What are striped fish called? Schooling fish for an aquarium: description and photo. Red neon Xiphophorus or Pecilia

Aquarium fish are the best choice modern people who can spend only minimal time caring for and maintaining their pets. Decorative fish in a beautiful aquarium, according to Feng Shui, have a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieve stress and attract good luck. In this article, we will learn how to properly maintain and care for aquarium fish, which marine creatures are best to keep, and which peaceful fish should not be placed with predatory ones.


Peaceful inhabitants of aquariums are the most common and popular fish and - they do not require specific nutrition with food fish, but are quite content with dry food. It is believed that fish of a peaceful nature contribute best to the state of harmony and mental balance of the owner and have a positive effect on children. This kind aquarium fish Ok unpretentious in maintenance and suitable for beginner aquarists.


This aquatic animal belongs to the characin family, whose representatives love to live in the clean waters of forest streams and lakes, which are well saturated with oxygen. In their natural habitat (by the way, this species is most common in Central and South America), these fish live in small families - therefore, you need to place at least a few individuals of this species in your home aquarium. Otherwise, a lonely tetra will begin to show aggressiveness towards other fish - not allowing them to come close to it, and even attacking.

Tetra has the following main varieties:

  • Golden (golden)- characteristic color with a golden tint and a lateral green line on the abdomen. IN natural environment the fish has a bright golden color, but at home its color fades somewhat and becomes greenish. Length adult reaches 3-5 cm.
  • Copper (Hasemania)- males of this breed have a beautiful copper color of scales ( lateral line they are silver-gray). The tips of the fins and the bottom of the abdomen are usually white or milky in color.
  • Background Rio- the smallest fish of the tetra species (up to 4 cm). The head and chest are painted in a silvery iridescent color, which becomes red closer to the end of the body. There are 3 vertical stripes on the side.
  • Royal- the fish rightfully received such a noble name - it is the largest species of tetra (up to 6-7 cm). The abdomen is yellow, with an olive tint, the horizontal stripe is rich, dark, as if dividing the body in half. The fins are translucent and slightly pointed.
Tetra- quite thermophilic, the most optimal temperature for it will be 26-28°C. For this species, it is imperative to ensure good oxygen saturation of the water - for this, the aquarium must be equipped with a high-quality double-sided filter.

To feed tetras, they use special dry food, which is sold in pet stores. Also, these fish are very fond of plants such as (tropical herbaceous plant) and ludwigia - these plants grow well in aquariums. It is noteworthy that it is impossible to overfeed such fish - thanks to their natural activity and constant movement, they do not gain excess weight.

Did you know? To prevent vitamin deficiency, fish such as tetras, guppies and barbs are fed ground boiled yolk chicken egg- from it fish receive vitamins of groups A, B, as well as iron and manganese.


Danio- one of the most playful and agile aquarium fish. This resident of reservoirs comes from South Asia - in its natural environment, this fish prefers shallow rivers with rather dense vegetation. Its appearance resembles a spindle - its body is elongated and painted with horizontal stripes. Because of this, zebrafish received the nickname “ladies' stockings.” Bright sunlight reflects the magnificent color of the scales, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

Upturned lips with thin antennae allow the fish to absorb food located on the very surface of the water. Danio has a strong body, it is unpretentious and easily adapts to the environment. For a comfortable existence, this species needs dense vegetation in the aquarium - there they can find shelter and a comfortable place for future offspring.

Rerio- one of the varieties of zebrafish. This fish is silver in color with bright blue stripes and can grow up to 7 cm in length. The pearl danio has a very beautiful scale color - pearlescent with a bluish tint, and the stripes on the body are orange.

Danio dangila is the largest representative of this species - a mature individual can grow up to 9 cm. The optimal temperature for keeping Danio should not be lower than 22-25°C in the summer months, and 18-22°C in the winter.

Important! Due to the fact that the zebrafish is a very fast fish, constantly on the move, it is necessary to select an aquarium of the correct dimensions for it - it should be slightly elongated and have a volume of at least 70 liters.


This inhabitant of freshwater reservoirs comes from America. It has a characteristic appearance, which allows it not to be confused with other fish - a flattened body resembling a diamond. The fins are also unusual - the dorsal fin is narrow, located clearly in the center of the back, the anal fin is wide, it starts from the abdomen and is shaped like a fan. The caudal fin, in turn, is a small fatty process.

These fish have an interesting color. The main color is dark, can vary from dark brown to gray, and there are dark stripes on the sides (usually 3 of them). It is noteworthy that all varieties of thorns have a dark color, but 3 bright types have been artificially bred: Gold, Pink and Caramel. Such fish were created by injecting certain dye injections into their bodies.

Such colorful species are very popular among aquarists - bright thorns look impressive against the backdrop of clear water. Ternetias have a peaceful character, so they get along with almost all peaceful fish - with the exception of very small breeds.

With its wide fins it will constantly touch small fish, which can lead to conflict. The best neighbors for thorns will be guppies and barbs - such fish can get along well in the same aquarium.


Native to Africa, there are about 15 varieties in the wild. They belong to the order Cyprinidae. These representatives are always active, moving in flocks, but can sometimes show aggression when they feel threatened. Adults reach 5-6 cm in length, their body is slightly elongated (oval-shaped). It is noteworthy that the females of this breed have a fuller abdomen - therefore they can always be distinguished from males.

The color of barbs has a wide gradation - red-pearl (Olegolepis), red-ruby (Ruby barbs), green (Green barbs). The latter are the largest representatives of this species - their length is good conditions contents can reach 10 cm in length.

Important conditions for comfortable keeping of barbs are:

  • aquarium volume - at least 70 liters;
  • maintaining a flock of barbs - at least 7 individuals;
  • temperature - 20-25°C, also good saturation of water with oxygen;
  • plants - algae, plants with hard leaves.
It is noteworthy that some aquarists do not consider barbs to be peaceful creatures - these fish are quite cocky and aggressive, they can only get along with swordtails, platies, and all representatives of their species. Barbs categorically cannot tolerate slow and sedentary fish - they will subject such neighbors to aggressive attacks.


These individuals belong to the labyrinthine species and live in East Asia. These agile and nimble fish can be small, up to 4 cm, or large, up to 13 cm. The body is flat, oval in shape. A characteristic feature is the pelvic fins in the form of antennae, which have a length equal to the size of the body. Gourami use these antennae to feel everything around - so they are very small fish they can cause harm, and fish that are too large can injure those gourami's delicate fins.

It has 4 main types, which differ in their color: Silver, Spotted, Marbled and Blue. All breeds have a bright iridescent color.

Conditions for proper maintenance of gourami:

  • aquarium volume - up to 25 liters;
  • water level - average (no more than 30 cm);
  • temperature - 24-27°C;
  • bright lighting for at least 12 hours;
  • clean, constantly changed water.
Gourami eat dry food well, but due to the anatomical features of their mouth, it is important to ensure that the food is not too large - otherwise the fish will not be able to swallow it (especially for fry). Gourami also willingly eat live food - daphnia, tubifex worms, etc. If you are away from home for a long time and you do not have the opportunity to feed this fish on time, it does not matter: gourami can easily endure a hunger strike for up to 10 days.

Did you know? Sometimes you can notice that the bright color of aquarium fish has turned pale - this is often the cause of poor physical and emotional condition, and a feeling of discomfort in the fish.


This small, fast and nimble fish (its length does not exceed 4-5 cm) comes from Brazil. This species lives exclusively in soft, clean water, not contaminated with the remains of plants and food. The fish got its name because of the characteristic bright stripe along the entire length of the back, usually blue or light blue. The background color of the body itself can be different: red, blue, gray, pearlescent.

Neon- the most unpretentious fish. For comfortable keeping of fish, it is enough to use soft water filtered with peat. The optimal temperature for neons is 20-25°C. The presence of aquarium algae is a must - these small fish take refuge in them from potential threats. The size of the aquarium can be small - neon will get along well in a small space.

The fish are also very unpretentious in feeding - they eat both combined food and bread crumbs. However, do not forget that this fish is small - therefore, it is impossible to feed it with large amounts of food, much less large pieces.


One of the most common fish that is found on almost all continents. They are used not only as decorative home care, but also in the form of fishing. They are representatives of the order Perciformes.

Cichlids- very beautiful fish, they have a fairly large, massive size. In aquarium specimens, the body is high, slightly flattened on the sides, and a large fin is located in the center of the back. The color is always bright - yellow, greenish, blue. The eyes are large, bulging, the mouth is large, with slightly swollen lips. Cichlids are very popular among aquarists - due to their visual attractiveness, majesty, unpretentiousness and longevity - in captivity these fish can live up to 25 years.

