Phraseologism about daily bread. Phraseology. Expressions dating back to biblical and evangelical sources. Principle of historical context research

Bread is called daily bread in three senses. And in order to know when we pray what kind of bread we ask from God and our Father, let us consider the meaning of each of these meanings.

Firstly, we call daily bread ordinary bread, bodily food mixed with the bodily essence, so that our body grows and strengthens, and so that it does not die of hunger.

Consequently, meaning bread in this sense, we should not look for those dishes that will give our body nourishment and sensuality, about which the Apostle James says: “You ask the Lord and do not receive, for you do not ask the Lord what is necessary, but what use it for your lusts." And in another place: “You lived luxuriously on earth and enjoyed; feed your hearts as for the day of slaughter.”

But our Lord says: “Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be burdened with overeating, drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and lest that day come upon you suddenly.”

And therefore, we should ask only the necessary food, for the Lord condescends to our human weakness and commands us to ask only for our daily bread, but not for excesses. If it were different, He would not have included the words “give us this day” in the main prayer. And St. John Chrysostom interprets this “today” as “always.” And therefore these words have a synoptic (overview) character.

Saint Maximus the Confessor calls the body a friend of the soul. The inflower instructs the soul so that it does not care about the body “with both feet.” That is, so that she would not care about him unnecessarily, but would only care with “one leg.” But this should happen rarely, so that, according to him, the body does not become satiated and rise up over the soul, and so that it does the same evil that demons, our enemies, do to us.

Let us listen to the Apostle Paul, who says: “Having food and clothing, let us be content with this. But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and into the devil’s snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts that plunge people and lead them into disaster and destruction.”

Perhaps, however, some people think this way: since the Lord commands us to ask Him for the necessary food, I will sit idle and carefree, waiting for God to send me food.

We will answer in the same way that care and care are one thing, and work is another. Care is a distraction and agitation of the mind about many and excessive problems, while to work means to work, that is, to sow or labor in other human labors.

So, a person should not be overwhelmed by worries and cares and should not worry and darken his mind, but place all his hopes on God and entrust all his worries to Him, as the prophet David says: “Cast your sorrow on the Lord, and He will nourish you.” ”, that is, “Cast the care of your food on the Lord, and He will feed you.”

And he who places his hope most in the works of his own hands, or in the labors of himself and his neighbors, let him hear what the prophet Moses says in the Book of Deuteronomy: “He who walks on his hands and trusts and trusts in the works of his hands is unclean, and he He who falls into many worries and sorrows is also unclean. And the one who always walks on four is also unclean.”

And he walks both on his hands and on his feet, who places all his hopes on his hands, that is, on those deeds that his hands do, and on his skill, according to the words of St. Nilus of Sinai: “He walks on four who, having given himself up to matters of the senses, the dominant mind is constantly occupied with them. A multi-legged man is one who is surrounded by the body from everywhere and is based in everything on it and embraces it with both hands and with all his strength.”

The prophet Jeremiah says: “Cursed be the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his support, and whose heart withdraws from the Lord. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord.”

People, why are we worrying in vain? The path of life is short, as both the prophet and king David say to the Lord: “Behold, Lord, You have made the days of my life so short that they are numbered on the fingers of one hand. And the composition of my nature is nothing before Your eternity. But not only me, but everything is in vain. Every person living in this world is vain. For a restless person does not live his life in reality, but life resembles his painted picture. And therefore he worries in vain and collects wealth. For he does not really know for whom he is collecting this wealth.”

Man, come to your senses. Don’t rush like crazy all day long with a thousand things to do. And at night again, do not sit down to calculate the devil’s interest and the like, for your whole life, in the end, passes through the accounts of Mammon, that is, in wealth that comes from injustice. And therefore you do not find even a little time to remember your sins and cry about them. Do you not hear the Lord telling us: “No one can serve two Lords.” “You cannot,” he says, “serve both God and Mammon.” For He wants to say that a person cannot serve two masters, and have a heart in God, and wealth in unrighteousness.

Have you not heard about the seed that fell among the thorns, that the thorns choked it, and that it did not bear any fruit? This means that the word of God fell on a man who was mired in worries and worries about his wealth, and this man did not bear any fruit of salvation. Don’t you see here and there rich people who have done something similar to you, that is, who have collected great wealth, but then the Lord breathed on their hands, and the wealth left their hands, and they lost everything, and with it their minds and Now they wander around the earth, overwhelmed by anger and demons. They received what they deserved, for they made wealth their God and applied their minds to it.

Hear, O man, what the Lord says to us: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.” And you should not collect treasures here on earth, lest you hear from the Lord the same terrible words that He said to one rich man: “You fool, this night they will take your soul from you, and to whom will you leave everything that you have collected?” .

Let us come to our God and Father and cast all the worries about our lives on Him, and He will take care of us. As the Apostle Peter says: let us come to God, as the prophet calls us, saying: “Come to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be ashamed that you were left without help.”

