What does the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God mean? Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

One of the most revered and great shrines of the Orthodox world is the Iveron Mother of God. It is also one of the most common images of the Most Pure Virgin in Orthodoxy.

For many centuries now, believers have resorted to this holy image in the most difficult situations their lives and get help. The face of the Mother of God saves everyone - even those who do not belong to Orthodox faith, so great is the grace of the miraculous image.

The original of this icon has been located on Holy Mount Athos, in the famous Iveron Monastery, for more than a thousand years. Iveria is the ancient name of Georgia, and its name Holy place received because the monastery was founded precisely by immigrants from Georgia.

History of the icon

The history of this ancient image is amazing and beautiful. It is believed that the face of the Mother of God was captured by the Evangelist Luke himself, back in the days of the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin.

Further events are associated with a difficult and dangerous time for Christians - iconoclasm, when the idea arose that the worship of icons was contrary to the spirit of the church.

At the end of the 13th century, the ancient image was kept in the home church of a pious rich widow who lived in the territory of Byzantium (present-day Turkey). The iconoclasts came to her house and wanted to destroy the wonderful image. However, they were more interested in profit, and they retreated after the widow promised them a lot of money for not touching the holy icon until the morning.

One of the soldiers hit the image with a spear, and blood flowed from the face of the Mother of God. Despite the fact that this miracle amazed the heretics, the risk of losing the shrine was too great. Therefore, the widow prayed for a long time at night, asking the Lord to help her save the face of the Most Pure Virgin.

The woman received a sign from above and did as the Lord told her: she lowered the priceless image into the waves Mediterranean Sea, hoping for a miracle. And it happened: she did not drown and did not get lost in the water. The image was not placed flat in the water, but was held vertically, and from it a pillar of light went into the night sky. This miracle convinced the widow that the image was safe.

After a long journey, the miraculous icon sailed to the shores of Athos, and the monks of the Iveron Monastery saw it. They noticed her by a pillar of light that rose into the sky above the image.

Very happy, the monks wanted to get the image of the Queen of Heaven from the water, but at first they did not succeed. The hermit Gabriel Svyatogorets (Georgian by nationality) was able to extract the image from the sea: the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to remove her miraculous image from the waves of the sea. At the same time, the monk had to walk on the waters without fear of anything.

And everything happened exactly as she told him: Saint Gabriel the Svyatogorets walked along the surface of the sea, and the icon itself floated up to him. Amidst prayers of gratitude, the hermit brought the image ashore. For three days the monks served a service of thanksgiving, and after this time it was discovered that there was no icon in the temple - the monks found it above the monastery gates.

The monks tried to transfer the image back to the temple. But every time he miraculously ended up in the same place - above the gate. The Most Pure One again appeared in a dream to Gabriel and explained that she wanted to leave her image in this very place. The monks agreed and left the icon where the Mother of God herself wished. Since then, the image began to be called the Goalkeeper (in Greek it sounds like Portaitissa).

From here, from the place she chose, the Mother of God protects the monastery and the entire Holy Athos. Thanks to the miraculous image, the Iveron Monastery became famous and grew. Currently, it is one of the most famous and beloved monasteries by pilgrims throughout the holy land of Athos.

The Iveron image warns of trouble

The Iveron image today is in a small temple located in the courtyard of the monastery. This temple was built specifically for preservation. The image is decorated with a rich frame with shining precious stones. The lamp, located in front of the face of the Blessed Virgin, has the ability to warn the monks of the monastery about upcoming troubles.

If the lamp itself swings, it means that some bad event will happen., and Our Lady warns the monks about him. So, the monks say that the lamp reports epidemics dangerous diseases, severe earthquakes, wars. This happened before the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, before the start of the Iraq War, and on the eve of the tragic Spitak earthquake.

What do they pray to the miraculous image for?

The Iveron Icon gives help and holy forgiveness to all repentant sinners. She is especially merciful to those who resort to her help and believe in her intercession. Anyone who has gained the strength to repent and undergo repentance, thanks to the miraculous image, finds healing from illnesses and sorrows, feels joy and closeness to the Most Pure Virgin.

Even the most serious sinners, the Mother of God, through her image, can bestow peace and spiritual purity. Often those who suffer from bad inclinations and habits turn to the icon. Sincere prayer always finds an answer: and people who have suffered for years from alcoholism or other habits, unable to find the strength to part with them, gain amazing determination and easily begin a new life.

