How to decide who you want to become. How do I understand who I want to be in life and how to choose my life path? Division by gender

Nuremberg racial laws(German: Nürnberger Rassengesetze) - two racist (primarily anti-Jewish) pieces of legislation ("basic laws") - " Reich Citizen Law" (German: Reichsbürgergesetz) and " Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor"(German) Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre), proclaimed on the initiative of Adolf Hitler on September 15, 1935 at the National Socialist Party Congress in Nuremberg in accordance with the secret program () and unanimously adopted by the Reichstag session, specially convened in Nuremberg on the occasion of the Party Congress.

Description of laws

The closest attention during the creation and implementation of these laws was paid to the Jews. Thus, the “Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor,” among a number of prohibitions, prohibited, as “desecration of the race,” marriage and extramarital cohabitation between Jews and “citizens of German or related blood,” and the hiring of domestic servants by Jews from women of “German or related blood.” under 45 years of age, as well as the display by Jews of the national or imperial flag and the use of fabrics of similar colors. Violation of the law entailed criminal prosecution. It should be noted that the right of Jews to wear national clothes was under state protection (for example, paragraph 4.2 of the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor), and was not declared separately for other nationalities.

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor

“Moved by the understanding that the purity of German blood is an indispensable condition for the continued existence of the German people, inspired by an unshakable determination to guarantee the existence of the German nation for all time, the Reichstag unanimously passed the following Law, which is hereby communicated to the people.”

1.1 Marriages between Jews and subjects of German or related blood are prohibited. Marriages entered into contrary to the law are invalid, even if they are registered abroad in order to circumvent the law.

1.2 Only a prosecutor can bring a claim to invalidate an already concluded marriage.

2. Extramarital affairs between Jews and subjects of German or related blood are prohibited.

3. Jews are not allowed to hire female domestic servants of German or related blood from among subjects under 45 years of age.

4.1 Jews are prohibited from raising the flags of the Reich and the states and using the colors of the national flag.

4.2 They are allowed to use the colors of Jewish symbols, and this right is protected by the state.

5.1 Violation of the prohibition indicated in paragraph 1 is punishable by hard labor.

5.2. Violation of the prohibition indicated in paragraph 2 will be punishable by hard labor or imprisonment.

5.3. Violation of the prohibition specified in paragraphs. 3 and 4 shall entail imprisonment of up to one year and a fine or one of these penalties.

6. The Reich Minister of the Interior, in consultation with the Deputy Fuehrer and the Reich Minister of Justice, issues the necessary legal and administrative regulations for the implementation and addition of this Law.

6. The law comes into force the next day after its promulgation, and § 3 only from January 1, 1936.

Definition of the concept Jew

Since the Nuremberg Laws did not define the concept of “Jew,” an amendment to the Reich Citizenship Law was adopted by decree of November 14 of the same 1935:

4. (1) A Jew cannot be a citizen of the Reich. He has no vote on political matters; he is prohibited from holding public office. (...)
(1) Jewish officials resign after December 31, 1935. (...)

(1) A Jew is someone who, in the third generation, descends from at least three purebred Jewish grandparents.
(2) A person with an admixture of Jewish blood ("half-breed") is considered to be one who, in the third generation, descends from one or two pure-blooded Jews - grandparents:

A) one who, when the Law was issued, belonged to the Jewish religious community or was later accepted into it; b) one who was married to a Jew when the Law was issued or married a Jew later; V) one who is born of a marriage with a Jew within the meaning of paragraph 1, which was concluded after the entry into force of the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor of September 15, 1935; G) one who is born from an extramarital affair with a Jew within the meaning of paragraph 1 and is born illegitimate after July 31, 1936.

Thus, the categories of Jews and “persons with an admixture of Jewish blood” were established, and the concept of “non-Aryan” was introduced. This decree replaced the so-called “Aryan paragraph” (April) of the previously existing anti-Jewish legislation. According to this directive, only those who had at least three Jewish grandparents were considered Jews. “Halves” were considered Jews only if they professed Judaism or themselves married a Jew, that is, they took a conscious step towards the Jewish people. The “quarters” were not considered Jews. They were subject to restrictions, but retained full citizenship.

Meaning and Action

Tightening laws at the Wannsee Conference

Subsequently, the rules regarding half-breeds (German: Mischlinge) were tightened. The minutes of the Wannsee Conference record:

“to these half-breeds of the 1st degree there is special treatment from the highest authorities of the party and state. Each such case must be examined individually, and the decision must be as unfavorable as possible for the half-breed. The precondition taken into account when they receive special permission will always be the merits of the half-breed himself - not the merits of his parents or spouse of German blood.”

In some cases (those with “inferior appearance from a racial point of view”), half-breeds of the 2nd degree (“quarters”) were even classified as Jews. But all these cases were decided individually, and the Nuremberg laws were not changed.

From the first days of coming to power, Hitler began to implement his program, according to which Germany was to achieve new greatness. Its implementation was supposed to be carried out in two stages. At the first, the task was set to unite the Germans into a kind of “national community”; at the second, to turn it into a “combat community”.

To unite the Germans into a single community, it was necessary to cleanse the Aryan race of “foreign blood”, to overcome class, confessional, and ideological contradictions, which was achieved by eliminating political parties, except for the NSRPG, of an alien ideology, public organizations, except for the Nazi ones, loyal to the "Fuhrer and the Reich", as well as through the "unification of the state apparatus", etc. Having done this " internal work", Germany, according to Hitler's plan, could begin work "externally", the most important task of which was the conquest of living space, the displacement of the peoples living there, mainly the peoples of Eastern Europe, through a merciless, bloody war.

