Cats don't live in the house for long. Why and how cats leave

The fact of losing a pet is connected with everything. Some owners blame themselves, others blame fate or karma, others blame natural selection and they don’t worry too much. If we put aside emotions and attempts to justify ourselves, then the wording that cats do not take root in the house does not even come to mind, there is always a reason for everything.

Naturally, “non-accommodation” cannot be associated with animal from old age. There is nothing you can do about it, every living being has its own time. When a pet goes over the rainbow in old age, the owner needs to accept it and not blame seb I, give myself time to adapt and move on. Not many people decide to have another pet, since the death of a cat from old age is equivalent to the loss of a family member.

There is another side of the coin, a person gets a cat, it doesn’t live even a year... and the person gets new cat. This continues for some time and the owner either comes to terms with the fact that the animals are “short-lived”, or builds chains (not always logical) and looks for the cause of the tragedies.

The first people who are blamed by owners who regularly lose their pets are brownies, and when living in a private house, the courtyards also participate in the “showdowns”. Simply put, a certain spirit does not want you to have cats and in every possible way dares them... or kills them. “Mystical” forums are full of advice on what to do in such cases. To a skeptic, these recommendations will seem ridiculous, but why not try.

So, if cats do not take root in your house, you need to establish friendship with the brownie. This can be done through a “bribe”, exemplary behavior and a request to save the life of the pet. Instructions on how to give a brownie something nice are available on the same forums, but now there is a little skepticism.

If you delve into the primary sources and look for information about “what a brownie is,” you will be surprised to find that it is an assistant, protector, watchman, healer, but not a bandit and certainly not a killer.

Isn’t it strange that they don’t remember about brownies until something like this happens? Bad, scary, sinister? Most likely, the good spirit is confused with a poltergeist, whose “activities” are clearly described in Hollywood films. So, we’ve dealt with the brownies, courtyards and other household inhabitants, let’s move on.

Read also: When is World Cat Day celebrated in Russia and around the world?

Superstitions, omens, evil eyes

Folklore, or rather, folk omens, is the source of all the troubles and misfortunes of desperate people. Sometimes a series of negative events breaks a person so much that he refuses to accept responsibility and follows the truths already written (by someone, sometime ago). Psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and psychiatrists all over the world say the same thing - The evil eye, damage and coincidences do not exist until a person himself believes in them.

Just for fun, check out the number of good and positive signs about wealth, happiness, prosperity, health...why don’t they “work” (or rarely work)? The answer is simple - people do not tend to believe in miracles. Bad omens imply trouble, cause fear, and fear is a very strong lever that makes you believe in anything. Remember, “fear has big eyes,” bad omens and superstitions too.

According to the law of meanness, from bad omens single people or childless families suffer who are in vital need of a pet. A person is so afraid of loss that he “brings disaster upon himself.” After a little analysis, the following unexpected facts are discovered:

  • Most losses of cats are associated with the fact that the family “is not allowed to have children.” The logic is simple: “we are alone, we treat the cat like a child and it is taken away from us.”
  • The second most popular reason is the evil eye. That is, the ill-wisher made the person suffer, since the pet is beloved and its loss brings pain, he dies from the evil eye.
  • The third and most disturbing reason is persecution. This is a curse or the same evil eye aimed at destroying the human race, that is, all family members and living beings living with the family.

Self-walking is a death sentence

Now let's return to the proven, substantiated, facts written in blood. Most young animals die while walking on their own. That is, the cat goes out into the street unattended, gets hit by a car, in the hands of knackers, in the teeth of a dog, or simply gets lost and dies. Realists are aware that their animals are dying, “optimists” believe that that the cat just left and didn’t take root...and stick to this thought for the rest of their lives.

