Why is the yellow sea useful? Yellow Sea. Ice conditions in the Yellow Sea


1957, New Jersey, USA. Scientist James Vaikery conducted a unique experiment in the city's cinemas - during the screening of films, advertising frames were projected using an additional projector at the moments when frames changed. In movies, frames change 24 times per second, so additional projection is called 25th frame. The effect of the advertising was amazing, the experiment received wide publicity and was banned by state law. But since then, those who want to influence the human subconscious have received another weapon, and many researchers have begun to improve this method. This is how the story of frame 25 began.

Over the past decades, the 25th frame effect has been studied by various structures and institutions. The ability to directly influence a person's subconscious held enormous promise: one could rid soldiers of the fear of a potentially difficult battle, one could treat bad habits, one could stimulate consumer demand, and one could teach languages ​​and sciences. And all this, so to speak, without the direct participation of the person. Roughly speaking, you are looking interesting film and immediately learn a foreign language. Like everything unexplored, the effect of the 25th frame attracted the attention of charlatans and swindlers, who tried to use the 25th frame to sell a panacea for bad habits, the study of various sciences, and so on. How much money the various rehabilitation centers made based on the 25th frame is anyone's guess. But today the situation has changed.

2005, Moscow, Russia. Beholder, a leader in the production of smart TV tuners, announced new opportunity of their products - support for the 25th frame. For free, every user of the Beholder TV tuner can install a software module that, using the 25th frame, will help you learn English while watching TV shows. This has never happened in the history of the computer industry, so we take upon ourselves the responsibility to give the new effect a name - Beholder effect. In this article we will take a closer look at the integration of the 25th frame into TV tuners, talk about the 25th frame itself and try it on ourselves.

25th frame theory

A person receives most of the information through vision. If you remember your school anatomy course, you can imagine how information is transmitted through vision. Eye, complex optical instrument, transmits information through nerves to the brain, where it is processed and sent to consciousness. But the fact is that the speed of information perception by the eye is faster than the speed of its processing by the brain. This can be compared to a fast video card in a slow computer. The eye sees more than the mind perceives. If film frames change on the screen at a speed of 24 FPS, human eye manages to see every frame and send information to consciousness. But the brain no longer has time to isolate each frame individually, and it is precisely due to its low speed that we see a normal picture in a movie, and not a sequence of frame changes.

If we reduce the frame rate on the screen to 23, then the eye will already be able to detect blinking, and watching a movie or TV will be uncomfortable. However, we can increase the refresh rate by two or three times. In this case, a person’s eyes will be less tired from changing frames, but the brain will still perceive only 24 frames every second. We can add one frame every second and increase the image refresh rate to 25 FPS. In this additional frame we can place any information - individual phrases or graphic images. Our eye reads this picture and transmits it to the brain, but it will not be completely deciphered. Consciousness will perceive 24 frames per second, since the 25th frame will be beyond the so-called difference threshold. But the human subconscious works faster than the conscious mind. It is this that determines intuition and often human behavior. The twenty-fifth frame is accepted by the subconscious and remains in our brain against our will. However, there is no need to be afraid of such an impact.

Many scientists who studied the effect of the 25th frame came to the conclusion that not all people perceive this effect. Many people have low discrimination thresholds and simply cannot distinguish the 25th frame. Their brain does not even have time to distinguish between images and inscriptions displayed for 0.04 seconds. People either do not perceive the 25th frame at all, or do not perceive it enough to achieve the effect of suggestion. In their opinion, the additional frame may have only a subtle and fleeting effect, but not the strong and permanent effect that the advertisements claim.

However, another part of scientists argue that the effect of the 25th frame can really influence human behavior. The thing is that our brain is designed to perceive a huge amount of information. Imagine how many objects you see every day? Billions of blades of grass or snowflakes, leaves on trees, birds, insects, cars, billboards, people and animals. To prevent the brain from being overloaded with this information, the subconscious filters unnecessary information. And if suddenly something interests us, information about it passes into consciousness. If within a short time it is not required by consciousness, this information is lost. This is subconscious information; it could not exceed a certain threshold of importance and enter consciousness. Whether information will be highlighted by our brain or not depends on two parameters - the interest it represents for us and the time of exposure. So, the sight and sound of a car rushing towards us will force us to react in a hundredth of a second. But we will not remember the faces of the passengers in the subway, opposite whom we sat for half an hour. This is called "mental blindness." It is mental blindness that explains the fact that, even looking at the screen, we do not remember a large percentage of television advertisements. But as soon as an advertisement appears that seems interesting to us, we will be ready to remember every word of it. Based on this, we can conclude that even the 25th frame must be accurately positioned on you in order to be of interest to you. If you want to learn a foreign language, tune in and perhaps your brain will be better able to identify images on the screen. But if you don't think about it, the 25th frame will have no effect on you.