The change in Hitler's “stages” was directly reflected in legislation and changes in the mechanism of the fascist dictatorship. On March 24, 1933, the Reichstag adopted the Law “On Eliminating the Plight of the People and the State,” on the basis of which the government receives legislative rights, including on budget issues. It was also allowed that the norms of laws adopted by the government could directly deviate from the norms of the Constitution of 1919, which formally continued to be in force (with one clause that was soon abolished - “if they do not have as their object the Reichstag and the Reichsrat”). The law specifically emphasized that agreements with foreign states and their implementation do not require parliamentary approval. Formally, the law was adopted as temporary until April 1, 1937; in fact, it became the permanent fundamental law of the fascist state.

After the death of President Hindenburg on August 1, 1934, by government decree, the post of president was abolished, and all power was concentrated in the hands of Hitler - the “leader” and lifelong Reich Chancellor, who was given the right not only to appoint the imperial government, all senior officials of the empire, but also his successor. From this time on, Hitler began the systematic extermination of all possible ways opposition, which was a direct embodiment of the Nazis’ programmatic guidelines and the main demand they introduced - fanatical, blind submission to the will of the “Fuhrer of the German people.” totalitarian regime fascist germany

Following the ban Communist Party in March 1933, in May of the same year, all trade unions were dissolved, and in June 1933, the Social Democratic Party was outlawed. Other parties that were active before Hitler came to power “dissolved themselves.” In July 1933, the existence of any political parties other than the fascist one and the organizations led by it was prohibited by law.

By pursuing an “integration policy between the state and the party,” the Nazis “unified” not only the parties, but also the press.

In December 1933, the Law “On Ensuring the Unity of the Party and State” was published, declaring the fascist party “the bearer of German state thought.”

In accordance with this law, Hitler personally formed the fascist Reichstag (on the basis of lists “approved” by the plebiscite), and only persons from the Nazi party elite were appointed to the posts of ministers and other positions. Moreover, it was subsequently prescribed that any appointment to a public office made without the consent of the appropriate body of the Fascist Party would be considered invalid.

In order to further concentrate power, or "unify political regime in the empire and regions", the Law of April 7, 1933 "On the merger of regions with the empire" began to appoint, as a rule, from the Gauleiters of the Nazi Party, governors (stadtholders) vested with all powers of power in all lands. January 30, 1935 was accepted new law"About imperial governors".

The imperial governors, according to this law, were “representatives of the imperial government” in the territories under their jurisdiction, whose task was to “monitor the implementation of the political directives of the Fuhrer and the Reich Chancellor.”

In 1935, the regulation “On German Communities” eliminated the last remnants local government. All city burgomasters began to be appointed by the Minister of the Interior for 12 years from candidates nominated by local Nazi party organizations. He was also entrusted with the right of supreme supervision over all communities.

The state apparatus was purged from “inappropriate persons”, from all those who began working in the apparatus after 1918, from persons of non-Aryan origin,” marriages of officials with “non-Aryan women” were prohibited, etc.

Functions of party and government agencies closely intertwined. This interweaving, however, did not mean their complete merging.

An important link in the mechanism of the fascist dictatorship became the bodies carrying out large-scale ideological indoctrination of the German people. In March 1933, the Ministry of Public Education and Propaganda was created, led by Goebbels, to which the press, radio, book publishing houses, etc. were subordinate. The Ministry of Public Education and Propaganda was under the jurisdiction of the “Imperial Chamber of Culture,” which controlled music, fine arts, and theater. The cultural policy of the "Third Reich" was aimed at creating "an ideologically homogeneous society in racial and ideological terms" and at turning literature and art "into the party's military weapons." At the same time, special supervision was established “over the spiritual and ideological training and education of party cadres”; for this purpose, even a special government department was created in 1934. Liberal and democratically minded people were expelled from the Academy of Literature best representatives German culture, as well as “racially unworthy” persons, who later received the name “subhumans”.

Particular attention in the country was paid to the indoctrination of young people in the spirit of militarism, chauvinism and racism, whose mentality was controlled by fascist youth organizations (Jungfolk, Hitler Youth, etc.). The leader of the Hitler Youth was officially called the “Youth Leader of the German Reich” and was personally responsible to Hitler as Führer and as Reich Chancellor.

The Nazis created a powerful terrorist apparatus, which began to take shape even before they came to power. In 1920, the first armed detachments arose - the “order service” of the fascists, which was assigned the role of guarding fascist gatherings. However, these detachments were used most often to create disorder at rallies of leftist forces, to attack workers' speakers, etc. In 1921, the “order service” received the name “assault detachments” (SA). The SA detachments attracted declassed elements, soldiers and officers dismissed from the army, and bankrupt shopkeepers who were impressed by Nazi propaganda.

The SS (Security Service) included “general detachments”, including the leadership of the Nazi party, representatives of big capital, Junkers, the military, the top of the fascist intelligentsia, as well as armed “special detachments” created to carry out the special tasks of the Fuhrer. Their basis was a regiment of Hitler’s personal bodyguards and “death’s head” units, carrying out various activities to suppress opponents of the fascist regime.

