Mental schema. Method “Mental maps”

A mental map is a representation in a graphic, systematic and comprehensive form of a specific event, process, idea or thought. Usually this is a kind of scheme on large sheet paper that records a huge number of connections between different objects in the area under consideration. This presentation of material has advantages over its presentation in writing, since it highlights only the most important images, words and relationships.

With the help of such seemingly confusing maps, the human brain more easily perceives information, analyzes it and makes a decision or determines a plan of action. And all because the brain also does not think linearly; a lot of neural connections are born in it before holistic information appears.

Handwritten mind map

To competently make a mental map that will give the desired results, you need to adhere to several rules when performing it. One of the first rules is the horizontal position of the sheet. This is explained by the closeness of this form to the natural one. Human eye better perceives “rectangles” lying on the long side (as is the case with a TV, computer screen or blackboard). It is also better to place the words on the map horizontally so that you can see the whole picture without moving your gaze.

In the center you need to place the main element of the map (goal, name of the plan, proper names, etc.). This center needs to be decorated accordingly: brightly (using more than three colors), frames and an original font. Around this center there are branches: either subgoals, or sections, or plan points, etc. They must be connected to the center with lines, and the lines, depending on the type of connection (associative, cause-and-effect or indirect), should be decorated in different colors or even using designs in the form of thick chains, thin threads, strong fishing line, etc. There should be as many graphic elements in the map as possible: they are perceived better than words.

From second-order objects that are associated with the central object, new positions can also be assigned that clarify and make plan points or subsections more specific. In terms of specifics, there is no need to go too deep and highlight unnecessary or self-evident points. It is advisable to use one keyword or phrase to describe each line and each position.

It is worth noting that when creating a map dedicated to one issue, you should not touch upon completely different areas. Even if an associative connection led a person to some new topic, it is better to develop a new map for it, while indicating a link to the old one.

There should be a lot of colors, textures, different lines and arrows on the map, but it is important not to overdo it. The main purpose of a map is to organize information and make it easy to work with, but with too many unnecessary details the meaning can be lost. Thus, the mental map needs to be made expressive, bright, emotional, but at the same time clean and clear. Practice will help you achieve this much-needed balance.

By analyzing the created thought map, you can take a different look at the object or topic in question. Perhaps the associative series will lead a person to a completely new and creative way of acting or changing a goal due to the impossibility of achieving it in the previously planned way.

Computer programs

To help technologically advanced people, special computer programs have been invented for creating mental maps. Although their disadvantage is that they are stereotypical and somewhat formulaic, there is always the opportunity to complete the map by hand or using a graphics tablet.

Advantage computer programs is that the maps created in them can be easily modified and corrected without completely redrawing them. In addition, it is easier to store it on electronic media, carry it with you, or show it to those interested.

The programs closest to manual map creation are Visual Mind and iMindMap. They have some drawing tools that will allow you to create a unique, vivid and expressive mind map. Slightly less flexible settings are provided in the MindManager and MindMapper programs. It's easy and quick, but not too expressive, to create a mind map in FreeMind.

The mental map method is a special technique for visualizing thinking, built on the creation of effective alternative records. There are other names for this method: “mind maps”, “mind maps”, “mind maps”, “memory maps”.

Mind maps were developed by psychologist Tony Buzan. He explored the thought systems that were inherent in people in the era of antiquity and the Renaissance. Since many cultural objects were created during these times, literary works. T. Buzan noticed that when creating their notes, they used fantasy and followed associative connections.

Perhaps that is why their records were able to convey information not only to their creator, but also to any person, even after several centuries. The psychologist also appreciated the importance of drawing the design of one’s own thoughts.

The main point of the mental map technique is to obtain a picture where the main concept is highlighted in the center, from which tasks, ideas, individual thoughts and steps necessary for the implementation of a specific project or idea then branch off. Like the main branch of associative connections, small branches can be divided into several smaller ones. Thus, a mental map displays all the associative connections in the thought process of its creator.

This technique is based on the principle of “radiant thinking,” which is associated with associative thought processes.

The starting point is the central object (thought, idea, task). The radiant is a point on the celestial sphere from which the visible paths of bodies moving at the same directional speeds seem to depart. From this we can conclude that “radiant thinking” reflects an infinite set of all possible associations, and mental maps allow you to record them on various media.

The results obtained are usually recorded on paper for clarity. To better perceive information from a mental map, it is recommended to arrange all entries in different ways, for example, using different colors, shapes, pictures. This visual design allows you to structure and group information, making it visual and more understandable.

Let us analyze the main advantages and disadvantages of this method, presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the mental map method



The information presented is smaller in volume and is easy to record and analyze.

It is quite difficult for a person who does not draw up a map and sees it for the first time to understand its contents

When reading a map, the relationships in each block, their structure and logic are visible

The map is only useful to those who developed it

When using the method, creative and logical thinking, imagination and memory develop, since both hemispheres of the human brain are used

The “mental map” technique is a method of holistic thinking. It is known that the logical thinking of a person is responsible left hemisphere brain This means that when solving any standard problem, it will be activated. While the right, responsible for creativity and imaginative thinking, will not be involved in the work process.

