Otorhinolaryngology. Day hospital Day hospital ENT

I recently received treatment in the day hospital of the ENT department (2 surgery department) KB-50. I will not touch on the quality of treatment - although there is an obvious shortage of medicines in the department (there was not even banal glycine and inexpensive prozerin, not to mention modern medicines) and medical personnel(all ENT patients are treated by 1 doctor, for all 2 surgical departments there is one (!) procedural nurse). With such a workload, it is not surprising that day department patients saw the doctor only 2 times - upon admission and upon discharge - which took a total of no more than 15 minutes.
The question is compliance with the notorious standard of service medical services, which we heard about at every step (for example, it was offered to receive physical treatment in a day ENT hospital for a fee, since this is not included in the standard of treatment).
So, I and several other day hospital patients were placed for treatment WITHOUT PROVIDING a place in the ward. This was explained by a lack of beds (all beds were given to traumatology patients - although there were visually free beds in the wards). As a result, I and other patients without a place were forced to wander along the corridor with bags while waiting for procedures, stand in line at the treatment room for injections and IVs (3-4 people in line - and the last one is forced to hang around standing in the corridor for at least 1.5 hours , moreover, in the very treatment room There are no conditions for placing IVs - no pillow under the head, no cushion under the arm, not even a sheet - a cold, hard bench next to an icy tiled wall). Patients were not provided with a place to rest after the procedures; patients did not receive the required food (lunch) due to the lack of a place to wait. And at the same time, the course of treatment was not completed completely: the doctor at the beginning spoke about 10 days of procedures, but the day hospital patients were discharged unexpectedly on the 9th day, and without prior notification - the patients randomly found out about this from each other, and not from medical workers.
Question: does such treatment meet the notorious standards of day hospital services?
Does the insurance company know that treatment services have not been provided in full?
Well, a natural question: how is payment made for services not fully provided?

Anna Yurievna.

Dear Anna Yurievna!

Patients hospitalized in beds day stay in a hospital they must provide a bed in a ward and food in the form of lunch. Only in emergency situations and with the consent of the patient, his place may be temporarily occupied to accommodate an emergency patient.
For the purpose of conducting a background check, please provide your personal information to the hospital administration.

Deputy Head of Medical Unit No. 3 Guzhova Galina Viktorovna.
Contact phone number 6-37-02.

Addition : Dear Anna Yuryevna!

After submitting your personal data to the deputy head of medical unit No. 3, an internal check was carried out. The facts stated in the appeal were partially confirmed. Indeed, during the period of your treatment, there was an increased attendance of trauma patients. For their emergency hospitalization, beds intended for the treatment of patients in day care conditions were also used.

Clinical hospital No. 50 has all the medications necessary for treatment. The standard of delivery medical care If you have an illness, physiotherapy is not included. There were no refusals to provide food. Deadlines inpatient treatment determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.

The administration of KB No. 50 apologizes to you for the inconvenience caused. At the same time, I would like to inform you that in order to promptly resolve the problems that arose during inpatient treatment, you needed to immediately contact the head of the specialized department or the management of Medical Unit No. 3.

Head of Medical Unit No. 3 I.V. Lashmanov

The clinic is equipped with a modern hospital that meets all modern requirements. Postoperative period the patient is in a comfortable room under the close attention of highly qualified doctors on duty and nursing staff.

24-hour hospital

The Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic has at its disposal 24-hour hospital. The stay of patients is organized here with maximum convenience and comfort. At your service are single and double rooms equipped with modern furniture and TVs. After surgical intervention patients are in the ward intensive care, where provided electronic control for their condition, combined with care and use of medications.

Day hospital

All patients day hospital are observed by experienced doctors who have the skills to provide emergency assistance. Nurses are fluent in all nursing manipulations.

If necessary, specialized specialists can be involved in the diagnostic and treatment process; it is possible to combine treatment with the necessary physiotherapeutic procedures.

In a day hospital, patients with the following diseases can be treated:

After completion of the procedures, patients can leave the day hospital.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Gaidavov Rajab Anvarovich. Despite his youth, he copes with his duties very professionally; he is a responsive, attentive specialist who is always ready to help his patients. He knows how to win them over. During the entire treatment I did not hear a single rude word from him. He will always advise, support and reassure.
    I wish him to remain as humane and patient, despite capricious patients and incredibly hard, responsible work.