In April 1933, the secret state police (Gestapo) was created in Prussia, which in 1936 was merged with the criminal police (KRIPO) into the security police (ZIPO). The Security Police, together with the Order Police (ORPO), which included the Security Police and the Gendarmerie, as well as the Special Order Service (SD), were under the authority of Reichsführer SS Himmler.

In 1939, the Main Directorate of Reich Security was created, subordinate to Himmler as Reichführer of the SS, who, together with Interior Minister Flick, planned the implementation of terrorist actions both in his country and in the occupied territories. Thus, in the summer of 1940, Flick and Himmler issued a decree on the destruction of the mentally ill, crippled, and elderly “useless for military purposes.” In pursuance of it, the Imperial Society of Medical and Care Institutions was created, in which 275 thousand Germans were killed.

The German judicial system has also undergone significant changes. In their activities, fascist judges proceeded from the principle of complete denial of the personal rights of German citizens. Charges of high treason followed for any type of oppositional activity to the regime.

In addition to ordinary courts, in each judicial district, back in 1933, special courts were created to deal with opponents of the fascist regime. In 1934, another form of exclusive court emerged, the so-called People's Tribunal for High Treason, in which not even a mandatory preliminary investigation was required.

The tribunal's verdicts were not subject to appeal; the tribunal itself appointed defenders for the accused. Military courts operated in the army. In the ground forces alone, for example, in 1944, military courts handed down 10 thousand sentences every month.

The aggressive goals of establishing world domination required the concentration of all the country's material resources, which could only be achieved through direct intervention of the fascist state in the economy.

The Law “On Preparation for the Organic Construction of the National Economy” of February 27, 1934, which embodied the Nazi ideas of “Führerism” and “self-government” in industry (as in other areas of the economy), prescribed the formation of economic associations, which became the only representatives of the relevant sectors of the economy. All sectors of the economy were divided into “imperial groups”, the number of which was at first 12, and then reduced to 6: industry, banks, trade, insurance, energy, handicraft production.

In 1935, on the basis of the secret Law "On Imperial Defense", the Council of Imperial Defense and a special department - the Office of the Commissioner General for War Economy - were established.

In 1936, a department was created to implement a four-year plan to transfer the entire German economy to a war footing, headed by Goering. Central planning affected the distribution of resources, limited entrepreneurial freedom and the formation of new enterprises, and eliminated competition.

The fundamental principle of the draft of the new civil code, work on which began in 1938, was the formula: “law is what is useful to the people and the Reich.” In accordance with this, the concepts of “property”, “ entity", such a form as a "limited liability company" was rejected as an indispensable condition for activity joint stock company became his party leadership and party control. In Art. 70 of the Law “On Joint-Stock Companies,” adopted in 1937, directly stated that the board of a joint-stock company “must be guided by a sense of responsibility to the common good of the people and the Reich.”

The Nazis' policy towards workers was also subordinated to the goals of preparing and waging war - the policy of total control over them. Immediately after seizing power, the fascists dispersed the workers' trade unions and created the "German Labor Front" as a single, officially declared organization of workers, adjacent to the National Socialist Party, to which the cash registers, newspapers, and premises of the former trade unions were transferred. Entrepreneurial unions were also included in it, and entrepreneurs were declared “leaders” of enterprises. Based on the Law “On the National Labor Procedure” of 1934 and other regulations, they were given the right to determine working conditions, dismissal, collect fines, etc. The role of an “impartial intermediary” between entrepreneurs and workers was assigned to the fascist Ministry of Labor. For individual economic regions this ministry appointed “guardians of labor” from among large entrepreneurs.

In 1934, a procedure was introduced for the forced recruitment of labor and its transfer to military factories if this was required by tasks of “special state-political significance.” And in 1938, local authorities were given the right to compulsorily involve the population in any type of work in their free time from their main work.

In order to further concentrate military power in his hands, Hitler abolished the War Ministry in 1938 as an intermediate authority between him and the army, turning it from a military-political department into his personal headquarters of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces (OKW), the central body of which became the headquarters of the operational manuals.

The commanders-in-chief of the ground, air and naval forces with their general staffs were directly subordinate to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

In March 1938, the independent state of Austria was annexed to Germany. The next victim of fascist aggression was Czechoslovakia. As a result of the Munich Agreement, concluded in September 1938 by England, France and Nazi Germany, Czechoslovakia lost a significant part of its territory, annexed to the Reich. This was the defeat of an independent state without military action, which was followed in 1939 by the military occupation of the country. In September 1939, Poland was captured by the Nazis. In July 1940, German troops occupied Paris, followed by new victories for the aggressor. By the time of the attack on the USSR, Germany controlled vast territories of Central and Eastern, most Western and Northern Europe.

During the Second World War, in which 61 states participated, more than 50 million people were killed, 11 million were destroyed in fascist concentration camps, 95 million became disabled. The main burden of the war was borne on its shoulders by the Soviet Union, which for 4 years waged the Great Patriotic War, which cost about 30 million lives of its citizens. Soviet Union played a decisive role in the defeat of the fascist military machine, and with it one of the most reactionary and aggressive states aspiring to world domination in human history.


