Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a mathematics teacher. Materials for self-analysis of the pedagogical activities of primary school teachers



Government agency

"Lugansk specialized schoolI- IIIsteps No. 54"


pedagogical activity

over the last three academic years

teachers primary classes MARYANA IVANOVNA DEMCHENKO

Hello, I am an elementary school teacher. We live in a modern world that is in constant motion. What is he like? modern teacher? In my opinion, this is a person who must keep up with the times, constantly improving his pedagogical level. A teacher is one who can look and see, listen and hear, understand, accept and help. This is the motto of my personal professional activity.

I work as a primary school teacher and at the same time perform the functions of class teacher V government agency"Lugansk specialized schoolI- IIIsteps No. 54" since 2000. Graduated from Lugansk Pedagogical Institute named after. T.G. Shevchenko graduated in 1997 as a primary school teacher. Higher education. Work experience in this school is 15 years. I try to approach teaching activities conscientiously and creatively. Over the entire period of work, she has accumulated considerable experience in teaching and educating students.

In 2013, he was awarded the highest qualification category.

Based on the new goals and objectives of modern education, I consider the goal of my teaching activity to be the formation of knowledge, skills and key competencies, the development of students’ creative abilities, while maintaining their physical and mental health, in accordance with individual capabilities. In a word, the goal of my teaching activity is the development of the child’s personality.

I am convinced that the basis for successful personal development is cognitive interest. Cognitive interest acts as the most valuable motive for a student’s educational activity. In the first years of school, their development is very noticeable. I always remember that knowledge goes from simple to complex, from known to unknown, from close to distant, from description to explanation, from facts to generalization.

To achieve this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

use of technology of project activities for the purpose of forming universal educational activities, academic knowledge, abilities, skills and development of creative abilities junior schoolchildren;

introduction of interactive forms of organizing the educational process in order to form key competencies and increase student motivation;

education of patriotic feelings, familiarization with national culture and traditions, the formation of environmental thinking, the education of moral and spiritual qualities of the individual;

creating the most favorable conditions for preserving the mental and physical health of children.

To develop educational interests, I follow the principle: the younger the students, the more visual the learning and the greater the role active activity plays.

As a teacher, I am faced with questions every day, every lesson:

How to interest a child in a subject?

How to convey it to students in an interesting and accessible way new material?

How to create a situation of success and self-confidence for a student?

I solve them by including the student in situations of creative partial search work and research activities. I always work under the motto: “Learning with passion!”, because I understand that through a fairy tale and a game, there is a way to a child’s heart.

Since 2015, I have been working in the educational educational complex “School of Russia”, which is personally oriented in nature with a priority of spiritual and moral development, provides civic-oriented education for primary schoolchildren, in other words, offers to educate a citizen of the country. Textbooks allow you to organize individual work for students, prepare students to defend creative works, teach them to argue and prove their point of view. Developmental exercises contribute to the development of creative abilities, interest in the subject, deepen the knowledge being formed, encouraging students to apply it in a changed situation. When working with this complex, I use educational technologies developmental education: gaming technologies, technology of project activities, technology of interactive learning, as well as a person-centered approach to learning.

The formation of the personality of schoolchildren, first of all, occurs in the classroom. I intensify the cognitive activity of children and increase interest in learning at every stage of the lesson through individual and group work, a differentiated approach, games, creating a situation of success, and independent work.

I select assignments and materials so that they are accessible in presentation, colorfully designed, have elements of entertainment and competition, and contain information and facts that go beyond the scope of the curriculum.

Multimedia presentations, electronic simulators, support diagrams, tables, signal cards, handouts, entertaining exercises have long been faithful assistants in my job. They evoke feelings of surprise, novelty, unusualness, unexpectedness, develop intelligence, initiative, and ignite the flame of inquisitiveness.

As a result, the student works in class with interest, and even difficult tasks become feasible for him. I help each student to assert themselves, to seek and find their own ways of obtaining an answer.

Play is an excellent means of education and learning. To do this, I put the student in search conditions, arouse interest in winning, and hence the desire to be fast, collected, dexterous, resourceful, be able to accurately carry out tasks, and follow the rules. In games, especially collective ones, the moral qualities of an individual are also formed. As a result, children help their comrades and take into account the interests of others. Properly organized independent work contributes to the formation of cognitive interests, the development of cognitive abilities, and mastery of the techniques of the cognition process.

Through creative problem solving varying degrees difficulties, multi-choice tasks, I provide my students with the development of logical thinking, instilling the skills of self-organization and self-design. As a result, discussing different variants searching for solutions, children actively propose possible approaches, look for arguments, and defend their answer. At the same time, they have a desire to find out why some ways of solving problems turn out to be rational, while others are not. They also learn to listen carefully and hear each other. I make every success the property of the whole class.

Constant analysis of student achievements is a mandatory condition of my work. I see the point of diagnosing in obtaining as real and clear a picture as possible of the child’s development, his ability to observe, analyze, compare, and classify. Diagnostics allows me to determine whether it is possible to solve the problems of training, development and education in unity.

An important condition of my work is a smile and kind word. And how much they add to both the lesson and the child! With sincere love, I win the trust of children, which means the right to educate and teach.

