What does the name Leo mean? The full name is shortened and affectionate. Family and love

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What does the name Leo mean?

The name Leo means king of beasts (Greek)

The meaning of the name Leo is character and destiny

A man named Leo is usually smart and talented. Punctual, obligatory, conscientious. Quite balanced, but if he gets angry, then seriously. His patience should not be abused. He may not pay attention to the mess in the house for a long time, not make any claims to his wife about her culinary abilities, but one day, completely unexpectedly, he will leave for another woman who is a better cook. Leo is good-natured with children, loves to tinker with them, play with them, rarely punishes them, but his punishments are remembered by them for a lifetime. He is in no hurry to get married, he is loving, and it takes him a long time to choose his betrothed. A man named Leo attracts the attention of women with his intelligence, ability to behave in society, and generosity of soul. He is a tireless lover, passionate and tender. Defeat is unknown to him. Leo does not tolerate refusal. He knows how to look after beautifully and does it with pleasure. He values ​​strong relationships and marries a kind and devoted woman.

Meaning of the name Leo for sex

Leo appreciates strong love relationship. He is somewhat concerned about his sexual capabilities, and from time to time doubts begin to overcome him. However, as a rule, his fears are unfounded. At the slightest failure, Leo is capable of falling into despair, so he values ​​​​very much the partner with whom he has established a harmonious relationship. For him, sexual intimacy is closely connected with spiritual intimacy; not every woman is able to excite him. A man named Leo does not tolerate cold women; he does not want to make a lot of effort to ignite the flame of passion in his girlfriend. In general, Leo takes sex very seriously, seeing it not only as a source of joy, but also as a means of maintaining health.

The character and fate of the name Lev, taking into account the patronymic

First name Leo and patronymic....

Lev Alekseevich, Lev Andreevich, Lev Artemovich, Lev Valentinovich, Lev Vasilievich, Lev Viktorovich, Lev Vitalievich, Lev Vladimirovich, Lev Evgenievich, Lev Ivanovich, Lev Ilyich, Lev Mikhailovich, Lev Petrovich, Lev Sergeevich, Lev Fedorovich, Lev Yurievich cunning, resourceful. Able to occupy a prominent position in society. Easily makes friends with the right people. Always grateful, never in debt. Tries to help everyone, always busy with someone else's business. Witty, energetic. He is rarely satisfied with what he has achieved; he is always missing something. Sexy, but too squeamish - not every woman can go to bed with him. For him, intimate intimacy is closely connected with spiritual intimacy. Only the woman who will satisfy him in all respects can become his wife. However, Leo cannot be called a faithful husband, although he himself is jealous, demands complete devotion from his wife, and often causes scandals simply because of his own suspicion. He adores his sons, spoils them, but is not at all involved in their upbringing. Not very economical, all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife. But he knows how to provide for his family. Such a Leo is an attentive son, never forgets his parents, and treats his father-in-law and mother-in-law with respect. Often lives with his parents under the same roof.

First name Leo and patronymic....

Lev Alexandrovich, Lev Arkadyevich, Lev Borisovich, Lev Vadimovich, Lev Grigorievich, Lev Kirillovich, Lev Maksimovich, Lev Matveevich, Lev Nikitich, Lev Pavlovich, Lev Romanovich, Lev Tarasovich, Lev Timofeevich, Lev Eduardovich, Lev Yakovlevich- a very sociable person. He is in dire need of true friends and a close woman. The loss of a friend becomes a spiritual tragedy for him. This Leo is highly sexual, although from time to time he doubts his potency completely unreasonably. A man named Leo is respectful with women, seductive, does not tolerate refusal, he never backs down. However, having won a woman, he is often seriously disappointed, not receiving that extraordinary thing that he so strived for. In general, it is best to influence this Leo with love, care and affection; he does not tolerate objections. Marries late, first strives to achieve something in life. He acquires a good specialty, gets on his feet, and only then thinks about starting a family. Not the last place when choosing a life partner is occupied by her intelligence, education and external attractiveness. But Leo marries only for love. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Leo and patronymic....

Lev Bogdanovich, Lev Vilenovich, Lev Vladislavovich, Lev Vyacheslavovich, Lev Gennadievich, Lev Georgievich, Lev Danilovich, Lev Egorovich, Lev Konstantinovich, Lev Robertovich, Lev Svyatoslavovich, Lev Yanovich, Lev Yaroslavovich arrogant, with inflated self-esteem. Arrogant in relationships with women, he does not know defeat in love. Does not tolerate refusal, does not tolerate objections. Powerful and proud. Falling in love, often changes lovers, cheats on his wife. The wife has a hard time with the love affairs of a man named Leo, and it is often for this reason that the first marriage breaks up. Leo experiences divorce for a long time and painfully, believing that his wife has betrayed him, but he himself is incorrigible. The place of his wife is quickly taken by one of his lovers, and everything repeats itself. Such a Leo has children of different sexes from different marriages, loves them all, and never forgets.

First name Leo and patronymic....