Like this with God's help We have interpreted for you the first meaning of your daily bread.

The second meaning: our daily bread is the Word of God, as Holy Scripture testifies: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

The Word of God is the teaching of the Holy Spirit, in other words, all of Holy Scripture. AND Old Testament, and New. From this Holy Scripture, as from a source, the Holy Fathers and teachers of our Church drew, watering us with pure spring waters his divinely inspired teachings. And therefore we must accept the books and teachings of the Holy Fathers as our daily bread, so that our soul does not die from hunger for the Word of life even before the body dies, as happened with Adam, who violated the commandment of God.

Those who do not want to listen to the Word of God and do not allow others to listen to it, either with their words or the bad example they set for others, and in a similar way, those who not only do not contribute to the creation of schools or other similar endeavors for the benefit of Christian children, but also repair obstacles to those who wish to help will inherit the words “Alas!” and “Woe to you!” addressed to the Pharisees. And also those priests who, through negligence, do not teach their parishioners everything that they need to know for salvation, and those bishops who not only do not teach their flock the commandments of God and everything necessary for their salvation, but through their unrighteous lives become a hindrance and a cause departure from the faith among ordinary Christians - and they will inherit “Alas!” and “Woe to you!”, addressed to the Pharisees and scribes, for they close the Kingdom of Heaven to people, and neither themselves enter into it, nor others - those who wish to enter - are allowed in. And therefore these people, as bad stewards, will lose the protection and love of the people.

In addition, teachers who teach Christian children must also instruct them and lead them to good morals, that is, to good morals. For what is the benefit if you teach a child to read and write and other philosophical sciences, but leave a depraved disposition in him? How can all this benefit him? And what kind of success can this person achieve, either in spiritual matters or in worldly ones? Of course, none.

I say this so that God would not tell us those words that He spoke to the Jews through the mouth of the prophet Amos: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord God, when I will send a famine on the earth - not a famine of bread, not a thirst for water, but a thirst for hearing the words of the Lord." This punishment befell the Jews for their cruel and unyielding intentions. And therefore, so that the Lord does not say such words to us, and so that this terrible grief does not befall us, let us all awaken from the heavy sleep of negligence and be saturated with the words and teachings of God, each according to our own abilities, so that bitterness does not overtake our soul. and eternal death.

This is the second meaning of daily bread, just as superior in importance to the first meaning as it is more important and life is more necessary souls life body.

Third meaning: daily bread there is the Body and Blood of the Lord, as different from the Word of God as the sun is from its rays. In the Sacrament of the Divine Eucharist, the entire God-man, like the sun, enters, unites and becomes one with the whole person. It illuminates, enlightens and sanctifies all mental and physical powers and feelings of a person and leads him from corruption to incorruption. And that is precisely why, mainly, we call our daily bread Holy Communion The Most Pure Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, for it supports and restrains the essence of the soul and strengthens it to fulfill the commandments of the Lord Christ and to any other virtue. And this is true food for both soul and body, for our Lord also says: “For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink.”

If anyone doubts that the Body of our Lord is called our daily bread, let him listen to what the holy teachers of our Church say about this. And first of all, the luminary of Nyssa, the Divine Gregory, who says: “If a sinner comes to his senses, like to the prodigal son from the parable, if he desires the Divine food of his Father, if he returns to His rich table, then he will enjoy this meal, where there is an abundance of daily bread, feeding the Lord’s workers. The workers are those who work and toil in His vineyard, in the hope of receiving wages in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Saint Isidore of Pelusiot says: “The prayer that the Lord taught us does not contain anything earthly, but its entire content is heavenly and is aimed at spiritual benefit, even that which seems small and insignificant in the soul. Many wise people They believe that the Lord wants with this prayer to teach us the meaning of the Divine Word and bread, which feeds the incorporeal soul, and in an incomprehensible way comes and unites with its essence. And that is why bread was called daily bread, because the very idea of ​​essence is more suitable for the soul than for the body.”

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem also says: “Ordinary bread is not daily bread, but this holy bread (the Body and Blood of the Lord) is daily bread. And it is called essential, because it is communicated to your entire composition of soul and body.”

Saint Maximus the Confessor says: “If we adhere in life to the words of the Lord’s Prayer, then let us accept, as our daily bread, as vital food for our souls, but also for the preservation of everything that has been given to us by the Lord, the Son and the Word of God, for He said: “I am the bread that came down from heaven” and gives life to the world. And this happens in the soul of everyone who receives Communion, according to the righteousness and knowledge and wisdom that he possesses.”

Saint John of Damascus says: “This bread is the firstfruits of the bread to come, which is our daily bread. For the word daily means either the bread of the future, that is, the next century, or the bread eaten to preserve our being. Consequently, in both senses, the Body of the Lord will be equally appropriately called our daily bread.”

In addition, Saint Theophylact adds that “The Body of Christ is our daily bread, for whose uncondemned Communion we must pray.”