Also, in front of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, they pray for the admonition of those who have retreated or forgotten about the faith. And through the prayers of loved ones, people who have not visited church for a long time return to faith, begin to pray, attend church, and perform the sacrament of Communion.

Such is the power of the Lady of Heaven, revealed to us in her miraculous image. They say that even today one mother, who had lost her child, wanted to commit suicide in despair. Prayer in front of the holy image gave her not only admonition and strength to fight depression, but also an understanding of the need for further life.

In addition, the image comes to the aid of those who suffer from spiritual ailments and physical illnesses. And the Mother of God comes to the aid of those who sincerely believe. The most severe illnesses disappear, long-standing illnesses are healed chronic diseases. Those for whom doctors signed a sentence are returning to life: there is evidence that prayers in front of the Iveron Icon helped with the most severe diseases, such as leukemia and paralysis. Moreover, healings were performed not only in ancient times, but also in our days - there is a lot of evidence about this.

Since the image is called the Goalkeeper, it protects the house from robbery and other troubles. Therefore, they pray to the Iveron Mother of God when they want to keep their home safe, to protect it from the angry elements during disasters.

A small icon or photo of an image can be placed in an apartment or house near the entrance - the Goalkeeper will make sure that no unkind person can step over it. They ask to protect the Iveron Mother of God from fire. And if this misfortune happens, then the icon can help cope with it.

The miraculous image also helps those who ask for prosperity in the home, well-being and protection from witchcraft. Saves from enemies and slander, delivers from persecution.

Besides, miraculous icon They pray for the inviolability of the borders of their native country. It is known that the image of the Blessed Virgin has such a strong meaning that even Catholics and Protestants pray to it. After this, some accepted Orthodoxy.

Text of the prayer to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of heaven and earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image.

Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death and appear to us at the Last Judgment of Your Son, merciful Intercessor, yes We always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

Getting into difficult life situations, we hope we hope for Heaven's help. Most often we turn our gaze to the patroness of all people and their intercessor before the Almighty - Mother of God.

We will always find her image to the left of the royal gates in any Orthodox Church. Special place among the icons Holy Mother of God It is occupied by the Iveron Icon. This is one of the most widespread, most revered and famous shrines of Orthodoxy.

The face of the Most Pure Virgin saves even those who do not belong to the Orthodox faith, so great is his saving power. The strength that it draws from its almost two thousand years of history.

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Iveron icon - origins

Isn't that what source of this power, that the icon was born from the brush of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Mother of God? That is, he created her image, as they say now, from life. Tradition attributes to him the creation of up to seventy icons of the Most Pure One. It must be assumed that the Apostle’s creations pleased the Blessed Virgin Mary, who, contemplating them, said: the one born of her and her mercy will be with these icons.

Mediterranean voyage

The next mention of our icon appears at the time of iconoclasm, when one of the commandments Old Testament- not to create an idol for yourself, as well as a reflection of what is above, becomes dominant in the politics of Byzantium. Its then ruler, Emperor Theophilus, sent his troops to destroy the icons.

One of them broke into the house of a wealthy widow in the Asia Minor city of Nicaea, where (apparently, the neighbors reported) the image of the Virgin Mary was preserved. The mistress of the house and her son especially revered the icon, before which they bowed daily. The widow begged the soldiers to leave the icon with her until the next morning. One of them, leaving the house, gloatingly threw a spear at the holy face, and a miracle happened: blood flowed from the wound made by the tip.

The shocked guards hurriedly left the house, and the mother and son, having received a sign from above, took their shrine to the seashore and released it to the waves. An amazing thing happened: the icon did not lie flat on the surface of the water, but stood upright, and a column of light rose above it. The rescuers understood: the image of the Virgin Mary was safe. ABOUT future fate history is silent about the Nicene woman, and her son allegedly fled to Mount Athos and became a monk at the Iveron Monastery, where the image of the Blessed Virgin, saved by him, would later arrive after his Mediterranean voyage.

Finding names

The Iversky Monastery grew up at the end of the 10th century on the Holy Mountain with funds from the Georgian royal house of Bagration. That's why named Iversky(In those days, present-day Georgia was called Iberia). It was the novices of this monastery who were lucky enough to see a pillar of fire in the sea one April night. Approaching it, they noticed an icon of the Virgin Mary at its base. But it was impossible to take her from the sea: as soon as the monks swam to her, she retreated into the sea.