Among all the subspecies of cichlids, there are both peaceful fish and predators - for example, Cichla temensis is one of the largest predators of cichlids. Its length can reach 1 meter. All aquarium cichlids are divided into 2 large categories- large fish (angelfish, acara) and small species. It is noteworthy that keeping small individuals is more troublesome than large ones.

Due to its large size, the volume of the container for keeping a cichlid should be at least 25 liters. The optimal temperature for them is 20-25°C. Such fish can live for a long time in stale water contaminated with food debris - they do not require frequent cleaning or changing the water. In their food preferences, fish are also omnivorous - they eat dry food, ice cream, and canned food.

Cichlids are fish that have a unique memory: for example, they are able to recognize the owner and can even learn to take food from his hands. However, these fish are wary of new inhabitants of the aquarium: if you add too fast, aggressive fish to them, a conflict is inevitable.


Predatory aquarium fish differ from their peaceful counterparts in that they eat raw meat. However, their name - predators - does not mean that such fish disdain vegetation. Pure predatory fish, as such, do not exist in the aquarium environment. However, all predatory fish are quite aggressive and do not get along well with all fish - so it is important to know which predators can be housed with each other and which ones absolutely cannot.


Tropheus- very beautiful fish that were taken from Africa and introduced into aquariums around the world. However, not every aquarist can boast of such a fish in his collection. Firstly, the cost of 1 individual tropheus can reach $200. This fish is also very demanding in terms of housing and feeding conditions. So, the optimal volume of an aquarium for this fish should be at least 170 liters - not everyone can buy such a large house for fish. In addition, this fish is a schooling fish, so you need to keep at least 2-3 individuals - accordingly, the volume of the aquarium should increase. Tropheus are comfortable in water that is heated to 26°C.

The appearance of tropheus is quite characteristic. All subspecies of tropheus are quite large - up to 15 cm in length. The gradation of color is very wide - there are both fish of light iridescent shades and deep dark colors. It has a large body, large fins, and a convex mouth.

The diet of tropheus should be quite varied - in addition to dry combined food, the diet must contain spinach, cyclops, algae, and artemia meat. It is important to clean the aquarium from food debris in a timely manner - dirty water is unacceptable for tropheus.

It is best to keep Tropheus separately from other fish - however, Tropheus are very good friends with individuals of Tanganyika cichlids and bull cichlids - all these fish have a similar behavior and feeding habits.

Important! You should not overfeed tropheus - excessive food can stagnate in the stomach and contribute to fish disease.


This is a bright African fish that has an aggressive character. In aquarium conditions it can grow up to 15 cm. The color of females and males is strikingly different - the male is bright orange, but the female has blue scales. These fish are very warlike and often attack small fish (they especially conflict with guppies) - therefore they cannot be placed in a common aquarium. Pseudotropheus can only get along with cichlids.

For Pseudotropheus, water quality is very important, in which it lives: the water should not contain ammonia and other harmful substances, and the temperature should reach 25°C. The volume of the aquarium must be at least 200 liters.

This fish is an omnivore: it eats algae, dry food, and brine shrimp meat well. It is better not to plant plants in an aquarium with pseudotropheus: they will quickly gnaw the plants or even tear them out by the roots.


One of the cichlid species is a fairly large fish that lives in the Amazon. Its size can reach 35 cm in length, so this fish is unsuitable for small aquariums. They are very aggressive - they can only be kept separately, one pair, in an aquarium of at least 200 liters in volume. Also, these predators have the habit of rebuilding their home to suit themselves - therefore, everything that is planted, built and placed in the aquarium will be dug up, bitten or broken.

Despite this aggressive type of behavior, these fish look attractive in appearance - they have a wide range of colors: blue, white, orange, green, etc.

Astronotus is a rather voracious fish. And although you only need to feed her once a day, the amount of food should be considerable. Astronotus readily eat both combined dry or frozen food, as well as moths, earthworms, small fish, and tadpoles. Under comfortable conditions, Astronotus can live up to 10 years.


This fish does not need a detailed introduction - almost everyone knows about the aggressiveness of this predator. Its razor-sharp teeth can seriously injure, and its strong jaws can easily bite through human bone. Despite such alarming indicators, recently there are more and more people wanting to keep such fish as a pet. It is noteworthy that in an aquarium environment, piranhas lose their carnivorous and predatory qualities - but do not lose their aggressiveness.

It is best to keep them in a school of 4-5 individuals, separately from all other fish- however, this does not mean that piranhas will live peacefully next to each other. Not at all - there are quite frequent cases when they attack each other.

Large individuals can grow up to 30-40 cm - so you need to take care of a large aquarium for them, at least 200 liters. The basis of piranha nutrition is small and medium-sized fish (to maintain the instinct, it is necessary to launch live fish), mollusks, worms, tadpoles. When keeping such fish at home, you must not lose vigilance, especially during feeding: in a fit of aggression, the fish can attack the owner.

Did you know? The name piranha was given to the fish by the ancient Indians: translated from the Indian “pira” means “fish”, and “ranya” means “saw”.


This unique fish from the ray-finned order lives in India, Australia, and the Philippines. These aquarium predator fish got their name from their ability to shoot a stream of water from their mouths, knocking down insects, which they subsequently eat. The length of such a shot can reach 2-3 meters, despite the small body size - only 5-7 cm in length. The body is slightly flattened and elongated, the color is cold shades with dark spots: gray, blue, steel.

For comfortable living conditions for the splasher, The water level in the aquarium should be a few centimeters below the edge of the aquarium (this will allow them not to lose their shooting skills). Splashers are omnivores - they can be fed both food and live spiders, moths, worms, and small fish.

It is best to house the splashers separately from the rest - these predators will simply eat small fish. It is most comfortable for the mudfish to live in flocks of 5-6 individuals.


This fish of the Cichlid family is found in African lakes. She is particularly aggressive and hostile towards all fish that are similar to her in appearance, size and type of behavior. It is not suitable for keeping in public aquariums: it chases small fish, attacks slow-moving catfish and eats the eggs of females.

This fish reaches 10 cm in length - its body is flat and elongated. The color of males is darker, brown, while that of females is golden yellow. Auratus are distinguished by longevity - under good conditions they can live up to 25 years. The water must be saturated with oxygen, have a fairly hard composition, reach at least 28°C, and be changed weekly. Live food is preferable - be it worms, small fish or shellfish.

Important! You cannot put several males and females of auratus in one aquarium - the males will fight, and only one, the strongest, will survive. Therefore, it is permissible to plant only one male on several females.


This fish is very popular in Asia - it is believed to bring good luck, and therefore many keep it as a talisman. The arowana is sometimes called the “dragon fish” due to the characteristic structure of its tail, which resembles a crown. The body is elongated and can reach 100 cm in length. The color has noble shades: gold, purple, red. It is noteworthy that the arowana has no teeth - it swallows food.

In its diet, this predator prefers small fish, insects, small crayfish, and mollusks. This fish shows aggression towards any type of fish, so it is always kept separately from the rest (it is capable of attacking even its own relatives, like piranhas).

It is believed that its intelligence is well developed - it can remember and recognize its owner even after a long period of time.

Did you know? The red arowana is an endangered species, so their population is controlled and trapping is allowed in minimal quantities. In this regard, in Asia, everyone who keeps such fish in their home collection has a special certificate with permission.

Due to its size, such fish require an aquarium with a volume of at least 220 liters. The water temperature should reach 26°C and be updated every 2 weeks.

Thus, we looked at what types of fish there are, how predatory fish differ from peaceful ones, what determines their names, and what are the optimal living conditions for each species. Following these recommendations for proper care and maintenance will help you easily grow any type of fish at home.

Small and large, predatory and carnivorous, bright and not so bright, with bushy tails, long mustaches and fancy fins - all these inhabitants of the underwater world attract with their beauty, and watching their leisurely movements in the water helps you relax and take a break from everyday problems.

In an effort to create a living corner in an automated environment, residents of megacities are installing an aquarium at home. Some people enjoy a miniature fish house, where you can place 2-3 representatives of aquatic species, while others create a real underwater world in their apartment with a volume of 200, 300 or more liters. Preferences in choosing the inhabitants of the aquarium also differ: some populate it with schools of miniature fish, the length of which does not even reach 2 centimeters, others raise large catfish that grow to weigh up to 1-2 kilograms, others buy piranhas and other predators that feed on fresh meat.

When planning to join the ranks of underwater world lovers, it is important to decide which fish can be kept in one aquarium, what the water temperature should be, what to feed and how to care for it. Studying the characteristics of the species of pets that will populate the aquarium will help answer these and many other questions.