The mental map method allows you to use both simultaneously, which means integrity of thinking.

Features of constructing metal maps.

A mind map is a diagram presented as a tree diagram. It contains words, tasks and specific concepts that are interconnected by branches extending from the main branch. The main (central) branch represents the main idea.

To create a mind map, it is most effective to use a sheet of A4 size paper or larger.

The main idea or thought is placed in the center of the sheet. It will look more clearly in the form of some kind of image: a drawing, a picture. They are signed with keywords that will allow you to remember certain thoughts or images. These will be the main branches of the drawing.

Then, by dividing the branches into smaller ones, increasingly finer details will be displayed.

It is important to remember that constructing a mental map is based on association, not structuring.

It is worth remembering that each person has an individual way of thinking and the mental map should reflect this feature. You need to make the most of the space on your mental map, without leaving empty space, but also without overloading the drawing. The most optimal location is a horizontal map.

The map is considered complete if it looks solid. This means that its creator produced comprehensive analysis problem and figured it out. If any branch of the mental map looks unfinished, it is worth continuing the analysis and associative series.

Figure 1 is an example of constructing a mind map on the topic “Using Mind Maps.”

The branches extending from the central square with the name of the topic for analysis indicate the areas in which this method can be applied: training, planning, management, brainstorming, creative thinking, problem identification, presentation of an object.

Each branch has its own branches, which show associations associated with each area of ​​application of the method. It is worth noting that the method of mental maps is quite subjective, since each person sees the solution to a certain problem differently.

Here is a sample of the simplest mental map created using free program FreeMind. It presents the initial structure of the first few trainings prepared by the project. It can be used, for example, during a presentation, since such a map is an excellent solution for visual presentation of information, an alternative way of recording (as opposed to linear). But we are much more interested in them as a method of organization systems thinking, searching for ideas based on associations. We have already briefly mentioned such connection diagrams in the lesson on. Today we present to your attention more detailed material describing the benefits of mindmaps for everyone, indicating their differences from other visualization methods and concrete examples consumption.

The essence and history of the appearance of mental maps

Let’s immediately clarify the meaning of the term. The concept of “mental map” in scientific literature is more often found in psychology and is associated with human behavior. Regarding the subject of our article, this term is not entirely successful, since it does not reflect the essence of the English “mindmap”, from which it comes. Nevertheless, the name “mental maps” is widely used, along with the more correct from a philological point of view categories “connection diagrams”, “mind maps”, “thought maps”. Therefore, we agree that for greater convenience we will use them as synonyms.

Mind maps or mind diagrams – efficient technique alternative recording and visualization. Modern performance about them was laid down in the 70s. last century by British psychologist and TV presenter Tony Buzan. He was interested in the problems of developing intellectual abilities. He achieved extraordinary results - in 1997, he set a record in memorizing multi-digit numbers live on air.

In the course of his research, T. Buzan came to the conclusion that the generally accepted way of perceiving text information is not optimal. According to him, reading a page from left to right and from top to bottom seems artificial to the human brain, because it is designed in such a way that it perceives data non-linearly and in its entirety at once. From criticism of the “inconveniences” of linear perception, mental maps later appeared as a method of organizing information and alternative way records. What is much more important, work towards improving the concept of smart maps has shown the possibility of using them as a tool in the “brainstorming” technique (although this was not a discovery - the prototype had been used before), for searching and generating new ideas, memorizing, .

The Buzan method began to be widely used almost immediately after it was introduced to a wide audience through the television program “Think with Your Head” on the BBC channel, which the author himself hosted. Later he wrote several more books about his technique, which became bestsellers. But he can only be called the inventor of the theory with a stretch. Similar methods have already been used by sages Ancient Greece and Rome (Porphyry, Aristotle, etc.), engineers of the New Age. Of course, Buzan outlined the boundaries of the modern approach, without hiding the fact that he relied on the works of his predecessors.

To complete the idea of ​​the essence of mental maps, let us note how they differ from other methods of visualization. What distinguishes a mind diagram from standard charts and graphs is its lack of rigor. You create your own tree diagram as required by the task, or as you prefer. No need to worry about iconography, raw numbers or percentages. A graph is most often constructed to show some measurable relationship, but the principle of constructing a mental map is completely different - to show the connection (often not obvious) as the author sees it.

Recently, the use, primarily by designers and engineers, of concept maps, a graphical tool designed to show the relationship between concepts, has become popular. But their main difference from mind maps is that they are created to simultaneously work with several ideas at once, rather than just one, and describe the relationships between them.

Applying Mind Diagrams

How effective is the use of mental maps? A series of studies were conducted with American university students. The result revealed the following:

  • 80% of students believe that mind maps help them better understand scientific concepts and ideas;
  • Mental maps contribute to better memorization of material;
  • Low-ability students learn better from mind maps.

So, here are some areas where you can use mind maps to your advantage:


80% of people on the planet are visual people. This means they are better able to perceive what can be seen. With this in mind, you should prepare your own. Use illustrations, diagrams, graphs, including mental maps. Combined use in various ways presenting information will serve to retain attention and better absorption material.