Thus, by creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in each lesson, increasing motivation for learning, the result of my work was high indicators of the quality of teaching. Also, the use of project technology helps improve the quality of training in subjects. To identify the development of capable children, I hold competitions that require a creative approach, and I involve children in participating in various competitions.

Results of quality and academic performance of students over three years



Number of students

in class

Excellent students


Academic performance



73 %




68 %




Olympiad results (participants/winners)



Itour (school) olympiad

IItour (city)


Distance Olympiads in basic disciplines



4 lessons/3 lessons

3 studies/2 studies



5 lessons/5 lessons

5 units/-

4 lessons/1 lesson



20 lessons/15 lessons

It is also clear from the tables that my graduates have developed a desire for self-determination and self-education:

the children in my class are eager to go to school;

a stable educational and cognitive interest has been formed;

they know how to independently work with a source of knowledge, conduct experimental practical work;

understand and accept educational tasks, check their own work and the work of their partner;

are able to compare, analyze, summarize, classify and systematize material;

actively participate in disputes and conduct a competent dialogue;

and most importantly, they have a special style of communication, in which the spirit of cooperation, empathy and mutual respect prevails.

This is confirmed by:

the academic performance and quality of knowledge of my graduates is high (% quality - 65, academic performance - 100%) in the 5th grade;

all my graduating classes are doing well, academic performance and quality of knowledge are consistently high;

feedback from colleagues on the level of training and education of class students at the methodological council for succession;

reviews of children's parents about my work;

my students take an active part in subject Olympiads (both stationary and distance learning).

I actively participate in school and district methodological associations primary school teachers, I give open lessons, including within the framework of the “Young Teacher School”.

In my work I mainly adhere to a systems-activity approach and non-traditional forms conducting lessons. Active forms and methods, educational information technologies that I use in my work - this is modern achievements pedagogical theory and practice.

I believe that developing interest in learning is an important means of improving the quality of student learning. This is especially important in primary school, when permanent interests in a particular subject are just being formed, and sometimes even just being determined.

In relation to primary school, an important method is play, especially in the first two years of schooling. Elements of entertainment, games, everything unusual and unexpected evoke in children a sense of surprise rich in its consequences, a keen interest in the process of cognition, and helps them learn any educational material. A variety of play activities, with the help of which one or another mental task is solved, support and strengthen children’s interest in the academic subject and in understanding the world around them.

As a teacher I work on a problem "Implementation of scientific and educational projects in the joint activities of teacher and student.”The arousal of interest in learning is facilitated by conditions that provide the child with success in academic work, a feeling of joy on the path of progress from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to skill, that is, awareness of the meaning and results of one’s efforts.

The goal of working on the problem: to teach how to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and apply them in practical situations.

Tasks of working on the problem:

make the learning process attractive;

create a situation of success in the classroom;

develop the desire and ability to learn;

to form in a child a new type of thinking - theoretical, which allows you to explore and understand the complexity of the world, navigate in unusual situations, build a life without prompting;

create conditions for the manifestation of such personal qualities as the ability to cooperate in collective learning activities and beyond, independence in achieving goals, responsibility for results.

I believe that a teacher without innovation is always a teacher of yesterday. The teacher should focus not on yesterday, but on tomorrow child development. Only then will he help the child become a person who improves himself. To achieve the goal of my work I try to use modern technologies training.

I present this in table form:



Lead method

Forms of work

Gaming technologies

Focus on a vital situation and search for solutions.

A game

Plot - role-playing game, didactic game, business game, lesson - travel, quizzes, riddles.

Extracurricular activities.

Personality-oriented technologies

Humanistic and psychotherapeutic orientation. Goal: versatile, free and creative development child.

Method of dialogue, reflective, pedagogical support, diagnostic, creating a situation of choice and success.

Lesson-creativity, lesson-game, techniques for materializing the processes of reading and writing, literary creativity of children.

Research technologies

Learning through discovery

Problem-based learning, project method

Environmental tasks, projects, creative observation tasks, practical exercises, experience,

research, excursions to nature, enterprises and organizations.

Information and communication technologies

Focus on creating individual educational trajectories.


Tests, test exercises, game, creative and logical tasks.

Extracurricular activities.

Health-saving technologies

Focus on need healthy image life.

Health promotion

Dynamic breaks, outdoor games, physical education sessions, exercises to prevent posture, exercises for the eyes, arm muscles, etc. Physical education, recreation and sports – entertainment activities, hiking.

I am the class teacher. I pay great attention to educational work in the classroom. My goal educational work is to create conditions for the development of a multifaceted creative personality. The methodology of my educational work is based on collective creative activity. Based on the general education training of students and taking into account their interests, abilities and age capabilities, I conduct educational activities that broaden students’ horizons, increase cognitive capabilities, and develop independence and activity.

My system of educational work, as a class teacher, is characterized by an analytical approach to solving educational problems. Based on the conducted research of the classroom team, I determine educational goals and objectives. I plan educational work in the classroom based on an analysis of the educational work of the previous academic year in the following areas:


civil law;

artistic - aesthetic;

physical education and health;


I use various forms of extracurricular activities: cool watch- debates, holidays, internal and external excursions, competitions, competitions. I use the project method in extracurricular activities.

Parents, whom I managed to organize and unite, play a huge role in raising children. In general, I believe that the more friendly and united the parents, the more friendly the children. Parents take an active part in all class events, help me, as the class teacher, in organizing and conducting, and the children in preparing events. Parents live the class life with their children.