Lev Antonovich, Lev Arturovich, Lev Valerievich, Lev Germanovich, Lev Glebovich, Lev Denisovich, Lev Igorevich, Lev Leonidovich, Lev Lvovich, Lev Mironovich, Lev Olegovich, Lev Ruslanovich, Lev Semenovich, Lev Filippovich, Lev Emmanuilovich good-natured and easy-going, but only until his pride is hurt. Unforgiving, but very touchy. Imposing, slow, somewhat lazy and sexy. This Leo does not marry for a long time, he does not need the extra troubles associated with his family, although he wants to feel loved and desired. Therefore, intimate relationships with a woman in the form of a civil marriage can last a very long time. A legal marriage can only take place at the insistence of the beloved. Leo himself will take the initiative only if he is connected with his beloved not only by intimate intimacy, but also partnerships at work, career building, general life interests. They give birth to children of different sexes. Leo is a good father, although his wife is involved in raising the children - he is too busy with himself. He cheats on his wife, he needs to constantly make sure that his potential capabilities do not decrease.

First name Leo and patronymic....

Lev Alanovich, Lev Albertovich, Lev Anatolyevich, Lev Veniaminovich, Lev Vladlenovich, Lev Dmitrievich, Lev Nikolaevich, Lev Stanislavovich, Lev Stepanovich, Lev Feliksovich, Lev Filimonovich diplomatic, smart, intelligent. Much hotter than their namesakes with other middle names. Good Loves working with children. A man named Leo is erudite and has a great command of words. Does not tolerate monotony, loves entertainment, thrill. Bows before feminine beauty, but most of all he values ​​intelligence in his friends. In his youth, such a Leo asserts himself in sex, and in adulthood he sees in it health treatment, stimulant for Have a good mood. In married life, sex is the basis for him harmonious relations. He is easy-going in the family and loves children. Has sons whom he spoils excessively. He is a leader in the family; he will not allow his wife to lead him, and does not tolerate pressure.

Many people today are beginning to be interested in the meaning of their name, and this is probably not without reason. After all, there is no doubt that the owners of the same names have a similar character or destiny. Why is that? Many researchers have been searching for an answer to this question, and anyone can now familiarize themselves with their works on the topic of the secrets of names. Let's try to find out about the secrets of the proud name Leo.

How the name came about

There are several theories about the origin of the name Leo. According to one of them, this name comes from the Latin “leo”, translated as “lion”. In addition, in Ancient Greek there is a name Leontes with the meaning “king of beasts”, “lion”. But the source of the name Leo could also be the Hebrew language - there it is translated as “heart”.

Translated from several languages, the name Leo means “king of beasts.”

Synonyms, abbreviations and other forms of the name

Abbreviations and diminutive options: Leva, Leo, Lenya, Lesya, Leka, Levko, Levus, Lyonya, Lyulik, Lyovushka, Levunya, Levusya, Levchik, Leonek.

Photo gallery: pictures with the name Leo

Traces of the name Leo are found in ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew. Leo celebrates his name day several times a year. There are different theories about the origin of the name Leo.

Leo, Leon, Lio, Lion, Lion, Levon, Levko, Love - analogues of the name Leo in other languages.

The church version of the name Leo is similar to the secular one.

Table: the name Leo in other countries

Leo's children will have patronymics Lvovich, Lvovna.

In Latin the name Leo is written as LEV.

What middle names does it suit?

The name Lev goes best with the patronymics Vladislavovich, Vitoldovich, Afanasyevich, Evgenievich, Lazarevich.

How to choose a nickname for a social network

For registration on Instagram, YouTube and any other social network Leo can choose his first and last name, or he can choose one of the following options:

  • Levity;
  • Lion man;
  • Levy;
  • Levin;
  • Levidenes;
  • Levernedi.

In Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “What do you have?” the name Leo appears.

Patron Saint of Leo

Leo Angel Day - January 12, February 2, March 3, March 5, May 31, June 20, July 14, July 24, August 31, September 20, September 24, October 24, November 25, December 20.

Leo of Katansky is a saint who patronizes all bearers of this name. He was born in Sicily, into a noble family who raised him in the love of God. Having matured, Leo decided to devote himself to the church and became a bishop. In this position, the saint helped those who could not take care of themselves: orphans, widows, the disabled, holy fools. Lev of Katansky knew how to treat any ailment with prayers, cast out demons and restore sight.

The legend about this saint and sorcerer Iliodor is very popular. The Magus renounced Christ and did a lot of evil, despite the fact that Leo asked him many times to come to his senses. And when Iliodor appeared at one of the church services to spoil it, Leo of Katansky grabbed him and entered the fire with him until the sorcerer burned. The saint himself remained unharmed.

Lev Katansky performed many miracles during his life

The character and fate of the owner of the name

The name Lev is mentioned in the works of all famous researchers: Higir, Florensky, Rouge. What they have in common in their Leo characteristics are such qualities as stubbornness, diligence, inconstancy, honesty and wisdom. This man can be kind and caring, but you shouldn’t make him angry either.

According to numerologists, 4 is the number of Leo."Fours" are usually very calm people who are in harmony with their inner world and rarely quarrel with others. They are unsociable and detached from the world; they prefer to be in the world of their dreams, forgetting about real life. “Fours” are very sensitive and receptive, often acquiring creative professions. Despite this, people with this number are excellent conversationalists; there is never a dull moment with them; they have their own point of view on any issue.