Read also: Manul the cat killed the robbers: truth or fiction

The most colossal rates of injuries (often incompatible with life) are recorded in animals living in a private home:

  • Walking along quiet streets, pets “unexpectedly” fall under the wheels of cars.
  • Once in someone else's yard, the cat becomes a victim of a dog which protects its territory.
  • Cats, getting into fights for territory or the right to mate, they lose their eyes and receive serious injuries.
  • Often, very often quadrupeds die at the hands of friendly neighbors who just don't like cats.
  • A huge number of fluffies fall into traps for rats and ferrets.
  • Death by also on the list, since cats easily catch already poisoned rodents.
  • Cats die of hunger, without being intentionally locked in someone else's garage or shed.
  • Pets from the trees and if they do not get on high-voltage lines, then the paws will be seriously injured.
  • Hundreds of animals die at the hands of flayers and teenagers who, out of interest, kill those who are weaker.

If the animal dies before reaching home, the owners think that the cat has not taken root, The death of an animal while walking is the full responsibility of the owner! But that’s not all, let’s dig a little deeper.

All unsterilized animals walking on their own mate and bring offspring. Even if a cat lives in your house and he does not “bring in the hem,” this does not mean that he will not become the father of dozens of kittens, will not participate in fights, and will not fall into the hands of the owner “ expectant mother“or in the teeth of a dog guarding the yard where the “wedding” is taking place.

So, if you do not want to count yourself among the group of people who do not have cats, take care of the safety of your pet. Don't let your cat roam unattended, and if the four-legged one manages to run away in search of adventure, do the following.

Sometimes it happens that cats in an apartment or house often die or simply disappear. And no matter how many new cats are brought home, after some time the situation returns to the starting point and the animal disappears again.

Mystically minded people explain this phenomenon by saying that cats absorb all the negativity that is heating up in the family. Such negativity can be various curses, damage, chronic hatred or envy inherent in one of the residents, or chronic bad luck. And then the cat, taking the blow of fate, takes all of this (or at least part of it) and goes away to die away from home. And if cats disappear literally one after another, then this indicates that too much negativity has accumulated in the house.

The cat does not fit in the house.

Another explanation is much simpler and is that cats simply leave those owners who offend their pets and take poor care of them. Cats, however, are considerable individualists and are quite capable of changing owners on their own if they are not satisfied with something, which, by the way, radically distinguishes cats from dogs, which almost never change owners. Indeed, it often happens that a hungry cat goes to the neighbors to eat and stays there forever.

Cats leave those owners who hurt their pets and take poor care of them.

It was also noticed that in some houses it’s not just cats that don’t take root, but cats of a certain color. According to experts in cat psychology, cats of different colors have different characters: some are more aggressive, some are peaceful, some are independent or, on the contrary, affectionate. There are a great many options, although it should be noted that scientists have not yet discovered a relationship between coloring and temperament. But if we assume that such a connection does exist, then the owners of a certain color and, accordingly, a certain character could simply not get along with their owners. For example, if a pet is very energetic and aggressive, and its owners are prone to apathy and laziness, then this can lead to misunderstanding and even conflicts. It is also possible that such a cat, having found its way into the house of an overly energetic owner, may find itself in a situation of “found its scythe on a stone.” And in both cases, the cat may end up looking for new owners.

It’s not just cats that don’t take root in some homes, but cats of a certain color.

In the same case, if a cat living in an apartment does not have the opportunity to leave the house and go in search of a better life, experiencing constant psychological discomfort associated with the fact that it is mistreated and not cared for enough, the situation can become even worse. Under such conditions, the animal will inevitably suffer from stress, and if it is at least minimally sensitive, then its immunity will certainly weaken. As a result, the cat's will to live will inevitably weaken and it is quite possible that the very first disease will lead to the death of the animal.

What prevents a cat from settling into a new home?

Another reason why cats disappear is disease. The causative agents of certain infections, such as feline distemper, can persist in the house and on objects for quite a long time. And if an animal living indoors died from distemper, then the viruses will inevitably remain on the floor, walls, carpets, furniture, and so on. Therefore, who got into the house next cat can easily become a victim of the same disease.

The reason why cats disappear is disease.