There were many extracurricular activities:“Our only ship called Earth”, psychological theater “Blue Bird”.

The result of educational work is that a favorable atmosphere has developed in the class; there are no rejected children or groups in the class that would separate from the team. According to test results, 82% of children consider their class to be friendly. According to the results of a parent survey, all children have friends from their class, and parents support their friendship.

The opinion of the parent team on the results of the class work


3rd grade

4th grade

1 class

1. The results of the class team’s work are recognizedpositive

94 %

95,7 %

99 %



3rd grade 4th grade

1 class

2. OK Andsupport parents of class team work

96 %

96,8 %

100 %

95, 5



98, 5

99, 5


100, 5

3rd grade 4th grade

1 class

In order to create the most favorable conditions for preserving the mental and physical health of children, I conduct lessons taking into account the hygienic and valeological requirements for the lesson. I often start a lesson with an energizing warm-up, conduct physical training sessions, taking into account medical indicators, focusing on physical training sessions for the eyes (including electronic physical training sessions for the eyes).

The goal that I set for myself in the near future is to study the second generation standards. I see the prospects for my work in the further implementation of project technology in order to improve the quality of training, form key competencies and develop students’ creative abilities.

In order for a teacher’s professional activity to bear fruit, he needs to regularly conduct introspection, highlighting problematic and controversial aspects of his activity. How is a teacher’s work analyzed, and what pitfalls of this process can cause difficulties for a professional?

Basic criteria and methods of self-analysis of a teacher’s work

Self-analysis of a teacher’s work is carried out systematically by teachers approximately twice a year. Such an analysis helps to identify the main shortcomings in the work and correct them. Besides, this technique helps you track your professional growth, your career and teaching successes.

The report on the teacher’s methodological topic must be drawn up clearly, without jargon and unnecessary lyrical digressions. In such a report, the teacher can note his main career successes during the reporting period, noting the dynamics of academic performance in the classroom. The teacher can also keep similar reports for himself. If the teacher compiles an analysis of activity exclusively for himself, he can lead the narrative in free form, dwelling in detail on the main points of the assessment.

Since self-analysis of any teacher implies an assessment of his teaching activities, it is necessary to highlight the criteria by which this assessment will take place. Firstly, the criterion is the overall performance in the class, the number of excellent and poor students. Secondly, the criteria can be the goals and objectives of the teacher and the degree of their implementation. Usually every year teachers set themselves learning objectives of varying complexity. By paying attention to the success of their execution, the teacher will be able to analyze his own professional successes.

Thirdly, the criterion for a teacher’s self-analysis becomes the level of his current qualifications compared to the previous period. Each teacher is required to take qualification courses during the academic year, as well as participate in various competitions and conferences. By the number of certificates received from competitions and courses, the teacher directly monitors the level of his own professionalism.

Fourthly, when assessing his own performance, a teacher cannot lose sight of the conditions that the school creates to improve his professional qualities. For example, if the school does not have the necessary equipment for conducting lessons, there are no textbooks and workbooks, this should be especially noted in your report. The fact is that the lack of information and material and technical support for a teacher directly affects his professional activity.

A teacher’s report on a methodological topic must necessarily dwell on several questions. So, for example, a teacher should note not only his successes in the professional field, but also the failures that happened to him at school during the reporting period. The report also mentions new methods introduced by the teacher in the process of teaching children, possible improvements in his professional activities planned for the future. The teacher should also note the main concerns and problems that can affect his professional activities in the future.

Typically, when compiling an analysis of a teacher’s performance, a variety of factors are taken into account, including the teacher’s qualification level, work experience and educational skills. Children's intellectual abilities are not ignored either. For example, in a specialized gymnasium, the requirements for the results of teacher self-analysis are slightly higher than in ordinary general education institutions.

Problems that a teacher encounters when compiling self-analysis

Only at first glance it seems that compiling a self-analysis of one’s own work is not difficult, because the teacher knows all the advantages and disadvantages of his professional activity. In fact, the process is often complicated due to the many factors that must be taken into account.

For example, elementary quarter grades cannot always become evidence of the effective work of a teacher. Even if there are only excellent students in the class, the professional activity of the teacher may be low. That is why, in order to draw up an accurate and fair analysis, it is necessary to take into account a dozen factors, from the personal success of the teacher to the existing working atmosphere at the school.

Problems also arise from the analysis of pedagogical methods used by the teacher. Even if the teacher uses proven methodological recommendations, his level of professionalism will be low. Modern schools require teachers to use a variety of work methods based on psychological, moral and patriotic education. The use of a differentiated approach to teaching, coupled with a variety of methods, will help make the teacher’s work more successful.

While reflecting the methods of work and the successes of students, it is important for the teacher not to lose his individuality. If the work uses some of your own developments and approaches, you should definitely talk about them, since they demonstrate the level of professionalism of the teacher. Having compiled such a detailed description of his own teaching activities, the teacher will be able to understand where the main disadvantages and advantages of his work lie. Such an analysis will help correct shortcomings and improve academic performance.