South American Angelfish

The body of the fish is disc-shaped with an elongated dorsal fin. In artificial reservoirs, the length of the pet rarely reaches 10 centimeters. As a result of many years of selection work, the body color of the angelfish can be varied - from black to rich golden. The hallmark of the species is the dark vertical stripes that run along the entire body. By their saturation we can talk about the health status of Pterophyllum scalare. Angelfish are calm, peace-loving fish, kept in groups of 5-7 individuals. They coexist harmoniously with small and comparable non-aggressive waterfowl.

Optimal maintenance conditions: water volume - from 100 liters. The species needs a clearing for free swimming and vegetation for shelter. Intricate driftwood, labyrinths and other structures can be placed at the bottom as decorations and shelters. They prefer dark soil. Insensitive to water hardness. Suitable temperature is 25-27 degrees Celsius. The light should be dim, without sudden changes.

They prefer live food to dry algae. Angelfish are prone to overeating, which causes them to suffer; it is important to feed them systematically and in portions.

Terra is a real decoration of the aquarium

Domestic fish of this species reach 4-5 centimeters in length. The body is slender, elongated, with a characteristic dark horizontal stripe. The caudal fin is divided in two and there is an adipose fin. The anal fin is slightly elongated. Body color is rich lemon. The dorsal fin is black. Females are fuller than males, pale color. The lemon tetra is a schooling, peaceful fish. It has no special requirements for the volume of the aquarium, loves live vegetation, and needs an area for free swimming.

Optimal maintenance conditions are dark-colored soil; you can use small pebbles or medium sand, closer to the coarse fraction. Peat filtration is indicated. It is recommended to change ¼ of the water every 7-10 days.

The lemon tetra is unpretentious in food, preferring both dry and live food. May eat the foliage of aquarium plants. She is prone to obesity (which is why females suffer from infertility), so it is periodically necessary to practice preventive fasting for a day (once every two to three weeks). It is also important to provide them with enough space for active movement.

Neon of the genus Hyphessobrycon

Fish belonging to this species are distinguished by a dorsal vertical fin. There are no scales in the fin area. The body is laterally compressed, high. The caudal fin is deeply cut and the anal fin is rectangular in shape. Neon red is distinguished by the magnificence of its color, mobile, and peaceful.

Optimal keeping conditions are a small aquarium with soft water. Representatives of the species have a hard time with changing it; it is necessary to do this as rarely as possible. The installation of a peat filter is shown. Slight shading is a priority, areas densely planted with underwater vegetation should alternate with water areas for swimming. Temperature range - 22-25 degrees.

As food, neon red prefers dry algae, bloodworms, enchytraeus, crustaceans and small insects.

Gender differences are weakly expressed; an experienced professional can cope with the task.

Golden crucian carp is the most popular aquarium fish

The body of the waterfowl is elongated, in shape it resembles its ancestor - the crucian carp. The caudal fin is single, rounded, straightened, the size does not exceed ¼ of the fish’s body. The pectoral and ventral fins are paired, the anal fins are short and single. Goldfish have a characteristic orange-red color; albino specimens of red and white color are rare.

Optimal keeping conditions are water of medium hardness and acidity; they can safely tolerate a temperature drop of up to 10 and an increase of up to 28 degrees. Prefers more space for swimming. The aquarium should be equipped with bright lighting, use fine soil, driftwood, stones, etc. The high endurance of the breed allows it to be kept in an open decorative pond.

Goldfish are omnivores. Eat live, plant foods

Betta fish

The betta fish gets its name from the aggressive males that fight among themselves like roosters. At home, in the countries of the East, they are bred for fighting, and real trainers prepare participants for competitions. Representatives of the species have an elongated body, rounded in cross section. Mouth with swollen lips. The color is dark brown with rows of green iridescent spots. In an aquarium it reaches a length of six centimeters. Life expectancy is 1.5-2 years.

One male and several females are supposed to be kept in one water area. Buying two males requires installing a glass partition, otherwise casualties cannot be avoided. The aquarium must be closed at the top so that the air above the surface of the water is warm and the pets do not catch a cold. The lighting is overhead, the ground is dark, thickets of living and non-living plants, houses, caves and so on. Permissible temperature- 25-27 degrees.

The betta fish prefers live food in the form of bloodworms. Options for feeding dry plant products are practiced. Representatives of the species are prone to overeating, which, coupled with insufficient space for active swimming, can cause the development of diseases. Experts in the field of aquariums recommend giving betta fish fasting days in the form of fasting no more than once a week.

Barbs - keepers of peace and comfort in the aquarium

The body of the black representative of the species is oval-shaped, elongated and compressed at the sides. There are silvery spots above the pectoral fin and in the tail area. A mesh pattern of scales is imprinted on the body. The female barb is larger than the male in size and is pale in color. The individual is gregarious and calm. It is recommended to keep five to seven fish in the aquarium at once. They swim in the middle layers of water.

Optimal conditions of detention: in the water area it is necessary to create an atmosphere of twilight, select a dark image to decorate the back wall, use a dark background of the soil and brown algae. Dim the overhead light and move it to the front wall. Domestic fish are undemanding when it comes to water quality. Comfort temperature range is 18-28 degrees Celsius. The properties of the water do not matter.

Barbs love spacious aquariums from 50 liters with places of privacy in the form of plants and structures. Filtration and aeration and changing 20% ​​of water weekly are recommended.

Fish are unpretentious eaters. They eat dry, live and concentrated food.

Common catfish

The body is stocky, shortened. The back, head and fins are covered with numerous dark spots. The dorsal fin is high. The back line is arched, the abdomen is almost flat. Two pairs of antennae on the upper lip are a distinctive feature of all catfish. The eyes are mobile. The back, head and tail are light brown, the belly is pink, with a golden tint. In captivity, males grow up to six centimeters, females - up to seven or eight. This is a schooling species; it is necessary to keep at least five to seven individuals in one water area.

The speckled catfish fish is one of the most unpretentious species. Comfortable temperature range is 2-35 degrees Celsius. A special method of intestinal respiration allows waterfowl to exist comfortably in dirty water, a small aquarium, in the absence of aeration. Permissible acidity - no more than 8.2, hardness - up to 35. Domestic fish cannot tolerate salt water. The soil should be fine; they dig in it with pleasure. Real or artificial plants are required, in the shade of which the species rests and takes shelter. Bright light is not required, daylight is sufficient.

Food - vegetable, live (bloodworms, coretra, tubifex). They prefer to pick up food that settles to the bottom.

Small and distant guppies

Representatives of the species are those that do not spawn, but produce live, fully formed fry. The fish described are one of the smallest inhabitants of the aquarium. The largest males reach 4 centimeters in length, females are larger - up to six centimeters. Guppy fish in the aquarium come in a wide range of species. The main difference is the color and shape of the fins. Of particular interest to aquarists are plume, round-tailed scarf, fork-tailed and veil guppies.

Optimal living conditions: small waterfowl safely endure adversity. Acceptable temperature regime- 23-26 degrees, daily deviation - no more than 3-5 degrees. They live in flocks of 8-10 individuals. It is recommended to change a third of the water once a week. Keeping elite guppies requires an aquarium of fifty or more liters. For a comfortable existence, a male needs a liter of water, a female - two. Intensive filtration and aeration are required.

They prefer dry and industrial canned food. Domestic fish can endure a week-long hunger strike; overfeeding often causes death.

Macropodus opercularis - members of the labyrinth family

Representatives of the class can be recognized by their oblong, laterally flattened body. Individuals reach six to seven centimeters in length. The head and body are proportional. The fins of the back and anus are the same size, the pectoral fins are pointed, the tail is lyre-shaped. Color varies from brown to dark yellow. The transverse stripes running along the body tend to change color.

The volume of the aquarium should start from 20 liters. The bottom should be densely planted with plants and several snags should be placed. Representatives of the labyrinthine order have an organ through which they breathe atmospheric air, so there is no need to install an air compressor. A weekly change of 20 percent water is indicated. Those who live at home are interested in compatibility. It gets along well with comparable gouramis, barbs, and colises.

Predators by nature prefer to feed on shellfish and invertebrates. In an aquarium, the preferred diet should consist of black mosquito larvae, tubifex worms and bloodworms. In order to increase the brightness of the color, it is worth periodically adding carotenoids to the food (live daphnia, crushed shrimp, cyclops).

Aquarium fish compatibility

The question of unification various types waterfowl in one water area is one of the most pressing and controversial issues. The right combination of types of pet fish will not only provide a comfortable existence for each of them, but will also protect them from death. Recommendations from professionals will help protect new owners of a closed ecosystem from gross, sometimes irreparable mistakes.