Activation of creative thinking. Brainstorm

The creative process is often closely related to. T. Buzan suggested using mental maps to activate it: to do this, write down the key concept or idea in the center of the sheet, and mark or draw all associations on the branches coming from the main concept. In the future, they acquire new associations. This allows not only to expand the set of connections already ready-made idea, but also to generate a new one, to find the non-obvious.

Connection diagrams are also useful for solving creative problems and creating an algorithm for finding an answer. Write down the question you are interested in on the sheet in the upper left corner, and the ideal solution in the lower right. Build a chain with intermediate actions that will allow you to go from the problem to the ideal result. Study and analyze this path, find optional links, or those that can be combined. All this seems quite simple, but sometimes a clear visualization is not enough to find the necessary conclusion.


As mentioned above, a schematic representation of the material contributes to its better assimilation. When learning something, try using not only textbooks, but also tables, mind maps, and diagrams. You can even create them yourself - this is both a convenient way and a memorization technique (see below).

Memory development

Mind maps can be used as... Information recorded in this way is better remembered, structures knowledge, allows you to highlight the main thing and conveniently work with large volumes of data.

Management (management)

Connection diagrams are also used in planning and developing projects and constructing organograms. They are an excellent solution for areas where there is a need to separate areas of responsibility.

In addition, mental maps are useful in conducting trainings, in compiling, and developing intellectual abilities.

The main principles of communication diagramming techniques

1. Start in the center of the paper by writing or drawing, in at least three different colors, your keyword.

2. Feel free to use images, symbols, codes different sizes for your card.

3. Write down keywords using and capital letters, and lowercase letters.

4. Each word or image must correspond to one branch (line).

5. The lines of one branch should be connected and become thinner as they move away from the center.

6. The length of the line should correspond to the length of the words written on it or the objects drawn.

7. Apply different colors for different branches and groups of keywords.

8. Develop your own style of creating mind maps.

9. Use associations.

10. Clearly build your map based on radical hierarchy or contours.

“If you don’t rack your brains, you’ll rack your brains”

There are dozens, and maybe hundreds of methods for “pumping up” your brain, because it is fraught with many possibilities, access to which is often limited to us. “Eat dark chocolate”, “Hang sticky notes throughout the house”, “Start with the most important things” and many other tips can be found on the Internet, the essence of which boils down to one thing - to push our brain to work quickly, to launch it to its full potential, or even “to deceive.” And everything to get maximum benefit - do a lot of things, remember more information, overcome laziness, and so on. Man has always tried to squeeze out the maximum of his capabilities.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, another such method was invented - Mind Mapping technology or the use of mental maps. And as practice shows, the method is far from the worst, and deserves attention.

In this article we will consider the following questions:

For those who like to listen more than read - my interesting (I hope) report on GetDev:

What is a mind map?

What kind of technology is this?
“In this world, to stand still, you have to run.”

The use of mental maps is a technique for visualizing thinking, with the help of which you can process certain information better and more efficiently. Mind maps have many different names:

The technology is widely used for many purposes:

  • Fixation information. Mental maps - convenient form recording data, allowing it to be presented in a succinct form even with a large volume.
  • Memorization information. When you write something down in a convenient mild form, this is automatically stored in the head.
  • Easy access to information. Data recorded in the form of mental maps is easy to recall even after just one glance.
  • Analysis information. The mental map is built in such a way that it allows you to see previously unnoticed connections between its parts, small unaccounted for details, which can be very valuable when making decisions. Also, with its help, you can look at all the information as a whole, comprehensively, which generally helps to understand the topic and better understand this data.

Mental maps help you easily process information, which makes them very useful in many areas of our lives:

Why use it?

“A thought repeated twice is remembered well.
A thought repeated twice is remembered well.”

Mental maps help when working with any data, improve the brain’s ability to perceive information, but why?

The first reason lies in the construction of the map itself - it is depicted in a radial form, the key image is in the center, and further branches diverge from it. This simplifies the flow of information to the brain- after all, we also see the world around us as a whole - the central image and the details around it.

The second reason also lies in the processing of information by our brain - visualization generally improves perception. We remember words with pictures 6 times better than just words.

When constructing a mental map various abilities of our thinking are activated. When compiling branches and keywords, we use hierarchies, for pictures - visualization and associative thinking, in general, spatial-figurative thinking is used. All this activates memory and allows you to remember both the structure of the data and its important aspects, so the use of mental maps improves the retention of information by about 32%.

Since we use various thinking abilities to build mental maps, such as creativity, logic, imagination, All of them develop and improve in the process.

Because mind maps show the big picture, it allows establish all connections between objects, even if they were not so obvious initially. In turn, this leads to the appearance new point of view for information, as well as new ideas and thoughts. The structure and logic of data become more “transparent”, easier to understand and remember.

Another compelling argument in favor of using mental maps is that This technique is very easy to learn, and with its help you can remember information immediately, in large quantities and very effectively. In this case, there is little to write, which saves a lot of time.