Compiling a self-analysis of teaching activity is a real science, where it is important not to lose your professional individuality. If a teacher does such work with enviable frequency, he will be able to identify his own professional problems in their infancy, solving them promptly before they cause problems with management.

activities of a mathematics teacher
Guretskaya Svetlana Sergeevna
KSU "Secondary school No. 10 named after N.K. Krupskaya"

Guretskaya Svetlana Sergeevna - mathematics teacher.
Teaching experience 23 years, in this educational institution 23 years old. Higher education, 1993 Krasnoyarsk State University, specialty - mathematics, qualification - mathematics teacher, highest qualification category since 2012.

Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I will remember
Involve me and I will learn.
The goal of the individual pedagogical activity of a mathematics teacher is the effective construction of the educational process at any level of education, taking into account the multi-level preparation of students, involving them in research work, preparing them for admission and study at universities and other educational institutions.
In my professional activities, I set a goal - to create conditions conducive to the development of a versatile personality, capable of carrying out productive and conscious activities in relation to objects of the surrounding world. I consider it necessary to organize the educational process so that it provides favorable conditions for all students to achieve a basic level of training, appropriate State Standard education.
In my teaching activities I set several goals:
- provide students with high-quality knowledge in mathematics;
- to reveal the abilities, intellectual, creative and moral potential of each student;
- to instill independent work skills with a focus on further education in various educational institutions;
- improvement of forms of organization of educational activities;
- use of new pedagogical technologies, effective techniques training;
- develop and strengthen interest in mathematics.
All this allows me to develop the student’s personality in accordance with his abilities, interests and capabilities, and for students to achieve certain success in their studies and realize their plans for further education.
I try to organize teaching in the classroom in an atmosphere of goodwill and purposefulness. I select materials for the lesson in such a way as to create a situation of success along the path of progress from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to ability. In my lessons I use group work and individual work, taking into account the educational needs of each student.
- I try to develop and maintain interest in the subject every lesson. In order to effectively use working time in the classroom, I use various forms of organizing the educational process: lessons, lectures, workshops, consultations, additional classes, competitions. During the lessons I try to combine group work with individual and independent work, I select and compose developmental, logical, problem-solving, intellectual tasks that are educational, entertaining and developmental in nature, and instill in students confidence in their abilities.
The main attention is aimed at ensuring that all students have sufficiently firmly grasped the basic didactic units of the program. A very important task for the teacher is to teach all students to independently acquire knowledge, and this can be achieved by involving them in active activities at all stages of learning.
In this regard, I chose the topic that I am working on, this is “Activation of students’ mental activity.” Scientific and technological progress and the information revolution require a person to be able to navigate the growing flow of information. Therefore, the role of independent work of schoolchildren, which contributes to the formation of skills, creative activity and information culture, is increasing.
In the course of working on a methodological topic, I conduct open lessons, test lessons, seminar lessons, conference lessons, practice home independent creative tasks, apply computer programs. Proficiency in ICT allows me to use a computer for different purposes:
as a means of visualizing the educational process (presentations, modeling),
to individualize the scientific process,
for organizing collective and group work,
as a means of developing and preparing various types of educational and methodological material (lesson planning, methodological developments, tests, interactive tests and other types of work).
I am constantly looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching, using a variety of ways to transfer knowledge, non-standard forms of influence on the individual that can interest students, stimulate and motivate the learning process.
In my lessons I use modern educational technologies:
- information and communication technologies;
- developmental training and personality-oriented;
- gaming technologies;
- project-based learning;
- I combine educational technologies in one lesson.
So, when studying new material, it is advisable to use a projector, which allows you to display everything that is happening on the computer screen on a large screen. Thus, the teacher can lecture without drawing with chalk on the blackboard and significantly speed up the delivery of material. At the same time, using interactive drawings and drawings, give a visual representation of figures in stereometry.
Modern electronic educational tools allow you to create presentations for lessons, testing work in mathematics, and also provide ample opportunities for project activities.
I believe that I have information and communication competence, namely:
- developing my own professional competence in the field of using COR in mathematics as part of the study of topics in the school mathematics course;
- I am able to assess the quality of educational centers in order to select them for use in the educational process;
- developing lessons and fragments of lessons in mathematics using COR;
- I use various methods and forms of teaching in mathematics lessons using COR;
- engaged in self-education in mastering new ICT tools;
- I use it in Everyday life and work the following ICT tools (user ICT - competencies):
1. Computer and peripheral equipment;
2. User-level software;
3. Communication means ( Email, Internet) at the user level.
I can apply the following in my professional activities (special ICT competencies):
1. selectively use ICT resources in professional activities
2. determine the pedagogical feasibility of using electronic educational products in the educational process;
3. work with distance learning courses.