However, this does not mean that since the Holy Fathers consider the Body of Christ to be our daily bread, they do not consider ordinary bread necessary to support our body to be daily. For he too is the gift of God, and no food is considered contemptible and reprehensible, according to the Apostle, if it is accepted and eaten with thanksgiving: “Nothing is reprehensible if it is received with thanksgiving.”

Ordinary bread is incorrectly called daily bread, not according to its basic meaning, because it strengthens only the body, not the soul. Basically, however, and according to generally accepted opinion, we call the Body of the Lord and the Word of God our daily bread, for they strengthen both body and soul. Many holy men testify to this with their lives: for example, Moses, who fasted for forty days and nights without eating bodily food. The prophet Elijah also fasted for forty days. And later, after the incarnation of our Lord, many saints lived long time only the Word of God and Holy Communion, without eating other food.

And therefore, we, who have been worthy of being reborn spiritually in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, must continually receive this spiritual food with ardent love and a contrite heart, in order to live a spiritual life and remain invulnerable to the poison of the spiritual serpent - the devil. For even Adam, if he had eaten this food, would not have experienced the double death of both soul and body.

It is necessary to partake of this spiritual bread with due preparation, for our God is also called a burning fire. And therefore only those who eat the Body of Christ and drink His Most Pure Blood clear conscience, having first sincerely confessed his sins, cleanses, enlightens and sanctifies this bread. Woe, however, to those who receive communion unworthily, without first confessing their sins to the priest. For the Divine Eucharist burns them and completely corrupts their souls and bodies, as happened to the one who came to the wedding feast without a wedding garment, as the Gospel says, that is, without having done good deeds and not having fruits worthy of repentance.

People who listen to satanic songs, stupid conversations and useless chatter and other similar meaningless things become unworthy of listening to the word of God. The same applies to those who live in sin, for they cannot partake and partake of the immortal life to which the Divine Eucharist leads, for their spiritual powers are killed by the sting of sin. For it is obvious that both the members of our body and the containers of vital forces receive life from the soul, but if any of the members of the body begins to decompose or dry up, then life will no longer be able to flow into it, for the vital force does not flow into dead members. Likewise, the soul is alive as long as life force from God enters it. Having sinned and stopped accepting vital forces, she dies in agony. And after some time the body dies. And so the whole person perishes in eternal hell.

So, we talked about the third and final meaning of our daily bread, which is just as necessary and beneficial for us as Holy Baptism. And therefore it is necessary to regularly partake of the Divine Sacraments and accept with fear and love our daily bread, which we ask in the Lord’s Prayer from heavenly Father ours, as long as “today” lasts.

This “today” has three meanings:

firstly, it can mean “every day”;

secondly, the entire life of each person;

and thirdly, the present life of the “seventh day”, which we are completing.

In the next century there will be neither “today” nor “tomorrow,” but this entire century will be one eternal day.

“And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.”

Our Lord, knowing that there is no repentance in hell and that it is impossible for a person not to sin after Holy Baptism, teaches us to say to God and our Father: “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

Since before this, in the Lord's Prayer, God spoke about the holy bread of the Divine Eucharist and called on everyone not to dare to partake of it without proper preparation, therefore now he tells us that this preparation consists in asking forgiveness from God and from our brothers and only then proceed to the Divine Mysteries, as it is said in another place of Holy Scripture: “So, man, if you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and bring your gift.”

In addition to all this, our Lord touches on three other issues in the words of this prayer:

firstly, he calls on the righteous to humble themselves, which He says in another place: “So you too, when you have done everything commanded you, say: we are slaves, worthless, because we did what we had to do”;

secondly, He advises those who sin after Baptism not to fall into despair;

and thirdly, he reveals with these words that the Lord desires and loves when we have compassion and mercy for each other, for nothing makes a person more like God than mercy.

And therefore, let us treat our brothers the way we want the Lord to treat us. And let us not say about anyone that he grieves us so much with his sins that we cannot forgive him. For if we think how much we grieve God with our sins every day, every hour and every second, and He forgives us for this, then we will immediately forgive our brothers.

And if we think how numerous and incomparably greater our sins are in comparison with the sins of our brothers, that even the Lord Himself, Who is truth in His very essence, likened them to ten thousand talents, while He likened the sins of our brothers to a hundred denarii, then we will be convinced we are aware of how truly insignificant the sins of our brothers are in comparison with our sins. And therefore, if we forgive our brothers their small guilt before us, not only with our lips, as many do, but with all our hearts, God will forgive us our great and countless sins, of which we are guilty before Him. If we happen to fail to forgive the sins of our brothers, all our other virtues, which, as it seems to us, we have acquired, will be in vain.