You can start by remembering who you wanted to be as a child. An astronaut, (yes, it happens), a dentist, a businessman - probably, somewhere in your childhood your hidden dreams live. Yes, as a child you still knew nothing about life and had little idea about the professions you dreamed of. But who knows, maybe that’s where your unrealized talents are buried. Remember who you loved to play as a child, who you loved to pretend to be. Yes, even “intelligence agent” and “Arctic explorer” can turn out to be a childhood dream realized in the present.

If the train has not left yet, if you are young and energetic, if you are still studying or in your first year, try yourself in different areas. You can always find time for this. While you are young, you can learn the ins and outs of life in restaurants by becoming a waiter, or in large stores by becoming a sales consultant. You can earn extra money as a tour guide, a museum employee, or, if you wish, find a place in a hospital or clinic. Of course, you will not be paid much, but the experience gained is priceless. Subsequently, it will be much easier for you to decide whether you want to work here or there.

The next step that will allow you to understand whether you are on the right path is Internship at the university. By that time, you will already have gained certain knowledge and a certain understanding of the profession that you will receive upon graduating from university. On the other hand, if you suddenly realize that this is not for you, that for some reason you are studying to become a history teacher, when you want to build nuclear submarines, you still have time to turn in the other direction.

If you are already an adult, an accomplished person, and the business you are doing does not bring you either money or pleasure, you still have the opportunity to try yourself in another field. There are many recruitment agencies that can send you to work abroad. There you can be introduced to other activities that you may have never tried. After that, choose a new job - or learn to appreciate and love more the specialty that you once spent your best years studying and in which you are working now.

When choosing a business to your liking, listen to the voice of your heart. The voice of your heart will tell you what exactly you want to do and what you generally expect from work. If you need a job that will bring you pleasure and no matter how much money they pay for it, then look for just such a job. If the main thing for you is - wage and the opportunity for career growth and it is this, and not the business itself, that will bring you pleasure - then look for a “gold mine”. Just don't get gold fever!

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The importance of the ability to choose your life path cannot be overestimated - not only the direction of life, but also overall success depends on how correctly the choice is made. Each person, to the best of his abilities, is endowed with certain talents and inclinations, and this is what you need to build on if you want to understand who you want to become.

You will need

  • - pen
  • - piece of paper


In order to understand who you want to become, first of all, take a piece of paper and a pen. Write on it all the things you enjoyed doing during your time. You must write down absolutely all types of productive activities in order to be as complete as possible.

Now, on another sheet of paper, write down a list of the qualifications that you currently have or would like to have. Write down only those types of education that were interesting to you. You need all the skills that you currently and potentially have.

Compare these two lists. Find those points that intersect and write them down on a separate sheet. Once you have a rough list of your potential opportunities, decide what has the most value for you and what has the most potential for growth. In from your life position, choose either what is at the point of ideal coincidence of these concepts or is closer to one of them.

Update this list regularly and re-evaluate your path once a year. Remember that life changes beyond recognition every year, and you need to be flexible in order to live it with maximum efficiency and pleasure.

Video on the topic

Finding your path in life is always a responsibility to yourself first and foremost. Find yourself in a place where you don’t like, where you don’t want to work, and give it to this place best years living their life only out of reluctance to change something - alas, the fate of many people.


The choice of a future profession cannot be left “for later”. You can’t think that a suitable place will suddenly appear by itself immediately after graduation. While there is time and opportunity, you need to try yourself in several areas, looking closely and listening and drawing conclusions: is this one suitable for me or not. You can work this way starting from school, if you have time and if your parents don’t mind. On the other hand, studying hard can also affect the choice of a future profession: this will make it easier for you to enter and in the process of obtaining higher education decide whether this is your business or not.

Another good opportunity to try yourself in the field that you chose when you entered the university is industrial practice. Each university has it at different times. You will be able to assess your capabilities, knowledge, as well as your desire or unwillingness to work in this capacity. If you understand that this business is not for you, that you are actually completely different, and that you made a mistake by entering this particular university, it is not too late to change everything and turn to a different path. This is better than spending your whole life working at a job that you hate.

Try your luck abroad. Nowadays there are many recruitment agencies that can send you to work abroad. You will work there either in your specialty, or in the service sector, or in a hotel... In any case, this is a great chance to see those professions that you doubt about from the other side. Experience international communication I haven't harmed anyone yet. However, be careful and do not run into scammers, otherwise you will be left without experience and without money.

There are so-called career guidance centers where you can take tests and find out what profession you are apt for. There they will provide you with competent assistance, help you choose your path, and give you advice on how to realize yourself. But there are many such tests on the Internet. No one, of course, can be responsible for their accuracy and correctness, but there are also very thoughtful options. The choice is yours.

Pay attention to your relatives and friends. Get to know what they do better. These are people close to you, they will be able to tell you about the intricacies of their profession, and also evaluate you - whether, in their opinion, you are suitable for working in a particular field. Often the opinion of loved ones is too objective, but if there are people whom you can completely rely on in such a matter, then why not turn to them for help?


  • how to find out where you worked

The problem of self-determination is acute not only for schoolchildren and university graduates, but also for working people. To find your dream job, first of all, you need to decide on three main components: your abilities, hobbies and value system.


Prepare and write a list of your professional skills and abilities. Select 5-7 main ones from this list, based on your own experience. For example, these could be document management skills, the ability to work in a team, independent project management, discipline, a sense of responsibility, knowledge special programs, creative work, ability to speak in front of an audience.