So, opinions differ about the effect of the 25th frame. Scientists say that the 25th frame does not work and, at best, can have a minimal effect on the subconscious. Thousands of sellers of weight loss methods and getting rid of bad habits say that the 25th frame works. Those who have tried the method on themselves also disagree. We have no choice - we will try the 25th frame on ourselves.

Beholder effect

It seems that the 25th frame is so easy to get at home that anyone can do it. You can use a video editing program to edit it into a video. But it will take a lot of time. The Beholder company offers those who wish to use the 25th frame to learn a foreign language while watching TV programs on a computer. This opportunity was realized thanks to the unique Behold TV software, which supports plug-ins. If you are new to this business, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our materials on Beholder tuners and their software:

Well, if you have already heard about Beholder products, then it’s time to get down to business. So, we have a regular computer with the following configuration:

    Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz

    1024 Mb DDR PC-3200 OCZ Titanium

  • Maxtor DiamondMax9 S-ATA

We decided to use a computer built on the Shuttle SB75G2 barebone platform.

We also used OCZ Titanium memory with minimal timings. Each memory module, according to the manufacturer, is tested before sale, which prevents defects from reaching store shelves.

TV tuner Beholder Behold TV 409 FM.

A completely natural question - what’s wrong with the monitor? Any modern monitor or TV has a refresh rate of at least 50 Hz (50 frames per second). The increased frequency allows the lens of the eye to look at the picture without getting tired or straining. Any monitor will be suitable for our tasks - LCD, CRT or even a projector, so you don’t even have to worry about it. We used a Shuttle XP17 LCD monitor with a 16ms matrix. With a refresh rate of 25 frames per second, this monitor will have no unnecessary traces or image distortion. Even on monitors with slower sensors, 25 frames per second will be displayed without artifacts.

Now download the BPP_25Frame plugin from the website http://www.beholder.ru. It takes up only 134 kilobytes. Open the archive to the folder with software(by default Program Files/BeholdTV/Plugins) and launch the Behold TV program itself.

In the video settings, click the “Video processing of image when viewing” button and in the window that appears, click the top button - “add filter”. Select “25th frame” and click the “add” button. Now it is on your system, and the check mark next to its name indicates that it is active.

Now click on the “filter properties” settings icon and see what the specialists from Beholder have prepared for us.

The 25th frame plugin from Beholder is intended primarily for studying in English. It has a built-in dictionary of 8,000 words and 15,000 meanings. But if you find this not enough, you can connect any other dictionary or even create your own. The built-in dictionary is installed by default and we will not change it for now.

You can select the font (point size, size and color) in which the dictionary text will be displayed, its transparency and position on the screen. By default, the position is set to random, so the inscription will constantly change its position so as not to become addictive.

You can also customize the background - place it around the inscription, on the entire screen, or turn it off completely. These are normal settings that do not require explanation: everything is clear.

More interesting are the “Display time” and “Impression frequency” settings.

The first - "Display time" determines how many frames the hidden text will be shown. Remember when we said that the brain does not have time to process information in 0.04 seconds? Now we can solve this problem. It is enough to set the display time to 1..2 and we will have two twenty-fifths of frames in a row. That is, the hidden text will be shown for 0.08 seconds. We can put at least all 25 frames on hidden text, but then we will not see the television picture.

Well, how do you like the 25th frame in action? As you can see, we placed a background around the text and deliberately increased the amount of time the hidden text was shown in order to take a screenshot. Thus, the text does not replace the frame, but is placed on top of the frame. Let's try to make the screen clear when hidden text is displayed. It seems like it should attract attention better.

^^Hmm... I didn't know this word...^^

If you set the display time for more than one frame, then you will already be able to distinguish between the blinking of the image. Everything is as it should be - the brain already has time to process two or three frames as one. To reduce the flickering effect in this case, you can try to make the background more transparent, although in this case the text will be less visible.

This really looks like hidden text: it doesn’t irritate the eye, and three frames are shown in a row. Probably my subconscious perceives it, although I know this word :)

In order not to overload yourself with information, you can also adjust the output frame rate. For example, display hidden text not every 25th frame, but every 250th, that is, once every ten seconds. Or randomly from every 10 to every 200th. Fully customizing the frame rate and frame display time is what the Beholder effect is all about; you won’t have this option on videotapes with recordings of artisanal healers.

Well, to get a clean 25th frame, it is enough to set the display time in the range from 1 to 1 frame and the display frequency from 25 to 25 frames. It’s strange, but even in this case, I still have time to notice that the frames are changing on the screen. True, I don’t have time to see what is written there, but I recognize the presence of the insert quite naturally. Maybe I'm wrong...

You can choose to search words from the dictionary in alphabetical order (direct from A to Z or reverse from Z to A) or randomly.

Tried it myself

I know English quite well and learning it using the 25th frame method is already useless. But I have no desire to try to learn French or German. But the Beholder effect allows you to create your own dictionary. And we can write any message into it. We select “Alternative” instead of the built-in one and enter the name of the new file in the selection field, let it be “Test.dic”. We can edit the dictionary directly from the plugin, without having to download extra editors. This is where we can put any message, from the most harmless to the most beneficial.