Why do I say that our virtues will be in vain? For our sins cannot be forgiven, according to the decision of the Lord, who said: “If you do not forgive your neighbors their sins, then your Heavenly Father will not forgive you your sins.” In another place, he says about a man who has not forgiven his brother: “Evil servant! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me; Shouldn’t you also have had mercy on your companion, just as I had mercy on you?” And then, as it is said further, the Lord became angry and handed him over to the torturers until he repaid the entire debt to Him. And then: “So will My Heavenly Father do to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother his sins from his heart.”

Many say that sins are forgiven in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Others claim the opposite: that they are forgiven only if they confess to a priest. We tell you that both preparation and confession are obligatory for the remission of sins, and the Divine Eucharist, for neither one gives everything, nor the other. But what happens here is similar to how, after washing a dirty dress, it must be dried in the sun to remove dampness and moisture, otherwise it will remain wet and rot, and a person will not be able to wear it. And just as a wound, having been cleansed of worms and removed the decomposed tissue, cannot be left without being lubricated, so having washed away the sin, and cleansed it with confession, and removed its decomposed remains, it is necessary to receive the Divine Eucharist, which completely dries up the wound and heals it, like some kind of healing ointment. Otherwise, in the words of the Lord, “a person again falls into the first state, and the last is worse for them than the first.”

And therefore it is necessary to first cleanse yourself of any filth by confession. And, first of all, cleanse yourself of rancor and only then approach the Divine Mysteries. For we need to know that just as love is the fulfillment and end of all law, so rancor and hatred are the abolition and violation of all law and any virtue. The inflower, wanting to show us all the malice of the vindictive, says: “The path of the vindictive is to death.” And in another place: “He who holds vindictiveness is a transgressor.”

It was precisely this bitter leaven of rancor that the accursed Judas carried within himself, and therefore, as soon as he took the bread into his hands, Satan entered into him.

Let us fear, brothers, condemnation and the hellish torments of rancor and forgive our brothers for everything they have done wrong to us. And we will do this, not only when we gather for Communion, but always, as the Apostle calls us to do with these words: “If you are angry, do not sin: let not the sun set on your anger and malice on your brother.” And in another place: “And do not give place to the devil.” That is, do not let the devil take up residence in you, so that you can cry out with boldness to God and the remaining words of the Lord’s Prayer.

"And do not lead us into temptation"

The Lord calls us to ask God and our Father not to allow us to fall into temptation. And the prophet Isaiah on behalf of God says: “I form light and create darkness, I create peace and allow disasters to happen.” The prophet Amos says in a similar way: “Is there a disaster in a city that the Lord would not allow?”

From these words, many of the ignorant and unprepared fall into various thoughts about God. It is as if God Himself throws us into temptation. All doubts on this issue are dispelled by the Apostle James with these words: “When tempted, no one should say: God is tempting me; because God is not tempted by evil and does not tempt anyone Himself, but everyone is tempted by being carried away and deceived by his own lust; lust, having conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin that is committed gives birth to death.”

Temptations that come to people are of two types. One type of temptation comes from lust and happens according to our will, but also at the instigation of demons. Another type of temptation comes from sadness, suffering and misfortune in life, and therefore these temptations seem more bitter and sad to us. Our will does not participate in these temptations, but only the devil assists.

The Jews experienced these two types of temptations. However, they chose of their own free will the temptations that come from lust, and strived for wealth, for glory, for freedom in evil and for idolatry, and therefore God allowed them to experience everything the opposite, that is, poverty, dishonor, captivity, and so on. And God again frightened them with all these troubles, so that they would return to life in God through repentance.

These different guilt punishments God's prophets called "disaster" and "evil". As we said earlier, this happens because everything that causes pain and grief in people, people are accustomed to calling evil. But this is not true. That's just how people perceive it. These troubles occur not according to the “initial” will of God, but according to his “subsequent” will, for the admonition and benefit of people.

Our Lord, combining the first cause of temptation with the second, that is, combining temptations that come from lust with temptations that come from grief and suffering, gives them a single name, calling them “temptations,” because they tempt and test a person’s intentions. However, in order to better understand all this, you must know that everything that happens to us comes in three types: good, evil and mean. Good includes prudence, mercy, justice and everything similar to them, that is, qualities that can never turn into evil. The evil ones include fornication, inhumanity, injustice and everything similar to them, which can never turn into good. The averages are wealth and poverty, health and illness, life and death, fame and infamy, pleasure and pain, freedom and slavery, and others similar to them, in some cases called good, and in others evil, according to how they governed by human intention.

So, people divide these average qualities into two types, and one of these parts is called good, because this is what they love, for example, wealth, fame, pleasure and others. Others of them they call evil, because they have an aversion to it, for example, poverty, pain, dishonor, and so on. And therefore, if we do not want what we ourselves consider evil to befall us, we will not do real evil, as the prophet advises us: “Man, do not enter of your own free will into any evil and into any sin, and then the Angel who guards you will not allow you to experience any evil.”