In my activities I am guided by a democratic style of communication. When conducting lessons and extracurricular activities, I make sure to take into account the age characteristics of my students and their abilities. The psychological atmosphere in the class is friendly, based on mutual respect, trust and openness. I contribute in every possible way to the development of students’ interest in mathematics: using active forms of activity (group work, didactic games, work in a system of level differentiation), using reference diagrams, tables, algorithms that enable children to gain deep and lasting knowledge. I use various methods in individual work with schoolchildren: the method of personal example, suggestion, stimulation, demands, instructions. So in grades 5-6 I try to conduct dictations more often with mutual checking of the options. I assign homework on the theoretical part of the topic in the form of crossword puzzles and mini-essays, which contributes to the development of creative activity. Working in grades 5-6, I try to teach students how to work independently with a textbook, develop the ability to highlight the main points from what they read and draw up a semantic summary on a given topic. Many students who were not previously active in the classroom begin to present their work in front of their classmates, and an interest in the subject appears. In my lessons there is mutual understanding, respect for the opinions of the teacher and friends. The result of this is the development of independence, curiosity and the desire to achieve more.
The general intellectual abilities of students are different, and their learning ability is also different: some can learn new material very quickly, others need much more time, big number repetitions to consolidate the material; for some, auditory perception is preferable new information, for some it is visual. When working with students who have learning difficulties, I strive to develop a positive attitude towards learning. To do this, I use entertaining material related to the essence of what is being studied, encourage the child’s success, demonstrate personal affection, attention, and readiness to help. To prevent academic failure, I purposefully place emphasis in teaching at various stages of the lesson, namely:
in the process of monitoring students’ preparedness;
when presenting new material;
during independent work.
I organize individual work with gifted children in different ways: solving additional problems in the class, stimulating the search for different options for solving a problem, offering additional tasks for homework, introducing students to additional literature on the subject, stimulating the search for various proofs of the same theorem.
In order to advance students with different levels of preparedness, I use the following forms of work in the classroom:
a combination of theory and practice in each lesson (the lesson is divided into two parts: the first part is training for everyone, the second is two parallel processes: independent work of students and individual work teachers with individual students). This form work allows you to organize an individual and differentiated form of work in the lesson, while offering students new types of tasks, gradually complicating them
work in small groups, during which work can be carried out along several trajectories: differentiated groups according to level of knowledge, groups for organizing mutual assistance, in which the most prepared students control, help and evaluate their comrades. This form of work contributes to the organization of differentiation of students, as well as the development of collectivism and communicative qualities.
individual work, where each student is offered a set of tasks, the completion of which allows them to move from the simplest material to more complex ones. Usually I offer such tasks as training work.
There are students who have well-developed logical thinking and are good at mastering science and mathematics subjects, but do not have an inclination or interest in the humanities. And there are students with well-developed imaginative thinking, who feel deeply, but do not love mathematics. Of course, it is possible to teach such different students in the same way, but the quality educational process will decrease. To organize the productive activities of schoolchildren, it is necessary to carry out differentiated instruction at certain stages of lessons. Differentiated tasks make it possible to ensure that all students master the content of the material, which may be different for different students, but the implementation of the invariant part is mandatory for everyone.
Independent work is an integral part of my lessons. I teach children how to effectively manage time in independent work, and form students’ personal responsibility for the results of their work. I develop in children the ability to work not only individually, but also in groups of various kinds, to distribute responsibilities correctly, to bear responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the results of the activities of their comrades, and to respect the opinions of group members. I am able to predict the results of my work, outline ways to consolidate and further development achieved, while providing for stages of sequential elimination of deficiencies. The ability to find mutual understanding with each child allows you to achieve 100% academic performance with a stable quality of knowledge of 40-44%.
For the development of students' cognitive interest, extracurricular work on the subject plays an important role, which is combined with academic work, having a common goal, although it differs in organizational and methodological forms. Extracurricular activities create conditions for the fuller realization of students’ potential, for the formation of creative and practical skills, and for the effectiveness of knowledge. In extracurricular activities I use the following forms and methods: games, quizzes, publishing a mathematical newspaper, holding mathematical weeks, attracting children to participate in mathematical Olympiads and battles. Students of grades 5-8 took part in the school Olympiad.
In each class, in addition to children with weak and average intellectual development, there are also strong children; unfortunately, there are only a few of them. In order to achieve high level knowledge of such children, I use additional activities in my work with them: clubs, electives. I organize assistance in preparing students for successfully passing the UNT and continuing further education, reviewing assignments from textbooks in class to prepare for passing the UNT, and answering students’ questions that arise during their independent preparation.
To monitor the quality of assimilation of program material, timely identification of typical and random errors, I use various types of control of students’ knowledge: tests, independent work of a differentiated nature, tests, testing. In my practice I use the reflection method, which helps teach children self-assessment of knowledge. At the beginning of the year I carry out initial tests (“zero cuts”), and at the end - final tests. By analyzing the test results, you can trace the overall picture of changes in knowledge, skills and abilities. This system work allows me to timely adjust the educational process. The level of learning in all classes is stable. But there is a problem class with low motivation to learn, so my main task when working in this class is to maintain 100% academic performance. In this class, I use self-paced, self-assessed work based on students' individual abilities.
I consider it necessary to maintain the level of professional growth. I improve my professional skills by taking advanced training courses, attending various thematic seminars, taking lessons from my colleagues, studying various pedagogical technologies, and purchasing methodological literature. I apply the experience summarized in these sources in my work.

In my professional activity, I see more positive aspects, but there are also difficulties: I believe that the number of hours allocated to studying subjects in the mathematics program is not enough to better prepare students for the UNT and final certification in the new form. As a subject teacher, you need to prepare extra a large number of didactic material, look for solutions to many non-standard problems. In conclusion, I would like to add that, despite the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process, we should not forget that traditional forms of teaching should also take place in the classroom, which also help to achieve good results. The teacher must be able to combine elements of all forms, methods, technologies and techniques of teaching, both modern, new and traditional, old school, to achieve the main goal - to teach the child to learn to live. The goal of a modern school is to form an informational personality, that is, capable of not only, and not so much, fulfilling its functions, but making critical decisions and establishing new relationships in a rapidly changing reality. In these conditions, the teacher, and therefore me, is required to build the pedagogical process in accordance with the needs and goals of modern society.