    Paata Gabunia

    Initially. On Wednesday I post-pulse with the Diagnosis acute sinusitis V maxillary sinus. But, upon admission to the ENT department. I was amazed by the professionalism of the nurses. Everywhere everything is clean, smooth, beautiful and impeccable. I especially want to express my gratitude to Oshnokov Akhmedkhan Aslanbievich for his painless procedures, for your attention and help. For recommendations for treatment, and for good humor. In our country, doctors like him are rare, who take their work seriously and eliminate all our sorrows and pain. Thank you very much, Akhmed Aslanbievich, for being you.)
    Best regards, Paata Gabunia. VHI patient

    Turian Raisa

    On my own behalf and at the request of the patients of the 24th ward of the ENT department, who were undergoing treatment from September 4 to 9, I express my gratitude to Dr. Gaidalov Rajab Anvarovich for his professionalism, attention and humanity. Good luck to you in work and in life. Thank you.

    Lyubov Anatolyevna

    Thanks to the entire department!
    Thanks to the attending physician Oksana Vladimirovna, and especially to Rajab Anvarovich (clinical resident), who treated me, for his sensitive, gentle, professional attitude, for a doctor by nature! He is a puncture sniper!

    She was in ward 24 from 09/05 to 09/09/19

    I express my deep gratitude to the doctors of the department, Alexey Fedorovich Nefedov and Ashot Robertovich. Thank you for your professionalism and your kind attitude towards patients. Wish good health and success in your hard work!

    Olga Liverievna

    I express my deep gratitude to Oshnokov Akhmedkhan Aslanbievich, doctor of the ENT department of the City clinical hospital No. 29 named after N.E. Bauman", for his sensitive attitude towards patients, attentiveness, skill, high professionalism. I would say that he is a doctor from God.
    Many thanks also to the staff of the hospital's ENT department, including service staff, administrators, nurses, doctors who work skillfully, harmoniously, treat patients with attention and understanding. The work of the department at all stages of interaction with patients (reception, admission to the ward, treatment, discharge) is excellent. This is the merit of the entire team of the ENT department of the hospital.
    Pelevina Olga Liverievna,
    patient of ward 36, ENT department

    I was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of “Paratonsillar abscess.” I would like to express my deep gratitude to Doctor Oshnokov Akhmedkhan Aslanbievich and all the medical staff! The attitude towards patients is simply top level which you can imagine! The room is clean, cleaned several times a day! The only negative is the food (and maybe even a plus for us girls, you can lose weight))). I am very glad that I ended up in this hospital, I will have to do more planned surgery I will only perform tonsillectomy in this hospital! Once again, thank you very much!

    In Filatovskaya they were in surgery (1 injury), the child was 1.8. They sewed on the phalanx of my finger, and the head doctor did not allow me to stay overnight! The child had to recover from anesthesia alone! They were motivated by the fact that in a ward designed for 7 children under 3 years old! There may be only 2 parents. They have nowhere to sleep, etc. I paid the senior nurse 500 rubles and stayed the night. In the morning, before the round, we were put out on the street, but were allowed to return for breakfast. The hospital is old, some buildings are under renovation. The doctors are very good.
    There is a new building in Morozovskaya, a large one. Conditions seemed better. The doctors are also very good.
    Speransky No. 9. We often go there because of sore ears. The attitude is ugly, but there are new buildings. Although the ENT department is in an old, 2-3-story building. On January 1st we were there from purulent otitis media, they offered hospitalization, I refused. There is not enough medicine, that in Filatovskaya (they brought their suprastin in tablets and injections, so that if the child was pumped immediately, he is allergic), at 9 my friend was in bed with a child of 2.2, they also brought their own medicines. The rooms are also for several people. But the clinic and ENT specialists at 9 are very good. In the waiting room of the ENT department, allergic crusts in the ears, from Otipax drops, were mistaken for natural formations in the ears. At the same time, they added that you, mommy, have those too. And they told me not to argue with the doctor.
    And our private ENT recommended us Tushinskaya, where we will remove adenoids in the fall, we have frequent otitis media due to adenoiditis. By the way, the rooms there are 2-4 beds, for 2 children and 2 mothers. They have a day hospital with ENT department. Children under 5 years old are placed with their parents. The buildings are new.
    I think it’s better for you to find a good ENT specialist and try treatment at home. By the way, how do you treat sinusitis, and how does it resolve in a child? It’s just that I often sit with exacerbations of sinusitis and found such a good site, I’ll give the link below. http://www.herpes.ru/lor/dis/gaymorit.htm
    I hope I helped you a little. I wish you to get well soon. 05/08/2005 02:11:08, Golden Sun (in system 210778)