The key to creating a favorable microclimate in the water space will be the use of knowledge and compliance with the list of criteria for the compatibility of waterfowl:

  1. Need in different conditions environment. Inexperienced users should start populating the aquarium with river and sea fauna. They are less demanding on aeration, acidity and water hardness, will safely endure 1-2 days of fasting and do not need constant water replacement. Exotic creatures are more demanding of their living conditions and require careful care.
  2. Suitable temperature conditions. Cold- and heat-loving fish are bad neighbors. Some will suffer from overheating, while others will freeze. Such experiments will lead to a rapid reduction in the number of aquarium inhabitants.
  3. Character. An attempt to combine waterfowl of an aggressive and peaceful nature will lead to the fact that the former will attack the latter, and in the case of physical superiority, eat them. Experienced aquarists advise selecting fish that are similar in size, since cases of cannibalism are not uncommon even within the same species, when one individual is significantly larger than another in size.
  4. Schooling fish require special conditions. They feel comfortable, safe, and are also ready to reproduce exclusively as part of a group. A single fish without any relatives will experience severe stress and die.

It is important to understand: the purchase of an aquarium, as well as the selection of its inhabitants, should not be accidental. First, you need to decide which representatives of the fauna you want to see in your own home pond - predatory, peaceful, decorative or gregarious. Assess your capabilities in terms of care, what conditions you can create with the condition of constantly maintaining them at the original level.

Having answered these questions, you can begin to choose a specific aquarium model, its size, functions, and properties. When the equipment is put into operation, you should not fill it with inhabitants to the limit. Practice on a small number of unpretentious fish and gradually increase the population, not forgetting the basic rules of compatibility.

In this article I will consider the conditions for keeping and breeding aquarium fish. I will list the features of the varieties of aquarium inhabitants. I’ll look at what other fish they are compatible with, and which ones they shouldn’t be kept with. I will also tell you about the basic rules and requirements for keeping, feeding and breeding fish.

The decision to have quiet but unique pets – fish – is always a deliberate one. A decorative aquarium is considered a useful attribute in any home or apartment.

Observing, caring for and breeding fish helps reduce feelings of stress, helps to meditate and get inspired creative people. Caring for fish will teach children responsibility and patience.

What types of aquarium fish are there?

The great variety of fish can make a beginner confused. There are different types of fish that are optimal for both beginners and professional aquarists. Let's look at several main types of aquarium fish:


Peaceful fish, ideal for beginners.

They are unpretentious in maintenance and do not require special feeding conditions or water hardness. Get along well with other fish species.

Prominent representatives of cyprinids are telescopes.

The cardinal fish is a representative of the cyprinids


They have an aggressive character, but if kept with fish species of their own family, they will not cause problems. Cichlids treat their young well and have unusual appearance and color.

Pros and cons of keeping fish

Fish, like any other pets, require attention and special attributes. Their content has its pros and cons.

Positive points:

  • The cost is only required once. Having bought an indoor aquarium, soil, filter, plants and an oxygen supply apparatus, you will not have to change them often. That's why costs are minimized.
  • This low noise pets. In addition, they calm and put in a peaceful mood everyone who watches them.
  • The variety of species, breeds, and colors of aquarium inhabitants will bring exoticism to any home.
  • Fish should not be left alone for a long time, as they, like any living beings, can die. This is especially pronounced in the cold season, when it is necessary to maintain a certain water temperature.

What are the features when keeping at home?

After purchasing the necessary paraphernalia for a home aquarium, the fish themselves and food for them, the main condition becomes proper care and content.

  • Should be checked regularly temperature water. Some species can only live in a certain temperature regime.
  • Needs to be controlled hardness and acidity water, as well as its purity. Every week the water should be filtered and partially changed.
  • Maintaining the functionality of the aerator and filter. Without these devices, fish will not be able to live long.
  • Regular feeding taking into account the requirements of the species. Without food, no living creature can survive long.

Schooling decorative fish for an indoor aquarium

Many species of fish prefer to live in schools of five or more individuals. This helps you feel comfortable, protected and confident.

Neonka or neon tetra

Miniature fish, kept in groups of 10 individuals. Bright highlights on the scales create a glowing effect. There are no special requirements for content.


Contained in groups of seven or more. They can often suffer in the fight against aggressive neighbors. Therefore, in order to avoid the loss of long beautiful fins, it is worth housing them with other peaceful neighbors.

Carnegiella marbled

The variegated color immediately attracts attention. Kept in flocks of six or more individuals. The fish are very jumpy, so the aquarium should be covered with a net or lid.

Popular red breeds

Fans of bright colors will undoubtedly like aquarium fish in bright red shades. Fish of this color will add exoticism and bright accents to your home underwater world.


Reds are small scarlet fish, up to ten centimeters long, that will become excellent neighbors to other species. They are peaceful, accommodating and unpretentious in maintenance.

To enhance the brightness of their color, they should be fed food with carotenoids. Such food includes various crustaceans, as well as dry food with carotene.

Red Parrot Cichlid

A large fish, distinguished by intelligence and endurance. Such a fish can recognize its owner and calmly feed from his hands.

The size of the fish is 15 centimeters. You can enhance the color with protein foods.

Asian Arowana

- representative of the elite of domestic fish. The length of the body will depend on the size of the aquarium. Maximum size 100 centimeters. It can be called tame, since it not only recognizes its owner and feeds from his hand, but also allows itself to be stroked.

Such fish settle alone, as they are aggressive towards other species.


If you have the opportunity and desire to maintain a spacious aquarium, then you can get large fish.

Lovers of mythology and exoticism will appreciate moray eels. It is distinguished by a skin covering instead of scales and the absence of paired fins. The muzzle of moray eels is a little scary.

The lifespan of the freshwater moray eel is only two years.


Huaru originated from the waters of the Amazon.

Silver color with a large spot gives originality to the color. Their body size reaches 20–25 centimeters.

She is peaceful in nature, despite her formidable appearance. Gets along easily with most aquarium fish.

It is distinguished by its bright color of all shades of blue. It belongs to the elite because of its color. The content also has its own subtleties, but the appearance completely compensates for all difficulties.

Benthic varieties

Domestic bottom fish are not only unusual, but also very useful for every aquarium. They clean the walls of the aquarium from plaque, eat small slugs and clean the soil in the aquarium.

Belongs to the gregarious type. When there is danger, they release spines, which is why they are kept in groups of several individuals. Under this condition, these are the best aquarium cleaners.

This is a very exotic species of home aquarium inhabitant. Lengths reach within 45 centimeters, have a black color with white spots.

Stingrays live in pairs; in moments of danger they can release a spike and injure an enemy. You should carefully select your aquarium neighbors.


The multi-colored colors are striking in their size. Fish for the home aquarium can be found in any color of the popular rainbow spectrum.

This beautiful fish is also called Betta.

Belongs to the labyrinthine species. The tall fins are delicate and can be damaged even by plants. They grow up to 7 centimeters in length and live up to three years.

During spawning, males are aggressive towards any other and their own females. It is worth placing them in a separate tank for this period of time.

Blue guppy

The beautiful blue peaceful fish is easily distinguished by its gender. Females are larger than males, their body length is from 3 to 7 centimeters. Males are shorter, from 1.5 to 4 centimeters.

These fish live up to three years. They are unpretentious in food, the main thing is balanced food.

Black and gold veiltails

Due to the shape, size and location of the eyes, they are called Telescopes.

The size ranges from 10 to 18 centimeters, and the lifespan can be up to 15 years. Telescopes are unpretentious in maintenance; they can live both in pairs and in flocks. The food should be of animal and plant origin, the size of the pieces is medium to large.

At the goldfish poor eyesight, so it’s more difficult for them to find food.

In order not to damage the eyes of the fish, you need to carefully choose the quantity, type and location of decor and plants in the aquarium.

Bright lemon or yellow color, unpretentious in maintenance. They grow up to 12 centimeters in length. They prefer protein or dry food. Shrimp and insect larvae are great options. Does not breed in captivity.

The color of Amblyglifidodon can be made brighter with the help of food. The higher the amount of protein, the brighter the color.

An excellent fish for beginner aquarists. Color ranges from orange to bright red. They grow up to 12 centimeters in length and live up to five years. Breeding at home is not difficult; it is unpretentious in maintenance. Food should be balanced.

Getting fish is the right decision. They pacify, inspire and brighten up leisure time. A huge number of sizes, colors, all shades of character and behavior can please any aquarist.

This section contains almost all the most beautiful and common aquarium fish.

In the articles you will find detailed description, origin, features of maintenance and care, compatibility with other types of aquarium fish.

Particular attention is paid to breeding aquarium fish at home.

The information posted in this section, as well as throughout the site, will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced aquarists.

We are constantly editing and adding interesting and, most importantly, useful information about aquarium pets.