Leo's number characterizes him as a sensitive man, not devoid of creative talents


Little Leva is often different from his peers. He, like other children, is quite active, loves to play and have fun, but to these traits he has added prudence and wisdom. He rarely misbehaves and most often thinks about his every action for a long time. Even at a young age, he learns moral standards and rules of conduct. This kid will never do anything wrong.

Parents can be proud of their child: he is stubborn and persistent, and does not give up halfway. Everything Leva starts doing will eventually be completed one hundred percent. But this applies not only to his personal goals, but also to the instructions of his parents. This child will never disobey his elders and will do everything he is told, even if he really doesn’t want to. Usually he has many friends, because he is friendly, responsive and attentive to others, which arouses genuine love from everyone around him.

But Leva also has negative character traits. It is mandatory, but not always accurate. Despite the fact that people are drawn to this child, he himself has difficulty making contact: sometimes he cannot, and sometimes he simply does not want to. He is always guided by his principles, many of which are quite stupid, but it is impossible to convince the baby. In addition, to negative aspects His personality can be attributed to the inability to accept criticism, even constructive.

Little Leo carries out his parents' instructions, even if he doesn't want to.


In adolescence, Leva becomes a unique personality who immediately stands out from the crowd. He is very purposeful and persistent, he sees no obstacles on the way to his dreams. He is quite smart and talented, which helps him achieve success in any business he undertakes. He is cheerful and cheerful, but at the same time hardworking and committed. This combination of traits makes this guy quite successful already in adolescence.

Leva strives for leadership and gaining influence, and most often he succeeds. His classmates and teachers love him, because he is courteous and attentive, he knows how to behave in order to deserve such an attitude. He is by nature an excellent organizer, the person who is at the head of any school affairs. His opinion is listened to on any issue, because he is eloquent and can earn the respect of even those who were initially negative.

Public opinion becomes for Lyova a solid foundation for building a happy future. Once he becomes a leader during his school years, he will use the skills he learns for the rest of his life. This young man is very popular with the opposite sex, many girls try to gain his affection, but during this period, building relationships is not part of the guy’s plans, he is too busy with self-development.

Leva is a born leader

Grown man

An adult Leo is a person whom nature has endowed with a huge number of good qualities. He has a very wide circle of friends, he easily makes new friends and knows how to find an approach to everyone thanks to his kindness, sociability and excellent sense of humor. But there is another side to such sociability: this man loves to dominate others, he sees nothing wrong with using other people for his own purposes.

A lot of good things can be said about Leo’s determination and perseverance, because he knows how to set achievable goals for himself and plan every step leading to the fulfillment of his dreams. This person has hard work, diligence and responsibility, which allows him to easily overcome any challenges along the way. He succeeds in any business he takes on.

Leo is quite hot-tempered, which can push people close to him away, although he tries to control himself. Despite great amount This man makes very high demands on his acquaintances and friends. He does not admit mistakes, does not forgive betrayals. He will never leave another person in trouble, but sometimes he does not fulfill his promises. The point here is that he takes on too many tasks and sometimes physically cannot do everything.

Leo is a very sociable and outgoing person.

What does he show ability to do?

Sports are something that Leo can do quite well, but he does not know how to work in a team, so he often chooses individual sports. In addition, he likes to take risks, playing cards, casinos or betting, but he knows when to stop and is unlikely to lose his entire fortune.

Leo is addicted to gambling

Professional area

IN professional activity Leo most often achieves success, but it is very important that he chooses his own field of work. He cannot do something that is not interesting to him, but if he is interested in something, then the man risks becoming a real workaholic who will quickly climb up the career ladder. This person has his sights set on becoming the boss almost from the first day, and sooner or later his ambitions will be satisfied. He will become an excellent leader who cares about his subordinates and sets feasible tasks for them.

There is no specific area in which Leos perform best. His passion for sports may well develop into a profession in which he will achieve success. In addition, this man has certain creative inclinations, so he can try himself in the field of a writer, actor, or director. Leo's sociability can help him if he chooses the profession of a doctor, consultant, or sales manager.

This man's business has every chance of success. Most likely, Leo will conduct it in good faith, without resorting to deception for the sake of profit. The only problem can be his unhealthy stubbornness: he does not always know how to adapt to circumstances, bypassing his principles.

Leo can become a good doctor


Most often, Leo does not complain about his health, but it is very important for him to exercise and not sit in one place too much, otherwise he risks developing diseases of the joints or spine. Non-compliance healthy image life can lead to problems with the heart and nervous system, and the weak point of all owners of this name is the stomach.

A sedentary lifestyle is harmful for Leo

Love relationship

In his youth, Leo's relationships are not constant. He is prone to cheating, he wants variety, so he changes partners very often. But at some point this stops, because he meets the ideal woman with whom he wants to stay for life. He dives headlong into this relationship, literally idolizes his partner, and can court her for a long time. He needs a girl who will be neat, eccentric, and moderately passionate. He is very jealous, will not forgive betrayal and will be angry even because simple communication with other men.

Sex for Leo is an important part of a relationship. He suffers from doubts about his sexuality, so he tries to reach the heights of mastery. It is very important for him that his partner is happy, so he is ready to experiment, most often he is affectionate and gentle.