Requirements for the quality of teaching and learning in a modern school are increasing almost every day. Full time job self-control, continuous improvement of one's professionalism, active self-learning - these are just a few of the requirements placed on teachers. At the same time, it is important that the entire process is recorded - on paper, on electronic media in the form of certificates, reports, presentations.

In this section of our website we will publish different options and forms of analysis of a teacher’s work: samples of self-analysis, certificates and reports on professional activities, information on achievements, etc.

Why do we need an analysis of a teacher’s activities?

The analysis of a teacher’s work itself performs several functions:

  • Diagnostic.
  • Self-educational.
  • Transformative.
  • Cognitive.

The combination of these functions makes it possible to see the teacher’s work in perspective, correctly outline the paths for the development of professional skills, and identify vectors of self-education.

The main indicator of a teacher’s effectiveness is, first of all, a well-conducted lesson. It is he who influences such criteria as student performance, their mastery of the subject, their motivation, and subsequently admission to higher education institutions.

Therefore, not only teachers themselves, but also methodologists and members of the school administration should have analytical skills.

Types of analytical reports

Analysis of a teacher’s work covers all areas of a teacher’s activity. Depending on the purpose, there are:

  • Analysis of all teaching activities of the teacher.
  • Analysis of a teacher's work on a specific topic.
  • Analysis and .
  • Analysis of the work of a teacher as an educator.
  • Teacher self-analysis.

Some types of analytical reports are written by inspectors. The teacher himself usually draws up a self-analysis of his work based on the results of a quarter, a year, or a certain period of time allocated for studying the problem or topic at hand.

How to write a teacher performance analysis report

A general analytical report assessing the entire teaching activity of a teacher is usually drawn up according to the following scheme:

  • general information about the teacher (full name, subject, classes in which he works, length of service, length of service in this institution, education, category).
  • The topic or problem that the teacher is working on.
  • Selected.
  • What tasks does a teacher set for himself in his work?
  • Expected results of work that were planned at the beginning of the year.
  • How the teacher works to achieve his goals.
  • Results of the teacher’s work: average ZUN score, number of achievers, lagging behind, results of the State Examination, Unified State Examination in the subject, open lessons, participation of children in subject Olympiads, competitions, thematic weeks, festivals, individual work with students, work of the subject group.
  • results methodological work teachers: development teaching materials, take part in a methodological association meeting, summarize experience, materials from speeches at pedagogical conferences, analyzes the work of colleagues.
  • The results of the teacher’s work as an educator: work with parents, classroom management, joint work with a psychologist, etc.
  • The work of a teacher as a member of the teaching staff: compliance labor discipline, participation in public life schools, relationships with staff, administration.
  • Documentation culture: plans, lesson notes, timely submission of reports, etc.

This is an example of a general scheme for compiling an analytical report, which can be expanded or reduced depending on the purpose of the analysis.


Analysis of the teacher's work occupies one of the leading places in. Analyzing one’s work is an excellent way to demonstrate the teacher’s own reflection skills, the ability to correctly and adequately evaluate the results of one’s work, see one’s shortcomings, and record successes and achievements. Moreover, it is job analysis that helps you choose the right direction for self-education or work on advanced training.

Types of analyzes of teacher work in different areas

Usually we are talking about comprehensive analysis of their work, which teachers draw up at the end of the school year. This type of analysis is the most general and includes a description of all areas of the teacher’s activity at once:

  • Teaching the subject with a full analysis of the quality of students' knowledge.
  • Methodological work.
  • Scientific research work.
  • The activities of the teacher as a class teacher.
  • Analysis of extracurricular and extracurricular work.
  • Social work teacher
  • Work on advanced training and self-education.

Analyzes that pursue a specific goal and describe one of the components are compiled somewhat differently. For example:

  • Analysis of the teacher's pedagogical activity.
  • Analysis of the educational achievements of students... of the class in the subject.
  • Analysis of the work of a teacher in self-education.
  • Analysis of the work of the class teacher, etc.

These types of analytical reports are highly specialized and focus exclusively on the chosen direction.

I, Kokorskaya Tatyana Stepanovna, work as a primary school teacher at the Astrakhan secondary school. Higher education. She graduated from the Kokshe Academy in Kokshetau in 2011 with a degree in primary school teacher. Work experience at this school is 14 years. I try to approach teaching activities conscientiously and creatively. Over the entire period of work, she has accumulated some experience in teaching and educating students.

In 2013, the second qualification category was awarded.

During the inter-certification period I completed the following courses:

1. Modern performance and methods of child development. Certificate 2015 Astana Center for Pedagogy and Psychology
2. Program for updating the content of education in primary school." Certificate 12.07. 2016

JSC "NISH" branch of the private institution "Center of Pedagogical Excellence" in Petropavlovsk

I conduct my teaching activities in accordance with: “Law on Education, State Educational Standards (GOSO) educational standard primary education RK), curriculum, instructional and methodological letters and other regulatory documents.