And the prophet Isaiah says: “If you are willing and obedient, and keep all My commandments, you will eat the good things of the land; But if you deny and persist, the sword of your enemies will devour you.” And still the same prophet says to those who do not fulfill His commandments: “Go into the flame of your fire, into the flame that you kindle with your sins.”

Of course, the devil first tries to fight us with voluptuous temptations, for he knows how prone we are to lust. If he understands that our will in this is subordinate to his will, he distances us from the grace of God that protects us. Then he asks God for permission to bring bitter temptation upon us, that is, grief and disaster, in order to completely destroy us, due to his great hatred of us, causing us to fall into despair from many griefs. If in the first case our will does not follow his will, that is, we do not fall into voluptuous temptation, he again raises the second temptation of grief upon us, in order to force us, now out of grief, to fall into voluptuous temptation.

And therefore the Apostle Paul calls to us, saying: “Be sober, my brethren, watch and be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” God allows us to fall into temptations, either according to His economy in order to test us, like the righteous Job and other saints, according to the words of the Lord to His disciples: “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to sow you like wheat, that is, to shake you temptations." And God allows us to fall into temptation by His permission, just as He allowed David to fall into sin, and the Apostle Paul to renounce Him, in order to save us from complacency. However, there are also temptations that come from being abandoned by God, that is, from the loss of Divine grace, as was the case with Judas and the Jews.

And the temptations that come to the saints according to God’s economy come to the envy of the devil, in order to demonstrate to everyone the righteousness and perfection of the saints, and in order to shine even brighter for them after their victory over their adversary the devil. Temptations that occur with permission are sent in order to become an obstacle to the path of sin that has happened, is happening, or is yet to happen. The same temptations that are sent out of abandonment by God are caused by a person’s sinful life and bad intentions, and are allowed for his complete destruction and destruction.

And therefore, we must not only flee from temptations that come from lust, as from the poison of an evil serpent, but also if such a temptation comes to us against our will, we must not fall into it in any way.

And in everything that concerns the temptations in which our body is tested, let us not expose ourselves to danger through our pride and insolence, but let us ask God to protect us from them, if such is His will. And may we bring Him joy without falling into these temptations. If these temptations come, let us accept them with great joy and pleasure, as great gifts. We will only ask Him for this, so that He might strengthen us to victory to the very end over our tempter, for this is exactly what He tells us with the words “and do not lead us into temptation.” That is, we ask not to leave us, so as not to fall into the maw of the mental dragon, as the Lord tells us in another place: “Watch and pray, so as not to fall into temptation.” That is, so as not to be overcome by temptation, for the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

However, no one, hearing that one must avoid temptations, should justify himself by “excusing sinful deeds,” referring to his weakness and the like when temptations come. For in difficult times, when temptations come, the one who is afraid of them and does not resist them will thereby renounce the truth. For example: if a person happens to be subjected to threats and violence for his faith, or in order to renounce the truth, or to trample on justice, or to renounce mercy towards others or any other commandment of Christ, if in all these cases he retreats out of fear for his flesh and cannot bravely resist these temptations, then let this person know that he will not be a partaker of Christ and in vain he is called a Christian. Unless he later repents of this and sheds bitter tears. And he must repent, for he did not imitate the true Christians, the martyrs, who suffered so much for their faith. He did not imitate Saint John Chrysostom, who went through so much torment for justice, the Monk Zosima, who suffered hardships for his mercy towards his brethren, and many others whom we cannot even list now and who endured many torments and temptations in order to fulfill the law and commandments of Christ . We must also keep these commandments, so that they free us not only from temptations and sins, but also from the evil one, according to the words of the Lord’s Prayer.

"But deliver us from evil"

The devil himself is called the evil one, brethren, mainly, for he is the beginning of all sin and the creator of all temptation. It is from the actions and instigations of the evil one that we learn to ask God to free us and believe that He will not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength, in the words of the Apostle, that God “will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength, but with temptation He will also give relief, so so that you can bear it." It is, however, necessary and obligatory not to forget to ask Him and pray to Him about this in humility.

“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen"

Our Lord, knowing that human nature always falls into doubt due to its lack of faith, consoles us by saying: since you have such a powerful and glorious Father and King, do not hesitate to turn to Him with requests from time to time. Only, when bothering Him, do not forget to do it the way the widow bothered her master and the heartless judge, saying to Him: “Lord, free us from our adversary, for yours is the everlasting Kingdom, invincible power and incomprehensible glory. For You are a mighty King, and You command and punish our enemies, and You are the glorious God, and You glorify and exalt those who glorify You, and You are a loving and humane Father, and You care and love those who through Holy Baptism have been deemed worthy to become Your sons, and they loved You with all their hearts, now and ever, and to the ages of ages.” Amen.

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Daily bread

Daily bread
From the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 6, v. 11) the prayer “Our Father” is given, where there are the words: “Give us this day our daily bread.”
The Russian translation of this verse is: “Give us this day our daily bread.”
Allegorically: something vital, necessary for existence.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

Daily bread

An expression from the prayer given in the Gospel (Matt. 6:11): “Give us this day our daily bread,” that is, give us the bread we need for existence this day. In addition to the direct meaning, it is used in the sense: vital.