Habitat: South-west India and Sri Lanka. Description: The body length of the aquarium fish Zebrafish Malabar is up to 15 cm, in an aquarium it is smaller - up to 10 cm. The body is elongated in length, the profile of the back and belly is evenly curved, the sides are strongly flattened. Two pairs of antennae, one of which may be missing. The color of the back is olive green, the belly is yellowish or reddish to orange. Along the entire side there are 3-4 longitudinal, shiny, blue stripes, which are separated by golden-red stripes. Behind the cover of the gills there are several transverse stripes of golden color. In males, the middle longitudinal stripe of blue color continues in the middle, and in females it appears on the upper lobe. Pisces like to stay in the upper and

Lives: In reservoirs in the north of South America, Guiana, and the upper reaches of the Amazon. Description: The body length of pristella fish is four to five centimeters. The body is flattened, translucent, high. In the rays of the sun the fish glows like silver. Females are plumper and larger than males.

Area: America. Description: Has an exceptionally bright color. The darker light brown color of the back of the von Rio tetra smoothly transitions into the sides shimmering with a dark silvery sheen, crossed by three brown transverse strokes in the front of the body, immediately behind the gill covers. Back of the body, starting from leading edge dorsal to the anterior edge of the anal fin, and all fins are blood red. The anal fin of the male is surrounded by a black edging along the outer edge, which is absent in the female. Females reach a length of 3.5, males - 2 cm, the latter are slimmer and thinner than females. The brightness of the color varies greatly depending on the living conditions and mood of the fish. The color reaches special brightness in the evenings when

Lives: In the fast-flowing waters of the Laplata Lowland (Paraguay). Description: The body size of aquarium loricaria fish can reach 25 cm. Females, unlike males, do not have brushes on their pectoral fins. Females are larger than males and have a blunter dorsal fin. Loricaria are armored catfish that lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. These catfish have a mouth that allows them to stay in the strongest currents due to the suction cup, but also to scrape off fouling, which is the main food for this type of fish in nature.

Lives: In the Amur River basin. Description: The body of aquarium fish is a killer whale - a mouse up to five cm long. The shape of the body is typical for killer whales. Short mustache. The spine on the pectoral fin along the outer edge is without serrations. The color is not bright: continuous longitudinal stripes of gray-brown color stretch along the body of a silvery color. This is the smallest of the domestic killer whales. The male is slimmer and smaller than the female.

Lives: In the rivers of Sumatra and Borneo. Description: The body length of the fish is up to 18 cm. The body is strongly flattened laterally, elongated. A very small dorsal fin, inconspicuous, adipose - absent, anal - long. The eyes are large and black. Two pairs of long mustaches. Transparent body. On the caudal fin, at its base, there is a triangular black spot. This catfish is very similar to the Indian glass catfish, so it is very easy to confuse them. Main differences: The Indian catfish has one pair of short whiskers, and it lacks a dorsal fin and a black triangular spot. There are suggestions that the caudal fin is longer in males.

Habitat: In the Ucayali River (Peru). Description: The body length of aquarium fish is leopard print up to six cm. The main color is yellowish-gray with a metallic sheen. There is a uniformly spaced pattern throughout the body, which consists of dark, sinuous lines; a sinuous, narrow black stripe runs toward the head from the tail. In the male it almost reaches the gill cover, in the female it is interrupted in the middle of the body. There is a black spot in the upper part of the dorsal fin, and there are also five to seven vertical streak-like stripes on the anal fin. Light belly, no pattern.

Area: North America. Description The body shape resembles a roach. The scales of Tetragonopterus are large, shiny, silver in color with a greenish tint. The caudal, anal and ventral fins are bright red, the dorsal and pectoral fins are transparent and white. There is a line running down the middle of the body from head to tail, merging with the general background. green stripe, which at the base of the tail turns into a black spot that looks like an elongated diamond. Adult females reach a length of 10 cm, males are much smaller and have a slimmer body. The coloring of males and females is exactly the same.

Habitat: Brahmaputra and Ganges rivers. Description: The body length of the aquarium fish honey gourami is up to 10 cm. The female has a rounded end, the male has a pointed end. The main body color ranges from yellow-brown to orange-red. A dark brown stripe runs along the side from the eye to the base, with a silvery lighter belly. During spawning, almost the entire body of the male, and even the back part, turns from honey yellow to dark red. The chest, front of the head, belly and front of the honey gourami aquarium fish have a dark to black color with the presence of a greenish tint, and a wide edge of a light yellow color, becoming narrower towards the end of the fin. Orange-red filamentous rays.

Habitat: Upper Amazon, Brazilian Tocantine River, Ecuadorian Napo River. Description: The body length of aquarium fish Brochis green is up to 7-9 centimeters. Somewhat similar to Corydoras, but Brochis has a taller body. The snout is largely elongated, the caudal fin has a powerful notch. The dorsal fin is too long, almost reaching the fatty fin. The color is discreet: beige-golden with a green iron tint. Mustaches 3 pairs. The caudal fin has 10-12 rays. The male is smaller and slimmer than the female.

Habitat: Maroni River (Guiana). Description: The length of the black phantom fish is up to 3 centimeters. The coloring is dim, but very pleasant: the body is yellowish-pink, behind the dorsal fin is red. The eyes are large, black, and there is a large black round spot behind the gill cover. The male is slimmer and smaller than the female.

Description: The size of aquarium fish, golden catfish, reaches 7 cm. Males are smaller than females and have a sharper dorsal fin. Contents: Aquarium fish, golden catfish, live in the bottom zone. The fish are quite unpretentious and peaceful. The chemical composition of water is not particularly important for them. Catfish are undemanding to oxygen dissolved in water. They eat dry and live food. When actively searching for food, catfish constantly dig into the ground, stirring up bottom sediments. Twilight lighting is preferable. If the aquarium is heavily lit, the fish choose places in it that are closed from direct light by plant leaves, darkened shelters and various crevices (artificial shelters are very suitable for this purpose), so when decorating

Habitat: They live in the reservoirs of the Malacca Peninsula, in the south of Thailand, Sumatra and Java. Description: The body length of the aquarium rasbora fish is up to 45 cm. The male is slimmer than the female. The black triangular spot on the male's body has a more pointed anterior bottom corner, and the triangle reaches the end of the abdomen, and not to its middle, as in the female.

Habitat: Water bodies of Sri Lanka. Description: The body size of the aquarium fish cherry barb reaches 4 cm. The difference between male cherry barbs and females is the presence of bright colors and bright red fins with black trim, especially the anal ones. females have yellow fins.

Lives: In reservoirs of Colombia. Description: The body length of female neon blue is no more than 2-3.5 centimeters, for males - 1.5-2 centimeters. The difference from its closest relatives - red and blue neons - is in its slender, elongated body. There is a luminous blue stripe that runs down the middle of the entire body to the base of the upper lobe of the caudal fin. The red-crimson stripe is short, like blue neon, and often has a faded color; under unsatisfactory conditions the stripe may disappear completely. In addition to the fact that females are larger in size, they are also slightly plumper than males.

Lives: In the upper reaches of the Amazon. Description: The average size pulchera usually measures from 4 to 5 cm. In this fish, females have a more pointed anal fin. Contents: Schooling fish. Aquarium from 20 liters (preferably more), with thickets of plants. Lighting should not be too bright. Preferably dark soil. Fish love to be in the bottom layers of the aquarium. You should not keep it with cocky or large fish that can injure or swallow this live “spinner.” Aeration, filtration, and weekly changes of up to 25-30% of the water volume are desirable (they cannot tolerate chlorine dissolved in tap water). Water hardness up to 12-15°, pH 6.5-7.0; temperature 23-24 °C (from 18 to 30 °C). When grown

Habitat: In the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, in the reservoirs of Guyana and Suriname. Description: The aquarium fish Anostomus vulgaris has a dark, fusiform, elongated body that reaches a length of 18 centimeters; two or three golden longitudinal stripes stretch across its entire body. The fins are bright red in color. Males are more brightly colored, their bodies are slimmer and smaller than those of females.

Habitat: Swampy, partially dry mountain reservoirs of Cameroon. Description: The size of aquarium fish Afiosemion striatum reaches up to 6 cm, the female is usually smaller than the male. The male is larger, has a bright color, and elongated ends of the fins. In nature, fish live 1-2 years and upon reaching sexual maturity, spawn throughout their lives almost every day.

Description: The male aquarium fish Ctenopoma congo grows up to eight cm, the female is slightly smaller. Congolese ctenopoma loves very soft water. Contents: This aquarium fish Ctenopoma Congolese is crepuscular, and during the day it hides in shelters.

Habitat: Reservoirs of the northern part of South America, with the exception of the river. Magdalena. Description: The body length of cichlas severum is up to 20 cm, less in an aquarium. The main color is yellowish, greenish to dark green, brown or almost black. Young fish have 8-9 black transverse stripes on their sides, which disappear in adults (they may remain on the caudal peduncle). Each scale is spotted with a dark, yellow or pink spot, so that rows of broken lines run along the side of the body. At the base of the soft-ray part there is a dark round spot with a light border. The male has a head with red-brown or green-blue spots and streaks.