Make a list that can help you. Draw on your knowledge and passions. For example, if you like to read and have document management skills, then a job might be right for you. If you like communicating with people, consider becoming a sales manager. Do not focus your attention only on prestigious and highly paid professions, otherwise you risk having a “fashionable” but unloved specialty.

Learn as much as you can about each profession. You can find the necessary information in specialized magazines and newspapers, on Internet sites, and in online communities. Try to meet a real person who has succeeded in the profession that interests you. Find out its pros and cons, think about how your career will develop in this field.

Write a list of your requirements for your dream job. Choose the most important ones and discard those that are not so significant.

Determine whether you meet the requirements for this profession in terms of education, psychological qualities, and health.

Think about what kind of work schedule would suit you. The specificity of some specialties is that you will have to work in shifts.


  • how to feel the work

Sometimes people date several members of the opposite sex at the same time, but in any case, there will come a time when you will have to choose one.

How can a guy decide who to be with?

If you are lost in choosing between two girls and cannot decide who you want to stay with, first decide what yours should be like. future wife. Decide on the qualities that should be present in it. Men want to see next to them an intelligent, well-mannered and economical lady who will be able to take care of her spouse and children throughout her life.

Start spending comparative analysis. Of course, one of your girls will turn out to be a little more beautiful than the other, but it is better to push this criterion aside, since with age the appearance of the other half will fade into the background, but her character is unlikely to change. It is best to pay attention to your lover’s ability to take care of you and support you in everything. She must keep the house clean and tidy, and culinary skills are a must.

First of all, your life partner should become for you not only a good wife and lover, but also true friend. Think about who is more interesting for you to spend time with, who brings more light and joy into your life. It is very important that your significant other treats your personal space with understanding, does not make scenes of jealousy over trifles, and does not forbid you to spend time with your friends.

Pay attention to how your friend feels about cheating and betrayal. Remember, maybe before this you discussed cheating on your significant other with someone you know, and your girlfriend expressed her opinion on this matter. Surely it is important for you that your beloved is faithful to you.

How can a girl decide who to be with?

Girls dream of seeing strong, cheerful and reliable guys next to them. When comparing two young people, you should try to find out which of them will be able to provide for you and your children, who will become your a solid shoulder and reliable support. Promising guys are visible right away. They are completely immersed in study or work; even in their youth they have grandiose plans for later life and career.

Think about whether your young man can become a good father. Just pay attention to how the guy treats the kids who walk on the street, what he says about them. The love for children is immediately obvious.

In addition, you are unlikely to like it if your loved one cheats on you with other women, so if one or another representative of the stronger sex follows every skirt with his eyes, most likely he will not be faithful.

1. Decide on the direction.

The most important thing is to decide on the direction. Conventionally, work can be divided into four types: social, creative, documentation, technical. The main rule is to answer honestly. There is a profession for every character.

2. Temperament and vital energy.

Here it is worth understanding how much vital energy is enough for certain work. For example, vigorous activity is more suitable for a choleric person. Phlegmatic is slow, with a lot of time to think. A melancholic person should avoid stressful situations, while a sanguine person needs constant communication. To avoid any difficulties, take the tests, there are many important recommendations there.

3. Write down life values.

Work must coincide with life values. If you want to help people, then these will be social professions; for technology lovers, work in production; if it is important to earn a lot of money, then business or another type of entrepreneurship. There shouldn't be any contradictions. For example, a person aimed at helping others should understand that there will not always be material reward.

4. Analyze your past experience.

It is necessary to remember what suited you at your previous place of work, and what you are not ready to accept. Sometimes it happens that even after dismissal there are pleasant moments that I would like to see in new job. It is also important to analyze what subjects you liked at school, this will effectively help you understand your interests. Childhood dreams are also a good idea.

You still don’t know: “Who should I become?” I advise you to read this article and get a kick in the ass!

Question: " Who to become do you want it, baby? - all adults begin to torment children, starting from a very young age.

Some people manage to change a dozen professions while growing up and still have no idea what they want to do in the future until the end of their senior year.

And someone who decided at the age of 6 that he would treat people or put out fires does not change his dream.

The latter, however, are an endangered species...really!

What to become: why is it so difficult to decide?

It would seem that what’s so difficult about this: to really assess your capabilities and choose a road that will be interesting to follow?!

But for many people, such a task is simply impossible.

The reasons are different: some, they don’t want to do anything at all, wanting only to get money; the latter are simply not interested in anything, preferring to hug the TV; someone is too stupid to get a higher education, and often even an intermediate one special education etc.

But even those who know what you can become, are influenced by additional factors and turn off the path they need onto someone else’s:

    And we are not even talking about paying for tuition, because no one has canceled state-funded places, but about various expenses that parents may not be able to afford: tutors, travel, textbooks, fees of some kind.

    Therefore, instead of mastering a specialty, children after 11th grade go looking for work in order to bring a pretty penny into the meager family budget.


    This factor is often the most difficult to overcome, especially if parents do not adhere to the golden mean in their upbringing.

    Complete ignorance does not benefit the child, because everyone needs support and care, and excessive care when mom and dad do not take into account the child’s wishes at all, believing that they know better what he needs.

    Place of Birth.

    It’s one thing to be born in Kyiv or Kharkov with many educational institutions for every taste, and quite another thing to be born in a small town where there are not even a dozen of them.

