redistribution from which the dreamer will be able to brilliantly get out. A person with gray hair in life, who sees his own silver hair in a dream, may not fear anything, since this dream only reproduces a quiet sadness about the inexorably current time or, conversely, great pride in the years lived.

If a woman sees herself as a bright blonde in a dream, despite the fact that in life she has a completely different hair color, then she can safely prepare for some dizzying adventure in life with a love twist. Sometimes this dream promises adoration and inexhaustible attention from the stronger half of humanity. A man who suddenly sees himself as blond in a dream may also be preparing for similar events in life.

In general, no matter what color you dream about own hair, the main indicator of whether a given dream is good is the thickness of the hair and its physical state. A priori, a huge, lush mop of hair on a head cannot promise anything bad to a person, no matter what color it is.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    White hair By dream book. Under white hair understand both bright blond and noble gray hair. What are they for? dream? Interpretations dream books for them are very different. See yourself or a friend person With hairstyle of an unexpected light shade - a memorable image.Female dream book states if dreamed about it snowy white hair, this foreshadows some comforting news, an invitation to a pleasant journey. See in dream your child is a real albino - a sign of wonderful news, an albino woman is a symbol...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    If dream own gray hairs hair - bad sign. On the other side, white like snow hair They promise the dreamer comforting news, pleasant trips and meetings. Russian folk Dream Interpretation. Dream Interpretation: hair in dream How will dream black braid or cowlick, then it will be person profit. Have white hair- no need to rush. How dreaming If you cut your cowlick, there will be some kind of loss. Whether you comb or wash your cowlick is good: respect and honor from of people.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    If in dream you see beautifully combed hair, then in reality you will experience the absence of problems and worries. If dreamed shaving hair or beard, then the loss of a loved one is expected soon person or a serious illness. Why dream white, black, red, light, dark hair. See in dream white hair- to the comforting news. if you dreaming that you have turned white hair, then in reality you will experience carelessness, which will prevent you from achieving success in your work or personal life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "akademsavina"

    Seen in dream white or light hair in dream hair dreamed about it dream in which you see in your hair flowersAccording to one version Human appears in night visions, since in reality he really thinks a lot about you, and your subconscious has caught the interest and sympathy coming from him. Another version - on the contrary, dream woman With white hair, In dream are the images of those of people, About which we ourselves think a lot in reality. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "abkhasiya"

    seen in dream white or light hair portend good news, peace of mind and joy. see in dream hair on the chest, sign good health. if you dreamed about it dream in which you see in your hair flowersAccording to one version Human appears in night visions, because in reality he really thinks a lot about you, and your subconscious has caught the interest and sympathy coming from him. Another version - on the contrary, dream woman With white hair, in dream are the images of those of people, about which we ourselves think a lot in reality. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "akademsavina"

    Interpretation dreams Hair- If in dream your hair is long and thick hair, then like this dream promises you wealth, strength and power. Carefully smoothed hair dream to new friendships, good relationships with people. Bad, liquid hair or shorn bald - to losses. Comb your hair in dream- a harbinger of health and success, dreamed about it woman With white hair, tear at yourself hair- to loss, to see burning on your head - to profit and success. Read more

    Dream book "fortune"

    Seen in dream white or light hair portend good news, peace of mind and joy. See in dream hair on the chest, a sign of good health. if you dreamed about it dream in which you see in your hair flowers - like this dream speaks of impending short periods will dream that they shave you hair, such dream portends illness, loss of a loved one person or loss of fortune. If dreaming that you cut someone's hair hair, such dream promises profit to the one who is being cut, and to the one who sees this dream- a small loss. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream, in which the man dreamed that he has long hair hair, like a woman’s, portends deception. In esoteric dream book long hair dream to that one's illness person, whose hair you saw.By dream book Freud see long hair in dream means self-doubt and isolation. Why dreaming white hair. Dream Interpretation hair wet.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    White hair - dream for meetings and trips. If in dream you are petting someone hair- in your love affairs harmony and happiness will be established. Flowers in hair- promise disappointment in the beloved (beloved). Dream Interpretation Aesop.If in dream you cut or style hair some person- think maybe he needs your support. One of my friends dreamed what she cuts hair his girlfriend.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "jossy"