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.


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    Ah, plural breads and breads, m. 1. only units. h. Food product baked from flour. Pecked bread. Rye bread. Wheat bread. White bread (from wheat flour). Black bread (made from rye flour). A kilogram of bread. □ Long before the light, Ilyinichna flooded... ... Small academic dictionary

    BREAD- Food product baked from flour (only singular bread); food product from flour in the form of a baked product of any shape ( plural breads); grain from which flour is made (singular bread only); cereals... ... Linguistic and regional dictionary

    urgent- oh, oh; puppy, puppy, puppy. see also urgently, urgently Having an important vital meaning, definitely necessary. Urgent question. New tasks, needs. daily bread … Dictionary of many expressions


  • Daily bread. Detective, Pavel Karelin. – Everyone has their own piece of daily bread. You become a cog in the system that conducts the hunt. A real hunt for people, their actions and actions. And punishment, like prey, is already... eBook

“Man does not live by bread alone” - this is what we say when we want to remind ourselves or others that a person has more than just material needs.”
Now, paraphrasing the statement, let’s say: “Man does not live by Alla alone.” What prompted me to write this article? Disturbance. Riot of my consciousness.
Television has long turned into a garbage can, this is clear as day. An advanced, avant-garde century, or a return to an era, a stage of primitive culture. If you think about it, it becomes scary for our society, because even stone Age associated with the continuous cultural development of man. What we see today: “United Alla lives modern man in Russia".

Fall, expression of the individual? More and more often, this very thought comes to my mind, looking at the happy, simply distraught with joy, faces of our public, who once again gathered to gaze, be enchanted, and selflessly bow before the “stars”, the retired idols of our stage. It was pensioners, not veterans, who went on their well-deserved rest, but pensioners tenaciously cling to the stage, the glory of the “people” (?), recognition. It doesn’t bother our old people that they have already reached their “pillars of Hercules” and to move on is simply madness.

The ancient Greeks believed that where the very edge of the world is located and the endless ocean opens up to the eye, there are two huge pillars (they are also called pillars in the ancient dialect). It was Hercules who installed them during his journey, and they meant only one thing - there is no further road, therefore a common person should not even take risks.
In ancient times, they were the end of the earth, and to go beyond them means to commit suicide. Thus, if a person went beyond the pillars, then he reached the final limit.
But our people, like children who love to watch horror stories, feed their grandfathers, like those vampires who crawl out of the cracks of their graves, with exaltation, not agreeing with their death, their death. And they do not give the “stars” the opportunity to realize that they are already at the threshold of their “pillars of Hercules” and there is no further dear.
It’s painful to look at artists trained for years by national glory. An obsession with power over the public. Blurred faces from endless botulinum toxin treatments or plastic surgery turned the “stage masters” into one continuous mask - a masquerade and nothing more. It’s easy to get confused, everything looks the same. It’s awkward, ashamed for those “heroes” who do not allow young talents onto the stage. “The Mafia is Immortal”, “Cosa Nostra”, the genre of crime drama is on the screens, and you can’t call it anything else.

Gifts, sparks of God, awww, where are you??? People, don’t bury your talents in the ground! Are you tired of eating only “bread”?
Recently it was announced on central television that a concert of “star” grandchildren would take place. I was simply stunned, sorry, by this impudence. You, then your children, and now your grandchildren?!?!?!! Unhappy Russia, what is the government doing to people?
Madonna, ABBA, Adriano Celentano, Al Bano & Romina Power, Bad Boys Blue, David Bowie, Demis Roussos, Secret Service, Dalida, Modern Talking and many, many others, these are the ones I remember and saw live, rose with these foreign singers and our young and well-known “stars”.

The only difference in these “ celestial bodies”, some left the price with dignity, others, out of greed, still cannot let go of this “bone”, gnawed, polished by vanity and thirst for possession people's love, recognition.

Apparently the words of J.V. Stalin (1879-1953), spoken on May 4, 1935 in the Kremlin Palace before graduates of military academies: “Cadres decide everything!” , will be an eternal barrier to the “new trend”, to the young and unknown talents of our Motherland.
And who are the “cadres”?... I think the answer is known to everyone. Sadly!

Photo source: Internet

    Alpha and omega (of which) are the basis of everything, most importantly, the beginning and the end (alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet).
    The expression goes back to the biblical text: “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end,” says the Lord.

    Prodigal son. The original meaning is “a son who has disobeyed his father”; used in the meaning: a dissolute person, morally unstable, but more often in the meaning: repentant of his mistakes.
    The expression is associated with the Gospel parable about a son who left his father and spent his time in debauchery. Having squandered his money, experienced poverty and hardship, he returned home and was joyfully received by his father.