    Sometimes life develops in such a way that an applicant cannot move to another city: he lacks willpower, his parents don’t let him, his health and financial condition do not allow him, so he has to be content with what he has.

What should I become: the story of one failure

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Galya, who was smart and studied well.

But she had one undeniable talent - she wrote wonderfully, she had all the trump cards in her hands: or become a journalist!

The teacher read her essays in front of the whole class, as role models.

The girl traditionally changed her decision several times about what to become in the future, and then became seriously interested in journalism.

She already saw herself as a lively shark of a pen, whose articles were read.

But here's the problem: in their city there was no higher educational institution, training journalists.

Her parents did not want to let her go to another city, not really approving of this idea at all.

At the family council, my mother adamantly said: “Choose, dear, from those universities that are in the city!”

And at that time there were only three normal universities in the city: the former pedagogical, technological and Fire Academy.

Since neither exact sciences nor military drill attracted Galya, she decided to enroll in the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology, flattering herself with the thought that after graduation she would be able to do it with ease.

When she was in her third year, the university authorities announced that they had decided to create an experimental group, the graduates of which could receive an additional specialty in Journalism.

Delighted Galya flew home to report the good news, but the parents, who also did not approve of the child’s desire to become a journalist, refused to give money for education and tried to convince their daughter not to complicate her life!

The ending of the story is not tragic, of course, but quite sad...

After receiving her diploma, Galya could not find a job as a journalist, as her parents instilled in her.

And although she categorically refused to go to school as a teacher, she is still not satisfied with her current place of work.

She looks with envy at local journalists armed with notepads and microphones, suffering from unfulfilled dreams.

What to become: what should you consider when choosing a profession?

It is quite difficult for a teenager to decide what he wants to do in the future: he lacks life experience and perseverance. And then the parents whisper incessantly: “Go to school.” Banking Academy, you will get a specialty that will feed you!”

This is how the child ends up in a university that is located next to home, where there are friends on the admissions committee, which, in the opinion of the parents, will give their child a promising profession, etc. But no one takes into account the desires of the child himself.

“We all have opportunities that we don’t even know about.
We are capable of doing things we cannot even dream of. But if you never make up your mind, you will never know your potential, your capabilities!”
Dale Carnegie

If you are sure that in journalism/law/tourism/medicine (the list can be continued, and underline what is necessary), then you can always find common ground with your parents.

You just need to talk to them like an adult, and not whine like a child.

In addition, serious arguments should be made:

  1. I can achieve success only in my favorite profession.
  2. This specialty is very promising in the labor market.
  3. Journalists/medics/firefighters make good money and others.

You can increase your chances by using numbers. It would be nice to have some history for conversation real person who has achieved success in this field.

If you prepare, then it's up to you to decide who to become, it will be you, not moms and dads.

You will also be responsible for this decision, and it will no longer be possible to shift the blame onto your parents in case of failure (as most people do).

5 parting tips:

  1. Approach your choice of specialty carefully: it’s one thing to dream about the seas and distant countries, but quite another to spend 9 months a year on the high seas away from your family.
  2. In any profession you can achieve success only through hard work.
  3. There are no specialties to be ashamed of.
    The benefits from plumbers, electricians, and mechanics are much greater than from a herd of managers and administrators.
  4. When applying to a university, do not forget to take into account the potential salary, the prospects of the specialty and its demand in the labor market.
    You won't be satisfied with dreams alone.
  5. Don't ignore your skills and personal qualities– a humanist is unlikely to be able to achieve great heights in the field of finance.

how parents “help” their children become what they want!

P.S. I advise you to show this video to your parents...

And remember, even if you initially made a mistake, it’s never too late to start over at 30 or 40 years old!

Mistakes and their correction are an unchangeable component of human life, but cowards do not understand this, preferring to wear their pants all their lives in a hated job once chosen by their parents.

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I grew up in a society where it was difficult to want something special, and to find clues on how to understand what you want from life? Instead of self-expression in clothes - a school uniform.

Instead of a menu, we have a set lunch, and at home we eat what we managed to “get.” We read the program, vote unanimously, remember that Onegin (had he lived to that moment) would definitely have ended up on Senate Square. We quote the leaders, we enter the institute that our parents have chosen or where we have acquaintances.

The established order collapsed, and people's desires remained stereotyped and poor. Women are tormented by the dream of making a career or making themselves a skilled housewife. Men want to get rich here and immediately, so that after forty they can allow themselves to forget about work and do what they love. Secret desires come true, but the most exciting things begin to happen after the treasured fruit falls into your hands...

I found myself in a similar situation about nine years ago. I remember well the day when my husband and I moved to a country house. I dreamed so much about family, children and my own home. My wishes came true, but I was sitting in the car in the yard, looking at the windows behind which members of my family were flashing, and did not want to budge. I felt sad and dreamed of slowly escaping. Like the heroine of the movie “The Hours,” who disappeared one day, leaving her husband with two small children. Decades later, her son found her. He really wanted to know what mom had been doing all these years. What turned out to be more important to her than children? Do you know what the heroine answered? “I read,” she said, “I left you and went to a university town in northern Canada, got a job as a librarian and lived quietly.” Day after day enjoying silence and reading.

Do you know the feeling that you are not living your life?