According to legend, on the night of Tuesday of Bright Week, one of the monks - The Queen of Heaven appeared to Saint Gabriel and She said that the icon had been sent to the monastery by her grace, and he should go on the waves and bring the image to the monastery. This was done after morning prayer. Called Iverskaya, the icon was placed in the main church of the monastery. However, the next morning she was not there. We found an image on the gate of the monastery.

This was repeated for several days, until the Mother of God appeared to Saint Gabriel again. She explained that she did not want to be protected; on the contrary, she herself wanted to be the keeper of the monastery. The brethren erected a gate church, in which the image remains to this day. And the icon received a second name - Portaitissa, that is, the Goalkeeper.

Our land learned about the miraculous icon in the 12th century. The then Primate of the Novospassky Moscow Monastery Tikhon and the future Russian Patriarch asked the leadership of the Iveron Monastery to fulfill the list of the Goalkeeper for Orthodox Rus'. An exact copy of the icon arrived in Moscow on October 26 (13 old style) 1648. She was solemnly greeted with prayer royal family, clergy, hundreds of laity.

Twenty years later, the image was placed at the Resurrection Gate of Kitay-Gorod under a wooden canopy, and later a chapel was erected in its place. After the Bolsheviks came to power, the chapel, and with it the gate, was demolished so as not to interfere with traffic military equipment to parades. It seemed that the Iveron image also disappeared. But according to some reports, he waited out the atheistic timelessness in the Church of the Resurrection of Sokolnikov.

It happened October 25, 1995. On that day, a Greek plane delivered to the Russian capital new list, performed on the Holy Mountain at the request of Patriarch Alexy II. And everything was repeated all over again: the icon was placed in a newly rebuilt chapel near the restored Resurrection Gate.

Today, images of the Iveron Mother of God are kept in many monasteries and churches in our country and its neighbors. In Moscow alone there are more than ten such monasteries. The most revered icons to which our compatriots come to pray for help from the Goalkeeper include:

  • List of works by the icon painter of the Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos Iamblichus (1648) - the first copy from the original to arrive in Russia;
  • Icon of the Valdai Iversky Monastery (1656) - an exact copy from the Athos prototype;
  • Icon in the chapel, called Iverskaya, in Moscow (XVII century);
  • Image in the Molchansk Sophronium Hermitage (XVII–XVIII centuries). This is the Kursk diocese;
  • Icon kept in the New Jerusalem Monastery in the Moscow region (XVII century);
  • Nizhny Novgorod list (1672);
  • Icon in the Smolensk Monastery (XVII century);
  • An image in the Moscow church on Ordynka (1792);
  • Mozdok icon. According to some sources, it was given by Queen Tamara to the Ossetians for their devotion to Christian values;
  • Icon in the Sukhotinsky convent in Tambov (1855);
  • A copy in Kinovia of the bishop's house in Saratov;
  • An image in the church of the bishop's house in Chisinau (1859).

Orthodox churches consecrated in honor of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God exist today in Russia, China, Lithuania, Tajikistan, and Ukraine.

How does an image help?

Many generations of inhabitants of the Holy Mountain experienced the magical influence of the image of the Goalkeeper. They argue convincingly that the Virgin Mary of Iveron helps:

  • heal the sick;
  • overcome illnesses of body and soul;
  • replenish supplies;
  • get rid of enemy raids;
  • warns of disasters.

They say that the unquenchable oil lamp in front of the Face suddenly begins to sway without any external influence. Usually this is a sign of the approach of some tragic event.

When in the 10th century the troops of the Persian king Amir besieged the monastery, the monks began to ask the Mother of God in front of her image for help. Suddenly a storm came and destroyed the enemy ships. Only the commander survived. Struck by the wonder of divine wrath, he repented, asked forgiveness for his sins, and then became one of the benefactors of the monastery.

Similar miracles happen today. For example, when Turkish troops invaded Cyprus in 1974, the lamp swayed so much that oil even spilled out of it. Movements were also seen before the Spitak earthquake in Armenia in 1988. military operation The United States and its allies against Iraq, undertaken in 2003 to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein.