How are they different from regular entries?
“Clarity gives focus”

Linear recording is the main form of recording information that we use at school, university, work, and in many institutions. It is used in instructions, books, posters and everything else. Therefore, using this form seems logical, convenient and correct.

But maybe it's just a matter of habit? There are some differences between line notes and mind maps that may make it worthwhile to change your habits.

  • All structure vertical text information is entirely sufficient hard to see, and to view everything may require additional actions, such as turning or scrolling the page. And the maps are built on a circular principle, and with one glance you can take in everything that is depicted.
  • Linear list"psychologically" not finished, it can be continued, which prevents us from perceiving it holistically. The finished map has all the elements in place, it is thought out, composed and cohesive.
  • Our brains are not the best at remembering monotonous notes, in contrast to a variety of pictures, colorful branches and colorfully designed keywords.

  • In ordinary records there is enough difficult to single out the most main idea, it gets lost in numerous lists, highlighted and underlined words. On a mental map, the main object of study is always in the center, and it is from this that secondary branches and additional information diverge.

  • Since when constructing a mental map we use visualizations, we use right hemisphere brain, responsible for aesthetics and thinking about the problem in general. It is due to this that we can think about what is shown on the map with different sides. For linear recordings this is minimal use of the right hemisphere of the brain.

  • Linear records time consuming, because a person does not write by hand very quickly. We have to shorten the words; they are not always written clearly, and this is to the detriment of the quality of the recordings.

Are mind maps popular?

Who invented mental maps?

Analogs of various connection diagrams have been used since quite early times, but the creator modern techniques mental maps, as we know it now, is Tony Buzan - an English psychologist, author and co-author of more than 80 books, the most famous of which are “Super Thinking” and “Teach Yourself to Think”. The first book describing the technique of mental maps was published in 1974 - “Work with your head.”
“When I was in my second year at university, I once went into the library and asked if they had any books on the theory of the brain and its practical capabilities. The librarian, without hesitation, directed me to the medical literature department!

When I explained that I was not going to perform operations on the brain, but only to use it correctly, they politely answered that they apparently did not have such books in their library.

I came out in complete amazement.

Like my other classmates, I was in a state familiar to the average student: the growing awareness that as I grew study load your brain is increasingly losing ground in the face of high demands on thinking, creativity, memory, the ability to solve problems, analyze and “compose” during written works. Like others, I have increasingly encountered the phenomenon where the return on academic work falls, despite the efforts made, and at times it seems to be zero. The paradox was that, as it seemed to me, the more I took notes and studied, the worse the result was!

The logical consequence of both possible strategies of action in that situation was, as it seemed to me, a dead end. If I put in less effort, the mass will fall into the category of unassimilated important information, and, as a result, failure in the exam. Had I continued with even greater persistence—taking notes in more detail and spending more and more time on it—the result would have been the same downward spiral of success.

The key to true success, I finally reasoned, should be sought in the answer to the question of how rationally I use my intellect in general and my thinking abilities in particular - this realization led me to the library.

When I left it that day, it suddenly occurred to me that the problem I had encountered in not finding the necessary literature might have come in handy. Since such books have not yet been written, I have stepped into protected territory, where there is genuine scope for an inquisitive mind.”

Are they used in the world?
Over time, the feasibility of a particular technique is always determined by the number of people who use it. More than 40 years have passed since the publication of the first description of the technique, but nevertheless, the technique of mental maps lives, develops, and, most importantly, is used. Let's turn to Google Trends:

Overall, mind mapping is a consistently used query over the past 11 years. Countries with the largest number Such requests suddenly turned out to be Indonesia and Thailand. The statistics in Russia are completely different. Only in 2011 did this technique begin to gain interest in our country:

Why don't people use them everywhere?
Like everything in our world, the mental mapping technique also has disadvantages:
  • Complex, complex states of affairs are simplified, and many details are extremely generalized. Created appearance of order where there is none. Sometimes this is useful, but sometimes it only creates the illusion of control over the situation, the illusion of a common understanding of the problem and the absence of complex hidden relationships.

  • Since pictures are used when constructing maps, associative thinking is activated. But associations- dynamic things change and transform over time, and what evoked one association in us six months ago does not evoke exactly the same one now. Such pictures direct the flow of thoughts when reading the card in a completely different direction than originally planned. “False” associations ultimately slow down the understanding of the data on the map.

  • A mental map is a reflection of someone's thinking, either one person or a group of such people, so cards most often purely individual. If the card is given to another person to read, it may happen that he either does not understand some of the details, or, even worse, perceives them incorrectly.
  • When processing large or complex data when building a map, it may work out complex picture, with multiple divisions, with huge quantities connections, branches and keywords. The effectiveness of such a mental map decreases significantly.