Leo is trying to find an ideal wife, so most likely he will have more than one marriage in his life. He needs a thrifty and wise woman, but the passion quickly disappears in the relationship, which does not suit the man. In addition, he wants to be the head of the house; he does not like his wife’s stubbornness. Leo will be a protector and support for his family; he loves children very much and spends a lot of time with them.

Young Leo is prone to cheating

Table: Leo compatibility

Which years are the most significant?

Years in which important events for Leo occur: 5, 17, 39, 55, 68.

Rhymes for the name Leo: bluff, chorus, heating, anger, boss.

Table: astrological and natural symbols of Leo

Rose hip - plant symbol Leo

The meaning of the letters in the name

Each letter of the name Leo has its own influence on its owner.

  • L is a narcissistic person who never thinks about the well-being of others. Interesting to talk to, gets along with everyone easily mutual language, has creative abilities, partial to beauty. Loves unusual situations, is attached to close people, devoted to the woman he loves;
  • E - purposeful, needs constant self-development and personal growth. He dreams of leadership, knows how to manipulate others, but most often he is on good terms with everyone, and is very charming. Acts based on emotions, not logic. He values ​​his freedom greatly;
  • B is a romantic and passionate partner who is incapable of betrayal and will be faithful to his soulmate to the end. Endowed with creative abilities, good intuition, rich imagination. He looks at life realistically, loves nature, is sociable and quickly makes new acquaintances.
Narcissism and selfishness are what the first letter brings to the name Leo

Songs in which Lev’s name appears: Vladimir Lisitsyn “Little Svetka”, Sergei Trofimov “Anna Karenina”.

Season and character

The character of Leo also depends on what time of year he was born.

  • “winter” - always stands for justice, does not tolerate if someone is treated dishonestly. This man considers himself better than others, very vain, although in fact he is nothing special. In other people he values ​​calmness and loyalty, but does not get involved with those who could somehow ruin his reputation or hinder his self-development. Very hot-tempered, he is easily angered by speaking rudely;
  • “Spring” - outwardly seems like a simple and stupid guy, but this is just a mask under which he hides his true intentions. In fact, he dreams of power, and is ready to do anything to get everyone's love and attention. He loves to invent achievements for himself and brag about them loudly. This man is ambitious and calculating, but fickle, so it is difficult for him to achieve his goal;
  • “summer” is so kind that others often think that there is evil intent behind this, but this is not so. This man simply sincerely loves people and is ready to do anything to help his loved ones. He is very sensitive, he has many friends and almost no enemies, you can trust him with any secret, being sure that he will not betray. But you shouldn’t make him angry either: this person feels when he is just being used;
  • “autumn” - this man likes to perform noble, knightly deeds, but it is even more important for him to do it in plain sight, so that someone will know about his exploits. He will be a loyal protector for his family and friends. This energetic person can achieve anything, but he very much limits himself to his principles. For him, morality and honor are not an empty phrase; he will follow these rules in any situation.

When characterizing Leo, you need to take into account the time of year in which he was born

How zodiac signs influence destiny

Each name has its own horoscope, which shows us the hidden traits of its bearer.

  • Aries is an active and cheerful man, for whom nothing is more important than fun and entertainment. Likes to indulge in dreams, but knows how to distinguish them from real life. This man is a real adventurer; he loves to take risks if it helps him gain new experiences. He has many friends and can be called the life of the party. In addition, this person is very loving, he likes short but passionate novels;
  • Taurus is very selfish and places too high demands on those who want to become his friends. But this trait is compensated by the loyalty of this man: he will never betray or abandon a loved one in trouble. He is straightforward and sometimes even harsh, he does not think that his words will offend anyone. He values ​​justice and honesty very much. It is quite easy to offend him, and if this happens, then this person will take revenge for a long time;
  • Gemini is a cheerful and sociable person, he is eloquent, and loves long conversations on completely different topics. It seems as if nothing can upset this man: he is always optimistic and confident in his abilities. He likes adventures, surprises, everything that makes life varied. In addition, he is very popular among the weaker half of humanity, but serious relationship not for him, prefers light affairs;
  • Cancer is kind, but straightforward, he is devoid of delicacy or the ability to flatter, it is only important for him to tell the truth, without thinking about the impact his words have on others. At the same time, he is very unsure of himself, doubts every decision he makes. It is easy to offend him, and at such a moment this man changes, becomes rude and angry. A girl can melt her heart only with sincere love and care;
  • Leo is very practical and not prone to daydreaming. He has serious ambitions and strives for greatness, power, and universal love. He does not see obstacles on the way to his goal, he considers himself better than other people, therefore he easily betrays and abandons loved ones if he needs it. His arrogance makes it impossible to argue with this person: he simply does not believe that anyone but him can be right;
  • Virgo - prefers to always be alone, he is happy without friends, he does not like parties and large noisy companies. He likes to be independent from other people, so he does not trust anyone, prefers to keep all secrets to himself and solve his problems himself. This man cannot be called purposeful; he simply goes with the flow, without thinking about what is happening around him. Only an equally calm and wise girl can win his heart;