Lives: In coastal waters with brackish and fresh water Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico). Description: The body of a male molynesia velifera is up to 15 cm long, that of a female is up to 18 cm, in a smaller aquarium. The body is elongated and has a high caudal peduncle. The male’s body ranges from soft blue to green-blue, on the sides there are rows of longitudinal luminous spots of whitish-green color, the chest and throat have a rich orange color. The fins have an orange border with a black edging. The female is bluish-gray with rows of dark dots.

Habitat: Amazon River basin, as well as the Parana and Paraguay river systems. Description: The size of astronotus aquarium fish reaches up to 35 cm. There are no pronounced gender differences. Having big sizes, Astronotus remains one of the most beloved fish among aquarists.

Habitat: Congo River. Description: The body length of aquarium fish Distichodus silver is up to 12 centimeters. Females are slightly larger and plumper than males, and during the breeding season they develop an ovipositor. The color is beige-silver, there are “speckles” on the sides, the fins are framed by a beige border.

Table of contents: Melanochromis auratus description Auratus melanochromis golden habitat in nature Golden parrot fish detailed description Difficulty in keeping a golden parrot in an aquarium Feeding golden parrot fish Keeping auratus melanochromis golden in an aquarium Compatibility of cichlids golden parrot Sexual differences in golden parrots Breeding auratus melanochromis golden

Lives: In reservoirs of the northern regions of South America. Description: Aquarium coin fish have a beautiful silver color, not very bright, are easy to breed and unpretentious. The body of the fish is high, strongly flattened laterally, almost disc-shaped. The whole fish turns silver in side light, while in top light the sides, abdomen and gill covers turn silver. There are black spots behind the gill covers and at the base of the tail. The body reaches a length of up to 10 centimeters. The female is plumper and larger than the male, has a pale anal fin and a rounded anterior end of the fin. The anal fin of the male is colored and slightly curved.

Description: The body length of aquarium fish Bocia Lecomte is up to 15 centimeters. The profile of the back is curved, the belly is almost straight. The back is gray-green, the side is green with a blue or violet tint, and there is a dark gray spot on the caudal peduncle. The fins are orange to reddish in color.

Description: Ctenopoma leopardii has a bright color: an olive-colored background with a bluish tint, with scattered dark spots on it and the fins (except for the caudal one), a vertical light stripe running along the caudal peduncle, a dark caudal fin, huge eyes in comparison with the size of the body. This is a coloring page for the night robber. a predator, that’s why there should be such eyes, the contours of the fish are hidden by spots, and its size is hidden by a dark tail. Adults of this species (about 20 cm) acquire a muddy green color, with a dark spot on each scale. Males of the aquarium fish Ctenopoma leopardii have mysterious spines on the caudal peduncle and behind the eyes, some species have two

Habitat: Reservoirs of eastern Brazil and Paraguay. Description: The length of the aquarium fish Tetra Scholz is up to 5 centimeters. It is dimly colored; along a silvery background there are longitudinal narrow golden stripes and a wider black stripe underneath. There is a large black spot on the caudal peduncle, at the base of the caudal fin. The fins are colorless, the ventral and anal fins have white stripes. Female Scholz tetras are larger and plumper than males, and their caudal fin is more strongly carved.

Lives: In the reservoirs of Suriname, Guyana, and the Amazon basin. Description: The fish Nannostamus marginatus has an elongated valval body, which is characteristic of the entire genus. The body is decorated with longitudinal golden and brown stripes. The unpaired fins are decorated with black edging and are partially red in color. The maximum length is 4 centimeters. The mouth is small. Like other nannostomuses, there is no adipose fin. Males are slightly smaller and slimmer than females and are also more contrastingly colored. At night, the central stripe becomes intermittent and the fish seem to become discolored.

Habitat: Homeland - tributaries of the Lower Amazon. Description: Reaches a length of 4.5-5 centimeters. The male is slimmer and brighter than the female. Its anal fin has a wide black edge; in the female it is a thin stripe. Male lemon tetra aquarium fish have a shortened and thickened swim bladder, while females have a narrower and curved swim bladder. The main background of the body is lemon yellow.

Habitat: The aquarium fish inhabits the diamond tetra lake. Valencia and its surroundings (Venezuela). Description: Length up to 6 cm. The main body color of the tetra is grayish with a yellowish to reddish tint, the back is gray-blue to brownish, the belly is silvery-white. In reflected light, numerous small golden, copper or silver spots shine on the body. The upper half of the iris is red. The fins are gray to black, milky white at the end. The male is more intensely colored and greatly enlarged.

Habitat: Border river between Brazil and Bolivia. Description: The length of the black phantom is up to 4.5 centimeters. The male is dark gray, almost black, the female is dark brown, the anal fin is red with a black edge. The male's dorsal fin is highly elongated. It differs from the red phantom by the pearlescent edging around the black spot on its side.

Description: The average body size of the aquarium fish Sumatran barb is seven cm. The difference between the male Sumatran barb and the female is the presence of intense red coloring of the upper part of the stigma, as well as the lateral and dorsal rays of the caudal fin. Female Sumatran barbs have less bright coloring and a more rounded abdomen.

Distribution: Amazon and Paraguay river basins, as well as Guyana rivers. Description: The length of Cichlazoma mezonuata is up to 20 cm, in an aquarium up to 15 cm. The main color varies greatly, yellowish-gray, brass-yellow, greenish-yellow or gray-green. A black stripe runs from the snout through the eye to the soft-rayed part. Above it, the body acquires a darker color. Dark transverse stripes sometimes appear on the side, consisting of small spots. On the caudal peduncle there is a black spot with a white edge. The fins are gray-yellow to bluish with rows of white, sometimes also brown, spots.

Habitat: Reservoirs of South and Central America. Description: Acara aquarium fish live in aquariums from 4 to 15 years. Their body is high, compressed at the sides. The head is large, the forehead is convex. Big eyes and thick lips. The fins on the back and near the anus are long, the dorsal fin stretches along the entire back from the back of the head to the base of the tail.

Habitat: Inhabits the lake. Managua and Nicaragua (Nicaragua). Description: The length of the male lemon cichlazoma is up to 30 cm, the female is slightly more than 20 cm. There are fewer fish in the aquarium. Body color changes with age, but not always. Juveniles are yellowish-gray to dark gray-blue in color, with 6-7 dark transverse stripes on the side and a dark spot along its middle. Adult specimens of lemon cichlases are light yellow to orange-yellow, and may have black spots on the side and fins. The unpaired fins are bluish. In males, the line of the forehead above the eyes is depressed; with age, a fat pad may form.

Habitat: Amazon. Description: The body length of the flashlight fish is up to 4-5 centimeters. It got its name because of the bright orange “glowing” spots located at the base of the tail and behind the gill cover. Males are smaller, slimmer, the anal fin has a hook with which it can cling to a net.

Habitat: Rio Araguaia River (Brazil), Peruvian Amazon. Description: Length up to 6 centimeters. The background of the body of Taieria belke is olive-silver; from the gill cover to the end of the lower lobe of the caudal fin, a black curved stripe, reminiscent of a hockey stick, stretches. Males are slimmer and smaller than females.

Habitat: Ternetia aquarium fish inhabit the basins of the Paraguay and Rio Negro rivers. Description: Length up to 6 cm. The body is moderately elongated in length, quite high, ovoid, strongly flattened on the sides, the lateral line is complete. There is a bilobed adipose fin. The back is olive-green, the side is silvery with a yellowish to bluish sheen. In the anterior part of the body there are 3 black transverse stripes through the eye, behind the gill cover and from the beginning, which become gray with age. Young fish have black back parts and adipose fins. The male may remain black in color, with a whitish tip. The female aquarium fish Ternetia is larger.

Lives: In the Amazon River basin, in the reservoirs of Guiana and Suriname. Description: The body height of aquarium fish Mileus redfin in an aquarium is up to ten centimeters, in nature they grow up to 35 centimeters. They have a silver-gray, disc-shaped body. The anal fin is reddish; in males it is notched or may have longer first rays.

Lives: Inhabits tropical Africa. Description: The body of aquarium fish Synodontis is stocky, somewhat elongated in length, slightly flattened on the sides, covered with durable and slimy skin. The profile of the back is curved more strongly than the belly (with the exception of the female ready for spawning). Three pairs of antennae. There is a large adipose fin. The male is slightly smaller.

Description: The size of the aquarium fish Sumatran barb (mutant) reaches 7 centimeters. These gracefully colored barbs are a mutation of barbus tetrazona. Mutants are in many ways similar to ordinary Sumatran barbs, but are considered their weakest and most fragile form.