Goalkeepers cry out to the bright image:

  • for consolation in troubles;
  • in case of fires and other disasters;
  • to increase the fertility of the earth;
  • to overcome harmful desires;
  • asking for intercession for themselves, their loved ones and even their enemies.

This icon is of great importance for those who have stumbled in life and sinned. She helps them find the courage to sincerely repent of what they have done, abandon harmful desires and return to a pious life. The Iveron Mother of God guards the hearth. She is known as the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Almighty.

The tragic fate of a Montreal icon

The so-called Montreal list of the Iveron Mother of God has a mysterious history. It was performed on the Holy Mountain in 1981 and presented to a Canadian expert in the field of icon painting - Chilean by birth Joseph Muñoz-Cortez. Starting from November 24, 1982, the icon streamed myrrh for 15 years. Myrrh exuded the scent of roses and had a strong healing ability. It was sent on cotton wool all over the world. The miraculous moisture helped get rid of even the most serious illnesses. Some photographs of the icon also streamed myrrh. In the fall of 1997, Joseph Muñoz-Cortez was killed on Mount Athos, and the Montreal Icon went missing.

How to refer to the image?

In the prayer read at the prayer service before the Iveron icon in its chapel, they ask the Mother of God to protect her from the slander of unkind people and unexpected death, to give repentance before death and joy instead of sadness. They ask to be delivered from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, sorrows and sorrows, from all kinds of evil. Those standing in front of the icon hope to earn the right to stand at the right hand of her son Jesus Christ and inherit eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven with all the saints.

In another prayer, parishioners ask the Mother of God to pay attention to them from her holy height, because there is no other help, no other intercession and consolation for them except her. They ask to satisfy them, the weak, their sorrows, to guide them on the right path, to heal their painful hearts, to save the hopeless, to grant them life in peace and repentance and a Christian death. They also ask you to become their merciful intercessor at the Last Judgment.

Days of veneration of the icon

The Orthodox Church has established days on which we especially worship the Light Image. This:

  • Every year on Tuesday after Easter(moving celebration) - finding the prototype in the sea near Mount Athos;
  • 25 February- arrival of a copy of the icon at the Valdai Monastery in 1656;
  • October 26- celebrations on the occasion of the arrival in Moscow of a list of icons from Mount Athos in 1648);
  • the 6th of May- new acquisition of the oldest Moscow list. On this day in 2012, the Historical Museum returned it to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Keep this image in your home. The Mother of God will protect him from robbers, fires, floods and other misfortunes. If you sincerely ask with a pure heart, the icon of the Iveron Mother of God will definitely help.

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Thanks to historical sources It is now known that in the tenth century, an icon of the Mother of God appeared on the territory of the Iversky Monastery, which is considered to be miraculous. She began to have great value on the territory of the monastic monastery. It is considered to be a talisman of a holy place and a real treasure. Therefore, she is considered an intercessor and protector from enemies and adversaries. Also, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is considered capable of helping in all endeavors and aspirations.

Description and meaning of the icon

She is also given other names, such as the Gatekeeper or Portaitissa. It has a feature that distinguishes it from other shrines, you can see small wound and the blood flowing from it right cheek. Such “mutilation” of the Iveron Icon of the Goalkeeper was caused by infidels who wanted to destroy the image, but by grace liquid flowed from a wound on a piece of wood.

The main purpose of icons is the ability to pray to them and ask for help. And yet they single out separately orthodox icon Iverskaya, which helps preserve the house from external influence. She is able to protect a woman from carnal ailments and help her cope with mental disorders that are often found in Everyday life. Therefore, women are often sent by confessors to pray to the Iveron Icon in order to receive admonition.

History of the Goalkeeper Icon

The history of writing begins with the ministry of Jesus Christ. It is generally accepted that its author is Luke, the holy apostle who became the first icon painter. He was the first to create icons of the Mother of God and captured this face, which the Mother of God herself approved.

According to legends widespread among Christians who adhere to the Orthodox and Catholic faiths, a widowed woman lived near a city called Nicaea, once located in Asia Minor. She was distinguished by her pious character and strong faith, which she tried to instill only son. But Theophilus, who held the position of emperor, made efforts to destroy all Christians and their followers. One day the overseers noticed a holy image in the house and decided to destroy it by piercing it with a spear. Blood flowed down the cheek of the holy image, and the guard was shocked and prayed for forgiveness for his deed.