Equally threatening are all kinds of fungal diseases, which, affecting the entire cat’s body, often lead to death. Spores of these diseases can persist in rooms for a very long time. And in order to prevent new cat deaths, after the death of a cat, you should thoroughly treat the apartment using a quartz lamp and thoroughly wash all surfaces using disinfectants. And even after these procedures are completed, you should wait at least a year before inviting a new pet into your home. True, the causative agents of some fungal diseases can “live” in the house for about two years and it is almost impossible to cope with them with simple disinfection.

It is important to ensure that the future pet is previously vaccinated.

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Why don't cats take root?

Hello everyone, my lovely ones! How is your weekend going? Today I want to show you another famous situation, but only cat eyes.

Sometimes it happens that cats in an apartment or house often die or simply disappear. And no matter how many new cats are brought home, after some time the situation returns to the starting point, and the pet disappears again. Mystically minded people explain this phenomenon by saying that cats absorb all the negativity that is heating up in the family. Such negativity can be various curses, damage, chronic hatred or envy inherent in one of the residents, or chronic bad luck. And then the cat, taking the blow of fate, takes all of this (or at least part of it) and goes away to die away from home. And if cats disappear literally one after another, then this indicates that too much negativity has accumulated in the house.

In fact, everything is somewhat different. Another explanation is much simpler, and is that cats simply leave those owners who offend their pets and take poor care of them. We, nevertheless, are considerable individualists and are quite capable of changing owners on our own if they do not suit us in some way, which, by the way, radically distinguishes us from dogs, which almost never change owners. Indeed, it often happens that a hungry cat goes to the neighbors to eat and stays there forever.

It was also noticed that in some houses it’s not just cats that don’t take root, but cats of a certain color. This is because cats of different colors have different characters: some are more aggressive, some are peaceful, some are independent or, on the contrary, affectionate. There are a great many options, although it should be noted that scientists have not yet discovered a relationship between coloring and temperament (they are just not looking hard enough). Owners of a certain color and, accordingly, a certain character could simply not get along with their owners. For example, if a pet is very energetic and aggressive, and its owners are prone to apathy and laziness, then this can lead to misunderstanding and even conflicts. It is also possible that such a cat, having found its way into the house of an overly energetic owner, may find itself in a situation of “found its scythe on a stone.” And in both cases, the cat may end up looking for new owners. In the same case, if a cat living in an apartment does not have the opportunity to leave the house and go in search of a better life, experiencing constant psychological discomfort associated with the fact that it is mistreated and not cared for enough, the situation can become even worse. Under such conditions, the animal will inevitably suffer from stress, and if it is at least minimally sensitive, then its immunity will certainly weaken. As a result, the cat's will to live will inevitably weaken and it is quite possible that the very first disease will lead to the death of the animal.

Another reason why cats disappear is disease. The causative agents of certain infections, such as feline distemper, can persist in the house and on objects for quite a long time. And if an animal living indoors died from distemper, then the viruses will inevitably remain on the floor, walls, carpets, furniture, and so on. Therefore, the next cat that enters the house can easily become a victim of the same disease. Equally threatening to us are all kinds of fungal diseases, which, affecting the entire cat’s body, often lead to death. Spores of these diseases can persist in rooms for a very long time. And in order to prevent new cat deaths, after the death of a cat, you should thoroughly treat the apartment using a quartz lamp and thoroughly wash all surfaces using disinfectants. And even after these procedures are completed, you should wait at least a year before inviting a new pet into your home. True, the causative agents of some fungal diseases can “live” in the house for about two years and it is almost impossible to cope with them with simple disinfection. Therefore, do not hesitate to call specialists for deep processing. See you!

Cat in the house omens

There are different opinions about keeping cats, kittens and cats in a private house or apartment, so this issue should be considered from different points of view. As for signs, the article contains the most FAQ on this matter, and detailed answers to them are presented.

It is recommended to pay attention to other materials of this cat project, as they contain equally interesting, useful and current information on various issues related to pets.