    if you dreamed about it flowers in hair-then expect the approach of some troubles that will not frighten you, but, nevertheless, will make you nervous. If a young woman saw in dream your head covered white flowers, then in life she should strengthen her will and If a woman saw in dream person With beard, then most likely in the near future she will meet a man who will win her heart. See in dream an incredibly long beard is a sign that you will soon meet a very wise chosen one. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    It must be said that any Human With Well-developed intuition usually copes with this task with ease. In the opposite situation, when white hair dream person, as they say, out of the blue, you can and even need to think about it, because such a dream will not just come. In general, no matter what color in dream Not dreamed about it own hair, the main indicator of whether a given dream is good is the density hair and their physical condition. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    White painted hair- deception and attempt at manipulation. Blacks have conceived a business for which they will have to pay in the end. A very common symbol is “woman with black hair"- such dreaming to an enemy who is planning to harass you. Bald woman in dream, if she is familiar to you - to news about friends, relatives, as a rule, this news is about problems and even disasters in life person. If a woman dreamed that she is bald - worries, mental stress. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation Child with black hair dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Child with black hair?See in dream gray-haired of people dream about loss hair. In the same time white Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation Member with hair dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Member with hair?See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    in dream I cut my hair hair in dream. tell me what my dream, he can’t get out of my head all day and it seems to me that he is very important. To me dreamed as if my two friends and I had agreed, under some condition, to shave all three of us. I mean shave hair from the head. I didn’t take it seriously, but when this event came (I don’t remember which one), I saw that both friends were shaved, one bald, and the other left white, blond hedgehog.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Elastic band for hair With dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Elastic band for hair s?Tangled, unkempt hair- to failure. See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    wedding in dream. Dreaming me that my husband and I are going to sign. He’s driving, wearing a suit, his build isn’t his, his face isn’t his, but I know it’s him. I'm nearby, in wedding dress, I look at him and smile. Behind two person, either guests, or witnesses, male, I know for sure that they are our acquaintances. Number 3 in dream. Hello! dreamed about it such dream. In my apartment where I live with my parents there live 2 ghosts - these are 2 fragile girls - one in a black robe and with black hair, the other - in white With white hair.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonvryky"

    Paint hair in dream V white(blond) color means that in reality you want to seem stupider than you really are. Also this dream may have a slightly different meaning and be interpreted as a symbol of pure intentions and bright thoughts that will dawn on you. If will dream what did you paint hair blue - changes will occur in real life that you will not like. Paint hair in dream to another person, daughter, friend, yourself, at the hairdresser. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    This is my second time dreaming what a handsome young man Human cuts my hair short hair, and I in dream This makes me very upset and cry. And both times in dream there were different young people People, different settings, everything is different, but the meaning is the same. What is this for? Eyes, hair in dream. Had a dream hair, white, curly, to the shoulder blades...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I had a strange dream dream...in general, I don’t remember him at all, I remember I was just driving somewhere with a guy...I arrived in some village...there was a holiday there, everyone was in clown costumes...I walked past some mirror shop and saw in one in the mirror that I have blue ones hair With white feathersPigeon in dream. I dreamed about it dream It’s as if someone was knocking on my house, I’m letting strangers in of people(some Human With a cage in which pigeons sit), One of these of people tells me that according to the new law!!! Everyone is obliged to take a pigeon into their house, and the second one...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Dirty hair from 2 dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Dirty hair with 2?See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep dress (1) Dream Interpretation dress. Dreams and dreams Dress Hair People.I started to pray in dream and woke up. That is, I understood that I needed to wake up. And today I dreamed that I'm drinking something from white cups, (there was a prayer written on the cup, but I didn’t remember the text) it turned out to be dark blood, and at the bottom there is something like a small heart (sort of like a chicken heart). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep Young Human cuts my hair hair (1) Dream Interpretation Young Human cuts my hair hair.Eyes, hair in dream. Had a dream that I paint my eyelids pink and lilac. It turned out very beautiful (I very rarely wear makeup in my life) Then I untwist the curlers and style my hair, white, curly, to the shoulder blades...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Second dream dreamed about it two days later: eggs, a lot, very fresh and clean, really upper layer as if beaten. And the third dream at the end of the week: I'm on a minibus with strangers people, but it’s good and fun with them, on a very good asphalt road that winds very sharply, something like a serpentine, the weather outside is like after summer. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Dreams O hair in dream. Order for free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    And one day dreamed that young Human, With whom I have not seen for 8 years, is drowning me in some kind of trough. I see that on the other side standing my aikido coach in white clothes trains techniques. Ask the interpreter why dreaming see Dreams O hair in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Unsuccessful coloring hair And dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Unsuccessful coloring hair and? Tangled, unkempt hair- to failure. See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read in full person, but I had the feeling that we had been dating for a long time. He said that he would marry me, I started choosing a wedding dress, then I said that I would only get married with long ones. hair, he gave me money for extensions hair.The table itself is rectangular and With white tablecloth The girl and the military man sit down different sides: she is on the left, he is on the right.