Perhaps we’ll leave one harmless message “Drink some tea”, which will be transmitted in one 25th frame every second. Well, let's watch cartoons for about 10 minutes....

In general, I wanted to drink tea in the morning - I was just too lazy to brew it. I knew what inscription would be transmitted by the 25th frame and that’s probably why I thought about it all the time. After 10 minutes, I went and made myself a cup. Whether the 25th frame affected my laziness or just the heat did its job, it’s hard to say. Perhaps we need to spend more time in front of the screen to draw conclusions. However, much is clear now.

I am grateful to Beholder for helping me dispel the 25th frame myth. Many are afraid that with the help of the 25th frame, someone will influence their psyche and force them to perform actions against their will. I declare - there is no reason to worry. For the text to be readable, it must stand out well against the background of the picture. Ideally, the text should lie on a monotonous background and be as contrasting as possible in relation to it. For example, black on white or yellow on blue. You will notice the presence of the 25th frame as if there is something extra in the broadcast. And you won’t be able to make this frame invisible. Another thing is that you will not be able to distinguish the contents of the 25th frame. And if someone wants to choose colors in such a way that you do not detect the presence of the 25th frame in the broadcast, then you will not be able to distinguish what will be transmitted in hidden text. This means that no one can zombify you against your will!

The Beholder company has released a plugin with which each of us can experience the action of the 25th frame in our own skin, as they say. The Beholder effect allows you to flexibly adjust the frequency and duration of hidden text. I can't say whether you'll learn foreign languages ​​using the Beholder effect or not, but you'll definitely learn how frame 25 works and be able to play around with the hidden text yourself. And if you manage to feel the impact of the 25th frame, you can try to create your own dictionary with calls to give up bad habits, increase self-esteem, etc. In general, to prove to scientists who refute the theory of the 25th frame that they are wrong.

In addition to the 25th frame, there are other methods of subliminal influence. For example, exposure to sound rhythms, double audio recordings and special acoustic frequencies. Unlike Frame 25, these methods are less subject to controversy. Either they are really more effective, or we haven’t heard as much about them as about the 25th frame.

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When watching a movie or a TV show, we succumb to the 25th frame. By at least, many experts say so. This phenomenon means influencing a person’s subconscious, establishing attitudes. Such a tool can become a powerful weapon of influence, which is used for good purposes or to promote negative actions. A person does not perceive the image that appears, but puts the data into the subconscious. There are many myths and real facts collected around the phenomenon. What is 25th frame effect? Is this fiction or reality?

It has been established that a person consciously captures and perceives 24 frames in one second of time. True, this parameter depends on the clarity of the picture and the speed of the image on the screen. Therefore, the additional frame shown during this period of time is perceived exclusively by the subconscious.

What is the 25th frame effect? This is a video technology that is usually used to prevent light from the equipment from entering the screen. To achieve the effect, two types of techniques are used. The film projector is designed in such a way that after delivering frames it is closed with a curtain or shutter. During the resulting pause, frame 25 is displayed on the screen. To do this, you need another projector that reproduces the necessary information. In this case, the conditions are met. But how to see frame 25 in films?

A person consciously captures and perceives 24 frames in one second of time

The image of frame 25 should be lighter than the rest of the frames of the broadcast film, program or cartoon. Plus, the duration of the image is selected. It should be shorter in time than the main frames. Otherwise, the information is read by the conscious mind and does not go into the subconscious.

As you can see, this process is difficult to implement. That's why skeptics and reject the existence of the 25th frame phenomenon and its influence on people. To avoid guessing, check the presence of the phenomenon yourself. To do this, you will need computer equipment and a standard video editing program. The inserted image or word is viewed and read, the person’s vision does not turn off, he records the information, but does not attach meaning to it. If it is not entirely clear how this happens, then imagine a noisy room where many people are having a conversation. Parse words individual person impossible, but a child’s cry can be heard in this range.

The history of the appearance of frame 25

For the first time about this phenomenon James Vickery spoke up. He provided the public with the conclusions he made based on his own observations. To do this, the businessman conducted an experiment in one of the US cinemas. During the summer season, James showed the popular strip, inserting images of cola and popcorn between regular frames.

According to the businessman, the marketing ploy worked: sales of carbonated drinks and corn doubled. Vaikery patented the discovery and opened a company that provides services for adding 25 frames of product advertising to movies.

Skeptics reject the existence of the 25th frame phenomenon and its impact on people

Naturally, such an event caused an explosion in the world. After all, we are talking about influencing a person’s consciousness and inducing him to purchase certain goods. Government officials and members of the media requested repeated experiments. James conducted research, but the data presented above turned out to be a "duck". None of the people who watched the film succumbed to the propaganda, and there was no increase in purchases. Interestingly, when asked to provide previous data and figures, Vaikerie refused.