    Zodiac signs greatly influence the character of Leo

  • Libra - has a complex character that prevents him from making friends or building serious relationships. Outwardly, this man seems absolutely indifferent to everything that happens. He is always cold and rarely shows any emotions. Indifferent to others. But in fact, such behavior is just a shell behind which hides a sensitive nature that worries for a long time over any little things;
  • Scorpio - sees the goal in front of him and does not notice obstacles. This is extremely ambitious person who thinks that nothing is impossible for him. He does not think about the well-being of others; nothing can stop him on the path to his dream. At the same time, this man is very rude towards others, and can be aggressive if something does not suit him. He does not listen to anyone but himself, he considers only his opinion to be the only correct one;
  • Sagittarius - this person’s outer shell does not correspond to his inner state at all, his soul is closed to everyone. He is very sincere and straightforward, never lies and always says what he thinks. Sometimes it seems like he is rude and insensitive, but in fact this man is easy to hurt or offend, he is a romantic and needs tenderness, but is very shy about it. Values ​​loyalty above all else;
  • Capricorn - puts career above everything else, and it is in it that he achieves unprecedented success. He quickly climbs the career ladder thanks to hard work, perseverance and discipline. For this man, acquiring a leadership position is just a matter of time: sooner or later he will become a boss, and he will cope with his responsibilities perfectly. He is too trusting, so he will suffer from betrayal more than once;
  • Aquarius - very positive person who is ready to do anything for others. He will always help a loved one in trouble: with advice or even deed. He is very generous and open to the world, trusting others with all his secrets. But not everyone is his true friends, many only take advantage of his kindness, which ultimately drives this man into depression, he withdraws into himself and from now on trusts only his family, for whose well-being he is still ready to move mountains;
  • Pisces - not self-confident, doubts every decision, therefore he rarely does anything significant in life, although he has talents in different areas. He is very impressionable and would be a wonderful friend, but those around him rarely reciprocate his care, so he does not trust people. This man prefers solitude, although deep down he dreams of a woman who will be his support and support.

I'm in different time communicated with two young men named Lev. Comparing their characters now, I can say with confidence that they really had a lot common features. For example, in their behavior they always seemed younger than their years: while those around them were actively interested in the opposite sex, went to parties and poisoned themselves with alcohol, both of my Leo friends behaved like children who want to have fun and play computer games or playing football in the yard. Both of them did not study perfectly, but quite well, and received prestigious professions.

But in terms of relationships with the opposite sex, their destinies diverge slightly. Only Lev seemed to have never cared about this (and even now, as far as I know, nothing has changed). He just laughed at his friends who were in relationships, but he himself preferred to be alone. Another Leo was actively interested in girls, and he himself was popular with the weaker half of humanity. True, his novels never worked out: being a little childish, when a problem arose, he simply abandoned the girl without trying to fix anything.


On the night of March 5 (the day of memory of Lev Katansky) you cannot look at falling stars, otherwise you will then have to suffer from visions in broad daylight.

On the night of Lev Katansky you should not look at falling stars

Historical figures named Leo

Among the owners of this name were people who received fame and awards for their services.

  • Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) - Russian novelist, known throughout the world, thinker, educator, participant in the defense of Sevastopol, was nominated for Nobel Prize;

    Leo Tolstoy's novels are known all over the world

  • Lev Leshchenko (born 1942) - pop singer, People's Artist of Russia, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland;

    Lev Leshchenko - Soviet and Russian singer

  • Lev Landau (1908–1968) - Soviet scientist in the field of theoretical physics, founder of his own school, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor and Nobel Prize laureate;

    Lev Kulidzhanov - award-winning director

Today, studying the features of a name can (and should) become important point for those who are expecting a new addition to the family, because everyone wants to see their child happy, successful and talented. A name can really make a difference if you choose it correctly. Well, an adult Leo, reading about the secrets of his name, will be able to better know himself and his character, which can also be very useful.

When choosing a name for a child, its meaning, which is not always known to parents, plays an important role. The origin of many names does not allow a Russian-speaking person to associate them with any concept. One of the exceptions is the name Leo, in which its royal meaning is immediately discernible.

Unlike many other names, to find the meaning of which you have to look in dictionaries and look for foreign language interpretations, a lion- not only a name, but also a word in Russian. This is its highlight: when you look at Leo, you remember the corresponding predatory animal. This is one of the most understandable male names in terms of meaning.

It came from Latin language, where the word leo means "lion". This, however, is only the most popular version. Some sources indicate that it came from the ancient Greek name Leontes or even from the Hebrew word that means "heart." Thus, the origin and meaning of the name Leo is unclear even now, although it can be established with greater accuracy than the interpretation of many other names.

Although this name is not very popular in Russia, it has found its way into many other languages, where it is always easy to recognize. Leo, Leo, Leon - cannot be confused with anything else. Even with baptism it does not change: in Orthodoxy the name Leo belonged to several saints.

general characteristics

The name Leo endows its owner with many pleasant character traits. He is a reliable and honest person, polite and courteous. Usually he becomes the center of the company, easily takes leadership positions, and stands out from the crowd.

His self-esteem is rather inflated: he loves himself very much and strives for an appropriate position in society. His methods are usually honest: he knows that the outside reflects the inside, and maintains the image of an elegant, well-groomed person. And although he can be lazy and selfish, he usually works conscientiously and achieves his goals.