These are some of the reasons why the technique of mental maps has not yet supplanted linear recordings. But there are also imaginary disadvantages that lie in the way of using this technique:

  • Ignorance about technology. The popularity of mental maps has not yet reached such a scale that everyone knows about them.
  • Opinion "I can not draw". Many people think that this is a serious obstacle to mapping, but in fact such a skill is not required. Moreover, there is a simple exercise that helps prove that everyone can draw a minimum set of characters. Try:

  • The belief that this is child's play and a true professional has no use for it. In fact, every self-respecting professional has his own set of different tools to achieve goals: visualization, planning, time management and others. And the fact that many people around the world use mental maps is an indicator of the effectiveness of this tool.
  • Mind maps take longer than linear recordings. At first, during the first stages of using this technique, this will indeed be the case - as when learning any new task. But in the future, the cards will click like nuts, much faster than regular notes.
  • Belief “I think linearly” and “I’ve been using linear notes all my life, and it’s fine.” Yes, linear notes have become an integral part of our lives since the age of seven, and then it is much more convenient and habitual to use them, even in our reflections. But isn't this just a habit? And if other methods are more effective, then why not try them?
  • Opinion “Mental maps cannot be used for everyday tasks" On the contrary, this technique is used for all areas of life where decision-making, any lists, or analysis of something are required. This includes almost any area of ​​our daily life.

How to create a mind map?

“Every artist was at first an amateur”

To build mental maps, it is enough to follow certain simple principles. Let’s try, as an example, to create a mental map for this entire article.

To start, you need a clean, horizontally rotated area, such as a sheet of paper, a board, a tablet, a phone, or a workspace in graphic editors. The more data you process, the larger the workspace you will need. I will be making my example using an online mind map editor.

In the center of the workspace, describe an image of a problem, task, or area of ​​knowledge. In our case, this is an article about mental maps.

Remember to use pictures and symbols wherever possible. This will make the card brighter and more colorful, and as a result, more memorable.

From the central image we will draw thick structural branches, the main subsections of our article. It is recommended to use different colors for key branches and words, and also to design them colorfully. Since I love minimalism, I’ll deviate a little from the rules.

But nothing prevents me from decorating the main subsections with appropriate pictures. We will also add branches of the next level. It must be remembered that there should only be one word on one branch. This allows us not to overload the map, and in the process of coming up with this one word, we can highlight the essence of the material.

The size and thickness of the letters on the branches vary depending on the distance from the central image. The further you go, the less. If there is a relationship between the details on the map, do not forget to show it. Let's supplement our example with other branches and connections.

So we have a finished mental map. Not the most colorful due to my love of minimalism, but very informative.

Mind maps are diagrammatic representations of the key ideas in a book, the main points of a speaker's speech, or your most important action plan. With their help, it is convenient to restore order in information chaos. Mind maps have many names - mental map, mind mapping, thought map, connection diagram, mind map.

The word mind is translated as mind. Psychologists are sure: by drawing maps with felt-tip pens on sheets of paper, you will really become smarter and unlock the potential of your brain. Let's leave these thoughts to scientists and talk about the practical implementation of mind mapping.

What, where and how to draw?

The map vaguely resembles a tree. Or a spider. Or an octopus. In general, something that has a center and branches.

In the center is the main idea or problem. Key points depart from it. Each item is also, if necessary, divided into several smaller items. And so on until the whole problem is clearly worked out.

What's good about the card format?

1. A schematic text is perceived better than a sheet, because it is shorter and simpler.

2. Time for perceiving information is saved.

3. In the process of drawing up a map, memorization of the material improves.

4. When working on projects, areas of responsibility are clearly shown by coloring branches.

How to create maps

Let’s not get fancy and complicate it – let’s use the algorithm of the map author himself, Tony Buzan.

  • Maintain a hierarchy of thoughts;
  • In the center is the most main question. Graphic images (drawings, pictograms) are welcome;
  • Give volume to images, blocks, rays. This makes the map easier to perceive;
  • Leave a distance between the blocks, do not make a palisade of rays;
  • If you need to emphasize the connection between elements, use lines, arrows, and the same colors;
  • Express your thoughts briefly and clearly. Simple font, one keyword above the corresponding line, the main lines are smooth and bolder, place the words horizontally.

Mind map - like the Glavred service, only for the brain. Helps clear debris from thoughts.

Mind maps are useful... work:

  • Plan work projects. Many programs allow shared access among all team members. Changes are made to the map, tasks are prioritized, and the implementation process is monitored;
  • Prepare and conduct meetings. With the help of cards, you will draw up an outline of your speech, highlight key points, and establish the logic of the narrative. The programs have the ability to create a presentation - this will help you visually present materials for the planning meeting;
  • Make a strategy. Cards, in my opinion, are an ideal option. They help to go from the general to the specific;
  • Brainstorm. Some programs even have a special mode. training:

  • Write down the key ideas of the seminar or lecture. Such a note will help you remember the teacher’s train of thought;
  • Organize your information. You always have free space to add an important thought. everyday life:

  • Plan. I use cards to create plans for the week, month, and prepare for important events;
  • Make lists. This could be a list of books, movies, webinars, purchases, gifts, or just a list of things that need to be done at some point;
  • Write notes on the books you read. One main branch - one chapter. Brief thoughts, theses, and main points fit perfectly into the map format. In addition, some programs have the ability to take hidden notes. Hover your mouse over a specific block and a window will open with a detailed description of what is written in the block.