My pedagogical credo:
“The purpose of educating a child is to make him able to develop further without the help of a teacher,” these words of Elbert Hubbart became the motto of my teaching activity.

The years of primary school education are the period of the most intensive development, the age of great potential, the birth of personality, the formation of the foundations of self-awareness and value orientations, the manifestation of the child’s first creative abilities, his individuality.

My main task is to teach children to learn, to independently obtain the knowledge necessary in everyday life and further education in middle and high school, to help their little personality reveal itself.

Teaching a child to learn means ensuring his success until he graduates from school. This is my main goal.

I achieve this goal by solving the following tasks:
- developing students’ interest in learning activities;
- development of a creative personality;
- teaching students the ability to express their point of view and justify answers to questions;
- fostering interest in the process of cognition, searching for new sources of information, developing cognitive activity through the use of new educational technologies, active forms of learning.

My task is to show that learning becomes the main, leading activity in a child’s life. By developing the cognitive aspect, I create the prerequisites for the development of the motivational sphere.

During a child’s education in primary school, it is important not to waste time and make the most of each child’s natural gifts. And primary school teachers bear a colossal responsibility in this regard.

Our dynamic life is changing a lot in education. I think that today there is no teacher who would not think about the questions: How to make the lesson interesting and bright? How to get kids interested in your subject? How to create a situation of success for each student in the classroom?

I have been working for the second year under the new conditions of updating the content of education. The goal of the updated Program is to improve teaching skills and introduce a criteria-based assessment system.

This helps to update and improve teacher practice. Without assessment, the educational process is impossible. Assessment plays a huge role both for the teacher and for the students themselves.

In traditional assessment, we used a five-point grading system, but this was not always objective.

Formative assessment is working with each student, identifying his achievements, which allows for a more accurate and objective assessment of the student’s skills and abilities. This assessment allows me to track each child's learning progress.

For me, formative assessment is the process of observing how learning occurs day-to-day. This is a constant assessment (no marks) of self-assessment and mutual assessment of students according to certain criteria. It is very important that children know how to evaluate their knowledge. In formative assessment, the teacher is always there for the student. He gives his student “feedback”.

“Feedback is a “verbal assessment” or written comment on the work. The teacher praised the student, which means he made it clear that the material had been mastered successfully, pointed out shortcomings in completing a task, did not give a grade, but at the same time appreciated the work.

With formative assessment, the student is given the right to make mistakes. Children see that they know what they can do, what they still need to work on, what they need to do to avoid making similar mistakes.

In my practice I use the following types FO:
- “Written comments”,
- “Two stars and one wish”
- “Mini-test”, “Complete the sentences”
- “Traffic Light”, “Thumb”, etc.

I would like to note the positive aspects of formative assessment:
- allows you to track the progress of each student in the class on a daily basis;
- has a positive effect on the growth and development of educational achievements;
- creates conditions for active learning;
- stimulates the teacher to further work taking into account the assessment results.

I have learned that formative assessment requires hard work and experience on the teacher's part every day. And the result of my work will be the knowledge of my students, their desire to learn and be independent.

To achieve this goal in my teaching activities, I solve the problems of individualization and differentiation of the educational process, through the introduction of modern educational technologies: student-oriented, problem-based and developmental education; project method; information and communication technologies of education. I believe that the active use of modern educational technologies in the educational process increases the effectiveness of learning, allows us to meaningfully and methodologically enrich the educational process and, undoubtedly, is one of the conditions for achieving a new quality of general education

I build the learning process according to the principle: “When teaching children, learn yourself.” Without well-thought-out teaching methods, it is difficult to organize the assimilation of program material.

In my teaching practice, I use a number of techniques and methods that allow me to intensify the cognitive activity of students, which I use in my lessons depending on the age characteristics, the material being studied, the topic and the characteristics of the class.

To implement the cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren in the educational process, I use modern educational technologies, which make it possible to improve the quality of education, use school time more effectively and reduce the share of reproductive activity of students, achieve high results training.

Modern educational technologies are focused on individualizing the educational process.

In my work I use problem-based teaching methods. The creation of problematic situations in educational activities and the organization of active independent activities of students to resolve them contributes to the creative mastery of the material, and the development of thinking abilities.

Multi-level teaching gives me the opportunity to help weak students, make the learning process feasible and accessible for them, increase their success, and also help realize the desire of strong students to progress faster in their studies and study the material more deeply. In this way, all students are motivated and do not lose interest in their studies.

Education in primary school is unthinkable without gaming methods: role-playing, business and other types of educational games. The game broadens one's horizons and develops the skills and abilities needed in practical activities.

As they grow older, I increasingly involve children in research activities. The use of ICT helps to increase interest in learning, helps to systematize material, and diversify forms of control. I use computer educational games and programs, electronic textbooks, simulators, presentations.

Ensuring health safety and compliance with SanPIN standards is mandatory in organizing the educational process. Health-saving technologies allow for even distribution different kinds assignments during the lesson, alternate mental activity with rest, which gives positive results in teaching. During the lessons we conduct physical education sessions, warm up the eyes, do relaxation exercises, and learn techniques acupressure and self-massage.