His passionate nature and quick changes of mood do not give him peace, so friendships and close relationships with him can be difficult. Sometimes he can seek someone’s attention for a long time, and then decide that he doesn’t need it and leave. Even he himself does not always understand what he wants in a close relationship.

The bearer of this name also has his own secret: no one deals with enemies better than him. He uses this skill only in the most extreme cases, and then his enemies will be in trouble. This is the person who should not cross the road.

Leva in childhood

A child bearing this name may differ from other children by being somewhat slow and phlegmatic. He cannot be called active or a tomboy - as a rule, he does not play pranks or play around, wanting to engage in more meaningful activities. Because of this, he often looks older than his age.

In her actions, Leva is guided by her own concepts of honor and justice: the name Leo for a boy means that he will always be able to judge what is right and what is wrong. Often he defends those who themselves cannot cope with their offenders, which attracts new friends. He is unlikely to get involved in other people's feuds, but he will try to stand up for his friends.

Striving to be smart, Leo never stops there and strives to gain maximum knowledge and skills. His laziness is compensated by his excellent learning ability, which allows him to quickly master new material and easily cope with school assignments. Even before school, it becomes noticeable that he can achieve a lot in several areas of knowledge at once. He is talented, smart and ready to continuously develop.

Physics and literature, mathematics and history are equally easy for him; he has no favorite or hated subjects. However, this can cause difficulties in choosing a career and path in life. His desire to show everyone his mental capacity often leads him to study science. The specific area is not important, since his inclinations allow him to achieve a lot in the area to which he devotes a lot of time and effort.

He is usually popular at school. He can become a talented leader and take leading positions in any company. An excellent student, a favorite of other children - these are not uncommon characteristics for Leo. However, this does not always happen: in unfriendly teams, he can become aggressive, unsociable, uncontrollable and unwilling to try at what he cannot do. It is important that parents monitor his communication with classmates and participate in his life, since the opinion of mom and dad always plays a big role for this boy.


Leo's innate qualities give him many advantages during this difficult period. By this time, he is already gaining a reputation as a fair leader and a person whose opinion needs to be listened to, and his goodwill and courtesy are capable of defeating, if not all, then many of the surrounding teenagers. These years often become decisive for him: right now he can turn off the beaten path and begin to use his influence on people. By avoiding this temptation, he can become an honest, just person.

One of the important factors influencing his self-esteem is the attitude of the opposite sex towards him. Close connection The meaning of the name Leo and fate for a boy leads to his high popularity among girls, who see him as an ideal partner: kind, caring, noble. They are also attracted by his certain detachment, sublimity, and in some cases, royalty. Therefore, if she wants, Leva can quickly find a girl and start dating her as one of the first in the class.

But this is not always included in his plans, especially at this age. A person with this name will always have his own view of his future, and he will not back down from his plans. In this situation, maintaining his leadership position and the respect of his peers may be more important to him than romantic interest. If all his thoughts are occupied with how to become the first in everything he does, he may decide that having a girlfriend will only hinder him. At this age, love may seem like a stupid and unnecessary thing to him.

Grown man

Having met this person and talked with him for some time, it is difficult to avoid his charm. In adulthood, all of his blossoms best qualities. At long and medium distances it may seem ideal. He has a great sense of humor, he is friendly, sociable and open, and his responsibility turns him into great friend, whom you can always rely on. There are always many people around him who adore and idolize him. He himself likes to give the impression of a knowledgeable and authoritative person and enjoys his leadership position.

A serious disadvantage of communicating with him can be his temper: he sometimes cannot restrain himself and behaves emotionally even in minor quarrels, and does not forgive even small mistakes of friends and lovers. What for another would be nonsense, unworthy of mention, for Leo can cause a break in the relationship.

To a friend who needs urgent help, you can safely rely on Leo: he is able to rush to someone’s call even at night and support. But in less emergency situations he can be forgetful and even irresponsible. This is due to the fact that he has too many friends and acquaintances to whom he promises something, and then places these things in order of importance. Sometimes he would like to help, but there is not enough time in the day.

Business relations and business

A broad outlook and attention to detail allow this person to choose almost any profession and achieve great things in it. He should focus on his desires and aspirations, because once he sets a goal, he will definitely achieve it. A unique gift of intuition also helps him in this: sometimes it seems that he can see the future, choosing in advance events that lead to the desired outcome.

Leo is usually attracted to status things and organizations, and in choosing a career, prestige and society’s attitude towards this field of activity mean a lot to him. Money plays an important role for him, and usually he manages to combine these two aspirations. He does not tolerate any restrictions, and financially he wants to live large, so he often quickly moves up the career ladder.

Most often, he chooses professions in which he can show his best qualities: responsibility, erudition, leadership. In addition, he can choose the area in which his artistic abilities and passion for narcissism will manifest themselves. Here are some possible areas of activity for him:

  • medicine - he can choose professions such as radiologist or ophthalmologist;
  • style and fashion - for example, can become a hairdresser, stylist, tailor, fashion designer;
  • such are not alien to him technical specialties, such as aircraft modeling and radio mechanics;
  • artistic and writing abilities may lead him to the idea of ​​becoming a journalist or writer;
  • Often he chooses a military career, which for him is associated with the honor and dignity of a person.