Have you felt like a student who studied all night for a philosophy exam and did not show up for it, because all exams in the world are relative and, by and large, meaningless?
I think we go through an identity crisis about once every ten years, and we ask ourselves, how do you figure out what you want from life? Now I’m no longer afraid when I feel like I’m living someone else’s life, doing something wrong, or getting irritated. When this wave hits me I find free time, I carefully look at the landscape outside the window of a house or apartment in order to “ground myself” and feel like I am in the present, and I begin to dream. I ask myself, what would my ideal life be like today? What would your ideal self be like? How would this ideal self feel?

I don’t know how to tune myself to a planned list of goals, but I always trust the desired feelings more. I like to ask myself two questions:

  • What three trifles will bring me pleasure and a pleasant mood today?
  • What three meaningless trifles will I do this week for similar feelings?
  • Actions and feelings always go together, and you don’t notice how you change.

I dreamed of running away. I wanted change. For the sake of how to understand what you want to do in life? I was terrified by the thought that I should grow old and die in this house. I’m generally a terrible coward and a lover of thinking about the eternal. But, you must admit, deciding to divorce when you have two small children is not easy. The child is half mom and half dad. It’s difficult to explain to him that now we will live separately, because being together is no longer possible for me. However, it is possible. You need it to save yourself.

Do you know why many people don't change?

Why are some people terrified of changing the usual course of things? “I’m already twenty-six, it’s too late for me to change anything,” they say. “Ah, I always dreamed of becoming a doctor, but it took so long to study for it, and I’m almost forty, ah...”. “The boss is, of course, a tyrant, but the salary is paid regularly, otherwise he would have organized his own business long ago”...

Change is truly dangerous. They endanger more than just what we really want to get rid of. Change also threatens what is dear to us. Without guaranteeing anything. Walking the beaten path may be dreary, but it is simple. If something happens, you can always nod towards your parents, traditions, times (it must be emphasized) and say that you would have done everything differently, but these terrible circumstances did not allow you to take a step on your own.

Now imagine that you have changed your usual track for a road with a sign “how to understand what you want from life?” There is no confidence that it will lead to your dream. Moreover, by experimenting on yourself, you endanger the usual life of your loved ones and friends. It will probably be difficult to admit to yourself that this thin, barely noticeable path is your fateful choice. Not the wide red carpet of the Oscars, desired by many, but a narrow strip, on which there is no one else except you. Most likely, other people's judgment and misunderstanding await you. But the main thing is not to rush headlong after a new idea, but to weigh your strength, health, willingness to work hard, as well as the ability to refuse when an undertaking does not lead to personal values.

There was a moment when I seriously figured out what came first: do I have high expenses and therefore have to work a lot? Or, do I allow myself to spend a lot so that I have to work a lot and hide about myself? Reminds me of the centipede's thoughts about the 24th and 39th legs. To figure it out, I kept a diary. I wrote down expenses, income and my feelings at these moments. Written text and analyzing oneself through it is an interesting topic. I will write about it in detail someday.

However, I am sure that at the first stage of change you need the support of a specialist, not a diary. Get ready for the fact that your immediate surroundings will do their best to hold back changes in you and lead you away from understanding what you want to do in life. This is normal: any system opposes changes that threaten its integrity. Besides, if awareness of one's desires were the path to happiness, it would become a new religion.

Finding out the truth about yourself is unpleasant and scary.

Therefore, only brave people come to understand themselves. At first spiritual development will go smoothly. But exactly until the moment when the understanding arises that the cause of all one’s own troubles and misfortunes is guess who? Look in the mirror - get acquainted!..

It's time to give up moving along the path of awareness. Because those who go further in the direction of “how to understand what you want from life?” are again in for bad news. Understanding that things are even worse than you thought at the beginning of the journey. Moreover, you continue to step on the same rake, the size, color and weight of which you already regularly analyze. You even begin to remember where and under what circumstances the rake attacks you, but you still don’t have time to pull your leg away. Only the bravest ones do not stop at this stage.

And only at the next stage changes begin. You finally managed to say “no” for the first time to work on Saturday and the temptation to eat three desserts in a row. They opened the lid of the piano, which they had not thought about since they graduated from music school in the seventh grade. You even insisted and stayed home on the weekend. Instead of going to my mother-in-law’s dacha as usual. This is the happiness of realizing your desires, you managed to think and immediately encountered new problem- dissatisfaction of loved ones. They demand your old self back. They don't want to accept changes in your favor.

Sometimes the blackmail is so strong that many people decide “I’ve had my fun and that’s enough. Only crazy people, children and moths can be happy, but I am normal.”

What prize awaits the madmen who still dare to move on?

Once a person passes the point of no return, when he cannot live without changes, he likes them! The fear of the unknown doesn’t even stop me. My own life begins, “my” life, not invented by parents, teachers, husband or colleagues, with the awareness of “who you want to become in life.” And the desire to return to “unconsciousness” never arises.

Understanding yourself is a way to become a human being, and not just a living being driven by instincts and passions.

It must be said that even brave people often come to the path of awareness in a roundabout way. Through the children: “I don’t understand, doctor, what’s happening to the child. He suddenly began to study poorly and cries at night, but the neuropathologist didn’t make a diagnosis and sent him to you.” Through business: “You know, coach, the problem is my employees. They can't handle anything without my help." The threat of divorce or mysterious symptoms: “My husband always...”, “... and then I became covered in red spots, just like now.”