The woman decided to restore and protect the holy image and at night, after praying, she released it across the sea waves. The restored icon was nailed to the walls of the monastery, and Mary herself appeared in a dream to the abbot and told about the gift to the monastery. From here the Iveron Icon received its name and meaning, which is difficult to overestimate. According to legend, the acquisition of the image is associated with various miracles.

  • Firstly, the monks were able to remove the icon from the sea only with the blessing of the Mother of God herself.
  • Secondly, the image itself chose where to be. Hence the second name that the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos received - the Goalkeeper, which is also recommended to be hung in the hallway in the house.

The icon was framed in a silver frame, leaving the Virgin and Child exposed. History knows many cases when she saved monks from hunger and barbarians who wanted to conquer the monastery and subjugate it to themselves.

Copies taken from the icon, which had miraculous properties, were delivered to the territory of Rus', even during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, who occupied the throne. They were held in special esteem. There even arose a ritual, when setting off on a campaign or returning from it, to bow to the Holy Mother of God, mentally turning to her with a request for protection and patronage. Another list was regularly taken around hospitals so that patients who were not leaving the hospital could pray and worship.

How does the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God help?

Since ancient times, the icon of the Mother of God, the Goalkeeper, has been helping people to strengthen their faith and ward off all sorts of misfortunes. Here we can talk about bodily ailments and various enemies. As we know from history, the Iveron Icon has always helped in preserving the Russian land from invaders, protecting monasteries and other abodes of faith. The image can also be used to protect the home. Here the meaning of the icon also refers to protection from subtle entities, because the image is capable of strengthening faith and healing not only physical, but also spiritual ailments.

That is why many choose the icon of the Iveron Mother of God for their home altar, and the prayer addressed to her protects the house with all its inhabitants.

For Orthodox man one’s own home is like a temple, which is why the home icon of the Mother of God is so important.

The Iverskaya icon is of particular importance for women, whom it helps and protects, and if you look at where to hang the Goalkeeper icon, then it is quite possible to resemble the monastic way of life and hang it above the door or somewhere in the hallway.

Prayers to the Iveron Icon

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Iveron Icon

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. Behold, immersed in sin and overwhelmed by sorrow, looking at Your image, as if You are living with us, we offer our humble prayer. The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, except for You, O Mother, of all those who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, assuage our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives in peace and silence, give us Christ death and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, the merciful Intercessor appeared to us, and always We sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

One of the most revered icons in the church in Berezniki is the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. Below I suggest you read two stories related to this icon: the history of the Athos icon and the history of the icon that is now in our chapel, as well as watch a video about other lists of the icon.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in the Church of St. Luke in Berezniki

The history of the Athonite Iveron Icon of the Mother of God begins in the distant 9th century. This icon was at that time in the possession of a pious widow living near the city of Nicaea. These times remained known in history as the times of iconoclasm. And so, the iconoclasts burst into the widow’s house and hit the icon with a spear. Blood flowed from the icon at the site of the impact. Fearing the destruction of the icon, the woman paid the emperor’s soldiers and begged them not to touch the icon until the morning. In the morning, the widow went with her son to the sea and lowered the icon onto the water. After some time, the Athonite brethren, seeing a pillar of fire over the sea, went to it and found an icon standing on the water. A prayer service was served for the donation of this shrine to the monastery, and soon a monk of the monastery (Saint Gabriel the Georgian), after the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him in a dream, walked along the sea and took the icon and brought it to the monastery. IN next days- the icon miraculously appeared on the gates of the monastery, after which it was again taken to the monastery itself. Finally, the Most Holy Theotokos again appeared to Saint Gabriel in a dream and revealed to him the following:

“Go to the monastery and tell the abbot and the monks so that they do not tempt Me. I did not appear to them so that they would protect Me, but so that I myself could be their guardian, and not only in the present, but also in the next century. And also tell them: while on this mountain the monks live in the fear of God and in reverence and work according to their strength to gain virtue, then let them have boldness and hope in the mercy of My Son and Master, for I asked Him for them as My inheritance , and He gave them to Me. Let My icon be to them as a sign of these words of Mine: as long as they contemplate it in their monastery, until then the mercy and grace of My Son and God will not fail them.”

Since then, the icon has been on the gates of the monastery and that is why the holy icon is called Portaitissa, the Goalkeeper.