Black cat, cat in the house of signs and superstitions

There is such a sign that a black cat, living in a house, will collect all the negative energy. Also a black cat - good amulet homes from thieves. Black cats will help relieve a person of headaches and attract people into the house financial well-being.

According to superstitions, during a thunderstorm, a black cat must be kicked out of the house, otherwise lightning may burn the house down. If a strange black cat comes into the house, expect trouble.

Why cats don’t take root in the house folk signs

If there are people with negative energy in the house, then cats will not live in such a house. Or one of the family members is damaged, the evil eye, the cats will also go away. If the house has accumulated bad energy, then a black cat will not live in such a house.

Cat in the house signs of traditions and customs

There are many superstitions, including those about cats. It’s bad if the cat died in the house - it’s bad luck for the family. Before entering the house, the cat is first allowed in. If there is a seriously ill person in the house, and the cat has run away, then there will be a funeral soon.

Folk signs: the cat in the house is red, gray, what is it for?

If you caress a saffron milk cap, there will be success in business and prosperity in the house, and no envious people are afraid of such a house. If the light greets the owner violently, it means that the cat wants to cleanse the damaged aura. Ginger cats are great at absorbing illnesses in their household. If suddenly the cat breaks out to play, it means you will be in a house of quick joy.

A gray cat will bring happiness to the house. Gray lumps protect the house from evil eye and enemies. Cats of this color are also considered money cats. Do you want to be richer? Stroke the gray cat more often. According to folk superstition, if a gray cat has green eyes, it can absorb lunar energy and then treat patients with it.

Two cats in the house are a sign

If two cats live in a house, then such a house has excellent energy and such a house is not afraid of troubles and misfortunes.

The cat came and ran into the omen's house

If a cat runs into your house, you should definitely take him in. If you don't adopt a cat, there will be seven troubles in the family for long years.

If you shelter a cat, then life in such a house will improve in all respects, and good luck will settle in it. It is also believed that, in this way, deceased relatives visit their relatives.

A tabby, tricolor cat has come, comes to the house of omens

If a tricolor cat comes into the house, cats of this color are rare - this means wealth and an improvement in the atmosphere in the house. Calico cat will protect the house from fire.

If you visited the house striped cat, changes are coming soon. With their presence, gray cats lure good luck into the house and help to treat people more easily. difficult situations in life.

Cat in the house - signs and beliefs

The cat is an animal that has lived next to humans since ancient times; it is the first living creature that people allowed into their home. Currently, there are many signs and beliefs about cats. In different states there is a large number of various signs about these amazing animals. In this material we will cover this topic in as much detail as possible.

Some historical information

In Orthodoxy, it is forbidden to kick a cat out of the Temple, unlike dogs; if a dog visits the altar, it must subsequently be reconsecrated (it is believed that the animal has desecrated it), and a cat can easily get away with something like this.

It is believed that Noah, when he was sailing with his family on the ark, was faced with the problem of mice that began to gnaw at the bottom, but the cat destroyed all the rodents, thereby saving the holy family from death.

Over the course of centuries, different nationalities have created and passed on signs about cats, many of which have survived to this day. Today it is difficult to find a home that does not have a cat: some people get a pet to get rid of rodents, and others get some variety in their lives. IN modern society The trend of owning purebred cats has become quite popular. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of breeds, allowing you to choose a cat that will completely suit you both in appearance and in character.

Signs about cats in the house

Perhaps the most popular belief is that when moving into a new home, you should let the cat in first. This promises prosperity and good luck for future residents. In the place that the furry animal has chosen for itself, you should put a bed - this is an energetically clean zone that has a beneficial effect on health.

Cats sense the energy of people and rooms very subtly. They tend to absorb negativity and process it, thereby making people calmer and happier. Since ancient times, it was believed that a cat could give health and improve well-being.

Now let's look at the most popular signs about cats:

Signs about the suit of a cat

Beliefs about cats also differ based on the color of the animal.