Even brave people find it unusual and scary to admit that they can’t cope with something, don’t understand something. Asking for help and accepting it is not easy. Paradoxical as it may sound, illness helps to find the answer to the question “how to understand what you want from life?” For example, when I am involved in manipulation, my stomach starts to hurt. I might be glad not to notice my participation as a stranger in the performance, but no. Sometimes I even ask my stomach for advice. For example, I listen to my feelings in it while talking with a person or reading a commercial proposal.

The body, including the stomach, doesn’t lie, but the mind and head really can. If the family does not notice the child’s characteristics, and instead of developing the rudiments of abilities, they dump their expectations on the fragile consciousness, the child simply becomes deaf to his own desires and begins to “desire” others’. There is no point in condemning the adult generation: at one time no one took their opinion into account either. Now they are trying to make up for lost time with their children. And now the potential pilot “plays” the piano that his father dreamed of. And the poet in his soul understands the basics of marketing, because “mom said” that it is promising.

However, living other people's desires is not so bad.

The real torment happens when a child is reprimanded or ridiculed for expressing real dreams. Then, every time we feel “our” desire, we simultaneously experience burning shame. The feeling is unbearable. There are few brave souls who are ready to take the risk of exploring what else is there next to shame.

One of my friends was able to find himself searching for “how to understand what you want from life,” with the help of notes about what makes him feel fear, shame, resentment, envy, and anger. It turned out that true dreams were overwhelmed by these emotions. Envy arises for what we ourselves want to receive. The carefree laughter of a young couple in transport or on the street makes us angry, because we haven’t allowed ourselves this kind of thing for a long time, although we want to. Detailed analysis discomfort helps you understand your dreams! Personally, I wrote out for a month, which makes me feel annoyed, a feeling of envy and to prick someone with devaluation.

The result is an interesting and unexpected list. It turns out that I devalued women who know how to get a job not later and sleepless nights, but adapting (this is humiliating!). I didn’t value family at all (of course, you can break your heart again) and envied bright people in public professions (for recognition and the luxury of being yourself, you have to endure dislike and envy). The most unexpected thing I discovered was the desire to draw. As a child, I spent a lot of time with pencils and paints. I even looked for tutorials myself. It’s interesting that later at school I was “lucky” to study not just with an art teacher, but with a real artist. She came up during the lesson, without explaining anything, made a couple of brush strokes, and the drawing came to life. Like magic. It’s a pity that Olga Vasilievna did not explain what the secret of mastery is. So the students began to believe that the ability to draw is a gift that is available to very few. Like a peacock's tail - it's either there or it's not.

Then after school, in search of how to understand what you want to become in life, for many years I dreamed of starting to draw, but for a long time I forbade myself even to buy an album and watercolors. Time flew by. And last summer I said to myself: you are thirty-six years old, you still dream of drawing, maybe it’s time to allow yourself to stain paper with paints? That’s how I got into right-hemisphere drawing courses.
Perhaps you have heard of them? The author of a popular technique teaches adults and children in a matter of hours, not even to draw, but that everyone can draw. Using simple techniques that are shown and explained literally “on your fingers.” No one promised to make Van Gogh or Matisse out of me, but now I can quite tolerably depict what comes to mind.

No miracles happen during classes. Apart from the fact that it’s a miracle that painters understand: this is how they prime the canvas, this is how they mix the paints, this technique will allow me to paint a flowering meadow, but using this technique it’s easy to depict the sea.
Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but skills and explanations on your fingers help you realize the most important thing - everyone can draw.

During the right-hemisphere drawing lesson, I realized that in the same way at my seminars I explain “on my fingers” how to learn to write. I also don’t promise that after two classes you will discover the talent of Chekhov or Pushkin, but I can teach you how to choose a topic, draw up a plan, and come up with a plot. By at least, you can write any article or letter without any problems.
I think the most valuable thing that is taught in such courses is a system of step-by-step actions, knowledge decomposed into molecules, and also confidence that I can do it. Even without any claims to genius. Drawing and text are the same way of self-expression as dancing or renovating an apartment according to your own design project. This is the embodiment of oneself in the material. The ability to leave your mark.

Now I thought that, yes, I spent valuable time on ordinary drawing. But I realized that I still like to color more than to paint my own picture, due to a lack of skill. What prompted me is that I still have high demands on myself, instead of allowing myself to be natural and mediocre. An episode from the play “If you don’t have to write, don’t write.” I know people who do this, and are even proud of it!

It’s interesting that what I’ve been thinking about most lately is that real change begins when you refuse to change.

It may sound strange. :) But when I read long, overly (in my opinion) informatively charged texts, I cannot even get to the middle. I have the impression that the author is talking himself and me down. When there are many words, many feelings are suppressed. I want to shake off the signs and spaces. I immediately remember a meeting with a Spanish entrepreneur. A few months ago he showed me his office and was glad that hard work now allowed him to do his favorite thing - sculpture. All my friend's sculptures are heads. Male and female. One of them is called “love”. This is the head of a girl on the back of whose head is a vagina. I looked at the sculptures, then at the sculptor, who seemed to have only a beautiful thoroughbred profile, and could not restrain himself, asking: “Do you live only with your head? Thoughts? Is the body more of a burden?” The programmer-sculptor was embarrassed, but nodded in the affirmative.

I wanted to write a short text about how to understand what you want from life, and the ability to distinguish between your own and other people’s desires, but I wrote an awful lot. I'd better go for a run now. Will you join us?