Habitat: In the reservoirs of India, Burma, Laos, Sri Lanka. Description: The length of the cobalt killer whale aquarium fish is 10-20 cm. Their body is elongated, with a large head. The main color of the background is silver-gray, the color of the back is blue-gray with a purple tint, and on both sides there are two narrow stripes of the same color. The body of males is slimmer, smaller, and they are colored more contrastingly.

Habitat: Korea, China and Japan. Description: The body size of aquarium fish veiltail (goldfish) is 10-20 centimeters. The initial shape of a goldfish is like that of a brightly colored Chinese goldfish. The male goldfish has saw-like growths on the first ray of the pectoral fin and a snow-white rash on the gill covers.

Habitat: In the rivers of Southeast Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay. Description: The body length of aquarium fish is speckled up to 7 centimeters... Natural coloring is a grayish background, with black spots scattered throughout. Albino and veiled forms are known.

Habitat: Waters of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Description: Aquarium fish botsia clown have 4 pairs of antennae, there is no protective skin on the eyes, a double spike is noticeable under any eye, which the fish can strain and relax. It grows up to 30 centimes. length.

Live in: In brackish and fresh water bodies along the Gulf of Mexico. Description: The body of the male aquarium fish molynesia reaches a length of up to 10 cm, in the female up to 12 cm. The body is elongated in length, quite high, sometimes exceeding the height of the body. Color varies greatly. The female is paler in color than the male. There are completely black and piebald forms, and there are also albinos.

Description: The body size of marble gourami aquarium fish is up to 15 cm. The male has a pointed and more elongated dorsal fin. Contents: The fish is omnivorous, hardy and gets along well with any other representatives of aquarium fish. Destroys hydra, which is very useful in an aquarium. When kept in an aquarium, the carbonate hardness of the water should be minimal. Maintenance conditions: GH up to 20°; pH 6.5-7.5; t 20-25°C.

Habitat: Rio Negro River (Brazil). Description: The size of aquarium fish speckled catfish usually does not exceed 7 cm. Female catfish are larger than males, and the latter have an elongated first ray of the dorsal fin. Speckled catfish are albino in shape with red eyes.

Lives: In the Brahmaputra and Ganges rivers. Description: The body length of aquarium fish Lalius is up to six cm. The male has a dorsal fin pointed at the end, while in the female it is rounded. The male's body is green-blue with 13-18 transverse red stripes that extend to the unpaired fins. From the eye to the chest, the front part of the body has a rich green-blue color. The female's color is the same, but much paler.

Habitat: In the reservoirs of Venezuela and Trinidad. Description: The body length of aquarium fish Corydoras golden is up to seven cm. Along the body along its length there is a wide shiny stripe of dark green color, above it, slightly short of the dorsal fin, there is a golden narrow luminous stripe. The color of the back is dark brown, the belly is light. Transparent brownish fins. This is a fairly cold-loving species; its optimal temperature is 20-24 °C.

Habitat: Amazon River basin. Description: The size of the aquarium fish Ancitrus stellata is up to 10 cm. The male, unlike the female, has outgrowths at the end of the stigma. More than half of the diet of the aquarium fish Ancitrus stellata should consist of plant foods.

Habitat: Zebra tilapia aquarium fish inhabit the eastern part of Africa from the headwaters of the Nile River to the province of Natal (South Africa). Description: The body length of aquarium fish zebra tilapia is up to 35 cm, in an aquarium up to 15 cm. The body is elongated, ovoid in shape, moderately high, somewhat flattened on the sides. The head is large, the mouth is very large, the lips are swollen. The body is gray to gray-green, with a silvery sheen and dark spots on the side that may form stripes.

Habitat: Inhabits small forest streams in the northwestern part of the Cordillera (Colombia). Description: Length up to 6cm. The body is elongated, slightly flattened on the sides, the profile of the back is more curved than the belly. The back is olive-brown. On the side there are 2 wide shiny stripes, the upper one is light green to green-blue in color, the lower one is dark brown to black in color and extends to the middle rays of the “C”. The belly is yellowish-white. The iris of the eye is green-blue. The fins are yellowish to light yellow-green edged, under which there is a narrow dark purple stripe. The male's outer and middle rays are strongly elongated. The female is less intensely colored, the middle rays are slightly elongated.

Lives: In reservoirs in the vicinity of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Description: The body length of the aquarium fish Tetra roach is up to ten centimeters, in an aquarium up to seven centimeters. The back is olive-green, the side is silver with a yellowish to bluish-green tint, and the belly is silvery. At the end of the caudal peduncle there is a black diamond-shaped spot that extends to the fins. The color of the fins of the male is more saturated with red. There are mutants that are lemon-yellow in color.

Habitat: Amazon and Orinoco river basins. Description: The length of aquarium fish Abramites marble reaches up to 13 centimeters. The body is fusiform, vertical dark gray, almost black, stripes run along a gray background. Fish swim tilted at an angle of about 40° to the ground. Females are plumper and slightly paler in color than males.

Habitat: Fast flowing waters of Thailand. Description: In nature, aquarium fish Girinochaylus reach a length of 25 cm, in aquariums they grow twice as small. The fish resemble minnows in color and shape. They have a typical lower mouth, with the help of which fish attach themselves to plants and various underwater objects, which is why they are called suckers; the back is olive-colored, the belly is whitish, along the entire body from the end of the head to the base of the caudal fin there is a black stripe with protrusions upward, and above it a yellowish stripe. Fish carefully eat fouling of plant and animal origin and are in constant motion. One pair of suckers in a 70-100 liter aquarium is usually enough to

Lives: In South America, Amazonia. Description: Only the very name “Piranha” or “Piraya” often encourages aquarists to keep these dangerous schooling fish. Length of fish: about 27 cm. An adult male has a red belly and chest. During the breeding season, its body turns black.

Habitat: Rio Manso River (Brazil). Description: The body of the Amanda aquarium fish is elongated, the fins are unpaired - they have reddish color. The first ray on the dorsal fin is light cream. Golden eye color. The length of individuals reaches up to 3 centimeters, females are slightly larger than males. More often the fish are smaller in size.

Habitat: Congo River basin. Description: A large species of fish that, in favorable conditions, can grow up to 40 centimeters. Aquarium fish Distichodus six-stripes with a bream-like body become increasingly taller with age. Yellow body background with green tint. Six fairly wide black stripes run across the body. The male is slimmer and smaller than the female.

Habitat: They live in water bodies of Thailand. Description: The body length of the red-tailed rasbora is up to six cm, most often the male is up to four cm, the female is up to five cm. The male is slimmer and has a more contrasting color. Contents: Schooling, peaceful, active aquarium fish. Food - dry, live. They live in aquariums for several years. An aquarium needs to be at least 40 cm long, moderately planted with plants, and have open space for swimming along its entire length; T (17) 22 - 26°C; dH up to 12°; pH b.4 - 7.2. Filtration, aeration, peating of water and its regular partial replacement are desirable.

Habitat: in reservoirs of southern Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. Description: The body of the aquarium fish Afiocharax alburnus is highly elongated, bluish-silver in color. There are colorless fins, all except the caudal one. The color of the caudal fin can range from pale pink to reddish; A small dark spot is sometimes visible at the base of the fin. Body length up to 7 centimeters. Females are usually slightly plumper than males.

The Danio group of fish constitutes a separate subfamily in the Cyprinidae family, distributed in South Asia. These are small, elongated fish, distinguished by their bright colors and exceptional mobility. Typical representatives of the group are zebrafish, zebrafish, and malabar zebrafish, which are common in our aquariums. These fish have a lot in common (similar structure, lifestyle), so the most popular aquarium fish, zebrafish, is described in detail. Danio rerio (previously called Brachydanio rerio, now Danio rerio) is a live, schooling aquarium fish that reaches a length of up to 6 cm.

Habitat: Tropical Africa. Description: Predatory, elongated, silver-colored aquarium fish. In its lifestyle and body shape, the hepsetus or African characin pike resembles our pike. The mouth is unusually deeply cut with strong, pin-shaped teeth, and the dorsal and anal fins are set far to the rear. A relatively fast, hardy swimmer, which can be injured during transportation. Such injuries often fester, and then practically cannot be cured and ultimately lead to death. It feeds on fish and can live with conspecifics or fish of at least equal size.

Description: An agile, small aquarium cardinal fish with a narrow, elongated body that reaches 2.5-3 cm. More than half of the upper body, including the lower lip and the frontal part of the head, is yellowish-brown. Against this background, along the entire spine from the tail to the eyes there is a narrow strip of golden color, which ends in a large black dot at the beginning of the tail. The abdomen of aquarium fish, the cardinal anal fin, has a silvery-white color. The gill fins are lemon-transparent in color and have a thin black border. The ventral ones are lemon-colored, with pale red edges. The anal fin is yellowish, with a bright red corner. Bicolor dorsal fin. The lower half of it has a deep lemon color, turning into a wide border of bright red.