Why do you dream long hair? In a dream, they can be associated with vitality and profit, promising a journey or a long-term relationship. To find out exact transcript, let's turn to various dream books.

Vanga's Dream Book

Dreams about hair symbolize peace, warmth and spiritual harmony. If you dream that you have a very short hair after a haircut - this means that you may go astray. Sweeping cut hair means revealing a mystery or a mysterious secret.

Lush, long hair means spiritual growth. Very tangled hair symbolizes distrust of people. It's time for you to learn to trust them. Braiding your hair is a harbinger of a long journey.

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, all actions with hair are in any case connected with a person’s sexuality and his genitals. Long hair symbolizes isolation and self-doubt.

Very short hair or the absence of it on the head, on the contrary, means a lack of complexes and strong sexual promiscuity. A dream in which you comb your long hair is a sign of regret about missed opportunities and opportunities.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to Aesop's interpretation, hair is a rather meaningful symbol; it personifies wisdom, prudence and vitality. To have long and luxurious hair in a dream means good health. Combing your hair means putting your thoughts, deeds and actions in order. Cutting hair means great losses, misfortune and deliberate slander.

If you dreamed of a girl whose hair keeps growing, this sign indicates that you have an impossible dream. In addition, this dream may be a warning that you will soon meet an unintelligent and unreasonable person.

If you have curly hair, such a dream portends good changes in life. To dream of a girl having her long hair braided is a sign that you want to be useful and needed by others. In ordinary life, you do not live one day at a time; serious plans for the future are an important point for you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing hair in a dream - good sign. But this applies only to those dreams in which the hair is well-groomed, beautiful and healthy-looking. If, on the contrary, they are confused and have a faded appearance, expect many failures and quarrels.

Smooth, combed hair symbolizes true friendship. Long hair means profitable profits. Dreamed increased hairiness on the body indicates material well-being and about good health.

If your hair is falling out a lot in a dream, expect financial loss soon in the form of a loss or robbery. If you dream that while combing your hair you broke the comb, then such a dream promises nothing but trouble.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing gray hair on your head is a sign of thoroughness and wisdom. Long hair dreams of health problems. Combing or styling your hair in a dream is a sign of a quick recovery.

If you dream that you are taking care of your hair, this means that you spend too much time at work and do not pay enough attention to your loved ones. Cut your hair beautiful hair and at the same time feel pity - to serious quarrels.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Loose, long hair dreams of traveling and long journey. Gray hair means minor troubles. Combing your hair in a dream means major changes in life. Braiding a pigtail means overcoming a barrier with obstacles. Baldness dreams of losing a friend due to betrayal or betrayal on his part.

Miller's Dream Book

Combing your own lush hair in a dream is a sign of frivolity in your actions, which you will have to repent of later.

Black, white, blond long hair in a dream

If a woman dreams that she has dark and blonde hair at the same time, then according to Miller’s dream book you need to be careful in your upcoming choice. Black curls mean that you may fall into a captivating love trap.

If during a dream you saw a girl with blond hair, this is a sign that your loved one is not worthy of you. White hair means good news and pleasant meetings. Golden hair is a harbinger of deep fidelity to your lover. Chestnut curls are work-related failures. Red hair color promises great changes in your relationship with your loved one.

Hair that is too short symbolizes unbridled extravagance. Do not allow it to abstain from the foreseen misfortune. If in a dream you had an incredibly beautiful hairstyle, then fortune is on your side, and pleasant and interesting changes await you.

Thick, beautiful long hair on the head - interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed that you had thick, beautiful and long hair on your head, this means that success, prosperity and the fulfillment of all your plans await you ahead. If a woman dreams that her hair is longer in a dream than in reality, such a dream promises incredible wealth, easy life and prosperity.

A dream in which a girl dreams of long, well-groomed and healthy hair, portend her the appearance of a faithful and honest friend. If a man has a dream in which he sees a woman with long and shiny hair, this is a harbinger of strong deception.

If they talk about white hair, they mean both natural and artificial blond or gray hair. So, why dream of strands of very light shades? In dream books you can find many interesting, intriguing interpretations. They are very different. Only one thing is absolutely clear: blond hair in a dream is a very memorable plot, and it always has a continuation in reality.