    1 0 -1 0

    Thank you very much for your help. We are trying to get treatment at home, I’m just asking just in case - the ENT specialist is intimidating. In general, I am satisfied with our doctor; she treated my sinusitis in the fall and quite successfully. And on Friday something really intimidated me, so I got scared :). We are being treated according to a regimen very similar to that described on the website. I think we can handle it. Thanks again. Do not be ill. 09.05.2005 00:04:23,

    The Department of Otorhinolaryngology is visited annually by more than 30 thousand patients c various diseases ear, throat, nose. All patients receive highly qualified diagnostic and treatment services outpatient care, which includes, among other things, performing a number of surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, palatine tonsils and upper respiratory tract. The department employs nine doctors of the first and highest categories, including an audiologist-audiologist and a phoniatrist. Patients with functional disorders voices are advised by a phonopedist.

    All department offices are equipped with the most modern multifunctional ENT doctor workstations from Atmos, Heinemann (Germany) and Nagashima (Japan), which allow performing the entire range of necessary diagnostic and medical procedures, produce photo and video documentation of identified changes and save it in the patient database. To examine the nose, pharynx and larynx, the department’s doctors widely use rigid and flexible endoscopes, including a diagnostic station from Olympus (Japan), which makes it possible to identify the most initial stages tumor diseases upper respiratory tract. Diagnosis of ear diseases is carried out using microscopes and modern audiometric equipment. For surgical and semi-surgical treatment, ultrasound, radio wave and cryosurgical devices are used, allowing gentle interventions to be performed on an outpatient basis.

    Branch services

    Diagnostic procedures:

      Endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and larynx (including NBI endoscopy).

      A comprehensive examination for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome:

      • cardiorespiratory monitoring;
      • sleepvideoendoscopy - examination of the respiratory tract during medicated sleep.
    • Multilevel daily monitoring of the acidity of the stomach, esophagus and pharynx and to detect reflux disease.

      Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses using the Sinuscan device if radiography is contraindicated.

      Computer and MRI diagnostics of ENT organs.

      Hearing test:

      • tuning fork;
      • pure tone audiometry;
      • impedancemetry.

    Conservative and semi-surgical treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the ENT organs:

    • puncture-free treatment of sinusitis using the YAMIK sinus catheter;

      treatment inflammatory diseases nasopharynx with the “Cavitar” apparatus - combined irrigation with finely dispersed medicinal aerosols and ultrasonic cavitation;

      vacuum washing of lacunae of the palatine tonsils in chronic tonsillitis;

      cryotherapy on tonsils and radio wave lacunotomy for chronic tonsillitis;

      radio wave and ultrasound effects on the nasal turbinates for vasomotor and allergic rhinitis;

      coagulation of the vessels of the nasal cavity during repeated nosebleeds;

      balloon sinuplasty for chronic diseases paranasal sinuses;

      installation of strengthening implants in soft sky in the treatment of snoring;

      removal of foreign bodies;

      removal of neoplasms of the mucous membranes and skin of ENT organs;

      opening of infected foci of ENT organs.

    Surgical treatment in a day hospital:

      septoplasty, endoscopic correction of nasal septum deformities;

      operations on the nasal turbinates with persistent difficulty in nasal breathing, drug-induced rhinitis (dependence on vasoconstrictor drops;

      endoscopic operations on the paranasal sinuses for chronic and polypous sinusitis;

      removal of paranasal sinus cysts using intranasal endoscopic access;

      Shaver nasal polypotomy;

      shunting of the tympanic cavity and removal of the shunt for exudative otitis media.

    Advisory assistance

    The department regularly conducts consultations scientific supervisor Department of Professor A. S. Lopatin, examination preparation for planned surgical interventions, which are performed both in a clinic and in a hospital.