You can read about the miracles of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God on the page of the guide to Athos at http://www.agionoros.ru/docs/504.html, and we will move on to the history of the icon that is now in our chapel of Luke Voino-Yasenetsky in Berezniki .

The icon now kept in the chapel is an exact copy of the Moscow miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. This icon originally stood in front of the right choir of the Dedyukhinsky Church of All Saints. The massive silver-gilded chasuble made by Sazikov “was strewn with precious stones, including 140 fairly large diamonds. This is the contribution of the temple builder, Mr. Karmalin. It’s a pity that he didn’t want to announce the price of this icon,” I.F. Slovtsov, a priest of the Dedyukhinsky Nativity Cathedral, and at the same time a church archaeologist, wrote about this image in 1875. The image of the Mother of God located in the temple gave rise to a holiday especially revered by the people in honor of this icon.

According to legend, the plant manager E.A. Karmalin once suffered a serious illness. He turned to many Moscow healers (since he had his own home in the old Russian capital), but to no avail. And when there was no longer any hope for recovery, Karmalin once heard the sounds of a prayer service in honor of the “Iveron Icon of the Mother of God,” which was taking place not far from his Moscow home. The windows were open, and a passionate prayer for recovery was raised by the unfortunate patient to the Moscow Iveron Icon. Some time later, the name of a doctor suddenly appeared in Karmalin’s mind, to whom the patient had not yet turned for help. And the doctor cured him. In gratitude to the Holy Virgin, Evgraf Karmalin commissioned a copy of the Moscow image of the “Iveron Mother of God”, which was made in 1858. What does the inscription on the icon indicate? And on the walls of the wooden cemetery Grandfather’s Church, among the paintings, one could see a story about how the Venerable Gabriel from the Athos Monastery walks on the waves of the sea to receive the gift of the Mother of God - the Holy Iveron Icon.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in the former chapel of Luke Voino-Yasenetsky in Berezniki

The long-suffering Iveron Icon from the village of Dedyukhino also floats its own way “through the sea of ​​everyday adversity.” In 1953, preparation of the bed of the Kama Reservoir began. In connection with the closure of the Dedyukhinsky Cemetery Church, the image of the Iveron Mother of God, already without a salary (probably lost in the 20s during the confiscation of church valuables) was transferred to the Lenvinsky Holy Trinity Church, and after its closure in 1963 - to the Orlinsky Church of Praise of the Virgin. Later, this image is located in the Berezniki Church of John the Baptist. Now the icon is located in the chapel of Luke Voino-Yasenetsky, which is on the territory of the 1st City Hospital in Berezniki (see February 25, 2014 on our website).

Video with the history of the icon:

Troparion to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God (np3):

The article was prepared (including photos): Vadim Goloushkin. Material used from the sites www.agionoros.ru, pravoslavie.ru, rpcb.ru (from an article by Elena Shmeleva).

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God bears the name of the monastery, which is located in Georgia. As the story goes, the image itself came there by at will, and is still there to this day. Painted an icon Evangelist and Holy Apostle Luke with the blessing of the Most Holy Theotokos during Her earthly life.

History of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

The first mention of the icon dates back to the 9th century. During this period, the Greek Emperor Theophilus reigned. According to his order, people who venerated the icons were persecuted, and the paintings themselves were destroyed.

The image of the Mother of God was saved by a pious widow. Warriors burst into her house, and one of them threw a spear at him. Imagine the surprise and horror of all those present when blood began to flow from the resulting section. Falling to his knees, the soldier began to beg for forgiveness for what he had done. Fearing for the shrine, the widow promised the soldiers money and asked them not to touch the icon, but to wait until the morning. Confused by the sight of blood and greedy for money, the iconoclasts agreed.

After praying, the woman went to the sea at night and lowered the image into the water. The icon became vertical and began to move away with its face towards the shore until it disappeared from sight.

Two centuries later, the monks of the Iveron Monastery saw an image in the sea from which a pillar of fire emanated. Before taking it, the elders prayed for a long time. After a prayer service for the donation of a shrine to the monastery at the behest of the Mother of God, who appeared in a dream, the pious monk Saint Gabriel walked on the water and, receiving the icon, placed it in the temple.

But the next morning she was discovered above the gates of the monastery. This continued until Gabriel in a dream the Blessed Virgin revealed her will that she wants to be the keeper of the monastery.