Beauty and love

If a naturally brunette or brown-haired lady dreams that her hair has become shorter and whiter, the dream book hints that it’s time to take care of herself: go on a diet, supplement her diet with “beauty products,” do nourishing masks and others cosmetic procedures. And the Gypsy Dream Interpreter states that hair that suddenly turns white in a dream is a signal that the sleeper urgently needs rest.

Why does a woman dream that she has very light platinum hair? Moreover, she was lucky with her current boyfriend in reality. But the Spring Dream Book warns: if a blonde is present in the dream, then in reality the admirer may disappoint the dreamer and not live up to her expectations.


According to the Women's Dream Book, an albino seen in night vision anticipates receiving good, calming news or an invitation to visit, an interesting trip.

In a dream, did you see your child as an albino? Don’t be alarmed; when you wake up, you will learn something that will make you happy. An albino woman in a night phantasmagoria is a hint: a very important meeting and acquaintance for the sleeping person will soon take place.

The state of mind of the sleeping person can be judged by the length of the dreamed snow-white hair. The longer they are, the calmer and more confident he actually feels.

Noble gray hairs

Did you dream that your head turned gray? This is a reason to be wary, to think. To a young man such a dream prophesies trouble. And the more mature one is promised a situation in which he has to do Difficult choice. In addition, unwanted, painful changes in the fate of the sleeping person cannot be ruled out.

Although in Universal dream book There is another interpretation for this plot. Why is he dreaming? To the fact that a person will actually gain more weight in society, which means that more tempting prospects will open up before him.

But this same dream, in some dream interpreters, is also a harbinger of the fact that in reality the dreamer will not be able to resist a spontaneous decision to buy something very expensive. Alas, only later will it become clear that the cost of the purchased item was unjustifiably inflated many times over.

In a dream, did you notice a friend whose hair turned gray? In reality, he can give valuable advice, with the help of which you will get out of a dead end situation.

If a lady of Balzac’s age sees herself turning gray in a dream, then this is a reflection of her real experiences associated with changes in appearance. However this natural process, but an attractive woman is obliged to take care of her appearance at any age. Therefore, do not be sad; it is better to visit a stylist or hairdresser.

Hairstyles, styles

For a woman who happened to comb her long snow-white locks while asleep, the dream book recommends being more restrained and careful. Short white strands in a midnight dream suggest that you need to spend money more economically.

However, the one who saw in a dream that he had short haircut, and has white and curly hair, by nature he will not be able to live a measured life, saving a pretty penny for a rainy day.

Happiness is what Gustav Miller judges to a woman who saw in her dream that she had a wonderful style on her long white hair. But tangled locks, according to an American psychologist, promise grief for the sleeping person.

Significant changes in fate - this is what dreams of curly white hair in “artistic disorder” (disheveled) mean. But if you carefully style every curl while you sleep at night, then in reality you will soon go on a love date.

Freshly washed, loose white strands are a sign of upcoming excitement and anxiety. If you dream that your hair is singed, then this is a sign of good luck, the patronage of Fortune.

Miss Hasse's dream book describes a situation in which the sleeper sells his white hair. Unfortunately, this predicts sorrow and tragedy. But a braid of very light hair is a symbol of a reliable marriage.

Why do you dream about white hair? Dream interpretation

Gray hair in life is a sign not only of age, but also of wisdom, life experience, authority and respect, but a dream in in this case has the opposite interpretation. As a rule, white (gray) hair is considered a symbol of illness, moral and physical weakness, loss of strength and other troubles that old age usually entails.

However, if you dreamed that one gray hair appeared among the dark ones, this could mean an addition to the family, the birth of a child, especially if the dream is for a man. If the dreamed white hair is not gray, but simply light, then you can expect good news, purity of thoughts and a favorable outcome of your undertakings.

Dream Interpretation White hair Why dream of white hair in a dream

If in life gray hair means honor, respect, wisdom, then in dreams, as a rule, the opposite is true. The dream book interprets white hair as a sign of an approaching illness, loss of strength, severe fatigue. The only exception is gray hair at the temples, which speaks of authority and honor.

If a man dreamed that one white one appeared among the bright black hair, this is good sign, predicting that you will soon have beloved offspring. However, if a woman had the same dream, then she will have to experience anxiety and even fear for her husband. If you dream of not gray hair, but simply blond hair, joy and purity of thoughts await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation Long White Hair

Why do you dream about long white hair in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing long white hair in a dream - long road, exciting travel, interesting acquaintances and a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation Blonde hair Why do you dream of blond hair in a dream?

In general, seeing blond hair in a dream is a good sign that speaks of clarity and purity of thoughts and good changes in life. In addition, blond hair in a dream symbolizes complaisance, which will help overcome possible conflicts with someone close to you.