In the practice of my work, non-traditional lessons occupy a significant place: a fairy tale lesson, a game lesson, an integrated lesson, a research lesson, a travel lesson, an auction lesson, a holiday lesson and others.

The main task of every teacher, including mine, is not only to give students a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop their interest in learning and teach them how to learn.

Without well-thought-out teaching methods, it is difficult to organize the assimilation of program material. The teacher needs to not only tell and show everything clearly, but also teach the student to think and instill in him the skills of practical action. In my opinion, this can be facilitated by active forms and methods of learning.

In this regard, I chose the topic of self-education that I am working on: “Increasing the motivation of younger schoolchildren through the use of active learning techniques.”

Active teaching methods are a system of methods that ensure the activity and variety of mental and practical activities of students in the process of mastering educational material.

Active learning involves a range of approaches to teaching and learning that require students to participate more than passively listening to the teacher.

I use active teaching methods at all stages of the lesson (Class organization, checking homework, setting goals and objectives of the lesson, explaining new things, consolidating what has been learned, summarizing knowledge, organizing independent work, summing up the lesson, reflecting on learning activities).

For each stage of the lesson, its own active methods are used to effectively solve specific tasks of the lesson stage.

Active learning techniques put the student in a new position when he ceases to be a “passive vessel” that we fill with knowledge, but becomes an active participant in the educational process.

Currently in my work I widely use the following most effective active learning methods:

1. Creating a positive attitude (motivation) - an emotional mood for the lesson (epigraph, costumed appearance, video fragment, rebus, riddle, anagram), clarifying goals, expectations, fears.

2. Statement and solution of problematic issues, creation of problematic situations. Types of problem situations used in lessons: unexpected situations; conflict situation; situation of non-compliance; situation of uncertainty; situation of assumption; situation of choice.

3.Organization of reflection and summing up.

4.Presentation of educational material - use of information technology, electronic teaching aids, interactive whiteboard, etc.

5. The use of forms of so-called interactive learning or their elements: “project method”, “brainstorming”, “debates”, “interviewing various characters”.

6. Elements - “highlights” (intellectual warm-up, cartoons, epigrams).

7. Implementation of a personality-oriented and individually differentiated approach to students, organization of group activities of schoolchildren (work in pairs, in permanent groups, in rotating groups) and independent work of children.

8. Non-traditional types of lessons: excursions, fairy tale lessons, travel lessons, research lessons, project activities, etc.

9. Games, game moments (role-playing, simulation, didactic).

Active learning methods help: develop motivation to learn and best sides student, teach students to independently obtain knowledge, develop interest in the subject, allow students to intensify the development of communication skills, educational information and educational organizational skills.

This technology has many advantages in our difficult work, and is just right for the implementation of the program of updated content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in primary grades.

The choice of one or another method in the classroom depends on various reasons: goals of the lesson, students’ experience in this issue, their background knowledge.

I would like to note that when planning my lessons, I pay great attention to working in groups and pairs. To do this, it is necessary to include in the lesson the usual scheme of critical thinking technology: the challenge stage - the comprehension stage - the reflection stage. This scheme allows most children in the class to work with information actively. Because educational activities makes high demands on the child’s psyche - thinking, perception, attention, then there are still children in the class who do not yet know how to listen and be attentive enough, and are distracted in class. Working with them requires some repetition of actions. It is very nice that when working in pairs or groups there are children in the class who can be assigned some of the teacher's responsibilities. These children are my first helpers in increasing the motivation to teach weak children.

The parents of my students are my support, support and first helpers. In them I found like-minded people. All work and life of the class is planned and carried out in close contact with parents; their opinions, requests, wishes and comments are taken into account both in terms of education and in matters of children’s progress. Information about children’s educational successes and difficulties is communicated to parents through personal conversations and the student’s diary.

I use a variety of forms of work: parent meetings, conversations and consultations, lectures, joint educational activities, themed classes, excursions, sports competitions.

“The one who walks will master the road.” I never stop there. I improve my professional skills at advanced training courses, at regional and district seminars, attend lessons from school colleagues, study and implement various pedagogical technologies. I share my teaching experience with colleagues, conduct open lessons, give reports and messages to colleagues. I constantly monitor new products, new programs, and acquire methodological literature. I study material on the network of creative teachers. I am an active subscriber of the republican pedagogical and methodological magazine “Primary School”.

I participate in the work of the regional methodological association of primary school teachers. I am the head of the primary school education department at our school.

Results of the quality of student knowledge over the past three years


Based on the analysis of my work, in my future teaching activities I set the following tasks:
- actively introduce new technologies of training and education into the practice of their activities;
- follow the motto of the modern school “Teach not everyone, but everyone”, each person is an individual, and the lesson should allow one to show his individuality, then it will be a lesson for the student and will meet all the requirements of a modern school.

An analysis of one’s own pedagogical experience showed that the teacher is the main figure in the implementation of major innovations in practice. And for the successful introduction of various innovations into practice, for the implementation in new conditions of the tasks assigned to him, the teacher must have the necessary level of professional competence and the desire to achieve success in his activities.

Thus, success in teaching largely depends on the personality of the teacher, on his desire to do his work as effectively as possible.

I was convinced that teaching requires daily hard work and a certain amount of experience from the teacher. And the result of the work will be the knowledge of my students, their desire to learn and be independent.