The history of the appearance of frame 25 makes it clear that the phenomenon was caused artificially and has a specific task, namely creating a business and making money by selling services

Much later, frame 25 began to be perceived as a threat to children and adults.

So what is hidden behind this phenomenon? Is this fiction or reality? Is there a 25 frame in video advertising? Let us present known facts to find answers to these questions:

  1. The Commonwealth of Psychologists in America conducted its own research. Based on observations of people, psychologists concluded that frame 25 does not have the effect James declared on a person. An official denial came out in 1958.
  2. A student from New York, Rogers, researching frame 25, went to the cinema where the research was being conducted. Amazing discoveries awaited the guy in New Jersey. The director assured that such experiments had never been carried out within the walls of the cinema. Having seen the area of ​​the halls and the number of sessions, the student realized that the stated number of subjects would not fit in one season in the cinema.
  3. 5 years after the experiments, the businessman made a confession. He claimed that no research had been carried out and that all the data had been fabricated.
  4. Since interest in frame 25 has not waned, research continues to this day. Dutch scientists confirm its effect on the subconscious of people. To do this, hidden advertising must be designed in the form of jumping letter or numeric values. Plus, scientists have derived a different exposure time. To get the effect 25 frame must exceed 1/25 sec.
  5. The Russian media exploded with information about frame 25 in the 90s. Journalists argued that with the help of this technology, propaganda and zombification are carried out among the population. People were encouraged to study foreign languages, by purchasing videotapes. Whether this actually happened is unknown. But, in 2006, the authorities passed a bill prohibiting the use of frame 25 in audio, radio, video products, through TV and cinema screens.

Surprisingly, people, understanding the impact of frame 25 on the subconscious, consciously purchase courses with its recording. The 25 frame effect is especially popular for weight loss. There are many enthusiastic and negative reviews online.

How does this technique work? Losing weight with 25 frames is a video with words, pictures, images. The course is installed on the computer and viewed daily for 30 minutes a day. The program developers recommend taking a month's break, then repeating the course again. To improve the result, you should speak phrases from the video before bed. That's it, you don't need to do anything else. Just wait until you turn from a plump girl into a slender goddess.

It's amazing that people believe that you can lose weight by watching a video. Why is this happening? Well-known weight loss programs involve serious work associated with physical activity.

Losing weight through frame 25 is easy way, and the programs do not cost a lot of money. So why not try it? Moreover, there are positive reviews about using the program.

Before you decide to purchase this course, think about whether you are sure that the program will not cause harm. What other suggestions can be written under the topic of losing weight? Plus, keep in mind that positive reviews about the program are simply untrue, written by fake people. Although the effect of the program is possible due to the action of another little-studied phenomenon: believing in the effectiveness of the program, some people actually lose 2-3 kg.

The 25th frame effect in cartoons

The issue of the presence of 25 frames in programs for children and cartoons has been repeatedly raised by child psychologists. Caring people created a video proving the presence of an extra frame and the impact on children.

Many parents wondered if there is a 25th frame in Disney cartoons. Disney cartoons were especially hard hit. The harsh actions of the heroes of the cartoon Shrek were discussed, in particular, the video talked about the substitution of concepts: cruel and aggressive actions were hidden behind the positive hero. For example, Princess Fiona kills a bird, and Shrek inflates a frog. Over time, the noise around children's programs decreased, and cartoons were not banned.

However, it’s worth asking: why is frame 25 dangerous in cartoons? Perhaps parents are panicking in vain... But while we do not have a definite answer, we advise you to be careful when choosing gears for your child. Young children perceive what is happening in the frame literally and apply what they see in real life. A child is usually unable to distinguish good from bad, since there is no accumulated experience behind him. Children under 6 years of age are especially influenced by what they see on the screen.

It is not completely known whether frame 25 is used in cartoons

Show children cartoons according to their age. Start with pictures for the little ones. Choose cartoons recommended and tested by psychologists. Plus, consider the time your child spends watching TV: limit it to 30–60 minutes. in a day.

Despite the official statement of the person who discovered frame 25 about the manipulation of facts, it continues to be studied and used. Courses are available for learning English, Frame 25 is inserted into political advertising, used to attract children's attention. The real impact has not been proven, since the information is read by the subconscious, which works individually for each person.

17 March 2014, 14:41

The Yellow Sea (黄海, Huánghǎi, Huanghai) is one of the Pacific seas surrounding China. It is located off the eastern coast of Asia and is limited to the west by the Korean Peninsula. Named Yellow because of the color of the water caused by sediment from Chinese rivers. Dust storms over the sea in the spring can be so strong that ships stop moving.