Thus, tricolor cats have always been the personification of good luck and prosperity; if an animal of this color is nailed to a home, this indicates a new relationship, very successful and long-lasting. Residents of Japan, in honor of the tricolor cat, began to produce porcelain figurines, which are called “money cats” or “lucky cats.”

A tricolor cat also protects the house from fire and disaster. According to legend, the owner of such a cat will never suffer from fever.

Folk beliefs about calico cats are always positive. This animal combines three opposite colors, each of them in turn personifies something: white - speaks of purity and peace, black - helps get rid of troubles, red - portends material well-being.

The sign about a black cat suggests that if an animal of this color crosses your path, you should prepare for failure. Then it is better to cancel the trip and return home. Since ancient times, the black cat has been accused of evil spirits. But not all beliefs about black cats have a negative meaning.

For example, the presence of a black cat on a ship portends good luck. Fishermen specially kept cats of this breed to protect themselves from hurricanes or storms.

White cats promise harmony in the home. If a kitten of this color comes to you, be sure to take it, it will bring you happiness, health and peace. Also, according to doctors, white cats do not produce allergens.

If leaving home you meet white cat- this is a good omen, your plans will definitely come true, success awaits you.

Red cats indicate material well-being and stability.

Gray cats in the house have the same qualities as black ones; they protect their owners from negative energy, troubles and failures.

Be that as it may, if the owner loves his pet and treats him with care, the furry animal will certainly thank the owner with its warmth, protect him from illness and simply delight him with his presence.

Hello! For several years now I have been faced with terribly bitter moments in my (and not only) life. Cats and cats are dying. Not one of them stayed long. It all started when we moved into an apartment. Previously, before this, we had a cat called Pipa, who stayed with his grandparents (they lived across the house), since cats are tied to their territory and, of course, he too. And no matter how we tried to pick him up, he still came back. He lived to old age. We lived in a new place, but we were already used to the fact that there were always cats at home and became homesick. I remember back then someone’s black and white cat ran to us, slept and ate with us, then disappeared. That’s how at that moment the loneliness became especially unbearable and we decided to get a kitten. They brought him in, he was also black and white, with long hair. They called him Kuzka. The poor thing kept smearing the fur near her butt and my mother washed it all the time. And yet he was not entirely healthy. Counting from diarrhea to the fact that he was always drawn to the cold. He did not feel well in the heat, he was somewhat lethargic (we already understood this after his death, when we remembered him). He was 4 years old when his father, in the morning, brought him from the street, and was hit by a car. He lay there for three days, just breathing... on the third day in my arms, he died. My and my mother’s grief knew no bounds. For a very long time we could not think about other cats. But then the cats found us themselves. Three strays were hanging around our house: a tri-colored, smoky cat and a white cat with red spots. Mom and I fed them in the winter. (yes, that’s right, it was winter). And the cat joined later. We fed two. I liked the fluffy smoky cat, but she disappeared when she turned out to be covered in snow under our loggia (there was a lot of snow that winter). The tricolor one remained and that cat appeared. Skinny little guy! The fur was shedding terribly. We sheltered him. They fed and warmed us. He recovered. But before that, I want to add. How grateful he was! He licked us all, hugged us and his joy knew no bounds! This is simply a must see! He was so happy that he was taken in. That this is simply beyond words. I slept for a long time and recovered. And when he recovered, he was unable to live. Someone hit him, and the most annoying thing was, not on the road, but between houses. One man from a neighboring house went there (he was suspected) and Maksik (the cat) didn’t live with us for a year. Then the cat, the remaining one, got into the habit of breaking into our apartment. When we left, they didn’t close the window, but she climbed in and a couple of times we found her sleeping on the sofa. Well, we had to take her, even though we had already sworn more than once that we wouldn’t take anyone else. Because all these deaths are very painful to bear. And I don’t remember exactly how long she lived with us. Maybe about 4 years. We already thought this one would be with us for a long time. She was “my” cat by nature, We loved her very much. Her name was Marquise. Short-haired, tri-colored, small, stocky, she had an abnormality in her jaw. Lower jaw was small and the gums were exposed. And when she breathed, she always made a wheezing noise. She was a kind of hooligan tomboy, and she could be affectionate and give a massage with her paws (we always allowed her to do this) But in the winter of 2013, she disappeared. There was suspicion of a neighbor's dachshund. In the summer they found her, but not us, those people threw her corpse into a landfill... Now I moved to my husband in the village and here the neighbor’s black cat got into the habit of visiting me. I fed her and Lately she could either sit next to him or sleep on the sofa. And in general, I became attached to her over the summer. She brightened up my loneliness. And then for a week she stopped coming. I got worried. But I tried not to take the scary thing into my head and waited for her to appear. And yesterday my husband said that the cat was killed by dogs... My God! Well, what is being done? Why is this happening? I’m so upset, and now it’s even worse, I’m lonely without her! It turns out cats and cats are dying because of me or what? I'm afraid now to think about adopting a kitten. Suddenly he too will die. I’ll generally find a place for myself, but I can’t live without them either. I love them very much, they are like another family member to me. And they love my mother and me very much, they are drawn to us like a magnet. Does anyone have any guesses what all this is connected with? What should I do in such a situation?