    Throw a stone, throw a stone- to condemn, accuse, denigrate, defame someone.
    Expression from the Gospel story. When the scribes and Pharisees, tempting Jesus, brought to him a woman caught in adultery, he said: “He who is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone at her.”(in ancient Judea there was a punishment - stoning).

    Babel- complete confusion, extreme disorder, confusion; noise, din, turmoil. According to biblical legend, the inhabitants of Ancient Babylon tried to build a tower that was supposed to reach the sky. When the builders began their work, the angry God “confused their language,” they ceased to understand each other and could not continue the construction (pandemonium - the creation of a pillar, the building of a tower).

    Belshazzar's feast. Live as Belshazzar. Used to mean “a cheerful, frivolous life during some kind of disaster.” “Living like Belshazzar” means carelessly living in luxury.
    The expression goes back to the Bible, to the story about the feast of the Chaldean king Belshazzar (Balthazar), during which mysterious hand wrote letters on the wall foreshadowing the death of the king. That same night Belshazzar was killed, and Darius the Mede took possession of his kingdom.

    Faith moves mountains- conviction in the rightness of a cause helps to overcome all the difficulties associated with it.
    The expression goes back to the Gospel text: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed and say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

    Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This expression is used in the sense of “acquiring knowledge, comprehending the meaning of various phenomena.”
    The expression arose from the biblical myth about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil growing in paradise, the fruit of which Adam was forbidden by God to eat under pain of death. But the tempting serpent convinced Eve that those who ate the fruits of this tree would not die, but would be “like gods, those who know good and evil." For disobedience to God they were expelled from paradise.

    In much wisdom there is much sorrow- quote from the Bible.

    Every creature in pairs. This is how they jokingly talk about the mixed, motley composition of a human group, crowd, society.
    This expression arose on the basis of the biblical myth about the global flood, from which only the pious Noah and his family were saved, since God taught him to build an ark (ship). Noah, at the command of God, took with him seven pairs of “clean” and seven pairs of “unclean” animals of all breeds, birds and reptiles to preserve life on earth after the flood.

    Voice in the wilderness. This expression from the Bible is used to mean “a vain call for something that remains unheeded and unanswered.”

    Let this cup pass from me. This expression is used in the sense of “let this grief and misfortune not touch me.”
    An expression from the Gospel - the words of Jesus spoken by him during prayer.

    Egyptian executions. This expression is used in the sense of “cruel, destructive disasters”; arose from the biblical myth about the ten plagues that God subjected Egypt to for Pharaoh’s refusal to free the Jews from captivity: he turned water into blood, sent frogs, pestilence, and so on.

    Golden calf. The expression is used to mean gold, wealth, the power of gold, money, and is associated with the biblical story about a calf made of gold, which the Jews, wandering in the desert, worshiped as a god.

    Judas the traitor. Kiss of Judas. The name Judas is synonymous with a traitor; The expression Judas' kiss is used in the sense of "a treacherous act, hypocritically covered up by a manifestation of love and friendship."
    Expressions owe their origin to the Gospel legend about the betrayal of one of the twelve disciples of Jesus - Judas Iscariot; he betrayed his teacher to the Jewish high priests for thirty pieces of silver; Having brought the guards to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus was, Judas said that whoever he kissed must be taken; He immediately approached Jesus and kissed him.

    Stumbling block. An obstacle, a difficulty that someone encounters in any business, activity, etc.
    According to the Bible, the stumbling block is a stone placed by God at the Temple in Jerusalem (Zion). Non-believers stumbled over him.

    No stone can be left unturned. Destroy, destroy until last foundation, leave absolutely nothing.
    Expression from Scripture: “Truly I say to you, not one stone will be left here upon another, everything will be destroyed,” the words of Christ, who predicted the destruction of Jerusalem.

    Sealed book. The expression used in the Bible means “something incomprehensible, hidden, completely inaccessible to understanding.”

    Scapegoat. A person who is blamed for someone else, responsible for others.
    A biblical expression that arose thanks to a ritual that existed among the ancient Jews: on the day of absolution, the high priest laid both hands on the head of a live goat as a sign of placing the sins of the Jewish people on it, after which the goat was expelled into the desert.

    Foundation stone. The basis, the most important, essential part; main idea.
    Expression from the Bible: “I lay for the foundation in Zion a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.”- this is what the prophet Isaiah says.

    Manna from heaven. Something desirable, extremely necessary, rare. “Wait like manna from heaven” - wait with great impatience, strong desire, very much.
    According to the biblical myth, manna from heaven is the food that God sent to the Jewish people every morning from heaven when the “sons of Israel” walked through the desert to the promised land.

    Moloch. Make a sacrifice to Molech. These expressions are used as a symbol of cruel, inexorable force that requires human sacrifice. They arose from the name of the Phoenician deity, which is mentioned in the Bible.