We evaluate

I chose 15 programs (+2 from the editors) for creating mental maps. The selection includes popular drawing services and little-known ones. They differ in design, export capabilities, and ease of management. Some programs are more suitable for personal use, while others help you plan work and study effectively. The description applies only to free versions. Read the review and choose the program that is convenient for you.

For your convenience, I have also prepared a comparative table of the capabilities of all programs presented in the table.

1. MindMeister

Features of MindMeister:


1. Free basic package. There are only 3 cards in it. You can export them only in the form of text, you can also receive one card per invited friend;

2. Personal tariff ($6). Unlimited number of maps, multiple page printing, export to drawing, PDF, priority support;

3. Tariff Pro ($10). Everything in the previous plan plus Login to Google Apps for Domains, multi-user licensing, export to .docx and .pptx, custom map themes for the entire team, receiving statistics and reports;

4. Business tariff ($15). Everything that is in the previous tariff plus the creation of groups within the program, the creation of a custom domain for logging into the system, support for exporting and creating backup copies, priority support around the clock.

My impressions

The program is worthy of attention if you have small requests. MindMeister, even in the free version, has quite a wide range of functionality: different styles and block colors, changing the text color and its style. A small menu appears on the right and you use the switch buttons to change the design mode. Convenient, compact, simple. Maps are easy to draw: select the block from which the next rays should come and click on the plus sign. If you want to color the blocks and add icons and emoticons, that will work too.

2. MindMup

Features of MindMup:

  • All the basic capabilities for creating high-quality design are present;
  • Simple controls;
  • Free export to PDF (link available within 24 hours);
  • Maps are synchronized if there is one account on the devices;
  • Import pictures from disk or cloud in 2 clicks.


1. Free package. Users of the free version can create public maps up to 100 KB for a period of 6 months;

2. Individual Gold ($2.99). Unlimited number of cards, up to 5 messages in mail, card capacity up to 100 MB, storage on Google Drive;

3. Corporate Gold ($100). Unlimited number of users and maps created by them, work with Google/GAFE.

My impressions

MindMup is ideal for beginners because there are no complicated steps involved. You can insert a picture or edit an inscription with two clicks, create new blocks or delete them with one click. At the same time, the map looks aesthetically pleasing, it is clear and logical. It can be personalized by adding photos. At the time of adding, you can easily change the size of the image, place it under the text or on the side.

3. Mind42

Features of Mind42:

  • Only basic functionality: adding icons, notes, main and additional nodes;
  • Laconic card design;
  • Export in JPEG, PDF, PNG and several more formats;
  • You can add your card to general groups Mind42 or view other people's maps;
  • Possibility of collaboration on the map;
  • The priority of the block task is set. You can easily view the priority by hovering over the special icon.

My impressions

It seems that the creators of the program have already decided a lot for me. For example, they established their own order in which the branches would be located, and offered only one type of font and blocks. But you can set the priority and progress of tasks. In general, the capabilities of Mind42 are modest, like young girls in ancient Rus'.

4. XMind

XMind Features:

  • A large number of templates: fishbone, business plans, SWOT analysis and other useful things;
  • Stylish design, bright design - background for the entire map or separately for blocks, large selection of styles, lines, colors and shapes;
  • Conducting a brainstorming session;
  • Convenient creation of presentations.


1. Free. All types of charts and synchronization with the cloud.

2. Plus ($79). In the Plus tariff, export in PDF, PPT, SVG, OpenOffice formats is available.

3. Pro ($99). The PRO account has more than 60,000 icons, Gantt charts, presentation mode and brainstorming mode.

My impressions

XMind is definitely worth using. I was thinking about a paid version, but for now the stripped-down free version is enough for me. The program has a lot of possibilities. Choosing it for simple drawing up of plans or notes is like driving a Ferrari through the village. The program is more suitable for professional team work. I like XMind for its design and ease of drawing.

5. MindJet Mindmanager

MingManager Features:

  • Templates are divided into categories - meetings and events, management, strategic planning, personal productivity, problem solving, flowcharts;
  • In terms of design options, it resembles Word - it’s just as simple and easy to select text color, flowchart shape, fill, font, alignment, bulleted lists;
  • Prioritizing actions. You can set the order of task completion, set beacons such as “risk”, “discuss”, “postpone”, “expenses”, “for”, “against”;
  • You can brainstorm, build Gantt charts, and link cards together. Easily switch between map tabs;
  • There is a MindManager Plus web account for saving files in the cloud;
  • Transfer data from Microsoft Outlook.


Perpetual license. For Mac it costs 12,425 rubles (update - 6,178 rubles), for Windows 24,227 rubles (update - 12,425 rubles). Creating interactive maps, setting time frames for completing tasks, exporting maps in different formats.

My impressions

Mindmanager offers a lot of training materials and a technical support service. The card design can be as simple as it is playful if you want. The controls are simple, all the necessary buttons are at hand. If you study this program thoroughly, you can easily use it for home and work. Data from Excel, Outlook can be inserted into the card, and other cards can be attached. Personally, I don’t need so many functions yet.