The Yellow Sea is located on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, between the mainland and the Korean Peninsula. In the northwest of the sea, the Liaodong and Shandong peninsulas separate the Bohai Gulf, which is considered a separate sea by Chinese geographers. It is separated from the East China Sea, located to the south, by a line between South-West Korea - Jeju Island - the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Not including the Bohai Gulf, the Yellow Sea has a length of 960 kilometers from north to south and 700 kilometers from west to east. Area - about 380,000 km 2, volume - 17,000 km 3. The Yellow Sea is located entirely on the continental shelf, so it is quite shallow with a flat bottom. The average depth is only 44 meters and increases from northwest to southeast, where it reaches 106 meters. The bottom is mostly sandy, and there is also a lot of silt brought by river sediments. The Yellow Sea formed at the end of the last ice age, more than 10 thousand years ago, when water levels rose 120 meters, flooding the continental shelf. The seabed is rising slowly, slightly faster off the coast of Korea.

Yellow Sea

The coastline of the Yellow Sea on the Chinese side is quite flat, mostly sandy wattles, flooded during high tides. In the northern part of the sea there are two large peninsulas- Shandong and Liaodong, which separate the Bohai Gulf. From the east, the Yellow Sea is limited by the large Korean Peninsula. The coast here is heavily indented, rocky, and replete with bays and coastal islands. On the Chinese side, a few small islands are located only near the Shandong and Liaodong peninsulas.

Many rivers flow into the Yellow Sea, the largest of which is the Yellow River, which flows into the Bohai Bay. The Haihe, Luanhe and Liaohe rivers also flow into the Bohai Bay. The mouth of the Yangtze River lies to the south, marking the border with the East China Sea. From the east, at the base of the Korean Peninsula, the Yalu River flows into the Yellow Sea, along which the border between China and Korea passes.


Dust storm over the sea

The Yellow Sea has a temperate monsoon climate. Winters are dry and cold, with northern monsoons blowing from November to March. The average January temperature varies from -10 °C in the north of the sea to 3 °C in the south. From November to March, the north-west of the sea is frozen and covered with drifting ice floes. Summers are humid and warm, the average temperature in July is from 10 to 28 ° C, and typhoons occur from June to October. Average annual precipitation increases from 500 mm in the north to 1000 mm in the south. Fogs are frequent along the coast.

A warm cyclonic current, generated by the Kuroshio Current, passes through the Yellow Sea. Water temperatures in summer range between 22 and 28 ° C. Salinity is relatively low: from 30 ppm or less in the northwest to 34 in the south, falling to 26 near river mouths. During the rainy season, the abundance of flood waters further reduces salinity. Many Chinese rivers, and northeastern Korean ones, bring to the sea a large number of sediment: silt and loess, giving the water its characteristic color. Water transparency increases from 10 meters in the north to 45 meters in the south.

The tides are semidiurnal and rise twice a day. The amplitude varies: from 0.9 to 3 meters on the Chinese coast and from 4 to 8 meters on the Korean coast. The tide speed reaches 6 km/h off the coast. Off the coast of Korea, between the islands of Jindo and Modo, a unique natural phenomenon occurs, called the “Miracle of Moses.” Several times a year, usually in mid-May, a quick low tide for about an hour exposes a sandy road between the islands, but which can be walked almost without getting your feet wet. The road is 2.9 km long and 20-50 meters wide.

In spring they pass over the Yellow Sea dust storms. Sand rises in the Gobi Desert and is blown east by the wind. Storms reach the coasts of Korea and Japan, and are so dense that shipping sometimes stops.

Flora and fauna

The Yellow Sea is rich in algae, shellfish, mussels, crustaceans and fish. Blue-green algae, which form the basis of phytoplankton, are especially numerous.

YELLOW SEA (Chinese name - Huanghai), a semi-enclosed marginal sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Asia, between the coast of China and the Korean Peninsula. In the south it borders on the East China Sea conditional line from the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula through Jeju Island to the mainland. Area 416 thousand km 2, volume 16 thousand km 3. The greatest depth is 106 m. It is characterized by a highly rugged coastline. The largest, shallow-water (depths up to 54 m) bays protruding deeply into the land are: Bohai, Liaodong, West Korean, Kanhwaman (Chemulpo). They take stock large rivers: Bohai - Yellow River and Haihe, Liaodong - Liaohe, West Korean - Yalujiang. There are over 1,000 small islands off the southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula. The western and eastern parts of the sea, between the Guandongbandao and Shandong peninsulas, are connected by the Laoteshanshuidao and Bohaihaixia straits.