Habitat: Selected form. Description: The aquarium fish's head and snout are short, the dorsal fin is missing, the caudal fin is cut and short. So named because of the protruding eyes above the head, which are bordered by skin and connective tissue and whose pupils are directed upward. The body length of the fish is about 15 cm.

Habitat: Congo River. Description: The body length of aquarium fish Distichodus nosalis is up to 40 centimeters. Externally, it is very similar to Distichodus six-striped. The main difference is the elongated snout (rostrum), which is reflected in its specific name.

Lives: In Malaysia, Sumatra, Thailand. Description: The female is up to 2.5 cm long, the males are slightly smaller and slimmer. Contents: Schooling peaceful aquarium fish. The food is small, live, dry. It is necessary to keep the collection of cuneiforms only with small and harmless species (nannostomus, dwarf catfish, etc.) or separately. The aquarium volume needs to be at least 15 liters and at least 25 cm long, have dark soil overgrown with plants, but need a free area for swimming, brightly lit and shaded areas; T (22) 23 - 25°C; dH 2.5 - 10°; pH 6.0 - 6.8. The water is peaty and old.

Lives: Origin South Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand. Description: The length of an ordinary betta fish reaches six cm. The main background is black, dark brown, the gill covers have vertical light stripes with red spots on them. Some of the scales, especially closer to the back, have a blue sheen. The dorsal fin is short, slightly rounded at the back (in females it is more rounded and smaller in size), bright blue in color, with a red spot on the rear edge. Pectoral fins are black, red towards the end, and their tips are white. The rays of the rounded caudal fin are bright blue, the space between them and the edge of the fin are red. The anal fin has a transition from black to dark red, red. Its edges

Lives: In the middle Amazon and the Rio Negro River. Description: The length of the elongated spindle-shaped body of the aquarium fish Pecilobricon vulgaris is five centimeters. Small terminal mouth. The color of the fish is not bright, but very pleasant. The back has a gray background and appears reticulated due to large speckled scales. A golden stripe stretches across the entire body, immediately below it there is a very wide black stripe, which extends to the abdomen. The abdomen is silvery in color. The caudal fin has a transparent upper lobe and a black lower lobe, often separated by a golden streak. The pelvic fins of females are transparent; males have opalescent stripes on them. These stripes can easily determine the sex of even young fish. On the anal fin

Habitat: Water South-East Asia(Thailand). Description: The size of acanthophalmus aquarium fish is up to 10-12 cm. In a mature female, greenish eggs are clearly visible in the abdomen. The male looks slimmer. Acanthopthalmus has many varieties that differ in body shape and color. The fish prefers a bottom lifestyle, loves places in the shade and with poor bottom lighting, and eats any, not very large, food that sinks to the bottom.

Habitat: Inhabits small forest streams in the northwestern part of the Cordillera (Colombia). Description: The body length of the royal tetra aquarium fish is up to 6 cm. The body is elongated, slightly flattened on the sides, the profile of the back is more curved than the belly. The back is olive-brown. On the side there are 2 wide shiny stripes, the upper one is light green to green-blue in color, the lower one is dark brown to black and goes to the middle rays “C”. The belly is yellowish-white. The iris of the eye is green-blue. The fins have a yellowish to light yellow-green border, under which there is a narrow dark purple stripe. The male has very elongated outer and middle rays. The female is colored less intensely, the middle rays are slightly elongated.

Lives: In water bodies of West Africa. Description: The body size of a male parrot fish is up to nine centimeters, a female is up to seven centimeters. Contents: Parrots are kept in aquariums that are densely planted and have shelters. They require clean water. They eat any food. Water with GH content up to 15; PH 6.5-7.0; t 22-24C.

Lives: On rocky areas of the coast. Description: The body length of Pseudotropheus zebra fish is up to 15 cm. There are a large number of color variations. Males are more lobed and larger than females. The anal and dorsal fins, like those of most other cichlids, are elongated in length. Males have yellow or orange spots on the anal fin, which resemble caviar in appearance.

Habitat: Water bodies of Southeast Asia. Description: The body size of the aquarium fish clown barb reaches 10 cm. There are no pronounced gender differences, but usually females are larger in size. They are very unpretentious in maintenance. Water content: GH up to 10° or more; pH 6.8 or more; t 21-24 °C.

Habitat: Homeland - Sao Francisco River (Brazil). Description: Length 4-6 centimeters. The body background ranges from dark brick or brown (in males) to olive in females. A bright silver stripe stretches along the body. The unpaired fins of copper tetras have white streaks. Males are slimmer and smaller than females.

Lives: In Brazil (Southern Amazon, Rio Tocantis, Belem, Mato Grosso, Rio Madeira). Description: Very cute, delicately colored fish. Like other representatives of this species, the three-striped nanostomus does not have an adipose fin. Is one of the most major representatives species, despite the fact that the maximum length of its body is no more than 5.5-6 centimeters. Females are paler in color than males and plumper.

Lives: In the Brazilian rivers Iriria and Xingu. Description: Body length 10-15 cm. The body shape of bariancitrus aquarium fish is similar to ancistrus. The main background color is brown, with round spots of bright yellow scattered on it. The number and their size often varies greatly: from large quantity the smallest dots to rather large “freckles”. These are probably characteristics of different related species, but it is possible that different colors are characteristic of geographical forms of the same species.

Habitat: Mountain rivers of South America. Description: The male is up to 14 cm in size, the female is often smaller. The male has branched processes at the end of the stigma. Aquarium fish Ancitrus vulgaris is an armored catfish, it has horn-like suckers on its mouth, it scrapes off algal fouling in the aquarium with great activity. The greatest activity of catfish occurs at dusk, so it is advisable to have shelter in the aquarium in the form of cavities and crevices. The catfish’s body is covered with bone plates, so it is reliably protected. Ancistrus are very peaceful, and only males fight for territory, without causing any harm to each other.

Lives: In the Amazon basin, reservoirs of Guiana, rivers of Rio Negro, Parana. Description: Nannostamus beckford fish have a spindle-shaped elongated body, a small pointed head and a small mouth. Males are slimmer and brighter than females. They have a maximum length of less than six centimeters. Nannostomus have day and night colors: during the day the fish is bright, at night it becomes light, and blurry dark spots appear on its body.

Habitat: The aquarium fish Ctenopoma chocolate lives in the western part of the Zaire River basin (Congo). Description: Differences in unpaired fins and characteristic pattern: they have a transparent back of the caudal, dorsal and anal fins. In this case, the caudal fin attracts special attention; in the front part it has a reddish color, and then is separated by a dark line with light edges from the transparent part. A large dark spot is located in the middle of their body; many individuals of the chocolate ctenopoma aquarium fish have a white coloration in the area of ​​the chest and gills. The length of these fish can be up to 10 cm.

Habitat: In the Amazon delta, Para River. Description: Males of aquarium copella fish have an elongated caudal fin and reach a length of eight centimeters, females - six centimeters. The male has a white spot located at the base of the dorsal fin, which appears at an early age. In addition, females are slightly plumper than males. The general background color of the body of aquarium copella fish is beige with carrot-red streaks on the fins. Not very bright, but very interesting fish in its appearance and reproductive characteristics.

Lives: In the reservoirs of Western Guiana. Description: Minor fish have a laterally compressed, high, red body. Very often there is a dark spot on the side. The fish reach more than four centimeters in length. Females are plumper and larger than males. Callistus is often called “minor” in hobbyist aquariums. Veiled and albino forms have been bred in aquariums. Contents: Easy. the schooling, peaceful fish, however, does not mind nipping the fins of its slower neighbors. Water hardness 73 to 20°, slightly acidic, temperature 22-26 °C.

Habitat: Panama and northern and central parts of South America. Description: The body of the aquarium fish Sturizoma Panama is elongated in length, low, flattened from top to bottom, the head is elongated with a short outgrowth on the snout, the caudal peduncle is very long. Length up to 18 cm. The female is larger, the belly is strongly curved before spawning, it seems that the front part of the body is raised.

Range: Cameroon, Congo River basin. Description: The body length of the aquarium fish Synodontis veilata is 20-32 cm. Distinctive feature The species has an elongated dorsal fin; with age, a braid appears on it. The coloring is quite bright for catfish: large black spots are scattered on a light background. There are small black spots on the head. The male is brighter, slimmer, smaller than the female.

Lives: In the Brazilian Amazon. Description: Neon green fish have a laterally flattened, elongated body. Between the caudal and adipose fin there is a clearly visible “flashlight”. Body length up to 4 centimeters. Females are larger and plumper than males. On the anal fin of males there is a hook, with which it clings to the fabric of the net.