Features of PersonalBrain:

  • From the design, you can only change the theme;
  • Most features are available after purchasing paid work packages;
  • Complex program management;
  • Shows a 3D image of the mind map.


1. Basic paid package ($219). Printing, adding files, links, pictures, notes are available;

2. Pro packages ($299). Provides integration of calendar and events, spell checking, saving reports, multi-page printing, and exporting maps. The difference between the Pro License, Pro Combo, and TeamBrain packages is the presence of a desktop version and cloud storage.

My impressions

I didn't like it. First, I went through the application installation quest, put checkmarks and dots in the required fields. Then I opened the map and was disappointed in the controls. If you click in the wrong place, the central block changes and you are disorganized. Well, the design is gloomy. In general, I didn’t make friends with her.

7. iMind Map

Features of iMindMap:

  • The program offers 4 modes: recording ideas and thoughts, brainstorming, creating mind maps, converting data into 2D and 3D presentations, PDF files, tables and other formats;
  • About 130 styles;
  • There are hints at the beginning: click on the icon, use Tab and Enter;
  • There is a spell check;
  • Very bright animated presentations;
  • You can make notes for each branch, use icons from the series finance, transport, arrows, calendar, communications, flags, numbers, people, etc., change flowchart formats, set deadlines and priorities, add audio files;
  • Time Map;
  • Import files in IMX, Doc, Docx, IMM, MM, MMAP formats;
  • Export files in PDF, SVG, 3D image, table, web page, project, audio, DropTask, Power Point presentation, zip file.


1. For home and study (80€). Create and edit maps, add images, create art projects, add links and notes, 30 days of use, one license;

2. Maximum (190€). Adds to the capabilities of the previous package brainstorming, creating presentations, exporting videos from YouTube, integration with DropTask, three-dimensional image, conversion to different formats, a license for a year and 2 computers;

3. Maximum Plus (250€). Adds to the capabilities of the previous package books and discs by Tony Buzan, the founder of mental maps.

My impressions

One of best programs which I used. I would put XMind and MindMup next to it. Very easy to operate. Easily switch between capture, brainstorm, mind map and time map modes, draw blocks and relationships between them. If you want to recreate the atmosphere of drawing with markers on whatman paper, then in iMind Map you can draw branches by hand.

8. Bubble

Bubble Features:

  • The controls are not very convenient, you need to get used to it;
  • Only the general color scheme changes; you cannot change the font, text color or node shape separately;
  • 3 cards are created for free;
  • The map is saved in JPEG, PNG, HTML formats.


1. Premium ($4.91 per month). Create an unlimited number of maps, track the history of changes, add files and images;

2. Corporate tariff. It has several licenses available, management account user, creating user branding. The cost of the corporate plan depends on the number of accounts and subscription period.

My impressions

Nothing special. The controls seemed a little complicated to me, the design seemed ordinary. Who needs business style cards – welcome!


Comapping Features:

  • There is only one type of card;
  • Small design options;
  • Maps can be sent by e-mail, saved in SVG, PDF, Xmind, Freemind, MindManager formats;
  • The service is used for brainstorming, event planning, and training.


Paid versions are based on the number of licenses and the version: online or desktop. One online license costs $25 per year, desktop costs $49, and the maximum package of 100 licenses costs $612 and $1,225 is the discounted price.

My impressions

Nice program, but I don't like this map structure. I like it when the main idea is in the center. The design didn’t work for me either. Why is she nice then? Its simplicity, unobtrusive design. I liked how the marks on the map, for example, “competitor analysis,” are highlighted in gray. They do not distract attention, but provide benefits.

10. MindGenius

Features of MindGenius:

  • Good for team work, educational process. Emphasis is placed on working with enterprises;
  • The design possibilities are optimal - the size, color, font type, background fill color, and block shapes can be changed;
  • Add pictures, links, notes - this function is also available;
  • There are mobile applications for iOS and Android;
  • Export maps in MS Office applications, JPEG, PNG, PDF, HTML
  • There are a large number of different templates, there are Gantt charts, Swot analysis, and training guides are provided for each type.


1. A license for 5 users costs $1120;

2. License for 10 – $2192;

3. Updating an existing version – $187.

My impressions

Nice design, clear controls, great capabilities - a good program, in general. If I manage a company, I will take MindGenius into account.

11. Wisemapping

Features of Wisemapping:

  • Easy to use, but there are difficulties with drawing additional nodes;
  • Export to JPEG, PNG, PDF, SVG, Freemind, MindJet, text format or Excel;
  • You can add users to collaborate on the map;
  • Few design options: few icons, templates, styles.

My impressions

A program with a classic image of mental maps. Small color palette, but if the content is more important to you than appearance, then you will like Wisemapping. The screenshot shows the difference in design. If you want minimalism without frills, get it. Do you want to color the map? It will work too. True, not very diverse.

12. Mapul

Features of Mapul:

  • Unusual design. Bright rich colors of lines and blocks;
  • Maps are saved in JPEG, SVG formats;
  • Small selection of colors and fonts;
  • Not very convenient controls. The lines are difficult to change after drawing, the text jumps along them and is difficult to read.