Whatever Leo decides to work for, he will in any case move up, strive to take the post of boss and become someone who is respected and obeyed.

Gallant, charming, kind - this is how you can characterize a man named Leo. The meaning of his name and his fate are predicted accordingly: he is used to being a leader in relationships and loves to be obeyed. Often he manages to hide it or disguise it as caring or traditional masculine qualities: courage, dominance, determination. But a relationship with him is always a swing, especially while he is still young.

In his youth, Leo can often be imprudent and overly loving. He has many partners, with none of whom he managed to develop a deep and trusting relationship. Until he decides to settle down, you cannot trust him: passionate and prone to betrayal, he can quickly change his opinion about a person and rush away, towards new adventures.

The interpretation of the woman’s name can help him in finding his chosen one. Here are some examples of compatibility of female names with the name Leo:

  • suitable partners for him: Lara, Laima, Carolina, Elvira, Teresa, Rimma, Valeria, Angelica, Kaleria, Isabella, Diana;
  • unwanted union: Eva, Valentina, Susanna, Iya, Sati.

The ideal wife for him would be the one whom he would not even look at in his youth, since she does not evoke such a strong attraction and outburst of emotions. However, you can’t even call her a gray mouse: she is ready to take risks and experiments, knows her worth and is pleasant to talk to.

Having entered into marriage, Leo takes his wife and children who bear his patronymic name seriously. He can be overly jealous and hot-tempered, but over time he calms down if his chosen one suits his character. Otherwise, the union may quickly fall apart.

Health and Wellness

As a child, Leva has good health and a good nervous system. There is little that can unsettle him, he looks at everything quite optimistically and is calm even in the most stressful situations.

A significant contribution to his well-being is made by his love for sports, which, if he does not practice constantly, he certainly does not miss the opportunity to play outdoor games with his friends. Physical education at school is on the list of his favorite subjects; he willingly does it, although he rarely devotes time to classes in sports sections.

In adulthood, his condition directly depends on the lifestyle he leads. If he diligently exercises and generally moves a lot, he may have practically no pain. He is unlikely to become overweight, since from birth he is not prone to gaining excess weight. But a sedentary lifestyle takes its toll on him bad influence, and various problems are possible:

  • diseases of the spine and joints, musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • heart problems;
  • nervous disorders.

Yes, over the years, Leo’s nerves become less strong, especially if he spends a lot of time in a stressful environment. Like all of us, he should take care of his health and take care of it from a young age.

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The male name Leo has several versions of its origin. According to the first, it was formed from the Latin word “leo” - “lion”. Translated from Greek, it also means “lion”, “king of beasts”. In the Middle Ages, this strong, powerful and invincible animal had the meaning of a kind of symbol of return to life. There was a belief that little lion cubs were born dead and came to life thanks to the paternal breath of the leader of the lion pride. The true origin of the name is associated with this strong, temperamental and wise animal.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: diamond
  • Color: golden
  • Wood: cedar
  • Plant: rosehip
  • Animal: lion
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting a man. IN early childhood Leva is distinguished by her calm disposition and perseverance in her first achievements. He is not capricious over trifles and is not mischievous. Parents of the little owner of this beautiful name They often notice that their beloved son is ahead of his peers in development. Later he shows a craving for everything mysterious and unknown. He studies well, but is not one of the “nerds”. Having an excellent memory, he remembers only what is really interesting to him. In the study of sciences that did not stir him subtle nature, the guy is restless and lazy.

This feature can also be seen in adult life bearer of the name Lev. He always does only what ignites his soul and awakens interest. The painful word “must” is justified in his life only by order in his home or great career ambitions. Thriftiness, sometimes bordering on excessive pedantry, is an expressive character trait of this man. He is demanding of himself and those around him.

He always has a lot of friends. Leo is an enviable leader and truly the leader of the pack. There is never a dull moment where he appears, bad mood and an unkind atmosphere. He knows how to cunningly and deftly soften any dispute. If his pride is hurt, an unusually pleasant person turns into an angry monster. Sometimes it is unknown and unpredictable how he will behave.

Positive character traits: courage, fortitude, perseverance, conscientiousness, sociability, thriftiness and accuracy.

Negative qualities - stubbornness, pedantry, lack of perseverance, laziness, unpredictability.

Leo character born in summer, softer and more pliable. This person is hardworking and generous. Autumn is more pedantic, very demanding of himself and others, less quick-tempered and unpredictable. Spring is selfish, stubborn, but very talented and conscientious. Those born in winter are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability, gambling and a quick temper. At the same time, he is very brave and caring.

Interests and hobbies

Leo loves excitement and danger. He prefers sports that allow him to demonstrate individual strength and agility - all kinds of wrestling, mountaineering, swimming, sport fishing. May have a tendency to gamble. True, he never goes too far, he knows a sense of proportion.

Profession and business

Leo always reaches high results in those areas of activity and professions that you have chosen independently and that are of interest. Otherwise, your career will not end in success. Among people with this name there are many doctors, writers, artists, actors, and athletes.

Purposefulness, perseverance and conscientiousness do their job. Leo is almost always successful in business. The exception is those who are not characterized by great ambitions, who are hampered by laziness or excessive stubbornness, bordering on stupidity.