An exception is a dream in which gray hair appears; this may portend troubles and illnesses. A dream is interpreted in a special way if you see both light and dark hair on your head. It symbolizes that some choice awaits you ahead, which will not be clear-cut, so you should think carefully before making a final decision.

Dream Interpretation Red Hair

Why do you dream about red hair in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book considers red hair to be the beginning of a good time. In all the undertakings you begin, you will be lucky, and fate will be favorable.

Take advantage of this opportunity wisely and bring to life ideas that you had not dared to implement until now.

why do you dream of white hair



Hair color - you should pay attention to such a dream only if the hair color in the dream was different from your own.

Light hair color symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Having an unusual hair color in a dream means that in the near future you will have the opportunity to make a statement about yourself.

A lady was lucky to have her admirer if she saw that she had a snow-white, platinum-toned hairstyle....

If you dreamed of snow-white hair, this foreshadows some comforting news, an invitation to a pleasant journey.

Nikolay Boldyrev

besides, like redheads)) the web of life is waiting for you.

Misha *

secret envy!



I dreamed that I looked in the mirror and saw myself either with long white hair or with dark hair and combing it with a comb and then I saw myself with my usual hairstyle


I was lying down, and on top my usual color was black and I began to lift my hair and from there many, many golden ones began to appear, and I was still lifting my hair, it was golden and long hair.. it was very beautiful and long, the dream was warm, even very pleasant for me


Good evening, I dreamed that in the mirror I saw myself with very long, thick, neatly braided white hair.


I saw my reflection in the mirror and was surprised that I had very long and snow-white hair, I really liked it. I tried to explain to myself how my hair became white, i.e. either the hair products somehow affected the color, or something else...


in a dream I cut my own long white hair Thick hair, although in real life I have long red hair. I stood in front of the mirror. I had to put a lot of effort into cutting each strand. I cut them off to the shoulders. the haircut turned out to be torn.


I dreamed yesterday that a friend gave me her long white hair to show off in front of men and she took my dark, not very long, hair, I really liked it, I went around showing off in front of men, then the guys asked their friends that it was her friends who told me no to wear it they gave me a request, I overheard it and was offended by them, the girl who gave me her hair, I looked at her, for some reason she had a scarf wrapped around her head and she was bald, well, like a hedgehog, like an aging man, she had hair, I felt her it’s a pity, like, I begged to show off, and she walked like that and decided to return her beautiful ones to her


I saw myself and that I had long (waist-length) white curls, very beautiful. My husband and daughter were sitting next to me at the table. I told them: “Look how beautiful my hair is, and I was going to cut it off.” To which both the husband and daughter said that there is no need to cut them off, because they are very beautiful.


Hello! I remember myself with long (white (not blond, just white) hair and, it seems, with bangs. I remember seeing myself from the outside - in photographs, I liked it. My hair was already almost to the lower back, but it was lower, 7 centimeters longer -10.


Hello, today in a dream I saw my daughter, she is 1 and 5 months old, her hair is very small, and in the dream she was sitting on the bed in the front room and my husband and I tell my husband, look how much our daughter’s hair has grown and I woke up.


I only remember that the hair first turned from black to brown, and then to white. I liked it and decided to leave them this way


I look in the mirror and see myself with very long snow-white hair, combed soft and incredibly beautiful.


I don’t have white hair on my head, in a dream I dreamed that I was collecting my hair, or rather trying to collect it somehow and I found one gray strand, someone was sitting next to me and pulled it out saying something. I didn't hear what exactly they said


I had white beautiful wavy hair, longer than it actually is. I looked very beautiful and sat on a chair very important.


I stand and comb my long white hair, which falls almost to the floor. The hair is beautiful and straight. The color surprises me, because my hair is naturally much darker.


I dreamed of mine ex-man, as if we are together again and we have love, and I am so beautiful, I admire myself and my long hair is loose


I had a dream that I was wearing black clothes but I had white long hair and my husband and I were planting potatoes in damp soil. The husband was smiling and his torso was naked.


On my body I saw long thick hair under my arms (under my arms)


I dreamed of long gray thick hair under my arms


I had a dream that my mother was braiding me 2 braids on both sides of the spikelets and they were not quite long, and my hair was also longer to the waist, white and the braids were beautiful, why do I dream about this?


I had a dream that my mother was braiding me 2 braids on both sides, my hair was brown and a little long, and in the dream it was very long and the braids were beautiful and long to the waist, why do you dream about this?