Hello everyone, my lovely ones! How is your weekend going? Today I want to show you another famous situation, but only through a cat’s eyes.

Sometimes it happens that cats in an apartment or house often die or simply disappear. And no matter how many new cats are brought home, after some time the situation returns to the starting point, and the pet disappears again. Mystically minded people explain this phenomenon by saying that cats absorb all the negativity that is heating up in the family. Such negativity can be various curses, damage, chronic hatred or envy inherent in one of the residents, or chronic bad luck. And then the cat, taking the blow of fate, takes all of this (or at least part of it) and goes away to die away from home. And if cats disappear literally one after another, then this indicates that too much negativity has accumulated in the house.

In fact, everything is somewhat different. Another explanation is much simpler, and is that cats simply leave those owners who offend their pets and take poor care of them. We, nevertheless, are considerable individualists and are quite capable of changing owners on our own if they do not suit us in some way, which, by the way, radically distinguishes us from dogs, which almost never change owners. Indeed, it often happens that a hungry cat goes to the neighbors to eat and stays there forever.

It was also noticed that in some houses it’s not just cats that don’t take root, but cats of a certain color. This is because cats of different colors have different characters: some are more aggressive, some are peaceful, some are independent or, on the contrary, affectionate. There are a great many options, although it should be noted that scientists have not yet discovered a relationship between coloring and temperament (they are just not looking hard enough). Owners of a certain color and, accordingly, a certain character could simply not get along with their owners. For example, if a pet is very energetic and aggressive, and its owners are prone to apathy and laziness, then this can lead to misunderstanding and even conflicts. It is also possible that such a cat, having found its way into the house of an overly energetic owner, may find itself in a situation of “found its scythe on a stone.” And in both cases, the cat may end up looking for new owners. In the same case, if a cat living in an apartment does not have the opportunity to leave the house and go in search of a better life, experiencing constant psychological discomfort associated with the fact that it is mistreated and not cared for enough, the situation can become even worse. Under such conditions, the animal will inevitably suffer from stress, and if it is at least minimally sensitive, then its immunity will certainly weaken. As a result, the cat's will to live will inevitably weaken and it is quite possible that the very first disease will lead to the death of the animal.

Another reason why cats disappear is disease. The causative agents of certain infections, such as feline distemper, can persist in the house and on objects for quite a long time. And if an animal living indoors died from distemper, then the viruses will inevitably remain on the floor, walls, carpets, furniture, and so on. Therefore, the next cat that enters the house can easily become a victim of the same disease. Equally threatening to us are all kinds of fungal diseases, which, affecting the entire cat’s body, often lead to death. Spores of these diseases can persist in rooms for a very long time. And in order to prevent new cat deaths, after the death of a cat, you should thoroughly treat the apartment using a quartz lamp and thoroughly wash all surfaces using disinfectants. And even after these procedures are completed, you should wait at least a year before inviting a new pet into your home. True, the causative agents of some fungal diseases can “live” in the house for about two years and it is almost impossible to cope with them with simple disinfection. Therefore, do not hesitate to call specialists for deep processing. See you!