1. Free version. One card and 4 images;

2. Premium package. The number of cards is unlimited. Premium can be purchased for 3, 6 or 12 months. Accordingly, $25, $35, $50.

My impressions

The design simply captivated me: bright, juicy, unusual. But the drawing process let us down. I want to align the line - instead the program draws me an additional branch. In general, if you get used to it, Mapul can become your favorite.

13. Mindomo

Features of Mindomo:

  • Three accounts: teacher, businessman, student;
  • 24 card templates available;
  • Possibility of collaboration on the map by several users. When the card is changed, notifications are sent by email;
  • There is a backup option;
  • Audio and video recordings, images, hyperlinks, icons, symbols are added;
  • The priority of tasks is set, comments are added to blocks.


Purchased for six months. All plans include an unlimited number of mind cards, backup to DropBox and Google. Disk, adding audio and video, password protection of cards, desktop version, synchronization between devices, 7 import formats.

1. Premium ($36). It has 8 export formats, 1 GB of memory, 1 user;

2. Professional ($90). It has 12 export formats, 5 GB of memory, 1 user;

3. Team ($162). It has 12 export formats, 15 GB of memory, 5 users.

My impressions

After working at Mindomo, there is some kind of pleasant aftertaste. Drawing is easy - just click on the button next to the block. Pictures are inserted easily and immediately in the optimal size. I liked that you can make notes for each block in the form plain text or lists - very convenient.

14. Coggle

Features of Coggle:

  • Tooltips on English language;
  • A kind of management. New branches, for example, appear with a double click, a color scheme appears with a right-click;
  • There is only one map in the free version;
  • Export in PNG, PDF formats;
  • Working together on a map. There is chat and comments;
  • History of changes. The slider moves along the scale, returning the map to the desired editing segment;
  • More than 1600 icons;
  • A gallery of other people's maps is available;
  • Synchronization with Google Drive, account required.


1. Awesome. $5 per month or $50 per year. Unlimited number of cards, presentation mode, shared folders, high-resolution image uploading, wide choice of color schemes;

2. Organization (corporate). $8 per month. Added a separate workspace, consolidated billing, user and deadline management, and corporate identity.

My impressions

I didn't like the design at all. It’s not very difficult to understand the controls, the tips are nearby. Lines and blocks are easy to create and change direction. The slider for undoing changes to the map is a real lifesaver.

15. ConceptDraw MINDMAP

Features of ConceptDraw MINDMAP:

  • There are ready-made themes. The design capabilities are standard: the size of the letters changes, the background of the text and the map itself is filled;
  • The map is converted into a text list and vice versa;
  • Hyperlinks, notes, icons, tags are added;
  • Extensive presentation creation options;
  • Maps are imported from Xmaind, FreeMaind, MindManager, Word, Power Point programs;
  • Export to PDF, web pages, MindManager, Word, Power Point formats. You can export a checklist file with completed and uncompleted tasks;
  • You can demonstrate presentations on Skype, post on Twitter, send by email and save in Evernote;
  • In addition to maps, you can draw diagrams and various flowcharts, manage projects;
  • By default, the map is saved on your computer in the “My Documents” folder.


This program has complicated pricing. It depends on the number of users plus taken into account additional functions. For $199 you will purchase the simplest version for 1 license, an update to the program costs $99, a package for corporate use costs $299, and 10 licenses for educational purposes cost $638.

My impressions

There are many useful functions in the program. In addition to the service for creating mind maps, there is also a line of programs for creating business graphics and project management. In general, this is a huge set of tools specifically for business.

16. Popplet

Features of Popplet:

  • Several users can work on one map simultaneously.
  • You can draw in the cells, insert images and videos into them.
  • The scale is adjustable.
  • There are applications for iPad and iPhone.
  • The map can be shared, printed, or converted to PNG or PDF.
  • English interface.


Using the service, you can create no more than 5 cards for free. Anything more requires a subscription, which costs $3 monthly.

My impressions

For me the interface is complicated. For example, I never found how to delete a cell, and I simply moved everything unnecessary out of the viewing area.

Monthly payment is convenient if the service is required due to some circumstances, and you do not plan to use it anymore. We used it for a couple of months and that’s it. If you need mind maps on a long-term basis, it is better to choose another service.


Features of LOOPY:

The service allows you to create “live” diagrams in which elements move between blocks. This allows us to illustrate some cyclical processes.


The service is free, no registration required.

My impressions

Very few possibilities for card design. The main thing is that the maps turn out to be “live”; with their help it is convenient to depict dynamic processes. The resulting diagram can be inserted onto the website as an interactive element.

Let's compare

For convenience, I have prepared a comparison table of services for you. Click on the image below to download it.

We use

For drawing simple cards with plans for the day, lists and ideas are well suited:

  • MindMeister
  • MindManager
  • MindMup
  • Mind 42
  • Wisemapping
  • Comapping
  • Mapul

The programs are easy to manage, everything necessary functions right at your fingertips.

Are you looking for a convenient tool for teamwork or strategic planning? Create presentations and assign tasks to the entire department using mind maps. Choose.