Most often distinguished by good physical fitness. The more diligent and less temperamental Leo is characterized by diseases of the joints and spine; some representatives of the name may suffer from heart disease and nervous system. Weak spots- stomach, heart, musculoskeletal system.

Sex and love

In bed, Leo can reach high level skill. He is affectionate, attentive and quite inventive. In his youth he suffers from lack of confidence in his own sexual powers. With age, doubts become less frequent, but still they periodically remind themselves. Trying to express himself and improve, to learn more about female sexuality, Leo can often change partners. Prone to cheating. But this all lasts until he meets a woman who suits him in every sense. She should be moderately passionate, love experiments and be able to present her body to her lover.

He throws himself headlong into love. Prefers neat and eccentric women. He takes care of them gallantly. Does not tolerate competition, comparing himself with other men. He is jealous and does not forgive betrayals.

Family and marriage

Leo can tie the knot several times, being in search of an ideal in literally this word. Relationships are difficult. A wife who is suitable in all respects often does not arouse much passion. Moreover, in family relationships excessive pedantry and stubbornness do him a disservice. He does not tolerate if his wife tries to become a leader in the house.

Leo fulfills family responsibilities responsibly. She loves children and involves them in her hobbies. In a harmonious marriage with a wise and beautiful woman loyal, acts as a real leader and protector.

Leo has been a very popular name for several decades. Indeed, there is a sense of strength and authority in him. Affectionate addresses - Leva, Levushka. And even though some consider him old and not entirely suitable for a Christian, such opinions can be rejected, since they are erroneous, because Leo’s name days occur several times a year.

Meaning of the name Leo

It is very difficult to go wrong with the meaning of the name. Lion is the king of the animals". Otherwise, you can designate him as “The Strongest”.


Happening given name from Greek language, since no one knew such an animal on the Slavic lands. By naming their child Leo, parents hope that their son will grow up to be a strong and successful predator of human society.

In the Middle Ages, this name meant a symbol that spoke of a return to life thanks to one legend. It said that lion cubs are born stillborn, but the breath of the King of Beasts revives them to a new life.

When is Leo's name day according to the church calendar?

Unlike most Christian names, Leo can celebrate name days many times. It must be remembered that the angel’s day will correspond to the saint whose name is closest to the ward’s birthday on the calendar. So, Leo can be patronized by saints whose name days were such days:

Characteristics of the name

A man bearing this name is both unique and predictable. Nobody can understand how all this fits together in him.


Most Leos are active people with an enviable physical shape, but there are exceptions. If Leo is diligent and not very temperamental, then problems with the joints and spine may occur. Some of them may have ailments that affect cardiovascular system or nerves. Weak points Leo can be considered bones and ligaments, heart and stomach.

Interests and hobbies

Leo is a very gambling person. In sports, he likes to devote time to activities that show individual endurance, strength, and agility. These include:

  • struggle;
  • swimming;
  • fishing;
  • mountaineering.

Despite the frenzy of excitement, Leo has a very developed sense of proportion. He always knows when to stop so as not to do anything stupid.

Family and love

In his youth, Leo often suffers from self-doubt in the presence of ladies. With age, he becomes confident in his capabilities, but youthful fear can sometimes manifest itself throughout life. This leads to Leo trying to prove that he is an excellent lover and a desirable man. In this regard, Leo often changes partners, which does not indicate instability of character. He can cheat, but only until his gaze catches on the very woman who is ideally suited to this Leo. With her, Leo will be happy for the rest of his life.

A woman who will become the best for Leo must have the following qualities:

  • accuracy;
  • moderate passion;
  • eccentricity;
  • love of experimentation;
  • lack of desire to compare men with each other;
  • loyalty.

If Leo has truly fallen in love, he will be completely immersed in the feeling. He will gallantly look after his chosen one, giving her all of himself. Very jealous, he will never forgive the perfect betrayal.

Trying to find his one and only, Leo can create a family several times. Most suitable woman often does not cause an explosion of passions, which worries a man. When starting a family, he simply exudes pedantry and stubbornness, which often works against him. In addition, any encroachment on Leo's dominance in the house causes a negative reaction.

Despite all this, Leo is a great family man. He approaches family responsibilities with all responsibility. Children are a special joy for him. Leo loves them with all his heart, and accordingly, he tries to spend as much time as possible with his family, introducing the kids to his own hobbies.

If Leo has found his woman, then his fidelity is guaranteed. He will always protect his pride and its members, becoming a true protector and leader.


The most striking character traits:

  • deals only with things that interest him;
  • economical, bordering on pedantry;
  • demanding both of himself and of those around him;
  • clear leader;
  • knows how to organize leisure time;
  • perfectly smoothes out disputes;
  • proud to the point of unpredictability;
  • brave;
  • has great fortitude;
  • conscientious;
  • persistent;
  • neat;
  • sociable;
  • not very assiduous;
  • often lazy;
  • unpredictable;
  • generous;
  • talented;
  • caring;
  • stubborn;
  • passionate.

Even if not all qualities can be called good, but all these contradictions coexist peacefully in one character, each time giving rise to a unique and extremely interesting personality.