There are different opinions about keeping cats, kittens and cats in a private house or apartment, so this issue should be considered from different points of view. As for signs, the article contains the most frequently asked questions on this matter and provides detailed answers to them.

It is recommended to pay attention to other materials of this cat project, as they contain equally interesting, useful and current information on various issues related to pets.

Black cat, cat in the house of signs and superstitions

There is such a sign that a black cat, living in a house, will collect all the negative energy. Also, a black cat is a good talisman for your home against thieves. Black cats will help relieve a person of headaches and attract financial well-being to the home.

According to superstitions, during a thunderstorm, a black cat must be kicked out of the house, otherwise lightning may burn the house down. If a strange black cat comes into the house, expect trouble.

Why cats don’t take root in the house folk signs

If there are people with negative energy in the house, then cats will not live in such a house. Or one of the family members is damaged, the evil eye, the cats will also go away. If bad energy has accumulated in a house, then a black cat will not live in such a house.

Cat in the house signs of traditions and customs

There are many superstitions, including those about cats. It’s bad if the cat died in the house - it’s bad luck for the family. Before entering the house, the cat is first allowed in. If there is a seriously ill person in the house, and the cat has run away, then there will be a funeral soon.

Folk signs: the cat in the house is red, gray, what is it for?

If you caress a saffron milk cap, there will be success in business and prosperity in the house, and no envious people are afraid of such a house. If the light greets the owner violently, it means that the cat wants to cleanse the damaged aura. Ginger cats are great at absorbing illnesses in their household. If suddenly the cat breaks out to play, it means you will be in a house of quick joy.

A gray cat will bring happiness to the house. Gray lumps protect the house from the evil eye and enemies. Cats of this color are also considered money cats. Do you want to be richer? Stroke the gray cat more often. According to popular belief, if a gray cat has green eyes, it can absorb lunar energy and then treat patients with it.

Two cats in the house are a sign

If two cats live in a house, then such a house has excellent energy and such a house is not afraid of troubles and misfortunes.

The cat came and ran into the omen's house

If a cat runs into your house, you should definitely take him in. If you don’t accept the cat, there will be troubles in the family for seven long years.

If you shelter a cat, then life in such a house will improve in all respects, and good luck will settle in it. It is also believed that, in this way, deceased relatives visit their relatives.

You can’t kick your neighbor’s cat out either; wait until he goes away on his own. Such a visit will help get rid of illnesses and attract good luck.

A tabby, tricolor cat has come, comes to the house of omens

If a tricolor cat comes into the house, cats of this color are rare - this means wealth and an improvement in the atmosphere in the house. A tricolor cat will protect the house from fire.

If a tabby cat visited your home, changes are coming soon. With their presence, gray cats lure good luck into the house and help to relate more easily to difficult situations in life.


    On May 15, 2011, my cat died. During her last breath, I saw a haze come out of her mouth, about 10 cm in length. On September 28, 2011, she adopted another cat, but she mysteriously disappeared from the apartment a year later. I decided that she fell from the 3rd floor. No matter how much I looked for her, there was not even a trace. I was very worried and decided to take another kitten. I chose only from street ones. But no one liked it. One day, on a bench near the entrance, the boys were playing with a kitten that looked very much like my first cat. My heart even skipped a beat. I asked where she was from, they answered that she was sitting on a bench at the entrance. I took her for myself. How much love and energy came from her, it cannot be expressed in words. But she had a sick pancreas. She signaled this to me so many times, but I didn’t hear her. Today I did euthanasia. My grief knows no bounds. I'll wait for her to come back to me again... Does anyone believe this?