The image was placed above the gate. That’s why the icon is also called Gatekeeper or Goalkeeper.

Description of the image

The icon was painted in the Byzantine tradition and represents one of the types of “Hodegetria”. The image has a vertical shape. The Virgin Mary is depicted with her head tilted towards her son. On her left hand is a baby dressed in a green chiton. Right hand in prayer it is extended towards the Savior, pointing at the same time to Him.

The Savior's face is slightly turned towards the Mother of God, who bowed her head to Him. The main difference is the traces of injury, by which one can immediately recognize this image among many others. Also characteristic is a soft golden tone, turning into a translucent delicate azure.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God famous for its many miracles. Her description is not capable of conveying the expressions of deep sadness and higher knowledge characteristic of the Byzantine image of the Heavenly Queen. The face is depicted in a unique manner of writing. These are large, massive features and wide open almond-shaped eyes, with a deep gaze directed into the distance.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the icon was decorated with a chased silver frame with gilding, made by Georgian craftsmen. The frame leaves open only the faces of the Child and the Mother of God. On its margins are depicted chased half-figures of the twelve apostles.

The canvas has quite big size. Its width is 87 centimeters, height - 137 cm.

Meaning for believers

The Iveron icon is direct evidence that the Mother of God took the entire human race under Her Intercession. Having miraculously appeared on Athos, she became a shield for all those praying on the Holy Mountain. This is an image amazing in its miraculous manifestation. What is it the power of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God what helps:

  • heals from diseases;
  • replenishes reserves;
  • eliminates barbarian raids;
  • admonishes those who have gone astray.

But there are no restrictions on prayer requests. The Mother of God helps with spiritual weaknesses and various troubles. Hoping for support from above, everyone trusts her with their most intimate things.

The main purpose of the image is to help those who have repented of their sins and are looking for strength in themselves in order to take the right path. Great importance has an icon for people with physical and mental problems. Relatives can also pray to help loved ones. With the help of the image they get rid of various troubles and find peace.

The Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Goalkeeper for the home is an excellent protection against all kinds of negativity.

Miraculous icon has proven its strength more than once.

One day, the image of the Mother of God taught the monks themselves a lesson. Once a beggar came to the monastery and asked to spend the night. However, he was refused due to the lack of payment that was demanded from him. Having gone further, this man met kind woman, and she gave him a gold coin.

The poor man returned to the monastery and gave the coin to the gatekeeper. Seeing it, the monks were amazed at how ancient it was, and remembered that the same coins were on the frame of the icon of the Mother of God. The monks asked the poor man to tell where he got her, he told about the stranger. The elders realized that it was the Virgin Mary herself.

That day the island went bad without apparent reason all products. Since then, the monks never again took money from poor wanderers for lodging and meals.

Russian lists

The original Iveron icon still remains in the Athos monastery today. For more than a thousand years from the moment of her appearance, she did not leave the monastery. Three times a year the monks carry it out from the gate temple:

  • before Easter on Saturday;
  • the evening before Christmas;
  • on the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

People repeatedly turned to the monks with a request to bring the icon to their villages. In response to requests, the monks made copies, so-called lists. For Russia, the first list was made in the 17th century. Before starting work, a long prayer service was a prerequisite. Then the image was washed with holy water. The list was blessed with this water. The icon painter mixed it with paints. Until the work was completed, prayer services and Liturgy continued to be served.

The icon was brought to the capital of Russia on October 13, 1648. On this day it was established religious holiday. At first the image was in one of the Kremlin churches. Later he was moved to the Novodevichy Convent.

Eight years later, a second list appeared, which is the same size as the original. It was ordered by Patriarch Nikon, who began the construction of the Iversky Monastery. Copying the icon was strictly prohibited. It was decorated with an expensive frame of stones and gold.

In 1656, the shrine was brought to Valdai and another holiday was established in honor of this (February 12). After the revolution, the icon disappeared, and where it is today is unknown.


Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos- keeper of many Christian shrines. To visit there, you will need to obtain a permit. The monks greet pilgrims warmly; you can stay overnight in any of the temples.

Unfortunately, only men are allowed to go to Mount Athos. Women can freely visit the Iveron monasteries in Russia or pray at home near the holy image. God's mercy knows no boundaries and extends to everyone who has firm faith.

Icons of the Iveron Mother of God