Relief and geological structure bottom. The sea is located entirely on the shelf; the bottom topography is a fairly flat plain with a slight slope from north to south. Depths in this direction increase on average from 10-50 m in Liaodong Bay to 60-100 m at the southern border of the sea. The shores are bordered by wide shallows. Numerous sand ridges extend from the coasts of China and Korea deep into the sea. The Yellow Sea is an epicontinental marine sedimentary basin, most of which belongs to the Early Precambrian Sino-Korean Platform. In the north-west (Bohai and Liaodong Bays), the structure of the bottom includes Mesozoic continental deposits of the Bohai syneclise, which are crossed by a Paleogene rift system filled with a thick layer of sediments and overlain by a flat Neogene depression. Meso-Cenozoic sediments of the syneclise are oil and gas bearing. In the central part of the sea, the bottom is composed of crystalline rocks of the Sino-Korean shield, to the southeast of which there is a zone of pericratonic subsidence. Even at the beginning of the Quaternary period, there was land in place of the sea; the sea was formed after the Quaternary glaciation. Bottom sediments of the eastern, northern and western coastal sections of the bottom are represented mainly by sands, in the central part - silts. Silty sediments form at the mouths of large rivers that carry loess from central China. Rocks come to the surface in straits, near shelf faults.

Climate. The Yellow Sea is located predominantly in the temperate monsoon region of the subtropical climate zone with well-defined seasonal climate variability. From November to March, the sea is dominated by the winter monsoon with clear, cold and dry weather. This time is characterized by strong winds blowing predominantly from the northwest to north-northeast directions with speeds of up to 20-30 m/s and a frequency of up to 80%. Extratropical cyclones dominate over the sea. From May to September, during the summer monsoon, winds blow from the south. In summer, warm, humid oceanic air prevails over the sea. air masses bringing heavy rains. At this time, the passage of temperate cyclones and tropical typhoons is often observed. These powerful atmospheric vortices bring stormy winds and are accompanied by heavy precipitation, which sometimes causes natural disasters. In July - August, up to 60% of the average annual precipitation falls. When the summer and winter monsoons change (in April and October), oceanic and continental air masses often change over the sea with a corresponding change in winds in opposite directions. In spring, yellow dust storms are observed over the sea, carrying loess weathering products from the mainland. The air temperature over the sea in winter ranges from -10 °C in the north to 3 °C in the south. In summer, the air temperature almost everywhere is between 23-26 °C. Atmospheric precipitation ranges from 500 mm in the north to 2000 mm in the south.

Hydrological regime. The monsoon wind regime causes seasonal level fluctuations ranging from 30 to 60 cm. Strong non-periodic level fluctuations occur due to storm surges. Maximum surges of up to 1-2 m are observed off the coast of the Korean Peninsula during the passage of strong cyclones and typhoons. The tides are semidiurnal, in the bays in the north of the sea - irregular semidiurnal. Significant tide values ​​are explained by the configuration of the sea and the peculiarities of physical and geographical conditions; in the south, the Yellow Sea communicates quite freely with the waters of the Pacific Ocean; the tidal wave coming from it, with the narrowing and decreasing depths of the Yellow Sea in the northern direction, contributes to an increase in the magnitude of the tides, reaching up to west coast 2-4 m, in the east 2-10 m (maximum in Ganghwaman Bay). The speed of tidal currents in the open part of the sea is about 50 cm/s, near the coast and in the straits 100-150 cm/s, in the Jeju Strait off the southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula more than 200 cm/s. The general circulation of water in the Yellow Sea has a cyclonic direction (counterclockwise). Along the coast of the Korean peninsula, a stream formed by a branch of the warm Tsushima Current runs to the north. In the northern part of the sea, the current turns to the west and, off the coast of China, connects with the flow directed to the south. This part of the cycle is especially intensified during the winter monsoon and carries cold, muddy, significantly desalinated water. At the southern borders of the sea, part of this flow turns east and closes the ring of general circulation. The water temperature on the surface varies in February from 0°C (and below) in the north to 7-8°C in the south. In summer, surface waters everywhere warm up to 25-28 °C. Drifting sea ice forms in the northern coastal shallows from December to March. Fast ice is almost never observed in the Yellow Sea. The salinity of the water is significantly less than that of the ocean due to the influence of river runoff. In winter, surface salinity varies from 31‰ in the north to 33‰ in the south. In summer, near the mouths of large rivers it decreases to 22-26‰. At the southern border of the sea, where the influence of the Yangtze River runoff reaches, salinity in July - August decreases to 20‰. The color of the water determined the name of the sea and is formed by the waters of large rivers carrying loess sediments (water brown color the Yangtze River extends from its mouth to the east for more than 100 km); the color varies from yellowish-blue in the north and northwest to blue in the southeast, water transparency varies from 10 to 45 m, respectively.

Economic importance. The Yellow Sea is one of the fishing areas of the World Ocean and is of great transport importance for China and Korea. Common commercial fish include herring, mackerel, mackerel, sprat, sea bream, sardine, yellow croaker, and eel; shellfish - mussels and oysters. Main ports: Lianyungang, Qingdao, Weihai, Yantai, Tianjin, Yingkou, Lushun, Dalian (China), Incheon (Korea). Lushun (formerly Port Arthur, former Russian naval base). Incheon (Chemulpo) - the site of the battle with the Japanese squadron and the death of the Russian cruiser "Varyag" (1904).

Lit.: Pacific Ocean. L., 1981; Zalogin B.S., Kosarev A.N. Seas. M., 1999.