    Do not make yourself an idol. Used in the sense of “do not blindly worship anyone or anything as an idol.” The expression is found in the Bible, in one of the commandments of Moses.

    Burning bush. This expression is used as a figurative definition of indestructibility and safety.
    According to the biblical myth, a miraculous burning but not burning thorn bush, in the flame of which God appeared to Moses.

    Carry your cross. Heavy cross. This is what they say about someone’s difficult fate, severe suffering. These expressions arose on the basis of the Gospel legend about Jesus carrying the cross to Calvary, on which he was to be crucified.

    From the evil one. The expression from the evil one is used to mean “superfluous, incorrect, harmful.”
    Expression from the Gospel. Jesus, having forbidden swearing by heaven, earth, or the head of the swearer, said: “But let your word be: yes, yes; no, no; and anything more than this is from the evil one.”

    Sprinkle ashes on the head. To grieve deeply over some disaster, the loss of something valuable.
    The expression goes back to a story from the Bible about the ancient custom of Jews to sprinkle ashes or earth on their heads, mourning the misfortune of themselves or loved ones.

    Deadly sin. Seven deadly sins. A very big vice, an unforgivable offense.
    In religious ideas, it is a sin that cannot be redeemed by anything, which entails eternal torment in hell after death (in religious scholastic dogma, there were seven such mortal sins: envy, stinginess, fornication, gluttony, pride, despondency, anger).

    Sodom and Gomorrah. An expression meaning licentiousness, as well as extreme disorder, noise, turmoil; goes back to the biblical myth about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in ancient Palestine, which were destroyed by fiery rain and an earthquake for the sins of their inhabitants.

    Salt of the earth. Used in the meaning of “the most active, creative force of the people.”
    Expression from the Gospel; Jesus' words to his disciples: "You are the salt of the earth."

    Vanity of vanities and all sorts of vanity. Used in the meaning of “petty worries, everything insignificant, useless, without true value.” Expression from the Bible.

    Pitch darkness. Complete, hopeless darkness; ignorance, painful, gloomy life.
    In the text of the Gospel this is the name of hell, the underworld.

    Daily bread. Necessary means for life, for existence. The most important, essential, vital.
    From the prayer in the Gospel: “Give us this day our daily bread (give us the bread we need for subsistence this day).”

Daily bread

The phraseological phrase "daily bread" came into the Russian language from a church book - prayers in the Gospel - give us our daily bread today "give us this day the bread we need for existence."

As in other cases, the content of a phraseological unit is not determined by the sum of the meanings of the words included in it.

Phraseologism daily bread has two meanings in Russian speech:

1. Necessary means for life, for existence.

I was tired of my sciences and my daily bread, which in the last month I had to earn in a double portion as usual (A. Chekhov. Letter to N. A. Leikin).

A few words about Leukin. I think teachers of Russian literature will be able to use this material. Nikolai Alexandrovich Leikin (1841-1906), prose writer and publisher. He is the author of 36 novels and stories, 11 plays and several thousand essays, short stories, sketches and feuilletons. Researchers note the beneficial influence of N. A. Leikin on the young Anton Chekhov.

Later, Chekhov and Leikin diverged, which is explained mainly by Chekhov’s retreat into the field of serious literature. The question of Leikin's influence on the young Chekhov has not been sufficiently studied. I hope that SPU philologists will work on this scientific problem.

2. The most important, essential, vital.

A new reader is emerging, a mass one, for whom literature is not the amusement of well-fed people, but their daily bread (S. Skitalets. Maxim Gorky).

Stepan Gavrilovich Skitalets (1869-1941), poet, prose writer. Real name is Petrov.

As part of the phraseological unit Daily Bread, as in other cases, there is a rethinking of the component words.

1) food product ( White bread; a piece of bread);

2) a product in the form of a product of a certain shape (round bread); in plural h. - breads (remove breads from the oven);

3) grain - only in units. h. (sow grain);

4) a plant from the grains of which flour and cereals are made, cereal - in the plural. h. bread (the bread was lost).

It should be noted that there are two figurative meanings of the wordbread :

1) food, sustenance, dependency, maintenance, many others. h. bread (to be on someone's bread);

2) earnings, livelihood - in units. h.

The second figurative meaning of the word bread in phraseologydaily bread . It should be noted that the word bread in figurative meaning included in other phraseological units: light bread; faithful bread; bread and salt, etc.

The adjective urgent came into Russian speech from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which, etymologists note, it arose as a result of the tracing of the Greek word epiousios. Greekism goes back to the combination with the meaning “for the passing day.” Morphemic structure of the adjective: nasushch-n-y, short form nasush-enO, nasush-n-a.

In the Ukrainian language, this phraseological unit has the same components: daily bread. Phraseologism is our daily bread in bookish style.

There is a rebirth of this phraseological unit. Sociologists, political scientists and journalists use phraseological units in headlines and texts, characterizing the life of the people in our difficult times, the struggle of people for their daily bread.

O. E. Olshansky