The Yellow Sea differs from its neighbor in origin, bottom topography and water regime. It juts out thoroughly into the mainland, and a significant part of it is located within the continental shallows.
The sea was formed as a result of the flooding of the continental shelf that formed after the last ice age, approximately 10 thousand years ago, when the water in the sea rose 120 m, reaching its current level. The seabed is rising slowly towards China and sharply towards the Korean Peninsula.
This sea is classified as shallow: the average depth barely exceeds 40 m, and the maximum depth is about 150 m.
The Yellow Sea is under the strong influence of the continent, and therefore there is a large temperature range between the seasons. In the south, the Yellow Sea borders on a warmer one, and here the water temperature in winter does not drop below +6ºС. In summer the sea warms up to +24 - +28ºС. Northern part The sea is frozen in winter.
Other characteristic feature Yellow Sea - high tides. In Ganghwaman Bay (Chemulpo) on the west coast of Korea, their height reaches 9-10 m.
Local fishermen have been sailing the Yellow Sea for thousands of years on junks - boats with bamboo sails that look like a trough, but at the same time have remarkable navigable qualities. Here, on the shores of the Yellow Sea, great civilizations arose - Chinese and Korean. Due to the fact that frequent typhoons, heavy rains, and easterly winds from the ocean made travel on the high seas difficult, ships came from the Yellow Sea, moving along the coast. Thus, the local sailors reached Vietnam, India and Arabia. If you believe individual documents, they even reached the shores of Africa on their junks.
It is believed that the first European to see the Yellow Sea was Marco Polo, and this happened in the 13th century. Both before the great navigator and after him, the Yellow Sea more than once became the scene of bloody naval battles.
It was here, in the Yellow Sea, that the main battles took place. Russo-Japanese War 1904-05 for control of Manchuria and Korea. This was the first big war using the latest weapons: long-range artillery, battleships, destroyers.
The first major battle took place in the bay near the city of Chemulpo on the Korean Peninsula on February 9, 1904. The cruiser "Varyag" and gunboat"Korean", being in the neutral Korean port of Chemulpo, were blocked Japanese squadron consisting of 15 battleships and cruisers.
The captain of the Varyag, Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev, received an ultimatum from the Japanese, but decided not to give up, to fight his way to Port Arthur, and, if unsuccessful, to blow up the ships. At noon, “Varyag” and “Koreets” left Chemulpo. The unequal battle lasted about an hour. The Varyag sank one destroyer and damaged four cruisers, but it itself was hit and lost several guns, and about 30 sailors were killed.
The captain decided to sink the Varyag and Koreyets. The feat of the Russian sailors made such a strong impression on the Japanese that after the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government created a museum in Seoul in memory of the heroes of the Varyag and awarded Captain Rudnev the Order of the Rising Sun.
Here, in the Yellow Sea, one of the main events of the Korean War of 1950-1953 took place: the landing of an American amphibious assault in a Korean port in September 1950. This operation is considered one of the most famous battles of the war, which changed its course.
The coast of the Yellow Sea has been densely populated for several thousand years. A large cluster formed around him settlements, called East Asian, covering China, North Korea, and the Republic of Korea. More than a hundred million people live here, and they all need food.
This is why fishing in the Yellow Sea is so important. Thanks to upwelling, a process in which deep sea water rises to the surface and is caused by water circulation along the Kuroshio Current, upper layer Many nutrients rise from the water. Most of them are carried out to sea by rivers, which creates an excellent food supply for marine fauna.
Here they catch cod, eel, herring, sea bream, sardine, mackerel, seaweed, evaporate the salt. The Yellow Sea is also known for being full of sharks, which pose a great danger to tourists.
One of the activities of the local population is collecting oysters and mussels. Gray's mussels, or giant mussels, live here - the largest in the world: the length of the shell of large individuals exceeds 20 cm, and the weight of the mollusk with shell reaches 1.6 kg. In China they are bred for oyster farms, providing 77% of the total global demand for these bivalves. The Chinese themselves do not consume them raw, but use the entire catch to make oyster sauce.
Second important subject fishery - Pacific squid. The number of this cephalopod is almost not reduced, since it life cycle only one year, and during this time the squid manages to go from a larva to an adult and give birth to offspring, restoring its numbers.
In the same sea, an amazing marine phenomenon is observed, which the local population nicknamed the “Miracle of Moses.” South Korea's Jindo Island is the country's third largest island. During low tide, the water parts between Chindo Island and neighboring Modo Island 1-3 times a year for just one hour. As a result of this, a “road” is created along the exposed seabed, along which you can walk practically without getting your feet wet. The distance from one island to another is about three kilometers, the width of the “road” is about forty meters. The reason for such a strange phenomenon is the difference between the magnitude of the tides and the periodicity of lunar cycles.
The Yellow Sea is an area of ​​intense shipping between the industrialized regions of China and South Korea.
There are few tourists here, and the main reason for this is ecological problems China and both Koreas.
The main problem in these places is blue-green algae, which covers the surface of the water with a thick layer, which indicates severe pollution of the latter. Algae consume huge amounts of oxygen, which is why many marine organisms in the Yellow Sea begin to die, and then begin to rot, releasing hydrogen sulfide, which is why they become extremely toxic. In addition, due to intensive shipping, man-made disasters often occur here: tanker crashes, explosions on oil pipelines.
The Yellow Sea contains rich oil and gas deposits, mainly offshore China, which help this great country cope with its growing energy shortages.

general information

The marginal sea of ​​the western Pacific Ocean between the East China Sea, the coast of China and the Korean Peninsula.

Borders: in the northwest it connects with the Bohai Strait, in the north with the West Korea Gulf, in the south it borders with the East China Sea (along the line: the southwestern tip of Korea - Jeju Islands - the mainland coast north of the mouth of the Yangtze River).
Countries on the Yellow Sea: Chinese People's Republic, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, South Korea.
Largest cities: China - Tianjin (12,938,224 people, 2010), Yantai (6,516,900 people, 2008), Qinhuangdao (8,715,100 people, 2010), Dalian (Dalniy) (6,170,000 people ., 2009); DPRK - Nampo (366,815 people, 2008); South Korea - Incheon (Chemulpo) (2,775,645 people. 2010).
Languages: Chinese, Korean.
Religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Protestantism, Catholicism Monetary units: yuan, North Korean won, South Korean won.
Largest islands: Jejudo (Jejudo), Jindo, Changshandao (Maodaotsundo archipelago), Liugongdao, Wolmido, Soheuksando islands, Taehuksando.
Largest peninsulas: Korean, Liaodong, .
Largest bays: Liaodong, Bohaiwan, connected to the sea by the Bohaihaxia and Laoteshan-shuidao straits, West Korean, Laizhouwan, Kanhwaman.
Largest flowing rivers: Yellow River, Haihe, Liaohe (Xilaohe), Yalujiang (Amnokkan), Luanhe.


Area: 380,000 km2.
Average water volume: 17,000 km 3
Maximum depth: 152 m.
Average depth: 44 m.
Average salinity: from 30%o or less in the northwest to 33-36%o in the southeast; near river mouths it decreases to 26%o and lower.
Tides: irregular semidiurnal, height up to 9 m off the coast of Korea, 3-4 m in other areas.


Minerals: oil and natural gas.
Industry: mechanical engineering (shipbuilding, assembly of cars, computers and household appliances), chemical, textile, pharmaceutical.
Agriculture: rice, tea, soy, tobacco. Fishing.
Transport shipping.

Climate and weather

Moderate, monsoonal.
Average air temperature: January from -10ºС in the north to +3ºС in the south, July +23ºС
Average annual water temperature: in February in the northwest it is below 0ºС, in the south +6 - +8ºС; in August from +24ºС in the north to +28ºС in the south.
Average annual precipitation: from 600 mm in the north to 1000 mm in the south with a maximum in summer.
Transparency: in the northwest up to 10 m, in the south up to 45 m.
Relative humidity: 75%. Tropical hurricanes (typhoons) are frequent from June to October.


Jeju Island: “topharuban” statues, Soneul village, Manjangul cave, Pungjae artpiya bonsai park, “Chocolate Castle” museum, Hallasan volcano;
Qingdao City (China): Lusum Park, “Ten Thousand Countries Fair”;
Weihai City (China): Swan Lake, Xishakou Wild Animal Park, World's End Park;
Hondo Island Nature Reserve (South Korea): Turtle Rock (Gobuk Bavi), Independence Gate Rock (Donnimmun Bavi), South Gate Rock (Nammun Bavi);
Dalian city (China): Zhongshai Square, Tiger Banks Park;
Beidaihe City (China): beginning of the Great Wall of China (“Dragon Head” and “First Passage into the Celestial Empire”), Palace Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang, Museum sea ​​fish and animals (aquarium), Temple-Museum of Saint Mengjiang, Dove's Nest Park;
Boryeong City (South Korea): Seonjusa Buddhist Temple, Suyeonseong Fortress, Nampo Gwanamun Gate, Ocean National Park, Poren Fortress.

Curious facts

■ The Yellow Sea is one of four whose names mention a color. The other three are: Black, Red and White.
■ On the Korean Peninsula, the Yellow Sea is often called the Western Sea.
■ In 2004, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the historical naval battle of the cruiser Varyag, a memorial plaque and monument were unveiled in the South Korean port of Incheon. The memorial plaque was installed on the building of the former Red Cross hospital, where sailors injured during the battle were treated. The monument is a stone with a bronze cap lying alone on it.
■ On the island of Chindo, dogs of yellow and white colors - chin-dokke - have been bred since ancient times. These dogs, reminiscent of huskies, are distinguished by their devotion to their owner and gentle disposition.
